Tilt SUNIWRY AMERICAN. IS PUBLISHED EVERT SATURDAY BY EM'L W1XVERT, Proprietor, ' Moore A Dlsslngee's BtiUdta, MaAct Square, ' At $1.50 la Advn. II not paid lthl Hvatha $3. tMuertptkm Um fir Im iff JTosrfA. Corsnrreu with this establUhment It an sxtn- IveNEW JOB OFFICE, containing variety of plain and fancy typa equal to any estahllahnieot n tho Interior of the BtaU, for which the patron age of the public It respectfully solicited. 1 roff sairjna!. ' A. ' BR,CK, ATTORNEY AT LAW, ajtd acTtso JUSTICE or tut PEACE. Neit Door to Judge Jordan' KcslJoncc, Chest nut Street, Bunbury, Pa. Collection and all legal matter promptly nt tended to. JEREMIAH SNYDER, ATTORNEY AT LAW, ANI ACTIXU JI NTIIX OF THE PEACE. ConTeyanelnp,th collection of claims, wrIUnce, and all klada of I.cRal bushiest will be attended to carefully and with despatch. Can bo consult ed In the English and (tor in an Inngnngo. Office formorly occupied by Solomon Malick. F.q., op pcwlto CKy Hotel, Sunbury, Pa. MnrehjN, 1873. ly. (" S A. BOTDORF, X .. : AltorneT-at-Lnw, OKORUKTOWN, Northumberland Co., Pennn. din le consulted In the English ami German 1nuitusros. Collections attended to In North umberland and adjoining couutles. Also Airent for the Lebauon Vnllcy Fire Insu rance Com puny. ' mhl3 a"ll7ll. KANE, Attorney at Law, SUN HCRY, PA. Office In Market riinnre, (adjoining the office or W. I. Oreenonirh, Esq.,) Professional business In thlt and adjoining coun ties promptly nttended to. Sunhtiry, March V, ISTi-ly. W. C. PACKER, Attorney at Law, Sunbury, Pa. November 0, 1"3. tf. 1K. C H IN. M. .MIKTIX, j PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, Kuuburr, I'eim'a. ; O Tien on Front Strwt, next door to Unas A F.itfelv. j Oillee Honrs. Until S a in. From ti to 1 p in. j From 5 to B p in., and after o'clock p m. At nil oilier hours when not professionally en- : ir ifcl. ei-n lis found at Drug 8tore, on Third st., next to C'luiiient House. au!a,'73.-ly j (,1 II. ItOVEIC. Attorney and Counsellor k 5 at Law. Rooms No. S a 3 Second Floor, Hri'ht's Uulldlni;, SL'SBCRV, PA. Profession ! ii isiues attended to. In the courts of Northum i V'-liiul and adjoining eonr.ties. Also, In the t ire'iit an l lH'trid Courts for the Western Pis- . trict of P.-nnsylvauln. Claims promptly collect- el. Particular attention paid to cases Ik Bank- jiit'u. C ons'iltaiton e.tn in n in in me ucr man lansnsu'S. mar2r,'7l. Til. KANE, Attorney lit Law, SUN i j. UUUY, VA., office In Masscr' Building ' lear the Court House. Front Room np stairs j diove the Drug Store. Collections made ill Nur-., hnmhcrlnnd aud adjoining counties. i Sunbnry, Pa., June 8, 1872. ' -I B. CADWAI.I. IER,Market Street, j VX. tUNBURY, PA. Dealer in Drugs, Meillclncs, Paints, Oils, ilas, Varnishes, Liquors, Tobacco, Clears, ( i'oeket Bonks, Dairies, Ac. ! I. WOI.VERTON, Attoruey at Law. '. 3. Market Siiunro, SUNBURY, PA. Profession- I (insiness In this and adjoining counties prompt y attended to. i ,11 n. MASHER, Attorney at Law, SUN- 'j IAs BURY, PA. Collections attended to in He counties or Northumlicrland, Union, Snyder, vlontour, Columbia nnd Lycoming. aplliMW OI.OMOX MALICK, j ATTORNEY AT LWV, i )ffl"c at his residence on Areh ftreet, one siinre lorth of the Court House, near the jail, SUN- il'RV, PA. Collections nud all profes-lonal oisincMf promptly attended to in this and adjoin- , ng counties. Consultations can ho had In the ; ierm in language. jlitlr3"liltj. i. W. ZIROI.KK. I.. T. UOIIIinACII. ZIKta.I'.H A IC4llltllACII, i ATTORNEYS AT LAW, Office In Haupt's Building, lately occupied by ' 'iilire Rockefeller nnd L. T. Rohrbach, Esq. Collections and all prolessiounl husiness r niptly attended to iu the Courts of Northum erlaiid and adjoining couuties. i Dee. 171. i I jotcls aub jlfstnnranls. fTXITED NTATEW IIOTEU W. F. U Kl rclIKN, Proprietor. Opposite the De- i Dt SII.VMOKIN, PA. Every utleution given to i avellers. and the best aceoinmodatlont giveu. pril 5, 1S73. tf .TVASIIIx7TNiiorWE, C. NEFF S Proprietor, Corner of Market Second reets, owosito the Court House, Sunbnry, May2V70. VI.I.EOIIEW IIOl'NE, A. RECK, Proprietor, Nos.81'2 and 814 Market Street, mve eiehth, PHILADELPHIA. Ternie, $3 r day. He respectfully solicits your patrou ;e. Jau'i'iJ. J"ATI1XAI. HOTEL. AUGUSTUS N WALD, Proprietor, Georgetown Nortli'd mnty, Pa., at the Station oftbe N. C. R. W. Choice wines and clears at the bar. Thn table is etipplicd with the best the market lords. Good staliliitR and attentive ostlers. II .M.MKIN RENTAt'RANT, LOUIS HU M M E L, Proprietor, ( oinmeree St., SUAMOKIN, PENN'A. Uavimc Just refitted the above Saloon for the fiimn nition of the public, It now prepared to rvt jis fi lends with the best lefreshinents, and eli l.acr Beer, Ale, Porter, and all other malt tors. nsinrss arlw. KIIOSPS. 1. PACKKK V J N. R1IOADN CO., 11ETA1I. DKil.EKS Or. sTITRACITE COAL, BUNBURY, PENN'A. Orrn.E witu Hiii, Fauklt ti Co., Orders left at Scaskollx & Hro't., office Market eet, will receive prompt attention. Country Uom respectfully solicited. Fib. 4, 1S71. tf. ANTHRACITE COAL ! fAI.EXTIXE DIETZ, Wholesale and Retail ilealer In everv varietv of tNTHRACITE COAL, UPPER WHARF, SUNBURY, PENN'A. Mi kinds of Grain taken lu exchange for Coal, lers solicited and HI led promptly. Orders left i. F. Neviu't Confectionery Store, on Third el, will recleve prompt attention, and money eiptedfor, the same at at the office. DENTINTRY. GEORGE M. RENN, Sunimm's Jiuihling, Market Square, SCNBl'BT, TA., ' prepared to do all kinds of work pertaining to Dentistry, lie keeps constantly on hand iri;e assortment of Teeth, and other Dental tei ial, from which he will be able to) select, ( meet ine wautt of hit customers. 11 worn warranted to give satisfaction, or else mouey refunded. he very best Mouth Wash and Tooth-Powder 4 ou hand. lis roli-rencvt are the numerout patron for m he bus worked for the last twelve years uubury, April 31, 1873. OAI.T CO AM COALS GRANT BROS., ' Fhlppers and W holcsale and Retail Dealer Id I1TE ANS RED ASH COAL, BUNBURY, PA, (Lowei wiuar.) if Me Anitr, westward, at the celebrated? .... -1 ! I I.... ; PRICE fl 50 I IV ADVANCE. ) eto Abbertisemcnta. NEW COAL YARD. THE tmdersljmed having connected the Coal business wttb hit eitemtl, FLOUR A ORAIN trade. Is prepared to MiiSOIV famlllet with the VERY BEST OV COI, CHEAP FOR CASH. Erij, Stove and Nut, constantly on hand. Grain takon In exchange for CnaU . , J. M. CADWALLADER. Sunbury, Jan. 15, 1870, tf. NEW TOBACCO AND HEtiAR, AND JiR USI I STORE. South side of Market street between 3d and 4th SUNBURY, FA. Just opened, un entire new stock of all kinds of TOBACCO AND SECARS. Seirart of every grade. I !( it Tohncco of every rarle'y. 1 ,' Pipes, both plain and funty. BP-USIIES ! BRUSilESl 1 BRUSHES t ! I A larjrc assortment of Brushes direct 1 fiom tho manufacturer at greatly rcdiirrd prices- Hit line of brushes are a specialty and many new kinds never before introduced luto this market. Also, Paper Collar and C.fTs In great Variety. A iarife useortmeut of all the. popular Sonus of the day. Call mid cxnmltie my goods and pet a list of prices. HENRY PKTERY. Novembers, 1872. ly , j If H.T.Helrabold It A. I1 KEARNEY'S FLUID EXTRACT BUCHU, 1 Hie ouly Known Kemrdy for Ilrlijlifs Dls rae snd hss cured every ee of liishrirs In which tl hss been (riven. Vrriislion of llieNi-ck of Hie lllsddrrsnd Inltauimailoa of the Kidneys, Ileersiion of ths Kidncts nnd lllsdib. Itcuii. tion of I'rlne, Dinesse of thn Pro.tste Glsnd, hlons In the Blsdder. Gravel, llrlek Ilnst IeKifit, nil Mucous or Mllkv DlihHn;e. nnd for hn feelileilsnd llelirnlel'onnitntiolisi'f both Seles, attended with tho following Tmiitinns: I.ot of Power. Lops of Memorv, liifllculty vt Breath tng Wesk Nerves, Wakefnlnes. rsln in ili Itar'k. Klushlngof thcTly, FrMii.nun the Taee, l'nllid I'ouiiiiinnncc, Lassflude of the Hv'iem. eie t'sed by )H-rons In the ihvilno or rhiuiee life; after eonnnement or lutivr pnius, leil-i i tlncin children, etc. .... ., .. In msny aSit'llont peenllsr to ladies. Hie hs tract Barhu is niieniinled by any oilier remedy As in Chlorosis or Itetenlion, Irrennlnrliy. Psln fulness or Sanpre.i'ion of Customary Kvneualions, I'lcerntrd or Srliirrus slnle of tho I'tenis, U-n-corrhna or Whites. Sterility, and for nil coin, plslnts Incident to tho sex. It Is prescribed eiienslvely by ihs most emiHcnl Physlrinns nnd Midwlven for enfeebled nnd ilelicala constltu lions of both sexes and all sees. KEAUNEV'S KXTRAfT BtTCni, - fturrs f lt'asrt AtUinq from Impruiltnets, tlMf of Ifi'tipnllu. Ktc, In H llielr stages, nt little expense, litlle or no elisnge in diel, nu In eoBvenlence, nnd no exposure. It causes a fre quent ileilre. nud irlvis Mrength l nriiinlt.. Iherchv removing Obslruclions. Preventing nml Curing Stricture of lh I'rrtlira. Allsymg I'nin nnd Iiiflsmmsilon, so frequent in this rlnss of Uis esscs, and expelling nil poisonous matter. KEARNEY'S EXTRACT BTJCHt', tl.M per bottle or six bottles for $5.00. delivered to snv mldn-ss. secure from observation. KoW by druggisis everywhere. Irepnreil by KK AftNKY CO., 104 Dunns St.. N. Y. to whom all letters for information should bo) addressed. AVOID QUACKS AND IMPOSTS. He Chsrgs for Adviot tan Coniultation. )r J. B. Jfyotl. Graduate of Jfrn Mnlimt Collroi, I'lillndelphln. nntUor of several vnlnnhlo works, enn U consul led on nil dlsenses of th Sexunl or I'rinnry Organs, (which ho hns mad an espeelnl studvl, eilhcr lu lunlo or female, no runttef from w hat causo mlgliistlng, or of how long sundinc. A prtetiee of SU yesra cnnlMV him to trest Ulteasen with soocess. Cures gusr tuteed. Charge rensonnblo. Those st a nls Unee can forward letter deserMiing ryniptomt. and enclosing slnmp to prepay posingn. Seud fnr the "vMt to iralt. i'riec 10 cents. J B. DYyTT. M. 1., Physician nnd Surgeon. 101 Duano Bt.,Kow York. February , 1873. ly. NEANONAHI.E .OOI. SPRING AND SUMMER STYLES nt Mian Kate Itlack'si, Market 3inarc. Sunbu'rv, Pa. LDIE8 DRESS GOODS of every style nud quality. White Goods, Fancy Goods, Notions nvd Trim mings a specialty. TOILKJ SOAPS AND PERFUMERY. Everybody Is Invited to call and tee them and buy cheap. May 3, 1873. NI'RINU 9IIM.INERV (iOOBN, A full line of BONNETS AND HATS, trimmed nnd nntrimmed. Flowers, Ribhons, Collars, Cuds, Handkerchiefs, NccKtlus, and -a general varietv of MILLINERY GOODS elected with great care from the lrndlig im porting houses iu New York and Philadelphia, at MISS M. L. GOSSLER, Fourth Street, below the S. V. R. R. Every effort will be made to please thoe w!io favor her with their patronage. April 26, 1873. THE PARKER GUM. SCND STAMP FOR CIRCULAR PARKER BRO'S WEST MERIDEN.CT. March 29, 1873 ly. J. F. LERCH'S CARRIAGE AND WAGON MAKIKG ESTABLISHMENT, CflESTNUT BT, ' BUWBUBT PA. YtnirLB or aix Kind midb to Oara. The latest style and the beat warkwomtrtp. Sample may en at lb shop. 6iv Mm all. fcunbury, Dtt. 7, IS73. ly. -. hj.m h . iron nTvf! '-V SUNB0RY, PA;; SATOUDAYHOMrNG. . -LUii .iJ bbcrlisracntso HPRINU AND NVXMER GOODS ' last Opened ' ; ' ' , !, ' attheBtorebf ' , ,' Reed Brother st Seamholl, . ', successor to 8. O. ReedABro.) J COMPRISING OF DRY GOODS ' or every description and variety, such at ' ' ' Dreiss Uootls) ' comprising all the novelties in fabric and shade. .. White ClooslM, Fanri- tlondt. Full Assortmctt or Notions, : which arc being cold at the lowest Cash Price. Also, Gkoceiuks and Provisions, " pure anrfHVesh. '' CiuEKS'swAUE, Glassware, aniOVood , ' j amd Willow Ware,',. ,V, Nicest lirnud of Flour constantly on bund. . .i , . A very large . . ASHOllTMEXT OF WALL rAl'Elt, i both iftatud nnd common, always o hand. i ' B DOTS' AND S Tl O E S : from the celebrated hand made Bool and Shoe Manufactory of Watsontown, for MEN', WOMEX AXD L'HILDKEK. JtEAlU'-MADE CLOTlHya, of all cites a nd of tltc intent styles. F L O U K . A constant supjdyof w.lern ahlte wheal flour a speeUiliiy. ' . The public are Invited to call and examine our Goods irec or charge. Our motto is "yulck I Sales and Small Prollls." nud to pleas nil. The. hivhest prices will be paid for all kinds of eoiinlrv nroducc. By at riot attention to business and keeplntr at nil times the most complete stock, nnd selling nt tlielnwest prices, we hoe to merit a f jM share of patronage. HEED BROTHER A SKASHOLTZ. Sunbury, May .", W.I. 4 b e j. c o - 5 j! H? -'2 5.5 - d 2 ss o ? 3 - 3 3 a-n ? E-! -3 r " 2. s - . r, 2 Mtf' J 'ft rr, V . M 9 tf 7 j,' 73 rala WANMIA4. JIAIU: EASY! A Want long felt at Inst supplied hy the Improved WASHING MACHINE ! ! With adjustable Washer, recently added, lu creasing Its utility AO per cent, Invented and patented by H. M. SMITH, York, Pa. It clenot all kinds of Clothing better and quicker than any other Washer. It cleans per fectly uud without injury, any article from the Huest Lace Curtain to the heaviest lied Clothing. It will cleanse a half dozeu Gentlemen's Shirts, badly soiled, In from 5 to 8 minutes, Including the Collar and Wristbands. The steam being confined in the Washer, the clothing while being washed it also bleached. Over 800 Machines were told In York and Lan caster Countie and over 70,000 worth la this Stain and Ohio, within a year giving satisfac tion. I he celebrated Beir-Adjusling KLKKKA Wringer is attacked to the machine. t-T"lu from one to two honr a large Family' Wash can b don and rinsed, with lo than balf the labor required by band. ninalng la done la (hi Mas-hlac thorodghl mnd rapidly, W ask uo one to porch without first trying it met its. Sinoi.1 M .rwM, 118. With Wringer, 125. t3T" Addros all order to . IRA T. CLEMENT, Manufacturer and Agent, Suubury, Pa. Banbury. April M, 1878. . . , IlllLDEKrl Send foe our lUaatruW Catalogu of new book on b-jlldlag. A. J- B1CK.NELL A CO. aS,'T3.4w. 21 Warcw-M., New York. - --' ' - ' BALTIMORE LOCK HOSPITAL Jr-JR. JOHNSTON, . Physician of thl celbrtd Institution, bat discovered the most certain, tpeedy. pleasant and effectual remedy In the world for all DISEASES OK IMPRUDENCE. Weaknet of the Hack or Limbs, Strictures, Affect Urns of Kidney nnd Bladder, Involuntary- Discharges, linpoteney, General Debili ty, Nervousness, Dyspepsy, Langnor, Low Spirits, Confusion or Ideas, Palpitation or the. Heart, Timidity, Tremblings, Dimness or Sight or Giddiness, Disease or the Head, Throat, Noso or Bkln, A flection of Liver, Lungs, Stomach or Boweli these terrible Disorder arising from the Bolitary Habits of Youth those secret and tolltary practice mora fntnl to their victim than the eong o Syren to the Mariner of Ulyssea, blighting their most brilliant hope of anticipations, rendering marriage, Ac, Impos sible. , tOUNG MEN especially, who hnvo become tho victim of Soil tary Vice, that dninlful nnd destructive habit wlilrh annually sweeps to an untimely grave thousands of yonnif men of the most exulted talents and brilliant intellect, who might other wise have entranced listening Soaatet with the thunders of eloquence or waked to ecstacy the living lyre, may rail with full coulidcuce. MARRIAGE. Married Person or Young Men contemplating marriage, aware of Physlcul Weakness, (Loss of Proercative Power linpoteney), Nervous Ex citability, Palpitation, Organic Weakness, Ner vous Debility, or any other Disqualification, speedily rclloved. lie who places himself nndcr the care of Dr. J. may religiously coufldo In hit honor as a gentle mnii, and confidently rely unon his skill at a Pbv sitltiti. ORGANIC WEAKNESS, Impntcncv, Loss of Power, Immediately Cured nnd full V"igor Restored. This Distressing Affection which renders Life miscmhle and marriage impossible It the penalty paid by the victims of improper indulgences. Young persons a ru too to commit excesses from not being awnre of the dreadful consciences that may ensue. Now, who that undcrstniids the subject will pretend to deny that the power of procreation U lost sooner by those fulling into improper haliits than by the prudent ? Resides being deprived the pleasures of healthy offspring, the most serious and destructive symptoms lo both body nnd mind arise. The system becomes de ranged, the Physical and Mental Function Weakened, Los of Procreatlve Power, Nervous Irritability, Dyspepsia, Palpitation of the Heart, Indigestion, Constitutional Debility, a Wasting of the Frame, Cough, Consumption, Decay and Death. A CLUE WARRANTED IN TWO DAYS. Person ruined in health bv unlearned nretcn- j der who keep them trilling mouth after month, taking poisouout and injurious compound's, should apply immediately. DR. JOHNSTON. Memlier of the Royal College of Surgeons, Lon I dun. Graduated from one of the most eminent I .11 I .. . 1. ,1n:....l kit .. I ..a nna lli.i ....... ... i." i V1UI1tn III IMU CUiKU KMIlltw, UllW uu i;i iiui part of w hose lie hns been spent In the hospital or 1-ondon, Pris, Philadelphia nnd clecwhere, hns r fleeted eorae of the innt astonishing cures thnt were ever known j many troubled withriug ing in the head and ear when asleep, great nervousness, being alarmed at sudden sonuds, bashrulucss, with frequent blushing, nttended soinetiiucs a ith derangement of mlud, were cured Imiiiedintcly. TAKE PARTICULAR NOTICE. Dr. J. addresses all those who have Injurrd themselves by lmprotier indulgence nnd solitary habits, wbieh ruin both body und mind, tiuliltiug thvm fur either bu&iuess, study, society or luur ringe. Tiir.sc are some of tho snd nnd melaucholy ctreet jiroiiuced hy narlj) habits of youth, vlai Weakness or the Ruck and Limbs, Pains in the Muck mid Head, Dimness or Sight, Loss or Mus cular Power, 1'alpltuliou of the Heart, Dyspepsy, Nervous Irritability, Derangement of Digestive Functions, General Debility, Symptoms of Con sumption, cVc. Mkstai.i.t The fearful effects on the mind are much to be dreaded Los of Memory, Con fiiHion or Ideas, Depression or Spirits, Evil Forebodings, Aversion to Society, belf-Distrust, Love of Solitude, Timidity, cXc, uie tonic of the evils produced. Tuousnswa of icrsons of nil ages can now judge what Is the cause or their declining health, losing their vigor, becoming, weak, pale, nervous and emaciated, having a singulur appearance, alajiit the eyes, cough and symptom of consump tion. TOUNG MEN Who have, Injured themselves by a certain prac tice Indulged In when alone, a habit frequently learned from evil companions, or nt school, tho etlccts of which are nightly felt, even when asleep, and if not cured, renders marriage Impos sible, and destroy both mind aud body, should apply immediately. What a pity that a young man, the hope of his counlrv. the darllnir of h'u parents, should be snatched front ail prospect nud enjoyments of life, hy the consequents of deviating from the path of nature und indulging In a certain secret habit. Such persons mist Ix-forc conteinplutinj; MARRIAGE. reflect that a sound mind and body are tho most neecssarv requisites to promote connubial happi- ncs. Indeed without these, the Journey through 1 life becomes a weary pilgrimage ) the prospect I hourly darkens to the view the mind becomes shadowed with despair and lilted with thciiiclau I eholy reflection, that the happiness or another j becomes blighted with ottrown. A CERTAIN DISEASE. ! Wlu n the misguided und imprudent votary or pleasure 6uds that he has Imbibed the seeds of this painful disease, it too often happens that uu ill-timed scusc of shame, or dread of discovery, deters him from applying to thoso who, from education and respectability, can lime Ix friend him, dcluyiug till the constitutional symptom ut this horrid disease uiuku their upieuraucc, such a ulcerated tore throat, diseased nose, noctural pains lu the head und limbs, dimucss or sight, deafness, uodes on the shin bones and anus, blotches on the Heart, luce aun extremities, pro gressing with frightful rapidity, till at last the palate of the mouth or the bones or the nose fall in, aud the victim or thlt awful disease becomes a horrid object or coinuiiscraliou, till death puts a period to hit dreadful sutferiug, by tending him to " that Unditcovered Country from whence no traveller returns." It it a melancholy fact that thousauds DIE victims to this terrible disease, through railing into the hands of Ignorant or uuskillftil PRE TENDERS, who, by the use of that deadly Pol son, Mercury, Ac, destroy the constitution, uud Incapable of curing, keep the uuhappy sufferer tuoutli nilcr inonlli laaintr lueir noxious or in jurious compounds, and lnbtead of being restored to a renewal or l.ire t igor ami uappmess, in act pair (cava him with ruined Health to sigh over his galling dlssppolutmcnt. To such, therefore, Dr. Johsstox pledges him self to preserve tho most luviolablo Secrecy, aud from hi extensive practice and observaliou iu the great Hospitals of Europe, aud the Hrst In this country, vlct England, Franco, Philadelphia aud elsewhere, Is enabled to offer the laott cer tain, speedy aud effectual remedy iu th world fur all disease of Imprudenee. DR. JOHNSTON. OFFiCE, NO. 7, S. FREDERICK STREET. Bai.tiuohk, M. D. Jft hand side going ft-oni Baltimore street, a few door from the comer. Fail uol to observe uame and nuinlier. t-f No letter received unles postpaid aud ooutalalng a slump lo be used on tho reply. Per tout writing thould slate age, and eud a portlou of advirllscuieul describing symptom. There are to many Paltry, Designing and Worthies Impnsters advertising themselves as Physician, tritiiug with and mining the talth or all who unfortasintely full into their power, that Dr. Johnston deem it necetsary to nay es pecially to those unacquainted with hit reputa tion that hi Credential or Diplomat always bung In his olflce. ENDORSEMENT OK THE PRESS. The many thousauds cured at thl Establish ment, year after year, and the numerous im portant Snrglcal Opsrationa performed by Dr. Johnston, witnessed by the representative of the pre and many inner paper, nonce ui uicu have appeared again and agaUt before the public, beside ni. Mammis . iuum- ul nn n vuubiuiiiu. i u Ku.n...-v . w aOttcteii. bliiu disease speedily eureitv MneU 1, I.-!) JULY 12, 1873.. Oolug Through the Rye. A blue June sky hetit o'er the world, The summer winds were blowing, Aud cool cloud shadows crept across The meadows rlpo for mowing When from a mnzy thicket groen, A minstrel piped, himself unseen, And, from the happy songster's throat, Gushed oue unvarying, liquid note t bub o-link, o-liuk, o-liukiim, Bob-o-link. My llfo was mirrored in the day, As calm a summer ocean, Nor height nor depth gnvo one false shade, Nor oue discordant motion ; : As, blithe of thought und feeling, I Went through thu waving Held or rye, And parted its green stcnis to see Where might the coining singer be, ' Who sung, with such unbounded glee. Bob-o-link, o-iink, o liuk-um, llob-olink. Full soon t spied htm where he sat Upon a leafy cherry t A wild hop played bo-peep, bo-peep ( Wus ever wight so merry I Two blackbirds chattered on a limb, And cast four envious eyes nt him Tue wild clematis dropped her head j "I'll dio for love," was all she said, With noiseless step I crept anigli t Above me flowed the rippling rye t While high nnd clear my cliurmer trifled, And all the listening June air filled With bob o-link, o-iiuk, o-link-um. Dob-o-liuk. Iu nlry eestsey he swung, As light as nny fen' her, For ho was drnuk for veiy joy Of song nnd summer weather. According with his joyous strain, The south wind breathed n low refrain, Sobbed to sweet death and sighed ngalu. Down the horizon's crystal wall Tho tabled river seemed to fall That river of the gods some call, Cloud navies, with white tails unfurled, Anchored above a silent world, Casting lo:.g shadows in the grass Thro' which tho trembling winds did pass ; From hazel nooks the catbird's croon Kept rythmic cadence to the tune (if morning sweeping on to noon. A smiling goddess, rose In hand. At summer's open door did stand, And clover-scented all the land ; While clear and high my charmer trilled, And all the listening June uir filled With bob o-liuk, o-liuk, o-link-um, ilob-o-link. t 0 summer deeps, brlinfnll of peace ! O wealth of summer beauty! 1 ("rained your chalice long ago, And found that cold word, Duly So hnrd to learn, so sweet to know ; let, h.&kin:: o'er that lung ago, On some sueli lonesome day as this. 'Twould give me back unstinted bliss To see again that rustling rye, lleiic.it h another matchless sky, And hear again, from care free throat, The daWHlul gladness of tint note : Bob o-liuk, o-link, o-link-um, Uob-o-li::k. A WOItKI;.TlA.V.S ItO.HAXt E. BY AMY ItANDOLl'H. 1 urn foreman in a shirt and drawer fac tory. I am forty years old and never was parlicului'ly handsome, lo look al. 1 don't suppose my manners are particularly Iks ciiialiug either, for thu prU mostly call ue, as I ii in given to nudci'Maud, "Old Crusty" and "lionr." Not that 1 mean to be cross, but aomo tieople haven't the agreeable ways of others. I have sat behind the lall desk iu Tape & llutionbell's nineteen years. I've seen a great many curious phases of iifo within that time, but the most curious of all happened to myself personally and that is precisely what I am going to tell you about. "1 WDuldn't have had it happened for live dollars," said DentiiBou. Jiunnison had charge of the out of door depurtineiit, and he came in that wot, driz Ely February evenino, to stand by the grate lire in my room. We had uot lighted the gas yet ; the press of hurry of work was over for the day and it was very quiet and pleasant in the red shine of thu coals. 1 was silting ou my lull stool, biting the feather end of a quill pen nnd thiuking thinking 1 scarce knew what. "What has hapieued now '("' I asked. "It's Lame llelly," said IX-nnison. "Two rolls of work missing aud" Hetty de clares she brought 'cm here." 1 laid down the gixiso quill. Jnmc Het ty had been in my thiuhls, somehow, nil that rainy twilight, just as people and thiugs will take possession of your brain at times, und you can't help yourselves. A soil-eyed, low-voiced girl w ho walked with a crutch, aud always woie delicate grays and dove colors. 1 knew her from the throng because of the "lap, tup" ot her crutch aud usjJ always to seak to her when 1 saw her standing in the long line of girls who wailed, on Saturday night, t de liver their work aud reccivo their pay. 'i lull a imu,' said 1. 'Ten dollars worth of shirts,' said Denni son 'order shirts, too, and that makes it worse. I'm sorry for the girl she had n pretty face of her owu and I ulways liked her; but of course it's necessary to stand by the rules. Jses her deposit and no more work.' 'Hut suppose she pays for the missing work "f" 'It isn't likely she'll do that.,' said Dcu- iiison. 'lliat sort ot girl lu seldom tett dollars ahead.' '1 don't believe it's her fault, Deuuison,' insisted I. - '.Sim is responsible, isn't she?' 'Yes, but Just llieu Mr. UultonUell came in with a great order in liu hand from a Xew Or lean Housd. 1 looked at il. 'We shall have a liht pull of it, sir, to till this,' said I dubiously, 'l!ut it must bo tilled,' said he. 'l'ut on all your hands. Turn on a full head of sluaui. It won't do to let l'eck Si l'allisou go to any other place.' And ho bustled away. 'Very unfortunate,' aaid Denuison. 'Lame Hetty was ouu of our very best hands.' Hetty Dorrenec came tho next morning as usual lo leeeive work uud she bad a leu dollar bill iu her bund. 'Some kiud IVieud ha sent me this to pay for the lost rolls of work, sir,' said sbe lo me. 'You're in luck, Hetty,' salt! I, frowning over A large column of figures nud tryiug not to blush under the earuest look of her soil, browu eyes. 'Aud I'm much, oh, so much obliged to hiiu, whoever be is,' tho added, in a low tone. 'IKitl cau't uo it unlets unless you thiuk 1 am iunoceut,' 'Of course I do. euid I. looking uo, at tho quiver of her voice. '1 don't believe you wouid ako a pin. Hetty. lv known - . , . r. I you for four years uud I believe you are a good fill, it's nu awkward mistake tuuio- 9 New fterlen. Vol. K. M 15. Old Nrle, Vol. SS, Mo. 82. wliere, but there's riot many niislakcs. my cirl, but that Ooti clcnr up in liis own romxI time. Now tnko your place in the line ; there's no time to be Inst this morning.' Ko the matter was settled ; but somehow it cloud rested m Lame Hetty. Thoso who had been fast friend before avoided her now ; the coarser minded whispered ami piiled when the Up, tap of her crutch was sounded on tho floor. 'Oh. Mr. Harvey,' snid poor llutly ono day, when Jennie Warren, tint proudest nnd prettiest of otir clrls, refused to ac knowledge her niiRlest bow, 'it's trery linrd to bear.'- 1 'Wait, Hetty ; only wnlt,' snid I cheeri ly.' Hut it's breaking my heart,' said she. They till think i niu a thief.' I don't, Hetty.' 'I know Unit, sir. " 1 should drown my self if at least one person in the world- did not believe me innocent..' Tho winter wore itself away. The busy season was succeeded by one or compara tive dullness and among the hands struck otTtho Hut was Hetty lknrrance. 'Once n thief, always a thief.' taid old Jones the cutter. 'I'd just as soon thnt girl wouldn't work for us.' 1 'I would stake my honor thai she Is no j tiuet, Mr. Jones,' said I, boldly. 'Well,' retorted the old man cautiously, 'it's necessary lo curtail the list a little and it may as well be Ijtmo Hetty as any one. Hut Hetty Dorrnnco never came to learn her doom. "Day nfter day went by and the familiar tap of her crutch sounded no more on the lloor. I grew uneasy. 'Perhaps she is sick alone, in want !' I thought. And the more 1 pondered on the matter the more uneasy I felt. 'Perhaps she is dead 1' And with Hint last, overwhelming thought came the full revelation of my own heart I had grown lo love Inmo Hetty Dor rance. Well, why not? 1 could afford a wife as well ns most mcti ; Hetty was only n sewing girl nnd lame nt that, but she had a face like one of God's angles, and a heart ns white as a lilly. Of thnt 1 felt certain. I loved her. Why should I not marry her. So 1 sat down and wrote her a little note, saying simply that I loved her laud asking her consent to become my wife ; nnd I con cluded by saying th;t I would call on the morrow to receive her answer. Just nficr I had scut my letter olT, thero came a knock at the door." 'Mr. Harvey, nre you alone ; can I s peak to vott a moment ?' 'is that you, Helena Arden ? Why I thought j.nt were married nnd gone to California V 'I am married, to a spendthrift nud n villinn,' said she, with a little hoarse laugh, 'and 1 am going to California to-morrow, but I wanted to see you first. I wanted to pay you something.' 'For what f 'The roll of work, that people accused Hetty Dorrance, the lame girl, of taking.' 'Helena, did you take it ?' 'Yes,' s'.iu cried recklesslv, '1 took it. I wanted money sorely just then ; the land- lady wouldn't let me have my trunks to be married until I paid her what I owed her. l was stnnding by I-anto Hetty that ni'ht. I saw her lay the piles of thn work on tho desk ; 1 saw them slip nnd fall off the heap. I was just going away and it was an easy thing i'or me lo stoop, as if for my own pocket handkerchief and pick them up. I pawned them thinking 1 could easily re deem them but I never did. Here is the money to pay for them. 1 hope Hetty was not blamed.' '.She was, though,' 6aid I slowly. 'I can't help it,' said Helena flightily. 'I've done my best. Will you see that she is righted V 'As far ns I can.' And Helena went away. Muttering to herself about all her accounts being closed at last. I paid but litlle attention to it at the time but rememliered it afterward. I went the next evening to Hetty's sim ple lodgings over a baker shop. 'Miss Dorrance !' taid the baker's wife, meeting me at the foot of the stairs with a baby iu her arms. 'Why, didn't you know ? She has moved away.' 'Moved ! And my letter V 'We got a letter for her yesterday, sir, nnd we forwarded it to her. No. M Avenel Square, sir.' So I went to Sti Avenel Square, a little gem of a browu stone house, half bay win dows nnd balconies, standing in its own grounds, and there was Hetty ut tho case- ment watching for tin. ijetiy, iiio i. iii.i you genny iciicr r im, .ui. ii.iiiij. And what is your answer r' 'That I will be your wife, Mr. Harvey, aud that I am, oh ! so lhauklul, to have gained a good man's lovo. I sioojied aud kissed her daisy face. 'I suppose you are. sewing here, Hetty ?' said I. 'It is a haiidsouiu bouse,' 'Xo,' said Hetty, half laughing and half crying. 'I live here' You !' 'My grand uncle died.' said Hetty. 'He was un old bachelor, aud hated us all, but ho couldn't take his money with him. 1 inherited it all. 'It cannot be possible,' said I, rubbing my forehead. 'Hut it is possible,' said Holly. 'And it is true. 1 was just going to send to you to pay that leu dollar bill when I got youi letter.' 'I have been paid, my girl,' said I, and I told her about Helena Arden. The next day wo saw a litlle paragraph in tho papers, how an unknown woman' with the words 'Helena Arden' written oiii her handkerchief, had drowned herself at j Hie foot of ouo crow Jed List river pier. Thai is in v story. It is siinnlu enough and 1 think it has the cleiuen'.s of romance in it. iftUsccIhntous. Oiif.Kiixo. A trawler, on hi arrival iu the city, slopped for a moment to exam ine a clothing store, when tho proprietor rushed out and uked; wouldn't you try ou toinu coats'!"' "I duuno but I would, " responded the traveler, cousulting his time killer, aud hu went in and began to work. Xo matter bow often be found his tit he called for more coats, aud ntVr he had tri ed on thirty, ho looked ut his watch, again' resumed hi owu garment, nnd walked oil' say iug: "1 wou't charge, a cent for wliat I've duue; hang a man who wou't oblige another when he cau do ill if I'm ever arouud this way agaiu, aud you've got any more emit to try on, I'll do all I can to help you!" Among the Arabs the inability of a wife to make bread is a good ground of divorce. What a bushiest the courts would do if that law were iu tbit ueighborhood. Tim dretsiuakert art (lie best tupport ers of newspapers, particularly d erring the spriug and fall they ixtffrni-iit erery outi vt hicrr fulls into" therr hands. ADVERTISING SCHEDULE 10 Unfa, or abont 100 Won!', Wake a feqnan 1P.1 1.00 I. 50: 2.00, 2.NV a. T.v II. 00' 8.25! 8.MI: 5.00! iH.Oli .(S, Pqi .00 3.00; 8.ro 4. no r.oo ti.Ts; 7.ot: 8.00: ."! Sq' 4 fcl .W S.OO 8.50 4.00 4.50! 6.00 5.50; 8.00 6.50- 7.00 7.50' 8.00 8.50! 9.00 B.50' 10.00 cot col 1 rol 5.00- 8.0015.O0 8.00 11.00 18.00 tl.0018.00V0.00 10.00 15.00C8.50 12.00 17.00 125.00 13.00 ia.00 27.50 IS.OO-JO.OtKiO.CO 20.00 J5.tt4ll.0 2H.00 5.l)0 Ml.00 U5.00 45.t;0 75.00 40.00 (KM 011.00 One week Two weflkt Three Four Five Si " 1 no mo' Three " Six Nine One Yenr H.Oti 11.00 13.00 HUM) 15.00 10.00 l'i.Oui is.onmoo How Uich are You What man is art poor that hn dose not havs nu undivided interest in the sun V You walk along tho street. You do not own that house, or that, or that. You do not own any house, most of you. You have no money in tho bank. You caniiuldraw a check aud hate it honored in any bank, most of you. And stocks you do not own. You have no pari or lot in any things which men are havinir. Hut who owns the docks of birds that are coming up north now, and that arc singing already iu the fields 1 Anybody who has ears lo henr and eyes to sec, owns them:. Those spring days that are comihg, and bringing balm aud sweet moisture from tho south who owns them 1 You own them nnd I own them. When the raggedeJt beggar that walks the street with head uncovered and hnit unkempt, lifts himself into the nir, it is his air. And the sun I his. Ami the summer is his. The morning and the evening are for him. (rod makes' the curtains around bis bed ; for he is God's child. He is uot so rich in tliat which, men call riches as that old curmdgeon and miser ; but oh, how rich he is over head I There is a great class of toilers who have no tapestry, no pictures, very litlle physi-. cal comfort in life. Thero are men who labor with their hands for their daily bread, . and feel that part of the Lord's prayer which you jump over with so little thought "(Jive us this day our daily bread." To you who have twenty barrels of flour in your house, that does not mean anything.' Hut there are many men who havo eaten their last morsel of bread, nnd who have, to engiueer for the next mouthful. Tbero are men who in the morning pray in earliest.' "Give us this day this day our daily bread I'' Hut these men are not cabined and confined to base materialities. They spring up above them to this upper arch, this all-glowinc : a!I-bcncflcent constitution. of things. They have wings, and they fry up into the realm of things invisible, and there livn, or may do so. They endure as sceiug Him who is invisible. How easy it is for us to retreat out of out cares, out of the sick-room, out of the house of death, into this gnat upper realm. H. TV;' ViMcier. Slan Talk by Yolxu Ladies. Young ladies have but litlle idea of the impolite effect of tho impoliteness and bad effect of the slang phrases often used iu so called polite society. An exchange says, in a word of advice to any whoare partial ly or wholly addicted lo it : "You have no iden how it sounds toenrs unused ornverse to it to hear n yodng lady say, when she is asked if she will go witli you to gome place, "Xot much !" or, if requested to do something which she docs not wish to hear her say : "C'an'l SCO it." "Not long ago 1 heard a young Miss, who is educated nud accomplished, in' speaking of a young man, says she intend ed to "go for him !'' and, when her sister nsked her assistance nt some work, she answered: ".Not tor Joe 1" 'nur v.Mmn' lmlu.u ii iinnYfontiruifilile : character anUreallv good education fall i into this habit, thinking it shows smart- ncss to answer hack in slnng phrases ; nnd they soon slip flippantly from their tongues j with a saucy M-rtncss thnt is neither lady like nor becoming. "I bet," or" you bet," is bad enough among men who are trad j ing horses or land ; but the contrast is startling and positively shocking to hoar ' those words issue from the lips of a young . lady. They seem nt once to surrouud her with the number association of men's . daily lite, and bring her down from tho , pedestal, of purity to their own coarso' level." i It is never advisable to claim a woman's right lonpprcciate man's breechos or slang. ; Thev nre unbecoming in the sterner box, bntlu tho lietter half they are destcetablc. ' j Tiieiir is a liklihood of a warm religious j contest being precipitated in Scotland, be I tween tho Free and United Frcsbycrian t churches. The issue is as to the supremacy I of Christ the Free church holding that it , applies to all things temporal and spiritual, i Such a contest in Scotland means hard work nnd study between the cotestants, as tho j Scotch never wage any descrip'on of battlo j without the victor completely extertniua-', ting the vanquished. Hut we very much j question if these struggles are influential lor the spread ofLhrtsl's pure religion. : t,ik fHowinir comes from Xew Jersey i "Well, Father Jirown, how did you like i ,y s,.rmou yesterday?' nsked a young i nrenclicr. i nrencher. "e. see. parson," was Hie reply, "i , haven't had a fair chance at them sermons iofyourn. I'm nn old man now, and I ! have set putty well back by the stove ; and ; there's old Miss Smith, n Widder Tad. I n Miss Kyland's darters, !n Vabby Uirt. ' 'n all the rest sittin' in front of me with I tlietr months wtdo open a swallerln' down' I all the best of tho sermon, 'n what iita ' I down to mo is putty poor ituft"." A horseman suggests to us the following; ' "It has been discovered that to make ' baulky horse travel, tie a string tightly around bis ear, near tho end, let him stand until he begins to shake his head, when ho will forget about his baulking and go with- . out farther trouble. It ucver fails." Wo sec many of these recommendations, but they are not often worth much. This can' be tried, however, without trouble, by any one. Til Kit K never was as much attention i,,,,! ol, 10ls mining ns is now given to llMfcU c, nlvu it wu(,tI quadruped by tho fanpv i,ip)l(g of the country. Scarcely a town is without its course Mod stable of coursers, while every village hns its last nne and admirers of the blood. If it wero not forlhogamhhugaiid deb.tuchery which ' attend horse racing, tho pleasure would bo an improvement to man aud Ixait. Tun grasshopia r i a great a terror in' Texas as is tfre Modoc iu tho Lava llcds. Ho eat the cortr crop close to thu grouud, ( and iu hia victorious ravages docs uot even let the fences stand. A MAM writing poetically of tho weather says, "tho baek-borw of wiuter is" broken" but the mil wagt yet etcariotially," lUsrKit, beine told he looked tcoiry, and" asked what business he was in, replied, " "the hard-wear business ; look at my ward robe." A WEU.-iu ii.T woman it probably tho of the alahasier neck, marble, brow and" arch expression. Why Is a lover popi"? I'10 question liko . a tailor runnitrg a hot irortoteii a suit of clolbet 1 becamsu Ire s pressing a suit. tThy are nil tliop-farfcM liosien ? Bo esiso they have a stock-in trade.' A dim that's chin. never shavod Ad uc- irit. Uj4.val. jn 19 Ct