jumiirons tcfrBc$. L Good Btobt. Tbe following anecdote U ted of Mr. 8beaf, a grocer, in Portsmouth. U. : It appears that a man had purchased ce wool of him, which had been weighed and d ftr. aod Mr. Sheaf had gone to tne desk to change for a note. Happening to turn hi id while there, he saw it a glass which ung ao ai to retrct the shop, a stout arm ich cp and take from the shelf a heavy white 6 cheese. Instead of appearing suddenly and mtiug him for the theft, aa another would. ' d thereby losing bis custom forever, tbe ciafty gentUroan gave the thief his change at if thing had happened, and then, under the pre IM of lifting the bag to lay it on his horse for , took hold cf It, ud exclaimed : 'Why, bies roe, I must taT reckoned the ight wrong.' Oh, nowtid the other, you may he sure u have not, for I counted with you. 'Well, well, we won't dispute the matter, It Is ilj tried, aaid Mr. 8., putting the bag iuto c aealea again. There,' naid he, I told you I knew I was rinht I made a mistake of ar.y twenty iounds ; however, if you dou't 4Ct the whole you oedu'i have it I'll take .rt of it out. No, no !' said the other, staying the bands of r. 8. on their way to the string of the bag, I less I'll take the whole and this be did, pay g for his honet-ty by receiving the ekiin-uiilk icese at the rate of forty-four cents a pound ie price of tbe wool. A Stout is toid of a Yankee auctioneer who as provekinirly annoyed while ia tun exercise r his profession by the ludicrous bid of & fcl tw whose sole object wimcd to be to make Xrt for the buyers, n.ther thau himself to buy. t length, enraged hcyoud endurance, the kuij.'h. f the hammer, looking around the room for a hamj iov. to avenge his wrongs, fixed his eyes pon a biped of huge dimcuhionr, a very monarch i stiergth, nd cried out, 'Marlow, wbut shall give yoa to put that fellow out ?' I take one le-dollar till.' 'Dpnc done you shall have . ! Assuming the ferocious, knitting his brows, pleading his rostriis like a lion's, and putting n the wolf all over his head and shoulders, Id Marlow strode off to the aggressor, and eiJiing the terrified wretch by the coilar, said to im in a whisper that was board all over the oom, 'My go"! frm. vou "ut mlt 1 Blvc ou h.ilf the money. 'Dour d tie!' cried the . j I eWow. 'Hurrah hurrah !' shouted the ami nee. The auctioneer had the good sense to oin iu the lan'h, and cooly handed over the five ollar bill. Os of the sex, in speaking of the absurdity f fashion, says : 'No, a woman in this con lilion ia in a straight Jacket. She has no power f locomotion left worth having. If she have i.-ttnra'.ly the gsit of Venus t-be can only move n with thiil painful wriggle which we see in lace of free (Holloa , ud the crumpled mass of birred ruffles and kn;fe plaiting aud French oldn, whi?b we cali an overakiit, flops after her :We the tail of a whipped Newfoundland dog on . drirr r day. 8be Cannot step across a wet pot in the street, her clothes are too narrow he is iid back too tiht. She i-tumbles Into a r Mid o'.ilf a c.irri-tgB ; and iin observer cau ot ht ip thinking of a Fouttli ol July 'bag rucc' vbfu he ei-f half a-d f women, iu iasliiona ile cotunm, litirryiii ti c.iteb a train or to hail . pjei-iiit: o.ii..i!u. Novix I, iv t 1 it. y t i.e luarra-anil arm. it- i :,. l ntr' t u.t:, i i-tj live, long hair and ' 'ku. i t;. m spel pants and a . .i. Till ;.. .1 : in- wi W ho hutlg to lflS .j .. t. '. ' had Just Cu'bed 1.' !.. Une to slick up. - :.' ci .1 th tall man, as iin- .tin, nnd fclie tquattcd ..;s i "V (! i r i .- .! lowu to rest n lb.,- ge ': the coal scuttle; :aud wc come In 1 1 1; ve you i lit a little noils in .be p.per R;t iu li.a- ae'ie 'one wlih one an- Hher. 1 it a (lii..it. i i of partnership T' I i I hat : i 1' . el. lane V said he, tui nin US unyiUltlX ; WOll I H, toniitdathc Cure lutlie ri.cr. I in't ui'ticu!ur wbtt you put it sown, put in the feina'e ; "dou't be;;ia now to a me w tial I want.' The old inau drove his fth-rs ia bis Ve.-I pocket aud fell into a deep and said'leu 'n a mo,"c'"1 a started up again kinder like tVi'L- il ,U M i,lcr' " rile iu,Jl ' Fd Hut what's l!ic irJ"11 il r'"', ,orc 1 K-' of complaint 1' 'Trout. 11:11 Hre fcrouuds laim 7' Km n,.v.l. ,. i m nrnutiaii Ol coin (iroutids ol limn niu'l wi! in' to sew up a holt- ua Ul1 W and keep tbe billions ta my shin, w'"y ':l""' to fry iii potatoes fi laid and giviV infh rtts bcf for a fimdny dinn-i ; when I find a woll!'.!1 oo:n suet. ttMni;s as icat, Mieter, why then' J when I w.n.t to whip her.' 'lie's tot it riIit, sir,' sail tiie woman earner t!y ; 'he wa!;ts to q lit me. an' 1 wut him to; I'm done liviu' with a mau as h iiu't irot no more love than a clam- FvetrieJ to be suture ill, him, and how j bouetl I have been. Mister,' Mid she, tfrowin- more and more in earnest, hut he'. Cotttr and " '"' nas give me a kiss mm-c we arc i .......... Mt.ri uai Kivr rac a kis since we arc marriel. 'But cau-t we Bottle it iu some plea saiiterwav l' 'Not a cent's worth said the tall c.lifn, decidedly ; jou can't git no settle on my piau-, rrpt jest as I ve said.' 'Thill s the wsj u r to be,' said the female a'ain ; 'hen a mac don't care enoui;e about me to la M" warm my feel apalnst his back, Til quit him rix'blther. Bli! was a good enough man afore we were marriej ; but Mi-ter, be turned out to y""",f-' Neither of them epoke a word bert. rut aat and stared at our pen pa it traced be 'iiule t.tde and when il was il.,u ibey lis iicd anx:iis:y to its rradinrj fr!n b. riniiiiii to nd. 'That's it,' said tbe man ; 'uow ,10 on,. ieod to tru her or m:-, aud look to tolber for be puj ; tbil squares the business rithl here . r.. . - .... . .Biurxe.o.u intfetntT fTCK't, air now I now i leave uu. lb.y !oked at each oil bi-t. and t ltd 'tbed. The tall man gnawed the end from a .US of fb.icr.-v. aod then, as he walked up to ee ahe was. be strctciicd o il l.i ttl1 nnrewe to, Jane ; so put ber thur. Thie H, Jane, an' no jrliu f' r ...( r''f!'t. I'm h.j.in Bu,;ij(P.r bat t.o t.uc'11 ever go ou (. crv. U'Ai veailu thought a heMp tf you ail fbc. 1 u.ltui bim doau to br, be careful vbat yu do ; d"h"l go to tuarrjii." no other wo. nan till after I'm dead, fur if yu do, I'll burst iu ! Now, good-bye. G ol by. As they loo.l there, with hands clapped, they lo.kcd at arh other sufain, Umg aud mruestly. 1 ht-u t il turned (juirkly on hi be. I ami cl.ilterel '.own sia.r mid when Iu a moment ti.e (-.inn 1 f bis fst steps had died awat on the pave . i.t, Jane gathered op her ekirls and u-kej : !! aua i f r a gras wi.Mct, autaavl' -ul b.-n she. l.Tu A Fav;i.i FatU0. Just sfter tbe trial r a K-tty c la Virgiem, Neliraska. in w btrli one iai.k Fiabr was a wito'-ss, three or lour of the ayer were iliussiiiaT amoiii: themselves, the aiiety -f testimony adduced, wbeo (ieneral U.. ..:h bis usjal vehemence, said : 1 bere never wa such a liar on the witness land as that Hank FisUer ; be is undoubted y he bg."t liar I rver knew; when the whole arty were, somewhat ab-.ln j at s-eing Mank, -h hrard the General 'i remark, step up to :ra. Did yoti eay I was tbe bsj-it iiar you ever w I i aboht wlu.t I said,' et.im:nerins'y from the tsencral, wh exp-tej a fiVbt. Tlar.k e-yed him a moment, and then salj. 'I n.-fS ton di la't know my brother John.' A Vi (mi ll woinsn was trrinz barj ;rt .Iruckro hut' auj knir, and m ah to pi-t pulled : itu Slotif Ibe trr?, Uer w.nja r,(J art ions ir 90 trtidcr that citlz'D halud and il.l; Ch - -. ..!.!. . . t ... I I K...i i i.iiiiii,,, rur ir; uta hUwr jfot lo c;.".l b':r ja- '.V' - if ffn Mat wan ri;i- around th t? A roi'STat" brought j with tbe ieot tbt be ki Crlstopher t Vrt C3 hi-- J rti, tba Nr-rd is wuW' i.' The eoantr"-" this orpe. auntr"; - The Medicine That Cures IS VEGETINE. Takimr Into cor.al!ei-tiun th character ot its vouch ra. tbe Lstorv of it cunn aud tlie iiuuieuae iucreaamii duuiaud Vioinm is au infallible remedy, and no per bou need sufier from tumors, ulcere, aud nil diaxasea ariaii'-g trom impur blnod, if Vkoktikb is used-ac-corUum to directions. There is not a case of scrofula ia exiafeuce that Vigitine will not cure provided, however, tUe vital functions have net lott their lower of action, all that ma; be said to the contrary uulwitn taudiDR. .. . , , , m VaTW is pleasant to thti-ste, nulil ia its influ ence, aud absolute in its action on disease, as the fol lowing uajuetiouabk evideuee will aliow. PAID NEARLY S400.00I1 J INT ART 3, 1875. A. B. Bteveeh, Ettq : Iar Sir. : Wheu about six mouth old I vaccin ated. Tne parties who where vaccinated from the same virus died from the humor. The humor pread over me to euch au extent that 1 was rolled in bruu to rre veut me from scratching tay person. The dnwuse nual lv nettled in my head. I remained in this condition about twenty yejun, troubled all the time with eorea breaking in my head and discharging corruption from my ear. At this time a snail kernel appeared on my neck, gradually inoreaeing in sis until a tumor formed ol such immeuse aiae I could see it by turning- my eyes dowdward. All this time I v ; taking varioua remedies for my blood without any substancial tieneht. I then weut to a prominent physician in floeton wno, during his treatiuout of six moutuis lanced the tumor eiuht tiraee, which cost me nearly KOO. This left me with a rough, axgravated sore, without at all diminish ing the size of tue tumor, and in a sickly, feebly condi tion. I consulted another physician iu Satick, who, after considerable time, succeeded iu healinK the sore without reducing ttic eise. At th lioiut I commenced to nan Veueti.vk, through the eirueat persuasion of s friend. After I hurt taken this medicine about one week I experienced wonderful wus.itioiiB. My whole Ixwlv aeeioed to be uuderRoihg a radical rliMiige, until, fiuailv, the tumur tmikeHiiil dixchari'e'l friRhtlul quani tiee. "rro'n tli's time it dr-creased in sue until the bunch d-wipKaafd, but my neck still besin the nply rctrs of the eoi-c and tmce. I i.ni now heslthy and Btroiig aud able to work every day. I will also mention ti:it I Iwve t.-n au scut.- aafferer from iuCainiuHtoty rheuiuaf'sni ever since I can rc meml)0r, until curamrnciuK the use of VrsETiHK, when aluioKt iumiediately ull rheumatic pcius ceased. TuiB Btatement I volunteer for the purpose of benefii iug other suffering humanity, and you will coufer a f-jor by siviuR it a much publicity as tkout;ut proper. Verv gratefully, O. M. HAVELS, Ashland, Mass. WhatiH Vegetine? It is a codijiouiiJ extracced from lurks, roots and herl. It is nature's remedy. It is perfectly harmless from anv b:id effect upon the BVBtem. It is nourishing and streiiRllienins. It acts dimply ujon the blood. It quiet the nervous .Htt;u. It gives you a good, sweet sleep at night. It ia a great : 'auacea for our agdd faters aud Brothers, for it givea thera etreugth, quieta their nerves, and gives them nature's sweet slero as has lieeu proved by many au aged peraou. It is the great Wood Purifier. It is a eoo-hing remedy for our children. II has relirved aud cured thousands. It is very pleasant to take; every child likea ii. It relieves and" cmt-s all diseases ongiuating fiviu impure blood. Trv tli Vv-ucTisK- ive it a fair trial for your coni- J L-ims ; then you will eay to your friend, neighbor and iiiantaiice. "Try it ; it has cured me." Keport from a Practical Chemist and Agtotlicrar. Dokton, Jan. 1, IHT4. l).-arSir: Thi i to crrt 'fy tliat 1 have sold at re tail 1M ; do.-.'ii ts:2 ottle)of your VroETifE itioe April 12, l!7il, and can truly my that it has given the best satiHiaetiou of ai.y n iu.iy for tbe complauta for which it in recommended that I ever sold, rtcarcely a d ly pass-e w ii'ioui some of my customers teetifyiug to its merits ou UiemsWveB or tueir friends. I am lr feetly cofriii..mt .if rt veral cars of Borofulous Tumors being cured by Veuktine ultme iu this viciuuy. Verv resj ectfullv yours, Al iILMA, 4C8 llrosdway. To n. P.. Stkvesk, Esq. Veetiue in Soltl bj All DrusiMt. Oct. 2?, lm. Scribncrs' Monthly for 17G. The publishers invite attention to tbe following list cf some of the coming year. Iu tbe field of iic:lon, bee'i-s uuuteroua uovriettea and siiorter storieh, tliere Willi Two ICemarknble Serial Stories. By AMERiCAN AUTHORS. Tin- it of these, now complete in our Lauds, "GARRIEL CONROY," By BRET. 11ARTE. 1J 'gins in tba NomlT Lumber, and will run for twelve mouths. This is Mr. Harre's liist exii-uded work. Tue ceu and cliarrcter.. which the author tu chown fiotu his favorite f.-H, California, are pamtxl with r.v racterihtie vividnesB a::d owei ; and tti: woik is '-4t doubt the most grat It'C record of eully Culi f life that hua yet ap)eared. :.t .-hill alo begin in the Jimuary number, ryzT:' xolax-s fmexds, Or, Mnw Your ras8orts." ny EDWARD . KKETT U ALE. The iice:.e ol this s.ory in i:iid in the (Southwestern :tri'.oiV. ii-w fomiiitg the Slates of Loiiisaiia aiid Tens, at the tints of A:.rou Burr's neasou, I ii cuxr- r e: ii .ed in a socioii which was now Americin, now r.eiiCh, ..ml now Sj ai.isu. iiiid this record of their ad venturous li .es in. kes a s.iny of intense and unflagging iu'erest orghout. A SECOXD 'FARMER'S VACATION' By Col. GEO. E. WABING, Jr. :!. Wahiso ;s lib iu Eu.ii.'-, u. i.ig, in a row Ixiit lide ot two htindix-d aud tiny miles, one of the most fertile and interesting ot ihe vine-growing valleys of Europe. Tuis second series of papers promises to be even more iutercsiii.g tuuu that with which our readers are altei.dv t'ii'ni'i r. VLXTEXXIAL LETTERS, I. tilled bj Juhu Vance Cheney A i.oe nl'v.iuu ci Ke voiti.luu.i y Leitetn, mainly ftoni stoies iu the hands (1 the defcetidauts ol Col. Joseph Ward. Tney are full of interest, and will be lead with a rare leiish iu connection with the Centen nial ceiebiatiou cf the year. UKILLI ANTLY ILLUSTR ATED ARTICLES OK . AMERICAS COLLEGES. jug ilirf respectively by iueir friei.ds, will appear dur Iiien4i j aVeVv Tne revived ii.tercst in college life nia!ies ui.ou.il atteiiT;'''1"' timely, and wjl secure for them til. YEW YORK. yi! on New-York. by John cni..u i f a!!, i., cty or coiiiVti';:'.0,;nj;V w7th'h.n.f t ,! i.e..r,,po!i.. and af- fecttouately ie;eml-r the iuaiut i.liari;,e of its tdeu time. E(ery number is profuvly illimtraled. thus eiialJ-inr us to give to our d-criptive and narrative trticles, an interest and eu.iaiieut value never attained iu a non ii!ustrj;ed eriodical. Coder its accitsUm uianage lnent Ihe magazine will in the juture he devoted, sa it h-s '."eu iu me pa, to sound literature ant t'hriatain I r. grcsc. The Editorial Depart lutnt, occupy over twenty pa(;esoi eacu uunilier ai.d oonlaiu Ur. Holland a Vigorous and timelv editorials, as well as Reviews cf Ihe latest woik iu Art, Literature, and Science. ' TERMS, 1.0Oh Year, ici advance; 35 n u in ber. Tl;e 10 voU. complete, . jk7o, to Oct- a7i,bonnd in maroon clolh I JO.fiO do. do. boii.-a inhaU moiwco. ao.00 Vols, begin in Nov. nilier cd May. Any of Ihe earlier Volumes (I lo VIII) will tw supplied separately to parties w ho wish them to oomi'iete Beta at this rate, i. eM cloth, $.' : h.ilf uiorrort.0, f i 11 HooItHclicrsinnd IHt mustcrM will i-e auj j u.a i ikcea that win e..a'jie ineui io no any ol tne alne offers. Htil.rilf-i h will pl. ase remit iu P. O. Mouay Orders, or in Bank Checks or lr..ti., or by registered letters. Mjuey iu le.ieis not registrn-d, at Bander's rick. SCUIBNEU k CO. T3 Broadway, New York. Oct. 22. IsTS. . Agents rnp i n ,....,. i Agents Wanted. Good chance for making to part les who devote whole or part iu Belling our lia. L.ilerl coni- iii ..!, h. Send lor terms. 1 (. Box UA:t. tiKEAT AMEKU AN ItAlU. ai A Veeev bt. X. Y. (c. 1. Wit S antei.: Me.l.,l t;ft I.,, ,.i..s Awanled for ,,rJ!ICT011IAL BIBLES JIt)LtA & ( O., V.i.a.i.rH, ,UI ,, c.-un.,, A. J. Short Cut '17,7.-- AI1! I f) WPn It h snvsaseis. liv, .ud I MJ II K,tlll,ll, 4 u,,iuat ion and r. . N. mp.es w lb ry o.der. p. O. Boa 5.;9.' niLiox fc : . i.vj won i s-ieet, y. y. ct. -jy. w. 1'or COLT (JUS, COLJJIIO XlisiENESS,! AIS'D ALL TIlIitiAT UI."EASJS, ' l.'e I HI.I.I.V CAKIiOLK TAHi.ETS. ITT IT ONLY IN BLI E IXEH. A Tit. 1 ED AS I) MJltE KEMEDV. iw'ld by Krurfgisos. o.t. . w. Imnieusc hncccM I 400.000 of tlit- Geuuiue seas' WsiHr sold. 1 1m thrillii.s; story !.f )bf ii..l,i l.fe in th wild-land cf Hi Nil n sirj. Orliirs the Laoua'Lair.atid niiliHiisofsu)xiiti'iioiis l ti.f.iiraf hrr lrrli tiutia, Jpot:d iliutrati.s. Millions aut it want affpnts qilii klr, .ri'fits BIU. Snd for trnua. BriiUAkll lKOSM 1-ut.s, Kansuin St. I'lula.. Pa. N'o. .5 w. JOS. EYSTER, MANUFACTURER OF NATIVE GRAPE WINE, 8UNBUP.Y. North'd Co., P.i. j Wr., th undeiniiniel, ran ch'-erfullj t.-lifT lo i the escflli'tit rjnalticit f Wii.e tnde by Dr. jo. j Eyster, and advise its universal ose ert-rywht-rc. COL. C. SEFr. MAJ. J. P. HAAS, II. J. FRANK, I)K. A. C. CLARK, t!. F- DAVIS. FRANK BRKJIT, JACK WALTZ. N. 8. ENliLK. ; ;en. U H. KABF.. i M- 1K7.V Or T C'Tr. t" ' - r ' i- ml f llC." : . V' ' l-'"VT-V Tork Tie Best ii Cleajsst ii ft World IS THE NICIOE PLATED A Smoothing, Glossing, Ruffle, Fluting and Crimping Iron, ALL COMBINED IN ONE, Manufactured by the If" av issamsw A "IT s?ek 5a a WRAOk tSA OFFICE AND FACTORY, 166 PENN AVE., Pittsburg, Pa. This is the only Iron niiinulncturct, that has all these qualities, and is indispensibie In every family. The extremely low price of this combination, places it within the reach of all, thus ena blins our airents to sell at .-ltnost every house, as no one will be without it who has once seen it. aud knows the various rises It is adapted to in laundry work. MM. to W r-3 i i Pi The cut above represents the Iron on it side ; showing its convex moothlne surface and the glossing heel, also, the rounded point for ironini: frills, bands or running up into gathers. Above the Iron is shown the fluting and crimping attachments, which for fluting or crimping, as the case may e, are readily adjusted on tbe bottom of the Iron, arid used in connection with corrugated fluting or crimping base boards, (not shown in the cut), which are furnished with eac.'i Iron. AS A SMOOTHING IRON, It is one of the finest manufactured ; having a convex turned face, which prevents the wrinkling and blistering of linen, as is sometimes the case, when the common FLAT IRON is used. AS A GLOSSING IRON, It is the most complete, and only perfect glossing Iron made, reducing this tcdipus performance to the same simplicity and sreed as that of ordinary ironing. The heel of the Iron being MOUND, forms a glosser the entire width of tbe Iron, which, when in use, does not fatigue the iterator, hav ing no RIDGE to mark or gloss in strips, it is much more easily handled stod operated than any other, and, with the explicit directions which ac company each Iron, enable any one to gloss as beautifully as the most ex perienced laundry man. i i s3 m W H H H o O This cut represents the Iron when used As a Flutlyg or CiiiMPiiXG Iron, By simply attaching the detachable corrugated plate, which is donein an instant, it is then ready for fluting in connection with a corrugated btse board, which is furnished with each Iron. Its completeness will be sten in what it will do, opperating, as it does on the only true principal, vz : ironing as a proper finish lbr'alNtarched fabrics. This is the only flutii!? machine that Las ever ljecn presented that will properly iron flutes, aid make them correspond in finish with the body of the article bein flufcd. Also, with its crimping attachment, it will crimp beautifully, all clases of children's wear, and impart the same lustre and finish as it does :he fluting. There is no machine made that is adapted for this class of wrk -"iit this ; nor have we seen anything that will approach it for simpSci ty, rerlect performance and case of ojieratiou. This aloue is indispensilile to every family having children's article to do up, as there is much toio, and which is always the mt tedious process of laundry work. This merit alone makes it far ioie valuable than any other so-called crimp;ng machine, which is UatlLESS for this kind of work. This Iron ewblcs any family to do their own ornamental ironing, and do it bett' than they have ever been able to get done at a laundry, there fore .ving extravagant trices which they have been obliged to pay. At Js cheap cost, what family can do without it ? Don't fail to see this Iron ; it has been finished to please, and all wonder at the beauty, utility and cheapness, of the Home Glossin SiAi, Ming. Mm and Criflpi Iron, which, wo can safely say is the finest finished Iron in the market at any price, and sells complete for only 3.50. We want active reliable agents to place territory for us throughout ;he different sections of the country. To such we oiler SPECIAL INDUCEMENTS, And in order that you may seethe Iron, try it, and judge of its merits and saleable qualities, we will send sample (where we have no agent) com plete with Fluting and Crimping attachments, all finely Xickel Hated, together with directions, starch receipts, circulars ami order book on re ceipt of $2.50, which amount will be allowed you, and will be deducted from the price of your first order for eoods, on compliance with our liber al terms. Tims you will get ean.ple Iron, order book, &c. For SXTothing. '"tuple at once, and secure an agency. Send YOU Wllr hot re DISAPPOINTED. If you should not take an agency you . t , . .r , , ti.rnl l.w.i, ..V.i:i ' "lii .t.:?rJcst have a beautiful and " m.mvw jtU Villi IVUUII) PUI .llnvrfnil.. We find all that is necessary is to let the public know there is such an article in existence, and its own merits and low price will sell it every where. We are placing Territory very fast and giving thousands employ- im-iu in iurnisning mis complete ana use! ill article in reach of every fami ly. Ilecollect we send samples complete for $2.50, that you may see it and try it. We guarantee every Iron to be fully equal to the sample, which state ment we place on the head of every order book. If 3ou do not send for sample, ami would like further information (regarding this XEW, VALUABLE please remember that it will only cost one cent for a postal card to send us your address and request for circulars which will be cheerful'y forwarded. rie:we preserve this pajter for future reference, and if yos are not in a osition to take hold of the business yourself, you may hare some friend you would like to see make some money, to whom you couH kIiow it. j Audru8tif PATENT HI I 4 fiJa Bi 3 ft K U-l H W p w s I r Pj o a W O AWW o o H i i H K C FLUTING. 7W XT. H K O t i w ill I 11U Iflf1 . fir. UH'-v, ., WCW1II AND SALEABLE ARTICLE, -5 2 I SUSQUEHANNA COFFIN fc CASKET WORKS, Front St., above Race, SUNBVRYy PENAA. THE nndersigned having established a Coffin & Casket Manufactory, at the above place, are now prepared to furnish to Cabinetmakers and Undertakers, and the trade generally Coffins and Caskets V M Of the best and latest pattern and finished in the bent style. Tht-ir different patterns including both Coffin and Cask-t shape are of WALNUT, CHERRY, CHESTNUT, Imitation of Rosewood and Cherry, and all other styles, made of the best material and flulsb ; work done by the most experienced workmen. Orders will be filled promptly, and Coffins and Caskets will be shipped to auy placo desired, at the shortest notice, and at the most reasonable prices. The patronatre of the trade is solicited. Bend for PRICE and DESCRIPTIVE LIST, and learn the styles and price?. FRYLING, BOWES & EXCEL Snnbnry, April 30, lS75.-tf. C ARKIAl.ES, KlXiGXF.S A H. K. FAGELY fc CO. respectfully Inform tbe public that they have commenced the manufacture of S'ffiCARRiAtjEb, BUGGIES, &C, at the new shop recently erected by J. F. Lerch Corner or Fourth and Chestnut Ms., SUNBURY, PA., and solicit a fair share of Patronage. A nl S-6m. J. F. LERCJ1. Sup't. AtlmiuiMtrator't Xotice. Estats ot Philip Wcrtz, late of Lower Augusta township, deceased. LETTERS of administration havinij been K'anted to the undersifrned on said estate. AH penous Indebted thereto are requested to make immediate paymeut, and those havintt claims teainst the same lo present them without delay for settlement. I8AAC WERTZ, Adtuiuitrator. SunbJry, Sept. 2Pth, 1875. M. FALL STYLES 1875. IN MrLLnSTERY. ALL the latest styles and novel tie selected at the. late importers' and jobbers' openings. BIROS. WINfiS, FANCY FEATHERS, OS TRICH TIPS AND PLUMES, SILK VELVETS. VELVETEENS, RIBBONS. FLOW- ERS, etc. HATS AND BONNETS Ii Felt and Straw, and all New and Stylish, at MISS L. SHISSLER'S Millluery Sure, Oct. 15, 1ST5. Market St.. Sunbury. MACHINE KIIU1 AXI) IKO FOUNDRY. GEO. ROIIRBACII & SONS, Nunbury, Penn'a, INFORM the public that they are prepareu to do all kinds of CASTINGS, and bavins: added a new Machine Shop in connection with tlteir Foundry, and have supplied themselves with New Lathes, Planing and Boring Machines, with the latest improvements. With the aid of skillful mechanics, they are enabled to execute all orders of NEW WORK OR REPAIRING, that may be giveu them, in a satisfactory man ner. Crates to suit any H.oye. IRON COLUMNS, for churches or other build ines, of all sizes. BRASS CASTINGS, &c. Ornamental Iron Fencing FOR GRAVE YARD LOTS ; VERANDAHS, FOR YARDS AT RESIDENCES, JtC, JtC. The PLOWS, already celebrated for their su periority, have been still further improved, and will always be kept on band. Also, THRESHING MACHINES. Suuburv. May 20. 1374. DR. I. E. SMITH, Hoinocpathic physician, oUlce and residence corner of Filth and Chesiutit Sts., Sunbury. Calls in town or coun ty promptly attend: to,nkht or day. Ollico hourt 8 to 9 a. m. ; 3 to 4 p. m. ; 8 lo 9 p. tu. Nov. 5,'75 J nios. Administrator's Notice, (Estate of Joseph Fentt-macher, dee'd.) "VTOTICEis hereby given that letters of ad ministration havintr beeu nrant-d to the undersiifued on the estate of Jus. Fensteinaeher, lute of Lower Mahauoy twp., Northumberland touiity, Pa., deceased. All persons knowing themselves indebted are requested to make im mediate payment, and those having claims "to present lliem, duly authenticated, for settle ment. B. M. BUBB, Adm'r. Lower Mahanoy, Nov. 5 6t. Visitors to Philadelphia will take the Slarltet Street Carst The SHORTEST and O.UH KI-ST Route to the enienaial Huildiug. Oct. 20. a num. AMERICAN CYCLOP.EOIA. Tbe eleventh volume of thia valuable work is now readv. Tliji work wboti complete will eon tain 16 volume It is a library in itself, and ahould be in everv household. As an evidence of it great value aud interest we refer lo the follow ing : A MONO THE ARTICLKS AM CONTKIBCTOhS TO TUB ELEVENTH VOLUME. Mrteoroloiry, bv Prof. Cleveland Abbe, Wash ington. D. C. (Old Probobiiities.) Mint aud Mouey, by Ilenrv Carey Baird, Phila delphia. Methodism, by Prof. C. W. Bennett, D. D. Missions, Foreign (Protestant), by Rev. Chimes P. Bush, 1. I). Mineralogy, by Prof. John A. Church. Mercury (in Medicine J, by Prof. E. II. Clarke, M. D. Molecule, by Prof. JoMuh P. C'iwke. Mortgage, and other legal articles, by Hon. T. M.Cooley. .L. I). Marmwj aud medical and physiological arti cles, by Prof. J. C. Dalton. M. I Maine, Maxsachnset". ."Minnesota, Missouri, nnu o.v..r arti'-1" 111 Aniericau geography, by vuton 8 Drone. island Metallurgy, by Prof. Thomas M. Drown, j Articles Ulltcria medica, by Robert T. Edes, M. I). Mikabo. by rrf. Joseph Merry. LL. D., k'uiiiunnnau lustitutlnii, Utislnitr vecnanus, ty Clmrles L. IfogiNJ. Manganese, and other rheniical a1' m. r. v Prof. v. j. joy. ' -v. Mollusca, and other articles it WT Prf. S. Kureland, M. D. ,Xo0' .Microscope, by Prof. A. M. M. erenf hstitute. Mineral IVpoite, by Prof. J. J vtTu 1L. D.. Cllllllll'lill t llllf N,.r '. by y. Missions, Foreign (Roman embolic), and other articilcs in ecclesiastical hUtory bv Rev. Bernard O'Reillv. I). I). Mediterranean ea, by Count L. F. de Pour talcs. Moon, and other astronomical urlicles, bv Richard A. Prottor, A. M., London. Mennonitts, by prof. A. Rimsc henbuscb. Mercury, Metallurgy (Ore Dressing), an I Mine, by kossitcr V. Ravmond. Mrlanchihon, Philipp.'by Prof. Philip SciralfT M,ro:ir Xfsplo. M-!on. and other bottnical iit'iiLilV Prof. tienriTH ThllrK. r. M ...m. . i. m..'.. ri't1l.l). iTlJ unci) I . I . I aiie'lev, ! Prof, ii, A IwwIiiee'H Wot ice. fCE u 'icn by given that tbeundrwlned Ave yet.pioiuted assignees nf tlievi" find e.Tw t.f Martin K. Ilaelw i.nanac.f townsntp, Hzis-Jivf rsonr t;owlr ihem'? .1 to "Mike ttymcnt, ? i jiresr n lunu iof se' G. Af J. iiztilhm cs. Furniture Ware-Rooms I ROE.ERTS A IIOSTER5IAN, (Successors to B. L. RAUDENBUSH.) IMasonlc Building, WILL SELL. CHEAP, AN ENDLESS VARIETY OF FTJRNITUIIE of the latest styles and best material. CONSISTING OF Parlor and Chamber Snit3; LOUNGES, TABLES, CHAIRS, STANDS Bedsteads of all kinds, Cupboards, Bints, and iu short everything usually to be found in a first- class r urnnure store. TJXT DERTAKHTG. Special atteutiou is giveu to Undertaking in all its Diancues. Coffins and Burial Caskets Of ALL STYLES CONSTANTLY ON HAND. Am invitation is extended to all to come and examine our stock before purchasing elsewhere ROBERTS & HOSTERMAN. Sunbury, Feb. 19, 1875. HARDWARE. We are better prepared than ever to snppiy the demand for goods in our line. We have just received a full 6tock of Shovels, Iron, Hoes, Steel, Rakes, Oils, Forks, Paints, Pumps, Glass, Cutlery, Varnishes, LEATHER BELTING, TOOLS, A.M GOODS SUITABLE FOR Builders, Housekeepers, Farmers, Blacksmiths, Shoemakers, Cabinet Makers. Carpenters, Machinists, Painters and the People. Call and examine o;ir goods. CON LEY, HACXETT & MATEER, Opposite Whitmcr's store. March 26. 175. tf. Spring & Summer Goods. XK! E1VI! NEW! I! ICecc. Brother fc Seusholtz's Cheap Store, Market Street, Suubury, Pa. DRESS GOODS, The Latest Sttlf.s and Be t Quality, comprising all the novelties in fabric and shade. Full Assortment of Notions, which are being sold at the lowest Cash Prices. Also, Groceries and Provisions, pure and fresh. queensware, glassware, and wood and Willow Ware, Nicest Brands of Flour constantly ou hand. A very large ASSORTMENT OF WALL PAPER, both glazed and common, always on baud. BOOTS AND SHOES FOR MEN, WOMEN AND CHILDREN. READY-MADE CLOTHING, of all sizes and of the latest styles. FLOUR. A constant snppiy of western white wheat Hour a speciality. Tne public are invited to call and examine our Goods iree or charge. Our motto is yuick Sales and Small Proliu," and to please all. The highest prices will be paid for all kinds of country produce. By strict atleution to business and keeping at all times the most complete t(-k, and selling at thelowest prices, we hope to merit a f jll share ol patronage. REED BROTHER & SEASHOLTZ. Sunbury, May 21, 1S75. Sugar, Coffee, Syrups, Soices, Canned Goods, Queens, Willow and Cedar Ware. t. c 30 Jk . SI n a M : a ft v. CO g I I - 2 JS a - K - T ? - i. W 2 2 Z ' O - . t . Z c z - o o .x Cement, Salt, Fish, Phosphate, Land Plaster, Harrisburg Cider Mills. Maize & Schwartz, Successors to Geo. Evans A Co., 1108 Market Street, Philadelphia, MERCHANT TAIL0US MIUTA11V CLOTHIERS. uj l.". uil maiiv ti .ttltfr in ine latert styles, of the best cloths and cassimeres in mar ket, at prWs suitable to the times. mA & Fire Organizations 1'F.WSYLVAXIA RAIL ROAD. PHILADELPHIA A ERIE R. R. DIVISION. SUMMER TIME'TABLE. Ou and after Sundav. M.iv 23d. 1875. the Trains on the Philadelphia & Erie Rail Road Divi sion will ran us follows : WESTWARD. Fast Line leaves New York ' Philadelphia, " Baltimore, " " " Harrisburtr, " - arr.al Williatusport, " " 44 Lock Haven, 41 U..ll.fnl,. 9.25 a m 1.55 p in 1.20 p in 5.00 p m 8.55 p m in.'M p m 11.50 p m 8 25 ra 11.55 p in Erie Mail leaves New York i. Philadelphia, " 44 Baltimore, 44 44 Harrisburg, 44 " " Williamsport, " 44 Lock Haven, 44 44 44 Renovo, " 44 arr.al Erie, Niagara Express leaves Philadelphia, 44 Baltimore, 44 44 44 Harrisourjr, 44 44 arr. at Williamsport, 11.55 p ni 4.25 a tu 8.bo a ni U. 45 a in 11.05 a m 7.50 p to 7.40 a m 7.35 a in 10.55 a u 1.55 p ui 3.15 p ni 4 o0 p in " Lock Haveu, 44 Reuovo, leaves Philadelphia. CI Mail Elu ira 8.00 a tu 8. SO a m " Baltimore, " 44 44 Harrkburr. 44 44 arr. at WiUiuini.pirt, 44 " 44 Lock Haven, EASTWARD. Philud'a Express leaves Lock Haven, 44 44 . Williamsport, 44 44 arr. at Harrisburg, 44 ,4 44 Baltimore, 44 44 4' Philadelphia, 44 44 " New Yoik, Day Expruss leaves Reuovo, 44 Lock Haven. p ni 6.10 p iu 7.30 p m 6.40 p m 7.55 a m 11.45 a in 6.15 p m J -Jo p in l.45 p iu 9.10 a in 10.25 a m 44 44 44 Wil lamsport, 11.35 a m 44 4 arr. at Harrisbura, 3.UU p in " thiladelphia, 44 44 44 New York, 44 44 4 Baltimore, Erie Mail leaves Erie, 44 4 44 Renovo 44 44 44 Lock Haven, 44 44 44 Williamsport, 4' 44 arr. at Harrisburg, 44 -4 44 Baltimore. 44 44 44 Philadelphia, " 44 " New York, Fast Line leaves Williamsport, 4 ' 4 arr. at Harrisburg, 44 44 44 Baltimore, 44 44 44 Philadelphia, '4 4 44 New York, C.20 p ni y.15 p in ti.35 p ra 11.20 a m 8.25 p m 'J.45 p ui 10.50 p to 2.25 a m 7.35 6.45 a ra 10.10 a m 12.:i5 a iu 3 55 a in 7.35 a in 7.35 a id 10.25 a m Erie Mail Vest, Niasrara Express West Eltuira Mail Weit and Day Express East make close couneeiion at Northumberland wiili L. B. R. R. trains for Wilketbarre and Scrauton Erie Mail West, Niaar.t Express West aud KMnira Mall West make close connection Williamsport with N. C R. W twins north. Erie Mail Eml nud West, Niagara Express West, Fast Line Weet and Day Express Et make close ctuinection ut Lock Haven with B. E. V. R. R. trains. Erie Mail East and Wet connect ct Erie with trains on L. 8. & M. S. R. R., at Corrv with O. L. iV A. . 11. K., at Emporium with B. N. Y.Nc P. R. R., and at Driftwood with A. V. R. R. Parlo' Cars will run between Philadelphia aud Williamsport on Niagara Express Wet, Fast Line West, Philadelphia Express East aud Day Express East. Sleeping Cars on all uibl trains. WM. A. BALDWIN. Gen'l Sup'i. Philadelphia fc Reading Railroad. ARRANGEMENTS OF PASSENGER TRAINS. Mat 3d, 1S73. Trains Leave Hekndos as Follows: (imats Excepted.) For fchamokiii, 10.40, 11.00 a. ni. an 1 3.40 p. in. For Mt. Carmel, Ashland, Tatnaqna, Pbttsville, Reading and Phiiadelpbia, 10.40 a. m. Trains tok Hekndon. Leave as Follows: (Scsdats Excepted.) Leave Shamokiu at 8.00 a. ni. 1.50 and 3.55 p. m. Leave Philadelphia, S.15 a. m., Reading 11.30 a. m., Pottsville, 12.10 p. ni Taniaqua, liiO p m. Ashland, 2.35 p.m., Mt. Carme!, 3.21 p. m. Trains Leave Hakrisbcbo, as Follows : For New York, 5.20, S.10 a. m. and 3.00 7.40 p. ni. For Philadelphia, 5.20, 8.10J.45 a. m.,2.00acd 3.50, p. m. Susdats. For New York, 5,20 a. m. For Philadelphia, J.45 p. m. Tbains roK IIakrisburo, Leave as Follows: Leave New York. 9.15 a. m., 12.45 and 5.S0, 7.45 p. m. Leave Philadelphia, 9.15 a. ni. 3.40 and 7.10 p. tu. SrsDAis. Leave New York, 5.30 p. m. Leave Philadelphia, 7.00 p. m. 'Via Morris and Essex R. R. J. E. WOOTTEN. Gtturai Sup't. Reading, Pa. Nov. 13. 1S74. CEHTRAL DRUG STORE Q-B-CADVLLADER Is the place to buy pure and Irish MEDICINES, DRUGS, PAINTS, OILS, GLASS, PERFUMERY, j NOTIONS, CIGARS, TOBACCO, LIQUOR for medicinal purposes, and all other arti cle's usually kept iu a tirst-ciass Drug Store. Special attention paid t compounding pre scriptions and family receipts by competent druggists. I a in prepared to fnrr.is'a in quantities to suit purchasers aud at Philadelphia price. CALCINED PLASTER, PHILADELPHIA LIME, FIMSHINti SAND. PLASTERING IIAIK. Portland, Roman, Rosend.il- and Lebtgh CEMENTS. Land Plaster for farmer. Timothy aud Clover Seeds. Also, darden Seed of all kind. Aall and get a Rural Register for 1S74. litU. o. lAlln LL.lUr.K. Sunbury, Feb. C l574.-lv. Du. C. M. Martin. Geo. W. Kloow NEW DRUG STORE, No. 13, South Third Street, Clement House BjMiiL Miry, Pi I)K. C. M. MARTIN & CO, HAVE Jnst received a fresh lot of Pure Drusf and Patent medicine. We have also a full assortment of DRESSING AND PACKET COM&. Hair, ToiHh. Nai!,Cotbe.Shoe and other bruhrs. TOILKT 4.MI FAXC Y AKTM LLS. riNB EXTRACT?, PIMT Si,lMTO,lC.,C. REED 9 GRAND DIXIIESS COLtXiNt. the sweetest perfin ia America. Psirlsiuu.a Kid (.lose Wah. warranted to clean perfectly the most delicnte J shades without injury lolb kid All the leading prei arations lor the Hair, SEGAItS, TIIE BEST IN MARKET, j Puie Wine and Lienors, for tneTtcal purposes. rnysn-lans rrrscriptions and family leeetpt compounded with rare. Thankful for past favors w hope by fair deal ing to receive a share of your patronage. S.-pteruber 11. I37i orrsrxisrG 1 1 ALL THE NEW SHADES. Seal, Brown, Dum. Navy B'.ne, Steel, Dark. Green, etc. In Silks Merinos, Caahuirr, Cam els Hair, Glaci, Serge and Diagonals. niCII IA.ItK. PLAIDS HAND WOVEN BLACK SILKS A Kpeelalfy. I rw,r ...I faction. " MmirnW firtpffe nf Fvrw nocrrrlon t wvvmw - v -vi r t..v ;r Housekeepers Goods; Blankets Flannels, Quilts, Towils. "nes. Table Llneuf, Kapklns, Ac. " Tub Best Disinfectants. There are three powerful disiDfccUots ; carboile sxut. but its srutll is nhjectiooable. chlorine and permanganate of potash ; thote but two are quite expensive. These. disinfecUats act by combining with deleterious sab- stances and reuJereng thera barmless. while antiseptics prevent and arrest the de composition of animal substances. The most common and available disinfectant and deodorizer is copperas, sltl by drug gists at a Tew cents a pound, ooder the name of bulphate of iron ; one pound to two gallons of water, to be used as ofWu as necessary to render all odors imperceptible. acting at tbo sanv time as an antiseptic, deodorizer and lii infectant ; and if instant- . ly thrown over chat passes from the body iu cboleia. is one of the cheapest aud best means kuown for preventing iu communi cation to others. Tbe only per&ci d!s:o- fectant. however, is habtioU cleaaliarw and thorough ventilation ; next lo that is a dry beat of two buudred and fifty de-Teea, Corn C03 Meai An Indiana Luiuer writing to the Geruiantwn TtUijmK. says : About twelve years a nearly aU the farmers iu thw part of the Stale babt 'corn and crushers, and expected l Cuten their stock ou tbe cb;s wuich the machine made. Tiie ciOsl.ia perionued its part Well euou-h but 'he troulle was that tbe ignorant cows would nt eat the meal, aud filially could not be coaxed iati. the subi as loug as there was a sin of the meal thrc, while the hos kit Lb::r peas aod look retuij in the w.j.jds. Ye cually eoo cluded that cob meal was only vaabw: as a substitute fir sawdust. 1 have heard a great many "book txi-ajtr artse. ia Cavoc of grinding; of the cub with the corn, but alter trying it they invariably gave op the idea that there was any fjod in the cob. If any one has a desire t try the experi ment, let him griud cobs along, xaJ see if he can iuduce any of his stock to eat it. That will convince him thai obe as food are entirely wrthles3. Packiso Bcttes. Make a br.ee wi:" a -urated eolation of the pirrtl sa:t j.a eas K'. Usin a poand of aatprt-r t jMlt p-adof alt. Scald tbe briae bj brtni!! it loa bi.n heat, skini, mn-i appiy when 3acient!y eooL The ca-iki sho'jlj be c-Aref'illj prefmml i well j the brine. If the rata an t sap bi tha wood are out removed before toe cask atv asW, tiMy will wurk uat into the briiMt aaj ctlect tlu baurr. To remove the Wv:t 11a tor fraa the a taorouh steumiu iia a preMani ia ibi quiekeM and best wean. It aouiJ Defoe lie at'-am is applied, hot alcuiin wuieut lie a:u iij oo!j llavi.r a.i out ia a ahorl titae. If tteani is nul convenient, auuk iu brie; a crk or to aud Ibea 11:1 :ta hoi.isx hot br-.i a 1 kl it stand till it jCirt cuid, and the wuudj laoc Z1 j be suilicitDtlj removed, by k--ptas l-ne b-xitee uuder the brine. tUe caaks fall, aaj in a cuol place, the butter will ke-?p xr-.'v. Smus of ib tia-liued packj "ijiclj wcru rerealiy iacrw dueed. and whk-h are easily hrrratie.'.j evi.tl, would be much niix convetimt aai pni)i!y lu.l as cbe-t iu the a.k Cj-k aoj bf iac aa.i cUiuiea to be etj.aailj itEi-urat iu preserving. A lOMCMtt: liux VooiU !r 1 ta.l by dij.viui, .Le aid of tei, j-arsi-, a parchraect, ;luc, ot (clal ue, m IU buul a at tcr or one-third iu weigtu or eour bniW uijar, ia as aXLl qoaalit j ui troCm 4ler a. puMibie. This, hca perfectly Uqail, sboitM ba cast into tbiu cakrs on a &?t aartaee, -rv aiUihliy oiled, aud, as It coo" , cut ap luUi (ic of a convenient Wteu r- iitra lor ce. luutstcu oue cod. A pteee kej-t bt la irsi oe woi k'MiX b tlcre-llii.j coaeuest Fecit in Tin Cans. lba Uua 'Journal l CiiciuL-tn ai s : Toe imtv loD prevails atu -o ioase Ui aa trwly truit which as put tn uu cans, that they are lujurni thereby. anU Uus iiitrv9u is iu tuAuy iuaL4M.-rs cartel. Wc have ; coutruoVtl that aU preserved !ru aod V' ;el b ea -houla La stored ia g'-asa, and liai uo uiclal u' auy uj4A.d be brought io couiact w;ii iurux. All trusts coutatu utore or Wsa ttuUe acula. aod I'tlMia are highly currtwive ar tfUu eU b hrruatiuttioo. aud the o BvaoVrabty acted upou. Tin raus are txki uHskc wua auuier. an alley mtu whicn kra! rours Ureiy. This metal is easily corroded by vegetable acids and pmiQ-as salts are formed. Uudubu-dly mauv perti m reativ tujureU by caUu luuxtttars, iaarhra etc, which have been placed iu Uu caas, aud we advise uur readers l u.te lass jars. Or wbal i tul beau-r. i have a tAiui.'y truit dryer u hanL Fru.t ia tviT dried on this machine as to excel all ulhcr uried truit, and if Dot uperi'r is equal tt auy of the canned fruits.' UOlSUOLU. To I'LJtAS Metaijc A a Tci.is. j .. i articles nut be clma4 by rubb.ng ticna verv gently it soft pagor braaa UppJ ia S ion of B-alf aa ocac ft poLaaa r ounce of odu, M, still brt:rr. ( aA.f aa acae I tii, iu aiitaca uascta til waIct, abJ Jry with a awt't .iocn rx. TXar iMic auy b tta proTol ia prrUI Camt by iri: iVca . .m- I ly and torn rubbing tic ta Vtr; snt:y waa a i swft poo or brusa. i HA BEITS SrEWED IN TliXIat OVN GKavT. Jolut the raboit as lor a pas. ; Satk it well ; fry uf a gJ brivo. S.t i two tare oaiooa, pour wHiia wa:r oo j Uwu lo Ustr- &AVoc-ry th j ' i Cut half a dZrD aliceS t Ui "tola : the bacuu, rtbhii auj oaiutia iai a hrvwa atrltx q jar, sas.-o mvJi (per aai sull. Civ iu a aMaJerAte ca taw auors. Wbro iue pur away srstry. sAu-u it welt, aUl a bahksputoi'ul "t WAJnui cats!, anJ thickm u!i a hit A butter ruikal ia ll"ur. Iloce the rabbit ajais aeay oa 3utitl:h. I u.4 svnre tta? bacta iia it, but garnish with oeat rji'4 britW bacua and sippets ut breaJ. Iur over tb au& trravji, atxJ srrve. This U ia eXcVot ma.a Der iff cuukia a rabbit. Mlnce-Miut. Take of ruas; or b.cJ beet, thoppeU ue. woe puoaJ ; beet' auUacj suet (vlittu, uoe puuul ; rxjaia. suxtcU aud chupped, mm pound ; corraau. mm sod a-lid! I i4iud ; apVa, chovd Very tiue.) ou pKl.d ; uHt so-sr. uue aad a haiPpamad; caadU pvel (hrvd iie tit rio. tLait a piuad ; ucaaoe qxaxwr af a puuud ; leoKJti, qtAaxtcr taf a pnuvi ; ruaud Kinder, half aa ubace ; th juuw aod pi (grated) r two Lire Vanana ; uoa satasvat; quarter ot a piotutbnadv ; aiAdsixwaacrs ufshcrrj. Mix the wh4c Sai'saGcs. It U a cuoiaoo practicAl : prick sauaavs bef.e trjin. bat this fcu (out all the gravy. A pfoir!y aiaJa sausage will nut hum in frying if it ia pat int. the ran with a U:t!e tueiied, bat sot but fat, aad cooked wowiy nutii hot thrush ou. Fitlceo Id twotj annates shuald b allowed lor trying saaMxe.aad vhett Joo they should be nicely bruwaed. A ht-e butler or lard is best foe fnrin , aad aosxte place of liht bread iu.it be fried ia it whea the sautaes are dooe. aad pLc-l bcaJy round the edes of the dish. Christmas Tart. Pare aod cure aboat a dozen oice-aozed applrs ; put theai tau a sauei pan with a mue water sa tasrp iiajm sai frtoi . U them unld yoa can pa!j laem r torxeftin t strr taeta eqmuii. aod tbenaJd a quarter of a poaad of car rants, two ounces of candied peel, aod KQ'jugh sugar to sweeten if Lked, also tittle grated tiutmf. Poor this tmixtsra into a Utrge tart-tin or dish that baa been iprsTi previously liied with a this paete; Uhss out aaot iwr piece of the ease efxe asd ness. which rltce over the too : mrla in the emte r, and bale. wo, Cit. 39, 16 i i I ! .