y ijtnbnrn American. H. B. MASSER, E. WILVERT. Editors. SUNBURY, OCTODKH 3, 1873. Republican State Ticket. POlt STATU TREASURER. II, W. MACKEY, of AUcjhamj County. FOll SUPREME JVDOK, HON. ISAAC G. GORDON, of Jifft rson County. COVXTY TICKET. 1.. , AOENSKL '..F,R, of Snyder Co. Ml.WM.j. ,U,0,M.Y. Catt. GEORGE of Mt t;(vrmoi Borough. itEiiiSTm and nil. of Moutour Co. CAIT. ALEX. CALDWELL, o- ac. THE.-tsL-nr.H. "k!ii Bovo. SAMUEL SAVIPGK, of Upper August.. COMMISSIONER, ADAM LENKF.R, o( tower Mnlinnoy. JI IIT COMMISSIONER, WILLIAM II. LEIGIIOW, of North'd. ACDiTOR, 3. PRIESTLY, of Northumberland. XI Eli L A KGEM KNT OF THE "AMERICAN." Wo propose, in a few weeks, to enlarge tlio American by adding a column to each page, so that wo will bo enabled to give more reading matter to on- patrons. making these impro'iouts we will bo compelled to make nn outlay of some fifteen hundred doUars. Xc therefore appeal to our frieuds to leud us their assistance to effect this enterprise, and exert themselves in sending us subscriptions and job work. Tlio American will be published at the same rate as now, viz, SI SO in advance, or 82 if not paid in advance This rule will, however, be mora strictly adhered to. Those who owe us will much oblige us if they will remit, as we are in need of the money to make the contemplated improve ment. The Republican Candidates. The nominees of the Republican party in this county are all men of the highest respecta bilitymen of integrity and honesty. Dr. "Wagenscller for State Senator, is a gentle man well qualified for that position. IIo is a man of rare ability, and his election will be an honor to the district. Dr. Wa genscller was a gallant soldier, and served with distinction through the entire war. In this viciuity the people are most particular ly interested in the contest. It is positive ly known that Mr. Dill the opponent of Dr. "Wagenscller, is Col. JleCiure's caudid ile, and if elected is pledged to support all 3.1c Clure's fanaticisms. All men employed on public works are therefore personally inte rested, Bs McClure's monopoly schemes are calculated to oppress the poor, and if Mr. Dill is elected he will add one more vote to wards that object. Tor Assembly Dr. W. J. ITaas and Capt. Geo. Lovett are both gentlemen who have sprung from the laboring classes, and who fully understand the wants of the working class of people. They are both men of abi lity, and wherever knowu .they will carry the entire working classes with them. The candidate for Register and Recorder, Capt. Caldwell, has all the requisite quali fications for the position. He is a gentle man of the highest character for integrity and honesty. His war record is knowu to nearly every man, woman and child in the couuty. As ft private citizen ho ranks among the highest as a man of good char acter. The Captain has always been a staunch Republican, and we know has worked harder, and risked more to main tain the purity of the ballot box, and put in office honest mcr1, than any man in too coal region. To him belongs a large share of the honor iu bringing about a re formation in the a flairs of our county. Ev ery unbiased person will readily admit that Capt. Caldwell is entitled to recogni tion for his persistent labors iu the sup pression of the bad slate of affairs which existed iu the county but a few years ago. For Commissioner Adam Lenker has but few equals for that position. His large experience as a contractor and iu business transactions, iu which he has exhibited more than ordinary judgment, well qualify Lira to perform the duties of that otliee. lie will make au honest and careful oflicer.and all who know him will admit that the atfuirs of our county will be conducted iu a safe manner under his supervision. In his own township there will be but few votes cast ag'aiust him. The candidate for Treasurer, Mr. -Sa-vidgo,'is well known throughout the coun ty, and the county finances iu his hands, will not only lie safp; but will bo guarded by-a faithffll and honest servant. rr Jury Commissioin r aud Auditor no better selections could Lave been uinde. Mr. Leighow is a gentleman of the highest respectability, well knowu throughout the couuty as an upright and impartial gentle man. Mr. Priestly is a practical business man, a good accountant, and a gentleman "i nniuvi:u-iiamo cnarueiiT. in sucli a ticket the Republican party can feel a just pride, and those who may not support it, will at least d us the justice of admitting that the men presented by the Republican party are just what we here state. Ma. Eicjioltz in tho Democrat last week, again tries to defend his Ring caudidate, Dr. Dewitt, by deuying that his voice was weak last winter in calling for the yeas aud nays on the Salary grab ques tion. If Dr. Dewitt had been sincere iu his opposition to that question of raising his salary, he would no doubt have entered his protest on the Journal tho samo as other members. Unfortunately the Doctor's name does not appear in tho proceedings at any time during tho discussion of the question. Yet it is well knowu that he tried to make himself conspicuous on near ly every question brought before the House. As soon os Mr. Eicholtz can show by the proceedings. of the Legislature that the Doctor did oppose the .Salary grab the peo pie will change their opinion, aud wo de- mand of our neighbor,-that he will do his mend the justice nud publish tho proceed iu full. pTTiw nrr Tint T)eht. The allega tion that tho present Republican board of Commissioners aro paying off tho couuty dobt is the shallowest sort oi ciap-irnp, on ft general par with the polo-cat and mink literature- from the same quarter a year ago. What would tho Commissioners do with, tne large nmouui m ...u.iuj ..,. leclcd yearly from the people if they did not use it for county purposes ? All for mer boards ofComtuissioncrs have used the money honestly, and their accounts havo yearly been audited by n competent board of Auditors. Every board of Commission ers since the building of the Court House has been paying off the county debt. 1 ho present board has been no less, if not more extravagant than former boards. It may be regarded by the flnirncan as ft great wonder that the money coiicciou uy the present boord is not stolen, but every body e lse would of course expect that they would perform ft simpla official duty by putting it to legitimate purposes". Demo crat f last u-ak. By the above it will bo seen that our neighbor of tho Dcmocrt! is again trying to deceive tho people. In an advertisement in his own paper, notico is given by tho Commissioners to those holding orders to resent them for payment before the loth " -r November, and that -interest will n Ti " i,r t,)nt datc- rl,v" U wlU be 8CCU that no is -nJcmnC(i 0Ht of hi8 0Wn mouth. "u "on 1 i'.r.osc tlmt our ncighhor willi jf anything ubont; such ch.p-tmp litera- ture. 110 ,act Mlint the present board of Commissioners moan business, and that tax payers will r .... juv ,... tween (' countv officers of to-day aud thopp -i.o formerly conducted the offices under tho Rule of the Ring. There may be some who do not understand why the county debt is beiug paid off during the first year that the Republicans have con trol of the offices, when formerly the in debtedness was annually on tho increase. We would remind all such that tho pre sent officers do uot feel disposed to fleece the tax-payers, and those who formerly held the offices are considerably non-plussed because their bills arc cut down to what tho law allows them. It is perhaps sur prising that the county did not assume a worse state of affairs from the recklessness, negligence aud extravagance of tho officials. Wc will enumerate some 80 that the peo ple will understand how the taxes were ap plied, and how the Republicans have man aged to pay off the Democratic indebted ness of about -21,000, in one year. Ou ex amining the records wo fiud that the out standing taxes are being collected aud pro perly applied, saving the county over three thousand dollars interest. Over SI, 200 were cut down on bills of former officers, held against the county, to which they were not entitled. From eight to ten thou sand dollars have beeu saved the county by cutting down road damages which were for merly allowed, and which the law does not provide for. Over twelve huudred dollars have been recovered from old duplicates where collectors were charged a less amount than the duplicate amounted to. Many old duplicates have uot been settled on account of Ring collectors refusing to come forward and make settlement, which looks a little suspicious. There is a consi derable amount iu duplicates of three and four years ago, which ought to have been paid in the treasury long since, hut as the collectors have not come forward tho Com missioners are now compelling them to a SPttlumeut as epoolily nn oanlulu. -A onr neighbor of the Democrat admits that , 0S0 15 was paid in the year 1872 for skunk scalps, the amount paid in 18;t, was only $.11 0"), owing to tho action of our present Commissioners, leaving a balance in favor of the county over the former year of 1. 92$ 50. By examining the records wc also find that during the past year, in the Prothono tary's office, about $1,000 was saved by tho economy and management of that officer. The costs in the Commissioner's office is about nine hundred dollars less than for merly. The Sheriff's office has been con ducted in such a manner that over a thou sand dollars have been saved tho couuty, although there was a larger number of cri minals than in nuy former year. These are facts which may bo ascertained by ex amining tho records, and which the next county auditor's report will show. With such a contrast in tho management of our county offices, between the Ring offi cials and those of the Republican party, we doubt whether our neighbor will be able to deceive the taxpayers any longer by such paragraphs as the above. We believe that the taxpayers, whose pockets have been probed to the bottom, will agree with us, lhat it is better to vote for Republican oth- cers than those connected with the Ring Democracy, who created the county debt which is now being wiped out. Previous to the election last fall, Mr. Lcituel Shipman was ecn in Sunbury daily consulting wilh the members of the Ring. Ou Saturday previous to the election, ho and one of the King oflicers started ou a tour through the lower end of the county, to deceive the people by circulating that Pat. Hester had beeu pardoned by the Re publicans. The citizens of the Mahanoy'a will, no doubt, remember meeting tho party on Sunday, as they were reluming from tho houso of worship, and wero hailed and iuforrued lhat Pat. Hester was set free, for the purpose of influencing their vote on tho Tuesday fullowiug. Mr. Shipman, has again made Sunbury his headquarters, aud is seen almost daily on our streets consult ing with the same party. What deception they intend to practice upon the people thih election will soon be seen. Wo noticed lately all the Ring candidates iu town, even Mr. l)ill candidate for Senator, aud we would uot be at all surprised if there was a gii?antie move ou f.iot to get up the greatest deception, to deceive the people just previous to the election, that has ever lieen practiced upon citizens ol any cotn- ruuuity. Every clfort is made by the Ring De mocracy to have Lemuel Shipman elected to the ortice of Registei t.t d Rccordor, bo as to have an otliee in the Court House as a rendezvous, and with au expectation to re-establish the former state of affairs iu tho Court Houso. Iot every voter reflect before he casts his ballot aud fcee whether by voting for Shipman, be is not doiug an act that will be an injury to himself and the community. Ourt neighbor of tho Democrat after hav ing aided the Ring to deceive foreign born citizens by promising them ofllco year af ter year, and when put hi nomination, aided as readily In defeating them, now turns up his proboscis ot tho Republican candidate for Assembly, Capt. Lovett, be cause ho is on Irishman. Wc do not pre scribe any man on nccount of his nation ality, nor do we bclicvo in deceiving any ono in order to catch their votes like our neighbor. Rut we havo always assumed the right to denounce openly all who we did not believo were fitted for the position, the same as many of our neighbor's Ring candidates. As we havo known Capt. Lovett since the outbreak of the rebellion, and known him to be a worthy citizen, well quallificd for the position, it affords us great pleasure in giving him our hearty support, and we will as readily endorse any other foreign born citizen that may como before the public with as pure a character as Capt. Lovett. Our only regret is that we could never support our neighbor lor the same reasons. The nominees of tho Republican party of this county aro all p'odged to au honest administration of the finances. Tho ro- cord of tho officials now iu ofllco is such that will commend itself to every voter h respective of party. In tho election of tho nominees tho party will see that the pledge i 1 ...... ... - - " conducted iu the same economical manner as they have been during the past year. Siuce'notice is given that the whole couuty aebt is to be wiped out by the 15th of No vember, ft uow state of thiugs will be inau' gutatcd, and our county put in a better tinaucial condition than it has been since its organization. Tho people knowing this to be a fact, wo do not believe that any voter will cast his vote against his own in terest. The fact that the county officers will pay oft' tho county debt this year without increasing taxation, and at the same timo being at a heavy expense in making re pairs to the Court House, which was in a. wretched condition, besides building new bridges, &c, thereby saving over 3,000 in terest annually, will uo doubt cause many of the tax-payers to inquire as to what was done with the taxes for ten years past. Perhaps our neighbor of the Democrat can answer the question, as ho was cU-scly iden tified with tho "Ring." One of the arguments used by the Dem ocrat in favor of Lemuel Shipman is, that he was "prison guard of Jeff Davis when that diyniteiry was iu confinement." Docs the Democrat intend to insinuate that Mr. Shipman feels that he was highly honored in being near the person of that diynitaty, as the editor respectfully calls him. Per sous less respectful would have called Mr. Eichholtz's dignitary a traitor. Tiik editor of tho Democrat has had a cousultatiou with Dr. DeWitt concerning what he said about tho "-Iwprjeiin." The result is a mouthful of vulgar expletives, and other doctor stuff which he could not swallow, but which he put iu his paper. THE Democrat ofll.o loth u;t savs ihu Court House debt of nearly hundred thou sand dollar was paid off every year since. Last week that miiic paper says that the amount was paid oll'by a 1 emocratic board. The fact is there was a special tax levied wheu the Court llo'isi) was beiug built for the full amount. Now stte what became collected, and if used how the present debt of 21,000, which the : commissioners aro now paying off, was created. The old Dodge Oveh Aoaix. Mr. Shipman is trying to get Republicaus to vole for him by circulating that certain Repub licans will support him iu other districts, then goes to the panics meuuoneu auu lens i them that the ones first approached will support him, when iu fact both parlies are opposed to him. This is an old dodo of Iemuels, and every Republican (should be on his guard aud not allow himself to be deceived. Death of a 1 1 ero. Admired AVins low of tho United States navy, who com manded the Kearsae iu the memorable light with the rebel pirate Alabama, died at his residence is Dubtuu llighlauds, on Mon day last. Tiik Philadelphia papers say that on last 1- riday the city was luller ot guests llian itl.ad everbeeuatanypmiod oi its lustory, and than it will be until lh,0, when tlio worM will gather there to celebrate the hundredth anniversary of political and re ligious freedom on this continent. The occasion of this immense influx of of visitors is the grand display of the Ma sonic Temple, on Rroad street. It has at tracted visitors from almost every town and village iu the land. Tim bands of the country which have used their money for the accommodation of the business men of tho community in which they may be located, will remain sound and sull'er but little from tho preseut tinaucial crisis. Those, however, which had large deposits with city bauks and bunkers, for the purpose of speculation and receiving high rates of interests, to tho de triment of their home customers, will lie heavy losers, aud will uot receive much sympathy when their losses are made kuow. National Ikon Works. Under the direction of Iho Assignee, these works were sold on Tueday last at Philadelphia, to Win. R. Shaw of Washington city, for the sum of 708,000. The mortgages ou the property amount to 5r7.'8,000 in the aggro gale, hence tho 10,000 additional realized from the sale above thnt sum, will uot more than liquidate legal and other incidental ex penses, leaving nothing to meet tho claims held by the workmen against tho concern. Xekds Repairing. The litigation be tween tho Danville & Hazlctou railroad, and the towuship of Rush, has resulted iu leaving tho wagon road arouud tho base of the liluu Hill ou the opposite side of the river iu a most scandalous, condition for travel. At every few rods, iu song; cases feet, water is standing iu holes, and the ootvstant travel has woru the lower side lo that extent that in some places the incline will upset a hay wagon or auy vehicle bli'-litlv Ion heavy. This is tho condition of iho road now, and every day will make it worse. We know not which of the parties are answerable for tho road beiug in such a state, but certainly ono or the other should be made to place the road iu a pasaable con dition, or be brought before the Court aud dealt with sternly lor not doiuj; so. Van illic I:tcltijcnr(r, of the money then ' in power to relieve tho present unsettled j be? rr Local Option presides to pay off that debt, ! " which is hold- J': "" cf" ! 1 S ' I lllff It'll 'LT III lltuu.iicn vooi.ti i-Afio ftf 4 Itn 7 J The formal Dedication ol tho His. Nonlc Temple- Philadelphia, Sept. 20. One of the grandest sights of modern times was to-day witnessed iu our streets, upon tho formal dedication of tlio now Musmilo Templo. The grand army of Masons tlmt threaded our crealest thoroughlnres.tlie unparalleled eruxli of thousands and tens of thousands ol loouers-on, llin crash music an conspir ed to make a scene that will live long'in the memories of thoso Mio beheld It. ror months the most extensive, preparations were made for tho event whose iconne incut has been so plorious and complete. Not, less than ten thousand men, blended together In a, frateri.'ity where sociul differ ences are torgot, composed me civic pa geant, and particiated, in various capaci ties, in the solemn lolling apari oi me mag nificent Temple toils proju-r use. THE AITEAR ANU5 OS liROAD 6TREET DUU1NO THE PARADE. The lino cominf around tho corner of Broad and Filbert streets, moved up the street in sectious cf six, nt a distance of six feet apart, pursuait to orders, and when just above Arch hiltcd to await the coming up of divisions, vhich had formed some distance off. As soon as tho lne was intact tho com mand to move wi again given, and the Allentown Cornet 3and, nt the head, struck up ft march. Thelodges all presented au imposing appcanuce, and one seemed to Vie with tho other In their black suits, with "silk tiles," Iwy truly made a host of accomplished gmleman a credit to any organization. TLej trod - like soldiers, never once brcakiie iteps and in their uni vt motion, iooked like ft huge ma chine moving indc-r tho guidance of a single band. At every point they were hailed by thu waving of hankercliier and raising of hats, all of which were gratetully acknow ledged by .he individual participants. The entire city was out chaperoning its euests, and no ones view was intercepted. It was intended tc march to Columbia avenue, and then retirn on the cast side, but tho extended lensth of the line rendered it ne cessary to ontinua up above Diamond street. It wa hero that tho procession ret rograded anj marched down . Tho timo taken up in pasting a given point was at least two hours and a half. An occasional halt was rendered ueecssary, but with this exception, the lire moved without a singlo interruption. Spectators kept clear of tho street, by which means a view of the entire proces sion was easily had. and when it was con cluded, people returned to their homes to talk over the evens of tho morning, nnd await tlio return lomo of their Masonic re latives and fricndi. After the grand public display on Broad street the ceremonies of dedication proper took place, and tlry commenced as soon as all those who wen eulitlcd lo the privilege had entered the Temple. In strict accordance with Masonic rites, the dedication should have cmmeuccd ftt high noon, but ow ng to tlio immensity of tho affair, and the vast crowd who were by right privileged to be present was after tho legal hour when tho Right Worshipful (iraud Master usel his gavel, or "Tongue of the Lodge," iu tokeu lhat the dedication was about to commence. As soon as all were in their places and silence prevailed, the ceremonies were pro ceeded with. After the ceremonies, the Grand Master formed the procession of the Grand Lodge and it moved three times around the town and then, retired from the building. E-cttcr Irom l'reMitteut (irnnt Ills View wi the Crisis. Washington', Sept. 28. The following letter was written to-dy : Kvwvi'ivn Mansion, Washington; Sept. 2S, 1S7:1. To M.-ssrs. 11. U Clatlln and Charles L. Anthony Gentlemen : In response to the views you havo commuui ,.nt. .,ltn..i,. t.m.-hin.M.l.r,rn,Pntatrinwiw.w 7". ' i . . ! in tlio money market of the country, nnd ; the necessary steps to restore cotilldellCO IU I legitimate I rail e and coiun.ercc, I Lave tho ! honor to coinnuitiicate the following : country now awaiting transportation the seaboard and a market. Cimtidenee ou the run of the people is the first tiling needed to i-iljovo this condi tion and to avert the thrcteucd destruc tion of business, with its aeci.,urjyindis- asters to nil classes of the pc..,(.. To re. ; f.fcin nils I i iiis lecim. me govern uiu.. .;ii . " . -f 1I1L: lJ lillWU .... H-JiUI Hll-imuiio " "a vim- nmnu, out u is eviuem tnai no Kiveruiij.nt ellorts will avail without tne aciivc co-opts i ration of the bauks and moved corporations lima of the country. With the 8U,U00,000 al ready paid out in the purchase of the gov ernment indebtedness, and the withdrawal of their large deposits from the Treasnry, the banks arc now strong enough lo adopt a liberal policy ou their part, and, by a generous system of discounts, to sustain the busiuess interests of tho country. Should such a course be pursued the 5? 44, UUO.UUO of reserve will be considered as money in the Treasury, to meet tho de mands of the public ueeessity, as tho cir cumstances of the couutty may require. Close attention will be given to the course lud by tho8e who llavo tho n)can9 at ,1L.ir C(MMmaU(l of midCrmg all the aid a t de lo it8 r elaulu.,alia cdition, wilh a view of strengthening the bunds of those who carry out the measures above indicated. Orders have already beeu issued for tho prepay ment of the iuterest accruing in November. U. S. Grant. AsNClttt timl I.lutililic of the Finn ol'Juy Cooke A' t o. Philadelphia. Kept. 20. Tho state ment of assetts and liabilities of the firm of Jay Cooke & Co.. of Philadelphia, Now York and Washington, has been prepared by them to be submitted lo their creditors. The following is a summary : Liabilities, Sf7,U:iV,4ul.2G ; assclt bills, receivable in bank, insurance and other stock bouds, and real estate, .7,K07,tUO.P' ; loans to Northern Pacilie R. R Co., on 3,75U,O0O ; stock of Oregon Meani Navigation Com pany, SI, "'1)0,000 ; loans to Northern Paci lie K. It. Co. on bonds ol me uoinpany, v 00H,J15,0'J ; secoud moitgage lailioad bonds, stock, ..vc, foJO.ooo.uo ; totei, Sl.",!.Hiii,-J'i.n. The above exibit o f liabilities is exclusive of 1,701,140.011, loans to form which are lully secureu by good collaterals, lne ex cess of collaterals upon these loans bus been estituated aud included iu the assets. The firm expects soon to submit a proposition for a settlement wii.li its cre.ditiors, which it believes will be acceptable to Ihu latter, although it will of course require lime in conversion of its assets. Tlio handsome showing made leaves no doubt of usability to pay every dollar of its indebtedness with iuterest, aud leave a surplus of several mil lions of dollars. A gratifying feature iu the above exhibit is the fact that although the emburrassiueut of the linu has been accasioued by iu large advances to the Nottheru 1'acitie aud eouueetiug roads. which it was carrying duriug the period of unprecedented monetary stringency, its resources outside of these advances are amply sutlkicut lo secure all its cteditors Iioiu ultimate loss. The FlutturlulCuliu. New York, Sept. 20. Wall and Broad streets have returued to their normal con- dition, and there is nothing in their exter- will our neighbor ! Tho aoveiument is desirous of doiuu all ' Baeeluia moving about mourning and having ;j iiuiim linv; It iTt'U I V,V D VI IHU - nal appearance to remand the spectator of the storm which has recently swept over them. A great many people thought that tho reopening of the Stock Exchange would be the signal for n renewal of panic, but All such forebodings have proved false, and the "balls" and nnd "bears" to-day were traiiftrcting business wilh unutttinl modera tion. On tho whole the te.m)r of the street is one of disappointment ot the low price of stocks, the dulness of gold, ami tin- absence of sales under the rule. Everybody has his secret of the panic, and few mean to tell them. Tlio close shaves from suspension, which were made closo shaves and not fail ures by the timely closing of tho Exchange, will be forgotten by the mass of brokers when three days of grace allowed by tho resolution of the Governing Committee have passed over and the inactivity in stocks may bo due to a settling up of old scores before there arc any heavy obligations in curred by new business. The banks and bankers are all busy, nnd already tho activity in deposits show the consequence of tho rcopeniug of tho Stock Exchange. The clearances of tho banks were made on time this momma, and a visit to several of the heavy ones shows that the currency is still coming in, and the de mands from the country have steadily de creased siuce Saturday. Willi tho private banking-houses there is rather more than the aulicipated business, and if there is no new "Hurry" in Walt street, there will bo a quiet settling dowu and a general set tling 'up, so that the suspended houses may resume payment without a. heavy sacrifice of collaterals for loans made by them or a loss upon their own securities. FOR TUB AMERICAN. l'l the Went Ilrauch. Lewisduho, Sept. 20, 1S73. Beautifm panorama of nnlurcnnd of liKluxtiy t Ulorloiix prospect of monr.luln ecrneiy ! Fertile, well cultivated Held", Bubstuntiiil dwelling nnd barns, with conveniences of every kind, show thnt tho hardy yeomen of the Sutquuhnnun val ley live tit home.' Helow Williamsport the win ter grain in generally np, or about beinc di'll'ed In nnd rolled by the busy fanners. The ttnod of corn Is good, the urea quite Inrgo. nnd tin quality (fcnernlly superior. Tlio clleci of tl;j frost on Ihu night of the 15th was repreeaed by n heavy fop. There will bo lartfe crops of corn nnd potatoes nloug Iho upper valleys of tho West Bmnel'. Lock Haven. Arriving in the city yes, the ben l i fill city of Lock llaveu iro out to the ele Vutions around it, nnd look back on the location, and the tilling up of the future. Look nt it bu sinefis 1:0 iimoug its 10.COU laborers, rnerjielie population, intent ou irraspine; the Almighty Dollar, but orderly nnd hospitable lo a fault. Progressive, Intelligent, religious. But can they be good Christians while engaged in this wanton destruction of timber I Is not Iheeuttii.g dow n, sinvlne up, and selling on" of the stately tree-, of the mountains without planting others fur com ing generations, a mortal sin for which vandal man must giveau nccount t But I tun digressing. On our arrival we went to the li.iptist Church. This denomination have ' bulit a large, ell-tln'ishcd house of worship nt j an expense of nliout M4,OOi. '1 hey n:e not wealthy, but they hail n viij, anil they foun t the way. Why cannot the Sunbury brethren, with a larger membership, "go and lo likewise," pro vide sitting for their growing congregations, und j abandon their old-time shanty I I The Northumberland Baptist Association con- 1 vened at Lock Haven on the lull In-t. Hev flr..n VII'.. V.l,.r .I,.,- I( experienced presiding otlicer, und ttuderstands ' disVatrhlne: hn-dness The introductory sermon ,. . ' j..u7. i K.. u l- ... t..'. . ..i.. ; crease onr Faith:'' The Docirlunl sermon in clio evening, by Prof. Lowry Tent. "Tho Ju;.t for tho Unjust." Both sermons were lucid and tin pressivc. The audience, was good and attentive, and the music excellent. The usual apeals for muiiey to carry on the Missionary and Educational enterprises of the organir.ition wero made. The speeches were short and to the point. All seemed harmonious. I observed that the letters from the churches nlong the river reported the greatest accessions ; those in the coil regions the least progress. Aro there atmospheric and other Influences that draw converts "into tin miter" iu the Susque hanna valley I What retards the progress of this church iu the anthracite section i Let theo logians answer. Returning on the 18th, we stop nt Williams- port Ma I Ion. Twenty minutes lor breakfast "runaoiu eru:e iiouse, wan improve,! accom- morlations. Growing city or .Magmllccnt rtis- til!lc(,8, Uurmlm l9 pitching his tents. Seekers of pleasure, without money nt home to pay the baker or the printer, with pickpockets aud other vagrants nre assembling in crowds. Disciples of Tit THE 11 m.u. TIIK 1'AlX-KlLLEIi manufactured by PKUUV DAVIS &. SON has won fur it self a reputation unsurpassed in medicinal preparations, lite u nice rs .l if.' of tne e- ' 'inn ml Dnil ailpiirikiniT fun hiru in .Im ltiu.f,rt. nf lI)ig medf,,,., Tl7e pain-Killcr is now ..n : i ..... i o . . . legiiinrijr bohi in liirgc nuu aeeuiini mri-ius imj quantities, not only to general agents ju cvcry (ln(j Territory of the Union nn.i ... .,,..:, In Ttritiah Am..ri.r. , J .... ... .. ' Uuenos Ayres, 15 lll-'Hher South At razil, I raguay, rem, merican States, to the Sauwic. .Islands, to Cuba aud other West T .If 1 1 .,H iiiuio, isiag. to usi!lIui and coutineu i.u curiam , Mozambique, Madagascar, Zanzibar, aud . AHcan . to Australia, and Cu tt Rangoon and other p aces ,n India. u ,)ri8 ,BO bw;n sent to China, and we d.)u ,f there js foreign port or any inland ciH ju Africa or Asia, which is frequented by mericau ahd European missionaries. tra 1(.rs ' traders, into which the Pain-Killer iiu nol been introduced. The extent of iu vnrfuhies is auothcr great leaturc ot tins remarkublu medicine. It is uot only the best thing ever knowu, us everybody will confess, for bruises, cuts, burns, &e., but for dysentery or cholera, or any sort of bowel complaint, it is a reme dy u nsui passed for etliciency and rapidity of action. In the great cities of Uritish India and the West India Islands and other hot climates, it has become the stand ard medicine for all such complaiuts, as well as dyspepsia, liver complaint, ana omer kindred disorders. For coughs and colds, canker, asthma and rheumatic dillicullies, it has beeu proved by the mostahuudaut aud most abuudant and conviuctug trials auu testimony, to bo an invaluable medicine. Tl,0 t-trnnt-iotn.-a nro in fiOHHession of letters from iiersous of the highest character and responsibility, testify in unequivocal terms ' to the cures etl'ectcd and the satisfactory! results produced, in an endless variety ofj cases bv the use of this creat medicine. Tbat the Pain-Killer is deserving of all its proprietors claim for it is amply proved oy the uuparalled poplarity it has attained. It is a ur and effective remedy. It is sold in almost every country in the world, and is becomiug mora auu more popular every year, its neaitng properties nave been lully tested ail over mo woria anu it need only to be known to be prized. Sold by all Druggists. Sept. 5, 1873-1 nioa. iOthj Sbbcrt.semcnta TO HOLDERS OF COUNTY OIIDEHS. ALL persons holding County Orders are r reiiuesled to preseut them for payment on or before NOVEMBER 131b, 1873. Interest will cease pa all outstanding orders oh that data. By order of the Commissioners. A. CADWALLADER, Couuty Treasurer. Sunbury, Oct. 8, 1373. 3t. FOR COUG11S, X)LD8, HOARSENESS ANU ALL TUHOAT UISSISEH, use WELL'S CARBOLIC TABLETS. put up only In blua Boxes. A TRIED AND BUKE KEMEDY. Bold by Drnssisti. Oct3-4w itbctlisitncnt. (IHKT IMMHXAMATIO. Notice la lien by given that the several t'omts of Com mon Plena, General Quarter Sessions of the Peace, nnd Orphans Court, Court f Oyer and Terminer nnd Oeneral Jail Delivery, in mid for the county of Nnrl liuinberhuid, will commence, lit the Court House, In tin- horounh of Pimbiirv. nt 10 o'clock A. M.. on MONDAY, NOVKMUKR the ill tux, ami will continue two weeks. The Coroner, Justices or the Pence nnd Consta bles III and for t he county of Northumberland are requested tn be (hen and therein their proper persons, with their rolls, records, Inquisitions, nnd other remembrances, to do thoso things to their several otlle.es nppcrtniuinir lo be done. And nil witnesses prosecuting In bchnlf ol tho Com inonwenllh ngnlnst nny prisoner, nro requested nnd commanded to he then and lhc.ro attending iu their proper persons to prosecute niralnst him as shall be Just nnd not to depart withont lenve nt their peril. Jurors nre requested to be punc tual in tin ir attendance, at the lima appointed, ngreenbly to their notices. Given under my hand nt Sunbury, the SOtli day of Septombcr, in the year ot our Lord one thou sand eight hundred nnd scventv-tlirec. SAMUEL II. ROTHKRMEL, Sheriff. Audit. John C. Scott & 8ons 1 Court of Common Plens, v. Northumberland county Jno.R.Boughncret ul ) At. ft. i., No. 82, Aug. Term, 1873. NOTICE Is hereby given to all persons Inter ested, thnt the undersigned Author to dis tribute the fund in Court which was raised by the sale of said defendant's real estate, will at tend to tho duties of Ills nppolntmcnt nt his of fice in the borough of Bunhury, on Tuesday tho 7th day of October next, 18711, nt 10 o'clock, a.m. W. I. GREENOUGII, Auditor. Sunbury, September Ulh. 1S73. Dk. C. M. Marti??. Gko. W. Bloom. NEW DRUG STORE, No. 13, South Third Street, Clement House Boildina:, Smdmry. Pa. DR. C. M. MAHTIN & CO, TT AVE Just received a fresh lot of Tuic Drugs nnci f.iient meiiiclnes. We have also a full assortment of DRESSING AND PACKET COMRS. Hair, Tooth. Null, Clothe, Shoe and other brushes. TOI1.I.T AXI IMXCY AUTH'M'-S, FINE KXTIIACT, I'llf KfT 1IOOKS, KNIVES, AC, AC. KF.ED'S (.I'.AND DLCHKSS COLOGNE, the sweetest pel Tunic In America. I'nrisiaii, a Kl.l dove Wuxh, warranted to clean perfectly the most delicate shades without injury to the kid All the leading preparations for tho Hair, m:;aiss. the best in m arket, Pure Wine and Liquors, for medical purposes riiyseians Prescriptions and family lecu'ipts cosjiponndeil wna care. Thankful for past favors we hope by fair deal as to receive n share of jour patronage. September 11, 1873. AMir. Kiikpatrlek and Son. ) Aliat Vtn, Kxpowit, ) Alia S No. IU JIS72. lu8,August Term, hrloninn r.ulcrtinc. "VTOTK'E Is hereby given that the undersigned has been appointed Auditor bv the Conn of , Common Picas of Northumberland count v to O IM I . U HIV I 1II,.1.V I'll III I III I. S.l 111 OU Tl , tt II ins from the sale of def.ndant's real estate. He mea the .art es interested In the distribution or said fund, ul tils olneo in the borough of Mm. ! " Monday, October Cth, 1K73, at 10 o'clk - - . m-r., auimor. Sunbury, Sept. 12, 1873. GEO. EVANS. E. G. MAIZE. FALL, 1373. We take pleasure In nunoiinciui to our friends nnd the Public uenral!y, that we Have opened a Beautiful assortment of Goods for FALL and WINTER. We politely solicit a call from alt who wish to gt a (jiooil Kit. Superior Horhmiiiisliip, and Kcliuttle TluU-rial. Onr perfect sy.-tem for !elf-.Measurement, recom mends itself to every one who may desire to or der Clothing from a distance, copies of which, w ith Samples of goods, will be m-m on applica tion. Geo. Evans & Co., 014 Market Street, riiiladelpliia. "One Price" Merchant Tailors and Clothiers, tsotnptembcr l'.t, 1S7I). I 1HAI MAH M.iCIIINK CO., .,.,.,... Tk. ..V nnd energetic county. The V .,,,.. . Agents in t&ia V I I miy " " ock-stitch, Shut- DK. '. 51. JIAKTIX, Ofllcc in".. , Store, Clement Iiouse Block, tMllcc hourr from 11 u. in., to 1 p. in., and from 6 to tf p. m.,1 ul all other hours, wheu not Professionally en- gaged can be found at residence, corner ol t ronl and Penu street, SUNBURY. PA. Particular j aiteution given to urgicul caw. Will visit '" " '"'"'u""2: Eotate of George Zrby Uec'd. -vjoTICE U hereby given that Letter of Ad- ministration nave neen gramea to me un dersigned, on the eitule of George Zerby, lute of Lower Mohunoy township, Northumberland county, P., deceased. All persons knowing theniseles indebted' to said estate arc requested lo make liniiicdiale payment, and those having elulms to present them duly millieuticulcd for settlement. G. A. BOTDORF, Adm'r. Lower Mohanoy, Sept. 13. 61. Al'OIT. James Boyd for the use ) Court of Commou of John B. Douty. (Pleas. Northuuiber- vs. laud couuty. Elijah Hammer and levari t'arim. No. Catherine Hummer. J 128, Aug. Term 1S73. "VTOTICE Is hereby given to all persons lute iN rested, that lha undersigned Auditor, to make distribution to and among the creditors en tilled lo the mouev, ai Ling from the tale of said defendant's tiropcrty, paid iu the Court by the Sheriff, will attend to the duties of his nppoiut- nieul, at his otiice iu the borough or Huubury, on Friday the 10th day of October next (1B73). at 10 o'clock A. M. W. I. GREENOUGII, Auditor. September 11, 173. , l.alMle ort'barlea HerU Ded., NOTICE la hereby giveu that letters of admin Utrution have been trruuted to the uuder signs, ou the estate of Cburle Beck, late of the Borough of Suubury, Northuuibcrlaud couuty, Pa., ducwused. All persons Indebted to said es tate are requested to make liuinedlute payuieut, aud those Uavlug claim to present tuera ior set tlemeut CHARLES I. BECK, Adm'r. Booburj, Aug. 9tt, 1878 w. i0k (a) cd und T. t perVJcY N.'edle, best tinish- crease of 500 per cent, on fv A" J"' Vor terms, c, Address, Wf ' m v vv IS' ; MACHINE CO..W37 Chestnut ft" I V. Pa. Sept. 13, l73.4mos. 'liadeipiiu, iuilfe Is iho most ponetlul cleanser, htnuiirthncr nnd remover of Glandular Obstructions known to Mnteria Mellca. It Is specially adgptcil to constitutions "worn down-' nnd debilitated by the wnrm weather of Spring nnd Summer, when (be blood Is not in active circnlntlon, consequently gnthcring Impu rities from sluggishnci and imperfect action of the secretive organs, and Is manifested by Tu mors, truptions, Blotches, Boils, Pestulcs, Ecro- iun, c. W lieu wenry and lnnnnld from ovorwork. nnu dullness, drowsiness nnd Im-tln take the place of energy and vigor, tho system needs a Tonic lo bulld.lt tip nnd help the Vital Forces to regain their recuperntlvs powcrj in the nenl or Summer, frequently 7t'?c Liver nnd Spleen do not properly perform their func tions ; the Uterine and Urinary Orir.nis arc in active, producing weakness of tin! stomach und intestines and a prcJispoeitlon to bilious derange ment. Dr.: WELLS' Extract or Jurabcba is prepareu plrcetly from tho South Ann ricnt: Plant, and is pccullnry suited to nil these dilii cultles ; it will cleanse ! lie Vitiated HlnoJ, streng then tlio Life-Givlng Powers, nnd remove a!i obstrucllon9 from impaired nnd cnfebled Oignns. Jt should be freely taken, ns Jurebeba is pro- noanccd bv medical writers the nu-st ct'leicnl Puritlcr, Tonic nnd Deobstrm nt known In t!iL whole range of medicinal plants. ilUUN y. KKLLOUU, 18 Piatt N. Y. Sole Asrctit for the Unite,! States. Price, Hi per Bottle. Send for Circular. Oet3-4w WOltlil.Mil CXAKS Mill" or Femn'.e 0u a week guaranteed. Rcspcctublu cmplo.vn.-ut at home, day or evening ( no capital required ; full instructions & valuable package ot goods sent freo by mall. Address, with six cent return stamp, M. YOUNG .Si CO. 173 Greenwich Street, New York. Oei;i-4w X E V E It Neglect n Cough Nothing is more certain to lay the foundation for future evil rnii4e.iieneas. WELL'S CARBOLIC TAIILETS arc a Mile cure fur nil discapes of the Ilcpira tory On.'iin, Sole Throat, Cold. Croup. I'.iph theria, Anhma. Catarrh, Honrsene, lryne of the throat, Windpipe, or Uronchiiil Tubes, and ail Diseases of the Lung. In all cases of sudden cold, however taken, these Tablets i-houlii be promptly and freeij used. They equalize the circulation I-fthe h'onci. mitigate the severity of the attack, and nil', in i very short time, restore healthy action lo the nl fectcd organs. Willis' Carbolic Tablets arc p:;t up only in 1)1 tie boxes. Take no substitutes. If they coi't be found at your riruirgist's, send at once to tin Agent In New York, who will forward them by return mail. Hon't he deceived by Imitation'. Knld bv druirirists. Price cuts a bn. JOHN Q. KKLLOCO, 1H lllatt-M ew Yoik. Oct:t.4w. Send for circular. Sole Agent for t".?. I.orntcil at IVilliamnporf, Ia. r.UiUised The BEST COI.LERE in the Country. 11ns the best l'eumnn in I'ciiiieylva nia. For College Paper, Specimens of Penmanship. Ac. sildieM DAVIS A OPI.lNCt K. OctS Iw Willianispoit, rVnu'a. Wiite for Large Illur tinted Price Li t. AddTe77, s itHTHFiaOSI PITTSBiifiCH PA. Iireech-loading Shot Gnu.--, Hi in : , i. ii.-u-ble Shot (inns, ti to l.Vl. Single linn-. .; t t'-'O. Kitlet, tS to trr. Itevolveri-. Ml I.. .?ri. Pi--mis, 1 to t. (inn Material. I'isl.i'iL' Tei '.: . Laree discount to dealers or Club.-,. Armvi.in: Revolvers, Ac, bought or traded r r. II'" ' fent by express C. O. D. to be examined before paid for. octi;,':;;.-w. lYATIT.S' co:.tlt.to r.Mil.C" (:?.r.'.:,:; . li.t HJO't lili Hi... I l JtKv fctylo axi l-.-r'.. t i t.-nc jfS&A&r ner r.iui.f. j ( . 'v.g i-. --Civil Mill lirtrf.i'vtsf.ntr. y., iir" 000 MAM'S oi .i r.lil.AS'n liil clrtKM makers, .rtflei'in W .4''L'ICS'. cx lrfmoty lowiirlces lorrui-li, part -:,.-. ! lilii.iMinsmafl nion?t!y rmei: . I,civ T-Oi-mve lirs.-.-lnsn S I tt)S, nil t:.i.' ri; Improve nieni,fvs?S ". OKI. A.SS ."i Oriave, 0. llOI RI.l:-!!! F.I. Oltf.ASN, 100:4 Sl'OP S1IO; ris'l ll, ttlV.I, a-, vantt.ILLCSTKATt:ilCATALOVllSMAll.H. A large ditcount to Minitten, tsn-s, Sundays. A' l. T-m;ran tixiuia, LwJoa, etc Abt.MS MAMXO. Oeto-iw. A" GREAT" SENSA I UiX a-n- wanted. Cash Salary, or Comnii-s'.on :,l!o,!l. Mrictiv honorable.' Address, F. A. El.l.! .V ( O., Cleir Intte, Mich. (et.:.'7;i. 4. illiplo III out (W ttll ! One Au'ent i.i four wei ks made a prolit of 1 4V.'.i, s !:in' lliy ant's Library f.f Po l ry and Song: 70 in one week on The N.w llous kec r's Manual, bv Mis Deeeher and Mrs. Stowe. Any I i v man oi woman can havcuu agency. J. 11. K1!I) .V CO., New York, Uo-tou, Chicago or San Fr uie seo. Oct.:',"!!. 4w. WinK Awakf Ai.i vts Wan to run MUMIl ltsi OF TIIK (altl'AT IM.I1, By Prof. P. A. i--c. ii inclu.le.- S iliinaiine lliving. Ocean Tii,,., Artie Ili-emeries, Thrilling Adventures, WhaU Vi.i,.i,.!ii ,. cvcrvlbiiiL' of Interest ill nnd about thci.... Fullv illustrated. Hound in siii e.:.r stvl.-s. fu. eeluew. Selling rapidly. Extra terms. "oi-akck City Pcui.isuino Hovue, Philadelphia. l'a i i ii o it i V i: "" The-.....,,.,., n'ixnvi-rv of the Aire, fur the rslief md cj f Uheumatism. chronic and acute, Sprains,,.,..,,. p,,i in fiict. Hack, or Limb Still Juinls.lralll8i (;i,uular Swellings Intla niatinu, Nc),, Bunions, Catarrhs, .Ve Will not grcuKe;r staul tlB mot .'.clicate fabric tnen niaaes ii a UTnrv every lamiiy. i r it and be convineeuf ii9 crcnt merit. Price, -' cents per bottle, HKtijE HfiVT, Prop'r, "l: Greenwich St., N. Y. Oelo-4w. Tho oldest and most rcliuhle iiitlturt for ol tainlnga Mercantile KJiieatloii. ror riuu'ui write to P. LUFF A SONS, Piitsbm;,', Pa. Ueia-- washimtoNa".:ulv:;., AIjKNIS WA.NU.U lor a cmp.ae uisiuiy . our Nullonal Capital. Its origin, growth, ext. lelieics, abuses, beauties, una peison:.L-e aie a portrayed iu that graphic style which lias place liiu author, Geo. Alf. Tovs.km, among ll foremost uewspaper corrispoudcnts of the tini It gives bold stailiiug, truthful Insult) view, Washington life, and Congressional and Lohb. ing aud Jobber-. Hooks already for delivery. Address, JAMES BETTS & CO., Ha. I ford, ' (I.-I8 4 Fiorr"w iKK'nTimoK THROL'GH THS AIK t" Forty years' ndvc turetntlieclwuds. CompK-te bisloiy ol Halhom aud how to make and mannte lii. in. Full Thrilling Incidents and Ha'ibicadlh Kscape Life of Author. The most interesting ami c citing voluiae-ever Issued. Profusely llliist ale SURE TO SELL BEYOND FKF.CF.HEY. Aleuts should send one dollar for outllt. A dress TO-DAY PUBLISHING CO , Plilladelpb'.J, New York, Boston, or CMcag C7 : :J.j. Jwjrviii'tiiisi. .... b' 'in'. t-:-Ji.V.--K-:? i.V.'Airi: EOJ?. 4St mm