1073. I J - 1873. Ittto l)crii3cmcnts. TUB . NEW DISCOVERY la Chemical and Medical Science. -J , i - ii '.il; , itvi: il .U to i-.m ' hi Enormous Sfocki; ' :i,mi " " WIIX EX 11 HUT AT SUNUUHY, ON TUESDAY SEPT. ptli. ...'.'..JOHN O'BRIEN'S T)'g FAIR 01 ... i.i ui. -.:.,. ji .jggd i.i-,i . ,f m , . " k. : : : & ' ' 1 M Mm Slit Xvj&iff s-J ' -it ( IMC O S K l or one Singlo, P ri t o of A xnissim. n ctz to all Imiw, Circus, Mm, Caravan, iiiul llic (i rt :il CTKIOITY l)i:i'AHT.MKNTS : vvitli its 10,VO0 Wuiulers from all pin ts of the. known world ; ti'akir..: six Separate; ninl cUh iiicl Exlii'.ilitiii.s ntnl cxlii'uiu d at, t tic old Popular Prices. fc? Xini;.N Likk It Kvi:i: Skkn ! Six, 3Ion$tcr Pavilions beautifully illuininutoii tluiitiu tla: cvciiin:' pi-rioi'manees with 10,000 Prismatic: (ia Jf.M, making it a perli-el City of lllniniiiat id Sp'tndor.. Tiiu Colossal Knlcrprim- in Aniuei-iiiciitH ! Tlie Kicluht OlUlit on tliin Continent! Splendid beyond concepl ion and eU'V.i'.et!bt.yond eouipaiinon. 50 PALACE- COMPARTMENT DENS willi the iiniiirnse cajiiwif thu MounU'i' I'laok AlViriui Kiiiinn-iTu-, the only living "im now on exhibition in Atiiurieu weiliin over h,(Mi0 pouinN. A HEliUUL' FrriMTAvro A DROVE OF CAMELS! A L.'Mi Liuo of (.Slittcring Splendor. UeitMMiilH.T, Six Dlstinet ai:d Divi.kd Exliibitions. eaeli a (Jraud Entertain- nient in itself, itii! to all '. and Onu Tiekcl Admit- will he twenty-live Palace Ikiis in red, blue and yellow, with flags and banners of ailnatinns. SECOND GrlljNT) PEOCESSION, in continuation of the first, will be headed by the splendid r m CAR oitainiie.r Prof. Uiuo'd's 1 1 p'.nt Military Hand and twenty-live licautil'iil dens, p.iiuled in green and pild, niakins; tha entire, lunulier of ui:isivu irmi I"!is. (.'ount them as they pass ; your will Iiiul the exact iiuiuIkt advertised, l'eineinber Two Separate I iiinl distinct 15 hi la of Music in dohlcu (.'barioia ! See them in procession as they pass ; you will at oncu pronounce this the Mon-' a: ll M.isLulnU oi All ShoWa ! rv ti i) tr 3- .4 II JL hU In the Morninji at lo ; Aflcrnoon2; Evcniiij; to the Six St iei:itj 'l'cnls and the Six divided Willi Kxhihir nt Milton. Saturday, ii t Si :i!i! kin, AWj'.ic-HTay, S'l-jit. lUl). Nl 'Mtl'KY M.llilll.K VAKi), Foil lilt Street Itelow .HMrJtet, SUM! I' l!V, PEXX'A. TlllE ineli-i.luniil lias nluriuit fiimi iti Ver- L moil' Muibk (iiianlu. itli 58 Tom oft Miulilu fur .'louuiurntii, (.i-iivc-Moitr, i r. , l ii'l iC, iVc. . r'1 ffi: Iiiik liuulii ul nu ll rik'urc that i will ulluw liim In rc.l tn'iur btoiii', lur ; I.... i i,i II I I'..,.. N I..... .buthcrliiinl l'ti'.U Marbk', ' Ahii.li Is bilier lliun tla'.iun. I'.nllanJ i nuw t'liirof. riilil Hi Nov as tin; Mjii litt r. Crab tiller, t'linnii:i'rne CUler, X. F.. Itinn, TtiiiM! wlin iice.l aiivlliiiitf In the M:irfi'e line, j Unnvu Ftoat anil rlcoti li Ale. fur Minitmiiiils, (Irim'-fctonit-. or other p'irpiieii, STOMACH AM) UAH B1TTKUS, ill thid it to their inlrrent to call nnii i xauiluu j Ami nil others f.hiuors which can he foinul in lai'trc bto k, a letter baruuiim can b sei ur- ; the city markets, which will be void ut WUulc i lliun buying tioin ailieb iiieki'Uiin(;' ruiinil 1 mile ami Hetail. Every nrtlcle tinariinteej ns the con tit iv. I ri'iiTKi'iiiil. Aluo, a lurne let of DKMI JOHNS All letleriiitf w ill lie iloiic in tlie miiU-.-t ami ' nn.l lit t'l T1.E8, ulwayn ou hami. inobl liuroveil ttyit. j Jil" Orders prnniitlj atteiiileU to, und yulillc V. M. DAl'tillllliTV. liatruliaKt renoeellully solkiUd ruiiiHiiy, a an. i i, iia. NIKIU AM NI HIIKK' MlLMNFItV COOfiS FOR lS7a J U6T oicned sii ii tensive lueoitnir.nt of PTRAW, M 1 I.I.I N E P, V AM) FANCY fiOOHB, coinprUlui: thu hitit umt must nttruetivu Myles Bi'ltHlti'd with cam from the li'iutiiisr 1 : t' 1 1 tr lionsn in New Vurk and Vhlhidilpliiii, und adapted for lint iri-ciil seimon . KltiUoNH AND FLOWERS In great variety, a general uttortuK-iil of ncik lii'n. nriiament4 tor saeiiii'i. TRIMMINtJMOK A1.1. KINDS. Cloves, Collars, Cutis, and T1 very lashioiiahle srtiele of ludie' wear. Call and see thu new styles of floods nt VI8SL. bllltfsLKR, Market f u.ir.-, Suuiinrv, I'.i. April ",'fi, IsTJ. BF 13 C)ii:iliil;i!cil ami exhibited under P E3 R -a T 3E3 v ii i i s t v w A 11 I tl 1 X A J at 7. ADMISSION' Jo CE.VTS, (N'o half Exhibitions. Keniember. ii Sepcratu Tents ! Sept. Gtli. At I :tn vi 1 Monday, I. Ml I' OK NT OK II! fllltlSTIAN NKFF, Fh - uihI St re t, oppoiile tliuC'oiul Jluuso, bL'N- ,il . hiiei fully invites the iiltenllou of Retullua unit ill:fis, tli.tl lie lias on liaeil, and ill enn- t....,:.v . n i,. n. i .u ri'iir.ni.i j.ir i;w.jm?ih iiiii vun, ( iiiiM.-ilni; uf Pure Kriniiliis: Cniiiiie, C'lu-rty, 'i-iT, lloelielle nnu Oliird. S lilsUiis: Pure live Coppi'i-llioUlkil, 3Iui"iii- I.' ill. hi lilili' mill S'i.:ll'. .... ... .... . , t iner: Cli.niinirfiic Wine, bhurrv, l int iia.l Ii F.KV. Punliiiry, July 3, 1S6!!. ly. tAend for Illustrated Catuloguo aud cxuniluu our pliers betore purchaslni;, us wo claim to si ll lower than aey iitluT etablilitnent in the. City. REMKMMEK the NCMUER, F230 RIDGE A ENL'E, Philiidelpbia. ja TSITS Prestntin? the only nirdium for supplying I thu leiroul.tztd neeesnitv for cheap public ! amusement: commending itself to all I creeds and classes ; and to in.nality, philo- J soj'hy and enlightenment, as a pomlcroui j and progressive jirovider of beneficial re- ; ..Win I ii.ti mlniiljiil fn fUn funil! ii.mwiI1 I u tif tviry a'o, ami tlic length of every purse, ) and, at a fabulous expense, cliHsiinmattni; , live learnini; broadcast, us taught by na-1 ture'8 self in her manilblil wotidron.s pro- tlnclions. and exeinplifed in variety beyond computation, and eostly animal posis- stuns, exclusively its own and no where ! else to be seen. moke snow iron sotiiin than is piven both in and outside the can vas by an' other animal and arenieexlubi lion on eai'tb, in t lie lingo llijrliway Holiday TartKlo cl". l'oinp unl I'owit ' at 0 A. 31. each day. Keuu'tnbi r the dale ' and hour, mid, even if you do not viit the, City of Tents, delight yourself and little ' ones with a view of the Elephants, Camels, . and Droniedarn a, regally caparisomd in J Orieiflal trappings ; the l'ifly superbly or-i nam. nted De'ns ; the Ion- line, of life-like i Paintings; the yrand All.-orical Caval-, cade; the hundreds of piily decorated. Meeds ; the sea of 1- la n in l Jt.inncrs ; that j supreme of all processional triumphs, the; great j Golden Chariot "Creation,"'; containing; the Kin of all Cornet Player, Pioli-ssor Alex. S'oil, and his unrivaled Empiiu State Comet ISand. Following ' i a i r r M A MA X , prices. One. Ticket will admit the holder ' .'lit. Nth. Simlmry,TiieoiIav,Si-fit. i'tli. R. G. BALL, Agent. l.l )ll!t:K Al 1I..VM.U I TIi'miI Street, ailjiiinintr I'hila. t Erie It. It., two tioiares North of the Central Hotel, SL'NUl'KV, I'A. ii;a t. LK'Mi:xr, IS piepiiri'd tu fnniili ei iv lU'seriptlnn of lum ln r re iiiireil by the lii iiiands of the public. Ilavinu nil the l.ili iinpnued liuiehinciy l"or niaviiilai HiriiiL' I.'iiilii r, In in now ready to till or il Ii vl' till kiu.i- i I rUXMIiNii, M HI Nl I, DOORS BIIL'TTERS, I feACII, IJI.IMKS MOl l.lll.NOri, VE- HAN DAS, BRACKETS, I ana an i'iiu m inninieniui perowi v ui k. 1 urn- lii; ill i ivij ui pvi i'HOII ll Ollljiliv exceiiii'ti. .Also, A LA11GI ASSOKTMkST Or II ILL LUMHEH. HEMLOCK and PINE. Also, Shingles, Pickets, l.HtliC, Ac. Orders promptlv filled, nd nhlpiel hv Rnilroad or otherwise. IRA T. CLEMENT. ikcltMitiily MEKI IT 1IAXUV. Tin: Rtl.uni.K Fimii.t Mkdi..isk. DIARRIir.A, dysentery. Cholera, Siunme. Complaint, Crumps, etc., quickly cured by the use of JARDELLA'S Compound Syrup of blackberry Rout and Rhu barb. Au old, well tried remedy, entirely vegetable, pleumiul 10 take, quick uud etiluin lu effect cuu be depended on ill thu iiiunt urueut ruses; may be given to the yomigt-sl lul'aul us well as to a lulls. It contains NO CAMPHOR OR OI'IL'M. It it a pleasant extr ict uud readily taken by ehildreu. It has efUn saved lilo uhea pbysl riuns had despaired. Keep It In the house aud use iu time. All we luk for it is a triul. Dou'l let your dialer put you oU' with sumethlu" else, liny It. Try il. bold by Diuc;!;htt and Store Kcept'H throughout tliH State. Prepared ouly bj ii.t .cr.l.l. a. ishii, c H.'TS-yut. -jooo Muik'jl tit., Philadelphia. l Greatest Varidty; v H v' Lowest Prices. - r Justopcned at v: !' S. HERZFELDBR'S Popular Clothing Store. llie largcmt stock of SPRm . Aim , , SBMMER QQ-SS over olTuroil in tltis town. , ' ' 10W Coats, 1000 Vct, I.'jOO l'anld, 200 Hoy's nn.l Children's Suits, 1000 Hats find Caps for men mid boys, 101 Ml all Descriptions, I 5000 Linen and Paper Collars, 1000 Pair Linen M-arin, i.M iKiztin bocks, ju mm- m kits. Gauzo and Merino .Summer Utnlorwear, Trunks, Satchels, Valises, Jewelry, Walking Canes, &c. Everybody is l-CRpeelfully Invited to call . . .. , , " " '"ood.-i misiTpresenti'd, no tvoublo to Tlie whole will .iExtraordinaTy and satisfaction guaranteed in every way. : Merzfclder, Corner Market and Third Streets, Sunbury, Pa. Snbui7, Pn., April 18T3. " . , . . : . . , . F I A M fl Nf 11 Q 0 W 1 R l?t U IX iJ ,. WATCHES & CX RISIXCi BY AS Corner Market and SUNBURY, PA.., DE ALER IN WATCH ESjCLOCKS, JEWEL11V ANDSILVEHWA liE. Spectacles. I These Lenses are manufactured from Minute Crystal Pebbles, united by fusion, and I derive their name "1)11111101111," tin account of their hardness and brilliancy, i The scientific principal on which they aro constructed, prevents All i;liiuuieriii and j wavering of Siht, Dizziness, A;c, peculiar to all others in use. I Superior to Scotch or Urazilian Pebbles at less than half the price. They arc mounted in the finest manner, nt our own manufactory, in all styles of I Gald, Silver, Steel, It libber and Shell Frames of the best quality. j Manufactured by The Spencer Optical Manufacturing Company. (Successors to J. j E. SjK-ncer & Co., in the Optical Department.) New York and New Haven. I Eor Sale only by I , TIIAlKl'N S- NIIAXXOX. Sunbury, Pa., May 31, 13.3... , M'KIXCJ OI'i:.M.s of DUV GOODS AND NOTIONS. ri,.,,,. r-.X.w i'll...w.n,l rrvll,l.ln. I.. the Dry tiood line. ' C ARRETS AND OIL CLOTHS Qaeensware, (jiussware and Wood and Willow ware. GROCERIES. A large assortment Just opened, which consists of Ten, Colli e, Huar, Molasses, Spices, Msut, Fish, Ac. The Celebrated Alleutow n hand made ROOTS AND SHOES. Wurrauted to give satisfaction. Iu fart a full Msortineulof everything kept in a first-class store, van be had at greatly REDUCED PRICES. for cash. Call aud see the flue selection of new goods, uud be couvlnced that V. J. llYKOD'N, near the Lutheru Church, lu Buubury, Ii the best aud cheapest place to buy all kiud of store goods. No trouble to show goods. April 5, 1873. ly. W.M. I'A It SO. , KOX (V CO., No. 3U8 South BECOND Btrect, below DOCK, Philadelphia. WILLIAM FARMSON, HENRY 1IARNED. NELSON PUUH, W. W. CREALTHEH8, Muuut'aeturert of Firsl-Cluse FUKMTL'RE. Prices KUtouAblc. 1'ltase cull ami cxuuiluc. and Paper CuiTh, 1000 Tics, Hows and (intercut ttyics r-tuf-penuerg, .., , and examine this most tnaguilWent as(t- j . ,, , . . - snow ttoods or to give information. be ollered at Low ; Prices, . . 1 ... T T T A T I P C . M V Jl i V: lU & J JEWELRY. ELUIlf WATCH. Third Streets, GEO. EVANS. E. G. MAIZE. Geo. Evans & Co., 914 Market Street, Philadelphia, TAILOIiS and MILITARY CLOTHIERS, Military, Batnl k Fire Organizations promplly uuiformed. Samples of Cloth, with Photographs, sent free on application, Ours belug the lcudlng hoase on Military work, we feel that we can offer induceiueuts which ouu uot he atluioed anywhere else. Aug. 24, 1873. 4X 1 J9A per day I Agent Wauled 1 All (P J 10 QnN classes of worklug people, of either sex, youug or old, uiake wore money at work for us lu their spar uiomeuta, or all the time than at unytuiug else. Particulars free. Address, G, hTINSON ii CO., 14-ly. ponlaud, Maine. 2. sr r at i ia n v" o 0 iS H o n P O e-t- Ul O O r Ul a w w t ik US 11 i. p 11 X N PI r H 2 m o o 0 TMn Npurc Ih HoNcrved Tor the AllYiaiTll-KUKNT OP PAINE L McCORMICK'S II All )WA li K S TO H K MrkrtMt., NnMburj, la. NEW DRUC STORE, No. 18, South Third Street, Clement House BJpiL Snitary, Pa. mi. C. 31. MARTIN & CO. "VyE arc now opeulug an entirely new stock DRUGS AND MEDICINES, aud are prepared to supply any article iu our line that may be called for, we have also a full Mml of all the lending Patent Medlelues. Flue Perfu mery and Toilet Articles a speciality, a full as sortmeut of Hair, Tooth, Nail, Shoe aud other Hrusbes, Dressing and other Combs lu gieut variety. FIXE TOILET KOAlS. full Rue Cooking Ks tracts, French Mustard, Choice Spices, Pepper whole or ground, Cusillo aud Laundry Boaps, I Jimp Chimneys and latmp Goods generally, iilrd Becd lu lurga or small quunlltlbe, CAWJCXTEIl'S CHALK, fill stock Fluid and KulUI Extracts, Ellxert and Pills of r. B- P., Sugar Coated, Strenirtlicning, A rules, Porous, poor Mau's uud other Plasters, Ayer's, Wright's. Scheuk'e Mundrake, McLane's Liver aud other Pills, oar slock embraces every thing found In a well conducted I)ru Store. Couutry Physioluns will tiud our stock full and complete, and we guarantee to sell as low as the suuie unities ran be bought In Philadelphia, choice Wlutis, Whiskey and iiraudy for Medicin al purposes, Qc toherS. 18T8. Ir. OARVIX'S TaK KE5IEIIES Cure Incipient Consumption. Dr. fJAUVIX'S TAR REMEDIES Cure Catarrh. Dr. OARVIVS TAR REMEDIES Cure Asthma. Dr.UARVICS TaR RI.MEDIES Cure IIAirt Disease. Dr.ClARVI.V TAR REMEDIES Cure Kkin Di'ur. Dr. ARVmS TAR REMEDIES Itcguluto tlio Llvor. Dr.CIARVI.VS TAR REMEDIES Itrtrul.it the Stoinncliund Dowel Dr. ARVI.' TAR REMEDIES Cam all Female WcaknowiM, Dr. GARVIN'S TAR REMEDIES rorify the Blood. Dr. OA it VI. VS TAR REMEDIES Curo Diseases of the Throat. Dr.GARVIVS TAR REMEDIES Curo Bronchitis. Dr. GARVI VS TAR REMEDIES Curo "Rose Colsir-or'-llayFever" Dr.GARVIVS TAR REMEDIES Curo Eiinir Disense. Dr. tMRVIVS TAR REMEDIES Curu Constipation. Dr.GARVIVS TAR REMEDIES Curo Salt Rheum. Ds'. G AltVIX S TAR REMEDIES Curo ttitlncy Disensos. Dr. GARVI VS TAR REMEDIES Prevent fttiolern Si Yellow Fewr! Dr. GARVIVS TAR REMEDIES Pri'vent MiilnrioiiH fevers. Dr.GARVI.X'S TAR REMEDIES Kemovo Ialii in the Breast. Dr. GARVIVS TAR REMEDIES Ki.'miivu Vain iu the Side or Back. Dr.GARVIVS TAR REMEDIES Arc a Superior Tonie. Dr. iARVI.'S TAR REMEDIES restore tlio A;petite. Dr. GARVIVS TAR REMEDIES Cuuho tho I'ootl to Digest. Dr. GARVIVS TAR REMEDIES tore thu U'eak iuuUelilitatel Dr. GARVIVS TAR REMEDIES Givo Tone to Your System. Is. F. HYDE & CO., BOLE PHOPH1BTOB3, 19S SeeetUh Ave., Xew York, neeemtier SI, 1 ". ly A complete Nlot U ol 'lioi'e Krlcc tioiiN in every. Department o fVretl ut Npecinl prlre. lur I nil I lie Niinimer Neiison, Willie uiukiite niter-nllons. mmm IKWKI.liV, STKKLlXti SILVER Watches, I'latod (iumU Cutlery, 4Jot'kn, BrtiiKiH A Fhik-j oO(Ih. July lii. lri. ULA'R'Ill.KVS TaMeless. Dilnibli'. Mltieleiil mid r. Cliini. The bit Pump Tor the leant inouer. Altenliou Is -pi-eially invlled to Ulnlehley's Pntrut Imprnvi'd Kmcket unit New Drop Cheek Valve, which run he withdrawn without re moving the Pump or ilinurbiuir thu Joints. Also, the Copcr Chair.lier, which never cracks or srales, and will outlast uuy other. For sale by Dealers evenw here. temi lor ftaloiue und Price List. ' CHAS. 5. BI.ATCI11.EV. M inu fiieturer, .VKI I ommi'irfl '); Phllud'a. Pu. If-lt.ly TUK KING BAKBEK SIIOI IS THE HtOP OF THE TOWN and long has been ; ask history aud nhc will tell you Men huv (flown old in our patruime -Rallies mi their mothers' brruH To bouni iug lioys nl play ; And youth liy maidens fair eann-ed. To slnhvurt men with cures oppressed, And old moo silver gray. Ami union the honored uud hitting impres sions of time, and the crush of revolutions iu rlri'umslanees, we stand it living uiunuuicutal ineuienlo of the iiiuenuity uud perseverance ap pertaining to the Identity ot progression, plying our vocation with the l.iirhi'st style of url and perfection, uud anpiiiug to ui hi -vr the highest reward of merit attainable in our bumble capaci ty, and the sentiment of respect und approbation which the presence of superior appliances uud es tablishment urc ulwuys wont to iuspire. Always to please We shave with case Cut and comb w ith taste the hair ; hhaninno the head with soothing rare. And color the whiskers bluck or brown, To suit the Jicoplu about the towu. Then allow me politely request you to stop. And not go past nor from uround our shop. To gel shaved on the basis of ability nor as some have done for our use of the ballot for prin ciple -sncrcd and right nor uuder the common secret and iuvidlous guise of cuuilly ta complex ion ; for the cut of a man's rout, or the color ot his skin, ought not tootfect his Usefulness nor his iuul Mentions. A fair chance is nil that wu dciuuud, to give the proof to all the land. JAMES W. WASHINGTON. Proprietor. Biinhtiry, April R, K7J j No. 01, Murk'-t st. STOVE (V TIX EST A II I.INII .! K T. MARKET STREET, Sl'NBCHY, PA. ALFUED KKAUSE, Proprietor, sicreskou to smith urMiiEH.J HAVING purchased the nhovewell known e tublishineut, Mr. Krausv would respectful ly iiilorm the public that ho uow has ou huud u lurge assortment of COOKING STOVES, tecr's Cook Anti-Dust, Regulator or Revolving Top, Combination, Busquchuiiuu aud others, Mi ll are so urruliged us to be used for Coul or Wood, and uro rt anted to iM-rfonu satisfactori ly or no sale. HKA1 EK8 of all kinds put up in heat one or more rooms. HEATING tiTt'VES ' of ditl'ereut kinds at very low prices. Tiuwisre of Ertery 1'excriptloti keit constuuliy on hand. Roofing and Spouting with the IhisI materiul, done ut short uoticc. REPAIRINU uttcuded to with dispatch. Coul Oil aed Lj.uips constantly on hand. Japan ware of 4 .ndi. Btore opposite Conley's hurtwuo ni. tllve me a cull. A. KRAl'&t, rtl'l-M-U-