m,ro,ti h!,5. g 0 T B A & era k 9 IHisrdltinfons. Spiral. ilailtozhs. Itgrxtuhnral. bi Trimming a Judge. Curran was often annoyed when pleading before Lord Avou more, owing to his lordship's habit of being influenced by first imprcsioiiis. He and Curran were to dine together at the hougi of a friend, and the op;ortunity was seized by Curran to endeavor to cure his lord ship's habit of anticipating. "Why, Mr. Currau you have kept us a full hour wait ing dinner fir you !" grumbled out Lord! Avor.more. "Oh, ray dear lord, I regret it mueh ; you must know it seldom hap-' rwni hut I"vi inst, hceii witness to a most 1 melancholy occurrence 'you seem tern- ' ttlv nmved bv it lake a giass of wnn' What as it V What was it 'I will tell I or., my !ird. the mnn at 1 can collet t i iuvmIi'. I had Ini'Ii -i-tiiiii'- l at eouit--m ; .i ' . ........ ..r -n .-..i.r i.wvic!.it . kij'.vs lie cli;r..'.-i!'.r siif :.,te.' "Id", 1 ri '.'Li '.. 'Well, in v iorj. I was. . Inn r.-ii.- her- a fast as ur I vuld-l did ii..t even change my diTts l hope I j had be ex.-iikcd ft.r c.-mi. ia my boots V ! IWu, pooh! Never mind your boots-: the joint coiue at once to the point of the ( story !' 'Oh, I will my lord iu a momeot. I walked herr-i would not even wait to j get the carriage ready-it would have takcu J time, you know. Now there i a market exactly in the road by which 1 had to pass, Vour lordship may perhaps recollect H'c J market-do you ?' 'To be sure I do; go j oa. Curran 0 on with the Hory." 'I am ! very glad your lordship remembers the market, fir ' tota'.iy forget the uame of it the name the name ' 'What the deuce ; in":lies the name of it, sir ? It's the Castle j promptly attended to. The puhlie are respectfully invited to call and ex Market.' Vour 1 orship is perfectly ri-ht ! amine my stork, and he convinced that I am selling the cheapest, it is called the Castle Market. Well, I j 'I. 15. KKl'P. was passing through that very identical i Sunbury, Sept. 'Jo. 174. Castle Market when I observed a butcher preparing to kill a caif. He had a hr.ize , y i knile iu his hand it wag ns sharp as a 1 razor. Tbe calf was siandiu beside him. I lie diew the knife to plunge it into the I anioinl. Just as he was ia the act of doing j so a boy. about four years old -his only pan the loveliest little bah) I ever saw--r.iu huddeuiy across his path, and l.ckillrd oh. Heaven ! he killed' 'Tlie diild ! the child! the ,hil.l !' voeif.rated Ix.nl -i vouiuoie. o, jijv ioru, me can, con- : a i , . tinued Currati very coolly ; 'he killed trie , calf, but your lord? hip is in the habit of anticipating.' How to Gkt a I 'inn i.r. A sentletuan who traveled about pretty extensively w.ts . jrrcally perplexed loundeitaud Low it was that other jxTsotis w rc waited upon ' promptly and well served in the hot. Is, ' while he was almost entirely ignored, and could scarcely obtaiu a proper meal, coin- I plain to and swear at the wailcrs as he J uight. At last Lis eyes were opened to the j dodse of feeing the waiters lilx-rally, and, being of an ingenious turn of mind, he de termined to improve on the plan. The next hotel be dined at lie took bis seat very Iiompous at, the table, and out of a well- Clied pocketbook extracted a one-dollar ! bill, which he laid on the white oloth be-! idc my plate, and placed a goblet upou it. ' Its a: instant almost he was surrounded I by waiters, who seemed to vie with each other in their attentions. Every wish was : anticipated, and all the delicacies of toe ' ktt hen and pantry were placed before hitu j in tempting array. Having fared asfcump- ' tucusly Kf- n prince (to the envy of many of ; the other out-ty) he tok up the note, and, j L-ckoning : the nearest waiter, was im- i diately lx siet;td by a half-dozen or so. j Holding the note in oue hand, Tie pointed ! to it with the other, and inquired of the crowd. !,. you see that note ?' Oh, yes, j sir '.' they ali exclaimed, in chorus. 'Then ! tike a -ood look at it," he replied, 'for vou I v-i'.l never e-e it again." Spying whieh he ri .'parted, leaving th waiters a'hatt. Hi-r Nam;: Was Ahlk. ltecently an : excited individual, with his hat standiug j 0:4 two hairs aud his eyes pmjecting from his head like the horns of a suail, rushed into the office of Coroner Homes. The Coroner is by profession a dentist, and his lirst thought a-, he glane-ed at the man, was I that he was well nigh distracted with the j toothache ; he vae soon undeceived, how- j evr, as the freuzied individual cried out, ! a soon ns he t-4uld catch l;s breath after j ruuning up the stairs. 'Ik-en a man mur-I dercd I' I 'A man murdered,' cried the Coroner, i 'How? Where V J "In a carding, I beliuve, with u club or ! a rock.' 'How long az'1?' cried the Coroner,! seizing his hat and cane. Heen done a good while and no nolice ; en done a goou wluie anil no police' unstable hasn't never done uoH.ing ! , " I it. Never lu no Coroner set ou j nor constab about .... . . i fiis bony or notum' of tint kind ; no ver- d.Ct : 'Whats the dead man's name 't Who Hi. name was Abel" ' AM!A.lwha?- , ion t Know. JNcver lieard nothing but Lis rirst name. 'Well, what is the name of the man who killed him? Do they know? Any out ' suspect d J" 'Well, I've heard that a fellow named Cain put out his li -ht. Cain wi the : nin put out his 1 brother of Abel, and Coroner suielis a mice, and tlouiiahiic i his cauc, cri:s : 'Vou jit down them stairs, iny fine fe-1- i low. (;it. aiid don't show youi-lf liere at'a.ii. With a loud guffaw the tiue fellow wtut , down stairs, three steps at a time, the j !-.ct..r calling after him. IIow dare you ; trifle with an officer in this way. sir : . . . J ' . I ifijiiX'iO fit 'J IZi'dtrtiT ir , WnK A !..:. i.nW II..... tl, H .v.4 j 'uitittn, ,itj tiJ,!, i!iiva uuincr to commercial initabilities, ' ..... ' ; n-.giiia-u in wlae carl,. as toiiows : lie nj iin. ii his s. rvants tu put the l.-t wiue ' 11 tbe table at the b.-giniiiiig .f the real, while the guests' heads were clear ; 'then,' ; said he, 'watch the conversation, aud di- rectly you hear any single one of the com- j pauysay. 'I, who am an honest man'' you may he vilt sure, that all their heads ; have gone astray, and you can s-rvc up! ativ ruobish you choose.'' ; Thk pounding of the stomach fe.r the cure of dyapepaia was the cati-e of a good I '' ' ?, v ' "' ' ,N '; " ! to fill tt.li.. w s Ii joke the other day. Two nu n were tie- ' oa.-s. 5.nti,t..i ' ..:.o. v.i--. : ... , . , , , . 1 l:u:i to Ui.. r..ii.-. li.ii'.- eT.i.ing what ihey had don.- t- cure them- . ....r:, . ,.!ir.-i..-s, i. ,.:-, . wives. 'Do vou knead voar stomach?' I I f.i-.iil.l r. rvi.i r.,.rt u-iil,.nl i 'l ... I 1 . - v p;'-. rti.i niiuv.u I I. . C t-pond-d the other in ihe laot i.tag-.- . f a-tot)ishtiieiit. 'WHAT do oil Re!! tlnwe 1'uwU f.,rV- i:i- quired a pcrs'on of a man attempting to 1 dispone of some fowls of fjui fctiotiabie age. ; I Sell them f--r profit,' Was; the ailSWtr. i -ri,..w . r 1 r .1 . .i ' 1 hank you for the information that they l4 tiror.hcts ' rnoti.l.-.l ll. nno,.;. . .t r ' ' --4- v"v i -., I'i'ii: inera lo oe. patnarclis-.' It is impossible to blunt t - . . ... ,, , , IT is impossible to blunt the hae cdfjc oi s voe jH-opb; fiiti,iousne.s. An instance at hattJ is that of a ladv who ot ud and ; went ut of church ou Sunday, because she ' ' a considered the iuiuister'8 remark that we' . or all wanted to got into Abraham's bosom,' as both malicious and indelicate. Tlu1 Largest .Stork of Stoves in r-tvlt-s, at J". 13. X-?. KIND'S New Steve and Tinware Etf aMtat, Tkiri Street, opposite Central Hotel, My stock insists of tlie 'ollowiiijr AND f jj lit Iulator f. -ma.."!'.. 1 J'-"-'; I roii Kin-i. O lit ntii il. :1 v.-ri-ty . f ot!.. r C-ok Stove and lfon-,-" a-way . n l'"' " pfe-curcd to order, Aso .. .irCtf assortrneiit of repairs of all kinds for the Conciliation and Kt.eru'ator Cook Stove. iave tjJt, lArg,t assortment of Stoves ever seen in Sunbury, that will sold at priees'to suit the times. Tinware and Sheetirou ware of every doseription in lar;e nuantitv. Also an assortment ot Cleveland non-explosive Lamps, !Roolisig and Spouting 380 V V KB ES mB EN Invite an examination of Ini:KS(aOn:. Itekt attorttornt nliich fliev arc selling nl prleen lower t tin., ever. j i . -r -j ' "J'Tf " J J j J- .1I .....1 ...... '. 1..4.,., ... it . n .t . . .1 v.au .iiiti :jw.iiim.f it n 'i " i "4 1 v. liuiiin 4 C i , .1: . .. tt om z: ts. '( ? p " Q w est HEaZsGS of Prints,! 1 aJenfs. BRANDS OF- MUSLINS,; 1 vara wide, 10 and ivM. ftLaisilEStisirM&Cleaiesl O k 3Ei m X H in the couiitv. WM. AVHITMER e CO. Sunhuj y. -t. 1 74. 1 m. in .In i:ntr.ev,s' quar.titirs, have hem received daily, for lb- last two njnnths'. Over Coats ! Over Coats ! ! for Met) and Hoy, clidh-f-s vaiiety. and at astonish1.':-.: 1 w prii- s ! Emss Slits, I'NDKK C'I)TIIL(i : from To :ts. a full i and nt1-' Furnishing (ioods of every description. j HATS CAFS,I f'l' ilen and Hoys, in i.-iim.-nse variety, tout f tli latest styles. He invites everybody to call and examine, his Mock. Astoni-hin bargain will he J oft - red and goods will lie sold cbeap'r tlian they have ev. r U-en in this town. N-'hody is able to undersell us ! The place to sitve money during these h.itd times. I """'V awie io uiioerseo u-, . i imi i,;nr w save money inning tnese n.itu times, i " ad upright dealing U the standing rule. The place where j vou can iirnl th-largest st'ck and h-st assiTtnient. i he pl.i-- wh re y-ci ar- k- , Whether vou buy or not is at ! ' CKXTKAL CI.Ol IIINfi STOIli:. (.,,. il l A M,k, ts., S.mbury, l'a. . ;HAM CKXTKAL CI.OTIIIX,; STOKK, iW. :, A M uke- Sunburv, l'a. s,,., P.t., s , ,, .-. v.i,:,.... . , 'v I inl'VTO .lWMMM,t,S(te. ...M (fill t Kt-i i ;.Liyt- .' nli'i i 1 r ' ' " " :V ' "l""- im:. An t 'fj: nt rt:r.'int lv-u , jr r: j'-ll b.t l.n f- n.-v.'1t,4--v. kh v.'V.-.- J. , 1 r- if.;.'. -1. ('rtr.u'-r- ..lua!'. .. 1 1. M.tKVl..l IIYH AM) Kilt IVSTI- Tt"TI." ott X. :iurle Street, ItaUlHiorj-. ''.r i'jin. m. v.. 11-..1 i.ve .t 1 '-r m t!e v1. al.ni;in I j(i..-j Sii:n.-on lu C'lt-irt. The In-tfe Ju r.ls. in'- r.-jd.-iie.- t. !. r..U nw I.i lute.) u,. :?ii ail fat lo.t..ete- j r-d in tb itrt Ht hi i" ot lAr).r, Ir tii h ..V-uJim . v t 11 fiL('I.(,I. HI ! I.l.,f M. il., s.i-l. -.v... 4,.. op i S. ( '( IJ A S,1 ! ) Ji' KN I iS." ANI ALL TIIIIOAT I iISLA I", wl:I,rv rxntwi.it TtU. i l s m t l ei.si.v in ni.rr n 't -V11'11' ANJ' S,;,IK "MKDY. ' SOO I'ltM) .md Oi;;.tNN. Stw fcn.l h- . s.ii.! a: I. New sn.i k-.- . i -', u r. ii I.. - Ii-r One T , '.i Hji'.i" . i i in.. --. i-i ii. 4 '.-.'1. . '. '. I '.I . . l-r li...-l..T, i . i;., u.:-. . !..-, .. .':. iv.. rEAS iti:i tii.i:i at lortern I'riees, nv Tin: I Great Atlantic and Pacific Tea Co. inh vitt V. i Hi. jo: Ola! .Ht.uli Z . :. i:l.i!rf :-j iMTOItT IIINTIEIill TE THIS f..r -o amulj j.roUt, mvIiir ih i-oia-arie : .'1 j,ml'(. r f nUa.l.n,ii. We rontr'.l a laie-. i r: ..' ti e lt.-i T -.s im.i-Bht t. b eontri-. wi.ieU aV -.ij .n t-.ir.. I "' 'uvi,.? otl-r d-lr m. t,. tfaiir -v.-n .!- TnTMe. ' hone-- in China int J :r" tl.K veiy li.t fs--ti:i.- t.J .el'.-tinc-. -Al.l.-h cut Ilv ..,.-.,1 flt- ii':f'. We t j( cstt.ei..i-,t r-.jr.K !,.: .j.-ti ;l ;::ii.s 'ir t- t a.l tLo pniici ui .ji.u, tyi the fi-ju-d !'. v g.vt m cur . i..:.u,..r. lieuntiliil f liroino. ItKtlXVCS ""l nor4iihuth i-n.-4..,f it, t.-. t t tM.nl trt diir .irtfimfi. ah rikmU sold wrrnt-d t- .!(.- . t .-. i;.;..-n.t. Ihe iaoiiv rvtiiu-.ttsl. AIlailllc A Vaf.uw .Va ro ,t rmh Aic . ij.t.b.irg. r.t. v.,v. .-. the County, of the latent improved BURY . PA- PAKLOH Morning I.iltt Par lor Stovu ami loublu Heater, Home lcii::ht. Radiant Home. i Twilight j and l )thcrs, such as Gas Durncrs, Egg Stoves, Ltc, Ktc. their irnmonse new stock of jj ALP.VCAsJ. ! i ai.ii A to..: i- r, ri.i , niaic. i'.ii .11 'iuas i j 1 'it.t.i ' J I i . - .: i rs. to Si.'"'. BusIubss Sni U.N'DKU CLOT1IINt : suit up to ihe finest '. J ! WM. A. HELLER'S, ' ::,:,.r, siitMti 'iiti:ni:vr. n .-'. ii ww m piiki imiii Tun I l II. 'MM ItH.niON. I irt raii4l (.1(1 ii-ri. WnnfT.nli.'.nPntnolnnnn.nna 1 nnr.Ai'nf,aAn AT AI.i:XAXlItI., VA. M Mli II 2'J. IS7I. LIST ol 4iII"l i. 1 ...rti.-i .ii. (;-:t . .rii.i f 0:1' 1 r-.-i j,-1 . -ii ..;: . ' . jf. 1 !IT j i' ..r. . . ..-!; ..i;.. 1 .fl.-ii ( .:r'-, ,...,, lt -1 l .. Ii ( 11 . - , .'..-I. 11"; -j . . i. eiio-. 1 ' .1 1. - - 1. ': , ii..i-.. ! j . : :.i,mii , 7 .. '.Ml : , ..!) ..I.MI I .V-...1M ; .lt:Hit I 1 s 1 a-h 11 ::i ". -I,).. i;t.:i ii; t.. 1 o.i m mii:it or th klts. 100,000. !;:; t.y t I. t-.r. ;y. v. s..:,- I :. HiU.-... ( .!..; T . is I !;.!.'- i ;.- M.. 1 ! ;. ' . . : i 'i ; ,' T :i I'.--!. 1. I.I.I -.11 '-'..V) J o.i,im ; - a.,-..-'-.; 'ot.. .-i::ir!tr- I ,.. t.'n- '.re;;: 4 urt ; . .1 J.I . i ;;' j :,. ,k- I- ; i. li.l r:.. .( : : .i.i-.i.i." M..ia it nu. . i. -. .! .1 .!:. ... ' .' ... I;:. !.'"-M., .lull i- - . ."i .! l ui. .il i .(i.iii.i- ' ' ' ' '! M.. i. :i -her r; i ., r.-i.l. .,y.4,r.-...f ; i ' l. t . .'.-li 1. l ',. - r w '.ri h . .-. .-i :-,. v.. : j ..i i:.- ; .. .... -I.:.-. .1 !. 1 1 - i-iiij -.- ! I ' I A i ' . : . i -, li.lli - . . !... tlv . . i .1 i i .! i - J.. i. r 1 l ii;iii. li. ' I ei IPln.-l.d ! '.I '.!' . ' i . t'.-V. . h:t. :f V. : ; -.: tm i ' i V. . ; Ii ..j. i:..u r r". . svi I. S. S u-Mnr -L- t ; .!. Sr- I-...-J ... ; ' ti .til. , kv; r. -. . -';,t.r i., I. i .i I. Ill -I . VltJi. . . !-. S...,.,. I - t: ; ' - I - ...-I...1-, .-., w,i t-.r ":r- I T 'N..llMK.SIi.l:I.,.i i:, I I. ) . It. A.. ' : ; mm. 4. - v. r N' -v. "-T. i v. 'J'iii. I'.I.SV I'l !.' 'ii 1 n-r 1 ve.,:y iv;.ij. l.t'lIV, Tunuim.-,, . Wh.it I Kn al.iit ; Ian 'K. ' .4. 1. 1.. i: V U'. I'l-J 1.1 1 W. I! KINU N'.' .. T., 4-.v. ,.,. , ,.j,r ,.,, ,,, ; ijii jrr m.-i.tli M'iJtiur ehr..,i.., s-n ;e vi.--, ' M - .1 I eb,..s. A, ; 1- : t - : . ,.. I.. I...irKhNi V. ' liililrrit lo (tiuI Onl. r'.l e. ivrrsi.-.-s f. the -...,r (, the iKiinugi. or j i S'ltibm y, haw in their charge vernl ci.'.l- ' dit :i of diir. retit ages, M!pp"iO j tr.nn the tii. s t.i the borough, w!.o iiiid'-r the law can be bound ! out. Per-ons dt hirons of obtaining either b'ivs ! W"M 'u -ve'.! eotif.-irir-g with the 'i r""i;-iied. IRKDERIt-K MERRILL, OKOK(iE H V !'.! (tN. Mil. UOl'OHVEH. Overtt - is of the Pooi. Sanbnrv. Aug. 13, lb74. Sm. Mercantile. New Hlti;ii;tivc Goi.l, in every lh:part:iient WA1CIIF.?, DUSIOMt.S, JIM ELKV, Sll.Vrc AN T) I'LATFn W V'.K. Cutlery, Clockf, Broi., K:it!'i, Fr.;i:i-U kiiJ . Ho' !5LTV "rv 5i g: In view -of the decline in GOLD, we rc lin i i) i . '. on r ur entire Stoc!: of Foroiu ircr- j i-bai ; I'ar Void Ittcv, 1 and purchasers v.ill iin I it to tl.cir tuti r st to ! riak- thrir selections NOW. v. hiic AM ilT- j MENT IS COMlM.l.Ti:. (iooils sect ou apj'i ov::! for n!i.t h, i. I be ra('ketl and retained until Mich tin,- ; !r- i Cd. ROBBINS, CLAKK A BIODI.K. 1121 Chestnut ?r.. I'liii.Arrri.i iMA- Pit. O. M. Martin. (ir. W. lii.i om WEW DRUG STORK, No. 13, South Third Street, Clement House Builjii, Solitary, Fa. I C. M. MARTIN & CO, II : V! i-jrt received a frcrh lot of Fur- Pn-i and I'.it'nt medirinc. have ao a full assortment .f I'i:fssin; and packet combs. j Hair. Tooth. Nai!,CTutlie.i-t;oc and ntf-.-r n, iihlies. TSI.KT AI r.t Y KTr I.I.fi. ; fim: r.x tkacts, ki. k::t no..:;s. KNivr.-i, sc. Ki.F.rrs tjRANP PL'CHEfcS COLOGNE. ;!;.- t-----i 1 rrrf.iinc in Ainerica. t'arisdtn, it Kid ;iovc lVaili. :irr nOed to ch ar, porfectlv the kjci d d'ate i shad " without injury to the kid A'.l the teaiiinc prej-aratiotis for fbe Il-iir. THJ. IJK.mT IN .MARKET. Winn im) 1 Irtunra f ttr tri rA i ru 1 iiirr4-i I'livsi- ians I'rcscriptions ::tid familv i.-ceij ts j compounded with care. ' I T, , f I, rnr.,.( f.,,.,,.. ...v,,,, k. r,;jt,i.,i . r.? to receive a share of your F'trOTl.. N ptemrc-r II, Sugar, Coffee. Syrups, Sciccs, Canned Goods, Queens, Willow and Cedar Yare. mm - E CO a tc o o a r. r. v. X c- J- -Z. V. Cement, Salt, Fish, Phosphate, Land Plaster, Harrisburg Cider Mills. " V " " " "Vi' 1 f J. nirr A X Jr i'l'lIU IV VO., Successors to Geo. Evruj ,V Co., 11108 Mrkt!t s,r' I'l-ii-hia,; .MKIiCHANT TAILOI.'S ! ., , and j MKLITAHV CLOTHIERS. ' i. . 4. i . V .-i . . i tv.es, of tbe best Ciotl: and cas-inieres hi nin- i . k(-t)at j rices suitable to the. ime. J I,..,.. , ., ... l -Military, 1..1U. I lV ire lrgam..-;tlOIiS I promptly uniformed. j Samples of Cloth, with Photographs, sent free on application. ! Ours bring tli! leading house on Military work, . we t.-cl that we can oil. -r inducciiient w hlrli run- ' in.t be uttalued anywh. r-- . I-.- Nov. M7. 17-'. '. i Tailoring! Tailoring!! CIIARLES MAIIIL, RESrF.CTFULI.Y ii,fonr.K ib.- -itu svj-i .i he has just received Ids j Njn ing ami Sinn nier i.oo. at lc.s TAILOR SHOP, on Kouith Street, below Market, iu the Mullen i Iiuilding, and thr.; In ei,1(4s f prepared to make i:n a'.l I ;i:tf am nV!f niitn. of the latest styles. Having had mush eer:- 4 - nee in the business he desires tin- public to give blln , , . , . ,,, , Cothing will be made up iu th lalet Paris cud American Fashions Iu the most satisfactory tnuimer. .,1-1 CHAREES MAMIE. lil'IIXJI llivll imii. ..... ..... . i . I. rt. 9 NORRISTOWN, PA., MANCFACTL'P.Ert a superior Quality of Window Class, single and double liiiek. i Or.uoid. Corrugated, Ol.M-ured and tii!i;el. j Sbad.s of ail patterns; a'.l g'.u-s Witiralit.-J uet to stun. Ordei s solicited. r M AI.RKHT-N. " tober. 2 1S7. ::uios. WATCHES, JIAV EI.lt Y A SIEVI It WAItE. John V. Nleveiison, irin i Third an 1 Market Sis, Smibliry, lH. T J AS compietelv renovated bis Store R f 1 a,, K,., ti,e largest assortment of v ATCHErt, CLOCKS, JEWELRY, SOLID 5 I L i VP.R AND PLATED WARE, i:-.rr eiliil.lt.: 1 ia this part ef the State. Fvr-v- tiling iu the Jewell v I'm -. i. kept in stoi". NIIoa ' I HrHcclels, j ItingN A: ( liHiiis, of everj- des'-ilptioc aiid of the flr.est ii!nliy. Particular idteution paid to rcpaVi.'i'; H iilcbeM. C lo Us, Jewelry, Ac. HAIR JEWELRY uiude to order. Stiiititiry, March ". 1 "s74. Q A K K I A F, tl I i i I V.H A V. II. K. FAGELY & CO., respect fully inform ;ii p:b!ic. thut- lb'' l,:ive eoaiinrnrt'! tUe inanri .ri t. oi' V 7 ARR1AGES, BUGGIES, &C. e ;it the n-"A' sii'ip recently eri'ctei) by .t. V. Kerch Corner ol' Fourth nnl Cliestnut Hta., SUNIilKY, 1'A., an.l nliii' a fair i-liarp of rationale. Apni : ''-ni. J. K. 1.F.KC11. Sup't. THE NEW IMPROVED REMINGTON SEWING MACHINE. AWARDED The "Medal for Progress," AT VIKXXA. 1STS. The Il'shest Order of ''Medal" Awarded at the Exposition. No Seivln; Machine received a Hicrlicr F: '7c. ! A Few (Hood Rcuhoii: i 1. A dcw infention tioroush'y t"fU'd and ee- j j cured lV Letters Pati nt. j 2. - Makes a perfect Lock Stitch, ali!;.; on both ! j siiieH, on all kinds of irood. 1 j ; 3. Kmis liiiht, smofith. no!.-e!-s an j rapid I i hut combination of qualities. j I 4. Durable runs for years without repairs. ! 5. Will do all varieties of work :.nj fancy I stitching in a superior manner. j C. Is most easily managed '"y the operator. ' Length of stitch ;iay ho altered while running. ' and machine cad be threaded without passing ! j thread through holes. I 7. Design Simple, Ingenious, E!efant. form- j inc the titch without thr use of cog wheel (rears, ! i rotary cams or lever rms. Has the Automatic , "P Fd, which insures uniform length of !,,.l"y. "F' uiiun, u iuiui, w uiuimirai oi n'-'UI-- ! bar crd prevent inp.irv to thread. S. Construction most careful and finished. Jt I lis manufactured by the most skil!fi:l an! ex-' Perienced rr.C' hanies. at the crlehr.ite.l Reminir. i j ton Armory, Eion, ". N. Philadelphia Ot'iee, . S10 Chestnut et reel. M. !. 1"7.-Cm LKHOR STOIIF,! j CHRISTIAN NEFF, j ! Second Street, opposite the Cor.rt ITo-.:se SUN- i ! BCRY, PA., i j Respectfully tnvites the attention of Retailers i ! and others, thu he has on hand, ami win eon- j i stantlv keep all Kinds of j FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC LIQUORS, Consisting of Pure. Brandies: Co-ni.ic, Cherry, ; : Ginirer, Kochelle and Otard. i j Whiskies: Pure Rye Copper-Ji-til'-'d, M.vnn- ! c:he!a, Apple and Nectar. I PURE HOLLAND (UN ' j Wines: C!:ai:ip:;'ue in:, Siieny, Port ati l i ! Crab CUer, Cliatcpnu- Cid-.r, N. F.. !t:t::i. ! ! Brow n Stout and Scotch Ale. j STOMACH AND BAR BITTERS, i And ali others Liquors which can be found in ; ; the city markets, which will be sold at Whole- ! ; suie and Retail. Every article (ruaraute'd as t represented. Also, a large lot of DEMIJOHNS ; and BOTTLES, always on hand. j , 1'ir Orders promptly attended to, and yub'.ic ; i patro:iaj:e respectfully solicited r. NEFF. ! Sunbury, July S, 1M7:. ly. W. D. MELICK, Druggist and Apothecary, IN WELKEICS BUILDING. Market Street, SIWIU KY, I. DRUGS, CHEMICALS, - ' i 4 1 vt nit s; r:i ii tpv x-n ' ' ' ' . , .,.,.,,, . : co:!.,t:.:,t4 on hand. Panic ular at tent inn teiid to conitK.aiidiii'' ?hv- I Meiau preripthm, n.I faml'y ree-ipts. j John H. Si i.t.. .Ioiin .Ai. S ii.'NOt K. SI1I.I. A- SII.OI K, S-cotnl Street, WoMKL-oeoir, P... FOUKIGX AND DOMESTIC LI''OIIS WINKS, BRAN DIES, tJINS, I'll re OIl !! - W hi-rl.oj. Ai-ri.i: Wiii-ki v, C.o(Mts, .t. . A'.l !.i',;;oi- fn':d gaurraLteed as r pn-scnted. Or Its prr-tnptly attended to and publle pa tron:i;e re-.pi it fully so'icited. SELL .t SCHON' l'R. ,1 St., Womclsilorf, links Co., Pa. Feb. J7, l-s7l. ly, I A III.K SIIOI AM IKO lOIVDItV. CIA). KOHIIBACII Si ONS, Sunbury, 1iiiih. I.' I 'i 1 JU'l.l.- L I I'll. I Ii'" it l U ('O'i'dlCH HI I VL'llUM .. .... . M. .!... I... ....... ... a. o'l iiii Minii iu v. .l.iii itipi u;i-, in ;ififii a new Machine Shop I'l connection with their Foundry, and have supplied themselves with New Lathes, Planing and Horing Machines, with the late-t Improvements. With the aid of skillful in. c'l. -iier, th.-v are enableil to i xeriit-all orders ..f NEW WORK OR REPAIRING, that i.-.n v be given them, in a sati-f aetoiy man lier. i ralesi I stiilt any Stoe. IKON COLCMNS, for church.- or other build ings, of all si.-s. BRASS CASTINt.S, Ac. Ornamental Iron Fencing FOR ;RYE Y VRI) I OT VERANDAHS. FOR YARDS AT RESIDENCES, AC, AC The PLOWS, alreadv celebrated lor their su- j periority, have been still further improved, mid unsays ue aepj on nana Also, THRESHING MACHINES. 1 f I Z; I I 11 ! ? 1 1 ! Sm bury, May 20. 171. IT It Et FIRE! For salo a good Hand Fire Engine; Itrass Pumps ; can be worked as suction or snplled from tank. Hose cart, 300 feet gum hose new, all in good working order, for price and particu lar. Address II. IC. GOODRICH. Machinist, Kiln bury, Pa. 8"nbnry, Nov. (5. 174. nt ml if III c&xj ifcZ- - .::.rsr l)r."J. (Valker's California Vine- car HiUprs are a purely Vegetable preparation, made chiolly from the native herbs found on the lower ranges of the Sierra Nevada mountains cf California, the medicinal properties of which ore extracted therefrom without the axe of Alcohol. Tlie pH--io:i U almost daily asked, " What the craisc of tho uiipnr- illlelcd FUCce?3 of VlN'EGAK BlTTEItS f " (:ir answer i?, that they remove the en use of disease, and the patient recover.-? his health. They ;;rc the great Mood purifier and a life-giving princi ple, a perfect Renovator and Invigorator of the system. Never before in the his tory of the world has a medicine been compounded possessing tho remarkable qualities of Vixeo u Hitters iu healing the M.'k of tvery ii.sea.--e man i-3 heir to. They .iris a gentle Purgative, as well as a Tonic, relieving CoTijteHtion -Inflammation of the Liver and Visceral Organs in Iliiioj.- Disease. TLo prcjH'rties of HR- Walkze's VrvKO.n HmKiis a'.- Ajierier.t. Diaphoretic, Carminative, Nntrition.;. Laxative. Diuretic, Ped.itive. Cmtnti'r-Irriti.r.t. Sedorifie, Altera tive. n"d .i i ' "ilii.i . Grateful Thousands proclaim Vin- koab BiTTEns the most wonderful Invigor ant that ever sustained the sinking system. No Person can tate these Bitters according to directions, and remain long unwell, provided their bones are not de stroyed by mineral poison or other mean?, and vital organs wasted beyond repair. Bilious, Remittent, and Inter mittent Fevers, xvhicb are so prev alent in the valleys of our great rivera throughout the United States, especially those of the Mississippi, Ohio, Missouri, Illinois, Tennessee, Cumberland, Arkan fj,....- si.l.ti;r r. j;ts -i-rw--m sas, Red, Colorado, Brazos, Rio Grande, Pearl, Alabama, Mobile, Savannah, Ro- auoke, James, uou inuuy oiueis, wnu their vast tributaries, throughout our entire country during the Summer and Autumn, and remarkably so during sea sons of unusual beat and dryness, aro invariably accompanied by extensivi" derangements of tho stomach and liver, and other abdominal viscera. In their treatment, a purgative, exerting a pow erful influence upon these various or gans, is essentially necessary. There is no cathartic for the purpose equal to Da. J. Walker's Vinegar Bitters, as they will speedily remove tho dark colored viscid matter with which tho bowels are loaded, at the same tire stimulating the secretions of the liver, and generally restoring tho healthy functions of the digestive organs. v Fortify the body against disease by purifying all its fluids with Vinegar Bitters. No epidemic can take hold of a system thus fore-armed. Dyspepsia or Indigestion, Head ache, Pam in tho Shoulders, Coughs, Tightness of tho Chest, Dizziness, Sour Eructations of the Stomach, Bad Taste in the Mouth, Biliou3 Attacks. Palpitation of the Heart, Inflammation of the Lungs, Pain 111 the region 01 tho Kidneys, and a hundred other painful symptoms, aro the offsprings of Dyspepsia. One bottle will nnvp3 a better puaranteo ot its merits luau it icuKiuy am ei iiaeuicui. Scrofula, or King's Evil, White Swellings, Ulcers, Erysipelas, Swelled Neck, Goitre, Scrofulous Inflammations, Indolent Inflammations, Mercurial Affec tions, Old Sores, Eruptions of the Skin, Sore Eyes, etc., etc. In these, as in all other constitutional Diseases, Walker's Vinegar Bitters have shown theii great curative powers in the mo.ct ob- stinato and intractable cases. For Inflammatory and Chronic Rheumatism, Gout, Bilious, Remit tent and Intermittent Fevers, Diseases of tho Blood, Liver, Kidneys and Blad der, these Bitters have no "equal. Such Diseases arc caused by Vitiated Blood. Mechanical Diseases. Persons en gaged in Paints and Minerals, such as Plumbers, Type-setters, Gold-beaters, and Miners, as they advance in life, are subject to paralysis of the Bowels. To guard against this, take a dose of Walk er's Vinegar Bitters occasionally. For Sklu Diseases, Eruptions, Tet ter, Salt-Rheum, Plotehe. Spots, Pimples, Iustules, iioils. Carbuncles, King-worms, Scald-head, Sore Eyes, Erysipelas. Itch, Scurfs, Decolorations of tho Skin, Hnmors und Diseases of the Skin of whatever came or nature, are literally dug tip and carried out of the systetu in a short time by the nse of these Hitters. Fin, Tape, and other Worms, lurking in the system of so many thousand, are ciluctttaliy Jest'roywl tnd removed. Ko syrteni of medicine, no vermifuges, no an iJielniicitics will free the system lroru worms like these Hitters. For Female Complaints, ia young or old, married or siogli-, at the dawn of wo manhood, or the turn of life, thee Tonic Bit ters display so decided an influence that im provement is soon nsrceptil!!. Cleanse the V itiated Wood when ever you find its impurities bursting through the skin in Pimples. Eruptions, or Sores; eloanse it when yon tiud it obstructed and sluggish in the veins : cleanse it when it is foul ; your feeling- will tell you when. Keep tho blood pure, and the Lualth uf tho sycteia will follow. It. II. NtDOXAI-I) fe CO.. I)n:i:cUts nnd (o n. Apts.. Sen 1 mndco, Culif. mia, uu.l r.ir. 4f Wail:i::ctia un.i Chirhon St.. N. Y. Sol.l by all lruu;;lHH unit Utitlrrk. lilllreu oitru look 1'nle auI MU I from no other cause than having worms in the ! ' ftomaeh. UltO'.V.N'S VERMIFl'tiE COMFITS will destroy Worms without injury to the child, , being perfectly WHITE.and from all the coloring j or other iniurioui Ingredients usually used in , worm prej .-.rations. CURTIS & P.UOWN, Proprietors, i No. 215 Fulton Street, New York. j j Soiil t'j Drutiqlslt at:l Chrmittf. a-iii (iia.'trx ; Medicine at Twenty-Five Cents a bos. July 12, 1S73. ly. .vluiihoot! : Hon I.ot, How lie sttoroil ! ! .Itisf T.uhlicli. it. n new e.lirl.-i.i nf Ii- I'l I rv.li- wei.l's Cu.EBitATEi) E.ss.ir on the radical cure (without medicine) of Speniiaiorrho-a or Semi- ! nal Weakness, Involuntary Seminal Losses, Im-pot.-ncy, mental and Physical Incapacity, Impe dements to Marriagu, etc.; also, consumption. Epilepsy and Fits, induced by sclf-hiilulg. ure or j sexual extravagance, Air. j ft?" Price in a sealed envelojie, only six rents, j '1 he celebrate,! author. In this admirable Es- j say, clearly demonstrates, from a tl.iny years' j sueessl.il practice, that tne alarming touse- u,.lf .,..,,. ...... 1... .1 1.... ! I I1I.1H i-1 1 M "ill "ilOIOl 111.1 Jl I PV I 'I'll' . 1 1 I I Mllli without the dangeioiis use of inteinal nn-dii-ine tir 1 1. tm If.fi f .if I he L-..:f.. t.. ii ii t it.-, rmf f mode of cure at once simple, e.-rtair, and etlei-t- , i... - .. r i I ... ... .1 . ..... t.ai, . , n.-ar.s ., ,.. nn, sn.terer, .. . mat- ter what his condition niav be. mav cnrebnn-elf cheaply. pl ixat. Iy. and radically. I-This Lecture should be in the hands of every youth and every man In the laud. Sent under seal, in a plain envelope, to any addics, host paid, eti receipt of s't cents ir two post stamps. A.Mier-s fhe Publishers. C7.LS. J. C. KLIXK, ,t CO. j 1J7 IIjwitj, Y. TVHt uffii-e l;.x, 4.VSC i .hoi., JI, IS-A-ly. pou.! ton,! coaei-oran i hros., Shippers and Wholesale and Retail D.-:iiers in ; j V 111! K AND KE1) ASH COAL, SL NBUIt 1 , I A. (LOWER. WIIAKT.) ! Orders will receive orompt attention. Itiiilding EotK For Smc. XT INETEEN LOTS, 25x100 feet, fronting on I Vine fctrcet, ia Sunbury. Prire $135. Also ( fchil-fT lnts. 15x137 frnntin.r .-.11 Snrilffl nnit l'in. ! trcets. rnec 1S per foot. A'so eight lots, 2o x'.K), fronting on Fourth street between Walnut I ! and Spruce. Price $4ii0. Also 31 lots. 25x1 10, fronting on Third aud Spruce stretts, between I Walnut and Sprues. Prico S100. Also 5 lots I 21x21(0 on the uorth side of Spruce ttreet. Price j $000. Also 16 lots in Cake'own. The above J prices do not include corner lots. Persons de- j siring to purchase will do well to call soon. ! Terms easy. IRA T. CLEMENT. j j-in.?3. 3m. I S -' j-J- .-r - - y -. IF...NVLVAIA RAIL ROtn. rniLADELPIIIA 4 ERIE It. It. DIVISION. WINTEK TIME TABLE. :i and after Sundav, Nov. 15th. 1ST4, tht Trams on the Philadelphia fc Erie Kail Road Divi sion wii! ran as follow : WESTWARD. F.e t Line le-uves Philadelphia, 12.35 p m " '' liani-bur,' 5.00 pm '' " " WiUianisiK-,it, D.15 p in j.ock Muven 1(.L"J p n ; t.r. i:i i;jtti;o, i Ki'.e V,.i'.', it;;ives Philadelphia. " Marrislmrir, ' ! " '' WiUiam-port, i " " " LoeK Ilaveii, I ' " " Eenovo, ! " " an at Erie, i Klmira Mail leaves Philadelphia, 1 " " " Harrisburg, I " " '; Wiiliam.sport, " " arr at Lock Haven, i Loci; Tin veil Ac. leaven H;irrisbur, ! " " " Wiliiamsp't, 1 " " " " ' Lock H.iv.., 9.00 a iu 11.55 p di t.r a m S.S.i a ra 9. a r.i 11.10 a m S.05 p ra S.OO a ra 1.2. p in 6. -0 p m 7. 0 p in 9.15 a ra 2.05 p in ii.10 o in EASTWARD j I'niladei. Express !e:-v-s Lock H.iven, B.40 a m Wm-amsporr, 7.55 a iu ' " " arr. at Harrisburg, 12.10 am ! " " " Philaueli.iiia. 4.15 pm i Erie Mail h-aves Erie, 11.20 am ! " ' " Kenovo. p m j " " " Lock Haven, U.45 p m " " " Williamsport, 10.5'J p m i ' ' arr. at Harrisburg, 2.30 a in j " " arr at Phiiadelpnm, C.50 a m l Fast Line leaves Empoiiiiin, 3.55 pm i " " " P.enovo, 10.4.) pm " '' " Lock Haven, 11.55 pm i " " " Wiliiamsport, 1.10 a m ' arr. at Harrisburg, 4.20 am " " arr. at Philadelp hia, 8.05 a m Day Exprei-s leaves Lock Haven. 11.25 a m , " Wiliiamsport, 12.25 a "m J " " arr. at Ilarrisbursr. 4.00 pm ' " " " Philadelphia, 7.&J p m ; Mail East connects east and west at Eric with l L. S. A M. S. K. W. and at Corry with Oil j Creek and Allegheny R.rt. W. Mail West with -ast and west trains on L. 8. I fc M. S. R. vy. and at Corry with Oil Crek j and Allei'lieny R. R. W. Erie Mail and Elmira Mail make close con I ncetions at Wiliiamsport with N. C. R. W. I trains, north, and at Harrisburs; ;th N. C. R, W. trains south. WM. A. BALDWIN, Gen'l Sup' sup t. I'liiluilelphiatV Keadiiir Kallroad W INTER A HUANG E M ENTS. Novemrek 9:h, 1S74. Timss Leave H cummin as Follows: (Scmhavs ExcrpTEo.) For hhsmokid, 10.40, il.OO a. m. and 3.40 p. in. For Ml. Carmcl, Ashland, Tamaqua, Pottsviile, i Riding and Philadelphia,' 10.40 a. ra Trains for Heksdox. Leavi as Follows: j (Scndavs Excepted.) ! Leave Shamokin at 8.00 a. ra. 1.50 aud 3.55 ' p. m. I Leave Philadelphia, 9 15 a. m., Reading 11.30 j a. in., Pottsvilie, 12.10 p. m., Tamaqua. 1.20 p m. Ashland, 2.35 p.m., Mt. Carmel, 3.2! p. v.i. Trains Leave IUrrisbcro, as Follows : ! For New York, 5.20, S.10 a. m. nnd 2.00 7.4L I P- m t- ' ... . . . - - .... ...... . - , r 01 rcur.aeipi.ia, .j.-.j, o. io v.s.- a. m., ..uo anil 3.5C, p. m. M'NDATB. For New York, 5.20 a. m. For Philadelphia. 1.45 p. m. TliAINS FOR IlAKRISBCRO, LEAVa AS FOLLOWS: Leave New York, U.CO a. m., 12.40 and 5.30, j " P- Leave Philadelphia, 9.13 a. ra. 3.40 aud 7.15 p. 111. SrNDATS. Leave New York, 5.30 p. m. Leave Philadelphia, 7.15 p. m. Via Morris and Essex R. R. J. E. WOOTTEN. G'.ntral Stip't. Reading, Pa. Nov. 13, 1S74. .Northern Central Hallway. I On aiiJ offer Dec. 1, 157S trains on this road wiU ran I as tollrws; ! LEAVE NORTHWARD. ; Leave Krit Reiiora E!rr:r Buffalo i . . . 1 -u...t I ...w. i waghinuton.... s.:pin .. 4.4 "m ii.js m ! J;:'1!1""' p m ! m ,--p m n , m . mT o..u..... . u 1 ,.,. m v '."r Arrive at : WilliaiiMiort. .. 7.10 s in 12.SJ p m 7.10 p ra 9.00 pni Huur:i ll.su a iu 10.30 p m Kilffal.) H.30 p III Krio 7,'JIJ v m Ail daily excej.t Huuday. Leavt : Buffalo Elmira Harria'g Erie Express. Mail. Accom. Moil. Erie 11.20 a m Bu3lu S.SOpm T.30am Eimir.4 S.4.S a m 2.4S p m Miliums, ,ort 1. In am a m . VI n m 11.10 p m j s-.mbuT. 2.wa:u 11.1s am 1.40 pm 12.50mm H.irrisharit .... 4..V) a m 1.S0 p ra 10.50pm 3.0S a m l'!i;!...lel hia ... 14.10 a ci p ra 2.30 a S.C) a m H :l:inio:e S a ru p m 225 a S.40 a m Wasbiii;t.ju 10,; a ra s.i p m S.13 a Hi I0.S a m All 1 kss Suuljury .laiiy eioert SoadjT. A. J. BASS tt, r. a. Y rxe, T. orCKEK, Gen'l Manager. Iioi1 piss. Ai.:. Surt. Tin: ui; iiakkf.r nhop IS THE SHP OF THE TOWN and long has been ; ask histoi v and die will tell yon j Men have grown old in our patronage , Babies on their mothers' breast To bouncing boys at play ; ; Aud yonths by maidens fair caressed, I To stalwart men with cares oppress,', I Ami old men silver gray. 1 And among the honored and lasting impre-s sions of time, and the crash of revolutions in i-ircunistaiices, we stand a living monumental memento of the ingenuity and persevcranctt ap pertaining to the identity of progression, plying our vocation with the highest style of art and perfection, and aspiring to achieve the highest r. -.vard f merit attainable in our humble capaci ty, and the sentiment of respect and approbation which the presence of superior appliances and es tablishment are always wout to inspire. Always to please We shave with eac Cut and comb with taste the hair ; Shampoo the he-ad with soothing care. And color the whiskers black or brown, To suit the people about the town. Th.-n allow me politely request you to stop, Ar;.1 not go rast nor from arouud our shop. To gel shaved on the basis of ability nor as some have done for our use of the ballot for principle- sacred and right nor under the common secret and invidious guise of enmity to complex ion ; for the cut of a man's coat, or the color of his skiu, ought not to atfect his usefulness nor his qualifications. A fair chance is all that we demand, to give the proof to all the land. JAME8 V. WASHINGTON. Proprietor. Sunburv, April 5, 173 ; No. 91, Market st. UIMKR STORKS. RYE WHISKY, S1.00 a gallon. $11.00 a dozen. YELLOW SEAL SHERRY, In large bottles, $11,00 a dozen. COLD SEAL BRANDY, JlS.OO a dozen. APPLE JACK, JAMAICA Rt'M, SCOTCH WHISKY, CATAWBA WINE. OLD PORT WINE, CHAMPAGNES, SEGARS, AC. ' II. A A. V. Van Hell, Tun Wine Mbrcham!, lotO Chestnut Street. Philadelphia. Oct. 24. 1S7:1. I XV I T II I T E - ' E PTION, The Cheapest in Town. WINTER GOODS of every description and variety such as 'woolen hoods. DrrwH ;ods. ; coniiiis'mg all the novelties io fabric and shade. i t 1,',-tT A .'.'j-,TlT.ll'VT t J"" AT.-V-rTX-. wh- fc , , ,(, t le ,owpt Ca,, 1rk.,.s " Also, Groceries and Proviions, pure and fresh. queexsware, glassware, and wood and Willow Ware, Nicest Brands of Flour constantly on hand. A very large ASSORTMENT OF WALL TAPER, both glazed and ,-nmaioii, always on hand. r. O OTS AND s n O E s FOR MEN, WOMEN AND CHILDREN. READY-MA DE CLOTHING, of ali sizes and of the latest styles. F L O U R . A const:iit snjiplyof we-tern white wfce.it fiour 9 fim.r-iii I it I he pub, !c are invited to call and examine our Goods iree of charge. Our motto is -Quick Sales and Small Profits," and to please ali. The highest prices will be paid for all kind of country produce. Py strict attention to busiurs and keeping at all time the most complete ktock, aud selling at theloweet piices, we hope to merit a fall share of patronage. REED BROTHER A SEASIIOLTZ. Snnhnry, Dec. 4. 1S74. llow to Peepake Pocltbt ron Markbt. The following iu?tructiors are given by an ex perienced firm for the preparation of ponitry for market : Sesnre phimp, well-fatted birds. Eleed them Iu the mouth or throat. Scald them well to n:ake the feat facia come o.T easy ; pick fcota feathers end pin-feathers all off nicely, take care not to bruise or brc.k the kin ia any wav. If cne or two in the Jot honid bv accident pet bruUed r tave the skin broken, seT or us, at home, i. tliey would hurt th? sale of the who: lot. Leave all th entrails iu ar,j fceui, and feet on. Immediately ftpr tUey are uress-d, dip once or twice in h..t cater, and then in col.l water ; then h.tn them iu a coo! place, where they r.iu dry otTand ret stil before pack in?. Pack iu boxes or barrels, in nice cleaa rye straw ; if this cunuot be obtained, dry oat traw may be nsed. Be sure and -pack "olid, go they will not bruise iu transit. Pack with the breast down. Poultry prepared iu this way always tludb a ready mark-t, while poor, half-dressed, sweaty (e:-Jsed by packin- warm) and bruised lots will not sell well at any time. Many farmer make a practice of feeding their half-starvtd fowi all they will eat just before killing, and send them to market wo full crops, in order to pet the price of poultry for cora. In this they make a mislaae; the crop being swollen to an unusnal size, turns black after being packed awhile, and not only buows clearly the dishonest intentions of the packer, but injure the sale of the fowls a great deal mote than is gaiued in weight. Feed meal only lor at least two days before killing. Remember it is the appearance of goods that sells them. Nice, large, fat, plump turkeys, ducks, chickens or eecse, always bring outside prices. How Old do Mares Brebd 7 Mr. M. C. Stona stales, in the Vermont Farmer, that be hai a mare that died iu foal at 27 years. The dam of the famous Lexington foaled at 23 years, and a hasty examination f the American Stud Book elicits the following interesting facts : Bine Bon net, by lledgford, produced a foal at 24 ; Haa- i nah Harris, by imported Buzzard .i 95 . r - - , . , vaiu- lma, by Woodpecker, at 2fi f T-1 Il......l 1. by Woodisrcker, at 2G ; Clara Howar.f w ( imported Barefoot, at 27, and Katvdid, bv im al. ! ror-'-d Expedition, at 23. It is r.ot generally known that "corn" in Eng land means wheat Over here it means maize, and the iCerence is amaziii. A new horse distemper is rasin- in some parts of Michigan, sai 1 to be far more fatal than the epizootic. HOl'KEIIOLD. Eccs as Food. Would it not be wise to sub stitute more egg for meat in onrdiet? About one third of tne weight of an eg is solid nutri men:. This is more than can be said of meat. There are no bones and pieces that have to b laid aside. A good egg is made up or ten part shell, sixty part white, and thirty parts vol. The white of an egg contains 85 per cent, water ! the VOlk 52 T)er cent. Tl;.. - . . - 1 - ' wcijai una egg la two ounces. Practically an eirir is animal food, and yet there is none of tbe diagreab work of the butcher neceary to obtain it. Eggs are best when cooked four minutes. This takes .iv ay the animal taste that is offensive to some, but docs net so harden the white or yo.' a to make them Lard to digest. An egg if coohed very hard is difficult of digestion, except by'bose with stout stomachs ; such eggs should be teaten with bread and masticated very diie'.y. An eX- ! celient sandwich can be made with egz and j brown bread. An egg spread on toast is t for j a king, if kings deserve any better than anyody . else, which is donbtful. Fried eggs are'ess j wholesome than boiled ones. An egg dropej ) into hot water U not only a clean and handle. but delicious morsel. Most people spoil ie taste of their eggs by adding pepper and st. A lit.le sweet butter is the best dressing. Ei contain much phosphorus, which is snppo.cdo be useful to those who nse their brains much rmltry Rrvieta. How to Pkeparc Buckwheat Cakes. Baa wheat cakes make a quick and hot break fist bt cold mornings. I never could really make tp my mind whether eight inchw or four inch was the best size for 'em. Any size will dn that Is hot, sweet, i'ght and brown. They aro apt to be more crisp in families where the griddle sur face is proportioned to the number of plates at table, and some self-iacriflcing pern holds to the baking like a martyr. The mixture of syrup and sugar in the batter to bring out a spurious and superficial brown color should be denounced as a swindle. Borne cooks brown but one side a fraud that mostly disturbs thoe who do not meekly accept things as they find 'em. To be safe from disappointment iu this parrieular, gash your pile of cakes and intioduce the batter and -ugar from the top, instead of sprawling the cakes around to cool aud show every defect iu the b.tkiug. Gravitation and a fe love pats with knifs and fork win distribute butter and syrup through the laminated btruta of a pile of hot cakis most unctuously. If a little time be lost so in eating, whole cukes merely folded are not so likely to produce a disagreeable sensation in the- stomach, and the person sweating over the cook stove may have to get ahead a little. As for pimples along with buckwheat don't you believe it. It's an ignorant slander of one of the- best grains, and conies of eating it "ponnd for pound' with sugar aud shortening. Put the pimples 011 a diet ef buckwheat cakes and milk-toa-t skim milk for aggravated cases. Keeping Bctter Fresh. The best way to keep butter that is prime is to exclude the air from it and put it in a cool, sweet place ; but the first is the most important. If ihe butter is in a pail, tub, or jar, cover it one or two inches witn the strongest brine, made of the best Onon daga butter salt. Remember, it will not do to simply cover it with salt ; the air will pass through the salt, but not through the brine. If ihe package has a tight fitting cover, so much the better. Ths best butter exposed to the air, in the summer, will not keep perfect for twenty four hours. Butter for the family should ba kept i-onstantly under brine. A Vert Scpekioh Black Cake. One pound J of butter, one and one-quarter pouud sugar, ons j pound flour, twelve eggs, three pounds raisks, I seeded and chopped ; two pounds currants, j washed, dried and picked, one pound citron, cut thin and small ; one glass of Madeira wine, two wineglasses of brandy, one of rose water, two nutmegs grated, two teaspooasful of cinnamon, cue tt aspoonful of mace and clove mixed, near ly a pint 01 currant jelly, which- beat well ; but ter and lias your pans with whit': pspcr, and bake in a moderate oven abont four hours. CisriTiox Powdeks. Land und Water, aa acknowledged anthority in Engiish turf affairs, recommends eooditiou powders, judicially used, a very serviceable to horses, and declares thai the following is a simple and excellent recipe : "Nitre, powdered, l ounce ; aniseed, powder ed, 3 onuces ; ginger, powdered, 2 ounces; sul phur, 3 ounces ; gentian, powdered, 1 ounce : cinchona, powdered, 1 onnce ; oil of aniseed, 1 drachm. Make into twelve powders and give oue daily in food, taking care not to continue their ue too long."' Fpk PiPTnKiA. A gentleman who has tried it recommend as a gargle for dipthtria the fol lowing : Take a piece of red oak bark about the sire of the- hand, a large grasp of sage leaves, put in one pint of water, boil down to a hall pint ; then add one teaspoonful of pulverizer? alum and one teaspoonful of pulverized borax then add enough honey to make it very sw and use as a gargle every half hour, sw-' a little at the same time to be sure i' affected parts. To Clean Silverware. Ne of soap about your silver i' retain its original lustre, ing take a piece of soft I nib hard. The proprie silver establishments ii says that housekeeper: ing it in soapsuds, as i. tcr.'' To extract ink from, goods, saturate the spots tine, and let it remain St I it between the hands. I w;.,out i:iuting wither tl the article. Tanned Otsters. Put pan over a quick Are, witi ter, two salt spoonfuls of s. ground allspice, white- peppc. one boil, and they are ready te eoofced, rbfT twvDe tojh pnd i.