,..m. . m. Tiikctscan be bad of t Acnt, at the IVpot. A.....mfr rn.njrn.l Iter ll.o IUre al Miubnrj, l a. otn "" 'Vo"1 -VJ " '" s v' ""' ' 0,l .(nlllS. TIME OF AKIUVA1. AND CLOSINT. OF THE Arrive as follows : From the East at 5.1 :. a. in. 4.10 P- - ' South, 5.15 a.m., 4-10 P- WcM, 5.15a. in., 11.15a.m.. 1--T- " .Sarom..ll.l5a.,n..4p,n. Shamokin and Ml. Carmel, ... . a. m. fhamokin pro-r, 4.00 p. 111. Mails close as fo'.low-f : For the East, 5.45 a. tn., lO.al a. m., P- 1... p. tn. - South, '0.50 a. m.. 4.50 P- w- " P- Vt, 10..V) a. ra., P- VU0 p. m. North, p. m.. S p. m.. Miatnokin proH-r 11.1 a. in. Shamokin and office, on that route; 4..0 Mouev 'orders w ill not be f'-'f I m. on Saturdays. J. .1. SMITH, P. M. fecal Sffairs , ,,. Avt:ittcN. Alter, T.i SinscKlI-.riiS TO Tin: Juarv 1-t pabli.hers will bo compelled to , re r,V Hi-poftas' !! W"ito iub-cri!.r. w-o do not reide in the county where the paper is piiMishe.l. of ,oar-o pu . Jishcr will not l.J cx.vcted to do this and pve credit too. It will be nec.-ssary, the.ctore. for such subscribe! to remit the amounts due by them topther with an advance, payumnt of at lean six months. Wo make no additions! charge for postage, but in place of it, demand advance payment, nurins the ITcsent ami followmK month we .hall f-nd Ftatcti.ent of subscription due to mu.il.rr of our Fubscribers. We would in earnestly request all who may lav receive lliem win remit al'onec the amount they owe as we are 111 reed ol the funds. In all cases where advance payment is ncglccled, wc will add twenty-five cents per vear to the subscription frice, but in the most cases of such neglect we intend to di tinit, the paper until udveuce payment is made, and to re iulre immediate payment 1 , , amount due. j Suhseribcrs within the county will h:ivo 1.0 j postage to pay It. 0 llier :ire reillllKieil luai ; "ed to vav cash to their '' ' . . publishers are coinp. workmen, to the tuiper ... .1 f..r 11U. tyt'C. 1 ' '""' ' ,..-, r,,..' their own living, and everything that ...Here into the business. We, therefore, can not i I afford to uive long credits. - .' ' er.-.tac Lverv su nscrioi r 1 "... . i r-reht io inv up within the vear, and wnere ,t is CLJ.M to p. y up it nin . , ( I;r, ctor. M. L. Hendricks ; First lor.c-T ncg cctcd thev ought r.t .east up') .... ,.- ., -..,.. i ..rreirs. Ass t Director, K.I. .d'-on ; Seen I As, i Diree- mueh Ih advance as they have been m arn.irs. , It would require a much larger capita! than we , . or, 1 . I . Sm.tn. P,.es) were we to (.''- uni'miite, credit, or in- Hawked Ov.i. Se.il.rs. We have lately con deed, for a very long i-rioi. Necessity that is v,.rs,.,i vritli the originator of the petition ask inexorabie demands that payments be made j fir ;( r,mium jj ink a:i d Owl scalps, and more promptly tlia n heretofore lns ln-en I custom, aud as every body else demands cash or iveo but short credits, we must do the same. ' Lost'A lady's light striped, woolen shawl was lost on the Fair grounds during the late Fair of the I nion Park and Agricnuuiai .-i-i .. , -.:.. The Cud. I v. ill confer a favc.r, I Ulf 4 t.-- v ----- rev ive the thanks of the 1 ,dy by leaving it at 4t i this ofuc. m j -r i-.,;,. l'n,U and Agricultural Associatr "--"" . ... of unbnry has on-' bnndre l and tiftv-l.ve h.k-k- t o.aers. -.let itiirtv-iwosnow l l rwi-n ti- propu -i ' - , .. . . . ..... i 1 the hitter P-i it i normstli.s wiium, i... ...... ; or eai.v f, nu0. . v ,,lousaI ! It is estimated that there ate ioity t.iou a . , idiots in the wor.u, um "- , around the church doors. j Tlimr. is a new game coming iu fashion among , . . ll. ... ib;u.i u ' 'in i : II: i...-..r... nlcMs-mt pastime lor w..ni , rveiiins; It is cal'ed 'Nudge.' T he couple seat themselves at a discreet and I.e. or.nnj: n.-i.,,,.., wlien the undi;in- begins. T hey keep on i.ud inc till thev can't iret any i.ud-r. Then th game is or.t . Some people - i, r if winter is never tomnij; in earnest. Perhaps in a few t.iomii tm; he razer to know if r-prins will never come. w ill Pki.ts of ail hind' or print ins r-daccd at this , .,., w,n ,..,,Sucted jour- office. j iul, and eon tains a vast amount of icadin;,' mat- rKlCES of all kincls or dob Printing reduced ut j t),r :ntor,.t int; to business men, fanners and oth thiitoTiCe. I ers. Mr. P.-n-trcsr-cr 1- a jr.vod writer, and his NM Al SflTi:i:. Noiihumbeii.nd l.od-e, H-lec!ions give c-videnfe of gr.iit ability as au cd v'w t "n ,.t o F.. will sive their annual ; itor. May success attend his further effoit". snpper in their I.ode room, in Nortaum-ier . .1. j 'Mi the Srr!i inst. j CLrnw -Iris in Northumberland are an- I y llnirif.'Z t'n-lr door b-lls J noying the eitiz-nf tn..,. rt:n nwnv. A i-vi tt of va -'rant,, on app'.yin to a Justice . of the Peace in Northumberland for .piart-rs in the poor o?e, stole a pair of -j.eetac'.es from the Justice. A.C.. PosTi.KniW Airr, Es.p. d Noriiiuiiibrr lr.cd,is favorably mentioned for Ihe clerkship in .v, rn... Keore-.-iitative?. at Harrisburg, durintr the comiui; sesion. lie .icelleut olli-er. wo-ihl make an Tur f.milv of I) iv'.l JI. shfl, who was ar- ; plsj,t in a eouUivrc-terly direction, i lie nrc i oin- ; tajttl:iii m.iy be hid clicapi-r taan iim.ucn unit s. reeted !a-t week for stcaliuu', was taken to j panic promptly got out their machines ready to ; W), ,c st()rc f Mc-,rs. Siriiou V Oppen W" -rshur' D-rtiphin coiintv. by a brother of . proceed to lla- conflagration, but on tuvtstiga- j h,.iul,.r .South Third st rei t . filled vv illi th-.- best - I - .... ' ... tl i. i . . . ..... ...... i.: ....... ..vl.ll.o...! Mrs. Shrtop. V 'tio-is other articles te-auiging -Wl;ff-ret: I'-irtie: .mi'st. ".-re fo'iml on i ne pieii;:-' i . .... Tlir. W.ilsmtotl aud S-lies,-vove Post Offices h ivrU-en rais-d to 1 1. .. salaried othres, and wi.l h' reafter have to cnttm tin r the Prei- dential appointment. Tows St l.s.i.ir.ri:s.- have over two hundred -..bse. l.K-rs in town who owe us from one to four s :,-criMion. This, if paid promptly, won'd hclnus materially. We have not the time riersnr.nr.y, and ineo 1 ea. on each one of you i fore respectfully ask you to step pay this small amount. irto r.er o.. Tmk ,.ufU vc. to-he present t.oata oi t o.,- id tv Commissio,,..rs by our ueigV.r of the i-'"-' uch api.reciated by our iieigwwr or u, are so m i;.if.-r.i', th at he copies them in Ins paj- r wno- .eat cotnmending. I'nitcd vve stand. A.., V.c. A vt w Building and I.oan A's- i nion is brine orcanl'd in thi- ,.'.uc,- cl'ed the -Enterprise. .. . Now is the time to make your wife a present P1""8 T.ife Insurance. Policy for a Christmas f.ift. ?ave, . I acoti Shipman. who if. the ngeat for the besides his . ,i, .nd responiif1'-insurance c.eipamcs m ft., e mu afflicted. Shit April 3. 1ST4 be s'.-l cheap mid on time at the Reese, in the oid Pest Office al street. Five i.ix-lighled M'.nitKR T! ird Street, djoiuln f,,r iialls or churches ; two fSinnren North c . Uvo s1().t C.-c, -5 and C Sl'NBI ' IRA T. Mamokin. ,s cominilte t 1 prepared to fumi'-e!l for cruelly X bcr reunirerl ny in'l-ulieTi ivnwi. Having ell the latet r,iimitted de";iSror.fNo FLOORING, ?!D1. Charles Ruck, watchman at SASH, BLIND. llt lhat place, for endeavoring P.ANDA; m crnsaiU'r T ue in aie . -.in . ... ena ii ituiti oi ing of every deseripcr0n'l,i,!,' , I.i:ord that the well in the N. C- R- UI LL- eoverel for the u'e of steam HKVI.OC'K and of r t'"ai vi;'is'U-v' arVet latnis were preseotei Ut the or rtte' rir' CmVny -T WU1' t.r,T:"v r-""-" iV-'r fb:;l.. pose In CUM lice is 1C '.liil :ul paily to I 111' OM11 , :( ;.), vv In-ti :i fes ,,. it v. i- considered il . ..wins; an imr-iiT'I'ortLil . Lv Pi feet, immediately inn tin- room Iiy ll- as a l-llut i:iir ol!iae. Any .Tmii , steo into our office vvb.-n a dance is i:o- ora festival beiu- held, and make ol.-r- I will ut once discover that c-ur remail. ' p.-oprietie n of t lie bnildinir on" y. ir a'40. not a '-stretch of iin-annc"' :-. -lac. ' 1: rin .iiv itnp'ie.., but was the result of timely pru- nce. We. think that our neighbor has lioiu aiore injury to the owners of tie- Hail thronii his wanton effort to make us appear 11. can, than we have by our private Mspiei-tions to them, and it is a question with us whom he intended to in jure the most, ourselves or the owner, for, in his I-djuiaclitii-h wttlnrr. his hatiJ is biir and busy. The owners wi'.i, no dotibl, see that the 1 1. til will not be danp ro;i-!y crowded, and if they have j (sustained any injury tliroucdi this controversy, they will have the editor of the IhVu to thank for his imprudent publication. Tut; iirotracted trial nf nearly three weeks be tween Ileurv YV. Saylor vs. A. M. East wick A; ... , . 1 others reterrea to 1-1 our la i-u.'. was o,oue. to a close on Saturday mominp The venin t wasfor5is,000infavorof the plainlitl. It was an action for the recovery of damages for rents, , issues and profits from a tract of coal land. The amount claimed was ?o5,o0('. 1 lie costs were, of course, heavy, but do not bep'n to reach the amount stated by our neighbor of the Ihuhj, nor is Samuel John Esq., -'in reality the lo feudant." Mr. John was the lessee of F.astwick .V Co.. and is one of the defendants 0:1 record. Oui neigh bor's several rcMiils of this suit have been coir'i derably mixed up. Atuoi HNTK Coi KT. Tiie adjourned Couit this week Was enframed on a single suit from Monday mornins liil Wednesday i-vciiin, name ly. J. K. Sanborn vs. Tiie Washington Mowing Machine Company. Tliis is the history of Ihe j case. About 1SS7-?, J. II. Satiboin, aent, as plaintiff, recovered from the Sunbury Lumber Co. the Finn of about 1,500 for machinery fur- i ... ., ne t me sani t ompany, w men money was pain into Coutt, there being a dipule between the ! v v..,.ie.,..,v .....1 to wbicb ' .. of them the money belonged, Sanborn c!aimiur the money individually, and the defendants claiming it on the ground that Sanborn had re- ! covered the same as their agent. The jury went j out yesterday afternoon ut ."o'clock, and up to 8 ! this niornin;: have not returned. The Counsel for plaintiif were M. J. Whitman, lien. Clement r , r , . .. it and lieu. Hill: for defendants, Oeo. L. I erry , .. .... ,. ., . T; , Fi:-Tf. At.. The V. asnmetr.n Steam Fire Com- j pauy will bol l a fi tival in H iuj I's buiidim:, corner Third and Maiket streets, commencing ' on the 24th invi., and to continue during the i holidays. Tiie proceeds t be applied towards paying oil the indebtedness of the engine. Tin company is deserving of the patronage? of our .: 1 ... . t :m - : 1. , e,l l.en-., iiiki r i' r mil lecene.i ,iei,'ii: uauu everybody, and especially the ladies who are always first to encourage laudable enter- - At I lie annual eiect ion 01 1 t.e t.oou juicni r ne , ' t.,.'ll... Tl. . j.l.. .. ........ ;n.r llrtl'.,' 1 oiui'ai.; , iic.o ic.m 1 ., 14 1 -.1.... i.w...., w. .... . . . ...... . ... iow Mm otticeis were elect, -it lor t lie ensuing year: n. . ... . T- IT resnlent, J . .!. r.ll'.'l ; vice rresiiieni, I. n. H. K : -Secret.! rv. C. M. Clement : As'l See- I t. . t .,.. vv I :,..... ! T.I... I 11. n. . Tr....ter..r VV I 'ive. ; III .11, .OllOi l. l.l.l--, A 1 1 ,nuni, ..... ...vv- ' v . t : lw- t 1 IT l.'.l-t . Vlrf ! ftvl s:,tislied that he intend the petition for the interest, of spoil-nun and farmers. But then he could not satisfy us that much fraud Plight tot be committed by such an act. While the skunk act was in lorcc, one individual was known to have made a ni -e living by hunting ... a i ;r;.,. ,...ct.- ..i lie i l!im .1 on : rt me five or six tiumlii M per annum on iuc vom n.issiom r. and vet stated tliat where he .secured i i liCtn .1 wasn i a ginm rnnii;ij i" i .os.. c ..., -, cither. Now the originator of ihe owl aud hawk j ,U.I is at a loss to discover wlietlirr ! sv.,. some, of Youugmau and I.iehbo.lz h friends, of woulj not cmbail: in the biis'i- st;uiiK u noneiv .... i i n of raising hawks and ow.s Tin eggs of tljese birds of prey might easily be secured any where by some cunning old rox hunter of past 1 hatched out in this county, a premium cured at our agricultural fair, and one lrom our roun(v ( opimissioriers, therefor. It certainly W(llu, l((J JnorL. j,r,,f.,:lt,:e than raising poultry. ' i It the tax payers are fat'-Iio! that no iini'o?ilKn ; ... . . . ............ i :il he .raet:c.-l npini tlieni, vve nave imj uui.ia thev will have no iibjectnm to having n.I the h.iwl.s Hid .e.vis in the county disposed r. Tiir. IwHisrt Woiit.n. A pamphlet devoted tothe Insnr;;nee business, published by our friend .I.C. Bcrj;stics!-er, F.s., forun-rly of Mt. Caruiel, this county, has lately bcfn removed from Phila till l'linith Avenue. 1 ittsbui"'.!. Pa. masterpiece of mechanism. .iostolic Clock, has b -en o:i exhibition iu ,,-. ji ,., on Market street, during the the W(,ck hr,.n T;,-.,r j ,v a ar... U;m- j I" ? '.. .i her of person atl'-ndin ( oui1. Ii I a most : wonderful p- ice of mechanism. As an achieve. ! met of brain work, as a product or haudieralt j or a s; T.ceimeti ortlie ornate and beautiful, 3 pa- not to be round in all the piodncts of leal skill in this air". I.vi rv body ; hould rail.-, . mecll.li see this coniMete t.io.tncl oi nn aim ,-,,,. luned. An alarm ol tire was given on Wednesday .: o'clock, caused by a bright nieht about 11 , tam it was loinui vnai n.e io. . .. .... .. ....... .... i uitm if-.r :i r ii i i ,-vei, una i;e I" 1 e i ... .. . .. .. itii nir-.r .iT TMiratus to tn.- ir house. 1 he platrng tin., of U. I., runinc-i ... i i . - .V 'o., n ar rv;imsr.c, . t..i. ..-- hi-ure.l for fli'..ooo. Wr ate glad Io ie.iin that coin. uctot ' "ti 1 tie I..,,..selvar.ia and N. C. r lilioads will soon be vested with their olig'.nai duties ... pon-i- bilities, by the removal of train a "elAs ou thote 1 routes. We never eouiu the. propriety in the I appointment of tho-e iirents CoTulne-orsnatur- .i l, tl...v were susnee.I fit ti 1S- a.iv le.i us iiKiu.ii ... j honesty, which, in a lur-e majority of tas.-s, we are satislie d was ll"' WCil lolllllle.I. HUr "ira arc dishonest wi ould soon find a way to ' y ttieir vocation, no matter lev. many aircnts are ap pointed. Hesiden there i' just as mud danger in emploving dishonest agent as coiluelors. We are acquainted with a number of coductors on those routes, and feci t.msu. ,. ... o est of the companies w.1 bet i-r looked a ft" r by tticltt t.itui ") 1 . ... ; ; 1 -o'cnT -. I Tnr. Moot Court, organized in this pice, is in creasing iu interest. On Thursday ening . i.. .. .iicliii"- was lielil in theiudh-uci ci' ,,1,,..r of the Court House. Mr. K;c. l'r-si i dent, in the chair. Some iiiipoitati! nuu.ssttas ' ... ., ... . i',i...f..o..r transacted, after vvhich Hon. W . M. 1. " r' Provost, tool: the cli-nr, an I tne cou o4 iuiu with the ease, "Iu r cr and Davis lor -" inst. The organ Harrison's Fstat" Pack- .-I'laiits. Kase id 'I:1i"r 7... t ion is gotten p for nn- juovciiiciit in the scj. ' r,f the law, id should id should l i-i u, . in- ... to , ... ,,,,, , ci couiagcmcni. .ve nope ibusing a t,l(,ir nlP,.t;i.gs in the L.ture will be wl attcn 1 i ed, and that our young law vers wi'.Dcome in- hv tcrested in the matter to make it iisenii aao A N e-.;an from Mittlinbur g, I ru county I . ,1,-ive to Sunbury on Tulay after , ; nii,ll,,i, .1,,. renal bii.lge alhe font of Ouccti street for the Maiket street -utge, ami learning his mistake he stopped his rsc, when tn.. i ,c,.,l backing and eked over the bridge. The horse wa kiilcdhnost in- L. .tu- tYo t.n.orv badlv wrecked, atthe diiver inn..... ....in... i b- jumping out,escap.d with lig injury. - y, , , ?..i.,.,l '.v.-. A Fashion ui i Vi:iiiso. A correspondent I f tin- MiU..'ti of hist week, furnished the fol- j lowiii" i;iterctii."- sketch of a f:ithioiKiile vve-J- i ding in our ..ciglXoring borotigiiol Northumbrr- I bind : j "One of the, nist pifusant a foiira, and beyond ; a doubt one of the most elegant wedding that cvcroccuriod in .Nortuuitioeiianrt eouiny, hum off at the. residence of the bride's father, Mr. J. j II. derkini, Esq., Cashier of the First National j Hank of Northumberland. Mr. FrckricU liar-I kciibii.c, son of A. Buikenbine of the fainf piare, being ' fuviuble groom. On Wednes day eveniutr. N. rrfiuptly at S o'clock. the bridal p;'Hy entered the spacious parlor, brilliantly illuminated and decora! ed profusely I with rare exoiies. Keimer, an aceoui- plihed pianiot, pel formed tin: Weiidiu .Marcli from Mendelsohn. The impressive ccreiu niy of the Kpiscoic-,1 Church, bv the llev. .'. 'i. Adams, oi-cii!ieil (n'lv lilteen minutes, .-.'.id w ebic."il hv - I ' ii.,. 11... t. r .1... t?-i.tit!.-v fioi.i Strauss. ii't 1 i.':-.ii 'i..,iii 1 it.. After the happy couple had received the earnest coij; ratulatiouH of ful'v one bundle t fifty pic-ts, j the pr.rty were seated to the must sumptuous re- j I past me writer h.t ..a.. ...e en.: t ,,;, ft,lt0 , m. , .., If . were ' present ut, c!,..;ii;' v. ith the necessary amount of ; ,n wrjt(. communications himself, wiiit Ii he is fermented ei-pe and live, when the smokers be- unable to do, the truth would he nearer told, per L. ,. 1... ,..!. i.. lint as he is the tool o! others he has put of a choice Havana, and examine the many b. a i- j t if" I and coMly presents, of which n:,i-t promi- j nent were the billowing : Set of handsome bracelets, set white pearls, by j Crooin, I". Uurkenbiii.' ; set of diamomisliridc's father; set of pearls brideV mother; silver tea set, S pieces, solid and very elegant, Japanese pattern, p-oom's father, S. A. Hurkenbinc ; set. wai.ls, y y . ,,.,,,,,. ,,r(lllZ0 or. 1I:lIUi.ul ..-.j,,,,,,,,,,. Miss Fannie Priestley; 1 M ero(,;;l:,, a. O. , groomsman, E. Dew- ! art ; cake basket, roonisin.in, K. I-. WiNon; I water pitcher, butler dish and sait cellar, Mr. land Mis. Miller, bride's traml-pareuts : solid j silver pie knife. Mr. and Mrs. N. F. Eij;ht i ner ; s -t (f solid silver spoons and forks. JJ0 pie- ces, Hon. II. h. Cake ; card casket and bouquet ! hol V-r Mr. and Mrs. C. A. tJodcharles ; butter dish, solid, I). ti. Driesbach ; cake basket, R. I Hawley and daughter ; molasses j ilcher, (i. V. Renn, napkin rings, solid. S. Randell, nut crackers and picks, I.enker and Cook ; knife rests, M'.ss II: F. Priestly : half dozen solid de sert spoons, (i. I. Van Alien ; $10, (K) cunei.cy, M. Ik Piiestly ; silver water pitcher, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Hiid ; 1 dozen silver knives, Mrs. Eyoii : set of ,-iinethyst jewelry, no name; and ma:iv other Useful aud Valuable L'ifi-. P.eetho- a-, ' : f" moments were ie.,uircd lo dearth ... 1 , i. (rooms for dancing, when Mr. John Ulp's unex i ceptiouiible band started the feet I'.ying with scarcely a cessation until 4 o clock, a. m. I The bride wore a blush v.hite silk, trimm -d with blonde lace court train and trille overskirt, I looped with orange blossoms. Double veil and 1 .1 ; .......!.-- i J At five o clock the counie ..-ft. with many - ..., wishes of bon Vovagj and a number of o.d s.ip irers thrown after them, for Philadelphia, ex- 1 lHjcting to visit New York, Hoston and Niagara before their return. j - - - . Tin: Jhi.hi. probohjy intending a bint to some o: the iiiembers of its party, complains of party i men who are too mean and stingy to patronize the Organ"' of their party. We have been used to that for the last ten year--. Hut then the "Oazctte" does not e'eim t i lie an '-organ.' That genus of newspapers i- failing intodisre pute. (.'! .?.. of List wed;. We do not know- but that oar neighbor exhi bits an ungrateful disposition in h'.s assertion. When he fust changed to-the Republican party lie w;:s at once lifted up through friends who .,...1. 1 1... t;....,..i l.i... weie ioai 10 me on 1 .me m. .nm 1 ...... I.! .. ,.nl..A mw.. t... .1 l.t., 1.. fl. miiccic. ou.iv ... owu.iu m .i.- roilmcnt board, and subscribers were sent to him I.r tbe tinmlnvb. From that position lie was la- " - I v.i I wtlli ft,.. itmetir.?Miileeev of tiie StaTCTrillt iug, at Harrisburj,', which position be held for some five years. During this time he n d ived a jiortion of the Pcn'.ocratic eounty pationage. ; While the Re,'Ub!!eaiis were in power lie rec. ive 1 uh full share, if not more, of patronage, :.nd also a portion from the Democratic officers in the county. Now we would like to know what else he claim6, what he has to complain about, and w hat position he really occupies that ib-n uidsbo great a reward as his assertion seems to indicate. Certainly bis late serv ices to the Re publican p; r IV do net demand it. ANNivrasAitY. The first anniversary of C.t vuga Lodge, No. 4M. Knights of Pvthia, was neld in tai'ir l.oage loom on riui.n e, '-nmu very able a ddres-i was delivered by Oen. Jr.o. jj.jy (,..( ,, the principled ot the order. Tm - rc -"rc ample refreshments served whi.ea fetrll)., band. ciir.it-ed of F. Hill. J. Sliipman, J. : w Uacher, T. M. Purse!, C. D. Wharton and P. P. Smith, furui-lied excellent music. The meet- ,,, W;lg ,t very pleasant a!!air, and all present ,.vi,i..I1Ce of great eiiovtnent. There was a m - - - - - - ' jiioiusion of refreshments, so much su that the editor of the Democrat carried home two baskets full. Some evil designed parties assert that he w;s j,,.-,,, second trip to procure mor . Hums Hoi. iow Pkfskn is. Mr. Win. A.. Allen, of Ihe Omaha '1 nbaceoStore, iu Simpson's j building, Maiket Square, U prepariug for the : Holidays, and will receive next week one of the i largest assortments or live birds for holiday presents ever seen iu this part of the Stale. The selection Is mad.- by the best judges, and canaries and other sin-ins birds of beautiful plumau'e w ill be sold at the most reasonable prices. H'.s . tore will be a man 1 iitt taction tn procure pre- ; cuts during the holidays. To net a irood choice in time and see them. 1 1 is. said that then is a movement on too- Iri the lower end of the eounty to have I tie county sent removed to Shamokin. It will not be im mediately sueces'ful. .l.f.joi-.. When the finest inn for the removal ol t'-.e M-.t-- Cnpito! from J.aneaster to Ilarrisbur" was lirst . . tl..-t agitated, an honei-t old D'-it ( lllllall 111 remarked lie thought it pos-iu;c u g..-i u .i . s the river, but ho to t it over the bral-e he could tml comprehend. " snojai noi wonu-. j if some of the descendants of the o.d member j !ad somethinir to do with the alleged new . - I 1 , l,ir,a. 11.11.-11c.t1ij . un...... .- ! located county seat in Pennsylvania. j j,-1TEU than F.vtk. There is no use in cry jllirj iul,.s any longer when nady-rnad ami tiue-l a on mem oi r.miiiinon m....... -i i...;. t....t. . ;in rMiiiotnj. 1 11 11 r. fc ill lie-.v, i:n Oct i sttk is kept ov.-r.an.l tin ir immen-e :.-or:iueut is now li.-lng sold at redu .ed pi ices, at least "n ,s ! i,.-r cent, cheaper than cl-ewheie. Mr. Op; cn- li-imer is now m the city iajitrz in an c.irn supra,- ..r . .....Is i-vincsslv for the liolidavs. i.en- n- pold in the - "-" ' cheaper at this (tore than any vv lit r couniv, wmcu mn ie. i,-ioi-i ..-o .-. : in f-atny ami qu -iiut. Tin: li'i'Ju or Saturday lit, give- the f-i','u'.ii; further particulars of Shooi"s chancier: "'Ihe burglar Mump, capluie I in this place on Wednesday, was not guilty of otealmg a re," hot stove, hut he did the next best thing la- stole a coal ttovc. Some time since a ue-v coal stove was ftoien from the new saw mill ollice of Mor ris Bengali, in Caketovvn, and yesterday it was found in Shoop's house, who say.s that himself and accom ,. , . . . , , . .. .. phce took It at seven o cock iu tiieev- ; ;,,., .rrritnr ir nt once to Shooti" house on - street. The early hour, of course, warded tt tts M -su-,,,. i., if t hey were seen by any one. A keg of wine was al-o discovered in Shoop s eel- t .r v.ier,t iv v.-iii.-li u.-i 1 1 oleii fiom t he cellar , of tInhn .,, j-,,-,,,!, sl sonic t inie : since. A H-t of twer.ty-two names wee also . fll.1IU -u ,),,. io;,c,. in t(1 columns, one lie.,ilcd 'affirmative' and the other 'negative. it was at j i,ft tnpposed that these were the gang of rob- ; ,j(,rs to !,,., shoop belonged, but il is more rea- j H,)Ila(.i,. to suppose that they are names of per- .. . s, ,., ;lllJ T.ri.:ir3 hisarcompliccs,) decided to rob and not to rob. This supposition is strengtlKncd by one of our citizens, who has recognized the names of these persons as belong ing mostly to citizens of Montonrsvilie, where Shoop resided about a year ago. This person nloo informs us that two of the persons, named in the 'affirmative column, Messrs I.ielitenthn- ler and ( ole, nave Ueen ronocu P '.-cmij. i nose , maiktd 'uegntive' to be let flip dear. Shoop : was hobbled yesterday at the jail. ..!. atroli. I Ihe blacksmith, fastened the anklets upon him." ! This remarkable burglar has, undoubtedly, been the principal r-est h'srf-'dei.fe b.-r". f o'.r nelghboiioi.id since. E,l,ir A,trv,i, n.-j.iy to Mr. Kt itz's communication io the. DaX,, of the 1th inst., f will state, J was glad to TJ'lJ !tt. i of explaining it to many who have never seen the. j . Wlien 1 met Mr.Reitz at the Heeding rr.il- road depot Horn silo elation, -f""' I , ; .nmminn..r'vllKn be a!so stated thai j. It 0,. S(v,le, which he notwithstanding denies. I did not teil his brother that the bill , wasM oo. iiisoni) .-o,aim i toei ( ! The men n!in lie Mates complained, pan me , without objecting to it in the least, cvccpi one who has not ct p i: 1, put who lias made l.nui f-il r.roMiises to nav soon. 1 keen a ivuular .u rount of those I examine, and the tees paid, so tli:it :mv one ran i-e bv ealiiuz' on me what an 'wa paid, and whelhei it was more than j the fee hih allows me. 1 have not tieanl lit single eotnpl.-.int eveept that of.Nir. Ueitz and his brother, and ha.- letters now liowi:iLr that Mr. Keitz has misrej-resentcd ni:m- of the men h-n-micd in !i!s c.iminunieataui. Iiis staleini-nl. that 1 e.une to him a rbort time after is not cor rect. I on!v met him once since, and then there I was no conversation between n. That was at, j Sh:iMoki:i. Ib; came into C Jones' store, as 1 was eoiic' out. Hid no conversation 0:1 the siiii- 1... a vviw.tiu.r l.rt 'a r.lt(.vi::'- inv trac or not I do not know, but would much prefer it. j ci'iteTiientc wliieh be is unable to sn,,s, .,,-,.,., .Ulll which I don't believe be would j swear to. tiiom ap F. c,euin;ei:. Ti:t editor of tiie Jkmoci-nt last week, to avoid suspicion that lie is a "Swope," calls the citizens of the Mahanoys "Pfinesler?."' Wc suppose this nick-name is given in retaliation because they do not patronize him. !.ist of Letters remaining in the Post Olltee ir Sunbury, December S, 1ST4 : -I.ilin l n. Virv C. linMiaii. Charley C 1,.. t i-:..'. i ..t,. si, I'.mi meiiT Ii., ( - ) . 1 Mrs. M.J. Campbell, Catharine Cramer, Malauca Dunke'.berger, Mrs. Iingher (loreign.l. .'oscpo Nve, Marv Paden, Ilarman Savau'e, W. Stroh. Ia:i- Wren. KebcccaWrcn. Mi. Mary . I. Yccin. J. iniincnn.it:. Persons calii'ig' for b.-ticts will pleas- say thev are advertised. J. J. SMITH, r. v. Ot ,1 Le isburg friends do not fed inclined to ; pay hundred dollars for second and third rate ' lecture, from onlsiders, when better ones can : most probably be had for nothing at home. We are pleased to find that people aretaking a more , seusibli! view of this mat t'T than formerly. Tm: Crawford House al. Williamspoit, is now conducted by Mr. Win. Crawford, the proprietor, Mr. Else having retired. There is no better ho tel in Wiiiiamsport. The building is new, and the rooms an iaige, airy and com fort. .b'.e. A Cakii to inv. Pritl. ie A Shout FoTroNr-mkntoi- thi: Fii tii (iirTt'oM i:kt. As manager of the gift concerts given in aid of the Public Li brary of Kentucky my position creates an im portant trust in behalf or Ihe Public Library and the ticket-holdi is of the lillh gift concert. The Public Library of Kentucky and the ticket-liol.!- rs are ("jointly interested in the amount of the drawing. The larger the fund to be distributed in gilts the greater wail be the gift awarded to each lucky ticket hoi ler a ml Ihe more the amount j realize.', by the Library. To have a full diaw- j in" i- f o manifestly to t lie interest of those in-; I teiesti d that, rather than have a fractional j I drawing on the :':'th iti-t., I deem il due to the I trust confided to me by the ticket-holders and , the 1'iib.ie Library of Kentucky, that a short I postponement be made to enable nic to dispose i of the unsold tickets and have a full draw ing, i i Though the very large amount, now in bank j I would enable us to distribute handsome gills, i ; yet we should feel di-appointed in this onr la-t concert, should we be compelled to make a fr:i. i tional drawing, however large. We have i, -reived so very large a r. timber of l.-ttcrs from all parts ..f the country from thf most hugely interested, urging a postl.ouement if ali the ticket- be it sold by tin- lloth. that we feci stiengtiieiie.! in our sense duty t i the-ticket-hold, is and i he Public I.p-r.iry. to l.iakc the postp.n.i ment. I'te'.er the circunist.uiecs. we have determined, in the interest ofall pani.s. to postpone ',1. ; eonrerl at:.! drawing to Satur day, Febru.uy 'J7. 1ST.'., nt w hi !i time the draw ing will positively lake place, and. as a guaran tee of good fiith toward ticket -holders, vve pledge oar-elves to refund to any tic ke' holder hi ' money, upon presentation of iiis ticket, should the .iwing fail to come ol at I he day now tlXC't. 1 lie pilsi, Wc f' ! assuit .1. "ill 1" e.-ci'-iit guarantee to ii.tcrested that they will tie f.iiriy and h.otiestl; paid tin I ieket- is saei contingencies until a gifts, alter v hieh the .- dealt with. The money i dly preserved against all Iter the payment of the expenses nre fobereilll l.lbrary is to tie p:tid its burscd and Hi" Put pKitits Tii"-. E. lir. iMi.nn '., AL'eiit and M:i!i.-.i;er. -. ICy., N.v. I ST I. I.milsv; 'i ui.iif. win. j:i: a Ilt stt v. hi: orri Mit.iMi i: l: i: 1 1 kns. Mr. 0-iienlieimer v.iil brin iiom the Eastern cities next week an extra assortment ofo-.d- for the Holidays. New styles will be j oil. led. and Holiday prcM-nts can be purchased ! cheaper than i vrr. Call at Simon vr Oppcn- l:c;uiei"s. Sontti Thir l streC, sunbni -. i;: M I) i I Tiie ollice and l.ar-i "f the City Hotel, in this place, have ice be.-n treated to an embellishment or ft vsci "f the mo-t eo-tiy charact. r. This is al .1 .kiicc of the prosperity of that well l.i n 1 tmpular establishment. The proprietor, Mr. 1. Iruinhelhr, never leaves anytliinj; half done, hence the prosperity of the City Hotel. The bar-room and ollic-' present an sippearaiu-f! up tirnaehiii" - t'lendor. Mr. .1. K. Mourer. hun:4 the paper. He has display, cution of tic vv..rh. d i-aat ski'l in the xe- A lri ol'Joj in i:ery Vonl. l l I.MIN..TON. HuilteldoU Co..N..l., l!lllC '", 1ST!. Dr. K. V. Pikio.-i. liutlalo, N. Y. : IVai- Sir: It is i;h a hapi'V heart that 1 pen these lines In ac'KiioHiedge that you and your Oo'ai. n Medical Hi-covciv and Purgetive Pelh-ts are fdesing, to the Wori i. 'I he medicine-cannot betoohigh !v Maised. for thev have almo-t brought me out ol the raVf. Three months ago I was broken i. ut with larje ulceis and son-s on my body. iiinb. and lace. I procured your.Oohleii Modi- ; ca! Iliscoverv and Purgative Pellets, and have i taken six boltles.aml to-day I am in good health, all those tiirlv ulcer- having healed anj left, my . skin in a natural, healthy condition. 1 thought ' ::t onetime I could not be cured. Although I : can hut poorly express inv gratitrvlc to yon, yet , tin re is a dop'of joy in every word I write, (.od'.- , ble-simr re-t upon yon and your wonderful !:: ; d'.eiue-, 1- t:,.- hunihla pray, r.-f Yoais. ti i;v. .lAMFS it. BEI.l.IS. Wla n a medicine will .romptiy cure such fer ilblc eating uh .-rs, and free the blond of the vii -ui. nt poison cati-'mg them. vv!-.'. can longer dontit its vvi.ndei'ful virtues Dr. Pierce, howev ii. .1 ni-h In idace his Oolleii Medical. ! piscoveiy in tbe i at.-il"nr of ..iuti-1. patent S tianis by reet'iiiim-litiilig it to cine every disease. ) ...r .I.h-s lie so recommen r n : out w uai ne noes ' claim is this, that there is but one firm ot f!'e" 1 di-ease that it will not cure, and that disease ; , cancer, lb.- does not recommend his Discovery for that di-ease, yet he knows it to tie the most searching blood cleanser yet d it covered, and lhat it will rice t he blood and system of all other ; known hloo, I poisons, be tin v animal, vegetable or miiiei;;'.. 'IheOoldcii )i-eovery is imrrnii'u'i by him Io cure the wor.-t forms of Skill Diseases, ; a- ail tonus (,f Blotches, Pimple and Eruptions, . also all lilandular Swellings, and the worst form 1 of Scrofulous and I'lo ralcd Sons of Neck, I.egs I and other parts, mid all Scrofulous Diseases of , the Bones, as White Swellings, Fi ver Sine, Hip iM'ili . .inn riiiu.il -i.' - -i ........ ; v,,.,.,,,-,,,,,, (iw, i l. i li, .al ,.f ul,l,.i, . I,. J r , v (( : r,,!1 0r' ' ,'sVvou lal.r!'t'i.ere i "on'e great ; . . ... i. vo,, utmuM keen in mind: Al disease ! oih'inntcs in an impure condition of th blood. ! .1 nriiyt nn. . anu i . i V , r , ' : Von ca.inot nuruv i ne onion in i ut-uri; .i , u 1(J exhiustive stimulants. The be-t j Blood Purifier ever discovered is Dr. Halkei s ' famous Vinegar Hitters, couipoiinueii oi simp, J:..,.s. itecil.-i-v. j .,,...-.. s , -.Ts ,,. DvsiTi-T!. I We liv fast, di-sipate and till early craves. We I dunk all kind of nicolioiie span.-, ami swai..... I i j t)tll(, fil) 1(r Walker's Vegetable Vinegar Bitters will remove the evil effects, and the reco vered path nt, with pure vitalized electrical Mood ; flowing through his veins will have a clearer head aud a cooler judgment, vvhich added to i x- parietice, will cense him toabstalu in the future, j lw.Pec.11. Ovrni'OAT ! Ovr.ui'o.vis Dress Shirt!! Business Sli'ut.s ! I'nderwear, full suit forToctr. j nt Heller's Clothing Store, ( ornerlid and Maiket j St.. Sunbury. Also, gloves, trunks, valises, ; hats and caps, and (jentp' furnishing good, at 1 t'C ie.-:f .-:,s,l.Me filVt ' Business locals. Tuii:n ami Pkovk.ii. Hundreds of gentlemen rejoice tb.it they have found where the best lit .4 j oiittliiuc made. Easy lilting and of the le.-t of material gentlemen's suits are made up by dolm F. Schall'er, Third street, below: .Market, Sunbuiy. Every day aome one is jileased w ith new suits of clothiir' from his Merchant Tail n- 'aIIvviio have not tried him should eall .-to;-c and examine fur themselves "" '"3-le. ti ii.,. ..,. i-...it t,i.na -,r. I IIauu Tr.ii-s. The evidences of dull times ar , , . ,r,ront on every hand through- Labor is far from iM-tng as re- uutuisiahably npp out our connlrv muncr.itive as in times pa.-t, and the money ' market is unusually stringent. Owitit; to these j fiets )eop!e tjeueraliy are inelined to be ceonomi I e.:l in theirpiirchases. iiut were limes inlinaii iy j -,w.rs; than now. te one could object to the price; ; :il which boots and . 'noes are sold. :! the Excel- : I sior store of J. 1'.. .Iniitli iV; l!n., in .Miller's ' block, Sunbury, 1'a. Men, women and cliiidren's : ; -hoes are sold :-t most a:iton"i.-hins low prices. i'im Mi.v ol every style and price, .-'nee ail i is first -class in res peel to mateiia! and uiake-up ; the batirains otii'ie.l are simply extraordinary and piovinc; pai'ieuiariy .icoeptab'e to buv. is during the hard lime ami with tie- pre . ni PParr).ty of ni(,..y Foi! good tobacco, ee-ars. pipes, ,V, ;. to '. W. Wilvtrt A: (.'0., near the Court Hons". Yon Tiir: Hoi.i.idavs. Marx V; Uro. having opened a large assortment of holiday goods, give notice in another part of this paper, that the most beautiful goods in the New York markets will be sold at lower prices than they can be had in retail city stores. Their Etore compares with any establishment in the city to se'.eet holiday presents from. Tin: best brands "K best l.r.inds ot cigars toieieco, ,Ve.. are kept by ,t. . Wilvcrt ,t Co f r,'"WI,s -' ,!i!.v , :U Stevenson's to see 1 those cleuaiit lie-.v goods. Watches, Clocks, Jew- c'.rv, Silver-Ware, At., c. T. of the largest and 1110M complet.j -lock ot j cloihing ever t.vhiliited in tiiis plat.', can be seen j ut Heller's Clothing store, Corner ;ld and Market . . ... .. ni, . . , Sunbury. t.ive ll.rm a call and be convince !. Von will save nion. y by purchasing there. ,0 J. W. Wilveit .v Co.. r the c,,-,,, I! e;-c, for a good, cigar. ..,,, , .. , . ..,..,,, xce'.Ien! iimsieiil instniuient into the building on Fourth street, below- Market, m arly opposite ; the City Hotel. Any kind of Musical insfru l incuts of the mo.-t improved stylesand make are 1 kept ia his estabii.-hnieut. Parlor Organs. : Pianos of the bc-t maiiufaeluie in the eountry wiil be found at his store. He U also agent for the best sewing machines now in use. Jii-l." M ai:, of the firm of Marx it Iio., will start for the haste,,, e,t,-s to-morrow to -my .,, , an extra assortment o! Holiday goods. Look j out for something handsome. Messrs. Marx A: Itro. keep one of the handsomest stores outside' the city, and we can safety say his selections will j I.,, .-net. lie, t will a-stoni-m tiie !,! .,,! ,,-,Ve ,1c- i tigiu to tne vonng. Ur..., through the colmnr.s Thnk-. Marx f)jii(. .(,, express their hearty thanks to tilt. ptiiic for tiie liberal manner in which tin y . jl;lVt. p.uiouizfd them. And farther proclaim t li;it on account of the liberal patronage bestow- j ,.j pol, t li.-m tlieV have venture,! to purchase a ;;irger Moes: l !:! ever. They have, jtt received . ,). nst extensive Mock tln-y have vet puicha j t.,j. These goods intM be largely red need within m.xt f,.w weeks, if they must almo't give j t ln-tn away. Any person desiring to purchase j j-,)0us 0f them now for presents, can do so at re- j (Piced rates, and the same will be packed away carefiiily, and kept lor them til! the holidays. J. W. Wilv.-it.v. Co.. near the Court House, keep the be-; brands of cigars :md tobacco. Ciiiii-cj m is e-imiiiL'. and tlnv wishing to I urcha-e a suit.ihle present for old or young, are invited' to call on tev.-nson. coiner Third aud Market streets. (Miller's Stone ISuil.ling.) Sun burv, 1'::., where he has just received a large sloes of gog I of the newest styles and most ele gant patterns, ail of which will In: sold at the very lowest prices. His stock comprises in pari of Ladies' am" licnt's (iold and Silver Watches. Ladies' line tiold an.l Plated Setts, Breast Pins and Ear Kings. Sea! Ilings Amethist, Topes, (iarr.'.t. Onyx-, Diamond, .vc, "iold and Silver Thimbles. Necklaces, Lockets, ( harms, sh -ve in.l-oi.s, I. 5-. Ii. n e t.-. t'.i- r. ' r.r i ,1--t-. Tea Setts. C..f!ee Cms, Silver Mugs, Spoouhoid ers, Pie Knives Crumt Scrapers, b-e Pitchers, (iobh-ts. Salvers : also, a wry superior article of Silver-Plated Folks, l'eiat'd Table Spoons. In tael. a! ii s usually found in a lirst-elass .-s. 11 oods are warranted to be a No troubli- to sho ood.-. Par tabli-hm'-:.:. Icpre-ente.i. ticular attei.tion paid to the repuiiiti' of Wateh es. ( !o -k-. .b-wi-ln , .Vc. liold :.n I Silver Plat ing done. M:isi.nic Mark made to ord. r. Ett sravinjr. (ie.ir-eit'tin and Evperimetit:i! Molehill- ry made to order. .1. V. Wilveit .V Co. Keep- the best bland- of t..ha.ec.., se-ais. .Vc.. near the Court Hon-.-. ! Tni.i'.i: is no uifiicuity in selecting a fine ,-tt of Furniture at If. I.. Ilandcnbush's st,,re in S-ri- bury, lb-keeps all th-lat.-st -tvle-at the lev- ' est prices, and none go away fiom Ids -tore di- ' stisjle,!. vvhich i- a -l ev ideiiec that lie plca-es a :'. i A Il'. l '! VMi I "i located on "lie of tin- l :!l ; iiie stieets in Sunhaiy. wi'l ! s.,1,1 ,.n : application to tl.H ollice. T, mis cast. ' Frits! Fins!! Ft ns 1 1 1 il,.- !arg.- and j be-t slock of Ears ever seen In Northiimheiland i eonnly, will he found at Marx x Itro., next il .or : tothe Po't oftiee, Sunlmry. Pa. Ill t i ll"- I I.OTIIISl. Sli.IIK. I "HHT I f m l M.iil.et St., Sunbury, has now on hand an -nor-; nion- stock of liev and f i-hlua'c.- goods, v hl.-h i he oltci- at th.- lowe-t prices. Ml-s I.. Sim 1 1 t: has taken ih- agency- for E. j Bulteiick & Co.'s lalten.s. and has now for sale ! two thousand of the late-t Myles for '.a i:-s. 1 Mies, Boys. CV.ldieu an i Ii.fants. a -.. for ; lii'iu"; Dres-ing l.own. smoking .lack.-: and i Caps. Sviioknt's Srcui.i or Bkm iv. a delicate ' ht-autifier, which smooths out all imh iitati uis. removing tan, freckles ana scars iroui me skiu. leaving the complexion clear .-old beautil'iil. Sold by Mis B. Shissl- r. Evil. .vm V.'isTr.i: Hvt-. Ail the latc-t s!vl of hats are nov open ::t S. F. .list's st.or- on Maik.-t s.,i:,ie. Mo t beaiit:fc! style adorn his window wh. b arc -o! 1 cha ; are -::ppli- .p. dent. ci .? a' ti.' ' Rnnui tio'A i - room a. I'm Hen furiii-hing go prie:-. Bi r. -pa d bv W. D. Ka-i-l's bat st -Th. Mel ire. Drug .--tore n;. En. .-lire II. H. M v' i-. Tit. light running ).... Sewii;i; ma chine, on aeeounl ol its many poll:!. of superi ority, has a better demand than i ny ot her ma.uu faetared, and takes the lead with the public over machines long regarded as the best. Oid' is for these machines will be pionipi'v ii:!e. l.y Mi-s Caroline Dalins, cio-nt. '.i,-i'..i- I'npnis Mis?. C. Dallas -s the a"M fol the sale of Pallor Organs. Pianos, and all hind of mil sic; il Instruments. 'Ihe y,-iy bc-t p-sln!-ments are furnished, f irnished on sho: t'otje, . a' oiiaes to sU-i iip.es. C all or address, C. DA I.H'S. No. Market St.. Slinban . I- i- Ci.rv I'i x lot ju-t ree.av. ii. v.. massi.i:. I 'I lit' t'otif't'ttwiou ol an IllVlllifl. I'ub-li-he.f a a warning and lor the benefit of Young Men and others who sutler from Nervous D hiii tv. Boss of Manhood, etc., supplying the means of Self-Cure. Written by one who euicd himself after un. l.-rgi dug considerable quackery, a n i et.t Inv on receiving a po-t paid directed envelope. suflerer are invited to address tie author. N TH.M11L M AY FAIR, p; ,7f f.m. P. O. lto- l.Vi. Brooklyn, N. Y. M'.Mtl It V MtllClililS. SfMII'IM . Pel p-1 bushel io, is;i. M.'jot--" i.::o l.'.T.O I.O.". 7."n SO .'(.ISO .'i0(.'i 00 S.T.iOi'.i.lK) t'..50f.i T.oo :,.(I0 l.oOeig.OO l.nlll.75 SOft 75 -iidc'iO (ll- n-Vi beat pilule white Rye per bush Corn " " Oat Extra Family pr bid Fi ( oniinon Buckwheat F ith Corn A: Oats Chop pr loo '.' Shorts ,v Mixture PoTVIOKS. e New per bllhel Piiov 1-toN Ham per lb '-hoel.'.erpr B. iiaenn pr Hi Beef, retail pr lb Veal, do do Dried Beef pr lb Pm iii-.Y f hieken, dressed pr 1!' Pi. lire vveiglii....' Bit ,:.v P: its j per lb J Vc d-f"' ! f('iTS 10"1'Ji I''";1' ! ! ,,(,, 0 j !0("-li ' "."if ' 40 j t'.Of.i S" ' ilthi Sbbfrtiscmcnts ClKAWFOISD IIOJ-'Si:. Cor. Third and Mulberry, husiness Centre, "WilliamBport, I'a. Win. CP.AHTOUD, Proprietor. Dec. 11, 1T.4. AiMlil "olif. (The Etate of Coniclius Ilyer, dec.) NOTICE is hereby pve:i to persons iutere.rt- cdi that the under.ipied And i tor to d istribu te the balance remaining '.u the n.imia oi ijiortt liver, administrator ot t he estate o. i.urue.ius lli-. r .!.. will attend to the duties of his ap- ti..ii.tiiwnt -if his office, ill the borough of Bun- i );; y ,y of :,eeen,I,-r next, ,s- , Ovioek, a. in- ! V. I. i;KF.EN)l '.II, Auditor. Sunbury. Nov. 'i1, 1T!. Eofniors roJif. E-tat" of Betij. S;rie!:!cr. deceased. "VrOTICF. i- Ucri-by pivcti that letters I est a .i mentarv have been eI:inie., to the under-si-ned. cn tli'e cstat- ol Henjatnin Stric-kler, late, of.lackson township. Northumberland county, Pa., decease. 1. All persim." indebted to said es tate' are reiiu. -ted to make immediate payment, an ! liio e having claims to preset, I them duly ae.thertic iteii for si ttlement. I.I I S. sTAMM, .1. Ii. STI.'K KI.F.i:, Executors. Jack-,,,, io-.vn.-hip. Nov. -y., 1S74. fit. kTiTfCK to the Heirs and Legal I.ei.resenta- tives of Charles H- ilman, late ot tn" u- rough of Sunbury, Northumberland county. Pa., deceased. j TAKE NOTICE That an Inquest will be held on 1 ' t he premises of Charles lieilinan. deceased, m : t .1 .. 1.. 1. r m.tintv tf orrliiinilier. . : '" " ' aforesaid, on iiTi.vreMv ii-.i. .1..., r.c nrrrMHrtt 1 I n I'.l'.MC.Al. l.ie j-fiii n.vjr ui ' s ..... , A. I). 1ST !, at 10 o'clock, in the forenoon of that j day, to value and divide certain real estate of ! said deee.-wd, to wit : a certain messuage, or ; two lots of irround, situate in tiie borough of; S inbury, county of Northumberland, and State of Pennsylvania, bounded and described as fol lows, to wit: fronting on Market street, and K..it,,.!...I .-, the w.f hv nn nllev oil the TlOFthhV I , of M ,.'e?eHa f)ewart, on the cast by a ! : jot of Sebastian Haupt, deceased, and being 0:1c j ; hundred and twenty feet, or thereabouts, in froi.t j mi Mevket Ktreet. and two hundred and liltv ! j ,V(.t j or thoroutj juf, in depth : whereon is treet- ! ! ed a one and one-half story frame house, ami j ! stable, being a part of outlot" number thirty-se- j vet. 0.1 1 lie ircnerai pia.i ii miiu uoiouu. iw iui 1 , hu :lll(,,l(.gll representatives, if the . S:,im. can be done without prejudice to, or spoil- j Sr. I and plaee you are reqiie sted to attend if yo't think proiei S. H. ROTHERMEL. Slierit!. SlierilFs t!liee, Bunbury, Nov. IT, 1871. :Jt. W I T II O I" T K X V l. PT I . Tin: Cheapest in Town. WINTER HOODS of in ry description and variety such a WOOLEX HOODS, Iros oods. i comprising all the novelties hi fabric and shade. j,' ASSORTMENT OF XoTIONS, " hAV'1 Cash Pr'C"S- Al.SO, (IKOCERIES AND PROVISIONS, pure and fresh. OrEF.X.SWARK. tt L AS V ARE. AM) WOOD i 11-.. . ..... ii- . . and Willow Ware, ; Nicest Hrands of Flour contantly on hand. A ri liil c: ASSORTMENT OF WALL PAPER, both glazed and common, always on hand. ROOTS AND SHOES FOR MEN, WOMEN AND CHILDREN. HEAD Y-3IA DE CI.OTUiyc, ofall sizes and of the Litest style-. V L U It . A constant sup: ly of western white a speciaiit v. wheat flour Tiie public are invited to call and examine our Ootids tree of charge. Our motto is -luick Sales and Small Protits." and to 'lease all. The highest prices will be paid for ail kinds of country produce. By strict attention to biiriu 'ss and keeping at. all times the most complete stock, and selling at ' tlieiowesi prices, we nope io mem a ,........- ... patronage. FIFED BROTHER SEASIIOLTZ. Sunbui v. Dec. 1. 1?T4. ANOTHER CHANCE! tilth mill I.hhI (Hit CoiK-ert IN AMI UK TMK PUBLIC Ll EARY OF KENTUCKY. POSTPONED TO November 30, 1874. DRAWING CERTAIN AT THAT DATE, LIST or .MFT' l ne Cr.ind Cash (iift , die lii and ( ash Oift ! f-oO.OOO j 0u,000 I 75.000 ! .".0,0-JO 'J.i.000 lOii.i'.iO ; 140,000 ; l.".!),00l ' 100,000; I00.0OO ' oo.oOO : 100,000 lno.uoo P.ti.iKM , oO.OOO ' I iic Oiand C ash Oift One Oraml Cash (lift n- (irand Cash liiTt .". Cash (lifts, S-Ji,ini0 each.... 10 Cash (lifts. 1 1.(100 each... 1". Cash (lifts. 10,000 each... ;.'0 Cash (tilts. .'..(100 each.... -.'n C.i-h (lifts. I.t'ini each. ... :;o c.i-h oiiis. :;,ono eu li... ,".0 Cash Oifls, -.'.IX10 each. .. loo Ca-h (iifts. 1.00-a each... J0 Cash (lifts. .".ih) each... noo Ca-h (Tifts. loo each... l'.'ooo (ash (lift-. -"'O each... S.".i.O00 ' t.r and To'al, :0,iXK) Gifts, all .-ash PK ICE F I It lv ITS. a. .1"- '1 ieket - ,00.00(1 .. fc.Y) no .. do ; ."i 00 ... .".on oo j .1.(1111! Oil ' H.ilV.- Tenths, or each (.'..upon.... 11 Whole Tide-Is for '.'." 1 Ticket for I". ! sa i - or nth irtnation. Addre-f THOS. E. BfiWli.l'.l 'l ! Agent and Manager, Public I.ibrarv Building. J.otii-tF.'y Or I COM S H. HA VS .V Co., o. i. J::, ';4 It''.' Bmad'.v iy. New Y JUST OPENED ! 'I'll.' I'ail iiimI VInti- sll- Kv. ifk. LADIES DH ESS l.OODs, Fancy ( lro.is. Wool. F.N (lODP.-f)F EVE11Y D11S i:il'TI"N. A sjdetnUd line of Notions, l.-ni's good a sieci.i!ty. dents' (.love-. Necktie-, il-.inkereliiefs, .Vc. ('.ill and s.o tiie immense stock at MISS KATE BLACK, Market S.junre. Sunht. Nov. 1C, 1ST. A Private Residence On Fourth SI reel , SUNBURY, PA. The buildings are iieariv new. I 'nod nuit. the int. 'I he property is located on the corner of fourth and i'. street, and there i- room to build several new house on the lot. Terms of paym-nt will be made i-i-y In the purchaser. The house is a. 1! !..c.ite,l for a 'tore or any oi her luisinc.-. . ddiv-s or ar-plv in t-ersonto i-'M'l. W11A ERT, Siinbury. I'a. Tall and Winter Stock OF MII.MM.UY ; lS. A biige assortment of Mi'.liuery Ooods, H.its and Bonnets, trimmed and nntrimmed, Plume-, Tip, and Feathers of evey description, f lowers. Ribbons, Velvets, Ac, u-t o;iene. at M'ss I.. .V S. Weiscr's. ou Fast Market St. Also, press Trimmings and Notions , Yak, Face, Bead , Trimming, Fringes, .Vc. I.adics' ;.! uuth ts and Kid Glows at cent and upward. Minbuiy, Nov. 13, ISTt. LADIES TAKE NOTICE ! -'W .TIllillltTJ iOOlH I Have jtist been opened at the store of mss. ni. I.. ;ossler, i Fourth street, below the SharuoUin Valley K. R. SFNIU'RY, Y.., Where r.U kijidsot Millinery goods of the latest New. York and Philadelphia styles are now open for inspection. HATS, BONNETS, Laces, Flowers, Ribbons. Fcatb.-r.;, 'i .-liinnlngs, Notions. ,. , , , tiiovcr.. llankcrshiefs, and every kind of goods ,;al!y found in a Millinery store. Lad;- are invited to call and see the iittiv.esc ttor The Holidays are Approaching ! Only a ITew "Weeks Distant ! To Vtx& As the Holidays are Approaching Mut reduce their present larje stock of sen.':. 6K $12,000 Worth of GoxU now- dim he shelves !o be REDFt ED Hr. PER CKNT..to r.,r.l;e roonjforonr HOLIDAY (JOODS. One of the firm has inst returned frori tie- rn cities, wh. re !;: se'eet, d GOODS to SUPPLY aid PLEASE EVERYBODY. Will slow for the next ::i d:,- th - !ariri .-t ::n l iian Isnmest as son merit of Headed &.!. Riii i'Ms. nv,: (! : a.Iso Bullion Frine, Y;iU Laces, Hosiery. Cloves, Knit Zephyr Goods, and a general assortment of Our stock is complete, and in North's! connty cao't be beat. ITurs ! Furs ! ! Furs ! ! ! Also, Fur Trimmings, Shawls, Blankets, Underware For Men Women and Children, Ladies and ChiMrcns' Cloaks, Jewelry, Perfnmery, Embroideries and Ribbons. Also, Slipper Patterns. Woolen Blankets and Coun terpanes by the Hundreds, Will be Sold at Astonishingly Low l'riee. MARX & BRO., Masonic Building, Third St., SUNDIP.Y, PA. O) & PS Look out for 'rnqttestionably the best sustained work of the ; kind in the world." t Harper's Magazine. ILLUSTRATED. Notices of the Press. The ever-increasing circulation of this excel lent monthly proves its continued adaptation to popular I'esires and needs. Indeed, when we think into how many homes it penetrates every month, we must consider it as one. of the educa tors as well as entertainers of the public mind, for its vast popularity has been won by no ap peal to stupid prejudices or depraved tares. lioston Globe. The character which this Magazine possesses for variety, enterprise, artistic wealth, and liter ary culture that has kept pace with, if it has not led the times, should cause its conductors to re ! gard it. with justiliable complacency, it also i entitles them to a great claim upon the public ; gratitude. The Magazine has done good and not ey;! a!! th-- days of its life. RrV'kljti J-l-i'.e. i TERMS: 1 postage f.-ee to all Subscribers in the t'nited Siatcs. Hari-eu's MAftAZivn, one year, $4 PO. $t 00 includes prepayment of I. S. postage by the publishers. Subscriptions to Harper's Magazine, Weekly, and Bazar, to one address for one year, $10 Cu ; or, two of Harper' Periodicals, to one address for one year, 00 ; postage free. An Extra Copy of either the Magazine, Week ly, or Ilazir will be supplied gratis for every Club of Five Subscribers at H each, in one re mittance ; or, Six copies for 'io, without est ra j copy; poMage free. Back Nu:id.i- can be supplied at any lime. A Complete S-t of Harper's Magazine, now 1 comprising s);i Volumes, in neat cloth binding, will be sent by erprrss, freight at expense of purchaser, for "i :iT per volume. Single vol i utues, by mail, postpaid, ?o. Cloth cases, for i binding, "x cent.-, bv mail, postpaid. 1 Address. ilAKPER A BP.OTHEK, Nov."'i. 1 ST t- New Yorn. ', "A Complete Pictorial History of the Times." i "The b -t. cheapest, and most successful Fatni 1 Iy Paper in i he 1 nion." ! Jarper'sWeekiy. T ILLUSTRATED. Notices or the Press. illustrated per'nxlieai published iu this country. Its editorials, an- scholarly and convincing, and carry much weight. Its iilnst rations of current events are full and fresh, and are prepared by our best n"signers. With a circulation of $150,- OOJ the Weekly is read by at least half a million persons, and its influence as an organ of opinion i simply tremendous. The Weekly maintains a positive position, and expresses decided views on political and social problems. I.o"UvVU t'vurler Jmn-mU. Its articles are models of high-toned discus- nion, and its pictorial illustrations are often cor- roliorative arguments of no small force. .V. 1". F.xiuui.ier rhronMt. it -v papers upon existent fjnestions and its iui- mitable cartoons help to mould the sentiments of the eourtrv. I'ilUhnni f inf rr r,'. TEKMS: Po-tagf free to all Subscribers in tiie Cuited States. H.vKrLii"s Wixki.t, one year, ?4 do. ;4 00 includes prepaymeut of X.". postage by the pul'lishers. subscriptions to Harper's Maga.'ine, Weekly, and Bazar, to one address for one year, $10 ; or, two of Harper's Periodicals, to ore address for one year, f 7 postage free. An extra copy of cither the Magazine, Week ly, or Bazar will be supplied gratis for every Club of Five Sub-cribcrs at $1 each, in one re mittance ; or, Six Copies for go. vjthnut extra, copy ; postage free. Back Numbers can l supplied at any time. The Annual Volumes of H irpt-r's Weekly, iu neat eloih binding, will be ent by express, free of expense, for 7 each. A complete set, eoiu- pri-ing ciutiiecn volumes, sent, ou receipt or rasu at the rate of pcr vol.. freight at expense ot purchaser. Addr. -s. IlAKPER .V BROTHERS, Nov. .'o. i-71. New York. Vll.l OATS. PRf ISPECTI'. FOR 1 ?;". I he 4 hnuipiou oTAmerirM. COMIC I'A ITU. y. ' Ilitiatrated by a corps (,f the best American ar tists, and contributed to by the most popular hu morists and satirists of the day. Wu n Ovt now enters successfully upon the a ' sixth year of it existence, and has become the i established humorou and satiraeal paper of the count rv. It. wa started and continued the tir-.t i vear as a monthly, then, t satisfy she demand iif the public, it was changed to a fartuightly. : siiil cni-thini-nr its good worl; of hitting follv n? ; if tiie. and showing up the political aud social n 1 ........... i... ire Tr-.ici-t" .-irtiinn nti.l min'ent rd- Itorials.' It achieved' even greater success than before, and was reeognizd ns the ablest and tire-btest of its class. Since then vve have yield- ed still further to the put lie demand, and now publish lie'.' '-nf.s- weekly! It has literally 'rown into us Tireseni snape on ns niiiiut-ie inc- ! lit, being tiie first successful weeUly httmoron? paper ever published in this country. Among the artist especially engaged to fur- ni-li illustrations for Wn.n Oat are Frank Bci j lew, Thomas Worth, Hopkins, Wales, ShcUoiJi j Wolf, .lump, Keettels. Stuekhardt, Pay, Poland, land several others who .Te yet unknown to I fame. j In its literary dcparifiicnts W i!.i Oats will, as it alwayi :::..:, siaii.t alone ar.u junapproacliaoic. At least one tirt -class serial story will always be found in it; rages, by the best humorous, ra tiracal, and character writers iu the Fnited States; while its sketehe aud squibs will be sparkiing, original, and pointed. Wit ti Oats will be first-class in every partien- I lar, and on this account may be taken into the best families without fear or suspicion, a do word or illustration will appear that ofiVnd , the most fastidious. I-:" Send for a Sarnrde ., niid Convince Youi-s,-!f.- -Hfscilptloil Price. One Year J4.00 Six Months 2.00 Three Months 1 .Co. Single Copies 0.10 , ( nc person sending us a club of five snbscri- . bers for one yeur will receive a copy gratis. Address COLLIN & SMALL, Publishers 113 Fulton Street, N. Y. MISS L. SIIISSLEK, .Market Square, Knnbur, Pa., Has just recieved a lsrjc and elegant assortment ot Hats and Bonnets, For Fall and Winter near. The choicest shades of ribbon3. and all kinds of MiiUucry good always in store, GENTS' NECKTIES, HANDKERCHIEFS, AC. f't'I rnd oe thr-m. 3 People ! L' (O J3 m 4 Bargains ! A KereH"utnlive and 1'haiupion of American Art Tutle! PROSPE' TT'S F'R 1S75 EIGHTH TEAR. THE ASIJEEt THE ART JOURNAL OF AMERICA, ISSUED MONTIILY. "A Mani front Conception, wonderfully carried out. The necessity of a popular medium for the representation of the production of onr great iirti.-ts. has always been recognized, and many attempts have been made to meet the want. The successive !ai:,.irc5 which so invariably followed each attempt in this country to establish an art journal, did not prove the indifference of the peo ple of America to the. claims of high art. So soon as .1 proper appreciation of the want an 1 an ability to meet il were shown. th public at once rallied with enthusiasm to its snport, and th result wa a creat artistic and cominfp-ia! triumph TDK ALDrXK. THE AI.I) A".', while issued with all the regu larity, has none of tiie temporary or timely in terest characteristic of ordinary periodicals. It is) an elegant miscellany of pun-, light, and graceful literature ; and a collection of pictures, the rarest specimens of artistic skill, in black and white. Although each succeeding numher alfords a fresh pleasure to its friend, the reai value and beauty of the THE ALDISE will be most appreciated after it i- bound up al the close of the year. While other publications may claini superior cheapness, as compared with rivals of a similar class, THE AI.D1SE is a unique and original conception alone and unapprouched absolutely without competition in prieeor charac ter. The po;essor of a complete volume can not duplicate the quantity of tine paper and en gravings in any other shape or number of vol umes tor ten times it co-t ; and then, there is a chronio, besides ! The national feature of THE AIM IS E mnst he taken in no narraw sense. True art '13 cos- mopolitan. While THE ALDISE is a strictly American institution, it does not confine itself entirely to the reproduction of native art. Its mission is, to cultivate a broad and appreciative art taste, one that will discriminate only on grounds of intrinsic merit. Thus, while placing before the rat rous of THE ALDISE, ns a lead- .iti;: characteristic, the production, of the most noted American artists, attention will always be given to specimens f.-ora f-reigu master, giTi-f-subseribers all the pleasure and in-true! ion ob tainable from home or foreign source. The artislie illustration of American scenery, original with THE ALD ISE, is a a important feature, and its magnificent plates are of a siz- more appropriate to the satisfactory treatment of detaiis than can be afforded by any inferior page. The judicious intersptirsion of landscape, marine, figure, and animal subjects, sustain an unabated interest, impossible where the scope of the work con tines the artist too closelv to a sin gle style of subject. The literature of THE Af. AV.'is a light and graceful accompaniment, worthy of the artistic features, with only such technical disquisitions a do not interfere with i the popular interest of the work. PREMIUM FOR 17 Every subscriber for 1975 will receive a beauti ' fill portrait, in oil colors, of the same noble dog whose picture in a former issue attracted so mucli attention. "MAX'S UNSELFISH FRIEND'' will be welcome In cvarv home. Everybody loves such a dog. and the portrait is executed & true to the life, that is - ni '.he veritable pre sence of the animal it -..li. The R.-v. T. De Witt i Talm.tge telis that ii - own Newfoundland dog I (the finest in Brooklyn bark at il '. Althonch so natural, no one ho see tin premium clirorco will have I hi: slighte-i feat of being bitter. Besides the ehrotim. every advance snbscrilt r to THE ALIUS A' for D'.nis conslitnred a mem ber, and entitled to all the privileges of THE ALPINE ART I NION. Tii - l iuou owns the originals of all THE AL DISE pictures, which, with other paintings and engravings, :ne to be distributed among the members. To every serius of ."..noo subscriber?, I'M different piece, vr.iiieif at over Ji-'iOOare dis tributed as socrc a the x-rie is. fall, and the award of each series as made, a iv in be pub lished in the next succeeding issue of THS AL- j I'ISE. This feature or.iv apptie to subscriber i who pay for one year in advance. Fuil particu lars m circular "cnt ou application .-nelNsmg stamp. TERMS. One subscription, entitling to TIIE ALDINE one year, the C'hromo and the Art Union, Mti.00 Fer Annum, in Advanrr. (No charge for postage.) Specimen Copies of THE ALDINE, 50 Cents. THE ALPINE will, hereafter, be obtainable only by subscription. There will be nt reduced or club rate; ; ciVa for snhscript ions must be sent to the publisher direct, or handed to the local canvasser, -.tit'ioi.t. responsibility to the publishers, except ii c.i-i - where the certificate is given, bearing th i ie-s'viiie slg-.intnrf" of Ja. i , r. iresii:coi. I'ANY.IS.-r ll. WANT LP. Any ier-ou .-a! einvassc vvil:i!ig to a t pernianeu;.y as a r wi;i receive full and prompt in- j mi -nation by npplying in Tnr i rnvr roMPivv ; " ' . s Maiden Lane-! Now York. j i i FT"! I rjl a fi P J f ; 1 8 1 A L SU RU t. J 1 PAPEE. 'tiii: v.est iiELiciors pArr.R." A CHOICE OF Two Beautiful Premiums. An Illustrated Portfolio of Twelve Gems by u .. . i ....... i t. u. ..t.i. . : .. .1... ; " .Wn" 'V:: V i- 8 . oV, seer. Pnee s.'Jo. iiii-iuding postage. No extra I of liny kind. Vi it bout premium. -J3 per aituat-i. inr,Tio,Ai:TSi Libera! eotuinlssio-.i? and (XC-lutiv.i t--rtitory. , Sample, and circular-; free. Send! Postal C-i-1 11 Olice to HORATIO (.'. KINO, Publisher. Bo- 5I0. New York . Nov. i:i. 1st Ailjouruetl (oarf. mATHF.KEAS the Honorable W. M. R.xkefcl- T ler. Preiderit Judee, apa his. Associates-, for this District, have issued their mandate for an adjourned Conrt for Northuinberlaud eonttv. to be held on Monday, the "ih day of December. A. I)., SM, being the IstMoaday of said month, ; and to continue for two weeks in the borough I of Sunbury. 1 therefore give notice, that all i persons interested, to be and appear nt the plar a foreaid at 10 o'clock a. in., of aid day. viiu.f. it. KOTHERMEL, Sheriff. 1 ..?,"r.U.' ("Uo' s"nbrY. Nov. IS. 1ST4. -I. Merrill l.itui. Audrew II. TiU. I rnX. s. ;,Jarr. MXX. DILI. A- MARK, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, In ITaupt'sj Building, Market StTt. srxBURY, fl!r.7.'t7l. NorthrtmVrnr? Co.. Pvw j IS CO