Sunbury American. (Sunbury, Pa.) 1848-1879, January 23, 1874, Image 3

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    Sunburn American.
Railroad Time Tabic.
v. c. n. w. Pomh. i r. e. n. r. wt.
ri.,.ir,i fd 11.15 m i Erie Mail. 5.1 a ni
I r.r
Win Mail. l'55 " 1 Kono' AC.
11.10 a in
4.10. m
7.10 "
Buffalo Ex. 2.R0 ' I Elmira Mail
narrlsbureAc. S.lOptu Butia'.o Ex,
Leave Sunbury fur Lc wist own at 0....
a. in.,
and 4.20 l. , , , .
Arrive at Sunbury from Lcwistowu at l.oo
and .55 p. in.
SlIAMOKIS niVIMOS, N.C. ii. w.
Express. 11.45am Ma'l.
Vail. 4.3(1 p m E x pre?
i.T.O a m
4.W T m
.u accommodation train leaves bhamokin at
T.lOa ut, arriving at Mt. Carmel at 7.40 a in.
P.eturimr, leave Mt. Carmel al 7.00 ? in, arriv
ing at Sliumokiu 7.30 p in.
leaves Sunbury at 043 a. m., for York, lie
turn at 4.10 p. in.
Accidental Insurance Tickets caH lie had of
J. Shipman, Ticket Agent, at me nepoi.
Winter Arransfnifiit ror tlie
Oflice mt Nnubitrj', I.
Ojfl- Ojm from fi.50 a. .,
to S p. in,
oh Svtulay.
Arrives ds follow :
From the East at 5.15 a. m., 4.10 p. in.,
South, 5.15 a.m., 4.10 p.m.
" West, 5.15.m.,,4.10p. ra.,
N'orth,1.50 a. m.,11.15 a. ni., 4.10 p.m.
Shamokin, Mt. Carmel and points on
that Hue, U.25 a. ra., 4.00 p. m.
Mails close as follows :
For the East, 5.45 a. m., 10.50 a. m., 4.50 p. m.
" South, 10.50 a. in., 4.50 p. m. 8 p. m.
" West, 10.50 a. in., 3.50 p. m., .Nl p. m.
" North 3.50 p. ra., 8 p.m.,
Shamokin proper 11.15 p. m.
Suamokin and offices on that route, 4.-0
Monev orders will not be issued after C p. in.,
on Saturdays. J. t. SMITH. P. M.
fastness Morals.
The Improved Grovek fc Bakeii Sewing Ma
IHine. These celebrated machine are offered
at the most reasonable rate. For particulars
apply to D. G. KL'TZ, Agent,
Fcb.22,73.-ly. I'pper Augusta township.
Caroline Dalus, dealer in Musical Inslru
inenU and Kewinz Machines, Market street, near
Third, Snnburv, Pa. Call and examine the liest
Organs, Melodeons, Sewing and Knitting Ma
chine in the market. Always on hand the Es
tey, Silver Tongue, Smith's American.Mason &
Hamlin Organs. Orders taken for all kinds or
Pianos and Musical Instrument. The Peoples
Favorite Sewing Machines ; Domestic and Gro
vcr &. Baker. Persons purchasing machines
froinmewlil receive instructions. First-class
Knitting Machines for sale.
W. C. Robert, agent for B. L Raudeubush,
continues to receive all kinds of furniture at the
Masonic Hall building. There Is no disputing
the fai t that it is the cheapest and best place to
purchase furniture. Every article necessary to
furnish a well r2til&tcl house can be had, and
that too at panic prices. Great bargains lately
Don't suffer from colds constantly contracted
bv poor Boots and Shoes. W. W. Miller, of the
Excelsior Boot & Shoe btorc, keeps on hand a
supply which are not surpassed anywhere, for
beautv and durability. They arc dirt eheap,and
no one need lament about wet feet by wearing
those selected from his large assortment. His
toek of gum shoes has not been equalled in this
part of the country. Call and sec lliem.
The fine assortment of Dry Goods, Groceries,
Ac, at D. A. Finney's has been the topic of con
versation by the best judges during the holiday's.
The best bargains arc daily made at Mr. Finny's
ct ore on Market street. His stock has been se
lected with great rare, which will be noticed at
one by stepping in'o his neat store room. His
jroods "arc all new. and every one purchasing will
Sind the articles of the best a6 well as of the la
test v!c.
Hats and Cap. -Samuel Faust, has just re
turned from the city with a large assortment of
the latest ;syl hats. His stock is full, and the
latest styles "can bj had at his store, on Market
street at city prices.
tB.rnliivt.focc, vokIi U, ii I ,
ringworm, salt-rheum and other cutaueous af
fections cured, and the skit) ma le soft and
smooth, bv using the Juniper Tar Soap, made
by Caswcli, Hazard ii Co:, New York. Be cer
tain to t."et the Juniper Soup, as there are many
imitations made with common tar which arc
worthless. 4w.
total Affairs.
'4) ":-
Canvassers in every town -and township to
procure subscribers to this pajcr. A liberal per
entage will be allowed sufficient to make it au
bject for any one who desires to make some
hing durjug these panic times. Fo' further
lartieular- address the proprietor or call at this
We direct attention to our terms ou the first
nge of this paper. Also to rales of advertioing.
Dk. A. T. Df.W itt. Representative from this
ounty, has our thnnk fr copies of the LcgK
ativc Record.
Bi.Ino Tom, the negro pianist, will exhibit nt
laringer's Hall on February 5tk.
Tin: borough of Riverside is rapidly Wing
:ii!t up w ith neat looking Iioiim-s.
The match factory ut Watsonlown started
ito operation ou Tuesday week.
Ot r street crossings eed some attention.
The 22d of February this year fail ou Sun
ny. Saturday will be observed as the anniver
iry of Washington' birthday.
A caHV bird died at Wntoinwii lai-t weet
I years old.
Tlis present winter i-. a icniaikablc one, and
if pro-peeti. are Unit wc will hnve but little
low or cold weather.
4tiMi men should be selected for school di--rtors
of this liomiigh nt (he February elect ion.
Persons winning Business ard - printed will
id at this office an assortment of superior iiial
f and printed in the lat-st styles. Car.! or m
lopes printed at the lowe-t rates.
AM. kinds of Justices" nnl CoftaMcs' Bl.mksrS.
r sale at this office,
Mll.TON sports a mock Senate, of which Hon.
Bound is SjK-ak'T. J. F. Woifingcr. Esq.. has
en elected Chief Clerk.
The assessors of the West Ward having ndopt
the plan of the assessors in the East Ward in
king the census, reort the number of iuhabi
its in that, ward 2,371, making the pulation
Sunbury 4,,.l. Purdytown is not included,
iich Ins probably ! ,IXMi inhabitants.
rue Attorney General granted two writs of cr--1
it the case of Commonwealth vs. Henry I'eif
convieted in the Court of (Quarter Sessions
t week for attempt of rape. The ease will be
icd before the Supreme Court next week.
in' e free pa sscs on railroads are prohibited
the new Constitution, some editors, when iu
d to banquets nt a distance write to the co-nice
an excuse that they are sick.
iT an election for Directors of the Millou Na
i.a! Bank, held ou Tuesday, the following
led gent letiicn were eli ctcd: Win. F. Nagle,
i.e. Lawson, M. Chaniberliii, W. P. Hull,
ts..Swcnk, John Roush, W. S. Montgomery,
. Davis, Ferdinand Piper.
false alarm of fire on Monday evening
lght out the fire department. The boys aie
lys ready to work and assist iu saving the
rty of the citizens.
IE rain on Monday again made the ice men
Belle Lettkes Sk iptt was organized a
months ago in this place, among some la-
and gentlemen, and is meeting with much
ess. Last week, at an election for officers,
following officers were elected for theensuing
'n: President, Geo. Ileiuu-nsnyder; Vicc-Pres-
X, Miss Hollitmn; Secretary, George lienn;
reasurer. Miss Brnuer.
Tub Vy MMuninu has sujieiided on account
f not receiving sufficient patronage to sustain it.
JiiKiE Rockfi' and Sheriff Rothermcl
wk the oath to support the new Constitution
fore Recorder Shipmini.
The new road over the hill east of the trough
being rapidly completed, and will tie opened
travel carv in tl- pr!pg.
The Episcopal Convocation assembled at St.
Mathews' Church, in this place, on Tuesday,
and closed tl:eir session on Wednesday night.
The choral services, on Tuesday evening, con
ducted by Rev. Mr. L'eck, and Peter Baldy, Jr.,
choir master from Danville, attracted tin un
usual number of persons, aud every vacant s ace
was taken up.
The following uanied clergymeu were present:
Rev. Dr. Pa ret and Mr. Caskey, of Vil!
poit; Mr. Brush, Muncy; Mr. Peck, Danville;
Mr. Teller, Lock Haven; Mr. Barrows, Man?
Held; Mr. Hewitt, liloonisburg: Mr. Kosenmil
ler, Montoursville; Mr. Adams, Xorlhumhir
land; Mr. Wright, Shamok.n; Mr. Hewitt, rec
tor of St. Mathews, Sunbury. Besides, Mr.
Kaapp, Wilkesburre, ind Mr. Southwell, Scran
ton, not ol the Convocation.
We copy the following account from the I'huly:
The EnsrorAi. Convocation. At the meet
ing of the Epi-eopal Cou vocation in St. Malhew's
( Ej,ist.0pa Hunch la-t Tuesday evening, by half
past seven there was not an unoccupied scat in
the house, the vestibule and doorway were,
crowded, and many persons were obliged to re
turn home, not being able to obain a feat. The
church was plainly, but handsomely, decorated
with evergreen and emblems appropriate to the
occasion. At a few minutes before eight, the
procession of chorUters, headed by Mr. Baldy,
and ending with the members of the Convoca
tion, marched in, singing "Ouward, Christian
Soldiers," and as the sweet tones of the chil
dren's voices broke ou the air, it seemed to im
press everyone with the solemnity of the occa
sion. All listened attentively as the notes
swelled into full "harmony, and seeming to rend
the dome as if to carry he music up to heaven
itself, then as it gradually sack lower aud lower,
and finally died away, and the Rector's voice
sounded on our cars, the enchantment was gone
and we came back from dream life to reality.
Mr. Peek, of Danville, commenced the ser
vice. The Rev. Mr. Pratt, Dean of the Convo
cation, read the lessons, aud Mr. Wrighlyiik a
very musical voice, intoned the prycr, the
choir responding. After singing the 45th hymn,
given out by Dr. Hewitt, the sermon was preach
ed by Rev. Dr. Caskey, of Williamsport, who as
a theologian must possess a great deal of talent,
the sermon being a very fine one. The 183d
Psalm was then sang, the finest part being the
solo, by Jennie Williams, whose voice is very
sweet, particularly on the high notes. The ex
ercises closed with the Recessional hymn.
Twelve clergymen were present, and they, with
the choristers, were all dressed in white sur
plices and gowns. The choral service was con
ducted by Rev. Mr. Peck, of Danville. There
were 25 choristers, aud Mr. Baldy, the choir
master, must have taken great pains in instruct
ing them to obtain such fine harmony of tone,
particularly where none of them read music by
The services were continued Wednesday morn
ing by a sermon from Rev. Mr. Adams, of
Northumberland, and coucluded Wednesday
evening with addresses by some of the visiting
AuvciiiiMMi Sales. "Advertising sales of
r al aud personal property by hand-bills was at
one time the best way of making them known.
But that was before the day when everybody
read the newspapers. Newspapers have to a
great extent supplanted the posters, and when a
tiling is to be brought to the attention of every
body it is advertised in the newspapers. For
every jvrson who reads a sale bill posted in a
country store, tavern or blacksmith shop, a huu
died will read the same thing if printed in the
county papers. In advertising, the newspaper
possesses all the advantages. It ocs into every
family and Is read in comfort and at leisure.
The hand-bill is stuck up where It receives at
best a passing notice, and the majority who see
it do not read it at nil. The newspaper is print
ed by thousands, and everybody reads it. Of
the handbills twenty-five or thirty at most are
printed and stuck up. The newspaper is the ,
cheapest and best advertising medium. Sales of j
personal projierty are best made known by hand-
bills and uewspaper both. As this is the season
for sales wc call attention to the subject. The !
Avkkican offers special inducement In the mat- j
tcr of bills and advert iting.
At au electiou held ou Friday evening la t, of
the Sunbury Mutual Saving Fund and Loai As
sociation, the following ofiiccri were jdecU '.or
two ensuing year:
Viec-PresiJent Ira T. Clement.
Secretary J. W. Buclier.
Treasurer P. II. Moore.
Solicitor A. N. Brice.
Directors Val. Diet, A. N. Brice, E. Wil
vcrt, D. C. Dicsinger, and Samuel Faust, Sr.
AT nn election held on Saturday, December
27, 17:., of the Accommodation uud Loan Asso
ciation, the following Managers were elected:
Samuel Faust, Sr., John Shisslcr, Henry Clem- i
cnt, Ira T. Clement, N. F. Mart, II. Y. Friling.
J. Shipmau, S. B. Boycr and P. H. Moore. The
Board oigauizcd last week by the electiou of the
following officers: President, Samuel Faust, Sr.;
Secretary, Jaeob Shipman; Treasurer, Henry
Clement; Solicitor, Sol. B. Boycr. A dividend
of three dollars per share was declared for the
last year.
The Ic-eCkop. As the prospect for a large
ice crop is not very favorable,our ice dealers and
others deemed it advisable to secure their supply
ns soon as it could be had. During the past
week a great deal of ice has liecu gathered from
the river and creek, and we are pleased to see
that the ice, though only from three inches to
live inches in thickncs, is of excellent quality.
Ice of this kind wiF iack and keep better than
very heavy lee, n.ilcss it is cnt out squarely in
large blocks.
Wm. Bostian, brother to J. M. Bostian, cx
Posimasterof this place, died suddenly at his
residence on Chestnut street, on Thursday even-
ing of last week. He had lieen in poor health
I fr some time. A large concourse of friends aud
relatives followed his remains to Ins grave on
Sunday afternoon last, where the funeral eere
inonies were jerforined by tlie Rev. Dr. Hewitt,
rector of St. Matthews' Episcopal t hiirch.
Kniohts op Pythias. At a regular stated
meeting of Cayuga Lodge, No. 410, K. of P.,
held on January 2, 1S74, the following officers
W'-re installed to serve for the ensuing term: P.
C, Wm. H. Miller; C. C, Harry Miller; V. ('.,
Thos. R. Burlcw: J'., Jacob Fetter; M. A., Wm.
J. Keiger; M. of F.,C. I. Beck; K. of R. S., F.
Kern; M. of T.., P. F, Zimmerman; I.
;., J.
, T. S.
C. Miller
O. J. B. Miller; 11. ;. L
At a regular stated meeting of Kastern Star
Lodge, No. 143, K. of P., held on January?,
J "S 4, the following otlicns were installed to
I serve for the eiisuing term: P. ('., John O. Du- j
j gan; C C, Wm. Kri-her; V. C, K. H.;
j P.. Philip Mackert: M. A., Win. Simpson; M. j
j of F., C. Woodcock; K. of K. S., It. W. Wynn; I
I M.of F.., John Clark: I. ;., John Mant.: O.U., !
! James Varnall; IJ. C 1... ico. M. Ileiu.. i
Tiir.CoMiTF.ii F.i.rcTios Cast. Thcpcli-j
thiii" of Mr. Lovett to contest the scut of Mr. j
Amermau, and Dr. Wairenselier to contest, the !
sr at of Mr. Dill, in the Senate, were referred to
the Judiciary Committees. The committees j
ma le a report that it conflicted with the Consti-
tutiou, ii o l referred them back to courts of this '
county, where the informalities were committed, j
1 he petitions set forth that there were infor
malities in the election In October la-t in Dela
ware, Washington, Cameron, I'piwr Mahanoy,
and Jordan townships, and Sunbury, Watson
town and Livcrside boroughs.
Oi i: neighbors of Milton appear to have In
ternationalists in their vicinity. The last
t-iiii'in gives a scriwl on a slip of paper, put in
the postollice at that place, which reads as fol
lows: "Vou can look fur tire iu milton if tlns
that Have houses to Int Down so ous poor pe
ple Can live we will burn them out the llent
must Com down !. cents ou a dollar or the
Houses will be, in daingcr of fire som folks build
shappy houses to Rent to ous poor Devcl but
they shar.t get any more such high Kent" from
ous look out fore tiie.
F.noimxk Adam Grove, the engi
neer of F.ngine No. K'J ou the N. C. It. W., was
killed at P.ridgeport on Wednesday morning last.
He was one of the oldest and most trustworthy
engineers on that road.
Bank Dikkctoks. At tlic annual flection of
Directors of the First National Bank of Sclins
grove, on Tuesday, the following persons were
elected for the enuing year:
Geo. Schnure, II. C. F.yer, W. F. Wagonsel
ler. W. F. F.ckbert, Jas. K. Davis, George C.
Mover. S. H. Yenrick. Pcfr flrrn. .). B. Packer.
From Tim SisnuKT Daily.
AiwfMF.NT Coi'RT. Mosiay, Jan. 10. Court
opened this morning at 10 o'clock, a nd the day
I was devoted to the argument in the following
j cases :
: Jacob E. Slrickler vs. o'an Wicst. additional
teasons filed.
i W. F. Fegley, vs. Win. Derk. On motion of
plaintiff's attorney judgment was given in favor
of the plaintiff for the sum of f lOl.S'J with costs,
for default of appearance at court.
j II. Donisitc vs. Val. Fagely. On motion of
! G. W. Ryon, plff"s attorney, judgment was given
j in open court in favor of the plaintiff, for the
sum of JGSy.Go, and the costs were also imposed
. for default of appearance.
T. W. Herr vs. E. D. Killiau, aud C. A. Rei
' tmnsuydcr. On motion of Mr. Bovey,attorney for
defendents, judgment iu" this ease was stricken
off for want, of service of a rule on the debt.
In the matter of the petition of Mary Bowman
j for the benefit ol the Act of April, ls7;j, ordered
l that the petition be filed and that th petitioner
j may have the benefit of the Act.
In the matter of the petition of Michael Flag
i crty, collector of the Special tax iu Coal Town-
ship for the year 1S7:, to pay money into court,
! petition was read and t he prayer of the petitioner
, granted.
Lenas St ute vs. Conrad Schuyler. On mo -
tiou of the plaintiffs attorney, judgment was
given to the plaintiff for the sum of ?S4 7S, aud
the costs were imposed for default of ap
pearance. J. F. Wolfinger vs. Emma Wolfiuger. An ap
plication lor alimony was read and filed
In the Blatter of the petition for the incorpora
tion ol "The Scveu Point Mutual Fire Insurance
Co.," Court ordered that it be printed in the pa
pers and if there was no objection by March
that the prayer be granted.
Elizabeth Puyers, by her next friend, George
Mant., vs. S. C. Puyeis. The court ordered that
S. C. Puyers pay to the libellaut the sum of fifty
dollars for her support and the expenses of the
suit while pending.
Rebecca Guinu vs. Wm. Feutou. Certiorari to
W. P. Withington, J. P. Court ordered that the
judgment of the Justice be reversed.
Jacob Fry vs. John II. Foermau. Certiorari
to Thomas Barr, J. P. Record received and filed.
Ths court considered that there was no error on
the record, and therefore decided the judgment
and proceedings affirmed.
Levi. M. Tr.tes vs. George Huinfert. Certior
ari to J. Snyder, J. P. Record leceived and tiled
no error. Judgment of the Justice affirmed.
County of Northumberland vs. Lydia Gulshall.
and David Gutshall. Rule to show cause why
judgment should not be stricken off as to Lydia
Gutshall being a female convict at the time she
signed the judgment note upon which this judg
ment was ordered. Judgment stricken
Iu re. of the iH-titionof Patrick McManna, for
rule on John Coners, Supervisor of Mt. Carmel
Twp., to show cause why he should not render
from time to time a statement of accouut of
township to the clerk of the said township, and
why Lcshould not cie additional bail. Rule
Com. vs. Fred. Dibner. Argued, and a rule
for a new tiial made absolute. The case to be
tried at the next term. One of the reasons for
granting a new trial in this case is that the pri
vate conncil for the Com. in the last trial com
mented to the jury on Mr. Dibner not testifying.
This was in direct violation to the law, so the
Court order ed a new trial.
Court adjourned to meet the third week in
February next.
Bor HrnT. On Monday last, as Colder Shri
ncr was wheeling a barro of coal past a pile of
nail plate in the lower end of the rolling mill,
the prop which held up the mass of iron gave
way just as the boy was passing. He saw the
danger he was in, but too late to entirely free
himself from the falling iron. The pile slid
down en his legs, pinning him to the earth. His
cries brought prompt succor, hut on account of
the lirr ited space iu which the meu were com
pelled to work, they were some twenty-five or
thirty minutes ixtricating him from his perilous
situation. We learn from Dr. McCay that no j
bones were broken, but the flesh on the lower
part of the legs was horribly crushed, and one
of his ankles badly sprained. We understand !
llM is BAH itainc Trri wajs . iMMiirIrri"ir sc J
tent of his inj uries. Xorthuntberlawl Fret.
District Institute in Lower Aictsta.
The District Iustitute of Lower Augusta was
temporarily organized on Saturday, January 10,
by the election of Dr. Raker as President, and
N. X. Snyder as Secretary.
On motion, X. X. Snyder was elected perma
nent President, and E. C. Gobin Secretary.
The following resolutions were then adopted:
Resolved, That the teachers tender their
thanks to Dr. S. M. Raker, aud the Board of Di
rectors in general, for their kindness in assist
ing in the organization of the District Institute.
Resolved, That E. C. Gobin, Ira Shipman and
Morris Emrrieh lie appointed as a committee to
draft by-laws for the government of the Insti
tute. On motion, adjourned to meet January 241 h.
Rplics or Olhen Times. In these days of cen
tennial celebrations, when almost every county
in every State is bringing forth her oldest man
or woman, it is right that Clinton roiinty should
perform her part, and provide accomadations
for these same eeiiteiin.'irians. To this end, we
would call the attention of our readers in gen
eral, and the State Centennial Committee iu
particular, to some piece? of household furniture,
which remains as mementoes of "aul.l laug
syne." Mr. Samuel 15. Johnson, of Poller twp.,
this count v. has iu his possession a chair that
belonged to his great-grandfather, haxing keen
in constant use for more than one hundred and
sixty years, This chair is what was known as
1 liw Vr.rv liirllh.ick. lllld IS Vet ill US L'Hd COI1-
dilion apparently, as it was a' century Ago. Then,
to match this chair, Mrs. Lemuel Watson, a j
sister to Mr. Johnson, has a table that belonged I
in her e real L'raudmot her. and which U nu-pos- !
cd to be about the same age as the chair. The
table is of Walnut, made iu a most substantial
manner, aud has sci ved lo bear nourishment for
four successive generation. We might add that
tieneral Washington never saw the chair or table.
Lock liven 1! iiiihlit 'io.
List o! b iters remaining in lb
Olliee al
Sunbury, Jan., .'nth, 1ST I.
James Ant, it. Auder-on, J. S. Bard, '.. F.
Baker, Miss F.mic D. Bell, ( has. F. Bower, W.
B. Crawford, J. D. Davis, Z. Dunkell.ergcr,
Morris F.merick, J. P. Hepburn, Miss Eliza
Herb, Henry Hevncr, Miss Varerial Harren,
Miss Lucy Keef. r, J. C. Lund, Lew. Miller, 1).
Mct'oniiick, U. Kiland. Mrs. Hannah Roat, Mrs.
Judy Sol t man, C. P. Seahoitz. Mrs. Becky
Pluininer, Mr. Purkins.
A(.rtl.F.(, who rather suspecte
some one
was , epi,g through the kev hole of his olhee I operation is jioi '., 10 rc.iry , m ,
1 1 . " I hut cut irelv removes the cause ol tl.e coiupiaiiit.
door, Ihe other day invest mated with a syringe j u j,,,,,,., ,..,,',. ,, ,.rvades the whole system, rc
full of pepiier sauce, and went home lo Hud his j storing healthy action to all itsparts, and iiiick
wifc h oi been cutting wood and a chip hit her ill j cuing the blood.
the eve.
Tnr. following persons were elected directors
of the Northumberland County National Bank,
Shamokiii, on the 7th inst.. namely :
F. W. Pollock, John A. Otto, W. T. Grant,
Henry lleiser, Thos Bauumgardiiei, Isaac May,
Andrew Robertson. Je-sc Reed, and Dr. Jos. C.
Dvsm:CsiA is a Ily.lra-llea.led iiionstor, from
which nearly all '"the ill" of human flesh is heir
to,' originate. The Peruvian Syrup, a protected
solution of the proxide of Iron, is a long tried,
and well Cstablithed remedy for this distressing
complaint: it has cured thousands where others
have failed.
Gko. W., Esi., of the Fithlic Lnhrr,
Philadelphia, sends us the fifth annual almanac
presented by him to his numerous subscribers.
It is neatly printed and trimmed, with a hand
some illuminated cover. The contents embrace
a large amount of valuable information used for
reference during the year. The cost of a. pub
lication of this kind may be judged troin the
fact that au edition of one hundred thousand
copies has been printed. Mr. Child is a gentle
man of great journalistic enterprise as well as
marked liberality.
Tup. election for officers of the Milton Bridge
Bridge Company, held on Tuesday, resulted as
follows: President, Thos. Swenk; Managers,
Wm. Cameron, John Dalesman, Wm. Staddeu,
Lcnas Stout, I. B. Davis, W. C. Lawson, John
II011I7. R. H. Swenk: Treasurer. R. M. Friek.
The SrsiH'RT American last week spoke
highly of Mr. Cadwalladcr, 'he retiring County
Treasurer, and among other llrngs said he had
left a handsome surplus in the county treasury.
The amount left was $1,000 in clic ks. The
money paid out by Mr. Haag, the new Treasure ,
on the first day of hia term was from his own
private pocket. Wulsoiiloien Ilecord.
Does the editor of the Jlecord want his readers
to infer that Mr. Haag did'nt know enough to
take checks to the bank aud iret tl.e money on
them when he took charge o:' the Treasure! 's
office I If so, we beg to differ wilh friend Au
ten. But if Mr. Haag preferred to cany checks
instead of the money in h:s pockets, tlvU is a
matter of hi. own, and we don't k.iow as out
siders need be troubled about it.
Sir Enwix Lanpseeu. Of (hi: great painter,
Sir Edwin Landscnr, the Tiajttriul Jlioijraihj
Art says: "No English painter has been more
popular, and none except Sir Thomas Law
rence has received such immense sum fur his
works. For the copyright of some of his pic
tures he received t::;,0.'0 (815,000), in addition
to the original price oT the picture. It was a
master stroke when the publishers of The. Chris
tian at Work presented the triple combination of
a magnificent ehromo (about two by two and a
half feet in size) of L indseer's great painting of
dogs and sheep 'The Twins' with Tu Image as
j editor of their paper, and Spurgeon as special
contributor. They deserve success, and will get
it. Write to them at 102 Chambers street, X.
Y.,for sample copies and terms. Agents wanted.
Sec their advertisement.
One day last week Henry Becker, who keeps a
tavern in Cameron township, got iuto a dispute
with Simon Fisher about a liquor bill, and put
him out of the house. Fisher having a revolver
with him, fired through the door, the shot graz
ing the temple of Becker aud inflicting ft slight
wound. A warrant was issued for the arrest of
Fisher, but he succeeded in making his escape.
Shiimokiii Ifcrald.
Fiu day night last the foundry and midline
shops of Messrs. Hufinaii it Mullen narrowly
escaped conflagration. Between 10 and 11
o'clock flames were discovered issuing through
the roof of the boiler-house by some men who
were passing. They promptly gave the alarm
by blowing the whistle, which brought to the
scene a force sufficient to subdue the flames be
fore they gained much headway. The fire was
caused by a defect iu the brickwork enclosing
the boilers. 'Shamokiu. Jferahf.
PliOTooRArns of the most beautiful styles are
'jcing made at Bartletts Photograph Gallery. He
has also the finest cases and frames ever seen iu
this place, and albums of every description.
Washington', January 21. The Sen
ate went into executive session this after
noon, and Mr. "VVaite was made Chief Jus
tice without opposition, over sixty Senators
being present, thus ending the question to
the gratification of even those who, while
not satisfied with the selection, were un
willing to have any more contention or un
certainly over it.
Wilkesbaurk, January 21. It 'ib now
conceded that the operating companies
will not be able to force a reduction upon
the miners of this region. The probabili
ties arc that the men will not press
their demaud for an advance, aud if this
is done the strike will be avoided.
President Grant has approved the bill
repealing the Salary act as recently passed
by Congress.
The Committee of Ways aud Means of
the House of Representatives will report a
resolution proposing to fix the amount of
greenbacks at SlOOtHl.lrOO, including the
I.ItltOKS OF YOl Til.
A freiitlcuian who suffered for yeiirs from Nerous
liability, iTeuiatnie lieeay, ami ali the eflecis of youth
ful imUwretioM will, for the snke of surl'eriinr hu
manity, wild free to ail who l;ce;l it, llie mil" at.l di
rectiou for maki!:u the "inn le remedy l.y which he was
curfd. Suffeieia wishiai? to i rolit lr the ailverliser"s
exiwieiH can do so Ly aiMresMi.K iu irfeet eouti-
.lulIN H. iNiliKX, 4'.- e,LirSt., New York.
Nov. 21, 1k7:i fen. , , . -
Thirty Yours Ksperienrc ifnn OIl
Xiire. .
Iri WlusIow'H Soothing Syni I
the prescription ol'onc of the tx-st Female
Physicians and Nurses iu the United States, and
has been used for thirty years with never failing
safety and success by millions of mothers and
children, from the feeble infant of one week old
to the adult. It corrects acidity of Ihe stomach,
relieves wind colic, regulates the bowels, and
gives rest, health and comfort to mother and
child. We believe it to be the Best and Surest.
Keniedv in the World, in all cases of l)i SF.N-
ther it arises from Teething or from any other
cause. Full directions for using will accompany
each bottle. None (ienuine unless the fae-simile
of CCKTI9 ft. PF.KKIS is ou the outside wrap
per. Sold bv all Medicine dealers.
July 12, iv:::. ly.
To C apitalists. To 31 on of Medium
Moans, ami l all Wishing
I loin oh it ii 1 thus Avoid
l'nying ICouIm.
By reference to the Wiitsontown ,'ecord and
Snnburv "(iiizette" will be seen a full and more
explicit description of the property I oiler for
sale, cither in lots or by the acre. But what I
wish to more particularly bring before the pub
lic is the UUF.KAI. TKKMSon which they are
otU red.
I will SF.I.L LOTS Irom MlOO $500 and
Lands by the ACKF. from f.'oil to ..Vitl. according
Trums : Ten Jx-r cent, of the purchase money
down, the balance in time and amounts lo suit
nurehasers, from ONh to Kit; II 1 lhl, with
Uiral interest from day of sale.
I he streets and alleys win oe opened as last as
lots are sold, so that all may be approached with
All persons who are now paying rent can have
an oMortunitv of securing a home for Ies mo-
n1t,,an t-,""y now T,,KOW,:N'(J
,ny person wishing to see the lands or lots
will call on me. when everv opportunity w ill be
fivei! them to have a fair chance to sec thou.
I lor ail .llli.len iii?vimv. to
In addition to the lands above re!erred to. I
now oiler for sale THKF.F. DWELLING II L"
SES, situate on Water street, in Watsontown bo
rough, the one being the large and commodious
Brick Dwelling now occupied by ice, all of :i"nl
dwellings having the necessary outbuildings for
immediate use.
For further information call on or address
Watsontown, Pa.
October HI, 1ST:;. 1 yr.
The Household Panacea.
I'liitiily Liniment
is the best remedy in the world for the following
complaint, viz. : 'ramps in the Limbs and Sto
the Stomach, BowcM, or
IM.r.nt.i..lm oi ..11 it.i fortiw trillions ( 'o! ie ell-
, . j , ,. Dvseut. rv ,( olds, Fresh Wounds,
Bums, Sore Throat, Spinal Complaints, Sprains
and Bruises, Chill and hevcr. I-or internal unit
External use.
The Household l'aiiaoon Is purely
Vegetable and All Healing.
Prepared by
No. ''I.- Fulton Str.
For sale bv all druggists.
July 12, is?;:. ly.
I. New Voik.
The Confession ol an IiitnlUi.
Published by a warning and for the benefit of
Young Men and others who sutler from N'i:i:voi s
Debility, loss ok Mamioop, etc., supplying the
means of self-curc Written by one w ho cured
himself after undergoing considerable quackery,
and scut free or receiving a post-paid directed
envelop. Sufferers are invited to address the
June 14, "111 Cto. Box V", Brooklyn, N. Y.
to osi mpt. vi:s.
Tie- HilvcrtiHcr, liiiiK U-eii permanently eurid of
that dread disease, 'oiiMiniiption, l'.v a wiiti j -ly remedy,
is nimoiiM to make known to liis fellow MillereiH l!n
menus of enre. To all wlui desire il, lie will wild a copy
of the prescription Used, (free of charge;, wit ill he direc
tions for preparing and usiiiK the aaine, which they will
rind a mire rare lor rolisiltn.tii'ii, Asthma, lironehlls,
parlie wishing the prescription will please addriss
Kev. I.. A. WILSON,
P.I4 Pemi St., VilhaiiiHliiiri.'h, New York.
Nov. al, lx"-l Cm.
Children often look Pale and Sick
from no other cause than having worms in the
will destroy Worms without injury to Ihe child,
being perfectly WHITE, and from all the coloring
or other injurious ingredients usually used in
worm preparations.
CURTIS A: BROWN, Proprietors,
No. 215 Fulton Street, New York.
.S'oM hi Jtrnfitjitt mill Chemist, and dealer in
Medicine at Twkty-Kivf ('i nt" a Box.
Jiiiv 12. 1';;::.- iv.
f KRSwill best injure their shipments
to their destination by rising
I ton n iso vi n
Over 'i wo Hundred Millions have been used
within the past ten years, without complaint ot
loss by Tag becoming detached. All Express
Co's use them. Sold by Printers and Stationers
Oct. !il, 1ST3. 3m.
In Unionto'vn, Dauphin county, on the loth
inst., by the Rev. J. L. W.irnc-, Mr. J. 1).
Mi f.ncii r.f Harrisburg, and Miss Annie Gkim.
On ilm filh inst., by Rev. L". Myers, at the
house of the bride's pn rents, near Milton. Mr.
Daniki. Balliet, to Miss Emma E Eckkut.
On the Sth inst., by Rev. U. Myers, at the
house of the bride's parents, in Delaware twp..
Mit. Jacob Wewf.k of Delaware twp., io Miss
Kite Shock, ol" Delaware iwp.
At Northumberland, on the evening of Jan.
:!, by the Rev. A. D. Moore, Mr. J. F. Kirby, of
Philadelphia, and Miss Mary E. Brocious, of
On Sunday evening, the 11th inst., at the Re
formed Parsonage, Sunbury, by Rev. V. S. Ger
hard, Mr. Wm. J. Martza:id Miss Louisa Lenig.
In Northumberland, dtinnary 4, 1S74, Mrs.
DEBORAH I. TAGGART, aged 70 years, o
months and S days.
In Chilisquaque twp., on the SOth ult., NANCY
M. wife of Joseph M. Nesbit, in her year.
The deceased was a sister of Hon. D. R. Mont
gomery, of Lewis twp.
Fur Advanced Piano For aiwjcrs and yotnty
Players. Pianhis.
Send centH for IVUth
Musical Monthly, and you
will get $4 worth of New
MuKie. Kvitv mmiU'reon
thm 4 to H rH)!ie, und 4 or
5 iiiNtrtiinentul itceH ly
Hiiftiatttbon uh H:ivh, Stew
art, Thotui-Kon, JJaiikn
Kinkel, etr.
Pu1;lihiud litonthly, :tt) ctn.
;e?r liinntM-r, r year.
ic ct s low irwe nlioiiltl
fiend 0 nrtitH lor a cojty of
Lvf ry iminlKT rotitaitiH
from $2 to $1 worth o good
nuiHic by hticli niitliom it
H'Ur, iinzt, Vom, Kuhr.
I'libliwlitnl inoi:t1ily,"i4icP.
rfr inunlr: $4 a ar.
Pearls of Melody.
A splendid collection of Piano music of medium dilti
culiy. $.1 in loarils ; cloth aud guilt 4. Address.
5'J9 Krodwy, Hot !, N. Y
American Cyclopsdia.
Xcw ICeviMOwl Editiou.
Entirely rrwrittnn by the ablest writer ou every ruli-j-t.
Printed from new ty;e nd illustrated with
Sereml Thounatid IiiKraingn and MapH.
Tuv work originally jmblinfed under the title of The
New Axkicican rvrLopj-;niA van coinnlfted in lwUI,
nijice which time the wnle circiilutioii which it hyu at
tained in all partt of tlie I'niteil Ntatt n, and the Hitrnal
leelotiiiPiitrt which have tji ken I'LiCe in every branrh of
gcjenoe, liierutnn', and art, harvt indneedthe editors and
IjuMimIuth to submit it toau tsuct and thorough rfviKicm
and to iMue a nrw ediriou entithd The Amkiucan
tv-i-rtp ;ii.
Vithiu the last ten eum the jror-KH of dicrvvery in
evt ry ihi urtnient tif knowit de ha made a uv wort
of reierenre :tn imj erntive. want.
The movement ot jolitical alliiirfl hrirt kej. j.aee with
fhediHeuvcriH of Hrit'Uee, and their truitful aj j lication
to the industrial and iiwful liiin and the
and r tinenitntu of Hot-ial liiV. (irtat warn and eone
qui'itt ievoli:i:oifi have occurred, involving liatitmal
cliiiiifw of ,eruJi (r moment. Tle cival war of ur own
country, whiek Was in its height when the h.Ht vol mue
of the old work tj.eart-d, hafi haiily lte-u ended, and
a m w court oi rommrcial and industrial activity ban
bu commenced.
I:ire imiMiniiP to our Rogmi'bkal kunwble have
been made by the indefatigable exj loreres of Aliiea.
T he jjret l''l:tical revolutiotiH of the great decide,
with the natum) re ult of the la) h of time, have brought
into I'libiic ifw a niullitude of new men, wbotte namea
are in every one mouth, and of wbor lives every one
Ik curioUM tu know th l-articnlarti. ireat liatt let have
bcn fonglit and imi ortant neien maintained, of which
the details are a yet renerved only in the news aj -era
or in Ih.1 tnitiMieiit i-uoliealioiiH of the day, tut whii h
ouirlit now to thir -mf in ermaiif nt ami authen
tic hiHtorj'.
In irej'irniig the recent edition for the itvh, it ha
aerorilingly leeu the aim of the editor to bring down
the information to the latent j ohsiM date, and to fur
tiinh an accurate account of the inc-d reent diwovTWf4
in Hcicnce, of every trch j-roductioii iu literature, and
of the iiFwetd inventions in t!:e j ractirid artH, an well ii
to give a toiccinct and original record of the jrrgre of
political and historical event.
The woik ha been lH-gmi after long and careful ire
limmary laNtr, and with tii mont ample rencure
forc.trryimr it ou to a siiccewfnl terminatnui.
Noiif ot the original tere ttyi-e pfateg have N-cn used
but every page haa Ixi'ii ;rintel on new tvr forming
jmn u iln j)ir:leejir. Imt with a far greater, iecnuiary
eipendituie, aud with a itch iinnroementa iu itn oitiu
jMmition an liave lxeu ugtel b longer exj erieuceand
eidarged knowledge.
The illutfttraiona which are introduced for the firxt
time in the j-re ent edition have beeii added not for the
sake of j.ictorial effect, but to give greater lucidity and
foriv to the exj'linatiou in the text. They embrace
all branrheol atuenc- and of natural hntoiy, aud deject
the imt lamou and n'markable feature f wenery,
architecture, and art, a well a the variou -roceNe
of mechinic3 aud muuufucturer. AI:houg inWii'l.-d
for iiiHtruciion rather emliellii'liinetit, no pain
have leeu Hpawl to lwiire their artUtic ee-l!eu cy, the
oft of their execution ia enonnou, and it ia Iwheved
tiny will find a welcome reception a an admirable
feature oi the 1 'clo-adiav aud worthy of it high char
acter. The work is old b hultscript ion only, j ayal;Ie only
on delivery of each vol nine. It will le completed in
sixteen large octavo voluuu-, each containing hoi paet4f
fully illuMtr.'.ted with Keveral thousand Witod Kn
gnvin, aud with numerou ivloretl IJthograiihic
Prire and Style f JHndtn,'
In extra cloth, jht vol., $o,H)
Iu Librony l-ather, per vol., "-,ot)
In Half Turkey Morocco, ;-r vol., 7,m
In Haft liUMMia, extra gilt, er vol.. .on
In Vn Monwco, autio.ue giit edg--', ) er ul.. lo.on
In Full ltuwaia, per vol., M.,.11
Thr-e oluiiitf are ready now. Succeeding velum us,
until completion, will It i.-sned otnv in two uiontbs.
Specimen age of the AMr.Lic .n yrnoiw on,
nhowing tye, llliistratitiiK. e-t., w ill I peot gi-at?.-, on
Kirt t las t'itn awing Agent- WaMed.
Ald't f." t !ie iMlliiinlierH,
U. Al'J'I.KTOX, ,V- C(K,
."HI A 4.11 llroaduay, N. V
Import or-The First uUonal Hank
of SiuilMiry, 1h."
Kejxirl of the condition of "The First National
Hank of Sunbury,'' in the Horoiigh of Sunbury,
in the State of Pennsylvania, at the close of bu
Mite. on the 2Cih day o! Dreeniber, .. D. l7:i :
tV.j.ital Stock raid in i'.'OO.OOO 00
Surplus Kund ::-l.lHH (Kl
Discount. Kxeliange, Jnterest, and
I'rolit and Loss
Circulating Notes outstanding
State Bank circulation outstanding...
Dividends l'ntaid
Individual Dcosits
l'nit"'d Stat'-s Deosil
Ir.o-its of I". S. Disbursing: Hlliei i.-.
Due to National Hanks
Due to State liaulis and Bankers
I 111
I. "1.893 CI
171. bin 00
li.lMS (10
4.70'. IS
V.i!.-! ' ::l
"..sin ii7
l.K.'.i oo
n;.r.'7 an
S70 Ml
r.i-.s..v..-, m
'.M 7,1 'is 7.-1
.'iHI.OOO (Ml
.Ml.(N)i) 00
700 IK)
1. s.V.I 00
IS.'.Hi'.i IS
10.101 '.IS
2, j:s 5s
V.'.OM 00
:,.mo no
llii, iino no
I.omiis and Disc. mills ?
V. S. Bonds lo secure Circulation
1'. S. Bonds lo secure Deposits
V. S. Bonds on hand
Other Stocks, Bonds und Mortgages..
Due from Redeeming and Reserve
Due from National Banks
Due from Slate Batiks and Bankers...
Current Expenses and taxes paid
Cash Items, including Stamps and
Protest Account
Rills of National Banks
Fractional Currency, including Nick
els ."
C. S. Legal Tender Notes
t'ii;S,.V.l." 4li
Coi vrv ok Noin in ir.i:i! s t.
I. Samuel .1. Packer, Cashier of 'The First
National It ink of Sniibiirv,'' do solemnly swear
that Ihe above statement is tine to the best of
mv knowledge and belief.
(Signed, 1 S. .1. PACKER, Cashier.
Sworn lo and subscribed before me, this i;;th
day of January, A. D., ls7t.
Signed, Daviii Rocki:it.i.iti. Not.irv Public.
Correct Attest :
Sunbury, Jan. 10. 1S74.
Dissolution of Partnership.
"VFOTICE is hereby given that Ihe partnership
A heretofore existing between V. II. Lamb
and John Wert, trading under the lirm name of
Lamb V Wert, in the coal Irisiness, near llcrn
don, Jackson township, Northumberland eo.,
Pa., has been dissolved by mutual consent on tin;
the :5d day of January, W4. The notes, book
accounts, .Ve., are left in the hands of Wm. II.
Lamb, for immediate collection and settlement.
Those knowing themselves indebted are request
ed (o make immediate payment to save costs.
Herndon, Jan. II, 1S7I. It.
Ta Image, Spurgeon.
T. Do Witt Ta.magc is editor of The t hrhtia.i
at Work; C. II, Spurgeon, Special Contributor.
They write for no other paper in America. Three
magnificent Chiomos. Pay larger commission
than any other paper. No Sectarianism. No
sectionalism. One agent recently obtained SS0
eubseriprions in eighty hours absolute work.
Sample copies and circulars sent free.
Chromos all ready. AGENTS WANTED. II.
W. Adams Publisher 01 Chamber" street. Ncv
Atlminist rator'r otic.
"VfOTICE is hereby given that leltersof adnun
A istration have been granted on the estate of
Susan Fertenbaeh, late of Jackson township,
Northumberland County, Pa., d-censed. A 1
persons indebted nre requested to make imme
diate payment and those having eluiins to pre
si nt tlieui for settlement.
AB'M BLASSF.n, Adm'r.
Lower Mahanoy 'up., Dee. "JG, :7;.-Gt.
The First nSioi;aJ Uank of Kuubu
ry. Pcnn'a.
"TOTICE is hereby given that the reeular nn elect on o: Direct'irs'of "The First Nn
t'ooa". Bank of Snnburr. pa," will beheld on
Tuesday the 27th day of January, A. D.. 1S74,
at the Banking llon.-e, in the borough of Sunbu
ry, Pa., between the bonis of 1(1 a. in., and : o'
cloek p. in., of said day, in aeeoi tlam-e wilh the
provisions of the lid of ('nii'.'iv-s.
S. J. PAC K Ell, Cashier.
Sunbury, Pa., Dec. 20, 17:1.
F.'-nt ors Xotirr.
"VTOTICE is hciehy glv.-:i th..t Liters ti-sta-nieiitary,
have Iwen irr.uited 'to the under
signed, on the estate of (ieore Wagenseller, late
of the Uorotigh of Sunbury, Northumberland
county, Pa., deceased. AM persons indebted to
said estate are requested to make immediate pay
ment and those having elaims to present them
duly authenticated for settlement.
Sunbury Dec. 20, 1S70. fit.
Is the place to buy pure and fresh
for medicinal purposes, and all other arti
cles usually kept in a (irst-class Dru Store.
Special attention paid to compounding pre
scriptions and family receipts by competent
Sunbury, Nov. 7, lSTo.
Du. C. M. Martin. Gko. V. Bloom
No. 13, South Third Street,
Clement House Bnililini, Silmry, Fa.
HAVE just received a fresh lot of Pure Drugs
and Patent medicines.
Wc have also a full assortment of
Hair, Tooth, Nai!,C!othe.Shoe and other brushes.
the sweetest perfume in America.
I'arisian. a liltl lov Wash,
warranted to clean perfectly the inot delicate
shades without injury to the kid
All the leading preparation!, for the Hair,
Pun: Wine and Liquors, for medical purposes,
Physieiaiis Prescriptions and family leceipts
compounded with care.
Thankful for past favors we hope by fair deal
ing to receive a share of your patronage.
September 11, ls7o.
llli Craiul ;ift Concert !
KOK TJin Itr.NKr'IT owtiie
.1 Full Drmcimi f.'oMu (hi Tl'ESDA Y,
'M-t f MA HC 1 1 wxt.
lit onlr to niet the (Ei'iierr.l wish ami I'i-fctaliun of
the pulihc and I lie tirl.i l heltle n, for the lull a;, nn nt f
llieii liiullltH-ellt Kit's, uioiom.eed lor tl.e 1-onrtU
(;i:onl lint tujce.-t ol liie t'uhlje l.;br..ry of Ki-iilli ky,
TiM-sdaj iliv 31st of Marcli, 1H7I.
The; liae nireai'.y lealized
tiVI H A MILI.iriN liDLI.AJiS,
And hui- a KreM nimiy uii.-uts vet to her from.
No ilolllit is .!Tenal.iel of Ihe sle of every Ticket
iM-Nire the il'iwi:i;. Inn wlietlier nil are sold or Lot the
I'oueert mill llriiwiini will oitiely riml llneiiiioeully
take lnee ou tin d-y eovT liieil, s.lul if any rt uiain liri
IMihl they will le eulieeile.l, and the j'lnzt s will lie reilee-
fli ill proj-orlloli tu tile lll.holil TieketH.
12,000 iihIi iiffs
( 1,500.000
will lie ipsti iliiireil ainoiit the lieket tiol.lei-H.
'the liek.-ts are j rinleil iti ciitllnis, of tent.'is, ai:il all
fnietioliel parts iil li reiiresi-nleii in the ilraw n:i; jimt
an wiiole !icke:s are.
List r;iri.
One (iran.l ,oli (lift
line Uraml Cash ii:t
line lirallil I'asil lint
Olielirauil Cash lilfl
One Oraml I'.iuli liift
i I'asll (liftH, $111,1111 ejeil
:UI I'asli li'flr, ."i.non each
M CasU lints, l.ikHleaeli
Kil I'asli tofts, .iOO eaeil
Inn Cash i:l:, eaeli
. l.'iii rasii dills, :nne:!eli
JMI Cahli Ollls, .in I eaeli
:li' Tasll ilO. il ejeli , . . .
II, mm i';.n!i foils, rji eae'a
17.. mo
l.'i4,rM; m
40,1 11 Ml
4.'..lhl j
."io.iino j
:rj,:sio j
.Va I.I MM I
Total, IJ.ium tliftf. All lu.-l
J'lie eti.-i;ees lor a lft n:
:.s ei:e t.. li t .
i-irii-K !' To-Ki:rs :
Wiiole lleki ls. i".ll : I! fi': Tit lis. ..r
I'l-ii. : I.!. .-n V. :i.!. lit ..tlx lor t--': 'SZ' . TiekelK
lor l.lm; il l Ull.-le T .ke k I..- .'.0':o: -SJ7 Whole
Tickets for lo.i)oo. Noi!;,-i ount oe h-h line wot ill
Of Tickets.
T he Fourth Oil! Concur! Will ! col.iluete.l, in all ic-nl-eets,
l;l--e the Hire.- which ba- alicelv f-.-en ie:i,
ami lull particulars ni.-iy lie f'.trn.-d loln ci: ,-itl.ii s wliiell
will ! sent Iris ironi this olliee to all niio ly lor
Orders for liekels and al l lie. lions "ijenen will
lie attended to in the order tliev are reeen m!, and il is
hoped they will U' si nt in proiMi tl ihat II. ere may !e
no disaj-i oiuttiient ir delay in tilling ali. Lilicral tei iiiH
Kiveli lo thoe who lm to sll arnitl. Ali neuts are e
reinptonly leijiilred to setile ii I heir ai-eouiitH aini lo rc
lurn all ilns ild t keU l. l.'ie ."Olli day of March.
Tito. K. Hi: .MI.KTTK.
Atielit I'lllilic Library Ke'.itlieliy, and M..!iai;.v liift
Library Ke'.itlieliy, and M..!iai;..
- l.ll,rar. ilu.iiliii. 1ii:i. die. Ky.
Concert. I'aM:
Astounding Oiler.
is in Value for '! !
::r in Value for Jli !
sTl iu Value for i'J '.
7i in Value
for :,!
The l.irei !. ti. s! nd most j o ular c::ioiuok iu the
world, in all tueir U-iilty ami arl'siic exfi, from
the original sloneM. rmloiin sizi 17li iiehs. Prie,
$l.i e.:eU. iien as preuiiiiins to yearly lo
Tlie modi I l.t.'a.ine of America, at $'i.Ui j-er year.
lfarni; ilrehas''d lite eopyrihi at euoruiolls eni-ense
u i;ii tl.e e retation of seeiiring the Urgent 4ii eiilalioli
of any Moa.-ne iu Amcriea. have ileterinined on
niakini: an uiiiar;l!elleii offer of the jiistly rt-li'lnated
Cliroiuo, the "Oid o.ik.-a liucket," Afler .leroin' Thole-ii-non,
hs a i-n- iiilu. for 1.-474. ''Cai'tixe Chilrl," alter J1
rolne Tlimnj son, as a rtemillltt tor 1s7.". 44Iotne, sweet
Home' ! ter .leronie Thoinj son, us u j reniiii 2 for lssi;.
"Alter the storm, lis 1". M. II. !,, as a I'lfluilllil
for 1S77.
I'.aeh 4 'hromo as a Work of art, is pill . eill-il loan I lil
Pailiill: woi-lh f le Hundred lloil.,is.
The Cliromos are now ready, ami aiv i-nt liy mail on
reiipt ol thesnl-scri.tloiiH toruither,or all ol Ine veals,
as ulsive, val'liislled, and on a roller, postage tu eea:sex
tra, wliieii includes the Histae. or uioiiiited 011 cait
VaM and Klreteher, in eli .tut gi; inch nilt frames, wjtli
Ara!'Pile Cornwr Orii.iineiltM, three yards ut eruniioll
cord, itml paekeil, . extra each.
Address .
h:w B.-oadway, New Ye.k.
ASTorxitixa :
His Iii Value For .1!!
j A Spiemlid Holiday, Birthday, Wedding or
Friendly Present. The orlgiurl, popular, large
i and cleirant till Chromo.
j '77; OAK FX nrcKFT,-'
' "The old uakcii buekef the Inin-lKHind bucket
j The moss-covered bucket, which hiiii' in the wrl!."
(afler Jerome Thompson,) size I7x2rt inches.
The best parlor picture ever published for l."i.
This large and truly splendid Chromo, in all its
original beauty und excellence, is ollcred as a
premium to each $0 yearly subscriber to Demo
rcst's Monthly Magaziae,the Model Parlor Ma
gazine of America.
The Chromo is sent varnished and on a roller,
postage ten cents extra ; or mounted on canvass
and stretcher, asan oil painting, lifty cents extra:
(which includes transportation) ; or mounted on
eanvasi, and in au elegant 2'.j inch guilt frame
with arabasiue corners, three yards of crimson
cord, aim packed for $3; making the whole com
plete, (including frame, Chromo and subscrip
tion to the Magazine,) only 0.
Do not fail to scud early and get the magnifi
cent Chromo, the 'Old Oaken "Bucket, which, iu
size and artistic merit, is ipiile cipral to an Oil
Painting worth live hundred dollars.
Now ready 1 Sent anywhere in the U. S.
on receipt of the amount of the subscription.
VII K'S Floral uile
FOR 1873.
300 Pages, 500 Engraviims, and Colored Plate.
Published tuarterly, 25 cts. a year. First No.
for 1S74 just issued. A German edition nt the
same price. Address,
JAMES VP K. Rochester. N. Y.
S Hj 3 J s ! JJ t
In order to make room for the magnificent
stock of Spring Goods now being made to my
order, the whole remaining stock of
Gents Fiii nishing Goods,
will be sold out at a reduction of from 20 to
30 per cent, at
Popular Clothing Store.
Corner Third and Market,
V,rr-il. i 1 i
5 -mt
t'H iVs
V v." "C ' 3,
posd simply of wcU-kuown ROOTS, HERBS
and FRUITS, eomhimd. with other properties,
which In their citce a e Ca:!rtie. Aperient, Nu
tritious, Diuretic. Alterative au l Auti-Billious. Tha
whole isi prce. ved in a EtilEcieat quintity of spirit
from the M'A!t f'JJi Vi tixp ia any
climate, which males tlis
one of th.i most desirable Tonics: and Cathair
tlra in the world. 1'aey are Intended strictly is ft
Temperance Bitters
only to be used as a medicine, and always according
to directions.
They are the sheet-anchor cf the feeble scd debili
tated. They set upon a diseased liver, and stimulate
to each s degree that a healthy action is at ones
brought about As s remedy to which Women
re especially subject it is superseding every other
attmulMit. As a feprintr and SammertTonie
they hare no equal. They are a mild and gentla
purgative as well as Tonic They Purify the Blood.
They are af plendid Appetiser. They make the weak
strong. They purify and invigorate. They cure
liyspepcia. Constipation and Headache. They act as
specific in al 1 species of disorders which nndermin
the bodily urungiii and break down the animal 'pirlta.
TcDot, 53 Park Place, NewYori.
Only 50 Cents por Bottle.
it ) ".-!.. the (;r.ov,Tn, n:ESF.Kvr..i)
Xitx. i'.i.01, at;il l.svrcascii (hs A'lor
I.,'. "Itl'lTV cftho IIAIlt.
five it .1 ITfHTY
i I.tom'3 I'atiiaiB'ix mil
- i 1:1 tl:e marlfet b l'rofewoa
.... -.ito of Princeton i'oilive.
i I t Greek, " Katho," Me-
r.jt;,-na:e, nr restore. Tlrl
1 1 1 '.te 1 1 .'liiiritv it has obtained.
in -
Y.. Tl..-i:.i. ; 1 : o
The liaMe . ... r:
nilyciy to ri'.e.i..
is uiipni-dep.-tiBowiH
:o..'. 1 :;.!
flressin?. !- in
Hair from ?-?n..:
inveatin: li in i
t. V.i.1..?. It inoreses tho
t .111!
i. Jt i- it delightful
!. I: prevents tho
i.s t?..1 htiid cool, nml
i.j l i.i-nice. It is tha
i. ..over a, QcAJt-
: : i i ii l:riie:ristsaa(l
. i. . i.M- Itottle.
axe in (.:' '
Tract n i sr
Country ti r-
s v A '
.:l c.
ly l i.t.
y v's t;: .;:: m mi
Are .i modem stove,- r
polish, far belter thai! 1 1 j they
anyot her in existence.' than
A r e letter, beeange
give a liner "loss
in any other polish.
C 0 ItI fort
Yield a brilliant silvery sheen, wilh les thau
half the labor reiiircil tvhen other polishes are
A iv a neat and cleanly
ariiele. tiiaking no dirt
nor dti-t win ii used.
rt-pCan be used even in
II H the parlor without Ihe
UA trouble of removing
furniture or carpet;.
Ha.i no ili.-.-igreeble siilpherou or strong acid
smell when prepared for use, but nre pleasant
and hann'e?s.
Are iul upin neat style
and in a form more
convenient for use than
any other polish.
In eacl: box are V!
sticks ; I stick is sulii
cicnt for anv stove.
thus all wa.-te is saved.
Are the cheapest polish in the market, because
one box at 10 cents will polish as mueli surface
as 'lo cents worth of the old polishes.
C 11 U 31 B S
Have just taken thert-niu competition with
1st premium at the In-H HseTeral of the best of
dianapulis Exposition. the old stove polishes
C 0 31 FOltT
Bi t Cui mik of Comfokt of your storekeeper,
if he has them, or will procure them for you ; if
not, send ns oue dollar, your name, and tiic
name of your ucarest express station, aud wc
will send yon ten boxes, and samples of Bart
lctt's Blacking and Pearl Blueing, free of cost.
Ckcmbs of Comfort can be had of all Whole
sale Grocers and Dealers in the- United States,
and Retail Dealers will Und them the most profi
table, from the fact that they arc the fastest
Helling article f the kind in the market.
115 North Front St., Philadelphia.
143 Chambers St., Xcw York.
4;! Ilroad St., Boston.
Nov. 14.
J y- I f J
Si m 1
JTwA v" -i -7- f " N rsK Q 9 ivl
a a
EI: BJ. Ef f tf ff'fcr'S
5 fj"! &-jr.
V I O selling articles out. Three valuable
samp let for teD cents.
J. BRIDE, 767 Broadway, X. Y. 4w.
Table Shields, Plate, Water Pitchers, Tea and
rr..- c. . ... .
I vuuiceiiiiiunc. cenu one uouar ana receive
rrepaid a sample of this elegant and useful
Plate Table Furniture, round or oyal. Every
I family needs and will buy these goods. AgenU
are making money. .More wantec ladies acd
gentlemen. 4W.
&TAU LIMINA WARE, SO Beekraan St., X. X.
X either ee may fascinate and gain the love mud
affections of any person they choose instantly. This
simple mental acquireUraent all can pomear,f ree,by mail,
for ic., together with a marriage nuide, Efryptuu Ora
cle, Dreams, Hiiits to Ladies, Wed'biiK-NiKh't Shirts, fce.
A queer book. Address T. W ILLIAM & Co. Pub. Phil.
Lve. 5,T3. iv.
The Highest Medical Authorities of Europe say
the strongest Tonic, Purifier and ReobEirucnt
known in the medical world U
It arrests decay of vital forces, exhaustion of the
nervous system, restores vigor to the debilitated,
cleanses vitiated blood, removes Tesicle obstruc
tions and acts directly on the Liver and Spleen.
Price 1 a bottle. JOHN' Q. KELLOGG, IS
PUtt St., X. Y. J16.4W.
For Three 3-ceut StumpK We will send
Thk Aubiiba (a paper size of N. Y. Led) for 3 months,
ami as premium any one of the following articles : tMie
Hue eliromo, 1 hue pbotoKraph, 1 fine liosom pin, 1 fine
set sleeve buttons. 1 line collar button. once
to THE Al'KOKA PUBLISHING CO., Springfield, Mann.
An article loug desired and sought for by every ladr. Sent
aree for two stamps. Addre.
Ic. S,'7J.-iw. 1H.S. f. HEXRY, Hanover, Tj.
The Great Discovery fur the immcrli iii. reltuf x-
rure of Rheumatism, chronic and acute, rjprains,
nriTine Pnio ii f,nt Pont- T ;.v. c.:irin:..i.
' " '- ' , ..... hi viu.7,u.ii.i,,ii jlHIIS!,t?fclU Ullll.1.,
ralgia, Bunions, Catarrh, Ac. It wiU not grease
or stain the most delicate labric, which makes it
a luxury in every family. Try it and be con-,
vineed of its great merit. Price. 25 cents
per bottle 25 cents. REUBEX 1IOYT. Prnn'r
Uo Green wicb-St.. X. Y. 4w.
Wholesale and Ketail.
Trifle Seal Sacques,
1 1D6 J9ttkka ficr)ites
Fine Seal Turbans " '
Fine Lynx Sets,
Driving Gloves and Caps.
The Largest Stock of Iiockes iu the City.
All of which are offered below cost of importation, at
tiie old-entablinheil uud reliable store of
English Walking Jackets made to order.
Sold bv bniKgiHts. 4w.
J. P. FrrtiB. Bin j sworn, aars, I sradttstea1 at the
ITnirertitr of Fena'a itt 1 and afUr 30 yvnf xierieBe
r rfMWd tr. Fitter's Vegetable Rhiamalla
jrrap I guarantee it am infallible ear for Kerr. Kid
Tjml Wiynmnit"-"" SwrTm to,tlda2Ctli April, 1TI
F. A. OSBOURS. JVotery PyMte. fkihu
TTl Clireynn WtrS Cld t7 It. and will atif any one writ-tn-aa.RT.Thos.Muivly.r.D..FraiiWord;Phila.Rv.C
jLwing..Meaia.l'a. ktj ..cucnananjitJireiic,iowm.KeT.
; O G Smith, Pittaford, N. V. Kor. Jo Bueirm. FaUsChnrrh.
Fhila..-e. Amicted aboold write Dr. Fit lor. PhihkJbr eapla
i natory Pamphlet A iruaranteeumtis. lloU Reward for an in-
WANTED. Men and Women to work at
home ; $20 to 50 per week ; no capital re
quired ; best chance ever offered. For particu-
Inr send stamp to M. MITCH AM, Fetter Lane,
Philadelphia, Pa. 4w.
The Great dlseovery for the I mniediate relief A
cure ol Khcuniulisiii. .Neuralgic, sprains, lirutet
' Paius, Strains, Stiff Joints, Swelling, Infl.mia
tions. Bun ions. Catarrh, Ac.. fcc. - It wi,1 not
' urease or nlaiu, and lor the toiielt is a luxury
; in every family. Thonsands will and now testi
fy to its great merits. Try it. Price per bottle,
25eont. RF.l'BEN HOYT, Prop'r, 3 KJ Green-
wich St., X. Y. Decl'J.4w.
J-tXSirTTiW si'nl bv mail for .'-tie. that retail
iiiek lor lu. it. I WOU'UTT, 1M1 Chatham Snare, S.
1 . I .,.l!,i;t. 4w.
Located nt AVilliuinsport, Pa.
! Kthiifad IStifi. The BFST COLLEGE in the
Country. Has the best Penman in Pcnnsvlva
' uia.
For College Pajx-r, Specimens of Penmanship,
, Ac., address DAVIS & OPLINOEK,
j l)ecUi.4w Williamsport, Penu'a.
!'JL ((nf. (Tnmf, "t by mail to any one or
. JIIC JlllI(lC VLOIIll) for $1. Will chan-e any
colored hair to a permanent black or brown anil
contains no poison. Trado supplied at low rates.
I Address, MAGIC COMB CO., Springfield, Mas.
' IVelO. 4w.
$ Hriiii;a yo" free bv mail the verr Iwnt
'i TZ I,AHTKI T It r H H
! Write at once lo 1'omeeot A Co., 7-W RrtKidwav, N. Y.
t jc. ii, ij.-
ED. German Silver sample 15. Circulars free, stat
: font M'jg Co., 66 Fulton St., X. V. lK:el!.4w.
New and Second-Hand, of FirsWlaw Mukern, wili l
, mid at Lower prices for e isb, or on lnslnllineuKin civ
I or country, during this F.iianebl Crisis ami the Holi
days, by Horace Waters and Son, No. 41 HnradwiiT.
tl an ever before offered in New York, Acuiii warned
fi r the sale of Waters' Celebrated Pianos, t 'ouoerto ainl
:rchestral Organs. Illustrated ataloj-nen mailed,
tireat liidui-emeniB to the Trade. A large dinconnt to
Ministers, Chnrohea, S inday-School. ete. lec'l!i.4w.
v'jfV :Hcitifd cures by hP
' T?'i,,":!''' "'"'lliinif and
' a- i inrr lin'icrties. til lv - k.
s i Kemc'ly is nsed warm f
f't fo:-,;, r bv wonderful n Iterative f fy-;eni pin ia
; in-.rer frv. l'lerecV ;oldcn!ried
t T5:..'iv.r- tn!:!!! enrn'slle f
jjeorrcct bloo-l and sysl em, which are'ai-j
3 irnvs al f.ndt nlsrt ln'riet icr.ilirnllv nn.. I
idi.-cascil gland.4 and lining membrane oj 1
1 nnA nml rni.itrimii"ihi,f plomlui., ...
f tarrii If einedv shoulil lie applied warm
t o. i.i . ... - ' . "
...o . rivn i" :iaai uoacu
ithennlv inst nimcnt wilh whiehlluiilineri!
ieine e:m be verfrrthi ftimlifwl in n ...Zr
j of passage ami chamlicrs in which uicen
i?xi-t and from wliie!idisr,harceproc..iJ
Jsi successful has this treatment protW
ttiiat tlie proprietor oDcrs 9506 J . t
I .1 n V.l.f if 1
J. ...u ... .. .... jj?ar
I'.lm.rthi...i..l, rui It
ic.ines with inslnimptit a-i.brnii.i "yui-
i : i . . ' oil ur;
A profitable and respectable hnsiucfis for n.
men who have or can make time an1T" ?T
vert it into money. For circulars addre ThZZ
X WAIIK.HiiHeekm.nSt., X v HTAR LAl-