Sunburn mmcan. SUXliURY. DEOEMBEIi IS, 1874. i:ilratl Time TM. aKItlVAI. AM' Ii;rRTri:r.iK THAIS HTMMM KV. N. r. K. V.'.. South. I !. .V: F-. K. E. Wert. Irie Mail, l'-'.o" a tn i Erie Mail, fi.oO a m Southern Ex. -.U! h iu Lk Haven A. Vi.W n. I'hiia. Ex., y.-Ta m Eimir Ma!1 4 .'-'dpru Djv Kx., - 05 i in I last Line, T.K I' m M MU l:I JV) I.KWIMOW N K. li. Leave Siiiil'iiry for Lewistnwn at f.XO a. m., anil 4.1M I'. :u. Arrive at Sunbury from Lewistowu at 1.15 uud 0.45 p.m. SUAUOKIS DIVISION, N. C. K. W. l.EAVB AKRIVE Express, 12.01 p m Mas.l, M.2.-i a m Ma';!, 4. '.'." p m Express, '.5.i p m An accommodation train loaves Sbamokiu at 7.10 a in, arriving at Mt. Carmel at 7.40 a m. Returing, leave Mt. funnel at C.15 p in, arriv inir at Shamokin C.4."i p in. Lackawanna V 3uoms!U kc. K. R. Iicains, li-avo Northumberland as follows '..4." a. tn., and 4.40 p.m.; arrive at 10. So a. in., anil 5.4.1 p.m. 1). H iV VV. II. K. Train- leave at fi.M a. in. and arrive at 3.5i p. in. Accidental Insurance Tickets can be liad of J: Shipman, Ticket Agent, at the Depot. Summer Arnsneenieiit lor the Iot Oilier Hi JMiuburj , I'm. Office Oxn from ti.50 a. tn., to . w.. trcpt on Sunday. TIME OF ARRIVAL AND CLOSING OF THE MAILS. Arrivca as follows : From the East at 5.15 a. m.. 4.10 p. m., " South, 5.15 a. m., 4.10p.m. " Went, 5.15 a.m., 11.15 a. in., 1.S5 r- tn. and 4.10 p. m., " North.l.MJ a. in. .11.15 a. ni., 4.10 p.m. ti'.ian.'ikin aud M ' . Carmel. 'J. '.'" a. in. Shamokin proicr, 4.( p. in. Mails close ait follows : For I lie East, 5.45 a. m., 10.53 a. in., 4.50 p. in. 8.00 p. m. ' South, :0.50 a. ui., 4.50 p. p. m. " West, 10.50 h. ni., 3.50 p. m., S00 p. m. ' North. S.50 p. m.. S p. ni., Shamokin proper 11.15 a. in. Shamokin and offices on that route: 4.-0 p. m. Monev orders will not be issued aftef 6 p. in., on Saturdays. J. J. SMITH, P. M. jfocal Affairs. Mu. ani Ii:. C.Elsr., on North Second street, this place, celebrated their goi.-"en wedding on Friday evening last. 'Tovmv.' The Sunbuiy Silver Cornet Band will give a conceit on Saturday evening, Dec. 2'.th. . A mat Tence. has lately been constructed around St. Matthew" Episcopal church, on Frout street, in this p'ace. Let nil the old bachelors look over our mar riage lists while they are cwiiig ou suspender btittous without any beeswax on their thread. Pett.r CAvritn.i., brakeman on the D. 11. & W. P.. 11., had his feet injured on Tuesday night, at Miffiin Cross Roads. WiTCil Marx &. Bro.'s advctis-Miieiit in au- ( other part of this paper. The river was frozen over at this place on otiday night for the first time this season. Bit the "'Tommy" Sruokiug Tobacco. For sale at J. W. Wilvert fc Co.'s Tobacco Store, near the Court IIoue. Srjwcuir.iH to the AN outside of the county, who are iu arrears, are requested to quare v.p bcf. ie the let of January, aud If they wish the pajicr continued, remit advance pay ment. After that date we must pre-pay post age. A team belonging to John S. Haas ran away from the lime kiln, at the basin, on Wednid.iy, and broke throllgn me ice in me. nas::i. intv came to a tnddea halt. Tkices of all kinds of printing reduced ul this c.ffl.-e. A neat dwelling house is being erected on Second street, below Market, by Capt. J. Tor riugton. The Captain is displaying considera ble taste in securing a comfortable home. eggs by weight, instead of bv the ioz-n, is row adopt.?.' in many places, and urged in others. There is good sente in ihis, and it i ought to be generally adopted. A I-ARCE Lew steam saw mill has just been j completed by Messrs. Isaac Albert and F. Lahr, near Herndon, in place of the one consumed by fire Inst summer. The machinery is first-class, and they are expected to do a large lumbering butiuess. Prices of ail kin.s of Job Printing reduced at this office. DiPTnEliu. This terrible scourge is now pie- ( Tailing to a large extent iu the Eastern States, and is attracting much attention on account of the fatality attending its ravages. Several cases have occurred in this - cinity, and should enlist great care in the treatment of small children by their parents. Mil. Makoauet O. Lyon, iu thi place, aged K5 years, writes her name legible without the use of spectacles. She is the oldest resident in this place. A mimical gift eutertalnmeDt will be given in Northumberland, on the 13th of Ftbiuary next, at which $4,500 worth of presents will be given away. Tickets tl.00, aud for sale by Peter S. Borel, at the Washington House ; H. J. Waltz, at the Errpirc House, Eunbury ; and L. Sticaer, at the United States Hetel, Milton. There will be no postponement. S advertise ment in another column. Minoic Mitciieix wiil upi-ear in the new Opera House, in Danville, on Wednesday even- j ing, December 23d, in the play of "Lorle ;" or, "The Artists Dream." She wii! be supported by a first-class company. Since the Dauvili'-ians have got a first-class opera house, they enjoy theatri cal entertainments of the highest order. Li thf.r Dekr of Tuibotville, ws committed to jail on Monday last lor forgery. And John Domprofski, of Shamokia, for threatening to j the 22d instant,-when the Presidei.t and Cabinet, shoot John Becker and Rosina Becker. : (Jov. Hartranft, Senators and Representatives iu The editor f the Daily boasts of quaffing a j Congress and others from this State will attend, little wine for hii s'omnch's sake. There is no j These entertainments given by this a-'oci itiou. doubt he Ereds it. Anybody could tell of late 1 are generally the most pleasant events during that his stomach was slightly deranged. the sessiou of Congiess. We are indebted to Town St R,-CRlirr.RS.-Wc have over two hundred ! the President for his "complimentary" invita-subscribi-rs in tow n w ho owe us from one to four I tion to attend the series. years subscnj 'ion. 1 1:1s, 11 paiu pioiupi.j, : would lie!p US ma.criai:y. e uae 11.11 iuc nine to call on each one ;f you personally, and there fore resjicctfuliy a-k jou to step ino our ofl'fe and pay this. small amount. Tukke is uo cifficulty in selecting a line sett of Furniture at B. L. Raudenbush's store iu Sun bury. He keeps all the latest styles at the iow-e-t prices, aud none go away from Lis store dis satisfied, T.-hith is an evidence that he pleases all. Art ir.ENT at a Fi neral. While the funeral cortege was conveying the rcmalus of the child of lA'inuel and Maria Shipman of Purdytown, to to the stone church grave yard, in Lower Augus ta township, on Sunday last, tlie horse attached to the hearse became unmanageable on going down hill bear Emcriek's, and ran off, upsetting tlie hearse, and injuring Mr. Jacob Haupt, the driver severely. The hoarse was broketi.but no da mage was done to the coffin. Mr. nanpts in juries were so Severn as foconfiue him to bed. "Tovmt." Oni neighbor of the Gazrttr s ays : "the Ga te dos not claim to be an "organ." That gc ' uewspaper is falling into disrepute.' We :ced for a long time that that paper lias tnH-ical talent politically, and is now n out iu that respect, that it bas, like hnttle, become the subject of the the highest bidder becomes the f.iioenif in It's vain attempt to ineas Commissioner, by argu. lies him by printing his name f bis labored article with a peal to every humane, sensible, 1:111, whether such conduct ia mous, logical or fair. j IxT located on one of tlie prin Sunbury, will fie sold cheap, on this office. Terms easy. -leu Las taken the agency for E. o. patterps, and has now for sale 1 of the latest styles for Ladles, Children and Infants, also for ning Gown, Smoking Jackit and Ti n Rfimon of the 131st Kecimknt Penn'a Vol The first annual reuni'Ui of the officers ami i:n n f the 131t Regiment 1. V., assembled !u tkis place on Tu-d:y last. About one hun dred and fifty of the survivors, principally from about Milton and Wat son town, this county, met in Mooie Ai Dissingcr's Hall, where an oration was t elivered by Char'., s S. Mark. Es). of Lcn istov.ii, a one armed soldier, who U. -t hi arm in the Itattie of Freileri( ksbur;:, where two otlieirs. twenty-one men were killed, and one hundred and thiitytvvo wounded belonging to the lliis.. Address weie m.i.le by S. Wolf. Esq., and J. T. Baker. Esq., ef Lev.UMi: -z. ; Capt. Waivan and Lieut" Wood an 1 Lmidy. Anion the offi cer pietist, were Major II. W. l'i.tton and Capt. J,.?. War- aui, (uw State Senator), U-wis- touu ; Capt. J. 1. lavis and J.ieni. j.. ..i. .u.-r-ton, of .Milton; Lieut. IKl.aGrecn, of Muncy ; Lieut. .1. M. Wood and A. I). I.undy, of Wil lianisport; Capt. li. K. Keeieranl Lieut. A. N. Briee, of Suiibury. The oll'.cers elected for the tusuing year by the officers aud men of this Regiment are as follows: President, Major K. W. Patton, of Lewistown ; Vice Presidents, ( apt. J. II. Davis, Co. E., Mil ton ; Lieut. De!a Green, Co. H., Mnncy : Lieut. A. I). Lundy, Co. G., Williamspoit ; Secretary, Lieut. A. X. Brice, Co. C, Sunbury ; Treasurer, Sergt. C. W. Niekerson,Co. D., Suiibury. Execu tive Committee, Capt. Jos. S. Waream, Co. K., Lewistowu ; Lieut. J. M. Wood, Co. G., Wil lianisport; Lieut. L. M. Morton, Co. E., Milton. Many of these brave soldiers had not met since the close of the war, and their j;rcat Jelij;ht cau better be imagined than described. Their ar rival in the moru'ins train, accompanied by drum corp. and band of music, and marching through the streets, caused many to think back or the time when these, sturdy men took their de parture to defend o'.ir government from faUius into the hands of traitors, Thefts turvivors arc .. fin. ll. !- r si r of men. and many looU as though they" rouid s'.and nnothtr siege, -ad were it required, their warm hearts for our free j institutions could not resist their enlisting to sus- tain our government. i Ourcitizecs were greatly impressed with tl;e gentlemanly conduct of the members of the 131st while attending this re-union. Their next meet ing will take place in the borough of Milton, Dec. 14, 1S75. Their proceedings closed with a grand banquet at the CentraUIotel In the evening where cverthins; passed off in a most delightful manner. Our citizens feci honored in having this place made the choice for their re-uuion. Their Mjldicrly conduct has won the etecm of our ci tizens. Conih-ctohs Railroads. The appoint ment of ticket agents ou passenger trains, origi nated, we understand, through a suspicion of dishonesty on the part of several conductors in the northern part of this State. Since the ap pointment of the agents ou these roads, the com panies discovered that their apprehensions were correct. We have not heard, however, of a tin gle case on any other road. We presume that a conduct oiship is similar to other business, and companies are just :s apt to employ, occasional ly, dishonest men, as well as bankers, manufac turers, sc., but to hire men to watch over them, in our opinion, i a matter calculated to dishear- tea those w ho have been true to the interests of the:: employers. Many of t lies.' employees have been lead to dishouesty from not receiving siiUl cicul wages to defray the nccesjiy expenses in cident to their situation. A conductor's position is one of great responsibility, and tiny should lie liberally rewarded. They Mre required through the nature of the position to be at greater ex pense than an ordinary hand as they are requir ed to mingle in the society of those having means, and were tt.ey t appear as mere servants aiiioiig them, tiiote in whose employ they are, would soon dispense with their services no mat ter how honest they may be. Considering the constant ri.-k of life and limb, aud their respon ti,li!ilj.) wc r0adily e with the remark of a I passenger ou the train lately, who is a gentle i man of mcius, that if railroad companies were to add half the wages they pay ticket agents to the wages of conductors, they would save one half, and have more honc.-t conductors in their employ. Tuf. editor of the Daily, of Friday last, says he was informed that the overseers of the poor have in some instances refused lodging aud breakfast to stranger vagrants. We have b. m informed by one of the overseers that such is not the case that all vagrants who have applied, thus far were properly careA for excepting one. and he was seen during the day spending his money for I whiskey, and when lie applied was in a state of j beastly intoxication. The overseers believe all j such persons uuworthy, and when parties are known to squander their money for liquor they do not believe that they would be doing the pub lic just ice by giving them aid. 4"ixe Porkers. We noticed a few days ago while in Northumberland, two porkers, which had just been killed by Joseph Bird. Eq.. which were one year old last September, aud weighed over nine hundred pounds. They were probably the fattest Legs thai have been killed in this vi cinity considering the age. Mr. Bird is becom ing noted as a stock raiser, and judging from the porkeis which he has just put up for winter use and the stock remaining in the pcu, he will be bard to beat iu the pork line. Having too, a beautiful residence iu our sister town with all the conveniences, and such an abundauce of meat, we can see no reason that he should com plain of hard times, nor do we telieve he will soon turu Democrat to enjoy the "good times'' promised by the Democracy before the last elec tion. 'Tommy.' The Pennsylvania Republican Association at Washingtou, which wus ably presided over seve ral years ago by A. A. Shissler. Esq., of this place, have agaiu organized a series of "sicia bles" to be given in that city during the current winter, the proceeds of w hich are to be devoted to the advancement of the interests of thf On tennial Exposition. The first of the series of the entertainments will take place on the evening of J. W. Wilvert A Co. keeps the best brands of tobacco, scgars, Ac, near the f'ourt House. A meeting of tlie stockholders of the Enter prise Building and Loan Association was held in the office ,f J. A. Cak, E-q., in ( i.ketown, ou Thursday evening last, and elected tint follow ing officers for the ensuing year : Jacob Sensen bach, President ; W. A. Rogers. Vice President; W. L. Snyder, Secretary ; It. S. Briggs, Treas urer; J. A. Cake, Solicitor. The meetidg nd journed to meet at the same place on Tuesday, Dec. 22, at 7,'a o'clock r. m. The books for subscription to 6tock will be open without prem ium nntil the fourth Tuesday in January, 1S75. Rev. John Hewitv, of St. Paul's Episcopal church, lJloomsbur'., has finally determined uot to accept the cal! of the church at Lock Haven. When the o:,uouiici-ment was made here that such a call had been made and was b.-ing seri ously considered by Mr. Hewitt, a spontaneous aud nuauimous sentiment was at once aroused and a determination expressed to retain him. The vestry and cougreeution promptly aud un animously protested against the change, made an addition to his salary, and proffered other acts of kindness and confidence which Mr. Hew itt could not disregard. We believe the reverend gentleman had two other calls under considera tion at tlie same time. ( t7rriifi;. News. Wc are glad to notice that the promi nent and large store room of Clement & Dis singr, on Market Square, is about to be filled up with an entire new stock of goods. The stock having been let run down to get all the old styles out of the way. Mr. Dissinger has gone to the city where lie is now buy ing au entire new stock while goods are low, and will open in a few days a larger stock than ever. As he is buying liiB slock for cash, he will be able to undersell all others for the cash, w hich will be a great benefit to the purchaser as they will be able to make a higher per eenlage on their money than in any other way. This store is one of the most promi nently located in Sunbury, and. with the la'ge assortment of new goods will become the head quarters for buying goods cheap for cash, only, nf fbr ve-T lcct ptvVr . Front thr Dally.' Coi it r Pitrx KFWMis. The following cases were disposed of this we;k : Culver, Barber V Co. vs. Samuel Stahity, et ul. I'laintil! suiter a i:on-snit and plaintiff for costs. Hill for plaintiff; Brice for defendants. T. L. Aslibr.dse A: Co. vs. Wn. Withington. Ju.)'ii!( nt for plaintiff- for $25$. T. II. B. Kase for plaiiitiil's ; L. H. Kase for defendant. Ira T. Clement vs. Mt. Carmel township. Dis continued. Simon Randal vs. James Bachelor. Verdict fur plaintiff for $111 00. Simpson and Bri. e for plaiutill ; Vincent for defendant. A. J. Stroh vs. Hrr.ry Simmond. In course ors.-t'lemcr.l. Boycr foi- plaintiff; Ryan tor de fendant. Same vs. Same. In course of settlement. John M. Bickel et al. vs. Jacob Raiucr. In co' e of settlement. ,raham Starncr vs. Samuel L. Culp and nn- .er. Non-suit. Snyder for plaintiff; T. H. B. Kase for defendant. Ihompeon Bower, ext cntor of John Bower, di jd, vs. Cyrns Browu. Rcr.leviu for a house sld to defendant by Lewis Bower, who was not authorized to sell. Verdict for plaintiff for t !'. 50. Foust aud MeCleery for jilaintiff; Laurent and Brown for defendant. John Masser vs. Aaron K. Settled. Mh.ton Itkms. We copy tlx lbllowin items from tlie Milton'mn of last week : The public house of Charles Ilarttuan at Mon tandon, was entered by two robbers on Monday niht, but a daughter of the pi oprietor being awake gave, the ularm and the burglars made off without any booty. S. D. Joi:ian, Es p, Cashier of the First Na tional Bank has been deprived of the full use of his ocal organs by reasoa of a cold which has settled in lis throat, lie Uas been auicieu m this wav for some weeks, 1 lie disease yie.tung very s'owly o the remedies employe.-?, xul; U(!vr Ouuring mill erected by Win. B. Kemmcier on Muddy Run, on the site of the old mill which was destroyed by fire last, summer, is about completed, and will be in readiness for business next week. We expect to give our readers a full description of the new mill in a short time. A iOMMi:iicii. traveller stopping at Huff's Hotel, left ds bagga-'e, cousisting cf a leather i each succeeding year seems to add strength to its , ... ... . , ,. ii c- I vitalitv, anrt tone to its constitution. The pro-I ilise tilled with "l-les,attheI.&iiiisvs.j!or hrilli:mt ,,,,.,,, !lnd ; telescope val E. dejiot on Monday evening intending to take the midnight train; changing his mind he re mained at the hotel until morning. During the evening h:s valise was stole from the depot. Some of the samples were discovered next day along the railroad near Montandon. The valisr and sample case were found on Thursday, the former secreted in a shed near the marsh, the latter at the bottom of the canal opposite the marsh where thev had been sunk by means of a stone tied to them. One of the valises was ut terly ruined by the water. About one-half of the samples including some Hue toweling and al p.iccas were recovered. Mr. Fi-ks nett lo.-s reacli fCO. on which there is no insurance. Wi: observe by the newspapers, that the Ba'ti more fire place heaters have takeu the highest premium at the Fair of the 'Americau Institute," in New York, which closed a few weeks since. These heaters are manufactured by Messrs. Bibb .t Co.. in Baltimore, who in the last six or tight years have made every improvement that inge nuity and experience could suggest. The radi ating surface is unusually large, aud the maga zine most capacious. These are very important requisites in ttoves of this character. These heaters have :i world wide reputation, and justly so. They are not only more beautiful than the ordinary stove, but more couviuient, and per form quite as much service, in the room where located, besides healing the secoud, and often the third story rooms mo-t effectually. Th'-ir best recommendation is, perhaps, the fact that where they are once introduced they are almori always duplicated, and no other class of stoves come in competition with them. List of Letteis remaining in the Po-t Office in Sunbury, December 15, 174 : John Aunian, Maggie Boycr, Stephen D-w-herst, Maggie Jarretl. John Dixon Lee, 4. (for eign). J. K. Long, John Myers. L. C. Miller, Mrs. Geo. W. Mar. Persons calling for letters will please say they are advertised. J.J. SMITH, r. v.. The Farmers' and Horticulturists Association will elect their offlcers for 1S75, on Saturday, 20th instant, at 2 o'clock P. M., at Augusta Post ! Office ports. Members w ill please present their re J. R. Ci.akk. Secretary. Important Eye Operation. Intelligence of the complete restoiation to sight of W. W. Cor coran, Esq., the eminent Washington philanthro pist, has been received by his numerous friends here, with much gratification. Mr. Corcoran writes to his oculist. Dr. G. Reuling, of Balti more, in grateful terms, that lie is now able to read aud write again, with the same eye, which before Dr. Rea'.ing's operation was entirely blind. Fall and Winter Hats. All the latest style of hats are now open at S. Faust's store on Market square. Most beautiful styles adorn his windows which are sold, cheap. Gentlemen's furnishing goods are supplied at the lowest prices. For Rent. The Drug Store Room now occu pied by W. D. Melick. Also the room adjoining Faust's hat store. Enquiieof H. B. Ma.-sek. I. list of Juror for Jaunarj Term. 1S75. lilMND JI KOHS. Thomas Art ley, Milton N. W.; Israel Beringer, Shamokin ; Cyrus O. Bachmau, Walsontown ; Andrew Bucher, Washington ; John M. Evans, Mt. Carmel twp.; Richard G. Eiseuhui t, Slianio kin, W. W. ; William Fetzer, Jr., Chlllisquaque, HenrvC. Hartrafl. Delaware ; Wellington Hum mel, Upper Augusta ; Hiram llagenbuch, Dela- ware; Henry Harris, Milton, f. w . ; isaiali Johnson, Point ; Hoi ace Kapp, Northumber land ; John 11. Kramer, Cameron ; John Lyon. Sunbury, W. W. ; Elias Latsha, Washington ; Jesse Miller, Point ; Daniel Noecker, Walson- town ; Ogifen II. OMian.ier, l.ivt-iswe ; 1 nari. s l.CUll'f., .1 illlllle'll , v u 1 1. 1 anll,. ..u. . .11 mil twp.; Joiiathau Uishel, Chilli.-quaqne ; .loliu, Milton, S. W. ; Jacob R. ilz, Delaware. TRAVERSE -lllIORS For January Term, ls.75. Ceorge Armstrong, McEweiisville; peter Bo re!, Sunbury, W. W.; George Bucher, sur., Sun bury, W. W.; George W. Coble. Jacks in; Isaac Campbell. L'pper Augusta; William oonrr, Walsontown; William B. Diehl, Point; Mi. ton Ditty, Lower Mahanoy: Jamo Dicffenbachcr, Northumberland; John D. Dieffcii.UIIer, lii'.ii--quaque; Heniy W. DcpJ 11, Jordan; George IJetwiler, Milton. N. W.; John Daniel, Wash ington; Edward C. Eisley, Sunbury, W. W.; Sam uel W. Eppler, Shamokin; John (;. Fasso'.d, Lower Augusta; lleury C, Fi-her, Washington; Henry T. Fo'.lniar, Turbut; John George, Nor thumberland; Jacob Gtim, Lower Mahanoy; John Galaspir, Turbtuville; Heniy Hummel, Zerbe: Oscar Hartranft, Cbillisquaqiie; Krank- tin Hot. Miiton, N. W.; William Hainor. Point; Hugh Johnson, Northumberland: Samuel Kelly, Lower Augusta; William Koch, Chilll-quaqne; ,, , ,. , , . .. ... Frank 111 he lev. I.ower Augusta: George . Keefer. Kunburv. E. W.: David Kamn. Mt. Car- inel bor.; Vastine Leighow, Northumberland; Miiton McPherson, Northumberland; Solomon Mantz. Sunburv. W. W.: Robert L. Montgome ry, Lewis; Jacob Meixwell, Turbut; Charles K. Mowry, Mt. Carmel boro.; Peler Moore, Upper Augusta; Hugh McDurald; Mt. Carmel twp.; Wm. H. Musselman. Shamokin, E. VV'.; Win. F. Nagle, Milton, X. W.; George VV. Reichley.Nor thvmberiand; Thomas Rogers, Mt. Carmel twp.; Win. Rangier, Turbut; Henry R. Raker, Zerbe; James Reed, Rush; Philip Kenn, Upper Augusta; John Shissler, Sunbury, W. VV.; Harrison Wash ington; Samuel Swenk, Rush; Sebastian Slepp, Lower Mahanoy; John P. Troutman, Jordan; Lemuel Tcitsworth, Shamokin; Robert R. Tcits worth, E. VV.; Adam Treon, Washington; Sam uel Wolf, Jackson; Robert Walker, Point; FranJlin B. Yost, Shamok in, E. VV .; William Young, Northumberland; Thomas Zerbe, Lower Mahanoy. fPTIT Jl'ItORS TOR JANI HRT TERM. January 11, 1575. William Brown, Shamokin, VV. VV. ; James Carl, Lewis ; Philip Clark, Sunbury, VV. VV. ; John Duttinger, Shamokin ; John VV. Fryling, l'pper Augusta ; David Ferster, Washington ; John Fox, Coal; Jacob F. Gaugcr, Milton, N. VV. ; Patrick Giibbon, Mt. Carmel twp. ; Ed ward Grady, Rush ; Albert Holshoe, Jackson ; John Hoplir, Lower Augusta , Andrew A. Ileim, Shamokin, VV. VV. ; William Hoover, Sunbury, E. VV., Eli H. Kiiousc. Shamokin, VV. VV. ; Hen ry K. Kulp, McEwensville ; Solomon Klase, Lit tle Mahanoy ; Adam F. Keistettcr, Cameron ; John A. Lloyd, Northumberland ; John M. Miller, Chillisquaque ; Alexander Mantz, Sun bury, VV. VV. ; Jesse Metis, Northumberland; George P. Mertz, Point ; Jeffry McGrah, Mt. Carmel twp.; Joseph Nicely, Jr., Delaware, Lemuel Raup, Shamokin, E. W. ; Samuel B. Reitz, Washington ; William S. Rhoads. Sun bury, W. VV. ; Jacob Straub, Milton, N. VV., John H. Shipman, Northumberland ; Daniel Shaffer, Jordan ; Michael Shade, Lewis ; James Taylor, Watso'utown ; Samuel E. Tucker, Lower Augusta ; Benjamin Witeuioyer, ChiHi!S""'l"c ; nlT eV-. wr.. Ji!eFco?i. IlAitrKK's Maukinb roi; Jam Anv, l$75, is IVesb. hriirlil jiitfl Ke:it;iiii:ih!p. Perllliarl V rich ill the variety of its contents and the profusion ol' its il!:iti:itions, it opens a new year under the most promising auspices. Mrs. Budilington's onii, ''The Childreirs Night," which opens the Number, is a n vci con ception, grouping in a brilliant galaxy the im-per-onat ions so familiar to children from .io tlier ti.;oe's Melodies' and fairy-lore. It is e iinetirmg more than a nieehaniealiy const rueteil mosaic. The songs are exquisite, and the main situations are effectively illustrated by some of our best artist Miss Woolso-i eon. ludes her ehariiiing st.tteh es of "The Ancient Citv," St. Augustine. The third installment of "The. Firt 'entury of the Uenublic" continues the review of Mecha nical Progress, tracing tl.. improvements in Lou working, engineering, and wool workins. and is accompanied with twenty-four i'lusi rations. The papers on Mechanical Progre' of which there will be two more, are contributed by Ed ward II. Knight. Mr. S. S. Conant contributes an interesting il lustrated paper ou Sir Samuel Bakers recent Expedition in Central Africa, ttpropn of the re cent publication of the hitter's book Tsmailia.' A spicy biographical sketch of George 1). Pren tice, of tlie l.ouif,:ille Joiirutl, by Junius Henri Browne, accompanied by a faithful portrait, il lustrates a memorable chapter of American jour nalism. Ruth Dana contributes u characteristic and touching Christmas story, 'Two Sketehcswhieh is beautifully illustrated. William Black, author of Princess of Tunic,' contributes a Christmas story of a hu morous character, entitled 'The Man who was like Shakspsarc.' In 'A Modern Lohengrin,' Virginia W. John Son gives us a beautiful t-tcry, also appropriate to the 6cason. Thomas W. Knox tells the 6tory of a Gala Night in St. Petcn-burg, on the occasion of the marriage of the Grand Duke Viadimir to the Grand 'Duchess Marie. liis description of the illuminations and the gala spectacle at the Opera-house, vividly present the scenes of which, the writer was an eye-witness. Mr. Mason's vigorous and beautifully illus trated aerial sto:y, 'Rape of the Gamp,' is con tinued. Einilio Castelar, in hi fifteenth prpcr on ' The Republican Moveiuc at iu Europe," treats of tie i wmtic ralinnaliMii of the schools of Jcua ;. I ! Tuehingen, iu Germany, as represented by Bohr, Paulus, Wethe.Scbleitrmacue-, Neander, Harms and Hengstenberg. K. H. Stoddard and veliy M. Hutchinson con tribute poems, the former 'The Rivals,' and the latter two exquisite little bits of verse, entitled 'A Cry from Shore' and 'Love's Imagination.' Godey's Lams Book, does not grow weak as its publication grows older. On tlie contrary. judging from the number before us, the favo rite ladies" magazine will doubtless meet with increased popularity. It furnishes the latest and most elaborately colored fashion plates, be sides instructions for the making of attire. Its pagis too are filled with most faeiuating sketch es, stories, poems, and other matters of interest. As an inducement to subscribers, new and old. all will receive a magnificent chromo entitled "Tlie Rescue,"' one of which lies before us, anrt it is certainlv a handsome tribute to the genius ami skui ol its designer, i.ouey , can i.eooia.n- I.'! T. U. .1.1, ..III! Vi UliU'lllU. J.. . 1 . !'., publisher, corner Sixth and Chestnut Sts., ladelphia. Phi- For All Female 'oui!:iints noth'iig equals Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescrip tion. It is a most powerful restorative tonic, also combining tlie most valuable nervine pro pertics, especially adapting it to the wants of de bilitated ladies suffering from weak back, inward f. ver, congestion, inflammation, or ulceration. or from nervousuess, or neuralgic pains. Mr. G. W. Seymour, druggist, of Canton, N. V., writes Dr. Pierce as follows : "The demand for your Favorite Prescription is wonderful, and onu man stated to me that his wife had not done a day's work iu live months, when the commenced tak ing your Favorite Prescription, took two bottles and is now on the third bottle, and is able to do her house-woik aknie and milk fourteen cow twice a day. Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription is sold by all c'.er.leM iu medicine-. . Mi'kher Win. Oi t. Samuel Byerly.on Third street, Sunbury, Pa., near the Clement House, i has been found guilty of having llie largest and ! best assortment of holiday presents in town. Let everybody call and examine and be convinced that Iiyerly is always ahead and meaus to be ! ahead, not only in quantity but iu quality cf I goods and especially ill low prices, lie h.".s ' everything yon ran name cxeept money, and he j ii willing to take that in exchange for goods. Come one. come all, don fail to call and be made happy. An Important Asnoi-ncement. It is hardly necessary for us to call the attention of our readers to the fact that Messrs. Simon .t Oppcn lieimer have just opened a superior stock of read.. -made cloihmg. the ialget assorlinei.l evr; seen in Sunbury, which arc now being offered at lower prices than before. They are determined : A 1 .1 . I .1... I,..., -A, ' rl' " ' V " 01 i:ie great rce.uciaiu 111 me ciucs. cuiic iianu eoine holiday presents are selected there daily. T the Afi i.k Ti'.n. No matter under what form of sickness you labor, there is one great truth you should keep iu mind : All disease originates in an impure condition of tlie blood. Purify that, and the riUeac mu-t depart ; but you caaaot purify the blood by the u-e of poison ous drugs, and exhaustive stimulants. The best Blood Purifier ever di-covered is Dr. Walker's famous Vinegar Bitters, compounded of simple herbs. derll.4.v. I.1GUT. Wi?l be sold cheap and on time at the Lamp Store of Win. Reese, iu the old Post Office building. 011 Third street. Five six-lighted Chandeliers, suitable for halls or churches ; two fifty gallon Oil Kegs ; two Show Cases, 4 and C fci t iu length. 2t. fljusiness Morals. I . -.i.... .... ... H VHP Times. The evidences of dull times are : unmistakably apparent on every hand throngh 1 out our country. Labor is far from being as re , munerative as in times past, and the money , market is unusually stringent. Owing to these i facts people generally are inclined to be cconomi- cal in their purchases. But were timc iiitinately worse than now, 110 one could object to the pi ices i at which boots and shoes are sold at the Excel- M"r storc of J. l. JiiKin .v tiro., lu.MiLcrs block. Sunbury, Pa. Men, women and children's i shoes are sold at most astonishing low prices. ! C ti 111 slioes of every style and piiee. Since all : is first-class in respect to materia! and make-up the bargain- offered are simply extraordinary Hid proving particularly acceptable to leavers 1 anJ !lrcui;lte. Jt receives cable news from Eu liuing the hard times and with tlie present . rope, and dispatches from all parts of the eoun- .-caici ty of money. Em: good tobacco, pipes, Ac., go to J. W. Wilvert A Co., near the Court House. Eon the Hoi i.tPAYS. Marx A Bro. having opened a large assortment of holiday goods, give iioli.-e in another part of this paper, that the most beautiful goofs j;i; New York markets will be sold at lower price- than th'y can tie bad in retail city stoics. Thei' store compares with any ctdablishim-nt in the city to select hn'i'py pre-euts from. Tut! best brands of eigai tobacco. Ac., are kept by J. W. Wilvert A Co. ( now lis are daily calling i.t Meveiison's to see I hose elegant new goods. Watches, Clock-, Jevv- I elry, Silver-Ware, A 1. . ... ..... I Go to J. . lveit 0. Co., ::u ! " tie.' Court House, for a good cigar Mi sicai.. J. P. Keefer has lately removed his excellent musical instruments into the building ! 0:1 Fourth street, below Market, nearly opposite . the City Hotel. Any kind of Musical iur-tru-i incuts of the most improved styles and make are kept in his establishment. Parlor Organs. Pianos of the best manufacture in the country will be found at his store. He is also agent for i the best sewing machines now in ll-,c. J. VV. Wilvert A Co., near the Court House, keep tin: best brands of cigars and tobacco. , Christmas is coming, and those wishing to j purchase a suitable present for old or young, are i invited to call ou Stevenson, corner Third and Market streets, (Miller's Stone Building,) Sun- : bury, Pa., where lie has just received a large 1 stocs: of goods of the newest lyics aud most t ie- , g:int patterns, all of which will lie sold at the ! vei v lowest prices. Hi stock comprises in part nf' a, Gent's Gold and Silver Watches, Ladies' tine Gold and Plated Setts, Hi east Pins uud Ear Rings, Seal Rings Ainethist, Toper, Garnet, Onyx, Diamond, Ac, Gold uud Silver Thimbles. Necklaces, Lockets, Charms, Sleeve But'.ons, Studs, Bracelets, Castors, Cuke Baskets, Tea Setts, Cofrec Urns, Silver Mugs, Spoonhold ers, Pie Kuives, Crumb Scrapers, Ice Pitchers, Goblets, Salvers ; also, a very supciior article of Silver-1'lnled Folks, lea and Table Spoons. In fact, all articles usually found in a first-class es tablishment. All goods are warranted to be as represented. No trouble to show goods. Par ticular attention paid to the repairing of Watch es, Clocks, Jewelry, Ac. Gold and Silver Plat ing don... Masotiie Marks mad:: to ;rc'.i-r. En graving, Gear-cutting mil Experimental Ma- r-,:rerv TTI-'-'e fo or-,rtr.'s Skcuet of Bkaptt, a delicate beautilier, which smooths out all indentations. I r:niovii J j,..,vjI;, g tan, freckles and scars from the skin, the complexion clear and beautiful. bold by Miss L. Tiik iight running " Domett .V" Scwii.g ma chine, ca account of its many points cf superi ority, ins a better demand than any other manu factured, and takes the lead with the public over inachincs long i.-garded as the best. Also the new (irnveu and Baker sewing machine not sur pasej by any other. Orders for these machines will be promptly tilled by Miss Caroline Dnlius, at;ent. Darin,- Orijam Mi s C. D ilius is the agent fot lb--; si! 1 of Parlor Organs. Pianos, and ail kinds of uiu-ical instruments. Tlis very best instru im iit ire furnished on sho't notices at prices to suit times. Call or address, C. DALIES, N j. '.).', Market St.. Suiibury. I."E Cj:ea.m Freezers. A newlotjuet received by II. B. MASSER. On the Kith inst., by Rev. II. Weichscl, Mr. James E. eiche, of Lebanon, Pa., and Miss Eveline R. Sciikeiiipr, of Upper Mahanoy, this county. On the same day, by the same, Mr. Samuel DEiur.RTand Miss .Mart Tokias, both of L'rper Mahantongo, Schuylkill county, Pa. On the 20th of November, in Delaware town ship, Mrs. MARY FLICK, aged C5 years, 8 mouths and IS days. In I'urdytown, December 11th, CHARLES, son of Lemuel and Maria Shipman, aged 2 years, 2 months and 0 days. SISBIRY MARKETS. SfNnrRT, Dec. 17, 1S74. Gain Wheat per bushel. $1.20f7U.30 1.25fl."J5 75WS0 75W SOfS-GO 8.75(7(9.00 C.5(7.00 5.00 1.50S2.00 1.50f(jl.75 80Ci,75 lGfa20 HfalS 10(0,12 14(0,20 10(0, IS 2.".(o30 15ft. IS 10(ol3 35(040 CO'o.35 prime white " Rve per bush " Corn ' " Oats " fc Extra Family pr bbl Common Buckwheat Feed rnrn A Oats Chop pr 100 lb Shorts & Mixture Potatoes. &c New per bushel Provision Ham perib Shoulder pr lb Bacon pr lb Beef, retail pr lb Veal, do do Dried Beef pr lb Pot 1 Tit V Chickens, dressed pr lb Do. live weight Bitiei: Prime per lb E.x.s Per dozen Jicto Sbbfrtiscmmts Xotirf. "TOTICI- is hereby given that an election of JJN managers of the Accommodation Saving Fund and Loan Association, will take place 011 Saturday, the 2d day of January, 1S75, at 7Z o'elocu p. 111., in the room of Clement's building Third St., Sunburv, Pa. SAM'L FA I" ST, Snr., Presd't. J icon Shipvan, Sec'ry. Sunbuiy, Dec. I1, 1874. Iu (lie Court of luarlt'r Sessions of Ifae IN'rcp of Xortlnimberland 'ouist j-. "VTOTiCE i3 hereby given, that the following persons have filed petitions in the Court of Quarter Sessions of the Peace of the county of Northumberland, for Tavern, Restaurant, and Liquor Store Licenses, and that the same will be presented to the said Court oti the fourth day of January next. TAVERNS. 1!. J. Waltz, Sunbury bom. old stand Jacob Sheets, ' ' Thad Shannon, 1 ' Clark & Wcist, new stand Henry Hulh, Milton bor. old stand Charles C. Jones, Northumberland bor ' Thomas Taubman ' John Wcish Mt. Carmel boro ' D.ivjj 1). Davis ' ; Frank Feg-r ' Edward W. Giul. v James McLaren ' Haupt .V Purse!, Shamokin boro. old stand Mrs Mary Levins, ' Wm. McAnkrew ' Joint Curtis Michael Flaherty ' ' Michael Sehlaeder ' ' John Clifford ' ' Andrew Jaua.-ky ' Robert Nicholson " ' John Larkin ' ' Willi v.v Huri'js ' ' John No an ' Patrick Karius ' ' ! B. E. Adams ' new stand Michael Ready Jacob Troinctter ' Henry G. Dunkelb. rger ' Benjamin Hoy. fsnydertown new stand John Boyd. Coal township old stand Patrick Tynan ' ' Henry B. Long ' new stand Patrick Rigncy John L. Shoo; Lower Aug. twp old stand Daniel B. Foy Jesse Heusjl, Shamokin twp. P. II. ( iirran, Zeibe twp. ' Peter Wert. Lower Mahanoy twp. ' KEsTAt HANTS. M. L. Fisher, Sunburv borough, old l-tnd. L. D. Copeland, Mary Rilev, Mt. Carmel borough, old stand. Alexander Long, Sliainokin fioro.. " Adam Daniels and Geo. W. Strawser, Sh iinokin borough, old stand. Richard Tvack, Shamokin born., oi l stand. George Hack Lincoln Long. ' " James Mohan " " George S. Fisher, " new st.ui 1. E. G. Gilliam, " Mary Devitt, Coal twp.. '" II. E. Byerly, Jackson twp.. old s:..u I. Margaret Burke. Mt. Carmel tap., Frank Roth, WHOLESALE I.Hjt'OK STORE. Christian Netf, Sunbury boro., old stan I. Il. nrv E. Lutz, Miiton boro., Patrick D.ilv, Shamokin boro., " LLOYD T. BOHKBACH, Cieik. Cleik's Office. Sunbury, Dee. !", Is74. TIIK riTTSIII KUII WAZKTTK. Those who are arranging for their home pa pers for the next year, iil do wisely to send for sample copies of the V'MlacyU l-a-tttt, Daily or Weekly, as it will be seen to be the best paper published in Pittsburgh. It is the oldest, being nearly S'J years old, and has kept pace with all pna-es of modern uewspaper progress. It is printed with new type, and 011 clean, white, ...i,l iMinilsome tinner. Its news Is specially full. try. It has special correspondents 111 vvasuing toii, during the session of Congress, and at ll.11- ! rirdmrg during the session of the, Legislature, i and will give full reports cf all that is interest- ' ing in the proceedings. Its local news is com- ' piete and varied, yet chaste and pure. Its cdi- i 1 torials contain trenchant discussions of all cur- j ! rent subjects, and deal indepeudeiitly with all the Usues of the hour. The paper is Republican ; iu politics, but holds that the party is superior i to cliques and rings. Its market reports are i specially full and complete, and have a r. puta- tion that is wide spread, lor accuracy aud reiia 1 biiily. Iu frequent instances, parties in the e.juntry have saved or made cou-idcalile sums ioiiowing the accurate reports of prices, gi-.'.n in tlie (iazettt, in selling their produce. It j also contains agricultural, household, and faini , ly reading, carefully selected. Thus it is a fami ly paper of great excellence aud rare cheapness. as to price. Us circulation is me iaigc-1 01 me ; Pittsburgh press. This year the postage on pa- 1 I pers is prepaid al the Pittsburgh office, thus ne- i j cessitaling tlie addition of this item to the rates. ' For this reason we present amended rates, and claim that they afford the cheapest newspaper. , p iper published, when the si..; and of ; th- paper are considered. TERMS: ; D.i'dij 7,i-;f,V (po t age prepaid) bv mail. pr ; annum, f 10. no ; lor six months, ; for three 1 ! im iilhs. .2.50 ; for one mouth.; by the I ; week, payable to tlie carrier, 10 cents. ! j Wittily t'a-.riU f p stage prepaid) by mail, sin- i : gile kiibncribers, $1.75 per year ; in clubs of five, ' 11.50; in clubs of ten or more, f 1.40, and an I additioual copy for every ten, to the getier up of ' ; the club. Postmasters are req iested to act as : ' agent-. For samply copy, of daily or weekly, fne of charge, address KING, REED A CO., Pittsburgh, Pa. Dec. is, is:i.-r;t. i C'OI'RT PROC I.A.1IATIOX Notice j is herehv given that the several Couits of Coin- ' i mou Pleas, General Quarter Sessions of the Peace, i and Orphans Court, Court of Oyer and Terminer and General Jail Delivery, in and for the county of Northumberland, will commence nt the Court House, in the borough or Sunburv. nt 10 o clock j A. M-, on MONDAY, JANUARY the 4tb, 1S75, and will continue two weeks. The Coroner, Justices of the Peace and Consta- : hies in and for the county of Northumberland are 1 requested to be then and therein their proper; persons, with their rolls, records, inquisitions, j and other remembrances, to do those tilings to j their several offices appertaining to be done. And j all witnesses prosecuting in beha If ol the Com- i nioiiwealth against any prisoner, are requested j and commanded to he then and there attending 1 iu their proper persons to prosecute against him j as shall be just and not to depart without leave at their peril. Jurors me requested to be pnuc- tual in thtir attendance, at the tiir.u appointed, j Given utider my hand nt Sunbury, the 3d day j of December iu the yearoi our Lord onethouauil I eight hundred and seventy-four. S 1 V IT! TT. noxnFRMFT.. SWfT. Ori!inuN Court S;i!e f Valuable KKAEi KMTATi:. AN Order of Sale having been issued from the Orphans' Court of Northumberland County, to the undersigned. Trustee, lin will expo.-e to pub lie sale, at the Court House, i;i Sunbury, on WEDNESDAY the 2S1 dayi.f DECEMBER, A. D. 1S74. at 2 o'clock, p. 111.. a certain Island, or tract of land, lying in tins Sasqaelianna river, in Lower Augr..-t.:! township, Northumberland i-oi.iitv, Pa., co'it.aiii'iig Eiii'ut Acres, more or less. This Ts!::iid is a part of the estate of Marion Foot.', late of the borough of New Buffi'o, Perrv County, deceased, and lays about one hundred yards from the Northumberland county shore, opposite S 'ii' -grove Station, 011 the N. t,'. li. W. It is a tine fertile I-land, all cleared, and under cultivation, and never overflows. Terms of al- v. iil be made known on I'ay of sale bv A. W. POTTER, Trustee. Seiinsgrove, Dee. ttb, 1ST1. PETERS' PETER. PETERS' LA CREME DE LA CltEME Hi PARLOR MELODIES. I'll b 1 i s hed monthly, giv-; ing 24 full-size pages of Vocal; M usic by Hays, ! Danksihomas etc. Price. 4 per annum ;siu-. gle copies, 50 cents. ' Published and J. L. Ml sir. Pub t i s h e. d monthly, giv ing 24 f ill-size pages of easy and mod'Tately difficult Piano Music. Price. $4 per annum ; single copies, 50 cents. Published monthly, giv ing 24 "full-size pages of classic and d i ffi c u It Piano Music. $4 per annum ; single copies, 50 cents. Mailed, Post-Paid, by PETERS, 5tt0 Broadway, N Bind Musk of MUSIC. Among the many thousands of Ballads and Piano Pieces that we publish, there are some thet are noted for their great beauty and lasting qualities. We have made a careful selection of these pieces, and offer them at a low price, in fifteen volumes, namely : Shining Lights, a Collection of Sacred Songs ; Golden Leaves, Vols. I. and IL, Songs by W. S. Hays; Hearth and Home, Fireside Echoes, and Sweet Sounds, three collections of Home Songs ; and Priceless Gems, a fine collection of Ballads, by Thomas, Wallace Keller, etc. Fairy Fingers, Pearl Drops, Magic Circle, and Young Pianist. Four collections of easy Music, as a general thing, without octaves, and suita ble for the Piano, Reed Organ, 01 Melodeon. Musical Recreations, a collection of Dances, and Golden Chimes and Brilliant Gems, for more ad vanced players, by Kinkle, etc. This valuable collection is issued iu two bind Price of each, in Boards. ?1.75; Clot li and Gilt, 62.50. We cm also recommend Tlie Opera nt Home, a collection of Vocal Music, price ?:5 in Boards ; ?4 in Cloth. Also, Pearls of Melody, price t3 iu Boards : $4 in Cloth. La Creme de la Crcme, Vol. 1. :i in Boards ; S4 in Cloth. Address. J. I.. PETERS. Dec. 11, l7:i.-4t. 500 Broadway, N. Y. CEKTRAL DRUG STORE q.b.cXdvllader Is the place to buy pure ami fresh MEDICINE?, DUUfiS, TAINT?. OIL.S, GLASS. PEUFUMEIIY, NOTION'S, CIGARS, TOBACCO, LIO.UOI! for medicinal purposes, anil all other arti cles usually kept iu a lirst-class Dm? Store. Special attention pai.l to compounding- pre scriptions and family receipts by competent druggists. I am prepared to furnish in quantities to suit purchasers aud al Fhilad-lphi:'. prices. CALCINED PLASTER. PHILADELPHIA LIME, FINISHING SAND, PLASTERING HAIR. Portland, Roman, Rosendale and Lehigh C EMU NTS, Land Plaster for Farmers, Timothy and Clover Seeds. Also, Garden Seeds of all kinds. Aall and get a Rural Register for 174. GEO. B. CADVVALLADF.K. Sunbury, Fib. f, l-.7l.-ly. Atiuil TtotitV. (The Estate of Cornelius Hyer, dec.) NOTICE is hereby given to all persons interest ed, that the undersigned. Auditor to distribute the balance remaining in the hands of George Hyer. administrator oi" the estate of Cornelius Hyer, dee., will attend to the duties of his ap pointment, at his ollice. in the borough of Sun bury, on Monday the -1st day of December next, 174, at 10 o'clock, a. in. W. I. GREENOl'GII, Auditor. Sunbury. Nov. "JS, 1S74. F.icciitor'.s Xolice. (Estate of Benj. Strickler, deceased.) N'OTTCE is hereby given that letters testa mentary have been grant eu to the utider sigtted. on the estate of Benjamin fjtrickler, late ot Jackson township, Northumberland comity, Pa., deceased. All persons Indebted to said es tat- are reque.-tcd to make immediate payment, ami those having claims to present them duly authenticated for settlement. LEV I S. ST A MM, J. E. STRICKLER, Executors. Jackson township, Nov. -V.. 1S74. lit. JUST OPENED ! The Fall hiiI Winter style OF LADIES DRESS GOODS. Fancy G(xds, WOOLEN GOODS OF EVERY DESCRIPTION. A splendid line of Notions, Ladies goods . -p"ci.i!ty. Gents" Gloves, N- ek ties, llaiikerchiel's, Yc. Call ami se the immense slok at MISS KATE BLACK, Market Square. Simbury. SiiTibuiy, Nov. Ill, FOE SJLZb A Private Residence Ou Fourth Mroot. SUNBURY, PA. The building arc nearly new. Good fruit on the lot. The property is located on the corner of fourth and Penn street, aud there is room to buii.l several uew houses on ttie lot. Terms of payment will be made easy to the purchaser. The house is well located for a store orany other business. Address or applv in person to EM L WILVERT. Sunbury, Pa. Fall and Winter Stock OF TiiM.iMtY ;ooi. A large assortment of Millinery Goods, Hals aud Bounds, trimmed and untrimnied, Plumes, Tis, and Feathers of evey description, Flowers, Ribbons, Velvets, &e., just opened ut Miss L. S. Weiser's, on East Market St. Also, Dies Tiiniuiirgs and Notion-. Yak, La".' , Bead, Ti immings, Fringes. cYC. Ladies' Gauntlets and K"n! Gloves at cents and upwards. Sunbury, Nov. IS, 1S71. II AVE YOl' TRIEU 4 ARE YOl' WEAK, NERVOUS, OR DEBILITATED ? Are yi.u so languid that any exertion require luoinul au eft .rt limn you feel capable of nuking ? iuuu ti v .luiiilba, the wnuilt-rful tome and iiiviiir lor, win. 1. actti ho Iienencially on the weretive iuaiii n to imi rl vigor n all viwl l.irccs. li in mi kU-o'.ioHc ai i etixer, which stimulates for a (hurt time, only tn let the miitercr fall to a lower depth of HUB. !.v, but it i a .ejietatJe tome actiuK directly on Hi liver and H'len. It regulates the liowcU, quiets the nerveH, and give Much a Ucslthy tone to the whole system as to "n mala th iin.ili.l feci hk a new rcraou. lis eration is not violent, but ia characterized to great (centime; the patient experienitu no nutl.ltii I'liainp', no marked rr-ults. but gradually his trouble Fold their teiiH, like the Aratw, Aud iilently steal away." Tiiis i no new and untried discovery, but has becu long used with wonderful remedial reaulta, and is pro nounced l,y the highest medical authoriKw, "the most powerful tonic and alternative known." AsU your druggist for it. Kor sale by JOHNSTON", HoM.OWAY k CO . Dee. 11. '-. 1-Mlulelptui, V. y 0 I- E U V EXT. COMMISSION filD BOOK AOltt. Ou H6W and most popular books by one of the largest suhacription ttrmo in the country. $2 books for 80 eta. ; $.1 books for $1.2", 4c. No hinubii . Send for circulars and a" A.ldrem P. 0. 1IOX ,VJ9 Hartford, I'oiin. r"c. 11. 4"-. Have j use opened a large Goods io Supply and Please Everybody SUITABLE FOR HOLIDAY PRESENTS. FURS ! FUISS ! ! FUI& 1 1 1 Another new Stock just received and sold at reduced prices. SHAWLS ! SHAWLS ! ! A large assortment just opened and sold at the lowest prices, Fur Trimmings, Blankets and Underwear. of ever' description, suitable for Holiday Presents. This immense Stock will be sold at astonishing low prices. MAEX & BHO., Mas3onie Building, Third street, Sunbury, Pa. EEMIH6TOSI. The Reminoton Setvin.; Machine has sprung rapidly into favor as possessing the hest ovitlNATios of good qualities name'y : Light run ning, smooth, noiseless, rapid, durahle, with perfect Lock Stitch. It is a Shuttle Machine, with Antomatic Drop Feed. De sign beautiful and coustrue- tion the vcrv hest. GOOD AGENTS "WANTED. Aildres KEMING BK4M II OFFICES OF ILION, N. Y. E. Keminirton ,t S iw, Kcminiftou Sevinr. M Co., Reniincton AirT Co.. December IS, 1874. 2 luos. LOOK JHE ERE ! THIS IS NO HUMBUG! Yqh are Interested I On the 13th day of February, 1S75, A. G. POSTLETIIWAITE, of NORTHUMBERLAND, PA., will give a MUSICAL ENTERTAINMENT IN THE MARKET STREET HALL, Northumberland, at which the following WILL BE Anson-: the Ticket 1 Canal Koat and licfjin, and Two Mules and Ilarne'3 1 Piano, (Ga hles,).. .". 1 Heavy Huntinj: Case Gold Wateli aud Chain , 1 &ijirn.i(l Driving Horse 1 Solid Walnut Bed Room suite, (uiarblo slabs) 1 do do do do do 1 do do Parlor suite, 3 Town Lots in Jewell City, Kausas, (Titlo Perfect,) 1 Singer Sewimr Machine. (Cabinet Case) , 2 Marble Top Tables SS7 OTIIEK PRESENTS. Consisting of 1 Sleigh, 1 Refrigerator, 1 Coal Wagon. Set Harness, 1 3i)-day parlor Clock, 1 Calendar Clock, 1 Ofliee Desk, 1 Alarm Clock, 1 Child's Bedstead and ruattrass, 1 Wul not Extension Table, I Sail Boat, Sail and Oars, 1 Empire Gas Burner and Heater, 1 Cat Skin Robe, Oil Paintings, Chromos, Silver and Plated Ware, Dry Goods, Cutlery, Books, &., Ac, worth 2,200.00 Makiueiu all 900 PrtsentH north 1, .100,00 There will be 4,500 Tickets at One Dollar Each. The sale of tickets will be stopped on the 0th dav of Januarv, 175, aud the entertainment will ! positively be given ou the 13th day of February, 175, no H'atter whether the tickets are al! Bold or not. If the tickets are not all sold PRESENTS equal in value to the amount of money received lor the sale of tickets, will be distributed on the above dut-. The distribution of the presents will he under the direction of a committee appointed by the tickets hold. rs. The following named irentleinen are referred to JOSEPH BIRD, Esq.4 Northumberland. Pa. M.V.I. W. C. KAPP. do J. II. VINCENT, Esq., Att'y at Law. d- For further imformation or tickets, addre-e A. TICKETS For Sale by P. S. IU.RKELL. December IS, 1S7L Uncnestionably the best sustained work of the kind iu the v. ori I."' ' Harper's Magazine. ILLrSTlIATED. Notices of the Press. The ever-increasing circulation of this excel lent monthly proves its continued adaptation to popular t'oires and needs. Indeed, when we think into how many homo it penetrates every month, we must consider it as one of the educa tors as well as entertainers of the public mind, for its vast popularity has been won by no ap peal to stupid prejudices or depraved tates. llontu.t f.'l' ''C The character which this Magazine possesses for variety, enterprise, artistic wealth, and liter ary culture that has kept pace with, if it has uot led the t::ues, should can-e its conductors to re gard it with justiiiable complacency. It also entitles tlu-iii to a great claim upon the public Kiatitiiile. The Magazine has done ooA ana not evil all the u.ivs of its life. Drooklyu I'.ayl'. j TERMS ; ! PotaK- free tn all Subscribers in the United Slates. j IUkitk's MAfiAZlXF, one year, i4 t'0. fti W includes prepayment of U.S. postage by the publisher. Subscriptions to Harper's Magazine, Weekly, and Bazar, to one address for one year, ?U t'O ; or, two of Harper's Periodical-, to one addie-.--for one year, 7 00; postage free. An Extra Copy of either the Magazine, Week ly, or will he supplied gratis for every ; Club of Five Subscribers at St each, in one re- mittance; or, ix copies for $'.M, without extra copy; postage free. Back Numbers can be supplied at any time. A Complete Set of Harper's Magazine, now comprising 4'. Volumes, iu neat cloth binding, will he s-ent by express, freight at expense of purchaser, for $'3 5 per volume. Single vol- ; limes, by mail, postpaid, ?3. Cloth ease-, for j binding, 58 cents, bv mall, postpaid. Address, HAP.PEK & HROTHEK, Nov. '0. 1ST4. New YorK. MISS L. SIIISSLEK, .Market Square, Sunburj, S.. Has just recieved a large and elegant as.-oiltnent of Hats and Bonnets, For Fall and Winter wear. The choicest shades of ribbons, aud ull kinds of Millinery goods always iu store, GENTS" NECKTIES, HANDKERCHIEFS. AC. Cull and see them. I. Merrill I.i Andrew H. Dill. Frank. H. Mnrr. I.INV, DIM. A JIARU, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, In Ilaupt's yuilding, Market Street, SUNBURY, T-o'.T.I'v-t Northe"iv-i-!-nd Tr... Pn. Stock of Goods expressly for Remixgton No. 1 Machine for family use, iu the third year of its existence, has met with a more rapid Increase of ratio of sales than any inn chine in the market. Remington No. 2 Machine for manufacturing and family use, (ready for delivery only since June, 1874,) for range, perfection, and variety of work, is without a rival in family or workship. SEND FOR CIRCULAR. TON SEWING MACHINE CO., II.TON, N. Y. KKMIMiTOX COMPANIES. 2bl V 2S3 Broad .vay New York, Amu Madisou So,., New York Sewimj Machines. Chicago, 2:17 State St., 3. Machine and Arms. Boston, J3! Washington St., Sewing Machines. Cincinnati, 1S1 West 4th St., Sewing Machines. Utica, 12: Cenesee St. Sewing Machines. Atlanta, G:i., DeGive's Opera House, Marietta. St., Scwini; Machines. Washington, D. C..521 Seventh St.,S. Machines. DISTRIBUTED HOLDER, viz : S500,00 400,00 :u)o,oo 200.00 175.00 100,00 150,00 300,00 75,00 4,00 by permission : COL. C. NEFF. Sunburv, Pa. H. E. D WIS, Esq., do JAS. 1 L ETS, GenT Ii:s. Agt. Sunbury. G. POSTLETIIWAITE, Northumberland Ta.. I. n. EVANS. Agent, NORTHUMBERLAND, PA. Washington Ilonso, Sunbury, Pa. "A Complete Pictorial History of the Times "The he-t. cheapest, and most successful Fam; ly Paper in .'he I'niou."' Harper's Weekly. ILLUSTRATED. Notices of the Press. The Weekly is the ablest and nio6t powerful illustrated periodical published Iu this country. It editorial are scholarly and convincing, aud carry much weight. Its illustrations of current events are mil and lre?h, and are prepared by our best nesiners. With a circulation of $150," 00J the Weekly is read by at least half a million persons, and its Influence as an organ of opinion is simply tremendous. Tlie Weekly maintains a positive position, and expresses decided views on political and social problem". Lotthrillt t'ourkr Jowrnal. Its articles arc models of high-toned discus sion, and its pictorial illustrations are often cor roborative arguments of no syiuil force. A. V. h'atii'tntr OiUl thronnle. !' papers upon existent questions and its iui i.iiiable cartoons help to mould the sentiments of the eon nt ry. VitUl r; ( omi,ttrrln!. TERMS : Postage free to all Subscribers in the United States. HRpn: Wleklv, one year, ?4 00. 4 00 includes piepuyitentof U. S. postage by the publishers. SiibcriptiiH to Harper's Magazine, Weekly, :;i:d Bazar, to ;e a. hires for one year, $10 ; or. Two ol H irpei's Periodicals, to one address for t;ii year, i ; postage free. Au extra copy cf either the Magazine, Week ly, or Uaa-ir will be supplied gratis for every Club of Fivo Subscribers at S-t each, in one re mittance ; or, Six Copies for ?Ti0, without extr copy ; jMi-tai! free. Back Numbers c:;n be supplied at any time. The Annual Volumes of Harper's Weekly, in neat cioth binding, will be sent by express, free of expense, for $7 each. A complete set, com prising eighteen volumes, sent on receipt of cast at the rate of 5 25 per vol., freight ai exers(. of purchaser. Address. HARPER A: BROTHERS, Nov. :., 1S7I. New York. LADLES TAKE NOTICE! - 3w Millinery Good Have just been opened at tfc store of MISS. M. L. GOSSLEK, Fourth street, below the Shamokin Valley n. R. 8 UN BURT, PA., Where all l.iadsot Millinery goods of the latest New York and Philadelphia styles arc now open for inspection. HATS, BONNETS, Laces, Flowers, Ribbons, Feathers, Trimmings. Notions, Gloves, Hankershiefs, and every kind of goods usually found in a Millinery store. Ladies are Invited to call and see the immer foci;.