Hr-7TTS533fcS unburn ramtan. SUXBURY. DEC EM B Ell 31, 1S75. oral Affairs. Nkaim r every printing ofi'.fc iu the country lias been closed this week fir the purpose of giv-t)ii-lr epii'!ovT a little recreation. It I nn old enrtom ' not i1 a p.ip-T tVirhig tie-: ho'.t- j ilars. which is pretty gey-railr adhered to by i couutiy newspapers, owing to loiiw legal ad vertising we were forced to itsuc Ibis week ui:d will tiot issue nest. We have tot omitted a f irs'.e isiue in sK years and repeatedly have issued supplements givin-T our readers additional news without extra pay. We now propose to omit next week's issue, the exception of an extra containing the Governor's message, to al low our hands a few day' iccrcation, nud t& do romc repairing on tbe machinery in onr office. We Mi st iiave Mosey. We have been send ing hi. Is out every three or sis months to those of long staudiu-; accounts. A few months ago we .again sent bills with the request to remit, but out of an amount ol nearly fifteen hundred dollar bills, we only received an answer to two amounting to J7.3d. It it not expected that we can continue business at sneli a rate. We pro pone to Dx up our book during next week, and those who have" long standing accounts may ex pect to have their names dropped from our list aud the accouut placed iu the Lands or a Justice lor speedy collection. We are compelled to c foree punctual payment to keep o'lr business anviii!:. TilK rouds are In a muddy condition Davii Hautz, a respected citizen, is lying dangerously ill at his residence on Spruce street. Mks. Jomaii I'isw.t, of C'aketown, scalded her feet on lliursdiy last, by upsetting a tub of scalding water. Mr. Sai i. Srii-mas took the prize of a gold watch at the spelling match at the county insti tute at Shauiokin last week. SiiEi:irr Stt.ine moved iu'.o the jail building yesterday, and takes charge of the Sheriffs office on Monday next. Tiiurx persons were committed to the county j jail on Mond iy last. James Demuth, of North umberland, Henry Imbody, of Milton, aud .Tames nirhardson, of Shamokin. Tun preacher who forgot his manuscript tbe other Sunday inoruing. apologized to his con gregation, saying that he would have to depend ou the Lord lor his sermon, but in the afternoon be would come better prepared. We are under obligations to our friend E. O. JI. Boose, for a copy of the holiday number of the Pittsburg O.'f.'e. It is a handsome number printed on fine paper. The selections are excel lent, and the mechanicol part is hard to excel. Owing to the large sales of Christmas pre sents, Messrs. Simon V: Oppeuheirocr ordered mother large lot of new goods which have jutt been opcucd. Their goods arc of such a good quality that all who examine them will buy, as they arc the cheapest sold. All kinds of ready made clothing will be found in their Central Clothing Hall, corner of Third and Market tlrects, and it is conceded by ail that they sell cheaper lhau any other establishment hi the couutry. The hundreds who purchased Christmas gifts at Messrs. Marx & Bro's. store next door to the Iost olilec are informed that they have received another lot for New Tears. Everybody can get a present at their store for their variety of goods is endhss, and all ) sold at prices lielow cost in the city. 1 hey have commenced ''doctoring oysters m Heading, according to a writer in tbe KaijU. It is Gaid that many of what arc called "kettle oysters," which are peddied aronnd tbe streets in tin kettles, and which suem to be large and fat are opeued the uight before they are sold aud "doctored1' with washing soda, so as to swell up the miserable little tilings and make them look like large and line ones. The re-union of the l.tlst regiment, I. V., jit .Milton on Wednesday, was a trued success. Tbe next annual reunion will be held at Lewis bur. The following are the officers elected for the ensuing year: President, Capt. J. S. Wa reain ; Vice-Presidents, Capt. B. F. Reefer, of Sunbury, John Cooner, of Watsontown, and D. M. Nesbil, of Lrwisburg ; Secretary, A. X. Price ; Treasurer, II. J. Ileiucr. The mild weather during the past week caused the ice to break up on the river. On Tuesday and Wednesday, the river was covered with floating Ice from the head waters of the tw. brauches. Pakponcp. Joseph Lcvaus, of Shamokin, whs released from the Eastern Penitentiary, on the 22 Inst., havinf: b. n pardoned by recoiu- j mendation of the Board of Pardons. Mr. Le- '. van was cenvicted at August Court, 1S7-I, of j luaui-laUL'htt-r, and was sentenced for two years. J. J. Ai'lTN, of the Watsontown Itrrotd, has announced himself an applicant for Satan's a- ij;nee. Would that brother Younjriniin induce him to viit Mooly and Sankey before it is t.o t lati for him to reform. WisnBt'iis's Last kmvitios will bcexhibited In iarine;ei"s Hail ou tliis (Friday) t-ven-ins;. The eatcitainmei.t will embrace some new feiffurcs calculated to amuee. Washburn has heretofore been u treat favorite in Sunbury, and we have no doubt wiil draw a crowded honse. Joiix P. Haas, Eso,., late of the Ii nil of Haas t Rkoad, dcah-rs in coal, of ibis piace, lately removed to Baltimore, where h-j has opened a coal ofilce for hiinirlf. Mr. Haas is cne-r;:tic. and has had large experience in the coal bnsi- jiess. HI. kind and liberal disposition lias won fur him the esteem of some of the bcr-t business men in the country. While bin numerous fi lends iu this place regret his moving from their midst, they wish him sueces in till hi ruter prises. Come Down, Kfsts ! Rents nre everywhere lessening. In New York city a number of three year leases which expire at the end of the year have bec-c replaced at a reduction ol from thirty to thirty-five per cent. While, everything else has been coming down l.-i 'hard pan," rents have sUadily maintained their high and proud jMisition throughout tbe country. What has taken place in New York must be followed every where. Men workiug for a dollar a d.iy should not be expected to pay the same njit as when they receive! two dollars a day b r the taiin: work. IIano lllliT v a S.vw Mii.i.. Mr. K. K. TeiUworlb, of tlm firm of Teitsworth & Co., owners of tbe saw null nt Tbrptown, ha 1 his hand cut by a circular saw on Monday. He had his right hand resting on a log nud did not ob serve th'3 danger it was In until the teetn of the saw had scored il pretty badly. His Injuries arc Jiot serious. Shnmalin Tiiurt. A Ltcohino man boasted of h iving made a fcansage thirty f.;et 'u lengih, bat h id tbe wind taken out of bis sails by a Northumberland conntian, who fabricated two that measured thirty-se'veu and forty-three yards each. Talk about "linked sweetness long drawn out." The above paragraph is now going tbe rouu Is in papers. We have a butcher in this place who probably can even boat it by giving him a little time. Tivr.s iM-ing- hard and editors being neglected by their patrons, the generous-hearted landlord r the Clement House, P. S. I!nrrII, kindly fur nished two editors, several jour printers and a doctor, of this place, with a splendid Christmas dinner ou Saturday last. Of course full justice was done the diuuer by tbe editors, and many kind words spoken in favor of the landlord. The editors came in fir a full share, nnd had it not been for the philosophical argument bi t ween a jour printer and the doctor, they would proba bly be still surrounding the festive board at the Clement noust. It was unanimously agreed that Mr. Uurrcll's libeiality as a Imdlord de served something more substantial than merely praises, and all who Tvi; moji at the ( lenient House will no doubt coincide with the invited quests on Christmas day. Lime. Murray A: Co., having h ased the Leu. :er lime kilns, arc prepared to supply all want ng lime at the very lowest rates. Orders left t the store or the coal yard will receive prompt ttentiou. Goo Hi nc a specialty. Ir you want a bargain go to McDowell, at the owe Machine office. First-cIaFS eewinj nia Ulnes for fifty dollars, and splendid organs lor ne hundrei aal tweutr-flve dollars. 2t. Desitu ati: Tkajii'S. On Wednesday evening about half dozen "tramp," concluding that the poor house was a, free institution, broke into the establishment by force without giving notice of their ititcntiou. As they had been visiting that institution bcfoie, they were ordered to leave. There were some of the parly who refused to break stone on a previous occasion, b:it had made up their minds to force ma'-tcis. The overseers should at once proceed 1o prepare lor Fiich cu-tomer-i, :.i:d v. bcu thy rome to force themselves ri pori the charities of t!i::t free insti tution without breaking ."-lone ticy me d'.tvi I sh-JUid iuforce a litl of the P.ian lr. w puuithipg ciimiuul... A lew laslns at .t Vibi; ptng post would undoubtedly prove very benefi cial to some of these old olIeiul'.TS. We are in formed since writing the above that the next crew w;il lici a wiim re.-.-pl'.on ii Ihev coi;ie in a similar rin;irr. Got Mim:i. The editor of the Ihuhj have evidently not got over their Christ mas. On Wed nesday they directed theattentiou of tbe overseers of the poor to the bad condition ofstrcct crossings. just as though they were compelled to repair them. The street commissioner are the proper officers to attend to that duty, but we learn are prevented bv the action of the borough fathers whose economical head would rather Icavethings as they are thau make improvements. His argu ment will preb-ibly lioid good in some respects if the people were only a'.' constituted like himself. That is cot to go on the streets when muddy, and remain in doors. Bu!ncss men should cer tainly heed such advice, as they ought not to have business out doors when the weather is in I any way disagreeable. Come down lo old times, the way business w is done one hundred years ago. Tee happy landlord of the Cieu-cnt House, Mr. P. S. llurrcil, made a number ol his friends happy on Christmas d:iy by giving them a din ucr, the like of which is not often excelled by ilrst-class hotels in the cities. As the invited guests surrounded the festive board there were smiles upon their countenances, and their faces beamed as brilliant as a sim.'io'.ver on a bright July morning. Their i pel lies were voricions, but the constant supp of good things soon cooled their desires, and even sparkling cham pagne could not restore them to a second at tack. The Clement House is widely for its cxeeiicut tare. Mr. uurrcii nas liaa large experience in hotel keeping, and his constant increase of custom is accounted for by him keeping orderly conduct about the house, excel lent fare, good rooms, aud Hue liquors at the bar. Amhtioxai. Incidents or the Finn. A stationary street peddler "ho was stopping at the Riverside House attended church on the evermg of the fire, for the first time in thirteen years, as he stated himself, and when h got to the hotel after the alarm of Cre had been given, he could not get lo his room on account of smoke, and his trunk coulaining his stock ia trade, was consumed. He lost about 2.7). He says l:c won't go to church again in a hurry, if that is the way he gets serred. The mot nota ble feature of the transaction, however, remains to be told. He had !eeu flopping at the hotel three or four days, and, meeting Mr. Iluth ufter the lire wanted to know how much his bill was. Mr. liuth told him. "nothing,"' as he had lost enough I y the fire.' Hut the stranger insisted on paying bin bi'i, and did pay it, saying Mr. I! ulh had 1 '.'. more than he had. Some person, in rescuing goods from Ha.ig t Sou's hardware store, took up an anvil weigh ing 1)0 pounds aud carried it out Broadway ind across the canal before he dropped it ! Whether he was anxious to save property or accumulate it by the tiantactiou remain a mystery. Jt was at first proposed to leave tbe treasure of the First Xational Bank in the yauit, but on the urgent invitation of II. M. Frick, E-q., Cashier of the Milton Xational Bank, it w is re- moveu to ttie latter institution. .nu it was a good moi'i fir the vault doors could not be opened for several days after tbe lire. Mrr. A. L. Wagner, of the firm ol Trucken niilier, iresh fc Wagner, lost all his clothing aud room furniture, total value being about ?j(K) they being la the Uivernide House. Mr. Anna Vomit lost about 500 worth cloth ing xc. She went up to Iit room iu the K:yer side Hour-c through the dense smoke and rescued her trunk, but there was little in tliat, its con tents having nearly ail been taken but and laid awav in wardrobe and bureau. .Vilti.uintt. Man Shot rossiut.y Fath.. Last Tuesday n'gbt a shooting affair occurred at the tavern of Kiehard Hopewell, on Mill street in this plate, which resulted in the badly wounding of a man named Max Ottlingcr, a traveling salesman from Williamsburg, Xew York. These are the facts, as far as we have been enabled to dis cover : A number of persons were assembled in the bar-room of the said tavern, enjoying them- selves in u convivial wity. buicin,' and dancing, wlicn suddenly a pit-tol was fin d by one, Charles Charlc.-ton, alfo a traveling p.ilcsrnau. The bull f'" the pUtol stand; Oettincr, penetrating the abdomen at a point about two inches above the nave. He inmici'i.iteiy eric 1 oat that be was I fcuoi. nianeMuu icn ine piaco in once, ami managed to escape from t!i.j town, a'lbouh he remained about the borough until four o'clock the uext niornin!. Tbe wound ia a t-criom one aud may prove fatal. The wounded man state! tht he: was unable to pve any reason why he j was idiot, inamueh as he kiu-xv Chariest ou mid considered him a friend. This is one ol the results arising from the cowardly habit of carrying pi.-tols concealed about tbe person, and probably the thooting pro- i ceeJcd from mere reeklcsf m-:- or bravado. We j are not surprised that an i.ct of this kind has occurred, but rather that it had not taken vlacc before. Numbers of young roughs iu this place wno u;lve w.lx,.t tm, manliness nor coura-e to depend on their muscle, carry concealed weapons ! and draw them on the slight -st occasion, and. I in lact do not hesitate to lire them oil' in the public streets to tlm peril of t:ie lives of inno cent persons. Our police must know the parlies who carry these weapons ami they nre dereliei in their duty when they f.,; arrest tueh char acters. The strong but jiit-t hand of the law will soon be invoked to rid the borough of such disturbers of its pcife: and i ui-t :;i-ss. jMuiuilf IiitrV. 'iiH nrer. Milton's (Iki at Fiur. am the Jsm iiasik Allowed. Below we give a correct statement, say the MnOi.i i-i, of the amount of insurance al lowed by tbe adjui-lcis of the various companies to tbose burned out in the late lire : lsi rw n r.v W. H. B ii.i.r.. Gonulander's Heir-, C,C22.72 in .Vtm find Germania. G. W. Evans, In "Hume" Saiif.rd A; Waldrou, ; i'oO, in Pbo-ni?: ar..'t i"rinar.!a. H.njlcl Knouf, j 8277, in the Atna ; on building, fPJ.fKI'l in the Royal Home, of N. Y. GermaiiU nnd Orient. G. J. Piper, ?437 on building, in Gerinauia. Sobrcyer, Roush & Co., on building, in Home of N. Y. Lawrence Huff, tZTt, iu .Finn. I. B. Davis, Liverpool and Loudon A- Fiode, fill. Insuked ht C. Fi:ak Fot.i.MFit. B. K. llaag iu "Lycoming,' $4000 in the York. J. F. Gauger 83(K) on building in ''Lycoming," and on Mock about $1000 in Yoik. Geo. J. Piper on furniture in Danville Mutual $100 ; in "Lycom jng"' on incrrhandlse .' J')'1. C. P.. Kthumt, in "Lycoming," ?1CC.0 '.. Si-hreyer, P.ori-h .-c Co. on building JOS.y.l in Lj coining. Insi uld iiy Hot si:i. fc Henry iluth, in the. "Girard," '2,4 70.ll.. D. Knouf, iu the "Pemi," :N). C. Ii. Kruusi r in the 'Lancas ter."' ?srfc I. R. Davis, in the "Girard, ''''. Ill i A IM ft !.TIii?.. Ain't Ins. Lo' Allow'd. SC.G22 20 o;:; oo oo ::s oo '.." oo io,'.r,o 20 4.0(H) 00 3,000 00 S.ooi) oo 7.1'p 00 t;:; oo i:;c. io :;r, oo Goodlander's Heirs Daniel Knouf C. B. Kranser Geo. W. Evans Sandford t Waldiou .. Henry Iluth J. F. Ganger ..1 .00 ..3,000 ..2.000 ,.::.o0ii 17.0IK) . 1 1,1X10 B. K. Ilaag.. .Voo B. K. Haa-r d S.n s,0oo Geo- J. Piper s.ooO I. B. DaviR ."i,iXK Scbrcyer, P.oush V Co s,(K"hi Lawreucc Hull r.,000 John Yousi.max, of the Sunbury UazttU, lias Ik-cii converted by the )ircaching of Moody and Sankey. H'iM;'.nc.., f Vaz&U' anil JMUVn. If our neighbor wiil hold out ar.d not full from grace now, which has been ns easy for him to do as sliding off a log, he will jet become a man well suited for a misbionary to some heathen country. John's conversion may yet result in something that may bring about a grand resolu tion among sinners. CiiittSTMAS Or..r.i;vACE. Clnistmas was gen erally observed in this place as a holiday. Crowds assembled ou the corner iu tho morn ing and arouud hotels and saloons, aad every body look happy in expectation of a big dluncr. Presents of every description were exchanged between friends as well as among families. The 6trccts appeared thronged with people all day, and we were glad to observe that no rowdyism ol any kind was visible. If any got too much beer they must have kept within doors, ns but very few drunken men were soen on the streets. The amount cvpcudrd in Sunbiiry for Christ mas prt.-eiils ni'i: t ha v been urnm-usr, as there wore but lew tint vera overlooked. Children were luado happy by Christmas bushes, which appeared to be numerous. There were many cobtly ones, and some that could not well be ex Celled for the tasteful manner they were got up. The innst handsome we noticed was at the American House, got up by miue host find host ess, Mr. A. W. H:inbright and lady. It was, perhaps, the most costly ever witnessed in Suu bnry, and was very tastefully arranged. Many of ourcitiztds gave private entertain ments to their relatives and friends, and alto gether, it was a merry day to nlmest every one. In the evening the different churches became the centre of attraction. The editors of the Dally being around to gather up the items iu the churches, we copy their report given on Monday morning last, as follows : Tlu Lutheran, Baptist, Episcopal and Inform ed churches were haudsontcly decorated with evergreens, &e., and at an early hour the crowd poured in. By seveu o'clock the Lutheran and Baptist churches were filled. AT THE 1XTI1EKAN two large Christmas trees had been erected, one ou each tide ol the alter, and were beautifully trimmed. A double arch spanned the interven ing space, over the alter, on one side of which was inscri'' 1 the lolIowi:g : "(ilory to iod iu the highest ; and i.n earth peace and good will toward all men."' And on tin: other side the following : "For to you is born this day, in I hi; city of Davi.l, a Savior, which is Christ, the Lord."' The exercises were opened by Kev. Mr. llem perley, who stated the two-fold nature of the en. tcrlaiument their annual Suuday School Anni versary, as well us their Christinas festival. This was followed by singing, "There is joy in Heaven,'" lifter which a prayer was offered by the pastor. The school then sang, "Sweet Peace on Earth," followed by a short Christinas address by Kev. Hempcily. The Anniversary exercises being first in order the classes Mere called and lesponded in the or der given below : Infant Department, Mrs. P. M. Shindlc, teach er, contributed SlO. Koscbud Class, Mrs. Fahr.estoek. teacher, con tributed i"l 0.1. F lower Gatherers, Mr. Criggs Lanlz, teacher, toi.tiibuted fg 1'J. Biight C Mrs. Wise, teacher, contributed ) J.I. Ifc'Wdiop Class, Mrs. Luther Albert, teacher, contributed Sl 0.1. Colden Link Class, Mis. Ciobin, teacher, con tributed J. Miriam Class, Mrs. Bright, teacher, contribut ed 54 ".. Darling Class, Mr. Keller, teacher, contributed ?J :;o. St. Matthew"., Ci:."s, V. S. P.liodi s, t. aehi r, contributed S7 v.'. Lincoln Class, Mr tributed ST. Faithful Class, J). K.mrbach. teacher, coll- W. Knotise, teacher, con- tributed 2 2.1. Catharine Van Bop-n C! i-s, Mr. Sini. k, teach- i i t, contributed ii 10. Pearl (iathcrcis, Miss Emma ileinptriy, teach er, contributed 4 t'4. Zion Class, Mis. Tweed, teacher, contributed I M 7.1. K'-v. J. 1". ShiuJ-.d Class, Xewlon Shiudel, teacher, contributed S3 5d. ' Kev. Hempcrly Class, C. W. Ca'inger, teacher, contributed $10 CO. Star Class, Mrs. Elizabeth Bright, teacher, contributed i"l o.1. Lady Washington Ciass, Sol. Weaver, teacher, contributed f - 'i'u Purity Cius, II. K. ioodrlcli. teacher, con tributed tio :;t. Luther Class, Jacob Wilvtr, teacher, con tributed 5- l'J. Earnest Workers, K. p. Killie.u, teacher, con tributed ?4 10. Soldier Boys,, Bro-ius, teacher, con tributed 5.1 00. Sames May Cias.-, H. K. Fageiy, teacher, con tributed cents. St. John Class, Jacob Bai tholoni" w, teacher, j contributed 11 Cto?s P.earer: Mr? Weav.-r, teacher, con- tributed 1 .Vi. llrave Hoys, Mi I):inie!s, te'ao it, contributed tti C2. Chosen Eleven, MisS Hattie (iOtdcr t .Kdi.' contribute I 7. Singing : "Christ the Saviour horn." Ueiij. Kurtz Class, John Haas, teacher, con tributed i-VJ ;o. Lady Huntington "as, .). II. F.ngie, teacher. Ucrign, two elephants, a Iamb and a negro boy. 'The elephant aud the lanib shall feed together and a little child shall lead them." Isaiah xi:0. The iiioulbi of the elephant contained each a ten dollar bill, the contribution of the class for ! I the year. Singing : "Christinas Carol."' The time for the distribution of presents hav ing airived. that pleasant duly v. as performed by Mr. Jol.n Haas, superintend;!!!!. Amoug thoe worthy of especial note, was a framed photograph of all the members of the choir, to Miss Emma Hempcrly, organist ; also, a large chiomo, to Mr. (i. W. (iariitg. r, by the liielnl'Cis of his cms-. .Many pri sentt were exchanged, but our tpace will not permit liicittioii !' them iu detail. S:.giiig : "Clap jour Hands lor joy." Mr. Hempcily announced the total coulrilm li.m of the Echoi.I, lor the year, to ha about f'-TiO. The public exercises being at a close, the audi- i ence was disinitt-ed with the benediction, the i Sunday School n inaming. ai.dies and sweet lic-nt-; in abundance, were distributed to lln seliolars, and alter a short time, pleasantly .-petit, the. school was also di.-niissed. at t:;j: a.M'.isT Chapel about tv.o hundred and ii it v i;-rso:is, old and young, :i-einbied at o'clock, win.n the f-1- lowing proT.uiiine was gune through with : Sinuint; two soul's of praise, from tin; "J!iver of Lire." Prayer and thank--iviiitf by Elder A. C. Wheat. Singing. A -.hirers by F. M. Inn:!, rup'-iintcnilt nt. Mr. F. based his i'-iuai l.t on Luke 2 .H. He iiave a Very mtere-.ting and instructive account of the birth of Christ nnd of the wi-e men and shep herds wlio came to wori-hip Him, exhorting all, both old and young, to pin their tru-X in IJiui and obey Him, for in Him alone 1? iteiu-H life. Mii-ic. Kemaiks by Elder Wheal, who contioued on j the same subject on which Mr. Farra spoke. I lie spedic more fully on what the prophets said id tin-ciiiningof the Son ol God, and of the Magi I w bo were guided by u star i:i the east, and of the I wickedness of Herod, who commanded tbe kill ing ol all male children under two years o;ti, oui God preserved his beloved Son by sending him to Egypt. The Elder continued loi some time with very instructive accounts of the victory which was gained by the Son of God, and of nil who put their trust in Him. M usic. Keport of J. II. Crefsinger, seen tary pro tem., who gave a report of the attendance :;t the school for the past two y-ar-s : 1 s73 . 40 . 173 . S3 . 117 . 2::o 74 32 11)3 83 113 200 School open fdays j Total enrolled Average attendance Largest attendance any one day... Volumes in library A decrease ol IS scholars this year compared with last. This may, perliap', be accounted for from the fact that there was no school held for twelve Sundays, on account of their having to vacate the old house before the Chapel was lin ished. Mr. Crcssingcr then gave advice t the teach ers and scholars, exhorting them, to search the Scriptures so that they would always be ready to give an answer to Bible questions, after which tho good thiugs, consisting of candies, appies, cakes, &q., were distributed to the children, and the grown people too. At the conclusion of this, the assemblage was dismissed, at half-past eight, by benediction from Eliler Wheat, all going home delighted with their aiinunl entertainment. AT THE EnsCMPAI. Church the us;t:!t rervice was lie! a in. til1 nvij i.;. An eiitetlaiuMeni v.iil be given the members of the Sunday School on Tuesday evening. AT 'I'll E I'UESIIVIESIAN Church no services were held, from the fact that tbe congregation is at present without a pastor. Their usual ho'id.iy celcbrallon will be lu l l on Xew rear's da v. AT THE P.EKOl'.MEI) Church appropriate services mere held in the morning at half-past ten. Their Christmas party was held Sunday after noon at four o'clock. Tbe children received a fine treat and numerous presents. AT THE JIETII011S,T Church prayer meeting was held nt six o'clock iu tbe morning. The regular Christmas sermon was preached by liev. Mr. DeMoycr on Sunday afternoon. The schdlais of the infant department were given a treat, yesterday afternoon, by their teach er. Mi. Samuel Byerly. The Xew Vork Oissekvek. This best of family newspapers is as fresh and interesting, now in its fifty-third year, as ever before ; and, indeed, we think it more so. Its letters alone arc worth more than the subscription price of the paper. 11 repudiates all offers of premiums, pictures, dc., and sends lo its patrons a splendid family newspaper of the largest dimensions, con taining all the desirable news, religious and se cular, and Kii endless variety of reading for l young and old, all of which is pure and good. Every family should have it. For specimen copies, address S. I. Pkime f Co., Xew York. Auoota Uiiaxoe, Xt. 2'2.1. At the annual election, December 21st, the P. of II. elected the. following Ulcers : Master David Fasold. Overseer Martin Ilcim. Lectarer II. A. Sbivc. Steward Gideon Wolf. A. Steward Albert Cul:. L. A. S. Mrs. ;. Wolf. Secretary B. F. Keilv. Treasurer S. dimmer mas. Chaplain Jacob 11. Clark. i. K. Uenben Wolf. Ceres W. $. llakcr. P. Mrs. Cul p. F. Mrs. Kelly. Trustees P.. F. kcllV. .'.MO! K..C.1 iiui n. i i .nii'l.l. i A A Mas ItAi.l.T BritsEi) is on: Lock-it. A man who was very much intoxicated was picked up by one of our policemen on Monday evening and consigned to the lockup. During the night he doubtlessly rolled about a good deal and in some manner his clothing caught firo from the stove and when he was found Tuesday morning all his clothing was burned off with the excep tion of his shirt. Tiie man's limbs were ba lly burned. Dr. Wright was called to attend the unfortuuate sufferer and he was removed to a house on Sbaraokiii street, aud from there it was proposed to remove l.lm to thf Poor House! M.til he re-overs from Ms I..J:irl.-.-,.,.; J T Wiioixs.iME Atvtcr. T. all. Take It b-fore it is too late, thereby gladdening your own ticart and your whole family. Doit now, for it wiil be a valuable present for one, two or three years to come, just as you want It. Remember the state of atlairs as they now arc, the numerous fires that we daily hear of, the coiniv.g storms and high winds, the many bams and houses I that are set on lire siiiee the cold winter is upon us, and the appalling increase of tramps who) want shelter. The use of intlamahle and cxplo- i sive liia'orial they carry with them, we would j say take a wholesome advie? and go at once to ; Geo. W. Coble. Esq., of Hcrndou, and take a I lire insurance policy on your house, barn or j household furniture in one of the oldest and most reliable companies iu the world, the -Etna, j of Hartford, Conn. It will coft vou but a trill.; in comparison with the baidsome amount you would realize by il. Remember there is no red tape or a mutual wild cat business of asse-s incuts or deceptions or drawbacks for the want of a proper payment We wouid thou say to all take our aditv and insure with S piire Cub!.-, of Herndon, as his reliubiHiy, together with a re- sponsible company, tint has stood as linn as the j rock of age?. Not oniy has this its influence in attracting the public to this desirable medium of insurance, whose agent has practical know and evp-iien -i; in ihe buMin-.-. clge A Ni:w Patent. New patent overalls, open back and warranted not to rip, are oliercd for sale nt the Central Ciolhing H.tii of Mcsr.. Simon v. Oppciiheimcr. 'lnr. Pitt-: i i:r.ii Gazkiti:. Those arranging lor their home papers lor who are the next year, win no widely m semi ior sa.i.,...: eo...- the Pi iTst'.i itoti Gazette, Daily or weekly, as it will be seen to be the best paper published in f Pittsburgh. It is the oldest, beins: nearly ninety years old, and has kept pace with all phases of modern newspaper piogrcss. It is printed on new type, and on clean, whte, handsome paper. Its news is specially full, and accurate. It re ceives Cable news from Europe, nnd Dispatches from all parts of the couutry. It has Special Correspondents in Washington, during the ses sion of Congress, and at Harrisburg during the session of thu Legislature, and will give full re ports of all that is interesting in the procced'ni".. Its Local news is complete and varied, jet chaste and pure. Its Ediloiials contain tren chant liiscus.-ioiis of a'.! current subjects, and deal independently with ail the issues of the hour. The rapcr is Republican in politics, but holds that the party is superior to eli'jues and rinirs. Its market icports are specially full and complete, and have a reputation that is wide spread f.-r accuracy and reliability. Its reports j of the live stock muikcl are also tbe best In the city. Iu Irc'i'.icnt instances', parties i:i ma conn try have saved or made considerable sums by f'lllo'viug the accurate reports of prices, given in the G ir.ifi:, in making their sales. 1 1 also con tain agricultural, household and family reading, carefully selected. Thus it is a family paper of great excellence and rare cheapness, as to price. Its circulation is the largest of the Pittsburgh press. The Gazette is lurnUhcd at the follow ing rates, and we claim that they all'ord the i cheapest newspaper published, when tin size and 'piality of the pap -r are considered : 77.7.MV : Jitil; v,v fpo.-tage prepaid ; by mail, per anntini, t lO.00 ; lor six mouths, $3.00 ; for three months, 2.30; for one month, 1.00; by the week, payable to the carrier, 13 cents. Weti'.j Ct-.ttte (postage piepaid) by mail, sin irle subscribers, f 1.73 per year ; in clubs of live, S1.30; in clubs often or more, 1. 40, an I an additional copy for every ten to the getter up of tbe club. Postm:iters are rcpiestcil to act as agents. For sample copy, of daily or weekly, lice of chai gc, aiiclie-s KING, Jli.KP A: CO., I'itt-biirg. P.i. IJi v Grail'.)' Ibo'e. lino boss Smith A: Hint her. winter boots at A Vuuiible Meritm!'! rvatisi. The editor for 1S7i". of the sterling Medical Annual, know as IIotetter'.s Almanac, is now ready, aud may be obtained, free of cost, of druggists vnd general country dealers in all parts of the United States and British Amerci i, and indeed in every civilized portion of the Western Hemisphere. It combim s, with the scunde.-t practical advice' for the preservation and restoration of health, a large amount of in teresting and amusing light reading, and the calendar, ast roiiomical calculations, chronologi cal items, A:e., arc prepared with great care, and will be found entirely accurate. The issue of Hostcitcr's Almanac for S7f will probably be the largest edition of a medical work ever pub lisned in any county. The proprietors, Messrs. Hostctter t Smith, Pittsburgh, Pa., on icecipt of a two cent stamp, will forward a copy by mail to any person who cannot procure one in his neighborhood. jUSinC53 OrTn C' T) A Per P;iy at home. Tonus free. Address V" Cjii U G. Stixson 4 Co., , Port hi ml, Maine. Jan. 22, ISIS. ly. "When you go to Philadelphia, Btop at the Allegheny House, No. 812 and 814, Market St. Re-fitted, re-furnished, fcc, by A. IJeck, Proprietor, and price only $2 per day. A nnsT class, new Piano of the very best make, will lie sold nt a reduction of one third its value. Also, a second hand Cabinet. Organ, nearly new, for a liltlo over half price. Enpuirc of II. B. Master. All kinds of ready-made clothlug, of the most fashionable styles, arc sold cheaper at the Cen, tral Clothing Hall of Simou Oppenhciiiu-r- I than elsewhere. Sheet Mrsic. A large assortment for sale at the periodical stand in the postoffiec. Panic! Panic! Panic in Pkices Ukeat Panic is Puk e.-, at the Excelsior. Having just reduced our prices to suit the jianic times, the public are respectfully invited to call and ex amine our large and well selected stock of boots, shoes and rubbers before purchasing elsewhere. These goods arc all manufactured by the lead ing manufactories in the State. Xo goods mis represented to sell them. Call at once and be convinced that you cau secure bargains by buy ing yor.r boots and shoes at Smith &. Bro's. Shoe Store, Xo. SO Market street. Mi sic.w.. J. P. Keefer has lately removed his excellent musical instruments into the building on Fourth street, below Market, nearly opposite Hie City Hotel. Any kiml of Musical instru ments of the most improved styles and make are kept in his establishment. P:ulor Organs, Pianos of the best manufacture in the country will be found at his store. He is also pgent for the best sewing machines now in use. ObstacSes to Carriage. Happy Belief for Young Men from the effects of Errors and Abuses in early life. .Manhood restorep. Impedimenta to Marriage removed. Xew niethcd ol treatment. Xew and remarka ble remedies. Books and Circulars sent free, in scaled envcioper. Address, HOWARD AS SOCIATIOX, 41'J X. Xiuth St., Philadelphia, Pa., an Institution having a high reputation for honorable conduct and professional ski!!. May 2S, 197.1. ly. Fakmeks and laboring men look to your in terest and buy the celebrated E. S. P.eevc and Towanda boots, guaranteed to be the best boots j in the market, for sale at : Smith x. I5::o. I TO C'OXSL'.lirTIVEM. j The advertiser, basing been permanently cured of that dread dis?ase. Consumption, by a sim I pie remedy, is anxious to make known to his fellow suti'erers the rreans of cure. To all who i desire it, he will send a copy of the prescription j nsed, (free of charge), with the directions for j preparing and using the same, which they will lliul a sure Cure for Consumption, Asthma, ! Bronchitis, tc. j Parties wishing the prescription will please j address. Rev. K. A. WILSOX. t l'.'l IVnn St.. Williamsburgh. New York. Dec. 17, ISTji. AGF.XTLEMAX who suffered for years from Xervous Debility. Premature Decay, and all tbe effe-cts of youthful ind'scretiou will, for the sake of suffering humanity, send free to all who need it, the recipe and direction for making the simple remedy by which he was cured. Suf ferers wishing to proiit by the advertiser's ex perience can do so by addressing in perfect con fidence. JOHN B. OflDEX, 4 3 Cedar St., New York. Dec. 17, 19". dHnnivrp.cs. At C'atasfiuirun, Lehigh county, on the 'lt Mr. Wm. N. Pcksei., formerly of Banbury, j On the 10th of November, nt Gullion, Ohio, I Mr. Jas. II. Pouter, formerly of Sntibury, and Mi's Claim A. Stevessox, of Gallion. At Plum Creek, at the rcsidcneis of Henry Savidge, on the 2'ith inst., by Rev. A. Ziminer man, Mr. Isac W. Saviuoe, of Lower Augusta, Mi-s Emma D. Uitosroi s, of Green Brier, North- j iimberlaad county. Pa. -.J . ... In this place, ou Thursday lUth inst., Miss ALICE M FALL, aged 32 years and S months. iiclu Sfcbfrtiscmcnts. 1 loction of Direct ors. "VTOTIC'Eis herthy given that an election for live l Directors by the stockholders of the Sunbury Mutual Saving Fund and Loan Association, will be held in their room In Clement's building, on Third street above Market, on FRIDAY evening, JANUARY 21, 1ST0, nt 7'J o'clock. Jso. W. Ut ciiKit, KM'L. WILYFRT, Secretary. Pesideiil. Dec. Ill, is;;. soTitr. TtJOTICE is hereby given that the regular an xN nual meeting of the stockholder and mu tual members in good standing of tin: "Sunbury Fire Insurance Company," wiil be held in the Company's Olllce, in Sunbury, Pa., on MON- DAY the 10th day or JANUARY, lSTf., at 2 o'clock p. in., all are expected to be present. F. U. KILI.IAN, Secretary. D-.-c 'T."..-2t. TOVSOiJiA I. Go to Washington's barber shop The Hi st in the town. To be shaved right, and hair cut. And colored up brown. Ladies and children are invited to com W!.,. ,..;o i... ,. ..:,...! n.. Wjth ,hu rMt f(f l))C tiroM:,. I Switches, Braids and Curls repaired, ! Altered and made to order from combings ; We are the living mementoes of history and song. Having survived the great changes Of many years long, Tho' b.-set by opponents, Iu our good old sphere ; We are still living to kick, And kicking to live here. J. WASHINGTON, Proprietor. and local and traveling agent for Dr. Living stone's new and complete works, Third street four doors above Market, Sunbury, Pa. Dee. Ill, ls,T3. are the best the world produces. They are plant ed by a million people in America, and tbe re sult" is beautiful Floweis and Vegetables. A Priced Catalogue sent free to all who inclose the postage a 2 cent stamp. Vick's Floral Guide, Quarterly. ::' cents a year. Vick's Flower and Vegetable Garden, :;3 cents; with cloth covers t'.3 cent. Address, JAMES VICK, Rochc-ter, N. Y. Dec. :;:.-2t. By subset iiiiug for our Musical Mag azines. They are issued monthly, and con tain ten times as much musi,' as you can buy elsewhere for ibe same amount of money. "PcteiV Hou.-ehoh! Melodies," Nos. 1 tci 111 now ready. A Collection of Songs by Hays, Dunks, etc. Price, 3d cents per Number, or 12 Numbers for $L "Fcti rs' Parlor Music," Nos. 1 to 111 i:ow ready. A Collection of Easy Dance .Music. Price, 30 cents per N'linhcr, or 12 Numbers or 2. "La Crenie de la Creine," Nos. 1 to 23 now ready. A Collection of Dillieull Pinno Music. Pri-'c, ;,i) cents per Number, or 12 Numbers for? I. Send.'Otts. for a Sample Copy of either if the above, and if you nre not satisfied with your bargain, wc wiil refund your money. Address, J. L. PETERS, 84S Broadway, N. V. Dec. :;i,"73.-lin. ss$iiip. YOU CAN Save Money 18 BALTIMORE WEEKLY; SUN. 7G ONE DOLLAR AND A HALF A YEAR. I'Ostaoe rurPAiti bv the im. BLisiiEns. TUB P.i:T FAMILY JOrKNAJ, AND TUB CHEAPEST. A VEBT "nOCSEUOLD WOI;r." IT IS TO r.B A TEEITAELB CEXTKNNUI. i:Kf ORI. 8 1 ,20 J IN PltEMICMS TOB NOVEI.ETTF.S Fol'. TUB WEEIILT SUN FOR 1570. The Baltimore Weeklt Sex is beyond com pare one or the best weekly papers published in the United States. Its proprietors make especial aim to secure for its columns the choicest litera ture, the latest news, foreign and domestic, the best intelligence iu agricultural matters, the most reliable commercial aud market rejiorts, and the best current miscellany. As incentive to literary ability, and thereby to please tbe taste of its many thousand readers, the proprietors of The Weekly Sun have offered prizes amounting to $1,;.'00 for tho best six novelettes, to be selected by a critical committee from offerings by writers in all parts or the coun try. It U expected that this liberal offer will attract the best story-telling talent in the United States, and thus afford the chastest lit craiy banipiet of the Centennial year to its host of reader. The publication of the price stories will be commenced early In tbe year, and all w ho desire to partake of their attiactions should at ouce order subscription. THE CENTENNIAL YEAR. As 1.970 is to be the Centennial year it will be fuil of incident which will be attractive to all the people, and tbe Weekly Sun will have special care to furnlbh its readers with accurate information as to all important events. For the first time in many years there is a considera ble change in the political complexion at Wash ington. A President is also to be elected, which will insure an exciting contest because of the present anomalous condition of party politiees throughout the United States. Of ail these matters Trie Weekly Sun wiil be a faithful, concise and accurate chronicic. THE FARMER Will find the Baltimore Weekly Sun a valuable instructor, its original articles on and judicious selection of matters intimately connected with the great national interest of agriculture amply repaying the price of subscription. The paper is designed to meet the needs of persons residing in every part of our county, but more especially the town3 and rural districts of the Middle, Southern and Western States, care ful note being regularly made of local matters in those regions, in addition to a complete aud concise history of current events ALL OVER THE WORLD. The mcchanl aud the mechanic will find tbe Weekly Sun an ever fresh Encyclopedia of use ful kdowledge. Tun Weekly Sun's market reports are espe cially valuable, giving tbe latest prices of all kinds of produce in Baltimore and the principal cilie of the Union, lor the Utter the telegraph being availed of up to the date of publication. TERMS INVARIABLY CASH IN ADVANCE, POSTAGE FREE TO SUllSCUlIJERS. One copy, six months .. 51 1 4 4 One Copy, one year.. Three copies, oue year, Fonr copies, one year.. Five copies, one year.. AND ONE DOLLAR PER COPT FOR AST Xt'MBER or COPIES ABOVE FIVE. Ten copies ?10 0t With nu extra coj.y of the Weekly Sun on year. Twenty copies $-:0 (jo With nn extra copy of the Weekly Sun oue year, aad one copy of the Daily Sun six mouths Thirty copies 00 With au extra copy of the Weekly Sua and one copy of the Daily Sun one year Forty copies p) CO With au extra copy of tbe Weekly Sun, and one copy of the Daily Sun one year, also an extra copy of the Daily Suu for six mouths. Fifty copies o0 (10 With un extra copy of the Weekly Sun, and two copies of the Daily Sun one year. Seventy-live copies ;. 00 With an extra copy p the Weekly Sun, and three copies of tbe Daily Sun one year. One hundred copies li)0 00 With an extra copy of the Weekly Sun, and four copies ol the Daily Suu one year. Tbe above axtieme low rates of subscription lo The Haltimoke Weeklt Sis give tbe publish ers only a fraction over the cost of the white paper. Ai:d in additon to the above premiums each subscriber-whosc name Is on our books at commencement of the new year or may sub scribe to the Weeklt Scn after that date will receive a copy of " THE BALTIMORE 9LS ALMANAC FOR 1STC, a new illustrated publication comprising tbirty two pages, cmriraclng the twelve calender months illustrated, and with nstrotnical sighs, j eclipses, moon's phases, equation of time, a : chronological record of American historical I events, and information, the whole presenting a I most valuable table of contents for the farmer, mediant, manufacturer and the rubiic generally- Getters up of Clubs will find the above terms the mot liberal that can be offered by ,i First class Family Journal. The proprietors not only prepay the postage on the clubs received, but on tl.a premium copies, both Daily illld Weekly. The safest method of remitting funds by mail will be found to be by draft or postollicc money order. Address, A. S. A BELL .( CO Pi m isnnus, Sl'N IRON BUILDING. Baltimore, Mn, I WABITED ! A PLANING MACHINE. A Planing Machine for planing llooring, oVc., is wanted at the steam saw mill nt Herndon. Address, ZIEGLER & BROTHER, Dec. 25. It Herndon, North'd Co., Pa. The -'irst Xntional Hunk of Smi hiiry, Penn'a." "VTOTK'E is hereby given that the regular nn iN nual election of Directors of "The First National Bank of Suu'jiirv, Pa.," will be held on TUESDAY the 23th day of JANUARY, A. D. PsTfi, at the Banking House, in the. Borough of Sunbury, Pa., between the hours of 10 a. m., and 3 o'clock p. m., of said day, iu aceordanqe with the provisions of the Act of Congress. S. J. PACKER, Cashier. Sunbury, Pa., Dec. 17. 1.S73. Ill IIio Court or Common Pleas of Nort liuiuhcrlaiMl County. NOTICE is hereby given that the account of U. F. John, Assignee of the estate of Caroline Jones, has been liled in the Court of Common Picas of Northumberland county, and will be continued by said court ou Tuesday, the 4th day of January ucxt, unless exceptions are filed thereto. L. T. P.OHR3ACH, Prothonotary. To the creditors of Caroline Jones. Prothonotary s Ollice, Sunbury, Dee. 21-St. Iu tSti' Court ol"lnurter Sessions of tin loice of XorthM Comity. "VOTICE is hereby given that the following Ia persons have tiled petitions iu the Court of (Quarter Sessions of the Peace of the County of Northumberland, for Tavern, Restaurant and Liquor store licenses, and that the same will be presented to the said court on the lirst Monday of January ne: TAVERNS. II J Waltz, Sunbury boro, Old stand. P S Burrell " Henry Iluth, Francis O'Donnel, Jr. Edward MctJinlcy, Milton boro., ' Mt. Carmel boro., 1- rank rager, Michael Roseiistein, Charles C Jones, '1'hos. Taubiiian, Jno MeManus, George S Fisher, Rush twp., Ncrth'd, t. Shamokin boro.. William Burows, " Jai-ob Tromettcr, John Curtis, ' llaupt it Pursel, i4 John Cliirord, '' Tlios Nichalson, '" (ieorge Noll, Win. Mc Andrew Michael Flaherty, " Christian Lebner, " lknj F Matter, " Patrick Karins, " Henry G Duukelbeiger, " Daniel B. Foy, Lower Augusta, Peter Wert, Lower Mahauoy, James F. Adams. Shamokin twp., Jesse H .nsyi, " RESTAURANTS. Old stand. Jos. B. Vandyke. M. L. Fisher, Fred. W. Wolf, Joseph Blanch, George Hack, Sunbury boro., Old stand. Milton boro., Mt. Carmel boro., Shamokin boro., Alexander Long, Lincoln Long, " Richard Tyack, " " LIQUO-iilROE. Christian Neff, Snnbi-.y boro., Old stand. Henry E. Lutz, Milton boro., " Patrick Daly, Shamokin boro., Sirine & Kramlick, " " LLOYD T. ROI1RBACH, Clerk. Clerk's Office, Sunbury, Pa., Dec. 10, '75. DR. I. E. SMITn, Homupathic physician, office and residence corner of Fifih and Chestnut Sts., Sunbury. Calls in town or coun ty promptly attended to,night or day. Office hours 8 to 0 a. m. ; t to 4 p. m. ; 8 to D p. m. Nov. W 3 mo- Scto Sbbfrfistmfnfs. Kherifl"MiuIc or Real Estate. By virtue of a certain writs of Fieri Facias and Venditioni Expouas, issued out of the Court of Common Pleas of Northumberland county, and to me directed, will be exposed to tale by public vendue or outcry, at the Court nouse, in the Borough of Sunbury, Pa., on SATURDAY, the 1st day of JANUARY, H7C, at 10 o'clock in the forenoon, the following de scribed real estate, to wit t All that certain lot of gronnd situate in the borough of Watsontown, Pennsylvania, bounded northwardly by land of Samuel M. Miller, easi wardly by Tannery alley, southwardly by Eighth street, and westwardly by Chestnut s'rect, con taining fifty-live feet iu width and one huudred and sixty-live feet in depth, known and desig nated on the general plan of said borough as lot number two huudred and eighty-one, with the appnrtenanees consisting of a two-story frame double dwelling house ; as the proerty of WM. LOXGENBERGER & E. E. LONGENBERUER. ALSO, All that certain lot or piece of grouud, situate in the town or Trevorton, Zerbe township, Northumberland couuty,'a., kuown and designated ou the plan oi'Baid town, as lot "G," bounded northward by Coal street, eastward by Ninth street, southward bv the coal company's lanJ, and westward by block "F," with the ap purtenances consisting or a three-story frame house, a frame stable and other buildings ; as the property of MICHAEL J. DOWNEY." Seized, taken iu execution and -to he sold by S. II. ROTIIEKMEL, Sheriff. Sheriff' Office, Sonbnry, Dee. 17, 187.1. ATT V V mJ 20ELE iJAlCTliTLlCHKOMOS, mouut il VJ AJ-iA lO eJ, Biz- (till fur $1. Novelties ami rtn-omos of every luiserir.i;iu. TI .N AL HKUMO CO., PiiibuMphu Pa. 1j.-c.-j (w HO Y)IT Male or IViiuil -i.U vi.ur .il.trw. WANT ill lumomb.y over t ninutli sun-. :j-invextous' union, 175 Greenwich Si., New Vurk. MONEY Deo. 2i. tw. Short Cut Chance f.,r All! Mj!p tll l-'err..ii Airpnla To Wealth. ; 6re SaniT-les with every order. p. o Eox .Vh!" il II.TON & CO., loi Worth Str i, X. Y. Ix c. i. - For COCGIIS, COLDS, IIO ARSEXESS, AND ALL THROAT DISEASES, XJs WJLLXS' CARBOLIC TABLETS. PI T TP OXLY IN BLCn BOXES. A TRIED AND SURE REMEDY. Fe.r fale by Ilnizifints general, and IOU.NijON,HOLLOVAV fc CO., PUipdvliihia, l'a. Ihx. -U, 4t. iL eai Offer ! We will during the HOLIDAYS dispose of 100 PIANOS nnd ORGANS of first class makers, in cluding WATERS' at lower prices than ever be fore offered. Monthly installments received running from 13 to 30 months. Warranted for 6 years. Second Hand Instruments at extremely low prices for cash. Illvtratrd Cutalogvtt Jmi t'l. Aijtikit irttnttil. W.ircrooms 4S1 Broadway, N. Y. HORACE WATERS .V SON'S. Dec. '.'d. 4w. THE Pittsburgh CommepciaJ FOII TIIE CENTENNIAL YEAR. The year lS7t marks an important epoch in American history, completing as it does the First Century of the Republic. Events of more than ordinary moment arc to be looked for ; and it is the duly of every pa triotic citizen to keep himself informed thereof. To accomplish this it Is only necessary to take and read a FIRST-CLASS NEWSPAPER SUCH AS THE Pittsburgh Commercial. In the future, as in the past, it will be a Mirror of the Times, a condensed History of the Age, giving fuil vnd accurate accounts of all events, at home and abroad, including graphic reports of our Gieat Centennial Exposition at Philadel phia. Sjiecial a'teution will be civen to the Progress and Interests of Manufactures, Mining and Ag riculture throughout the country. The COMMERCIAL MAKES SPECIAL CLAIMS AS A Family Newspaper, Every effort being made to render it a pleaeant and profitable companion for the Home Circle, while its columns will be carefully guarded against objectionable matter of all kinds. Its Market aud Fiuancial Report! Will be full and accurate, embracing facts from all tbe leading Trade Centers of the World, and of great value to - Meliauts, Manufactures, Farmers and all engaged in business of any kind. Its arrangements for securing Early aud Re liable New are complete. Having able corres pondents at the State and National Capitals, its reports of the doings of the Lawmakers of the land cau be implicitly relied npon. As a Political Journal, THE COMMERCIAL will continue to be, as it has been, a Republican paper, fearlessly de voted to a party. It will resist, as well and as prudently as it may, any attempt to force npon the party the support of The Third-Term Mon strosity ; aud while it will strive to maintain a place in the front rank in Supporting an Honest Party Policy, it will reserve to itself the right to oppose any measure not in harmony with Re publican Principles, even though it may emanate from men know as Republicans. It will stand firm, on all occasions, by the platform of the Republican Party adopted at Lancaster, which demands "Honest men in olllce men with brains enough to know dishonesty when they see it, and courage enough to light it wherever they find it." OTj 1876 TERMS FOR THE Daily Cojijiercial, Postage Free to Si bsckhikrs. By mail, per annum 10 00 By mail, for six months 5 00 By mail, for three mouths ' 2 50 By mail, for one month . . . ... S3 Delivered by carriers, per week . . . 15 T H IT. Weekly Commercial, FOR 1876. yo w is Tin: 1 ime to snssi-nwE. 36 Columns OF Choice Reading Matter EVERT WEEK. IT I.STIIEl'ArEII foi: THE M ECU A NT, THE FARMER, THE MECHANIC, THE MANUFACTURER, THE FAMILY. Containing a Greater Variety of Choice Reading and Miscellaneous News than can be found in in any weekly paper published in the State of Pennsylvania. Complete Werkly .Market Honoris SI'ECIAI.I.V KI!I-.PAUE! FO!t IT. TERMS FOP. 1ST.G. Weekly Commercial (Postage Pnrrim.) One Copy, One Year 1 73 CLUB RATES : Ten Copies, per annum, each .... il SO Twenty Copies, " and over " . . . . 1 25 And One Extra Copy to the getter up of the club. Additions may be made to a Club at any lime during the year at the Club price, the sub scriptions continuing a Full Year from tbe time the additions shall have been made. These prices arc invariable. Terms Cash in advance. Rem't in Drafts or Postofllce Money Orders, if possible, and where neither of these can be procured send the money in registered letter. J frSPECIMEN COPIES SENT FREE. j Address all orders and letters to "TOE COMMERCIAL," Pec. 14, 1ST3. PlTTSBCRfilT, Pi. 9th Srjfccriismcnis. Holiday Bargains ! HANDSOME PRESENTS. Books! Books!! Books!!! Writing Desks of all sizes, Backgammon Boards, Hill's Spelling Blocks, Crandle's Expression Blocks, Crandle's Masquerades, Embossed Al phabet, Cup Glass Inkstands, Paper weight, Fahilt Bibles, Fine Edition of Poevs, McLaughlin's Toy Books, all the litest frames including "Trio," "The Great Bepnbllc," "Court," &c, &c STEREOSCOPES, Wellcr's celebrated Stereoscopic Treasure, Eug lisli Colored Views. Pocket Books, Port monnaies. Cigar Cases, &c Autograph Albums, Photograph Albums, Card Cases, Musical Instruments. Violins, Bones. Ac eordcous, Harmonicas, &e. Picture Frames. Brackets, Wall Pockets, Vases, Toilet Setts, Smoking Setts, Caps and Saucers, Motrs, Match Safes, Brushes, Mautel Ornaments, 4c, &c. Wax and Kubber Dolls, Greenler' Patent Heads aud Bodcics. CHEOMOS. Books expressly for Presents, Gold Pen aud Pencils, Pen Cases, Pocket Knives, and nume rous other articles suitable for Holiday Presents. The public nre invited lo call and examine the mmeuse stock au MKS. E. J. IIAZELTINE'S, Book and Periodical Store, Dec. 10, '73. Market Square, Sunhnry. Pa. Executors' Notice. Estate of George Spatz, deceased. "VrOTICEIs hereby given that letters testa i." mentary having been granted to the under signed on the estate ol George Spatz, late of Georgetown, Lower Mahanoy township, North r.mlierl.nid coonty. Pa., deceased. All person indebted to said estate are requested to makeirn-' mediate payment, and those having claims to present them, duly authenticated, for settle inci''. POLLY SPATZ, Executrix. Georgetown, Nov. 29, '75 Ct. j Divorce Xoticc. j In the Court of Common Pleas of the County of Northumberland. Jos -ph F. vs. Clam, 5 No. 152, January Term, 1S70. Plnries Submenu for 'i. Sallie F. Clum. ) rorce. To the Respondent above named : You are hereby required to appear at a Court of Common Pleas for the County of Northum berland, to be held at Sunbury, on the first Mon day of January next, to answer the complaint of tbe Libcllant in the above stated case. S. U. KOHTERMEL, Sheriff. Sheriff's Office. Sunbury, Pa., Dee. 10, 'T5.-4t. Election of Managers. NOTICE is hereby given that an election of Managers of tbe Accommodation Saving Fund and Loan Association, will take fdace ou Satnrday, January 1st, 1870, at ",; o'clock, p. m., in the room of Clement's bnilding. Third, street, Sunbury, Pa. SAMUEL FAl'ST, Sr. Jacob Sihpvax, President. Secretary. . Dee. 10, 1375. AOTIt K. The regular aqnnal meeting of the stockhold ers of the Sunbury Lumber Company, will be held at their office, in Sunbury, on MONDAY, JANUARY 3rd, 187C, between tho boors of 10 o'clock o. m. and 2 o'clock p. m., for ttie pur pore of electing a President, Six Managers, a Treasurer and a Secretary, to serve the ensuing; year. " - IT. Y. FRYLING, Sonbnry, Dec. 5, '75. It. Secretary. COURT FROCXAJIATIOX. Notice is hereby given that the several Courts of Com mon Pleas, General Quarter Sessions of the Peace, and Orphans Court, Conrt of Oyer and Termiuer and General Jail Delivery, in and for the couuty ef Northumberland, wiil commence at the Court House, in the borough of Sunbury, at 10 o'clock A.M., on MONDAY, JANUARY the 3d, IS7C, and will contiuue two weeks. The Coroner, Justices of the Peace and Consta bles iu and for the county of Nort uumbcriand are requested to be then and there in their proper persons, with their rolls, records, inquisitions, aud other remembrances, to do those things to their several offices appertainine to be done. And all witnesses prosecuting in be ha if of the Com monwealth against any prisoner, are requested and commanded to be then and there attending iu their proper persons to prosecute against him as shall be just and not to depart without leave at their peril. Jnrors are requested to be punc tual in their attendance, at the time appointed. Given nndcr my hand al3iiubury,thc 6th day of Nov. in the year of onr Lord one thonanil eight hundred and seventy-five. Visitor to Philadelphia will take the Market Street Cars: The SHORTEST aud qui KENT Route to the Centennial lluildingtt. Ot. 2'J. 1 mm. Adm'uiatrator" Xotiec, (Estate of Joseph Fenstemacher, dee'd.) "OTICEis hereby given that letters of ad Jl ministration having been granted to the undersigned on the estate of Jos. Fenstemacher. late of Lower Mahanoy twp.; Northumberland county, Pa., deceased. All persons knowing themselves indebted are requested to make im mediate payment, aud those having claims to present them, duly authenticated, for settle ment. B. M. BUEB, Adra'r. Lower Mahauoy, Not. 5 Ct. Good News to Farmers! THE CELEBRATED DEXTER FEED CUTTER which will save FIFTY PER CENT, to every farmer raising stock, is oirered for sale by the., undersigned agent for Northumberland county. This Feed Outer has been swarded diplomas at every County aud State Fair where it bas been exhibited. It is acknowledged to )hi superior to any others in nse. Orders will be promptly ti'.lml bv addressing JOHN G. CURTNER, Agent. Dec. 10. 1S73. Sunbury, Pit. TIIE CHOICEST DRY GOODS MILL IN ERY of Mi-s KATE BLACK. Market Square, north side, Nunbnry Fenn'a., Will be fonnd the most complete, attractive aad cheapest store of CHOICE DRY GOODS, consisting of Ladies Dress Goods, Woolen Goods for Ladies' from the largest establishments in the cities. LJJ)IS'Jt: CHIDSKXS' XYOOLEXSUA H'ZS. ladies, Misses' and Childrens' Woolen Goods, Silk Velvets, Ribbons, Sash Ribbons, Neck Tw. Kid Gloves, Fancy and Plain Hosiery, First Quality Zephyr and Germautown Wool. AIJ50 XO TWXS A A7 TJtlUMIXt.'S IS PRKAT VAKIETT. Gents' Gloves, Neckties, Hankerchjcf, Ac. A full assortment of Soaps and Perfumery. An invitation! extended to all lo call and see the choice selci MISS KATE BLACK. FALL and WINTER MILLIXERY GOODS! M. L. Gossler, Fourth street, 4 doors below M.irket, west side, invites the attention of all desiring the latest FALL AND WINTER MILLINERY! To her well selected Assortment just received from New York and Philadelphia, consisting ot I.adieak' rtliwwe! and Children Hats aud Bonnets. Feathers. I lower. Ileal Eaees, Silk. Velvet Ribboax. Sash Ribbons. Seek Ties. Hid tilove, Faney Honi ery, 1st Quality Zephyr and tierniantown Wool. ALSO NOTIONS & TRIMMINGS IN GREAT VARIETY. All of the above offered at the LOWEST MARKET PRICES. Miss Goss'.er will, as heretofor, giTe all orders for Millinery her personal anpervision. Call and see new goods. Not. 12, 1S73. 1815. FALL STILES 1875. IN ALL the latest styles aud novelties selected at the late importers' and jobbers' opeuiw BIRDS. WINGS, FANCY FEATHERS, O" TRICH TIPS AND PLUMES, SILK , VELVETS.VELVETEENS, etc. HATS AND BO In Felt and Straw, and all New "" MISS L. snissi . ' MilliD' Marlr Oct. 15, 1973.