1373. mmm mm Enormous Stools, Carrcatcsf Variety JCaowcst Prices. Just opened at S. HERZFELDER'S Popular Clothing Store. tlio largosl SFEHST AEB SUMMER G6QBS ever offered in this town. 1000 Coals, 1000 Vests, lo00 Pants, 200 Hoy's and Children's Suits, 1000 Nats and Caps for men nnd boys, 1000 Ms of 5000 Liuou and Paper Collars, 1000 Pair Imen and Paper Cnfls, 10!t0 Tics, Bows and Scarfs, 150 Dozen Socks, 30 different styles .Suspenders, OVERALLS Ml Gauze and Merino .Summer Underwear, Trunks, Satchels, Valises, Jewelry, Walking Canes, &c. Everybody is respectfully invited to call nnd examine this most magnificent assort ment. v No Goods misrepresented, no trouble to show Goods or to give information. The whole will be offered at Extraordinary Low Prices, and satisfaction guaranteed in every way. Merzfclder, Corner Market and Third Streets, Sunbury, Pa. Suubury, Pa., April 12, 1873. BUTCHERY! 1HJTCHERY! Messrs. KKI'FEW A ItOW EK, .TMrd Street, opposite Central Hotel, SUNBURY, 1V., fT'EEP-comiiiutly on hand the very choicest XV of fresh BEEF.JILTTON AND VKAI., which is sold at the lowest prices. Meat run be had at all hours during the tiny. Sunbury,tra..,Junu H, 18'2. ATCHELOR BROS' TRADE MA UK NOW Best tor Ih a ii any ever itiatlc by them. Sec that the boxes are branded rtci'M.iit . K. ri xt it. Wholesale Depot . 33JXOimi THIRD STREET, ' Branch 23 North 2d St., Branch S37C!ietnut Si., j (Opposite "CONTINENTAL.") PHILADELPHIA. I March 1. 1873. Gmos. j 1307. RIGHTER fii GASKILL, 1307. DKALEItS.IX American anl French Window Class, Oystal Sheet, Roui:h Plnte, Colored, JKij iint lcil ttnd Oin:iiueit'il Ulrtbn, 1307 Market Street, Philadclpaia. January U, 1H73. ly. NEW DRUG STORE, No. 13, South Third Street, Clement House Bnildfe Sunlury, Pa. m. C. M. MAliTIN & CO. IJ E arc now ojiening an entirely new stock ot JJRUGS AND MEDICIN E, j nntl are repnre.l to. mjijily any article In otir line I that tnitv be eulleil Tor, we have also u full stock ; of all Hie leading Patent Medicines. Fine Perl'n- wiery and Toilet Arlieles a speeiuilty, a full as- j phi 1 1 1 tun t of Hair, Tooth, Nail, Shoe and other Uru.lieii, Dressing aud other Combs in great variety. FIXETOII,KTMArS. j n full line Cooking Extracts, Freneh Mustiird, tliolee Siees, Supper whole or irroiind, Castile aud Laundry Uonps, Lump Chimin-) s uud Lamp i t)oods generally. Bird feed lu larte or small iiuautitic.s, CAKPENTER'S CHALK, fill slock Fluid and Solid Kxtraets, Ellxers and Tills of U. ri- P., Suj;ar Coated, t-tren;:llienint;, Arulea, Vorous, l'oor Man's mid other Tlasters, Aver's, Wright's, Selienk's Xlandrahe, MeLaue's Liver mid other Tills, our stock embraces every thing found in n well condimted Dins; Store. Country l'hyslciun will Ibid our flock lull and complete, and we cuarautec to sell as low as the same articles can lie bo.iL'ht in Philadelphia, ehoico Wines, Whiskey und Brandy for .Medicin al purposes. October 5, 1 $73. ""A Kt.U AKHAHM; 1 X VKXTIO.V.'- O ne of tlio most Important improvements ever perfected In musical Instruments has lately been Introduced by (iso. Woons : Co., lu their lotprovtxl Tnrlor Organs. It eoiiM.ts of a piano of exiiiUite q'Uility of tones which will uever re quire luulne;. The uuslrunient was lately Introduced nt a musical soliee In Baltimore uud received the cor dial appluute aud endorsement of the many emi nent prot'ensiounls present, bee advertisement In another column. March Hi), 1K73. Ow. AUENTM t A It A HE C'llAXC'E S I We will pay alt agent HO per week In cash, who will engage with us ut once. Kverylulng furnished aud expenses paid. Address, 5,'78.iw. A. COVLTEK CO., Charlott, P'UTI G H CIGARS 1873. stock of all I seasonable goook. spuing and summer styles ut .TJis's Kate IUnck', Market Square, Snuliury, P;i. LADIE'S 1;KSS GOODS" of every style, nud quality. White Goods, Fancy Goods, Notions anil Trlni iii1iilc a specialty. TOILET SOAPS AND PERFUMERY, Everybody U invited to rail and see them unil htiv eheiii. May ;i, isra. local oi'iiiiv Now is I he time to form Your clubtf. FINE OLD RYE WHISKl". Fully Four Years Old. i'l per gallon. Or, in large bottles, secure ly paekcil in cases, 11.00 per dozen. VK11Y FIXE'PALE SAEllltY, and I'.AUE OLD POUT WIXES, at 6ame prits. GOLD SEAL BKAXDY, Very Choice. SflS.OO the dozen. Send in your orders, II. A A.C. VAX .0. 1310, CHESTNUT ST., Philudelnhiii. April 1U, 1378, 1 yr. NlMtlMJ Ol'KM.tti of DRY GOODS AND NOTIONS. ( Cloths, Cnselineres, Calicos, aud everythlnt; lu : the Dry Hood line. CAK PETS AND OIL, Cl.OTIIS. Qutvnsware, (ilsisstviire, and Wood and Willow- ware. C-KOCERIES. A Inure, iissoitiiieiit jiint opened, which consists of Tea, ( ollVe, Su;;ar, MolaxsfH, Spiees, Meat, l'itli, te. The Celebrated Allentowti liniid uuide BOOTS AND SHOES. Wan anted to yive satisfaction. In fac t a full .issoTtment ot every thlug kept in a lirst-elass store, van be hid lit greatly REDUCED PRICES, riircanii. Call nnd see tlio line selcellau of new i;oods, and be convinced lliut T. J. UYUOO'N, near the l.titheriChureh, hi Suubury, is the best and clicapcKl pluee to buy ull kinds of store f.'ools. No trouble to bhotv goo Is. April 5, lS7u. Jy. I.ViTlK P ATTH ACTION. r.ver) body is Invited to come and buy ofjlho liau lnomu assortment of TOYS AND CONFECTIONERIES "t SAMUEL F. NEVIN'S STORE, in frame buildlntr, adjnliiini; Moure A Dissinger's lanl limr, T111KD Bl KEET, BL NBCRl, PA Jut opened A frusk luptily of Confectioner! is of every description. TOVN OP AM. KIN UN c.Mistantiy on hand. The best RAI81N9, FK1S, lillitASio x UKir.U r ItUlT. PUHE HIO COFFEE, TEA & SP1CE, fresh Bread, Buns ft Cukes, every morning, FANCY CAKES, BISCUITS, CRACKERS, Ac OYSTERS ! OYSTERS ! OYSTERS 1 H iving filled up u rmim expressly for serving up Oysters III every style, Ladies and (ientletneu will bo neeouimodated with the bs.l bivalves in market, at ull hours durluir tho dav and eveuluir. Families will be supplied ut their residence with the best Shell or Canned Oysters, as is desirable, nt i ne very lowest prices. Call and see my excellent assortment of goods aud ascertain tne prices. 8. r.JtKVIN. Dec. 10, 1871. SPUING NILLIKIHY GOODX, .K full line of BONNETS AND HATS, trimmed nnd nutrliiiincd. Flowers, Ribbons. Collars, Culls, Ilaudkurehlefs, Neckties, aud a teucrul variety or MILLINERY GOODS selected with prait care from the leuditif Im port iu$: houses in New York aud Philadelphia, at MIBB M. L. OOSSLER, Fourth Street, below the 8. V. It. R. Every effort will be made loplcu.e those wko Mo I tuvor nur wun tuetr palroaayu. April id, 1S7J. Don OBITS, tbbcrlismcnts. IrfWlEli 1 PIEROB'8 Ijtl FoiMtatn Nasal Injector, OR This instrument Is especially designed for the per feet application of 4 t OR. SACK'S OATARRH REMIDY. It Is the only form of instrnraent yet Invented with which fluid racdicino can be carried high up and ptrftcUy applied to all parts of the affected nasal pas sages, and tho chambers or cavities communicating therewith, in which sorosand nlcors frequently exist, and from which the catarrhal discharge generally pro ceed. The want of success in treatingVatarrh here, tofore has arisen largely from the impossibility of applying remedies to these cavities and chambers by any of the ordinary methods. This obstacle In the war of cfTectlmr cures it entirely overcome by I he invention of the Doncho. In nalnir this Instrument, tho Fluid Is carried by Its own weight) no snuffing, forc ing or pumping being required.) up one nostril In a full krcnlly flowing stream to tho highest portion of tho lineal passages, passes into and thoroughly cleanse nil the tubes and cuambeis connected therewith, and Mows out ofthe opposite nostril. Itsnsere plcatantsnd so simple that a child can understand It. full and explicit direction accompany each Instrument. When used with this Instrument, Dr. Saw's Catarrh Kemody cures recent attacks of ,Cold In the Head "by a few application. Symptom of Catarrh. Frequent bead acho, dlschnrgo foiling luto throat, sometimes pro fuse, watery, thick mucus, purulent, offensive, Ac. la othors a dryness, dry. watery, weak or Inflamed eyes, stooping up or obstruction of nasal pnssnjre. rlnzliur in ears, deafness, hawklns and couehlue to lcafncss, ban king and coughlug to clear throat, ulcerations, scabs from nlcors, volca altered, nasal twang, ofl'cnslvo breath. Impaired ot total uepnvwon 01 souse 01 emeu ana taste, an ncss, montal depression, loss of apiietlta, Indip total deprivaaton of sense of smell and taste, dlnd- ncs, montal depression, loss or appetite, indices tlon, eulareod tonsils, tickling roui-h. Ac. Only a row or urn o symptoms areiucciy 10 i anv case at ona time. be present in Dr. Sage's Catarrh Itemed y, when nscd with Dr. Pierce's N anal flour be, and accom panied with tho constitutional treatineut which Is recommended In the pamphlet Uiat wraps each bot tle of tho Romody, Is a perfect specific for this loath some disease, ana the proprietor offers. In pood faith, 8500 reward for a cao bo can not cure. Tho llemcdy is mild and pleasant to use, containing no strong or canstlo drugs or poisons. The Catarrh Remedy Is sold at SO cents. Douche at SO cents, by all Drua-gjlete, or oither will be maUod by pro prietor on receipt of 60 cents. H. V. PIERCE, 71. D., . Sole Proprietor. BUFFALO. Jf. X. May 4, 1878- NEW DISCOVERY la CtkemioAl and OTcdical Science. i J Dr. OABVI1VS TAIt BEMEDIES Cure Inciplrnt C'ouNHtnptioit. Dr. CSAKVIVS TA11 UK.TltJICS Cure Catarrh. r. OAKVIX'S TAU IJXrKIJES Cure Asthma. Dr. OAllTIX'S TaII BEMBWES Cure Ucart DiMUtfcC. Dr. GAItlllV'S TAU HHHEDTES Cure Skill DihCiiws. Dr. AKVI.'S TAU UK.HEDICS Kegriluto tlio Liver. Dr. Alt VIM'S TAIt ItEJIEDIES Ret'lllato the eStoinitclniud BowdS Dr. CiAKVI.' TAU HEIEDIES Cure ull Femul WvukuettscN. Dr. UABVIM'S TAU UE.HEDIE8 Turify tho Blood. Dr. CiAUVIM'S TAU UEItlEDIKS Curo DieiaM of the Throat. Dr. GABVIVS TAU UEWEDIES Cure BroiiehltiM. Dr. OAUVIM'S TAUEHEDin Cure "Booc Cold.Vir "Hay Fever" Dr. ClAUVIN'S TAU KETIEDIES Cure Lung Dieae. Dr. GAUVI.X'S TAU B EM EDITS Curo Constiputton. Dr. OAUVEVS TAU BE.TIEDIES Care Salt B lieu mi.' Dr. OABVI.VS TAB BE.UEIHB8 Curo KJduey Dhtenscs. Dr. GABVIM'S TAIt HE.1IED1ES Trovent Cholera fc Vellow Fever Dr. OABVI.VS TAB BKtlEDIES rreveut Malarious Fcven. Dr. GABVIVS TAB BE.IIEDIES Itcmove Pain In the Breast. Dr. GABVIVS TAB BEMEDIES Bemove Pain In Uie Side or Back. Dr. GABVIVS TAIt BEMEDIES Are a Superior Tonic. Dr. GABVIVS TAIt BEJHEDLES Restore tlio Appetite. Dr. GABVIVS TAB ItEJVEDIES Cause the Food to Difrest. Dr. GABVIVS TAB BE1VEDIES Bus tore Uio AVeuli and Debit it ated Dr. GABVIVS TAB BE3IEDIES Give Tone to Your System. I. T. HYDE & CO. BOXJ3 PHOPRIETOIia, 198 Seventh Ave,, New York, December 21, 1872. ly GET THE BEST. Webster's I'uMbridged Dictionary, 10,000 Words ami Meaning not In other IHeiiun uriti. ROOO Engravings i 1840 Pnges Quarto. Price (fl2, l 1 r believer 1 wlsn to obtain evuel demotions. W Icousultlt. Schuyler Colfax. Every Scholar knows Its value. W. H. Prcscot the Historiau.1 1 teen one af inv daily companions. J John L. Motley, the Historian, Ac So far as I kuow, best defining Dictionary. Horace Maun. fTMie best guide, of studeuts of our Language. I Jehu G. Whitller. ITicels all others In denning selent'ftc terms. U President Hitchcock. J Keuiarkuhle compendium of human knowledge W. 8. Clark, Pres't Ag. College. A necessity ror every intelligent family, siu dent, teacher and professional man. What LI brury Is complete without the best English Die nonary. ALSO Wkiihter's National Pictohul Dictionaiit 1040 Pages Octavo. 600 Engravings. Price If 5. Tbe work is really a geiu of a Dictionary, lust the tiling for the mll.lou. Anurican EUttealUmal Published by G.AC. MERRIAII, Springfield Mass. Bold ly ull tteoKseilers. WANTED AGENTS for tho (rfent ensa tlon of hyitlcnlc liturntiirc, Our diirestlon , or, My Jolly I'ricnd'a) Ncrret. Dr. DEO LEWIS' new work is nn Immense success. Saves money, worry und precious health, nnd shows how to live well und trrow fat on $1 a week. Atfents nro rolnlnir money nnd ilninu: n world of (rood with it. Delay in t, but uddrers ut once. til.O. MACLEAN n,'7.4w. 1'iilillsher, Philadelphia. is iiiie.iualed by any known rcnedy. It will era dicate, extirpate and thorouKhly destioy ull poi sonous substances In the Blood mid will effectu ally dispel nil predisposition to bilious derange ment. " Is there want of netlon In your Liver nnd Spleen 1 Unless relieved tho blood becomes Im pure by dclerioiis secretions, produelne; scrofu lous or skin disepses, Blotches, Felons, Pestiiles. Canker, Pimples, Ac, Ac. Hare you a dyspeptic Stomach T Unh' illires tlon is promptly nided the system Is debilitated with poverty of the Blood, Dropsical tendency, general weaknecy nnd Ineilia. IlaVc you weakness of the intestines T You nre in danger of Chronic Dial rhiea or inflamma tion or the bowels. Have you weakness of the Uterine or Uiinary Organs t Yon nre exposed to SHfl'eriiiir lu its most nggravnted form. Arc you dejected, drowsy, dull, sluggish or de pressed In spirits, w ith head ace. back ache, coat ed tongue and bail tastini; month For a certain remedy for nil of these diseases, weaknesses nnd troubles ; for clettiiMne; and pu rilyinfrtho Tinted blood und luipai ting vigor to nil tin vital forces ; for building up and restor ing rhc weakened constitution USK ji'iiu n e n a which Is pronounced by the leading medical au thorities of London nnd Paris "the most power ful tonic nnd n'.terntlvo known to the medical world." Tins is no new and untried discovery but has been long used by the leading physicians of other countries with wonderful remedial ro- sulls. Don't wenkeii and Impair the digestive organs by cathartics and physics, they give only teiuoo rury lellef Indigestion, flatulency und dyspep sia with piles und kindred diseases urv sure to follow their use. Keep the blood pure and healthy Is assured. JOHN O,. KELLOtiH, IS Phut St., N. Y. Sole Agent for the United States. Price, 1 per Bottle. Send for Circular. a."i,'7:i4w nENRY WAI ) BEECHER'S PAPER with the largept circulation in the world, grows wonderfully b-.-cause 11 is the host paper, gives stilissribers the most beautiful premiums, and offers Canvassers the most Liberal Terms. Send for Circular. J. B. FORD As CO., New York. I I Boston, Chicago, or Sau Francisco. n5,'73.4w. "PNYC'IIOMANCY, orSonl liiimi- lug." How either sex may facirmte :fnd gain I tlie love & affection of any person they choose in- staidly. Tills aimplc inental aeitulremeiit nil can possess, free, by lvnll, for Sific, together with a i mairiage guide, Egyptian Oracle. Dreams, Hints ' to Ladies, Wedding Night Shirt, Ac. A queer i book. Address T. Wil.i.iiMS oc Co., Pubs.,Plii!a. I FIRE I FIRE ! I FIRE I ! ! FIGHTING I'lilEl ! Agents wuntcd for the grundest book ol the year, now selling with astonishing rapidity. Tells the. causes of Fire i Safe; Fire-proof Bulld- ilngs; Conquering Flic with Water, Steam and i (las ; Iusurunce Is It safe I Us History, Basis, j Management, How to Insure, Ac; Vivid Ac counts of the Great Fires of History. Agents 1 send for circulars. You will not regret It. Sent , free. Address Dustin, liilniuu A Co., Hartford, j Ct. n5,'7;i:4w. Agents wanted for the new and startllcg book, The lYTTTTT ' Historv, bv the author I UHi V Uj of ';Ood lu l'llstory" II I ltistnited by Dorr nnd Nast, Endorsed 1V Iniml- neat divines. E. 11. TREAT, Pub., 805 B'wny, N". Y Ji:.,4w WORKINti CLASS, MALE OR FEMALE, 0 a week guurant'jed. Kespectahie employment ut home day or evening s no capital required i full instructions and valuable package of goods scut free bv mail. Address, with six rent return stamp," M. YOUNti .v. CO., a5,'T:i.4w. 17U Ureeiiwicli St., N, V. WE WANT AN AGENT. In this township to canvass for the new, valna ble aud fast selling book by D. JOHN t'OWAN, THE SCIENCE OF A NEW LIFE. Recommended and endorsed by proailncnt minis ters, physicians, religious nnd cerular papers. No other book like it published. f40 per week guuruntecd. Address, COWMAN A CO., KW Eighth St., New York. aS,'?3.4w. SEWING MACHINE Is the best In the world. Ageuted Wuntcd. Send for circular. Address i un,'73.4w. "DOMESTIC" SEWING MACHINE CO., N. Y. 7 TO 1 PER CENT. We mnkc a speciality of County, City, and Lchool Districts Bonds, Guarantee Legality of all bonds sold, collect the coupons without charge, or tuke same as so much cash on sales. &f bend for price list. THE LAW OF MUNICIPAL BONDS just publlehed by our senior, should be in the blinds of all Interestwl III this class of securities. Two volumes, price $10. . 5,'73.4w. I W. N. COLER A CO., 17 Nussan-st., N. Y. ' K EVF. K " i Neglect a Cough. Nothing Is more certain to ! lay the I'ouudallon for fnture evil eonsca,uencas. WELL'S CARBOLIC TABLETS j arc a sure cure for nil diseases of the Resplrs- tory Organs, Sore Throat, Colds, Croup, Diph- j therla, Asthma, Catarrh, Hoarseness, Dryscss of the llirout, ludilpe, or Bronchial lubes, ami all Diseases of the Lungs. . ' lu all cases ef sudden cold, however taken, these Tablets should bu promptly und freely used. They equalize the circulation ol the blood, mitigate the screrity of tlio attack, aud w ill, lu a very short time, restore healthy action to tho af fected organs. Willis' Larbolic j unlets are put up oniy in blue boxes. Take uo substitutes. If they can't be found at your druggist's, send at once to the cut in New lorK, who will Iorwaru llieni ny return mull. Bou't be deceived by Itnitntlons. Sold bv druerirists. Price 25 cents a box. JOHN Q. KELLOCG, 18 Hlalt-st New Yolk, u5,'73.4w.Send for circular. Sole Agent for U.S. Sl'J.OOO.OOO A1RLS, CHEAP FARMS ! The Cheapest Lund In bond lu Market, for sale by tne UNION. PACIFIC 'RAILROAD COMPANY", In the Grent Platte Valley. 3,000,000 ACCES IN CENTRAL NEBRASKA Now for sale In tracts of forty acres and up wards on Five and Ten rears' I redit at o per cent. No advance luteresl required. Mild and Heallulul Cluuate, fertile rjoil, an abundance of Good WuUr. The best Market In the West 1 The great Miuing regions ot Wyoming, Colorado, Utah uud Nevada, being tupyluxi by the turuicrs In the Platte Valley. . SOLDIERS ENTITLED to a HOMESTEAD of 180 ACRES. THE BEST LOCATIONS FOR COLONIES. FREE HOMES FOR ALL ! Millions of Acres of ehoico Government Lands spoil for entry un der the. Homestead Law, near this Great Rail road, with good markets and all the conve niences of an old settled country. Sectional Maps, showing the Laud, also new cditiou of Descriptive Pamphlet with New Maps Mulled Free everywhere. Address, O. F. DAVIS, Laud Commissioner U. P. R. R-, a5,'73.4w. Omaha, Nebraska. t: A M 1 II O IC I N E . Tain! l'ain! Falul Tbe great discovery for the relief of pa la and a suie aud Immediate cure for rheumatism, ehronio aud acute, sprains, Ac It has a vleasaut and refreshing odor, and will not stalu or grease the most delicate fabric, which makes It a luxury In every family. Price cents ner bottle. For sale by all druggists, REUBEN 1IOYT, Vrop'r, New York. a5,'73.tw ilOth Thousond In Press. Bale Increasing. 2,000 more lire agents wanted for our LIVINGSTONE 28 years In AFRICA over flOO pnges, only 3.50. Incomplete and In feelor works nre oll'crcd, look out for them. Send for circulars nnd see, proof of tho greatest suc cess of tho RCHlon. Pocket Companion worth 10 mailed free. HUBBARD BROS., M3,'73,4w. Tub's 723 Sanson) St., Phils. Agents Wanted for the UNDEVELOPED WEST, OR, FIVE YEARS IN THE TERRITORIES. By J. II. Bhadi.i!, Western Correspondent of Cincinnati Commercial The only cmnpleto history of that fnst region between the Mississippi nnd tlio Pacific i Its Re sources, Climate, Inhabitants, Natural, Curiosi ties, etc., wilh life nnd adventure on Prairies, Mountains, nnd the Pacllie Coast. Mr. Beadlo has spent tlve years traveling hi the new States aud Territories, aud knows moru about their re sources, etc., than any other Writer. Tlio hook Is Illustrated with ovef 250 line engravings of the Scenery, Cities, Lands, Mines, People, and Cu riosities of the Urcnt West, Und Is tho best and fastest selling hook ever published. Bend for specimen pages nnd circulars, with terms. Ad dress NATIONAL PUBLISHING CO., M3,'73,4w. Philadelphia, Pn. 5 11 , 6 O O F O It ft 2 1 ! I GRAND GIFT CONCERT Of tho Merenntlle Llbraty Association of tho City of Leavonworth, Knu. In accordance wllli an net of the Legislature and their Articles of Incorporation, the Board of Directors nnnouncc their first Grand Gift Concert nnd Distribution by lot, among the ticket-holders, of 332,5551N CASH, nt LAING'S HALL, Leavenworth, on the 2.1th day of June, 1873, for the benefit of tbe Library. 51,083 CASH GIFTS,AMOUNTIFGTO383,5o5 This enterprise Is endorsed by tho Governor, Secretary of Stute, Auditor of State, Superintcn rlent of Public Instruction, Treasurer of Slate, Mayor nna common council or Leavenworth, : nnd all leading business men of the Jtate, und j the certainty of the distribution nnd payment of gifts, ns Advertised, Ib fully gnnraiitecd. T1CKEI8$2EACH. 3 for 5. 0 for III). Memorandum of Cash Gifts to be db-trldutcd Stine 'Jtli, 1S73. 1 GRAND CASH GIFT, $50,000 , 1 IHtA.MJ t 'AMI Glr I, 40.000 1 (ill AND CASH (51 FT, 35,000 j 1 GRAND CASH GIFT, 30,000 1 GRAND CASH GIFT, 25.0110 1 GRAND CASH GIFT, ' 20.000 I GRAND CASH GIFT, 15.000 ! J GRAND CASH GIFT, 12,000 I 1 GRAND CASH GIFT, 10,000 ! 1 GRAND CASH GIFT, K,000 1 1 GRAND CASH GIFT, ft.OtMl 1 1 GRAND CASH GIFT, 3,000 1 GRAND CASH GIFT, 2,500 For balance of pilx.es send for circulars. ' This concert Is under the suicrvis1oii und di- j rection of llm following lit Wllil'A. 1 UliS : C. II. Diirfcc, Merchant, H. L. Newman, Ban k er,li. D. Rush, Lumber. II. W. Gillclt, Mer chant, G. F. Preseott, Commercial, James B. Kitchen, Farmer, W. O. Fotild. I'll Eng'r, P. G. Lowe, Capitalist, C. R. Morehead. Merchant, j J. L. Wcver, M. I)., S. W. English, Lawyer, C. : Xloller, Cash rtier. 8. 11., E. T. Carr, Aiehite.ct. , OFFICERS: , E. II. Durfee, President. II. L. Newman, Vice ' Pres. Geo. F. Preseott, See. Cr! Moller, Treas. I The well known character of the Directors of t the Mercantile Library Association nnd the en- ; dorseiuent reeuted. is a aullieicut gutiruiitec to all absent ticket-holders, that their interests i will be fully guarded and protected. j All correspondence strictly confidential, and , any person drawing n prize need not be known j unless they so desire. i I Tickets drawing prizes will be enthed ou I Slgbt. j This Is Hie griinilesl, safest and ln-st enter-; prise ever presented to tho public. '. Oiricial li.tB of winning numbers will be sent' to purchasers of tickets immediately after the! distribution. j For Information nnd tickets address, BAMItARGE A CO., General Agents, 05 Liberty Street, New York. Tickets sent C. O. D. at our expense. Agents wanted. Liberal Commissions paid m38w "A lUECilANICMI. CIRIOMTY I ' Every mouse caught resets tbe trap Tor an ithei I Sample by mail prepaid, 75 cts. For sale bv the trad'-. It. E. DIETZ, Patentee, 54 nnd ."G Fulton St., New York. in 8,' (3.4W. A GKEAT OFFEIt. Wo will nuv nil AGENTS M0 per week in cash, w ho will engage with us at once. Every thing furnished nnd expenses paid. Address, A. COKLTI'.lt A CO., m3,'73.4w. Charlotte, Mhh. Ss-!- Q-j K-r day I Agents Wanted! All ytj II) p.ll classes .f working people, of either sex, young or old. make more money nt work for us lu thrlr spare moments, or all the time' than nt iinvtliinj' else. Purticulurw free. Address," G. STINSON A CO., s14-iy. Portland, Maine. "Agents wanted lor the New Illustrated Book, WILD LIFE IN THE FAR WEST. 30 years ith Indians, Trappers, in Mexican wars, Ac Scalping Expedition against Apaches. Full Interest und selling rapidly. The Book of the year. Address WILEY, WATERMAN A EATON, 1118,73,4 Hartford, Ct. Agents Wanted for the . HOME OF GOD'S PEOPLE. The grandest and mott successful new book out. Aekuowledgcd to be the most decided success of the year uow selling Willi astonishing rapidity. It contains nearly 200 Magnificent Engravings. Splendln opportunity for agents to make money. Circulars, containing full particulars and terms, scut free. Address DUSTIN, OILMAN A CO., mH,'73,4w. Hartford, Conn. W. D. MELICK, I It'll gist ind Apothecary, (Successor to Dr. . W. Moody,) j At the old established stand on .Market Square, SINIII'UY, IA. Keeps toiistanlly on hand a full stock of well DRUGS & CHEMIOALS, Druggists Fancy Goods, COMBS, BRUSHES, - ., PERFUMERY, PATENT MEDICIN ES, OILS, TAINTS GLASS, PUTTY, VAKN1NH, DYKSTl'VFN, hi fast everything nsiaHy kopt In a well con ducted 3DPLTTG STOP.E. , Particular attention paid to compounding Phy sicians prescriptions and family receipts by the 1'roprlator lilmseil. Suubury, la., June e inis. book: AGENTS FUNNY SIDE g PHYSIC. HOO rages, 250 F.ii(rraviugN. A s turtling expose of Medical Humbugs of the past and present. It ventilates Quack, Impos- tors, Travelling lkxUirs, Patent -Medicine ven ders. Noted Female Cheats, Fortune Tellers and Mediums, and gives interesting accounts or not ed Physicians, aud Narratives of their lives. It reveals startliug secrets, and lustruc' s all how to avoid the ills w hich flesh is heir to. We give ex clusive territory and liberal commissions. For circulars and terms addiess the publishers, J. B. BURR A HYDE, Hartford, Connecticut, or Chicago, Illinois. AGENTS WANTED FOR THE Unci ilised Race ofMen In all Countries of tbe World, Being a comprehensive account of their manners and customs, aud of their physical, social, mental, moral aud religious characteristics. liu S4. J. O. WOOD, 31. A., F. I. S. 600 EntfraviuKH, ISOO Nuner Itoyal uctavo a afjres). In two Volumes, or two Volumes la one. A cents are maklna over tlOO dot week In sell inr this work. An early appleatlon will secure choice of territory. For terms address tbe pub lishers, J. B. BURR ot 111 DE, Hartford, Conn., or Chlosgo, IU. March SJ, 18T3 -t. zrTcAT;MtVtAuvt Yi2jv i tUiJ Manufacturers. NTOVE t TIN ESTABLISHMENT. MARKET STREET, SUNBURY, PA. ALFRED KRAUSE, rroprictnr. f Sl.'CCHSSOlt TO SMITH (IFKTIIRIt.J HAVING purchased the above well known es tablishment, Mr. Kranse would respectful ly Inform the public that he now hns on hand a large assortment of COOKING STOVES, Sieer's Cook Anti-Dust, Regulator or Revolving Top, Combination, . Susquehanna and others, which are so arranged as to bo used for Coal or Wood, and arc warranted to perform satisfactori ly or no sale. HEATERS of all kinds put tip to heat one or more rooms. HEATING 8TOVES of dillerent kinds nt very low prices. Tinware of Every Description kept constantly on hand. Roofing nnd Spouting w ith the best material, done nt short notice. REPAIRING attended to with dispatch. Coal Oil el d Lamps constantly on hand. Japan ware of a x.nd.i. Store opposite Conley's hard ware store, (ilve me a call. A. KRAUSE. upl24-ly M'MltKK AND PLANING MILLS. TliUd Street, adjoining l'hlla. & Erie R. R., two Squares North of the Central Hotel, ' SUNBURY, PA. IRA T. TjLEMENT, IS prepared to furnish every description of lum ber required by the demands of the public Having all the. latest Improved machinery for manufacturing Limber, be is now ready to till or ders ef all kinds of FLOORING, SIDING, DOORS SHUTTERS, SASH, BLINDS MOULDINT.S, VE RANDAS, BRACKETS, nnd all kinds of Ornnmental Serowl Work. Turn ing of every description promptly executed. Also, A I.AIKIB ASSOIITMKNT OP BILL LUMIIEK. HEMLOCK and PINE. Also, Shingles, Pickets, Ijitlie, Ac Orders promptly filled, nnd shipped bv Railroad or otherwise. IRA T. CLEMENT. ilecl-t.S:ly MAt HINE SHOP AND IltON FOUNDItV. GEO. ROHUHACII & SONS, - Sanbnry, I'eim'n, INFORM the public that they arc prepared to do all kinds of CASTINGS, nnd having added a new Machine Shop ill connection with their Foundry, nnd have supplied themselves with New Lathes, Pltiuing and Boring Machines, with the latest Improvements. With the nid of skillful tin chanies, they are enabled to execute nil orders of NEW WORK OR REPAIRING, that may be given them, lu a satisfactory man lier. GrHtoH to suit any Stove. IRON COLUMNS, for churches' or oilier build ings, of all sizes. BRASS CASTINGS, Ac Ornamental Iron I Fencing FOR GRAVE YARD LOTS; VERANDAHS, FOR Y A It LIS AT KKMDENl'KN, JtC, AC. The PLOWS, already celebrated for their su periority, have been still further Improved, and will always be kept on hand. Also, THRESHING MACHINES. Sunbury, May 20, 1871. LKIt'OK NTOKEI CHRISTIAN NEFF, Second Street, opposite the Court House, SUN- ; 111 Ki , t'A., ! Respectfully invites the attention of Retailers ' nnd others, that he has on hand, aud will cen ' stantlv keep nil kinds of j . FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC LIQUORS, j Consisting of Pure Brandies: Cognluc, Cherry, ( Gluircr, liix liclle and Otnrd. I Whiskies: Pure Rye Copper-Distilled, Moi"ii. I gnheln, Apple mid Nectar. PURE HOLLAND GIN! Wines: Champagne Wine, Sherry, Pert and I Claret. ' Crnb Cider, Champagne Cider, N. F. Ruin, 1 Brown Stout and Scotch Ale. STOMACH AND BAR BITTERS, i And all others Liquors Which can be found In : the city markets, which will be sold at Wliole I sale and Retail. Every article guaranteed ns I represented. Also, a large lot of DEMIJOHNS ! and BOTTLES, always on hand. 1- Orders promptly utteuded to, nntt yuhlic patronage respectfully solicited t NFFF. Snuliury, July 3, lMKt. ly. SIMU ItY MAKBLE YAKD, nwnrtli Street below Murliet, SUXliUKY, 1" E N N ' A . r Ml E undersigned has returned from the Ver mont Marble Quarries with !H Tons of Marble for MonniuentM, Gruvtj-StoueN, Ac, &c. He has bought at such figures that will allow him to sell better stone, for less money, than heretofore. The best ButLerlHiid Fiills MaiMc, which is better than Italian. Rutland is now sold us low us the Manchester. Those who need anything lu the Marble line, for Monuments, Grave-Stones, or other purposes, will find it to their Interest to call and exainlno this large stock, as better bargains can be secur ed than buying from parties 'huckstering' round the country. All lettering will be doue in the neatest and most improved style. W. M. DAUUHERTY. Sunbury, Jan. 11, 1873. Tailoring! Tailoring!! CHARLES MAIHL, ESPECTFl'I.LY Informs tho citizens that he has just received bis Spring and Smuttier Gooi1n nt his TAILOR SHOP. on Fourth Street, below Market, In the Million building, and that ho is prepared to make up ull kinds of GENTN' AND UOY'tf Nl'ITN, In the latest styles. Having hud much exper ience iu the business he desires the public to give him a trial. Clothing will be made up in tlw latest Paris and Amerituii Fashions iu the most satisfactory manner. al2,'7U. . CHARLES MAIHL. A. M. MEIXELL, lliUJ.KH IN American uud European WATt'HEM. FINE JKWXLKV uuU SILVEUWAUE. I'eriVcted Neetaclen aud Ey e GlatuteN. GOLD HEADED CANES. Walshes and Jowelry neatly repaired and war rautcd. , Market Square, BUNBCRY, Pa. Feb. 3, 1873.-tf. NEW YOIIK AND I'HILADELI'HIA MILLINEUY GOODM. SPRING A SUMMER BONNETS A HATS, TRIMMED AND UN-TRIMMED. An extensive assortment of Straw Millenery and Fancy uorl, now open at MISS L. WEIBER'S MiLUNERY BTORE, Mahkct Bthibt, Bi'epuut, Pa. My stock of Spring goods is unusually large and varied, eemprlslug lbs latest and most at' tractive styles, selected with eare from lbs lead lug Importing bouses and adapted for the present season. U13,'78. MI8S L. WETSEK. (aUroat 0. BEADING BA1LBOAD. WINT.ER AlVttANGEMENTR, MOKDAT, DECEMBER 2ud, 1872. Trains leave Hnrrlsbnrg for New York as fol lows i at 5.80 and 8.10, a.m., and 2.00, p. in., connecting with trains on PenusylTanln Rail road, and arriving at New York at 12.80, ftiK) and tt.45 p. m., respectively. ' ReUirnlnlng , Leave New York at 9.00 a. in. 12.110 and 5.h0 p. m., Philadelphia at 7.30, 8.45 a. m., nnd 8.80 p. m. ' Leave Harrlsburg for Reading, Pottsvllle. Tnmaqnn, Minersvllle, ".shhind, Sb.imokln, AI lentownnndPliilHilelolilant 5.80 und 8.10 a.m. 2.00 ami 4.05 p. m., Hopping at Lebnnon and principal way stations j the 4.05 p. ui., train con necting foy Philadelphia. Pollsvlllo cin. bin only. For Pottsvllle. Schuylkill Hnveu and Auburn, via Schuylkill and Susquehanna Rail road leave Harrisburg at 8.40 p. in. East Pennsylvania Railroad trains leave Read Ing for Alluiitown, Kastoii and New York at 7.80 and 10.85 a. m and 4.00 p. m. ReturuUig. leave New York nt f.OO a. in., 12.50 and 5.30 p m., and Allcntewu nt 7.20 a. in., 12.25, 2.10. 4.35 and 8. 55 p. m. Why Passenger Train leaves Philadelphia at 7..I0 a. in., connecting nt Rending with trulu on East Pcnna. Railroad, returning loaves Potts vllle at 4.35 p. m., stopping at H stations. Leave PottsvUlc at 0.00, 8.05 and B.10 A. m., and 2:30 p. in., Herndon at 10.00 n. Shnmo kmnt 6.00 and 11.03u. m., Ashland at 7.18 a. n., and 12.20 p. m., Mahnnoy City nt 7.58 nnd 14.54 p. m., Tsainqna nt 8.35 n. m., and 2.10 p. in., for Philadelphia, New York, Reading, Har rlsburg, Ac. Leave Pottsvllle via Schuylkill and Susque hanna Rnllrond at 8.05 a. in., for Harrisburg nnd 11.45 a. in., for Pinegrove nnd Trcruont. Pottsvllle Accommodation Train leaves Potts vllle at COO n. in., passes Rending at 7.40 n. m.. arriving at Philadelphia nt 10.15 a. m. Return, lug leaves Philadelphia nt 4.45 p. m., passes Rending nt 7.15 p. in., arriving ut Pottsviilo'nt 0.00 p. m. Pottstown Accommodation Train leaves Potls town at tl. 45 a. In., returning, leaves Philadel phia, (Ninth und Green.) ut 4.30 p. in. Columbia Railroad Trains leave Reading nt 7.30 a. in-, nnd 0.15 p.m., for Ephruetu, Lit'., Lancneter, Columbia, Ac. ; returning leave Lan caster IH8.20 a. m.,nnd 3.30 p. m., nnd Colum bia at 8.15 a. m., and 8.20 p. m. Perkioinen Railroad trains leavo Pnrtlnm.. Juretion nt 7.35 and 0.00 a. in., 2.55 and 5.40 p. m. ; returning, leave Greer Lane ut 0.15 n. m., 12.85 and .4.20 p. ih., netting W illi trains ou Reading Railroad. Pickering Valley Railroad trains leave Pliu.' nixville nt 0.10a. in.,- It.lonud 5.50 p. m. ; return ing, leave Byers nt G.1I5 n. in., 14.45 and 4.20 p m., connecting witli trains ou Reading Railroad. Colchrookn'ale Railroad trains leave I'oit.towu at .40 a. in. und 1.20. (1.25 and 7.15 p. in., re turning leave Mount Pleasant nt fi.OO, K.00 and 11.25 a. in. and 8.00 p. in., connecting with trams en Reading Railroad. Cbcsti-r Valley Railroad trains leavu Bridge port nt 8.30 a. xi. '4.40 mid 5.3 p. in., ret ing, leave DownlngtoWn ut fl.tj, a. m., ).:) H, r,. M I p. in., connecting with trains on Reading Rail j road, On Sundays: leave New Turk nt5. 30 p.m., ! Philadelphia at S.no a. m. aud 3.15 p. in., (the i S.ooa. in. train running onlv to Rending.) leave Pottsvllle at 8.00 a. in., lcaro Ilarrhbuii: st 5.IH I n. tn. and 2:00 p. ru. ? leave Allcntown nt S.55 p. I in. j leave Reading at 7.1.5 a. in. ami 10.15 p. m. I for Harrisburg, nt 7.30 a. in. for New York, nnd j nt '4.40 a. m. nnd 4.16p. ui. for Philadelphia. Commutation, Mileage, Season, School and Excursion Tickets, to and from n)l points, nt ic Baggage cheeked through ; 100 pounds allowed each i'assi ner. .1. E. WOOTTEN. AsKl't. S'tft. if Knij. Madi't ti. Rkaiusii, Pa., Decern her 2, 172. Xortheru Central KuUvvity. "'INTER ARRANG EM ISN'T. 01 nua after Oct. 27, kr?2, tmlns will run i ' "iws : NORTHWARD. Niagara .Express leaves Suiilmry nt 12.40 p. m., for Niagara Fulls Mull arrives nt Sunlnirv at 4.10 p. m., arrive nt Wlllinmsport B.20 anil Eltniia 10.30 p. in. Fast Line arrives nt Sunburv at 0.50 p. in., arrive nt Williumsport 8.35 p. ib. Erie Mail leaves Sunbury nt 11.30 n in Wll lianisport at 8.4U a m, and "arrives at Efeuira at 12.40 p in. SOUTHWARD. Mull leaves Sunbury nt 11.05 a. in., arrive at Harrisburg 1.45 p. ro.. Hallimore fi.no p. m. Eric Express leaves Sunburv at 0.40 it. m., ar rive nt Hnrrfeburg 11.30 a. in., Kullimnrn ILWi p. ru. Erie Mali leave Siinluu-y at 12.50 a. in., arrive! at Harrisburg -J.45 a. in., BaltliniN-a 8.45 n. in. Niagara Express leaves Sunburv nt 8.00 p m, Harrislinrg nt 10.40 p in, arrives ut Baltimore 2.13 n in. SHAMOKIN DIVISION. FasTWAKIl. Leave Sunbury nt 4.40 p. in., arrive nt Shaino kin 5.50 p. in., Sit. Cnrmel fi.;i0 p. ni. Leave Sunbury (Accommodation,) ut 12.35 p. in., ni iive nt Shainokin 1.35 p. in. Wl'STWAIIII. Leave MU C.-.rtncl at 7.40 a. m., Shamokln 8.20 a. m., arrive at Sunbury 8.25 a. in. Leave Sliamokln ( Accommodation,) nt 2.45 p. m., arrive ut Sunliiiry 8.55 p. m. Express leaves daily. All other trains leave dally, except Sundays. A. R. Fiskk. F-ii. S. Yoi'no", Oen'l. Sup't., Gen'l Passun'r Ag't., Harrisburg, Pa. Dnllmorc, Md rhiladcithia and !te Kailroad. SUMMEU TIME TABLE On and alter Sunduv, Oct. C7th, 1872, tho Truiusouthe Philadelphia A Eric Rail Road will ruu ns follows i WESTWARD. Mall Train leaves Philadelphia, Sunbury, " " nrr at Erie, Erie Express leave Philadelphia, " " Sunbury, " " an at Erie, Elmlra Mali leaves Philadelphia, " " " Sunburv. 11.40 p in 8.30 a tr 7.50 p in 12.40 p in 7.01 p in 7.45 a in 8.00 a in 4.30 p in ' " arr nt Lock Haven, 7.45 p m 7. lis u m Niagara Express leaves Philadelphia, " " " euiibiiry, " " nrr at Reuovo, EASTWARD. 12.40 p m l.o.i a m 11.85 a m 12.45 a m n.55 a in 9.05 p m U.35 a nt S.30 p in 7.45 a m 11.00 a iu 6.00 p m 3.25 p m Mall Train leaves Eric 1 bunbury, ' " arr at Philadelphia, Erie Express leaves Erie, buubury, " " arr ut PhUadelphia, Elmlra Mall leaves Lock Haven, " bunburv, ' " nrr ut Philadelphia, Niagara Express leaves Renovo, " " " Sunbury, " " err at Philadelphia, .so p in 2.H0 a m Mall Fast conue-ts east ami west at Erie with L. 8. A M. S. R. W. and nt Ii vinetou- with Oil Creek and Allegfieny B. R. W. Niagara F.xoress and Erie Express East, and Erlo Mail, Niagara Express' and Elmlra Mull West, connect nt WIllinuiBport with trains going north on the Elmlra nnd Cunaudnigua divisiou of H-sN. C.R. K. Cutawissa passenger trains will be run east and west from Willianisportou Elmlra Mall. WM. A. BALDWIN, Gen'l Sup't. Iiaut llle, Ilailrtoa A Wllkenbarre H. It. IVuua. It. It. Co. Leone e. 8UMMER ARRANGEMENT. On and after this dnte Passenger trains on the D., II. A W. K. R. will ruu as follows i WESTWARD. EASTWARD. LEAVE. New York, Philadelphia, East on, Bethlehem, Uailetos, Cultawlssa, Danville, Sunbury, arrive A.M.! LEAVE. A. V. li:00 Sunbury, ti:'J0 80 Danville, 7:0'4 U:25 Cuttawlssa, 7:2 10:05 Hatlctou, 9:08 V. X. r. t- 1:00 Bethlubetn, 12:10 :40, Fusion, 12:35 3:20 Philadelphia, 2:15 J:57.New York, arr. 11:50 Trulu West arriving at Suubury 3:57 p. m., makes close connections with trains on Phlladel- Llila A Erie R. R. for Miltou, Williumsport,' ock Haveu and all oluU West, Elmlra sud all poluts Nertb, also with Northern Central Rail way, for Harrisburg aud Baltimore. J New and elegant coaches ruu through b tween Sunbury aud K.astnn. FRANK THOMPSON, Supt. D. 11. A W. R. R Bcft's Orrpyt, Wii.uammtobt, Pa. May I, 18. (