t 2073. 1073. . mm mmm tramn. ESa2mous Steels., Just opened at S. HEEZFELDER'S Popular Clothing Store. the largoul stock of SPMHT AMU SUStMEIE OQQDg ever oC'ltcJ iu this town. 1000 Coata, 1000 Vests, 15C0 Pants, 200 Hoy's ami Cliil.lreu's Suits, 1000 Hats ami Caps for tnou ami Upys, luntury, Pa., Monday, August 11, 187 71 c c -1 C9 M o O o tart 5 ST J TOWERIlSra aiA.T among- its fellows. i r O cs CD CD V3 GreatCentBrolB M all llBBIJto. j 110 if 0000 Liucu ami Paper Collars, 1000 Pair I.ineu ami Paper Cud's, 1000 Ties, Hows and Scaris, 130 Dozeu Socks, 30 d liferent styles Suspenders, 21 OVERALLS AI 0KI1S, Gauze and Merino .Summer Underwear, Trunks, Satchels, Valises, Jewelry, Walking' Canes, &c. livery body is respectfully invited In call and examine this most maguiticeut assort ment. 2,ro Goods misrepresented, uo trouble to fdiow Goods or to give information. The whole will be offered at Extraordinary Low Prices, and satisfaction guaranteed in every way. Corner Market and Third Streets, Sunbury, Pa. Sbiubury, Pa., April l- l?7o. D ITl Q N DSP E CT A C L E S WATCHES & JEWELRY. SC BliSISU II Y AS Corner Market and Third StrecU, SUNBURY, PA., DEALER IN WATCIIES,0L0CKS, JEWELRY AND S1LVERWAHE. Thebe Lenses are manufactured from Minute Crystal Pebbles, united by fusion, and derive their name "Diamond," n account of their hardness and brilliancy. The scientilie principal on which they are constructed, prevents all Klimmeriug aud wavering ot'Siht, Dinitn.-sw, Ac., peculiar to all others in use. Superior to Scotch or Brazilian Pebbles at less than half the price. They are mounted in the finest manner, at our own manufactory, in all styles of Gal.l, Silver, Steel, Rubber aud Shell Frames of the best quality. Manufactured by The Spencer Optical Manufacturing Company. (Successors to J. E. Spencer Co., in the Optical Department.) New York and New Haven. Por Sale only by x:i tmi:i is j. siiao. Sui.bury, Pa., May 31, 1S7I1. M'ltl.Mi Ol'K.MXO of DRY GOODS AND NOTIONS. Cloth, r'asbiiiii ii?, Cilicok, uud everything in the Dry (iuoj line. t'AKPETd AXO OJl, CLOTHS. (uecii-nvaie, !:! ware, sunt Wood an 4 Willow. Cr.'X'EP.IKg. A :ivt(C. nswtrtmrnt Just ojioned, wliieli consists of Tea, Co!!ei', teuttar, M.ilasies, tfj;iee, Meal, Fitli, A.c. Tliu telebmteil Allenlowii baud made HOOTS AND BIIOESI, W.u rnntod to uivo tatlsfaetioii. In fact a full iirt meat u( u ei ) t l.ing kept in u fli'Bt-class .-tore, nil he had ut greatly KEDLXEli l'KICT.8. f ir cabh. Call ami 6ee Iho lino seleetiuu of ucw guj'tn, Bud he convinced thut 1". J. ltYKOIt'N, i.e.ir the Lulhern t'hiireh, in Sunlmry, U the lust niiil cheaien place to buy all kinds of eloic pMidK. .No trouble to fcUow jfooda. April b,li. ly. FAICSO., M. A CO., So. 2'J8 Soulh SECOND Street, below DOCK, lMiiliilelpbia. WILLIAM KAHMSON, I1K.NRV HAliMM). NELbON VVUH, W. W. t LKAl TIIEU8, .Muuulai lurein of l irnl Claii H KM'I I KK. Pripc r?;niiiab'e. l'leuse call and exuudue. all ELU13I WATt'lL UEO. EVANS. E. (J. MAfZE. Geo. Evans & Co., ill-t Market Stivct, ri.ilu.k-lpltia, TAILOIIS and MIUTAHY CLOTHIEHS, .Military, Haml & Fire Oriruuiutione promptly uuifoniicd. Samples of Cloth, with Photographs, sent free cn application. Ours being the leading house eu Military ork, o feel that wo can oHcr Inducements which can not be attained uuywhero fife. Aug. 24, WJ. if. 1 O90 l,(ir duy! At'enta Wanted! All IJJU IU V vUela:. or woi khiKlKH.iile, of either tex, young or old, luuko more money at work fur uh in (heir tpuie inoiueuu, ur ull th.limc' than at unytUiu clee. funicular fit. Addre.6, j. blTSnON it CO., ftlt-ly. i'ortlaud, Maiue. w o B I r O o p O o i P o P ' P P o CO O O W d W a n 03 ft c -: -i C5 2 0 2 ET : 6 7T CO N r H 5s S2 x 3 I'hl S)h'o In ICt'Herod for (ho ADTiiTsi:insT op PAINE & McCORMICK'S HAIilJ WA11E STORK Market St., Muuburj, Pa. CICAYk l'OICl IIOI SI', Cor. Third and Muiberiy, Uui-iuefS Cuiiltc, WiUiuiusjioit, l'a. D. U. ELSE it CO., Proprietor. Juno 2'J, lblo. (ilVF.N AWAY. A Tini: (ji:ilMN ClUIOMO. Wo send an elegant chiomo, uiouuled und ready for ljaminir, free to every nirout tor t'MHKtiHOr.M or Life ISri.ow Tin: St iiFAtK, nv Tuos. W. Knox. '.' 1 i I'ul'cs Octavo. lliO Fine Engravings. K'-latca liuidems and Accidents buyond the Light of Day ; L-taitling Adventures In all pints of the World Mines and Mode of Working them Luder-currents of Society t Gambling and its llonois Caverns and their Mysteries ; llie Dark Ways of Wiekeduess ; Pi Ismiis aud their .Secrets ; Down iu the Depths of the Siu Strange Stories of the detection of crime. The hook IibuIs of experiRiiee with brigands ; nights In opium deus and gambling hell. ; lite iu prisou ; Stories of exiles ; adventures among In dians ; journeys through Sewers aud Cutacouibs; uecideuls iunilues; pirates and piracy ; tortures of the Inquisition ; wonderful burglaries ; under world of the great cities, etc., etc. Attends Wuutt'U for this work. Exclusive leritory given. Agents can niako (100 a week in belling ibis book. Soud for circulars aud terms to ugenis. 3. B. bLKRi HYDE, Hftrlord, Coun , of Chicago, 111. 3Iiifc!eum, Its auiuenlAtioti jnlalioti the paet winter makis it four times larccr than last year, and thcu it was confessed the Monarch Mastodon of the road. Over a million dallars have beon make this the most stupemlous and prcatest World Kxpositiou ever attempted ; nnd au immense Twelvo Centre-Pole Pavilion, covering over four ncres of ground, ing li'.S,U00 yards of canvas, is required to exhibit its thirty-one dens of living Wild Ueasts, breathing Sea Monsters, Pluimiyed liirds, Plisheatiug Keptiles, and the expended to and measuring colossal Dual Circul Exhibition! To transport this tioliah of rttowe, 100 care, the success of this unprecedented enterprise A Grand Triple ESenageri in 4 Separate Tents, Combined with tho Colossal Museum, Aviary of Tropical Pirds, and Caravan of Klephats, Camels Dromedaries, Klks, HufTklocs, etc., etc. GHAX1) IK)L11LE ClltCUS PKHKOHMAN'CE in the Largest Hippodrome Tent in the World. EVERY ACT DOUBLE in 2 Rings at the same hour, under one Grand Pavilion 1 A DOUBLE GRAND ENTREE, 5 Studs of Ring Horses, Dual Corns of Equestriennes. Male Riders. Acrobats, Gymnasts, Clowns, etc. Greatest Achievement in Arcnic Annals ever Witnessed ! Every day at 10 o'clock.' a." ni., au unparalleled. PAGEANT fc PROCESSION OVER 2 MILES LONG ! With emerald, crimson aud gold dens, three brass and reed Bauds, grand Steam Piano, and a full Martial Band, as in the Days of 'TO; Twuty Beautiful Women, and one hundred horsem-n and pages, mounted, ai.d followed by the Cavalcade with their liags, banners and paraphernalia, mounted Gods aud Gwdesses, iu original costumes, with living Ttgars, Lions, Panthers and Jaguars Loose iu the SiretU. S 'Before each exhibition a GRAND BALLOON ASCENSION will bo given. l&TAll the Railroads running into the city have been arranged with to bring people at greatly reduced fare. .IDISSIOISr, 50 CENTS. OKCIT-.T3IlE3Sr XJ3STIDER, lO YEAES, 25 OE1STTS. W. W. DURAf'D, General Agent. Danville, Saturday, Aug. 9 ; Milton, Tuesday, Aug. 12 ; Tainaqua, Thursday, Aug. 11; Shamokin, Friday, 15 ; Ashland, Saturday 10. m 'X)5K-I;I.i5 fc0''3 Column. Is the moft powciful cleaueer, Jtreiigthner aud remover of (jlaudulur Obstruction known to Materia Mellon. It U specially adapted to constitutions "worn down" nnd debilitated by the warm weather of tpriiii; and Summer, when the blood is not iu active circulation, consequently gntherlu!; Impu rities from FlnjjKishucs unci imperfect action of the secretivo ore;aiin, and i inanil'esled by Tu mors, Eruptions, BlotelK., Bulla, re.tulr, Scro fula. k:c. Wheu ierjr and lunquld from overwork, nnd dullnci-s, rli'ow.ines and India take the place of enemy and vlu'or. the l&ysicm needs n Tonic to bulhl.it up and help the Vital Forces to regain their recuperativg lower; ' Iu the heal of Summer, frequently the Llwr and Spleen do not properly perform' their func tions; the I'terine ami Urinary Orgaus are In active, producing wenkness of the Ktomach and inte-tiiu'S and a predi.-poeitlou to bilious derange ment. 1)11: WELLS' Kvtruct of Juriibebii is prepaieu pirectly from tho South American Plant, and is peculiar)' suited to all these dilll eulties ; it will cleanse the Vitiated Blood, strcng tlun the Lil'e-tJiving Powers, and remove nil obstnielions from impaired and eufeliled Orgiius. It should be freely taken, at Jurubebu Is pro noaneed by medical writers the most ctlU icnt Purifier, Tonic aud Deohstrucnt known In the whole r. i Hire of niedirinal )lants. JOHN (. KELLOtiti, 18 Phitt St., N. T. Sole Agent for the Vuitcd States. Price, tH per Bottle. Scud for Circular. J-'5, 4w M OKHIU I I. ASS Maleor Fema'.e $00 a week guaranteed. KefHW1i.bW employment at home, day or cveninir ; no capital required ; full instructions & valuable package of goods sent freo by mail. Address, wKh six cent return stamp. M. YOl'Mi ifc CO. 173 Greenwich Street, New York. J,V4w Write for Large Illustrated Price LUt. Address, tMITHriOOSI PITTSBURGH PA. Brccch-loadliig Shot duns, (40 to 300. Dou ble Shot Guns, to (15U. Single Guns, (3 to tM. HiUes, tti to (75. ltevolvers, (6 to (25. Pis tols, (1 th iH. Gun Material, Fishing Tackle. Larire discount to dealers or Clubs. Army Guns Huvolvers, Ac, bought or traded for. Goods sent by express C. O. D. to be examined before paid for. J:i5.'73.4w. NEVKK Neglect a Cough. Nothing is mona certain q lay the fouuduliou for future evil consequeucus. WELL'S CARBOLIC TABLETS arc a sure cure for all dlseusea of the Respira tory Organs, Sore Throat, Colds, Croup, Diph theria, Asthiuu. Cutank, lLjnrseuess, Drvacsa of the throat, Windpipe, or Brouckial Tuoos, and all Diseases of thu Luugs. Iu ull eases of suddeu eold, kowever taken, tlieso Tablets should bu promptly aud freely used. They equalize the circulation of the blood, mitigate the severity of the attack, aud will, in a very short time, restore bcaUfcy action to the af fected organs. , Wd!U' Carbolic Tablets are put up only in blue boxes. Take tio suWkutes. If they can't be found nl your druggist's, scud at once to the Ageut iu New York, who will forward them by return mail. Uou't be deceived by Imitations. Sold by druggists. Price 25 cents a box. JOHN o.. KELLOCU, IS HUtt-st New York, J257w.iw.eud lor circular. Sole Atut for t'.B. i JJbMvGUHWiV Aviary, Circus, Hippodrome and Egyptian Making it a Grand Combination more than Equal to C passenger coaches, and i engines arc brought into requisition, and the services of over liUth Thousand in Press. f?ilr. increasing. -'.000 more LIVE AGENTS Wanted Tor our l.IVIXCISTOXK 2S years In A KltlC'A over (WO pages, onlv $'.'.50 Incomplete und in-I lerior works are oll'eii il, look out for them. ' Send for circulars iiml see prool of the ureatest ; access of the season. Pocket Coiupniiirm worth $10 mailed free. II C KllA KD BROS., Pub's, J25,4w 7u;l Saiisom St., 1'liilu, l'a. j t'ri'i' t Itook Ajii'iitM AN ELEGANTLY ! BOUND CANVAf'.IN(i HOOK tor the best and i cheapest Family llilile ever puhlished, will be sent tree of cliai ire to any liook agent. It eon tains NEAHLY TOO line Scriptural Illustrations, aud agentsjare meeting with unprecedented suc cess. Addiuss, slating experience, etc., tit we will show you what our aire. Is nre doing, NA- UO.tAL 1'LLL1S1UU I t., l'llllll., fa. 4tt. NUMEUOl'S TESTS HAVE PliOVED M i ry X. V. lturtiam'a new Turbiuc AVATKli WHEEL v M i To be tho. Best ever Invented. kTJ Pamphlet free. Address, Yoik, Penu'a. t k- JulyJo Iw. " AGENTS Wanted for the Su perb New Chroino "BLESSED A HE THE PL'UE IN IIEAKT." Just ready, from nu original painting by Ida Waiigli. Ibis picture is greatly adaured k)' all J who sec It, and is sure to become highly Hpular.4 Though executed in the highest style of the art, in orderto reachtho masses A secure large bales, the price is made much lower than that at which any Chromo of like quality has ever been sold. Terms extremely liberal. Exclusive territory. Sold only by subseiplion. Apply at once to se cure choice of territory. Circulars. ,c. free. GEO. MACLEAN, Publisher, 7o3 Sansoui St.,! Philadelphia, Pa. July 4w. Located at WilliauiNport, l'a, KttablMed lStlO. TUt BEST COLLEGE in the Country. Has the best l'eiiinuu iu Peuusylva lilw July 25. 4w. For College Paper. Specimens of Penmanship, &c, uddress DAVIS Ol'LINGRU. WilliuuisiKirt, l'enn'u. A WOHK OF Im'EN'HR ISTntEST AXI ISTUINSIC Valie. Ot'EA'M STOUV. By tlie pitted sou of the famous "Petkh Pah let." The result of great historical research i An authentic History of Navigation and its Man ifold Discoveries siuce the Flood. Abounds with Startling incidents, Fearful Disasters, Lawless Piracies, Blooay Buttles, and Glorious Achieve ments ; uUu describes Diving, Telegraphing, Ocean Fisheries, Ac. Over SOO Spirited Cuts. 8UJecl Nw. Price Low. Aoknts Wantku. IIL'BBAKU BKOS., pub's. Suusoiu C, i'siila. l'a. July 25. w. IIOLElt.l AND EPIDEMIC DISEASES Prevented by using BROMO -CIILOKALUM, Thu New Odorlcs aud Vou-Polsouous ruiraful DEODEK12EH Hti DISINFECTANT. It destroys all bad odors aud poisonous cmaua tious about your prcuiloes, and I hereby prcveuts contagion aud disease contains uo poisou, baa uo tNlor, aud is always sale. " Diploma awaj-ded by the -lnuiuau bullion to Tn ntx dc Co., for Broiuo-Chloralum. They consider it of value as being uou-poisouous aud Inodorous, au cuu reeommend it especially for medical ana general household purposes w here disinfection and deodorixution la called for." t'xhlbitioMOlSTi. Prepared oulj by TILDES' CO., New Xork. olJ by all UrugsUt. July 2i-iw. MI12.H0 IN l'Ol'K WEEKS' CANVASSING was one agent's protlt on Bryant's Library of Po etry aud Song ; $70 iu cue week on The New llousekecjiir's Manual, t.y Miss Beeclier and Mrs. Slowe. Any active man or woman can have an agency. J. It. FOItl) .V CO., New Fork, Boitou, Chicago and San Franci.-co. 4w. ,fu2o "CAMrilOKINE" cures every pain. .e. it. Sold by nil druggists. Piop'r, New York, HELlit'-N HOYT, .Ie25.-4w hiihi: & ti i.sTAiti.isimK r. MAUKET STHEET, Sl'NItL'KY, PA. AI.l'llED KlIAL'SE, Proprietor. st cCilsfioil TO SMITH A UENTUr.lt. J , n.WING pur liased the above well known es tablishment, Mr. KiaUM: would respectful ly iiilumi the public that he iww has on hand A large assortment of COOKING STOVES, Sheer's Lk Anti-Dust, Regulator or Hevolvlng Top, Combination, Susquehanua nnd others, which are so nrranged as to he used for Coal or Wood, nnd nre warranted to perform satisfactori ly or no sale. VI EATERS of all kinds put up to heat one or more rooms. HEATING STOVES of ditrerent kinds at very hiw prices. Tiuwnresof Every le heription kept constantly ou hand. Hooting and Spouting Willi the best lualerial, done at short uoticc. UEl'AIttlNli attended to with dispatch. Coal Oil ai d Lamps constantly ou hand. Japan warei of a A. ml... Store opposite Conlcy's hardware' store. Give me a cull. A. KKAl'SE. upl24-ly MAI IlIXK SHOP A.U HtO. FOIXDHV. GEO. KOIIUIJAC'II & SONS, Suit bury, I'rau'a, INFOKM tlie public that they tire preparvu to do all kinds of CASTINGS, and haviug added a new Machine Shop in connection wuh their Foundry, and have supplied themselves w ith New Lathes, Planing aud Boring Machines, with the latest improvements. With the aid of skillful nu clunks, they ure enabled to execute ull orders of NEW WORK OR KEPAIKINU, that may be given them, iu a satisfactory inan uer. t.rulCM to kuit any Ktuve. IKON COLUMNS, for cuurelws or other build it;, of all sizes. BliAiiS CASTINGS, &c. Ornamental Iron Fencing FOIl Git AVE YAKD LOTS; VERANDAHS. Foil YAHDS AT UKSIDENCEiS, if., AC. The PLOWS, already celebrated for their su periority, have Ueeu still further Improved, und Hill always Is' kept on hand. Also, T11KFSII1NG MACHINES. Smiuury, May 20, 1871. ttATtll Or ATXKAC"1'IW.7 Everybody Is Invited to come and buy of:lhe Luidsouie assortment of TOYS AND CONFECTIONERIES at SAMUEL F. NEVIN'S STORE. in frame building, adjoining Moore A nissiuger's building, THIRD STREET, SI XBLHY, PA. Just opuued a frctk supply of Coufo;tioueri.s of every description. TOYS UP ALL. U1XD.S constantly on hand. The Inst RAISINS, FIGS, CURRANTS & DRIED FRUIT. TURE RIO COVVEH, TEA & SPICES, fresh Bread, Buna & Cakes, every morning. FANCY CAKKtf, BISCUITS, CRACKERS, Ac. OYSTElili J OYSTERS ! OYSTERS! Haviug titled up a room expressly for serving up Oyster iu every style. Ladies aud Gentlemen will be accommodated with the best bivalves iu market, ut ull hoars during the day and cveulng. r'uiuilu will im supplied at their residence with the Wot Shell or Cauucd Oysters, as is dou;iiilc, at the very lowest price. Call aud seeuiy excellcut assortment of goods aud uscertuiu luu prices. . T.NEVIN. Dtc. 10, JS71. V Caravan. Twelve Shows in One ! L'OOD men aud hor3 aiu necessary ! A complete Slitek of Choiee HeIe- lioiiN in every Ieurt meiit of- lered itt Special pricvM, lur- tun thu Smiimer Neuron, i Mhile .ninkiuK alter ntioiiM. HZ JEWKLRY, STERLING SILVER Watches, Plated GooJg Cutlery, t'lorkM, llronsett A Fauey Oootl. July 12, 1S73. BLATCIILEYS IMPROVED CDCTJMBEH WOOD i'l'XP -- Tasteless. Durable, Efficient and ei, Cheap. The best Pump for thu least tnoner. Attention is es pecially invited to Blulchicy's Patent Improved Bracket and New Drop Check Valve, which can be withdrawn without re moving the Pump or disturbing the joints. Also, the Copper Chamber, which never cracks or scales, and will outlast any other. For sale by Dealers everywhere. Send lor Catalogue anil Price List. CIIAS. i. BLATCHLEY, Manu facturer, 500 Commerce '-)g Philud'a. l'a. SI l,ly TIIK KlAU It.llCUKK SIIOI" IS THE SHOP OF THE TOWN und long has been ; ask history and she will tell you Men have grown old in our patronage. Babies on their lumbers' bre.isl To bouncing boys at play ; Aud youths by muidens fair caressed. To stalwart meu with cures oppressed, And old men silver gray. Aud among the honored nnd lasting imnres- , sions of time, und the crusk of revolutions iu circumstances, we stand u living nionunieiilal i memento or the Ingenuity and pcrseverauce ap J IK'rtaining to tho identity of progression, plying our vocation witn t tic uignesi style oi art and perfection, ami aspiring to. achieve the highest reward of merit attainable in our hntukle capaci ty, and the sentiment of rcHCt und approbation which the presence of superior appliances und es lablibhment ure always wout toiuopiie. Always to please Weshavo with case Cut und comb with taste the hair ; Shampoo the head with soothing care, Aud color the w hiskers blat k or brown, To suit the people uhout the town. Then allow uic politely request you to stop, Aud uot go past nor from urouud our shop. To get shavtd on the basi. of ability nor us some bare done for our Use of the ballot for prin ciple sacred aud right nor under Ihe common secret uiul iuvidious guise of enmity ta complet ion j for the cut of it man's coat, or the color of his skin, ought nut to a licet his usefulness uor his qualifications. A fair chance is ull that we dcuiuud, to i-'iv tue proof to all the hmd. JAMES W. WASHINGTON. Proprietor. Suuhury, April 5, !7U j No. 01, Market si. BUTCUKHY! miTCHEUY! Mektris. KKFI'EW A ItOWEIt. Tbli'd SJrcet, opposite Ceqlrnl Hotel, M'NBUUY, PA., KEEP const.iutiy on baud ihe very choicest oi fush IsCF.F, 911'TTOX AMI VFAL, which la sold at the lowest prices. Meat eauJUl hud at ull hours during the day. S iuLni v, pa , Juuc v 1SV;. I I