: n ITA-LXj, of the LARGEST CHEAPEST Assortment of 1 Gents Furnishing Goods, ever offered in this place at Popular Clothing Store. Corner Third and Market, SOTBUEY, PA. DTI M 0 M D S P E C T A C L E S WATCHES & JEWELRY. BEN RISING BY AX Corner Market and SUNBURY, PA.., DEALER IN WATCHES, CLOCKS, JEWELRY ASD SILVERWAHE. .Spectacles. These Lenses are manufactured from Minute Crystal Pebbles, united by fusion, and derive their name "Diamond," on Recount of their hardness and brilliancy. The bcientilic principal on which they arc coustrueted, prevents nil glimmering and wavering of Sight, Dizziness, .v.c, peculiar to all others in use. Superior to Scotch or llraziliuu Pebbles at less than half the price. They are- mounted iu the finest nianuer, at our own manufactory, in all styles of Gald, Silver, Steel, Rubber aud Shell 1' ramus of tho best quality. Manufactured by Tho Silencer Optical Manufacturing Company. (Successors to J. E. Spencer & Co., in the Optical Department.) New York aud New Haven. i or c-aio only iy Sunbury, Pa., May 31, 1ST3. OH, LITE BELOW THE SURFACE, llV TI10B. W. KNOX. 013 Page Ottuvo. 1:50 Fine Enrii- Relutes Incidents and Accidents beyonj the Light of I:iy j Startling Adventures iu' nil pints of tbo World ; Mines and Mode ot Working them; Caverns mid their Mystutiet j Down in the. Depths of the Son ; Nights In Opium Dcus ; Lifii In Prison j Stories of Exiles s Journeys throne, h flowers and Catacombs; Accidents iu Mints; Underworld of ilia Great LitUs, tie. For circulars and teruis to uirents, address the publishers. J. B. BURR A. CO. Hartford, Conn., or Chicago, 111. ACiCSTS WANTKU rvll BULLS and HEARS of NEW YORK. En Mulhtm JMe Smith. Nearly COO Octavo Pages, Profusely Illustrated. If you wish to know bow Fortunes are Made and Lost t bow Shrewd Men aio Ruined bow I Panics are Created i bow Stocks uro Houirht aud Bjld, Read this Hook. It relates tho biographies j of tbo great leading speculators of New York, ' with a history of Wall Street and its operutors , during tbo past 200 years. For circulars and : terms, address the publishurs. , V I 1. ....... . ... m . ' io BV.UU uii i.ii ,iui uirmuu inrouio, mount ed aud ready for framing, free to every Ageut. J. b. HL'HU ife Co., Hartford, Coun., or Chicago, 111. IV 31. FAKKOX, SOX A t o.. No. 328 South SECOND Street, below DOCK, riiihidelphiH. WILLIAM KAR'ISON, HENRY IIARXEU. NtLbON Pl'GII, W. W. CRE.M'THERS, Manufacturers of First-Class FLKNT1LRE. 1 rice reMOiiuble. Please cull aud examine. "VFOIt HOIKF., Cor V Mulberry, busings Ccutre, W Pa.. Third aud UlUuisport, U. B. ELSE A CO., Proprietor. Juue S, 1S73 TJISTIDEPiaPlOTJlSriD 1873. IIPPIII ii ELGIN WATCH. Third Streets, Til imri N S. SHANNON. Hoarding aud Male Kitible. SHERIFF V AN DYKE baa opened a Veterin ary Hoarding nnri Sale Stable. Boarding horses that are well will be kept iii d'HVrot-.l stables from those that are rick, i-triet attention will be paid to ull horses well or sick. I will cure all had vices in the horse, all diseases of tho uioir.h, all dUcai.es uf tba resplratoi v oricans, disease of the stomach, liver, urinary orirans, fi tt aii l Ices. Also diseases of the head, eyes, and all mlseel laneous diseases. All surtfiea! cases, such as Hiecdihir, Nerving, UowuMiil', Firing tenotomy, Tapping tho chest cottchiin:, Ac. tc. Also. Troitiiig hoists tiained fr the course. Stahle back of Ccnteial Hotel. JAMES VAN DYKE. July 1!,'73. St. JJUTCHEHV! 11UTCHE11Y! MeMrti. Itl.l'FKW A UOUIilt, Third Street, opposite Central Hrtet, SUNUURY, PA., fEEI constantly oa baud tho very choicest IV of fresh i:ki:f, mittos axi vr..vi., which is sold at the lowest priees. Meat canTje bud at all bonis during the day. Buubury, Pa., June B, 1S7J. Kl .Mtl ltY M AHllLi: YAIIO, Fourtli Klrect brlow Market, SUNRURY, PENN'A. riHE uuiierslgucd has relumed from tho Ver L mont Marblo Quarries with Sii Tous of Marble for MouHuieaU, Mrnvc-StonrN, . &c, &c. Ho has bought at such flcurcs that will ullow biiu to sell better stone, for . less monev. than beretolbre. The heat XiSuthcrlaud Falls Marble, which Is better than Italian, sold as low as the Manchester. Rutland is now Those who need auytblug in the Marble line, for Monuments, Grave-btoues, fu other purposes, will Hud It to their Intel est to call aud emiuiiuo this largo stork, as better bargains can be secur ed than buying from purllos 'huckstering' round the country. All lettering will be don iu the neatest and most Improved style. W. M. DACGUEKTY. Suubury, Juu. 11, 167S. ID m em 'if A. P. WALTER. MONUMENTAL SHAVING PAUT.OR and BATH ROOMS. nAIU DRES8ED BY MACHINERY. SyDont forget the place on tlift East side, of Third Sthbet,o, tow doors South of Markct.Suu bury, Pa. Uiaids, Switches, Curl?, and all kinds of LADIES' II AIR. Work made to order cither out of combings or straight hair. All or ders left at the residence of A. P. Walters, corner of 4th si. and Sbamokin avenue, will receive prompt attention. A Specialty In CIIILDRENS' HAIR CUTTING, cither at their homes or Shaving Tartar. A. P. WALTERS. July 5, 1873. tf. J. F. LURCH'S ifCARBlAGE AND WAGON 3 ESTABLISHMENT, CHESTNUT ST., SUNBURY, PA. VEnici.ns of all Kinds made to Obdfh. The latest styles nnd the best workmanship. Samples may bo seen at tbc shop. Give hi in rail. Suubury, Dec. 7, lb72. ly. CD sT J S S3 -1 BLATCil LEY'S ? IMPROVED CDCJH3ER W'KD PL'2P 2 Tasteless, Durable. Efficient nnrt Cheap. 1 he best Pump for the least nioner. Attention is es pecially invited to Blatehlcy's Patent Improved Bracket mid Now Drop Check Valve, which can be withdrawn without re moving the Pump or distuning the joints. Also, the Copper Chamber, which ucver cracks or scales, aud will outlast auy other. For sale by Dealers everywhere. Send lor Catalogue aud Price List. C11AS. GaULATCULF.Y, Manu facturer, 508 Commerce '-Jg Philud'a. Pa. SM.ly A GENTS WANTED IX. TO SELL OUR NEW Improved Clover .Machine, Address BIRDSELL MANUFACTURING CO., Greeneastle, Franklin Co., Pa. Aug. 8, 173. mos. t E.Ti:it OF ATTKACTIOX. Everybody is invited to como and buy of ;the baudsotne assortment of TOYS AND CONFECTIONERIES at SAMUEL 1". KEVIN'S STORE, In frame building, adjoining Moore .t Disslnger's building. THIRD STREET, SUNBURY. PA. Just opened a fresh supply of C'oufe tioucilis of every description. TOYS OF ALE KIXIIS constantly on baud. Tho best RAISINS, FIGS, CL'RUANTS & DRIED FRUIT. PUKE 1UO COFFEE, TEA & SPICES, fresh Bread, Buns & Cakes, every inorulug. FANCY CAKES, BISCUITS, CRACKERS, Ac. OYSTEUS I OYSTERS ! OYSTERS! Having fitted up a room expressly for serving up Oysters lu every stylo, Ladies aud Geutleuieu will be accommodated with the bast bivalves in market, at all hoars durinu the day aud eveutnir Families will be supplied at their resideuce with the bust Shell or Canned Oysters, as is desirable, at the very lowest price. Call and see my excellent assortment of good and ascertain tin prices. 8. F.NEVIN Dee. li, 15.71. Jl.... . 1307. RIGHTER fit GASKtLL, 1307. TEAT,ERS.IN American ani French Winiow Glass, Crystal Sheet, Rough Piute, Colored, ;Enamcltd And Ornamental Olass, 1307 Market Street, Philadelphia. January 11, 1S78. 1j UTICA (Fobmiuli Wood Mass.) STATIONARY- & P0RT1BLE Steam Engines. Tlio Bsst & Most Complete Assortment in the Market. The-e Tlmrlnes have ahrny maintained the wry liiRhent Manilard of excellem. We make the manufacture of Enfrtnca, Hoilra and 8nw Mill, a srs-eialty. WSe have tla-larRest and mostwomploto work, of the kin.t in the oouutry, with maclunory sprnall y adapted to the wors. We keen constantly in process large number, of TmrinML hi.'li we furnish at the very loweat pricee and on the shortest notion. Wo build Knirinca sroeiallr ndnptitl to Mine. Saw Mills Orint Mllla, 'J .iniieriei, t otton Gius, Thresher, awl all clause, cf nmtmfactuiinir. We ai now building the oolebrnted Lane Circu lar Saw Mill, the best and most complete saw mill tTPT invented. . Wo muko tlie manufacture of Saw Mill ontflta i special fmtura of our business, aud cua furnish complete on the shortest notice. Our aim in nil cumin 1. to furnish the best ma chinery in the market, and work absolutely un eqniiU il for beaut jr of diniim.eeomiroy and itnngth. Bund for Ciivulur and Prioe List. UTICA STEAM ENGINE CO. CTICA, W. T. ) A complete Mock of Choice folc tloiiH lu vory loi)rlmeut 'Lo l'erod t Npet-iul prlccii, Uur ins the Kuiiiiucr mcuhoii, lVhile milking lter ut touet. W2 mmm JEWELRY, STERLING SILVER Watches, Plated Goods Cutlery, Clocks, IlronzpH A Fnnry tioods. July 13, 187S. THE KItJ IIARUEK SHOP I S THE SHOP OF THE TOWN and long hns been ; ask history aud sbo will tell yon Men have grown old In our patrouago Babies on their mothers' breast To bouncing boys nt play ; Aud youths by maidens fair oaressed, To stalwart men with cures oppressed, And old men silver gray. And among tbc honored and lasting Impres sions of time, and the crash of rt-volulious in circumstances, wo stand a living monumental memento of the liiuenuity and perseverance np ertaining to the identity of progression, plying our vocation with tho highest style of art and perfection, and aspiring to achieve the highest reward of merit uttulnable in our bumble capaci ty, and tbc sentiment of respect and approbation which the presence of superior appliances aud es tablishment are always wont to Inspire. Always to please We shave with ease Cut and comb with taste the hair ; Shampoo the head with soothing care, And color the whiskers black or brown, To suit the people about the town. Then allow me politely request yon to stop, And not go past nor from around our shop. To get shaved on tbc basis of ability nor ns soino have done for our use of the ballot for prin ciple sacred and right nor under tho common I secret aud invidious guise of enmity ta complex lou ; for the cut of a man's coat, or tho color of his skin, ought not to a fleet his Usefulness nor his qualifications. A fair chance Is all that wo demand, to give the proof to all the land. JAMES W. WASHINGTON. Proprietor. Sunbury, April 5, 1S73 ; No. 91, Market st. " I.Ktl'Oll NTOKE! CHRISTIAN NEFF, Second Street, opposite tbo Court House, SUN BURY, PA., Respectfully invites the ntteutlon of Retailers and others, that he has en baud, and will con stant lv keep all kinds of FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC LIQUORS, Consisting of Pure Brandies: Cogukic, Cherry, Ginger, Rocbelleand Oturd. Whiskies: Pure Rye Copier-lUtllled, Mou gahcla, Apple and Nectar. PURE HOLLAND GIN ! Wines: Champagne Wine, Sherry, Port and Claret. Crab Cider, Champagne Cider, N. E. Rum, Brown Stout and Scotch Ale. STOMACH ASD BAR BITTERS, And all others Liquors which can be found In the city markets, which will be sold at Whole sale aud Retail. Every article guaranteed as represented. Also, a Inrgelot of DEMIJOHNS aud BOTTLES, always ou hand. Orders promptly atteuded o, aud yubllc patrouago respectfully eollcilcd fl NF.FF. Sunbury, July 8, 18(50. ly. A Good Chancellor a Cook Mote t AtJ. B. HEED'S STOVE AND TINWARE STORE, Third St, opposite the Central Hotel, Sunbury, ANY -rson purchasing goods to the amouut off a 00 ut retail prices, for cash, will tie entitled to a Ticket for the drawing of a first class No. 7, Cook Stove with all the fixtures, valued at j 30, warranted- to give satisfaction. Notice will bo given of the place aud time of drawing through the papers. J. B. RKED. Sunbury, July 18, 1873. LOCAL OITIO.V. Now I the time to form Your club. FINE OLD RYE WHISKY. Fully Four Years Old. H per gallon. Or, in lare bottles, secure ly packed iu cases, $11.00 per dozen. VERY FINE PALE SAEUItY, and KAItE OLD PORT WINES, " at same prioes. GOLD SEAL BRANDY, Very Choice. . $18.00 tha doaen ' Bond la your orders, ., IT. A.C. YAM BElLr ' No. I3E0, CHESTNUT ST., Philadelphia. April 19, 1873,-1 yr. STEAM ENGINE MACHINE NIIOP ANI IRON FOUNIIKY. GEO. ROIIRBACII & SONS, Nunbury, Penn'M, INFORM the public that they are prepared to do nit kinds of CASTINGS, and having added n new Machine Sbnp In connection with their Foundry, and have supp'.lc themselves rih New Lathes, Planing and Boring Machines, with the latest Improvements. With tbo aid of skillful mechanics, tbey are enabled to execute all orders NEW WORK OR REPAIRING, that may be given theui, lu a satisfactory man ner. Grate.) to ffjnlt stny Ntove. IRON COLUMNS, for churches or other build Ings, of all sizes. BRASS CASTINGS, Ac. Ornamental .'Iron Fencing FOR GRAVE YARD LOTS ; VERANDAHS, FOR YARDS AT RESIDENCES, 4C, AC. The PL0W8, already celebrated for their su periority, have been still further Improved, and will always be kept on hand. Also, THRESHING MACHINES. Sunbury, May 30, 1871. W. D. MELICK, Druggist and Apothecary, At the old established stand on Market Nqunre, NIXItlllV, 1A. Keeps constantly on hand a full stock of well selected DRUGS & CHEMICALS, Druggists Fancy Goods, COMBS, BRUSHES, PERFUMERY, PATENT MEDICINES, OILS, PAINTS GLASS, PUTTY, VAUXISH, IkYENITFFR, In fact everything nsnnlly kept In a well con ducted STOP.E. Particular attention paid to conipoiindlng Phy sicians prescriptions and family receipts by the Proprlator himself. Sunbury, Pa., June R, 1873. This) kipacc ia IleNerveil Tor the AnVHUTISEMBNT 1P PAINE & McCORMICK'S II A R 1) W ARE STO li E Market St., Sunbury, Ptu Scud for Illustrated Catalogue ami examine our prices beiore purehasimc, as wo claim lo soli lower than anv other establishment in tbo City. REMEMBER the NUMBER, 15KHJ RIDGEAVENUE, Philadelphia. JAMFS II. MeOEYITT, Attorney at Law and Umtbd States Cohmishionkii. OUico with 8. B. Boyer, Kso,., in Brighl's Building, Suubury. Pa. Aug. 22, '73. ly. MTOVKfcTIN ESTAIlI.If.IIM EXT. MARKET STREET, SUNBURY, PA. ALFRED KBAUSE, Proprietor. si'CCKSSOU TO SMITH ORNTllEIt.J HAVING purchused tbo above well known es tablishment, Mr. Krausc would resectfii! )y Intorm the public that ho now has on baud a large assortment of COOKING STOVES, Sieer's Cook Anti-Dust, Regulator or Revolviug Top, Combination, Susquehanna and others, w hich are so arranged as to be uaed for Coal or Wood, aud are warranted tocrforiii satisfactori ly or no sale. HEATERS of all kinds put up to heat one or more rooms. HEATING b'l'l 'YES of different kinds at very low prices. Tinware of Every Description kept constantly ou hand. Rooting and Spouting with tho best material, done nt short notice. REPAIRING attended to with dispatch. Coal Oil M.Ld Lamps constantly on hand. Japan ware of a A.ieU. Store opposite Coulcy's hardware store. Give me a cull. A. KRAlbL. apl24-ly NEAMONAIILE C.0OIVN. SPRING AND SUMMER STYLES at Mlast Kate niack'st, ' Market Square, Sunbury, Pa. LADIE'S DRESS GOODS of every stylo aud quality. White Goods, Fancy Goods, Notions and Trim mings a specialty. TOILET SOAPS AND PERFUMERY i Everybody Is luvllod to call and see them ami buy cheap. May 8, 1873. - Notice to Trespasser.' ALL' Perseus art cautioned agalust trespass ing, or hunting and shooting on the premi ses of the undersigned, lu Upper Augusta town ship, Northumberland county. Penuaylvaula, without permission. Any person violating this notice will be dealt with according to law. GEORGE GAUL. Up. Auf. twp., Aug. , 1873. M.MI1KU AND PLACING MILIJ4. Third St root, adlolnlng Phlla. A Erl R. R., two Squares North of the Central Hotel, eUNBURY, PA. IRA T. CLEMENT, IS prepared to famish every description of lum ber required by the demands of tho public Havin jr. all the latest Improved machinery for foetnrlng Limber, he Is now ready to fill or- maim dors f nil kluds of FLOORING, PID1NG, IWORS SHUTTERS, BA8U, BLINDS MOULDINGS, VE- i RANDAS, BRACKETS, and all kluds of Ornamental Scrowl Work. Turn ing of every description promptly executed. Also, A Lahor assoutment of BILL LUMBER. HEMLOCK and PINE. Also, Shingles, rickets, Lathe, Ac. Orders promptly filled; and shipped by Railroad or otherwise. IRA T. CLEMENT. ilecltf-OHily KEEP IT HANDY. Tub REMAnt.it Familt Meiiicine. DIARRHEA, Dysentery, Cholera, SumiAe. Complaint, Cramps, etc., quickly cured by the ase of JARDELLA'S Compound Syrnp of Blackberry Root and Rhu barb. An old, well tried remedy, entirely vegetable, pleasant to take, quick and certain In effect ( can bo depended on in tho most nriicnt cases ; may be given to tho youngest Infunt as well as to adults. It contains NO CAMPHOR OR OPIUM. It Is a pleasant extract and readily taken by children. It hns often saved life w'hen physi cians had despaired. Keep it iu the house and use in time. All we ask for it is a trial. Don't let your dealer put you off with something else. Bny It. Try it. Sold by Drugirists and Store Keepers throughout this State. Prepared only by 11 AN SELL & BIIO., June H,'73-:iin. -J000 Market St., Philadelphia. THE PARKER GUN. SEND STAMP FOR CIRCULAR PARKER BRtfS WEST MERIDEN.CT. March SO, 1873. ly. Dr. J. Walker's California Vine gar Hitters aro a purely Vegotablo preparation, rundo chiefly from tho native hei li8 found on tho lower ranges of tho Sierra Nevada mountains of California, the medicinal properties of which nro extracted therefrom without tho use of: Alcohol. The question Ls almost daily asked, " What is tho cause of the unpar alleled success of Vinegar Bitters t Our answer is, that they reniovo tho cause of disease, and tho patient recov ers his health. They nro the great blood purifier and a life-giving princi ple, a perfect Renovator and Invigorator of tho system. Never before in tho his tory of the world has a medicine been compounded possessing tho remarkablo qualities of Vinegar Hitters iu healing tha sick of every disease man is heir to. They are a gentle I'urgutivo as well as a Tonic, relieving Congestion or Inflammation of the Liver and Visceral Organs iu Dillons Diseases. Tlio properties of Dr. Walker's Vikkqar Hittkrh a ro Aperient, Diaphoretic, Carminative, Nutritious, Laxative. Dinrutic, Sedative, Counter-Irrrtaut, Sudorific, Altera tive, and Anti-Hilious. r. it. Mcdonald sy. Co., DrnftKists aud Ornrral AK-utH, Hau Kraueiaun, Califor nia, aud our. Wastiuigtou aud Charltou Hu., Saw Vora. Hold by nil Druggist, aud Dealer, THE GREAT REMEDY FOR CONSUMPTION which can bo cured by a timely resort to this stand ard preparation, aa has been proved by tho hundreds of testimonials received by tho proprietors. It is acknowl edged by many prominent physicians to bo the most reliable preparation ever in troduced for the relief and euro of all Lung complaints, and is ollercd to the public, sanctioned by the experience of over forty years. "When resorted to in season it sel dom fails to effect a speedy euro in tho most severo cases of Coughs, Bronchitis, Croup, "Whooping Cough, Influenza, Asthma, Colds, Soro Throat, Pains or Sore ness in tho Chest and Side, Liver Complaint, Bleeding at the Lungs, &c. "Wistar's Balsam does not dry up a Cough, and leave tho cause behind, as is tho case with most preparations, but it loosens and cleanses the lungs, and allays irritation; thus removing tho cause of the complaint. rRPAED BT BETH V. rOWLE SONS, Boston, Mass., ABd sold by ilrugirUts and Dealers g.a.rally. s kk.awi.hu kailkoad. SUMMER AnttANGfiitENl''. MofcbAT, Acocst 4lh, 1873. Trains leave Ifarrlsburg for New fork ns fol lowst nt 5.30 and 8.10, a. id., and 3.00, p. in., connecting with trains on Pennsylvania Rail road, and arriving at Sew York at 12.35, 8.50 and U.45 p. m., respectively. JMurulning i Leart New York at 9.00 a. ra. 13.60 and 6.80 p. m., Philadelphia at 7.80, 9.13 a. m., and 8.30 p. m. ' Leave Harrlsbunr for Reading, Potts v 111 Tamaqua, Minersvllle, Ashland, Bbnmokln, AU lentown and Pbllndelohla nt 6.80 and 8 10 a m 8.00 and 4.05 p.m., Hopping at Lebanou'an'd principal way stations ; the 4.05 p. in., train con necting for Philadelphia, Pottsvtlle and Colum bia only. For Pottsvllle. Schuylkill Haven and Auburn, via ScbuyUtlll and Susquehanna Rail road leave Huriisbnrg at 8.40 p. m. East Pennsylvania Railroad trnlnsloave Read . Alloutown, Easton and New York at 7.30 and 10.35 a. m., and 4.00 p. m. Rotnrning, leave New York at 9.00 a. m., 13.50 and 5.30 p. m., and Alleiitewnnt 7.30 a.m., 13.86. 3.10, 4.S5 and 8. 65 p. in. Way Passenger Train leaves Philadelphia nt 7.30 a. in., connecting at Reading with train ou East Pennn. Ruilroad, returning leave Potts Villo at 4.85 p. m., stopping at all stations. Leave Pottsvllle nt 6.00, 8.05 and 9.10 n. m., and 2.30 p. m., Herndon at 10.00 a. ai., Shatno kinnt 6.00 and 11.03 a. m., Ashland nt 7.1S a. m., and 13.311 ip, m., Mahanoy aty at 7J3 and 13-64 p. in., Ta.naqna at 6.15,8.85 a. in., and 3.15 p. m., for Philadelphia, New York, Reading, Harrlsburg, Ac. ' Leave Pottsvllle via Schnylklll and Susque hanna Railroad at 8.05 a. m., for Harrlsburg. and 13.05 p. tn., for Pinegrove and Tremont. Pottsvllle Accommodation Train leaves Potts vllle nt 0.00 a. in., pusses Reading at 7.?0 a. m., arriving nt Philadelphia at 10.10 a. in. Return lng leaves Philadelphia at 5.15 p. m., pasaes Rcndlne at 7.40 n. m.. nrrlilnr. t i...i..-in.. t- - 4.- .......... b ... llh 9.30 p. m. Pottstowu Accotninodntiou Train leaves Vctn. town nt 0. 45 a. m., returning, leaves Philadel phia (Ninth and Green,) at 4.30 p. m. Columbia Railroad Trains leave Rending lit 7.30 a. m., aud 6.15 p. m., for Ephrnta, Lit!?., Lancaster, Columbia, Ac j returning leave Lan caster at8.30 a. m.,and 8.30p. m., and Colum bia at 8.15 n. m., and 3.80 p. ui. Pcrklomcn Railroad trains leave Perkiomcn Jmtctlon at U.OOu. in., 3.55 and 0.3:) p. in. ; re turning, leave liricr Lane at COO and 7.40a. in., 13.35 and 4.80 p. in., conuccting with trains on Rending Railroad. Pickering Valley Ruilroad trains leave Plue nlxville at 0.05n. in., 3.(l5aiid 5,50 p. m. ; return ing, leave Bycrs at 0.110 u. in., 13.10 nnd 4.30 p. m., connect ing with trains on Reading Railroad. Colehrookdale Railroad trains leave Pott-town nt9.40n. m.nnd 1.05, 0.30 returning leave Mount Pleasant at 5.50 und 11.85 n. in. and 3.00 p. in., connecting willt trains on Rending Railroad. Chester Valley Railroad trains leave Bridge port at 8.30 a. hi. 3.40 nud 5.33 p. in., returning, leave Dowuluirinwii at 7.00 n. m., 13.30 und 5.40 p. in., connecting with trains on Reading Rail road, Ou Sundays! leave New York at 5. 30 p.m., Philadelphia at a. ui. and 8.15 p. m., leave Pottsvllle at 8.00 a. w., and S.:i6 p. in., lento Harrlsburg at 6.30 u. ui. aud 3.00 p. in. ; leave Allciitox n nt 4.36 and 8.55 p. iu. lav Rcad ing at 7.40 n. in. nnd 10.16 p. in. r.ir llr.rri.-l.tir", at 7.30 a. m. for New York, at T.4; a in, for lentown and at 9.40 n. m. and 4 10 p. in.. Cor Philadelphia. Commutation, Mlleiiue, Season, Srhool ani Excursion Tickets, to und from all poiuts, l ro duceil rates. Baggage clicikod throimb ; 1CJ pouiiils allowed each Passenger. J. E. WOOTTEN, Oiurrul .Su;V. I - IKA1IM1. I'A., AllgllSl 4, PENNSYLVANIA IIAIL !.O.tI. I'IlLADltl.l'IIIA A EniE R. H. DIVISION. SUMMER TIME TAIJhE. On nnd after Sunday, July 30th. 1S71J, tho Traiusoiitho Philadelphia & Eric Rail Road Divi slou will run us follows i WESTWARD, Eric Mail leaves Philadelphia, 11.55 p m li.'-.) a pi S.'il a ti 7.55 p n. v. n p m :.(. p l:i f-...ll 111 7.4."i a ia b.M e. 1. 1 4.15 p m 7.115 p in isunburv, " " " Williamsport, " " arratErle, Erie Express Waves Philadelphia, " " " Sunbury, " " " Williamsport, " " an nt Erie, Elmlrii Mull leaves Philadelphia, " " " Siinhurv, " " hit nt Lock Haven, Niagara Express leaves Philadelphia, " " " Williamsport, 7.8a a m Suuburv, " " " Renovo." 13.S0 p in J..i. a m " " urr. at Niagara Falls, 9.45 pm EASTWARD. Erie Maii leaves Eric, " " ' Williamsport, " " " Sunbuiv. " " arrut PhlledolphU, Erie Express leuves Eric, " " " Williamsport " " " Siinhurv, " " orrut Philadelphia, Elmira Mail leaves Lock Uuven, " " " Williauispoit, " " " Sanhuiy, " " air at I'hiliul.lt'hia. 11. CO a m 11.) p iu 1.':.') a in 7.15am 9.05 p in 7.:5 a 111 f .115 a lu U.lio p in 7.75 a in M.M a in ll.Uu in ti.iio p in Niagara Express leaves N Laura Falls, 7 it' in tvenovo, " " " Wllllam-poit, " " " Sunbuiv. R.lu p in 6.15 p 111 O.J.i p iu 13.80 a in nrr at i'hiludelhi M:.il K.ilfit I'linill'i'l. i'n.1 unit Hr.'.t ut Vri.i will. L. S. A M. S. K. W. and nt Corrv and lrvinetou with Oil ( reek and Allegheny U.K. V. Mail West with east ami Kisl liaiiis oil L. e'. A M. A. It. IV. fiml til IrviliMt.m vfcilli llil I 'r.n.L' I und Allegheny H. K. W. Wancu AceomiiioiLtioii east aud west Willi ' trains ou L. S. .Vj M. b. R. V. cast tiud wi st mi l 1 ui r.inv iiii . c. a. n. k w. Erie Accommodation cat at Cony ami Wct at Corry anil Irvlurlou with O. C. i A. K. R. W. Elmira Mall and Ninicuru Eprrss make c!os coiiiicclions at williamsport with N. C. R. W. trains, north and south. IVM. A. BALDWIN, Gen'l Snn't Danville, lluxlt'ton A' tt ilkcHbitrre It. It. l'euuu. It. K. Co. Lrsse. '. ARRANGEMENT. On ami Vic Puttcuircr trains ou tha 1)., 11. Ji V ilLrun ns follows i WEST WARf1. "k ASTM'3i ."KK 1.KAVR. New York, Philadelphia, Fusion, Bethlehem, Hazleton, Cuttawissn, Danville, A. M.' l.EAV H. . U. G:O0 Sunburv, 0:80 8:00 Daiiville, 7:03 9:85 CalUWlssa, 7:8S 10:05 Hazleton, 9:08 P. M. 1-. M. 1:00 Bethlehem, 3:40 Easton, 3:30 Philadelphia, :::57 Nw York, urr. 13:10 18:35 3:15 Suubury, arrive !s:50 fraiii West arriving at Suubury 3:57 i. ui.. makes close connections with trains on Philadel phia A Erie R. U. fu Milton, Williuni.port, LiH'k Haven aud all oiiits Wist, Elmira and all points North, als. with Northern Centiul Kail way, for Huirisburg and Baltimore. JiySew and elcguut evaches ruu thiough la tweeu Sunbury aud Easton. FRANK THOMPSON, Supl. D. 11. .V W. 11. R. St it's OKrrca, Williamsi-oht, Pa. i Mayi. 18TO. i A. M. MEIXELL, " riKALKU IN Aiuerirau aud I'uropcHu HATCHES. FINE JEWELRY ad SILVERWARE,- PeriVctetl Npeetstelesi and Ejo Calaanen. GOLD' II EADED dANES. Watches und Jewelry neatly repaired and war.' ranted. Market Square, SUNBURY, IV Feb. 3, 1873.-U.