Sunbury American. (Sunbury, Pa.) 1848-1879, September 18, 1874, Image 3

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    .oiivu duncne;m.
suxi.uuy, si:iti:m i:i-:h i. .
t::ti:ro;tI Time TaWt.
n. '.v.. i I ! R-
i .. o -;.i . 1 1 1 . I i i.- V nil. a in
i-::,!ii'i V.!i"..1-'.10 :i !,i Ni:iL';ir:i Fx- 1 1' !!' ,
,. .'.nr. :i i:i ! l"'.:t',irii Mai! 4.1F 111
Nhtsrara E. S.4U p in I Kn-l Line, ' 1' 1:1
M M 1 ";Y (Mi 1X!MM'"!VN K. !:. !
Leave Sun'oary for Lewi-town at T,.:;.". a. in.,
'''.aiiive ..i'si.ubii.y Lcwi.towu at 1 .!!." .
an.! ''.. !'-' 1 . in- ;
ium ;;iv :vi-i ' ' w-
idvk ! Ai:i;ivr ;
. '. . ......... i vvr.... ;.. r nil
.Mai!, -' r I
An a,,lalh.n truiu l. av-s Shamokin at
Ma in, amviuir at Ml. ..mml at ..ilia la.
R-turinir, 1l-.iv.. Mt. Caimc! al b.l . p in. arnv-
i i : r at Sbainokia '.-!" p m-
I..-kawann A :!u.m-i.i ik. K. 11. luuv-.
leave Northumh.-rhiiil a' f, a. m.,
..d -MO r-iu.: arrive at ! -.t"o ' ":-P-1"'
A. ci.l.nitnl h.vatu-o Ti.k.-tai. lav! , ,;.,,.rns. ami :..ay iH i'hai - i-: -J.Siimaan.Tuk,,
A,t,a,t!i.-l.T-t. ,.,,.,,,, ,; ..
g- j TiiO w. nii.l a r.i::inu;..:"--la aiM.ii i l r l:.M'.y
?Ccc:t! Affairs. ;,,iwar,.i:.--.a!.y Mr. .. . -inrk. i.;:;:..-i..n
v i. . . . . 1 Wa ai r.f l aial taken r..-'r.'i:- i.: i'''--ainl
-AMi ri. lhi.l., "I Unli, wa- latrly j ar1(;r ., l,,.;Uii.i:, was raaitnitt. .: ! .1"'. to :ia.t
Lsitca by a .lo-, rf;.o,l.-.l to l.avo uivcii rvlJ,".. ) t!,.. r.tilt of tlio Mai 1h-
of li.-ing uki.1. Sv,1.Kls ;im-i: wnti iJv-, I'-ai 'i f.m.i.-M in K im. twn.Muj. iiay
mine of thfir Mk.'1 kiin-.l ly 1"
1). J. WitAKToN f llii r':-'S l':"l ""' n'i'i
.-...4 l.v n .irt-niar kiw, hi the 1 l-
lingers KW.4! uy u cm ......
l,0J-S Oil Motvlitv h.t, l,i!.M-..Sa:-0l .. Fa-i..S j
K. U-Wiug. Tlica-v Mru. k tl.- -.i.. ... tl,c I
finu'- r ami run tkvoili into lis-.' Imml. j
in u Miiton HW-ncls l.av ro!vc.l to l.ol l an j
A-ri. uilural Fair, coinmeiicx 011 tin-Osth 111M., j
ami to continue to tlica.l of '
Tiinat' Ira l. It-
...ri.t oftliUl'lace was laiuiflW IaMwi.k. '1 lie
..:.. . .i Ikt. Mini 111 U 1
infti'iuiui. ,,v 1 . i
l,ort time we may evj.eet lier to over Hie
water of tin; S-J-atieliaiiaa.
r, . - MiuiVAl. or Mil l iskkT. Hat feath
ers floors lihl-ons, Ac, jaM r-c.-iv.vl at the I
etorc of V.i-- 1.. Sliisslcr. An riat n. -ort- ,
, ,:,.', r,ir the f.'.l frufdii. I
. ...,r I4..,..-., has Leon erect- t aionn ; .
. , , , ..wi,W
h(; ralln.'.ic ehureli lot o-., Anh stir, t.
.V M. r '-"-. -
U.T. fire (1epart:,.. ,.t was eMilt-at on .hi., rc- .
,ru from the f.rwn pic ,ic at 7.
mn the citizens of that j.'.aec. 1
Mi. MA1...AHKT ;... of Caketown, wn n4- j
. . -. ...:.. i. ..t- 1-ivt -eek. i
Urn fire .l,;1,art:i.. lit was eMilf.nt on thiir re-
t ii i
....' "i .1 i-pvc of h-rCath liirll: day, hist week.
' having her r:enii--s inva.hal hy friemls who
.ro-,-l,t 1,-r irti of pooj thin- as a donation.
M. Y. M. Alaiinfy, Fs i., of L-. wi-
bur-. ami a L-raduMte liom in- .- -
,,:. oHh-e. ,,w a resident of Harris..-.', h i
,ppoiat.,l 1'o-ta.aMer at 11 . : rlshur.f. v.c?
;e.--2': I'.erner, .ieccase l. ;
Ja. oR Ii- KA,4F., Es., of l"l per Maaa- j
ov township, report a v o: a sta.k on l .i i-i
l.-h, with f.ll! -'I"v r'!"s of
13 feet im!
Tnr OooJ Intent i-i re oa.pan -
hop this. ( evening, at the !ai!l on Fourth (
4M l.rM...u. a farmei . uiM.le of ti,-borou !.
lim.hashitelvbecaa.inoye.l by 1 e.ty thieves
' v'bvol,,! his iireii.i-c. Mealing
',-r.!. Ac Last wc-U he l.a.l several .
..-archei in rakctowa.hut .iiil not tl ml j
, ,. ,,,r.v !
"S! ' ':l '"' :.i.,:.V'!i.,t liimself
P x-MiEi:irr m.i.i.i - ,
.uthc ham!af.'W,l:iy ,o, while ia . he ae. of
.-xaminin? a pi.tol at aa apprai-etm at ... l- ,
. . i' .... t i . r. ill i
Ilsoiia.iue township, in- : 1"' -
.... !..,.i ,! .be h-.'. The woumisaie no. .
tuu tmtiM
" AVi are umler .t.F.2fltins to Dr. Jos. FyMcr
for - box ol his delicious Concord (irap. S raised
onl.ianaiaFpierA., They were most
V icious. The '.loetor has a iar-e Muaat,ty
whi-h he is fliipp'mK to tlic cities
A Tivr. a-sortmcnt of r,cck-ti. ? just rc.'-. ived I
.,, M-h'. rv Store ,.f Mls 1.. Shi'sl-r. I
' , r .e Uuin, i
1 III! MllltlUty corresi.on.,.
.i..r,..bik in remark' a
. :is'T.ei, i , i'(. ..., ..-
i-nr-hinr ' ribablroTia, and mio " t().tv
lU-litly the nonsensical, without re'ar '
..... ..:. ace. 11.
x tl i i-iiTl,l,il,l i,,III.iir,o..v- ,
..... ins conduct.
is not considered responsible
T..r. river is lower--" 11 ,KU U" J The wit-'-" l,M! 1Vnnlv:",Kl ra,,al j
" t-a'ts are run out.ide the channel be- ,
.or'thuaibeeland an.! the inlet al the fer-
. -t 1 . : n f.M 1
rvppobite this place. I
TiiE water tank at Oeor-etown. is the omy om
tween thi place and Ilar.ishur- that supplies
i ...ejira with water over the N. C. Uaiiway
Trouble is also experienced on the F.a-.t. rn Dtv.
ofthe I'liila. nn.l Erie nailroad to obtain water
for locomotives.
r.vr Km it. A niec'incn pear, raised on the
i... ..r Mr Samuel (iohn, on Walnut street, was
o ut to us ht week, whi. h .neasi.rcd Wi inches
! circumference, an! 11', inches around its!
len-th, and wciirhfrf 12 ounces. A yellow peach ;
.aised on the lo of Mr. Jacob Hilh.s, measared
inches in eireiimfercn-c, and wel-hed T.K ;
r;i- ,t .a,- - red o,. samrday s
,ast, on tl- air grounds, between t.i- i-s
club of.' V, and th- cub o Ia,i ,
T:1;o f.r the championship ol .Montour ami .mt-
'"' ' ,
"" ' . .. ....
.i.nii.wr and count ie. r m- iuiihik- j
t"01" , .... ,. . '
i .ifti III a'! V1I.1S lor 1 lie I ta. :i,l lest-, i -
,,d ,...'! result din , modest in his demeanor, a.,,' ..liable and conn.
an(S.orthe,.ckU .. . in 1 mls i h.ti.r,-,,,,, c w ill. his fe.h.w ..,. II is
,,vyed at ( j wif.. viv- thoi.-h in l.-Me heiK.I.. i hi. e
MrsTi. Ar.i:.titT;oN. C IL smith, of Noit!;- , .. .ui. ,Wm ,wo , a, daiuiit.-r.
iimberiaiid, ai old citizen an ! inerchai.t tall. o of j (. (. M(., ,ni. k, Mr- Wm. I'. Doa-ai,
t-hamokin, and one well Ihoti-ht of. was dl-.-o- , ,,'e j ,.( 4,,rin ;eU. who reside- in Kaii.-a-.
vcr.-J a coup!.' of weeks since to be si.tfgri.,- , f(rr(. ,,, .i,'. ;, ,l., h. 1.. ',.,i...:i.
from liberation of th- mind, caused, no doubt. ; KllU,.,. ,, v,a p,.;,.! by '. I- :.. l-'U.
by ovcr-.uixi. ty on account of tin uu-ia troub4.,-, lhi : n
it, A .1 f.'u- davs sine.' was taken to an a-yium hi
Philadelphia, wl.ete li-is n"4 umler
....-. li r-dJ.
John S. V. i:-n hasju-t i.-tiinid Ii om t he city
a ml is opeuin- a veiy line stock of winl.-r ch.lh
in" The stv'.es am! make of -oo.'.s, lid- winter.
5 Terv .l.V.rati!..' and pu tty. He has sele. te 1 !
Jl.'.s bto. k w.Ui ti'eat care as I" I. .-i. -'ii ami .,ua
Jity. 1 1 and see his -to. k before you pTrcha
rls. where, ht.
John S. M i:-,:.
Os Wednesday hot. a juisou- r named .e..r.: attempted to . -c. pe from jail, but was re
captured by Win. Fii'.-lemali and (b-ot-e Nevil,,
,:i Fro! t street.
TiiK ladies of the M. E. ' hui. h, propose ke. p
i- refreshments da. in- the pro-ic-s of , he Fair,
.,iTn.e fair ground-, .': Wsdm-sday and Thins -
day. Eels will Lh served up ia their tent.
A l'l Kit a dry spell of over loity .lavs, the
. loads h ive ttoiirc I down a plentiful supply of
Mb. within the la-t two da v. The benefit to the
croj'S and parched fl-hls is already noticed. Dur-
in-the drou-ht th- irreatest annoyance was the
du't in the streets. Many of the farmers had
postponed seedin- tor tli-want or ram.
... .
J .ti s Pi r-". vt". E-" , lorin. i Iv d tin-place,
J 1 . . . ., .
dad at Radncr, I Ma ware couniy, i a., .... . ...'
.lavwe. k. 11;e decrit-e i was a promim-nt ui.-i.l-
"- ,. ,,
1 ..I !,,. I...r f..r ...,,..' veal. 1 1 . .V a S a -.' II I lc-
manofa l.i-hly .uituVeU miad and l,i-h!y cs.
teeiiied by all who formed I
He wa- aired about ''S veal-.
R..,n.F...-The house .., Philip A, ison, in Cake-
town. ws enter-., on Tu.-sdal i,t and
M"!e.i. ..... s weauiiir appar-L Mr.Ari-
son 1.:t.l iiivei. lheni..!i.ylo bi.wile. -oinir
.oworkintheM.opsat nial.t, which she placed
i . 1 ..r.wcr. It is opposed. hat , he bur-
rlars chloroformed Mr-. A. before ransackin-
the bouse Person- cannot be loo careful in cios.
',. p their pr.,ni-e. at i,ht.
(H.i:m at Mii.Tov. On Tuesday mo. nimr
!ast. aI"l.ii.Seacl.ieiH occiiiicia. "'..'. o,K.
of Murray, Domjal A Co., ia Milton. A coal ..,1
tank had jus. bee,, taken into the shop for re-
pairs, when a b,.y, for son. - reason not known.
went to the manhole with a li-hted lam,., which
set fire to the ir:.s in the tank. The flames burst
,il lie coiik'i.i i",i ,..- ,. ..... ..... .. ......
out and burnt the follow4,..- named peso,,, who . f Mll;,v even;,,-. Se, t. I 1th.
i: .!,,, r.,.,o,,L- .l,.bi. ,
Debility, Win. Mclntyre, . Shoemaker. Am-
brose Green, Wm. Michall, Levi Everitt and
Nath. Rurns. Green, Slwinakcr and Ev.-ritt
jvere I adlv burnp.l.
r r will hui , ill ., , - ' '
rrnw.-OH ur lav ui-ht. U-
,-.,r-. of 11 VJ ..V.... an; uhay
llV-CII til.
l.i.'ki;.i!rlrlK-...-u Haute Rill'in.4-'.'.. ;.:.d i'i.
,ip Mock.-; t. in which the latt-i- wa- -ri.u.-.!
,.; Tin- i i i:ii'-:. ii- , . fi ' '' '
!. mi :!, arc fa'.'. '' s i i tin- -any 1 :ir! of t!
.M l.:! 4 the J... Hi.' not in mF.oo... ci4',.-!4 '! ..'a: Miirlif.
;li. ! in an in-niti 'i m :!iii.'i- niili.'-' ii"'"
Mv;...;:ii..' "I.- l-i ' -' '
s-tx'..-." t Mi.iv'u i it-.-,11 '. ' S ;
; i..- i.a i 1..- ; .r '. !'
, f; I a.- i-.--
! .mi. Ai I " i r '.'. 1
i-. v. r.i! . f i.N !: .-.'.i-'r- :
'1 air.i s!i.- ! .nl l!i'ii -iy :
(alii - '
' ; '
f ! !;..-li::i:.
... !: V. :! t.-l I-'
i- v.. 'I - :i. !'i; t .
;;,;-, rt :!! t-i.ii
ui.-in. ti.r ; : I.
a.t. !.:..! in ti
... a .! v ii
!.,. I.,;: v .
j jacr-. I'.i ! I
bat k v,
I! ii kni!.'. '
j c ..n .r.i.ii'- i!.. !i 1.:;. ',;..! l .!..i . t
' a M !;, .-il ilvii; l.iai a tl.fin '
, then lal.tii l i.'...lw.i;;:ni.-iV
i his -r- ir-f-.l l-y i :.'. ''
iiii.l l!an;.. ul'u-r uii'aii !. i'-
'I L..' uouial in tin
. 1
Mi'.tonV i'!,t. 1 l'!..ti" in. -a. "" '
j Ia'.:i'liin, on Tn-lay of k,-t v-k. t. 1 , ;
Mack l'.a-? to i iav.' in Ha4 nvu ai .ui.."o. . ..
;,:,.1 , r;lvs ,;;,v ,Vl,v a!, tuo .!..s am!
M1(.CP0(j).1 l,l,1riI1.- s 1 v. n lia- i-w 1.-.
Thij. . th,.1;l jn tll,. t::i,k of ti,.- v.Su'.i: ta
-. tn ;l,, Vi:... .a :!,. ii an.va4
i t Mmn ,Vrnt to lla ' i-i'"4
th.-ir fli wj..-n to tin ii .!i-u'a t tl. y t:Un-;- 1
tli; t ,.1,,, wl.U-h va l.-t to fno : fi
,,, cnlin.-.J u l iot-a, am!
1'iiak I..1-M0 .;io-1:1 in- 1
... 1 . , ;., 1 I .,!:: I if 1
i lie f ."
" - ...
.-in- neer. LoWfVi-r, t'l-onii-eu m !
- . . . ... .... ....ii. i .i i .
! on Thnrsilav niorninir. hut faih-J o do so i.j .. ,
... 1... ,. ..I4 rrrtaill firties at I
:-cUl v ri.-K .hi i !
Wioiaaist ort, our tisia-nneii were eheatea l ,
,.. f,,:;t of Hair lahoi. It j.i'1-e..r.-4 in.ii... "'A 4
ol twenty l.a fecioe.l liefrV pomt m ar Mort-
. c. f..r . 1 r'vit.' R!.rCli::lto4:l. '""I
of them liavinp: lea: !:! Iiora the el -ii
of them liavinp; iria . ...a.. ....... ,.-
- :lllV cr-. i..orv '
the lhh were in the tai.h. without anv f-v i..oi v
, , ,,,,, ,,,n .,. , ha-, i
, ,,,,ced in the afo, nn-uUi.u-i. Tin- j
,!,..;r ri-,i.ts r.t. l a- -i:-. ! !
Pr.nii .n ili-M'.Y Ki.i.s. . i...... .
t!iat ilearv Keen, who ......
.:;-:.., t:.H4i:. i..,t v.-.-t V.rJi.;.. 1....1
attack. .fpaiaiy-i-..a the i: 1: i,.-t.. v. hali c. a- 1
. . . .. . t 4l'...l. i..l v it-i" '.lib ill-!. I'i r. I
. , .. :.
I. is oeai ii o.i . ,
was u.ll known in this ih-inity as ::
Il'-t el.,.--
M.chanie.aml lawahiilla-cl'i"4. il- wa- en
..... ! f. ,r v,i,i.. r of v.-ars as I in t:
c.r'slicps ofthe i". .V I".. !'. K. o- at t 'ni- phi'4' . I
ami a number of pa4- . n:-er ears r-iiatcl hy h'.:" ;
are pronoaiie.-.l the hamlsaiu, -: on r-.i-l.
Ianv oth.r s: eeimens of hi- sk".i: still s.4' a j
j -oH.e o! oar l-Uslues- pia.. - ..'
. , ,- ein.pi.fie - of 4- !
Keen v as a O-rman hy bin!', h. ia- ff'in H-'i't
,;,, ,,y Nea e: t he Ehi.:-, ia I'- !; i
i:1 ,,,,;'s r. co,.,:u. -,,,;,
itifine,.. ia! .it hv.v of h .s nat :ve c ::,,;.. :
? :i : ,.i:u i.,:u .;
,.;a i oft:, la : ::4e - t . il ia h.
his .'e:;h his !;:.: v sUM.iir.s the
a-:.! al'-etoaatr father, an I 'la4
a il
: v.
a !..: !
ei.iiv a I
Via- :.j !
, .
,-et , 1 ,i-..:,i.e
-44- "
air at ti
largest heia in thi- pall of the ."tate. - '
r , n ,,,,,-tK that t'levai at ions are'-
a.:..s .-vhibitioa. ami we shall i.-t '-e !
su.l-i-iseJtoseethehiiueM va, iety ot a, tichs ,s- ,
hibiied ever f en at a Fair in this section. 1 he :
ra,,,,, to take pb.ce is attriieti,:, a.tei.tio,. a, j
over the co . . .
..r. ,,,' ..T tl,,, ili.-I-.l, V.LB
V n:i ikt.iiii:. in im-in., .. i. i
... ...
fliiii' of the be-t horses are . a,-.-.-..-,, .o
, Uii-if' . . , .
,.-r. and la .ke it of very c.xc...uS
The pounds are ills 1 eomli. ,o. aim c,l sc
cured. T'-44 "iron- of people -ath.-riu- at that;
tim(. .-r uin-: the i ii;r. wih be iiiitn. ns-.
. , , I
Mii.itaut (ai.i.. At t,u-.fthe ohief rsand
sohlicrs of the l:;i,t Lc-inienl of IVunsylvaaia i
Sol, ier ol ttic J..i-,t l.c-iineni oi i eini i ..,..-. .
v,,;,..,r,. .,:, ,,.i.i , .i.- im " j
Yoluntecrs, will be h.-W at the v,.al Hotel, in j
tu borough ,1 wcn..eOay, u.c 50tl. I
J,1V of ;..,. "in'-er, iuMant, at two o'clock p. tu. j
xt",hi mei.t!lI it ;s i,pcd ail the ollieers, and
iminy of tll,;,,lIlk und file as can, will he pre- j
a i ii 1 1 it 'I 1 litfl-t ill 'r I f i
sent. A timi: for a general iiuuual m. etin-of
lm. ,.,.;,.., ,viil be lixed upon, and a pe. maneiit
on,.iniZatiou wi.l be clfec'cd. It is li -lieved that
the cordial f.-elin- which cxiMe.l ia the regiment
will make this effort at re-iiuioii a -rami sii- e-s.
J,.s. U. Orwi-, (.'apt. Co. A.
A. N. l!i ice, 1-1 Lieut. Co. C
.1. A. lSuchcr, Seljjr't Co. ''.
.los. Hiy, Captain Co. II.
lteiij. F. Kecf. r, ("apt. o. II.
L. M. Morton, 'Jd Lieut, t o. I4..
Will, II. Woire, l-l Lieut. o. E.
Suahury, Sept. 14. 1st-.
M u.
nomiliT M C-iiMl K, who was hi lor
- aIlll despite
; f,; ..,,,,. :1
' Mr M .. ..,..
live -1 il Tiiiir man. Mr. Ale' urini.K w..- a a
live. Mirriiiir tnan. .hi. . ...!.... -
- . ,.,,,,..,.a.
r. ,.i,, a of nine am', upri-hl chai..ct. r, ex.i, I... ,
SI 1:1 tK I.V A I.'" OVI l !.. Y' -i ! i : at la.oii,
Pass4:.-, a little damhter of .b,!in Jrah.n-. jr., .
f.,ur yeai- ol a--, was ft l.i ::.' home Ik.iii
si ho.,1 accompanied by In r t-acher. i ia- . r. s--i..
:.t Ml'.t wa- ol.,l Hi. ! ed by a
f .,.j,-et tiaiu p.. --In. n.
The tiala had no
f.,.,1,. r p.,-se i lla.a ti," ..Il.e ii' ' .. i- ia-.
ham! tioin her leach'-r ran a n-.- the tra. k. At
t!:at moment the ( a-lei u bound mail came ru-h-
ii.a; by, and the r liiid v.a- struck by the ..
I.,; oi Lumper, it i- i. ot km.wa wham, ami throw n i
upwards of twenty fe.-t. She w as pick. ! up in- f
' scii-iiil". and cr:;, ,! lo !., i lath.i.- hoi:.. II r
: head had a fearful ii '.sli near the temple, b it no
1 holies were broken, au-l ii. ti-' ev.-iiiu-j. oneofth.
! surireons who was , r.-eut in fort 1 a-that the.
; 5s a po-sibility of th-ehils recovery "
),,,!.. 1 1th in-t .
We barn t bat t lie earn ,i.e,i on r 1 1" iy a i e.
I p M, , Pakk A s n A .i:i. ' in aw. A--...4, ati-.n.
; Tlll. ;t,y P,.,k- ol tl,,- a-s..e:atioi, '' "-
j ,.,.I1,,1 on Monuay I.. t at tb- dr..- store ol ..c.
1 p. adwalh.der, oa Vali d Mie. i. and wih '"'
;.ledon I iiesday ev.-nin.;. i-. pi. .......
I. U will be received nl'Olithe L'lolll,,!- later
! ibaii Wcdn-sdav morniii'J. S. ,: ..I). A,lp. -o
. ; . , ...
' - " , ,
My as I'O-sible in or, .r to save coaliisa.ii and io-s
, 'A " '
. f .in.-l;ri.,t; the ftr-t '
Pv order of the I-.Voelllive Coinmiltee
i SuaiAT.i Hool. C.vw vnoN at N-m-
.a th.ano.-A, to a , ..oliition o, S,,s-
I qaehanna Synod o, ,e hv. La, heran Uiur. , e
; r.pie-riiiai.K-s no,., i,, .
j Co.. vent ion ia St. John's Lutheran Church ...
j Norihumbeilaml. The Conven.ioa was tempo-
. ra.ily o.-raniz -,l by -le. t..,-L. v. ... . Hemp. . -
I lv temporary cbaiiinaii, and Rev. Adams tempo-
rary secretary. Aft-. ,:.-', by the choir the ad-
I ,.,.. r ,.;,. was deliv.-rcl hv the ..astor,
.. .. .. r a,..,.:...,
,. . ItcV. All'. i.C . .ne oi- -
, .(t.,, .( c ,, jiennaiieiit orani.a-
'. n ()iiif,r v,
.,.,.., ,n,,.r of the ( ..nveid ions :
. . j, .u,fim,.llM1V(1(.r ; Secret arv, A. R.
j ... . Treasurer, John Staver.
r..ii..,, i ,.,,;.
1..,. ... . , r. .. ..
II. . s.l.i v a liei noon.
A son of .! ickm Gufly of Wntsotitown, while
phiyin- in a sand bank, on Monday, the bank
! !'' v way and l il'e 1 bin..
i F' -. 1V1, M "' t ll.i.s 0tu-
'bib!,:..:4" I v.-re m-iil-! Ly the proprietors,
:.:.-!-. W. tt ; -n.(ii o. Reav. r, that :i iiii-ft inj
would La he'.d hi tin' mi'! "ii Saturday afternoon
!!. :! v.i.ieh mi!.l mr'.vs further inf.-r-
:a., : i 1. -.1 1 I" I'-' '-' '1 ma4 J for ea-4!i pay-
I I.
i:l - i'' l!..
II a! : 1:
1.. 1 ..I'lrl' H! Va
. i : !y a tii'-i
1. T!n
.r 'V.'i.i
ii:. . VI,-,,. -,-1 t . ti- ! " ! I
il; i( i,,. ,(. .1 .!,: r;: ;
i t'i'j j'-t i:i..:;lli l.a i ' " a ''" ,,n I
!:'.! la.
lit, .!-., !!"l:t
!l :' l'ai'v..' fah
tii.-.t a- -n ;
W'.m i'::l-'.-il'i' t" Ii"1
ii-. nt- for t' " :!-' i t. .
;!.,. iiaiski t l-l tjlit' i.-M I
jii'.iI !..' lui.l nl',.! a pirai.T :
1, 1- c il'i :'.1.V v.,l'.. T.aV I
; ... n.- ' I .
;.n ! ..::...'. .; .-a ti.fia to ;
i .. v it !i ju.!-in.':.: : ;
... ;;!.! ti.y v.-i-t t .;!.!
... Ii..' M'-','i i :;. if '
to t.'iiii- .ii:. I .-!. in
: t:;t. irit-T -..r Mr. '.Vat.-r-
". v-. Ti -.-y !ia.!': ta ''
! i. -. i v. ; tl :, ::.i m to
; .:,;..-:... : ' .
n;.. an-! !'
in i'i ! f.
r !'
a .
1 :.
i I .- 1 1 u .--7a : a--ii. - '
lU- lii-i. :-. !..! " .n :ol
, 1
1 v !i..
lii. ir f vM'on .,; in.-titi.l'-.
'j !. ni'-'tin v.a.. oi.u.i-: ! l.y c '., ..',114 !'.;.
.-(!i:i. i.!-!- a - : -i.lfi.!. ai i W. M..!.!U it.'
Sri. or ti..- . :i-i.;; - .!...: t r..u
: ha .,'..t,..n ol (.',... ia 11. o;. ......a'..""
. ;.,, :;!,:;r. fe-
. . , , .:... 1 to
:.t i in la. .t;:,.:. 1.- In-ti'tit.- a
im t aa.iii: ..:i 4-:il:irl iv, .'l.t'i ! :
.'la- !'.)!'.' o4. i'lL' t'-.i'-iavs .-i- ;: "
Vt-vf i !ii!M4.., ;.. -'.r. l'.iint.
1 ; i . -i . r. I'i. if. -.l.ti- i I' i4. M--4-.'-.
!! K':r:::i a! I V..:!..
:- .-. ..!.h. I : 4 :
at- hit vv . k :
-i. l;i;..Ki4. l.-t. r V.'
. s tl.
. . . ...........
-;. ! ; ,-, ,., . n . '. t . r V..-:-. a ...lliian in.ia .,
, j , , ;, v oil .. i ;. , h nl hi- i. ; oro- :
. .. , , .,,,,1 l.i,
. a . la- a: m a - ' 1 i ' . ' ' ; :
f ,.v ., .- ..j-Thur- iay. I1"- I- .
s. i:.,in. ,vas - .: f..r. a-M :! ;:ta ;.t i- i.ov.- .
w,.:l. hi:..;:! n. M r. Ili.-har-l Ui-.v-e. -'-a-iti-htw
., ,.
" "
of !! Il Ve.,, r. of T revolt ,a. h4: i h. - h4:: ' 4f-
):.! i.v a !.:: : ! 'M Th
' " 4
, ..
i MlT.'.Vc ale ph a.-e i to be ab e
niee that til'4 liaticot a .-.. i ......
i-b inp'ate staiiini: t!e- oi l n.ili into
rat ion .a ai-'4:t le'i or i.e.: ! '4n .a- -. .
c ltain v a -. oiislimmai .on ..-.i...... -
I !(- n mai.v h-uir Tnaatli--
lb- M
!' tl
I .lite
hi', l:
. We a'
, i.t ai44 V
ill " 1 a pi
O'l . .
-' 1
! 1 . ...
" '
th :: I' 1
a ! o , - ,;
lir-l i;i
,..,... ,
(.i:t (
t ,. ,..:, , .
i .-. ia the he:;-
A II of t la ai 1 el
will ;. it. for
. I . . ...
: 1 t
1 4-'
v. ;
" r.
!is. ;.!'..! r. hi s ... .
r. .Mr. .!. D. !: .''
; th
an f
e i,.;::, a', 1 I-
, :a ae i4-u-el
awav at a rat. of i 44 l
c, on- of t
)--t !u-cl::r.iic i" I --: - s
t he ,,,,,, ... ,av
(, r jr ,t ,.,, fr
i M U eUh-r u-ry
ee--i,,i in l.ll-.ll.
ti..... t.,r ,1.1 .f tine oiiahtv, an ! --.: a
- . ,. i
Tb.-v Hree an ! i.lie iua:itj, an I
- . - - - - , .
Twellty-thi-eCOf the l ll-cst steels ever . .hiliit
cd her.- were hrouht hereby M,--ss 11. t. I!..w
.1 .. liitiei iiiau. They an- line peelineas of
what our butchers will iimii-h u-
A iivelv time is had am, a,:: say.l -r eo.i, ty s
Uhluinir vouth-s who are all'4!4 oar s-iiovj, Jir..4'--
tn for tl-.-ir 4-n-.-..-r-- m.-r-.l r,..aia,:i.
....tin Mie h .a iep!,'.ii-bed bi- Mock ol ir.,.,1 -,
..,.i, . ... - ,- . j i ... .
r";.'","4" " "
. '-- "' i
".c'i talk of a tall, not of eM. ,.,
ofie ,...-:. The ti. k. t nominated by the
Kin- t.'i.ueus is not acecpta'.:.- ia're. lint then
whai are w, to do about it.
iL'iisincso it'orab.
Ml-- L. Sil has taken the i.-.-ia-y f..r !'..
ltuteiiek A Co.'s p.i'I.-rt.-. ami ha- n-.w l"r eili
two thousand of th- hita-t :,- for L.i i '..-.
hi . lien ai, I inf..):!-, :'- f.-r
' (ii-nt'n Dr.
' (lonii, sin, .kin- .I.ick.-i and
I aP-
SAia.r.Ni's Sp till or !r. n. a 'h I. ,
' b.-autith-r, which sm., .,u' all ii, )e,t..t'...v
I r.inoviii-tan. fi.-.-hl,-and a:- from th,--!.;
I I.-av' tie- coin !e4h,u eh-ar ai.,1 t.-.i! lift:
, Sold by Ml-- L. Miis-h-r.
i l'ii:!.,; i:a.-.s M l'l iv..-. S. f l!
thi. -t toui .1 I'.'iloi di -an- an 1 Plan.-, nr.- s..
4 bv.loha -I' Keel, r, No. T'.i W. ilaat -tie.-!, h, t!,
M ,
i -
place. The Chick.-riu- and W, bar PI
-alls. eon-!antiv on hand. Mr. K-eb-i
none but th" be-t ,;aality, an ! ail v ho '
him can I..; a-siir.-d "I -!' , 'i: t! ,- lii-l; :::,4
repre-ei.t - It t- b".
I . ! i.-ioi: Sum. Am t. Havinir .i,;
eeived a laii ilia' ol 1c Sla,"- alal I . i
.-v.-ty d-seiipti we ! pi' i ..r.-1 b. -, ll
i,t a-toii.-hiii-i;. I-4.. 1 'ie' - t" alt He- '
da: a, .,:. Is -in ,11 I i..:;:- a ei l"' -a..-.,
de-ir- ev. iy . i,e to . ".ni,4.,,. oar -;!, e!-.-wl.ere. w I iv e. a i 1 , -. , 1 i:
..Il , ;..., j . ri!..a ;.;.y oil .-r !-,'.-! Ii. t'..-
We I, -va al! tl, 1 it- -.- of lb- !- aa 1 !
hielial::. Ih" e,- ',: !. 1 Mhal, i o, 1 '!
P.....I-. No h- mi-" i i'44-4 1 ' ' 1 ': ' o ' : 4 1 '
.,'.'.. f. -!i".v - !-. .!:..! '''
lh -; ,4i ,u.'y . Y" i: -.
.! i: ! N !!. Ml I I II 1
Sue- .1- lo W. il. Ma''
. II,
-is!- - "t l;.r:::: .:o4 a'4 ..'
t II. L. I: i 4 I t.bu-h".- tai a ! '.i
.a.idil,". A !,. i Mtl of 1. .!
'I 1
in Ma-onie I
4 niiui
all b
I 1 ':
r e., 1 ::! bl-
al more i , a
e,l la rihla-
' ,.,n.i!
.!, Ipliia. Tiv him.
1 1 is very -rat .! in I !. n.
thioiieh lb 4 coiintiy. th: t tic I 4
-ton- h, t p. i- w In. adv. ,! ,--.. a i
vt:lr wl.eie to bay tie- eh'4 p. -ill;,,
we 11. t -. V. la! ::. flail. ' .:
111 tl.O lavuhth of Ih" fi-hio:;
. : i. a, nil...! ilia
II 11. IK
a! b
,,,, Th-V answeed a- at Siiao- Ml
, , Sm ,.,.iHi; , ,,.v .-,,1 vc t :-d
r, ,'.',v ; ,,. , ,.;,,,'. w--ava tl,. a. atriiito
i w1k., i,,.,- , !,ev sol 1 as t h. y I i
" .
We inquir-.l ho.vlhey were Mti-li"d, and th.y
-aid th-y n.ver wee belter p!e:,-e, ; that 1 1 lev
ui.d their 1- cheaper an 1 b, it, r than an
I , . , .. ... . .
. tli.'V ll'ld Vet , '11 : a 1 r 1 t . , 1 1 I I : ' o e I
loui.d their 1- cheaper an I b. tt, r than any
, ,v r n,,,d all .l-ir fiimd-... deal w h h ,!,,
a- ih. v .hull fill and square Sail! t.-tinio-
Htals ar worthy of eon-hbt at ion. aed
1 . . . .si .. . ,. ..i , i:.,l il.,, il. . ,,,. I.v
i ", m i - w i. , ' ' , , . .
;. i
, V. M. li. I. . A !-o t Ie' , , adjoini,..
. ,' ... ,,,,,, i M e
j ' " ' ." . ' ' "..
; Ti r ..'.ntle'm.-.Fs
- ,,, ,.,...,
luni.-mu .
; Myi-s mad th- bc-t mat. , :....
' Tim: li-.!.t nnitihi- "'..-'- Sew.n-iiia-
i chine, on aeeoai.t ol its many point A of -tipcii
...a,.. l...s a i.e...... ,b,:,,l Ih.ll IllVolhl
orily, has a belter demand than i i:y other inanu-
fact'iii.'.l. and takes the lead with t he public over
machine Ion- r. - r 1 a- the b.-t. Oid.-i bo4
these machines w ill b- pionipHy tilled y Mi-s
( 'aroline I ali.i, a-enl.
furl,,,- (i, ,,!,., Mi-s C. .alius i th-n-ont l"l4
the sale of Parlor iiiran-. Pianos, and all kind-
of mu-ical in-ti urn nt-. I la- y.-ry be-t m-irn-
, .., ... .,, ,
l.."nts are farni-he.L liii ..i-h."l .... M.o.t m.t
-,i; i mill lini,.-. ali or a. hires.
C. dal; rs.
No. '.' I. Maiket St.. Sunbury
new lot just received
I. I. Cur i M Free -'it
,s II. R. M SFR.
Tiis: V'a.v ":a mini'-t.T ! u taiml W''ii'1," i i
tutakr rrii.vian vr.i.. a I'lDt'i-t'-'l f.)!nti!i of j
1 la- .xii!;- "!, whU'li i;ivc? i-tr n''.ll an. I
vi'-or to Hi., ul sy-t.-m, rolr-s .li-r.-ftire
... i. i. . -..), il.i.iv v ii- i: IHL' Kt
' 1 ' " I ' . .' '
1 t it- i. -turai i-,.)r. :
1 1- Au-.'ii.ili.-. .t'ti'n!i!ant ar Mk."i ii!' 1
h;.i:.'. tin- li.-ni! v .ai.s aii-l ".i- !nl..itr:. i
t;, w ai-. ..rt ti'.' vital na -'rn 'ry . . !! i
tux!fali..S la- ti a;... a.'ai rl i.-.-.t a- !! -. .'.!"
vat. i-. .. i . .! l:ii .:: .1-1 1 ions i-iiv.-t. ;.".t
sl.oal.' ! ; '! V.'i:!U.-r-- V-'-i.'- i-
;, - !,:;,"!. - 1 I, I: 1" 'I I t V.!!!.oli t !!!
of a!.-o!ioi-i- Hi rywl -r .oia lit ioT tli.-' !'"!-
; .. S, I.! . 1 1-1 .
'l'1:v C ',? ii''-io-iS :S"ilii In vn!if . I'n!)
i a - a 'i " ..'.-I lor ti:o !!:. 't of V"'i.'2
M,.., .j , -i : - T.r. r I- .: Narvoti- 1 )''!..
v. ..! M.ii.ii". I, .ti-., Mt;-i.'.yhiirt!i.i ni.'.-in
o'l f- ' I in ". Writ!.'.: l.y ori.- ! -ur.-.l h'.in-il
al: ! in.! ! a. .ini' i oa-i hi a hi. - .flack. i'V.:.!.;! at
;: .1 r. .'.a.: a ' ii ! i:!' l''il i a .
-; ara :iU- 1 t a 1 lr tla- :ititii".-.
N i ll a',!! !. M.Wl'AII;.
t :.t; ;'.: i. i'. o. itox DiookUn,
s;rUr.2Ji. To .'Sen 1 Jet!ifit. .
:?ii thus .'.voi'l
to !?:. at.-olitown U .-.
r' .ii.'.aiy -i;..z. tto" v. :'.! W soi a fall an I i.."'4!
.x; :4uit".l--fi il'ti-in . f tl;o lroji.ity I otf.-r for
.-a!.', fitlifi4 in !ot -1 r ! !! a-iv. ISltt v.iaii c
wiMi to liior.. jiarticilariv lain-- l.i-for.- I hi; fill'- ;
ii,. i-!!.. i.ii;n:.i. '! j:i:ms ..iMviiirii ti.' v me :
oli.-ll-.l. )
1 v ; 1 .'" ()1 : from KIO0 to f-SCO ami 1
1 1 "1 .1' 'i .. ... . " ilin" 1
!.)! V A-"'- - ' t,( ' :
t o 1 la" 1 oi'.' t !'l. ,
Tniv. : T.-ti -par eet.t. of 11. c purclias.- mom y 1
.1. .. 1 ' , i I rv. : i 1 -in.' :i :). ai a! to 'ui
.::i'.!ia-ii-. troin ' .m to I n. 1 1 i .
fr-ni iN!i to liKii! I l.A l.., v. :t a
a ' 1' - liov. .. y .; -.. '.
T!l- .-1 1 ' ' ' i - al. ; ai!' y- ! uj .-l-.-a a la-t
ot- an
tiiat all li'.iv I"' al'iroa.h.o van
; an- v.! oaie a-o- j :nirj: n at -an liav j
.0 ...l,:aitv of s ...u'liiir a Ivm.- for im- j
v ih v are now 'I'll Ii I . '
a-i or 1
f o- I.'-- llio- ,
ta v aaana.. t ...i:i
1 , h: li nt.
; A i.v i- o:i v, iMiiaj; to .-. tla" ! ami- ..r iots
1 will c':t! oa if:. . when .very ..j pcrtuaity will he
-',:. i 1 in -in to h:i'. .- a fair .'aar..-.- to H the sli; v-
r.'.r ;. i . : !':.:i" - t-r--i :t ! to th- j-nhli".
In -Mhion t.' the hunt- ahov reterr.-i to. I
. it!4, r lor sale Tlliilil'. I W I .M.I M J IM'li-Sl4-4
-a; V.'ater str.-et. in '.-.t--.titovn W
i.i -.-h. 1h .oa-h.-in r thi'hu-.'' ami eoiinaiions
I r.'.. li.-ili" the -.- ami COlllllHHllonr.
i-',.::;-!.:ii..-v'oee,;p;..i i.y a:i of -ai l
- bv;,,;::,- :. . . -ary oral.;....;.!:4,'- f r
i Kiii-1; !v
; .l .v
,,,,.r. .
Tor further iiif-.raintion ..! or a.l.ti.-.-4-
.1 . ..! . 1 ' 1 1. 1. VI 1 . 1.
Watsotitov. n. ihi
1 1 yr.
Gr,p.didntcs' Cards.
i'r Com i! I.v 'nniniisiom'r.
Md VASTINE. of Sliamokia town-ii'P, stilt
'f KrpnUh.a'1 r.Minty :
j.-.-t to tl,-' .! ,:;
V o:ive::!4.,.!i.
Sel'tembel ! 1. 1
Ecf rief Allornej.
; h I-: 'l i : w I re-p.'i 11.; i.y "a'4i nn.i-
c itidi late for District Attor:i -y, ami
.1 I 1 1 I.,. . I.. ,1 'oi; of the l.' l'lib,!-
i , ..." i v.,t of '..r- t
I- ' ,1 , : , .ill . i i . ....
! . , I , I,, fa, . tl
-.lid e.iiee .t!i laiehlV.
.! MFS i i4! ,'l:'1-
:v. . '.'! , lit.
kiis,r; l .llani;:,
r t 1 . 1
i ....
, "; r
; 1 1 y -
i iy.
; ' . .r; o4.'' a.. ! r. t!.'..!- a
a no-.i'iiti-.thai b. the Ih-p.;' "
. : ,.!! a-. . v m''S o! my fe
'a ra
,v eili
v KAY fi-EMFN4!4.
:-.!, iv. a-., a i ::. !s'i
. :l; - ilcjiitMi!4!:! Voln4' !' ."-.:-f
!ii-.:.':'i;i:irl ('I'llllli.
a,,-., . I r- - p.- ::.;!iv am. ....( i as
. I 4 : : .- L. i-l.itu:e. - I t- til-4 ilnv
; ... : : .;. j.- a C. :: ly ' : v . : : 1 . a of
4 : ... I ".. ,::tv.
' a, i. ivMi:-;;!::.
I 1.
J . ., i
i l.:i
' 'v
' ''i'l' !
; i l l ,. I o. a o I ..' - ( Ice' I .' ':
sh'.rt- : M:!'i.-
I l'..i n4.''.-. ,V' N'.iv per!.4.:-'..
I I'i:'.vi-i., II.ii i .-r p.
.-hoiilder pi lb ...
Itacnii pr i'i
i;.-:. ,. !.,i: pr
V- ,1, ,io do .
Fiied Hi ef pr lb.
. p. n i ti: v - ( 'iii' heii-. dr. --.4d
Do. I.v - w.-;ht....
hi i T.a - !'!:::' ; r I1'
. K..,.s- i'. . .1 a
'.oi , 1 i
" I
l.4-''i' i
.1- lb
.V . v . a' a
!cta AbDcrttsmmts.
I I' i
lod'-J ,
1 I' .'.I
!"' i I-
-.'.",,.1 :;,i I
I .'.'.. Is 1
lo.'i 1:.'
:vti. 1
We u'lve paiti' iila:- altei.tion to the s.-lc-tiiiir
,.f Mil-:" p.r !.,,,,; j iii j o-. -. Teachers lav niu-n-
with or.!, is ne, d lad o:i!v stale w hat
M u-i" t '; .I 4 ii ". aa ! we w ill -aar o,l,
to :;: :ke th'-lii a sati-l'aetol v selection.
Th- h, - NEW Sehool Si!,"!:!"- Hook :
Fairy I .eh...-.-, I'li.-, 41 na
'i b.. best St im'.ar.! s-!i.h.1 Son- P.o.di :
4 h- Son- i-i -ho, I'i Ie.. 7".
'1 h" I" -t Piano I,s! ructo. :
P, !, :.-" I'.ele. lie I'rice.
'Ph.- b"-t lie. 1 I li e .a Infti ".aluir :
K;i:ke:"s New Method, I'li"". 4.' III
'l h.- bt lu-iruetor for the Yoh-e :
l.u ld-nV-Seiiool forth-' Voice. Prie,. :: .VI
'1 1,,- b"-t Ouitar Ii:-Irm t..r :
Won a ii".- 1 1 nit. . I'. I'i'.,.-.. 1 "''
The be-; C. Ileetioti f..r Mai- V , :
Saa-cll.-t. Pile-. 1 VI
Tl.c ''.-rt olleetl.ill for MiNe.l Voj. , - :
Ne l'.l.S l it IM ih ' P.i.,h. I'l i.4'. I .'.-I
Th- b -i oile. lioi, f.r Cb-reti ami H..11- :
1 la- I 111-!. I . I'i 1 -''4
41 ia- b.-t I:.-; ; ::.: ,r far A' -oi.;, -.a :
Sr laVile'.4- 4o;.ip!"le Met 'l,l. l'l i.e. I a 1
'1 ia- b, -t lu-tr :. i..: f.,r oia. it::, a :
S. dj'.i : h'-' .en: 1. 1--M. I 10 I. 1'ii'i . 1
. h o.T.i,,.;,;. by
.1. I.. I'i.TEi;-
ro'i ;...-, . .p.v.a v.
is tli- p'.a. e to l.tty pill- a:i' IVc-h
M i- DitllN DIM tiS.
FAINTS, Oll.s.
(il.A-s. I'KKl '.M I'.'.IY,
TDDACn ). I.'.'l t;!:
I'..r iiiedt. tii-t! ptirp'is. s. ati.l ail lii.-i- aili
tisiiai'.y l..-pt in a !'ii4M-c a-s IM!- !,,r,..
Special a't.'iili.iti ' .i i '" coinp.'il dhi- pn-s.-.-ipiiotis
alal I'ai.ii'v lci ciptshy . .inj.. 1 -1 1
1 am pi'i 1 '" la' :'-' :" b'aat.l. - t,, -n.t
1.111-ch.i-ei - a'"1 al l4!ii'..i.;. iph.-i b I".".
4 l.i I Nl D 11. sT
I li 1 1. 1 'ill. I'D I 1 I M F.
I IM-lliNG SiND.
j'.al'ai, 1. Pom in. Ilo- lidin- it.! laid..',
( li.M I '.NTs,
. . . - .. , . - ,'. ., V4 . t me' s. T m. .hv ami t !v,-r
; "'"!..'..,' t. ',.,,. ., .. u Seed- it :ll'l. ilid-. tail
,-'"!- I ',,..1..;.; a K r il Ec-.iMer lor l-Tf
.,11... It.' D A I.I. A I ili;.
, Sliba.v. Feb. l-.l-MV.
Di:. '. M . M ' iii'v. ' W. Ih .
Ko. 1M. StKilh Tiii.'d fcicct,
Clement Hbiiss Bail, Stay, :
.... w vv k- ii
A V 1 1 ie-t I
iv, d .. fie-h lot . I'm., lb- i:
n, 1 i' .t, nl na lieln
We l.aK' ai-o a tall a tl n-nt o
DRESSING AND I'A KI T "MRS. Tooth. N:.:!. 4o!!ie.Sho. and o'-r bni-h.-.
toii.i:t AMI I AM V A!i : !.IIS.
i im: rvnin is. r... m i4 n-... kni -, .. .
REED'S GR N D Dl ( II -ISS !.o.;M
til,' s'K.t'-t p " I f . 1 1 1 1 1 4 in Allied.
I'urisiini. a i Joi anh,
warranted to cl. au perfect!; Ih. io-t d. li.-ate
chades without injury to the kid
AU the leadin- pi cpa lit mis the Hair,
si ;i:s. the r.E.-i i -'Fr k et.
Pine Wine and Liquor, b. elhal p::ipo-. s.
Physicians Pi -ei .pt ions a i.ia A i'" , i.
IHIII ,i,, .
Timntfnl for i.a-t favoiswif'pe by lair, leal-
) -m to r(,-eive a share of von trona-e.
September 1 1. I
. .. . a . . . .......
k, ,);V( iji-M.Xi-y, - S'H'I. i-; T ' P. 'I N. !..
J .-nl..- s. ... ;.;:.! ,:. :: i... ;n..i
urt.r! '.: !' i -i.v i lii.-y ''''v- ni
"l ' i--'"-"" -.
tr I. i' r w-1 !i a i.-airi
l.r I. i' r w.1 !i a i.-ain i.t' ;. 1 ... vi'li .
c!.., Il.'i-ai.'..-. I::n: ! v..(.:"-4-:;i;lil Sail ! -. .
. . L 1 1 ' t ... 1
..,1ii-.h .'. V II I . ! . : .'. ( .. Viil:. f i l
17. !vv
POS'lT' )X KMEXTS IM I' SS'1,.!.K.
!':.;! ."J):;:l!:' trvi'(iit IJ::i2
N. V. 1 Ni)l"i'i;i A I. I i!!T!' iX CO.,
A. .til...-.. .1 ..- !. i of Si a - ..: N. V.
Ti:-.' t.-i Ir.i .-.'!. '. -. . 1. hi ... :. !.-". I.
'?sl KstIj r.ra.vit - - .". f S7
i:vi:i:v iiond
i . --i : . I:...!.'.-ii..-! i ..ii i ."ta'..- a'..
! i'.. !.:!' :;i''n;Vi .v.-. n. v.
V.o. !i;AV!::: -J.'. . !;.:.-.! -i fi'i- V;- i. -i - : .,
VOi'.K'Mi .li.i: -M.ik-..!- ! .'j -. Vn. il. -ai l.t
it lnlll.'. j--r v.'- l: w;:n.i;.lt!, r .i :.' .; i. m.o.. !.
I a;. 1 1. :.. ' lo k:'o.i: M-i.t i A !.!.-
.:tl. ;.: i !' It'.ss, 'i!ii::i:i: l.u: -f, X. s!7,iw.
H h tir P. !i A'-
.un vor j
wkai;, mckv..i4, on DKi;n.iTATi:! ; !
A:v y"i lu'ianwl ti-:! any . --r:;..n r...iiirr 1, ..I .
na 'll..i'l 'Ii"" ' 'a 1 .m;:0'!- "f nriLiliK? ,
n,.-a tiy.liinil.i.n.t'... w,i.,.i,.r!.ll tola.-ion! ia . I-..:,- I
tnr, wii.i-'l : . so !. 1.. lifiiili; 'ii iiti .;-: o - .iai.-i.t.
, jn int ns...r to nil vir-.I i.'.ok. I
11 1.- no u n- .u.- 11 1 1 -: i:. van. n stohm, ii. s !
; "":
.. 4 , T .
l... tt . .hi
i V. it l av
I,.. .1.1
; tin-liwr'an.!-).4.
; , r. -a!:it.-s (!. 4.-. . .!.;.!- I n .-. . ..a.'
mi,-I. :i i.. ilriiy t.i ti:.- v. It. ..:. -:n .a. 1.. si ..a
.' VJ'-'v.'".'.;".!4: ''','!. v'"li,:,'",'' '.' '!! .7
l'.;.;. r,..;hs i.',,.' ',,1,!: i.ii,'t
..,.,..,...., .a-.. '
.. ... i: I- ii II ' v I : . t:i .
.1 l.i
, v i r,.,;1jis. I. lit .'-.(lliHi!--- !-;s tioiii-l
.'..i..t sih-iii iv .il .iV.-.iy,44
T'-ii- It.'W lllilriftt .liscoM'ty, l.u; linn I. Mil
I.i-iK a-...! v.ilii i : nl rt il r.-sitl's, jat.i is m-
li.aii..- -. l.y 111'- Iiii;!!. -. it.. I :'' :al' 'lorit'.-'. .' ??:..Kt
I '.uvr: 111 lora- -iT.ii .-ijli" 1:. "I l a.av.."
v..ii- tit r.'.a-t l-.r
to. ;, in .i. iiiNST. jo ii.'.. way .v c. ..
-17. Iv.. Vl.ll.vl.-li.lmi, IM.
V.T.I.r.S' 'AttIt5I' TAI"S.I-:TK.
VI T l l'.iM.Y IN' I I. I I4. KuKS.
S..1 I I v Urn.' s!7 iv:.
Hy .'. V.'. .il.l'AS' iN, "I. H. A in:ii;iiil.e...a . lime-,
u-.-r :4.. r.- v ; rie. . ( n,e m t..k lea
i-i.-: in on.- we.-k. Ai-als . 'tit.-.l. I'lrell!.4.4.- lr'-.-.
N. M.-K!N4.NI4V '.... 7-r. S.-.-.-n. St.. l-hit... M7.l v
ACENTS WANTED! Dij.loma Award,,! for
IIoi.m.n's i .-w 'U-t ':il ltilIOK. til, I I'.les
irallol s. A'l li . ss to:- -.: ri:l.i.-s, A. .1. I ! u I . Al A. N A 4. '..
I'tlAn-ilS:., Villi::. rs!7,4v.
in.Y'n:( riM- foi.i.VAit:
, iil' -ve loa sa I 'll, 1,1,1, I:':i. Iv.eiiTv.
' liri.- . : I .-: .-S.-i 1'. 'I'!-, a , a, -l- . r.
:t:e in Ma,.- l .:::a.l-:t,. . i. il Vejtia.-eril.. ..I
' . -I la.L'aa-ia.". Al..,lti,-.,', :,!..l I., 4,.
: V. 'il,.::4,. :, A -elu-. ,- u.
i lia- ba in,.: .: l':e .It.-- v. . . i.-l : s
I is;-.
" I ..vnl-aa' i.t J : ..lie;. la y by t lie ti , sr )4.i:..:'a-q i,.' r..n--:
; ,i,a-s , ,,:': . .1 m .,,,:- i.t 'aiia-'.-.i-T,:. at. A, l.i,
l';i e of ' .'-lT:-4 I.. bliNMIl'V. il. ... i-i . el r. -11,1;. :
i in ::
Ni i a- -
M.. N.a.
v. . ,- ;.
v.. !., it...
I ' r t-ii -
. : tt
. i-
T-. ,1 I, '.
Ie. i-s A:
l . 'i: Al l. :,: la
: b ai-ile ; -fila j r
W'v seT.d v.i'.ll.l.
he.- V.i'll r'l (.a;
, 17 1- i.vV,,:
S.. ,: I !..
ss'asj ,vrvi: ;;ai:is
s.i.4..4 l.iM're. Hvh e a.. in. i.lai. A ; rl.-el -i a - t' r
l, ; i.t .... ! -i s ...... A -i: ye..4 ,1 . a : mr n. M 7. .
'I4!u- I'nile" Males I'libHsht ii'-j i.
lit I 4mvk;:si rv I'lach. Niav Y..i:k.
Wi'.at A'-e;,t s cvim vw her- for the foilo'.via:: :
sl'Iiii ! di4 i lill" HOLY ltHJLE. Edited by ;
I :.,.,!. An eh-.'ant vo, tieapp., .M. i Ea- '
m .vioL's for th- Old Master-.. I'll. -
!'!: !Ti:-T hl NiihH!) YEAl'-4. The I. a ;
of lie- !h-piib;i... Hy . F. '.wards l.e-ter. i4J ,
moil! ii'y ;, I'.s. ,; , . a. h. Koyal svo. io ct -. :
'like and itiii.ic sr.nvicF.s .i4 kas.
sI'MM'.l;. i'.v r. Il'.wards I., -ton. f,th F. li
. 1 1
.i. ... .... .....I i..,l., -sv,, an ni si: ?.,. .
THE NEW YdHlv To.MIiS. 1'y Wirdeu Sat- ,
tnu. A cumph te hi-t.,1 y of Noted ('riinli.a'.-. of
..civ i ora, ami I ae ifc' iii.ii.ce oi i i i-,.n ja o.
. 4... V .
rin-iilars, sp. eimen p..n.', s, and tei uis to ai;.4!itii I
"" application as above. sl7,lv..! Tailcrirsg!!
1 t Esl'F.t TFIT.I.Y informs th- ciiiz
a- t
K -
he lias jr.-t received his
,.;. u: uliii u in titer (o.nls.
at hi
onFoiiith Strc t. b.-low Market, in the Mullen i
biiihlin-, and I hat !,- is prepare 1 to make up all ,
kind.- of
H j:tv am !tY" sins.
oft.:.- late-t sty!--1. II ivin-had mueli expeii- .
. ''tie- In ib- business 1,,. desires tb,- j.ablic to -ive
him -i trial.
Clothin- will be made lip in th latest Palis
Hm! A.-.iericna Fashions in t!i- most satisfactory
inanii't. !
Miihli'i'ii I.t Itiinl Out.
r 5 " ! I ! ' Hv.-:- ," - of 1',,.,1-of the b ot
1. Simb'iry. hale in their ehar-e s.-v, ral ehii
di. ii of dill'.-r. lit a"., s. Mtpporied lioin th- l.;.4e
of 1 1 I, ,t , ,nh . who und-r 1 he law ca n I,.- bound
out. V.. on de-iioti- ..f obtaitiinir e ther boy
or ".h i - would do well bv confer;.!!; w !tli Hie nn-,!ei-4:i;i,ed.
Overseers of the I'.,..! .
Sunbury. Au-. Pi. IsTl. I'.m.
GK ). EVANS. :. C. MAI.!-:.
Goo. Kvans & Co.,
'.Ml MaiLtt Stir.t, I'liilti.l.'lj.liiii.
Military, l'.tin.l A Firt; Or;nii:iti.iis
jinmiptly u ni f. i in.-1.
i j
Samples cfClotli, wiih PhctoLTaplis, sent
tints liciii" the lea i bite b.ill-e 1111 l .lit i r v tr. L
We feel that we can oll.-r inducement iiliir'i can.
not be attained anywhere e!-e
Jan. IW. 1ST-
Druggist ami ApollHvary,
.M-urKrl SJrocl. SI All! I'.V. f A.
Drn4.lrists, Fancv Good,
constantly on hand
Particulur attention uaid lo coninoiiiidi..., .1.,-
sieiitns prescriptions and familv recipt.
"uiinnrv. April 1,. lv,t.
y y P - - VV Vi
own:!, r. beattv
m a n:.v j::i;si:y i;.d to r.n ttv ani ft 'tts.
WA-illNl.Ti'N, v. -i.
"l is an of iiiVi-n; i. .a. hnpiov. nil--., i iOe! .h,4!.
'!"!: i.i'i.i".4 in eonii.iotion, m il not him;4 i- ;
Ami pr.e-ri.-st hi written wlarev- r w.-t.irn
t-o 1 the hali is kept rciiiau'." aiel ei'-h .lay we
' f m,-.f a'-liii-v.-iae'il hi sei-'ii. e or a', t :
K.o h laaae'.i of imlns'ry hi fact claims a
So i.-i.-h is awar.l.-I a prize from the lian-N
Of ii .-la roii-4 iiihi;r-:;s m.-r'.t .h in.r.l'ls.
So iaiisie"s .lej'.ir'iaet.t eau point, in her pi ale.
To men of true irenhis. whoa- faun' has ,,)
O'er hills ami lliroush valleys, in sua asion- ami
an. I eotJ.
V.-!1, line nr.. such honor- to ,V.i.'.y . Jft..
Who-'- (iohleii Tomrue or-i! n stands lir.-t in the
Tin -.. Y.,f as to merit, im l irl in il-tuaii'l.
Exe.-hini; in swe. tnc-s an, I richness of lone.
Sarpa. -in ail oihels. ami stain iinif alone.
It- r..;i!i i aehnowle.!";.'.! whereverit i- known.
As al; nai bear witne--. an, I elueriaily one
For (-.a:.! in wtikinaliship, heanty, ile.-ien,
I r fiai.-h, they ch.ilhniir-.; the ',.-1 in tin- line.
Vi'le n: faces 'Acre e'.oomv. aia! h -ails onci-
What h.eaes ai.- :;.-.v ch-cr.-:! y.-s happy anil
f .'oati:.!,.' t hy n,l - -ion, t !,v son:: (! i n '1 .i.-in-,'
Hath chain.- of . ii-li.iiitmri.t l .i4 :-.u fr
Ih-atty .V P'ot'-' -!chi it.l ;..:.!.-n Tongue
Farior Oru'iui ae;..::.,.-;,.,l-. ,1 1,'y eminent pr-
fessors of iniisie to he the hi st I'ar'or Orjrali now
in use.. I liou-iiiais of t.-taiioaials str-; 'constant
ly h.-ini; received in favor of them, which jro to
show that our iiistritmcat uiv-s entir- satiifac
ti'ni. .""For Trice I.i.-t A.ior, .--
Vashin,to-,i, N. .1.
Man h lit, Is44, l.-f,m.
'-. v.-r4 - ;.-' .-"
'-.a-, :
: - -. . - . r. --s .
. - . ' il. 4.l
. 1 1 -
Jlr. .1. V;.i !; " : ('tiiiftvniia Vint'
rr. IM-Hi.l...- , ..!,!,
1.J11 oio, i -
t ;4" i : " ii : . '.''
i as h ilt:'' .:' i
Si. ; ; .1 N't" 4 I
the llii'.oci;. i , : '
extnt' tml t !.': : i
: ti:' r.rtivo
: ; -. .a' th.
. i:'. i.
v. hie!: ;.!'(
i tl-t4 of!. '.'': i :.;.:...: .!.
;:.-!:-.. - ''.':;,. 4 i's Th- r . a . :. ::
:.!!!' I su-.-ivs ( ViNiat a:: i!. ; :4:4:;.- '
'.;i' :::!-; i-. t!v: t'1'4;4 :: ::, . t !'.,:
( altsr . ! . :i i ... .' : ;.' ie : .: ; . . -v-
f-r.4- l:is In . i: !.. '.- v ; '
l'l..i.. v :-...! .. . . - a h :. ; :-
.. I'll. : . ." . : . -
l-.'.-y '!.. v..':!i! : ,. -K. i
-:it. i '';':' i-'i t .; -.
i v.: lit., s..; ;:.t.-, -: iii ; , ; : 4. :, ! . : ; -te-
si, ' f ..:: ,:i aa. i . . : . : .-:
Th-y ai- a f r .:.:.-.. , ,. : i:
To:, ie. v-p." :a: 1 . ., . ;. - . , v : . !-..; ,.': .:
l' ti.H Liver V ; -. -:. . - ; . I'..:
Di ei.-e-.
'ilic lips ! ' .! i .4. "
1NK..A i h i I- :' .' i. i :' . :.
',111111:.:,':! -. N'O- -... . ho:,.'' . : 4 . - .
Se,l. 1,1c. t'.i i't. r-1 r: raw . ft!. . . ..
11. II. JIcDOXAI.D Si. CO.,
Iirtiiti'i-U ami Ueneral AKenK San Francisco, Calirbr
liia, iiii, I cor. WasUiumtou aiwl CUatrltou hts., New York.
Sold by nil IrufTKit and
Iron in the Blood
The Verurian Sirup, a Protect
ed Solution of the Protoxide of
Iron, in so combined ot to have
the character of an aliment, as
casihi diaested and ttssimilated
with the blood as the simplest
food. If increases the. quantity
of Xuture's Own Vitalizing
Affcnt, Iron in the blood, ami
cures "a thousand ills," simply
hi Ton in f up.Inrigoriitina and
iitaliziiiij the System. The en
riched and vitalised blood per
meates every part ofthe body,
repairing damages and waste,
searehhig out morbid secre
tions, and leaving nothing for
ilisease to feed upon.
This is the secret of f Tie won
derful success of this remedy in,
curing ljspi';sin, Liver Com
ll;ii:it,, Chronic Diar
rli'a,i;)i!s,X'iiv:itsAfrcctions, Chill--; :inl Fevers, Humors,
Jtss ol Const ilutioi'.al Vior,
lise:isos of thi Kidneys and
IMadtler, lYinale Complaints,
and all diseases originating in
a bail state of the blood, or ac
companied by debility or a lom
state of the system. lieing free
from Alcohol, in any form, its
energising ;'ccts arc not fol
lowed by corresponding reac
tion, but are permanent, infu
sing strenyth, rigor, and neuf
life into all parts of the system,
and building vp an Iron Con
stitution. Thousands hare beenehangeil
by the use of this remedy, from
weal;, sickly, sujfering crea
tures, to strong, healthy, tud
happy men and women; and
in ra fiits cm rot reasonabl y kes
i.';;te !j give it a trial.
See that each bottle Jias PERU
VIAM GYFiU? blownin the glass.
lainplilcts Free.
SETU W. FOWLE & SONS, Proprietors,
Ao. 1 Aliltou I'lu.-r, Uosloii.
Boil, nv hiirufiisTs i,iAi.r.,u.!t.
l'FM P, Tasteless. and Cheap. The best
pump forth. lea-l money. Al
tei.tion i especially invito! to
Rlatehhy's Patent Improved
lira, ki t and New Drop Check
Valve, which can be w il li.lrawn
w ithout r.-movin- the Pump, or
distu.liia the joints. Ai-o,lhe
Copper Chamber, which never
cracks or scales, ami will out-
H last any other.
For sale by Dealers and the Trade -inerallv.
Inquire for lihiiehle; 's Pump, and if nol for sale
in vour town, send direct to
(HAS. ;. RLATCHLEY, .U.muf.i, --,,-.
aOU Comnieice St., 'I hihuh Iphia . Pa.
March 1C, '74. Sums.
Selected with -reat taste .-in, care have been
opened at Miss L. SHISSl.KR'S Stoic,
llnrket Stuaro. SI'.Mtl lJ V, VA.,
all theiie-.v shapes in Straw and Chip
1 1 A T S A X I BO X X K T S .
Ribbons, Flow cis. Feathers. .Ve.. and all kinds
of Millinery Goods.
Fancy Goods of every description. Punnets
and Hats trimmed in the most expedition man
ner with the utmost prccieion. A full line of
ladies' caps- Call and examine before purchas
ing elsewhere. MISS L. SlIISsI.EIl.
Sunbnrv. Apill 'il, s; I.
TO s
T i:: N'EW l.Mi'KOVF.j)
iihiiUi.uilJil !,ilr.u iiiillilliilij.
A V." ATI I) F.D
Toe ":,kMl;il for i?roi:;iss,'
A I'etv ;o:l SSeu-HitH :
1. A. n v.- invention thoroio hlv ;.-t '
fiire ! hv h 1 1 1 ,' s IVteet.
:J.--M..!:i n ji-rfi-Pt Lock Stile!:, ::!:!; .
siiies, ii a.l ofiiooils.
Jliins !i-,-ht, smooth, sio'sph.-s ain!
leu combination of ipialities.
4. Durable runs for vc.'i
rs without repairs.
.. Wi.l ih) ail varieties of work ami fam-y
st it -h in in a superior manner.
It. I- mo-t easily m:uia j;e,l byth.' ope..-: :r.
I.ciiLtli of stitch may he aitcre l 'v'.i're riinnii!4,
an I machine ca l he th: .-aid without paaiivj
thrca.l through hoies.
7. Design Simj.le, Ingenious, Elejj.iiit. for-a-in
ir tile Mitch without the use of coir wheel ir-ars,
n.t ry cams or lever ri'is. i!,is the A -itoma' ie
l)-oj. Feed, whi'-h insares uniform I.-airtU of
-tit- h a. i".;iy sp-cl. Mas oar new thread con
troller, which a!! v.vs easy movement of n-,',I!e-bar
a: ,! prevents injury to thread.
s. (. ,' most careful ami It
is manufactured by the most skillful ai.,1 ex
perience. I mechanics, at the I!eiiiini;
ton Arvioty, l.i. in. N. '. l'liihol.-lp.hi t d!l:, -.
Mo Chestnat -n,, !. .Ju!v:;.l4-7f.--.'m.
(;i:o. noiii!i.cir & soxs,
Sii!??-jiiry. IVim'ii.
fNFOiiM the publie that they are ; re; area to
JL tin all kin Is of ( ' As i i N(iS, and having ad,;.-,!
a iv-w Ma-!iine Shop in connect ion with their
l-'oiimlry. ami have siipp!i-.1 th-iuselv.-s with New
Lathes. Phininir and Itorim; Machines, with the
latest improvements. Willi the aid of skillful
in. c haiaes. ti:. .,- an. enabled to i-xe-ut.-al! ord.-rs
net; woi:k on p.Ei'AiniNf;,
that may be -iv.-n them, in a satisfactory manna:-.
orates to sail 4Uiy Mdne.
!';i)N I'uI.DlNS.Inr churches or other build
in-s, of all siz-s.
hi! '.SS ( AsTiM.
Crni'iineiital Iron Pcixcing
Foil f.nWF. YAF.D LOTS;
KOK Y A I! l)S AT RKSIDEN'CKS, .V'., .1' .
The FLOWS, air. ady ceh brated for ih-ir su
Tieriori4 .. iiave bit -iii'. f'i;t'., i' i:n r-.v-l. ami
will ; ;v.a .s iie kd't on ii.r d.
A'-... '! ;i-;i-v;i!.; M.r :iin:"s.
si::.!- 1 y. :iy 1 -". i .
HA VINO v.'liil.i it ;. '.- v.-if-com; hted
the it.v ' II :i .if-. Si: vi s ide Vale d, -,-:4!-
1 tor the 1 :,:
f r e a i o v i i o tli pr, -.:ir.
1 4 "i i , a v ;. e i. s ir ex :
waria..: ! r six i.ioi.t in ." r. Lo-
eouii live. .,iiv diean St.. am. .'. anv Inland Stea-
m.r or anv ot her stationary -niiiue. It is sini j.le, . Crab Cider, Champa -ne Cider, N. E. Rum.
cheap, elieciive ainj imh-st i li.-iable ; ami saves I Pi owa Stout and Scotch Aie. .
fuel and machinery. It moves lis wci-ht ouly. STOMACH AND BAR BITTERS,
No all. -ration in any part of the Machinery is re- . And ali others Liquors which can be found in
.tiii"d to apply it, and the time occupied hi sub- i the city markets, which will be sold at Whoie
s::!u;i:ir it lor the ordinary '!" valve need not be sale and Retail. Every article guaranteed a
over ha 'fan '. ::r. ! represented. Also, a large lot of DEMIJOHN'S
I-- " ! him;:-; -ahlcat the mhir-wh -:.. h.,h-i- ! ar.d 1IOTTLES, always on hand.
With t!
valve tiie ei''ii.
.a b
.1 villi,,, t siiatti::- o!f the .-team, thus
I -avh tl'a" an 1 a'.'oi llur labor. Tl can
be u
bv a
..-r. w':!'. hui I when -ttrroui'di-l
.a..: oi pT.--!ii-e. Addf- -
:'!! X'iMvN ,v '. t ... :- :: u:rv. -.
. .1 :4i. 1 -i I.
s -. c5 1 . t ." - r' -' : - s-,
... a. s4 : - I-.L.S. ..'I. S.t..-7,
I .n'.t iT Si: --.-; t:e!o;y.":;:i,:. l.
srXBl RY. PI! XX 'A.
. , , , , , ., ,-
f IM! E undersmu.-d has ,. . iirn.-.l Irom the er-
,f , M ,rM" l"mi nt
f-f-4. .lo?u!jni':ils. ;iav'-Sf im. -..
JFll'.T .1, Ac
t 1 ir i i.i.. , i . . File worhl-itii.Tw Tied author, m tins adm rab!e
If, I 1 1-has bought at such li-are that . ., , , ,.
J'yl ... ,, ,- . M i .. . r l.'.'ctaie. eearv proves tioin h:s own expeneucv
:.(. ; 1 a low him to se better stone, for ,. . ,. ,- 1 . . ., ..'
. .'. L 4 , . ,i i . r -i i. thai the aivfal consequences of 'Seif-Abuse inav
Ki' fV' less lnoncv, tlian heretofore. The best . ... ,, . ' ... ... -
r..dX." be elieetua.Iy removed without medicine, and
sgtJL s; (( Ju i-;!!), Maroll" wi,!l0"1 danircrous sur-ical operations, bou-ies
' ' ', rin- or cordials, tioiiitinir out a
which is better than Italian. Rutland is now i m,,,le ol c,,re il' once certain and eUc-tnal, by
-old a- low a- the Mauehesur. ' wi,kh l-vtry s"irerer. no matter what his c.inli-
Those who need a.iythia- in the Marble line, ; ? ',":? f!lrc Wtnsc-tf cheaply, privat--for
Moiinineiits, lirave-Stnues, or other purposes, 1 ly-and radically.
will find it to their interest to call and examine i This Lecture w.'i prove a boon to thousands
tliis lare stock, as better bariruins can be secur- ! '" . thousands.
: ed than buying Iron, parlies 'l.uckstcrin-' round
the eouiitrv.
All lettering will be done in the neatest and
most improved stvle.
Sunbury, Jan. 11, 1H7:.
lAKKiAtiK.s. it i a;n:sv.
H. K. FAGELlf & CO.,
repcctfnl!y i. fona the public that they have
commenced the manufacture of
x 3ri,s?
iu . . .1 III I k Ji .-W K ,
at the n-w shop recently erected by J. F. I.crch
( orni'r ol'I'ttitl'l Ei ij:i1 ( Iifsl nut Sis..
and Solicit a fair -hare of l'.i'.r.iiia-e.
April o-.'.ie..
LERCH, Sup't.
Send for Illustrated Catalogue and examine
ar prices before purchasiii-, as we claim to sell
over than anv other establishment in the Citv.
Pillrt RIDGE AVENFE. Philadelidiia.
Nature's Great Remedy
diseases i!
It is .he vital principle of the Tree, obtained
by a peculiar process in the distillation of (he ur, by
which its. highest medicinal properties are retained.
'Far even in its crude state has been recommended by
eminent physicians of n cry tcluwl. It is confidently
ortored to thealHicted for the following simple reasons:
lit cukfs, n,'t hy abruptly stjf.f,nz the coufli
but by dissolving .he phlegm and assisiixc nature to
throw off the unhealthy matter causing the irritation.
In cases of ucovst'wnioN it both prolongs and
renders less burdensome the life of .he afflicted sutfrrer.
2. Its healing principle acts upon .he irritated an;,
face of the lungs, femet rating to eat A JrseustJ pa i
relieving pain, ana subduing inti.imMHu'i. '
3. lr iLRiFiFSANUBNHiiiiFs hie blood. Positive
ly curing all humors, from the common rtMri.E or
krcptii jn to the severest cases of Scrolula. Thousands
jf affidavits could be produced from those who have
jell the beneficial effects of I'ixb Tkek 1 a I okdial
in the various diseases adjing from IMi t ritiks ur
4. it invigorates the digestive organs and r est r res
the appetite.
All who have known or tried Dr L. Q. C." Wis
hart's remedies require no references from us, but the
numes of thousands cured by them can be givea to
any one whojouhts our statement. lr. 1.. O. C.
Jlishart's Great American Pv.pef.sia '..'stand
WORM Scc.AR Dpors have never been equalled. 4 Kor
fcle by all Oruggis.s and Storekeepers, and at
Ir. L. a C. WISEAET'S OfSce,
.Au, St3'i X. Aeeourf St., fhilnd'om
itflisr.llvi3itxrii3. -fev
iTlTnry' Store.
Haviiii? rcnoved their Millinery Store into the
hirsre biiihlin- ad-joimii- Zettlemoyer's stov-t
More, on Market Street, where th-y have ju.-t
opened a hire., am. eh-irant assortment of
J'asUioanablo al illinery Coo;!,
embiaci4.."; cverytai:'": u.-iliilly Kept in a well
-'. !:' I a : 1 1 1 1 i : y i si liiii-iimeiit. T!i.-ir stock is
. mi;4" new am41 .- aisi-ts ofthe lute-t
X.-"T' V'.rk ami Piiiiadulpliin Styks.
in all it., brand:." w ill rev ive particular atten
T.-ni.s reasoiri'.'" au ' -: :isf ..-;;on utiar in t-e.i.
1 'ntthiii- and Pi'.th:- a'-e':d.'l to. and ( 'hi!diel:"s
aval n.-.v-. -I, : - ! or-l.-r.
MiSS S. .VKisEli.
r-iiii'i ry. Apri: 1 .', lf.hi.
of ev-ry th'eriptio.i and variety su.-h ;:;
5re: J'xt-Is
"oii. pi i.-ii:-a!', the novelties in fabric and shad...
Fell Assortment "F Xotion'3,
which are b-ln- s.,'d at the iowe-t Cash Prices.
Also, (Jroi ekiks and Pnovisroxs,
pure and fresh.
()ri;, Ai:i:, Ii lasswatie, and Wool
and Willow Ware,
Xicust Brands of F'.otir con.stant!y on hand.
A very 1 ir-e
l oth "'lazed and common, alwavs on hand.
:n:x, womex axd ciiildrex.
of all size and of the hit-st stries.
F L O U 11 .
A constant supply of we.-tern white wheat Hoar
a sp.Tia'ity.
Tub public are invited to call and examine our
Goods iree of chaijre. Our motto is "Quick
Saies and Small PratUs."' ar.d to please nil.
The highest prices will be paid for all kinds of
country produce.
by strict attention to business and kccpiuir at
all times the most complete stock, and sellinir at
thelowest pric.-s, w e hope to merit a f j!1 share of
Sunbui-y, May ls;4.
John H. Sn.i..
Jonv Mi. Si tiovot k.
Mil. I. A. MlfOMHR.
S. con.l Slre-t,, Fa.
riiro OIl llyv Vahisliov.
Avi'I F. W-it-KFY, CoKOivT.-, .V .
A i Li.i!.'s sold -ai-rratiteC'i , reprcsetit.-L
Or.'.-r.-' .lonij-tly .'itt-ii.l-d to and public
troua-e I4--: c tfuH" .-olh-iti d.
2d St.. V.'omclsdorf, Berks Co., Pa.
F-b. ist-l iy,
l. 1 il V It STOKC! "
Second S'reft, opposite the Court Ilonse, SUN
"e;pcctfu!ly invites the attention of Retailers
1 and others, tliat he lias on hand, and will con
5::!;'i'. cai ."-sii-.If stantiy k-ep ali kin. Is nf
Cousistin- of Pure Riandies: Co-niac, Cherry,
Ginuer, Rocln i'.c and Otar.L
Whl-kies: Pure Rve Coppor-Diitillail, MonHi--ahe'.a.
Apple and Nctar.
i'l'RE lit iLLAND GIN !
Vine-: Champa-ne Wine, Sherry, Port and
ZtT' Orders prouiptit attended to, ami public
j ; tr.)li:i-e respectfully solicited
Snnbiiry, July lStr.. ly.
Jr-T Pria.!-iii:i. is Envm.hpf..
Price Si: Cents.
A Lecture on the Nature. Treatment, and
Radical cure f Sen. Weakness, or Sperin..
torrh.ea. 'o'.e.aced by Sal f-Abuse, iiivoluatary
I r.uii.-sioiis. luipo-.'.ucv. Nervous DebhitY. ntnl
IllllWirm.nU u, iiarria-e -euerallv Cou-
! stia.ption, Epilcpsv. and Fits. Mental and Phv-
I s;c:t! Iiicapa.-it.I. Ac. Bv ROBERT J. CL'L-
. VERWELL, m. i)., author of tiie "Oie-.i
Hook" Ac.
, insiruiiieui4., rniu- or eortn.ii-, I'oiimuir
l .T'tZTZ ZJ,? '
Address, the "PiiUiBliers,
1j7 Kowery, IN. Y. Vest Office Box, 4.-.HU
Iau J4, !s"i-ly.
I X I SI' A I. I l I C'K.n EMS.
New and attractive Goods, in every Department
1IIMI.I.-, Jf.W ri.l'.T, S1I.VKK AXD I'l.ATEn WAKK.
Cutlery. Clocks, Unitizes, En-iish, Freit.-h am'.
German Fancy Goods.
ci r ?sv " 1 m
Ill view of III,; decline tn GOLD, we have re
duced price .it. our entire Stock of For-i-u mer
chandise lo
Par ;!! Kates.
an 1 purchasers will lin.l it to th..;.- i.ii.-rvsl I.v
make their selection- NOW, while the ASS.sRT
h ods -1 nt o!i atq ioval for s lections.
A.ticle p.iie'.ia4-. 1 now. for lh- Holidavs. wiil
be pTc;c I and rcta n ai uat'.I -:..-!: time a- d.-si -ed.
ll'ii Cl'KsTX. T ST.. l':ll!.VI.KI.I'f!l
Are a mo.Ier:; -lov.-.p A r e hi tler, bj-oau-
polish, far belter thanlj H they -ive ; rlner trio
anv oiherin existence. than anv other poli-b.
Yield a brilliant silvery sheen, with kss than
half the labor required when other polishes are
.re a i.eal ami eleani v,-,,-.! an t
i. an be used even 111
article, makhm no dinii Ithe parlor without the
nor iln-l w lien used. tronb e of rcmviti.-
furniture or carpe is.
Ha- no tlisa-reeble sulphcrous or srron- acid
smell when prepared for tiiii,., but are plea-ant
and harmless. .
Are put ap in neat style each liox are li
and in ;. form iiiorcl j U sticks ; l stick is sutli
convenh'iit fornsetha-iUl cieiit for any stove,
any other polish. thus all waste is saved.
Are the cheape-l polish in the maiket. because
one bos at It) cents will polish as much sr.rface
as -a cents worth of the old polishes.
C It U 31 15 S
Have just taken therip
1st al the In-(JH
dianapoiis Eiiiosition.
in competition with
several of the best of
the old stove 'lolishe.
C 0 31 F 0 11 T
III v Cktmiss of Comkokt of yonr storekeeper,
if he has them, or will procure them for you ; if
not, send ns one dollar, your name, and the
name of your nearest express station, and we
w ill semi you ten boxos. and samples of Bart
'ctt's Rhichinir and lVarl Blucinsr, free of cost.
Oi:r-tns cv Comfoht can be had of all Whole
sale Grocers and Dealers in the United Stales,
and Retail Dealers will find them the most profi
table, from the fact that they are the fastest
scllin- article of the kind in the market.
115 North Front St., Philadelphia
141? Chambers St., New York.
41! Broad St.. Boston.
Nov. 14, "7'!. .'.in.eoti