Sunbury American. (Sunbury, Pa.) 1848-1879, April 23, 1875, Image 3

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Railroad Time Tabic.
N C. R. South. P. & E. R. K. West.
Trie Mail, 1--35 a m I Erie Mail, 6.S0 a m
Southern Ex. 2.S0 a m Lk Haven A. .00 n.
Phlla. Ex., W.45 a in Elmira Mail 4.J0p m
Day Ex., 'i.05 p in I Fast Line, ..10 p m
Express, 12.01 P " I MU, -25 a n
Mail, 4.25 p m Expree, 3.55 p m
Au accommodation train leave Shamokin at
7.10a in, arrivimr at Ml- Carmel at 7.40 a in.
Ketnrint:, leave Mt. Carmel at Uj ? m, arriv
lnetShatuokinG.45pm. TtIV,
Lackawanna & Sloomshikg K. R. Trains,
i vnrti.nmherland as follows U.43 a. m.,
and 4.40 I'.ui.: arrive ut 10.55 a.m.,aud 5.45 p.m
). II A: W. K. U. Train leave nt.
and arrive at S.50 p. in.
C.55 a. m.
Accidental Insuraneo Ticket can be had of
J. Sbipinau, Ticket Agent, at the Depot.
Summer Arrauffeineut rr Ihe Tost at Nunbary, I
Offie Op f'.-om t'.SO . ., ' S -7'
OH SuruliUJ.
Arrives as follows :
From the East at 5.15 a. m.. 4.10 p. m.,
" South, 5.15 a.m., 4.10 p.m.
West, 5.15 a. m., 11.15 a. in., l.- P u.
and 4.1C p. m.,
North,1.50 a, IH..11.13 a. m., 4.10 p.m.
Shamokin and Mt. Cannel, t.2. a. in.
Shamokin projer, 4.00 r- m
Mails close as follows :
For the Eart. 5.45 a- tu., W.5!) a. ni., 4.o0 r- m.
8.00 p. ill.
South, :0.50 a. in., 4.50 p. in., 8 p. m.
West. 10.50 a. ro., S.50 p. in., S.00 p. in.
" North. 8.50 p. m.. 8 p. .,
Sharaokhi proper 11.15 a. in.
Shamokin and offices on that route; 4
Money orders will riot be issued after C p. t
on Saturdays. j. pmITTT. P.
1 0tal Xffairs.
GEO. W. Comx, Esq., at Herndon, this county
Is kutnoriscd to act as azent for the African in
that place, In receiving subscription, job woik,
advertisements, and receipt for all bills lie may
present from us.
Clover Seed wanted by G. B. Cadwallarter,
Central Drug Store, Sunbury, Fa.
A Wilcox & Gmns Sewins: Machine, entirely
new, and of the best make, can be had cheap by
applying nt this office.
For Rent. The large frame buildinc ou Front
6trect, Snnbury, known as the Eagle Hotel pro
perty, is offered for rent. Apply on the premises
to Mrs. Mary Brymirc.
Organs, Sewimj Machines, &c Miss C. Da
llas has opened a ware room on the first floor in
her building, two doors east of Wh!tmcr& Co s.
store, Market St., Sunbury, Ta., where different
kinds of cottafre organs and sewing machines of
the best make can be purchased nt the lowest
price. The Ix-st manufacture can always be
found in her ware rooms, aul persons in want of
good musical lustruiueuls or excellent sewing
machines, are Invited to call and 6cc her stock.
New Wall Paiek Store. Mr. J. K. Manrer
has Just opened a large variety of wall paper at
Lis new store, on Market street, near Fourth
etreet. His stock embraces all kinds of plain,
ornamental and decorative paper, which will be
fold at bottom pi ices.
All kinds of house, sign and ornamental
painting, and also paper hanging done !y Mr.
Manrer at short notice.
Tobacco Store for Sale. A tobacco store,
located near the Court House, Sunbury, in one
of the most prominent parts of the town, is of
fered for sale cheap. Reasons for selling is that
one of the partners Is deceased, and the remain
ing partuer is eupagcJ in other business. Ap
ply at once to Oiivcr Young, Sunbury, or at thi
We are much in want of money to pay for
tock, !kc., aud desire all who know themselves
Indebted to this office to send us at least part, ir
ot the whole or the amount due us. We can
oot afford to pay the cash lor slock and then
wait for a year or two for our money. We hope
it will not be necessary for any further duns.
We arc hard up for moucy is the reason for this
lun. We believe In plain talk.
Ocr New Yoik letter did uot arrive up to the
time of going lo press.
At a meeting of the School Board on Monday
veninif, Dr. Cre8inger was elected Presideut,
and W. S. Rtioads Secretary.
Joiin Caldwell has been appointed cashier or
the Milton National Bank, to take the rlace of
fl. D. Jordan, deceased.
A Mrs. Clark fell, na the road to the Fair
mount House, in Purdytown, on Saturday last,
and broke her leg. Dr. D. W. Shlndel was called
to set the limb.
Scnbt et Lodge. No. 203, 1. O. of O. F., was
organized In 1840. S. D. Jordan, Esq., whose
death is noticed in tnis issue, was the first mem
tier. Since its organization 3J0 members were
taken into the lodge, or which number 143 are
members at the present time,
Death or ah Old Citues. Mr. Michael
Kniss, an aged citizen of Upper Augusta town
ship, died on Monday last, his age being upwards
of 87 years.
The wife of Win. Weitzel, of Lower Augusta
township, died on Monday inoruing after a short
illness, from pneumonia.
New Milliner v Goons. Misses L. A; S.
Wciser have juBt opeted a haudsome assortment
of tpr'mg Millinery Goods at their store. Market
treet. See advertisement.
The damage to the Milton bridge by the Ire
flood was ll: breaking of the caps projecting
over the piers. Ten dollars will repair the
NORTnfWBERLAD iTCMS. The I'ftn of that
place gives tle following locals lait week :
John P. Ililkertand James R. Littht, formerly
of this place, had a rcnuiou in California.
Mr. Fred. Weaver is nt present engaged lu
tnMding a flat seventy feet in length for the
1 J D.M.ra '.in. r.anr If t 1 tlf
- - r - .! of 111 treatment bv Iut husband. It vi.: lie re
used for ferrvlnz purposes between Bird s Island i .....- . .
usen ior icrrjiue k j membcred that this E. B. Hao,ei once d'.'l up a
and the tsunnnry s.ue oi me
riarry. son of Mr. Joseph VanDcveuder, nged !
about twelve years, had his arm broken above j
the wrist on Friday last, whilst playing on our;
ecbool grounds.
Wm. Garlhan, Jr. and James Leighow, wiil
leave jjorlhurobcrland nest week f.r California.
Mrs. John Burdcll, the mother of seven small
children, died in confinement on Friday morning i
last. She was hard-working woman, and it ;
appears had been out working the day previous
lo her death.
Spring has ARr.nnn at Last. Snch ie hc
indication when we hear the Italians discoursimr
music on the street corners, and "e everybody
pushing to get to Mam & Bro's. store to see
their magnltlcient 6toek of spring goods.
Tocsc man, when you get a certificate o!
character, have Inserted, "he never loafs oa
Tcurs greet each other In the garden, and
two lips greet each other nt the gate.
The spelling fever has not yet reached Sun
bury. It is, however, raging in our neighboring
WaTSOSTOWn boats of a peach tree in bb.s-
About three hundred tons of Mee! rail will be j
laid between Snnbury and Re nova, on the Phila.
A Erie, this month.
The new Presbyterian Church Is approaching
fast to completion. The main audience room is
lo be fincoed and the whole, when done, will
present a very attractive appearance. irro
'on UteorJ.
A. N. Brice has been re-elected D. t. G. M.
f tif t. n. of O. F. Id this county. Ho had no i
irwr monc drawer in Geo. Bright drug store
' ' -
w robbed of five dollars on oaiuruay.
Lights ino bod men will soon be about to an-
noy the farmers and others.
The? are about
Si i'CKiSTnnr.T. Candidates for Sniinriiiti-iid. nt of Common M'lioo.s arc
becoming numerous. Wc hope that the directors
who will meet in convention on the first Tuesday
iu May, will look to the. interest of the
schools, and elect a man who Is competent to fill
the office. The success of the schools depends
upon the efficiency of the. Superintendent.
Mauy schools become very deficient on account
of partiality shown ou the examination of teach
ers, who may be favorites, and who lack the re
quirements of couduelmg a school. It is in the
director's hands to choose the Snjieriutendent,
and the, Superintendent should bo a man who
will take the proper interest in the schools to
supply the best of teachers, but when the Su
perintendent is deficient both the scholars and
directors become the sufferers by it. Every di
rector has a solemn duly to perform ia the se
lection of a Superintendent, and it is hoped that
they will, for once, throw aside prejudices and
select a coinpeteut man, even if a much higher
salary is required to advance the cause of edu
cation, and reflect credit upon the couuty. Every
director who voles iu lavor of a candidate who
looks more for the spoils or office than the in
terest of the scholars, in doing himself and
children injustice, and is ceLsuraDle by every
citizen that voted for him for director in his dis
trict. The office of school director is a rcsiKv.isi
blc one, and whoever is honored with the office
bhotild bear iu mind that he is not placed th'-re i
for his own personal interest, but for the com
mon good of the risiug generation, uud that he
is responsible for every act that will bling in
competent teachers to his district through an in
competent and partial Superintendent.
A sew sioek of ladies and children's hats,
trimmed and uutrimmcd, have just beeu opened
nt Marx & Bro's. at very low prices.
TiiEr are Coving. We notice in last week's
Dtinocrd the names of a small army who are
ambitious to serve the county in offices. Some
offer themselves, some announce themselves,
while a few have beeu induced to ruu "through
the solicitation or many Democrats." One can
didate think he ought to be rc-eiected, because
one year of his term was "cut down" by the
adoption of the new Constitution, and new asks,
as a mailer of justice, that tie dear peop'.e elect
him for three years to make up the loss of one
year. Another candidate slates that he had
three years' practice in the office as clctk, which
qualities him for the office. With him office
hunting has beeu of a hereditary character, but
his 'goose i already cooked' by the gentleman of
ChiUisouaquc. Six have announced themselves
tor High Sheriff; three fir Prothonotaiy ; six lor
Treasurer; and only two for County Commis
sioner. This number will, uo doubt, be tripled, as
several ou the slute, to tie nominated, arc held in
reserve to appear through "the solicitation of
their many friends," to as to make it, appear as
though tbi-y were the most popular, and ih.-y
had secured their nomination by their own tcr
soual popularity. We are happy to sec that the
people iu this county, at least, will not suff r for
the want of Democratic applicants to save them
in office.
The Band. We are informed that the Sun
bury Corutt Band will lesimie their t.peu air
concerts in the Park as soon its the weather will
permit. The members of tills organization are
entitled to much credit for tin ir perseverance
during the past winter iu improving themselves
iu order to become more efficient iu musical ex
ercises. These youug men have devoted a large
amount ol time, and have been at considerable
expense iu the efforts to become proficient. The
music tliey give us during the f iiiuiuer evenings
is no Uouiit appreciated by our citizens, aud we
do not consiicr it altogether fair that the mem
bers should pay out their own money and devote
their time merely for the gratification of others.
We would suggest, that eiuco they have ugaiu
concluded to give us musical entertainments
I irratig. a subscription or collection be tuKcn up
for their beuelit, aud that contributions be made
from time to time to pay at least the salary of
lueir teacher, ana that whenever occasions occur
that music may be required lor parados, Jc,
that we do as other tuwus have been doing hire
our own baud, even if we have to pay a few dul
lars more, ll will leave jui that amount ex
pended in our midst for cirruiaiion, whereas, if
a strauge baud is brought lu-re, ihcy Uke our
money and no beuelit acciucs lo our town.
tie must encourage native ta.eni tl wc
wish to have the organization kept uj
A Visitation. On Tuesday evening last, Sus-
qucbiiiina Eucau'piuent,No. 0(1, I. O. of O. F., at
Shuniokin, washouoreJ by avi-it fromlhi (iraud
Patiiarch, Jorfn Curtis, Esq., of Philadelphia,
who gave instructions in the workings of the
order. We learn from Mr. Curtis that the En
campment branch of ihe order is in a flourish-
Ing coudiliou throughout the Stale. It was his
first visit to Northumberland county, aud we are
pleased to learn that he left a very favorable im
pression Upon the members of the order with
whom lie came in contact. He is a plead
ing and efficient officer.
Gi'.AVO opening on to-day and to-morrow,
(Friday and Satuiday,) at the millinery at ore of
Miss L. Shissier, on ilaik't Square. J.very
variety of spring and Bummer millinery good,
just opened, will be ou exhibition. The Assort
ment has never been excelled in Sunbury, and
as the goods were bought for eash. great induce
ments will be offered to buyeis. The lad es par
ticularly are invited to call and exaniiii'- for
THE atleutiou of the ladiei is ogaiu invited to
the spring auTj summer millinery gnos just
opened by Mis M. L. Gosskr, at her slore, ou
Fourth 6trcet. Her assortment is largely in
creased, aud the goods ure 6old at remarkable
j low prices. See advertisement.
j J. J. ACJES, Esq., ha become sole proprietor
j of Ihe Watsontowu .Vrrf, having pirchased
the interest of his partner, !!. F. Alg rt Aul. n
will, do doubt, continue to puMit-h a spicy paper
and keep on the wiug Tur locals between Sun
bury and Jersey Shore.
Oi R friend, Jcit
, Esq., returned fiom
York city, where he
l!ceompict;(! hisex-
a tour last wee, lo
j ua(J fcr()j l( SWJ fj,hx.
ploration by a l""k at the lirooklyii Irom me nonce oi hiumiu.ipii i. u-.m
curt and Beecher. Hi n.ic has, uo doul.l, LulUtiu, the Maas Berinsr, lie Opera Troupe, a l
,. n....i i . I... !: r. i n B.-t-lvr and I verlised by colored porter?, to -ive an uitertain-
in i. u j" uukiu'v, Hut -
bin eminent counsel, it miisi have oecu more iu-
i irptin than Bamum't treat show.
- i formers v. ho burl.-s'jiic Ine p.i-y of 1,'imeo and
We notice that the wife of E. B. H iln-. s, of j jui,.t :lllJ a ti.H. j but one woman ti outfl-Williatnsp-r:,
is seeking a divorces on t'.ie ground I tlll(. a ; iUUj,c, wiih variations, the whole
..,,,.,. ,.,nVi!io and .iic towns.
i histoiy or Sunbury, Danville an:!
' imil to settle some Jui-tice's bills In tin.
place. As this is the teeoud wife that has ap
plied for a divorce from him, we judge tail the
must be ft most sensiole woman, for wc doubt
whether ever a woman was bom that coud live
agieuxbly with a man that is destined to cheat
the devil if i: can be done through an ugly deposi
tion. Okam opening on to-morrow Saturday) of a
very large assortment of new f-pring girfrl, to
which everybody is invited to call and riumine
at Marx A: Bro., Masonic Buildin.'.
Tiif. bii'dg Siis "roiiie ininei's bouses were
burned near Ashl and, Mipprwd to be t If work
of incendiaries,'" then adds "all is quiet lir ugh
out Schuylkill und this wanly." Did cv-r uny
body sec aiiythiiig more stupid, or d our
ueighbor intend that nil is tii"t since tliehonses
are burned down.
Cellars. Decayed vegetable maltr, and
filth of every description thoulj promptl. be re
moved fro-n cellars, the floors cleaned aid the
walls whitewashed. After being closed nl win
ter the air has necessarily Im-coiih- hnpirc, and
nnless well ventilated and attended to, vill be
very likely to breed disease.
t,. u,... ..r tt.i. n;.... rt'eotm iPerm-
I uisiivr imj.1i., .- ....... .. .
j sylvaiiia.) preached in Si. Matthew's Chircb, In
this place, on Sunday, the 14tn inst. Ilis ermon
w. n IntPrpstiiiL' one. the subiect being 'Mar-
. i. , ,hn xr....;-.n nf tl.e neit nf
lliU U1IU VI. HIV wv. .. - - - .--
Jesus to their house in Bethany. I lie ushop
confirmed a
children of
class of ten, all young pesons,
i.-;em!crs and from the Snd.y
n- J' Waiiz proprietor of the Empire louse
j of this rlace, has been greatly itnprovirr, his
I ,
rooms by papering and remodeling. Hit bar
room is now one of the handsomest in theilaec.
His bar it adorned with a magrjlflcieiit lirror,
1 imd mrut te admired when fen.
Genel Oi:irr. rou Decoration- Dai. Ma
jor General Devcns, the Commander-in-Chief of
the Grand Army of the Republic, has issued a
gcueral order for tho general observance of Sat
urday, May '., as Decoration Day by that so
ciety", inasmuch as the ClHh Jails on Sunday ;
but a supplemental clause makes ihu following
provision for the observauca of the Slst instead
of the 20th in certain Slates, of which New
York is one : "The attention of the Coramander-in-Chief
has been called to the fact that several
Stales, hieh have made Memorial Day u legal
holiday, have provided that whenever the 30th
day of May occurs ou Sunday tho day following
shull be observed. He advises, therefore, that
comrades in theso departments go forward and
make preparation for the observance of that
day, as he has much confidence that the Na
tional Encuiupmcul, which will meet ut Chicago
ou the 121U ol May, in order to ensure a full re
coguiliou of the day, will modify, so far as
those departments are concerned, the regulation
which now requires t he day preceding lo be the
one observed."
Busolauy. On Friday night last the tobacco
store of Stella A: Koons, Front street , was broken
into, the burglars effecting an c-.itrauec by tak
ing out a pane of glass from oue of the win
dow in the rear of the store, aud then reaching
in au.l withdrawing the nails with which the
window was fastened, when it was an easy mat
ter to raise ihe sash and enter Hie room. The
door betw een the rear room aud the store being
unlocked there was no farlhei bar to the opera
tions of the thieves. Seven macrschauui pipe-,
worth four dollars each, sibout fifty cigars, be
tween three and four dollar in five cent pieces
aud pennies, and a revolver were taken, making
a total loss of about foity dollars. The revolver
belonged to II. A. Flemming. No trace of ihe
burgiars has yet beer iouud. .Villoiiiuu. in Town. Auuiior Crowe, and
General Freight Agent Hough, ot ihe Northern
Central Railway, were in town this, week looking
after bullies of the corporation with which
they are connected, llereloloie all Sbainokin
coal has been maiiii'esU'i t;. Sunbury and re
bilitd from there to points of destination. A
new airangeinent has been made by which all
coal will be inaiiicsteJ to points of destination,
direct from the Weigh Scales, thus doing away
witii the leshipir.enl at S.:nhury. I'nder this
new system it may be necessary to trausler Mr.
W. B. Bird to the Wei-h Scales to pel form duties
arising fiota this change. s'V.ii'ii T hucm.
Coal On. Fiaa. On Saturday allernoou, as a
number or cars !adeu with oil were being pushed
on Ferlu's siding above Dauphin, a short dis
tance, oue of them caught tire. In a short time
a tank exploded aud scattered the burning oil in
every directum. George Ballets, a brakemau.
ws badly burned about Ihe head, lace and left
baud, and ws only saved from being burned to
dealh by rolliug down au embankment. Abel
Gross, a lad, was also considerably burned. The
injuries of neither, it is liio'lght, will prove fatal.
Later iu the aSteruoou another tank exploded,
but uo person was injured. Six or seven cars
were destroyed. The trains on the Northern
Central railroad were delayed considerably by
the aecMonl. JUrrMnr.j Telfjntj'h.
Township Ai hitoks. The act of April 24ih,
1S;4. makes it the duty of the Auditors of the
several lowuships and boroughs to meet an
nually on the lirst Monday of June, aud settle
the accounts of the Supervisors, road commis
sioner, school, borough and township treasurers.
These settleuiv'iils must be published by printed
or written handbills, posted in at least five pub
lic places in the borough or townships, within
ten davs after seUletiant. The auditors must
also tie copies of the same with ihe Township
Clerk and also with the Clerk of the Court ol
Quarter Sessious. Neglect or refusal to di
chaige these duties subjects the auditors to a
penalty ol 20.
Change. The coal sent we-t from Ibis re
gion by the Mineral Company, formerly billed
from the N. C. office at this place to Sunbury,
aui from iheuce manifested to its destination, i
since the first of April has been manifested di
rect front this office, thus greatly augmenting
the labor l the clerks ; bat there is now a strong
probability that another change wiil soon be
made by Iranslerrmg nil the biisii.ees crtaiuing
lo the ihipl'iug of coal to the Weigh Scales.
r:lllri,:1(1 c.UIKlv lecenllv fuiehased a long
strip of land running parallel with their road at
.t... ...).;.!. ....nt.Mlltll:.!!' l.lVill
ce..,, ... , . "
several traces, so iu.iv ii.i.m m.i
made up there instead of Sunbury. as is now the
cast'. SiarHokiii Jleraltt.
Held on the Ciiauob or Embezzlement. T.
fcpro.e Lciseuiing, a former passenger conductor
on the Pennsylvania Railroad, was sometime ago
arrested on the charge of embezzling a part of
Ihe funds of the Passenger Conductors' Life In
surance Company, of which he was Treasurer.
The J'UmidjiU.a Tin.c$ stales that the Grand
Jury have, louud a true bill agaiusl him, aud he
was put under bonds to tha amount of twenty
thousand dollars for his appearance at court.
Lcisemiug wits elected one of the new Police
Magistrates in Philadelphia, at the last election,
and icsided at one time iu Selinsgrove. Shamo
kin Tinifs.
Di.atii a Goort Citizen. The town of Mil
ton has lost one of its be.-l ciliz- us by the death
of Samuel Durr. li Joidau, who died on Satur
day morning, of consumption ol the throat.
He was aged about 01 years. At Ihe time, ol his
death he was cashier of the Miiton Natioual
Bank, which position he had held for about ten
years. He was the only brother of the venera
ble Judge Jordan, ol Sunbury. He was for six
years I'rolhonotary of this county, and fur many
years clerk of the County Commissioners. IU
was known as a strict, careful and honest offi
cial, lie leaves a wile and three grown child
ren two daughters and one sou to mourn his
loss. Early m the winter he alt.icKeil with
disease of Ihe throat, which resulted in the loss
of his voice. His health has since been grad
ually failing. Mr. Juidaii was a good citizen,
and was slrirt in his life, upright and good.
li " iliu!tj.
TllKIK SllAiioW lioKS ilKFOKi: TllKM. Jlld;.'lll
i ii: !H m me vpci.i nui
, ou lo-iiioi row evening,
; is somewhat. "Jh'ti." Two conntltute the per-
peiforiuance may be eoni-i'l.-ii i'. pu tty 'thin."
The Willi. im-porl papers
"lliin," too.
ay tlu ir audiences are j
Miss Amiie Bomboy was robbed of a satchel
containing property and jewelry amounling to
about oue hundred aud fifty dollar;, o.i Sunday
night, 4th At the time she was robbed she
was staying with Mr. Coleman Uurgett, aud had j
packed her satchel fur the purpose of going i
home the next day. Xor'h'tl I'rtn.
Tiif pools connected with the mills at tbn up
per cud or town are lined along the shores with
dead ftV.', suckers, perch and chub. It is not
positive y Li.ou u what Las caused this wholesale
destruction of oar li?h, but 11 i.s euppustd to be
the late severe winter an. I its accompanying iee
I gorges. J'.iltl'r tills or uic 'oisouiu o; me usii ;
! aud the latter slipimsitiou has notliing tangibie
! on which to be based. lt is to be hoped t!mt Ihe
lish in the liver have not shared a siiiiilai
Kr.MOVKi). The management of the Shamokin
Division, N. C. ll. W. Co., have decided to dis
pense with lha machine shop iu their round
house at this place and have all repairs done at
i!i..!r sIioivk 111 Riinliiirv. to w neb iilacc thev
commenced to remove the machinery on Mon
day. Shdniol. in lln-ald.
Fire. The wagon house of Lewis Rotkefel-
! ler. in Rush township, was burned down on bat-
uiday, the 31 Inst., Mr. R. iul ol his
loois, several ougies, a..,. P.,.m-.... ........ u u
away in the upper pint ol the building. The
1 ll re originated from a wood
stove. The
loss is
... .',
estimated at f 500. Gazette of lat ireek.
"All is ijuiet in the coal region," says the
Daily, but while at Sliamokin on Wednesday
morning last, we seen a number or miners pro
ceed to the Brady Colliery logo to work. Bui
when they arrived at the colliery a number or
women had congregated aud commeucod to hurl
stones at them until the miners were forced to
retreat. It is asserted that the women were not
very quiet cither.
Tun season approaches alien, during the early
morning hours, there steals through the open
windows a succession of sounds as of some
young lady at the piano practicing her scales,
and when the nervous mar. tumbles out of bed
and prays for strength to love hi neighbor as
Death- of Jons S. Marsh. Mr. John S.
Marsh, of this place, died on Sunday evening
last.aftera lingering illness, at the residence of L.
V. B. Sopcr, on Market street. Mr. Marsh was
for mauy years cugaged iu the clothing business
in this place, and was widely known throughout
the couuty. He was a good citizen. He was
about 48 years of age.
Lookoct Beacx. The disreputable custom of
standing around church doors at the close of ser
vice to gaze at tho fair ones of the cougregation
us they make their exit from the sacred edifice,
indulged in by a class of young men, has had a
serious blow dealt it iu Philadelphia by the
police, who recently made a raid upon several
gangs of nuisances of this character. Fines
were imposed upon a large number arrested for
lha net, and from present indications the vile
habit will be entirely broken up through the in
strumentality of the authorities.
Some church-goers get awful hungry when
the minister announces the doxology. By the
time the last line is concluded they have their
wraps ou preparatory to rushing out ahead of
everybody at the conclusion of the benediction.
Finn in Milton. The frame dwelling and
grocery or Augusta Marr, in the upper part of
Milton, was destroyed by lire on Satnrday night
last, about 11 o'clock. The lire originated it is
supposed, from a defective flue. We understand
Ihe loss is estimated nt about f 30C0, partly cov
ered by insurance. ZMity.
Fishermen will regret to learn that the Colum
bia dam is being rapidly repaired.
The expenses of the Poor Overseers of Suu
bury from April 1, 1S74, lo April 1.1S75, were as
follows: West Ward, S3.154 17 ; East Ward,
$i,8'j7 0O; total, 3.05;2 17. Cost of keeping
tramps previous to opening sonp honse, West
Ward, io-25 0J ; East Ward, 645$ 00 ; total,
?'.Sl. Total number of tramps at soup honse,
511; espcnfcs at soup house, 6314 CO ; The
number of resilient paupers kept was 02 in the
West Ward Go and in the East Ward 2C.
Democratic candidates are. already going the
r.mnds, visiting their friends at whose "solicita
tion"' they announced themselves for the respec
tive office.
Tiie wife of II. L. Dieffenbach, Esq., editor of
the Blooiuiburg CvUm.hkii, died on Friday last
after a brief illness. She was a lady possessed
of mauy estimable qualities.
Wii.LiAVsi-oRT has thirty-nine lawyers, twenty-three
physicians, fifteen iusurauce agents and
five dentists.
Mi:. Willis Taylor, of Lock Haven, has
been promoted from the position of baggage
master to that of extra pasBfiigei conductor on
the r. t i:. i:. r.
Are Yol" Going ? A number of gossipy old
maid-! propose getting up a public talking match.
The leservcd seats will be those farthest from
the stag'.'.
Several boys are crowding the season they
have appeared with sand paper cuts already.
A M MUF.K of portable steam engines passed
through this place on cais a few days ago en
route to Westminster, Md.
YoUNo persons should be careftii how they
hang ou gates to gaze at Ihe heavens, as the
horrid painters are not particular where they
sling their brushes.
Attek July lst,laT5, the feesoti money orders,
to any part of the I'nitcd Slates, will be as fol
Iows: For any sum up to fifteen dollars, 10 cents;
over fifteen, aud not exceeding thirty dollars, 15
cents ; ov r thirty and not exceeding forty dol
lars, 20 cuits: over forty, not exceeding fifty
dollar, 25 ccuU.
List of Letters remaining in Hie Post Office in
Sunbury, April 22, 1S75:
Wm. Brown, Conrad Dougherty, H. H. Dill,
Win. A. Fry, H. Kitch, J. R. Gcigler, Kate
Grimmier, Alfred .Mover, Duail Mylcr, S. P.
Pullen, George D. Fro, Mrs. Annie Rogers,
James Sample, Mrs. Sallie C. Snjder.
Persons calling for letters wi!i please say they
are advertised. j
J. J. PMITII, V. M. !
Lower Aiccsta, April I',, lbt.".
The community sustains a serious loss iu the;
death ol Dr. John Raker, iu Lower Augusta, j
on the lllh insl., iu the Ul h year or his age. i
lie was born iu this township iu Nov., lt)5.
Alter completing his medical studies iu Muney,
he located in the vicinity of hi birth, and lor !
upwards of forty years pursued his arduous :
professional duties, promptly responding to the I
numerous call.i iu tho vicinity, and from many
distant points, compelling him. often, to travel I
day and night in sunshine and storm until
Ina i th and life were eventually exhausted by the
unremitting duties of his profession.
Dr. Raker was a getithmian of the tiue stamp.
A jii-wtital cluirtiiin. As ready to point his pa
tients to the Physician of Souls as to administer
to iheir bodily diseases. He never was intoxi
cated. Never accepted office. He was buried
ou ihe 14th inst. at Zion Church, where an im
pressive s.-rmou was delivered by his pastor, j
Rev. W. ZiuiiKLriiiHR, to a large assemblage of
sympathizing lelalives, friends uud acquaiut- !
ances. j
- i
Dr. I'iuk'E's Golden Medical Discovery will (
cure a Cough in one-half the time necessary to j
cure it with any other mediciuc, and it due it,
not lnj tlnjiiig it i'y, but lj remui;,nj the nutse
tibduut'j Hit it) itatiuii unit heiling the affected juirtx.
For all cases of Laryngitis, Hoarseness, Sup
pression or Loss of Voice, Bronchitis, Severe
Chronic or Lingering Coughs, it wiil be found to
surpass any medicine that has ever before beeu
ottered lo the public, ll is soid by all dealers in
ii iunsKi: Foil May. The three bright races
that look out tiom Hie opening page ol Ihe May
number of Sckiusek's Montulv, ale only differ
ent views of one uii iih head the fctii! liviug
heroine of a tragedy which will bo remembered
as long as t lie name ol Napoleon :s lauded and
reviled umong men. The picture here skillfully
re-produced is (ii.beit Milan's lineelold portrait
of Madame Paltei.-ou-Boiiapaite, of Baltimore,
oue of the niort conspicuous victims of the
"great' Napoleon's hellish und unscrupulous
iiiiitruiiin. 'Ihe iieeoiniiaiivinir sketch of "The
ballunoie Bonapartes" is an authentic history
ol this inti-restiug family, which may yet give
France its Emperor.
The New Paris Opera Hon :e is described, with
pen aud picture, in the same nuuiuer ot KliiNEK.
Though its architecture is "rreiieu,
iibiLg the term with its mo5l unpleasant Lock-
nev u eaniii" -it is still a marvelous building,
and in all its arrangements and details worthy
.. ....i.ii un.iv 'i I... lu-.'iMtt lt'i'i-itit inn is
raja I ami uiieiitieal, bill gives a good idea of the
general style, and of the moH curious aud
striking features of this "Temple of Song."
i.ii .....i-..t-;;'; w i hi- n 11. 1 tut rli-l n-ini til le of
Col. Wariug'e carefully prepared account of the
drainage of Haarlem Lake, "Dy liu.tli
largest operation ot its kind ever undcrtaKen ty
man.'" This paper,
which includ.s the entire
..!..,. ..r .ir:,ini mr in Holland. Is Particular:?
valuable to engineers aud those interested in low
lands along oar coast , but the subject is so
simply treated that the "gcueral reader-' will
Und it as iiiterciug as a romance.
J)r. Wm. Hayes Ward, of the 'Independent,'
F-Uins up, in au lilLStrirted pa pel. Rome of the
curious discoveries that have recently been made
iu aneiiMit Assyrian literature.
"St.ine Recent Women Poets' is the title of a
' brief, but thotitfhtfiil critical paper ; some or
! these very women poets have new poems In the
' same number of Hie Mostui.t, by the way.
"Yung Wing and His Woik' tells about the
Chinese Educational Mission, and its devoted
In the way of fiction we have two chapters of
Dr. Ho. laud's Story of Sevenoak (in which
then is more about Jim Teuton, and a new
charaf.l-r it introduced;) more of that exceed
ingly "Mysterious Island," !iy Jules Verne; an
Electro-.Mechanical romance. by Charles Barnard,
thai is oiL'inal in several features, aud will be
especially appreciated by railroad and telegraph
people : anil another Mory by the young New
Orleans stoi v-writer George W. Cable, who lias
a lieiil all to himself, just now, and, what is
more to the purpose, llie genius that enables bin)
to seize its artistic features. By the way, what
a delicious broken English he puts into the
mouths of bis C
oles ! it is iiio'C tliau dialect,
I ll is Urania .
'-s..::. it!.! Letters i tbvse are I' the I
by, and a later installment will be accompanied
by fac-xiiniles.) and "Both Sides of the Shield,"
bv Mrs. Davis, are the other prose contributions.
In the Editorial pages, l)r. Holland writes
about "Speaking Disrespectfully ol the Equator,"
"Popular Arts," and "The Premium on Pro
ductive Culf.lte." The Old Cabinet hak some
thing iiboui "English Criticism of American
Poelrv," and "The Poet's Mind and Moo:!." A
new department, entitled "The World's Work,"
takes the place or "Nature and Science ; and
"Etchings" gives way lo "Bric-a-brac;" and
thus ScninNKU enters upon its tenth volume. Lamp, Essayist, denounced all spirit
uous liquors lis "Wet Damnation." Poor fel
low ; he knew whereof he spake, by fad ex
perience, and if living, would apply the same to
Alcoholic Excitauts, advertised as Chrealls. But
there is owe Tonic and Alterative in existence
the best the world has ever known which con
tains no alcohol. It is Dit. Walkek's Califor
nia Vinegar Bitters. 4t
Stiksom k Co., Portland, Maine.
Jap. 22, 175.
"WriEN you go to Philadelphia, stop at
the Allegheny House, No. 812 and 814,
Market St. lle-Gttcd, re-furni9hed, &c,
by A. Beck, Proprietor, and price only $2
per day.
W. A. Heller keeps everything in the clothing
line to complete a fult dress except boots and
shoes. Coats, pants, vests, shirts, collars, neck
tics, hats and caps, gloves, and every line of
gentlemen's wear, which he sells at the most
reasonable prices.
Great Reduction in Prices. Having rej
ceived a new supply of rubbers, we will dispose
or them nt the following reduced prices :
Men's Rubbers 61.00
Women's Rubbers 75
Misses' Rubbers 50
Children's Rubbers ,,. 40
Also, Boots and Shoes Ol every description,
which -we will sell nt reduced rates for cash, to
make room for our large spring stock. Call at
once aud examine for yourselves.
Smith & Bro.,
Miller's Building, Market Square,
Snubnry, Fa.
Not too Late. If you have a shocking bad
hat, It is uot too late to makca change. Call on
S. Faust and if you cannot find a new hat to
SHit, leave your old silk hat, which will be fixed
np as good as now. Every style of hat is round
at Mr. Faust's hat establishment, on Market
Square, Snnbury, at the most reasonable prices.
Mt sicAL. J. P. KeeTcr has lately removed his
excellent musical instruments into the building
011 Fourth street, below Market, nearly opposite
the City Hotel. Any kind of Musical instru
ments or the most improved styles and make are
kept in his establishment. Parlor Organs,
Planbe or the best manufacture in the country
wil losfouud at his store. He is also agent for
bestthe sewing machines now in use.
The light rnnnlnir "Dometts" Sewins ma
chine, 011 account of its many points of superi
ority, has a better demand than any other manu
factured, and takes the lead with the public over
machines Ion: regarded as the best. Also the
new (iroven and Baker sewing machine not sur
passed by any other. OrderB for these machines
will he promptly liilcd by Miss Caroline Dalius,
Parlor Organ Miss C. Halius is the agent foi
the sale or Parlor Organs, Pianos, and all kinds
or musical Instruments. The very best instru
ments arc Tarnished on short notices at prices
to suit times. Call or address,
No. Uo, Market St.. Sunbury.
A Gentleman who suflered for years from
Nervous Debility, Premature Decay, aud all the
effects of youthful indiscretion will, for the sake
of suffering humanity, send free to all who need
it, the recipe aud direction for making the simple
remedy by which he was cured. Sntferers wish
ing to profit by the advertiser's experience can
do so bv addressing in pcrrect confidence.
I dcc.2.V74.-Gin. 4'J Cedar St., New York.
The advertiser having been permanently cured
or that dread disease, Consumption, by a simple
remedy, is anxious to make known to his fellow
sufferer the means of cure. To all who desire
it, he will scud a copy of the prescription used,
(free of charge), with the directions Tor prepar
ing and usiug the same, which they will find a
sure cure Tor Consumption, Asthma, Bronchitis,
A;c. Parlies wishing the prescription will please
address Ilev. E.'A. WILSON.
Ht4 Penn St., Williamsburgh, New York.
The C'oufeiouM ofaii Invalid. Pub
lished as a warning and Tor the benetlt of Young
Men aud others who suffer from Nervous Debili
ty, Loss of Manhood, etc., supplying the means
of Self-Cure. Written by one who cured himself
after undergoing considerable quackery, aud sent
free on receiving a post paid directed envelope.
Sufferers are invited to address the author.
April 9,'75-Gm. P. O. Box 153, Brooklyn, N.Y.
cftfo mimes.
In Miiton, on Thursday evening, 2"Jil nit., Mr
Javks A. l'.u.Mr.K and .Miss Ei.izaiietii Bond.
In Milton, on Ihe filh inst., at the resilience of i
the bride, by Rev. Samacl Thompson, Ilev. j
Stewart Mitchfu., of Bloonisburg, Pa., and j
Miss . Janet Petkikiv, daughter of the late j
Gen. Wm. A. Petrikin, of Muncy. I
On the Unth nit., by R. v. M. L. IMsIer, at tho i
residence of Ihe bride's mother, in lluhcsville, I
Mr. Thomas B. 11i:nn, of Suulmry, and Mies j
Mat Skkixs, of IlnhesvIIIc. j
On the 18th Inst., nt the I.iithein parsonage in
Snnbury, by Kcv. (;. W. Hemperley, Mr.
Simkon" to Miss Mint K. Kif.iii., all or
At Montgomery Station, ou March lTlh, Mr.
W. K. I1EIXV, ntcd M year-. 1 month and 1
In Upper Augusta. on the l"th of April, JOHN'
W. SXYDER, a-ed Si years, :i months and Yi
Si np.i i:t, April 'Si, 1?.".
Okain Wheat per bushel .. $1.00n i.''O
" prime white LlC'i 1.25
" Rye per bnsb "."itSO
' loth ?.VW
Oats " .,.. 50f;,G0
VV.i it Extra Family pr bbl S.OOfaT.OO
Common .V30fi7.(H)
Buckwheat 4.00
Ffeii Corn ..V: Oats Chop pr 100 lb 1 .50(.2.110
Shorts & Mixture 1.50(1.75
Potatoes. Ac New per bushel S0((i. 1 .00
I'noviMos Ham per lb ltiI20
Shoulder pr lb 14TUS
Bacon pr lb 10(U'2
Beef, retail pr ib 20
Veal, do do HHTillj
Dried Beer pr Ib 25r :w
Pofl.TKT Chickens, dressed pr lk 12('i,15
Do. live weight 10(?12
liCTTcn Prime per lb 20(5,35
Eoi'.s Per do?en , lfi&lS
J y Virtue ol certain Writs oralias Fieri Facias,
j issued out -r the Court or Common Pleas
; of Northumberland County, and to me directed,
; will be exposed losale by public vendue or outcry,
i at the Court Hou?e, Sunbury, Pa., on
i otllll'istlay, 2StIl Ot April, 175,
j . , , . , f,)ml0OTi. the followimr pro i
' 1 ;
' '
1 la right, title and InlercKt of 1 homas Leivls iu
j and to a certain lot or piece or ground situate in
oauiiiarouei iiuuiiiou n iuu uwnfiiLii
of Slia
mokin, iu the couuty of Northumberland, aud
State of Peunsylvauui, known and designated
on the plan of said addition us lot number six,
in block number one hundred and ciirhty lhrce,
fronting on Pearl street, twenty-five feci, more
i 0 l'S tUU cLMMJU n n'.nv muni . v. ..-
drcd feci, more or less, lo tne sireci, wun tue
appurtenances consisting of a two-story frame ;
dwelling House ana Kitciicu ; as ine prope-ny
A certain tract or piece or land situate in Cam- j
iron township, Northumberland county, Penn- j
sylvania, bounded northward by land of Daniel :
Dcrk, eastward by laud of George Latsha, south- i
ward by Mountain land, ami Westward by land j
of Henry Otto, containing sixty-four acres, more j
or less, with the appurteuanecs consisting of a ;
two-story log dwelling house and log barn : as i
the proi-erty of JACOB RUC'H.
All that certain lot or piece or ground situate
in the borough or Milton, Couuty or Northum
berland, .aud State or Pennsylvania, bounded
and described as follows, to wit : beginning nt
the corner or public ground known us Lincoln
Park, on Front street ; thence south along said
street thirty-two reel to a poM. ; thence west by
line parallel with t'..e north line pi" the loi. to the
Susquehanna liver i thence north along the line
of the Susquehanna river to the line of said pub
lic lot ; thence east by line of sail public lot to
the place of beginning, with the appurtenances ;
consisting or a two-slorv frame building ; as the i
property of L. M. MORTON, WM. M. MEK-
By Virtue or a certain Writ or Venditioni Ex
ponas, issued out ot the Court of Common Pleas
of Northumberland County, and to me directed,
will be ex posed to sale by public vendue or out
cry, at the Comt House, Sunbury, Pa., on
at 10 o'clock in the forenoon, the following pro
perty, to wit :
Four contiguous lots or gronnd situate iu the
borough or Sunbury, county of Northumberland,
and State or Pennsylvania, known and designat
ed on the plan or said borough as lots numbers
feveuty-thrce, seveuty-rpur, sevenly-five aud
sevcuty-six, bound northward by Burberry alley,
eastward by an alley, southward by Chestnut
street, and westward by Broadway or Front
street, each or said lots containing in width fifty
seven and one-half feet, aud in depth two hun
dred an thirty feet, with the appurtenances con
sisting or a two-story frame or log dwelling
house, weather boarded and painted, an out
kitchen, a wood-honso and a well of water; as
the property of JACOB B. MASSER.
bcucd, taken into oxeeutlon and to be soldbv
S. II. ROTHERMEL, Sheriff.
Sheriff Office. Snnbury, Pa., April 0, 1S75.
O U A P"-Day home. Terms fre.
Sewing Machines.
Family Machines
A QUARTER or a CENTURY'S trial has de
monstrated their superiority.
IT MACHINE must eventually supersede
all other? now run with which It comes in com
petition. We recommend for it the highest
award which it is in the power of the Institute
to bes tow," From the uuanimous Report of the
Dve Judges ot the American Institute, New York,
The Board of Managers nnamimonsly approv
ed the report, and recommend for this machine
the Gold Medal of the Institnte.
The Board of Direction unanimously approved
this recommendation, and awarded the Gold
Medal to Wheeler A Wilson, the only gold medal
awarded for a Sewing Machine by the American
Institute for many years.
Tho Austrian Ofilcial Report of the Vienna
Exposition, prononnced it "the marvel of the
Exposition," and added, "this universal machine
tews the heaviest leather harness end the finest
gauze with a truly pearl stitch."
The Grand Medal of Progress was awarded Tor
What the Leading Manufactures of Boots and
shoes mt of
isriErw unto, e
We, manufacturer or boots aud shoes, are us
hi! Theslr A AVilson's New s. & Sewiug Mii
chlue In all kinds or stitching on onr work, and
confidently believe that it will supersede all
others In this branch of manufactures, for the
following reasons :
1. The work done by this machine Is superior
to that of any other In variety, amount, excel
lence and beauty.
"3. This machine is more d. arable than any
otbtir or Its c!k, refiul'iuj much lew outlay ror
repairs and renewal of parts,
3. It does the cording or slaying of button
holes In a most elegant and substantial manner,
without the expense of royalty.
Iu short, beeau!c by the use of this machine
wc can turn out superior work nt lesi cost than
with hiiv other.
Sigmd Iy imiHy.
i-iT"lt Is fast superseding nil other machine
for leather work.
now for the first introduced to the public, tanks
in excellence with their famons No. 6 Machine,
but has some mollifications adapting it to special
classes of work. The Tailor will find It as well
suited (o his work as Is No. C to leather work.
It might be properly termed the Tailor's Ma
chine. Send for Circular to
Wheeler & WilsonMannfactnrinECo.,
44 14th St., New York.
April 1.T5. It.
i22i tijrM1 'in.!.!!.!,' "
Masonic Building, Third St.,
who Lave killed hih prices since they ojiened their Store aud greatly un
dersold all others. They are now selling at still lower prices than
heretofore, and have just received fresh attractions
in the shajie of imported
Hosiery, Xeck Ties, liit'hon?, Jewelry, and a general line of
at prices never he fore so low.
Sash Rihhonfi, all colors 23 cts. and upwards.
Xo 9 all silk gros grain ribhon nt
Ladies neek-tlea
Corsets, good quallity, ( formerly sold at C ts.)
Embroideries, from ( cts, upward-.
Alpaca braid at . .
Ladies hose, from 8 cts upwards.
Mens hose, fine quality, 8 cts and upwards.
Lyle thread Gloves from 15 cts. upwards.
Fine Towels,
And other articles at proportionate reduced rates.
An elegant stock just in. Come and be astonished at the prices.
SHAWLS of elegant patterns.
in every variety at very low prices. Also, Hair goods made up to order
at short notice. KID GLOVES, the best quality, for one dollar. We
will not go into a further enumeration of our large stock of new and sea
sonable goods, but invite the ladies to call and they will bo shown with
pleasure, whether they buy or not.
Next to the Post Office, in Masonic Building,
April lGth, 1875.
C A. S H
We arc uow olferlnj our larte and well selected
still further reduction from the astonishinsly low
. lor itie largest siock ot spring UooiH ever Droncnt
want those who do pay lo pay for those who do not pay. '
We give below a few quotations at which pries
There is no misprint about it.
Brown Muslin, Applctim, "A."
,; - 4-4 Augnsta...
" 4-4 Peppuell
" " 4-4 Lawrence
" " 7h Augusta
" " Oood 10-4 Sheeting
Rleacl:-.? ' 4-4 New Tork Mills -
4-4 Wamsutta
" ' 4-4 Hill
' " 7; Hill
' " 4-4 as good as Frint of the loom
" " 4-4 flood
42 iuch Pillow Casing.....
(iood Ginghanis
Lancaster Ginghams
Best Prints
(iood Delaines
Dress Goods,
Alftara nntl
Bert Spool Cotton 70 cents per doaen, per spool
Good Ladies' Neckties ,
Alpaca Braid ,
Good Corsets
A line lot of Embroideries, very low.
Fine towels per dozen. ..
Ladies' Hose, good
Mens' Hose, good
Childrens' Hose, good
Indies' and Mens' gloves, very cheap.
Mens' Shirts and Drawers
Carpet Chain sold lower thau anybody else se',!a It.
Good Si;gar.. .per lb
Goou Drown Cofleo "
Best Brown Coffee (Arbuckles) in packs
Good Green CoITcc per th
Good Green Tea , "
Good Black Tea "
Babbit's best Soap
Good Soap
(iood Raisins per lt
Molasses we defy competition.
Trophy Tomatoes Ult cans
Ham and Shoulder lower than elsewhere.
50 barrels of .Mackerel just received, and offered very low.
A full and csmplete stock of goods at corresponding prircs. Call and see ns. It will certainly
pay yon.
Dry Good and Grocery Jobbers. Market St., SCNBURY, PA.
February 20, 1M5. S mo's.
At an lmmese Reduction in Prices, for Cash.
Febrnarv 19, 1S75. f.w.
Has just returned from the Eastern citles,wltli au .
clceant selections of
of the finest French Brands, Trimmings, tie.
He is now ready to receive orders for
of any desired style. The latest styles ot" pat
terns on hand, and
Tou will And prices at least ai reasonable as
elsewhere. Give ipc a call.
Snnhnry, April ft, TSTS.-tf.
s store,
J' Sl -i f
20 CtS.
20 11 i
00 cts. per doz.
rr f T" TT
winter stock ot Dry Goods, Groeeiies, ,Ve., a
prices wc lately offered, in order Ui mnke rn
at a
to this section of the conntry.
any and
all mav h:tv for the monev.
11U cer.t.
lrt "
1PJ "
13 "
IV i
70 "
15 iC
S "
ll) ':
VI i 4i
Call &nl xee nnU
,.. i oo
S7 ' eents.
.. 0
.. 2S
... 25
... 45
... 45
... S
.. 5
.. 15
... 20
i prices. Send for price list and terms to Agents.
Church Incorporation.
; "V"OTICE is hereby uiven that application will
be made to tho Hon. Wm. M. Rockefeller,
Esq., President and Law Judge, of the Court
, of Common Pleas of Northumberland county, by
j the First Presyterian Church of Watsontown, on
' Saturday the 17th day April A. D. 1875, to jrant
a charter of incorporation to the said church
1 accordine to the Act of Assembly of April t2.'th
WaNontovn, March 20, 175. it.
A MEETING or the stockholders of TnE
held at the office of E. A. Packer, Room 29,
Trinity Buildine, New York City, on WED.VES
nir.i pprr oi , r. ,t,. i . . r m...
ami such other business as may be presented.
JOHN E. RATHBUN, Vice Pre 5,.
onal born to Insurance s gents.