Sunbury American. (Sunbury, Pa.) 1848-1879, December 04, 1874, Image 4

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    gamoroin ffcctrks. j
One morning on pntf'rins the chamber!
of a French marquis, whom ho had at- !
t-nlxl through a very dangerous illness,
the doctor was thus accosted : 'fiood day t
to you, Dr. Douvart; I fed quite in ppintF, j
and think my fever has left me.' '1 am j
sure, it hits,' replied Ilouvart drily. 'The
very expression you lined convinced me i 1
it. Tray fxp'aiu yourself." 'Nothing if
easier. In the first day of your illness. .
when your !;fe. v;as i'i dargcr, I was your ;
good I.ouvart ; and miff I am Ir. lou-
vart : denend upon it you a:
tjUik: re-
A iit"Ai:ri'.i:)i am i: of a iviriment. of
light-hore, who tvps hth heavy and ta'1,
jeered an Irishman on the p;m- r.-ss of h:
countrymen to iiiai:" hu!!-,. -Why. yon
oigantic fool,' replied, the lrihn;:in. iny
eounlry never m:ide sueha hull: England
did when she ir.ade you a lit-hl-lc
AN Augusta hcn iuvked l.iwbattd closed
hi- testimony in hi action f-r uivon-e from
his wife as follows : 'I don't want to say .
anything agin the woman, judge, hut I j
wish you could live with her a little while, 1
and you d h, k 1 had to d the t.uth .
Wi.ats hall we do with our daughters ,
lur.mrc, Mr, Eivennorc and a tester. ,
editor, an , n. human wretch, replies : Ifj
thev arc ike t '.eir mothers wear talse hair, i
- . i I
corsets, and highdieeleJ shK's, jiowner and
' . , ,
JuiNr I tell you to have my hot water i
at. the chamber door early in the morning,' )
savagely exclaimed a entleinan to his ser-J
vaut. 'Well, dang it, and didn't I hring j prompt ly a I tended to. The pnldie art' respectfully invited to ea.ll and ex
it lit) over night to make sure on't !' re- j amine mv stock, and !' ennvin-'od that I am selling 1 l.o eheujst.
jilied the servant, in an iujured tone. j
A i.kxtloas traveling n a steamer i
one day at dinner was making way with a
large pudding close hy, when he was told I is
by a servant that it was dessert. 'It mat-
ter not to me, said he, 'J would ear it if it '
were a wilderness.'
Vamiin;tin Ii:vjn. once said of a ,
pompous American diplomatist' 'Ah, he is
a great man, and in his own estimation a '
very great man, a man of great weight, j
Y I. en he goes t3 the west ihee.i-t tijisu).' ,
A i:r:r-NosK! entlenian a-ked a wit
w hether he he.ieved in spirits 'Ay sir.' j
replied he, looking hnn in the fare, I see ;
too tnneii evidence Infore me to douht it. j
An inelniate man, walking along the !
strcc 1, regarded the moon with sovereign,
contempt. 'You needn't feel so proud,' !
he Faid, 'you are full only once a mouth,
and I am every night." j
The boy who ran away ft on. school to I
'go fishing all alone, and can jht himself in 1
the lip, says lie's got enough of !i,hir,g on j
his own hook. ;
v.,. ; i o. i. I
ij.ltt J it iiiif (iiii ruuii.iLf iin,
of man. The gardener has hut to plant his
cahbac and nature will put a head on it.
'WilV is an o!it pocket-handkerchief like i
in .i ti t:1iiik V I !imt libit it hoc fivniirl,
enced many a hard blow.
It is proposed to substitute for the epi- j
the!, 'old maid,' the more expressive one '
f 'old Virgiu-ian. j
Two cats over one mouse, two wives in 1
one House, and two lovers after one young
''"v, never agree. .
' M" "hat science docs a man think when
a railwaj rajn js coming towards him in
a narrow -n v Fnine-nearing.
Sami-.o wanfec: buy s.. i.,,,a, hut h-. i
h:.d only ha!f-noug!i money. 'AVdl," (-aid j
this agent, vhe price is S'.0i, but I'll lake ;
w'l0 fiiiJ a iiii rl -r-i .... l... 1.-1 . '
..... uulhh.-. , in a
year. anh.-i h.-ratehed his wool. Uut. I
I s-ir 1m ibri "r r j i , ., . !
I sa,, .pose a feKcr ham t got no-
moi gitch V u vain the a 'ent cxnlained !
a u r' lill,J""-'.
XV i li-ll lit) Steps', I and sa VS. I Can "lucid- '
that n'int. A norgilch is lik" this yer :
L.trj Villi 1,-Ht.' . I, 1 J
pose vou p.iyse lWss .-4-.U down, and
fives yer wnru ami honor jf an honest :
ni-ger to pay hit. dc udder ioD in a year ; ;
den s'poi-e on dev-ry last day oh de year j
yer pays slt'.iani 1.,,,-t pay him de odt-r '
iollar, why deu Oc-morgitch says de boss j
-in jess ,ake a!l d; mont-y ami dc land,!
".t you J-u't havt uu'.liu not a cent.' j
t;..ilT,!x,ss, u i;)rgiteli make a nigger !
mighty honest. j
CorUiVT I1i:ai: ruM.KmY.Xilcn.
was a singular illustratio. oi ,,,is tll0 j
New Vo:V Police (Jourt ju 0A,r ,hiy. :
A golVor-nothit.g-hK.king rreU.h W!l8 ;
brought up, charged with u-UI1ki-nness. j
It was olear ease. The testimo,., showed !
h. l,e had been 'on a spree' for a Week.
asked what tu had to s.-.v jJ)m. '
"'f 'iVcll. yr honor, aiil he, 'm
myJ woiii.-a neverdid live easy together."
'Th.'s tioctcuse for your getting drunk."
f:iid';ic(.;ou;. 'Vou're riglit, your honor,
and j it ait. Wo used to light, like cat
and og toother.7 -Drinkinz only m ule
it wis-," pjt. in the Court. 'That's true.
She scouniged the life out of me, and
k ptue pior, until last week, when "
WY. w hit did sin: do last week ? he
died. yer honor.'' 'And you have ben
druti ever since V 'Vis. yer honor: I
rii vecocld In-ar j.rosperii y."
.Iaop.and IIai iii:l.- Si,mc tin,,. v.ii;e
a paiy ef ladies and geniletneii went on a ,
tour f inspection through Durham '.istle.
The lion' were shown to them hy an .
elder female of a sour, solemn and digtii
fied :-icct. Inthecouise of their jktc
grin::ions lliey came to the celebrated
tnjH-sry for whicli the c astle is so famed.
'Tlcse,' said the guide, in true s-howman
si vie. flavored with a dash of piety to suit !
ih sii'jyct, ;ind nointing to several group" .
..rerrres o?''vn lnr "i"-"--' .......
lit series t,,c ll,t' of Jacob.'
yes-how pretty:' said a young
holy ; and w ith a laugh, pointing at two
iii'iircs in somewhat close proximity, she
continued, 'I suppose i,;if ; j..,, i,jujn
K.H-hc 'r
;o, Hindu in.' ret..(,(i,.(i jt,fnrii:int
i.iiie. ith rruxliincr f iprnit -, 'th-tf h 7,,e,,7,
T!.f turn lirnv lia w, ,1, tl.c vminir J.idv
Hi!.si..lecl and 0fii-rcl no larthc-r iTqiository
ivmark", but proancil a f-ense c.f un-v.onhin.-ss
clm-in- tin: ret of U.l- visit.
Tj.-k Quantum JVha'irj- So. i,-ty jirc
.om s iliwuwin; tho srammatical cot.stroc
tion of the siL'tiH clir!ave.I in jiUi.: park,.
Plense-kef-i. off the s;ravs.- (;,:,KfI j, j, .,r'
!!'.!, does not ll,!! up yi, ; an,i wiy
tlien, shonl.J you be .-iskerl to keep it off' '
A ITxxsylvania scvtn-ear-oi.l was
-ei.rove.l ., f,jr nlayiiii,' out-doors with
boys ; (die was too bi? for that now. Hot
with all imasinablc intioeeneo she ,,-plied : 1 " -
oj, i.iiuinu, me litter we grow the
'ettc r wo like Yni.'
A f.AWYi;ueua-cd in a case tormented
a witness so much with nuestins tint tho
C ,, . , . . . ' ,U
jioor n-i.ow at last cried fr water. 'There '
'Hid the juilo, r (ho.iidit vou would ,lmn
him dry.'
Ax imjH'rtiiiciu fellow wants to know if
'. ,111 I.V..I- kil .1...--.. it t . . 1
v"v.rnt cl.o.ii to tea where fkimmc,. i..i,
milk was oil the tables without 1i,.,w ..,tv..i "'
. i , . . ,
, ,i, ,..
i vm iu!;e cream
-t s-AX, how in the world .li.l you. ever -
marry that brute ?
'.'), 1 don t know
lane. I used to
Tlic-lf lint riCi' 1 la 1
piCKllUtOll his coat-col-
tr. nnd he f.-H in Inyo with lnf "
g Q If H g A
The L.'ir
style?.. ;;1
Slo.-k d' Sums in
.J. B. .REED'S
eve aai Tinware EstaMiiiit, Tlilrft Street,
) i.S JL V-'
Mv sl-k C(i!t!-(s
IIegul;l)'ir Coo
I:-..,, Kin-;.
( ;;! no: i'.
:i la: v u i. lv "i'
IT " k S:.,vs
ilu j.jocsi'.-v d to
r,, r
on evf .
""J -H
no,tment of repairs of all kinds for the .,,.lnntion :m,l
( 1
. q Stovt.p over soon in Sanlmrv. thai will
v-rio suit the tinus. Timvaiv and H.eetiron ware of every
. . . .
descr:iit!'ti in larw ouantit v.
1 , ' . , , ,irt lrt i , ..,.
Al-n Mi :t-.-u niont ot Cleveland non-e.'lono liUinps.
MooSng and Spouting
Sniihiiiy. Sept. -". 1S74.
Invite an cxttmination of their iniiiii us.- in.-w struk of
Ml i if fl: !
lXtF.NN ;HIS. ! assorlinent Mhieli I Iiv lire sellinc :l ftrU-r lower
I hun I'Ki'.
- - . -
caj ,,, examine hefore jiiin hasiiio-
Jj GSf
i'rom i'-'i ets.
g T D H A 11 U b
1 vnrd wide. 1
llUlin I nnn-nni hnnt A nnnntnrl Pliominoti
HID lidiUDuL, UODLndOUllOUOlbMpaLi
G: M.. K W S
in tlx- cotinty.
Strihurv. )(. I74. 1 m.
si.. .i-I... 1 ile. I i!:. .u.l .e.- :.,he..i U- .. I n er
II. W.JOIIXV l.4Ti:5T AMKMO i;..,)KiN.i. i-.- ..r r. r.- is . it
aits -sits.ii .-.). i..r .ti
S;il.S l..S It. t'.l.K H i.i ISO. s:i.
1 Mlt.-ru;" an- l i :.: .-.-I l.i. v en; ii-.-, n .1 ni. I-
t. I'rir I.iMTN, iiH'ru, :it. l,lltl.hJ. iNi'l IMIM 'I i N ! .1: ' T M 'K'! N IS A Nl lKI.KKS.
I "tVAl"TI N. VI: I'M I:c 'u ii'r'! y -j;i;cni'!i ..lmih"-
HllllliUr T1irjHrt"'. 1m'1'i . II' JJ T i I UTI AO'.ii ii'a'VN -.; M'il ;t;l't - .mill".
,.,..: ..a.i s..i. 'm,-,i ,.-.v.-,-.. it u- imiY v " M I I I.' V I 1YI.' V V
r.s-jAiu.isn. H i -. ii. n . iuji.. , : .''i,.i i.
N.i.. I I, I.
FASHIONS. 'Smiths IHiisinilt l V.-iU-.u it.;K!r.
The01I Y Kouaino ViiL.t IMTORTS STTLL'; :t. . Pf : . ;i t -.:::.'.
Only QSii I (jlULU : :i.N CE18 YAK, i.u6j,U.i..:o fttWUtte. 1 . 1 --'oi--
M 4f ll "
feiS4 .''rf3
mix : m&&
IIM !'.I1'. ..N OK Till
3019. 1' :i. ?.,;;.. -mv,i.I.-a
SMIK. .........-- i - I'sii.-ti . V It , !.,:, .:,.,-4 !.. .
VOII. .Mkj;;.--..-!;; I rieie - T.'.i .- s.i.Im in i': . i 'e:'
l:i07. li;'W;i'i 1.'.;. -" .1.-. ;it !! s. I'nll. r. . v : i:. .
ytNM. Uui ' S'lit- ' it tv -..u, v i-ii loit. ..?.. i. '
gtM- -V'-f- f Wik
wtea ir W tck L.; r-ihM
S15. lAitrVO V
KNIA. I.ili.,i! t:
I..tdv0-.-!::r; l.:i!--t and X
SIM A. S'to'jW -Si'"w-
St!l.'c W; ;.!.. r .In- i..-i
t v..:,:
; M !:.!!
' r- '1 Si
All s-: -
W?giv wrtect 'MTM UOIf . wi'-i ,--luent
l"r''r. tU.-r -' ' ." i'i- I
Any I'alirn onlhit'. . e ntu i!e,:
W .iv . i : v.-.'-u f i
M. .'.-..! "ri . ! -..-4 3 : .-
Sir..--.! Y r.ji.i ft ' . i f.
F.ait- .r
"nSr'!; SMITH'S II
Ill 1 IT J
v ir. a: i - tmu
a- TWO
L' L .V" Stsnt Dre,s
ni..;' v !..-a un i .
O It "lie nl C e !
'' tWO miI
I.tSS tbM Tlfd ':rNLl' '
mid Bi.r o:, . :v
I. I'M.I.l-JS
:'1 .':.
- , ;r-
fV.rof crtr : r'r i !'
iiux ..iivu.iii:.:i premiums -
TrireJ ri t.-,y i.-tn-
UVUU O vlifi SO.P'jihOMb iju-.v aia; i nil i -.r..... .
$171 in fold coin, and i i'. c
uiu, tr..etc. HCAVE Si.OG
tiOOM aiicj idreiw iu l .: i.t
t...nll.l l-ee. SHinp!' . e:.v I.e.;.. .:
' '
4VruK we, 1 rcutf . --' iiui
AUr.-M irv l'lhiu.
I'.O. UOX6oi5b
rvnt'itovs ou i-iivskiav
, by C. WJil.t of 31. II. A l!lll,-n,l .-lit ..i, :
lh'.N-4V !,;. s Ii. :.l.t:lnlh ill lT rs-l-I ;i!..t
l.UI.l. I. .Mil., IT. ,!'!- Jil.t j.l.i) ...( J,, 1IM 4 (J
; i-iitj IKI-I-.. 4 v. r .'n . i,;'iiiiiiii..K. on. ic m --'i-!
: nir..ii. in i.,,.. i.,.r , ,i.xi . ,..
AG I MS WAMKlKr ' ..Z:
i lr.-e. -I'lM-s :,i (.!,,. . if. kjn-v i,...
V. 'i i.l --.(.' N i S .... ti,.- !.. s,.ji -,:,,.
I. Il:ii.
. . ; H'..i-Ijv, N.-v,
V..-. . 4v. .
ii t i: or ri:ir:i
Mi- vol
k'l.Ai;, n::!:ocs. oj: iij iu.n vn.n
A e on!
uy Z?X l ' VTZC;;',, ,
'I, WMJI'Il :iCT- n-I trf f'I!C!.li!', (.(1 !
. u iijif'Utt itor ti ir.i! vjm jtirc
Ii ii 111 li ...iiil)!' lift c: ,, r,
-h.nt tin;.-, .!(' t.t N-t tut- isi;tl'
' niitM-ry, it i- t m-;.
11 ... P ...v., ; ...
.' i -.y -i in c; i ,
tli- 1jit him!
" r'"7nh """ l-"l' -i-. -' i .-i-.. . ..
K'l' - h u l.-:.!'l.) t,,..- I.. On v.r.... .....,., ,., ,,,.
,l" o-11 '' a ii. v ) . : . it-.
us .ipi nui'i-i is i..- w ,i. -r ,,( ,
i.. .1
L'rt'jt I.-!It!. m ; I );,- lf:.-t:t .
' Ii-iiil'., li. ln;.i l..-;! i . i.-i; 1.,;.!
'i i'h On r I' i.'... ii. t k , t
A.el sil. lit iy v-:.l ,
1.1s 18 Till lil'W an. I lintrii.l -i . v l.ii- I.
i..-,i w..i..t.-i-i.ii r.-ie.i,., ,,' a- ., ... lm-'i'-" mhi..-.! -u!ii..t.(. -i'- ,,
.wem. I c. ...- yn.l Hli i iij.ri. 1.1..,. ..
Ask your .InifeisI for C.
K.rsjlt-1,. Jill'Ns'l
'!'!. I i.H XV .
I h i-, I. I, I.,
' "l4"'
WOJiK MUt Al l. si i ..i,., , i ,l.- or ,, .:,,. ; fx. ) .-
"""'l?. l i l It'll.
iekaiff - 4.f kocHiii bv man liw. A.l.l.-. -.o, ........
""'"" '"! !. V..i ., 1 . :. or. nv i. h si., N. v.
V.i-. r:.
f rJ h ' v ' ' ' "t.ASTFK liOl !!. C!f; -
f iZA 6 L. "Mi - V" A i.' I! ! i ! I t:.- OR"-- " a 1 r IVOR
4 ' jt"l I i.i H I -1 It ha :., t:ut ! -. ffi 1.-..IU ( n, vi e '..
T-i&.&F 1 i :,,'!'- Wpi!ii'ionoChromo extra - ---n vio
mens nzll
W da v rssa
tin; Cuuiiv, of the hi est improved
Jl. V jl
of tin"' following;
Morning Light Par
lor Stove and
l)otih!e Jlcatrr, Home
Delight !
Radiant IIo:ne.
a larire assortment of
ihfis, such as
iias Uurners,
E Stoves,
Etc., Etc.
.1. H. KKKI.
elsewhere, our Alpacas r.inire in prices j
to Sl.Oo.
SSaXsGS of Prints,
U f IV. U J L I H J
and Vl .!,-.
- t ,:C. t. -..( r. :! r. i.l,-I.. r n.. ;iy
. wed
el .i.u.-.
t.m. - . . .-.w. . rr.K.
- !ili.). .-.n.! l..,tl l-i lis. i.'.-.,-r.ii n .tattn-N. . .-.
.aiiy ai in .1 In :,t. ...n . Scinl l..r .l.K.iii.tne fniiill.-
ni'(i-i" 'i ihi;1: .imv ; - jjI Ir tli I or
SI I :.:. .
........ i. ... ja. j
l..cli .11 I. r-r-. '
I-Ktieri.. -..:.i t ll.i -.-ii' I. ; r.-i.
- I'..-:, i a wl. :: I ;t. ri " -r
'...Tl.-ICi, v. I Juiti '. l-i - .
I -Ml-t.-r--. v. I :
.1 M!'A H
s'y.ui :
iiti r-i rttt of t..:.r!-:t t iri--.
2.J0. 1 i i4 . - i-'1 r-1. ' ' i "rf..u uliu
4.k.i--. -r :i I tv the
. J .1 1 I:
ril uur o4j l ru t i.j - m i t-nr.
And a splencrut F HEPt'SUrfl to each Sub
scriber FREE I helow.
El',vJ'('f - ' - ; t HICK, w I rv-
. ... i ' f! nny time after.
I I . .11' S'-'l I.I;-,- Off
.... to a r'Hil:'.- jH.MHj'e
"I r-, Ii
i I'lc- I II.-.-.
a 1 ! r. .- sh'ck. r:;-i -; three
- .! !-. '"HUH K c l i n,
ijv Ii ri--ts-t.riltr ni-j"i f-nJ
two '
- IVE St.CSO.OO i. Cold Coin to
-: - :-..i mi '! Bazaar
Largest Club m ic-i
' ' ' '' .i -ir,--S't S23 i (,'"!i
' ' '.A.I!, ! 30 Irsiii' wliunn
- '.''' " ' . .1 !. II Oil" l-tll. C,-T &
" - - i . i; i! ' ..r "icrcte 4
r-idw&y. New York City.
lVivTl'i kmi-:nts imposiblk.
-ill. lii :
I'i rot tiorlgugp lr-iiii m Itontl
ll. lii!
N. V. IIH V1 ill i. i:iuitn ION CO.,
i.:::.....-. I.;. I..-.-I- IV S-aO-.if X. V.
2il l'l'i'iniiiiit li'iinin, I'-. 7, IS7I.
:tI Serien llriiuing. Jan. I. IH7I-
EVLItV liciXli v;;il 11. .t.nin-,1 with a l'.-pcmum, llh
ii C'.iuvblc-iit i..r liic.-r.-s;.
APM AI, lKi:.MIl II. fclOO.OOO.,-KH for It. ulfi aud lull iiiifonuaiioij,
.MOItf.F.VTIItl', ItKl A ..
I .ii;.n. ii-.! A-'.-ics, l'M:K ItOW, N. Y.
V. CI. to: WI.K 2-. N,,v. l:;, -j.
I'll! 1. Illllj.l. S lO JlfUlll.. I. .41. 1. C'.lMBIVAl ION
Nri.ii.T:-Bi.K, v.ith c hi...e .H. snil slump. Ih .n A;
C. i New ll.-.ll...r.t, Ma-s. Nov. 13, 4w.
Jtolni IV. StveiiNn,
Coi n- r Third and Market Sts, Silnhiir.V, IM.
n.S coiiiplctclv n-novated his Store Room,
and opeti"d the largest assortment of
i . -vUibited in this part ol tie; Slate. Every
thiiii; i:i the J. .-!. y lir:e is (..-j.l in
U i' Sil ver-t are.
Kings A" Mains,
Ii-V.-H description :,i( of the tijiest qiln lit V.
Paitieular attention p il l i i rcp-iii'i:;
H kIcIm", Icm-Kn, Julrji. aVc.
HAIR JEWELRY made to order.
iii, I nrv. Mir"?. It. I?-).
Xrv.' :inl attnietive GooiU, in every Department
iia:omi, jr.wr.rur, sii.vpk ami it urn w.iii,:, j
Cutlerv. Clocks, Bronsto. Enr.iftli, Fren.-h
V .... ' 1.
K.-nii.'ia Fiiney (iouJs.
In view of the (tenlltic in COLD, we ie:ve n--luced
prier s cm our entire Sto' k of Kor -'ern n-.-r-
chandise I
I':ir ;!! K:s Ich. j
and ;aire'.) will fuel i: to tli.'ir intep-.-: l' !
itmke their pi-leetiou NOW. v.-!!( t'e :'S'V.'!'
ioi:;s nent on for si-'eet io-;.-.
Aniele- iurel::tt-'ed now, forties Holid:.vs. 'ii!l
te pnekeil Mini retained iiiuil -ie-;. time .-!;--ed.
IJOBBIXS, ''h. UK .v KlDPhiC.
ll'l Cuk-tni r Sr., 1hii.aii:i.imiv
of every clef criplion and variety ueh :is
Ire ;ools
coinprisint; all tlie noveliios ui fabric and sh. de.
Fill Assoutjiknt of Notions.
which arc being sold at the lowest CasOi Pre
Also, fJnot ekiks and Pkovisioxs,
pure and fresh.
Nicest ltrands of Flour constantly on
A very lari;e
l"ith claZ"d and common, always on hand. 1
HOI) T f A X I S 1 1 O Y. S
ki a p a e. ik ua m m i
,,,, , . i. ,,r .ri,. v-. X Kans liirht, Ptnootli, noiseless ami rapid
J, KA It 1 -. .1 IH. 1JJ1 II I. '., j ,,,,, romtjintio,, ( inal,tie5.
of a'' sizes and of the liitest ft vies. Durable runs for years without repairs.
F L O 1 It . ' Will do ali varieties of work and fancy
A constant supply of we-tern white wheat j stitching in a superior manner.
aspvrialitv. i Is most chhIIv managed by the operator.
The public arc invited to call and esamine otir j Length of stitch maybe altered while ninniiiL',
Goods tree of charge. Our motto is "Oe.iek , and machine cad be threaded without pussinc
Sales and Small Prolit-," and to please all. ! thread through holeF.
The highest price wiil bepal.J for ;ul kie.! of j T. Design .Simple, Ingenious, Elegant, form
conn try produce. ing the stitch w ithout the u?e of cog wheel gears,
By Btriet attention to husiees :;!id k -ejilu ;it rotary cams or lever arms. Has the Automatic
all times the most complete stork, an. 1 selling c.t : Dn.p Feed, which insures uniform length of
thelowestpiiee, we hope to merit n fji! Mian- of j
.Snnbnry, May 2'.', 1S14.
Canned Goods,
Willov and
Cedar Ware.
X x
- r .
3 S. ). -
Land Plaster,
Harrisburg Cider
E. G. Maize & Co., j
Successors to Geo. Evans A- Co.,
ill')-Market Street, Philadelphia,!
aud i
i Men aii.J Boys' r-uits netile to onler in the latest
' stvK-o, of t lie b.--t c'.iihs ami cassimeres in inur
' ki t, at prices suitable to the times.
; Military, Baml ?'irc Organizations
promntlv uniformed.
r ni .1 . i wi t
: batnn ms ot I. nt h. with Y totnennh?. c,pnt i
, , j,..., ,
free on application.
j (lnrs beintlie leinliii'' licjtim- cm irv work,
' we leel that we can otter in.tiicciiiciif w:l' h ean
1 not be uttaine.l anywlicre e!-.-.
; Xot. '.'7. lbTJ.
j Tailoring! Tailoring!!
K' I-SPEl'TlTLLY informs tin- e;ii. - t
lie has just receive,! ;s
Spriiis nml Sum in or .ooIm.
at his
n l ouitli Street, below Mmket, in the .Mullen ;
bniMiiijr, ami that hi
nrei'iiri-1 to malic" im n!! '!n of
i nt" t ti. lufi'iit tti-hu ir....i..., I
: em c in the business' he ,csires the public to 'Jive i
ijiiu ;
j Clothing will tie made up in thc fil.-st Paris i
I find American Fashions in the ni.)t s.-if jr t. ti t . rv i
S'-i.-cted with great tabte and care have beeu
I cpeucd at Miss L. SHISSLER'S Store,
Market Nquaro, M ".MITRY, IA.,
all the new in
Ribbons, Flowers, Feathers, &c, and all kinds
of V. illinery (
Fancy (ioods of every di sci iption. liimncts '
and Hats trimmed in llie most expeditious man- ,
iter with the utiiio-t precicion. A full line (,f :
ladies" caps- Call and eNamine before imr.-hiis- :
ing elsewhere. MISS L. SHISSLKII.
- - - ' - i
I'u-liioiiHhle Millinery GciniN j
. . ;
MKs; r i CiKvr rn !
,i i V, o V", . .. '., ". 1
On lom . h St below ,s. v . II. R..
M aSilL ill , 1 A.. '
. r . . . .
Ila just opene.l a full line of j
ZIJ priug Millmerv .ocl. The
f latest styles of
.il "
" Hats and Bonnets,
! Trimmings, H.-indkerehiefs. Ladi'-s'
1 Collars, (ilovt-s, and Notions gene
rally. Particular attention of all
i the ladies in the eoiintv is directed
j to her assoitnicnt, as her stock is larger than
i ever, and goods sold c heaper.
Stoititiry. Mnv 1. 1!74:
H. K. PAGSLy & CO.,
rcspeetfnily iel'onn tie- they linv.;
eommenoeil the in:iimi n-i!.- m
BUGGIES. vl'..
at the new" kIioji reeemly erected ly J, K. I.treli
"ornor or r!:rl!i hisI t'Jiest mil Si-..
ST'NIJl'RV. !'...
j and swi-i-it a fair share of Piilronae.
i Apr,i :;-tii.i. -t. T. I.F.KCIl, P:i."t.
! Tin ufj ii Hi it mAuniiifj.
j .W.KDF.D
The "Jlcdnl for I'rogrcss,"
; AT VIKXXA, 1H7:i.
i The ll-L'hot Order of "Meda
i Kxpmitl....
Awai'ih-t! nt the
Ni S wine Muchine reeciveii a lii'lier Frie.
1. A new invention thoroughly n--ted ainj se
emed ly Lrttcrs I'atent.
'.i. Make? a perfect l.oek Sliteli. alike on hoth
' sides, on all kinds of -oods.
futen nt any speed, itas our new uirean eon-
t roller, w hich allows easy movement of needle-
, liar a::d prevents injury to thread,
j si. Construction most careful and finished. It
! is manufactured by the most skillful and ex
; perienced mechanics, at the celebrated Reming
: ton Armory, Iiion, X. X. Philadelphia Office,
i Sio Chestnut street. Oct. '...isT-t.-'im
I. I l V O IC S T It i: !
! S.-eond Str.-et. opposite the Court n.mse, SUX
! Bl'RY, PA..
' Respectfully invites the attention of Retailers
i and others, that he has on hand, and will con
1 statu! v keep all kinds of
i C.msi-thig of Pure Brandies: Cogniac, Cherry,
: tiingc r, Rochelleaiul Otard.
i Whiskies: Pure Rye Coiiper-I'isti!le-l. M......n-
gahehi, Ai'ple and Xectar.
j iVi:e: Champagne Wine, Sherry, I'mi and
; C'.uret.
Crab Cider, Champagne Cider, X. E. Ruin.
Brown Stout and Scotch Ale.
And all others Liquors which can be found in
the cliy markets, which will be sold at Whole
sale and Ri-tail. Every article guaranteed as
represented. Also, a large lot of DEMIJOHNS
, and BOTTLES, always on hand.
! I-1."" Orders promptly attended 'o, and yublie
patronage respec tfuily solicited
Smibury, Jiily II, 1ST:!.
I' f 5
f ll ! I
Druist and Apothecary,
Market Street, SI Mil KY, IV.
Dni'ists' Fancy (,
eotistantlv on liaml.
ruit.(t.i;tr attention i 11 tocoiiiionniUn.? i. !iy-
j.ruvrnptionsiuul ranu;v rrcfipls
. 1
Muiimry, 1..
Is the jilnee to buy pure and fresh
j ta.Ass, I'KIU'umi: hy
iNoTKtN'S, ClflAHS,
j medicinal purposes, and all other arti
: elcjs usually kept in a first-class Drug Store.
' Siic-iiil .ntfeiitif.o teii.! ffi f'ciniriciiiit.liii.r uri..
4t!'il'li"l,s family receipts by competent
n uisi-..
' '"" l""'T-"ed to fin ni.-h in s to suit
P"i'elr.i-ers and at Philadelphia .ri
i I'.e'f iii !. tloianti, Roseiulalo and I.iliiuh
L.iii-I l'histi i for Fanners, Timothy and Clover
l Seeds. Also, Oardcn Seeds of all kinds. Aal!
' and gel a Rural Register for 174.
Sntil.iirv. Feb. ti. s.4.-Iv.
New (Millinery Store.
Having removed their Millinery Store into the
large building adjoining Ztttlemover's stove
store, cm Market Street, where they have just
ciii - iied a large and elegant assurttnent of
. . ,5 ,
I UNliiouaLlc ylilUiK'rj Unods,
embracing evcivthing ustiallv ke.t in a well
slocked MillineiV establishment. Their stock is
,.. ,.w .ul vomwts or the latest
X- . ..I 1 T.l -1 1 1 1 4.-1 I
piv i nri: (inn i-n cioi.1,1 iviou
" " ...w,,..... .
1 .,,..,,. ...
I 111 all if Brunches will receive partieular at ten-
i'i" -
... ......
1 crms reasonable and satisfac tion guaranteed.
Cutting and Fitting attended to, and Chi'drcn's
arid Bovs clothing made to order.
Pur.bnrv. April 17, I'd.
! r -4i V. .irit fr-f.
vr ' ' i.,
r&- ;-
ilr. J. Vallicr's Calilornia Vine-
Jtr IJitlPI'S are a purely Vegetable
juvparation. tnadPchiftly from the native
herns found on the lower ranges of the
Sierra Nevad;; mountains of California,
the medicinal jnopt-rtU's of which are
extracted therefrom without the use of
Alcohol. T'.ie question is almost daily
asked, " What is the cause of the itnjiar-.
alleled success of Vixw.ap. IJirrrits .' "
(jur answer is, that they remove t!:
cause of disease, and the patient recov
ers his health. They are the great
blood puritier and a life-triving princi
ple, a perfect Renovator and Inviu'oii'io:
of the system. Never before in the his
tory of the world has a medicine be en
compounded possessing the remarkable
qualities of Ylsegak Uitti:i:s in heaiin
the sick of every disease man is heir to.
They are a pentle Purgative as well a
Tonic, relieving t'otifrestion or Intlannn.ition
of the Liver nml Visceral Ortran.4 in Kilio.ts
Tli; properties of Dn. Wai.kf.pAs
Vi.vkgar 1 Sitters are Aperient, Diaphoretic.
Carminative, Nutritiou. Iwxiuive. Diuretic,
Sedative., Sudorific, Altera
tive, and Anti-Bilious.
Grateful Thousands proclaim Vix
eoar Bitters the most wonrtarfal Invipor
ant that, ever sustained the sinking system.
iSo Person can take these Bitters
according to directions, and remain long
unwell, provided their bones are not de
stroyed by mineral poison or other means,
and vital organs wasted beyond repair.
IKIious, Remittent, and Inter
mittent Fevers, which tiro so prev
alent in the valleys of our great rivers
throughout the United States, especially
those of the Mississippi, Ohio, Missouri,
Illinois, Tennessee, Cumberland, Arkan
sas, Ked, Colorado, Brazos, Rio Grande,
Pearl, Alabama, Mobile, Savannah, Ro
anoke, James, and many others, with
their vast tributaries, throuenouc our i
entire country during the Summer and
Autumn, and remarkably so during sea-
sons of unusual heat and dryness, are
invariably accompanied by extensiv
derangements of the stomach and liver,
and other abdominal viscera. In their
treatment, a purgative, exerting a pow-
erful influence upon these various or-
11! . . rru. ,
gans, is essentially necessary. There is
110 cathartic for the purpose equal to DR.
J. Walker's Vinegar Bitters, as
thev will sneedilv remove the dark-
colored viscid matter with which the
bowels are loaded, at the same time
stimulating the secretions of the liver,
and generally restoring tho healthy
functions of the digestive organs.
Fenny the houy against disease
hv nnrifviW all its fluids with VINEGAR
KiTTFlN Nocnidemiccantateholdof
o elctmn ?Z r1
a system thus fore-armed
Dyspepsia Or IndlgestlOll, Head-
Tightness of the Chest, Dizziness, Sonr
Eructations of tho Stomach, Bad Taste in
the Mouth, Bilious Attack.3. Palpitation
of the Heart, Inflammation of the Lungs,
Pain in the region of the Kidneys, and a
hundred other painful symptoms, are
the offsprings of Dyspepsia. One bottle
will prove a better guarantee of its
merits than a lengthv advertisement.
Scrofula, or King's Evil, White
Swellings, t'leers, Erysipelas, Swelled
Neck, Goitre, Scrofulous Inflammations,
Indolent Inflammations, Mercurial Affec
tions, Old Sores, Eruptions of tho Skin,
Sore Eyes, etc., etc. In these, as in all
other constitutional Diseases, Walker's
Vinegar Bitters Lavo shown theii
great curative powers in the most ob
stinate and intractable cases.
For Inflammatory and Chronic
Rheumatism, Gout, Bilious, Remit
tent and Intermittent Fevers, Diseases
of thc Blood, Liver, Kidneys and Blad
der, these Bitters have no equal. Such
Diseases are caused by Vitiated Blood.
Mechanical Diseases. Persons en
gaged in Paints and Minerals, such as
Plumbers, lype-setters, Gold-Dealers,
and Miners, as they advance iu life, are
subject to paralysis of the Bowels. To
guard against this, take a doso of Walk
er's Vinegar Bitters occasionally.
For Skin Diseases, Eruptions, Tet
ter, Sr.It-Itheinn, Blotches, Spots, Pimples,
Pustules, Boils, Carbuncles, Ring-worms,
Scald-head, Sore Eyes. Erysipelas, Itch,
Scurfs, Discolorations" of the Skin, Humors
and Diseased of the Skin of ivhatever name
or nature, nro literally dug up and carried
out of the system in a short time by the use
c.f these Bitters.
Tin, Tape, aud other Worms,
lurking m the py-aitcm of so manv thousands,
are effectually iWroynd and removed. No
t-yBtem of medicine, no vermifuges, no an
thelminitics will free the system rtniu worms
like these Bitters.
For Female Complaints, in young
or old, married or single, at the dawn of wo
manhood, or tho turn of life, these Tonio Bit
ters display so decided an influence that im
provement is soon perceptible.
Cleanse the Vitiated Illood when
ever you find its impurities bursting through
tho skin in Pimples, Eruptions, or Sores;
cleanse it when you liud it obstructed and
.slucgish in the veins: cleanse it when it is
foul ; your feelings will tell you when. Keep
the blood pure, and the health of the system
will follow.
11. II. McUOALl & CO.,
IruBrits and I Jen. A;:ts.. San Knmcieco, t'alifornia,
and cor. of Wiwhintrloii iiud C'huriton Stm., N. Y.
Sulci by nil flriic; anil Draltra.
Children oJlen look l'al and Mick
from no other cause than having worms in the
will destroy Worms without injury to the child.
being perfectly WlIITE.tind from all the coloring
or other injurious ingredients usually used in
worm preparations.
CURTIS it BROWN, Proprietors,
No. 215 Fulton Street, New York.
Sohi by Itriijjijiutt ciuil Chunittn, itml cuiVri ';
Mfilieini at Twemtv-Fivi: Cents a Box.
July 12, lSTH. ly.
.Manhood :
slrMl !
Just published, a new edition of Da. CrLvnu-
wni.i.'s Cri.EiiitATro Ess.w on the radical cure
(without medicine) of Spermatorrhiea or Semi
nal Weakness, Involuntary Seminal, I in-
potency, nu-iital and Physical Incapacity, Impe-
dements to Marriage, etc.; also, consumption, I ty, and the sentiment of respect and approbation
Epilepsy and Fits, induced by self-indulgence or i which the presence of superior appliances and es
sexual extravagance, Ac. t.-it.lishm.'tit are alway wont to inspire.
I-'Priee in a sealed envelope, only six cents. Always to please
1 he celebrated author, in this admirable Es- We shave with ease
say, clearly demonstrates, from a thirty years' Cut and comb with taste the hair ;
snecbsful practice, that the alarming conse- ' Shampoo the head with soothing car.
iltienees of self-abuse may be radically cured j And color the whiskers black or brown,
without the daiigeious use of internal medicine ; To suit the people about the town,
or the application of t lie knife; pointing out a; Then allow nie politely request you to stop,
mode of cure at once simple, certain, am! effect- j And not go past nor from around our shop,
ual, by mear.s of which every sufferer, no mat- To get shaved on the basis of ability nor as
ter w hat his condition m.iv be, may cure himself : some have done for our ue of the ballot for prin
cheaplv. privately, and radically. ciple sacred and right nor under thc common
I ?"This Lecture should be in the hands of ; secret and invidious guise of enmity to eomplex
evety youth and every limn in the land. j ion ; for the cut of n man's roat, or the color of
Sent under seal, in a plain envelope, to anv his skin, ought not to affect his usefulness nor
address, n.t paid, on receipt of six cents or two '
post stamps. '
Ad.ii-ss tli.- iMMisn-rH.
I iii.. Frfr-rrr, I
! '..!.-... i. ALI.Vr., (V ( O.
! 127 l;..v.-.-rv. s. Y. I'.t i'rr,.-e ii.,,. 4.vst; !
Jill... Jl. ll'l-Iy. I
Shippers and Wholesale and Retail Dealers in
XCMMTt? , vn ni.., . on ca . i .
j iiniii..,..iiiE.iii,-.iic J., i.; . & e HI , I -A.
i (l.OWril WH AUP, )
j Order:: will receive prompt attention.
Itiiilcling I.ols For Niilc.
XTINETEEN LOTS, 25x100 feet, fronting on
Vine street, in Sunbury. I'rice 125. Also
shirty lots, 2.ixi:7, fronting on Spruce and Pine
treets. I'rice Mi per loot. Also eight lots, 25
x'.'O, fronting on Fourth street between Walnut
and Spruce. Price $450. Also 21 lots, 25x110,
fronting on Third and Spruce streets, between
Walnut and Sprues. Price $400. Also 5 0t3
24x230 on the north side of Spruce street. Price
$000. Also IU lots iu Caketown. The above
prices do not iuelude corner lots. Persons de
siring to purchase will do well to call soon.
Terms easy. IRA T. CLEMENT,
inn. ?:t. "in.
On urn! after Sunday, June 2Sth. 1874, the
j Train on the Piiiladelphia & Erie Rail IJoad Divi
; fiion will run as follows :
; hast Line leaves Philadelphia,
" ' llarriFhurpr,
! " "' " Snnbnry,
! " ' "air. at Lock Haven
: Erie Mai! leaves Philadelphia,
'' " " Harrisbiirtr, '
' " 4i ' Punbnry,
j t: " Williamsport,
" Lock Haven,
! ' " " Kenovo.
' ' " an at Erie,
I Elinira Mail leaves Philadelphia,
! " Harrisbunr,
j li " " Sunbury,"
" Williamsport,
, " " arr at Lock Haven,
i Niagara Express leaves Philadelphia,
" '" " HaniFbiir,
12.r,5 p 111
5.00 p m
(5. 5") p ra
S.50 p ;n
10.00 p rr
1 1.55 p 111
4.25 a ra
1-j.oO a in
S.S5 a m
0.45 a ra
11.10a ra
' P 111
N.OO a m
l.-O p in
4.20 p m
r .lit
i.jij p in
7.20 a in
l!.4l) a m
"l!"' , :l 1,1
Iw ? m
': '; arr. at Kane,
i Phihulel. F.xprtss leaves Lock Haven, C..20 a m
i " " " AVilliamsport, 7.45 am
' " Sunbury, 0.30 am
" arr. at Harrisburg, 11.45 am
i Philadelphia,
j Frie Maii leaves Erie,
' ' li Kenovo,
! " " " Lock Haven,
" ' " Williamsport,
i " " " Sunbury,
: " ' arr. at Hrrisburg,
1 " " arr at Philadelphia,
Elinira Mail leaves Lock Haven,
; " " " Williamsport,
! ' " Sunbury,
" " arr. at Harrisburg
' " iS Philadelphia,
j Niagara Express leaves Kane,
" " " Kenovo,
i.u5 p m
11.20 am
S.20 p in
9.35 p m
10..VJ p m
12.40 p n
2.40 a m
0.40 a m
0.45 n m
11.00 a m
12.40 p m
S.U5 a m
rt.:!5 p ni
0.00 a m
4.05 p m
" " Lock Haven, 5.25 p hi
; " " ' Williamsport C.5o p m
! " " Sunbury, 8.40 p m
' " ': arr. at Harrisbunr, 10.55 p m
! " " " Philadelphia, 2.50 a m
Mail East conneets eabt anil west at Erie with
L. S. & M. S. K. W. and at Irvineton with Oil
i Creek and Allegheny K.K. W.
Mail nest with cast and west trains on L. 8.
it M. S. R. W. and at Corry anil Irvineton with
Oil Creek and Allegheny R. R. W.
Elmira Mail nnd Butl'alo Express make close
connections at williamsport with N. C. R. W.
trains, north, and at IlarrUburg with X. C. R.
W. trains south.
VVM. A. BALDWIN, Gen'l Sup't.
Philadelphia t Reading It.UIro.uI.
November Oth, 174.
j Tka!s, A8 follow. : (noats
j fxcei-ted )
; Kor ghltmokiiU WAI) njw . nu nn(1 340
, For Mt. Caniici.Ashian.i, Tamaqua, Pottsviiie,
j Reading and Philadelphia, 10.40 a. m.
1 Trains for Hkrndon. Leave as Follows :
! ST.7 D"" ii?CB"En-1) -n , , -
Leave Shamc.kiu at vOO a. m. l.oO ami 3.a;
; v P1
. 'Lciive Philadelphia. 9.15 a. m., Reading 11.30
a.m., Pottsviiie, 12.10 p.m., Tamuqua, 1.20 p m.
! Ashland, 2.:;5 p. m., Mt. Carmel, 3.21 p. in.
I Trains Leave Harri-sbi-rcs, as Follows
For New York, 5.20, a. ra. and 2.00 7.40
p. in.
For PhilaiMphia, 5.20, S.10'J.45 a. m.,2.00 Hnd
".50, p. m.
i For New York, 5.20 a. m.
For Philadelphia, 1.45 p. m
T.iains fob Harrisbvro, Lavf. as Follows:
I Leave New York, 0.00 a. m, 12.40 and 5.30,
17.45 p.m. '
Leave Philadelphia, 0.15 a. m. 5.40 and -15
j Susoats.
j.eave .u-w i urtv, j...o p. m.
Leave Philadelphia, 7.15 p. ni.
-Via Morris and Essex R. R.
flenernl Sup't.
Reading, Pa. Nov. 13, 1874.
Northern Central Railway.
on mi.t ofier Deo. 1, 1x73 trains on this road will run
as follows :
F.rie P.enuva tlmira Buffulo
.nan Accora. .uau. r.xprran
.. s.:Wnm 4.44 am !.: in
l . tl A ..T.l M -. 1 1 lvr.i-Mu
lUltiinorr 11.15 pm M. J5 ra 1.49 p m
PUiliidelpliiii lo.-2J p ni H.tK) a m 11.SS p m
HarriHliiirjr a.n." a ni tt.1'3 a m 1.H0 p m 5.0S p m
sjiiiioury ..ilam Il.luim 4.1 p m 7.15 pm
Arrive at :
WilliaiiisiKirt. . . 7.10 am 1'i.Ew p m 7.10 pm 9.0n p m
Klmiin ll.:Vlaru 10.20 p m
Huflulu S..J0 p rn
Krie 7. 'JO p m
All (lallv Cl.-eet Sllliilav.
l.ei :
Arrive at :
HarrislmrK. .
llltimoie ...
lluffalo Flniira HurriaV
l.XiresM. Mail. Acconi.
I'.SO p iu 7.30 am
..4.. a m J.4H p m
1.10 am ?.:. i m 6.50 p m p ni
a in II. 15 a in P.40 p m r-'..V a in
4. W a in 1.50 p m 10.30 p m 3.05 am
9.10 a m 5.55 p iu 'J.50 a m H.oO a m
s.40 a iu K.:io p m -J.'5 a m H.4n a ra
WuHhiuirtoD 0.:i5am m.'.hi p m ti.13 a m 10.35 a iu
Ail pss Suul.ury itullj- rxeept Sundjy,
A. .1. 1IAHSATT,
clciTl Manager.
E. k. yoi'nu, T. orcKEK,
ceu'l Pa.s. Ageut. Sup't.
MisiH Mule Klatk'o.
f'rlrnt Sun-Art Siinfmrw T'i
L. DIE'S DRESS GOODS of every sryle una
Trimmings a specialty.
The finest assortment of Ladies' goods.
Everybody is invited to call and see t hem and
bll T rhenp.
May 8, 1374.
$4.00 a gallon. 1 11.00 a dozen.
Iu large bottles, $11,00 a dozen.
1S.00 a dozen.
scotch wnisKY,
II. A- A. C. Vau Itell.
The Wine Mhrcuants,
VM0 Chestnut Street,
Oct. 24. is?:;.
tiii: ki: IIAKIIF.K SHOP
has been ; ask history nnd she will tell yon
Men have grown old in our patronage
Babies on their mothers' breast
To bouncing boys at play ;
And youths by maidens fair caressed,
To stalwart men with cares oppressed.
And old men silver grav.
J And among the honored and lasting impres
IIow Lost. How Io- j sions of time, and thc crash of revolutions in
. circumstances, we stand a living monumental
I memento of the ingenuity and perseverance! ap-
j pertaining to the identity of progression, plying
our vocation with the highest style of art and
perfection, and aspiring to achieve the highest
reward of merit attainable in our humble rapaci-
his qualification. A fair chance is all that we j
demand, to give the proof to all the hind.
.. 1
Sunbury, April 3. 1ST." ; No. 01, Market St.
- - ' - - -
John H. Srn..
John M. ScnoN-ofR.
A KC 1 1 O XO I K.
Second Street, Womki.spohf, Pn.
Iur Old Itye lVliikoy.
Arei F. Wms-KKT, Cokoiai.s, Si.v.
Liquors sold gaurrantecd as represented.
Orders promptly attended to and public pa
tronage respectfully solicited.
2d St., Womeldorf, Berks Co., Pa.
Frb. 27. 174. Iy,
Fefoing Fap.-j Horses. During a discussion
on farm horses at a c!ul in Aberdeenshire, Scot
land, the following paper was read by a membsr:
"The feeding of horses is an important point in
their management. Mary farmers would he
trreat (rainerg by paying more attention to this
matter. Sjme servants, when the? have access
to the corn bin, give the horses they have in
charge too much corn. Many of them have er
roneous notions that the more corn their horses
get the fatter they must be, and instances are
not uncommon where tx bushels a week are
given to a finale pair. Too much corn indisposes
horses for eating other provender, and occasion
ally subjects them to serious disease. Four
bushels of good, sound oats weekly, along with
a few Swedish turnips or other roots, anil nlentv
I r,f rnoJ .,.. .:i! 1 r I ... r
1 r-"-" " -oi ikccji ii i-'uir iieaiiny iarra
1 koises ia good order through winter, even though
: they be pretty hard wrought. If, ihen, such nil
i 7
II '111 nml.. . .
a.ioivancu be euuicient lor a pair, it U folly and
n.r.i.j uiuic. nay may uave to ne
; substituted for straw, but no more com will be
j necessary to sustain them, even when they have
to f iD in, sea-
4.20 p m I B"u- 11 "oun'i ana neaituy, dorses that are do
U.15 p m j ing only fair work do not keep in irood condition
with these supplies, the master may inquire
whether the carelessness of the groom tie not to
blame for it. Servants that carefully feed their
horses would be a gain to nwny master. een
though they paid them extra wages. Some
horses are nice feeders, aud need to be coaxed to
eat. Horses that are greedy feeders, or that
swailow their corn whole should have it bruised
or ground. A little chaff mixed with corn helps
to make horsea chew it and, well-chewed is of
more importance than many think. Unless it be
well ground and mixed with saliva in their
mouths, it is but imperfectly digested in their
stomachs, and without perfect digestion there its
full benefit is not obtained. A full drink of wa
ter immediately after being fed should never be
allowed to horses. When water is drank by
them the balk of it goes directly to the large in
testines, and little of it is retained in 'their
s-.omachs. In passing through them, however,
the water carries considerable quantities of their
contents to where it lodges in the intestines. If,
then, the conteuts of homes' stomachs are washl
ed out of them before they are digested, thev ara
in a manner lost, no nourishment being derived
from them. rv,na ;.. i .-
f,orQ ,ni, . . , .. ,. i.uij arue
! l Use' and to 11 thc appearance of com
I e"tlre amo"S "o dung is often due.
j "The articles of food as well as the nualitv
! they get are also matters that demand considera
tion iu the management of horses. Bere and
barley are often given to them with profit instead
of corn, and their relative value as articles of
food stand in about the same proportion as their
specific weights do. Damp straw or musty hay
should never be given as food Tor horses. The
former is Hpt to sonr them, and the latter fre
quently affects their wind. It is affirmed by
some that if their hay aud straw be cut, and their
corn be bruised, horses can be kept at one-fourth
lees cost than when these are given them whole.
Every one knows the value of grass as an article
of food for horses. A month of it in the early
part of the season, when thgrass is young and
tender, is worth two when it is old and tough.
Great care must be taken of horses when first
put on grass indeed, changes of food of any
kind must to them be introduced with caution,
as many have had to pay dearly for neglect of
this. Even a chanee of water has, at times.
heen known to effect some horses, so very sensi-
; ;-"-" "i,io veryeensi-
tive 1PS alimentary eanal seem to be. A
I shallow watering place in a running stream
j should never be allowed for horses while at grass
Fatal results have often been indneed by their
drinkius sand along with water from such a
! place.-'
! Toisoxs asd Vegetation. The National
j Academy of Science, which has been In session
; at Philadelphia, disenssed, and with great unani-
mity condemned, the use of mineral poisons, e
! ceciiillv P.-iris irnin !v rnn.n .i,.
. j 7 ' ' - -, " ' . i . . .... . , II j.u I Tjc
of killing injurious insects. Prof. Le Conte savs
! ,hat ar5enic nn(1 opper, of which Paris green is
j composed, are poisons which act with equal
energy upon plants and animals. The material,
though diffused upon the leaves of the plant to
be protected, which are incapable of absorbing
it, : speedily carried into the soil, and if used
annually it is merely a matter of time how many
years will elapse before the soil is poisoned so as
! to prevent the growth of all vegetation. The
use of strychnine in cornfields to kill crows was
referred to be another member, who thought that
, nlnct Jtf r i..i,.
I ...... ....... w iuiii.0,1 iitiiuic vi .fisuua Ullplll aurLi
the vegetation. Prof. Sillman cited a case in
Massachusetts where the fumes from a copper
works injured the surrounding forests and grass
lands. The academy finally adopted a resolu
tion authorizing the appointment of a committee
! to investigate and report npou the subject of the
i ue oi poisons applied to vegetables or otherwise
I for the destruction of deleterious insects anil
j other animals, and also the incautious nse of
j poisons in thc ornamentation of articles of food,
and for destructive purposes generally, such, for
j instance, as the coloring of paper.
Great Yield of Pie Plant. A truck farmer
near Providence, R. I., sold in that market the
j last spring and summer nine tons cf rhubarb
from a quarter of an acre of land. Owing to
j Very h competition he only received twenty-
i .',.' r .. ' . ! . inn lur 11, or one cein ana a unaner
; a pound. This is $225 worth of truck from a
) quarter of an acre, or $900 per acre. If it had
j not been tor competition, and the rhnbarb had
been sold at former seains' prices, he would
j have received at the rate of $1,S00 an acre for
! this crop. This is by no means an unparalleled
j return for such farming. It is a result of a very
:' liberal use of manure and labor, and of adapting
j crops to the wants of the market. A farmer
uses fifty dollars' worth of manure and thinks
j he is very extravagant. A market gardener ne-es
j two hundred ilo'.lais' worth on rich land and re
j grets that he had not put on more.
I Vaixadi.e Hints. Boiled Unseed oil will keep
j polished tools from rusting if it is allowed to dry
I on them. Common sperm oil will prevent from
! rusting for a short period. A coat of copal is
frequently applied to polish tools exposed to the
weather. Woolen materials aie the best for
wrappers for metals. Iron and Mee! goods of
all descriptions are kept free from rust by the
following: fiissolve half an ounce of camphor
in one pound of hog's lard, take olT the sknm
and mix as much black lead as will give he
mixture an iron color. Iron and steel, and ma
chinery of all kin-Is, rubbed over with this mix
ture and left with it on for twenty-four hours,
and then rubbed with a linen cloth, will keep
clean for mouths. If machinery is for exporta
tion it should be kept thickly coated with this
during the voyage.
To Bake a Ti hkey. Let thj turkey be picked,
signed, washed and wiped dry, inside and out ;
joint only to the lirst joints in the legs ; then cut
a dozen small gashes in the fleshy parts of the
turkey, and press one whole oyster in eaehgah ;
then close the skin and flesh over each oyster as
tightly as possible ; then stufTthe turkey, leaving
a little room for the stuffing to swell. When
stuffed sew it np tightly, rnb over lightly wiib
flonr, sprinkle a little salt and pepper ou it, put.
somewnter in yoar dripping-pan, put in the
turkey, baste it often with its own drippings,
hake to a nice brown, and thicken your gruvy
with a little flour and water. Be sure and keep
the bottom of your dripping pan covered with
water, or it wilt burn the gravy and make it hit
ter. Shin or Beef Sore. Have the shin welt
cracked up ; put it to boil iu five or six quarts of
water; boil it five or six hours; skim it very
often; cut up very fine half a white cabbage ;
chop two turnips and three onions ; put them all
into the soup with pepper and salt, and boil it
two hours ; take the boue and gristle out before
serving. If yon have some raised dough make
up n dozen balls, the siz of a nutmeg, drop
thern into the soup and let them boil half an
Sti tfims fok a Tchket ob Chicken. Take
some bread crumbs and turn on Just hot water
enough to moisten them ; put in a piece of but
ter not melted, the size of a hen s egg, add a
spoonful of pulverized sage,a spoonful of ground
pepper a teaspoonful of salt ; there may be some
of the bread crumbs that need to be chopped ;
then mix thoroughly and stuff yonr bird.
Hog Cuoleim Remedt. Take out the core of
an apple, insert In It 10 to 20 grains of calomel,
' pin j np nnd feed : aM try ertre wirhoiif fait.