nnburp $mcnt;m. SUNBUEY, OCTOBER 15, 1875. Postponed. The gift concert which wss h s-ivnn at County Line, this connly, on the n 9ith at September, hat been postponed until January 5th, 1870. New Mil lxkekT 6tom. By tcference toonr adTertisine column, it will be noticed that new millinery store Uat been opened at Heradon this county, where all the latest elyles of mil liuury poods have just been opecod. All the fall and winter stvlea. Selected from the best whole sale hnnara in the cilT. will be found at Mrs. Kate Meck's at extrcinuly low prices. Mrs. Sarah Weist, of Georgetown, has just rctorned from the city with a foil assortment of millinerr poods for tall and winter. The ladles are invited to call and examine them and the low prices. Mrs. J. H. HEiNM-rNO will be In the city next week lo select a new Mock of millinery goods. -v,i,.h -;n u nn vhlhitinn &'. her new store in Georgetown, this county, in the course of a week. A hew silver cornet band is being organized at Tierndon. this county. The internments have already been procured, and the members are taking lessons from W. W. Riichtrayer, an ex perienced teacher of music. We learn that they are making fair progress. Messrs. Lalkesslacer A Rombckger, at rtrrnflnn. have iust opened a new assortment of store eoods'at their store, which will be sold at lower nrices than ever. Their stock consists of every variety of dr goods, groceries, &c. Pviibik Finw-EX Fine Cut Tobacco, at the Post Office building. Error. In the premium list published last week we stated that the "Home" sewing ma rhine received a dlt '.oma. It was the "Howe" machine that got the diploma. 2 for 5 CT8. Clears twofor 5 cts. equal to five cent cigars con be bad at the post-office. RrtiREHs' Rubbers! Rubbers ! Women's bctt quality 50 cts. ; men's best quality 75 cts., and all other coeds in proportion, at W. : . Furman's Buubury Shoe 6tore. Call and see his large stock. Philip Clark has ju6t received a new supply of black cashmeres and alpacas, and a cencral line or Dref s goods and water-proof cloth. Sept. 24, St. pd. Toe piers of the 8nnbury and Lewistowu rail road bridge, injured by the spring flood, are be ing repaired. The work is done under the su perintendence of Geo. Scbnure, Esq., of Selins jjrove, in whose charge the bondholders have placed their interests. The freight and pseo per business on the bridge is now conducted by the owners of the ferry. Got. Hartratt spent four or live hours at this place on Saturday evening, and was called opon by quite a number of bis friends and others who made his acquaintance. The Got. had been at the Selinsgrove fair where he made a short address, which was received with great ap plansa, especially by his German friends. The speech of Piolett at the fair, In this place, was not calculated to elevate Lim as a prophet or philosopher in the eyes of his auditor . His remedy for bard times among the farmers was to produce less and sell higher. Our farmer could not ste it in that light, and wc venture to say that 90 out of every 100 would prefer doubling tbeir cros rather than reduce them. Mr. Piolitt's views of political economy were entirely to primitive too impress our faimeis with bis Grange notions, or that sueh views would lit him for State Treasurer. "Thb Taxpayers Relief Association," is tlio last secret political organization that has sprung into existence. It is conducted in the interest of the Democracy. Robert McCor, of Harritburg, and formerly orSunbury, died at the former place on Friday last, of dropsy. His remains were bronght to Ibis pi are on Monday, and the funeral took place .from the residence of Dr. R. H. Awl, on Market street. His funeral was attended by the Masonic fiaternity, of which order be was member, and large number of relatives and friends. Mr. McCoy "held the position of superintendent of the machine shops of the P. A R. R. K., at Har risbarg, for a number of years. The editor of the DaJy a few days ago, men tioned the fact that the Hon. Frank Go wen, President of the Philadelphia and Reading R. R., paid our town a visit. The editor, however, neg lected to state further that while Mr. Gowco is a Democrat, he is opposed and will not support the inflation platform erected by the sham De mocracy at Erie. ( The late county fair at Sellnsgrove w as well attended, and as an exhibition, quite successful for the little county or Snyder. Mr. Taggart's splendid collection of fowls was there, besides a food collection by Mr. Carey. Ret. 8. H. Thojipsok, or Lewisburg, will preuch In the Presbyterian church next Sunday morning and evening. Tockgboltz A Eichmas is the new printing firm at Banbury, demoted exclusively to ex plaining why the Union Park and Agricultural Fair was such a success this year. We can tell them, and thus save them further research. The fair was conducted by gentleman who re fused to bow to the dictation of Eichman A Youngbollt on the printing question. And, as the people believed iu the Fair and didn't believe the ttstemeut of E. & Y. every bod v went to the Fair, and it was a success. JTUtonivn. That little rooster in the Democrat last week was an ii lication of how the Ohio election was goinc. No Mjf rooster g raws the columns any lonrer. as he has passed away t like the little nigger" that formerly took tUn place of edi torials in the Dtmocrat to explain the principles of Democracy, he is defunct. Toor nigger and miserable rooster, they have gone where the woodbine twinetb, Ac, as will be seen by the following notice in the Daily yesterday. This last calamity lo the editor ol the Daily has set liim to praying. "The editor of the Dtmocrat on Wednesday received a dead rooster from a certain Republi can official In this place. The bead was nicely chopped off to illustrate bow the thing was done in Ohio. We are now praying for a turn iu the tables." The busiest insurance agent w have met for a long time, is Geo. W. Coble, Esq., at HernUon, this county. Mr. Coble has the agency for some of the most reliable companies In the United States; and being popular with the people, through bis activity, is taking a large number of policies in the lower end of the couuly and up per Dauphin. His large acquaintance srerj- wbere proves a vast benefit, and by his prompt. cess in attending to business secures a large amount of insurances, which have never fcetore Ven known to Insurance coin pan In. A cake of base ball was played on Saturday afternoon, on the grounds of Comet club, f this place, between the Comet club and the Ex pens, of Harriebutg. The following is the scoro by innings ; 123450739 F.i pert. Comet, 0 1 0 S but 3 819 1 06 The Comet club did well. the Ex perts are considered the best amateur players in the State. It was scarcely expected tbat the' Comet bovs would get anything. TTie Comet boys need not be ashamed of tbeir playing, they played a f Jose game. Death or a Aged Citizes. George Krlg haum, aged 84 years, 3 months and 29 days, died at the residence of his son-in-law, Isaac Sober ia Sbamokin township, this county, on Friday last, Oct. 1st, 1875. The deceased was born in Berks county ia 1791, and removed with bis parents to Northumberland county in 1805, set tling near Sunbury. About the year 1810 he -came to Milton and learned the trade of a gun smith with a Mr. M orison, then carrying on that business here. He was a natural mechanic, and acquired great skill not only In the manu faeture of firearms, but in many other branches Mr. C WV Sticker, of this place, has a rifle made by him, which, though used for many years, is considered one of the best In the county, The deceased was the grandfather, on the ma ternal side, of Mr. C. K. Sober, of this place, from whom that gentleman undoubtedly In beriU his natural genius for engraving and the I'hk Dkwaax 1"aiji. Tue Koriuumberlaiid Cuauly Agricultural Society opeued tbeir Mr on Tuesday last, under very favorable auspices. On Wednesday and Thursday the attendance was very Urge. We noticed many persons from a distance on the grounds, who feel an interest to agricultural matters. The display of ar ticles and stock, though not as largs as at some fairs, was highly creditable, and showed a vast improve ment over former years. The race course is prooaDiy the best in Northern Pennsylvania, aud horsemen were delighted to find it in such excellent condition. The officer of this fair deserve great credit for their efforts to make it a success. The manner tbey have enclosed their grounds and arrangements upon the ground. shows that they were not inexperienced hands. CoL D. Taggarts collection of poultry was one of the fea tures which attracted the attention of all who had never seen them. Jacob M. Follmer, of Watsontown, had his herd of cattle and thorough bred stock of borees on ex- Mhltinn. which were cenerally admired. There trcre numerous articles of needle work and handiwork. which were worthy of special notice. The fruit depart. meat was not as full as it might have been, but that which was exhibited, was of a superior quality. The vegotable department was very creditable. The people iutoenppereudof the county are giving great atten tion to products, and each tries to excell the other, which is commendable. They are very sociable, and all those who attend gatherings of this kind will bear us out in saying that the citizens of Dewart are not behind the aire in either fairs or hospitality. We confess we were highly pleased with their arrangements, and hope that nr hid.lvir of the "Democrat will not visit the grounds, or tbat our neighbor of the "Garette' will not reiiort everything to reheve tbeir honest con sciences by denouncing some features of the fair which thev feared would be allowed at the late fair at this place. A correspondent from Alexandria, Hunting don county, Pa., gives ns the lollowing accouui ot the wedding at that place, on Thursday, Oc tober 7, 1875, or our young townsman, W. C. Packer, Esq., with Miss Jenuio Houtz : "The wedding took place ot the residence of Hon. n. J. McAtecr, at whose home tae bride resided. About one hundred gucBts were in at tendance, among whom were the non. R. Bruce Petriken, Dr. D. R. Good, of Philadelphia, and George M. Bri&bin, Esq. The groomsmen were F. K. Hill and T. H. B. Kase, eeqs., both at- altorncys of Suubury, and the bridesmaids were Miss Rachel Packer, Bister of the groom, and Mi( Laura Houtz, sister of the bride." The bride wore an elegant white moire an tique silk, en train, with a white silk veil, quite becoming 13 the bride, whose modest demeanor won the admiration of all present. The brides maids were beautifully dressed ; Miss P. wear ing a delicate light blue silk, and Miss H. a light piuk silk. After the ceremony, "which tied two illing hearts," music and dancing was in order, which was varied with a bouutiful enter taiumcut by the host and his fair ludy. AH cu- joyed themselves until a late hour, and "every thing went merry as a marriage bell." Many valuable presents, consisting of silver tea and breakfast sets, cake baskets and card holders, casters, fruit dishes, Ac, were given by the guests present, and sent by those who were invited, but could not attend," PAisruL Accidest. On Friday morning last, Clarence Billraeyer, sou of Charles ,BUlmeyer, residing in Mexico, Montour county, shot him self accidentally under the following circum stances : He had been out bunting and snooting a mark, and returning home, proceeded to put his gun away. There were t o loaded guus standing in a corner behind a lounge, nnd be seized these by the muzzle with bis left band and drew the muzzles forward away from the wall to make room for bib gun, setting that down with his right band. In 1U descent it it struck the hammer of one of the loaded guus, causing the discharge, the contents, a load of 6bot, striking him square in the forehead, a little left of the centre. A fearful wound was made, piece of the skull as large as a twenty-five cent piece beiug driven iLto the brain at least au inch, arouud which the brains oozed out. The ufortuuate man did not foil, but walked out of the room to the porch, over the railing of which be leaned aud let the wc.ind bleed, and after ward procured a wash-basin himself aud washed the wound. A messenger was at once soot to Milton for u surgeon, and Drs. J. P. McCleery and J. II. Miles immediately weut to the assist ance of the wounded man. They dressed the wound, finding but few shot in it, the main part of the load appearing to have been diverted from Us course by the concussion and entering the ceiling. The effect on the wounded man is sin gular throughout, but in no particular more so than In the fact that up to last accounts he bad retained his senses and conversed freely. Of course it is not known whethet he can recover or not, but he is still living, and since the Landis Can-nth affair, it would not be surprising should he be able to be about once more. MiUotiian. Avtes of the Watsontown Record is lustily crying thief, aud he needs looking after. In oue item of be county expenses be pocketed f 50 of the county funds. We find that in the bill for advertising the laud sales be talks about, be had extras printed to enclose in his paper In place of advertising it as other papers had done. The circulars appears to have cost him 82 50, and covered all his expenses or advertising. His bill, however, was the same as the other papers in the county, viz : $50 and an additional bi'J was then presented of 82 50 to pay his expenses. Now if the editor has been in the habit or ex torting by wholesale from the taxpayers, we ob ject as one to the payment of such bills, and although Mr. Reitz has granted him the order, and Mr. Rotten stein has not objected to it, we think John Auten, to clear bis conscience, should refund that part of the money which he did not earn. Cockt Proceedings. Reubnn Kline vs Geo. W. Bavcr and George H. Lelbig. In J8T1 Reuben Kline sold his powder mill in Shftmokiu towuship to aefendauts for 86,000. In the agree ment there was a clause requiring Kline to aseist in puttiug up one stove in "useful working ordei" for drying powder. The stove was put up under Kline's directions on July 20, 183. The mill blew up three days after. The defend ants allege explosion was caused by stove being imperfectly put up. Plaintiff alleiced that the explosion was cauoed by keeping too much pow oer in the dry-house and careless mauageiteut of stove. Defendants also alleged tbat the notes were not lo bear Interest, although they were written "with Interest,' and they had paid part of the notes without objecting to the interest The case occupied from Tuesday morning till Saturday evening, of last week. The jury re turned a verdict at 6 o'clock Saturday evening for full amouut of plaintiff's claim, $5,021. At torneys for plaintiff, 8. P. Wolverton and U. W Ryon. Attorneys for defendants, Hon. J. B Packer. J. W. Comly aud W. II. M. Oram. Daily. The Authors of the "Spelling Mania." And now it is said that the publishers of Web ster's Dictionaries are responsible for the recent 'Spelling Bee" excitement. Whether this is true or not, the spelling mauia was a good thing, and it undoubtedly bad a very excellent influ ence. Of all educational accomplishments, a proper knowledge of the orthography of our own language is certainly the most desirable, and of all the deficiencies in our educational methods, that relating to this study is the most marked. And we re re therefore going to say tbat whether tbejpelllna -excitement came about tbrongb the advertising efforts of the Webster publishers or not, one thlug is quite clear, and tbat is tbat there is nothing that has helped to stimulate the wide-spread interest In the subject, or that is so nearly a Speller's Yadt Mecum as Webster's Pocket Dictionary, sold for one dollar, and to be bad or almost any dealer In books. It is marvel or compactness, containing about three hundred illustrations, over eighteen thousand words, brier but comprehensive rules for spell- lug, a large number of words from Foreign lan guages, phrases, proverbs, etc. in common use. It is neatly bound in Morocco, with tucks and tilt edges, ir not otherwise obtainable, it may be bad by mail from the publishers, Messrs Ivison, Blakcman, Taylor & Co., 133 and 140 Grand street, New York, by enclosing to them the price, one dollar. "The Book for the People," evidently Clarke's New Metbord for the Piano Forte, by Hcoh A Clarke, Professor of Music in the Uuiversity of Pennsylvania, is the work destined to be in the hands or everv teacher and student or music. Book aud Music Dealers supply it for 83.75. The Aldikb. We are glad to see in our town J. Lee Rowland, who is soliciting subscriptions for this beautiful art Journal. Everyone knows "The Aliilne" to be the finest exponent of art that Is published to-day, and the present vol is much snperior to any preceding. No publi cation contains more elecant engravlcgs, or carries with a more refining and elegant in fiuence. It should be in every house, and we hope Mr. R. will receive a larga number ot sno cribert. Shooting Match. The 6hootiug match be. tween Suubury and Milton came off at this place on Saturdav afternoon last, resulting as fol lows : Sosbprt. Wcstfall -.0 0 0 0 1 0 Lero. Bhipuian ....- . 1 1110 0 Dr. Haupt 0 1 0 0 0 1 Dr. Markle -1 0 1 1 C 0 Hetnperlcy - 0 0 0 1 1 1 L. Dewart 0 0 1110 Eben Grcenough......... .......1 11111 J. Waltz 0 1 0 1 1 I 0 01 1 10 1 03 0 0-3 1 04 11-5 1 18 1 05 MlLiON. U. C. Sticker 0 1 0 I. Slicker ,. 0 11 F. Hoy 0 1 1 D. Hoy 1 1 0 10 10 14 110 0 1 1111 17 1110 10 110 1 0-5 1111 1-6 T. Swank, Jr 0 11 McCleery .. 1 0 0 C. Slicker 1 1 1 0 0 10 15 Evans 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 01 39 The day was a bad oue, the wind being high, and the score Is cocsequently a poor one for both parties. The most singular feature of the whole is the fact that Mr. Greenough, of the Sunbury team, killed all of his birds, yet he is the most inexperienced shot in the party, having never used a gun until the former match at Sunbury. He is evidently a natural marksman. Dr. Sticker, it will be noticed, was impartial, and mfssed every other bird, while he is usually one of our best shots. On our side Frank Hoy came out best, Dr. McCleery and D. Hoy coming next Messrs. Wcstfall, of the Sunbury team, aud Evans, ol the Milton team, shot ties throughout, and as each killed his only -'dead bird" loud cheers went up from the assembled audience. After the match an excellent supper was par taken of by the marKsruen and their friends, at Cox's U. S. Hotel. We have never seeu a more gentlemanly match than the one ou Saturday. There was no wrangling, no display of 111-feel-iug, and each side seemed desirous ol grauting to the other all the advantages allowed by the rules. We trust these friendly contests will be of frequent occurrence. Millonian, Alfred Blosious, an employee In the P. E. shops. Lad his fingers lujured on Wednesday by having them caught by a belt at the machinery. Tiie ladies connected with the Lutheran church, at this place, have inaugurated to hold weekly sociables in the lecture room of the church. Saturday evening another will be held. Miss Shispler Is opening a grand assortment or millinery goods or the latest styles, procured from the largest importing houses in the cities. Everything in the millinery line will be found at i in store on Market csquare. iier goous arc I handsome and of the best quality. She wishes all the ladies to ca'.l and see free of charge. Read. The old Rocky Mountaineer, better known as the Cancer King, alter a successful practice of nearly six years in Pottsvllle.Schuyl kill county, and the adjoining counties, will be in Sunbury at the Clement House, Tuesday morning, Oct. 19lh, and remain until Saturday. Read his'clrcular. lw Re-Usios October 12, 1375. Local com mittee, with that of citizens, met at the Clement House to perfect plans for "banquet" to be given to the Vets, of the 47th Reg't at their rc-nnion, Oct. 22, 1S75. On motion Sol Malick, Esq., was appointed chairman and n. D. Wharton secretary. On mot!on or C. J. Bruner, a committee or three be appointed to solicit subscriptions to de fray expeusea of batquet, and the chair appoint ed A. N. Brlce. F. K. Hill and John n. Ileim. On motion of F. K. Hill, a committee of sixtecu ladies be appointed to assist in obtaiuing eata bles aud making arrangements. The committee to consist of the following ladles : Mrs. A. F. Clapp, James Tufts, X. S. Euu'lc, A. Haas, M. L. Shindel, Misses R. Packer, E. Englc, M. Masser, Carrie Smith, Sallie Faust, Maggie Dcltz, B. Mackert, Anna Painter, Kate Painter, A. L. Jones, Lizzie Cummiogs. On motion, adjourned to meet on Monday, Oct. 13, 1875. H. D. Whartox, Sec'y. Special McetlngorBorougli Council. Scnbcrt, Oct. 12, 1875. Council met at 7:30 o'clock, P. M., Cliicf Bur gess Bourne in the chair. Members present: Bowen, Miller, Hoover, Cadwallader, Garlnger and Moody. Minutes of Sept. 17th read and approved. On motion of Wm. H. Miller Eetolvtd, That the Chief Burgess be author ized to have the culvert at the corner of Third aud Market streets covered with flag stone, not less thun three inches thick and three feet long, at an expense not to exceed 1G cents per super ficial foot. On motlou of W. W. Moody JttMolved. that the bills of Bastian and Cake be referred to tbo Fiuance Committee with instruc tions to make settlement on the most advanta geous terms to the bo ough. On motion or G. T. Cadwalldcr Raolved. Tbat the Chler Burgess be author ized to have stand pities placed in the two bor ough wells on Race street for use or fire depart ment. Oa mot ion OfG. B. Cadwallader, an order was granted iu favor of William Clark lor f 228,00 in full for the completion of two wells on Race street, as per contract. Bills presented and orders granted : William Clark.... 223 00 Steam Fire Co., So. 1 82 00 John Leeaer 6 00 Simon Martz. 1 50 Chas. Kiehl 1 50 Jere Savage T.G.Cooper...... C. I. Beck 7 50 3 00 14 70 2 00 Boughtner W. M. Shaffer Andrew Crick Z. Boetiau.. A. S. Carr - John Pollen .. Wm. Kirlin B. Hoover Samuel Gobin Jacob Cable G. W. Kee'er W. Hoover 2 50 Simon Martz 1 00 C. Garinger 1 f-0 W. 8. Fire Co 10 00 . ,t . app'n 35 00 3. 8. Fire Co., No. 1, app'n : 60 00 G. I. Fire Co., app'u 20 00 Ou motion, adjourned. Geo. D. Bi cueb. Clerk FOR THE AMERICAN. Old Documest. The following is a copy of ietition filed in the archives st Harrisburg : To the Honorable the Representation of the Freemen of the Stale of Pennsylvania, in General Assembly met at Philadelphia the twenty-second day of October, A. D. 178T. Tbs petition of the subscriber, an inhabitant of the town of 8unbury, in the county of Northumberland, and State of Pennsylvania, most humbly showeth, Tbat there was s grant made by the Honorable Thomas Pcnn aud Richard Penn, Esqs., unto Robert King his executors, administrators and aesigna by their patent, bearing date the 14th of August, 1T73, for the keeping s ferry over the main river of Susquehanna, at the town of Sunbury, in said county, snd the said patent being conveyed by Robert King to Adam Haver- ling, on the 30th of November, A. D. 1773, and by the said Adam H Averting conveyed unto Stophel Getting, on the 17th day of April, 1775, and by the said 8tophel Get ting conveyed onto Abraham Dewitt, on the 9th day of October, 1779, and by Eleanor Dewitt (Alias Coldern), ad ministratrix of Abraham Dewitt, deceased, conveyed unto your petioner, c-n the 23 day of October, 17, and as he hath water craft made om purpose for said ferry before there was any on Sunbury aide, and now bath sufficient crait in good order, and having the rights as transferred by the sundry recitals, snd is In peaceable possession, therefore humbly requests of your honorable body to grant him the privilege of keeping said ferry upon the terms your honors shall think Just snd rea sonable for s term of years, and your petitioner as in duty bound, will pray. JOHN LYONS. We the under named subscribers do certify that the above petitioner, John Lyon, hath had said ferry some time in possession, snd that be hath attended to the same regularly, and hath kept bis water craft in good order. We therefore request of your honors to grant bis re quest, snd you will oblige, gentlemen, your most obedi ent humble servants. Jaa. Crawford Wm. Bonham, Benjamin Lyon, Jaa. Buchanan, Daniel Reese, James Davidson, Wm. D. Braay, Robert Wilson, Benjamin Lewis, John Harrison, Wm. Adams, Daniel Hbeesley, Chas. Gobin, Wm, Geary, Wm. Murdock, Joseph Wallis, John Watson, Henry Landers lice, Daniel Montgomery, Samuel Wallis, James McCuue, Abraham Mc Kinney, Enoch Bkeer, Jacob Anderson, John Kidd. John Mead, Henry Lebo, Augustus Stoner, John Bell, John Black, Geo. Woln. Jack Robins, John Young, Jacob Keberling, Daniel Beatty, Robert Coldern, John Dickinson. An Importaut Fact The voluntary testimony of thousands estab lishes beyond all doubt a fact or vital import ance to the sick and debilitated, vie, that Hos tetter's Stomach BItvers is an absolute specific for remittent and intermittent fever, dyspepsia, constipation, biliousness, mental depression, sleeplessness, chronic diarrhoea, and all diseases of the stomach, liver and bowels. The nn- medicated stimulants usually prescribed in these cases only aggravate the symptoms, instead of removing them. The Bitters, on the contrary, act as a corrective and iuvigorant, without pro ducing the unpleasant end dangerous conse quences of the old school practice. The action is mild and soothing to the irritated stomach and bowels, promoting digestion and preventing flatulency, nausea, headache and all intestinal irregularities. A wiueglassful before meals greatly assists digestion. The convalescent may use them with great benefit, as a means of re storing strength and cheerfulness. Musical. J. P. Keefer has lately removed his excellent musical instruments into the building on Fourth street, below Market, nearly opposite the City Hotel. Any kind of Musical instru ments of the most improved styles and make are kept in bis establishment, rarlor Organs, Pianos of the best manufacture in the country will be found at his store. He is also agent for the best sewing machines now in use. Obstacles to Marriage. Happy Relief for Young Men from the effects or Errors and Abuses in early life. Manhood restorer. Impediments to Marriage removed New melhed of treatment. New and remarta- ble remedies. Books and Circulars sent free. in sealed enveloper. Address. HOWARD AS SOCIATION, 419 N. Ninth St., Philadelphia, Pa., an Institution having a high reputation for honorable conduct and professional skill. May 28, 1875. ly. On September 26th, in Sunbury, by Rev. G. W Hemperly, Mr. Joseph Mekril, of Sunbury, to Miss Emma a. Cclp, of Lrp?r Augusta. At Alexandria, HuntincJon county, Pcnn'a., October 7. 1875, by the Rev. Mr. Barr. ot the Presbyterian church, W. CV Packek, Esq., of Sunburv, Pa., and Miss Jennib Uoutz, of Alex andria, la. We congratulate our young friend on this the most Important, and we trust the happiest event of his life. May he realize his fondest hopes, and the future prove as bright and prosperous as the past. On Wednesday, Oct. 13th, KATE, wife of imuel F. Keller, aged 20 years, 7 months and 15 days. Harrisburg and Willamsport papers please copy.l 2tto S&btrtismcnts. 4 $1,200 PROFIT ON $100. Iuvce.Vd iu Stock I'rivileges in Wall St. Books and Circulars telling "How 'tis done.- sent free. Address Baxteb A Co., Bankers, 17 V all bt., fiew 1 or. Sept. 17. w. A NEW BOOK BIT MARK TWAIN. Just ready for OanTsmsrs. How then ia the tune to get Territory. Dout stop to experiment on other books. Take one vou know will sell. Prompt action will give you choice of field,-and Golden Returns. Get on the course at once and you will wis. Outfit costs nothing, everything furnished. Send in your names, and towns you want, or for circulars at once. Address, Sept. 1". 4w. MORE AGESTS WANTED. AKTIAL DEEDS OF PEXXA. Over 1100 Imrerial Octavo Pugea. Keaumniir il lustrated. HaudHOinely Bound. No Soldier should be without it. "A Just tribute to distinguished services." . a. f:urtin. "Your account of lietteourg is tne Huest, fillies , aud very . hiory of the greatest Imttle oi modern times." "oL J. P. Nicholnon, Phils. "The most complete account extant." MaJ. Gen. D. Butterneld, N. Y. Send for circulars and terms. 4th E1)ITK:I 4 1 M rnuM int. rw.n.-. n. DAVIS a CO- Pubs.. 725 Sansoni St Philadel phia, sept. 1 Sheriff Kales of Real Estate. BT virtuf! of eundry Writs or Fieri acius alias Fieri Facias, Plnrles Fieri Facias, Venditioni Exponas, alias tcnditionl txponas. Levari Facias and alias levari Facias, Issued out of the Court of Commoo Pleas of Northumberland county, and to me directed, will be eiposed to sale by public vendue or outcry, on WEDNESDAY, the 3d day of NOVEMBSR,1S7j. ; at 10 o'clock In the rorenoon, at the Court House In the Borough or Sunbury, Pa., the following real estate, to wit : FIBRXA FACIAS. A certain lot or piece of eround situate In Cruikshonk's addition to the borongh or Sba mokin, county or Northumberland, and State of Pennsvlvania. known and designated on the general litographed plot or plan of said addition as lot uumber one, in diock numoer seven, bounded northwardly by Mulberry street, east wards bv an alley, southwardly by lot number two, in said block, and westwardly by Sbamokin street, containing in width fifty-seven feet on SbamoKin sfeet, one hundred airf f'' In depth am' ." - -" torv frame dwelling bouse ; as the property of HESTER DEITMAN. ALSO, A certain lot or piece of ground situate In Cnrjer Autrusta township, Northumberland coun ty, Pennsylvania, bounded northward by centre turnpike, eastward by lot of Joseph Bonstine, southward by land or George Conrad, and west ward by lot or Jeremlan rasoia, containing in width thirty Tect and in depth two hundred feet, with the appurtenances consisting of a two-story frame dwelling house ; as the property or JOHN MENSCn. ALSO, All that certain one-hair part or two tracts or pieces or ground situate in Delaware township, Northumberland county, Penn'a., bounded and described as follows, to wit : on the south by land of Aaron B. Artman, on the cast by tne West Branch canal, and on the west by the West Branch of the Snsqnebanua river, con taining six acres, more or less, with the appur tenances consisting or two oue-and-a-hair story houses, Ac; as the property or DAMtL ir TEGRAFF. ALSO, All that certain lot or piece of ground situate iu the township of Mount Carmel, Northumber land county, Peun'a., bounded and described as follows, to wit : on the nortn oy tne souiueru line of the boroueh of Mount Carmel, on the east and sonth by lands of The Locust Moun tain Coal and Iron Company, surveyed on a war rant in the name or David Kennedy, and on tne west bv the Centre turnpike, being the same premises which were conveyed to Pat rick Donahoe by the said Locust Mountain Coal and Iron Company by their deed recorded in Northumberland county, In deed dook vt. v., page 194, and dated December 17, 1803, whereon are erected a large two-story stone building, with basement, a frame stable, carriage nouse ana other out buildings. Also. Four certain lots or pieces or ground situate in the borough of Mount Carmel, county and State aforesaid, known and designated on the plan of said borough as lot number fourteen, in block numDeriweniy-iour,iromingon maiacv street ; lots numbers three and four, in block number fortv-three. fronting on Chestnut street: and lot number twenty-three, lu block number thirty, froutiug on Oak street, with the frame stable thereon ercctea ; as tne property oi r ai RICK DONAHUE. ALSO, Two certain lots or pieces of ground situate in the boroush of Sbamokin, county of Northumber land, Pa., known and designated on the plan of said borough, as lot numoer two, in oiock num ber seventy fronting on Seventh street, lot num ber three, in block number fourteen, fronting on Second street. Also, a certain lot or piece oi irrnnnd s'.tuate us aforesaid, containing one- eighth or an acre more or less, adjoining lot of Dr. Itobert rDlllips, toe ouaiuunu eras, suu m triangular lot No. 440, as marked on the plot of said enamOKIU, lata out oy .utarij, yum, Warner and Jordan, being part of the real es tate of Dav'd Thompson, deceased, sold by H.J. Wolverton, Trustee : as the property or v allk TINE FAG EL i. ALSO, FIERI FACIAS AND ALIAS VKX. IX. Three certain lots or pieces of ground situate In Hough's addition to the borough or Mount Carmel, in the county or Northumberland, and State or Penna., known and designated on the plan or said borough as lots numbers ten, eleven and twelve, in block number seven, each front ing on Third street thirty-six feet, and extending back tbat width one hundred and fifty feet to an allev. with the appurtenances erected on lot number ten. consisting of a one and a half story frame building, Ac. ; as the property of FRANK ROTH. ALSO, FIERI FACIAS A"D LEVARI FACIAS All that certalu lot or piece of land situate lu Lower Mabanoy township, Northumberland county, Pennsylvania, bounded northwardly by land or r. s. Bickci, eastwaraiy oy lanas o Charles Broslons, southwardly by lands of I. II Reasler and P. S. Bickle, containing two acres, more or less, with the appurtenances consisting nf a two-storv frame dwelling house with base ment, and a frame stable ; as the property of 1. P. WHITMER. ALSO, PLCRIK8 FIBRI FACIAS All that certain lot or piece of ground situate In Joseph Everett's addition to the borough or Watsontown, in the county or Northumberland, and State or Pennsylvania, known and designat ed on the plan or said addition as lot number thirteen, bounded northward by an alley, east ward by lot number twelve, la said addition, southward by a street, and westward by an alley, containing in width fifty-flve feat and ia depth one" hundred and sixty-five feet, with the appur tenances consisting of a two-story frame dwell lug house, Ac: as tho property of JOHN DOUGHERTY. . ALSO, . ALIAS F1KRI FACIAS .A certain lot or place of ground situate In the borough of Hbamokin, county or Northumber land, and State of Pennsylvania, known and designated on the plan of said borough as lot number five, in block number sixty-one, fronting on Spruce street twenty five feet, and axtending back that width one hundred and fifty feet to an alley ; as the property of I. 6. KU.1TZ ALSO, All that certain lot or piece of ground situate In the boiongh of Riverside, in the county of Northumberland and State or Pennsylvania, bounded and described as follows, to wit : Be ginning on the east side of avenue F, at the dis tance one hundred leet southwardly iroru fourth street at the corner of lot B ; thence la an east wardly direction along said lot B, one hundred and seventy six leet to an alley ; thence south wardly along said alley fifty feet to comer of lot D ; thence lu a westwardly direction along said lot v one hundred ana seventy six leet to avenue F ; thence In a northward by direction along sa d avenue F to the place of beginning, beiug lot marked C, in section twenty six, in the plan or said borough, with the appurtenauces consisting or a two-story frame dwelling house, etc. ; as the property of WILLIAM X EAGER. ALSO, TFN. KXrOHAS. One-half of a certain lot or piece of ground situate In the town of Marsbalton, Coal town ship, Northumberland county, Pennsylvania, known and designated on the plan of said town as lot number two, in block number seven, with the appurtenances consisting of a two-story frame d welling bouse; as the property of 111 K AM R. THOMAS and HANNAH his wife. ALSO, A certain tract or piece of land situate in Washington township, Northumberland couuly, Penna., adjoining lands ot Jonathan Keeler, Amos Brosious, Jacob Raybuck and William Riehl, containing ninety-seven acres and ninety four perches, more or less, with the appurte nances consisting of a two-story frame tavern, store and dwelling house, a two-story frame dwelling house, a oue aud a-balf story dwelling honse, a blacksmith Shop, a saw mill, bank barn. esc. Also. A certain tract or piece oi wooaiana situate part It in Washington township and part ly In Lime Mauanoy lownsnip, iu sum county, adjoining lands of Jacob Haupt, Daniel Reitz aud others, containing fifty one acres and oue hundred and ten perches, more or less ; as the property of WILLIAM KEUKto. ALSO, The right, title and interest of Val. Fagely, in and to all tbat certain piece or parcel of irrouud situate in the borough of Sbamokin, county or Northumberland, and State or Penn sylvania, being lot number forty-seven and part of lot number forty-six, in block number one hundred and fifty-eight, as marked on the gen eral plan of said borough, bounded aud describ ed as follows, to wit: Beginning nt post at the intersection of Independence and Sbamokin streets, ou the wenerly bide thereof forty-nine and eight-tenth feet to a post ; thence by lands late or Joseph etzei, nortu degrees west one buudred and ninety-one and four tenth feet to a post on the east side of Sba mokin street, thirty -one and seven-tenths feet southwardly from the north west corner or lot number forty-five, in same block, on the line or Sbamokin street; thence by Sbamokin street, forty-live feet, more or less, to the railroad on Independence street ; thence by same and said street one hundred and ninety feet to the place of beginning, containing eight thousand nine hundred square feet, more or icss, with the ap purtenances consisting of a two-story brick building, contaiuiug storeroom, warehouse, of fice, &c, a stable and two frame buildings ; as the probity of VAL. FAGELY. ALSO, A certain tractor piece of land situate In Little Mahahoy township, Northumberland county, Pennsylvania, boundeJ and described as follows, o wit : Beginning at a dead piue, thence oy tue company's lands south eighty four and a half degrees east, two hundred and five perches to a stone ; thence by land of which this Is a part. north thirteen and a half degrees east, one hun dred and rorty-seven and a hair perches to a chestnut ; thence north eighty degrees west twenty-four perches to a fallen cbestout oak; thence by land surveyed to Frederick Dunkle bergcr, north eighty-three degrees, west one hun dred and seventy-seven and three-tenths perches to a stone ; thence by land of Samuel Kaker, south eighteen and a hair degrees, west seventy three perches to an lronwood ; thence south sixty-seven and a hair degrees, east twenty-one and five tenths perches to black oak ; thence south tweuty-flve degrees west thirty-two perch es and three tenths to a post ; thence by tho Mahanov Creek, north fifty-three decrees, west twelve perches to a water birch ; thence north fortv-six decrees west seven perches nud eight tenth to a post; thence north twenty two degrees west twelve perches to a black oaK ; tnence Dy laud of Isaac D. Raker, south to the place of be ginning, containing one hundred and eighty one acres aud one hundred aud twenty-seven perches, more or less, with the appurtenances cousisiin of a two-story stouo house, a bunk barn and wagon shed. Also. Two certain lots or pieces of ground situate In the town of Trevorton, Zerbe town ship, Northumberland county, Pennsylvania, known and dB!gnuted on the general plan or aid town as lots numbers nlae and ten, in block number one hundred and sixteen, each fronting on Sbamokin street 25 feet, and extending back 150 feet to an alley, with the appurtenances con sisting of a two story frame tavern building and a stable. -.Also, A certain tract or piece or land situate TnXainerua wir. w. . ! ml xauatr. Pennsylvania, bounded northwardly and eaM wardly by land or Jonathan Dunbleberger, south wards bv land r the B!g Mountain Company. and westwardly by land or Heury Dornslfc, con taining twenty-eignt acres, more or less, wuu the appurtenances consisting or a two-story frame dwellinz house, Ac. ; as the property or 8AMUEL DUNKLEBERGER. ALSO, A certain lot or piece or grouud situate in the borough of 8bamokin, County of Northumber land and State of Pennsylvania, Known ana de signated on the general plan of said borough as lot number fourteen in block one hundred and ninety-one, bounded northward by lot number thirteen eastward by an alley, southward by Spruce street, and westward by Sh.unokln Street containing in width twenty-five feel, and iu depth one hundred ana ninety-ieet wuu lue p purtances consisting of a two-story frame dwell ing honse ana otner ouiiaings ; as tue fiojTivy of RECBEN HOLLENBACH. ALSO, All that certain lot or piece of land situate In Rush township. Northumberland county, begin ning at a point !n the middle centre of the road leading from the Danville bridge, fifty-ronr feet from the centre or the intersection or said road and the road leadins from Sunbury to Catawissa, thence along said road north 42J degrees east 337 fcet to the lace of the abutment of the Dan ville bridge, thence np the river busquenanna 40i degrees east 28 eight-tenths perches to a post, thence along mna oi .nrs. r.uzuoeiu ucr hart, south C6?i degrees west 316 feet to the souih line of the Danville, Harlcton & Wltkea- harre railroad, thence along said railroad north 46J degrees west 360 feel to the place oi Degin- nlni'.witn tne appurtenauces cuubisuu in u siuaii weigh scales, an office building, a frame Ice house and a trestllng ; as the property of BEN JAMIN G. WELCH & EUGENE J. LLKUS. ALbU, Two certain lots or pieces of ground situate In Cake's addition to the borough of Sunbury, in the countv or Northumberland, ana Mate ol Pennsylvania, known aua designated on tne nlan or said addition, as lots numbers eight and nine in block number fifteen, fronting on Rail road avenue fifty feet, and extending dock mat width oue hundred and tllty reet 10 au aiiey, with the appurtenance consisting of two two-story frame dwelling houses, &c. ; as the property or MARTIN WALLS. ALSO. Three certalu lots or pieces or ground sltuute in the borough or Mount Carmel, couuty or Northumberland, and Male oi renn6yivania, known and designated ou the general plan of said borough as lots number tweuty-iour, twenty five and twenty-six. lu block number forty, each containing in front on Hickory street twenty-five feet, and extending oacamai wiuiu one uuuureu and fiftv feet to an alley, with the appurtenances erected on lota numbers twenty-five and twenty- six, consisting or a two-story frame dwelling house, a oue-and-a-hair story iraros ouuaing and a stable ; as the property or SARAH JANE REED. - A Law, an tn ooriiln traet or niece of land situate in Turbut township, Northumberland county, Pennsylvania, ooanueu tuuunniuciiH iuuuwb, to wit : Beginniug at a post on tne line oi tne i a m f tAk. ataHn nn the nuhllc mad lead ing from the borough of Milton to the borough Or MCCWenSVIlie ; imureounu luuivccu uu m half degrees, west twenty seven ana six-iemns the line seoaratinr the lands nf John atadden and lands of William B. Kern- merer ; thence north seVenty-Bvc and a nair de grees, east sixteen ana nve-tenius percues to a vut nn the laat mentioned line : thence south thirteen and a halt degrees, east nineteen and four-tenths percDes to a post on saia puouc roaa ; t. ....... .ninh rnrieilirht datrses. west seventeen iiui.n D'l.i. .v.j n i ..t.nth. twri-hM alnnir eairl oublic road to ,Ut Ulli-ltuku, O the place of beginning, containing two acres aud eighty perches, strict measures, wuu ,uc mypuf . x..i.,;nir nf m. two atorv frame dwelllnr house, a frame stable and out buildings ; as the property or LK1 maihia. ALSO, TBM EXPOHAS AD L1VARI FACIAS. All that rertnin lotaflTOUnd sltaate in Cook. Hollopeter & Co's. addition, town or Watson town, county or Nonnumoerianu, imi own oi Pennsylvania, bounded and described as follows, to wit ; on the north by lot thirty, on the east by lecond street, on the south by lot number twen t v.nnp and on the west bv an allev. containlnr fifty-five feet In front and one hundred and sixty- five feet deep,known ana aesignaiea in iuc genxrsi nion nf ulH addition ns lot cumber twenlv-nlne. it being a part of a larger tract of land that John lieckel, by deea aaiea Lrecemocr i, 1000, conveyed to Cook, Hollopeter A Co., with the nnnrtonanma ncaalatlnr of a tWO-SlOTV frame dwelling house ; as the property of CHARLES BTKC&BI. - ALSO, ' - ' LBV ARI FACIAS. All that certain lot or piece of ground situate on the south side of Chestnut street. In the bor- ough of Sunbury. Northumberland county, aud State of Pennsylvania, and bounded and de scribed as follows, to wit bounded on the north by said Chestnut Street, oa the east by a lot of airs. Amelia V. Fisher, on the south by the Sha niokln Valley A Potts villa Rail Road, and on tbs west by a lot conveyed by the said William M. Rockefeller, Executor of the last will and testament of Edward Y. Brleht. Sr.. unto Wil liam Umpleby, containing in front on said Cheat ant 8treet, twenty-two (22) feet be the same more or less, and in depth two hundred and thirty feet more or less, with the appurtenances consisting of a two-story brick dwelling house. It being the same lot or piece of ground which the said William M. Rockefeller, Executor as aforesaid by his deed bearing date the 27th day of March. 1873. granted and confirmed nnto the said Florence L. Relmensnyder, her heirs and assigns forever; as the property of CORNE LIUS A. REIMENSNYDER, and FLORENCE L. RELMENSNYDER bis wife. also, ' ,! : A dwelling house two stories high, a front of 33 feet and depth or 18 feet and two Storied back building 16 feet in depth by 21 14 in width, located upon a lot or piece - of ground situate in the Borough of Northumberland, bounded and described as follows : bounded eu north-east by Market street, south-east by Saw ami alley, south-west by Wheatley alley, north west by lot, II. G. Giiger, containing in front 120 feet and in depth 240 feet, known as lots 99 and 100 in -general plan : as the property of JEREMIAH EYSTER. ALSO, A two-story framo dwelling honse, eighteen feet front on Orange street, by twenty eight reel in depth, located upon a lot or piece of gronud situate in the borough"bf Northumberland, Pa. Beginning at a corner on north-east side or Orange Street, ninety reet from 20 reet wide alley thence north east two hundred and forty leet to a twenty root alley, thence nortn-west thirty feet on said alley to a corner, thence south-west by lot of S. Dunkleberger, two hun dred and forty feet to Orange street, and thence thirty feet S. E. on Orange street, to the place of beginning, being one eighth part of lots, Nos. 269, 270, 271 and 272 ; as the property of 8A VILLA HAWLEY aud JOHN B. HAWLF.Y owners or reputed owners and contractors. ALSO, All those two certain lots or pieces of ground situate, lying and being ia the Borough or Mount Carmel, County or Northumberland and State or Pennsylvania, being lots marked on the general plan or chart of said town of Mount Carmel, th the numbers fourteen and fifteen (14 and 15), in block number twenty-three (23), and bounded and described as follows, to wit : on the north by Cherry Street, on the east by Orange Street, on the south by lot number six teen (16), and on the west by Hickory etreet, containing in width in front on said Hickory Street, fifty feet (50), and extending back in depth that width one hundred and fifty feet (150 ft.), to said Orange Street, with the appur tenances consisting of a double two-story frame dwelling house ; as the property of HENRY V. YEAGER. ALSO, All that certain northern one-half lot of ground situate in the borough of Mount Carmel, County and State aforesaid, being the northern hair or lot No. nineleeu (No. 19), in block num ber thirty (blk 30), bounded on the north by number eighteen (No. 18), on the east by Oak Street, south by lot number twenty (No. 20), and west by Pear street, with the appurtenances consisting or a Stable ; as the property or HES- EK.IAH FLOYD with notice to Charles Miller Terre Tenant. ALSO, All those two certain lots or pieces of ground situate in the borough of Mt. Carmel, County of Northumberland and State of Pennsylvania, and designated on the general plan of said town with the numbers twelve and thirteen (Nos. 12 and 13), in block number twenty-nine (blk No. 29), whereon is erected a two and one-half story frame dwelling, stable, out houses, Ac, Ac, said lots being together in front on Maple street in width fifty feet (50 ft.), and extending in depth that width one hundred and fifty feet (150 ft.), to an alley and bounded on the north by lot No. 11, ou the east by Maple street, on the south by lot No. 14, and on the west by an lley ; as the property of H. B. MUSSINA and EVA ETTA his wife, with notice to Christian Kerr and William Philips Terre Tenants. ALSO, All that certain one-half lot or grouud situate in the boroueh of Mount Carmel, North'd coun ty, Pennsylvania, and being the one-half of lot umber six, in block nuicner tuiriy, ana bound ed ou the north by lot number five on the east bv Ouk street, on the south by hair lot number six (6), in said block, and on the west by Pear llcv. coutiiuinc iu width in front on said VnK. street, telve and one-balffeet (12) aud ex tending baca tb t width in depth oue hundred and fifty feet (150 ft.), us a'.so the one-half or a two-story dwelling house and stable erected on snld piece of ground ; as tbs property of HESE- KIAU FLOYD aud AMANDA bia wi:e, wiin notice to Charles Miller, Terre Tenant. ALSO, All that certain lot or piece of ground with the two-story frame dwelling honse thereon erected, situated in the Borough or Northumber land aforesaid, bounded and descnDea as 101 lows : on the northwest by Water street on the northeast by Hanover street, on the southeast by North way, and on the south .vest by part of lot number sixty-turee now ownea ay wouu George, containing seventy-eight feet in front on Water street, and one nunarca ana eignty leet in depth, being part of two certain lots number ed sixty-three and sixty-four which Henry K. Campbell aud Sidney Campbell nis wue, oy .fc ip a,, a AmimA tb&XOta iajof January, 1867, conveyed to Victoria Uunca ; bTHjb piuji.tj mt VICTORIA ULL1C&. and I'UAKLES V. UU- LICK. s ALSO, All that certain messuage, tenement and town lot and part of a town lot or land, with the two story frame dwelling bouse and outbuildings thereon erected, situate in the borough of River side, in the county of Northumberland, and State of Pennsylvania, bounded and described as fol lows, vis : Beginning at a point one hundred feet distant from the south west corner or 1 bird street and avenne E ; thence along the west side of said avenue southwardly seventy-five reet to the centre of lot M ; thence westwardly through the centre of said lot one hundred and eighty- four feet to an alley ; thence northwardly along said alley seventy-five feet to lot K ; thence east- wardly along said lot one hundred and eltrbty four reet to avenne E. the place or beginning, being lot L, and part of lot M, as marked in sec tion twenty (20). In plot of said Riverside, it be ing the same which Ogden H. Ostrander and his wue, oy ueeu uaixu iimcuiirci Kiauhcw and conveyed nnto John Keim : as the property or JOHN KEIM. ALSO, All that certain town lot and part of a town lot or land with the two-story frame dwelling house and out buildings thereon erected, situate lu the borough of Riverside, in the connty or Nor thumberland. and State of Pennsyivania.oounded marked and described as follows, vie : Beginning at a point one hundred and seventy-five feet, dis tant from the southwest corner of avenue E and Third street : thence westwardly along the cen tre of lot M. one hundred and eight-four feet to an alley ; thence soutnwardiy along saia ancy seventv-flve feet to lot O; thence eastwardly along said lot one hundred and eighty-four feet to aveuue E : thence norm ward ly along saia avenue seventy-five feet to the place or beginning, bein? lot N and one-half or lot Jl in section twentv f 20). lu the plan of said Riverside. It be- in? the same which Frank C. Derr by deed, dated September 30, 1871, granted and conveyed to Ogden H. Ostrander ; as the properly or vtiDfca H. US IBAMUtK. ALSO, ALIAS LEVARI FACIAS. ATI that certain piece, parcel and tract of land situate In Lower Augusta township, tJouoty aforesaid, adjoining lands of Reuben Conrad, Henry Shlpe, Charles oy, peter MancK, jonn F. Zimmerman, Henry D. Malick and others, containing fifty-nine acres more or less, with the appurtenances consisting or a two-story rrame house, a barn, Ac, and consisting of two eontl- rlous pieces separately oonnaea ana aescrioea as follows : one thereof beginning at a small hickory, thence by land of Peter Conrad, south eighty-nine and a quarter degrees east forty three perches to a stone, thence by land now or late of John D. Malick north five and a half de grees east one hundred and seventeen and two tenths perches to a stone, thence by land now or late of David Malick west Torty-three perches to a stoue, and thence by land or Peter R. Malick south five and a hair degrees west one hundred and sixteen and six-tenths perches to the place of bet-inning, containing twecty-nine acres and seventy-seven perches more or less, excepting therefrom about one ana a quarter acres soia Dy John S. Hennineet to Peter R. ji.alick, which said described land beintr the same which 8am nel Eyster and wife by deed dated the 1st day or April, A. D. eighteen hundred and fifty-two (ranted and conveyed to said Joseph Conrad in fee simple. The other of said pieces is bounded and described as follows : beginning at a plu knot, corner of land of Ephrlam Lytle, Sarah Ann Conrad. ASsoiom lonraa, tnence oy iana Of Keuben tjonraa soum eigniy-six aegrees west one hundred and twenty-three and two tenths nerches to a stone, thence by land or Keu ben Conrad and Henry BDipe. nortn seven ana three onarter desrees west fortv-six and eight tenths perches to a chestnut, thence by land of Peter Malick. Charles t oy, and meaoove de scribed tract, south eighty-eight and three quar ter decrees, east one hundred and seventeen ana one tenth perches to a pine stump, thence by land of Henry W. Malick, south lour degrees east twentv-two and six tenths perches to a Chestnnt Oak. thence bv the same north eighty eight and three quarter degrees, east six and two tenths perches to a pine knot, thence by land of Absolom Conrad, south twenty-one and one half degrees east thirteen perches to the be ginning, containing twenty-seven acres and one hundred and fifty-five perches being the same land which Reuben Conrad by deed dated the 26th day of May, 1860, granted and conveyed to said Joseph Conrad in fee simple. The said two contlgious pieces being now held by said Joseph Conrad as one piece and farm as the property of JOSEPH CONRAD. Koisju!- taken In execution and to be sold by 8. B. ROTHERMEL. Sheriff. Sheriff's Office, luhnry, pa., Oct. 19, 1879. STOVES! STOVES! STOVES! o)- Largest! BEST ! and Cheapest ! . ; ASSORTMENT OF ' . HEATERS, RANGES, FURNACES, . OX EXHIBITION AXD loii SALE BY "jr. IB. M E IS ED, . North Third Street, Both PonaWs ail Brict Sets, l Ria.igiBE.sri of the best manufacture, and we guarantee satisfaction in all cases. It will pay you to pay bridge or ferry toll to x Come and See ray Stock ! cp FIRE BOARD STOVES, SLATE MANTELS, : REGISTERS A VEXTILATOHS, A.t Greatly Heducecl !Pricesr You can make from 15 to 20 per cent. You will make money by driv ing 15 or 20 mile to see my tock and hear my prices. Also, a large stock of FIRE BRICK & REPAIRS constantly on band. TINWARE in encTiqgs variety. Tinned "and en amelled toilers, and Roofing, Spouting and riumbing in all its branches. Also a specialty of the BEST COAL OIL LAMPS in the Market. Sunbury, Pa., October 8, 1875. When you visit Philadelhia. call and see SAM. KSILTJER, W'TII Til rs S o VI X L ml Ul Q -J I D. GO CO SO o WHO SOLID WALNUT MARBLE TOP Parlar Suits in Hair Cloth fflor Ms in Plush ftn $90 1. Walnut Dressing Case Suits, $68.00. v Best Wire Wove Spring Mattress. ALL OTHER GOODS EQUALLY LOW. Feathers in Pillows or by the Pound, la Large Quantities and or the Finest Qnality. GrI"VT3 HIM A. CAT, 1M Sept. 17, 1873. ly. - .. .. , 03P mw BOTH IMPORTED At Now that trade is reviving MARX & BRO. will receive ew Go, ox or twice every week. We buy all our Goods, the boat as well as the poorest, at LOWEST BOTTOIvI Prices! OTJ37E5ST BOTTOEJ Prices! which enables us to sell accordingly. "We will not enumerate our goods, but the public are invited to come aud loot at our stock It aaords us pleasure to show goods whether you buy or not. . Give us a call and exam ine quality of Goods and Prices. . s Yours Truly, . . , Masonic Building, Sunbury. j K. B. KID GLOVES of our "own importation on hand in large quanti-1 ties. "We guarantee every pair- Also a large number of imported articles which wo have not space to enumerate. - 7 j Sumiuky, Peot-'a. r- J. B. REED, North Third Street. o Ci Oi & a CO o r o n r o x Xtl o o o Til j SELLS H AMBER SUITS FOR $55,110. or Fancy Reps from $50 up. GOODS i AND DOMESTIC - A.t (2 BRO., : xnachjttilca. iTdtopi J