Sunbury American. (Sunbury, Pa.) 1848-1879, August 29, 1873, Image 3

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    unburn ntcvkam
!SUNBUUY,'aUGUST 20, 1873." "
Hall road Time Table.
s. o n. w., South.
Uric M 01, 1.30 am
Er'n K,:-nro, 9.40 "
Mall. 11.15 "
Niaic. leprous 8.40 p m
P. A K. R. R. West.
Mill, 0.20 a m
Ninir. F.z?rcsM3.S; p m
r.lmlra Mull 4.10 "
Erie Express, 6.40 "
ni'Nni'nT An lkwihtowh n. r.
Leave Sunbury for Lewlstown at 7.80 fti m.,
niul 4 20 p. M.
ArrlvB nt 8unbttry from I.cwistown at 1.80
nnd 7.41 p.m.
Sunbury Ml 5.45 am At Sunbury .?5 a m
" lH.85pm " 8.Mpm
' 4.40 p m " 0.00 p m
Regular pasnengor tnln loaves Snnbnry for
Danville, Cuttawlfsn, Iluzleton and Intermediate
idntlon, nt 9.45 ft. m. Returning leave Haile
ton at 1.00 p. m. Arrive at 4.00 p. ra.
Leave Northumberland at V.40 a. m. and 4.50
Arrive at Northumberland at 10.33 a. in. and
C.05 p. m.
Accidental Insurance Ticket" can be bad of
J. tSliipinmi, Ticket Ajrnnl, nt tho Depot.
Nkiii nier Arrangement Tor the Post
OUice at Muubnry, Pa. .
Offlft Optn from 6.30 a. n., to 8 p. ., txetpt
on Sunday.
Arrived n follow :
From the East at 6.15 a. m., 12.15 p. m., 4 p. m.
" Smith, 0.15a. m., 18.15 p. m. 4.10 p. m.
" Wot, 0.15 a. in., 11.15 p. m., 4.10p.m.,
und 820 p. m,
" North, 0 a. in., 11 . m., 8.55 p. m.
Shatuokln, Mt Carmcl and points on
that Hue, tf.13 u. m.t 3.50 p. in.
Mulls close as follow i
For the F.nst, 5. 50 a. m., 10.50 a. in., 7.35 p. m.
' South. 10.50 a. in., 7.35 p. m.
" West, 7.:W n. m., 10.50 u. m., 7.35 p. m.
North 5.50 a. m., H.50 p. m., 7.35 p. m.
Shmiiokiii proper 12.15 p. in.
Shamokiti and ofUccs on that route, 4.S0
p. in.
.T. J. SMITTi, P. M.
justness jjlWals.
..lis Caroline Dalius is the nifent for the sale of
the best Sewing Machine lu existence, viz : 'The
Improved drover oi Hnker,' and 'Domestic,'
which are constantly kept on hand, nd sold nt
reasiniable price. She Is nlso ni;rnt for the sale
ot the celebrated 'Silver Tonsruu liitans,' and the
Hay St:ti Orirnns,' and for the sale of the
Fr.intf A Pope Kniltini; Machine. Call nnd see
i-hem. Olllrc on Market street, east of the rail
road. The Imviiovkd (S hover & Bakeii Sf.wixu Ma
,'niNE. These eclchratcd machines arc ottered
at the most reasonable rate. For particulars
apply to D. (t. KL'TZ, Aircnt.
rch.-J:.','7;t.-ly. Upper Anirusin township.
Ski-ono hand l'iauos for sale or rent nt reason
able rates. Inquire at this office.
Iion't pay two prices when yon cau pet goods
it a small profit. At D. A. Finney's store,
I irVt street, but one price prevails, nnd goods
of t!i hci-t quality can be purchased ut iiston
ihinirly low prices. His stock consists of every
'!y of Dry floods, Dress Goods, Groceries,
'iris. Knots nnd Shoes, and Jewelry. The
i-isortmrui is complete, beine selected with the
ui ' i -t care. No charges ure made to show
.mis in fact it is a pleasure to Mr. Finney to
.-how what a huunsome stock ho has on hnnd.
I.m'.ie and eeiillctnen ale Invited to call and
mike ii lull examination before buying else
v.l.ere. Win. H. Mii.i.rk, of the Excelsior Moot & Shoe
?tore, is astonishing everybody with his low
prices. 1 le keeps the best manufactured. His
stock consists of the lirgest variety lu central
Pennsylvania. Trunks and Valises of all sizes,
are for s lie at his store.
J. F. Si'iiappek, well known us a furnisher of
elegantly littini; suits, takes the lead in merchant
tailoilnir. His stock of cloths and cassimeres
are not excelled anywhere. The work made up
.K his shop is all substantial, and warranted to
stive satisfaction.
W.w. Dr.i'i v, a highly respected cllizon of Rush
lownship, die 1 recently at the advanced age of
SO years. He was the possessor of several farms
and much valuable probity.
O, fiik LiVEitrooi.. By ujudication to Jacob
Shlpmnn, agent at Sunbury, for Philadelphia and
Antwerp Red Star Line tickets can be procured
on tirst class steamers at the lowest rates. Good
over the Pennsylvania railroad, and its connec
tions to Antwerp nnd Liverpool.
The new foundry of Messrs. Wot vert on, Wit
mcr and Thacher, in Cake's addition, went Into
operation on Tuesday lat.
So xi pi valuable property will be sold on Tues
day ucxt. See advertisement bf Bowcn and
Seasholtz, in another column.
Anokmne Rake, of this placs, was divorced
fiom her IjusIiuuiI, Isaac Rake, nt our last Court.
The American Mechanics, of Seven Points,
will dedicate their new Hull, nt that plu-e, ou
Saturday the 6ih of September. A grand pa
rade will take place ut the same time.
Isjl ukd. Mr. John bl iin, an employee on
N. C. R. V., was caught between two cus la
dencd with lumber, while coupling, and severely
Injured about the hips, ou Mouday last. Dr. F.
L. Il.iupt is iittending him.
The Washington Steam Fire Compauy of this
place, are actively engaged in getting up a Gift
Concert, to enable them to purchase an additional
steam engine. The Concert will be given on the
'.'lid of February next. The gifts to be distribut
ed will amount to ulno thousand dollars. The
Company should receive every encouragement
from our citizens towards promoting so laudable
an enterprise.
Bi ttex uv a Doii. Clarence Weaver, ton of
Mr. Bum'l Weaver, of the Susquehanna House,
was bitten through the nose and upper lip, ou
Saturday last by a dog belonging to Mr. Charles
Mailil, merchant tailor, on Fourth stieel.
"Till Steam Mill of Messrs. Moore, Campbell
A Co., iu lh: place, has been entirely relitted.
JrixtE RockKrKi.i.irR munaged to clear the Ca
lendar of civil cases in the Courts of this county,
during last week. This will, na" doubt, be a
great relief to the Judges nnd AUo-biet. The
','onris txre iu session for three full weeks, not
adjourning until tiuturday night, at half past
uine o'clock.
Police. The Chief Burgess has appolutbJ Ex'
Sherilf Vandyke aud D. Druckernltler.u'gtt police
to be on duty from 6 p. m. to 6 o'clock, m. Ef
ficient police are mnch netded, aud we hope the
gentlemen will perform' their duly TaMraatf.
To all who are Interested ia c hLf ait we
will bta'e that notices of church 'iJRKf1!; dedi
cations, laying of comer st6t 'a' U'.Wd3i, 5c,
marriage and death notices, will be inserted !n
this paper giutis When seut' to us by resptftrtl'e
parties. All deuominatious' are luvlted td 'sehfi
uh such uotlccs, tind they, will receive ptorjipt'ud-
Fire. About half past one o'clock, on Sat
urday morning, onr citizen were aroused from
their slumbers by the cry of Ore. The sky was
brilliantly Illuminated by the flames from the
burning buildings, and a few squares off It ap
peared as thottgh the principal business part of
the town was destined to fall a prey to the fiery
element. The Are broke out lu tho stable of
Messrs. Drolsdnch A firo., on Centre alley, be
tween Second nnd third streets, baclt of Market
Square, and was undoubtedly the work of an In
cendiary, who evidently fct Are to the hay, as
Are was seen In the upper part of the bnlldlng,
when several persons rushed In nnd rescued the
horse nnd a spring wagon from destruction. It
was frame, and burned rapidly. Before, the flro
men were nblo to reach the spot, it had spread
to the stable on Mrs. Pleasants' property, across
the alley, occupied by Dr. Cummlngs, nnd nlro
to the stables of Mr. James Boyd and Henry
Hans, opposite, which were of frame, nnd lu a
few minutes they were entirely enveloped In
flames. Tho heat was Intense, and for a tlmo
threatened many other buildings In tho vicinity.
The stnblo of H. B. Masser opposite that of Mr.
Boyd was reached and one half the roof and one
side nearest tho fire, was entirely destroyed. The
warehouse of J. W. Frlllng was In Imminent
danger, and was saved through the exertions of
tho citizens with buckets and a small force
pump until the firemen were able to reach it w ith
hose from their steamer. Tbo firemen did effi
cient service. Being promptly on tho ground
and as soon ns was possible, they threw two
streams of water from their engine, nnd prevent
ed the fuitbcr progress of the Ore. Their fctcam
cr never did better. She threw two steady
streams for nearly one hour aud n-half, without
Interruption, from Miller's well, on Market
Square, in which the water only fell some six
Inches. The stable of Mr. Drlesbach contained
a lot of hay and feed, one car load of salt nnd
other articles in the grocery lino, which hnd only
been put lu a few weeks ago. The stable of Mr.
Boyd, Mr. Haas, and Mr. Masser were empty.
The stable of Dr. Cummlngs contained conside
rable hay and horse feed which was destroyed.
The horses were nil rescued from the burning
buildings. Messrs. Drcl.-baeh's loss will proba
bly reach $1,000, partlv Insured. Mr. Boyd's
loss will be ji bout (900, Insured. Mr. Hans' loss
is about 7U0, $300 Insurance. Dr. Cummlngs'
loss will be several liuudred dollars, and Mrs.
Pleasants about f400. Mr. Musscr's about f'JOO.
It was fortunate that there was no wind at the
time, otherwise It is quite piobnblu t hat the prin
ciple square In the town would havo been de
stroyed. The firemen deserve gieat credit for
their eneriry and promptness on this occasion,
and for their exertions In subduing the flames.
We also noticed a number of citizens active lu
currying water, and aiding lu checking the pro
gress of the lire.
Not Dkao. Considerable excitement was cre
ated on Tuesday last, throui;h the circulation of
a report that n man named Richard Cum, in the
employ ot Oscas Kasr, about three miles from
town,had committed suicide. Mr. Kusc came to
town much excited, nnd repaired to Esquire Pur
ser's ofllce, and gave the statement that the man
was found in his barn dead, and desired that tin
Inquest be held over the hotly. A earriuge was
procured from A. J. Stroll, liveryman, who nc
compiinled the party consisting 6f Justice Pur
se!, Constable W. Bright, Constable Win. Pur
sel, II. F. Mann, und B. lleekert, (undertaker.)
who proceeded to the place where the horrihlo
suicide was reported lo have been committed.
Upon arriving ut tho designated place, to their
great surprise they found the man not dead, but
alive. The man having been 111 for some days,
procured medicine the day beforo, aud not wish
ing to disturb the family during tho night, went
to the stable where he fell asleep, and was dis
covered lu the morning by n girl in the employ of
Mr. Kase, who supposed him to be -.(!, and so
reported. The jury found the man awake but
considerably weakened through the effects of the
medicine, so much so that he was unable to rise.
Considerable merriment was had after finding
the miiH in the Innd of the living. Mr. Cam no
doubt congratulated himself upon his escape of
so If-aiy u Jury setting upon his body, and an un
dertaker ready to send him into another warld
with a wooden coat. The foreman who Is a
man of weight, was much elated at Mr. Cam's
narrow escape, prepared a sentiment which wns
washed down gusMly, und tho party departed
from I lie scene, without pay for their services,
concluding that us they were ni t privileged to
set upon the dead man as jurors, they hud not
earned any fee, and resH!ctfully declined paj.
Orn Market. The propriety of dividing the
market bclweeu the. East nnd West wards, is be
iug discussed of late. The purpose of the move
ment is the accommodation of the public in both
wards. It was the nrluinal design of the pro
jectors of the Market Ordinance, Unit the mar
ket wagons should extend from Secoud street to
Fifth street, so as to equally divide the market
ing between the two wards. We hope that the
oriu'iual project will he fully carried out, to
make it a still greater success, and more of a be
nelit to our citizens generu'.ly. The gentlemen
who first moved lu the matter of a curb stone
market before the Council, deserve great credit,
and when the original design Is once fully car
ried out, it will be seen that their purpose was
good, us It will tend to prevent all petty jealou
sies that may rise from the present arrangement
of our market. Our market thus far has been a
grand success. It baa proved beuetlclal to the
producer us well as the purchaser. It is also
just aud right that the business men iu each
ward should ba equally benctllled through the
market, and tho proposed mode, of dividing it is
the only way its benefits to all parties cau be
I.vconitencv. Oui neighbor of the Omtlti
is acting rather inconsistently In condemning one
Government Official, and applauding another for
the same thing.
Presentation. Mr. W. P. Roberts, the en
terprising inu'uager of the extenslvo Furniture
Warerooma of B. L. Raudcnbush, uuder the Ma
sonic Hull, presented the Banbury Steum Fire
Co. with a beautiful silk cord and tusscis for
their new tire horu. This Is another recognitlou
of their vuluuble services rendered at the late
fires in the vic;nrty of Mr. Raudeubush't proper
ty. The boya are very proud of It, aud request
ns to return thtrV sincere lhauks for the elegant
present. ' .
'A Festival at unrsorovb. The ladies con
oeelad with the Church at Kltnesfrore, will hold
a festival on Thursday, Friday and Saturday ev
euings, September the 11th, 12th and lUth, for
the benefit of thVIr Church. We hope that the
members will be successful In realizing sufficient
funds for their wants.' An luvitutiou is extend
ed to the public.
Accidentally' SuoV. - Heury Fetter, aged
about IT years, son 'of Wm. Feter of this place,
shot himself lit the Cosby part'of his leg, ou Sat
urday last. He carried a revolver iu his pocket,
and while walking along the street, reached in
bis pocket' for his knife, whe'ii" tb revolver was
discharged. lr Zietlur probed' tho wouud, but
did not aueceed In extracting the bullet. The
wouud it not considered dangerocs.''
We notke that'Dr. A. C.' ClarlToT thii place,
has permacently locuted In Bellh'sgrove, 8ny"
dcr" county, Pi. Dr. Clark U'Voober aud
Industrious phyilcI.iV; and hud a good prac'tice
In'tMs'vtclnlfy; He was also euiovd hi 0,1.
Idifterclit'rdTlroad comp'uhlca at tSeir phj'liclan
jpW'awrge'au, at' this pTacie. His friends here
' louot "teret hU departure. Wshhlm
sin nis w nwrt-o'miwiin"
Marrrt Coanob. The following resolution
was offered In Council Inst week, but not acted
npon, for the purpose of ascertaining the opinion
of the citizens nnd farmers upon it i
"Resolved, That the Market Clerk be directed
hereafter lo divide tho market wagons as nearly
equal as no can (hnvlng a variety of articles In
Vlow) between tho two wards of this borough,
and to assign places for those. Wagons that he
gives to tho West Ward, along the curb of tho
pavement on the south side of Market Square
and he be further directed to Impose on the own
er of oach wngon a market tax of ton cents a
week, collectable every Snturday, ho kecplug n
bbok for tho purpose and that the said market
clcrlt shall receive said tax lu lieu of all his wa
ges i the tux to bo paid by all to whom pluces
aro assigned as regular attendants each week
whether they attend every market day or not."
As to lmposelng a tax of ten cents per week
npon those nttending market, wo arc inclined to
believe, will have a damaging efluct.Ei.
Fisiiino with Nets. As there seems to bo
considerable misunderstanding In regard to the
law regulating the "uioshcs" or spaces In nets,
we copy the following paragraph (section 25) of
"An act to amend and consolidate the scvoral
acts relating to game ami to game fish," puBsed
at the Inst session of the Legislature, and ap
proved by Governor Hurl inn ft May 1, 1S73 :
"In any of 'Ve inland waters of this Slate, In
habited by speckled trout or black buss, nnd In
which the Ashing with net and the like di Alecs
is not nlloL'i llier prohibited by this act, or sonic
other acts In force In this Commonwealth, It slnill
not he lawful to catch or kill flsli by means of
any net or device in the nature thereof, the mesh
es or open spaces in which shall be lorn than thrre
i'mc7c, under a penalty of ?'J,1 1 I'roiMeil, That
not hint herein shall authorize the rutcliimr of
speckled trout by means of any device save only
by hook aud line, except for propagation and to
stock other Waters."
The Fair at Si-nbuhv. The premium list of
tho Union Park Agricultural Society's Fair, to
bo held at Sunbury, au the 7th, Slh und Uth of
Octobor next, will bo published next week.
We would advise the farmers nnd olhers of Nor
thumberland nnd adjoining counties, to prepare
their best products and stock to attend this fair.
The premiums will be liberal, and as it will not
be strictly n county fair, our friends In neighbor
ing counties have n chance to compete with the
farmers of onr county. There Is no doubt tho
fair will be the largest ever held in central Penn
sylvania. nnd will atfurd a flue opportunity for far
mers nnd mechanics of neighboring counties, to
bring forward their products, mid mechanical in
ventions to compare and compcto with each ot her.
' Du. C. E. ITp Dp. Graff moved to Hurrisbiirg,
this week, where he will hang out his shingle as ti
surgeon. He will operate on nil eye diseases In
which branch of surgery he has gained a wide re
putation. We understand that ho intends to
open an Eye and Ear Infirmary, and will devots
bis principal time to those diseases.
Good. Our neighbor of the ZMiiy Is luxuriat
ing on mammoth water melons of late. He is
not very modest In throning out a hint to the
dealers that he is fond of them. We hoje they
will not have an Injurious effect upon his over
worked system.
Who Can Beat It 1 The toinatoc noticed In
our issue of last week, brought us one of still
larger size. Ou Wednesday last a bot was de
livered to us labeled "A Republican Tomutoe,"
and upon opening It we found a tomatne weigh
ing two and u-lialf pounds. The note accompa
nying it stated that it had been raised in the gar
deu of Mrs. Peter Borduer, of Georgetown,
Lower Maliunoy township. As that lov.Vship is
prolillc in the production of Ilepuhlicnu majori
ties, wo believe that she may safely challenge the
county In regard to th production of Rcrtulllcau
tomatoes. If any can beat the last we should
like to hear from them.
The Public Schools will open on Monday next
in this place. Ths directors have been very elll
cicnt in repairing the buildings, and repainting
them. We aro glad to notice thut the directors
take an Interest In tho schools, und display a de
sire to advance the cause of education. The
schools are regularly graded, and from what we
carf learn very competent teachers huve been
cmpriyid'for tbo coming term.
. A Coal TraW was wrecked on the bhamokin
Division, ou Wednesday laal, near Trout Run,
caused by the breaking of mi nxlc of one of the
cars. Twenty-seven cars wert piled up, promis
cuously, hut fortunately no one wim injured.
The passenger train, lu the uflcruoon, could not
puss, mid the I). II. and W. train, wu3 teut to
the wreck, and brought the passengers down In
the evening.
The Boys iu Blue, commanded by dipt. W. II.
Ileim, realized about one hundred and fifty do -lars
by their festival last week. They ure cer
tainly deserving of it.
The Snnbtiry Cornet Band wus out serenading
some of our citizens, on Wednesday evening lust.
They ure improving rapidly under tha leadership
of J. Clymer, Esq.
John O'Brien's Colossal Six Tent Show is
Cominu to brNiu'RT, TrhMiAl, September .
This immense Institution is exhibited under Siv
separate and distinct tents fur tho minimum
price of 25 cents ; no half price. After weeks
and months preparation, Mr. O'Brien and his
agent of this monster sextuple alliance, have ut
last completed the arrangements for their grand
tour through the Stales, with this model exhibi
tion, bix monster tents will be brouuht Into re
quisition to this immense Coliseum or
Tabernacle of wonder. The urrungenicuts for
this Immense exhibition bus been completed in
every detail of preparation und carefully super
vised ; the entire promumiuu will be carried out
lo minister to Hie pleasures of the amusement
seeking people. A laie Equestrian Ileal by ar
tists ( tnaieaoil ,) ulm mt long ago won
the diploma of tl.e woihl. The (.laud triumphal
procession Willi its seas of :liiicriug banners ;
tile monster uleph. nils : the I'.iiui .a ami dloina
darivs In rich oriental decorations, will add more
grand ili'inou-u.iiioiis, imp. .ring beyond the
power of description disliiiguhcd artists uud
decorators liuc beeii cugageu to prepare this
monster aggregation for its grand triumphal
march from sen to sea. The sight of this mov
ing army of wealth, Its ocean of banners, flags,
Alc, thd golden chariots, the variegated dens.
Ac., presenting a sight never before witnessed
in Europe or America the design of which In
volves u strength of imagination, and the reali
zation rtlll call liiTD play changes more wonder
ful than realized lu fairy talcs. The unstiuied
outlay, which has added to the entertainment,
an ouirlt of real gold und splendor and great
care Ints been tukeu in the most talented mas
ters of the art and music. Tho musical depart
ment will be under the Immediate suiervisiou of
Professor Alexander Scott, the king of all cornet
players ; so the master-works of musical celebri
ties will be rendered lu a style to merit the ap
probation of all this will allonl much gratifica
tion to that class of community who uesire to
witness n standard and Instructive exhibition, or
who have been dosvd ad utwu with the preten
tious yet lusignitlcuut shows, hieli from time to
time pcrumbulutu the country. The collection
or uuiiuuls presented by this organization, for
the liisperllou of the public, is as perfect au en
terprise as capital and energy cau make ii i it)
fact of Us equal iu magnitude and variety exists
iu auv traveling exhibition In the world, we have
not heard of it, we feel perfectly safe iu making
this assertion, thut no such opportunity can be
afforded In America at least, not only lo the na
tural blstorlau but to all grade of society, of
examining lu detail a collection so varied, aud
diversified this will be the fjrtf and , last time
that will bs offered you to sec. such an exhibition
for such a small price of 'admission.
Eureka. Wlieu'a yb'ung-mao purchases a hat
of Samuel Futst,' the popular batter, be ex
claims, truthfully, too. "I have fouud it" a
fushiouuMe aud serviceable bat. M r. Facst has
all styles, of fashionable hats aud caps, aud eve
ry oue, both old and young, who will visit his
store;, on Market street, opposite Monument
Bctare, Quubury, will be well pleased with a se
f e'-tlon from his large and varied assortment.
The following lines on Childhood's Home, wore
written by a lady on her return home, after n vi
sit to her early home, In Sunbury. They will be
appreciated by her numerous friend for tho love
that still lingers In her heart for her childhood
home. Wo would liko to hear oftencr from
"Ma'trt," that her friends may not forget her
kind ioving1 dispos:tlon,nnd her childhood's Inno
cent purity.
, .for TlIF. AVtrnifAN.
liiltlliobil'M Home.
There nrn mnnyclmnplmrs In tho diys,months
ami years from our childhood lo lire's maturity.
We are tossed to and fro mi the ocean of time.
Hither and thither we wander iti thn searching
for what may bo our portion of life's good or 111.
These may he pleasures, and toils, joys nnd sor
rows, sunshine and clouds, altcrnnfo in our sky )
new loves, new friendships tu kc root In onr af
fection. Memory, that Inexhaustible store
house, open for yet moro trcnnres but, in her
choicest recesses, thn friends, the loves of long
ago, are secretly kept, a shields to time's defac
ing, preservatives lo chlldliood'S'iniioeent puri
ty. The heart, will rebound to its childhood, uud
Its brightness, its Joyousnesa siiir.c forth with re
newed wuriutll aud life, from beneath the rub
bish of years. W ;iulerer, bust Hum, too, ever
returned to the lioiro of UiJ cliiUlhoo.l, and h.i-t
tasted tile sweetness of fond rememliriiiieis ; ti I'
tho thrill ot unspeakable plea'nrr. hi n kimliy
greetings five lln-e welcome iia'knira Ii to III -.-i.
halcyon limes a. id scenes. Tln-re may be, then;
lire, prrpoi tioneil mi rows in childhood, but
"The tear down cliodl (x.d's c',i.. ! InaC flows,
Is like the ib a U on the r':e :
When next the riiinm r'.i bnez.' coe hy
And waves the bush, the flower in dry."
And we sco it the same childhood, without the
stain of years, without the cliill of time.
Hack to childhood's home, hack to friends of
tho long past, how pleasant to leel that yet In
those heaits there Is room, there is love. Many
t lie changes to those, w ho long have wandered;
lam thinking of the nbselil loV.I om s. oine
are wanderers from the hfitiie of hi'.ohood. Some
sleep their lust, sleep in the old ( hureli turd. 1
n 111 thinking, too, of the ntly home spots, where,
architectural skill has supplanted the little log
house, the little grassy knoll, ond even "The o'.d
oaken bm tet that hung in the well." Hut
amidst nil the change, there are yet hearts tin
changed, love not withered, not 'wasted, by the.
workings of time, nnd methinks when this earth
ly wandering is over i life's toilsome Journey is
elided, I, too, would re."t, sweetly rest, in that
childhood's home.
rem the "American.". At oi sta, Aug. 20, 1 ST".
Mr, II'.
1st. Permit me thriiigh you to tlri'iik the Re
publicans of Lower Augusta, for the. almost
unanimous vote 'jy which they instructed our
delegates to support me in the Convention. I
also thank the Convention for ghlug the Com
missioner to the lower cud, where he belongs.
1M. "I do tint thank the other friends (f) for
their felonious entrance and search of my house,
in my absence, on the 1 ltli lust. If they are go
ing down hill of late, I keep no money on hand
for Healing. Let them come when I am at
home, ami hnrro-v a "heck, and biiug my nett
fork home.
ii l. All persons nrc forbidden to enter my en
closed premises in search of fruit, vegetables,
game or greenbacks, without my permission.
They may save costs, time and reputation. (!)
Tn this locality, where Perry Haas partially re
ceived his i raining, let others consiih r I. Is un
timely Hid."
Wilii ChkKiiv H.m.sam. The, memory of Dr.
Wislaf is embalmed in the hearts of thousands
whom liis Balsam of Wild Cherry litis cured of
coughs, colds, consumption, or some other form
of pulmonary di-cusc. It is now over forty
voir since this preparation was brought before
the public, nnd vet the demand for it is constant
ly iiii'.reasii'g.
"Throw l'liv-u to the Does." "The Gra-
i phie" recently gave uii illustration of the new
, tiromo issue ! ny me Murray tun I'linnsn iig
Company, l'.'O. Last Twenty eighth r-trcct, from
Ilisphnm's painting "Throw Physic to the
Dogs." The subject is a little girl pliysicing va
rious specimens ol the canine race. The scene
a laughuhlo out. and the different attitudes of
the dogs lire exceedingly pleasing.
It was designed to illu-lnile Dr. Foote's aver
sirin to drugs, and accompanies rneh copy of his
work, "Plain Home Tiilk ami Common
Sen-e." The Doctor's practice is thoroughly
'New School," and .u this way he -lands prom
iiently O'lt from the profession a successful prac
titioner. The bi o'i is n volume of Ol i pages nnd Sis') il
lustrations, tilled with la. Is and reason relating
to mankind, uml their i social ami poali.'.il statu'.
The (Intphie says c f it : "1; is an e:ieveloHi!ia of
useful knowledge.'' A noted ca'rgjmni uf this
city testifies lo its merits, remarking: "it is a
library iu itself." The J'runklin 7Ai.'f.u';. of
Chainhcisburg, Pit., speaks of the picture us a
"beautiful chiomo, very pleasant, an. I so enjoy
able as to he almost good toi.ip.u.y.'" .Ni:w
York Kxi-nrss.
ri: i u. xo ric i:s.
liillr'ii often look t'jilc nul Nil It
from no other calls.' than having worms In the
Bkowv.s vF.ii!i'.'i'Gr. comfits
v;i!l destrov W.ini's wiihie,:? inn
being perfectly V.' I i ITIi.aml fr".:
or nt lii r iiijuiious ingrt.lii iil.
worm pri fat it'.. .lis.
Cl'UTIS .v. IlKoWW. ;v
No. 'l.'i K'litim tt i
S"M by Jh'itif.iittx n'i'1 ' .'..-.ii.. '.
Metiieiiif nl Twkn tv Kivi: t'r.Sit
Juiv v-i, iy.
Ik tin child.
i t coloring
') used ill
A I.. IX.
Tlit' Coiif't'N'.ioii ol :n lut tlfl.
Published by u warning and for the t.emdlt of
Young Men and ot bi-rs w no siiiier from i;:!V.n s
11 Fill 1.1 T V , Ul.-S l IF M A V III ii. 1 1, i If., suppis in J the
means o I self-cure. Wiifleii by oi.e who cuivj
hiir.x If after iiinlei goii.g con-iih rabie qu n lo'i y.
and s oil tri e or n ivivmg a po-i-paid d. reeled
envelop. Sufferer are Invited In address the
June 14, '71! bin. Box Ki::, Brooklyn, N. Y.
Thirty Ys'iiri' l'x;"Hon' of an HI
ii rse.
Mrn 1'iiislftw') Kowliiin Njrii in
I lie r'H rlt ion ol'iine of the bes' Female
Physician and Nurses iu the United States, and
has been used for thirty years with never failing
safety and success by millions of mothers and
children, from. the feeble infant of one week old
to the uilu.t. It corrects acidity of the stomach,
relieves wind colic, regulates the bowels, and
gives rest, health and conifoit to mother and
child. We believe It to be the Best and Surest
Keinedv in the Wo-Id, in nil cases of DYSKS
TKKY and DIARitlKXA IN t lULUl'.l'.N. w l.e
ther it arisis Iroui leelhiiig or fiom any other
cause. Full directions for using ill accompany
each bottle. None Genuine unless tlie facsimile
of C'L'RTI'5 A: PFRKIVS is on the cntsido wrnp
ier. Sold nv all Medicine dealers.
July Ii, 1H73. ly.
The Ilon-ti'hoM I'nuiiceu,
Family Liniment
is the best remedy in the world for tlin fnllewing
complaints, viz. : Cramp in the Limbs aud Sto
mach, Pain In the Stomach, Bowel, or Side,
Rheumatism in nil its forms, Biilioas Colic.Ncii
ralgia, Cholera, Dyt'. iitery.t'.ilds. Fresh Wounds,
Burns, Sore Throat, ?phul Complaints, Sprains
and Bruises, C hill aud Fever. For Internal unit
External use.
Its operation is not only to relieve the patient,
but entirely removes tho cause of tl.e com plaint.
It penetrate and j crvudes the whole system, re
storing healthy action to all Us parts, aud quick
ening ttie blood.
The Household I'unniTtt i purely
Vegetable and All Healing.
Prepared by
No. 215 Fulton Street, New York.
For sale bv all druggists.
July 13, 1 Sj.L 1 y.
For Loss of Appetite, Dyspepsia, Indigestion
Depression of Spirits and general Debility, in
their vUi'hius forms, Ferro Flioporatcd Kilxir
of CulUny made by Cabweli, Hazard & Co.,
Nw York, and sold by all druggists, is the best
Tonlo. As a sliinuluiit tonic for patients recov
ering from fever or other sickness, it has uo
equal. If tken during the seusou it prevents
fever aud- uirc.r and other intermittent fevers.
On the l'Jtli of August, 173, In Minllu couuly,
MAKY, wife of Mr. John D. C. Womcr, age.1 o
years, V month!! and 7 days.
JOTrljN' . O'lJR'nSjN'S
For one Single Priro cf Ad-
mission. 25 cts to all
G Tents
MilA Circus, MDsernn, CaraW,
ami tliu (7 rent,
with its 10,(100 Woiiilrr IVom nil parl of
the known world ; ipnktnt; Six Sepuratu
nnd distinct Exhibitions ntul cxliiiiitcil at
tlio old Popular Prices.
tJ-y NoTiiiXd Like It Evku Sken !
Six Monster Pavilions
beautifully illutnitmtcil ilurint; the cvi'tiiuo
poifonnatifi'S with ln,l00 Prismatic '
Jcls, ninking it a prrfoct City of Illtiiniiiat
fil Spluntlor.' The Colossal Enterprise, in
Amusements I The Kichest Outlit on this
Continent I Splendid beyond conception
niul elevated beyond comparison.
with the i:ngo of tho
Monster Uluek Ai'rie:ui RKino'-ro.,
tho only livina one now on exhibition in
America, weighing over S,0nU pounds.
A Lo:l Lino of (ilitteritn; Splendor.
e-iTliemenibx'!-, Six Distinct nnd Divided
Exhibitions, i aeh a Crund Knti rlitin
tin'iit in ilsi If, and One Ticket Admit
iiiii to all !
will bit twenty-five Palace Deus in red, blue and yellow, with flags and banners of allnations.
containing Prof. Ilinggied's il 'gant Military 15and an. 1 twenty-five heauiioil d. us. painted in green and guld, milking; tho ontirc
number of massive iron lK-ns. Count them as liiey pass; your wiil I i t t the exact uiimber advei tied. lleuieiuU r Twi Separate
and distinct Bonds of Music iu (iolden Chariots ! See ih.-ni in proci ssion es they pass ; you will at once prutiouticc this the Mot'
arch Mastadou of All Shows !
W F l 1
M 11 Jl li ii
In the Morning at 10 ; Afternoon 2 ; Evening at 7. Al)MIstiV jr. CENTS, (No half prici s. One Ticket will admit tin-holde-to
the Six S'M rato Tents and the Six divided Exhibition. li'eineiiiU r, ii Sepcr.itu Tents !
Willi Exhibit at Miltt ii. Saturday, Sejit. (Ub. At l:invil!e, Moiulay, Sept. Sih. tiubury, Tuesday. Seit. Ot h
at Sliainokin, Wednesday, Sept. 10th.
Utile on tlio lli'iis of Suiali Miller, uVciasid.
Xortfiinuht'i'lnini futility, )
VT an Orphan.' Couri la id ut Siitibary In anil
for n.ilil county, on tlie ft li ilnv of Aint'iJ,
Anno Domini, our lliousnnil, civrlit liniiilir 1 nni
nrvriity tliree, before ilie Hon. Williiiin M. Itnck
tfel'er, I'resiJrnl, anil lii Associate Joseph
Josrpu Mtoiy, uml , Jusllees ot
Coio l :
riioatliiMirtitlon of Eiiliraitn 11. Miller, of Sna-
niokiii lownsliip, n ttiu taiil county, oue of tin-
foim mill lirim nl law vl Mirau M an r, lair ol
niJ townuli'p, di'onim-ci, llic Court L'rniiti il a rule
Upon you, III. .vi. .inner, leM.inu in iiainnMii
. 1 i. i ii'in: .... r
lent In M t . 1,1 u-a-l. Mnriow county, tiluu, J.itin
M. Miller, resilient in Koit Wayne, Imli.niH, iiuil
Kli.abttli Coinpurtt, u tlauitbter of Johnson
Milier, olio of tlie sr ti of rteccnised, tnurrinl to
l.uwit Coniparet, nnd livlns; in lesnioine, in tbo
ftHte of low ii, anil t lie petltbHer.tbe niil Kpliraiui
It. Miller, all heir and li(;al representatives of
sulci SttrnU Miller, ileceased, to come into Court
ou tlie first Monday of Nuvemnvr, A. l., ISTil,
und aocept oj refum tho Ileal Kslate of said dt-
ceastd, at the valuation, or show cause hy tho
tame should uot solit.
WitneM the Hon. Wm. M. Uivkefeller, Pril
dent Jiuliri" of our said Court, at rtuiibury, this
sixteenth duv nf Aturust, A. l., 1STS.
Deputy Clerk, (. C.
ReRlster'a tlfflee, 8uubury, Auit. ti'J, lSTti. C:.
Xolire lo Trei)wern.
VI.L Perseus are cautioned ui;aliist li i spin-1-Inir,
or hiintine nnd sliootini; on li.u premi
ses of the underslirneil, in I'piwr Aiii;utii town
ship, Northumberland couniy, I'enijsylvonin,
without KMUiissiou. Any person violiiliiu,' this
notitB will be ilcult wltll uccnrdliijsto law.
(ih"lt!E j Al'L.
1'p. Aui;. twp., Aug. 8, 1S7X
Consolidated and exhibited under
in continuation of the tirst. wi'd he heai'.ci! by Ihe
... .' 3k,: AltiWV-'.' -.
o :
1 V II I 1M til I t V
ii -.V 11 1 1 1 1. IV .1
Uoitrliiir mill Suit" .Mublc.
fslIKUTF V IiYKK litis npeiif I a Vetorin -
ijy jlivir.lin iiurl Sn'.c Malilr. Iloiiiilini; liorse
il. ,i. ion Mi-.l will lie keiit In ilill. rent st:,lik-s trout
llinv tlmt an- i-ii W. Min t iitti'iitiuii ill In-p liil
I i all h :r-i-s ell or sii k. lill cure all da.1
vices in tin- liiirsi', ail diseases of tin! nioiitli, all
ilisea-i - i,l' Hie iv.-.iratuiy ni valis, iliseasi" of tlio
tniiiacli, liver, m iliary nivalis, i-i I an. I 1 tr .
Aiso itiiasi-ii nl 11. t- ti -ail, eyes, un.l all lui.-su-l-!ai.
rolls i!':.-e.isr. All surreal e:;;.s. stirh h
Hlrr.iint', Nrniet;. Uowelinir, I'ltai.- trnoloniy,
'I' i in. in. r lln, flu!. emii'l in.r. A .. . Ar. Al-o.
i Tr,,i,,,. t,,.R tiaine.l tr ".. ns.-. sral.'
tl.,,.k ,,f (-.utorol lb. tel. J AMI'S VAN DVKI".
j,,v i.'-a,
j ' ' ' '
t liimil ( leoirii (iir it tw.ti Kt itf t
au. n. jj?i:f)'s
Tlilr.lr1!, niosiii. tlin Central Hotel, Sunbury,
VX V tHtrsoii pureliasiiitf l'ud.I to the Hinoilr',
ol j'o 00 at retail pi'netf, lor cash, will I S
cnlitlerl to a T;M;it,for. I he ilrawimr ofa'Crrl
cln-s No. T. Co.).; .-;oe it!i nil :l.e f:tures,
value. 1 al fiio. win r.uiti-.l to uive i-ati-taelioii.
Notice !e. civen ol the piaeo anil lime of
j ilruwin tli'u-rli llio paper.
J. 11. Kl'.tD.
'.iiii-,-, Ji:ly 1, 187i5.
Amlllor'M .oflce.
1 -rSTATK ur Vrederlek Heckerl deoeuseil.
l ti, uiulersliri.ed. mipointed bv Hie Or-
j ,,llllls' (. o,,,, f .Sintliiiiiibtrlaud County, aud;- I
j tors to an ia iinu ii .-iiiiiiiii; tna iiiiiiao ia itic
Lutein ot A ml lew Dilty, uilinlnl-trator of the es
l ale of r reili rirk lie. ki it, ii" cased, will meet
1 the parties inieresud nt hi pl!''-e ihe borotlf;li
1 of ISioibur.v, on
I sAVi' Kn.vy, the oih of sr.i'TFMBEit, is;a,
at IU o'clock, a. iu., where all parlies interested
luuy ailend if they io proper.
WM. C. PACKER, Auditor.
Sui.bury, Aug. 10, 18o.
05V K3
"F S Slff T S
Piescnlins ihe only medium for suppiyin;;
Hie reeogr.i.cil neei ssily lor cheap public
iimun tnenl : o..itiimi'iuiii! ilsclf to all
creeds and classes ; nnd to morality, philo
sophy and enlightenment, ns a ponderous
nnd prniirossivi; provider of In ndiciul re
creation, adapted to tho rcium-meiits of
every age. nnd the leii-ilh of every putfe.
nnd, nt a f'ab'.ilniis cx;m use, dissimulating
live len'oin' broadcnt.t. nstjlnui'lit I v na
ture's self, in her manifold wondrous pro
ductions, nnd excmpUfcd in variety beyond
computation, and eu.'l!v ani;.:.-.';" n ses
sions, ixcltisively its own v,ud no
else to be seeu.
than is given botli in and outside the, can
vas by any ot'ier tinimal and art.'iiy e::liib!
liou mi ea. lli, iu tho
Jingo Highway I-ol'iihiv l'a; a.lo of
l'oiaji siiid 1'tiwer
nt II A. M. each day. Iteiiieniber U.n C.a'.h
:ind hour, and, even if you (in visit tl.e
City of Tents, doligiit-'yiiirself and little
ones with a view of the Elephants, Camels,
and Dri'inedaries. ircnllv eaiaiisiincd in
Orii ntal tiapuitigs ; llio l'ifty superl.Jy or
namented liens ; the long line of lifi-likt:
PiiintingR; the erand Al!es.'oricnl Cava!
cade : the hundreds of gaily ili-enraled
Steeds; the sa of Flags and P.itiinrs ; that
supreme i f till processional triumph---, lln
Golden Chariot "Creation,
containing the King uf all (.'timet Player:;,
Professor Alex." Scott, and his unrivaled
Empire State Cot net Hand. Following
mill 'IS -
fcJ 7 4 I X
3 If t Ij 1 ,
R. C. CALL, Asven;,
LXTI.E: Ol' AT'l ltltTJ.
; ,-v
ybo lv is in it e.l to come niul Ii :y uf tin
"lie as.-ni tinrtil nf
rovs am cti.'n-:cTCATr:!!hV
iu tralne ti:ii.i.i', leroiuini; M orn.V Ilis'u."Vi';
lmil:i.,, ,111. ill I lil-.l-.i, s( Mil K , ' , ,.
Ju-t i.n i.-vl a In-rh .ti-flv i f loiiferii 'iirii -s ff
i-iiiy tii.v rij-lii.ii.
TOVM - ,tf.l, lilMIN
ci.iisi.iiitlv iw liaini. Tl.e b"-t 1! ."INS, FltiS,
l i 1.11 AST."5 .v. lH'.lFD 'Kl'ir.
. . ., , u,,.,. i. f,i.- , ,,,nrii!,...
Hi li lr.':irt, ltiin A. t aKi'a, . n nioriitnv
Having llili il up a room expressly fur Kt-niie'
np Oysters in every Hyle, I. a. I an and Uentlru I
Kill lf neeoiiiinojateil with tlie Ix st bivalves in
n. in k. t. nl ail le.Nls iliii ii tin- ii.iv and evcnlnir.
Faiuilie i'.i b" snpp'ieil at their r-:d nee iili
the liel Shrll or Canned O.n-leis, as is dcsiri'-tr,
at the v.-ry in : i -t prici . ...
t ail aii.l .-t e my excellent ussorlir.eiu ta g( .'uli
aud a-i' iiaiii the rrlccfc.
llec. III. 1H7.
TO SI M. Ol'tt N tW
lu.iriiicil tlcvtr .Imi'IiIii.
i'.IKDSr I.I. MANl'F.M Tl'KtNii CO.,
1. 1 pi sf'e. l'i v:.T !!c. ' !'.i.
Ae.'. l'i'.l. :jiuos.
Send for onr Unstinted I.. i.kt
on I. -nliliiiit. A. J. I'fCK Mr!.!. iV CO.
u",' ?;!-l'-V. We : It ii -l., Ne Yl.i