-UNM'KV. XOVEMBEH 2. J.S75. Kuilrw:l rime Titbit. l:K l. Ai. !r.l 1.1" f.F l 1 ..AiMt I kl Mil KT .. .. .: - ftontb. i J. . E. K. R. lWit. "Ciie W..H, 12.4 a 'u , Eri. Vail. 6.22 m Ltur. S.im a iii I, NntiMra Ex.. l i.XS p Pali. Ex.. V.45 a in . Elinim Mail 4.05 p lUv EI . 1.1 J i in FuM Line. 7.IM.. p iii -UIVOKIX IMVIsMS, ;.. h. W t.F.tVK I AUKIVE K(.41. in Mh'I, 9 15 m t u . 4 25 p hi I Evpm-, 3.55 i in n aero n no-jamm Iriiiii Iraves Slut iuokiti at 7. In tn. nrriviiiit al Mt. Carmel at 7.4U a ni KcAuriiig. leave Mt. Caruiel at 0.00 r- m. trriv- ih' at Sbamokiu fl.SO p ni. U. II A V. K. K Traius Irnve h! and arrive al s.5u p. in. 6.55 ii. tn. lckaaanna jc hlu:bl;; r. r. AT KOBTHt MBEHLAMK Leave ninth G. 45 a. in 12:55 l. ill 4:3(1 p. m. Arrive from north 1:2:43 I . nil I 6:10, . to. Accidental Inaurauce Tick ran be had of J. Mlipman, Ticket Ageul, nt tlx- Depot. Naunnrr Irraacrufnl for the Pf Otlire l fenaiUur). I'm. flic Ojttn frum ii.!k . m., to 8 p. m... tret OH nvrulayi. TIME OF ARRIVAL AND CLOSING OF THE MAILS. Arrive a follow : From lh East at 5.15 a. m.. 4.10 p. m., Sooth, .V15a.ra.( 4.10 p.m. " West, 5.15 a.m., 11.15 a. ui., 1.25 p. iu. and 4.10 p. m., M No.th.l.5ua. in. .11.15. ra., 4.10 p.m. Stiainoktii aud Mt. Carmel, V.25 a. m. :.Hiuikiii pnier. 4.00 p. tn. M ill rbear a follows: F " ito Eai. 5 45 a. in.. In 5!l ui., 4 50 p. in. h.lKI tu. Koiilli. Zo.50 a. in., 4.50 p. in., 8 p. m. " Went. 10.50 . m., S.50 p. in., 8.00 p. in. North, 3.50 p in.. 8 . in., blianiokin pr.-r 11.15 a. in. tShamokiii ami iiffiriT am thai route; 4. IS p. ni. Money order-, will turl le issued uftcf 6 p. III., CHI 8atnrdv. J. J. SMITH. V. M. The Milton car works employ one hundred nd fifty men. Tbi Mlllou nail works are now running part of their nail machine. Several peraon amused themselves oa Sun day afternoon last in shooting duck on the river. No officers were around. It harder to keep track of a term on when yoa sit in the baa k part of a church, but then you gel out Aral and have the best chance to elect a good umbrella from the pile at the door. A cactw come from the Postal Depart ment with the issues of the new postal cards. If anything except the address is written on the face of the card, it is thereby rendered uuraalla Me. and will be thrown among mail matter marked he.d fcr postage." Wakawake fc Baowa. Tie Urgent clothing ho'iM iu America b that of the firm whose name beads this notice, and is located at Sixth and Market streets. Philadelphia. Read what they say in their advertisement on the second page of this paper. They will do all Hiey promise, and will irlve each purchaser a guarantee that their goods are Mid as low at possible, and then will uke them back inside ten days, if nu worn and the customer is not satisfied with them. Ir our borough Overseers could provide work for the tramps that apply for aid during the winter, say three hours work for supper, break fast and lodging, we believe that tramps would give our town a wide berth . It appears that this is going to be an easy wiuler lot the poor. There has been a decline in "t be price oi back braids, new dollar stores are spriuKibg up all ever the land ; tbe religious papers are t ffcring every encouragement in tbe wa ol cbromos, aud an imitation coral neck lace call be bought for a quarter. With tbe oe ce aariet ol tile thus placed within our reach, nd true hearted woman w ill complain of the price of coal. Mem. F. Bteklt, Philip Hawk, Daviu Qak, Dauiel flaak aud VYm. Wlugerl, of Ly krbatowu, Dauphin county, bad au eight day hunt in Potter county laleiy, and relumed home with eleveu deer, a black bear, red fox, jack rabbit aud black squirrel. Tbe work or Moody and SMikey. in Philadel phia, was commenced on Sunday last, and was accompauied by tbe most proiuieiug Judication of success. Tea thousand people atteuded tbe first meeting. When can we expect Moody aud Sankey in Sunbury t Surely there is room for them to work here. Coax oil once sold as high as f 1.50 per gallon, which Is now worth about 12 els. by the barrel. There is therefore no excuse lor tbe waul ol light at these rales. This, however, seems to have no effect upon the price ol gar, which is now as bigh a ever. The irregular suppj- A gas last week was, we understand, owing to some needed repairs to tbe gas works. We trust that the repairs will be made imruedlMeiy, and that tbe street lamp will be lit in good lime. New Tixe Table The new lime ladle of tbe Pennsylvania, Northern Central, Danville, HaXirtoii dt Wilkes Bar re, aud Shaniokm Div. N. C railroad companies, which Went Into etlccl on Monday lnrt, has some itnponaul changes. Woare iudebted to E. B. Westfall, superinten dent of Suuburr l)iv;sion, for a copy of a new clieualr. Tbe trains now arrive and leave Sun bury a follows : Going south Erie Mail, 12:40 a. in. ; Fast Line, 2:00 a. in. ; Philadelphia Ex press, IM5 a. m. ; Day Eprc. 1:10 p. m. Going wtT-t Erie Mail, 6:22 a. m. ; Niugara Express, 12:25 p. m. j Elmira Mail. 4:05 p. in. ; Fast Line, 7.00 p. m. bhaaiokiu Division Leave Express, 10:40 a. ra. ; Mail. 4:25 p. m. Arrive Mail, 0:15 a. m. ; Express 3:55 p. in. D. II. 4 H . R. R traius leave at C:55 a. in., and an i ve at 3:50 p. m. Lew SHirMAk and James KUand, Eq., left for tbe hunting regions, on the Sinnemaboning, on last Monday. Scarcity of game In thai section may be accouulrd for iu the future. Jacob TornuMAK respectfully Informs tbe public that be will bind books, in any kind of binding, as well as can be done elsewhere. His bindery is in tbe Masonic building. Da. K. B. McCat, of Northumberland, proa trated by paralysis some lime ago, I again able to be oa tbe street. Tnt county teacher's institute will be held at Shamokra during the holidays. A gold watch will be given to the best speller. Ma.0. W. CoorER raised on the Hon. John B. Packer' farm, in Poiut township Ibis county, an ear of corn that had on it 32 rows, with 46 grains to tbe row, making 1,472 grains on tbe ear. Tb jovial mail agent on tbe D. Il.tW. R. B., F. M. Conner, has been transferred to tbt main line of the Penu'a R. R., between Pblla dephU ..ni Pittburgb. Win. II. Hause, of Miffllnburg, lately mail agent on the Sunbury A Lewlsiown mute, has been transferred lo the D. n. at W. R. R., to succeed Mr. Conner. They are iki tyH, and first clam mm foi the pai tlont. sociable and always attentive I Ibeir duties. The Life and Laboks or Dk. Livinoatose. One of the m.wt interesting books of modrrn time is the Life and Labors of Dr. Livingstone, covering hi entire career in Southern and Ceo tral Africa, giviur a thrilling narrative of ad ventures, discoveries, experience and achieve ments of the greatest explorer of modern time iu a wild and wonderful country. It is a new history of an unexplored country, richly embel lished. This work will be read with intense In terest by both old and young, and should not fail to reach every household. Iu fact no library is complete without ibis modern histonr. Mr. J sines Washington, who has been getting a large number of subscriber lately, is now en garsd In delivtring the work to subscriber and taking the name of those desiring tb work. Mr. Washington is the sole agent for this work lathi place, and all wbo desire it will be sup plied at short notice by leaving orders with him. T!iF ASH NOTOM 5TKAM FlKE Ca. Ht II.rINO Tin- d dicntion and Im-iMni; of it Wmli.n ton Mm m Kiie ( jiiii mii engine took purr . Wrdm sdiiy last. The company1 uew buil.liim is ami- of the hanilsomeHt fire engine hnue. ii the Stair. It i located opposite the post olllre, on 1 lnnl atiavt, and it litnrtii'ioti air ;l() hv trr'. two Hioi'h hull, c ilisl ! Ir,' ol tir c!. liriu'hlh .il I he tnt story i 12 f.-rt 4 im-lio ; wa fcloiy m 15 ..,.t 4 inrhr. The tiiil t - ni roulaliio I hr fl e em;iue, lioe carriiige. ate. ui in is neatly liuii-lied and frrseoed. The rntramv dMM arr lia.f uud onianirntril. Tin- srernd "loiy is ilitided into two aiartm.nts bv I oi.iintr iIimhs. Tlie first room is hum fur . purior, wnicb is eiulioriiiriy lnn-.H-d mi.i ail, nr haiidsoinr.y furuislieii ilh lirussris car:!. ouug, spring liottoiu niairo, lni'ik e.isi-. afcr. 1 he rajrfi aliaitmrnt wil, b. .KCUi.ir.l as a inn-i- nt riMini. The buil.lliitr wih he IU' ted w it h teas. 1 ue toaa-r 1 81 1 frr.1 lolhr t..p of 1 In lieifry, in which is burnt an ii urm Ih-II ariuhins: I0XK1 I oiiii.ls. The lop af th- town is c nsiriict al oo I, Kurraiumleil ny a r iilintf an I arn 1 inriiu-.l a ith brackets ind scroll aork. On tav r tbe fiiture o! a Urciua.i wltn tpeakiiiir lnnni. i 1 hand, ansaering the purpose of a wrathrr rock. Tlir ground for this biiildini! was broken n liie firt of December, 1874. The lot was urchasttl (r-.tii Messrs. Walls and Bright for Ctfuv. a-ach I uese gentlemen totiating to the ro,iip.aM tl4). The building will cost about (.Vioo, tin- greater pirl huving been donated by differcm individuals as follows: Sol. Stroll, 5,500 bricks; Geo. Harrison,3,000 ; W.H.Miller, 3.0U0 ; W. T. Eiigleman, 5,000 s David Clrmeiit 5,000; Smith & Bro., 3,000; Clias. Gariuger, 1.J00 ; H. H. Omrad, 1,000 ; P. II. Moore 2,500; W. R. F. Wriroer, 1,000; J. M. Campbell 2,500; Val. Diets, 500 nrlcks, making 33.300. Ira T. Cleiiieiil doualed lumber for the first floor. Fryling, Boweu A Eugle, $64 in lumber; M. E. Keaaau. 1,000 feci lumber ; Dr. J. B. M.isse. f 25 III lolle: Letl hc.mlioilx. t iu lime : I). (.. DixsiiiKer, (45 in lime and uh ; Geo. Buwci, 116; Jacob Rohibach, grates aud window weights ; J. W. Steveusou a hail clock, Ac. The buii ling coiuiniitee consisted of Ira T CI. ui. ul, II. J. Waltx. W. 11. Miiier, S-.1. Slroii, VV. T. Engieuiau, Geo. ilariirou uud Aiilimut Leuiser. The btick work wait done bv (Jeor, Uairisou. Aicbitcct, 11. J. Waits. The car penter wa.rk w.i done by l-i Kavil dud LhuiSoi. I..e piasteriuc Was Cm t.y Aks.is. Beriew, Reed aiij LoKun, uli ol &ui.tur, and the irescoing by Mr. Wailher, of UuulingUou, Tbe erection of ibis Hue edidce was accomplished mainly through me exeniou of tbe members of tbe company. It is useful as well as oruameu tol 10 our town, and is a creditable monuuieul to those whose energy and enterprise were devoted to it uutll its final completion. A UinrKoM a Mosct Till ad is An vested. A liauip with a bandaged eye, hating loitered about tbi place lor several days, cou clndtng to look tor ome heller place, boarded a freight train on the Northern Ceutral rail road going south ou Tuesday eveuiug last when tbe train arrrived at Georgetown aud Slopped at the station for orders, the tramp rau luto the raaiioual House of A. WJld, and open ed the uiOLcy drawer at the bar, aud grabbed a handful of money and papers, and proceeded to run out of the bar room to mount the train Mr. Wald, just entering the bar room, raw at a glauce that he was robbed, cried out to other parties to close tbe door and arrest the thief. A tussle eusued, bat Mr. Wald proved Ico much for the tramp, and by the assistance of Mr. J Biugaman and others, he was secured and Ukeu before Enquire Bubb, who committed him iu de fault of bail. On Wednesday morning Messrs. A. Wald and John Biugaman, acting as deputy cousubles, brought the prisoner safely to Foil Rotbermel, In tbi place, for trial at the Janu ary term, provided he does not walk over tbe jail wall aud make hi escape. Tbe prisoner appear like as old offender, aud it i supposed bad several accomplice. There cannot be too much caution exercised as to these tramps, a the majority of them are sel of firsl-class scoundrels, and in mxny in stance they deserve puniehmeut instead of being well fed. Gone West. W. L. Moore, for a dumber or year a resident ol tbi place, and popular clerk iu the store of Mr. George Gariugor, started va Tuesday last, accompanied by hi lady. to locale in Ohlj. On tbe evening of their departure they were pleasantly surprised by a number of their frieuds aud members of tbe Lutheran church, of which congregation they are 'connected, who gave them a "surpriiie party" of a ubtaullul character t bat will cause tbe fcappy couple lo long remember their many friend iu Suubury. May they soou be surrounded by warm friends in their new home, ana may success be their re- ard. Hoisi.io AS Ekjgine. The ceremonies of bousing the Washington steam engine took place on Wednesday last. The fire department of uubury were out in full force aud participated In thai ceremonies. Tbe procession was formed In from of the Good Intent engine bouse at one clock, tbe bead if column resting on Chestnut street. Tbe profession moved through several sneels, headed by the Sunbury gi.vcr Coruut Band, to tbe uew edifice of tbe Washiugtou Steam Fire Company, on Third street, where their engine was boused amidst enthusiastic cheer. The different compauie then euteraxf tbe new bouse when they -Mr addressed by eu. J. K. ClMwent, on behalf of Good Iuieul ire Co.i A. N. Brice, Esq., ou behalf of No. 1 Steam Engine Co., aud T. H B. Kase, Esq., on beha.l of the Wasbiuglou Steam Fire Co., after which the com panic adjourned with three hearty cheers far the Wasbiuglou Steam Fire company. In tne evening a graud hall was aivcu uy the uiruibers of the compauy in the ball of tbe uew builuiug which was largely at tended and the ceremonies well conducted. Everything connected with the dedication of ibis flr edifice was or tbe iuot pleasant and Inter esting character. The member or the Wash iuglon compauy will, 110 doubt, long leiueiubcr the pleasant occaniou of dedicating their n w house. BtT at Home. Tbe holiday season is fast ap pf .aclilng, and il is a time whri. 11101 of our merchaul expect to do a thriving busiiiess. Some of our people are in the habit of going East to get their holiday goods, wheu they can nuy them just as advantageously at home. Our busiues men need encouragement ; they go to a great expense aud oatlay to procure a stock of goods, such as will meet with the approval of the people, aud it is no morethau right thai they should be patronised. 1 be more money that is sprut at home, the more the people arcjtenefited. while every dollar that is taken away U just so much taken from our business men. Tbe prin ciple of baylug away from borne is in itself wrong and damaging lo home interests, and as long as our people perslat in It, the costtnuoily will feel iu effect. Buy al home and let this year' holiday season be a busy and prosperous one. M. ADOLrU UPPENHEllf eh, of the firm of Simon at Oppenheiiner, of tbe Central Clotbiug Hall, corner of Market and Third streets, spent part of ibis week iu the city selecting another large lot of ready-made Ciolhiog. The Ceutral is to luuhury what WaLamaker A Browu is lo Philadelphia. Their slock is imiueuse, aud the sale so rapid that they are compelled to re plenish constantly to keep up their assortment. The Causes for this are easily comprehended. Never ha. clothing been sold iu Suubury as low as they are priced at tbe Ceutral Clothiui; Hal,. Tbe proprietors mean business, and adopted the luttiio ol "small profits and quick a e." Their good recommend theiuselvo, as all who bu ol them wil, testily. 8. B. Korea, Esq., of Ibis place, M. W. G. W of Ibe Grand Lodge of I. O. of O. F., was 110111- iualcd for M. W. D.G. M. at the lute semi annual session of the Graud Lodge iu Philadelphia. Mr. Buyer has made a very eflicieut ollicer since bis election of Grand Warden, and has become popular with the members of thai order through out tbe Stale. He will, no doubl, be elected to the position for which he is nominated. Au. who visit Philadelphia to see tbe Centen nial Buildings, should remember tbat Sam. Ueilner still live ano can be found al No. C4, N. Second Street, with Ivins aft Brother, selling ail tbe most fasblouable furniture. The latest styles and paiern are found at their store and old at most reasonable price. Thane who wish to buy extra furniture In the city will find their establishment the best and of tbe most modern style. ?ntM'Kis Ititms -We clip the fol'owina from tli- Slrimokin Herald of l:,st -rk : A Sai AtiiDKNT. 1111 utiuilay inoiiiintr ab'iut ten o'clock a young man named Simon K inrk, In attrmpliiiir to board a cnal train at Locust Gap had lii Irg taken tiff below the knre. H- died t half pisr five o'clock the i'iir day He 'caves 1 host of frii "r 1 . 1 ! mount 55 Tin til- Iii death. tory At nine n'c'iH-k iIiih uiorninir an old man Il named Frnncis PepH'r. who wis employed the rcpai's t the P. A R. R. R at I.ocnst Sum mit, wn humped hv ih- cars ami ha I his hip and some of h's rib !iro;en. His rt-eovrrv I' dnnt fnl. AcnniCNT AT in f: Minp.s. (In Friday tnorn in -r of last wt-ek. J imis B'l'wtir, w-ork'.-isr "t Bil- k KMirc illirrv. 'i id hi ktii'f so badly crushed hv 1 hi' slide of a piMm that it neca-ssi tatel aininit .linn iihove the km He in 'oinsj el. J'Kepli Koiisl. working 'it Hie; M'virilnhi f. I'erv, S'lrTe'ed a c iiiiponnl 'r ici'ir 1.' the rijf'it to on f ridaV artel ii'Min ':i' bvth" ;;re'ii lire disrhars" o( a -h'.l l"s ftVir.-r an I ! Mils atle'ided hi injuries. ATTrxPTKn to J:ii't tin M m I iv vi mmr a ron I 5 o'clock. .1 'ii Pr'imhe Irr rnlera-.l fji o. H. Lichlir's shoe slo e in :in in'ox'c it 5 - m-1I-tion. Mr. I. wi wi ii-i.r ,1 i-iti.!-- it the time and Mrs 1.. r is in hr si. ire a s i. Pruin. he'lel aske I Mr. L i' be He rea !v 10 die ih him an pulled a.tit a revolver which lie corked and pointed at him. A man in the store took hoi 1 of Drumheller aud Mrs. Leibli' took the re volver from him. after wh'ch he went out the door In an nneernmnniolik mnnner in tmm.llnt advance of Mr. L.'s boot. He was afterwards arrested and had a hearing before .'Squire Helm. 11c was pin in me locK-up over sionnay nigni and takcu to jail in the 3 o'clatck train on Tups- tt .. . t . . . . . A .V....I..O. nr,.,K..lt, 1. - fcrnH.t..!.. " - . ... r. laem,; nun na tor a long time tailed to sup .... Ktrt hi family, b-lnj of iute'tiiier ue habits. He took it into hi mud l!rd biain that Mr. Lip, big was to blame for his doinct-iie nnhiippiness and therefore his d if ire to make a funeral St'lCIDE On Monday cvrnii.g, about 5 ai'c ocfc, Pr.-incis Q'linn a b n beinr of about "0 veur of age, living with his cousin, Pitrirk Qiiiun. of Springtield. 11 village about a mile rust of 8li.imi.kin. was missed from the house. Tt e fatui'y. u posing lie had conn tn Shatno kl 1 to -ee his njee... Mrs. Met'abe. gac thrtii- Ives no unea-iin-s about him. About half- past 7 o clock on Tuesday morning Patrick Quiun went to the stable to feed his cow, and white his daughter was milking he climbed on the mow and there discovered the old man hang- nd had evidently Keen ll,.,. nil Il,i It b.H .... . t..,. - ...j. 7 feet long, a little thicker than a common wash line; one end was fastened around a small ... . .. 1 t- 1 . . ST 1 FslaP V n rfTrSISl I n ti t 1 n saw I n wv I lull sim 1 "-v.. r...u rtored, and il is thought he cliinped up lo this girder and after arranging the rope left himself drop. There was evidence of a strugele where Ki. t.. ..,.V. j. u.a , .v. .... .iv. mc ona. nun uuu nmTii i no boards at the sid? of tbe mow. He wa rut down and taKen to the house. Squire Caldwell was notified and summoned the following jury who rendered a verdict of suicide by hanging G. W. Raver, A. J. Gallagher, Putrlck Krady, John W. Cnlp. Jas. J. Rigney, and Joseph Ditcbficld. The old man hud been troubling himself ol late because be had no work and at time, had shown some eccentricities but nothing ufflcient to lead his friends to suppose that he was demented. The affair created considerable j ,,, Knris.rH.tii ... ........ . - a r,"... PrtSTioKKi Vinp.pr.a R. il,e rl. " - -" elf Ion of the Postmaster General publishers have a right to repay the postage at the usual I rale, on all paper, ordered to be sent from offl- l "r uow auor a time, 11 oniy lor 1 once. This decides that a subscription to a pa- I ner la Ihe navment for th im rwr.nn rf J , for any purpose, and the direction that il beVX ;Ul rem. 10 a person, or persons wDose names are given tbe publishers for anv lemrth of time. honor long, whether one week, one month or ' I ' I ins cool whether no sooner set iu than prophets begin to multiply. A man named Rook," somewhere in this Stale, predicts a follow: This autumn 1 to be the Burnt we ave had for many years with uo freese of auy consequence until the 30th of December, and then noibiug to make glad the heart of tbe ice dealer. A Hue Indian 'summer in January, witife only a few cold days. More rain than snow during the winter, and little or no sleigh ing. A few cold days in February, just for aj change, with a dry, cloudy and warm March. ariable cloudy weather in April, to be followed by a dry May. Attempted Ml-boeii. On Tuesday lust police man Wm. J. Thomas, from 8barookin, brought to the county jail Wm. Cowk, Emma Coyk.1 Annie Ctlrwin, Auuie Barnfleld fellah Sny der, who hud oeen arrested and committed upon different charges. About three weeks ago, iu order to get rid of the scum, "wicked Danville" (be it remembered that it is In Montour county, this Slate,) exported from her corperale limits ibis party for Shamokin. They arrived there and ojiened one of ibe vilest and most degraded dens of infamy evey heard of. On Moudav evening during a general melee, Anuie Curwin fired a revolver at the principal, Wm.Cook. The ball entering thr right cheek aud lodging iu the head. When brought to town the physicans had been unable to fiud the ball. After the affair bad occurred a general rush was made for the Mate deserted" and completely "cleaned out." Cook is suffering a great deal of puin, and un lets he is 81 ou relieved must inevitably die. Six Sunbury boys undertook to ''clean ay" the depot iu Northumberland, last Saturday. Tbry succeeded in breaking a number of w indows, and escaping without bring arrested. On Monday morning constable tVelket come over o our town, and overhauled two ol the parly. but the balance escaped. By request, we refrain giving names, as il niL lit prevent llieir arrest, and the uietiug out of the punishment they nsily deserve. John Rp.fi oe, a butcher residing 011 Arch street, lost two bogs 1 isl week by some unknown disease. In the evening be nad fed them, aud he supposed they were iu ticrfect health, but on Ibe nrxt morning he found two dead. Thcv were valued at about seVeuty-Hve dollars. Hakpek's Magazine rou Deccmbek, 1875. Harprr's Magazine tor Deceiub.-r is a numbei ol uuusual interest, and estiecially rich iu illustra tions. Probably no more exquisite engravings were ever published iu any prreodical than those which illustrate the opening article of this nutn ber, "l"p tbe Ashley and Cooper." This article will be a new revelation to most readers, show ing thai even in the New World are lo be found old manorial homes worthy of comparison with those ol older countries. The rusuti of the pub lishers' enlerprUe in seruriug for this pi per so many pietuiet never hitherto engraved luny jus tifies Hie a.xpeuse involved, ui:d is a significant illustration of the high possibilities 01 illustrated journalism. James Parlon, iu this Number, treats of Cari cature i'J the United Slates, from Benj. Frauklin to lboinasHfl. A portrait ot the latter head the article. A finely written and beautiful)) illustrated ar ticle descrites Wiudsor Castle, with its superbly dacoraled stale apartments, its pictuiesque sur roundings, aud Us romantic hisioiiacal associa tions. Iu "Talks, Walks and Drives, in and around Lea Castle, near Kidderminster, Eugluud, in Ibe summer or ISiJ, Juil-e Campbell presents some very interesting lads ol Richard Baxter's life. Among the illustration is one ol the mon ument dedicated last otiimer to the memory ol ims celebia ed pieacuer. Juno I. Fields concludes bis eiilrilaiiiing le.iiiisi euees ol "Bairy Coma a II." A. H. Guernsey luarralrs the events of "Bloody Mart's" reign ol especial interest iu connection with Tennyson's recent drams. 1 he Hon. b. b. Cox a-ontluues Ins papers 011 "Legislative Humors," giving some graphic sketches ot Ben Hardin, l orn Cortvin, uud Pioc tor Kuol. A brief but very pleasant and instructive rhal ou tile "Art of Uiinng" is from the pen ol Miss Julie Verplanck. Piesidenl Barnard contributes for the "First Century" Series the first part aif a comprehen sive review ol tbe progress of the exact sciences In Ibis country during the last hundred years. Julian Hawlharue, in his serial novel, "Garth," goes back lo the scene with which the story opened, and from thai paint resumes the IbreaJ of tbe narrative. This is the most remarkable serial slorv of tbe season. Short stories are contributed by James Payn, Virginia W. Johnson, and Mark Bench. Payn's s'.ory, "Her Imperial Gust," will amuse all readers. The poetry of the Number Is contributed by Paul U. Hayne, K. fl. Stoddard, John Swinton, and A. F Tbs Editorial departments are, as lsual, full and interesting. ileitis A Lakgk Tkain. Soimlime Hlfn We jltt(1 a mil lav at a Ini te tiain brainghl up from Sunb.iry wliich consUied of 120 cars, the engine on Unit occasion huvin.: been manipulated by SilM;rin. tendent Wrstfall. Thul feat was however thrown into the hade on Monduy last- Ou thai day P. R. H eniriiie No. 1149, Marsh Rhnwn riieinoei 11 il J..c.h Snv lir condm ior. I n.Uiflu up from hu.itniry 152 c a. ihii ty-two cars more than were brought by Mr. We-itfall. This is the largest train on tecord on the Sbamokiu Division and Mr. Kliawn can take the medal and wear it until further 1101 ire Shamokin 7Vm on r;iul Jurj for January 1riii, 18TC nu n i'iiimi'Ii James, Mi'icliniii. Noith'd. Itiki-i -Geo W, Slioeniaker, 2-ilie. Hoy I Al. X. J.. On Dealer. Su .l.m -- w u- lli.rma.i Alius. Firnirr, CbiiJisii 1.01'ie. ' ilillfjienli. La'torer, X.ntb'd Weilzei Jo-rpb. F inner. Lower Aii mi-I 1 llinkle Micli.ae,. m r jj,. Caru.rfbor. Miuiiian Jerome, Ji., Urrchant, Slia uokm Harr lliiuh O. t'ficiiuiakrr, Milton. Cr,wl...i lh..-.. F.i .11.T ,.i,i. 1 ..iv. 1 .1. I . - . , I si le . u .1. I .It .1 k-i:i.l!.. I'd 11.,, I ....I. IJ . I. q ir. . niii.iii. iv. 1 .. r. 11 nil r 1 .... 1. M.i.s.'vn K.t n.i fi.ia nokni iwi. im. .. . ,.. , i, v , Em t il fi. un, ,. K.iiii n, I'aiti .1. It. . J-iialli:m. Mum- 0.1k 1. U1.C.1111 llHii-ickn t 11 i., L.ih.rei. i, aw.. re.. K bias ,ii.. iercii.iiii. W.,.ii i-to i, b..r ni II. . Ir i.. r , l'i d.i.'. J ,. t . r.,,.,,. , v H e. . r. 1 1,. r. 'ni. i r, . ' a tier, m . v ,,li;ilri ,. M,., ".t' 1 Cu irier. 1 .IlK -ei j 1 . niiiR-er il. ..v...., runner, u Maliatloy. Petit Jurors for January su, IS76. I Smith Isaac B, Carpenter, Sliamokin. I Slloemalier Frank. Luborer. Piiint. I 1..ll...rk I..i. T 1. ... . ii... " V- 1 ,,er' "finel twp Teals James A. Farmer. Sham.iki . twn 1 imivp n.Mii;is. riiriin.r 1 1... 11... .. . I P.......;...... it .... . a 1 i.mis uenj, varprnier. eunnury. J'",t' E"''' P. Curieiiter, Sliamokin, . ' ' " Jt y' T-nri . OIIUIUOKIll I.. ,tM '""iviii. , AlailtZ Jollli. Miner Kl. .....,.!; Ilrrkeri Beiij, I'nliiiKiinaker. uutury. Ft':er Ada ... o.. tractor. Z. 1 he. Malick G II, Farm. 1. Jackson. Mauls Sam'l. Laborer, Suntiury. Klase Silas, Laborer. Shamokiii. t hernngton W II, Laborer, Sbamokiu. Ilaat John. Jr, Farmer, Turbut. Vandr-frill Francis. Laborer. MilLnn. Golisi-r D.iiilel. Fanner. Kush. Burlier Henry I). Laborer. Siinbnrv. Willhour Petri K. Purine.. Suamokin tun Cra-ssiuget Eilim B. Fanner. Jonbm. CampbeJ'Wiii., Farmer. Joidiiii. Malum J.u iili, (i. i.lieinai , Tut hut. uerui.-i 1 iiinp. r .irmi r. J ick-oa. M iinndt P. ler. Miner. Z, i be. Frederick David, Farmer. C'hiHi-mn.mi.. Kuoufl Johu. Piainug Mill Miltou. Pfleger Jacob, Fanner, ChillUquaquc. orniey uenry, Miner, Uoal. " rlrut Humphrey, Farmer, Sliamokin twp, V.rowu, ruu. ""'N Lpper Mahanoy. "- "- -, t. vuiuici iwp, I J fill II aai'Ilr"K.faII W 1 tPat(1i n ll m 1 vt iriieuiiamer ill. runner. Turbni. 1 Heller Daniel. Farmer. Sliamokin two J,""1!!?1"1 bal" uriuer Chlllisquaque, Kirk ""mas. Grntlrniau, Watsoutown. I s . Binpelra. farmer. Uttoer Auirusia Slack Rob. rl M, Livery. North'd. I -Michael, Merchant, Chillisquaque. , ' ,Dlat"81"'l.u. sunbury. V .ua.avTj.er, ..ll.uon. 1 Busg Henry, Fanner, Turbut. Huiliine Daiilel, Miner, Mt. Cinnel twp. Dichl Josiab, Carpenter, Mt. C'ariuel bur. Brown Simon P, Meicbunt, Milton. Burmun Saiu'l. Laborer. Milton. Hopewell Joliu f, Farmer. Point. TETIT Jl'HOBS 6KCOND WEEK. H Hand R .l'rrl, Farmer, Chiilisquuque. Krysrr Jacob, Slioemuker, Chiiiisq :uque, ""ceiidi-r Gro.. huriner, Chillitquaquc ZlLil Sticker Isaac, Merchant. Ml.ton Kos Wm, Farmer, Lower Augusta (ir.ilff John, Slioriuaker. Zerbe. - ....u .ttuoirr, ouuiliofcin two, KocLpfpller llirnni Pi.re.Ar KI...-...1.I.I . . . - "" .!. ciroii Doioiuon. BiacKStniin. sunburv. Epler Amos, Farmer. Shainokin two. ('1lluin,r Anthony, Landlord, Sbamokln bor, uu"n Z rf T, Iranian Wm, Farmer, Dclawate. Vasliue Simon, farmer, Rush, Balto James D, Farmer, Lewis. ,, . , , , 0. ... . Harr Jam.-r D, S iddlrr, Watsontown Snyder John S. Farmer. Point a ... a . wai aa . ? a"ermn, ',inill;r wasuwgiaiu. Mnorf. Phi 10 Merelmnt Nnnhnrv r.nuouuu iaviu, rarmer, 1 uruui. Krick John, Farmer, Sh imokin twp. Lvnn Wm H, Carpenter. Riverside. Robroach Win H. Moulder. Sunbury. Kauffmao John R, Merchant. Lower Augusta. uruinueller E T, Lruudlord, Sunbury. Howard Charles, Clerk. Sliamokin. tHMc.uian nrnry, xaaiMrn-r, Lrowei niaiiaaa. Rohrbuch tn II, Laborer, Shamokin twp. iroxel Jolin, yvncelwrtgnt, Watsontown. Heckct Philip, Farmer, Point. Tobin Thomas, Landlord, Ml. Carmcl twp. LIt of Juror Tor Adjourned Court, December 13, 173. William L. Baker, Walstmtown. Henry W. Burlier, Sunburv, W. W. Win. H. Bogle, Milton. 8. W. Patrick Brennan, Coal. George Borders, Delaware. Abraham Bnigamaii, Lower Mahnnoyv. Charles Ditty, ShamuLu-J1--r' ' DiUlie! LJt.i -TTtnsTlT -Lawrence Garmaii.Turhtitville. Cyrus Geasey, Sunbury, E. W. William Hoover, Sunbury, E. . Nicholas Mower, Delaware. John Kiehl, Washington. George P. K rnli 11, Suubury, W. W. Edward Lyon, Suubury, . Witbington Lake, chamokin, W. W. Alexander Mantz, Sunbury, V. W. Samuel R Muffle), Tut but. Benj. F. Miller, erbe. Joseph Morgan. Sunbury, E. W. Simon Opp, Turbutville! Edward Patterson, Shamokin, E. vv. Leonard Pursyl, Shaiuokiu. I). Carrol Kight. Ml. Carmel twp. Jonothau Koth, Shamokin, W. W. Hiram Kockefeder, Shamokiu twp. Jesse I weed. Shuiuoklll. Charles Kmebarl, Upper Augusta. George Scott, Mt. Carmel twp. Frederick Shrouk, Suubury, E. w . Jar. b Mead, Lewis. John B Savidgc, Shainokin. E. W. Clias. Mahlnccker, Lewis Fred. Sltaub. Chiilisquuque. John B. Snyder. Lower Augua. Jeremiah F. Talluiau, Lewis. The Itf&t rroteetion. The best safeguards ugaiust epidemic disease are thorough digestion uud linn nerves, Ii is because they assure the regular jn-rinortnance of the dijcbtive pritcrsia, and invigorate Ihe nervous system, th.il Hosteller's StomaJlh Bitlcrs are such a sovereign protective ugaiust the influen ces which beget intcrmiliaiit maladies, uud those which direct Iv affect the stomach aud bowels. If the nerves are healthfully truuquil, tbe ussiiuulation of food ierfect, as tbey are to be under the influence ol this standard ionic and nervine, malaria may bo defied ; uud if, in the ubscuce of the most reliable of medical safe- guurde, the system has fallen a prey to disease of an intermittent iyc, tne Bitters will, If per sisted in, eradicate every vistige of ibe malady, Billiousncss, constipation and dyspepsia yieid with equal certainty to the operation of Ibis po tent Vegetable alterative. justness locals. J 1 TO 'si i t ' ""'"' Terms free. Addi etw Jr) Ji!U ii. Ktikhon S .'o., IMnLiud, M ime. Jan. 22, IsJi. ly. When you no to Philadelphia, stop at the Allegheny House, So. 812 and 814, Market St. He-lillcd, re-furuished, &c, by A. Heck, Proprietor, and price only S2 ler day. A rinsT class, new Piano of the very bci-t make, will be sold ut a reduction of one third its value. Also, a second hand Cabinet Organ, nearly new, lorn little over half price. Enquire of H. B. Masscr. fi K AT) arrival of boots, shoes and rubbers at W. 8. Furmnn's Sunbury shoe store, one door west Ciiilwallnder's drug store. 1(10 oases of boots, shoes und rubber have already been re eel veil, and Hill have more coming in daily from the Ira ling manufactures. These goods have hern all made up lo my own order, and will guarantee to give satisfaction, having bought my fall and winter line of gooda at greatly re diiced prices. I have marin a general reduction on all goods, blieving small profit!!, quick sales and cash down to be the oioy way to sell goods cheap W. 8. FrnMAN. I'rop'r Sunbury Shoe Store, 97 Market St. A 8PI.ENIUD residence on a prominent street and iu a line location, with all the modern con veniences, is offered for sale cheap. Apply at this office. RritREKS ! Rt'BBERS I Rcrbeks ! Three thou sand live hundred pairs of rubber boots and shoes, fresh from New Brunswick aud other manufacturies. Best rubbers 50 cents per pair. Ladies' New Brunswick rubbers 40 cents. Men's gum boots $3.25, and all rubbers will be sold in proportion. Call at once and buy yonr rub hers. Smith Brothers, Banbury, Pa- Musical. J. P. Reefer has lately removed hi excellent musical. instruments into the bmldin on Fourth street, below Markt-l, urarly opposil the City Hotel. Auy kind of Musical instru menu of the most improved styles aud make are kepi in his establishment. Parlor Organs. Pianos of the best manufacture in the countrv will be found nt his store. He is hso agent fo tile be-l sewing machines now iu use. Obstacles to. Marriage. lliippy Relief for loung Men from the effect of Errors and Abuses in early life. Manhood resiorep. Impediment to Marriage removed New met lied ol treatment. New and rcinarka hie remedies. Bonks and Circulars sent fra-e insrale1 enveloper. Address, HOWAKD AS oiit.tA i iu, 41U N. Ninth SI.. Fhiliideli-hiu ra., mi liisiiiuiion having a high reputation for I ii.'lioiiible coiirluet and professional skill. May US. 1;.. ly. si mu kv ii ai:hi:ts. Sunbtky, Nov. 35. 1875. I iicAis Wheal per bushel l.L'lK'jto " prime white 1.12(o,l."5 live N-r t.tish 75(5isij Corn " 75ftNO " Outs " ollfuJU) Flock Extra Family pr bbl ft.50fTi,7.5iJ t.nmmoii 9.50(0(7.110 liiieKWHe.it 4.00 r KEii I'orn iv. flats Chop pr loo lb 1.50'.!. 00 Shorts A Mixture l.5lKjil.75 I'otatoks. ate per bnshel. Sllftiil.dO t'nitvisioN Ham per lb 16(5,20 Shoii derpr lb 14gilS Bacon pr lb 1014 Beer, retail ar lb 1418 Veal, do do 1QH Dried Beef pr lb 25aao Poitltkt Chickens, dressed pr lb 1215 Do. live weight- 10(g,12 Bitttek Prime per lb 30fg:Ci Eoo Per dozen 1825 jjclu Obtrlistmcnts. It BLIC. nam:. THE und. rsicnrd Trustee, nppointed by the Ojph aus' Co'itl aif NorlhUDiberiaud county, ir. partition proceedings upon the estate of David Lloyd, lulu of the Borough of Shamokiu, dee'd.. to sell the real estate of said deceased, hereby gives notice that he will, on THURSDAY, the 23.1 day of DECEMBER, next, at one o'clock P. M., on said day, ut Weaver's Hoirl in said biiniuuli of Sliamokin, expose al public sale,' the following real estate lo wit : All that certain lot or price ar ground, situate in the Borough of Sham kin, and known in the general plan or plot of enid. Bornueh, us lot three hundred and iw.-niy-tliree (&!o) iu block uiniilter two hundred Hid nai. leen (21U), whereon arr erected three dwelling houses, and the necessary outbuildings. Term and conditions made known on the day of sale. L. II. KASE, Trustee, Ac. November UO, 1875. 4t MAKE APPROPRIATE PRESENTS. Among the many thousands of Ballads und Piano Pieces that we publish, there are Mime that are noted lor their cr".it beauty and lnsting qualities. We have made a careful selection of these pieces and offer i hem In book form, as follows : VOCAL WORKS WITH Panio Accompaniment. Mother Goose Melodies. Beautifnlly illus trated. (Ask for Novcllo's Edition, or you will get a cheap photograph copy.) 1.50 in boards ; full gill, fJ.&9. Shining Lights. A collection or Sacred Songs. $1.75 in boards : cloth and iriit. TWalAf Golden Leaves. Vols. I. and II. A collec tion of Songs and Choruses, by W. S. Hays Eash vol. 1.75 in boards : cloth and gilt, $2.50 Hearth and Home, Sweet Sounds and Fire side Echoes. Three vols, or choice Home Songs, by Hays. Dnnks, etc. Each vol. 1. 75 in boards ; claith und gilt, $2.50. Priceless Gems. A fine collection of Songs, by Wallace, Thomas, Keller, etc. $1.75 in boards ; cloth and gilt, $2.50. Peters' Household Melodies, Vol. I. Con taining all the latest and best songs by jfey.' Wanks, Thajuiah, Stewart (about 100 The Opera at HomeT" A coiTecfifm of Stand ard Ojiera Songs, selected from over 25 Opcrus. ii in boards ; cloth and gilt, $5. German Volksliclrr Album. 4) songs, with Eng. ami Gcr. text, $2.50. Mendelssohn 76 Songs. Elegant folio edition. Fill gilt, $S 50. The same for a deep voile, in 2 vol., Svo, each, $2.50 in paper; cloth. $3.5(1. Schumann's Vocitl Album. !50 song, with Eng. und Gcr. text. $2.50 iu paper ; full gill, $o.50. Sunlight of Song;. A collection of Sacred ; und .Moral ik by the It: os. . Hifiili.v illiinU.tt(v Ullgl.t, 4. PIANO WORKS. Fairy Finger, Pearl Drop, Macie Circle, aud Young 1'lunist. Four collections af casv Piano Music, suitable for young players, iiioi-tofthe pieces being without octaves. Each vol. $1.75 iu boards; cloth ntu! gilt, $'J.50. M usieal Kecieations. A collection of Dance Mumo. $1.75 in bds ; c'tli gl, $2..r0. Golden Chimes. A choice collection ol Parlor Music, by Ch. Kinkel. $1.75 in boards ; cloth and gilt, $i.50. Brilliant Gems. Containing inii-io ot medium ilitllculty, by Wyiuan, Kinkel, etc. $1.75 in boards; cloth uud gilt, $J.50. 8lraus Walizo , V .ls. I. A II. Ask for Peters' Edition, the on ;y complete copy giving the full waltces as played by Thomas Orchestra. $3 in boards ; cloth. $4. Pearls of Melody. A collection of Dance and Parlor Music. $3 in boards; full gilt, l. Peters' Patlor Music. Vol. I. Our latent and best Piano Music of moderate diffi culty. $3 in boifils ; Tull gill, $4. Lo Crrme dc la Creine. Vols. I. and 71. A collection of Choice Piano Music, by Thalba rg, Liszt, Heller, etc. This is de cidedly the he-t collection of hound music in thr market. Each. $3 iu boards ; full gilt, $3. IteetlioVeli's Sonatas. Svo, full gilt, Si. " Folio, 10. Chopin's Waltzes, $1.50 ; Polonaises, ; Nocturnes, $3 ; Hallnils. ; Preludes, $2.50 ; Sonatas, $2.50. All in stiff paper covers. Mendelssohn' Complete Piano Works, Elegant folio edition, in 4 vols., each, $6.50 ; Svo edition, full gill, 4 YOis., each, $3.50 ; Svo edition, paper covers. 4 vols., each, $2.50. Mozart's Sonatas. Full gilt, $3.50. Weber's Piano Works. Full gilt, $4. Mailed, post-paid, on receipt of price. Address, J. L. PETERS, 842 tfroadway, N. Y. Nov. yO, 1875. for C0UGIIS, COLDS, no rsexjess, AND ALL THROAT DISEASES Usio HELLN' CAItltOl.lC TAK1.KT.H. fl'T l'i- ONLY IN Hl.l'K HO.XKS. A TRIED AND SURE REMEDY. Sold by DrunKis'". Nov. 2, 4w. .K1V KOOK FOIC Till. l.OOO.OOO. OUIl O N TJIl WEHTKUN IJOItT"T:il E HUNDRED ?EA R 8 AGO. A Graphic Himi.ry of the lli nilc K oeh of Atuerirsn Honlrr Life. Hm thrilling conflicts of Hrd sml White fiteM. Lieilnik Ailvenluiei , (.'ii.tivitii't, Gorrjg, Sonuts, Pionear women aud boys. Indian wnr- atlix, I'anin life, aud .Sjiortn. A Imok lur old ai d Vouiik. Not a dull pine. No co'iii'rtitiim. Fnnrmoiin nalia. Agenfi mant rvrrylia-if. C'lrrniars five. Adilrriut, 4. a MelX'KIlY ti CO., '2I H. Sevc.th St., PhiUdrl.lii:!, V.i. Nov. '2H,-4w. A GREAT OFFER Tn onnir' ipcutp That all what at trite notice I U OUUI HULIl I O, may trod UwiraddrMoiid loud k am tn ami popularity or Tho w. Kaoaa dw 'jon -met ain't, or Lijt tmd Aiimtmrt tn IV Ortmt. this catraordinarr offer t Ife will mnd a etrmt tanula H't tri1 rnnd m rompUlm on 'Jit Iprtce Sl.iSI atmoUnUafrte to any comprtrnt wron oftxtlwr mi teaotptu work. It conuina splendid llliutratkma cottiiii S 111.000, md th eotiraprru pronotinee It "the tVaat new book ont ' In low pnre it r book lor the tlmee. and AmU eatil aril i to III a dar. Wi want H'orteri in arerr lownihlp. and tht nhmv great ofrr ae brmafiilr. Larpe Illut- uaieat rampnieT. Hpecimen pyr, aaa inn pan phlet. Specimen pane, and lull parttcutere free. Addrosa. is. n oaiui aeioa uaiiiuih, cosit. Nov. 26, 4w. film iIoRiiei of Jfsw Books on BI'ILDIJif free. 1 H1CKSELL k CO., Warren 81., N. Y. Nov. a, w. t ri rvinc! an klf.oant oil chromos, mount- ilUUlMoea, size 9ill for ft, or 120 for $S; for Haliday Frearnta. NATIONAL CHIlOMO CO., Philadelphia Pa. Nov. Pi. 4w. AGENTS WANTED for the be? and fastest selling book ever published. Send for cirenlar and onr eitra terras to Airruls. NATIONAL PCBLISHINil CO PHiuDKLrHU. Pa. Nov. 2. 4w. Short Cut I Chancm for All! Male and Female Agents and Canvassers, fill I o formation and free To Wealth. Samples with every order. t. O. Box M9. HILTON CO., 182 Worth Street, N. T. Nov. 2. 4w. wSsBBBBBaBBwaBBBaBaBsHBHsBn I BOUND 1 lies $ it B w rl ScltJ bbtrtistrntrrts. SAVE3 FUEL! 8AVE8 LABOR! Tua NATIONAL SIEE CLEANER. (ralntid Jnlj 18ib, lr74.J Carbon is one of the worst conductors of heat known, a deposit of 1-3J of an inch on thr tube cannings losa of 1 5 per cent, ol fuel. 1 uiaTube Cleaner is made of spring steel. Each segment I of itself a spring, and distends in a per fect circle so a to press against the iDside of the tube, removing all the carbon and scale without I he slightest injury to the tube. Guaranteed to clean better, last lonfer, and work raster than any in the market. Adopted and in rum 'y the U. S. Navy. For sale by dealers, bend for t ircnlur. THE CHALMERS SPENCE CO:, Agents for the United States. Viot of Raat Otli Street, Narw York. Sample cm u m al th oOcof UjU ftfm. Nov. 20, 115.5. linos. 1 PRKJIini IVr T EVERT Ml'BNCRIBER. QODEY'S LADY'S -BOOK. THE OLDEST MAGAZINE IN AMEKICA. 1876. Volume. 187Pk In addition to our splendid 8tecl EnL'ravlnir and reliable Colored Fashion Plates, wil be giveu from time to time elegant Cbronio Illustra tions. These (lustrations tiven universal satis faction. No other Magazine has as vet attemntorl lbisfeaturc. 8T0FIES BY CELEBRATED WRITERS. We have on (lie several fine storia-s for istr from the pen ol the following popular writers : Mis. C. A. Hopkinson. Ino Churchill, II. Vickcry Dumont, Louise S. Dorr, 8. Annie Frost. Mont- Ifomery C. Preston. Arrangements have been made with others of life popularity. Oar other departments. Invaluable receipts. Designs for the Work-table. Knittirir. w th 'olored Engraving ol the same. Npuin. Model, Cottage. Origiiuil Music. Etc.. nri all retailed. a nmm mum THE MOIIMUG CALL." Will be given to every subscriber, whether ngle or In n club, who pavs in advance for ISTfi and remits direct to this oflicc. AW'uirlAT.C Jitter THE 1IKKIOKD AUTOMATIC FamilyKnittiiigMacliine! A MOST rSEFUL AND WONDEKFCL ISVBSTIOS ! Now attiacting universal attention by It aston ishing performances, and its practical value for nery oay family use. It is -simple, Durable, Cheap, to easily kept in repair, and WILL LAST A LIFE-TIME ! It will kni". every possible variety of plain and fancy work. WITH ALMOST MAGICAL SPEED, und far better thun it can be done by hand, or on any other machine. AU kinds of garments are perfectly formed and shaped by the machine itself, requiring no cutting and making: op. A good operator will Knit a man' sock, with iwi and toe complete. In from five to ten minnt. i and from twenty to forty pairs of ock in a day Every especially every farmer's family should have a BICKFORD KNITTER. Il will be found equally as useful as the 8..w chine, and even more profitable. " tverv Machine WARRANTED nerfrrl nnri . do Just what is represented. The Rickford Machine is the only legitimate cylindrical Knitting Machine Iu exist pi, aii others, not licensed by us, are clear and palpa- uu..i.ii.i laments am our patents, and we sball use 6iich infringing machines, to a strict W-sal accountability. An Instruction Book, containing complete aud minute directions to the operator, accompanies each machine. No. 1, Family Machine, 1 cylluder.72 necedlcs $0 No. U, " ' 2 72 ate 100 " $40 A sample machine will be sent to any part of the United State or Canada, express charges pre-paid, on receipt of the price. Agent wanted iu every State, County, City und Town, to whom very liberal discounts will be in .i tic . ror furt iter partii'ui.iis, aw Ui'kfoki) Kmttino Macuinb Mro. Co. Sole Manufacturers, llrattleboro, Vt. Nov. 19, 175. ly. Evangelical, Non-Sectarian, Independent! The Christian at Work. T. Do Witt Talmago, Editor. TheHest KellgiouMi'acrpubUthed MIL TALMAGE'S 8EKMON EACH WEEK. Frill KeportMor Mr. .H o1j-sj lVork. A .t:V NEKIAlt NTOKY. By Rev. W. M. BAKEC, One of tiie most popular of Ainericau ory t.ritcrs. TWO -i:W IKEMIt'.n."! "-1.V AMERICAN FARMYARD." After Josepu Jons, executed in twenty-nine printings and heretofore sold for $15, ulso an EXQUISITE FLORAL GROUP, Trinted expressly for this paper by Mrs. Wbil ncy, and ctirotiioei! by L. I'kaso iV; Co. Boston. SrThcse are gcuuiue art works, and the best and uiosit expensive picture premiums ever offered MOST LIBERAL TERMS TO AGEXTS, A N It eXCLVSIVE TEKKITORT. TERMS TO SUBSCRIBERS : Without premium, postage prepuid 3.00 With either premium, unmounted, postage prepaid '.. S.25 Willi either premium, mounted by express at subscriber's expense 4.00 I57"For full particulars as to commissiou aud canvass address It. It. CORH1X, lnbliher, BOX 5105, NEW YORK. Nov. 19, 2t. "A Repository of Fashion, Pleasure, and Iu siruction." IIari?rH Bazar. ILLUSTRATED. -VofiVj of (he I'rttt. The Bazar is edited with u combination of tact and talent that we seldom find iu any jour nal ; and the journal Itself is the organ atf the ureal world of fashion. Boston traeeitr. The Bazar commends itself to every member of the household to the children by droll nnd pretty pictures, to the young ladies by its fashion plates in endless variety, to the provident matron by it patterns for the children's clothes, to paterfamilia by its tasteful designs for em broidered slippers and lutuiioiis ilre-w-L'owos. Hut the reading matter of the Bazar is uniformly of ureal excellence. The paper has acquired a wide popularity for the liresiie enjoyment il af fords. .V. Y. Evening Fot. In its way there is nothing like it. Fresh and trust worthy us a fashion uuide, its stories and r-says, its poetry and squibs, are al invioralini: lo the mind. Chicago Evening Journal. TMtMS: Postage free to all SMibsa ribers ill the United Stales. IIaki-eh's Bazau, on year 14 00 14 00 includes prepayment of V. S. postage by the publishers. Subscriptions to IIakpek's Magazine, Week ly, and Uazak, to one address, for one year, $10 00; or, twoot Harper's Periodicals, to oue address lor one year, $7 00 : postage free. An Extra Copy of either the Magazime, Week ly, or Sazak will be supplied gratis for every Club of Five Subscribers at $4 00 each, in one remittance ; or, Six Copies for t20 00, without eitra copy : postage free. Back Numbers can be supplied at any time. The Annual Volumes of Harpbk's Bazar, in neat cloth binding, will be sent by express, free of expense, for 7 00 each. A complete Set, comprising Eight Volumes, sent on receipt of cash at the rate of 15 25 per vol., freight at ex pense of purchaser. Promiuent attention will be given in Harper's Bazar to such illustrations of the Centennial In ternational Exposition at may be peculiarly ap propriate to its columns. Address HARPER dt BROTHERS, New York. Vhn you visit Philadiohia, call and s o V rJl Of) C 0. Jl D -I aw X 0. L j -J WHO SELLS SOLID WALNUT .MARBLE TOP CHAMR SHITS AIR ffim Parlar Suits in Hair Cloth "Walnut Dressing Parlor Ms ii Best Wire Wove Spring Mattress. ALL OTIIEU GOODS EQUALLY LOW. Feathers in Pillows o; by the Pound, In Large laint'ti and of the Finest quality. " GIVE HIM -A. CALL! Sept. 17, 1873. ly. 'Unquestionably the best sustained work of the kind in the World." Ilarper'N Magazine. ILLUSTRATED. XoVett of th Tftu. ! The ever-increasing circulation of this esoe!- j lent monthly proves its continued adaptation to ! popular nrsires and needs. Indeed, when we think into how many homes it penetrates every month, we must consider it s one of thr educa tors as well as entertainers of the public miud. otton Globs. The character which this Mag.izine possesses for varie!y,entcrprisc,artistic wealth. and literary culture that has kept pace with, if it has not led the times, should cause its conductor to record It with justifiable complaceucy. The .Vd7o has done good and not evil all the davs of its lire. Brooklyn KagU. Some of the most poputar of modern novels have Hrat appeared as serials in this Magazine. In all respects, it is an excellent periodical, and fully deserves its great success. rhila2t'phia iAilger. TEK.TIMI Postage free tr all Subscribers in the United States. Harper Magazine, one year $4 00 Jf UO Includes prepayment of U. 8. postage by the publishers. rnnh ihiira Subscription to Qakpek'h Magazine. Week- I.T, aud Uazak. to one address for ouu vear. 110,00; or, two of Harper's Periodicals, lo one address for one year, $7 00 : postage free. Ao hxtra Copy or either ths Magazine, Week Vt, or Bazar will be supplied gratis for every Club of Five Subcribers t ti W each, in otta: remittance: nr. Six Conies for 'A) til, without extra copy :,MJstage free. Back Numbers can be snpjilird at auy time. i t.uill(ieie JV-l Ol llAKI r.lt t MXtiiXISK, com i wil "J ing, A tomplele AnalVl.eal jmlex lo me U.-.1 r my ,-oluuiesorilAKPr,t.MA,A.NK ha, juM U-a published, rendering aviiab.r lor refrreiice t"e vast nnd varied wealth of information which constitutes this periodical a perfect illustrated ... . ..i,...ji . ., fi;.K " mi. ll-.T literary cyclopedia, bvo, Cloth, ? 00 ; Ila.r fair, 5 25. Sent jutstage prepaid. A scries of papers under 'lie title of "The Firt Century of the Republic," contributed by the most eminet American publicists, is now being published la Harper's Magazine. This series of over twenty papers give, a comprehensive re- a-aiU'roir.5iriiig the century now clrts.ng, in every di i iTiTH n .a , life, Address HARPER A BROTHERS,- FALL and WINTER -fllLTLIM.KY GOODS ! 31. L. Gossler, Fourth street, 4 doors below M-.rkct, west side, invites tho attention of all desiring the latest styles of FALL AND WINTER MILLINERY! To ber well selected Assortment just received from New York and Philadelphia, consisting ol I.alie' IfliMeM and Child ren'M llttti aud Houiietsj, Feather, Flowers, Krai Laces, NilkM, Velvets KibboiiN. Nasth Kibbonsi, .eck Ties, Hid VIoveM, Faney Hosi ery, lMt Quality Zephyr aud (erinaatown Wool, j ALSO i Vl t'l'IAVC Vt TDIMXTf Vl1' llUllUiNu Ou 1 IlllTltlll.llO i IN GRE-VT VARIETY. . I ... . .t. " t. rr.t . at.- i naTsT frIvTPRt'Ai.T I i.. - . -.. . . f ; , t-Miss Gossler will, as heretofor, give all orders for Miliiuery Iter personal supervision. Call aud see new goods. Nov. TJ, 1S75. ' "A Complete Pictorial History of the Tlmoe." 'The best, cheapest, and most success ful Pumily Paper iu the L nioa." Ilnrper'n Weekly. ILLTSTTATED. .Voficcs of the Prett. lhrjHr't Weekly Is the ablest and most power- j to (ieraongtrate, thai the "DoMESTtc" has many ful illustrated periodical pubiisliei In this coun- excellences that reuiler II tleculctlly nvperior to try. Its editorials are scholarly and convincing, other Ma'h'me now before the public, und carry much weight. Its illustrations of et every woman, therefore, examine for ber curreaaV events are full aud fresh, und aro pre- i Mij nto its merits whea sb buys a machine. parrd hy our best destgliers. U uu a circulation af 1'iO.OUO. the Weekly is read by at least half a miiliou iersons, and its influence us an organ of opinion i simply tremendous. ine netkiy maintains a positive position, and expresses de- ciilcd view on political and social problems. jAntitrillt Courier JovrMt'.. lis articles are models of high-toned discussion, its pictorial illustrations are often corroborative arguments ol no small force. -V. Y. Examiner1 ami Chronicle. Its papers upon existent questions and its tn- imitable cartoons help to mould the 6entiin-DU ! ot the country. Pittuburg CommercUd. ! llarper't Weikly stands at the head of tllus- ; trated journals in the United States, iu circul.i- ; tiou, editorial ability, and pictorial illnt ration. Lailiti' Rrpotitory, Cincinnati. j TERMS: Postage free to all Subscriber in the United j Mates. Hakpkk's Weeklt, fine year. $4 00 14 00 IncIuJcs prepayment of U. S. postage by the publishers. Subscriptions lo IIarpers Magazine, Week KT, and Bazar, to one address for one year tflO 00 ; or, tuoof liarpi-r'a periodicals, to one address for one year, 7 00 : postage froe. Ar Extra Copy of either the Magazine, Week lt. or Bazah will be supplied jrrulis for every Club of five subscribers nt $1 00 each, in one re mittance ; or, Six Copies for S-0 00, without extra copy : postage free. buck Numbers can be supplied at any time. The Annual Volumes of Harper's Weeklt, In neat clolh biiidinir. will be sent by express, free of expense, for 7 00 each. A complete Set, comprising Niueteen Volumes, seul on receipt of cash at the rate of fa 23 per vol., freight at ex pense of purchaser. Prominent attention will be given in Harper's Weekly to the illustration of the Centennial In ternational Expatsition. Address HARPER A BROTHERS, New York. TWO MOXTHS FREE ! ! NEW YORKTRIBUNE. ''The Leading' Imcrlctta Sewspaper." On rwrtrt ef 3 and Uu sctvertitsment, THE WEBK LY TRIBUKE wiU be snt postaar paid to any addrewa mtill Deaansbsr 31, 187S, or for S12.M, aiz eopias ; for frw, fdevsn : for $30, thirty-two. Addrean, Addrwaa THE THIBUKi, KtwYorK IwwfcWWsj ty. WITH o Ci sU Ci r- r 13 X o a o 3 . . or F.mcy Reps from $50 up. Pin do i. Case Suits, ees.OO. pSyCHOM.XC7, or SOtTI, CHARMING." How 1 either sex may fascinate and irain tbe love a&d affectionn of auy proma thry choose inntuiiSly. This simple mental ujuirfiinrat all can jioa.f rase.liy mail, for &ie., tof!t!irT ariih a niarrtaw gniu", Ktrrptiait Ora cle, Dream.., Hints to Ladieat, WtiMii.jf-Nyjtit Shirts, fcr, A aaw Imok. Ad irrM T. WILLIAM Co. Fob. PLUj. Nov. 1J, w. Wanted'- Aironls forthb;-f filing Price K:ck ire lu the world. Ir r-r.nr.ln. 1 - s-irrts ; aper, U envelope, golden Pro, Pert Rrldnr, Pencil, f.attnt Yard Measure, tad a piece of .1 ewelry Single package with rle?ot Prire, poatraid. 25c. cir rnl ir frrp. bBIDE t CO 7J Broadway, N. Y. N."V. Ii 4w. WiHTED. Good RELIABLE MEN AND WOMES 10 solicit Onlena iu a FusW'law ryiar haaiiiaa. Old tal Lxhrd and reliabli hov.e, Exolnfrfre territory. Liberal indurenieuts olTortd and constant smptoymrnt Riven. Relerencr-i s to chunicJer requir;.i. For fall I srtirnUrn, melon 3 rw.t farar sn4 sdrtrw. KILORETH. lOOrt ft CO., Nov. 13, 4w. lnitn City, Erie Co., F. WIfFNO. 19 KY AXX ELIZA TOUSO. Brisbaus Young Kebllloas M ife. i . itr oiiiv coui' lete Eznnas of li u orx .i 1 VJ.i-Z,,- ,urra eyer written, B.wa la Mormouitnn, " " " rijoses to the world. no other woni:in can th grrorrra, mvtteriea and trrimea of the borriblo UTrrrew of Polygamy, fnnu the very beginnlM N'Strly OOO Iilunlrations beatt'ifT that work. It la the br,t arllnar loh i obliehcd. 10,000 more mm and wr.nifti n.i: L.iv.Ti),kiiiMit and uka from rSCi to KIO 'ls.-ly. aj live Atreuts aro writing for Clnaarated , bn! ar: 11M.,, l.rsxiN, GILMAX ak CO.. ILtwrroKs , . jjot. ' T" : X 1 1 anil TUUK. r.rVrm t i - - - , ,,. ; livrrv it ia irnd'd i.'liTcmo entitled t NlJ'sdy fr oe : a ww it'.rtxioan 1) picmre, sbottiut; a iii TCCK, i br. wecu buby and h.. FHalo for lae 1 ' dill. Ii is so full of roanna fun that no deefpn ol a , M1 fhp K.orx Js th(,!,jini. te titie of gn run j Tbe yue j, j,t Nip and Tack, ami and nntl prt- i to I iii'i.rt";ute.l. Now ready for delivery at 221 MS8" I St., irnm-'im Pn. Nov. 12.-4 i " I Administrator. Sotier. ! j w , f L AuSngta j 1 townshin deceased. TOTICEis hereby giveu that letters of ad ministration have hern granted to the nn- dersigiiea-reiiC estate of John Wynn, Inle of I Lower Augusta toW7r4i. Northumberland ! county. Pa., deceased. All persons knowing i themsciyes indebted are r"eapiested to make Ira I mediate setlleineiit, aud thoe having claims to I preset; t them for settlement. ELUAEETn WYXN. 1 Administratrix. ! I ITAMBERS9. WINN, AdmT. i Lower AuiUU, Oct. 2i). 75 3t. FOR FLORIDA. THROUGH PASSAGE TICKETS to TTR X1 ST. AUGUSTINE and all lauding on ST. j J OH N "S Rl V EU and interior points in FLORIDA, by steamship to SAVANNAH, and theuce by ; railroad or steamboat. Applv to WS. L. JAMES General Agent rhiiatklphia and SottlAtm Mail S. 8. (V. 416 South Delaware A ventre. Pbllad'a. ' Oct g9 13t. j Hi t UG UT RUN NTXG "DOM ESTIC." ! The DoMe.lc., The "DOMESTIC" to an exceedingly simple nii'li'- all its parts and processes. It is easily understood ; familiarity with its action is Very (itiickly acipjired, and It needs hardly any practice of s rial sk i! ... th operator. The r-uperior advantages obtained in the "Do- "J" ,, rll moinly . b M , , Wht Rnnnln' Ouletness no Cams or Gear Wheels. i Perfect Stitch Double-thread Lock Stitch. ; 4. Durability arising from Simplicity of Con- r?trucUon 1 5. Absence of all Friction, fl. Great range of Work. 7. Ease of Operation. We do not say that the "DosrESTtc" I the only i Machine worthy of public favor. We admit i there arc some possessing real aud acsnow i Inbred merit : but we do elaim, and are prepares Tujs ;s nn important purchase, not to be care- lrsaiv made : one that will Influence her com fort, probably for a long time. With a Domes tic" in her possession, she will find her sewing I htH-otne a pleasant exercise of skill and taste, ln- j 8trad of a slow manual drudgery ; she will have : the tima and strength to add beaury and elegance t 0 work iu which before she has been obliged to j ei.ntci:t herrlf with bare utility. CAROLINE DALIUS, Agent. Suubury. f s. IML!, A'D WISTER MlLtlXERY GOOON. Sl:scs I- & S. Welser, Market street, Sunbury, Pa., offer special inducements In their Fall and Winter Millinery Goods. Just opened, consisting of Bonnets and IlaU, FEATHERS, FLOWERS. RIBBONS, SASHES, ORNAMENTS, ttC. Fancy Zephyrs Goods, Infant Hoods, "uud an immense assortment of isroTioisrs. Ladies' Dress Cutting, filling and basting done in every branch- The public are earnestly Invited to cail and ex amine our stock before making a selection else where. Nov. 12, 1575. L. at S. WEISER. CRAMFTOVS IMPERIAL SOAP IS TOE "BEST." This Soap is manufactured from pure mater ials, and as it contains a large percentage of Vegetable Oil, is warranted fully equal to the best imported Castle, Soap, and at tbe same time posstMse all the washicg and cleaning properties of the celebrated German and French Laundry Soaps. It is therefore recommenced for use iu the Laundry, Kitchen, and Bath-room, and for general household purposes ; also, for Printers, Painters, Engineers, and Machinists, as it will remove stains of Ink, Grease, Tar, Oil, Paint, etc., from the hasds. . Manufactured only by . e CRAMPTOK BROTHERS, 3, 4. 6, S. and 10 Rutgers Plaet, and S3 aad 85 Jefferson Street, New Tort. VtY. 13, lg7.-met.