1 t,mmfazimv. Sbskal j -v 1.. , TOT ftcrcantilc. Sjjriroltnral. STOT ( Hts Ko.n.irK, vw Mr. Male. wbi" yerC pl'ilWl1' like lh:,l ! P Is alsy to -rrah. out t,lal ! ! Wl.in dVo'"-8'"1' M lfldies Pn,i,eDC! !"llouUl I larfic , Tll3 ye'rc not to use hands, sir, instid o yce spaihc. I f honld the mi'sus come down, sir. how wou.il I appear Wid me hair in disorther ? j O, h '. Kitty, my dear, Yir pardon I ax : hut your mouth is so sweet j It's a betlher acquuiiitancel'm sedan' wid it ; Ah' I love ye. that loudly begorra, it's tbrue '. That I'm always, ut ility unless Tin wid you. An' iVin I'm uuaisy as bad as before . An time's not bin' "ll aisc me a' ' "v 'N01'"' Until yi b-lroihe; I've got and, bedad. p.l tiniVt y aoii'l yor jaonsi-e I've hail. Wet'., 1 U.e yi ii'.ii'i-iliiicin-c, M r. Maionc! H is Jiv.ys iuipeitiiiem, Ki:ty, clnn Fur a to I"' loviir t I.kca o yourself ; And :.ght many worse, if 1 say it tucssell. rr:r ino lart layer own. an' me wage is good, An" I km of a ictid' Uoe, built out of w ood. To be Iintfor the at-kin' of Denuis McCue; Fur he's in,, t ave it, an thiu it'll do. AVid some i.-lu .,Ir n.t,rtijito keep out the air, -An' a bit of bourj t0 patch 1 "ere an' there, .An" a tlirille c,ullJ to discourage the cracks, An' we'll make p m oTiu- whatever it lark ; Au' it's built nu ri)(.k) wiJ fl v,,rv ,;. v;ew jf the country ti,UIidln' that same avenue ; An' to be quite getty-l extension we'll rig. An' therein establish.,, niigaiit pig : An' thin we hl,al pros,., as nateas Jo plaze, An' ve'i! w.e ,Pa aldert-.,,, some of these davs. nkthe rhiltd-r irh, rill 'ruw ti wjtll Hrhoolin' an' An' in politics, thiu, they'll be ive to Sct rich eh ! thi U Ihc land for improviu' the race ; Tim d'.vil a one to you, Teddy Malone ! V'se think I'd be Uiviu' a house o brown stone For the tumble-down thanty je're talkin' about, While I live like a lady, wid two cveuin's out, An' me wage is hiirh, an' me wardrobe coin plntc ! JSliurc, ye couldn't tell inirsus from mc ou the strale j An' at home it's the same, for she's fond of her iiisc. An ye couldn't ay which of us boss- the place; An' ye're r'aly iresutnin' to ask me to lave. An' by 'he same tokeu now will je behave l.et loope o' me hand, sir ! But, Kitty, my dear, Vc can't he. inlendin to alwayt live here, Wid uever a husbatiil to lve y at all. A trd niver a WhUt, Mi. M..!.ue! Ye're very Indelicate Divil a wau I Ii's only the truth that I'm lellln' indade, That ye're nivr iutendin to die nn old maid. "Tis right ye nre, Teddy '. How cotiM " know this! Well, thin, will it plaze ye to give me. the kl9 ? ;tt out wid ye now, ir. An how eau I tell l'.ut pt'rhaps there's another would "nit tne a" well? Arrah ! Kitty, me darliu', don't say that ain. If ye w ouldn't be killin the tbruest of min ; F.ut if there's another ye like? more than me, Then it's faithless ye nre, an' it's uoinp I'll be, An' I'll die brtikeu-hearted fur lack of the joy Th-it I thought to lie cainiu Well, Teddy, me boy, Is it dyin' ye're spnkin of? What would I do. To be left like a widdy a-mouinin's fur you I And ye w anted a kiss ? Weil, there if yoa must, ch, uiuidthur ! The man is devonrln' me just ! I it 'atin nie up ye'd lie aft her In like : W 11, it's not so unpleasant ye may if ye like ; An' if any one's akin' about ye I'll own T!i it n broth of a bov is me Teddy Malone ! Horn: QciaTioy. An old western farmer, about the time that the temper ance reform was beginning to exert a health ful iurtuence in the country, Raid to bis man-servant, "Jonathan, I did not think to say that I think of trying to do my work this year without rum. How much more must I ;ive you M do without it ?' Oh. I don't care much about it,' replied Jon athan ; 'you may give me what yon please.' 'Well,' said the farmer, 'I will give you a fheep every autumn if you will do without.' 'Agreed,' responded Jonathan. The eldest son t.aid, 'Father, will you give me a sheep too, if I will do without rum ?' 'Yes, Mar shall, you shall have a sheep if jou will do w ithout.' The young son, a stripling, then said. 'Father, will yon give me a sheep if I will do without?' 'Yes Chandler, you .shall have a tdieep also if you do without.1 lVrscnily Chandler spoke again, 'Father, hadn't you better lake a sheep too ? One Wife at a Time.' Yes, sir, I lately attended a seance at the house of a private friend. Several ladies and gentle men were there, and the ghosts were brought in with the filberts. 'Is there any one present named Ceorge 'f asked my friend, 'as spirit has a communication to make to him.' A newly-married man, who before cxjierieneed the blessings of matrimony, owned to the name, upon which the spirit of his deceased wife seut him a most suffectionate message, saying that she hovered o'er him, that she loved him as dearly as ever, and that when he lifted the veil and followed she would b- the first to greet him in Ihe land of shadows. The un fortunate gentleman had all the sensations of a bigamist, and preserved a guilty silence, declining even to ask his former wife how she liked boneless existence. After an aw ful pause my friend said there was a spirit wanting to make a communication to a gentleman named Roljert ; was he present? No one answered, and after waiting for s-.me time another was summoned from the vasty deep. When they were breaking up, the host said to one of his guests. 'Why didn't you own 'our name was Roliert?' 'Rerause I ptofited by Ctorgc's mistake,' was the answer. 'One wife at a lime, if you please. The spirit might be willing, but the flesh weak. The past wife couldn't speak to mc without my permis sion, but the present could !' The late Dr. Macadain used to tell of a t ipsy Seotchmanlmaking his way home upon a bright Sunday morning, when the good jvople were wending their way to the kirk. A little dog pulled the ribbon from the hand of a lady who was leading it, aud as it ran away from her she appealed to the first passcr-by, asking him to whistle for her poodle. 'Woman,' he retorted, with a solemnity of visage which only a drunken j man can assume, "woman, tins is no day j for whistlin' !' I 'lorn Honor,' saia a prisoner to a . i i : t... l t Illume, iuy luwyei is nut neiu, iiuu j it;- j uet a delay of the ease for ci;l)t day.' j Rut,' said the judge, any lawyer say fort you ?" 'Tliat is just what 1 should like to j hear,' said the prisoner, and the rourt lauhed, but sentenced hint to a year. A sweet little bos', only eiht years old bless his little heart walked into the the sceno of a teachers' examination at ( lawego, last week, and bawled out ; 'An nie, your feller is down to the house !' 'Is there any person you would wish me to marry ?' said a wife to her dying spouse, who had been somewhat of a tyrant in his lay. 'Marry the devil, if you like,1 was the prutT reply. 'No, I thank you. my dear, one husband from the same family is enoiicrti for me.' Tho Largest Stock stylo. :it of Stoves in tho ,T. B. RELTD'S Nn Stove an! Tin are Estalstomt, SUNBURY. PA. Mv r-tock 'MiiMstr! ot'tlic lollowing AND COOK Ueul itor Co ik. Com bination. l'u'.acc. Iron Kin,;. ( Vnlt:iiiii.il, titnl a l.-iri1 v.-triely of or (Jook Stoves Ratines always hand or procured to oror. on xr ffi3r .. 41 Also a largo assortment of repairs of all kinds lor the Coml.ination and II. erulator Cook Slow. ... I have the largest, assortment of Stoves ever sien in Suubnry, that ni be sold at pri.Wto suit the tiinos. Tnr.Tare and Shretiron v.are ol every tleseription in large quantity. Al-o an assortment ot Cleveland non-explosive Lamps. RooSng and Spotiilng promptly attended to. The ptiblanj Sunhury, Scjit. -", 1874. WEI. jSl. SESZiIiSR'S ERAND CENTRAL CLOTH Corner Third and dust 0K nd rr-ady for iiepeetion an FALL Fashionable and Wel!-Mad.; CLOTH INC for Men and linys ! Latest Styles t.r 1 1 ATS and CAl'S f-.r M-n and Roys ! Enormous assortment ol'C ENT'S 1'1"1JN1SII1N; (iOODS! I-hrr-rythin j New, rahionable and Stylish '. Largest Stock with One Hundred Miles t - e,- l fr tn ! The most Fashionable, (iood n'n-rty hand I Everybody, Rich or Poor, can be suite 1 and lilted 1 PRICES LOWER THAN AT ANY OTHER PLAGE. Nobody is able to undersell us ! We mean business, and will jirove all we assert. We cordially stock of New and invite evrybody to five us a Fashionable Clothintr, tietit's ;ut opened. We intend to do the leadinjr bnincs in our line and will offer irood trood-at price that defy competition here or elsewhere. No -oods misrejirfsented under any consideration, and polite attention peid to all. Sunbury, Pa., September 11, 174. T)SYCHl.M AN"V, or SOt I. 'It ARM I Ni. " l!- 1 either m-x nwy fuoehiale slat Hum ihe l.oe m il nfl'-etioi.r of liny ) rs-ti they eho-i- instantly. Tl.; Mlni'le inciiTitl ecqnin-dineut ull c:ili J SH-HH,!'ree.by hm;1, for t-iretlirr witli 8 peirrnitfe ituiile, j:nyti.ii niv ele, lir-ni, ltiutu to Iji.Ii.v, Weililnnr-Xiplit s.hirtn. kii A iiiwr tKk. AddremT. WILLIAM K i . I'lib. I'iiin. B-1.'.1T. v. rOSTPONEMEXTS IMPOSSI I'.LE. Hit! ILL III V A Firtt Norl si(je I'miiiimi HoihI HI- THE N. V. INDl'STHIAL EXHIBITION Co.. AuUiorized by the LegiMlut tire of tUp Stuie -f N. V. Flrt I'reuiiura Irwiii4(, Neptemlier 7. IsTl. 21 Stv Oruwiiitf. - - Oct. 5. 1H7I. EVEP.Y RON 1 J.unvhaseil Jirevi-UP to Oetulier ulil wlU li:ill.eir.itf. Addrcis 1-r boinl and full .iiciil..is. MOKGKXTHAl. Itltl 0 V ( O., Fiiianriil Avents. 2.1 I'AKK HOW, X. V. P. o. DUAWI.i: '. ; .li.-. ii-:i lor n. S - r.-.:. . Sej.t. 17 iv.. WuI'.KISU I'l.l ll'J.j: llalei.r faill.iie. Illil i-niclit at hoiii', f;lO JM-r e k viiTuiitfd. m --i ilwl r'-tjimi-d. l'arti.'tili-n aud vjlua'ile rij.V. l.t f d'lii-.J with ii cMit st.iiuo, ' ttoe-, WiHijiMifliu;.', N. V. s!7.4a. IIAVK YOl Tltll.D JU.RUBEBA Aitr. vi- WKAK, NHKVorS, J. DKBII.ITA 1 Kli f Are vu io Ui-tfUi'l th..t auy vwrt.'!! !t.nrrf nmr ol Thu tr 4iirulH-l, tlw- wuiiirtiil tonir aii-l iiih'.i:i trt whicb a-tn ) tit Ik'ImIIv on tb- '.'r'ivt- orant- u to HHjmrt vijfor tu 1J vital loi-ct. It in no iiiniolU avif r which MtlHl1.1t tor a f-liui1 tiuif, ! t ii- Hl!"f rtr ImII t lowtr t. j tfi ol Hungry, lit it ih v ;! uhl- toiiu: -,h dirrtiiy o;i tin iivvv and n lit-.. It n !nl;iT tl Uitn t)u iifr-s ant! mirh bc.iltliy tone to Ujc whole NVHtviu jt tu ttn nuke th- iniihU tl like u iii-w j-efMii:. J oH-rn(iii i) not ..-! it, hut if h:tr.i-t-ri.--i to p:v it f"iit !iis : the put lent er.ei:f no rinlU-ii cbiitirrr, 1.0 mrkel ler-uitH, hut ;atln::ii hi trtmt.ltf Tohl their tt-rtn, like d. Aud Mill titly -.teal aw.ij." Till'' it no ii M' Mil nnt! : d di- -ri, hut hu 1et ti U'Utt uw-it with voiideriul r-mell reu!th, i:d ih j.ni liouiireil hy the ii-rii'."4 tnedicjl aiithot ite?;. tb fnont owertiil tiije -md lTTiii'tie kuown." Ai voiir 4ri.it tr it. ForH.il h MHIsTiN, HI I.oW.W UK. 17,4 a. Mill t'h li hia, i'.;. I -'or C( )l'f;ns, COLDS, HO A1JSENKSS, AND ALL THROAT DISEASES, TTt-o vi:i.i.s' Aititoi.ir taii.i:ts. ITT t l'OM.V IN IlLI K IluXl.s. A TIMED AND SI 'HE It EM ED Y. Sold by Kro'-'L'istB. sK t. EVERTUOIIY'K V I'll VSH I . Hv I'. W. til.KASO.V. t. 1. A lii:iKiillli lit volume. Ovl '.Vl J-JlKl:ii:!r. hin piii4. ' I t(i.iK lea ih.r- fi.-e. .I.i. -I M- I niters ill '!' vni-k. .Ae-ltM I H. N. Mi KI.NM.V A. f.... ". -" S:aisi.iii i' , I'l ; AGENTS WANTED! Diploma Awatded I n II. il. Vis'- IK Illtrlnl ItlWlOM. ll'm llius- ' t rat :.. 'l'ti-" tor lr ul n . V. I. Mot VI N ; I ., '.ri Arch S:., I'uila. -I .I-'. rui.YTLf iin i.i.i .i: OF THE STATE IF l'K NY L V A M A. 1 Mkrket S:ree:, uUtvr 17th Si . Iiiil.uli h.hu. 1 ... i.t- i timt r In ,mi. s. j4. t.'i. iii..iiiiii) I li..tmea l ioii-s-a '. ';v:i 1 ii'iie i rinc. .I ai.il 1 Ti..i.tn:il no'. t.Il'V- is rcis-iveit iih i lll l Tl Hlll- VI.-. Iialil ii ii i-trv. mi; lit Mill- 1 : if ' ijii'M ii eal I i-eiu.-i-ia;!... Analvt Mi'":illlli ulcl Aiehl'i-i I tie Oil lotli ot the I'tii-Iii-nc e l.lian-e ol J.n'fieiea-- li tlw IiihI la.L'ilH--! s i.u-1 .-. nji p:llnes tl(r:.('-il ill win ki- nt iru r.o II .i-lit . AiI-'h hH Al.I'Ul K I.. KI.SXKI'V, M. I'., I'm, .if Euruliv -i7.4w i-riiijilcs to aei-i.'H. I. .ni!-' I oMiiv r:os lLI"-lioiK. V 1th 'I:r..ie-N. e:nl i.ti:li... ie.vi New BKtliii-il, M.if. nl7,w. WOI'.K 1"H ALL ;it hi.iii. , lntil' or 1-innl. : 1 1' l r ik, iliij' or evi-ana:. ea I'ul. M-iel valuiiMe I a' kitee el i.ts hy nihil Irei-. A.l'lic-i ith it o-nt V.li-.. iTa i:.. .uii-iiSt N" V ht.4. - sTAU STOVE IHItlS Silver I.natre, HiKh Oiiiainentiil. A rteet j ii.te. ti.r The I'niled Stale Publishing 13 I'mvkusitv Pi.At E, New Yohk, Want Agents eveivwherc for the following : SPIRITS OF THE HOLY UI1H.E. Edited by Frank Moore. An elegant Hvo, OnO pp., 500 En gravings for the Old Maters. Price 5.00 OCR FIRST HUNDRED YEARS. The Life of the Repnbiie. Bv C. Fdwurds Lester. 12 monthly parts. '. pp. ea h. Royal svo. Mlcts. each part. LIFE AND PriJLIC SERVICES OF CKAP. SUMNER. Ry C. Edwards Lesion. 5th Edi- tijifa luaviaoil Utlil Illfirtll Rvii. 71MI till 7.L T1IF TW YORK TOM I!S. I'.v Warden Slit ton. A complete history of Noted ( rimiiials of New Yoik, and the Romance of Prison Life. svo. 670 pp. tS,50. Circulars, specimen pagei, and terms to neent on application as above. 17.4w County, of llio latent improved TM to!, opposite Central Hotel, i I PAliLOK Morniiip hilit Tar-1 lor Stove and ; )itilile. Ikatcr, Home 1 Delight 1 Kadi.nnt Ilomi. Twiliiilit and agn. a lami- assortment oi : "iimirs tthers, Mich as (.ias 3'nru is, Egg Stoves, Etc., Etc. ..ct--iw cull and ex elieaiK'st. .1.' P.. liKKD. y-- tilt Market Streets, Immense Sloi k of New an I Fashionable GOODS. call and examine the enormous and iiiasnilieent Fnniihin- io.ds. Hat and Caps, Trunks, ,v,e.. N&STDRB, WM. A. HELLER, Corner Third and Market Streets. Sunbury, Pa. Formerly Ilerzfeldcr'h. jUisccIIancons. IIIMEL F.HEATTV. THE MERITS OF T HE 'GOLDEN TON". I E.' uv m v jruspv r.Aiin to iiihttv m I'iotts. WASHINGTON. N. J. "I i- an a l'c of invention, improvement and The world's in commotion, mi d nothing is kill, till ; And progress in written wherever we turn So --the b ill is kept rolling." and each day we Id i li (If roaie new achievement i.i science or alt ; E.u h branch of indil-try in f:.ct claims a pari. So eji h i- awarded a prize from the li.i n.l Of. i iri nei iiK public. -is merit dem ii'd-. si iiiiiai-s depart meiit can point, in le-r pii.lc. To men ol true genius, whose faun- ba none wid OVr hills an 1 through Vali. v . in uian-ion- and and cots. Well, due are .-m il honor- ! ' Jl.ntty if I'l4!, U bo-e Golden Tongue org. in .-lands lirst in the lend The.fi-f as to meiit, and lir-t ill demand. K.vcel'.ing in sweet ne - fie' richness of tone. !surpa--iiig all othei-, and staitling alone. lt? wo;lh i- ackiiowi!-.!! As all will bi-ar witne . an '. Fortna! in w4V kinaii-bip. I r liii:-li, they ehalleag . tie- lever it i kno n, iieerfllliy one a my, d'-sign, i -t in the line. Wh-le faces were g looiuv, ai.d In a 1 1' unci" were stl'l What bom. aic now I rful es, happy and gl;i-l. Contiai'.e I by Ini-sinn. thv -ong Hath chains of ench nil uienl voiing. Golden Tongue,' lor old ali i for I'.cattv : Plot In" celebrated Golden Tongue Parloi :gati is acknowledged by eminent professor- ot itiu-ic to be the le st Pallor Organ now in use. Thoii-itnd:- ol 'testimonials are eoiistaiit Iv bi in:: received iu favor of them, which goto show thai our instrument givc entile sati.l'ac liin. ;""For Pi ice List Address HE CITY .V 1M.OT TS. Washington, N. ,1. March l l. ls;4.-t',m. Tailoring! Tailoring!! CHARLES MAIIIL, l .-I'li IKl'I.I.Y inform the citizens taat lie has just rceciM-d Id- Spring; himI Siimnier (iooils. ; at his TAILOR SHOP. mi K'cnih Street, below Market, ill the Mullen I bnild'iig. ..nd that I"' is prepared to make up all ! kind- ' ' f.r.vrs AI HOY SITTN, 'of the lat ' -lyleJ. 1 1 a viti g had in uch experi ! cin e in the business he desires the public to give him a 1 1 i il. Clothing will be made up in the latest Palis mid American Fashions in the most satisfactory J manner. I :,V.'.'7:;. CHARLES MAIIIL. 1. 1 t i n k st it i:t ' CHRISTIAN NEFF, ' Second Stn-it, oi-osite the Court House, SUN ; JU RY, PA., Respectfully invites the. aU nlioti of Retailers : and others, that he has on hand, and will con stantly keep all kind" of FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC LIQUORS, Consisting of Pure Itrandics: Cogniac, Cherry, Ginger. Rochellennd Otard. Whiskies: Pure Rye Coppcr-Oistilled, Monon g ibcla. Apple and Nectar. PURE HOLLAND GIN ! and Wile's; Champagne Wine, Sherry, Pint Claret. Crab Cider, Champagne Cider, N. E. Ruin r.rown Stout and Scotch Ale. STOMACH AND BAR HITTERS, And nil others Liquors which can be found in the citv markets, which will be soni at Wbole- sale and Retail Every article guaranteed as Also a lar'elot of DEMIJOHNS represented and ISO 1 1 Ltt?, always 011 nauu. Orders promptly attended In .i-M. min on nanii. mil yiib'ic patronage respectlully solicilen Siinl.'.irv. Jnlv 11. l.T lv. C NFFF. ISl'SUAE IX IM KMEXTS. New and attractive Goods, in every Department WATCHES, hiwionhs, jewelry, silver and i-latih waiie. Cutlery. Cbr-ks, Uroii7.es, English, French and Cerinan Fancy liooils. csssataEasam! j awarded Tzfbi In vy of tii'' dure I jiriees o:i elian i-'' to e::-.i" in ;!. p, we have ie- i entire Stm-i: of Fofeipi i !;! (i11 C!mcs. and nmk' ME ureh: .-er will li: d their eleeliins N V i oMi'i.in ::. to their inl" re-! to . wliii- tin- .;'; :'t- iioo..- M-iit on approval lor f-1i it iouc Art side- j-nr-ha-'ed now. for th- Holidays, will be packed and retained until s'l'd: tim- :s d' ir- "'' KOU151N.S. Cl.ARIv .v: HIDDI.E, ir.'4 ClIMSI T Sr., 1'iiilaii:i.'!iia- mi iM orKxtxiJ or simcixi; j-iti si Mnin ois. of evry nVsTiption and rariety such a-l)r-Hs Goods comprising all the novelties in fabric and shade. FCLlf As.SORTMK.NT 'F NOTION, which are beins; sold at the lowest Cash Prices. Also, Gkockkiks AND Tkovisions, pure and fresh Ori-KVSWAI'.K. iLASStVARK, AM t M . 1 a.1 WILLOW WI!E, v.i t Timndsof Flour constantly ou hanJ. I . veiy larirc ' j A ODTMl'VT I VI it 1 l1t.M UUiUlAl t'l Itai,!. I .1 l.li, , both trlaz-d and common, alwavs on land. j ROOTS AND SHOES j FOR j M EN, WOMEN AND CHILDREN. ! JlEA I) F-.V.l 1K CLOTJUXr, of all sizes and of the latest stvles. ; F L O U R . j A Constant supply of western white wheat flour a speciality. j The public are invited to cull and examiii' our Good tree of charge. Our motto is "(J;ick Sales and Small Prolit." ami to please all. j The hi-hest prices will be paid for all kilns of ; country produce. ly strict attention to business and keepin- at all times the most complete stock, and selliic at thelowest prices, we hope to merit a fill shan of ! patrona-e. . REED HROTlIER.t SEASHOLTX j SiMiDiu v. May 2.', IsTl. 6 aa-aCTvr'iirr'Sffijatagass Sugar, Coffee, Syrups, Soiccs, Canned Goods, Queens, Willow and Cedar Ware. a o o U Cement, Salt, Fish, Phosphate, Land Plaster, Harrisburg Cider Mills. CEO. EVANS. E. d. MAIZE. Geo. Evans & Co., 1U4 .Market Street, I'liihidt'li'liia, TAILOKS ami MUiITAHV ULUTHlKIiS, Military, liaiul Kirn Oriraniaf ions promptly uniformed. Samples of Clotii, with Photographs, sent free on application. Ours beingthe leading house on Military work, we feel that we can oiler inducement which can not be attained anywhere else Jan. 215. 172. CRUMBS Are a modern s1ovcr-p r e better, because polish, farbctterthaiilJH tliey give a liner glos anv illu rill exi.-t than any other polish. COMFORT t Yield a brilliant silvery sheen, with less than 'half the labor re.iuiicd win n nthi-r polishes are ! used. CRUMBS Are a neat and cleanlVfiT-iCan be used even in article, making no dirtl I H the parlor without the nor dust when used. wa. 1 trouble of removing i COMFORT furniture or carpus. Has no disagn-eble siilpherous or strong acid smell when prepared for use, hut are pleasant and harmless. CRUMBS Are put upiu neat style In each box are 12 -OF and in a form mon ticks ; l stick is sulli- convenient lor use t iiu'i cient for anv stove. anv other riolish. I bus all waste is saved. COMFORT i Are the cheapest polish in the market, because j one box at 10 cents will polish as much surface : as 25 cents worth of the old polishes. C 11 U 31 It S Have just taken thcnTjin competition with I 1st premium at the In Ufseveral of the he-t of dial apolU Kiposition.Ui ihe old stove "oli-hes 11 '1 n i w v 1 i rr .j U Jl t U li 1 Itrv Cur m 11s if Com tout of your storekeeper, I if lie has them, or will procure them for yon ; if I not, send us one dollar, your name, and the i name of your nearest express station, and we will send you ten boxes, and samples of Hart lett's Blacking and Pearl Blueing, free of cost. Crumbs of Comfort can be had of all Whole sale Grocers and Dealers in the United States, aud Retail Dealers will find them tho most profi table, from the fact that they are the fastest ' selling article of the kind in the market. II, A. DAIllLM 1 iviai. 115 North Front St., Philadelphia, i 143 Chambers St., New York. I 4H Broad St., Boston. j Nov. 14, '7::. Om.eom. Jisbi , i iMl ! REMINGTON SEWING MACHINE. "Jlcdal for Progress XT VIKX.XA, 1S73. Th- H-hest Order of "Medal" Awarded at I he Exposition. N.i sVwins Machine received a Higher Prize. i A I-Vw ml ICeasons: 1. A new invention thoroughly tes'ed an.) fe- cured by Letters Patent. L'.-Makes a perfect Lock Stitch, alike ou both sides, on all kinds of Roods. , Huns liuht, smooth, noiseless and rapid ; but combination of qualities. -). Durable run1 for years without repairs. ."1. Will do all varieties of work and fancy stitidiin in a superior manner. f,. Is most easily mana-cd by the operator. Len-th of stitch may be altered while runninc, and machine cad be threaded without passing '.hreail lhrou-h holes. 7. Dcsien Simple, In-enious, Ele-ant, form- int tln stitch without the use of coir wheel Rears, rotary cams or lever aim. Has the Automatic Dron Feed, which insures uniform Icnsrth of Mitch at any speed. Has our new thread con- tro'.ler, which allows easy movement of needle- l uar ai.ii jneiiis iiijui io Liin.iu. s .cstmrti iot ea refill and finished. It is manufactured by the most skillful and ex perienced mechanics, at the celebrated Reming ton Armory, Ilion, N. N. Philadelphia Office, S10 Chestnut street. Ju!yr..ls74.-2m MA I3IK SIKH AM) IKO. FOIXIHiY. CEO. ROIIFtRACH & SON, Siiiilxiry, IVnn'i!. INFORM the public that thev are 'ieiar-il to do all kinds of CASTINGS, and having added a new .Machine Shop in connection with their Foundry, and have supplied themselves with New Latin s, Planing ami Horin- Machines, with the latest improvements. With the ;iid of skillful mtchanie-, thev are enabl-d to execute all orders of NEW WORK OR REIWIRINC, that may be -iv-n them, in a .,atisfactory man- j II'T. iralcs lo suit any Move. , IRON COLUMNS, for churches or other build j i in-s, of all sizes. j ! 1IKAS.S CASTINGS, &e. j Ornainental Iron Fencing ; i FOR GRAVE YARD LOTS: ; VERANDAHS, i FOR YARDS AT RESIDENCES, S.V., &f. ! i The l'l.OWS, already celebrated for tiu'ir su- : ! . riority, have been still further improved, and i ' vill alwavs be kept on hand. ! Also, THRESHING M U1IINES. ! - .-.';: ry, May 20, I i ' ' '. I J. Yuingiiaiiii"i kntroil U1 : Valve for St:t ioisnry ami I.oromo- j live EiiKinH. HAVING within the last few yoa re completed j the invention of a Steam Slide Vale design- ! el for the purposed of removing the pressure from the valve' as it exists at pesent, we will . vai raut (or six.months and place one in any Lo- ; louiolive. any Ocean Steamer, any Inland Stea i nier or any oilier stationary eu-ine. It is simple, , cheap, eli'ective and indest met able ; and saves j fuel and machinery. It moves its weight only. ! ' No alteration in anv part of the machinery is re- i quired to apply it, and the time occupied in sub i stitutiiiir it (or the ordinary 'D' valve need not be ' over half an hour. it IS imiisicnsanie hi i ne mines w nere noisi ing is done. With this valve the engine can be reversed without shutting off the steam, thus saving time and avoiding labor. This valve can be moved easily with one hand when surrounded bv anv amount of pressure. Address " J. YOI'NGMaN k CO., Sunbury. Pa. Suiibuiv, June 12, 1S7-1. ( mtitiAGKs, in ;;ir.s .v . H. K. FAGELY &. CO., rc'i.ecl fully ii form the public that they have commenced the manufacture of 21 CARRIAGES, ' BUGGIES. iVC. (Sfc at the new shop recently erected by J. F. Lerch Corner of I'onrlli ami ClH'slimt tits.. Sl'NBl'RY, PA., and solicit a fair share of Patronage. April S-f.m. .1- F. LERCH, Sup t. Si nd for Illustrated Catalogue and examine i i our prices before purchasing, as we claim to sell i lower than anv other establishment in the Citv. i l'.EMEMHER the Nl'.MDER, P.'IIG RIDGF. AVENFE. Philadelphia. SI It I V 1IAHI1I.K VAi:i, Fotirlli Street lelow Narkcl, SITNRUKV, PENN'A. ! llE undersigned has returned from the Ver- j T moot Marble Ouarrieg with 5 Tons of larble for j ri .11 on ii iii en t. rave-Stone. I &c, Sec. j Hi- ha bought at such figures that ' will allow him to sell better stone, for j less, niotii v, than heretofore. The best utlu-rhinil V alls Marl.K', shicli i; better than Italian. Rutland is now sold as low as the Manchester. Those who need anything in the Marble line, for Monuments Grave-Stones, or other purposes, i will lind it to their interest to call and examine I t liis large stock, as better bargains can be secur ed than buying from parties 'huckstering' round the country. All lettering will be done in the neatest and most Improved stvlc. W. M. DAUGHERTY. Suiibtiiy, Jan. II, 1S7LI. ISLATCULEV'S Improved CUCUMBER WOOD PUMP, Tasteless, Diirable,Elll cient aud Cheap. The best pump for the least money. At tention is especially invited to Illatchley's Patent Improved Bracket "and New Drop Check Valve, which can be withdrawn without removing the Pump, or disturbing the joints. Also,the Copper Chamber, which never cracks or scales, and will out last anv other. For sale by Dealers and the Trade generally. Inquire for Blatchley's Pump, and if not for sale in voiir town, send direct to III AS. G. BLATCHLEY, Munufm-turer, 500 Commerce St., Thihidelphia, Pa. March 13, '74. Sums. New Millinery Store. MISSES L. .x S. WEISER Having removeu inoir .viiuinery c-i .ue large building adjoining ett.einoyer s stove store, on Market Street, where they have just 1 I.i.wd ntti.l oLur in .mgnet ntiint nf T-i,iii..ifi.... ...s ! rahioualtle Millinery UooiN. I enibracintr everything usually kept in a well i stocked Millinety establishment. Their stock is ; entire new and consists of the latest I New York and Philadelphia Styles. j DRESS MAKIXt; ! in all its branches will receive particular atten tion. INFANT ROBES IN STOCK. Terms reasonable and satisfaction guaranteed, i Cutting and Fitting attended to, and Children's j and Boys elothing made to order. ' MISS L. WEISER, MISS S. WEISFlt. Sunbury, April IT, 1"'74. 'mm s Aa 3 1 !Hi . f !!.:ii!-!- i.t-ii'.-; toui.tl U .vie;i.t .'Irv.'il.: ,;, m tho jttctJicin.-ii -v extiactc'l then-Sin-Aleohol. T'ee :tskwl, - What : tl alleled sui ee..s t.f Our answer is. i:-. tie . !: :iT !h. r.s- ef 01 t! 1 2 i.n v n-:;i. vc ;.h- !((... ie;:t 11 ::,! i- ' ; 1 i cause of (ii.sc:i.sc. 1 i!.: ers his li.-alth. '! ; v blood jiuiilii-r i'.ei a !;i jile, a jierlei't lier.f.'. of the sys-tcm. N.-.i-r 1 tidy if the worlii lias foi!iioii!n!eil ji-iss--: in-.r qualities of Yin j-:,.. i: Hi tile siel; i' every i!i ;-:!.-. Tin y :ir a "elitie I 'my;; i'.i ;i- ::e ii ' l: Tonic, rclievi ('o!ie-;io :ul Vi-rera 7:. .'.'II! of the Liver O: Diseases. The properties -f I VlXKOAR lit! I Kits are Atn li' W. Cannina'iv-, Nutritious. i.;.;;..-. Diii.t-t..-, Sedative, Cotwter-Irritaiit. Stu'.oniu-. -M: -iu tive. and ' ,: ' ': lj II. IT. !IcDOXALn &. CO., Dnigit8 and General Agent', Ban rrancwen, Caiif-r-uia, aiid cor. Washington and Charlton Sts.. Neiv y-rlt Sold by nil Druggists ana Doulers. THE GREAT liEMEDY FOR ONSUiPTION which can be cured by a timely resort to this stand ard preparation, as has been proved by the hundreds of testimonials received by the proprietors. It is acknowl eilged by many prominent physicians to be the most reliable preparation ever in troduced for the relief and cure of all Lung complaints, and is offered to the public, sanctioned by the experience of over forty years. "When resorted to in season it sel dom fails to effect a speedy cure in the most severe cases of Coughs, Bronchitis, Croup, Whooping Cough, Influenza, Asthma, Colds, Sore Throat, Pains or Sore ness in the Chest and Side, Liver Complaint, Bleeding at the Lungs, &c. "Wistar's Balsam does not dry up a Cough, and leave the cause behind, as is the case with most preparations, but it loosens and cleanses the lungs, and allays irritation, thus removing the cause of the complaint. PBEPAUKD ET SETH W. F0V7LE & 80N8, Boston, Mass., And aold by Dructiata and Deukrs generally. Nature's Great-Remsdy FOB ALL THROATandLUNG DISEASES ! ! It is the vital principle of the Pine Tree, obumrd ty a peculiar process in the distillation of the tar, by which its. highest medicinal properties arc retained, 't ar even in its crude state has been recommended by eminent physicians of t-sery school. It is confidently otTered to the afflicted for the following simple reasons: 1. It cures, not ly atruptly stopfriite the eouh but by dissolving the phlegm and assisting nature to throw off the unhealthy matter causing the irritation. In cases of xacONitMPTH .m it both prolongs and renders less burdensome the life of theafllicted sufferer. 2. Iti healing principle acts upon the irritated stir, face of the lungs, penetrating to each diseased pari, relieving para, and subduing injtammatjon- 3. It purifies akd esrumfs thb blood. Io;ive ly curing all humors, from the common pimple or EKiirrioH to the severest cases of Scrofula. Thousands of affidavits could be produced from those who have fc-lt the beneficial effects of Pine Trek Tar Cordial in the various diseases aruing from imukities op TUB BLOOD. 4. Jt invigorates tie digestive organs and restores the appetite. Alt who have known or tried Dr. I.. Q C. Wii hart's remedies require no references from us, but the names of thousands cured by them can be ivea to any one whoioubts our statement I'r. I. O C VVishart's Great American tyspepsia Pills ntni Worm Scoar Lirops have never been equalled. For Bile by all Druggists and Storekeepers, and at It. Lad WTSHAST'S C:e,' .A'o, 23V A. Second St., fhiliut'' THE GREAT CAUSE E OF II I'M AX MISERY .Ir.-r Pi r.LisiiEt). in a Seai.fi Envelope. Price Sit: Cents. A Lecture on the Nature, Treatment, and Radical cure of Seminal Weakness, or Scrma torrbiea. Induced bv Self-Abuse, Involuntary Emissions, luipotency. Nervous Debility and Impediments to Marriage generally ; C011- mi minion. Epilepsy, and Fits Mental and Piiy- sical Incapacitd, VERWEI.L, M. te. By ROBERT J. CUL D., author of the '-Green Book," v.c. ; The world-renowned author, in this admirable : Lecture, clearly proves from hW own experience ; that the awful consequences of Self-Abuse may ! be ctl'ectually removed without medicine, and 1 without dangerous surgical operations, bougies j instruments." rings or cordials, pointing out aj mode of cine a', once certain and effectual, by j which every sullercr. no malter what his condi- j tion may be' may cure himself cheaply, private- ! lv, and radically. j This Lecture will prove a boon to tlioiisatiils and thousands. Sent under seal, in plain envelope, to any address, 011 receipt of sin rents, or two piwtaie stuui) s. Address the I'uhlishers, t 'HAS. .. f '. KLIXi:, A CO. l-.'7 Bowery. N. V. l'ost Office Box, 4.vsii Jan., lsTi-ly. (hi I tire 11 olten look I'ale ami Siek from no other cause than having Worms in the stomach. BKOWN'S VERMIFUGE COMFITS will destroy Worms without injury to the child, being perfectly WHITE, and from all the coloring or other injurious ingredients usually used in worm preparations. CURTIS ,V BROWN, Proprietors, No. 215 Fulton Street, New York. Sold Ixj Ihrniirjhla and Chemist, and ifeit'T wi Medicine at Tw'i:ntv-Ki ve Cents a Box. July 12, 1STX ly. .1. .Merrill Linn. Andrew H. Hill. Frank. S. M.n r. 1.1 . 1)11.1. aV M AUK, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, In Ilanpt's Building, Market Street, SUNBURY, ang.7.1S7f. Northumberland Co.. Pa. PEXNSYLVAXIA RAIL ROAD. rUILADELPHIA A ERIE R. R. DIVISION. SUMMER TIME TADLE. fn and after Sunday, June 2Sih, 1S74, the , Trains on the Philadelphia it Erie Rail Road Divi i sion will run as follows : WESTWARD. leaves Philadelphia, Line leaves Philadelphia. 12.55 T) til 5.00. p m 0.55 p m 8.50 p m 10.00 p n 11.55 p m 4.25 a m 0.30 a m 8.25 a in !.45 a tu 11.10 a m S.05 p m 8.01) a in 1.20 p m 4.20 p m ..'.'!) p in 7.30 p in 7.20 a m 10.40 a in 12.80 a m 2.05 p ui 3.10 p m 4.20 n in 9.15 i m Stinbury, Williamsport, at. Lock Haven ' a rr. ; Ei- Mai! leaves Philadelphia, '- " " Harnsburr, ' ' " Sunbury, " Williamsport, " ' ' Lock Haven, ' " " Renovo. " " an at Erie, Elinira Mail leaves Philadelphia, ' " " Harrisburr, " ' " Stinbury, " " '; Williamsport, " " arr at Lock Haven, Niagara Express leaves Phil idelpiiia, " ' " Harrisburg, " " ' Snnburv. " ' Wiliiainsp't, Lo k Haven, " ; Reuovo, " " arr. at Kane. EASTWARD. Philadel. Express leaTes Lock Haven, ' " " Williamsport, " " Sunbury, " 4i arr. at Harrisburg, " ' " Philadelphia, Erie Maii leaves Erie, C.20 a m 7.45 a m H.oO a m 11.45 a m 3.35 p m 11.20 a m t lienovo, ?5.20 p m ICenovo, Lock Haven, 9.35 p m 10.50 p m 12.40 p m 2.40 a m 6.40 a m 9.45 a m 11.00 am 12.40 p m 3.05 a m COS p m 9.00 a in 4.05 p in 5.25 p m " ' " Williamsport, " " " Puubury, " " arr. at Harrisburir, " " arr at Philadelphia, Elmira Mai! leaves Lock Haven, " " Williameport, " " " Sunbnry, " " arr. at Harrisbur'r ' " Philadelphia, Niagara Express leaves Kane, " . lienovo, " " " Lock Haven, Williamsport 6.50 p m " " " Sunbury, 8.40 p m " '' arr. at Harrisburg, 10.55 p m "' " " Philadelphia, 2.50 am Mail East connects ea&t and west at Erie with L. S. & M. S. R. W. and at Irvineton with Oil Creek and Allegheuy R.R. W. Mail West with east and west trains on L. S. t M. 3. R. V. and at Corry and Irvinetou with Oil Creek and Allegheny R. R. W. Elmira Mail and Ru'dulo Express make close connections at williamsport with N. C. R. W. trains, north, and at Harrisburg with N. C. R. W. trains south. WM. A. BALDWIN, Gen'l Sup't. j Philadelphia !' Reading Kailroad. ! SUMMER ARRANGEMENTS. Jim 15th, 1ST4. j Timins I.kavk IIf.kntionaa Follows: (Si npats . EXCEPTEO.) For Shamoki.i, 10.40, 11.00 a. m. and 3.40 ' p. m. I or Mt. C armel,Ashland, Tamaiiuu, Pottsville, Reading and Philadelphia, 10.40 u. m. Tkains fok Hekndon, Leave as Follows: (SfNOAVs Excepted.) Leave Shamokin at SXiO a. m. 1.50 and 3.55 p. tn. Leave Philadelphia, 9.15 a. m., Reading 11.25 a. in., Pottsville, 12.10 p. m., Tamaqua, 1.20 p ni. Ash'aiHl, 2.:i5 p. m., Mt. Canncl, S.21 p. m. Tiiains Leave If ARRisiieun, as Follows : For New York, 5.25, 8.10 a. m. and 2.00 7.40 p. ni. For Philadelphia, 5.25, S.10 9.45 a. m.,2.00 and S.5C, p. ni. Scndats. For New York, 5,25 a. m. Fur Philadelphia, 1.45 p. m. Tuains roit HAKitisnino, Lr.vvr. as Follow: Leave New York, 9.00 a. m., 12.40 and S.IIO, 7.45 p. m. Leave Philadelphia, 9.15 a. tn. ".40 and 7.15 p. m. SeNBAYS. Leave Ne'.v York, 5.S0 p. m. Leave Philadelphia, 7.15 p. in. Via Morris and Essex R. R. J. E. WOOTTEN. General tinp't. Reading, I'a. May 22, 1874. Northern Central Railway. On aud ofter Dee. 1, ltd trains ou thin road will rim as follows : LEAVE SOUTHWARD. Leiive Washingtou .. Baltimore I'liibilelpbia.. Harrisburg. . . Suubnry .rrie at : Williamsport . Klnura Buffalo Erii Mnil Kenova AetMim. Elmira Buffalo MaiL Kxprm 4.4H a ni 11. a a m H.i-" a ra 1.45 p m H. l HI a ni 11. V p m I. aopm WiSpm 4.1a p in 7.1'i v ui . . H.M p Iu ..11.15 pm .lti.'JU p in . 3.il a in K a ni . .V m ui 11.10 a iu . 7.10 a m 12..Vi p ni .ll.'xi am . (.ao p m 7.10 p in 1 1 I. JO p IU ti.no p m Erie, l.'Ai p ni X. Erie Mall, ll.iii a in All dally exeejit Sliudav. Leave : Biiffulo Elmira Hiirrts'ir Acetmi. Exfress. Mail. Erie Buffalo Elmira Williams; ort.. Suntairr Arrive at : H.-irrisbiirij. .. l'inljilrl In-. . Baltiuiori.' Wasbinfrtuu . . ii..'ii p m !Ai a in l.ln a lu ':' a m '.'.mi a iu 11.15 a m 7.IIO am 2.4.S p in 6.' p m 11. M p m 8.4U p m li.'3 a m . 4.3H a in l.-'iUpiii Hi.50 p m S.05 in .'.Mil a in "i.V. p ni ilOam 8.00 am . H.4H a iu iJ.Ki p iu i.-l't a iu h.4ii a ni .111.:;", a la ii.30 p in li.LI a ni ln.3. a lu All pi" Sauhury daily eie-ept Sunday. A. J. BASSATT, E. S. YOUNG, T. OUCEEK, tieu'l Manager. (ien'l Pass. Agent. Sup't. NEW GOODS for SPRING AND SUMMER at .Ml Kate lil tick's. Market Square, Sntibury, Pa. LA DIE'S DRESS GOODS of every style ami qnalitv. FANCY GOODS, NOTIONS AND Trimmings a specialty. TOILET SOAPS AND PERFUMERY. The finest assortment of Ladies' goods. Everybody is invited to call and see them and hnv cheap. Slay 8, 1S74. WITER STOKES. RYE WHISKY, 4.tK) a gallon. ?1 1.00 a dozen. YELLOW SEAL SHERRY, In large bottles, 11,00 a doen. GOLD SEAL BRANDY. 18.00 a tlo.eu. APPLE JACK, JAMAICA RUM, SCOTCH WniSKY, CATAWBA WINE. OLD PORT WINE, CHAMPAGNES. SEGARS, &C. II. V A.C. Van Keil. The Wine Mekitiaxts, 1J10 Chestnut. Street, Philadelphia. Oct. 24, is7:;. THE Kl-Mta KAKBER SHOP IS THE SHOP OF THE TOWN and long has been ; ask history and she will tell yon Men have grown old in our patronage Babies on the'.r mothers' breast To bouncing boys at play ; And youths by maidens fair caressed, To stalwart men with cares oppressed, And old men silver gray. And among the honored and lasting impres sions of time, and the crash of revolution in circumstances, we stand a living monumental memento of the ingenuity and perseverance ap pertaining to the identity of progression, plying onr vocation with the highest style of art and perfection, and aspiring to achieve the highest reward of merit attainable in our humble capaci ty, and the sentiment of respect and approbation which the presence of superior appliances and es tablishment are always wont to inspire. Always to please We shave with ease Cut and comb with taste the hair ; Shampoo the head with soothing care, Aud color the whiskers black or brown, To suit the people about the town. Then allow me politely request you to stop. I And not go past nor from arounu our snop. I To gel shaved on the basU of ability nor as j some have done for our use of the ballot for prin I tipie sacred and right nor under the common ! seerct and invidious guise of enmity to complex I ion : for the cut of a man's coat, or the color of I his skin, ought not to affect his usefulness nor i his qualifications. A fair chance is ull that we 1 demand, to give the proof to all the land. ' JAMF.8 W. WASHINGTON. ! Proprietor. Sunbury, April 5. 1S73 ; No. 91, Market st. John 11. Sell. sr. I, i. John M. Schonour. A SCHOXOIR. Second Street, WoMEi.iORF, Pa. rOREIHN AND DOM ESTIC LIQUORS WINES, BRANDIES, GINS, Tare Old Rye Whiskey. Ai'Ft.F. Whiskey, Cokm.u.s, &( . All Liquors sold ganrranteed as represented. Orders promptly attended to and public pa tronage respectfully solicited. SELL & SCHONOUR. 2d St., Womelsdorr, Berks Co., Pa. Feb. 27. 174. l v, How to use Leaves. " Leaves have their time to fall," but they are only a nuisance if left in the yards and on the sidewalks ; but when gathered dry, and stored in the barn or shed, they add greatly to the value of the manure pile in the spring. A litter of leaves in the horse stalls is more desirable than one of straw, for it ean be re newed without the necessity of cleaning out the stalls more than twice or thrice a week. Besides, the leaves absorb the ammonia more rapidly than straw, and can be more thoroughly worked over and trodden into it ; and they also make the manure of much more value for flower gar deus, as they are particularly rich In phosphoric acid, which is next to ammonia, the most highly treasured constituent of plant growth. Apply a bed of leaves plentifully around the roots of your vines, shrubs, roses and all flower ing trees, then throw a shovel of manure over them, and next spring will show how beneficial Is their effect. Aside from the practical use of leaves, a due regard to appearance should prompt us to gather them up from our door yards and lawns, and put them in some place where they will not lie around loosely. Dame Natare ought to have an attic in which to pnt away her cast-off clothing, and net let the autumn winds scatter them broadcast ; but she preferes that we should do her house cleaning for her, and so we should at tend to it directly and reap the benefits of our labors in another season. Pile them in one corner of the yard if there is no cow or horse to use them. Cover them with a layer of earth and turn all the house slops upon them ; and an other spring you will have a good supply of fer tilizing material for jour garden. Save the brightest and fairest, however, to adorn your sittin; room. Ours is already brilliant and beautiful with them. X. E. Farrntt. Cl RUASTS FROM Ccttisos. It is now time that currant cuttings were made and planted. The sooner it is done after the leaves are ripe on the bushes the better, to insnre a good growth next season. If made now and planted in well prepared soil, new roots will be produced before cold weather commences, at which time the cut ting bud should be covered from three to six inches deep with some straw, leaves or similar material, to prevent the frequent freezing and thawing of the ground during winter and early spring, or the time for growth 10 commence, but the changes in temperature, which usually occur during the late fall and winter, are what injure the cutting, aud not the severe cold. The cut tings should be made of the present season's growth, and about six inches long, then planted their whole length m the ground, or leaving not more than an inch abovsvJie surface. Pack the soil firmly about them, and then cover when the ground freezes. In spring uncover, leaving a portion of the materials used for winter protec tion between the rows as a mnlch if there are any fears in regard to want of moisture in the I soil. This is the usual mode of propagation practised by our nurseymcn, and when planted in rich soil vigorous, large plants are produced !he first season. If any of our readers have j failed to obtain large, strong plants from eut I tings taken off in the spring, we would advises I them to try fall planting as a far prefarable sea j sou. Rttrul A'ea Yorker. How to Have Good Cidek. Prof Ilorsford, of Harvard University, has published a receipt for improving and preserving cider, by means of which the progress of the vinous an acetic fer mentations may be arrested at pleasure, and the eider preserved in just saeh a stateas may be de sired. It is this : " Put the new cider into clean casks or barrels, and allow it to ferment from oue to three weeks, according as the weather is cool or warm. When it has attained to lively fermentation, add to each gallon three-fourths of a pouDd of white sngar, and let the -whole ferment again until it possesses nearly the brisk pleasant taste which it is desirable should be permanent. Pour out a quart of the cider and mix with it one quarter of an ounce of sulphite of lime for every gallon the cask coutains. Stir it until it is intimately mixed, and pour the cmnlsion into the liquid. Agitate the contents of the cask thoroughly for a few moments, then let it rest that the cider may settle. Fermentation will be arrested at once, and will not be resumed. It may be bot tled in the course of a few weeks, or it may tie allowed to remain in the cask and used on draught. If bottled, it will become a sparkling cider of surpassiug excellence." Professor Hotsford was the first to use the i snlphite of lime for this purpose, and to him is due the credit of first calling attention to its uscfnluess. It is in no respect deleterious, as the sulphate, into which the sulphite is changed by the liberation of sulphurous acia, is entirely insoluble, and remaius at the bottom of the ves sel. Remember, it is sulphite of lime, not sul phxftt, must be used. The quality of the cider will remain unchanged for years. Geruumtom Telegraph. Pens fok Swine. The New York Herald says : A few days since the writer railed at a neighbor's residence, who had a beautiful Ches ter White sow wiih three pigs about six weeks ! old. She brought nine, but overlaid six of them, i The pigs were worth five doliars each. Hence ; there was a loss of thirty dollars simply because j his foreman did not understand how to prepare i a suitable bed for a breeding sow. A large ' quantity of straw had been allowed to accamu : late iu her sleeping apartment, so that she had ! formed a deep hollow about the size of her ; body. A Ihe young pigs could not get out of ; such a place when the dam was about to lie 1 down they were smothered. Our owa practice j with brood sows has always been to remove all 1 the straw from the sow' bed at least a month j prior to the birth of her brood, and spread a 1 few bunches of cnt straw oa the 11 oor for her to i lie on. Y'oung pigs will never become entangled i in ench a bed, neither will they get cornered so ; that the dam will overlay them. When pigs are ! worth five dollars each it will pay the proprietor to prepare a suitable bed for the sow. Long straw should never be spread iu a brood sow's sleeping apartment, except when no pigs are expected. Shade Tkees. It ia a great mistake to pennii shade trees to stand so near together that none have room for proper devolopment. Young trees may be placed near each other to prevent awkward gaps, but as they increase in size the superfluous ones will show they arc gainers. A celebrated fruit grower said it took him years to acquire the moral courage necessary to thin out his fruit buds properly. A still higher degree ef courage is required to lay the ax to a thrifty, handsome shade tree, though we know its neighbors will be dwarfed if it is allowed to re main. HOl'SEIIOLiI. Remedy for Poison by Ivi. It seems lo me that 1 read all kinds of cures for ivy poison ex cept the right one. I have always endeaored t- keep it before the public, but have failed. It is to dissolve sugar of lead (a bit the size of a hazleuut,) in a half teacup of sweet milk or warm water. Apply warm as cau be borne easily with a soft, linty piece of linen rag. Three or four applications are sufflcieut to effect a cure. If the poison is on the face and Hearing the eyes or mouth, this astringent wash may be con stantly applied- It is a marvelous cure, and by watching closely one can see the fevered blisters turn from white to yellow duriug the application. This remedy for ivy poison should greveut a great deal of suffering. It is well where a member of a family is easily poisoned to keep sugar of lead in the house all the time. Let it be labeled and kept where it can be found the moment it is wanted. Keep it well wrapped up that it may not lose its strength. Cor. Ohio Farmer. To Exterminate Lice. A correspondent of the Country Gentleman says : Take a quart of strong vinegar ami mix it well with plenty of Scotch snuff; steep them together until the strength of the snuff is well out ; then wash the animal well, while the vinegar is warm, on those parts where the lice congregate. It is sure to kill all it touches. Repeat it if the nits hatch and make a new crop. Neither snnff nor curry comb wi'l sicken or harm. Gkef.n Salve. One-quarter pound lard ; one ounce rosin ; one ounce beeswax ; one drachm verdigris ; melt well and stir well. This is one of the salves known for old sores, nlcers, can cers, scrofulous sore, cuts and wonnds. r