3octn. BECKY MIM.KK. (iu vny, IV t ky Miller, go vat I Juii't !of V'lU now. nel vpii small I.etle till. Vv dream v.- play -J out, o rV-i'-1 t"' '!' git. Your false-hcatled viva I raii'i o ;.;g m-!. i Go v ay, Berky M'lVr, go v.'.v ! Ya a'l ill r yav.g w ill.-,!!-, o f.i'-e-hi -. h- I :ik- y'i, M't a fa'-e nice i:.l bi'ii'it. in.. I heart black end blue Vlid all tier Ii sehvv. :.rin you lof.-t in.- -. ;rie Go vay, Becky Miller, go vay 1 Vy vonec 1 ilonlit you v;,s a slhar vay up hhh. I like you so belter a gogernut pie. lint, cli, Becky Miller! you seem n.-vv :i M.r He llo vay. Becky Miller, go viy ! Vow d.i!i all tier hrcM.-nt vat I iliil prc-cni, Yc, gobbled tip every blamed vou :it 1 sent All (Vr vile mit ntittiitliT young nuwiT vn v ui ; Go vay, Becky Miller, go vav '. Yen I tirol found ou.l dot youVe such a oA' Iiv. 1 didn't know tedder to shniuddcr or die. I S tit now, py der jingo ! I don't o:Vi gry. Go vay. Becky Miller, go v.v r Iton't try to make hlecl wt va sorry aleud. I d.m't blo f a d.tii-- v:it tonics out df your moud. End besides, Ijowh t nrf, l'ir now you're played ond, du) vay. Becky Miller, govay. Ijumorcus tctrbfs. Vex sonic man slaps mo on der shoul- 1T, ami say, "I was platl In hear vou vas ii .'a .i.,.. ,.;..t- ,,..i, -J null, UIHI Ul II f-lH j ..... linjrers lo liis nose, I luif my opiuion ot'tlat An flJ maid fays hln knows by bcr own oxixrrieitcc that tlio pajiusr 'iiiau proposes" i a base lie Mio wishes 'twan the truth. A I'K s but uiH tUtcaUM jmlp tlosi-d a sentence with the following touehin re proach : ''I'ri'oiUT at the bar, nature has emtow- cl you wilh a vjoimI education ami respee- table family connections incteail of which you k rottntl the country stealing luck..' 'Fki.Low travelers. baid a colc-tl, preacher, 'ef 1 had tccti a eatin' dru-J :. jtles for a week, auMcii tuck to diiUi? fur a inoiif, I couldn't li-el more swilW 'dp Jan I am dis minnit wid pride an" v:i:.:ty at .-eiu" jticli full 'tendance liar; Jiaebi uin.' Stewkii rKAi:. At a. parly a lady treated her company to slewed pears. A gentieaiau at tlie table put one, ns he suppowd, into Liis. mouth, and attempted to pull otit Ua Mem : after pulling for some time, lie v;vt tdiligoil lo give It Up ", an-l t on putting it upiti his plate he found he h;iJ Wen tnguing away at a moue which had got into the preserve jar. With the u'.tuobt coolnecs, he inrjutred of t!;e lady if s'.,r had a tat in the house. ' "Yes, mi- why "Well, 2 would like her to take thN mouse away (hatV all."' Jri:vtii:x In anl a long ease in court, the lestitnoiiy, the attorney's stieechcs, the judge's charge, and all. The jury retired to render their verdict. It was a case of against the supervisors ef a township. Well, the jurymen began to count noses to sec how they frtood. One was fur convivtr ing .h t.kius and clearing I'.rown. A'"tli'r ' f-r txiii' irti.Ki luilli ; aud some for Joisiti-j hoih. Finally the question wa.iput tollo n.t Jokle, what was his judtut. "Yell," said llouas, "I ttocsh not agree : mil none of you. deukins and llrowu may lK)tc go for me ; 1 don't dink as dey proof ed auydiogs against detn. Uut dere is an- i der feller vat 1 'iuks ought lo be convict ed, dat is dc feller dey calls de JHoV)if Fr,, he's a t.TUg rascal and no tutai. A CtfNT-'litJao"Suci" Henry county i ft0m -rfteJ all his seholar-5 to 'write a piece' under jH-nalty of a thrashing. A rising ge nius got off the following : "J.ord of love lx)ok down from above On us poor tcholais: Wc have hired a fool To teach our school, And we pay him fifty dollars."' A Ni:;Ro held a cow while a cross-eyed j man was to hit her on the head with an axe. The negro observing the man's eyes, in some fear inquired : 'Isyou gwine to hit ; whar you look!" 'Yes.' 4Jen, hold de ; cow yoursell,' said .uilec. t ' In view of the decline in iO.D. : hue r-- Au exchange says : "When you see a j dined pi;e.-s .m our entire st-x k .-t Koi-i-.-u mer hare headed man following a cow through ' ' '" I-"'" the front gate and filling the air Willi gar- : Jr-n implements and profanity, you may know that his cabbage plants have beer, w-t tint." A Jhilchmau getting excited over an ac count of an elopement of a married wotuan, gave his opinion thus : "Jf my vife runs away mit anoder man's vife, I shake him out of his proechcK, if sht- be my fadder, mine (lot." ver the shop dour of a pork butcher, in an English village in theeastern counties, may be seen a sign board representing a man in a black coat brandishing a hatchet, with the inscription. "John Smith kills pigs like his father." Said a seven-footer toadiminutive speci men of humanity, who approachtfd him ' 1 1 1 threateningly. "If you were to strike me, and I should accidentally find it out, vou would le sorry." A rrilLK'Xht Ks-ITY. A justice of the jwac-e iu Illinois before whom a citizen had prosecuted his daughter's lover for ejecting him from his own parlor the Sunday even ing previous, solemnly decided as follows : "It "pears that this young feller was cour tin" tlie plaintill's gal, in plaintiffs parlor, and that plaintiff intruded, and was put ul hy the defendant t 'ourtin' is a public necessttj-. and must not lx; interrupted. Therefore, the law of IlliuoU will hold that a parent has no legal right iu a room where courtin' is afoot, and so the defendant is discharged, and the plaintiff must pay costs." Ax Ahmcan Witnkss. Henry Yan Meter, who recently deceased iu 15angor,at j the age of 1 1 years, was an Africau gem j that was not born to blush unseen. He i was a i, uuine ebony waif from Old Yir ginny, who drifted dowu ast more than half a century ago. He wa thoroughly charged with '.lie inspiration of the Youd and could give odds to the Magdalene " U number aud variety of capricious "Pint Uiat possess him. Yan was sum moned to court one day as a witness, and Driug hi peculiarities the counsel badg ct4 liim, on either side, with the most prc- P'Jeterou, questions, until he became no en x tar. Ujat ,jiH ansWcis were as wild as Pati of a blinded pugilist. N'oticiug the diw., of t,ic fusiicaUd witness, the kindly jU(Jge jIati,away hushed the law yers an, put a simple question to him,with (lie vie,orb, inging him back lo the start ing point. The "third nsau1t was too much for the "verm.hed si-cr, and he broke out. "Vow, look a-hcali, you o!c gray haired m-ruman up tlie i.j, jar dou't you interfere wi4 , business at all ; Ts jus' as much as I drt lQ CAre ob dese jTvn fellers down Itr-alj nniga'rh ! CENTRAL RU G STORE V Q-B-cXdllader Is, i in; piaw to imv pure ami (iv sii M I DiClNES, TAINTS, ;i.. D'M'GS, OILS. perfumery t I i .MIS NOTIONS, T V.M ( , J.Il OK ami all otltcr arti- los usually kcjit in a tirst-ola? Prtt Store , Sjieciul ittt iitioti I'.ti.l t ro!iipmiti(5in jn- scriMiiOris atnt tanuly nccipts lv omiH-ti-in. Sunburi-, Nov. 7, 17::. 1K. ' M.MlUTIS. .F. V. !!lol NEW DRUG STORE, No. 13, South Third Street. Clement House MWn Sniffy, Fa. I : DR. C. MART IN & CO, II "AVK jut riTfi.1 a fn -li lot of I'm" Wra-i and I'.ili'iit ninli.'ilit'ri. Wo liave aKo a mil :i.-s-.iiti!-iil of DRESSINfi AND I'ACKi'.T t'OMHS. Hair. TtMitti, Nai!. lol!ic,Slio' and oilier linifli;-. TOII.KT A! ! A( V ARTM ltS. 1INK tXIK W lN -'M.T H.HIK, KMVi:, ! j REED'S (iRAND )1' HESS roi.CJiNK. til'" sv.- It-! Ii'rl;llll' i:i Alllfli't:. I'arisinn. a IiiI lof Yuk1i. warranted to cli' di iiiTfi tt tin iihx-i ! licit-" j fh.idcs without injury to the kUi AiI l-'r.n.' p.-e,-,. ration U t.1 Tl. SVAi KS, THE REST IN M A K K E i". Pure Wine and l.iiiuor-, 1. untiieal purpo-e. j Physii ians Prescript and la-nUy le.i ipl- i , , compoiin-led with care. i Thankful tor past t..-fr wo ho.c hy fair tl-:t'-imr to receive a sluu ;f y.ur paironam. Si'pieiiihcr 11. 1 J. W, D. RtELICK, Dnis?isi aud ApoJhecnry? .Vt Jtc uiii e.stal-li-hcd stand hi M.rLct Stiuure. SIMU RY. 1M. K.eps ;oi!s:.iiitly on hand full -lull l' well elected DRUGS & CHEMICALS, I'rusruiMs Kancy io.i-l-. URISIIES. PERU M l"R V, 1 A T 1 : N T M ! : 1 ) K 1 N KS, o 1 1 . 1' A 1 N TS i. LASS. Pl'TTY. VAKMSII. DYKSTins. la t.i'l. hp: ' tiling lisilaliv kepi, ilia !! e,.:i dnetej r'KUG STOEE. 1.. . . .itl ..t;l i.iti i'l ti wtliiT.riHTiili'' 1 1 1 V- (.u - ia,,,,' prescriptions anii family r-.-'pt T.y t- ropnaior r.nn-.-ii. MOitmrv. I' Jim ir A. M. MEIXELL, i.i ii I i: i v iiicrirHU tintl Frtrt-;ei WVTIUES. l'lN"U i:r.VI;:!.KY and MI.YKKWA Hi:. t-rr--l-i Nt-elcJ-s stittl llj i.lK-.S-. COLU 1IKADEI) CANKS. Watches an-l Jewelrv iie.it ly repair.-d and war- Market S.piaie. Sl'NliCRY. Pa. S. ist- -If. Nj.w IM SI .11. IMH I'IIA'I S. aiid :it I laet ic Ooiuls, in cverv Depal t !!'. it WATI HES. IHAMONKS, JKWn.ltV , SII.VF.K ANII I-I.VTI'K W VIII'. 'utlerv. "Wks, P.ronzi s. Enclish. French and t.eraian Fanev ;o,i(. I'O - and purcha-eis will find it lo Heir inteie-i lo make their M-lections N'oV. whih-ihe .-SRT-MENT IS 'OM PI.ETE. (ommI- -eat on appi'' ,val lor c!ec!ioii-. Artiele k' pack- -i pliw hased now, 1, M-i'l reiaim-.l i ni i! r t!;- Holiday-, w il -i:eh line- as de-i.- ed. RORBINS. CLARK .V RIDDLE. 114 iii.mmtSt., Piiii vi.i:i.i iih. Till: KI; KAltltlllt MIDI' IS THE .sHP OF THE ToWN and lou has heen : a-k hi-loiy and -he !li tell you Men have grown old iu our parron-igi Rahieg on their mothers" luva-l To liouncing lm. i,l p! i.v ; And youths ,v maidens fair c:ip--e,t. 'I o sl.il1. art men with (an soppr. 1. And old men .diver gray. nd among tin-honored and lasting impres ion-, of time, nnd the crash of n volutions in circiiiiistanee-. v.e stand a living moniiiiieiital memento of the ingenuity and j-r-ever:tnc- ap- ... ... tl... . ..! i- .l iini'rri Iilli . Ill V iie- leiiaiui ii to i ,, .-. . our vocat'.iui with the l.ii-Lcst style of art and tierfection. and aspiring to lehleVC lh"' lllghe-t reward of merit atl.iinaMc in our huml.le capaci ty, and the sentiment of re-jiect and npplohalion which the jireseiiee of snpeiior appliance- and ,--tau'iisiiiueiit are always wont to inspire. Always to please We shave wi' h ca-e Cut nnd eoinh with ta-tn the hair ; Miamj-toi the head wilh solit hing car,-. And color the whiskers hlack or LroMii. To suit the people ahoiil the town. Tin n allow me politely rei'ii--t you to stop. And Hot go pa-l nor irom around oar shoo. Tog. I slaved on thel.asi- of aliility nor a some have done f.-r our u-e of I he !, allot for prin ciple acred and right ii"i' under the common secret and invidious guise of enmity t complex ion ; for the cut of a man's coat, or the color of hin skin, ought not in effect his usefulness nor his "ilallliealiott. A fair chance is all that we demand, to rive I he proof lo all the land. JAMES W. WASHINGTON. Proprietor. Suiihiiry, April Is;:; : No. HI. Market -t. 1 1 1 F. YICToR sEWINC, MACHINE .. want relinhle and enerf tie Agents in this county. The " K TOR" Is a Lock-tit eh. Shut tle Machine, w ith salf-sctliei: Needle. heM ti li cit and most perfect Machine otler.d. An in crease of .VK) per ceni.oi: sales of is;-; over lsTl. For terms, Ac., Address. M TOJ JsEWTNO MACHINE 0..1-.'7 he-inn i Sl..l'hiladi l,i!.:.;, Pa. S 'pl. 1'.', ls7:i.--4mos. ui:. iv. oiti.i:, J rSTICF. F TH I. IE ( F. , Rku. Estate Ar.rT, and Agent for ihe Piiii.a I uo i.rniv Mcti 'ai. Piiotk-i iv i: Lii i: I NT RANI r. CuVH'ANY. Ilcriltloil. SiirthvuiherUiH.it 'utility, 1'u. ALL CLAIMS entrusted in hi hands will receive prompt attention. Henidon. A lie. ?!. Tt. 4 nne. utiimoitK i.oii JitllNr-ToN. ' rin-':i-l:'ii fclolirati'il ln-l iiIk.u. lias l-.o'v.r.:! 111.- m-.-t -l-rt:iill. f p..--J.V. p:-.1-'!iit fill cil. in; ii r- li-eiiv i-i th" world for lii i i-ISV.Al OK IMrUUDE-XfE. ! Yi-akii. ot lli Ha k or l.imlif, Strict nr. -. ; All' i lion- i f hidneys and lil.'idder, lnv-i'.:n- t ii I i.- li up ri. Mipot.-iicy, ic-ncr.il lt i-!ii-I i.v.' i-ruiiiii-, D.vs)icii.y. Eancruor, I...w Siilrii. t'onfs-ion of Idea-. Ra!jitat'.o;i of tl-.- ll'-nrt. Titnidity, Trcmlilinir". Dmiiii--- .; 'u'i.! T tiiddinc-;, Dis.-.ii- of tin- I1-..-I. ! Tlii;.i. r...-.- or Skin, Affection of l.ivcr, l.unsi-, ISlo!n;o'l! r I'.ow.l tlicse i.rriliie Disorder ai 'ii'- from tin- Solitary llaMt of Youth those seen i and solitary inaetiecs more fatal to their j vi.-iiin- than the son of Syp ns to the Mariners j of l lv-s. s. Uli-litiiivr their inort brilliant h-.j-es .if anil iv-iioir-. rend-i Iiil inaniaec, iVc. ini!i 1.!.-. ior; men ,-., ! iallv. In- h.ie 1-econiO tl. Vi . '.'nils of Soli i tarv Yiee, that dreadful and dcstruelive ha'iii iwh'ieli annually swe.iis to an untimely zrnw J tlioiiands ..f voiimr men of the most exalted .talents and lirilliant intellect, who mieht. other wise have entranced listening Senates with the , thunders of clo.iicne or waked to eestaev the llvin" Ivre. inav call with full coaMdeuce. M AUIUAtiK. ; Married l' innis or Youni; Mrtt i-oiitemplatln-i laaniai;'-. :::ire ot rnysicai ucaMiess, ii.o of 1'ioeieative Power Impotency), Nervous Kx ritahility, Palpitation, Oriranic Weakness, N.-r- ( voiis tclii;ilv, or any tuner iiis'piaiiiieaiiini. i.eedl'.v relieved. ' lie who places hiin-elf under the -are of Dr. .1. It may n-Iiirioiisly confide in his honor as a nentle ' mail, tiiid ei.ilid--nllv r. iv u"on hi-skill as a Pliv ' sieian ti:t.XMC WEAKNESS. ! Inirwitcm v. i.oss il Tov cr. iniT.:cd:ut-ly 'nred and full Yieor Restored, This Distressing All'cctioii w Licit render J.ile ni.-erah'.cainl marriage iiiij'i ssihle is the penalty paid I iy the victims of improper indulgences. Younv; ji r-onsare too apt to commit eecssc from iiot hcinzaware of the dreadful fonscuni s ilu,! mav ensue. Now, who that nnderstamls ; tlic suhje'et will pretend to deny that the power of procreation is h -t (sooner ly tlmse laliini; into impfol-er huhits than hy the prudent i Resides i,,.;,,,, ,, ini, d the. pleasures of healthy oll'sprimr, ,.,,,.! m rious and dest i iietive -ymploins lo Ii lio.lv and mind aiise. Th-.-system heeomes il. -varied, lh-- Physical a:nd M-ntnl Fuii-lioi Weakened. Los- ( I'r.-eree.l ive Power, Nervous 1 1 1'aaliiiity. Dvl s:a. Palpitation of tin- Heart. Jm1i';csii(in. Coii-tiiuiioual Deldlily, a Wasting ..l tl. i f lam--. i.ii-h. t'eiisiiiuplion. Decay and 1 .:. -ii. ( I 111. W ARRA.N-I .CD IN" TWO D.U .-. P. I -on - I uiii' d in health hy unlearned prelcii .;. i- ho k.ip i)' i'1 trillini: m mlh after month, taking p .! nous and injurious coinpotin Is. hoii'd epplv Immediately. IHC. JOHNsl."1.. 'i let.el . I the Roya! Colli l-c of Mii'.- iuis. leei ih.ll. I.ladll.lteil fiolll of the Illo-I caiilielit Culii ;is in the 1'u. led Stale-, and the le.ii.-r i.all of wlio-e ife ha- t-eeii spent ill the ho-pit a Is '.r l.oml.in, Pris, Phil iil' lphi i and elsewhere, l a- i-ilei ted some of Ma- most a-toiiishinir t-'tre-. iiai re ver known ; many tniuMed with r:u-'-it.ii la the head and en- uli. n asleep, Li'.- .i iii ixeiisiiiss, heing alarmed at sudden somihI-, l-a-hfulia-s, with frequent hlushin!;, nit -a le! -oia.-iini' s with derangement of mind, were- i,i. I liiiai.dl: telv. TAKE PART1CILAR Nol i' E. Dr. aii'iiesscs all those who l.xvc iu'.urrd I heii-e:.-s -v iinH'oicr indiilgen. and solitary hat.ii-. v hieli ruin l-oth hody an-l niiiul. ii'ilHlini; I L.-iii t-i . it h.-r lni-iu. . stil ly, society or niar ri i n . Ti-i-i. aie s-iiiie i . I th sad and melancholy il-e:- taMlue-'il ov ear. nanus hi ouin, W.-akne-s of the R.i-.-k and Limhs. Pains in th' li-o - -.:m Head. Diiaiu-ss of S'mht. Loss of Mil r.-w. r. Palpilatiitiof tin- Heart, Dy-pepsv, iv. .'.oiis Ii i liability. Der.iie.'eiiicnt of Di.-Mive. EtitieiioiiS. t.eneral Det.illiy. .synipl.-m-!' I Mil pi ioll. iVe. Mi.stai.i.V The fearful el!-el on the min i are much to he dreaded Los ol Memory, Con li'ion of Ideas, Depn-siois of Spirits, K il-E'-ielio.liiiL. Aversion to Society, Self-Di-t ru-t, Lov.- of folitude. Tiail-iiiy. .Ve.. ar- some of the I ll- pi- iluee.l 'I inn - 1M.S i-oi-- .-1 all ae- e.iii itoW ju L- v.l. ,n lh,- ai.-eof their declining health. ii.1 -r, lieeon line, weak, pale, tiei v mis ,i. iiavimr a singular apivarauee and :,li..i: ma. la 1 1 . -, eoiiirh and synipt-iit's oi eonsiinip- : I- ', i .T Nti .il.N ho i,.i ie injiiti -i lh InscHcs Ly a . ertahl piae tiee intuit;. .1 in wic a alone, a lia'ul fre-piieutly h-arued liomcvi'. conipanioiis, oral .-ehool, the . i:. , i- .-l which US' ninhtlv fell, even wheu a-l - i . and if not cared, renders marriage impi illl,o shoitiil -il.le. a:al deslrovs liotll lllili I all-l liodv. apply 'liiim liiatelv. U hat a 1 itv that a yoiin maii.lh-- IioJh oI .-.is coiintrv. I he 'darling of hi- pannts. should In: snatch!.', ir.iii all prospects and enjoyments l ii!".. I.v I in- cons(iieiiee of deviating from the path of nature and indulging in a certain seerel lial.'i. Siieh H-r-ons vi st Im fore eontemplaiin- leilei I thai a sound mind and ho l are ihe most ni ce- a iv I--iiiis'ilcs lo pn ie coimul-ial happi ness. Ii'cl' i d without these, the journey through life heeomes a weary pilgrimage ; the prospect , houilv -darki us lothe view; the mind lecoincs shadowed wilh despair and tilled with themelaiV , cholv reflection, dial tin- happ: f another liee-.uie- I pghicd Willi ,ai own. -. ERTAIN DL.-EA.-sE. Wh.-n I ii.- misguided and liiipriiilcnl v..iaiy of : pi. a-iirc linds that he has imhihed the see ls of this painlul disca-e. it too often happens that an ill-limed s. n-e of shame, or dread if discovery. ,.tei- him from plyiug to those who, from : cdiu ali.in and respi-etaldlit v, can alone l rrien.! I him. tli laving till I he con-fit ut ion a I symptoms ol ; this horrid dis. a-e make their r.ppe.ir.iiice, Mit-h . as ulcerated son- l lima I. diseased uose. iioetinal , pain-in lie- head and limits, dimness of sight, j dcafnis-. uodts on the shin hones and arms, I, !.,l, Ii.- oi, the h. ad. face and extremities pit- ! Liv iiig wilii tii-htfiil rapidity, till a! la-t the , pal. lie of the inoiiih or the hones of the no-elall ' in. ami lie- vielini ol tlii- awful disea-e liceom.'s i a hot lid I'l'-.-t of commiseration, till death puts i a pi-riml lo hi t'.iv.i inn suffering, hy sending him io"thi-.t t iid. m ov i. dt'oiintry lio n wlien,... i ii. itavelh r i i urn-." ll i- a in- laiielioly fai t ih.it thousand- DIE vi.-linis l-i tlii- teliil'.le tiist-a-.-, Ihroiigh I.-iling j into the hands of l-gin-raut or unskillful PRE- j TENDERS, who. hy the use of that d.-a ily Poi son. Mei.-urv. Ac., .It -troy the constitution, and ii.e.i) aide of curing, k-ep the unhappy .-Utler. r ! iHoniii al'ltr nionlh taking tii--ii noxious or Ui- j jiiiioii- eoMtpi-imd-. ami in-te.-rl id' h.-lug r. -tor-d ; U' . 1.11. -I ll of Lit. Vigor lll.i llappilies-. il! ,e p;-i.- - ave him with mine I li. iU'.i I" -n:ii .v. r j hi- l tiling tli-appoinl tueiit . . It. slich. tlietetole. Dl. JollNsToN pledge- iiil. I sell lo prt-erve lie- mo.-t Invioiaua- M-ert ev, ai.ti ft. an ui evtensive praetiee and oh-.-rval ions in the grcai Hospital-of Europe, and the lirst ii: this entail rv. v iz : England, France, Philadelphi i and els. w 1,. re, is cnaMed to o!I. r t!ic most eer- , tain, speedy and effectual remedy m I In- v.-,r. for all di-e.'sc ot impruih-nee. Hi!. JollN TON. o I F '1 . . ".. FREDERICK STREET. r.Al.TlMoiti;. M. D. Li !i h nut -i.le goo., i r, ui Baltimore st re t, a few door- from e,.i n..r. Fail not lo oh-'-rv n aine and iiiiiiiI ;'.r No letters received unless pi-tpaM and ' eoniaiuiug a -lamp to he used on the reply, l'er . sons writing should state age, and semi a portion of adv'ut 's, ineiil deseiiliing symptom. ! There are so many Paltry, Designing and ' Worthless !n,pn-ters advertising themselves a . Piiv -niatis. Itiiling with and ruining the health of all who unfortniately fall into their power, : thai Dr. .1. hiiston (iecuis it necessary to .-ay es peeiallv lo those iiiiat-jiiaiuted with his tvniiM lion that hi- Cretlt ut'uls or Diploma.- a, -.vay-harg in hi- ollice. ENDORSEMENT of HIE PRESS, 'lle-maiiv thott-ands cured at this Estahli.-h-n.c::l, . ar alii r ear, and the ntiiiieroiis im poiia'n'l Mngieal Operations jH-rfonnod hy Dr. Johnston, wiincascd hy the representative-of the piess ami many ol her papers, not ices of wi-li have a p -eared again and aga'uhefore the pul.R'-, , hesid. - his standing as a gentleman of character ' and responsibility, is a siillicient guarantee totln: i iflliel.eil. h'ni tiireases speedily cured. March 1. Is;:!. 1 SIM'.I ISV !fl AltKI.i: YAItl), I iiiirlh Mrt-el lirlow .Marhrt. sr.M'.l'HV, l'ENN'A. der-lgin .1 has ret urned fruiii the MalMe Onarries with 5 Tons r of .'I o ii ii Di 'iil. im ra '-S 1 ones, An-., c. He h;is l,i,iil,l :it sin h ti-'tires that will allow him I., s.-.l l.ell,-r stone, for lesa money , III. Ill heretofore. Thuhcst Sutlu rliiinl Kalis Marhk1, .vhieh is hi tter tlnn It ili;in. Rnihind is now solil as low as the Malirhesti r. Tho-c who need anything in the Marble line, I". 1 1 Monti mcnts, 1 rave-Stones, or other p-irpo-es, will find it to their interest to cull and examine this larce. stH-k, as Letter tiaruains can he secur ed than buying from parties hiick-tcrintr round the country. AU lettering will he done in Ihe neale-t and i.io-t Iniprov.-d stvlc W. M. DM OlIERTY. Sunhuiy, .Inn. ll, lsTli. A (.ooil t'liiiiie' for n onk Stove! At. I. B. REED'.-. htoyf. and t;nwai:e store. Third Si, oppinin. i he Central Hotel, Siinhury, VXY jM-rsou pun linking noods t) the amount ofs:! 00 nl retail pi'e-es. fur cash, vill he entitled to a Ticket for tin- drawing of a lii-t class No. T. Cook Stove with all the uxtur. s, valued at :!0, warranted to give atisfaetion. Notice will he civen of the place .and lime of tlrawiii!; through the tai rs. .1. It. REED. Sniihtirv, Jnlv IS, ls7;l. f piiE i n 1 in..;, l..l.le fo; MtllOlt NT OKI.! IIRISTIAN NEFK, Se. i. nd Street, opposite the Coin t rioue, SL'N ill Ui'. PA.. Re-pi t t full v invites the attention of Retailers and oi h rs. t hat he has on hand, and wiil eon- siarilv ke. ii :-ll kinds of ini:Hi: MI noMESTIC I.I01 ORS. I 'oi:.-i.-iiiisr of Pure Rratidies: Cogniae, Cherry, (iin n r. Rochel'.e and Otard. Whi-kles: Pure Rye t.ipiN-r-isf i!h-d. Moi"n-irah'-ki. Apple and Neelal. Pl'RF. HOLLAND C.IN ! V. 'uii -: t'h.iiuj.anc Wine. Sherry. Port and dar-i. t'ra'-i Cider, Champ.iu.ne "uh r, N. E. Rum, Rrown Stout and Seoti-h Ale. STOMACH AND RAR HITTERS, And all others Liquors which can he found in the city markets, which will he sold at Whole sale ami Retail. Every article guaranteed as represented. Also, a lartrelot of DEMIJOHNS and ROTTLE8, always on hand. Ordeis promptly attended in, and yiihlie patroiucre respeetftlllv solicited r. N'F.FF. Siiiilmry. duly :;, ls;!). ly. VITK1C STORES. RYE WHISKY, s I. oo a imKou. ?1 LdO a dozen. YELLOW SEAL SHERRY, In laree liottles, lL'M) a do.e;i. ;i.D SEAL RRANDY. s ls.Oil a dozen. APPLE JACK, JAMAICA Rt'M, M OTCII WHISKY. CATAWBA WINE. )U) PORT WINE. CHA M PAUNES. SEJARS. AC. II. tV .'. Villi Kcil. Tin: Wine Mi:kciiam. i::il Chestnut Street. Philadelphia. let . -.' I. 1 - dHiscclIancon5. Dr. J. Walkers California me- par Uitfors arc rt purely Vegetable preparation, made chiefly from the native herbs found on the lower ranges of tho Sierra Nevada mountains of California, the medicinal properties of which are t xtracted therefrom without tho use of Alcohol. Tho question is almost daily asked, " What is the cause of the unpar alleled suecess of Yixegar Bitters t ' Our answer is, that they remove tho cause of disease, and tho patient recov ers his health. They are the great blood purifier and a life-giving princi ple, a perfect Renovator and Invigorator of the system. Never before in tho his tory of the world has a medicine been comiKiunded possessing the remarkable qualities of Yinegar Uitters hi healing dm tick of every disease ninn is heir to. They nro a gentle Purgative ns well as a Tonic, relieving Congestion or Inflammation of the Liver nnd Visceral Organs in JJiliou Diseases'. Tlie properties of-Dr. Walker's Yixegar Hitters are Aperient, Diaphoretic, Carminative, Nutritious, Lnxative, Diuretic, .Sedative, Connter-Irritaut, Sudorific, Altera tive, and Anti-Milieus. II. IT. IHcDOXAI.D A. CO., OruxKisU aud Oriiend At-ut. 8an Frmucisco, Califor nia, mill it.r. WashuitDU aud Cbarltnu Sts., Sea- Yurt. Sol.l by nil Uruirg-istK and Deakn. THE GllEAT KEMEDY FOIi CONSUMPTION vvliicli can lie cured bj a timely resort to this stand ard preparation, as has been proved by the hundreds of testimonials received by the proprietors. It is acknowl edged by many prominent physicians to be the most reliable preparation ever in troduced for the relief .and cure of all Lung complaints, and is ollered to the public, sanctioned by the experience of over forty years. "When resorted to in season it sel dom tails to eiTect a speedy cure in the most severe cases of Coughs, Bronchitis, Croup, "Whooping Cough, Influenza, Asthma, Colds, Sore Throat, Pains or Sore ness in the Chest and Side, Liver Complaint, Bleeding at the Lungs, &e. "Wistar's Balsam docs not dry up a Cough, and leave the cause behind, as is the case with most preparations, but it loosens and cleanses the lungs, and allays irritation, thus removing the cause of the complaint. i-RKrAiU'.n jit EETH W. FCfWXE & EONS, Boiton, Hasa., And aold hy Dnigfists and DoalcTi generally. ;EO. EVANS. E. O. MAJZE. FALL, 1873. Wc lake pleasure in announcing to our friends ami the Public reueraliy. that we have opeued a lleaiitifnl a-sortinenl ot Ooods for FALL and WINTER. Wc. politely solicit a call from all who vv i-h to 'et a ;ool I'il. Supi-rlor 1 orkmuiisliip, mill ltcliable .tlnlrriul. (lurpn feel system for Self-Mcasnrcment, recolil inends itself to every one who may desire to or der Clothing from a di-tancc, copies of which, with Samph-s of goods, will he sent on applica tion. Geo. Jilvaii fc Co., ;tl4 Market St reef, l.liilaleli liia. "One rrici;" Merchant Tailors and Clothiers. Semptemht-r P. 1 SV1. IV .M. t'AKSOX. Sii A CO., No. ".''iS South SECOND Street, below DOCK, I piiihiilelpliia. j WILLIAM FARM SON, HENRY HARNFD. i XFI.SON PCCH, W. W. CREAL'THERS, ' Mann fact ttrcrs of First-Class ; El RNITLRE. Pticeo reasonah'e. Please cull and Nttmluf. I UiMrnRRBiTTrhf I Scrfuntilr. G. W. KEF.FER, V. W. HASSLE!!. Fall Goodie ! lrv (Jooils, Xolions, Fiirnisliino; (Uoits, Groceries, Oil Cloths, Glass ainl Xails of evi-rv varietv, at- oue low prie, " at Kcefcr A: Iiasslcrs Store, Corner of Fourth and Market Streets, SL'NBt'PY, PA. All kind-v of firain taken in exchange "aim- n ash. Call and sec ns. KEEFER .V BASSLEK. Siiubury, Oct. fit, li.S. XFAV ;0MS. WISTEIt NTYI.KS of every description and variety such as DrosM Lioolsi comprising all the novelties in fahrie and shade. Woolen oolsi, fancy tiooih. Fill Assortment of Xotiox?, which are heint; sold at the lowest Cash Prices. Also, GnocEniEs and Provisions, pure and fresh. i;eensyvai:e, Glassware, ani Wood and Willow Ware, Nicest Brands of Flour constantly on hand. A very large ASSORTMENT OF AY ALL PAFEII, hoth glazed and common, always on band. BOOTS A XI) SHOES from the celebrated hand made Boot and Shoe Manufactory of Watsontowu, for MEN, WOMEN AND CHILDREN. HEAD Y-MADE VLOTUIXa, of all sizes and of the latest styles. F L O U 11 . A constant supply of western white wheat tlonr a speciality. Tin- pnhlie are invited to call and examine our ooods tree ot eiiar?e. unr mono is -values. Sales and Small Prolits," and to please all. 'The highest priec will he pa id for all kinds of count rv produce. Bv strict attention to business and Keepim; ai all times the most complete stuck, and sellinir at thelowest prices, wp hope to merit a f ill shrire of patronage. HEED BROTHER .V SEAMIOI.TZ. S'liihnry. Iec. 1";:.. igMMB III i i mi il 'll liM"ir 'illTI i rT' " El'ltisi SHce ii ICi-Hcr el lor tho AnvFitTtsrvinNT or PAINE & McCORMICK'S II A H 1) Y A li K S T o i: K Vltirkel St.. Siiiilmry. I'n. March -'!, 1ST". I v. 3 c C -i Z l y. ; s " r- - i ..-3 '2 ;'Cm 5 a tl I i Tailoring! Tailoring!! CHARLES MAinL, "1 ESPECTFI LLY informs the clliens t'f:U X-l he has just received his Sprluir.niMl Summer tioodn. at his TAILOR SHOP, on Fourth Street, below Market, in the Mullen buildim:. and that he is prepared to make up all kinds of UEXTV Al KOY'W Sl ITS. of tin- latest styles. Having had much experi ence in the ni-iin ss he desires the public to give him a trial. tiolhing will be made up in tin- latest Palis nnd American Fii-hions in the most salisfaclory manner. ap."7a. HARLE.S MAIHL. VICK'N I'loral ;uiil FOR 1S7U. 20i Pages, .VK) Engravings, ami oiorea i i.ii Published Quarterly, cis. a year, First No. for is?4 jtist issued. A German edition at Ihe same rrn-e. Afinress, .IAMFS VICE. Rochester. X. Y. Slannfactrtrs. M.W 1 AIII'KXTKK KIIOI. The snh-eriher having erected a carpenter shop on Front St., below Pine, (Frylii-.jrs addition.) is prepared to do all kinds of carpenter work, iti l'vii.isii ok rt i:mti i:k ami joiipim; promptly all ended to on short uotie . ViWLXVT I'll TL'RE FRAMES a speciality. All kinds and sizes made to order. liOOO A Nil (IIKAI". l'AI.1. AM) SKK. The patronaue of the citi.ens of S-.inhury, are respectfn'dv solicited. C. WOODCOCK. Nov. is, 1S73. :n. Whon, Jaminry! COME ONE! COME ALL!! THE subscriber having erected a Blacksmith Shop, on the lot adjoining the Oil Mill, formerly owned hy Morgan V Masser. on Fonrth st.. Sun bury, is prepared to do General Rlat-kMiiiitliiug, on the shortest notice, and in the best manner. Custom work promptly attended to. HORSE SHOEING made a specialty. The patronage of town and count rv is respectfully solicited. PETER WILY Eli. Sunhury, Nov. 7. IS73. tf. WA'II1XK SHOP AX D IKOX ForxniiY. GEO. ROIIRBACII & SONS, Sun bury, IVnn'a, INFORM the public that they are prepared to do all kinds of CASTINGS, and having added a new Machine Shop in connection with their Foundry, and have supplied themselves with New Lathes, Planing and Boring Machines, w.th the latest Improvements. With the aid of skillful mechanics', thev are enabled to execute nil orders of NEW WORK OR EEPAIRlNii, that may be giv-n them, in a satisfactory man ner. (rales I o Null any Stove. IKON ( OH'MNS, for churches ...r other leiild ings, of all sizes. BRASS CASTINliS, Ac Ornamental Iron 2Teneing FOR OR WE YARD LOTS ; VERANDAHS, FOR YARDS AT REMDEXI ES AC, Alt. The PLOWS, already celebrated for their xtt jieriority, have been still f-irtli -r improved, and will always be kept on lurid. Also. TIIRESIIINI. M.w I!NI. Snnl.iirv. May -.'0. 1S7I. MHISKIC AM) l'l,VM(i 71. M.S. Thiol Sire. t. adjoining Phil.l. V Erie Ft. Si; mires North of the t entr il II--:. sl NIU RY, PA. R.. t-.ro i ha- r. ( LEMEy r, Is prepared to furnish every description of lum ber retired by the demands of the public. Having all the latest improved machinery for manufacturing Lunber. he is now ready to till or ders mi' all kiinh- of FLOORING, SIDINfi. DOORS SIU TTERS, SASH. BLINDS MOCLDINiiS. VE RANDAS, BRACKETS, and all kinds of Ornamental Serowl Work. Turn ing of every description promptly executed. Also, A I.VlU.E ASSOKTVKNT Of I I L L LUMR ER. HEMLOCK and PINE. Also, Shingles, Pickets, Lathe, Vc. Orders promptlv lilh-d. and shlpiieil bv Railroad orothorwise. ' IKA T. CLEMENT. declfl-fiSjlv J. F. LERCH'S CARRIAGE AND AVAGOXIIAKING ESTABLISHMENT, CHESTNUT ST, SUNBUBY, PA. VEHICLES OF Al l. KlMls MAUI' TO OltKEU. The latest styles and the best workmanship. Samples mav be seen at the shop, liive hlin call. Snnbnrv. Dec. 7, 1S72. lj. (Fobmeki-t Wood & Miss.) STATIONARY 8 PORTABLE Steam Engines. The Rest & Most Complete Assort meat tn tlio Market. These E'npine, have nlwavs maintained the very hiKhvt sfaudard of cxrellenee. We make the muniit'iietim- "f Eniines, lloiler nnd Saw Mill.1 a Binviulty. AvSo have tlielnrssit anil mostompi.-t works of the kind in the country, wsn inuchiuery tpeciiillT adapted to the work. We keep constantly in process lance number, or E.-TBines, whk-h we furnish at the very lowest prieet and on thu shortest notio?. Wo build Kninrie ppecially adapted to Mines. Saw Mills, Orwt Mills, Tanneries, I otton Gins, Threshera and all classes ol manufacturinff. We ara now huildm? the culebratetl Lane Circu lar Saw Mill, the best and most complete saw mill vcr inventetl. , , We make the manufacture of Saw JIdl outfits a eppeial feature of our business, and can funu-iu complete on the shortest notice. Our aim in all cases is to furnish the best ma chinery in the market, and work absolutely tin equaled for beauty of design, economy and strength. tjend for Circular and Price List. UTICA STEAM ENGINE CO. mcA, sr. t. THE PARKER GUN. iVl END STAMP FOR CIRCULAR PARKER BROS WEST MERIDEN,CT. STOVK V TIX KST.41IIiI.SII.il EXT. MARKET STREET, Sl'NBL'RY, PA. ! ALFRED KRAUSE, l'roprii -t..r. sl Ct'KsSOK TO SVIITII 4 liKNTMi:!!. HAYINO purchased Ihe above well known es tablishment, Mr. Kratisc would resectful ly inform the public that he now has on hand a large assortment of cookinm; stoves, S peer's Cook Anti-Du-t, Regulator or Revolving Top, Combination. Susquehanna and others, which arc .so arranged as lo be used for Coal or Wood, nnd are warranted to perform satisfactori ly or no sale. HEATERS of all kinds put np to heat one or more rooms. HF.ATINU STOVES of different kinds at very low prices. Tinware of Every Inscription kept constantly on hand. Roofing and Spouting with the best material, done at short notice. REI'AIRINli attended to with dispatch. Coal Oil at il Lamps constantly on hand. Japan ware ofa x.ntl Store oppo-iie Conley's hardware store. Oive me a call. A. KRAl'SE. apI'M-ly Send for Illustrated Catalogue and examine our prices before purchasing, a we claim to sell lower than anv other establishment iu the City. REMEMBER the NUMBER. l-.':;0 RIUGE AVENCE. Philadelphia. STEAM ENGINE s. l'E.WSVLVAXIA It All, ROAD. PHILADELPHIA & ERIE II. R. DIVISION. WINTER TIME TABLE. On and after Sunday, December l.-t. 1S73, the Trains on the Philadelphia & Erie Rail Road Divi sion will ruu as follows : WESTWARD. Buffalo Express leaves Philadelphia, 12.55 p m 5.U5 p ra D.'Jy p in 2.15 a ir K.50 a ni 10.20 p m 3.05 a ra 7.30 a m H. 40 a ui 10.U5 a ra 7.'i0 p m 8.00 a ra I. 30 p m e.20 p m " " Jlarrtsburg, " " " Williamsport, " " Emporium, " " " arr. nt Buffalo, Erie Mail haves Philadelphia, " Harrisburg, " " Williamsport. " " ' Lock Haven, " " " Renovo, " " an ut Erie, Elmira Mail leaves Philadelphia, " " Harrisburg, " ' 4; Williamsport, " " arr at Lock Haven, Renovo Aeeomod'n leaves Harrisburg. 7.o- p in 8.25 a m " " arr. Williamp't,12.55 p m EASTYVAr.D. Buffalo Express leaves Buffalo, " " ' Emporium, 5.25 p m 9.00 p m 1.10 a m 4.50 a m 9.10 a m 11.20 am S.40 p m 9.55 p m 11.10 pm 3.05 a m 8.00 a m 7 55 a in 9.30 a ra 1.50 p m " " Williamsport, " " arr. at Harrisburg, " " " Philadelphia, Erie Mali leaves Erie, " " " Renovo. " " " Lock Haven. Williamsport, " " arr. ut Ilnrrisburg, " " " Philadelphia, Elmira Mail leave Lock Haven, " ' Williamsport, " " arr. at Harrisburg ' " Philadelphia, 5.50 p m Harrisburg Aeeom. Ieave9 Williarasp"t, fi.50 p in " ' arr. at Harrisburg, 10.50 p ru " ;' " Philadelphia, 2.50 a ra Mail East eonneet east and west at Erie with L. S. & M. S. R. W. and at Corry nnd Irviweton with Oil Creek and Allegheny R.K. W. Mail West with east and west traiDs on L. S. & M. 5. R. tt . and at Corry ami Irvineton with Oil tlreek and Atleghenv R. R. tt Elmira Mail and Buifalo Epress make close connections at williamsport with N. . R. Y, trains, north, and at Harrisburg with X. C. R, W. trains south. vVM. A. BALDWIN, tieii'l Sup'i. ki:adix railhoai. W I N T E R A R RAN (JEM ENT. MfiMni, Nov. 10th, 1ST:;. Trains leive Harrisburg lor Xt-w York a fol lows: at 5..and S.10, a. in., and 2.0O, p. in., connecting with trains on Pennsylvania Rail road, and arriving at -Jew York ut 12.Xi, 3.50 and 9.45 p. iu., respectively. Rcturnining : Leave Xew York at 9. a. in. 12.50 and 5.30 p.m., Philadelphia at 7.l, 9.15 a. m., and 3.30 and 7.15p. in. Leave Harrisburg for Reading, Potts, Hie, Tam.i.paa, Minersville, Ashlnnd. Shamokiu, Al lentovvn and f'hi!ade!.iiia at 5.30 and W a. in., 2JK) and 4.05 p. m., stopping at L-baniii and principal way statit-n ; the 4.l'5 p. m.. train eon uectilig for Philadelphia, Pottsville and Colum bia only. For Fottsv'ille, Seh-.tylki'.l Haven and Auburn, via Schuylkill aud Susquehanna Rail road leave Harrisbnrg at 3.00 p. in. East Pennsvlvani.i Railroad trams leave Keail ing for Alb-mown. Easton an I New vnrk at 1:&?W"& m.. and Allentew n at 7.20 a. m., 12.25, ilo, 4.35 and I s.55 p. m. tt'ay Passenger Train leaves Philadelphia at 1 l.M a. m., conueciing iu neaoing wim irain on East Penna. Railroad, returning leaves Potts ville ut 4.35 p. nt., stopping at all stations. Leave Pottsville at I..0O, S-05 id 9.10 a. m.. and 2.30 p. m.. Hemdon at 10.00 a. si., Shamo- kiu at li.00 and 11.0'ia. lu.. Ashland at 7.1S a. in., and 12.20 p. m., Mahanoy City at 7.53 a.m. 1 12.54 1. in., Taiiianuaat .".15, S.35 a. m., and 2.15 p. m.. for Philadelplea, Xew York. Reading, 1 1 1.. sr.sliit..r .i'n w....w..., - Leave Pottsville via M-huylkiil and &uwiu- haMiia Railroad at S.05 a. m., for Harrisburg, and 12.05 p. in., for Pincgrove and Tremont. Pf.itvi!l tecnmmivlalion Train leave Potts- viile at 0.00 u. in., passes Reading at 7.i'0 a. in., arriving at Philadelphia at 10.10 a. in. Return ing leaves Philadelphia at 4.45 p. ru., passes Reading at 7.15 p. ni., arriving nt Pottsville at 11.00 j. m. Pottstovvn Accommodation Train leaves Puts town at li. 45 a. in., returuiuic. leaves Philadel phia (Ninth and Green.) at 4.30 p. m. Columbia Railroad Trains leave Reading nt 7.40 a. m., and 0.15 p. in., for Ephrata, Lit:, Lancaster, Columbia, Ac ; returning leave Lan caster at s.20 a. ra., and 3.30 p. in., and Colum bia at 4.15 a. ni.. nnd 3.20 p. m. Perkiomen Railroad trains leave Perkiomen Junction at ll.O.'m. m.,2.25,2.55 and 6.00 p.m.;re turning. leave Pennsburg ut 0.00 and 7.25a. m., 12.15 nnd 4.15 p. in., connecting with trains on Reading Railroad. Iiclferitij ' -"- i:i.,,! t"iin 1eoo Pt,. nixvilie at y.05a. m., 3.0.".-iud 5..V) p. m. ; return ing, leave Byers at 0.30 a. m.. 12.40 and 4.20 p. m., connecting with traius on Reading Railroad. Colebrookdale Railroad trains leave Pottstown at H.40 a. in. and 1.05, 0.20 returning leave Mount Pleasant at 5.50 and 11.25 a. m. and 3.00 p. m., connecting with traius on Reading Railroad. Chester Valley Railroad train leave Bridge port nt h.30 a. ni. 2.32 aud 5.33 p. in., returning, leave Uowuingtowii at 0.40 a. in., 12.20 and 5.40 p. m., connecting wilh trains on Rending Rail road, On Sundays : leave New York at 3. 30 p, in., Philadelphia at S.00 a. m. and 3.15 p. in., leave Pottsville at 8.00 a. m., aud 2.35 p. m., leave Harrisburg nt 5.30 a. ra. and 2.00 p. m. ; leave Allentown at 8.55 p. in. ; leave Reading nt 4.15, 7.40 a. in. and 10.15 p. ni. for Harrisburg, at 7.30 a. in. for Xew York, and at 9.40 a. m. and 4.10 p. ni.. for Philadelphia. , Commutation. Mileage, Season, School nnd Excursion Tickets, to and from all points, at re duced rates. Baggage cheeked through : 10ii pounds allowe i each Passenger. J. E. WOOTTEN. denrriU Sup't. Nov. 10, 1S73. I Kr.iKiM., Pa. HOOK AGENTS FOR i ':, LIFE BELOW THE SERF ACE, BY THOs. W. KNOX. ! 9f r:isrOclMio. l.t Hue- Engra vings. Relates Incidents and Accidents beyond the : Light of Hay ; Startling Adventuies in all parts ! of the Werld ; Mines and Mode of WorkiDg i them; Caverns and their Mysteries; Down iu i the Depths of the Sea-: Xuhts in Opium Dens; i Life in Prison : Stories of Exiles ; .tourneys j through Sewers and Catacombs ; Accinems in Mines; Underworld of the Oreat Cities, etc. i For circulars and terms to agents, address the I publishers. J. B. BI RR A CO. I R irtford. Conn., or Chicago, III. AI.ENTS WASTED FOIt BELLS and BEARS of XEW YORK. By MiMmc Jful.: .Smith. , Nearly 000 Octavo Pages, Profusely Illustrated. I , If you wish to know how Fortune are Made i and i-ost ; how Shrewd Men are Ruined ; how , j Panics are Created : how Stocks are Bought and i ! Sold, Read this Book. It relates the biographies j : of the great leading speculators of Xew York, j with a history of Wall Street and its operators i 1 during the past 200 years. For circulars and ; : terms, address the publishers. J We scud an Eiegant German Chromo, mount- ! ! ed and ready for framing, free to every Agent, ; J. li. BlKtfA Co., Hartford, Conn., or Chicago, 111. I j A. I WALTERS. i MONUMENTAL SHAVING PARLOR and " B ri"! i tv yv ,r Alii 1 V U U M b.i i HAIR DRESSED BY MACHINERY. j ! : nont forget the place-on the East side of Tumi. Sti:fi:t:.i few doors South of MarkcLStm- bury, Pa. I Rr.Aids, Switches, Curls, aud all kinds of j LADIES' HAIR. j Work made to order I cither out of combings or straight hair. All or ders left at the residence of A. 1. Walters, corner of 4th st. and Shamokin avenue, will receive prompt attention. A Specialty in CHILDREN'S' HAIR CUTTING, either at their homes or Shaving Varlor. A. P. WALTERS. lulv 5, H73. tf. littuiut, linear aud Kuriou Is the valuable book we give to all- Full of facts figures and fun, 04 pages, 50 pictures. Mailed for two stawps. Address G. BLACKIE A CO,, 740 Bromlwnv, X. Y. X7.4w. ST&V. PLATFOliM Silver Lustre, Highly Ornamental. A perfect protector to put under Stoves. Ask your dealer for it. Ciiculars sent free. Address STAR ! PLATFORM, si) Beekman St., X. V. X7.4vr. ! AGENTS wanted for the Centennial Gazetteer ! of the t'nited States : Showing the gigantic re sults of the First 100 Years of the Republic, A book everybodv wants. Send for circular. Ad dress., ZEIGLER A Mrf TttDY. 51" Arch St., Phila.. Pa. N7.3w. I I s-JP grirnltnral. Californlim Farmiux. From the San Francisco Alts, December 8. The year 1S73 has been a prosperous one for the farmers of California as a class, though the profits have been verj irregular ly distributed. The grain Gelds had a most promising appearance in January and Feb ruary, but the spring rains very ecanty. and the consequence was a light yield, iu proportion to the area sown, and a com plete failure in some of the drier districts, including portions of San Joaquin valley. The cumber of acres in wheat and barley 2,.MK,(X)0, and the total yield about 22, 000,000 bushels, as nearly as can, be ascer tained at present is less than eight bush els to the acre on the average. In accord ance with the custom of the State, many thousands of acres were cut, while green, for hay, so that the average yield of the field harvested for grain was probably not less than fifteen bushels. The area sown was twelve or fifteen per cent, greater than in the previous year, ihe increase being mainly in the middle of San Joaquin and Salinas valleys, and the northern and of the Sacramento valley districts lately made accessible by railroads. The yield was far from satisfactory, but the prices proved to be exceptionally good. The harvest of the year in the leading grain districts of Eu rope was very poor, and especially in Rus sia, which has of late been the chief source of supply, and which, by the rapid increase of its production, threatened to drive our grain from the markets of England and France. The misfortune of Europe was the good fortune of Califarnia, and wheat rose early in the season from $1 o0 per cental 2 20 and $2 30. The rise in price has given at least $6,000,000 more to our farm ers than they would have obtained in ordi nary seasons for the same amount of grain. The opinion is entertained by many, that California should seek to change her agri cultural industry so that wheat and barley should not occupy three-fourths of the culti vated land every year. At present, much of our land cannot be made to yield any kind of profitable annual crop save grain, which requires less moisture than trees, timothy, alfalfa, red clover, Hungarian grass, beets, turnips, potatoes sweet pota toes, and kitchen vegetables generally. Forest, ornamental, and fruit trees would live ia dry lands generally if they were sup- j plied with water through the summer for i the ficst three or four years. In England : ami New York the farmer has a rotation I f b Srowini wheat one year, tur- j nips the next, oats the third, and timothy ti,. fourth, or bv some similar course. As we cannot grow the turnips nor the timo thy, and have no sufllcieut market for much oats many of our horses living entirely on wild grass wc make a rotation in treat ment and not in crop. Thus one year we sow wheat and, the next we let the field volunteer, and cut the wheat for hay if it , . , . i to noes not promise mucu graiu, aim rncu j cornmencc again. Occasionally changing i ' ' ' from Wheat bariCV. lUt 3S Olir CUmate aud the high cost of labor have not been favorable to the use of manure we have been gradually impoverishing our soil, and crops of forty bushels per acre are now rarei than those of fifty bushels were twenty j years ago. j Corns ox Horses' Fekt. Corns are j not a disease, but result from injuries to the sole of the foot. When the sole is par ed thin, a Wow from a stone which strikes it, injures the sensitive portion of the foot which should be protected by the sole, aud of blood or MrumoMaM, whICTi presses upon the bruised part, and causes lameness. A red or discolored spot is seen. This is supposed to be a corn, and is pared away until it bleeds, and instead of good being done there is much evil. If the shoe is also impropeily put -on, so that the bear ing is unequal, parts of the sole become bruised with the same result. A remedy is to foment the sole with hot water, or to stuff the foot with tow, which should be soaked iu hot water repeatedly. If a badly fitting shoe is the cause, it should he re moved before the fomentations are applied, and refitted with an even bearing all round, but especially at the heel, when the lame ness will disappear. If the shoes are al- i ways well fitted, and made long at the I heel, and the sole and frog not pared down until no protection to the foot is Itft, there would be many fewer lame horses, Efhttfj?. Frvit Gardens. Unv persons think j that if they have' one variety of each kind j of fruit, that is enough. This is a mistake, ! and one who thus plants will not experi- ence half the pleasure which comes from ; selecting a proper proportion of early and , late sorts. Blackberries' and raspberries j can be enjoyed for some weeks longer if j both early and late varieties arc set out. : Winter is the proper time to lay out this work, and by carefully reading and com- paring the statements of the best authori j ties one can, with the proper soil, plant : with good prcspects of success. There are man) works upon the different small fruits, and all contaiu something of interest as well as value to the fruit-raiser. Trees which ! have becu trained as cordons ought to be I safe from cattle, and in the case of apricots 1 and peaches will be all the better if a little ; protection is given during the winter. ' Grapevines may he pruned at any time j when the weather is not too cold. At the South the work of preparing the soil and i in some places planting can be carried on, ; but at the North little outside work can be done at this season of the year. Sfto libbfrliscmcnts i ....... FOR THE HOLIDAYS. GREAT ATTRACTION. Toy, t'oitlertionerifft Ojslerw. Ar. Everybody is invited to come and buy of .the handsome assortment of TOYS AND COXFECTIOXERIES at SAMUEL P. KEVIN'S STORE, iu frame b,liUiig, adjoining Moore Dissingcr" I building, THIRIJ STREET, SUBIKY, rA. Just opened a fresh snpply of Confectioneii or every description TOYS OF A LL IUXOS , constantly on hand. The hesl RAISIXS, FICS. CL RKANTS A DRIED FRL IT. PURE RIO COFFEE, TEA & SPICES, fresh Bread, Buns A Cakes, every morning. FANCY CAKES, BISCUITS, CRACKERS, fte. OYSTERS ! OYSTERS ! OYSTERS ! Having fitted up a room expressly for servine up Oysters in every style, Ladies and Gentlemen will he accommodated with the best bivalves in market, at all hours during the day and evening. Families will be supplied at their residence with the best Shell or Canned Oysters, as is desirable, at the very lowest prices. Call and see my excellent assortment of good-1, and ascertain the prices. S. F.XEY1N Dec. 19, 1S7U. SMOO .4 YE Alt made wi'h our splendid Combination Prospectcs. It represents Sam ple Pages and Style of Building of 50 inteasclr interesting aud useful books, that sell Is every family. Best thing ever tried by Canvassers. Agents wanted to make a permaeH business on these works, -end 1.50 fr prospectus, the only outfit needed, choose territory and com mence at onee. For illustrated circulars and liberal terms.address JOHN E. POTTER & CO., Pubs., Philnd'a Pa. Jl.4w.