bsbbb-- -- . . . v . r gnnburu American. SUN BURY, DECEMBER 19, 1873. Itallroad Tim Table. ARRIVAL AD DBPABTtlllB Or TRAINS AT SCNBCRT. N. C. R. W., South. Elmlr Mall, 1115s m Erie Mall, 18.55 " Bntfalo Kx. 8.50 " HarrlsburgAc. 8.10 p m P. A E. R. R. Went. Erie Moll, 5.15 it in Rcoovo Ae. 11.10 a m ElmlraMall 4.10 pm ButlaloKx, 7.10 SUHBt'BT AND LEWI8TOWN R. R. Leave Banbury for Lewlstown at 6.85 a. m., and 4.90 p. in. . Arrive at Sunbury from Lcwistown at 1.85 and 6.55 p.m. UAMOKIN DIVISION, . 0. R. W. 'LBAVB I ABBIVB Kxpress, 11.45am 1 Mall, 9.S0am Mall, 4.80 p m Express, 4.00 pm An accommodation train loaves Bhamokln at T.10 a m, arriving at Mt. Carmel at 7.40 a m. Returlne, leave Mt. Carmel at 7.00 p m, arriv ing at Bhamokln 7.80 p m. DANVILLR, HAZLITON & WrLKKSBAIlRB R. R. Leaves Btinbury at 645 a. m., for Tork. He turn at 4.10 p. m. TlMB BCIKorxB OVBH TH N. C. n. W. TOR WABniNOTON Citt. Bocthwarti. Train leave Sunbury at 12.55 a. m. and 11.15 n. m., arrive! nt Ilurrieburg at 5.10 a. m. and 8.10 p, m., at Baltimore at 8.50 a. m. and 6.40 p. m., at Wash ington City at 10.85 a. m. and 8.30 p. m. Northward. Leaves Washington City at 4.48 a. m., 11.85 a. m. and 9.88 p. m.) arrive at Bal timore at 6.30 a. m., 12.80 p. m. and 11.20 p. m., at Harrisbnrg at 1.00 p. m., 4.50 p. m. and 8.55 a. m., at Buubury 5.15 a. m., 4.10 p. m. and 7.10 p. m. Accidental Insurance Tickets can be had J. Bhlpman, Ticket Agent, at the Depot. of Winter Arrangement for the Pont Ofllce at Nunbnry, Pa. Offla Open from 6.50 a. ., to 8 p. m., except on Sunday: TIME OF ARRIVAL AND CLOSING OF THE MAILS. Arrives as follows i From the East at 5.15 a. m., 4.10 p. m., " Booth, 5.15 a. m., 4.10 p. m. " West, 5.15 a.m. ,11. 15 p.m. ,4.10 p. m., ' " North, 1.60 a. m.,11.15 a. m., 4.10 p.m. Bhamokln, Mt. Carmel and points on that line, 9.25 a. in., 4.00,n. in. Malls close as follows : For the East, 5.45 a. in., 10.50 a. m., 4.50 p. m. " Booth, 10.50 a. m., 4.50 p. m. 8 p. in. " West, 10.50 a. m., 8.50 p. m., 8.00 p. m. " North 3.50 p. m., 8 p. m., Bhamokio proper 11.15 p. m. Bhamokln and oOIces on that route, 4.S0 p. m. Money orders will not be issued after 6 p. m., on Saturdays. J. J. BMITIT, P. M. justness fiotuls. Tbb Improved Ohover & Baker Skwino Ma (hinb. These "celebrated machines are otTeri'd st the most reasonable rate. For particulars apply to D. ii. KUTZ, Agent, Feb.32,'73.-ly. Upper Augusta township. Caroline Dai.ics, dealer in Musical Instru ments and Sewing Machines, Market street, near Third, Sunbury, Pa. Call and examine the best Organs, Melodeons, Sewing and Knitting Ma chines in the market. Always on hand the Es tey, Silver Tongue, Smith's American, Mason A Hamlin Organs. Orders taken for all kinds of Pianos and Musical Instruments. The Peoples' Favorite Sewing Machines j Domestic and G ro ver A Baker. Persons purchasing machines from me will receive instructions. First-class Knitting Machines for sale. Amotaeb Lot. Just srrired, another lot of new fur niture st B. L. Ilaudeubusb's store in Maaonic building. Ttas stock still Increases In attraction. The selections is the finest in the country, and bring large gives all s fair opportunity to get the most fashionable aa well as the. best made. A rush was made ou W. H. Miller's Excelsior Boot and Bhoe mure during the wet weather of late for Gum anoea, but hia large atock caunot become exhausted aoou. The very beat of Oum boota and auoee are aold at aatoninhing low prices. Besides auy atyle made can he had at hia stere. Hats and Caps. Samuel Faust, has Just re turned from tlte city with a large assortment of the latest style bats. His stock Is full, and the latest 6tylcs can be had at his store, on Market street at city prices. Ocn friend, D. A. Finney, is making cxteusivo preparations for the holidays, and has Just open ed a fine assortment of goods suitable for tho occasion. Dry Goods Woolen Goods, Notions, Boots and Shoes, a line assortment of Jewelry, Groceries, and every thing you can wish for in tho mcruuntlls Una can be bought nt his store at panic prices. Call and examine his stock. Wur.RE to get Your Holiday Goods. For merchandise of all descrlptlous,go to the stores of of Messrs Reed, Bro. and Beaeholtz, Kccfer and tfassler, D. A. Finney and J. F. Byrod. For Groceries, G. W. Bin 1th keeps the best and fresh est In the town. For ready made clothing, 8. Herzfeldcr not nly sells the cheapest, but keeps the largest assortment on hand. He has Just received a new lot, exprtnaly for the Holidays. Boots and 8hu. for largo assovttneut of the best In market, W. H. -Miller's Excelsior store, takes the lead In the county. ne has the h-at assortment ever seen In this section ..f tue coun try- , For Toys, Books, Pictures, or auy nrtldo SuU- able for Holiday presents, wlrl be found In abuu. dance, at C. B. Huxletlnes Store. Millinp.ry Goods. Our town has never been better supplied In millinery llian now." The ores are filled to overflowing, and the loveliest hats and bonucts that ever woman gazed upon, are found at the stores of Misses A Hancock, Lou. Phlsblcr, M. L. dossier and L. Wclser. Other fancy good not enumerated are kept ex yreasly for presents to ladles. Ladles Dress Goods of every description can be found at MJss Kale Black's store. Fancy articles suitable for presents, will be found a f the Drug stores of U. B. Cadwnllnder, Dr. C. M. Martin A Co. and W. D.Mellhk. In the cutlers- liucaua Hardwnre.Messrs Pulue and McCormlCk take tho lead. K discount on Ruythiug they sell. They keep the best aceort- meat and sell cheap. Those who have uot got a good stove to get up a good holiday dinner, are reminded that A Krousn and J. B. Reed, have the lied made, uud sell at panic prices for cash. Coal. Our reader who expect to provide for the celling np ot hue roasts, will be glad to learn that Messrs Grant, Bo., Rhodes aud Haas, Val. Biix, and J. M. Cadwaliodcr, sell the beet nrtl clo In market. Iu the Jewelry line T. B. Shannon and A. M. Melxel, have received a large supply for holiday presents. Their stock Is equal to city establtah menu, and supplied with latest stylus. Tub beat Fresh Oysters for tho holidays, as well as toys and coafcellonarles. 8. Nevins' store, uext door to the flee, this place. wm i soiu at telegraph of- Our "conscience fund" Is now open for, con tributions from all who owe us for their paper. We wunt euough "lucre" to buy ourselves a Christmas present. It Is said that there is a fearful mortality among the turkeys, notwithstanding the hard limes. There are uo indications, however, that we are to tie the possessor of any during the ho lidays, J. B. Kapp, for a number of years conductor on the P. A E. R. R., has received the appoint mentof conductor on the Pennsylvania Central. Death or Col. Geo. Waoenseller. After a few months' Illness, Col. Geo. Wagonseller, one ef our aged cltlsens, breathed his last on Monday the 15th inst., at the Central Hotol, where he had been boarding for some fourteen years. Col Wagenseller was native of Chester county, this State, and after growing np to manhood migrated to Schuylkill and became a highly Influential cl- tlscn of that conuty. About twenty years ago he was elected by the Democrats to the leglsla tnre from that connty, and at once took a lead Ing part on the Democratic ido of the House During this session a United Stales Senator was to be elected, and there was considerable excite ment on the vote being close, the Democrats having but one or two majority. Qen. Cameron was made the choice of the opposition to the De mocratic candidate. On the ballot being had, Wagcnsellw concluded to vote for Gen. Came ron, believing htm to bo the best qualified for the potitlon, arid was Joined by Mr. Lebo of Schuylkill and Mr. Mancar of York connty, and Mr. Cameron was elected. Col. Wagenseller frequently referred to this vote as he considered it one of the best acts of his Ufa. Though severely censured by the Democratic party of that day, he always alluded to his vote with great satisfaction, and as an act which he never regretted. Since that eveut tho Colonel acted with the Republican party, and was an Influen tial member, but never held ofllce afterwards. He was noted for his sociability and Joviality of dis position, as well as honesty of purpose. He was klud hearted, and always trie to those who met him lu the spirit of friendship. His verbal pro mises were as good as his note, always to bo re lied upon. Those who kiow him knew him best. Although be made no external professions of religion,his honesty of purpose was based upon a strong religious sentiment In the faith of which he built his hopes beyond tho present, llo was without family, but hud a strong attachment to his relatives and frlcut'.e. TLe poor never ap plied to bim in vain, nor did he boast of his good deeds. He often relieved the suffering unknown to all but himself and God. For a number of years he was In tho employ tho N. C. R. R. com pany ns tio inspector, and along the road as far as his Jurisdiction weut, the name.of the Colonel was ehcrished by both old and young. In the Masonic Order ho was a bright star, always rea dy to perform his share of the work, endeavoring at all times to live up to tho requirements of of the order. His remains were taken In charge by a committee of his Masonic brethren of this place, and conveyed to his native county for In terment on Tuesday last, whore it wns burled with masonic honors. Geo. Wenrick, the murderer of Dr. Wagen seller, sentenced to the Eastern penitenllnry last week, was taken to Philadelphia on Tuesday ev ening last by tho Sheriff of Snyder county, no was brought to this place on the Lewlstown train, and taken to the Central Hotel until the 8.40 train arrived in the evening. While at the hotel ho was Interviewed by many of our citi zens who expressed regret at his early depravity which lead him to tho erlmo for which he was on his way to the penitentiary. It is a sad warning to the young who aro pursuing the same career forgetful of the fact, that their course leads to grief and disgrace, ns was the case in this In stance. Killed James Conliir, one of tlir- w ' smiths nt tb.. p -"! th's place, was killed on Wcduesday, on the Lackawanna A Bloomsburg Rnlload, nt Danville. From nn err ploycc ou the tralu on which Mr. Coiillll' was rid ing, we learn the following particulars : It ap pears that he got ou the caboose of a coal train at Northumberland, iu company with a little girl, whoru be wns golug to take to her home In Scranton. The conductor of the train intended to put Mr Conliir off at the first station the train would stop nt, but owing to the heavy fog which prevailed, he was uunblc to signal his engineer, and when the train was passing tbrM. Duriii. .t uu uvual efeea, un. luvui ireiglii came follow ing It at a high rate of speed, striking the ca boose and Instantly killing Mr. C'onliff. The little girl was uninjured. The deceased wus nu intelligent mechanic, and nn Englishman by birth. He was aged about 50 years. Daily oC Thursday. BiXAUsn Mr. Jacob Cable, the attentive and efficient janitor of the Court House has beeu puttiug some repairs ou his house lately, the edi tor of the Daily thinks it looks "suspicious." Not nt nil neighbor ! Mr. Cable is an Industri ous man ns is Indicated by the clean condition of the Court House. Besides he economizes in his expenditures, aud is able thereby to make Im provements which appear to be maliciously noticed by our neighbor. Can tho editor stato an Instance of the klud while tho "Ring" were running the county offices. Evcu the calculator, the bosom friend of the cditcr of the Dally, not withstanding that he made out his own tax du plicates snort of the assessments, Is not known to have made any Improvement iu the town. Tub nineteenth Sessioi of tho Teachers' Insti tute of Northumberland County, was held at Shtmoklu during the pnst week. The attend ance Is reported as uot being as large us was ex pected, but those present were zenlons, nnd made the exercises quite interesting. Prof. Vlcker- ibam was present on Wednesday, uud partlcl- 1 -d lu the proceedings. Dr. Eyeter of Harris ' ' a'90 l,rcC111 during part of the session, KnJc0 '--eh to tho Interest of the Institute. hllo these 11. ,utMl Mre hitcuded to Improve , , , -vstem, nnd advance the cause of educalWn, welle w,ned tQ bdleyc ,ha noiuing oi inese seas have the desired effect """ should be changed to 'ivcrblalllv tlmcasn Willi, twicr wic aeaaiuu, wic icu,crg lnftUgUrilto i.-.i .. r. , t ... . - new ruici, thereby demoralising lu,r lt.uooU , , . t : .1 1 1 r . i . ; ir mr iu.uuii- i'i luu .t.invfi. ii luu lou'ention of teachers would be held beloro the couu,. incut of the school sessions, t'aere would bj. aissuttsiuciion on account or lots of time teachers, as well as to the making of ehangc lu the classes to the demoralization of tlieehools for the time being. New Sabbath School. The pareutHuud chil dren of Purdytown met lu the ucw school house, Suuday, Daceinber 7th, for the purpose of orga nizlug a (,'nlou Sabbath School. After prayer, by J. Eekmau, Esq., the following officers were elected, or appointed, to wit i John Eckman, Esq., aud Jacob Bartholomew, Esq., Buperlu- Undents) Philip M. Eckmnu, Secretary Johu M. Fox, Ass't Secretary ( Kelly Zerby, Librarian! Aaron Courad, Assist't Librarian Charles Eekmau Tre'r. Messrs. Bartholomew, Pcralug and Fox were appointed a Cotnmlttea to solicit funds for the purpose of purchasing LIbrury books, tlckuts, Ac. It Is hoped thtt the children will be punctual every Bubbulh nitrnlng at 9 o' clock, so ns to get throrigh with the exor cise. iu tiuie to attend the different places of worahln In fiu,.i.i, t..PA..a n.j Pnu..n,.r..n . mslte1 l0 be ,,re8i,ot 8uJ lUlu ..Heo,,,.,,.,,, tUe -00(1 KarX. Accident. On Friday evening last, a freight train ou the P. a E. railroad run off the track lualde the bridge at NoithninWerUad, damaglug the sills and Umbers. The eight o'clock train was delayed.for some hours until the passengers and baggage were transient , nother train on this side of the wreck. A Dinner will be served ou Christmas day at the Baptist Church, near the turnpike. In tiha mokin township. During the balance of the week a festival will be held In the church, the proceeds to be applied to the benefit of the f'hnrcb Casualties ni Tn CoAt Rboiobs. The nam ter of peisons killed and maimed In the mines In the counties of Dauphin, Schuylkill, Northum berland and Columbia during 1878 Is considera bly In excess ot the previous year's victims. The following Is comparison with that of last yeart 1873. 1973. Inc. 417 91 26 254 207 87 71 4 22 267 169 08 Rilled Maimed Leaving widows Leaving orphan children "The "Miliontan" compllmonts Prothonotary Rohrbach upon the neatness of his record books. We frequently hear him spoken of ns a very effi cient officer." Shamokin Herald. We are not at all surprised to see Prothonotary Rohrbaeh compllmentod, for all who have occa sion to do business In that office And everything In good order, with efficient clerks in attendance. In fact the change Is so great that It reminds one of passing suddenly from the midst of n hard winter Into the lap of spring. ' Mine Accident. On Monday as a loaded car was being hoisted np the plain at the Luke Fid lcr breaker, tho chain broke and the car was pre cipitated to the bottom with a fearful velocity. Robert Anderson and Frank Blxlcr, who were at the bottom of the plain, were struck by the car. Anderson had his' right ankle so badly shattered that amputation was found necessary. The operation was performed by Drs. Robins and Weaver, and the patient Is doing well. Blxlcr was severely bruised and cut about the head and face, but his Injuries are not dangerous. Shamokin Herald. Gov. Tnos. E. Bramlette, of Louisville, Ky., has given three years to the building np of a public Library In Louisville, which he intends shall be the host In the country. He Is dolug it by a series of Gift Concerts, the profits of Which go to the Library. Tho third drawing distribut ed 1500,000, and the fourth, which has Just been postponed to March 31st, distributes (1,500,000. Gov. Bramlette has almost doubled the business of the Louisville Post-office. Eighteen clerks are kept busy twelve hours each day Bending off cir culars in answer to iuquhlcs for tickets. The Oldest and Tub Best. These are the bold claims which tho publishers of the New York Observer make for thoir paper. Aud yet the facts of history bear them out In their first, while an undevinting course In sending out n large, full, fresh, readable family newspaper, gives them at least a right to lay claim to the se cond. In tho great multitude of papers that are published tho Obtcrver holds Its own posittou,nnd an enviable position It is. No paper reaches us that we can recommend more heartily. It. Is published at three dollars a year, and the pre mium picture nnd chromo humbugs are left for those who havo nothing better to offer. S. I. Prime A Co., 3" Park Raw, New York. Tue Weather is delightful although we arc in mid-winter. One week from yesterdny will bo Christmas, nnd the weather has been uniformly and remarkably mild sluce winter commenced. It suits panic tlme. oureiy tho Lord "lempcr- eth tho Storm to the Shorn Lamb." It is estimated that the estate of the lato Col. Geo. Wagenseller Is worth about six thousand dollars. He made a will, and named Geo. Hill, Esq., of this place, ns the i""""'' The dedicatory exercises of the new Presbyte rian church at this place, were held last evening. The Rev. Dr. O. W. Stnlly, of Pottsvlllc, deliver ed a most elequent sermon on tho occasion. Ser vices will be held In the church every evening un til the forepart of next week. Eminent clergy men from abroad will participate In the exer cises. Bartolett's PiCTt'RE Uai.i.euy is becoming noted for its beautiful pictures. Some of the finest in the country arc takcu at the Portable Gallery. Burtolclt is a noted Photographic nnd btcrcoseoplc artist, uml riua s peciuit.. r nis work which ore uot excelled. ' Now Is the time to procure a good picture, and have it framed In ono of his latest style frames. Nothing would be more acceptable to a friend thau a good like ness which can be hud nt Baitolett's. Albums, Frames, Ac, iu great variety always on hand. The public Schools in this place were closed during the past week on account of the teach ersjittendiug tho Institute at Shamokin, which has been In session since Monday last. Oi'it old friend, G eo. Weaver, formerly of Lower Augusta township, but now residing in the State of iown, dropped in to see ns on Tues day last. Mr. Weaver looks well, and reports that he is well plcised with his westeru home, but says ho prefers the old Keystone State to any other. Mt KKAV, Docoai. A Co., are now employing one hundred aud twenty-five meu ou the eight hour system. This is far better than an entire suspension of the works. While Messrs. JI. D. A Co., nave rradc a deductiou or ten per coin on, they have also reduced the price of rents, coal, wood, Ac, furnished to their hands to the same amount. Daily iflltouUm. Stoi t of Milton, has been appointed by the Governor to tho position' of Scaler of Weights and Measures (or Northumberland county. A good appointment. The vote on the new Constitution, In Sunbury, stood as follows 1 East Ward 230 for, nnd 64 aguiuat, and in the West ward S for, and 31 against. Tub members of the "Farmers nnd Horticul turists' Association" nre requested to meet at the Augusta post oftlco, on Saturday, 27th lust., at 3 o'clock p. in., to report the result ot their ex periments with the seeds received from Wash ington j And also to elect ofliesr for the coming year. Be punctual. JOHN STERNER. Pre't. J. Clark, bcu'y. Lower Augusta, Dec. hi, IsTII. u to be Sou. The SherilT sale of the D. H. & v Rttiiroiui advertised In our laet week's Issue, ""'leendlscontluued. The lud-'meut on which the 1 ,d was su bu tM lmi hevn a,uiac torily arrange . , . ,v,i,diawu. The place to g, tusurcd Is ut Yodei 's agency. Fikb uud Life Ins , ttU10Uu. Piaecd iu reliable com pan lea ,t 1,. M. Voder's offlee, neat the Court House. Have you a Cullender for M-4 , ,c ...11 llt Yodei's olllce aud get one L'rulUtonsV Thehe arc three difT, rent atvles .t ... for boys the "Inverness" overcoat with half cape, mu saquc overcoat wan cape, nd the plaiu sacque overcoat. These fultlll uK the re quirements of boys until the ago of tl fleet, xi,e patterns of theso, with the engraved model and description furnished ou IU envelope, will ena ble auy person of ordinary lulclliK,,UC(! to n,tt. ter iuhi uioai nreauea 01 vak. me inuhtnir or me -oig - ooy s cout aud irowscrs.--JJtmorttl't .vwnty. . l ...... . . .. JAY PhEHENT rOH TBB JUVB- biles. VHHortH i ion.., t.,Hea, 1.00 a year, a brilllaut aud uaful Juvenile u....,uy ltlat taf. oaatea all olbers In its auracllveues i,. IM1. tnerous aud beautiful engravings, entertainv. stories oilmnal music, und oiuer spicy coulritiu lions render It tudiapeuable iu every houUold where it is iutroduced. Tke premiums ottered to eucta auttaarlber are really woudertut, com prisini: uuionif tueia luvenlle books to the amount of 11.75, a Hue chrou,o worth (5, a slereoscop with a scries of views, a good microscope, and numerous otner prsseuts worm mora than year's subscription. W, Jennings Deniorcst, usi Broadway, xtw roric, rnunsuer Bcmbnbr's Monthly for December Is rich In Illustrated letter-press. It opens with a se cond paper or Edward King's racy nnd accurate description of "The Great South t Old and New Louisiana." There are thlrty-fonr engravings, chiefly views of New Orleans noted places and sketches of noted or representative persons. A arent deal of statistical and other Information Is here given. "Savage Man," with thirteen en gravings, treats of various races In many coun tries. A biographical sketch of Richard Antho ny Proetor, the eminent English astronomer and mathematician, now only thirty-six years old, is eurlohed with his portrait. There Is an amusing page of etchings, representing scenes, no doubt actual, In the New York Centrnl Park. The continued papers aro serial novels by Miss Trnf ton nnd Mrs. Davis, and the second part of Mr. Froudo's learned and valuable "Annals of on English Abbey" (St. Alban's), which, bet ter thnn anything we hnve read for a long time, takes ns fur back, showing what Eiig1lh monastic life was In the remote past. Holiday Attractions in great nbundai co will bo found lu the January number of The Model Parlor Magazine nod a valuable premium U each subscriber. Demorcst's Monthly Stands unrivaled as a family Magazine. Its choice lite rature, Its superior music, its large amount of vnliiablo Information, Its practical and reliable fashions, and nriistic Illustrations, give it n just claim ti Its well earned title, "Tho Model Maga zine of Amciica." You cannot do without De morcst's Monthly ; yearly, $3.00. Deniorcst al so gives an extraordinary Premium to each sub scriber, being one of tho most popular and beau tiful Chromos ever issued, "The Old Oaken Bucket," size 17x20 Inches, and valued at f 15. W. Jennings Deniorcst, 838 Brondway, New York, Publisher. LIST OF JI KOKS Fob Wsek Commencino Monat, Dec. 20th, 187:1. 0. P. Kump, Turbiilville. .O. O. Hachinan,Walsoiitown J. A Caldwell, Iicwis. !M. KrratiMter, Delaware. M. Titsworth, Khanioklii tp J. Bluyuiufccr, Hlilibiiry w w J. Henrr, Mt. Camirt-o. J. Johnson, Norlhuinberrd A. Cadwallailer, Milton n w F. I'lfcr, Mlllmi, N W J. Hoover, Mt. Oarniel IJoro H. Wary, Cameron. B. Lake, Rhaninkln W. W. Q. lMcher, Kr., Kunb'y w w P. Blown, Mt. CarniPl twin W. KemptieD, .lordiin. 1. MeHSOuKer, WatHontown.. J. Mutchler. Hlinniokin twp 1. Titawurlu, Hhiimokui tp .T. M. YVittuer, Washington. J. Lampher, Turlnilville, s. Blnin, Tiirlmt twp. 8, Hhamifin, Turbotville. F. W, Sober, Htiiimokin twp I 1. Wensel, Delaware. It. Smith. Ml. Carmel twp. O. B. Cailnallader, Silll.ew M. t'lianiherlin, Turbut. 1 H. Wananmker, do J. Work, Delaware. t 8. liinilnp. do ;T. Fonlda, Hr., Zerlie. J. 11. Miller, Ohlllianuaime. .1. M. ltoush, Milton. : A. Ziegler, Jackson. ; V,. Kersliuer, Turlmt. GRAND JURORS. Fon Wee Commencing Moniiav, Jakvaiiy 5th, 187:1 J. IMfpf, .T, llrwk, Hianioltin, twi. A, Troxeli, rhiUenqimqu, A. Hiiiffafmit, Low Multuuo J. T. Poyein, Loner Aun. O. Mait'r., Coal, V, Millrr, l'utut. H. lliukhiiufir, Chillfftqua, E. I)ni?. Shamokin. W W. 'A. Mutitz. HunLnrv. w w J. Hityder, Iwer August. H. Murxhull. Nfirthutnlrevlll K. I'uul, l'otut, L. Ou'oliall, (iiimenni. P. It. Hiiyder, Ixwer Angus M. O'Uniniu, Mt. Onnniltp A, Kemi, do A. n.irkrii.jUrtf. i Uilliftniu. Jacob 8)1 Vint, Upper Augu I. Khij man,Iowr Angustn E. hohuer, Jur.iim. l. Marnlm U Hhumokiti e w J. Lyon, Hunhury, W W. J. O. Murble. Hunbury c v. TRAVERSK Jl'ROKS. J. Wildermnn, Con I. J. II. A'l:ir.i,Siimi)k? w w A. 4iHt, I jiper Mahanoy. 1. Ktiappcll, JarkD. .1. H. Cooiht, WattioiittiWii. J. Lvrittr. Cpir Auguf;a. Vf. Hlood, Ptiiut. !. HollnprtPr ttreuutowii. (. Ut'ppiii. Jackson, 1 i, rnul, ChilliaquMqut. F, ltrkenLiup, ISoi thumM.! A. Ooiirer, Lower AugnslH. ; W. i'ennyl. Hhamokiii twp J. U:iupt, Kbomoktn, w w. j Hiram It loom. Ixiwer Aug. K. lxiiruubiick. Ii0awure. j J. I'arlJpin, Sbamokin twp J., Hunlutry, K W. j V. Newburv, Point. ?. Vaiuffrvfiuler, NorthuM 1 V, tnulur, Mt. Carniel twp.'J. Kreilrit-k, Northumberl'd H. Hwunk. Hhamukiu twi, .1. Oanij)!-!!, Hiininokin twp H. Itetnl, lait. Mubauoy. .1. A. Auckt-r, do w w W, Foley, Coul. W. Hdm... Uu r.w. i J. Adunix, Hhamok " ' t, Weill, Mt. t:arniel Boro.1 (1. Iturua, Watitontowii. J. Iiwin, Watatiiitown, V. Gunner, Lower Autumn .!. A. buclKT, Sunbury w w .1. Hhipe lri j er AugtiKia. K. Fa nut, Hunbury w w, P. H.tupt, Cann-iou, J. Welnli, Coal. .1. H4-lirer( ShbHioLiu w w. V. AnnT.(:iii!iu, do twp. M. hlioll, do i: V. A, Martin, Mt. Cunuel tw-p. I.!ider, Jui'kaon W. Forrifnan,t'hilHFqimqna D. Tiolltmun, .lonlau. J. Kicbl, WaHhiuKtun. I.lNt of Causes for AIJiiriicl ('ourt, It?reiuber 29th, 1S73. I. J. W. Frillm; and Son, vs II. F. Manias, Administrator ol Samuel Stwhlcy. J. Smith and (ienther, vs II. F. Manias, Ad nilnstrator of 8. Stehlcy. !1. Samuel McDaniel, vs IVim'a R. R. Com pany, lessees of P. fc E. R. U. Co. 4. Levi Seuslinltr, vs H. F. Manias, Adnilnis trutor of amllel Steliley. Ti. W'.Y. Withlnston use, vs Michael Flacher- ty- 0. 3. B. Schooley, vs Henry llaupt. 7. Liindis B.iBlian, vs 11. F. Manga, Adinlhls trator of Samuel Stehlcy. 5. Win. II. Hartranft, vs School Dire, tors of Delaware twp. U. .lokn II. Conrad, vs (ienri;e Miller. 10. John II. onrad, vs oiire Miller. II. John Bartholomew, sr vs J. H. McCor mtck. 12. Benjamin Williams, vs J. II. McCormlck. la. George Bower, vs J. II. McCormlck. I I. James D. (ichri, vs I.cnard I.. Bidclman. 1. "). Eva Schllelity, vs Anthony Hummel. 1(1. James 11. Homes, vs Win. II Marshall. 17. J. Sanders Ac M. Sanders partners Ae, vs Frederick nnd Krebs. Vi. Jacob E. Strlckler, vs John WcM. 1'.). Daniel II. Maurer, vs Henry T. Bowman. 20. George Miller, vs John S. Snvder. - 2l". J. M. Frey for the use of D. W. Smith, vs J. C. Morgan and Geo. Treon. 22. Stale Bank, vs Abraham KUelmjcr. 2a. John W. Snook, v Henrv Sliultz. 24. T. 1.. Frymlre and CO.. vs John J. Wlke. 25. E. U. Miller who sues lor himself and Sha mokin twp, vs Hugh H. Teats. 2il. A. G. Marr, vs Jouulhan Hoover. 27. lioss, Shott & Co, vs J. E. Smith A Co. ::s. J. W. Davit, vs J. P. beard As James Beard Administrator. 211. Charles Koch; vs J. II. McCormlck. 011. Andiew Ford, vs Aniandus Kuts. Tot'tipilHliNtM, To Neu of Medium MeHUN, hikI lo all W iHliius; lluuii'suud III oh Avoid I'ayiiiu; HeulH. By reference to tho Watsentown llecord nud Sunbury "Gnxette" will be seen a full nnd more explicit description of tho property I offer for sale, either lu lots or by the acre. But what 1 wish to more particularly bring beforo .the pub lic is the LIBERAL. TERMS ou which they are offered. I will SELL LOTS from MOO to 500 and Lands by tho ACRE from 1200 lo $500, nccordiug to the location. Teiims : Ten per cent, of the purchase money down, the balance iu time and a mounts to suit purchasers, from ONE to EIGHT YEARS, with legal interest from day of sale. The streets nnd nlltys will be opened ns fust ns lots are sold, so that all inny be npprouclied villi case. All persons who are now paying rent cun have an opportunity of securing a home for less 1110 ncv annually' than they arc now THROWING AWAY Ic rent. Auy person wishing to sco the hinds or lots will call on tue, wheu every opportunity w ill be irlven them to have a fulr chance to see the stitic- j rior advantages presented to the public. I l,l',;.n n I.,.. .1 .Lmi .n'orrcil tn. 1 All nuuiouii . 'i , , - , ,. ii,," - - , - now oiler for sale THREE DWELLING HOU SES, situate on Wuter street, lu Watsoutown bo rough, the one being the large nud commodious Brick Dwelling now occupied by me, all of said dwellings having the necessary outbuildings for Immediate use. For further information call on or address J. M. FOLLMER, Wutsoutown, Pa. October 111, 187.1. 1 yr. TUe Household Pauut ea, nud Family I.ltiiiueut Is the best remedy lu the world for the following complaints, vis. : Cramps iu tho Limbs aud Sto mach, Pain lu the Stomach, llowels, or piuo, Rheumatism lu nil Its lorma, uttiious ralgia, Cholera, Dysentery ,Colds, Fresh Wouuds, Burns, Sore Throat, Spinal Complaints, Sprains aud Bruises, Ulilll and rever. ror internal ana Exteruul use. Its operation U uot only lo relieve the patient, but entirely removes the cuuse of the coiup'aUii. It penetrates and pcrvancs tue wnote symem, re storing hculthy action to all Its parts, and-quick ening the blood. The llouvehold lnnarett In purely vr.a..i ,, A.H HcBlIl)g. Prepared bv CVRTIS & HKOWN, No. 215 Fulton Blreet, New York. For sale by all druggists, July 12, 1873. ly. Tbe l'oaieitiiiu el stsi luvstlid. Published by a warning and for the benefit of Ton n g Meu and others wnosunur irom M Envoi s Deuiliii, i.ohs ot Ma hood, etc., supplying the means oi sell-cur. Written bv one who cured himself after undergoing coueiderabla quackery, and sent free) or receiving a poat-puUl directed envelop. Butferors are Invited to addreas the author. NATHANIEL MAYFA1K, Juus 14,'78 Om. Box 168, Brooklyn, N. Y. . vcarn. H !.cvr yet .-fo t ntitir.fH(!tioi!. arsl his 1 1 0)6 piTintwi far all tt C Cut. Pmr.s. SwelliDi-, t i -Ml v tVe., &c, Pit Mail uii'l I TO COXKUltf PTIVES. The advirtiaer. having beeu permanently cured at that dread dtanane, Ooinmmption, by a aim ply remedy. in anxloue to make known to hia fellow fuitTerera the ine.ina of enre. To all who desire it. be will aend a copy of the prescription iiwil, (fre of ctanrge), with the direc tions, for prepitring and lining the Maine, which they will niid a mtre i;ure tor t'onaunipiionj AHthina. li roue nit , kv. Partiea winhing the prescriytiou will plcane addreM Rev. K. A. WILSON. UH Penn St., Wllliumnbyrgh, w York. Kov. 21, 1873 in. KItKOUS OF YOtTII. A gentlemnn who Buffered for yar from Nervon liibility. Prenmture Deviy, and all the effect of youth ful indiscretion will, fur tl eake nf eutlering hn inanlty, nend free to all who need it, the recipe and di rection for niriklng the nimple rertletly by wui-h he wm cured. Huiferera wiehiug to profit by the dvertlern j experience can do no by addnwHlng in perfect conti- 11 UUCP, JOHN B. OODKN, 42 (Vdnr Ht., Nrw York. Nov. 31, ll7iui. MERCHANTS nn.l MANUFACTUR ERS will best iwnire tliclr slilmnonts to their ilcMlnntidii bv nslni; OenniRoii'n I'ATKST NIIII'I1XU TUS I nvi-r '1 wo Hundred Millions have been used within the past ten years, without complaint ol : Ions by Tat; lieconiln detached. All F.xpress i Co's uso them. Sold bv Printers and Stationers , everywhere. ! Oct. Ill, IRIS. 3m. 4'lillilrfii ollon look I'ulc hikI Sick from no other cause than having worms In tho stomach. BROWN'S VKRMIFt GF. COMFITS j jvijl destroy Worms without Injury to the cliill, ueuiir pcriiVu.v irriiiTn,nnrt from nil the colorini; i or other Injurious Ingredients nstiallv used ' Worm prrpnriktlotiB. CURTIS t BROWN, Proprietors, No. 215 Fulton Street, New l'ork. Svld by Dnuftjialit and ('heiiiiiit, and dealer in Medicine at Twenty-Five Cknts a Box. I July 12, 18711. ly. Tliirtj- Years' Experience ofnu Old urse. Vim WIuhIow'm Nootlilti Syrup In I lie prescript iou of one of the best Female Physicians and Nurses iu the United States, and has been used for thirty years with never failim; SHlety and niece's hy miliums ot mothers and I children, from the feeble infant of one week old to the adult. It corrects acidity of the stomach. ! relieves wind colic, regulates the bowels and elves rest, health and comfort to mother and child. We believe It to be the Best and Surest Remedy In the World. In all eases of HYSKN-1 TERY and DIARR1KEA IN CHILDREN, whe-1 ther it arises from Teetliiiig or from any other; caiiBC. Full directions for usinir will aecoinp.iuv each bottle. None Genuine unless the fae siuiile ofCUItTlM t PEKKIVS is 011 the inlsidu wrap per. Sold bv all Medicine dealers. July 12, 1S7X ly. 1 On tho lith Inst., bv the Kev. E. E, ': the residence of the Bride's father, M Hi ri v, at '. J. Wi'.s- 1 ankiiik to Miss I.izzii: J. S '. Point township. 1 IIT, both of I On the od lust., at the residence of the bride's 1 j father, by Rev. Dr. Hodgson, J. Rrssr.i. Yot'Nii- mas, Esy., of Lock Haven, to Miss Fiiani i:s A. : I Rookk, daughter of Dr. Levi Koake, of Winlleld, I l nion county. chi bbcritscmcnts. Ti'vernis. IteNtauruut und Liquor Ntor I.loeiiseH. NOTICE is hereby given Hint the following pcisoua hnve nied petitions in the Court of Quarter Sessions of the Pcuce of Northumberland County, for Tavern, Restaurnnt and Liquor Store Licenses, and that the samo will be presented to the said Court ou the tilth (Mb) of January next. TAVERNS. Francis B. Matter Hhatnokiu Hor., new sland Authony lliugliore Cameron twp., old stand A. V. Cool, " Snnbuiy. old stand. II. J. WuIU, Henry llutli, Milton borough. n aland. Charles C. Jones. Nortli'd bor. old sIhimI. Geo. 8. Burr, . " Thomas 1 uubniaii, " new stand. John Clirlord, Sliamoklti bornngh. old stand. Robert Nicholson, " '' Michael Flaherty, " " Put rick Karins, " " Geo. S. Fibber, " " A. J. Gallagher. " new talld. Frank Fuger. Ml. Carmel borough, old stand. B. F. Hoy, Snydertown bor. new stand. Thomas, Shamokin twp, old stand. Jesse Hensyl, " new stand. John Boyd, Coal twp. old t-laud. Patrick Tyiicn, " " Daniel B. Foy, Lower Augusta Iwp, John L. Shoop, Peter Wert, . Lower Mahanoy twp, Johu Scott, Mt. Carmel twp, Jonas Tyson, Sunbury borough, new stand. Miehacl Roscnsteiu Riverside, old stand RESTAl' KANT. Win. t Young, Sltliibury l..,ro. ,. .-t,n.t. Lafayette Wynn, " M. L. Fisher, ' Anthony Niirbaeh, Shamokin Imr. " James Mahaii. new stand. Andrew Janosky, ' old stand, tieorge Hack, " " James Miibuu Coal twp. new stand. Mary Devitt. " Frank Rote, Mt. Carmel twp. old stand Henry E. Byerly, Jacksou twp, John II. Kisuingcr, Shntnokin bor. " WHOLESALE LIQVOU STORE. II. C. Lots & Bro., Milton old stand Chrlslinti Nell, Sunbury bor. old stand. Patrick Daly, Sliamokin bor. L. 1. KtlllttliAt. II, Clerk of the Court of Quarter Session. (Ol ItT I'ltOCLANATIOK.- Notice Is hereby given that tho several Courts of Coin mou Pleas, General 0.uurter Sessions of tlie Peace,, nnd Orphans Court, Court of Oyer and 't erminer and General Jail Delivery, in aud for the county of Northumberland, will commence ut the I ourt House, ia Hie tiorouch ol Minimi v, ut Id o clock; A. M., ou SIO.iuv, JANUARY tbe Gib, 1S73, and will coutlnue two .....i-. The Coroner, Justice of the t'e,,u.. nci Consta bles In aud for the county of NortliuuiberiMu.i aro requested to bo then nnd therein their propc persons, with their rolls, records, inquisitions, aud oiuci . mhrauccs, to do those things lo their several otrlees apperlainina to be done. And all witnesses prosecuting iu behalf ol the Com monwealth against any prisoner, aro requested and commanded to be then aud there intending iu their proper persons to prosecuto uuuinat him as shall be Just and mt to depart without leave at their peril. Jurors are requested to be punc tual III tin Ir attendance, at the tims nppoiuted, aerecably to itvuii mrflcca. Ulveu uuder uiy baud at Buubury, the oiu aj o( December, in the year ol our Lord ous thou sand eight hundred and sevetitv-thre. SAMl'EL II. ROTHERXEL, Sherlrl. I i r.iJ .'tiv ilj TAuns-tiC. The money re ( :.i i ; I inl.iient U ns rcpre t n ' U tiii.i trt the iremiine ;,;;.i;,AN rwlViANU LINIMENT. Sold I'V hil Uniu'iriRts nnd r-oimtry StorcR, nt -'c . 60c. and $1 00 per Pottle. Ifcotioe ? '.Irt, fh Of linltlo. &r. 1' w r-n Ccm'n . "A Kir :i r. ItT Tin: )'.. Tl. l'h'.-1 liifyin, favor t .ifVi- .)ne.l. 1 '!: '.!.". ii I r tin rl, nnd ' i . tlm la uiii'ir'-fN' i Orov.i u :l! ". I liair fri)i: t given tho I- sans in a tnnof ul'i..-. Country 810: AU- H1.04 I. C.IFTK. A (jrninl (Jilt Concert. A (iKAND GIFT I'OXCLKT .V.l be xivrn at Hunbury, Pa., by the Iuileiieudeut WAS1IISUTON HTKAM HUE COMPANY, On MONllAV. KFllltr MtY 23,1, ls;4. 1 lie ul..Kel ef this enterprise in fur tin , f cm iiiK a S:eam Hit- Kuitii.e, which will Is- iiTTJ.1v.fu. to u!I ln-i;tilKri:iu towns i.ecessille by rail, fioin the fact it will W ::u Iu 1 t.iueiit dmtiwny. Aud an we n ver li.llt'd to .1,- oar iluty wlieu called llf un, we c-M-t: inly will l. iM.' tn cce,mi mora good the iii-l ui a sH ..ii:t. 'I'liei-e ia no l.'ss tUan nineteen l iri' : ii.l s.u;,Il tbiny Uiilra of Huubnry, a!l of wuic.1 e.iu Isi ri-urlictl by rtiilroail, tlnla Hft'ordiUK tlin t'.icility ot iiHsisiing aiiy ol those pluees in leaa tbau an hour's time ; w hile at the aume time our too u will uot 1... innro'.it'iil. mo- 1 rot .it being a Ituilable one, we ft- -1 eoiilhtvnt thai nil th'.-iU'1;:h will lie disposed ot by tht; .iU:Vf li.:li:i'd :ol tlr..w ing. Tin: roi.i.DwisG is a list or gifts: oNi: UlUNl) UIKT UK " .'. .'. .'. . fl.noo mm t'SHj 'MM : ai Hal . 1.IHMI . . 1,000 . . 1,000 . . I.MM . . 1,IM .. l.uiai 111 (Ii!', tli t.lll -. 'sj.iai. -i.iii., . nils ot ni. 1. .4 1 .mi. l.-'.T T.:ul... Ti ts ,-:,t- , j r.w i:. boi!M--, lots t Tin- iu Kil l' 1,1 ;, r u t'ASM. $!, 110 !utiir,u-.l iilMTiibitiuli, slicli aa rnitiire pin 11)1 at t'.ibtili;iiM prirua. iwl'lll ticket will l-i i-i-ive lis til FT iu Tlirre V ill , 2,1,0110 T.,'kela ot Admission lo ibis OoU C't, fit il.L"! I ,c:;. ai d lit tt,fr tiiui- stiileil the t'.i,oo.l ii 'si! ti;us will he illsi n bleed. PLAN )!' IlIKTIttltt'TION. i Twi-iity thousund mimbera, represeuttiiK ami corres ! omlllift with thoa.-oti lite receipts issued, will be laeeil I iu one wheel cud ends e:iriosd wit tl tbe mimes of ttie i Preiiiiii.iis i j s '.ilt ,l's s ill Ik j.hict-d iu another. ( F'roin thr.t v. :-.i-i 'a. s slid ooe of ihe :,lsi e lii.lri : ed it;,.i-i ,1, -,l i- i.t,, w;ilb- tskeu simultaneiii.l . i liuiiiliT s i ,1: .! mini f.i. ,.-.-i Mi-mis tlie l le i Illillln le' lln-i-l'd liken st the s:iuie time from til.' oloev. in,. ,i).iTiil'oll wiu is ieriorineu o.. a blln.l l..i,',i, uii'l iviiiiium sl until KlKbte.-u Hundred and t'ui-Hi-v. n I'li-iutuins are etbatisiiHl. It isevident tuut b.v this proct-ss, li-aild or faMilllain w ill be imKleai lib. K.veiy rsoii holdii.u a tirkisl will tie entitled to ailmissioii iulo tbe t'olieert. All liltla Pld iu t'AMII w jttiout dlseoilli.. Moiiev e in la sent lor T'.rVet in rift-slx'ie-l ioei-s, or Pos: (IBIee Moui.;. o.d.-is, or b Kaprns - 1,111 r:,,i' " di'siwd, Tiekels will la- b5 Kline. t. ll. "The followiiiK Keiiilmueii U -" kindly i-oeseutrd to act as Trustees foe t lie ui- ' Oi'l foueert : H. I. Wolvertou. --I-. Mivclor K.; llo. lliil, Al- Mt I-l Mou. V. I.. Hi-wart, ea-llil'lills-r .'I t 'oiinress : Wm. I. I irtieuotlb. Usq., lliiec-t.u-n,si NiiTOnal H i'ii. of Siuilniry ; -Jolut It w.s,, dillo; Ii-u T. t'lemeiil, I.toiilM-im-n ; Win. T, tiiatn, t'oil t -i-ra ml, Mlliliu- v. 'I :e- Ltsive lumi-d ifi-ntl. ineu aix' lil.:bmiailt-d and bini,i-.:l,le lui'ii, iio would lull leud their names and Kl llinfr im to i.'jy uiiworlhv object, stM'L H. HKNIHIK KS, t.Kll. ,M. I1KNN, J. II. mii.i.i.i;, I.K 1 "SKtH'lol.T, niiLiP m. khinim;i., f'inlilille... lis e,os-i-i"liH nitswerisl, Ad.liess, P'lll.Il' M. NHIXIH I., ', I OlliHl , S.-I-I-. t 11 , 1 livels. in- 1 J, Ist l. - - All eoi.-,,ilit:, ! II i:lt ciai, N. s. l -Ktl-l:. Tieiiiirt r Silllll.lll V, j I, .'I'll, i:Klleol nsry A. Hound leeened, Utile on Ilelrn lo Accept or Heliise. , STATE OF PENNSYLV ANIA, Ol NTT o NOMTIII MIIKKI.IM), ' ' ; At an Orphans Com t held at S'lnliury In aud i for said County, on the alMh day of November, , A. D. lSi.'l, before the liouorable William M. Uoekel'cller, President, and Joseph Nicely ono of 1 his Associate J.listieea of said Court. I I'pon the pi tition of Franklin Hound, n sou and 1 he'll of Murv Ann Bound, lately of the Borough of Milton, Northumberland County, deceased : j The Com t granted a rn'c on yo,i, William H. Buiid, (residence ut present unknown,) Julia I Sleailman, (formrrly liouiid,) and Intermarried willi II. C. Stcadiiiun, of MUlliuburg, I nloii Co., l'.i., nud Joseph B. Force and Phebe Force, of M i ii on Penn'a, heiisut law of Murgurettn Force, j (forinerley Martial (rtl.i Bound,) and Frunkliu liiiiind, heirs nnd persons interested and all o'ber I persona iuten-si. iu Hie estate of said Vary Ann -Hound, de'd, to conic Into Court on the llrst Monday of Juiiury, A. D., W.i, at two . o'clock P. M. of suid day, then aud there to uc j ccpt or refuse ihc real estate of said deceased ut I the the valuation, or show cause why the ume ! should not be sold. Witness the Hou. William M. llockelcllcr, President Jiide of said Court, ut Sunbury, this tenth dav of November, A D., 1711. GEO. P. RE1MENSNYDER. Deputy Clerk Orphans t'ourt. Nov. SS, '73. tt. WINTER Millinery. TUE riVV HOTEL MtllKIT ST., NKA" fSllf"i ' now open, all the novelties of the .civ ' BBONS, VELVETS, SILKS. 'LOWER., .d it IU FEATH t.KB, F"" . si Ai m ASi" MOStTI. v, .1 every variety, call aud eiauilne tbe nila,:.rtruI"uya"eraylbr iow prices. Also, of the IuImI aud most fashionable styles. MISS AMELIA HANCOCK, Bnnbury, Pa.. Oct. 17, 18TS. . . I .1 -. 1.'. 1 .( : . . , .' .',;. i, U'l . - . . .....I L.'::cu!y 111.: . . j-.'itle. IAathaibon I o. CAST ibbcriiscmcnts BT Virtue of sundry Writs of IT. FrtMmai, Lnari Faciat, Ftort Facia, alius Ft. Jo.,and 1'luriut Ven. rp. Issued out of ths Court of Common Pleas of Northumberland county, and to me directed, will be exposed to public sal or ontcry, on . - Wednesday, December SI. 1978, at 9 o'clock In tlio afternoon, at tho Court Tlona, In the boron Kb of Bnnbtiry, Northumberland Bounty, Pa., the following described real estate, to wit 1 A certain lot or piece of ground cltnate In the boroiiBh of Bhamokln, countv of Northumber land, ana tttntcof Pennsylvania, known and de-f signaled ia the plan of said borough as lot num ber seven, In blue number one hundred and sixty-two. boundeil northwardlv bv Inrttien. j deuce street, fahtwnrdljp hy Washington street, I soutliwuidly by Wuler stre..-t, nnd westwardly by - lot number six, containing In width twenty-eight I nnd a half feet, nnd In depth about one hundred ! nnd live Teet with the itppiirtetiHticcs consisting i of a Inrire frame building vlth store room t also, j u certain-lot or piece of ground sltnute as nfoie- said, known and designated In the. plan of said I boioutth ns lot number one. In block number 1 one hundred und sixty-nine, bounded noitli j wutdly by Llncolu street, eastwurdly by lot liiiiinier lev, riniiii wurn i j oj'urir.uuiiii pireci, westwardly by an ally, containing; In width twuiity-elght and a-lialf feet, and la dopth one hundred and fifteen feet 1 as the property of JAMES SMITH. ALSO : A certain lot or piece of ground situate in Washington township, Nartbumberland comity, Pa., bounded and described as follows, to wit 1 011 the north by land of Joseph B. Rabuck, on the east by land of Wm. Kebres, on the south by land of Joseph B. Raback, and on the west by I land of Joseph B. Rabuck, containing forty-two I and a-lialf perches, w hereon are erected one two 1 story frame dwelling Uonse and trams shanty, I frame blacksmith shop and well of water j as tho property of FItANLIN STUTZMAN. j A l.OO i A certain kitchcu ouo story high, having a width of twelve feet, and a depth of fourteen I feet, being attached to a certain bntlding or , dwelling bouse of two stories high, having a I front of twenty-nine feet, and a depth of eigh teen feet, situitto upon a certain lot or piece, of lana ill j m om townsnip, in wie saiu vmtmy 01 Northumberland, bounded and raoro particularly described as follows, vlx: On the north by Mar ket street, on the east by property of Johu Young, south by an alloy, and west by property Henry Klnt, In McCleery's addition to I'pper Milton 1 ns the properly of NANCY IMSWEL LER, nnd HENRY IMSWELLF.R, owuerB or reputed owners and contractors. I ALSO t ; The right, title and Interest of James D. Geh 1 rig. of, to, and In three ccrtaiu lots of ground j situate In tho borough of Milton, Northumber , land county, Pa., bounded on the uorth by lot of : W. Butnmun, an the west by the Sugqncbnunn river, on the south by Apple street, and on the 1 cast by Front street, containing In width along . Front street, 150 feet, one of said lots being j kuown nnd designated nn tun genoral plan of suid town as lot number 135, whereon- Is erected I a two story frame dwelling house; as the pio 1 perty of JAMES D. ttKiiruU. ' ALSO: I The one undivided half part of that certain messuage, tenement nnd tract of land situate iu the township of Chillisquuque, county of North umberland, aud Stale of Pennsylvania, bounded ! and described as follows, to wit : boginuing at n i bridge, a stone corner, from thence uortu-enslcr- ly direction, to a stoue corner 01 land 01 1 rauK Derwlnc.thence to a stoue corner of S.B-Waltees' land, from thence a north-westerly coarse to a stoue corner of Kapp nnd Company, from thence to a stone comer in a public road lending to A'orrntunfctWaud, lUen lnni? said road 10 place oi i..Bi.i,r, containing four acres auim hun dred and sixty perches more or less j as the pro perty of ISAAC K. I) UN RLE. ALSO : A certain lot of ground situate In Vppcr Mil ton Northumberland county, Pcnna., bounded northwardly by lot of Khawn and Chapin, east wurdly by Front street, southwardly by lot of Hr. Elizabeth Hoasel, westwardly by the Sus quehanna river, whereon is erected a two story i brick dwelling house ; as the propcrtv of THO MAS L. FRY. MIRE. ALSO: Four (4) ceitain lots of ground, situate in the Borough of Riverside, Northumberland County, Pennsylvania, hounded und described as follows, to wit': Two (2) thereof bulng contiguous nnd situate on the east side of Avenue "1" com mencing ut 8econd Street, thence noithwnrd'y along said avenue one hundred and twenty-live (lJ.r feet to lot F, thence castwardly along said lot one hundred and eighty-four (184) feet to an alley, thence southwardly along said alley one hundred nnd thirty(l!Ki) It to Secoad Street, thence norlhwurdly along said street;one hundred and eighty-four (184) feet and four (4) inches to Avenue "D," the place of beginning; being lots marked G & H In section ten (10), the other two ('J) being contiguous, and on the west side ol Avenue "E" commencing at Second Street, thence westwardly along Avenue r- one uun- dred and thirty-six (130) icct to lot v. i" westwardly along said lot one htm''"" an,a clh-ty-four (1S4) feet to -n-i, hence southward lv i-e --'' "iiey one hundred aud thirty (130) feet to Second Street, thence castwardly along said street ono hundred nnd eighty four (184) feet and four (4) iuehes to Avenue "E," the place of beginning, being lots marked P & S in section ten (10) ; us tho property of OLIVER C. WllKf.LER. AUO: The right title and interest of B. Kemcrer ot in aud to a certain truck or piece of laud, situate partly in Shamokin township, aud partly in Coal township, Northumberland County, Pennsylva nin, bounded aud described as follows, to wit t Beuiuuitig ut stones, thouco by lands surveyed lo Martin (.ass, north seventy-six (76) degrees, I cast one hundred and seventeen percnes to a gum, thence north 05 degrees, 811 4-10 perches to a w hite oak, thence north 7'J degrees, east 153 perches and 5-10 to a post, thence south 35 de- I grees, east VI 4-10 perches to a post, oy inuas i surveyed lo Robert Taggart, thence by lands of j same, north 4'i degrees, east thirty perches to j stones, thence north 18 degrees, east l!4 perches lo a stoue, thence north 7'- degrees, east 44 8-10 perches to a white oak stump, thence north 75 j degrees, west 14 perches to stones, theuee north i 4' j degrees, west 41 010 perches to a stone, i thence by lauds surveyed to Johu Miller, south ' 85,' decrees, west 61 perches lo a stone, thence north 7n; degrees, west 53 perches to stoues, i thence south 80',' degrees, west i2 perches to a pine, thence by lands survcyea 10 uoainan nior bell, south one degree, wost B3 perches lo aplr theuee south 70j degrees, west 340 perche lo atones, theuee by lauds surveyed to John ts worth, south 40'i degrees. "l 187 percJts to stoues, theuee by lands surveyed to i nomas HatnilloB, uortli 75 degrees, east 19 peKhes to a Spanish oak. Iheuce south 14 degrees, east 87 perches to stones the place of beglnulnt, coniain Ine 4-8 acres and 51 perches more or lets ; as the property of 3 KF.MKRKR. ALSO i A ccrtaiu lot or piece of ground, situate In the town of Treverton County of Northuinberlaud Peuhsvlvaiila. known a-.d des ' P n of .aid town, as lot lumber light, lo .bloclei"u ber oe hundred anJ ntnetceu, bounded North wardly by Shum.Kin Street, eastwardly by lot number nine, .outbwsrdly by an alley, and wjfu wardlv bv lot number seveu, coutalnlpg In wtnd lWei,tv U've feet aud In deplh oue h""" of any, wiiu lu i't'";"""7xr' . iitb 8- a cer ireauld, town, as lot uutnber nine In said olutwarji, by lot wardly by Shamakin .'""'in alley, westward number leu, south-" -y "containing iu width ly by lot uuiub- "'K'acplh one hundred and iwenty-nve fert ' 'property of PATRICK tlftv fell ,ur ' KA1RNS. g H. ROTHERMEL, Bhelfl.r thrill . 8u,,lju,'' UCC- U' (Al'TIOS. -KTOTICE to all thai It my concern, X ..rilalr herebv elves notice, that on Ihe ttrst ,lav of December, he bought al connau'o .aio, ,ai IroiH-rty ol Het.ry .Bhl.sler, of Vnper Augusta, o wit One cooking stove, i r,Kr.tovS, 1 table, 1 cupboar. 1 bureau 1 bed anu .-- - i.m which 1 have left lu Ibe defeuda during mj pleasure. mgujin. t a. two. Dee 173. St. a t storv rnimc a la ment and frame kitchen attached tain lol or piece of ground, sup"- - uM ..! .l...l,rld 111 tml'l ' ,.l..l r-d tow 1 red be ithV. 1 bay mare, 1 set of dou bl7ua,neM. 1 set of single haruM.. 1 f"i mUl 1 truck wagou, 1 spring wagon, I sift plow.1, 1 eulllvato'r, 1 KSiM of rve. 1 lot of nay, l io cu" . rve. alt of iv 1 acr ol wneai