M7XBUUY. XOVEMBEK 19, 1875. 1 Railroad I Time Table. ARRIVAL A.MD DKPAKTCKBOFTKAINt ATBUmtCHT. . C. K. VV. South. P. & E. R. R. West. Ki te Muil, 12.30 a iu Eric Mail, 6.25 a m F.iM Liue, 2.00 a w Niagara Ex., W.35 n. PhiU. Ex., 9.40 a ru i Elmira Mall 4.10 pm Day Ex., 1. 00 p in I Fart Liue, 7.05 p m SHAMOKIU DIVJ6IOH, K. C. B. W. LEAVE I 4.BRIVE Eprce, 13.35 p iu Mal, 25 a m M til, 4.25 p iu Express, 3.55 p m Ad accommodation train leaves Shatuokiii at 7.lo.t m, arriving at Mt. Carmel at 7 40 a m. R -turiiitt, leave Mt. Carmel at 6.15? in, irriv imr it buHitiokin 6.45 p m. Lackawanna & Sloomsbiko R. R- Trains, leave Northumberland as fo! town 9.45 a. rn., and 4.40 p.m.; arrive t 10.55 a.m., and 5.45 p.ru. 1). It VV. It- K. Train leave at 6.55 a. m. an I arrive at 3 5i p. in. Aecidcntal Insurance Ticketi- can be bad of J. siiii man, Ticket Asrent, at the Depot. Summer rraagemrul rr the Posit Oilier at ftiiubur), Office Open from 6.50 a. tn., to 8 p. m.. except vh Sunday. TIME OF ARRIVAL AND CLOSING OF THE MAILS. Arrive h follow : F i tlie East at 5.15 a. in., 4.10 p. m., South, 5.15 a.m., 4.10 p.m. " Wert, 5.15 a. rn., 11.15 a. tn., 1.35 p. m. and 4.10 p. m., No.th,1.5J a. ui.,11.15 a. m.. 4.10 p.m. Sliattnjkiti and Mt. Carmel, .25 a. in. bl:aiihkin proper, 4.00 p. in. Mails close is follows: For Hie East. 5 45 a. m., 10.50 a. m., 4.50 p. in. h.00 p. m. " South. 10.50 a. in., 4.50 p. ro., 8 p. m. " West. 10.50 a. in., 3.50 p. ., 8-0" P- Ninth, 3.50 p m.. 8 p. in., Shamokiu proper 11.15 a. in. Shaiuokia and office on that route; 4.2C p. in. Money orders will not be issued aftef 6 p. m m Saturdays, j.,. SMITH, P.M. We d' n't pi iciice dunning thioiiiih the p'jwr. Ut if any of o ir lelinqaei.t siibscri'HT woil'd isl see our pocket book, a:id the number or redilors honing us for inon-y, we feel confident oue would sleep before they would pay us. Our tpptuest would then contribute to tneir's. act. Tn EKE will be no county officers to elect in 77 for this couuty. None f the terms of the Beers will have expired. What will the dear lople do when they can't see nary politician ound to consume their time iu telling them tw worthy they are for an office. Ors mechanic, as a class, are intelligent, nest aud conscientious, and fully meet the mts aud demands or our people iu every rc- ect. Pkotuosotart Rohrbach is relating bis pave int in front of his residence on Chestnut ret. Jacob W. Bright has completed a splendid Hence on Race street, which Is the handsora in that part of the town. A srLENJlD residence on a prominent street d in a fine location, with all the modern cou th nee, is offered for aale cheap. Apply at s office. o'eXT Thursday is to be Thanksgiving day. it-ii sitting down to your thanksgiving dinner t Hsk vourself the question. "Do I owe the titer mux thing 1' If o, make hast and pay Tou will enjoy that meal tn ich better if i comply with our advice, 'lanuels! Flannels are sold 15 par cent, be- reirulat prices. All kini s of woolen yarn, x Bio., r.ext door to pott office, 8unbury, has. W. BAfcSLEK, Esq.. is about completing ne brick house on Chcrtnut street for a prl e dwelliug. hi Washington Steam Fire Co. intend hav- 1 a grand hop iu their new hall on the eveulng J he 2ith. the day of the dedication of their 1 Vs engine house. ktlino. Bowen A Engle, coffin mauufac rt., have on hand at preeut over sixteen bun I coffins. Their average shiproel.t is one .!red per week. This same firm have the in ct for the material to b" used iu rebuild the GrcKber & Co. breaker, in Mt. Carmel, !y destroyed by fire. About half million of lumber will be r quired. epitt Marshal Vandyke arrested W. A. ar, of Allegheny City, on Saturday last for lling patent medicine without being properly nped. He was taken before Commissioner .r, and ent red into recognizance for hi ap auee at the next U. S. District Court. IB friend George Lor, shipped I) ty seven nds f salmon, on last Monday, to Win. teron, Esq., at Lewisburg. They were tin b George Aurand.of Snyder county. Cameron iuiends putting them in a spru g Hit- of his farms some place in the vicinity of is'iuig. Several of them weighed between t and nine pound e ich. rv. J. VV. Eaklt, President of the 5th TreiM-eol the m in Uteri urn or Penusylvnia, prrarh in the new brick schol bouse, Purdy n.n Sunday evening, November 21, 1S75, -..H o'eh-ck p. m. All are cordially invited end. ft. Mb. McNAt'oiiTor, of Slatington, Lehigh jty, will preach in the PreSytdrian church Inn :ay morning and evening at the usual r. :IE ladies of the mite society of the M. E. rh hold a frstifal at their church on Satur evening, S vember 20 HE jury commissioners were eniraged this i in filling the box with name from which Joror for the next year will be drawn. "E notice several men engnced in plan'ing e fine shade trees in the Park on Tuesday . The trees were proenred by one of onr In ntial cltiwn. HERE was a wo r in town on raiuraay iasi id he is a good Democrat at that Jertty I re Herald. F csn beat that. We have two Wolfs who tn town ail tne time and they behave like tlemrn at that. bark bedding for horses cure the epi :ic. srECT Olo Age. If you have a maiden t il ir y-three. year old. and 6he 1 passing -1! off for a girl of twenty, there is no ex- ? for you to expose her. The more you re t her and keep still about It, the more she respect you. Jacisok Again. Last Saturday while riff Ruthtfrmel was taking Jacksou to the tenliary, he confessed to htm that part of roods stolen from Wolfs clothing store d be found In the stable of the Neff House. n the Sheriff return be went to the place gnated by Jackson, and found a satchel laining one overcoat, two puir pantaloons. birt and a lot ot jewelry. All the goods en have now been recovered. Monday and Tuesday evening last our wns were treated to two most delightful I enterlah.meiits in the Court House, sting of elocutionary aud mimical gems by John Hart and Miss Katie Keffer. The ssor is one of the best elocutionists in the try possessed of rare natural gifts and I by a voice of unusual compass and sweet of modulation. Miss Katie Keffer ! fected and ladylike and attractive in the prl and social relatious of life. She is one of weetest of contralto singer. Their enter menu were the best that have been given in -place for a lonjt time, and when they come 1 1 a most cordial welcome wl:j be accorded I fmir nnsnaers sentenced to the peuiten- I , ..l. ..k. Phn-M...,!,;. rdavkr Sheriff Rotbermel, accompanied by .nrf fur n,..i.th. iUl im, j , ence Bed tor oue year, and Chas. Weaver r A !ru..1.,-mnnLh.MrW IODD ooilia i. i U. ZhlltMJU WttTIST, IBOtbW Of tka -;.r f ibl. rxrer. was vlslUd with a m .,...v f -,nT on Baturday venlu of r ' . i weeK. ner wuois) - 1 f mAm. liMmi narmizjifl he u in the manner In a belPluM ocndltlon. JccaI ffairs. WiiiiAM Jackson, colored, who was tried' convicted and sentenced to the penitentiary last week tor breaking into the clothing s;ore of Frank Wolf and stealing a lot of clothing, it appears, had been fol lowing the same vocation in Danville before be came to Suubury. Several days prior to Mr. Wolf store being robbed. Jacksou pawned a gold watch for seven dollar, saying at the time that he would redeem it in a few days. And when arrested, officer Vandyke not only found the stolen clothing but a valua ble gold bracelet with him. Mr. Vaudyke made the fact kuown to the Chief of Police at Harris burg, to whom Mr. William Biddle, of Danville, feud from whom the watch and bracelet had been stolen 1. had made application to interei-t I biinaeir in it recoverv. The chief tclegiapiied Mrs. Biddle to come to Sunbury and she would ' recover her property, which the did on lust Fri day. She was very much elated in again hav ing them in her possession. She returned with a very good opinion of the Sunbiiry police. Fikk Bkick Clay. A few ecks ago we re ferred to the diseoverv of tire brick clay on the farm of Mr. John Fry, of Upper Augusta town ship. The clay w.ts discovered several months ago while digging lor irou ore The tire clay veiu it about eight feet in thickness underneath two email veiui- ol iron ore. The c:ay h.o been regulurly tested, and is pronounced the very be.l for stove ware or brick for furnaces. The long er it is heated the harder it becomes. The Vein is only tne mile from Ketfer's station, on the line of the Shamokiu Div. N. C. railroad, and is easy of access, if parties whj understand the bus:uess of making Ore brick were to secure the rkht to manufacture at this place.it could be made a paying busiuess, as any quantity of the clay can be had, aud the cost of manufacture would be far less than anywhere iu the country. Tub manufacture of coffins in this place has In-come a matter of more importance thau was expected. When the first lactory was started by Messr:'. Fry ling, Boeu Js Engle, It was Mil experiment. Since then the business has in creased so rapidly that they have been twice coinpe.led to enlarge their buildiug for manufac turing. Their coffin works, on Fiout street, have become an enterprise of immense business through their great care in furnishing a Crsl-ciats article. Orders are received from ail parts of the country, niid t!ie demand is greatly u the increase. Since the abuve factory wa flatted, Mr. Ira T. Ciemeiil, one of the inoM en ergelic business men of this place, has enlarged hi plauiug mill aud sash factory building, aud also commenced the manufacture of coffin. We are glad to learn that he too has been very suc cessful, aud is receiving orders to warrant him iu employing a large number of hands. Th coffins manufactured at these two manufactories are spoken of abroad as the best in the mar ket. aud already have taken the lead of other uiauu factoring establishments in different parts of the country. On Wednesday last we bad a call from two "Knights of the Quill," Messrs. C. VV. Guielius, of the Northumberland Vw, and J. J. Auteu, ol the Wntsontown Record. A happier set of editors we have not seen for some time. What muKCS them happy is the result of the late elec tion. Mr. Gutciius, though a very unassuming gentleman, -talks of large investments, whiie Auten still dings to hi agency of selling Col ardo grasshopper. He lately took a trip to the citj of "brotherly love," aud ou the route, by bis nohlt appearance, was taken for Col. Scott the great railroad kiug, which enraged him so much that he made au attack upon the "Sub scriber" setting behind the door of a palace car, wearing fashionable eye glasses, aud armed with a bass drum aud a glockmtpitl for the pur pose of furnishing music tor an excursion party. While Auteu made the attack the "Subscriber" informed him that be once belonged to the Texas Rangers, which cooled Autei's temper, and after a mutual explanation, he passed through the car offering roxes of Colorada grasshoppers. We rather guess that our neighbor of the Pr$t intends entering into partnership with Auten, aud then the grasshopper trade will be lively. qcb reporter of the court proceedings last week made some remarks ou the case of Com L. Reed, for bigamy, in which a gentleman by the name of Miller was alluded to a having something to do with the case. Mr. Ehpraim Miller called upon us, and says be is evident the man referred to, and as hs is very seusitiye upou mutters involving bis honor and character, be wishes it to be understood that his actions were prompted by hi sympathies for oppressed women, and that his motives were wholly un selfish in his etlorts to bring a truant husband before the tribunals of justice. The editor of the Bloomsburg Columbia shouts "Wanted, a Leader for the Democracy." Draft Eicbboltz, of the Sauburi- Vemoeirtt: for, having suspended the publication of the Ita'dy, he'll have heaps o' time to collect and drill your scattered forces. itifllvibvrg Telegraph. Eichholiz got wouuded at the late election- Has no time to drill now. He is trying to cure himself with a medicine called "unsealed land ales," which was advertised extensively berore the election in circular form. The medicine, however, won't stay on his stomach. An Eeitok is Lick. Mr. . L. Benedict, who recently died in Lewistown. willed Harry J. Walters, of the Lewistown "Sentinel." the s un or f 20,00l. When we consider that lurry is outside or the freiiitchaft. il is evident that this act was intended to secure sniot.th and safe pas sage "over the river." Others, blersed with i iches, should "take warning," and treat the printer kindly. Our "pi nt-leg" is ready for a $20,000 "wad." Mifflinbury Ttlegraph. Lei u know Brother Jschoch when you get that "wad" iu your "pant-leg." We are uxed for the next. Ant OkE pasting the corner of Third a:id Market streets would suppose there was enough goods in front or Simon & Opieiiheimer's Cen tral clotliinir store for a Urge store. But when the inside is reached the sight presented is aston ishiug where all the goods come from. Piles of clothing in endless variety are found, all of the most stylish cut. Men and boys suit of the best make in market are sold at less oriccs than thev can be bought In the cities. Overcoats of au description and ol the nest goou are soiu ai tne most astonishing low prices A LITTLE son of Freeman Ilaupt. deceased. about three year of age, living with bis mother on 8econd street, was accidentally choked to death on Sunday last In attempting to swallow a bean. The little fellow, in company with sev eral other children, were playing in the garden where he got the bean, and, child like, put it iu hi mouth. It slipped dowu bis throat. He ran in the bouse to bis mother, who made every effort to extricate it but could not do It. The child died before medical aid could be sum moned. Dr. Moody made a post mortem examination ou Mouday, aud fouud the bean had lodged iu the w ind p'pe- A Watsontown corrsjondent wants the Wil liarasport Gazette fc Bulletin to underrttuii that it Is slighting that town. He says : "I see that Jersey Shore has four fine meat markets. I think we can beat that, all things considered. We have two meat markets, a gambling den aud Tour or five sink holes in Main street ; so 1 think that It is worth noticing in your paper ror we dou't want to be behind Jersey Shore. Give us a little puff, and if iny of your gamblers vome this way, they can be accommodated. Our neighbor of Watsoutowu will soou be us well fixed a Sunbury. There are some three or rour gambling dens iu this place, but. strange to say, not an offleer in the county bat been able to find any of them. The 8uquehanna Dental Acsociation met at the Central Hotel, this place, 011 Wednesday ol last week, and continued in session until Thurs dav afternoon. The attendance was very large, ai.d iie proceedings were of an Interesting auu . instructive character. A clinic was criurmea before the convention by Dr. Cressinner, or this . . 1 : . I.. ,1.. (.mr.r.itl. a 11 it Wfl 111 vm the afternoon on Thursday. In both cases (nilrou oxide), was administered before VLrTIblUK -va v wu.ii-.. a .a. Sn ll 11ntM Tilt 0rs OI me TODitPiiuo ...... . -.,l -m ,,.A at " u""u" - Pittston ou the second Wednesday iu May, I io I Theri are at present eleven prisoners serviim 1 their sentences In the county prison. Consider- I. ... ... .r I Vim i in iu aiiKDiaiiLa cuuuuiuu c v. ... i - I opinion is rdoui iuii. . "Nix Feiistiiat Enoi.ish." A candidate In this county h is related to us the following joke on himself. The candidate, we must not omit to mention, is unable either to talk or under stand German. Like all office seekers he was anxious to hunt up the prominent men in" each townshtD. and having learned that a ceitaln fanner In Lower August a Cornwall ledconsi I ra ble influence he determined at once to hunt the farmer up and get into his good graces. A car riage was procured aud in due time the point of destination was reached. The farmer was ploughiug in a field, between which and the pub lic road a swamp intervened. The candidate tied his horse and tried to pass over the swamp bv climbing along on a post fence, but he hud not goue f t before a rail gave way anJ the office seeker was "soused" in about three feet of wa ter. Without a single drv garment on ins per- son, the candidate w as a pliable looking otiject when he regained tekua fikma. The funnei witne-sed all this hut never stop ped work. Then the candidate loaded up an I drove around about h tif mile through a piece of woods and struck the field on the other side. 15y this lime the agriculturist h id reached tin farther end of the ticld and did not seem in a hurry to return. So the candidate started over the ploughed ground, the mud adhering to hi wet i arinenls in large quantities, weighing hi down until he could hardly walk, rinally in fariuci was reached uud taking a seat on hi: plough he iu dignified siieuee gasl at the de moralized office seeker and awaited the an nouuecmeut of his business The O. F. began to expatiate on his cUims and liiuess f r the olllc sought, spoke of the high standing, intelligence aud influence of the farmer whom he was ad dressing, and at the end of aliout twenty min utes asked nis rustic auditor if he had commit ted hime.l to auy person lor the office in ques tion, and if not whether the humble patriot speaki .g could hope lor his inUiu-uce. The far iner who had been lir-tcuing attentively to th. eloquent ap;eal, rose up and replied "Nix fer s'hay English !' an 1 continued his ploughing. The candidate was not sucee-sful in getting I'm nomination he wanted, and he says that after the discouragement aud mishaps of that day he fell as if politic w iMl't Ins "best holt." 4 he c iuuidate may live iu Sunbu-y an 1 he may not. but the story is a true one. Shamokiu Times. iJro. Domer c n't you give us the name of th c hi. li late t Wo like hi- l'r -v.-ranee. We have really the largest stock of goods ever seen in this part of the country. Our stock Is full eud has to be sold in order to make room Tor holibay goods. We invite cveryboey to call and don't think you can make money any casie: than by saving from 35 to 40 cents on every dollars worth yon buy. Don't forget, ladies ami Gent's underwear a specialty, and nt such low prices that you will be ustoVished. No matter where you .have been buying, wc sell cheaper. Give us a trial. . MARX & BRO. Nex't door to Mtcffice, Sunbiiry It is said that the great Democratic tidal . . . . i t f t- wave in this county flrownea me nre in me Sunbiiry AnxtrxeaiCn new steam engine. Wat tontovn Record. Do quit telling fibs. John. The firq wasn't kindled in that steam cn-ine at that time, and we predict that when it is once kindled it will take several Demoeraiic tidal waves to drown it. But on!y look out John so it don't blow out the whole Democratic boiler when the thing gets started. You know. John, $Uam is a dan gerous thing to meddle with. "TnE only thing we regret, in connection with the result of the election in this couidy is thai Milton will lose so good a '.-itizen us George Strine, for three years. That was our only rea son for opposing him, you know. We bated to see him go to wicked Sunbury to live !" 3F1 toman. How ire api'lc da swim. We pily tricked Mil ton. Humph! Fire in tub West Ward. On Saturday eve nlngafire broke out In a frame building on Market street owned by J. II Adams, late can didate for Sheriff. The upper pnrt and the rear or the building is occupied by Mr. Adams as a dwelling, and the store room is rented by Coun cilman R. G. Eisenhart. The fire originated In a closet up stairs and is suposed to have been caused by a lamp coming in contact with wear ing apparel that was hanging iu the closet. When discovered the flames had made consider erable headway, but buckets were promptly brought into requisition and the fire was gotten under control without the ceeessity or auy aid from the department hose. The fire department was however prompt to respond to the alarm and was ready lor action in a very short time cou-idering the distance some of the companies had to go. The damage to the building Is about SSS and the ioss iu damaged clothing and furniture will probably increase that amount to $200 Shamo kin Titnet. Moses Marx is of the fiiin of Marx & Bro., just returned from the eastern cities with a heavy stock of goods at pi icefc to suit the times. We invite the pub ic to call and see, and be con vinced that we will sell from 25 to 40 percent, lower l ban any other merchant iu this or any other county. We do not believe in advertising to sell so very 1-henp und then charge big prices. No, we always do what we say, and we always try to do the best to ph ase our cuslomeis. We gel our goods only from manufacturers, which ena bles US to sell as cheap as a good many others cau buy. Of imported goods wc have amce liue. They are all of our own imporlHtion, us M. Marx, one ot itic firm, oi.ly returned from Eu rope a couple ol mouths ago, here he made ar rangements with manufacturers in Europe, to get goods just as the seasons and styles change. Do not forget the place. It is next door to the post office, Sunbury, Pa. Luekakt. The la-t and most succt'hsful of American story writers of fo day is the Rev. Win. M. Baker, pastor of a Presbyterian Church in Boston, and they do say he gets more for u serial than his whole year's salary as pastor. He has already written "The New Timothy" and "Mose Evans," and is now engaged upon a story entitled "A i. od Year," the scenes of w hich are laid iu "1 he most inteiesting city of the South." durnur a residence there. 1 ne story, wc learn, is to be published in the Rev. Dr. Tuimage's paper, The Chkistian at Work- 2t. Us in Park am Aokici iitkal Association. A meeting of the Executive Committee and stockholders of the Union Park and Agricultural Association of Sunbury, will be held in the Ar bitration room, on Saturday November 20, 1S75, at li o'clock p. tn. Punctual attendance is re quested. Em'l Wilvcrt, SOL. MA LICK. Secretary. I'rsideiit. Not GtriLTT. A jury w;is empaimelled on Thursday lart in the cafe of Com. v Dr. (iid dinirs. ror abortion. Thi case, St will be re uicinbcrcd, was tried once berre, wlu-u ihe Jury round verdict or jruilty airainsl the Doctor. A motion 0r a new trial was trranted. and the trial came oir the second lime. The trial consumed the time until Saturday afternoon, when the Jury retired, and on Sunday morning brought in a verdict of not guilty. Goon CLo-rimo to be ni at Low Pkices. Wanamaker A Brown ntlei preat Induceuieiit- to purchasers. (See their adverllsement lu this par.) They make it a point to treat theircuh n.n..r. ii-iiiH-niui'lv. und urMids arc guaranteed , W l II . " . - ' " J 1 - n as represented. They send patterns of material ana prices oj mail when requested. We have no hesitation in suymjr that they no all they promise. They arc reliable men. Lm or Letters remainine in the Post Office in Sunbury, Noveinue 13, iw. Alfred Abraham, for I,rn, Miss tuie Drn.s. Isaiah Cassalt, Kate Maas, miss Euuene Pursel. Jas. t . tSlater, i n. Persons callmir tor leuers i. j are advertised. . . ,,,. t J.J. J 1 II, I Messrs. MakX Bho. have added another feature to their extensive business In the Ma sonic bulldinit. A large stock of dry goods in addition to notions, trimmings, Ac, have just H.n onened. and are sold cheaper than at any other olace. The stock of dry goods consists of the choicest dry jroods, flannels and woolen .roods for ladles wear, &e. They have tue tar geet stock to sslect from in town. G run il Jury Report. NtJNBL'RT, Nov. 12, 1875. r fi Honorable Wm. M. Rockefeller, President Judge of Xorthvmlerland county, and Auociate Judge : Yolk Honors : We, the Grand Inquest, in quiring In and for the couuty of Northumber land, Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, respect fully report, 1 hat we have attended to all the business sub mitted to us. We have acted on fifty-one bills, twenty-eight of which have been returned "true bills," and twenty-three "ignoramus." Of the bills ignored, especially of those charg ing a felony, we regret to say that the greater number failed, because neither the prosecutor or witnesses could be obtained, although repeated. y called. From the best information we could gat ler, it would appea that many of the justices of I tie peace do not take ativ recognizance from the prosecutor for the prosecution ot the c ise. or if l iney do, irresponsible parties ate accepted. e desire, especially in this connection, re- spectfully to call attention to ihe general neglect on the part of justices of the peace of the pro visions of the act of Assemb v of May 8th, I454, requiring theiu to make their return ten lays previous to the meeting of court. The ex isting practice of wiluhol ling returns until within a day or two of the meeting of court is beiieved to be not only in violation of la, but seriously detrimental to the public interest. It csMtales a hasty au I immat ure prep i rati in of c ises ou the part of the Common we ilth attorney. mi I iloiihtle.-s soiiiel tines results in defeating en tirely the clid- of justice. We have c irel'uily exain.ne I the Court House building, log -iher wittl the several offices be- giug to it, and also the jail. We rind the Court House building in general good repair, with the exception ol a leaky root and damage resulting from such leaks. We recoiii.iiend the prompt and thorough repair of these delects, nd that such repairs be hereafter promptly ii i-it- without wailing till serioin damages re sult. We find the several offices neatly kept and in good order. No special recoiumeiiiliilioiib are leeined uecessary except for the Prothonolary's iffice, for which we recitit'iunid the piocitriiig ol new double, wriiiug desk, also so:iij re-ar rangement of th; existing furuiiur.; to promote ne general convenience. We also iecoiii.iie.ii i the adoption iu the Pro- tliouolary's office of Campbell's new index sys tem in six books ; il the costs of the looks, to etiier with the transcribing, shall not exceed .our ii n n. 1 red doMms. We recommend for the Grand Jury room of i it in. I e.i.u racks, a much needed convenience. We visited the jail and lin t it inucu Uu worse ti account of age. It was a creditable struc- ire to our grandfathers, who, in their poverty. built it. but us usefulness has ceased an 1 it IioiiM give place lo another. We dee.il it unsuitable iu arrangement-, ;i;t su.iicictu in c.ioacity, an ! unlit in other respect- or the proper rcxtrauil aud treatment ol pri?o iters. We have no recommendations lo inaKc. in icgard to it excep' for the purchase of one dozen t liiitiomil blankets for the use ol the piisouers. We believe that prisoners who are not confirmed tud hardened criminals should be treated with a view to their reformation and reclatiuation to lie paths of virtue, and that they ought not 'to e thrown into coiupauiou-iiip witu abaudousJ il iniiia Is. We therefore lecomiuend the erection of a uew jail of suitable arrangements for the separate accommodation of prisoners. We recomineu.L that il be of neat uhd tasteful desigu, subslan Hal iu construction, aud of adequate capacity. A e recommend that il be built with a view to1 u.-etuliess and surv iceabicuess, and that, iu its .oectioii, al. need. ess extravagance ot costs be avoided. We recommend in conclusion a propel Ve.uli.uliDU, cleauiug aud renovating ol tae wa ter closet, and tuul they bs constantly kept iu a ..'eeeiil condition, without the uecessity for re pealed public lelereuce by Grand June.- In their reports to their lilt hy con litiou. J. II. Zimmerman, Foreman. Supplemental Report. In tbs matter oi the oetitiou of sundry citizens of Noi lUambei i.ia d eon my askiiig for au investigation ot tuu lax sales ot unseated land by the County Co.u-uis-siouers ihroiign their ageut, It. -M. Cuiumius, in the j ears ls7J and 1874, which petitioa was submitted by the Court for Ihe consideration of ihe UiaiM Jury, reports, That wc. have carefully investigated the iu li ter referred to by the examination of books and papers from the Commissioners' office au I other .-ourct'S having reference to said sale, aui by In-: examination of witnesses under oath, We ll.id no evidence of fraud, corruption, mis appropriation of coai.ty funds, uor auy uulaim lulues whatever on the part of tho county Com missioners. No charges lu auy way reflecting; on the ticr soual integrity or official conduct of any of llu Commissioners were preferied before us. Iu view of previous experience, in tUe. matter of lax sales, we believe the County Commission ers' were juslilled iu entering into l!:e contract which they made witti li. M. Uuuimings, and lual it resulted in cousiderable pecuniary ad vantage to the cougty. We tlul that Mr. Cuiniuiugs, ou his pan, has faithful. y ptrlonued bin part of the coulraci without hardship or injustice lo ciuiiuaul und with advaulage to the couuty. l'ne uuiounl realized to the treasury of the county ou the sale referred to appears to be over iweive ihousaud dollars, a muelt larger sum probably than would have beeu obtained under i hi: manner ol sales previously practiced. '1 he above report meets the iiiuuiiuuii:i cou curience ol llio Grand J ury. J. 11. Zimmerman, Foivir.au. Look! Look! Look! Money saved is money earned, When to a good advantage it is tnruej ; But how do you do it some may say ; The mode is simple and in this way : At Marx and Bro.'s yon can find The latest style Goods of every kind, Which are afl fresh, new and complete, And in Northumberland and no other county can be I cat. They cost less than at any other. And rivals they h.tv-jiiot another, While our stoCK is rie-h and new, And crowds are pinning in lo view, Can't you step iu und take a look, But don't forget your pocket book. To prove all this call at once ut M-trx .t Bro.'s store, and you will find that they sell i-heai'cr than the cheapest. The Life and Labors of Dr. Livingstone. One of the most interesting books of modern times is the Lire and Labors of Dr. Livingstone, covering his entire career iu S iiithern and Cen tral Africa, giving a thrilling narrative of ad Ventures, discoveries, experiences und achieve ments of the greatest explorer of modern times iu a wild and wonderful country. It is a new history of an unexplored country, richly embel lished. This work will be read with intense in terest by both old and young, and should uot fail to reach every household. In fuct no.llbrary is complete without Ibis modem history. Mr. James Washington, who bus been gettiug a large Min. tier of suksciihcrs lately, is now en gaged In i!eivt ring the wnik to subscribers and inking the names of those desiring the work. Mr. Washington is the fole agent for this work in this p ace, m d oil v ho desire it will be sup plied ul shoit notice by leaving orders with biin The Allegheny House, No. 514 Market street, Philadelphia, is becoming popnUr tfith the cx-ruisioiiif-li from the country visltinfr the Cen tennial buildliiL's. The house has been refitted, and I one of the cheapest places in the city to stop. The landlord is obliging aud sees to the comforts of his plots ii; person. The tables and bar contain Hie best iu market, and all who make the Allegheny fc stopping place while iu the city are loud in their iraise. To Puinters Copt This Notice. Louib Tod, a printer a swift compositor n social, genial gentleman, is ini.xsin. He left St. Louis ai-oui the lTith of Juiy, since which time noth ing has been heard from him. He is about 20 years of aac, 5 feet 8 inches hih, weighs about VM pounds, has dark blue g t,Ijk hair, thin moustache and cnitl whiskers, is Mhliy pated. Ilis aired mother ut Independence has "a light in the window" for him, and listens for the sound of his retumiuir footsteps. lie " left a wife and child in St Louis. Any u'or"111 tion conceruinir hi'i can be address"! 10 IrR Mary Jane To I lependencc, Mo. Eit has purchased the eatinsr y'iJiiB del", formerly owned by Mu Oom ' ' .... ti-iurl Tims. ' MeGal will Keepconnia....j - hot col fee. su'ehes, Ac, seirurs, tobacco, ap- les, can'-:fs,Hi and the best brands ol la.niiy Hour, rastengei, will e uceoiiin.ou.".:.. eatables on the arrival of every train. Giiahii arrival of boots, shoes und rubbers ut d i?.. ........ 'a KiK.t.iirv shoe store, one unn V o. l u.'itinii. " J . r'...i-..ii.J,t..r' nruir ttore. 100 cases ot hoots, shoes and rubbers have already been re ceived. and still have more cotuinti in daily from have the lea llnir manufactures. These goortt i all made no to mv own oruer, aim will vjwc.i . . tuarantee to give satisfaction, having bought my fall and winter line ot tiooas ul B.r., -duccd prices. I have made a general reduction on all goods, blicving small profits, quick sales and cash down to be the on.y way to sell goods cheap VV. 8. Flkmas. Prop'r Sunbury Shoe Store, 97 Market St. Ladies' Cloaks! Ladif.b'Cloaks A specialty. Cheaper than you can buy tho cloth and make them yourself. MARX & DUO. List of Jurors for Adjourned Court, December 13, 1875. William L. Baker, Watsoutowu. Henry W. Bucher, Suuburv, VV. W. Win. II. Bogle, Milton, 3. VV. Patrick Brenuan, Coal. George Borders, Delaware. Abraham Biugaman, Lower MaUauoy. Charles Ditty, Shamokiu, VV. VV. Daniel Gonser, Rush. Lawrence Gariiian, Turbntville. Cyrus Geasey, Sunbury. E. VV. William Hoover, Sunbury, E. VV. Nicholas Hower, Delaware. John Kichl, Washington. George P. Krohn, Sunbury, VV. VV. Edward Lyon, Sunbury, VV. VV VVithingtou Lake, Shamokiu, VV. W. Alexander M.intz, Sunbury, VV. VV. Samuel R Mutllev, Turbut. Benj. V. Miller, Zerhe. Joseph Morgan. Sunbury, E. VV. Simon Ojip, TitrbutvilU;! Edward I'.iUeison, Shamokiu, E. VV. Leonard Pursy I, yiiamokiu. D. Carrol Right, Ml. Carmel twp. Jonolhau Uolh, Shamokiu, W. VV. Hiram Rockefeller. Shamokiu twp. Jesse Reed. Shamokiu. Charles Itiueharl, Upper Augnstn. George Scott, Mt. Carmel twj. Frederick Shrunk, 'Stliibury, E. VV. Jae h Me.ad, L'-wis. Joh.t B Sividge, Shamokiu. E. VV. Chas. Matilnecker, Lewis Fred. Stiauti, Chiilisquaqiie. John ft. Snyder, Lower A iigii:-t:i. Jeremiah F. Talluiuu, Lewis. The Best Protection. The best safeguards against epidemic disease are thorough digestion and firm nerves, It is because they assure the regular permormauce of the dijestive process, and invigorate the nervous sy-tem, that Hosteller's SlomaSh Bitter are such a sovereign pioleilive against the influen ces which beget intei initiaiil maladies, and those which directly ull'ect the stomach und bowels. If the nerves are hcullhfully tranquil, the assimulutiou of food perfect, as they are to be under the influence ol this standard ionic and nervine, malaria may ! di tied ; and if, jo the absence of the most reliable of medical safe guanle, the system has fallen a prey to disease of an intermittent type, tne Bitters will, if per sisted in, eradicate every vistige of the malady, Billiou-nes-, constipation and dyspepsia yield th equal certainty lo the operation of this po tent Vegetable alterative. We would like to give you a price list of our cheap goods, but our stock is to big too cuumers ile all our goods. But giving you the price will not enable you lo judge of the goods; they mit-t be seen. If I tell you that wo have a big stock of ladies' und children's furs, all new yonds, and sell children' sets as low as 70 cents i.nd ladies' sots as low us f 2, from the cheapest to the best, all in proportion, you may think it 'lard to believe. But il is so. The goods were bought Tor cash down ul a figure much below cost. They couid have been sold again in the city at a good profit, but we preferred to bring goons here and give our customers a chance to buy below city prices. Our sable furs are of the best kind in the market, at a low price, pleuse (all and be convinced. No trouble to show goods. Dou't matter whether you buy or tot. Thankful for past favors we are j Respectfully. Yours, MARX & BRO. Next door to Post Offloe, Suuburv, Pa business ocals. I I'er DiiT at homP. Terms free. Adilress ' ti. Susson ii Co.. l'ortlaud. Maine. Jul. 21, IbiS. ly. When you go to Philadelphia, stop at tho Allegheny House, No. 812 and 814, Market bt. Itc-fitted, re-furnished, &c, hy A. ISeck, Proprietor, and price only S2 ier day. A first class, uew Tiano oT the very best make, will be sold at a reduction or one third its value. Also, a second hand Cabinet Organ, nearly new, for a little over half price. Enquire of H. B. Masecr. RrnnERS! Rvubf.ks! Kl rrers ! Three thou sand Ave hundred pairs of rubber boots and shoes, Trcfch from New Brunswick and other iminufacturies. Best rubbers 50 cents per pair. Ladies' New Brunswick rubbers 40 cents. Men's turn boots f 3-25, and all rubbers will be sold in proportion. Call at once and buy your rub bcrs. SxiiTn Brothers, 8nnb:iry, Pa. Obstacles to Marriage. Happy Relief Tor Youni Men from the elfects or Errors aid Abuses in early life. Munhood rcstorep. Impediments to Marriage removed. New inethet'ol treatment. New aud remarka ble remedies Books and Circulars sent free, iu sealed civcloper. Address, HOWARD AS SOCIATION 419 N. Ninth St., Philadelphia, la., an In.sit ulioii havini; a hiirh reputation for houorable onduct and professional skill. MavSS. 185. Iv. iMarnagts. On the 21' h of September, by Rev .1. -. r,.. Moyer, Mr.W'M. H. Lochman, of York, Pa., to Miss Kate Leulin, of Sunbury, Pa. On the 4tl of October, at the M. E. parson age, Siinbuv, bv Ilev. J. A. LC 'oyer. Mr. F.dwin &sER, of Ptirdytown, to Miss Suban BltoWN'. ot ick-t.n tlWlir.ip On tho lSh of October, nt the M. E. parson age, c.i ntnj . by Kev. J. A. Hi Mv, r, Mr. Chas. Sntif.k. of Piirdytown, to Mi.-f Emk Rkkdkii, of Sliainiikin township. On tho Wti of October, at Slierill Rnthermel's, bv Rev. J A De Mover, Mr. Jons Davis, or Schuylkill county, to Miss Alice Boter, of Mt. Carmel township. October 24ih, by the same, John McGislet to ELLtS B-ooT, both of Shamokiu. October .'Sth, by the -ame, CoLLMUt s Mc Devitt to Jkidgf.t Devlin, both ol Shamokiu. October 30th, by the same. Tlios. BfKK to Anna Ltnot, both of Shamokiu Sl'Nltl'KY JIAUMKTS. Si NHfRT, Nov. 18, 1S7-V (iitAIN Wheat per bushel f 1.20($1.40 prime white 1.12fnl.25 " Rveierbtish T.VSU Com " TotiiSO Oats " SOfiiOO Fi.ot'K F.xtra Faniiiv l'i' bbl . 5.50(0! 7.50 Common 5.50(51 7.00 Buckwheat 4.00 Fr.Ki Com tV Oats Chop pr 100 1! 1.50(2.00 Shotts Mixture 1.. ".0(0.1. 75 Fotatof.s. &c per bushel Stltjul .00 Pkovi-ion Ham per lb Il)(oi20 Shoulder pr lb 1418 Bacon pr lb 10Q14 Beef, retail pr lb 1413 Veal, do do 1014 Dried Beer pr lb 2530 Pot'LTRT Chickens, dressed p; I'j 1215 Do. live weight l0'i Bcttf.k Prime per lb 3D(g 35 Eggs Pcrdoz.en 133: '-5 i'itto Stibfrtiscmcnts. Auditor's Notice. TOTICE i hereby tflvc that the nndersiirned Jl h is been nppointed Auditor by the Or phans' Court of Northumberland county, Penn sylvania, to distribute the money in the hands of Moses M. Weist. Administrator 01 ine estajf of William W;8blf ""!! Xv&tZ.. '..'r.fV.PH of Geo. teredo it"""' """'"Miioii 111 - k Son. in the boronvli ot Minnury, on fhursdav. Deeeniber lfiili lhio, al 10 o cioes. in the foreuoon, to attend to the duties of his ap pointment, r. tv. niii., rtuuuo.. OV VJ, 18J- Adjourned Court. -TT 11EREAS fie Honorable . M. Kockcici Y ler. President Judge, und his Assm-i ites, f.ir this District, have issued llieir manuaic i-r au adjourned Cmrt for Northumberland count, ti lie held on the 13th and of December, A. D. Ih75, being the 2nd Mondays or said montn, In the boroutrh of Sunbury. I therefore give uotice, that all persons Interested, to be. and npiear at the place arorcsaid at 10 o'clock a. m.. or fciid days- SAMUEL II. 10THFRMEL. Sheriff. SbiiifTs Office, Sunby, Nov. 19, 1S75 H 1 51 FTO VS 1 51 1'F.R I A I. SOAI IS THr. "BEST." This Soao is manufactured from pure mater Liu anil as It contaius a iare (.ercrtilaKR oi Vegetable Oil, is warranted fulu iqual to the hpst iumorted CustMe, Soap, and Ht tlie same time posnsdses all llm wasniiiK uus cieansmi; properties of ttlfi cetetiraieu uerum.. rrencii Lnundrv Soaps. It is therefore recoifh,encd rr no "in ihp l.anndrv. Kitchen, and Bath--om, and for general household purposes ; also, for p.i.dir. Pninti rs. Enirlneers. and Machlnts, as it will remove stains of Ink, Grease, Tar, Ol, twt etc.. from the bands. Manufacture only by CRAMPTON BROTHERS, " 4 6 8,nd 10 Rutgers PUce, and 33 and 35 ' ' Jefferson Street, New York. NOT X X375. Cmos. Icto Jibbtrtistmcnts. rV QICKFOrTa TIIK Iti KI'O IED AUTOMATIC Family Knitting Machine! A MOST t SEFI L AND WoNDKRFIL INVENTION ! Now nttiacting universal attention by its ustou ishiug performances, and its practical value for every day family ns.-. It is nimple. Durable, Cheap, to easily ki-t in rcpiir, and WILL LAST A LIFE-TIME! It will kui. every possible variety of plain and fancy work. WITH ALMOST MAGICAL SPEED, and far tieltel than il can be done by hand, or on any oilier machine. Allkindsof garments are perfectly formed ai.d shaped by the machine n.i-ii. requiring no cutm.g and making up. A good operator will Knit a man's sock, with heel and toe complete, in from rive to ten minutes ' and from twenty to forty pairs or socks iu a day ! Every especially every farmer's family should have a BICKFORD KNITTER. It will be found equally as useful as the Sewiinr Ma chine, and even more profitable. tverv Machine WARRANTED perfect, .ind to do just what is represented. Ihe Kickford Machine is the onlv legitimate cylindrical Knitting Machine iu existence. All others, not licensed by us, are clear and palpa- oie iiiiriiigmeiiis on our patents, and we shall hold all parlies who manufacture, sell, buv or use such infringing machiues, to a strict lea) accountability. An instruction Book, containing eomDleti and minute directions to the operator. aecomnaniM each machine. No. l,Family Machine, 1 cylinder.72 neecdles 1 30 No. 3, " 3 ' 1Z fc 100 " 40 A sample machine will be sent to any part of the United Slates or Canada, express charges ' 1'iG-puiu, on receipt oi ine price. Agent wanted iu every Slate, County, Citv and Town, to whom very liberal discounts will be made. For further articular, address BiCKFoRD Knitting Machine Mfo. Co. Sole Manufacturers, Braitleboro, Vt. Nov. 19, 1875. ly. Evangelical, Non-Sectarian, Independent! The Christian at Work. T. De Witt Talmage, Editor. The BeMt Religious Paper published MR. TALMAGE'S SERMON EACH WEEK. Full Reports of Sir. Moody's Work. A NEW .SERIAL, STORY, By Rev. W. M. BAKER, Oue of the most popular of American story v.ritere. TWO XEW PREMIUMS! "AX AMERICAN FARMYARD" After Joseph Johs, executed in twcuty-nlne printings and heretofore sold for $ 15, also an EXQUISITE FLOIIAL GROUP, Printed expressly for this paper by Mrs. Whit ney, and chromocd by I.. Praxo & Co. Boston. 2These are genuine art works, and the best and ino.'-t expensive picture premium? ever offered MOST LIBERAL TERMS TO AGEXTS, ANI EXCLUSIVE TERRITORY. TERMS TO SUBSCRIBERS : Without premium, postage prepaid $3.00 With either premium, unmounted, postage prepaid 3.25 With either premium, mounted by express al subscriber's expense 4.00 r-4?For full particulars as to commission UDd canvass address II. It. I'ORWIX, Publisher, BOX 5105, NEW YORK. Nov. 19, 2t. Musical. J. I. Kcefcr has lately removed his excellent musical iustruincuts into the bnildim; cn Fourth street, below Market, nearly opposite the City Hotel. Any kind of Musical iustrn mcuts of the most improved styles and make are kept in his establishment. Parlor Organs, Pianos of the best manufacture in the country will be found at his store. He is also aj;ent for the best sewing machines now in use. "A Repository of Fashion, Picaiiire, ami In struction." Harper's Bazar. ILLUSTRATED. Xuticeii of the Pres. j The Bazar is edited wiih a combination of I tact and talent that we seldom And in any jour nal ; und the journal Itself is the orgnn of the j great world of fashion. Lot ton traveler. The Bazar commends itself to every member j of the household 10 the children by droll and ' pretty pictures, to the young ladies by its fashion plates in end ess variety, to the provident matron j by it patterns for the children's clothes, to naterl annual ny lis tasieiui ue-tgns lor em- 4 I lingered flippers and luxurious dress-towns. I But the reading matter of the Bazar is uniformly 01 git exeellenee. The paper lias acquireu a wide popularity f the tiresi le enjoyment it af fords. .V. Y. Evening ),(. In its way there, is noiviU;. like it. Fresh and trust worthy as a fashion gu-i jis Glories and ersays, its poetry nud sqnlhs, are ii invigorutinif to tlie min I. Chicago Evening Jovrmxt. TMHIS: all Suhsi ribers in the United Stules. Postage free to IlARrr-n's Bazak, ou year $4 00 includes prepayment o! U .$4 CO postage hy the publishers. Subscriptions to Hakper's Magazine, Week lt, and Bazak, to one address for oue year, $10 00; or, iwo or Harper's Periodicals, to one address tor oue year, 7 00 : postage tree. Au Extra Copy of either the Magazine, Week lt, or Bazak will he supplied gratis for every Club or Five Subscribers at $4 00 each, in one remittance ; or, Six Copies lor -'0 00, without ! postage rice. B ick Numbers can be supplied at any time. The Annual Volumes of Hakpek's Bazak. in neat cloth binding, will be sent by express, free of expense, for 7 00 each. A complete Set, comprising Eight Volumes, sent on receipt of cash ut the rate of $5 25 per vol., freight at ex pense or purchaser. Prominent attention will be given In Harper's Bazar to such illustrations or the Centennial In teriiiUionai Exposition as may be peculiarly ap propriate to its columns. Address HARPER & BROTHERS, New York. "A Complete Pictorial History of the Times." "The best, cheapest, aud most success ful Pamily Paper iu the Union."' Harper! Weelilj. ILLTSTTATED. Xotice of t?P.. ostl,ower. hcper, Weekly is the ab!es.t.ed in this couu rul illustrated periodlrtuolurly and convincing, try. Its editQt'w" weight. Ii illustrations of nud cantnts are fulf and fresh, and are pre cwwd Dv our best deciphers. With a circulation f 150,01-K). the neehiy is reaa uy av least nan m illion persons, and n inuuence as an oraaa ui . . . . j TI.. 1 1 "... 1. 7.. opto ion is simply imneiiuous. im n .-.nt.iiiis a Dositive posiiion, anu e.iJri-.-.Br uc- cided views on political and social problems. Louisville Courier Journal. Its articles are models of high-ioued discussion, its pictorial illustrations an; often corroborative arirnmcntsof no small force. X F. Examiner and Chronicle. ... Ii naners upon existent questions anu us in- i.iitatile cartoons help to mould the sentiments of the country. Pithburg Commercial. JIarper U etkly stamls ul me ueaa oi illus trated journals in Ihe United States, in circula tion, editorial ability, and pictorial illustration. l.adetf lupotuorjt, lueniuun. TKK.tIJ: Postage free to all Subscribers ia tho United Males. Hahpek's Weeklt, one year t-t 00 4 00 includes prepayment of U. S. postage by the publishers. Subscriptions lO UABriiK B jubmi'i., . r,& kt, and Bazak, to one address for one year 10 00; or, two of Harper's periodicals, to one address tor one year, $7 00 : postage fre. Ar Y.xira t:onv of either t tie MAOAZrNE, i- lt, or Bazar will be supplied gratis tor every Ciub of Ave Subscribers at ft 00 each, in one re mittance ; or, Six Copies for M OU, wunoui extra copy : postage free. Back Numbers can be supplied at any time. The Annual Volumes or HARPER'S WEEKLY, in neat cloth binding, will be sent by express, free of for 7 00 each. A coinp'.cte Set. comprising Nineteen Volumes, sent on receipt of cash at the rate ot S o per vol., ireij;uv c- nunea n f nn mil ii r. r " . r tn i. I... I.Ui..,.'! Prominent atieniion win uckou .u .y Weeklt to the illustration ot tne iCmeuniai in ttxnatlonal Exposition, iddress HARPER A BROTHERS, Now York When you visit Philadelphia, cali and see VI a o rJl x J m a -3 3 SO so o wno SOLID WALBDT MARBLE TOP CHAMBER S7ITS FOR f 55.1. Parlar Suits in Hair Cloth or Fancy Reps from $50 yp. Pair Suits ii M if "Walnut Dressing Case Suits, 583.00. Best Wire Wove Sprixg Mattress. ALL OTHER GOODS EQUALLY LOW. Feathers in Pillows or by the Pound, In Large quantities and of the Finest Quality. GIVE IKinVL" J CALL! Sept. 17, 1875. ly. 'Unquestionably the best sustained work of the kind in the World." narper's Magazine. ILLUSTRATED. Xotice of the Pretf. The ever-increasinj; circulation of this cscel- ! lent monthly proves its continued adaptation to ' popular desires aud needs. Indeed, when we think into how many homes it penetrates every month, wc must consider it as one of the educa- tors as well as entertainers of the public miud.- jiosion ir woe. The character which this Majr tzine possesses ! for variey,enterprise,artistic wealth.and literary j culture that has kept pace with, if it has uot led the times, should cause its conductors to record it with juniUubie complacency. The Magazine has done jrnod and not evil all the days of its life. Brooklyn Eagle.. Some of the most popular of modern novels have first appeared as serials in this Magazine. In all respects, It is an excellent periodical, and fully deserves its great success. Philadelphia Ledger. TERMS: j Postage free to all Subscribers iu the United Slates. Harper's Magazine, one year 4 CO Zi 00 includes prepayment of U. S. postage by toe punlisners. cuu-cripuoiis lo ii.i:r,.K s M aoazine, t tEK- i horrible vs:ra of Polygnmy, from the very beginning. LT, and BaZAK, to one address for one year, ( Nearly i300 Illnstniionis benn'ify the work. It is the $10,00; or, two of Harper's Periodicals, to oue ! best selling book j ubPsheJ. 10,000 more n and address for one year, 7 00 : post a ire free. j ,,"tYa,u haJT.1ilJ'--17,"e1tt ,,ulJ?."kerom,, S J? a e-. i. r -.i . ... HlOd nlv. A 1 live Agents ure wrume for Illumratea An Extra Copy of either the Magazine, Week- j -ur...Mr"Hrg.. terra. Sut free. Do not delar, LT, or Bazak will be supplied oralis for every j brtfFlt -UiTV.'iiiX, OILMAN CO.. H-iittobb, Club or Five Subcribers ..t ?t 00 each, in ot:;: j l,,,, j., Nov. 12, 4w remittance; or, Six Copies fiir ?-' 00, wit!r:if. " - TT1r- - - - - -extra copy: postage free. JP a?(l TUCK, Back Numbers can tj supplied at any time. (Chrrmo iB ssf.srt.'s I is Great Atlantic aal Pacifis Tea Co. will be sent by express, freight at expense of j ieJMj narter, 35 & 37 Vesey st.,.Y. purchaser, lor :J 2. fier volume, tingle volumes, 4Jj oriuntzvtios for by mail, postpaid, f:i U0. Cloth cases, for bind- iVlPORTIXJ TEAK iuir, M cento, by mail, postpaid. : nJ k-PIs? d.-w: . e.ust:cipr for one KaaU profii. A Complete Analvtu al Index to the ttrnt Fifty Volumes of IUitPEK's Magazine has just beca tmblished, renderiug itvilablu for reference the vast :iua varied weailu ol lulormatiou wmcu constitutes this periodical a perfect illustrated literary cyclopedia. Svo, Cloth, $3 00; Hair Calf, 5 25. Sent postage prepaid. j A series of papers under'hetitleof "The First j Century of the Republic," contributed by the i most eminet American publicists, is now being pub.Ished in Hakpek s Magazine. This series of over twenty papers gives a comprehensive re view of Progress during the century now closing, In every department Of' our national life. Address HARPER & BROTHERS, New York. FALL and WINTER n ILL.IXEKY GOODS! 31. li. Goss.r r. ., . , , . , tit, west side. Fourth street, 4 doors below M:r' ' , ... ineu ..tventio:i or all "i,?lr"1 iM lJILel stvics of FAIL AND WINTER MILLINERY! To her well seketed Assortment Just received from New York and Philadelphia, consisting ol Ladies' Misses' and Chlldreu's Hats and ISoiinets, Feathers. Flowers, Ken I I-aces, Milks, Velvets Klbbons. Nah ICibbons, aectt ! Ties, Kid Gloves, I Fancy Hosi ery, 1st duality Zepbj r nnd tieuiautown ool. ALSO NOTIONS & TRIMMINGS IN GREAT VARIETY. ; All of the aboc offered at the LOWEST ; MARKET PRICES. j ry-Miss Gossler will, as herctofor, give nil; orders for Milduery her personal supervision. Call and see new good. Nov. li, 1375. FALLAXD WISTER 3HLLIXEBT GOODS. Misses L. & S. Wclser, Market street, Sunbury, Pa., offer special indneements In thcir Fall and Whiter Millinery Goods. t . . 1 .uuiini flf Enrne- ' just opened, consisting of Born SAg1IES FEATHERS, FLOWF.P.MTS, iVC O"- T, , A Goods, Infant Ho.xls aud an Faucv " ioimcuse assorimeut 01 ; JSTOTIOISrS- Ladies' Dress Cutting, filling and hasting one In every branch. The public are earnestly invited to call uud ex mine our stock before making a selection else where. , ,v. r. 1S73. L. A S. W tlOi.1'.. THE CHOICEST DRY GOOD i AND MILLINERY of Miss KATE BLACK, Market Square, north side. Sunbury Penn'a., j Will be found the most complete, attractive ana cheapest store of CHOICE DRY GOODS, consisting Ol JjUUIC uress uuuub, ..uw.vu " v for Ladies' from the largest cstiiDitsnmeais iu the cities. LADIES' CUIDREXS' WOO LEX SHAWLS. i .riioa. Mi4pR' and Childrens' Woolen Goods, Silk Velvets, KtbDous, ssasn riuooiis, ec i Kid Gloves, raucy ana nam rtoMerj, First laliiy Zephyr and Uerurantown voo:. ALSO NOTIONS AND TRIMMINGS IS GREAT VAR1ETT. Gents' Gloves, Neckties, Hankerchlefs, &c. A An r,.ii .aanrtniriit nf Hoaos ana reriumerY. Invitation is extended to all to call and see the choice selection. MISS K.A 1 & bijAVIv.. TWO MOXTIIS FREE ! X NEW Y0RKTRIBUNE. The Leading American Scwspapcr." r n ...a ttiui Mdvertismenr. XU WEK- rv Toturvp iil hr, sent coatiuie iwid to siiy addiesa uutul Dfwembw 31. 1876, or for $12.50. six copies; for Ju. S, 1879. ly. 3. WITH 52! o C. z r a m n 2 8p 3 00 o o (72 SELLS psYCHOMASCT, or SOtJI. CHABOTSG." How JL either sex may fascinate and gain the love and affections of auy person thev choose initantlT. Thta : simple mental ucquiredment all can possess,free,by mail, j for &c, together with a marriage guide, Egyptian Ot ; tle Dreams, Hints to Ladies, Wedding-Night Shirts, Ac. I A viecr book. Adclrewi T. WILLIAM Jk Co. Pub. Phiia. j ' Nov. 12, 4w. IteontaioslS ' "heet! fper, IS snTelopes, golden Pen, Pen Holder, ivuviif uicuh ijiu iurasuiV niiu m J irew ox jewelry. Singi package with elegaut Prize, postpaid, 25c. Cir cular t ree. BRIDE k CO., "69 Broadway, S. Y. Nov. Vi tw. Good RELIABLE MEN AND WOMEN to solicit O.-ders in a Fsbst-Clash paying business. Old es tablished and reliable house. Exslnsive territory Lilerai ir.di-.cemeiils oileri d aud constant employment given. References as to character required. For fntl partlcnliirp, siiclope '.I oe:t amp and nddress. IJ1LDRETU. YOUSQ fc CO., N.)v. 12, 4w. I'nion City, Erie Co Pa. WIFE NO. 19 SJY A NX ELIZA TOCSG. i Srizhitm Young's liebellions Wife. i ;fue o:i!y comi lete Expose of all the Secrets of f Br'pbnin' IJarrm ever written. Born in Mormonism. I ANN KLIZA hot exposes to the world, as no other ' S -i'y lii .-.I b:on. iseaatuul D.i croiuoe,oi d::t-i.i 1 rewnieJ loiurchaseri t:1 rfsen-ej to y urebasers of 1,2, 3, 4 or 5 cow resdy for de vit: I .".roir.o eiMitieu : "2ir .u liuo, a row irnre j o'.iud) picturp, fhowli.jj a lively skinmsii N-twet'u racy au-1 hn r --t ao for tue josst-ssum oin iloll. It is so full of roaring fun that na decriptMrtinr. tell the story bo well as the simple title of tw seen Tiie battle is jut Sip ami Tuck, and acil.it 251 Mrk to br appreciated. -:or my f or delivsCo. 12.4w. St., TTtirrishnra Va, 1 - -rr 1 8 ID. & - ti ? c 5 5 O V. s V. c S a 3 5 o - x t. T. it a a mm 1- 3 X 1- . 4. SO Mi l- 3 2 HZ 3- S .0 Ok. H 33 e a CO r, M a. o u a w 1 C 5 S z H o p o a I 2 2 H 8 CO Administrator's Xotiee. tataie 01 iuuu juu, .. . j townsuip, ojt lcterB of ad. 1 -TOTICE H.ia"nave" been granted to the un- j m&r'eu the estate of John Wyna, late of ijjjwe'r Angusta township, Northumberland ! county. Pa., deceased. All persons knowing themselves indebted are requested to make iin- mediatc settlement, and those having claims to ! present them for settlement. 1 ELIZABETH WTNN, Aminir.trir. CHAMBERS S. WYNN, Adm'r. Lower Anjrusta, Oct. 29, 5 Ct. FOR FLORIDA. THROUGIT PASSAGE TICKETS to XT'OR ST. AUGUSTINE and all landings on ST. JOHN'S RIVER and interior points in FLORIDA, I by steamship to SAVANNAH, and thence by j railroad or steamboat. I Apply to W M. L. JAMLS General Agent Philadelphia and Southern Mail S. S. Co., 416 South Delaware Avenue, Phiisd'a. Oct. 29. int. TnE LIGHT RUNNING "DOMESTIC." The "Domestic." The "DOMESTIC" is an exceedingly simple machine in all its parts and processes. It is easily understood ; familiarity with its action is very quickly acquired, and it needs hardly any practice ot s, eciai sk.ui in tuo operator. The superior advantages ootamea in toe "vv mestic" are mainly : 1. Light Running. 2. Quietness uo Cams or Gear WheeU. 3. Perfect Stitch Double-thread Lock StHcta. 4. Durability arising from Simplicity of Con struction. 5. Absence of all Friction. S. Great range of Work. 7. Ease or Operation. We do not say that the "Domestic" is the only Machine worthy of public ravor. We admit there are some possessing real and acknow ledged merit ; but we do claim, and are prepared to demonstrate, that the "Domestic" has many excellences that reuder it decidedly Htperior to any other Machine now before the public. Let every woman, thcreforeexamine for ter slf into its merits when she buys a machine. This is an important purchase, not to be care lessly made ; one that will influence her com fort, probably for a long time. With a "Domes tic" In her possession, she will find her sewlntj become a pleasant exercise of skill and taste, In stead of a slow manual drudgery ; she will have the time and strength to add beaay and elegance to work in which before she has been obliged to content herself with bare tillt7 . CAROUrfl D ALIUS, Agent, CI W TJ. irl