. uuiorons Shrfcfrcs. Look IIerk, IIexky, do you know what makes those pigs look so lean V ' Yes, sir, I do. I miido them look that way my self, sir.' Whatl T you meau to tell lue that you keep them trotu their feed, afier my giving you orders to be careful and feed them well ? X0, sir, not exactly that ; but you see I lead in a book that the best way to ft-ed ivijis and make them smart was to give them plenty to cat one day, and nothiuj: the m-xt. as that is tl.e 11 : way t- biiu,' llieiu up, and it makes uicer J meat." 'How d-H'S il make nicer meat, you j young t-xl demanded the now exaspe rated fanner, seeing that his pigs, which : he took such juide in raisin?, were bein j half stai vtd. Vtil, the book said to feed j one day that makes a streak of fat-aud j tive them nothiuj; the uext day that , makes a streak of lean ; aud that's the way I like pork.' 'What bock did you learn that iuV1 asked the farmer. 'Why, in that old nlmanac that hangs in the kitchen.' 'Oh,' ai the farmer, 'that's so. There's a good mauy things iu that book: but hereafter I waut you to feed them pisjs as I tell you, while I will attend to the read ing matter.' Henry was surprised to find the table loaded that day, aud the farmer telling him to eat plenty. He did not know what to make of it until the next morning, j when he was kenl waitinz fur his breakfast ! until eleven o'clock, and could stand it no longer; so up he went to his employer, aud said, 'I say, Mr. W , aiu't we a going to have auy breakfast this morning V 'Wei! no, I don't think we will,' replied Mr. W. 'You see it says in that almanac that h pig inwardly is the same as a human be ing ; and I'm going to try the same plan of getting a streak of fat and a streak of lean on my ma so as to make them half way smart. If they have all fat, they will be too lazy. Don't you think it is a good plan, Ilenry ?' The next day that almanac was missing. Winter Ghave Digging. Jones was hired during the 'cold-snap' to dig a grave foi a person who bad departed from this world of woe, so be shouldered bis spade and trudged unwillingly to the cemetery. Arriving at the cemetery, Jones ierceived the head of a sturdy Swede just visible above the edge of a grave about completed. Jones advanced to the hole and entered into conversation with the foreigner, from whom be learned that the grave just com pleted would not be occupied at oucc. Then the Swede went away, and Jones sat down on top of a baby tombstone, rested bis elbows upon bis knees and his cheeks on bis bands, and meditated. lie reflected upon the frost in the cround and upon the immense amount of labor involved in Win ter grave-digging. Then be left the ceme tery and did not again put in an appear ance until the comiug of the body for the reception of which in earth be was to have provided. When the procession ar rived, however, he was on band, and very sedately conducted it to the grave the Swede bad dug, where the body was de posited. Jones received the five dollars and hied him from the viciuity of the ceme tery, and all was peaceful in the neighbor hood until the arrival of the funeral pro cessiou with the second body. St. Louis Iltjublican. Easy Boots. One of the easiest things in this world iz a loose boot ; it iz just as falling oph from a log when yu are fast asleep. The man who fust invented tite boots committed suicide, so I have been told ; this waz kind in the phellow. But if he bad committed suicide before he had been born, it would have been kinder still. v boots are one ov the luxuries ov kno, and don't kare. Enoy man who kan wear a tite boot, and enjoy it, iz cither a martyr or a phoul,it makes but little differ ence which. Tite boots produce korus, buyons, aud swaring, and tbare is only one thing kan be said in their favor ; they make a man forget all his own sorrows. An eazy boot will humanize a sinner faster than two mithionry kan. Vanity iz the godfather of tite boots, and just so long az men mistake a number ele ven foot for a number niue boot, just so long we shall -see them limping around, with boots on two sizes too small. Next to a clear conscience, for solid com fort, and every day wear, cums an eazy boot. Josi Hilling'1 A huaiuu: To Heaven Barefooted. Duting the pioneer days of Iotia, the town had an editor who was paiirut and long sutlc-ring. Some of the members of the church got him to cive twenty dollars towards M-cuiin a minister ; t'.wn they wanted five dollars fur the heathen ; then they wauled their reli gious notices inserted free ; then he was ' asked for twenty-five dollars towards help ing to build a, parsonage, and he finally bund he was giving the church more than be gave his family. He nevertheless 'hung on' for a time longer, or until oue evening he went to prayer meeting and was asked to leave his office for a week and go aud help clear the grounds for a camp meeting. That was the last straw aud he rose up aud said : 'Geutlemen, I'd like to go to heaven along with you. I know you all. You are clever aud obliging, and kind aud lender, and it would be nice for us all, as a cou gregation to go in together, but I've con cluded to leave you and dodge in along with somebody from Detroit, Lapeer or Grand Ilapids. It's money, money, mouey, all the time, and if my wife should die, she'd have to go to heaven barefooted.' The congregation seemed to realize that a free Lorse Wa$ bciDg rode tO dealll. TlieV J let up tbe editor and pucificd bini. He even had a rpecial tent assigned him at the cauitMueetiDg, and all was well. A woMAS in DjtTBon, (in., accidentally Lit her tngue off the other day, and since j lh:it l.er husband gcU home every evening j two hours earlier than be usually did. Tins 'verdict' of a southern colored preacher it unique. 'My dear bruddem, de wisdom of din world is foolishness. Iar is Mr. Beechcr, preaching the dictionary of perfection dese twenty-five years, and do only way he can save hisself is to show dat man is a natural conspirator and son of a vicissitude. If dar waru't a gostel of de pravity, whar, oh ! whar would de greatest pulpit sence Mars Hill be to-day ?' 'Will you please insert this obituary notice V asked au old gentleman of a couu try editor. 'I make bold to ask it because I know tbe deceased bad a great many friends about here who'd be glad lo hear of hit death.1 Josh Billings says : 'Above all things, learn your child lo be honest and industri ous ; if these two things dor.t enable him to make a figure io this word, lie is only a cypLer, and never was iu tended for a figure. Formula of a divorce as used by a negro justice in Desha county, Arkansas : 'As I jined you, to I bust you 'sunder. So go, you niggers, go. T Tie Rsiiiswtox Sewing Machins has sprung rapidly into favor j'"'!"s'"1Lr ,,u- bfyt I'oMBlSA'ilON i good Hiialitic namely' 1-t r-jUt ruii uin, (iikmiI It. niiisi'U'i-s, rapid, durable, with x rf--! Li!: til lie! It isahhnuir Vitelline, ''" Anlii;,!tii- Droit IV'.-.I. ! tit ii tMMtiih'u! .ni'I ! -Irne-limi Uir cr l-i. (iOOD AGENTS WANTED. SEND KOR CTKCULAK. t:lrr RKMIXtiTON" SEYVI Sti MACIUNK CO., ii.ION. X. Y. IIIMXC'II OFFIt'lIN OF REMIXtiTOX 'ME.XJEM. E. lt.-.iiiiiirton A Sons, K.-miiiutmi Sewing. M Co., Uemmulim As'l Co., ION. X. T. Februnry 'JC, ISTii. " nnw. baa Invite an examination of their immense new stork of IIKFKM OOI, best aMMortiiient whieli Ihej- am -IiiiiSKt prler lower limn ever. BLACK ALPACAS. Call and examine hefore purchasing elsewhere, our Alpacas range iu prices from 25 cts. to $1.00. All Best B&a&cs f Points, BEST BRANDS OF MUSLINS, 1 yard wide, 10 and 12 cents. Tie Larcest, liest Assortef Sunbury, Oct. 9, 1S74. lm. 1! ht In immense quantities, have been received daily, for tbe last two months, Over Coats ! Over Coats ! ! for Men aud Boys, endless variety, and at astonishing low prices ! Dress Slits, Business Slits, UNDER CLOTHING! UNDER CLOTHING! from 75 cts. a full suit up to the finest ! SHIRT'S! GXi-OlTiESS! wine m. uiuisiiiu; tiooas ot every description. HikTSi -A-JSFJOi C?A.ES, for Men nnd Boys, in immense variety, and of the latest styles. He invites everybody to call and examine his slock. Ailniiihin:; l:irains will be offered and goods will l)e sold cheaper than they have ever lieen in this town. Nobody is able to undersell us 1 Tho place to save money thiriii" these hard limes. The place where honest and upright dealing is the standing rule. The place where you can tiod the largest stock and best assnrtruent. The place where yoa are welcome, whether you buy or not is at WM. A. HELLER'S, GRAND CENTRAL CLOTHING STORE, Cor. 3d & Market Sts., Sunbury, l'a. Sunbnry. Pa., Si-j'tetnlM-r 11, 1ST4. Formerly H. rzfi-ldrr's. MITH'IMSTP.UOTION BOOK Ulltl I II W OB, SLX'UETS OF DULSS3UK1HG. Onlr 1 0 cent m rear !t LlW OIVCS HINTS and RULES for CUTTING and FITTING aod MAKINO-UP LADIES'. CHILDREN'S, and MISSES Houaehold Not, Fashion. Shopping, 521 ILLUSTRATIONS OF PATTERNS. aF- ' - v m av-. Ovarsklrt. .OFFER! Ur OO CI THIS Dm ens 4 Ik TKAK. fn atHba. hlM wtta UUt ti i fa v A. BURDETTE SMITH, VJSIZSr 014 BROADWAY, NEW-YORK CITY. il-rk.4c.u.i'- P. O. Boa S055. TIN WIRE RiNCS. .it " m CO. H ard wr Iaer Mil tb cm. mucer. 1 j Tin &inr UOO,, aOo: Coppervd Sanym. 60ot iTuJuLIU I1L Olro ultra (raa. AprU 2, 15.-4 . O )ft Daily to Amenta. RS new articlea and tha lieat j VU Family Paper in Amfria, with two 5.0U Chromos, ; fiee. AM.M !' CO., SIH) ilroadway, X. Y. April 2, T;.-4w. AdENTS ! SEND FOR CIRCIXAB AND TERMS. LIVEXSTOXE-N Popular Edition Price $2.50. LAST JUI K AI.K ! j The alory of the laat at-v-fu evi-.iifui yiaiH tf th'rft Traveler a lite aa tolil by Uinwlf, and of hia vufliTiiiiis i ami Ufuth, aa ta liy Ins lueu. iiie book tury want. y. C Ki.i lc Co., I'libbvliiiF, Newaik. X. .1. April i Vi. 4 '. IIAVi: VOl! TKIKlk JURUBSB& Ann ror WEAK, NERVOUS, OR DEBILITATED ? Ara you ao languM that any exertion reiuir-M it o.r au effort than you fM-J -aiibleof niaLiiiK? Then try Jumbrba, the wondertnl tonir aiul ijii't:. tor, which arta ao beiietii'ii.lly ou the aivitie o:uj :;t to iniart vlcor to all mil lun, It im tin kl.ihii!if' Htiiief iy.i'i- -)iii-h at iiniihii.-r t..i' abort time, only to let the .uflercr tail to a low: :.; the liver and aplccn. It reKUlalea 1. l'Ueia, fiuicta the ncrv:-a, b.d K'' aiu'h a healthy toce lothewuole a6t.'tii aa to aooit l. ' the Invalid fel l.-ke a new raoii. It a operation l. Lot violent, but ia cl'riAcer-! great tenlieneaa ; the patient eiicrieuc.-a l.o a'..V chan;i,t no m..:!.-J r.'-tiiilt.', but gradually Lis tj.-i K..M iL. ir 1. 1.:. hie I in- Aral, Aud iien:ly a:cal avay." Tlo H no new "d uotried diacovery, bin Ir.a 1 l'iti naeil with woiid r !:! rvnie.lial leaulta, i,i. d i . nviinced by me hiifbeni ijedicul alithoriu-a, "i..e ii . jrfivrerlii; ;o!iic aiti. ..I.ui ai.e k:itii.." Aak y,jilr dt laj.,;' inr i . lnrVI' JosiNSToN, l.t'T.tji' t m ". Ai ni 1 "7...--4W. 1 hii i :. . I cs't?-'.rr':. my: rrmiLs i:;:vt.L 0;na:,.1've-;--.iJ Send Atnn "-2 liti f'.i ..t.-no. .ii.li.. A IV.Kleni l.nn ij: uaa Claloi V. sri-a, S" I I X U .' ti t K, P April 2, ls7.-.lw, MARYLAND FARMS ti, tnr rmirti tij. lyx-nfion Up. drrw W If. S. ItilKiKI.Y, Ait lay. i l(tt gOtllH. A1- April 2, 1K75. 4w. roitri FOUTtKE IS IT. Iveiy fitmilr bnva it. Sold cuia. Addrraa, 11. S. WALKP:!!, tiic, 1. April "i, ""..-Iw. 1 eithe-aes niatr litaciiiale and g::lii ?ie l.ne and afrtiona of any erHon they choote :na:iii:ly. 'Puis ainjple mental licuirediiienl ail can -osscM(ircc,1iy mail, for tcigerher with a ir.'iiriaue aTHidt', Kyj-i.aii ora cle, lireania, llina tn Ijidiea, M (bluig-Niui iuitw, frc. A queer laajk. Addi.a T. WII.I.l AM k ( n. I'nb. I-liil:-. April Ifi, ivr. 1,MM A.CS KNTH Tea bc:a, Sm.b-i.js. men and monieii, anted lo ai-U l' htkhkial !azi.yt hr or thk l". S. Hbowa grafd reaiil'a of liti yema proresa. A whole library. llotoo llic.' Not a luxury, liu a ueceaaiiT.' 'iuteroen." hrnt Sellinir Bixik l'ulil'an d Oood Par. JaW ant Gen. Al. in every city of in,, ban. Addresa. J. C. MrHTRI.Y k t'O., PliiUdeljiliia, l'a. April 111, l. E I la r.t IC I II I fj ti I. t T T , one ill. lli-anl ol tlie lalea: anu nem iionjfa lor ii.n ii.ina iaarilvrty cured. :,,Uma no Iodine or Mer- I 1 "," " ,i!'"i'' Vv" u-7 and CJ,i be ,.ae. will, . .fe.y , all f.,,..-,. 1 . 1 1 ' r"TTl " , 1 ,51 ,' ca. UiMSft KBJiiNuroN So. 1 Machine for family use, in the third year or It existence, has met with ii liunv. rapid Increase of r.ilio of soli's than say ma chlmr in the inuikct. KKMi-fvrx Ni. -' Miichinr fur uia-.mfavtHsinir anil family ot;. (ready tor ili liwiy only iiru-e Jmii', 171.) f"' ranjje, perlWti.iii, a'l.l varit-iy ' w.v.U, is without a rival in family or worship. CS1 A L'S 'i BroaiiWiiy Sew York. Anns MudUon Sii.. Xew Vork Sewim: ftiai hincs. ChiP.-ssro. 2:;T i.itp St., S. Mai-liiiiP and Anns. Bet.m, 2S3 Waslitiiatou St., Xcvcins Machine?. Ciiiciniiati, V' West 4th M., bi-wni;.' Jlaeliitn. Ltic-a, r.M t-ViK'Sfe !?t. Sew:mc M:iclii!ii. Atl::)i!a, Oa., U (iivi 's t iitu House, Marietta. t;.. Sewing Maeliim. Wosl.ii:ton ,!). C .,521 SfVcatii St.,S. Macbines. 9 Gv, mm ft- K I I It l&Cbns in the county. WM. WI11TMER & CO. ft J i i tm'i "ii2i2iii cress Eieraicr J Tk:CtTKAw - Ill UDDar Far PosuurePald f Ilia Skirl (wrong aida out i, w itk u.. "tknhr'' Ci.4 la. U ktt Ilia iktrirroni'li). Cilh, It Loo pa tii. .kin ta.TailterulaP'1 CLOTHING, IllTiTOtt. aa rT. raahlonabla untbi niiia WHii, Huner, U4tmii uniiinoM all 1-OST.r A1V. t back, ntkia U "atralant n tUt CENTS. ! front." Ii Savaa mm ik. lea TEAS I5KTA1I.F.I AT lniiortcrs I'riccsi, itv Tiii: Great Atlantic and Facile Tea Co. 221 Market si reel llarrfehiirg This i an oii'amz iiio:i f c, ii-lnrts to ini'lUt!' AM) ISTItIKLTK TKAS for one BinslI iirotil, Kii! the nniMnuer all liroillH of iiiicl.ll-inei!. Wec.inir.il a lr)te part f the Beat Tea l.iounijt t.i I!iU tmulry, whii-ji me aold In ouraelvea. lviw.!:s li.iy.i.uof othei .lejlm s d.. ho to their own dia U'lv&ii.a.'. our h'..i'." iu t'uiiia and Japan have tha vrrv t-. li:e.!i.ies oi ...!: j'.fr. which Rive it great al Vbiaistf a. Vr luM-HUadfcW sti'iea lor diatnbutiug aie tin i;i ail the pi ii:ci a", ci'.ii t. f iIm t'uited Slab's. We liixe lo our cUn'u:ue-. a ItoMiililul OU C lirwnto, (taken from li' lieh.st geina of Anirrieaii aud Fon i?n artisla) wiiii h. if lio:ilii at picture atores, would coat much ui'.re '.iian the price ! inc Tea. Tlicae chronioaare a 1 rest-ill io our cita'.oiin-rf.. All good ao d V:.i-ruiit lo (ri.e c-.-tvi-. s:'Iiar.iction or the m.,:i; l .:i!:d -I. .r?Ht AI!uu!Ic V Ia'ilte Ten Co., -'i M.iiKv! i.'-e. t, Ii n. ii'l,iiii!. April If., HIGHEST STANDARD i LETTERS Of INQUIRY PROMPTLY ANSWERED WVOf UHESTHUTST: PHILADELPHIA Tor C(JLT(J11S, COL 1 )., 1 1 0 A. K SEX K8S, AND ALL THRU AT DISEASES, ; i;m,v ai:oi.i t,i;m:tn. ITT I f OM.Y IN IH.I'K 1IXKS. A TRIED AND SURE REMEDY. Svld l y IlrnrM'Kla. April 1:, 4w. :N0, 10 Pi ic Aifcnts jv'auled. A ill In. t. $5,000 ti 1T 11 cmr n cane of Authiun, fouiiii, or Cold Hint Ainoy's lioTai.ir IIalsav iil not cine. I-anoE Bottlkm t-eutf. johj. iXUJUl htos, Hoi.low'.t fc Co., Agrnta, I'hiladel phio. Ai'ril lrt, iw. 1 in 1V m w a V "PHI rhr.ice Slecrinni," is ready. ;yicti, Tiie Se?iesM ikiw coiituiii:i ciipyii' letter wthou! j resa or fcaicr. A GREAT OFFER , Sons 4nl llroadway, New York, will disuse of 100 1'iauim & Oi-r.iiib of first nikera, including Waters at extremely law pi ices far cwli, during thin month, or part rush, and UilMice iu small monthly payments. Waters' New tv-Jile llniios, are ihe bent made : The. touch eL-Btie, ami a tine ui;ii;tf tune, poweifnl iiirt anu evtu. Watei-a' CoiHNi-to OrKiiuDeaniuit l.e excelled in tone, or l.uty; they defy competition. T!ie lmivriii Slop i a fine IiuitHlion of tbe Knniuii Voire. Ai"ne Wanted. A liberal discount to Tei:!heri, Ministerx.- 'l:n:-e'ues, KeliotdK, IkIpj, e'e. SiM-cisl i.'idln-ciuentu to Hie in.de. Illllitr. fatal..(.'!leti M.ilfd. Aj.llt 16, . AGENTS WAiSTED.'n for the best.ehei-p- ,nd f-iSirv-i : ll- ii R ltihle eier pul'lielail. Semi fir our ex:r :e iL- W A-enif. NATIONAL 1 l-J5 J .1 -! U 1 N t '.. 1'mla- Hr.I.FHIA. 1 A. Aa:l K. 1.' I 17 !.!: io Aije.itB. I 1 U liNrvliLr.-ihlDI, Willi unnnaii. Send siinnii. V. r. i : w ed;- Mw. Aj rii H5, w. A":.; r eil:: ut sitfUT. Nl'ei ai r. :Eto:ti:ii Bt if sit stuns. I ton's I a J ;r:!i.!r, I'ATKST MKTALUf IS !1' KN E IS li.",- !!.. jreve-at riiniii::KOer, wrur'i K 11 ' 'i..e ly -.:', r riJvlIiX H 'e s. .u.ue.i t tif t li .1!" T :v":--r. Sold and -ivi h't. Itv U-Mit iit il SlM.e i: . J e;. d .l : "i s. eve. h .h-i r. i ,..r ,i jlul 'v.- '!-: J A- ."f j a:i:e;l . int hlint. S. i.d i") :-.-:.ik ai.d lu ef? of heel i tor )!-t X. i.Vi'.N, MV.., State tiwt. Al'.iii.v, X. V. Ai Ml It; iw. "CIIIUSTIAX HAiniO:V. HV Wm. WALKKIi, A. S. IT. A S h-. did Muie H vk "s o", a New, N i u.i.1 -...1 -.s.v nv. in. l.y m.ieh :iy c-.e toay ln"i io ve -d nr.".- e ;:i-.i to sin' iu'one fo.inli the time required l'V Ihe , l.i me tbiHle. l).-siiu-d for tit. L:mti1 iieliiee,iieiit lo Mi-.-i'e Teaelieis. Sj ee in "a v-'I'S insiUd I' ve. V.!L LlK'S !;I111.)-: AND I'l'ULlSlll.S'.i KGt'SK, lluj :..:d lim S.iiii' in street. r;i'!-del;,eii:, I'.'.. Aj nl 16, 4. HARDWARE. I neareue.uer j'rcparen mail ever i the (".emimil for goixU lit our linn. ; havn jii-t receiveJ a full ftovk of Jjhovuls, I roti. . Hops. Stt:el, :ikf-9, C)ils, Forks, Taints, Pumps, Glass, C'ultery, Vtuuishcs. LEATHER BELTING, TOOLS, AXi ;is S? ITA1II.K FOIt HuilJiTS, Ilousckeciwrs, FartutTS, Uhicksraiths, Shoemakers. Cabinet Makers. Carptiiiter?, Machinists, Painters nnd the People, fall and examine our t;ooils. CON LEY, HACKEJT&MATEER, Opposite Whittner' store. March 20, li75. tf. VDVEUTISINO : Cheap : Good : SyKtrmotic. All lw Doua mi:o oontviiipliitf nmkiug coiitractH wit Si papers for the intertiou of rilv -HwDirnta, Khoulil wild 2S ctuta to fico. P. Howell k Co., 41 l'ark How, New Vork, for tbeir PAMPHLET-BOOK (uine.y-M?venty i-di-tiou), routaining lints of over 2000 nt-wwrtciirii and "ti tuates, allowing the cot. Advfriiwmeut taken for le.idiTiii pare m many Statei at a tremendous reduc tion frtjin jiultlibmi" rats. ;nr thk dix.k. j.m, , ii.i. iy. S. rpf O -n wrdav. Amenta wuntrd. Allrlawie ) lUCiUnf orkiuu tmi-ht of both s-exen. young and old, nmke more mom y at wort lor n, in their own luiidiim, dunug their i.ire niouenic, of all the time, thu at any tbiiiK else. Wr offer eini loyn.ent that v.iil ;ray Ujiidsoiuely lor every hour'w work. Fuil li-ti-nl.:i,"ieur., fc. Bent free. Now is li. time. Ihju't look mr work or liuiimtiM elw-wheie, until j-oii have leurnrd what w oiler, ti. Stinkon ti Co.. Purt Uiud, M.une. J .u. H. 1.-7".. ly. TsEW YORK TRIBUTE. "The Leading American ew;paler." THK lirST ADVF.BTlSIXti MKIUUM. Tuily, 110 a year. Siaij-WeeUv, j:i. Wit kly, J. PoKioe ri-ee to the Subscriber. Hi ec:;n;iii Copiea and Adve-tipinR Kates Free. Weekly, in cbib of MO or more, oulv jl. ijstge paid. Address Tht Tkiiiukk, New Vork. Jan. H. 1HT3. ly. JUST ISSUEDt Asi Mailpp, roKT-rAii, s kkceipt op the vakkci) uulcn. Pieces marked have Illustrated Tille-Pages. Morning Breaks Upon the Tomb Easter Aiilbiin, Thotiuu. 50 r-winini; on the Garden Gate Son-; and Chorus, TUoiiiax. 40 Where is My Loved One To-nit;htt Sonir and (.'liorus, lluyt. 05 Sinsr, Darkies, Sing! (As sung by Carl Wagner.) lUy. C5 Anucl (i-ibriel Comic Song. Sttvael. oil When Silver Locks Replace the Gold Song and Chorus. (Answer to Silver Threads Auioiii;J the Gold, Lfiijhton. 35 You Never Miss the Laer liil the Keg Runs Dry Comic Song. 40 Gane Awa' Scotch Sout. ll'diit?. U0 Alone, and At Home Song and Chorus. Ifiiys. oo BM5 Wee Wife Waiting at the Door Ballad. . Tho.nat. 40 Oil ! Mif.- Sm-i'-! End Smiir aii'l Clio. 7ix. o5 tiivc Me diit a niile. Sun aiul I'. Stevrart. 85 Wln-ii Ktrj-t 1 Mel 'Mice, Ncliic Dcnr Sti:r ami ('lini ng. Stewart. 1!0 I'm CiiM iin oi' tin- (inaid- Comic ti. '(;. Ui yoiiil t he (oilil. n lino! ln!i2 iiml C. White. (ionic's Wiiii tjir Aiiifc! Xv Sum: mid (horn-. i'ltriftif.. plca.-i-t.ol, Make ilo.rn for a l.itllc P.oV. CVjt. INS1 KUMKNTAU i.a l!i.-!lc Jcillicf I"oiac-a. WiUou. Awakciiinir .! the llinls Murccau. Maylath. '.wccllicarl Mciodie (jiacieilsc. Mnylath. Twinkling 8t:irs Moiocati ilc Salon. ll'i7o. Tlie llii'lilaiul MaWen Uninance. Wilton. Cnjas Animaai (Irnin Staliat Mater) Wiujiur 4H Preamlaiid M or era ii ilc balon. Mayinth. 4'l Ke!ns Irom the raiiade.-' .Morceati. Wiwtui: -It) Veneliaii KteatlH 1 raiifcnlird. Mcrry ForectiTii Forest f-eeiic Hocking Waves Transcribed. The Seidell 1-asnie Reverie. Kittle" l'olka Mazurka. Fairy Land Keveiie. Sparklinir Jewels lo!ka. 'Hiiiik of Me Sometime!) Kasy Wmjner. 4!) Wagner. 50 Mmjluth. 40 IWhei: 40 Vrtvot. :;o Xorvel. o.r) ( hrintie. 'M Waltz. Wanner. ,' Teliipeiaiiee March (Easy) Waiitrr. -0 Men arc Such Deceivers Easy I'ulka. Wttyitcr. 'JO MuIlic Dailii!!? Easy March. Wayitr. 20 Peteiis' lint i:iioi.i Melodies, No. 1, 2 and 3. A Collection of Popular Songs, by Hays, Hanks, Mewart. etc. Kuch number cotitniu Seven or KiLC'it jSoii!. Price, 50 cents each : Yearly, 12 Numbers for4. Peters' Parlor Mffic, Nos. 1, 2 and 3. Each iiiiinlier contains several easy and moderately difficult Piano Pieces, by Kinkel, JJccht, Wag ner, Wilkin, etc. 50 cents each ; Yearly, 12 Numbers for H. La Ckitme ie la ( i:fsmk, voe. 1 to 15. F.ach iiiinilier contains 24 pars of classic and (iilil cuit Piano Ma.-ic-, wmili at least 2.."n). Pi ice nf eieh number, 50 cuts; Veaii.. U Nuiiibcis l,.r f 1. Published bv J. L. PF.TF.I5S, March r, 17 .V.iJ ilroa l.vav, N. Y. John II. ;;ki.i.. John M. Si honoi v. SY.l.X. A' N UOraOl It, (-.rmiil Street, Woi:i.sioi:r, Pa. FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC LIQUORS ! WINES, BRANDIES, GINS, I'ure Old 0Cj" Uliik-, Ai'i'i.K Whiskev, Cordials, &c. All Liquors sold piuirauteed as represented. Ordcis promptly attended lo and public pa tronage rcfpcctfully solicited. SELL & SCHONOUR. 2.1 St., Wonicledorf, Berks Co.,. Pa. Fed. 27. 1S74. ly. Fall and Winter Stock OF JIIM.INKUY ; IS. A liirueassortinent of Millinery Goods, Hats and Bonnets, trimmed and untritnnicd, Pinnies, Tips, and Feathers of cvey description, Flowers, Riblions, Velvets, &c, just opened at M iss L. A S. Wciscrs, on East Market st. Also, Dress Trimmings nnd Notions , Yak, Lnec , Bead, Trimmings, Fringes, &c. Ladies' Gauntlets and Kid Gloves at 75 cents and upwards. Sunhury, Not. 13, 1S74. Dr. J. Walker's California Vine gar Bitters are a purely Vegetable preparation, made chiefly from the native herbs found on the lower ranges of the Sierra Nevada mountains of California, the medicinal properties of which are extracted therefrom without the use of Alcohol. The question i3 almost daily asked, "What is the cause of tho unpar alleled success of Vesecau Bittee3 t Our answer is, that they remove tho cause of disease, and the patient recov ers his health.' They are tho great blood purifier and a lifo-giving princi ple, a perfect Renovator and Invigorator of the eystem. Never before in tho his tory of tho world has a medicine been compounded possessing tho remarkable qualities of Vktegar Bittebs in healing rtio 6ick of every disease man is heir to. They are a genfle Purgative as well as a Tonic, relieving Congestion or Inflammation of the Liver and Visceral Organs in Biliouu Diseases. Tlio properties of Dr. Walkek's Tixboae Bittehs are Aperient, Diaphoretic, Carminative, Nutritious, Laxative, Diuretic, Sedative, Counter-irritant, Sudorific, Altera tive, and Anti-Bilious. It. II. ITIcDOXALD & CO., DruggUU uid General Agents. San Francisco, Cal'for. ilia, aud cor. Washington and Charlton 8U., New lorK. Sol4 by all Druggist nl Dealer. to m O 2 S 5 ft 9 -3 'S. S. S o o i- c 2. Co 7 2 2 - 5 '2 r Pi" r 5 j I i WATCJIES. JKWELKY A SILVER WARE, John W. Slevensou, Corner Third and Market Sts, Sunbury, I. HAS completely renovated his Store Room, aud opened the largest assortment of WATCHES, CLOCKS, JEWELRY, SOLID SIL VER AND PLATED WARE, ever exhibited in this part of '.he State. Every- thini; iu the Jewelry line is kept iu store. Silver- are. Itraoel'ts, Kings cV ( hains oT every description and of the tinest quality. Particular atteiitiim paid to repaiiii!!: nnini Aiut-kt, jewel?)'. A'O. HAIR JEWELRY made to order. Sunhury, March (J, 1ST!. Mercantile. Coffee, Syrups, S Dices, Canned Coeds, Queens, Willow and Cedar Ware. 2 5 o fca a- o o O - c , j o o Cement, Salt, Fish, Phosphate, jg Land Plaster, Harrishurg Cider Mills. Maize & Schwartz, Successors to Geo. Evans & Co., 1108 Market Street, Philadelphia, MERCHANT TAILORS and UIUTAUY CLOTHIERS. Men and Bovs' suits made to order in the latest styles, of the best cloths and eassimcres in mar ket, at prices suitable to the times. Military, Band & Fire Organizations promptly uniformed. Samples of Cloth, with Photographs, sent free on application. Ours being the leading house on Military work, I we feel that we can offer inducement which can not be attained anywhere else Nov. 27.1372. . WITHOUT EXCEPTION, The Cheapest in Town. WINTER GOODS " of every description and variety sucli as WOOLEN GOODS, Dress Goods, comtirUing all tli novelties iu fabric and shade. Fill Assortment of Notions, which arc Ik-Id:; told ;it the lowest Casli Prices. Also, Giiocekiks and Pkovisioxs, pure and fresh. qukhnwark, glasswahk, and v(k)j) and Willow Wake, Niwsl Bnuiiisof Flour constantly on 'niiml. A very large ASS(iRTMENT OV WALL I'A TEH, bntii fluxed ii:u ctmiiuoii, always on hand. II O i) T S AND S II O E !S FOH MEN, WOMEN AND CHILDREN. UEA h V-MADE CLOrillXG, of ail bizos aud of the latest styles. F L () U R . . A eoitr.ut supply of we.-tern tvhitu wheat Ilmir a speciality. Tlie public are invited to call and examine r (onds tree of charuc. Our motto is "Quick Sales and Small Profits," and to please all. The highest prices will be paid for all kinds of country produce. )Jy strict attention to business and keeping at nil times the mot complete stock, and seliiiiL? at iliclowcst prices, we hope to merit a f j11 slum; of patronage. 11KF.D BROTIIEi; & SKASHOLTZ. Sunbury, Dec. 4. l!?7i. MISS L. SUISSLEH, .Tlai'kct Square, Siunbury, iJa., II;is ju?t n eieved a large and elciranl assoitment of Hats and Bonnets, t or Fall aud Winter wear. The choicest shades of ribbons, and nil kinds or Millinery goods always in store, GENTS' NECKTIES, HANDKERCHIEFS, AC. Call nnd see them. 3Ruftiriiin. Qvcr Thirty-four Competitors Standard cH SlieSt,?KILnDEl.PKift Furniture Ware-Rooms ! IIOIIEKTS A HOSTKItK.W, (Successors to B. L. RAUDENBCSiI.) Musouic linilding, WILL SELL CHEAP, AN ENDLESS VARIETY OP purtNiTunn of thp 1tat fj'li.a 1 naBtcilat. CONSISTING OF Parlor and Chamber Suits; LOUNGES, TABLES, CHAIRS, STANDS. Bedsteads of ail kinds, Cupboards, Shuts, and in short everything usually to be found iu a tirst- class Furniture Store. Speciai attention is given to Undertaking in ail Its branches. Coffins and Burial Caskets OF ALL STYLES CONSTANTLY ON HAND. All invitation is extended to all to come and examine our stock before purchasing elsewhere. ROBERTS Si IIOSTEKMAN Sunbury, Feb. l!l, 1S75. FURNITURE ROOMS! The undersigned begs leave to inform the citi zens of Northumberland couuty, that lie has opened a FIRST GLASS f DLITDRE STORE, Oh Market Sire?., oiiMife Hie ity Hott'I, iu Sunburj-, When- lie keeps on hand a lare assortment of FURNITUBE, Consisting ir. piirt of U'alsvt Paklok Sr.rs, KruEAi's. Bkdsteaos, Washstanrs, LofNIJES, Mattresses, . Ct rnoARiis, Book Casees, Fancy Brackets, Lookino Glasses, Ciiami:i:k Sets, Cain Spat Chairs, WiiDii Sat Chairs, Ro kino Chairs, DiMNii Taiii.es, Extension Taiii.es. Makiilp. Top Tahi.es, Kitihki; FrRSiTritn, .('., Ac. He will also manufacture to order, on short no tice, tiny article in his line, if not in store. He is prepared to offer superior inducements to purchasers. UNDERTAKING A SPECIALTY. Call and examine his stock aud prices and be convinced. JACOB IIAUPT. Jau. 'i'J, 1S7-1, 15 nios. J! U Sil.VK SHOT A.M IU FOl'XINSY. GEO. IIOHRBACII & SONS, Sunbury, IV 111111, INFORM the public that they are proparcu 10 do all kinds of CASTINGS, and havinir added a new Machine Shop in connection with tlicir Foundry, and have supplied themselves with New Lathes," Planinii and Borint; Machines, with. the latest improvements. With the aid of skillful iiKclianies, thev are enabled to execute all orders of NEW WORK OR REPAIRING, that may he given them, in a satisfactory man ner. iirale lo Miiit any Move. IRON COLUMNS, for churches or other Imild iii"s, of all sizi-s. BRASS CASTINGS, &e. Ornamental Iron Fencing FOR GRAVE YARD LOTS; VERANDAHS, FOll YARDS AT RESIDENCES, AC, AC. The PLOWS, already celebrated for tlicir su periority, have beeu still further improved, and will alwavs be kept on baud. Also, THRESHING MACHINES. Sunbury, May L'0. 1S7-L qaki:i lti ;;iks air. H. K. FAGI2LY & CO. respectfully inform tlie public that they have commenced the manufacture of .VA9.Jiv. n nni 1 n r r BUGGIES, &C. at the new shop recently erected by J. F. Lerch Corner of Fourth and Chestnut Sts., SUNBURY, PA., and solicit a fair share of Patronage. April 3-f,m. J- F. LERCTT. Snp't. 2aiIroa8. PFASSVLVAXI4 RAIL ROAD. PHILADELPHIA Jt ERIE B. R. DIVISION. WINTER TIME TABLE. Ou and after Sunday, Nov. 15th. 1874, the Trains on the Philadelphia A Erie Kail Road Divi sion will run as follows : WESTWARD. j Fast I.in leavrs Philadelphia, ' IIarribur!, " Wiiliainsport, " Luck Haven, arr. a. Uutfil.), caves Philadelphia, 12.55 p ra 5.00 p in 9.15 p in 10.1K) p ii 9.0J a in 11.55 p :u 4.25 a in 8.u5 a iu . 9.45 a m 11.10 a in H. UH p ra .(H) a in I. 25 p in fi.'JO p in 7.30 p m U.15 a in 2.U5 p in 3.10 p in F.rie Mail ki M Harrigbury;, " " i; Wiiliainsport, j " " " Lock Haven. I " " " Ilenovo. j " " an tt Erie, 1 Elmira Mail leaves Philadelphia, " " " Harrisbursr, " " " Villianisort, " " arr at Lock Haven, Lock Havcu Ac. Uaves llarrisburjr, " ' 4i " Williaiuspt, " " " " L(K-k Havcu, EASTWARD. Philadel. Express leaves Lcx-k Haven, " " " Williamsport, " air. at Harrisbtirji, " " " Philadelpliia. Erie Maii leaves trie, " " " Zenovo, ' " " lock Haven, " " " A'illiamsport, " ' arr. at Harrisburif, ' " nrr at Philadelpliia, Fast Line leaves Emporium, " " " Keuovo, 0.40 a m 7.55 a in 12.10 a m 4.15 p m 11.20 a iu S.25 p ra t.45 p ra 1J.0O p in 2.30 a ra 6.50 a in 8.55 p in 10.40 p m 11.55 p m 1.10 a in 4.20 a m H.v5 a iu 11.25 a in 12.25 a in 4.00 p ra I " 11 il Lock haven, i " " " Wiiiiaiusport, ' " arr. ai Harri.-hui'f, j 44 " arr. at P'uil:id!ltlna, j Day Express leaves Lock Haveti. j " ' Wiiiiam.-port, I " " arr.at Hariisburu, I " " " Philadelphia, 7.o0 p m Mail East connects east aud west at Erie with I L. S. & M. S. R. W. and at Corry with Oil Creek nnd Allegheny R.Ii. W. I Mail West with east and west trains on L. S. I & M. S. R. W. and at Corry with Oil Creek i and Allegheny R. R. W. i Erie Mail and Elmira Mail make close con nections tit Williamsport with N. C. It. W. trains, north, and at UarrUbnrg with N. C. R. W. trains south. WM. A. BALDWIN. Gen'l Sup't. Philadelphia t Reading Railroad WINTER ARHANGEMEXTS. Jaxuakt 17th, 1S75. Trains Leave Herndos as Follotts : (Sundays Excepted.) For Shamokiu. 10.40. 11.00 a. m. aud 3.40 r. m. For Mt. CarmeljAhland, Tamaqua, Pottsville, Reading and Philadelphia, 10.40 a. m. Trains roR Hersdon. Leave as Follows CSrsDATS Excepted.) Leave Shauiokiu at 8.00 a. m. 1.50 aud 3.55 r. m. Leave Philadelphia. 0.15 a. m., Reading 11.30 a. m., Pottsville, 12.10 p. ni., Tatimqua, 1.20 p in. Ashland, 2.35 p.m., .Mt. cartnet, a.zi p. iu. Trains Leave Harrisburo, as roumsi For New York. 5.20. 8.10 a. in. and 2.00 7.40 n. ni. For Philadelphia, o.M, s. iu .. a. m., aw auu 3.5C, p. m. SSfNDAYS. For New York, 5,20 a. iu. For Philadelphia, 1.45 p. m. Trains rou Harrisblrg, Leave as Follows: Leave New York, 9.00 a. m., 12.40 and 5.15, T.-ln n. in. Leave Philadelphia, 9.15 a. tn. 3.40 and 7.00 p. in. SUNDAYS. Leave New York, 5.15 p. tn. Leave Philadelphia, 7.00 p. in. Via Morris and Essex R. R. J. E. WOOTTEN, General Svp't. Reading, Pa. Nov. 13. 1874." is. CENTRAL DRUG STORE q.b.Cadvllader Is the place to buy pure aud fresh MEDICINES, DRUGS, VAIXTS. OILS. GLASS, PERFUMERY, NOTIONS, CIGARS, TOBACCO, LIQUOR for medicinal purposes, and all other arti cles usually kept in a tirst-class Drug Store. Special attention paid to compounding pre scriptions and family receipts by competent druggists. I am prepared to furnish in quantities to suit purchasers and at Phuailcipuia prices, CALCINED PLASTER, PHILADELPHIA LIME, FINISHING SAND, PLASTERING HAIR. Portland, Roman, Rosendale and Lehigh CEMENTS, Land Plaster for Farmers, Timothy and Clover Seeds. Also. Garden Seeds of all kinds. Aall and eet a Rural Reeister for 1S74. GEO. B. CADWALLADEK. Sunbury, Feb. 6, is"4.-lv. Dr. C. M. Martin. Geo. W. Bloom NEW DRUG STORE, No. 13, South Third Street, i Clement Hgiisb BnilftinE, SmilJiiry, Pa. j jy n r f AliTTX ft CO. TT AVE just receiv lived a fresh lot of Pure)rugs ledicines. XX and Pateut medicines. We have also a full assortment of DRESSING AND PACKET COMBS. Flair, Tooth, Nai!,Clothe,Shoc aud other brushes. TOILET A.M) FAXCY AKTICLES. FISE EXTRACTS, POCKET BOOKS, KSIVES, C, C. REED'S GRAND DL'CnESS COLOGNE, the sweetest perfume iu America, rarisluu, a Kil Glove Uanh, warranted to clean perfectiy the most delicate shades without injury to the kid All the leading preparations for the Hair, SECaAKM, TIIE BEST IN MARKET, Pure Wine and Liquors, for medical pnrppses, Physiriuns Prescriptions and family leceipts compounded with care. Thankful for past favors we hope by fair deal ing to receive a share of your patronage. September 11. 1S73. V. D. MELICK, Druggist and Apothecary, IN WELKER'S BUILDING, Market Street, St'XBT'RY, VA. DRUGS, CHEMICALS, Druggitts' Fancy Goods, PAINTS, OILS. GLASS, PUTTY, &C, constantly on band. Particular attention paid to compounding phy sicians prescriptions and family receipts. Sunbury, April 17, 1S74. THE TIMES. A First-Class Newspaper. DAILY AM) WEEKLY. Independent in Everything! tral In ol!iing ! Ken- Opposed to all Corrupt Rinps iu Municipal, Slate and National A Hairs. The Tnlly Times will beiaauedon Satur day, the 13itt 01 March Dext, aud every moruing there alter, SiiDday excepted, under tbe editorial direction of A. K. Min'Ll'F.K, iiriuteil cmiactiT from cleir, new tvpe, nu a large folio eheet, contaiuiug all the newa of tiie dsv, including the AKaociated Preei Telegrams, Special TeleKrams and Correapoudeuce from all point of iutereatii, and fearless editorial disciissioua of ail cur rent topics. Price, two cents. Mail aubacriptious, postage free, 8is dollara per an num, or Fifty centa per month, in advance. Advertisements, fifteen, twenty and thir ty cents per line, according to position. TIIE WEEKLY TIMES. Will be issued on Saturday, March 20th, and weekly thereafter, containing all imiiortaiit n?ws of tlie week, and complete MaVket aud Financial Reporta. Mailed, lor one year, intae free, at the following rate : Oue Copy tl.CO Ten Copies . Twenty Copies 1.D0 A dvertlsementg twenty-five cents per Una. Remittances shouid be made by Drafts or P. O. Orders. Address, Tlie Times), No. 14 Sonth Bevtsth Utreet, Philadelphia. (griniltnral. Common 8esse in Plowing. A con-esron-dent of the Detroit Free Ire$ gives bis opinion of piowiug as follows : Teams drawing loads ou the road get a breath ing spell on the descending ground, whito in plowing -the draught is the same from morning till night. There is a certain number of pounds that a teani can draw day after day and ' not worry them, but ir more be added, even as little as fifteen or twenty pounds, they walk unstead ily, fret and soon tire. No amount of feeding will keep them in condition. 1 Lave seen many plows iu wLich it would have been an easy mat ter to decrease the draught twenty-five pounds, ami if men were drawing them Instead of horses it would have been done. It must be plain to the Tanner that every pound that he can take off from tbe draught of bis plow is so much gained for his horses. It may be doue in this way : For any soil except sand or gravel, use a steel plow. Their con is but little more, and tbe draught enough less to pay the difference in plowing twenty acres. In plowing sod, the coulter does a great deal of tbe work, and should be kept sharp by forging at. the blacksmith's and grinding every day if necessary. Of course it will wear out sooner, but new coulters are cheaper than new teams. Set tbe coulter in Hue with tbe plow, the edge square in front, with an angle of forty five degrees from tbe front to where it Is attach ed to the beam. When tbe share gets worn abort it is poor economy to nse it any longer, but, replace it with a new cue. Let tbe traces be as short as will allow the horses to walk without hitting their heels against the whiffietrees. and have ut pressure enough of tbe wheel on tbe ground to make the plow rue steady. If the bandies crowd coutinuailv oue way, tbe draught is not right, aud if the plow is a good one it can be easily remedied at the elevis. To prevent the horses stepping over tbe traces in turning,-fas-teu a weight of about three-fourths of a pound on the outside cud of each singletree that is on the right end when you tarn to the left, or vie versa. Each observing farmer knows that horses are susceptible to kicdness and equally so to unkiudness. I haveseen horses that were working steadily made reekness with sweat in a short time by a sharp word or a jerk on the bit. Let your horses do then- work as you do yours, as easily as possible, and be as willing to over look their mistakes as yoa woald tbe mistakes of human beings. Farm Hints. The reason why black wool is not worth as much as white wool of the same quality is, says the Country Gentlemen, that black wool cannot be bleached and will take no other color perfectly. It has been fully proved on the farm that tbe deposits of a hen are worth her feed, when used as a fertilizer. In other words, and as oar friend Dickens would say, not to put too fine a point upon it, a check for tbe amount of her de posite, presented to the gardner's bank, should be fully honored to the amount of its face. Pcccavi ! A rich, well pulveriized, clean, and rather stiff loam is bekt for onions. Tbe seeds should be sown iu rows niue or ten inches apart (some sow one foot) and tonr to six inches apart in the row. There is no better way of killing out quack or wire grass than to summer fallow the land. Sometimes it will require two seasons and very thorough work ; still it eau be killed in this way. Use only fresh seed and do not use any that is one or two years old, is the advice given by a farmer. Ceijsrt. There is nothing more useful ia a house than celery. Tbe ontsides will serve as flavoring for soup, and the hearts cooked for the table, orto be eaten with cheese. First of all. remove the outside leaves from the hearts end trim the roots not cut them off. Have two litre pans of water, one of warm, tbe other of cold celery in warm water with a brush, and throw it into the cold water, also the hearts, and gravel, insects and dirt will fall from tbe celery at ouce. Take all the outside pieces and pare away every faulty and discolored bit ; then split each piece in two, or three, or four, and cut it crossways in very small bits, and put it into a pie-dish. The hearts of the celery must be laid aside in water, when a bead or more is wanted it can be taken from the water and cnt in proper shape to be served at table, but before it is put into the last water any discolored bit must be cut from it. To tbe small celery in the pie-dish add oue or two lare turnips pared thin, then cut downwards from the head to the root ic a dozen cuts, bnt not separating the tnrnip ; then tarn tho turuip round in the hand and cat it the other way in a number of cats ; hold it on a plate and cnt it across. The tnrnip will now fall into many square pieces. A carrot may be cat in the same way. This mixture will last for a week, to put into cold soup, stock or broth, and well boiled, to fiive flavor to it. Thus there is thrift of time and thrift of vegetables, for it takes no louger to prepare this for the consumption of a week than it does for one day. Moreover, celery thns prepared will keep good, crisp and well fla vored for a fortnight often for a longer time. The last Wett-Chetter Record contains reports from several of the townships in Chester county, on the condition on the wheat crop, and not one of them speaks favorably. Indeed some of them declare that there will not be half a crop. HOUSEHOLD. f From tin Germantown Ttlegraph. Cooking a Shad. We reside at a point on the noble Delaware where we can get every morning shad tafcjeo during the previous night, and can take onr pick if we are willing to pay the price. Shad is somewhat like bread and beef, one can. ' eat It every day as long as it lasts without get ting tired of it. As to cookiog shad I have tried various ways. It is a a nioUl Ash and should not be fried, but broiled or baked. We have worn out several blanks in our family iu baking them over hickory coals. We thought tbe fish was not fit to eat In any other way. But when it became difficult always to have hickory coals in an open kitchen fire-place, we tried them ever oak coals.uud could discover no difference. Next we tried on a griddle over maple eoals, and no one ignorant of the manner of cooking failed in praising the excellence of the fish. Afterwards when wood of auy kiud became scarce, I had them broiled pardon, epicurean reader ! over the anthracite coals in tbe range, aud the fish was just as good as ever ! But to be more precise and certain, having a few sticks ol hickory left, I had one shad baked upon a plank before these coals as formerly, and another broiled on a griddle over anthracite coal. They were placed side by side on the table, with a private mark on one of the dishes, and the family and a couple of guests were told that they were cooked in different ways and their opinion was desired. Pieces were taken aud placed side by side on each plate, and in this way the ques tion was decided and bow I Some said one was the better, some said the other, and some said tbey could taste no diffeience. And such was tbe fact there was no difference. Cheap Pudding. One quart of milk, four ta blespoousfu! of cornstarch, four eggs, six tablo spoousful of sngsr, nutmeg; stew three-fourths of an hour. Indian Piddino. Let a pint of sweet milk coine to a boil ; stir in enough corn meal to make a thin batter, cold with auother pint of milk. Beat four eges, one enp of sugar, and nutmeg together and stir into the other. Butter a pud ding dish and put it iu ; steam or bake. Shobts Plddino. Take four eggs well beaten, a pint of milk and make a thin batter with shorts. When boiling corned beef dip in your pudding bag aud fill with the above. Have plenty of room in tbe kettle with the beef, and be sure the water is boiling, put in tbe padding and boil two hours without letting it stop. Eat with sweetened cream of any other pndding sauce. Miscte Piddiso. Put some milk over tbe fire to boil, salt and thicken with Hoar stirred in slowly, and sifted turoaght the hand. As soon as it is thickened take it up and send to the table. Make one minute and eat the next. Sauce- sweetened cream. Take sour cream and saleratus and a little salt, mix aud roll ont as for biscuit. Line a 1 basin with this, 111! with any kind of fruit andj cover with more of the crust, leaving a place ill the centre for the air and steam to escape. Bake or steam as preferred. Eat with sauce.