Yankee Inquisitivexehs. The death ( of Lady Ambcrlj (who, by tb way, was well and most favorably known in Ameri can Bociety,) reminds us thai it was her husband, Lord Amberly. sou of Karl Rus sell, whose account of his resources once proved so incomprehensible to a traveling Yankee, and got a silencing poser'' from the- Yankee in return. 'Might I ak what business you are in, stranger ?' was about the twentieth question asked of his lord ship by the inquisitive Yank, who sat op posite him in a railroad car. 'Oh, I'm In n bii6itiCfV answered Lord Amberly. The Yank turned his heavy quid over to the other cheek, epat out of the w indow and said : 'How in thunder, then, do you et money to keep up all this high jinks ?' Well,' said his lordship, smiling, '1 get it from my father.' 'And what does he do for a livin' ?' 'Oh. he has a large properly what you call real estate, you know. Yauk restored the quid to his right cheek, took another shot at a passing pole, thought heriously for a while, and then, laying his br.tad hand confidentially on Lord Amber- ly's knee, raid : 'Sav, fetrauger, what would j v,u do now, suppose the old man should j bnt up r 'And.'' Lady Amberly used to inv, after tolling the story. '1 think my J lord !i36 W: n pur.zlintf his head f r an ; tnswer to thiit quesli'ju ever si:ic. . .vilN"i:H Smtth Whsonei: visititis the con- ervatory f a yusg l;i!y who was proud j of lir llcwers, and who iif",j ;n.t very tie- cirate'v) h prufusioti f Ixilanical names. i M:ida!!i, have von the Kytsviiv iori'j- '. !' she said, very innoeoruir. 'I had it winter, and I gave it to the Arch bishop of Cauturbury, an l it came out beautifully iu the spring 1" Septennia psoriasis is the med iral name of the seven-year itch. A TEvrKKANCE crusadress, on her re turn from a pilgrimage to the beer-shops, was seen to approach the pantry und was )v-rh"ard singing : 'Little dro cftod.!'. Little grain of spi"e Iou'l they tr.nkf Nn'y Fee.1 i. awful tli e." AN old negro was complaining to a frieud I . . ,, , . ... I that an idle vagabond had struck him. TtIl ! did you hit him hack ? asked the friend. 'So, Hah !' said the old man, '1 didn't touch him back : but I hit him he-ad wid a bean-polf !' Who the Devil he w as. Highlanders have the habit, when talkiug their English, kuch as it is, of interjecting the personal pronoun 'he' where not required, euch a 'The king he lia come,' irstead of 'The king ha come.' Often, in conaequeuec, a sentence or expression is rendered fut ficiently ludierouR, as the seiitiel will show. A jjealleruaa says he has had the pleasure ot introducir to a clover man, the Rev. ! .AI. , iet h; lot;auty hut a secret, aud re-: renlly he began his discourse ihus: 'My friends, you will find the subject of dis course this afternoon iu the epiillo general c! the Apostle IVter, chapter .Itii and verse flii, :n tlie words, Thj devil he toeth about like a roaring !ii.u, seekine; whom he may devour.' Now, my friends, we will . :, .. . , . 1 atvidtt tne .Ubjcct of our text tO-day into ; lour heads. FirBtlv, we Rhall endeavor ti nscerttiin 'Who the devil he was 'C Second- )y, e fehall inpjite inti his ographical ! p isition-ntstiielv, 'Where thu devil he was '"ing '' Thittily, and thig of a personal tl-.anicter ' Who the devil he was Kecking V And fourthly aud lastly, we nhali eudeavor t noive a question which ha never been j 1 . , iti i a -i . I ohed jet W hat tbc .5tJ he tva roar- Ill" Jlbotit ?' I UJ ls4 Lmmsq ttp- poiutctl k he rid, called ujion to serve an iittai hment agaiust a beautiful young wid Jle K:ctditij'ly called upon tier, aud baid : 'Mailam, I hnve 11:1 altaclitnent 1 r you.' The widow b:itlied, and Kiid that his aJLacLmeut wtis rec.jiroeated. 'Ym don't Uinlemtand me ; you must proceed to eous-t.' 4I know it is leap vear, sir, but I prefer you to tlo the courting.' 'Mrs Y , thin ir no time for trifling ; the jus tice is waiting." 'The inaiiiee ! WLy, I pre fer a parson.'' avs the Indianapolis Journal : In the itbsenee of a teacher lat Sunday, Superin tendent Knippenlv r?. ol the Garden Bap tilt Sunday-school, took charge of the class LtuiNeif nome ;i bright boys. Indirectly he had occQstion to ppeak f the two roada, oue leading to Heaven and one lo Hell, aud Ftated that Gyd htid placi d the Dible iu our harid U direct U" to the right road and warn us from waiting iu the road which leads to ruin. The superintendent, wiith it.g to illustrate the importune1 of the f n-t-board, asketl the boys : 'IVoy, have yo't ever -i-n ir, th.- oonti rry ?' Yes, tir.' 'Iid 3'ou ev. r cue t i a point where two j roads met, and fiur.'i ti' tiijger-hard to j fjirect you 'r Yesfcir.' 'What road did yr"i take ':' Tin; road that had the niot black wal nuts on," was the quick response of ne of the bright lade. Mr. K. found the answer too much, aud with a loud etr.i'.i! replied, 'That'p ri-T.t, !kv ; go for the Hick wal nuts.' 'J'VT Idltt'V ANHTHF.t: I'l.ATK. A tH'iry ir told f :t couple of farmers who lived Hot a re:tt distance api-.rt, one of whom was u,U.d for bt-.tig very penurious. r)e day Lis neighhor called upon him while he was eating dinner, but instead of asking l.iui to sit down to the tah'e with him, he kept on eating and talking just as though the visitor hadn't a mouth in his hetid. j Well, what is t'.i" ne-.vs, teighbor Hrown j 'Mothin much." Xo news up your way "' ! ho Rskcd, still h.'!r,iag himself to his good j f'J.'n-;"""-i inner, while his Leilibur looked on with ; anxiety and aj petite. 'Well, yes, now that. ' I think r-n't, there is jii! a grain of news. Mr. .Toties' cw has got live calves,' replied th : visitor. "Five calves 1 I n v r heard tf su -h a thing. Why, wliat th:1 dickens rifs the fifth one do when the other four tre sucking ?' 'Why, he ttatids and looks on like a dumb fool, as I am doing now.' Oh, ah! Hnnnah. put down an'h-r j.laU .' ! t'-ntlis ts-iete-, atiin nietistirc, llll the ; , ptll I'jTiS'T LltiE IICTTOK. A tM)il t!ry j tennre-s e.,.i.i:,... ,,t .-, .iiiiel'ti- ho-tf : tol'J of a recent ex!lent performance of ! ITafjiltl'6 'Meftiall, at the JJroa'lway Jap- j tint Thur th, Louieville, Ky. A farmer took ri;e wife to near t lie grand iiiubic, f pli-ndidry reri'Ierrd on th: occansun, and ftftt-r liit'-ning with apparent rnjoyrocut.Tfce pair bi'tume interentod ia oue of the grnnd -horu"fS, 'Vt'e al!, liLe Kheep, have gone a tray." FirBi.pl:arj. nojirano voice eicinittied. 'We all, like sheep .' Kext a deep base ! . r V0100 Ut'ertd, tn the tUOHt earnest touea, 'Vc a'L like "hrtori TVn rII tll Hinir- fr at once assorted, MVe ai!, !ik: nheep ! .' 'Darned if I do V1 escln;in.d o!d i KuKticus to la! jat1ner. I Jike lietf and hnvn, Iiut I can't nearsbeftp rneaL' There wan an audit.: titter itt that iunuuJiato vi ritiity, but the splendid music attracted at teuti'sa fn.m the pair, and they quietly "Uptvd nitr.. liclo jtobfrtisfmrnts. i K ; MIIEICIFF' SALES- BY irtu of Sundry Writs of Fieri Farias, j Miias Fieri Facias, i'lurie Fieri Facias, Yen- i ditioni KxM'imf. :iH Venditioni Fxuouas. Lc- ! T:tn F.ciai, alius I.ev.;rl Facias, and Pltine Levaii Faci'ie, is:.n't oul ot the tV.nl o.f'otu uiou Pieas c( Nortl-.uui'jfi I:u:d county, ami tes tatum V. r.di'.ioni Exponar Untied out ol the Court of ( owiiioti Pleu of Lycoming coiinly, sud to me dirteted will cxpot-erf to r.nMic sale or out ci y, a; the Court Hfise, in the t'orou'i of . ."unb'jry. l'a., m; ! iVMlut-slH.v, October SMli, 17 I, ut 2 o'cloek in I lie r.ft-rr.ofit, the following pro perty, to wit : All Hint eertain tract or rieee of lam! situate in Lower Auciifia li,iihtp, Northumberland county, Petiti' ylvania, bounded and described as follows, to wit : 'jrinnitic at .". Motif in the pub lic ro -.d. and on a line cf John F. Zimmerman's hind, tlieiu-e by land of .lohn F. and I-ami'ol F. Zimmerman, noith twenty iiine and o;ie halt '! Krvin, rar-t tni perches to h stone: i hence by laud of Flho Fmeriek, -outli sixty two and three fourths destreei., e:o-t eighty percher. to a 'tout. : thetw' by tLe t:isic, Eotttli tv.vnty t.tne :. id one four! u dci'tccr, west eleven rvrehca to i-t.ii.e : theace !v !t;.d of P ter Zimmerviuii, noi'h t-'vty f.vi i-.'r.'th, et ci!ht pereliei to the pirn !' bruit :. im: : containine live acres ;'i:ti iort;. per ches, uioie or Iff, with the :ippt;it.ti:iuvs coii sihtinir of a two -tory brick hom.e. stable fra'ie- liitclu-n : :'s the property ot J.'. It. I. KM". ALSO A eeiuiu tract of laud situate in J'lniar. iovu- ! bii'. Nor: lititntiei lard tuiinty, Pcui ania, boui.ei a and e-scri'-d as follows, to ii : lt-; . nHK MUm; th.i'cc by l:ind of the '.ime and .'a i t. kt ,,jl.r)1 Wrist, ".win f.x nr.d one ban it' irreet?. ..(.jt foi.r pcreb.es t.) a rloi'.e ilea' ; ) v i r. 1 .:' .-.iiriTi.-l W illiamson, Tinith fix- I t Ii .e. , i ,;t s.iv one anil one b:u! Jer- j ciies to ; in : le : t !iet4' e l.oriii sixtecti decree-, , ! west t'.ITy t .' pi iciiv- totbe pluer of i.emnii: : ! ! r,!t:iiii:..i; m-V'I 'ei ii acres, ai'd one luii.iiv I a 'id I ; !ii'e . -!:es : it t u;eairc. j A!s..".! . e:ta:r. ti.tcl or J : ee o!" lit! 1 situ.''" in ; 1 .k.rcVi: toviislop. Nmi huuit'ei diin 1 coiiiily. l'a.. I tiouni i.'' i d- i-eii.'-.'i' us follows, to nit : l-itt-j l.iiu' ;M ( beslnut er;;!., theuee by land ol .Mm j , i'etia k. north eighty cU'.it und oiichall deres. i i west o:,e i tincr -d v. I'd nineteeu ier h.-c tost.mes; theuee b;. laud of paaiel illtainsoti. --"1:1 ti lliiee ; ,t, .rn.,n. e:i-t ftttv tour ii-rchcstoa -i;me,tii n; r lv a white mil. sfiniti; tbence bv land of Jacob Straub. i'oruicrlv Fredeiiek Weaver, north eigh ty eeveu and one halt decrees, , ,,n thirty rive und live t.uuth jx-rciicfc to a white oak ; thence by !nnd of John Wiest ;:nd tieorge fhartle, north ev;uty oi e one half decrees, east ninety one and otic tenth perches to stone ; thence by land of Holshue uud Iletrick, uorth eveu degrees, wett twenty one a:,d five tenth perelies to the place of iMg'.uuitijf ; contatniuz twenty ciitht Hcn, uud one hundred and fciily seven perches and .liiowanee. With the appurtenances consist ' of one two stoiv frame dwellinir lamse nn:! I static; : the teopetlv of 11 F.N RV T. ROW. ' MAS. i ALSO: Two certain lot or piece, of ground, situate in .'. W. Cakes "s addition to the borough of Puubn- 1 C V. 1..rl !. L-,i.,'.-n nti.l n, CUUIUV 111 I lliii'ii' i eoe., i.. ui.. .. ii uu d"eitrnittel on the plan of ftiid addition a" lots No's 11 uud 1". o t'loek No. 41, hounded and de- scribed at follows lo wit: bi'ginuiug at the north cast comer of Fo-irth and Rea:in streets. thence northerly along Fourth Hreet, so (Vet ; I thece. easttriv at right angle? therewith !.K feet; thence southerly at right ancles therewith so fc.l to aid Knatr iu Mr'-et : thence westerly l.V feet to the place of beglnninw', with the appurtc unnee couKiftin .f a two story brick house, with kitchri att:v!i-d ; at the prop' rty of L. M. yoDfK. Al.fU : A eertu'.n trtct or piece of land situate in the towub'p of .'ydac, county of Nerthnniberland. aud State of lYufifyit anln, aijo!r.!ng lard of KI'm Pegely, Bradley Donahue, Peter Thott::is rd John Ki's'.ntrcr, containing twenty six acres, n. ore or left, with the rppurtenaues, cousistirg of a oue and a hr.lf etory log dwelling house and ',';' : the property of HkN.i.i ill N AL0 ; An r.dditioi: tie' dwelling Louse cl Jo! i. 1". fuydrr. of Tuibul t'-wtiship. Northumberland cotit.tv. Hald house is situate in Ih'.t part of Miiton lyiiic : Turbm township, n Lincoln street, on the oorver of another stieet: said a l.li tiou Uifciiteeu feet by nevent jr-four feet, two sto r:e hi 'h, built of wood, covered with shingles ; at tiM-propettv ot JOHN r . SNYDER. ALSO: 1 wo certain lots or piece, or ground, situate ir ,he ,Hlrol,., f Ml. rrrael, county of Northum situate in tt rluud. and r'tale of rYtmsvlTi'.iiia, known and dcrignutcd on the plan ol raid oorough ts lots nt:mbci five and ix. iti Mock utiinber fifty, bounded noithward liy lot iitiin!er four, ran- ward bv A fide st reef, southward bv lot number fceven, utid M :ii J by Oak street, on each of said lot being erected i: two story frame riwell !nr hot.ne. ; its the propertv of ALEXANDER M-KIM. ALSO: A certain trucl of laud situate in .Siiatuokin lOWnsUlt', orilllllll'jrriailil t'uuuii, uuanucu uu i' a8 wiows, viz : H-giuuing .-.t tnne. . -.. k . I L J I I. ..I .....4 thu? y tends of Ir. J. It. Maescf, uurth ae- vetitv one and three iu:irter degrees, er.st thirty eight J'erehes an 1 five tenths to Hones; thence by Unds of Allen A. Moody, north fourteen and a lm!f decrees, ert eighty m'Vcu perehe mid sir tenths to utte.ies ; thence bv land of .Michael 1. Nber, srnth sixty three and H b-'f d'jree-, i weft thiity r.ine jn-rehes and two tenths, to ) nones, tiil tiiM-.-e by hinds of Ohadtuh ( amii be'l. south fonrteeu and half ilegrcci.cas.t eigh ty perched to the pluce of beginning, containing twenty acres mid Cfiv one jmtcIick, strict mea .ure.four acrra of which is cleared and iui-rove 1. Also, all that .-ei laiu liece or parcel of hind, it nule in the horoiieh of tthamokin, connty uforesairl, being lot numbered in the general plan of said borough, number forty i-v.-n and J..art of L'A number foity iit. and tsiuudej and described us follows, to wit : beginning t : pevt at the in tersection of Independence iintl Miamokin streets, on the wcaterly siile thereof, forty nit.e and eilit tenth" (eel to a rt i thence bf lands liite of Jo seph Wetzel, noith degrees, wed one htiti- !;vd and ninety one and four tenths feet to h, post on the chiJI side f Khamokin street, thiity I one aud seven tenths feet southwardly from the ! northwest corner of lot No. forty tive (45, ) at I the line of aid hamukisi street ; then.') by Mia tnokin street forty five feet, more or , to the i railroad on ludcj nirt.ee street ; thftice ! same and said trect. oue hundred r.tul titnety feet to the place of beiirntng, conlaintug eight thou sand, uine hundred s'juare feet, more or 'ess, on which are erected a lurtrc two story brick build ing, cont.iicic.g More house, ware honse, otScs, I Ac. Ac, Mubliti, out -hour-. , Ac, and aiao a I flame house i:ow useil a.' shoe u! butcher! shop. And also the following lots of ground:! . - 1. .l.-.X'. III. .I I .'-.' . I i lO. o in Oloeu .o. ; r.t -,u. ill oioeiv .,o. i ST. ; 1-jts 1 anl - in tdo' k No. Ti. ; lot Nf.o, bi.M-k I j 77 ; lot ti t;i block 4T, on which is erected a ot e j I an;i u. half story dwelling house ; lot 0 in t.ioei ; i loT ; lot tl in block 1V9 : ut the pro;-rr cf V - j j,i. i i.t. i i.'.r .i.i . AI.rU: ) Aii that certain pie;111 and parcei of land situ ate in the borough of S-jnbiiry. county ot North umberiiu.l. and Hate of jV-nnsyivniia. being part ot a lot tit:tnberi .1 in the rner:'.l plati of ssid town r.ntaher tv.o hundred and tv.enty nine, and bounded mid descriti"d ::s fo io v, viz: be ginuir.g ft a post rn the we-t side of Deer or Third "-tr.xt, at the iV.f.atn.v of ons hun dred and tel. teet u.id one inch south ard frotij the south sii'tr-f "L str.nt or Klackherry strvt', th'i ee by u line p:ira".iel to spid ('hes'tiut street we-t. v ard iitoss said lot sixty fet to a post ia the ui'isi-'m iinr ! :twcea the said It t and iot n:it!ibTed two hundrtd and thirty : theneel y said division line so'ithwatdiy, tw-i,ty seven teet stri't measure to a post; Ounce by a line paral lel tn s..i1 Chestunt street -Inly tee! to the ivest ern side . .f said Third street, and th.ence north wardlj a'oi.g said Third -trect .twenty seven feel strict meinure, to the place of beginning; con taining fillet ti huiidred and twenty p juare feet of land, with '.he ape,i,riena:icei- eon-i-ling nf f two story frnite. dwelling (...iisl, v.ith --toie. room and privy. i iu coiiitoe.i with Joseph Ulster, his l.eir- an aV-gn. the live ;iTi1 ui.ei t upt- ( ! ii"" ana p..--:ige iu jiiu aong at: a.ley or pas- nge way inn f-'it. lie", ttieualirc, l'i width. i eXter.Jii g o'.l l'lou --iid Third siitct, wfst- w.ird.y, along ..tid iidhiinii.g the southern i.ne : t:.e or piece r.f i'onn.t heret-y ce. v- y i for aii :..! thei-'-.ith ; .- n-- j i-.--:tv KVKK. A e-rt iia lot of piece ot ground sil'latt ii. t'a tucroii township '.orthuinSei Ian 1 count . P.-t.n- tylv:.a, lionmlni :;t .lei-cri'.ed tis to!.oa. to i wit : heghinit.g ul a t-;..- i: put1.: ro:; i ; trading from peter V.'. ik-al'- t Mitn-i'ville, i heioo alor g rid r itot noith twenty ('..; ret, i wt twenty peref.es r: 1 three tenths to a rtone ; ; theuee hv laud of Abrah.mi H ,ke' north ten- Itytlitc- drgtre-. r-ist t.v t "rehea tti a s'one; t hem hv the r'.ltlir. a'Jllth seventy h f re. , eilft twenty perches and thi'e tenths t i :t -tone; i thence hy iii raime south twenty three ill gree, ! west sii j erel- to th': pla'-r ot tTginning. 'oil- : i t n iui'.ar "je h'.indtej an 1 twi-i tv n'if itt;tl ii;M ! ' (. t:tnatf'ar ator, certain i t or p:" -e of gitcmd orrsaid, I'otinde.l nn.) dcicril-ed as follows, to v. it : lirjf inning at sttike and atoti" ; three iei'm, wei-t f rty fo':r perch' s and two . tenthi to a stake an l store: : th' t.ee hy land of ; Abr:ha:n tVeikel, o:ith seventy degrees, west j twenty perrhea and three t-i,ths to a attire ; i thence hy laud of rVU;iinn V.Vaiy, north twenty three degrees, west forty pcrehe cnil eight tenlhf to n utiike; tiie-tcc ly litr.d of Michael '. Weikel, tiO'.v Win. L. and (. has. I1. Hcifeustine. c'v Mlt' degre-., e-u- twrr,ty prfh , and thr-e tenths to the place ol t.-ginning, cou- . t-.inlng Cve acien nr.d nlxty I've p-reh'3 with l'pt'nrenauee, consislinir ot a two story fiat:;r dwelling house utll tt..,(,tp . iv of GII.HK.KT RKH .. AlXi, A certain tra'-t or piece of hind situate in the horough of NortuunilierlanJ aud -oe.t:ty of Nor thumberland, -mid Mate of Pentnylv.i-.ii:!, hound ed and described u fallow?, to wit : pM-tripiiing at the corner of land of .tesse Ilorlon'd beirg adjoining the lire of the J.uckav.una t ttiooms hcrg railroad ; thence northwestwardly along the laud of the said .leescC. Horton'n heir uhout t'TO tl'tS't-f'l fo- V-ri "ht fee. mo-A or l.i;s. lo the line of Bird street in I!ird' additiou to the borotitrh of Northumberland ; thence northwest wardlv alone; said bird's street eifcht hundred and thirty-five Teet, more or lets, to the north east line "of Jenkins street in said Bird's addi tion ; theuee down alonir 6al Jeukius street one hundred and eiirht.y-l'our feet, more or less, to lino of the said Lsekawana Ac Blootnsburs railroad; thence northeastwardly up along the line ot the said railroad to the place of bein nins;, containing five ;.cres, more or less, with the appurtenances consisting of a lan;e frame car innnufacturini; uliop and fonndrv : a the ptop.itv of THF. NOKTIU MBEKI.AND CAR A N P M AM F '.TI'KlN(i COMl'AN'Y. Al-. A cet tain Jot or piece ot" ground situate in the t'rou;;U of Mount Carmcl. county of Noithum bcrhind, :it,d Mate of I'epny!vauia, known und designated on the general plarL of se.id boione;'' lot number seven in block tirirty-oue, fronting on Oak street twenty-five feet and extendiim back to an alley, w ith the appurtenances cousist ini; of a two-storv J'lank dwelling .'Mid store ; as the pron. rlv of HFNRY H1LK. AI.St), Ml ll.at eeneiu lot or piece of ground situate in ,!. W. Ul,e"- addition to the borough of Sun b'.'ry, eoMiit 1' Northuiiiberland, and State of l'etoit i:in:... known and designated on the plan ol -a: .1 a.'d.ioit ao lot ti'iiuber twenty-tive in iv i, n lb.-1 eleven, Irontinjr on SusfiilianHil :m... !..iv jive feet, aud cxtendiiis; back one hi.ii i' ej iir'ty f-el to a thirty feet street, .viii. b. ii p ::t tiaiice:- riMiMisting of a Iranie V'-i', The rijilit , title and interest of Hiram 11. l'.auek in a:; to ;: ctitniu l 't or piece of ero'iii.l sit'tule. as afotetaid, known and desi;; leited in the pi:.n of said addition as lot tiueiber !v.eiitv--i in bhvk nuinler eleven, froi.t'riL- oa :''ji:ei:Mjn:i aveti'ie tw entv live IWl av l rxten.lina- tetrk one bandied and fifty feet to thirty ! ! MreM, with the. :-.ppnrt'tnanees eo;i-i .; a tvco-Ftorv Itauie dw, Ki'ie house, A-e. ; ;iS . o.- ry orHtUAM V. . H.UVK. ALSO, ' ,vo , i i t. i . r:?r .r piece- of routid rituate in Ilili.ll o the t'Oto'lull of ull Not liotiili: rlat'if. and Mate of J. '.V. C...e'r bi;i y. coi:-;t v IY:.:iv'v.in:; ,:. k: .own nn em iT i de-i-juat" (1 on the plan :;i.!hm- tot;r an i live iu lin' on U:i:iioa! ave t . am". -Ti'T.di!':: teick 1 nn. he.: .".-t ::tly feet, ot s :! . (Ot b'.M k t.m.-.i ! I till ell. f: i I .i-nry-tive t i. t i i! ii o:n line e.i' l each oi liior. pu: 'i :.at s. to ele iliiiiV l.-el sin llti Hie ap :d i,:i !.'. nan. be: four onsint- in of iv.-o-.-tory Htabic ; a- i he rn flame lellin holli-e and rtv ot A! Kl'KP KKAl'SE. .Ml tho ' o tt n ;in 1. 1- or t- lreet . i if errc.'.ud situale ! in;.' .! li' i: j in the boii.U':h of Mount. Caiiuel. and de-ifjiiated on the gcirrii! plan or chart of said town of Ml. f'arniel. with the num bers setcn and cistkl ( and S) in blecK number forty-tvio (4,). and bounded and derciibed r.s follows. viT : On the north by at: nlW, cast by lot number ni::c tt'i, soulh ty Fourth street, and weft I'V Lemon street, enntaining in front nil raid Fourth st-eet fifty feet, and ntendinr back in depth that width one bundled and fifty feet lo nn ili'ev. whereon is elected a two Mid one-hail story dwelling house, toveilng the whole front of slid two lots with other outbuild-in-": v the property of JONATHAN HOOVER. A I.SO, Two rertai: lop- oi- piece of :;rot:ml situate in th" tnirotili Mount Canm 1. county of Nor thumberland, and Stale of Pennsylvania, known and designated on the general plan of Maid bo rough us lot- nifUiber live at;d six in block num ber thiity ni'ie, bounded noithward ty lot num ber lour. ;! iw.ud by IVar alley, southward by lot nninbi-.- sevn. an.! we-tward by Map!- street, v. i?h the a;. t;rter.:!nei 'U 'ii'ing of a two-nturv fr.mi'- di'ii'iii de);.li:' I.olisi: W'ttl "t-.l'i Tei f.ion Kr.ssi.n:. A LSi . tie- 1 Ai. e. !l:.iu lot .f hi ml i:u su.ue atid teue uii i,t '::. te ;a t.:e borough o: Riverside, in the county oi N'oitaafibeil. .n!. atai Stale of Pciin Kvlv.it.i.i. 1 ot.nd-marked and de.-( rilni! as fol lows. v:z: HcilatiifL at III" so'it!ie-t collier of Ae,i je V. and Kotitii l , th 'tiee soiithward- IV u'.Of.K the ..vest sj,ie ot Avenue K. tilt v feet to I it R. ; i!.. lite. 7. "terlv :.!o:i -aid lot o:i" hun dred ilu'l'" ?0 elley j thence lioi 1 1. ,-.i vl : a.om: r.tid alley t'f:v feet to Fourth stteci : thence i a-iv.ar iiy alon said s trees one hundiei! and eighty-!-'1.." f -- t to place of be. i-itmiit-r. beitij lot narked .!. m section tweniy lotir t -v.i it: the jila?: of ..aid Rivi'isi.'.e. with the ap'virte!.:i ! ot-i-tiog of a lo--'ory tVuine d i'i- w;'i .-tore rotim. tram.: stable property o: WILLIAM an! co.,; LIVZ' v M.M. i,. t i .t :ii- ': or piece of ground, situate in tie- botough oi r-'ni tiut, county of Northuiii berland, Mate of lY.'ii ivanla. aud b.yindeJ and described a- follow-, to wit: HottnieJ ou the north and east by canal or gut, 1 tt-tly belonging to the Hutibury t'anal and Water Power ('onipii ny, on tin-south tiv lot No. 7, (number seven) iti Young's addition, atid on the w,;st by an alley; aid alley running northward froth Fawn street, with the apparo nances, con-:sling of a two story brick house ; a the proper'v of JUKl'H Rlt'H AKItSON. ALSO, Two certain i"ts or pieces of ground, situate in the liorough of Mount C'aritie.!. County of Northtitiberland, and statu o:' IVnnsylvanla. known .T.d designated o-i the general plan of of aa".d ,r."ugfc :t i-.H nur.;ler ten and eleven in bloc!; :r:mt".T foi l -oti , bomah-d uorcvard tiy In number mm , eastward ty draiige alley. ioathward liy lot tititu'tr twelve, and westward by Hickory -1 rot r , with the appurtenances, con sisting fl a two rto'-y doUhl li.ime dwelling house and stub'e ; ..":'!" pr - rtv i f JM;fH JtAi!A Y, ' M . Ail that cert aii tw.. -i-nt i rata-' mjsnag and tc'jt:li:ent, sittiateou lie s i:tbwt-t side of tueeti street .on the corn r ot l.ocs alley."' in the bor ough of N'oithuinie; I'.nd. i:i N oi t h umbel land count'., Mate oi" '.;: iiiia. cmnining in front on said s're-t . I oy t . m j in di'iith siHed. !ect. more or ie--, ':th a kitchen ill tne rear, intruding po.h tourteen teet by twenty feet, and fhe one half of a '. jI or piece of ground appurtenant lo said build ing.Ving the northeast erly one halt pait. of lot number one handled and eighty-one, ( ll j bounded on the northwest hy "Lock alley," on the northeast by ttieen street, ..n the southeast by a part o! lot number one hundred and eighty-two, (1V2) an l on the soiitht -t tiy the other pari o' lot number one bundled and eighty-one, (11) containing sixty feet in "ront on Queen street, aud one hundred and ten feet in depth ; as the T-ron-r' v of (."RAW r'oKIl n KF.11T. A A c rtal'i lot or pii - e of frrottn i si'tc-.te in Up per Ai:gn-t.t township, Northumberland coiiuty, l'a., bounded end desCritH-.l us tolloWF, to wit : l'.egiliniiii at -l'. lies ill the line ot foi inerly .lohn H. l.etiker .ri.l ( h.irle.-, Wi'der's Utn! where f-aid line fi i uii'iet at the Cutauissa ro.id ; thence by land of tl..--aid . John 11. l.enkT noitn oivty- fouv d'-gn-s lift i iiint sixty--, v e: te.- n-v "i"' by lands ,: i .1 .-.eiiv i. ti degi. . - f-irty feet to -'...I.e.-; the;.-.-- t-. Wild.-i fo.it!: -; ea-t o!,e I' .e.fre 1 : : hail" to .;, . f or. i .aa -- i four lil ;:e, - .-. -t f... n-tim th- phi;.- :l .' ' :i t: i : . T. ' f eoiisirtil'.g il;-: -''-ry i. west, one hundred i s to stones ; thence :.'. ' o north trt:ty- 11. west forty-two 1 lortuerly f. f'-t" u'te n minutes t j.i e,. if,.t and one- road, south forty- a ti.i oue-h tif ft et to . the appitrten.inces .'svel'.ing house. Ac. A '.so. A. th t i ":t ;;u oiieT .ot or pieee of groan 1 r.it ni U". ". J-.e's additiou lo the borough ot .iii.', ary, cotu- jf aiidiIat" aforesaid, kuo vi. an 1 de-igti .t- I on ilie plan of ssid addi tion ;ir I t ti'it'iber ihir'.ecu in block eleven, fiontir.g in I'.ailro.ni avenue twenty-live feet and exo lulu g o that width west one hundred and lilty feet tja thirty fc-t street, with the appur tenanee. r-.'ii-:-.t i-i .f a two-storv fiai.ir ilwell iii;' !''. e ; r- T.ro:rv '( HAVl'Il. B I. ''." .Ml t'." :o"nw;iig d-scribetl town lot of laad fcituatu iti tin: borough of Kivrrsid. fn the couu tv of N..:t!oi!ii:jeiliiiid aud Mate of IVntisyUa nia, 5io'.it;d'-i Mud it scri'j-d es follows, viz: co'inieoieing at the northeast corner ot avenue "A" . a i Front street, thence northwardly along the eats -i le of said n venue six hundred mid forty-live fe t four inches, lo M;s.;u dinniia avenue, then', (Hong 'alii avenue east'.vatdly one hun dred and eighty-six feet eight and one half itieh't.- to an alley, tin nee -.o ithwi-.ully along said ;i i It y -ir bundle ,i arid siio-! -i fei t and eleven inches to r'.t-t sti -t . t 'ia long said stiret we-: atil'y o;ie hui:''ie.t and tighty-four feet to the lil. ice oi" liej.ii. nilig. tielt.g lots A. I'. '". 1. K. F. .. 11. I. K. i.. .'tni d. in -et ..n two rlj in the plot .'I -..id Kivci-ide. Ai. . a.', tho"; certain oiler town lot.-, of land situate in tie- boi.v.igh ot U:v 'r-iib- iti the county of Noitl.i.: , nr'eu 1 :,t.,i ft-itee.)' 1'enui.ylvania, nil ir tn;- at tie tl-et Hv, to rt.hv. i ; t corner of avenue U.itt.d I no: tiie. t i ; v S;:-r.e'. ... v.'eit'.- right :iie! I the -..i i .ii teen i'eet said -I i ' . fo'.r fee' I.. tie d.e i. lung tall avenue nd eightv-si l' t to vinne. t . l in e :, long sai l avenue e iiiniiiii l Mid ie!ily-Bix f-et !t inelies to in: alley, thenee along ...iithwatiily -i iiiimlrej and lotir--lit s to Kii-t :in-.t, tin nee alonkt e.ai.t'y "ii hiitelie 1 und eiglity- t.cginnwg, tiemg lots milk..; N. . !'. U- -s- T- ' A- V. :. - on v) two i'l tin- plot of stiid Kiver si :. .;:h the .-tppiMteiiiiiu .-s erected on l't ""' ci tftins of an tititt rttt-hed two-sfory hriek dwel ling I.oms. ; :,f lie- j.roperty of CEOR'iF W. KK ''' ! OO-KI'MINK KI' A Y hi- wif-. A e. r:..:t. u. j '.eee of ground sltnste in the borough mi Mount t'tirin-l, county of Northum berland and htate of I'. iiu-ylvaiii.. known nud designated on the general plan of said borough as lot number twenty-two Iu block number thir ty bounded northward by lot number twenty-one, eastward by Pciir street, ouihward by lot nutn-b'.-t ( wuty-tliree and westward by t'ak ttreef, conttiing in width twenty-five feet and lu depth one hundred and fifty feet with the nppnrte t:a:i"es eon.tisitiiig of a frame stable; ns the pr.i-P-i-x of I'MIUr r. VAMIOKN. ALSO. A ret lain tract or piece of land situate in the toW lis hip of IMa-.vare. connty of Northumber land and State of Pennsylvania, bounded and described as follow: bounded northward by land of John Dimni, eastward by land of John iJitutu, southward by land of fiideon Boaer, anrl wrstward by laud of Daniel C. Hoffman, containing thlrty-sii: ncre more or less, with the apiitirtenances consisting of a two-story frame house and stable ; n the. property of ASTRO. N'V TKFI ALSO, One and oni-half certain lots or:e:-es of ground situate, in the borough of Mti-'arruel, county of Northumberland uud Stateo'ennsyl vania, being one half of lot number fo find lot number five, block twenty-live, us tvked on the. general plan of said borough. Jouude.d north by lot of Alfred Ajre. east by -neb al ley, (outh by lot number Rt, and westy (.'hest- toif t r'if witli tt. !iitiirli..i-iii.it. 1 it rf a two storv fiamr h'libiint'. Alsi,. ;i rtnin lot or piece of ground, situate -.fi aforeo:., known and designated on the general plan otaid Kor ough us lot ne.ir.ber one i,i bloc!; lty nlue. Bounded northe.Hrd by Fot'tth sire,-!.:iUv. ard by mi alley, south .viird by '.1 of Dav Kepier, uuu westward by Maple sir. el, with ti i:p; ur-tenance.-, eiiii-tin:; f a t v.o . lory l"ne house aud slabie. Atso, a e rtain triauguir lot or pieee ol ground, itu i:e as afoietaid. kovn :nid atid dcsitriiuted .n tin- uetiei.il ph.ii of" ai4 Hor Oul;!i ae block number f.iity-rkht. w'.-k'oii is creried a two story frame house t:.Me; s the property of !A.f 1).:", TF.!;!;-. i ALSO. ' A l et lain lot or piece of irrour.d.sii'Jtate in i Hcndrieks and Icnienl's addition to tic borough j of Sunbury, in the county of Norlhmberland, j and iStatc of IVmiFvlvania, known ail resii-nat- ed in the plan of said addition as ot number ', thirty eight, bounded northward by ?':ti: slivi t, ' eastward by let number t!iirty-fcen mthwatd ! j by a'i alley, westward by lot. number lliry-: '.ue, i roiitainitig in width thiity feet, and imi pth one j j hundred anc" thiity feet, w ith the apptUvmirc i, , consisting of i two storv fr itnt- dv.eil .ns h ,e' ! l and frame kitchen ; as Hi" proper! v ! LI MILLKH. ' ALSO, j j All that certain tract or piece of laiil.situMc iu tbe towtishit' of Lower Auiruna. ounivof Notihumlierland. and State of IV.unslv: ,iiu, j bounded and described i:e follows, to ;'i : ite- Lriiniitir nt a white oak sar.lini' 11 corner !' ihis. I and .'(h:1 Wolf's land, and i:i a line of Joi.nhan Fasold's laud : thence t v titt'.er land of sad Joel Vt'oil font h one fourth of di-fn e. east an I. tin- 1 d:ei! .m l forty-two pure!ies lo a -tone : tin nee j by la 'ui belo iuin to the heirs of Thorny Wolf, j liecie.sid. due ea-t thirty-two and six tetiu pur- j ches to a rt'xie, noith em: fourth of a c-jree, en.-! twe.ity nine tmrch-.- to a stone. :i'i: 'st ' ri:;h!ci-'i purehei to a stone ; tiitnee by.iheri land of John L. Shive, r.ort'n ore; foiulh o il -- i gni.eart ono hu:u!re'i and ten j'-erehe.. I o a ; stone ; thence by iae.J ol saij Jonathan he old, j uorth eighty-six deuus, west forty -t wo mreh-s I to the place of begiutiii s. contaiu'eisr tiirly tv.o . acres and otte tiundnj 1 and fifty pcrc'us -iriet. I measure, with the appuitenaticed, eousifiit -' of a two Ptory wcatheiboank d log house Also, all that certain other tract r j iet e of land, situate as aforesaid, bounded nod de-ei ibcd as follows, to wit : lleinninir at pin knot. a corner of this and IVter F.tster's land, and on a line of Abraham Wolf's laud ; theuee ty land j of the eaid Abraham Wolf, soiuh e':ght;-sc-vrn i aud one half decrees, vest oue hundred arid six j and seven tenth perchct to a pine knot ; thence j bv laud of Thomas Wolf, dc-ea-eU, anl Joel i Woif. north oue degree, east one hundred and fifty-one r.nd live tejth perches to a pine knot ; thence by laud of Jacob KatthoUunew and Sam uel Klingcr, Boulli eighty-four and three frirth. degrees, cast orn: hundred and six and c'irht teiith to u piue knot ; thence by lend of Mary Eisler and Ueiicville Hower, so.tth one degree, west one hundred and forty-one and f.ve tenths perches to the pHc of twt;:nniiig, containing ninety-seven acres and rr.e huiain d and fventy perches strict inea-'ire, with the appurtenances, consisting of a bank barn : a. the. property of JOHN L. SHIVK. T.ikon ia execution tid to be sold by .-. it. IioTHKKMKL, siieriis. Sheritl'b Ollice, Sunburv, Pa., O.-i. i, 1W. ittcifuntilc. I XISI AL IIrt'E.MEXTN. New Hiid attractive Goods. In every Depirteient ! WATCHES, DIAMONDS, JftWri.KV, Sti VEIt lll H.tl ID WVItlt. Cut!cry. Clocks, Rroties, English. FreeeJi i.itd Oermna Entiey tijei. H2 mmm In view of the decline tu 'iOl.D, we !. ivc re duced prices on our entire Mock of For;ia":i oter rhandte to I'm I 11 ItHlest, and purchasers wi.l find it to liic'.r interest, to make their select iotn NOW. v. hi!- the .JM RT MENT 18 COMPLKTE. Joods sent on approval for se'iections. Articles purcha-.ttd now, for the Holidays, will be packed and retained until pne'e. time :.a desir ed. KOBBINS. CLARK A BIDDLE, 1124 CitnsTvi T St.. Piiii.Aori.i'iitA- Cslt M (l'i:M(; OF NIKItJ mid sr.viMr.it goods. of every description and variety sueh as DrrtH Csoodt comprising a'.'i the novelties iu fabric and shade. Full Assortment of Xottons, which are being sold at the lowest Cash Prices. Also, ftitocF.RiF,s and Provisions, pure and fresh. qt: k kn'sm'are, (rlasswake, ani wood a ni Willow Ware, Nicetit liranJa of rim.r constantly on li.inJ. A very large ASSORTMENT OF WALL PAPK1J, both glazed and common, ahvavs on hand. II O O T S A X I) s 11 O E s ror. MEN, WOMEN AND CHILDREN. 11EADY-MA I)E CLOTIUXC, of ai! aires and of tl.e late-t stvles. e l o r ,n . A constant suj.p'yof we-tern white wheat Hour a patriality. The public are invited to call and examine our Good jree. of charge. Our motto it "(,uiek Sales and Small Frotit-,'' and to please nil. The highest prices, wiil be paid for al'. kimlK of country produce. By strict iitteation to business and keeping at all timca the most complete stock, and selling at theloweet prices, we hope to merit a full share of patronage. REED 'JROTHF.K : SEASIIOLTZ. Sunhnry, May 22, lsT4. Sugar, Coffee, Syrups, Soices, Canned Goods, Queens, Willow and Cedar Ware. E co 55 7. r y. a o O o G -- t c f-" I r. i c c i 5 Z 1 -i. Cement, Salt, Fish, Phosphate, Land Plaster, Harrisburg Cider Mills. Sisfcllancons. M.VtlllMi SIII AM) IKO.M GEO. ROIIUr.A' H SON 3, Nunb'ir.v. 1mi:ih. i TNFORM the public that they are prepaie.tto j X doall kinds of CA.-i IMi .1 havimr annea n uew Machine Shop in eoiiiieetion wiih fieir Foundry, and have supplied themselves with New Lathes, 1'laninir and During Machines, with the latest improvements. With the aid of skillful mechanic, they are enabled to execute :!! orders of i NEW WORK OR RKPAlKINti, : that may be fjivu them, iu a satisfactory man- ner. ' Urates to niiit any Stove. ; IKON COLUMN!, for chur h 3 or other l.'iild ' iiigs, of all sizes. BRASS CAST IN (if, Ac. t m y UrllRiaCJliaX -TOIL FOR OKAVE YARP LOT.-; ; VEUAIiTDAKS, 1UK YARDS AT RESIDENCES, AC, AC. The PL(VS, already celebrated for their su- priority, have been etill further improved, and will e.lways be kept on hnnd. Also, THItEPHlXfl MACHINES. I fctinbury. May 20, lVi'l. Rtrlimir.. Wlljl -Hbk ageSxs waatei) ( nKookTELL it all I Py Mrs. StfnhouM of Salt Ijike City, for I f ' vi-arg tha Wil of a Mormofl ItUh Prifrt- In- troductioa hy Mm. Ho. 1Tu tory ot 111 oman's eapernr tyi ban the fiuldtn 6'," 111 fytcnM. atcrrt doin. etc. ut the Stnnnons a ft J teuie-nwacr woman Tea tSrm." Bright, lur ti and Ooml, it u tha 6tc naw hook out. actually ivaAi.u" with eood thn3 foe all. It Ii populw every where, with everybody, and outartb att other bookii thrr to om. Miniabra aay ,- V1 qrnt Eminent woitwn endorce IL Fvtrybodv wants it i and strata are aelanA; from 10 toCOa day f S5th thwanit now in prrmt W vant .VOOO bw, trusty acents IIW-men or women ,ni we will rnail OulOl Krrr to thoM who willeanvau Lnnra Minphleta with full particulars, Urm, etc. smt rrre fo o.!. VUnaa A. Jj. Vi'uniai.-iu jus a Co-, liuusra. Venn. KKHK simij'leo to nail's. Ni".;.ri.ihofiK, with 'iirenie.. t o.. New If ilturd, Mnv. LiiiiV fo:iriiTAT:os S.-i;it ytaiej.. I".N it i 'i :. i'. 4v. ! WdltK I oil ALL r.t mov, rr-jje or iwaal; 'j ir weei, Uav i r . o 'illat. N" i-;:!.::?:!. e seiet vjluai.le ).iHk!:,;t i.l" iwiils liv em.d free. Addr'-xs witli cent return etiiiini. M. oi m , 1 7a, l,e.M-eli st N. V. Oct. I'-, II AVE vor ti:iei JUEUBEBA auk yor vi:ak, nkhvoi's, on nKiMTATrn ? .vv you uo i. n;i:ifl :;tiv t'lfriim i'P'niir''- iiut. of an ffort thai: "! Tf I t ;.j.iilU- r mi-kii: T'mu try .ii'rii!:1!..!, ihv wm.tii'rTu! toni. :-m i:ivir-r-tur, '.vhii -Li o I)pii'-T''i.ilh i!t ti Brr.T. .vi'iniF :if to iir.iia-t irT t all vi'iti for.-. It in tio aN'oin..'' hi'T'4", T.birh priii'iilatrf f-r pli rt tiidf-, oit'v t t tii1 uTt r-r full to l.r iV j t!i tl hvr mul Hii.-n. ii"h a h''.i:tv,y tout t'( :b' wh. ! 'tt; .!' i -ikiii mak tl'.f PtVhli'i if. 1 l,kf u. iit-w i it'.. n. Ir. oi-i-rH'.'Hi i" i"t vi.ilf.it, tin, in r'ni-ii-: ri?f I t- tin .it ut im ; rhe fniid.t f'. friutfct mul-i. u i oi l tii-;r t.-uN, hU tr.f A ?-.. An i -IN iiMy BS'.i a'.vay.' Tliir if :io fi'v ; n. I in T rut! th?n -r, 1-t ii4fi iwfl -.'i.h '.-(-iitlt-rful rfi;i'ii! rultn, atni )r tu iiut-t! l-j tif hirhfpt ii.f'lkaj unthon't -, 4'r?.r ui-mt j.c-wt rl n! Ionic -nM : Iit-i'i::i1ir kii'-v n."' Ak vour drrpr,! fr it. Kor kilr by )oHNhT) Iiol.LOWAV h CO., el7,4w. riiilatif !'Ii:h, l'n. FVKUVIiOIV Si HX rilYMC'I A. , 'f. I. A rr. ip ::t 'lit inn: l.wirnv, :, ;-v-i"; r lt j v i . v.. t.r.i Asor:. j (Kit :''.) Kii:;ra in.'-. 1 , i'u V. M.K fNVY ' w.iiitt-.I. ':n t.ldiN 1 rcf , V ANTKIl -Lo:e-r- I'hcI : Vir.N I S ..r '!- H. U. S.i:i:l'e t'ur I', 1. .I'.r I. I. It V KOI'VS OH I'll SI I A N I'V c. W. il -., ?u, l. .T!i'ti:.'i-"!t vi'?nm of 4 m. . .rtj-.-vlHr'sit.t't'liy iJlv-t-fcTf'l pn ! Imitly t. 'iit.(ii-n maflr .inn UitHi th wjutn t,f r; lull. iy. Uvir 'iMj m. O:- a-f.i t M 1 1 W i r. n 1 . lit oiir Vl--', 4tTlTh IU tlir ll:t f. uil'l :- A (JEM'S WANTEDS d-: Hri at ui (. U. ". M- KiNM'l .V TJ:i S.i' ft., rn.;. . KMX. IU, 4w. n 1TKICH WAX M ALK iIAOS, (i.)i'ii'v 1 uprii'iit, r the l-t Dii'lc. Th tourli i fkiFi.T, 'h- luri' j ottW':ul, jiur mu1 rm thr,n,b th i rr.t r. h-mI. y-t mrli:w aii'l hi Waters' tonrcrto Organs ctt. t k iOi I!!, in toil.' or l-..i'ty ; tr;-:- ilfy i :itiun. I ii-'t!;' :t Stu. ; j ii" I'lii'i-ti.ju t fir , Huniiiu Wicr. W:irrutwl Tr y rit. I'n. h rt ; :: ly Iia" fr oafh or i mi t c;i, iai-ijt in nioiitlil) i.'.iaM:lH. Srcon! liKi.ti irtni riiiiiiit bl ir-:it hurjjjiii. An nt Wniiid. A literal tlittcaui to Tpj hf-rx, f iuiMi-t?, 'luur-b-n. Schools lxdi't-H. ft. 1 ilttsfnttM t -Htsttijnrpt IU H I. W K n.HS - SOV, "I I.r."in'..v, N-v ik. I. O. l.s s: '. ivi. Ii,, iw. V. ANTKP .Vfir.NTH for the "Kile eutl l'Tilon.tfoii.i of lr, UMiirttoiitt," i oinj-I -tf. atittntw. i fri-sh tMt. ITirf Misil-i to tU' tirii-tt. AMp m, M. I;. lil'SSr.LI., rublinhi r, Horton, Mann. Orf. vr. Aiceuta Wanted for Prof. rotVLIIU'N ;kkat work llll Munl.iH'il, V,.iiialilliiNl Hint tneir Vutnrr.l InSer-kfl.-i.i.eii. : l iii.-. Its UsH. l'liv e-. s'c. Aici,:-! are rell- liijr fr.un !:.: J'. rel ies a ilay. Si- e-l .'or - j e. :e:.a pnes i ami ! t.." to Adt ltOi, ai d is-e wl.v it s!l ::ist;r t!i:;ii t ioi ..:!i.r liook. AJ.lress, NArinN.W. M lil.ISIlINli J 'ii . Hnil nl"Ii loa. l'a. 'i '. '"'. l-'or Cf)UGIIS, COLDS, no KSKXFS, AND ALL THROAT DISEASES, T7s-s WKM-N' 'ARKOI.lt' TA1I1.KTS. 1'fT IP ONLY IN W.n: J:'Xl.st. A TRIED AND SURE REMEDY. pie.1'! by I'lUfglsts. .'.-. . JIAIsTIAIOltls f.VK AND KAK ISSTITI'TF. Jl'LIAN I J. C JMSmI.M, M. V.. Prcfrsorory and Ear Pir.ses in ft.. f lid., si ltoroN l'i r!i:fv. Titis Ins'ititiion, iti.'.!;-h- i i.i '.'lie :' tlj' ii..'.; ioul niimt delliior ie the eii;- . H.t'U.i 're. !. tL.'nuiel.ly ontaaizrj ana hf.-.l i.. ..i. ..-i- ecu-.rnieu.-' tor :li sielnsne tirtitir.ei.; i..; i .-is-.'.-h -ut: -i:e f.xen K; e i-i-.l Ksr Jllesses. Kach patient Imn s i tii.iiil'e- i- "u '..'ei iv-'H every atteutioti in r. r-SlKe.1 l.e.,s,H. Tbe. Sur'sou wita h's rn., r --.t. in !;. tnsriiiti, a ery jrreat oyuv lil.'l.ert to tf.e slek, sj-ecirllv f;..se operats.1 upon, who can b- i-it.'J t r tiriie su.l ul a lliomriit'H notice, J hoar desirintf lnformutinn v.ll stI ty letter to tri.t N J. itiUHOJ.V. M. r. S". J iui.kUii 8t.. Bi.!timere, M. -'. : "postponements imposmrle. vILLIH Y A Firt torlgHgir Prrniiiim lioiul ck Tin; N. Y. INDt'sTKIAL K.XHIHITI' )N CO.. Author it by ihe I.ti-islatur. t the sti.tr of X. Y. 2d Prtiuium Iraning. Dee. 7, 1H7 I. 3fl Sori'H Drawing. Juu. t. 1H7I- F.VF.ItY I'.ONK will lie Hi ilPs nieit nhh r. lTeinii-.m, an eipiivuleut for Interest. C APITAL PICK.nil II, I00,000. A'trlrena for ltoiuls auil full imfunuatico, .nOKK.TIIAr, KICl XO A O., 1 niancial At-ftH, t, yflK HOW, X. Y. I". O. I'KAWKIt C. ' h '. ?: Tin: n asox a iiajimx OltO AN C".. v. :n;ii s oi three Hiehest Meilsis atet I 'Iplotna of It i;nr at Vienna, mi! i':ir:, v,7, pow oiler t.e.s: ii-snri-nv lit ('jbiuet orjrjii" oi the wi-rl'l. iii. liel"i;: tte'v styles v ii iuiprove-iie'it-.. r.-t i-nl; e.jiti.tvely eit h, a.-i fi.rntly but also ee. a. plain" ot e.j ju.. ie. lits, the teert iavorai.le .m m i.'SVn-'t. orvans iriit.il .itll iirivi le o:' i.uri-liits... to slim'-.; any art el the ,-otintry. Ktisl pHVie.eir f-.'.tsio! Ul w.irils. IiluHtrjte.1 ('Ht.-ill.k-V.es au.t "irJ.l!iirs. with fill! j articular., sent fn on i u i:-t. A.' tres M Si' k KAMI. IN OltiiAN i'o ltoHton, Xev.- York or iin i:i. s . ?. lv WA TK I A i 13 rVI'W for the lies, s.-ll-Articles iii the woriil f'.i)' wo-tli of romp! civc:' asv to those h.i will In-. 'ice -ij. -'.-i-. .. I'!'!1m: ,f " TC7 Uron lMiiv, s. V. 1 Vt. :t, t IKS V .KAM .H T (0( t:i'.T. Montpelier Female Hnmane Association, AT ALF.XAXI'ItlA, V.V. OVFMKI.U 2II. 17I. LIST Of ilIFT. t liraasl Cash till'l 1 (iraucl I'ssh tilt 1 .al.l ';ill Ollt i'M'osh Oitt, lt',.Kio each I.", full l.ilt., Cash (ill's. I,lieaeh imi .'ush (liltn, .'iiHlrneh t.issMtssbljifts, l')e.l.:h J.fKsi Cash (lifts, rsir-b J,Csl ('astl (tlllh, -O ekch -V 1,1 LSI ', n . ti'ii.'-i'ii T.i.lH"! noil W.ijoiI . imTiiii 5O.IKI0 . 400,11" tr2.17M Caso (ii; ti. uaiuotilin." to 5 l.iK),.Ht M TlllF.K Ol' TICKLTS. IOO.OUO. Wh.. Tn-l. t" '. Hal'" '""', tn.irt(r ',.H' 1 l'.lirtitij" of farh 'iii.., '2.-0 t Tiekets tor l"l'.ll ; Ttie Montpelier K-iih!p lluinl.e A.-.Klation, b:irt!- ! nt by tl.s l.otpxliitiirc f Virginia ami tin Cireml f '.nirt i ot Or-ii-iBV C,. pr"lMeH by a .raml ltt l'i)iirTt to t't- j tablifh and huiiw is "Mom for the Old, Infirm, ae.l I)ititut Ladies ut Vireinia,'" at Mnntpflifr, the foriucr ' r.i.leiiep of iTertnlnt JuniFH Mudion. ' (iovvKvon'K uri icE, IticniioNE, .l.ily :), 1H.4. Ii aft'ir.l" me .einr to any tlmt I am well actnmint- j i w. it ta u larr inaionty ot tl.n MontpfliT Ketnule H1111...11C Atmociatioti, who re-id 111 the vicinity ol my holii". u'nt I atteHt their iutpllureaee and their nortli and j Inch irputntiuu a tjentlemen, in well a'i the public is. (!- Hil-in., influence aud ro'ts'taiitial mii"' lllrlly r- ! t.reMentd anioup them. .1AMKS L. KKI.i'KK. '. v. VirKimu. j At uniiHU. Va., July K, H74. " 1 ropin-i-li.t thein ;is Kent ot' honor and integrity, -.'.U tully entnlisl t ti tlie i-.uit'uli.oo. of the publie. " i It. W. Hrohl'.S. I". K. JuitRP Ka-I'11 Iit.ol V11. j KuitheT rcfereuee bv 1 u'liiiHuioii : Hi l'.elloii.y 1 li!b. rt C. Walker, Ki-'wv-rn.'r of Va. ; Hon. KoU-rt K. ! AVltherw, I.leu.-Oov. of Vl. and I'. S. .i-uit.T . h.-f; ; sii:tirF and Memtira of CorjfMHii tioii Va. hciiiittuiicen for tlrkHa way if mmle by riprem pre- ; 1 Kid, pwt-orl:ie mon'-y-ordr on Wanhiutoii, F. '., t 1 by letflterrd lcttet. '. 'For foil partieuluia, tKUmoniaL., Sc., send for r'.r- , rtilar. Ad.lre, HON. JAMES IJARKOrH, j ViiKa'T M. T. 11. A.. Al.KXANDKIA. Va. 1 rt 1iW mv"'f' ml!"ii, v'f . ". V. 8"i 1 SH WVC Hiv. J. Wuiltor's Cnlifornia Viue j:;ir BiticT'i ;ir- a purely Veetahlo j y: y.v. :Uiots, maile ehietly ftor.i the natirc ilt l iiS I'nuli'l on tin- lower Kinoes of tho iieii.i .N't i;d;i moutitiiiits of California. t'n.c itiftlli.inal To)Crtif; oi which arc. exnwtftt tlieridrii:;! .vituoat tne km: oi Alfohril. Tin (ii: 'tioM is Almost daily n.-U; (U -i WLnt is tint canst cf the unpar- Illlt'll ll StlCCV-st Of VlSKHAl: BlTXKIW ? " Our :nihwtT is, that thf-y rouiovc the cause of rlinoase. and the patiettt rcov CM hisi hoalth. Thoy arc tho f,'rcat I-IoimI puritif.r and a life-c;iYiri2: princi plt, a perfect Renovator amllnviRorator of the f-ystttm. Never Lefore in the his tory of the world has a medicine hecn coinpoiUKled pis-cssinp; tlie remarkable dualiticsoi' VinkgarP.ittkks)ii healing tho, sick j( every disease ittati beir to. ; They ;irc ;i (.'eiilie Purtrutive as cell at a Tonic, n lieving Cottp'stion or iDflammatiou if thn Liver unci Visceral Organs ia Biliodi Mi.-eH.-es. Tbe proper! ios ji Dh. Walker's ViXKfjAR i'.n ricR.s am Aperient, Diaphoretic, Carminative. Nutritions, Laxative, i)iuretie, SedHtive, Counter-Irritnut, tjudorifie, Altera tive, aud Antl-Uiltouat. firatcful Thousands proclaim Vix eoar Bitters tho most wondwrful Invipor ant that ever sustained the ainkins system. No Person can take these Bitters according to directions, and remain long unwell, provided their bone3 are not de stroyed by mineral poison or other means, and vital organs wasted beyond repair. JHlions, Keniittenf, and Inter mittent Fevers, which are so prev alent in tho valleys of our great rivers throughout the United States, especially those "of the MisFissippi, Ohio, Missouri, Illinois, Tennessee, Cumberland, Arkan sas, lied. Colorado, Brazos, Itio Grande, Pear!, Alabama, Mobile, Savannah, Ro anoke, James-, and many others, with their vast tributaries, throughout our entire country during the Summer and Autumn, and'rcmarkally so during sea eons of unusual heat aud dryness, aro invariably accompanied by extensive derangement?! of the stomach and liver, ami other abdominal viscera. In their treatment, a purgative, exerting a pow erful influence upon these various or gans, is essentially necessary. There is no cathartic for the) purpost: equal to Dr. J. Walker's VrxiiGAFw Biiteh?, as they will speedily remove the dark colored viscid matter with which tho bowels avo loaded, at the same time stimulating tho secretions of the liver, and generally restoring tho healthy functions of the digestive organs. t Fortify the liody acaiii-t disease by purifying all its liuids. with Vinegar Bitters. No epidemic can take hold cf a svstem thus fore-armed. dyspepsia or Indigestion, Head ache, Fain in the Shoulder?, Coughs, Tightness of the Chest. Dizziness, Sour Eructatior.3 of the Stomach, Bad Taste ia the Mouth, Bilious Attacks. Palpitation of the Heart. Inflammation of the Lung?, Pain in the region of the Kidneys, and a hundred other painful symptoms, aro the offsprings of Dyspepsia. One bottle will prove a better guarantee of its merits than a lennthv advertisement. Scrofula, or Kins' Evil, White Swelling.", I'lcera, Krysipelaa, Swelled Neck, Goitre, Scrofulous Inflammations, Indolent Inflammations, Mercurial Affec tions, Old Sore Eruptions of tho Skin, Sore Eves, etc., etc. In these. a3 in all other constitutional Diseases, Walker's Vtnegak Bitters have Khown thcii great curative powers in the most ob stinate and intractable cases. For Inflammatory and Chronic Rheumatism, Gout, Bilions, Remit tent and Intermittent Fevers, Diseases of the Blood, Liver. Kidneys and Blad der, theso Bitter.! have no equal. Sueh Diseases are caused by Vitiated Blood. Mechanical Diseases. Persons en gaged in Paints and Minerals, such as Plumbers, Type-setters, Gold-beaters, and Miners, as they advanco in life, are subject to paralysis of tho Bowel:?. To guard against this, take a dose of Walk er's VrsEGAR Bitters occasionally. For Skin Diseases, Eruptions, Tet ter, Sult-Iihonm. Blotches, Spots, dimples, l'ustules, Boils, Carbuncles, Ring-worms, Seald-heaJ. Sure Eyes, Erysipelas. Itch, Scnris, Dittcolorstiens of tho Skin, Ilumors aad Di.sefl-te.; e!" the Skin of whatever nnrao or nature, ere literally dsi: r.p and carried out of the "yctem in it short titne by tho tise tf these Bitter-. Tin, Tape, and other Worms, lurking iu the. system of so many thousands, are efiectually destroynil and removed. No Vf tern of ir.edirir.e," no vermifuges, no aa tiielminiticf will free the system from worms like- theie Bitters. For Female Complaints, in young or old, married r single, i t tho dawn of wo minhood, or the turn" of life, these Tonic Bit ters display no decided an influence that im provement is Fonn pitru:ptible. Cleanse !he V itiated Wood when ever you Mad its imparities bursting through tho hkin iti Pimples. Brjption, or Sores; tU anse it when you rind it oWructeJ and slnpgieh ia the veins: cleanse it when it u foul : your feelinp will tell you when. Keep the blood pure, and the health of the system wiil follow. H. H. McDOXAtiO Sk CO., IruirUti aaJ Ota. Act.. San Fram-Uco, Csllfurciii, and ror. of Washicirton imii Charlton Ws-. X. V. Sold by all iH-ns-nists and Draltra. THE (in EAT CAUSK OF fllSKKY. A SCALrn F.NVltl .Tl -T Pi rt.IIIIFD, IS IT. Price Si'. Cent--. A Lecture on th- Nature. Treatment, and KadieaL cure ot" fv'timinl Weakness, or perma-lorrho-a, In.ltieed by Self-A!u-e. Involuntary Emirwimm, Impoteney, Nervous Debility, and Impediments to Marriage ceuerally : ,"''"' &nmptinn, Epilepjv. und Fitri , Mental ttnd Ptiy riienl Ineapaeitil, Ace. Hy KOl'FKT J. CUL VEltWELL, M. D., author of the "Green Hook," Aic. The world-renowned author, in this admirable. Lecture, elearly proves from his own tArienee that the awful" criiisci-iiii-nee- of Sell'-Abase may be eil'ertually removed without medieine, und without danfjeroti furtrteal operation", bott.iies jnetiumentft, rintr- or eonlial", poiutiiti out a mode of cure a r.nee certain and 1 tTeetit.U, by which evi-ry sutli-rer, no matter what hi.-i ron-li-tioti mav be' may cure fcin'.i--(-::' eh-ap'y, private ly, and radically. This Lecture vrili prove bo.iti t . thon.'and and th'i'i-'.at.t'.s. Sent under -n!. Iii i.i. i'l 1 neli.).e. t.i nii.v r. ).l-' i-.Ti re.-eipt i.i hix eentii, or t . i OMti. Htani) 1. .Viilr. i-'i the lubiIJl'.r., CllAS. .. r. KUXE, at 'o. i.-T IV.v. rv. N. Y. 5'-t r..v .::., t". H"' !.-. 4 hlMrt-ii olten look 1'alo and Sivli. from nn ol ! ;es.' tli.111 hiiviiic 'v.irnts in the st"in.".eh. j llROWVS VFItMiri'GF. COMFIT.-: j will li-vtrev WortiK without injury to the hild. beimr perfectly WHITE, :ind tiotn u:I ttie eolontli; or other iujurioii iitL're.lietit.i t:fu:i"iy uei! in wor'ti preparation!-. CfRTIf? kt P.ROWN. Prupih tori, No. 21 ."i Fr.'.ton Street, New Yoi'k. SUJ ly rtftiflijit! mil! Chtmtrir, ar.d dfHert "' MeiWinc at Tv itNTV-Ftvr (.'r.i-f A Box. July 1?, 1-1. ly. W. D. MELICK, Druist and Apotliecarj', IN V.EI.KER'S nCILDING, Mai kt t Strrrt, Sl'MU KY, IV. DRUGS, CHEMICALS, Dnifro'ifcts' Fancy Goods, PAINTS, OILS, r.LASS, PUTTY, C, coust.intiy 011 hand. Particular attention paid to compounding phy siciuns preeription and family receipt''. 'itibnrv. Aro-! 17. ot I'EXXSVLVAMl KAIL ROAD. FHILADELPIHA A ERIE R. K. DIVISION'. SUMMER TIME TABLE. r Minday, June 2Stb. 1S74, the Train, o:, the I'l hiladelpliia it Krie Ruil Koad Divi- :ib follows : "WESTWARD. ! Fast I. hit- Kfivcs P'uiladi.-lphia, ; " ' Harrisburij, ' " Siinijnry, " " Williamsport, 12.55 p m 5-00 p ra j (.j5 p m j n ..Ml t in . j.rr. at I.o'K Jtavcu 10.00 p n Kiii: Mail leaves I'liiladflpUia, 11.5. m " " Tlarrisburg, 4.25 a m ! '' '' " bun bury, C.SOatu " " " Williatnsport, 8.35 a m i " " " Lock Haven, il.45am 1 " " ': Kenovo, 17.10 am j - " an at Erie, 8.05 p m ! Elmira Mail leaves Philadelphia, S.00 a m I ' " " Harrisbur, l.-jt) p m j '; " " Sunbiiry 4.'.'i p m i " " ': Williarnsport, l!.'.'i)pm " " arr at Lock Haven, 7.30 p tn ! Niagara Express leuvei Pliilmleiphin, 7.20 a m i '" " " Harrisb'ir, 10.4t) a tn I ' " 4: .Sunbury. 12.30 am ' i j " V. iiliattisp t, 2.05 f m t ' l-oek Haverr, 3.10 t. m i " " '' Kenovo, 4.20 p m r.rr. ai Kane, t in KASTWARU. I'hiludcl. F.xpn'ss leaves Lock Haven, G.20 a m " " " William9iKrr, 7.45 a in i '" "' Sunbury, 'J.30 a m 1 '' :irr. at Harribburg. 11.45 am ! " ' " PiilladeipUiu. 3.35 p m " Erie Miii lenvc Erie, 11.20 a ui Rcnovo, s::o p m i " Lock Haven, '.1.35 p ra " " ' WillianiPporf , 10.50 p m I - " Sunbury, 12.4'J p i i " ' arr. at H'lrr'e-bitrtr, 2.40 am j ' ' arr ut Philadelphia, fi.40 a m ; Eliuiia .Mai! leaves Lock Haven, 9.45 a m I " " Williamspoit. 11.00 a mi I " " " hnnbury, l-J.-H,' p in ; ! l; arr. at Harrisbur :!.(i"ia m : J " " Philadelphi i, 0.:'5 p m ' NiatK'ra r.xt n ss leaves Kane, 9.00 a u i " ' " Ki.novi), 4.05 p ra I lock Haven, o.ti. p m " " " Wiili.imsprt 6.50 n m " " Sur.bttry, fi.40 p m " ' nrr. at Harrisbnrg, 10.55 p m " " " Philadelphia, 2.50 a m Mail East connects east and weot at Erie with L. rf. ti M. P. K. W. and at Irvineton with Oil Creek and Allegheny K.R. W. Mail West w ith east and west trains on L. 8. & M. R. W. and at Corrv and Irvineton with Oil Creek and Allegheny R' R. W. hiiaira- Mail and liuIUIo Express make close connections at wiihamsport with X. C. R. W. trains, nortti, and at ltamburg with . C 11. W. trains south. A M. A. BALDWIN', Gen'l Sap't. Philadelphia tV Iteadiug Kailrond. SUMMER ARRANGEMENTS. Ji ne 15th, 1S7I. Tkain l.Kwn Hfkndon asFot.i.ows: (SrxtuTS EsftrTen.) For shamokiii, 10.40, 11.00 11. 1.1. und 3.4 p. m. For Mt. Carme!,A.-h!f.nd, Tama-iua, PottsviHe, Rending and Philadelphia, 10.40 a. m. Trains ror: HititMios. Leave a Foiwws (Si noavs ExrEi'tfn.) Leave Phamokin at S.W a. m. 1.50 and S.55 p. m. Leave Philadelphia, 0 15 a. m., Reading 11.25 a. in., Pottsville, 12.10 p. m., Tamaqua, 1.20 p m. Ashland, 2.35 p. m., Mt. Cartnel, 3.21 p. m. Tkains Leave II .vitRiSrtt itij, as Follows: For New York. 5.25, S.10 a. m. nn l 2.00 7.40 p. 111. For Philadelphia, 5.25. s.10 '.'.45 a. m., 2.00 and 3.5C. p. in. SUMIATS. For New York, 5,25 a. m. For Philadelphia, 1.45 p. tn. Ti'ains eon HAKKiBvr.(i, Lhwk as Fn.t.ow: Leave New York. '.'.OU a. in., 12.!0 and 5.30, 37.45 p. 111. Leave Pbihtdelnhiti, 9.15 a. in. 3.40 and p. m. SUNKAIS. Leave Ww Tork, 5.30 p. m. Leave Philadelplda, 7.15 p. m. - Via Morris and Essex R. R. J. E. WOOTTEX. 6'f.vnt! .S'-.Y Reading, P.t. May 22, 1971. Northern On und t'fter Dee. 1 1'outrnl Railways , 1HT3 traitiH 03 this roud will ruu at folitivs: LEAVE yORTHWARD. Leave K.rk Itenova F.lmira Buffalo Mail Aecoru. Mail. t.ii'rwn WasbiuKton 8.3s p ui . a ru tl.:i.'ni lUltiuion 11. IS 111 S.ttSara 1.45 p m Philadelphia ln.JO p m Mam 11.55 p ra Harri.burir. ... a.0." a m a ni 1.30 p m K.iK p m Hunburj... j.Wiin 11.10 am 4.15 pm 7.15 pm Arrive at : Vi;:i.i;niirt . . . 7.10 am l2.ft.1pm 7.10 pm 9.ipni Ehnira ll..Miara 10.21 p m l'.uif !. H.:a p m I ru- 7.'20 p m All daily (.Ti-i.t SiiiiiliiV. I.ea-.'t : lluflalo Llmira Hurrisy Krie Kiprw. Mail. Accoiu. Hail. K:ir...: I'-lffilo Klmira WiUl-um. nrr Siiiililiy Arrl w at : HarrylMir . Ptiiiaileli'hli. lt.iltimore ... V.'a-hinirti'u . 11.20 a m 7.W am 2.4 pm (i.50 p ia 11.10 p m 8.40 p in 12.W a m :.'M p m 1.45 a 1-.1 ti.: a in l.lt) a m f.rta n ui li.l.'. a in . 4.fio a ia I. mi p m 10.50 p m 3.HS a m . 9.10 a m 5.55 p m '2.50 a m H.im a m . H.ltiaru 6:sn p ra t.3m H.Ki a m . 10.35 a m rf.'t" p m rt.l t a in 10..K a m .U r'""' Sucbury djil; escept Sunday. a. j. ha-ssat r, l. h. yoi:n, t. orcKEK, (if ui llanaser. (renl Pjm. Ageut. Sup't. " NEW GOODS " for SPRING AND SUMMER at niHH Kate Ulark'H, Market Square, Hunbnry, Pa. LADIE'f DRESS GOODS of every y'. ana qualitv. FANCY GOODS, NOTIONS AND Tritnniin'r a specialty. TOILET SOAPS AND PERFUMERY. The finest assortment of Ladies' stoods. Everybody i invited to call and see them buv cheap. May 8, 1S7L WINTER STORES. RYE WHISKY, ? LOO a jalion. $11.00 a dozen. YELLOW SEAL SHERRY, Itf Ltrjte bottles, 311,00 a dozen. GOLD SEAL BRANDY, l-.00 a dozen. APPLE JACK. JAMAICA Rr.Nl', SCOTCH WHISKY, CATAWBA WIN1. OLD PORT WINE, CHAMPAGNES, SEGARS, AC. II. A A, V. Van Itcil, The Wine Merchants 1S10 Chestnut Street, Philadelphia. Oct. 21. 17:;. and THE Hl. RAKBF.ll NHOr I' S THE SHOP OF THE TOWN and Ions has been ; at-k history and she will tell you Men have rrov.-n old in our patronage Babies on their mothers' breast To bouncing boys at play ; Aud youths by maidens fair caressed, To Kin! wart men with care, oppressed. And old men fiiver pray. And anions the honored and lantinif impres sions of time, and the crash of revolution in circumstances, we stand a livin? monumental iiicmeuto of the insrenuity and perseverance ap pertaining to the identity ot progression, p'.ying our vocation, with the highest style of art and perfection, and aspiritur to achieve the highest reward of merit att-iinable In our humble eapaei tv, and the sentiment of respect and approbation which the presence of superior appliances and es tablishment are always wont to inspire. Always to please We rhave with ease Cut and comb with taste the hair ; Shampoo the head with sooth'mjj care, And color the whiskers black or brown, To suit the people about the town. Then allow me politely request you to stop, And not j;o past nor from around our shop. To eet shaved on the basis of ability nor as some have dune for our une of the ballot for prin ciple sacred and rijcht nor uuder the common secret and invidious guise of enmity to complex ion ; for the cut of a man's coat, or the color of his skin, ought not to affect his usefulness nor his tiualitiealion. A fair chance is ull that we demand, to rive the proof to all the land. JAMES W. WASHINGTON. Proprietor. Sunhttry, April 5, I'i'.i ; No. 01, Market st. John H. Ski t.. John M. Scposouu. SEEI. A SCHOXOIR, Second S'reet, Womk.i-hoki-, Pa. FOKF.IGX AND DOMESTIC LIQUORS WINES, BRANDIES, C.IXS. Pure OM Kje Whifkej. j Arrt r. Wt'isvrT, Cor.ni..L, Ae. j All Lienors bU1 ipmrrautee-d a represented. j Orders, promptly attended to and puUic pa- j trnnc" rejpectfultv solicited. j SKLL ,t SCHONOUR. 21 St., Womflsdorf, BerVi Co., Pa. 27. T7 lv. MILKIXCl Ti: WE. At the foot of the hill the milk-house atamls. Where, the balm of Gilead spreads bis han1, And the willow trails al each pendent tip The lazy lash of a golden whip. And an ice-cold spring with a tinkling ound Makes a bright green edge for the dark green ground. Cold as a cave is the air within, gravc arc ti,e ghelves with the burnished tin r . 1. . , . : . . 1. . . . 1 c . -. yji hue curving oiiuics, uuu hi:c eeas ox irnue That turn to gold in a sinrie night, As if the dise of a winter noon 1 Should take the tint of a new doubloon ! Burned to a coal is the amber d?y. Noon's splendid fire has faded away, And, lodged on the euae of a world grass-grown, Like a great live ember glows the sun ; When it. falls behind the crimson bars Look out for the sparks of the early strs. With the clang of her bell a motherly brown o trace of her liueatre banded down Ih leading the long deliberate line Of tho Dtvoas red and Dcrhauis Hue. "Co-boes !'' "Co-boss and the caravan With a dowager swiDg comes down the lane, Aud lowing along from the clover bed Troops over the bars with a lumbering tread. Umler the lec of the patient beasts, Ou their tripod sxoo'a like Pythian priests, Tho tow-clad boy and the linsev girls Make the cows "give down" in milky swirls. There's a stormy time in the drifted pails. There's a sea-foam swutb in the driving gale. Then girls and boys with whistle and song. Two pai'.s apiece, meander along The winding path in the golden gloom, And "set the milk in the twilight room. Hcnbnee. Pueparinct Tlaxts run Winter. Those who have flowers in the open ground, which they wish to keep in the house dur ing the winter, are very apt to delay taking them up until the first frosty nights uhow that they are in dauger. For ourselves, we do not think it pays up geraniums and such soft-wooded things that are apt to grow out of shape during the eumnier, but we make cuttings and start with nice vigor ous young plants, but those who have not made this provision, will take up the old plants. The first part of October is quite late enough to pot the plants that are in tended for window culture. Any good gar den soil will do for potting, and if it is like ly to be too stiff and bake after waterins, mii some sand with it ; it is better to use liquid manure after the plant is well estab lished, than to add manure to the soil. Use ; cIl;an iH).s arij tQosl(, without cracks, i,uf 1 , , . ..... ... crocks for drainage in the bottom, and then pot the plant, removing any straggling roots, and carefully preaa the soil firm around the plant. At the same time trim the plant into shape ; do not be afraid to use the knife freely ; the chances are that too much will be left rather than too much cut away. Shade for a few days, water as needed, and when the toilage shows that it has iccovered from the shock of removal J more sun can be given. It is important to insure the plants to confinement gradually ; ; set them on a veranda, or where they will 15 1 be well exuosed to the air and linht. and yet be protected from frosts at nii;ht ; if an unusually cold night occurs, take thera in doors. When finally taken in, place them in a room where the windows can be open ed every pleasant day, and do not bring them where there is fire-heat, until the tem perature makes it necessary. More house plants are injured by too high a tempera ture, and too dry an atmosphere, than by cold. Preparations should be made for pre- cellar. If plants are to remain dormant until spring, several may be put into one bos, with plenty of earth around the roots. See that the earth is not wet ; plants when dormant are more likely to suffer from loo much moisture, than from too little. They should be looked to now and then during the winter, and be watered if they absolute ly need it. Geraniums cut back, winter well in the cellar, but if too much foliage and too many succulent stems are left on, they will decay. Those who have never tried it will be surprised to find what a val uable adjunct a good dry cellar is to the garden in preserving tender plants. From the A'lfriculturist for October. Windows in Horse Stables. Wc rind in a German exchange some curious obser vations on the manner in which the posi tion of the windows in the stable affects the eyes of a horse. In one instance the horses of a farmer, fine animals, celebrated fot their excellent condition, were kept in it sta. Ie lighted only by a small window at one side. When light was needed for work the door was temporarily left open ; the result was that nearly all of these animali had eyes of unequal strength, and in timt ! a number of them became blind on the side j toward the window. A strong light di- redly in the horses' faces has been found j to weaken the sight. The worst position j of all for a stable window is in frout of the horses and much higher than their heads. An officer had bought a perfectly sound mare from a gentleman whose stable was lighted by windows at the rear of the stalls. The animal was sound aud perfectly satis factory. After three months she became suddenly "ground-shy ;" on examining ! her eyes they were found directed upward, aud this was explained by the fact that the windows of the officer's stable were situa ted above the head of the stalls, the eyes being generally drawn in that direction. She was removed to another stable, when the light was admitted from all sides, and in three months the difficulty bad disap peared. Another officer reports that during tho campaign of 1670, in France, he rode a horse that was a capital juniper. On his return from the war he placed this animal in his stable, the windows of which were above the. front of the stalls, and in a short timo the horse became so shy f the ground that he had to sell it. He had had a simi lar experience with other saddle-horses, all f which became ground-shy in his stall. Oue animal in particular, a thoroughbred mare, renowned for her jumping qualities, refused in a short time to cross the smallest obstacle, and when forced to cross a foot wide gully, made a leap that would havi cleared a ditch fourteen feet wide. Own ers of horses who find that their aniruah. shy at objects on the ground, or at thoi side, would do well to look to the windowt of their stables for an explanat ion of the evil. Making Saver-Kraut. The best wt ever cut we made ourselves for maDy years and for a considerable time with our owr. hands, and alway? from Savoy cabbage. It was manufactured in this wise : In th first place let your "stand" holding from a half-barrel to a barrel, be thoroughly scald ed out ; the cutter, the tub and the stam per all well-scalded. Take off all the outei leaves of the cabbages, halve thera, remove the heart, and proceed with the cutting. Lay some clean leaves at the bottom of tht stand, sprinkle with a handful of salt, fill in half a bushel of the cut cabbage, stamp gently until the juice just makes its appea rance, then add another handful of salt, and so on until the stand is fulL Cover over with cabbage leaves, place on top 5 clean board fitting the space pretty well, and on top of that a stone weighing twelve or fifteen pounds. Stand away in a cool place, and when hard freezing comes on, remove to the cellar. It will be ready lor use in from four to six weeks. The cab bage should be cut tolerably coarse. The Savoy variety makes the best article, but it is only half as productive as the Drumhead nnd Flnt Thxtch.O'rnntoirv Telenwph .