f unburn American. SUNHUKY. MAY 17, 1S7:I. Stnltroiwl Tlmo Tabl . ; ; ; AKUIVAL A.-'tl lvnrAltTt'llGnp TKA1SR At AI NlirnY. N. C. It. W.,Sotifh. Eric M:iil. Vi.nnn m Erie Kxpifw, 0.-10 " Mill, 11.05 ' Ma Evprers S.Ol) p ra v. & R. n. n. we-t. Mull, fl.:iOam Vintr. F.xrPsM'JHO pm Elmira Mail 4.K0 " Krln Express, 7.01 " hVSnt liV AND l.HWISTOWN It. H. I.",ivc Sunbnry for Lewisto-.vu lit 7.45 ft. m., ami 11-10 p. M. Arrive. ;nt Sunbnry from Lewistown nt l.fiO ami 7.4 j p. in. biiamokin mvistov, N. c. n. w. I.RAVK Sunhnrv nt 5. !." a m " ' I'J.Sityitvi 4.40 p tn A1111IVR At Sunbnry fl.' ' 8. S5 p in " COO p m ianvh,i,r, iiAzi.r.Tux & wiucnsnAuiiE it. it. Regular passenger tsnlti leaves Sunbnry for Dnnvllln, Cattnwissa, llazlclou ami Intermediate stations, nt 0.45 n. m. Kiturnine leave lluzlo ton at 1.00 p. m. Arrive nt 4.00 p. m. l.AOKAWASNA AND llt.OOMSnrilfl It. H. Leave Northumberland nt 0.40 n. m. and 4. B0 p. m. Arrive nt Northumberland nt 10.35 a. m. ami d.0." r. m. Accidental Insurance Ticket' can lie had of I. Hlilpinnn, Ticket Aircnt, nt tho Depot. Cecals. SEU1SO MArrilXKH AND COTTACR OnOANS. Miss Caroline Dalius is Hip nent for the sale of t lm host. Sewinsr Machines In existence, viz : 'Tho Improved i rover Baker,' nnd 'Domestic,' which nre constantly kept on hand, and fold nt reasonable, prions. She Is also ncent for the snlo of the. celebrated 'Silver Tonirue Organs, ' and tho 'Hay State. Orirnns,' nnd for the sale of tho Fraiitx it Pope Knitting Machine. Call nnd see I hem. Olllce on Market street, cast of tho rail road . The Imi'iiovkd Giiovim A BAur.it Sevrisn M, .iinr. Th'MB celebrated machines arc oirered nt the most reasonable rnte. For particulars :ii;ily to D. (i. KL'TZ, A iron t, 1' '!i.':.','7J.-ly. I'ppef Amrustn township. TiiR Wine made nt the. ViHcyiird of (Ico. B. VoiiHinaii, near Siinbury, and now belli!; sold by hiui.cnu not be excelled for purity, excellence and cheapness. April St. . Du. C. M. Mautin c Co., have lately put up A S. l i Fountain In their limit Store, on Third street fi-nm u-hieli iV.pv druw llmt ili'lirlniis hrv e iau'.', Soda Water. Tbo-'o desiring ,b'l:i.', ein procure soma by calling . .! .i 1 1 UI",I""1 I dining the day ami evening. A n::isn stock of Cluths and Cnssi meres have b v,i opened at the tailoring store of J. J. Scalier, on Third street. Fall suits are made up to order in th'-' itest styles, and a fit guaranteed. His tin.1 a'- nr'.'.iient is being much commended, lie k ips ti e li st goods in his establishment. From the lialtlniore Underwriter. ilyth.i ssual publicity given Its statements, and i!:,' wide distribution of its monthly paper, inter.-t.d in thn business have scrutinized the rrf.tr:. . of The .1,Vc7iiWih liuniftiurt ''...'i .i .v. They bear testimony to the iudouiiua l.le eneriry i:d skill of its administration, show ing that the company Is carving its way to n :; it. (nr.1, and that its growth Is marked by I'i'j el.'inents of A-ealtby protres. The c"na r.ieter of it" sets, its watchful managcnicnt, its iaiu" !reti;beihip, the rigid scrut'myof its risks, Hi.' or-;,;;,. .-J jirceiation of its (T.v(;?".fi'ir plans of ieiiiieuee in all these is the assurance that nh.iu-ver ; ':! life iiisuvaucc cnutcmplutci', The jY ,";,!., n'ltmdantly able to supply. , -o- P'1vi:t:iix'i I.';:w. A grand opening of Milli t'T iood -.v'.'.l tiike place ut Miss Amelia llan ct.cUf, on Market (street, Just below tho City lT.it -!. (live, '..i t- a c ilh She keeps nn hand the m..-! fashionable st vie of Bonnets, Hals, Itib b '.!. s ai l F.i.ibr. :!!! in great vaiie'y. Slie is al .ii !ceiit f-u- the Weed ein Machine, the best it, t-i market. r.iS. W. H. Vn.i.rii i.; i tir d an c'"ga I'.o.its and Shoes cheaply. Fane;, and gantlenwa, i i of the Lxcelslor Store, has just nt. and superior assortment of , which lie is selling rapidly and liaitcrs and Slippers for ladies , of a style never before seen in i dm 1 red by every one ; sold at low soitmciit is complete, and lie in- S-ir.b-try, and pries, liis a v'te: everyb . 'v to all and csnaiine his stock. rii.i.TMJ I'.-. Wo notice that 1). A. Finney, j I la' j j i', .:. r c.iteier in llin Dryttoods and tirocc- ry line?, is ni;'.:. u; his sloir on Market street j n-ith a ;-. 'M'.uieiit of Dry Goods, Groceries, Wilhiw ware, Earth, u-wure, Glass-ware, No- j t'aais In great variety, and all kinds of goods, i .-ncrally of tho latest styles. By fair dealing j Mr. Finuey lis established a large business, and !u is now prepared to furnish his customers I with any nrtiulc of most reasonable price mammuth stock. Hoods I hey want nt the Call and examine IiIb John M.vniii, Clothier, Simpson building, Market Ss iiare, has in part au'aln recovered his health, and ha-s been 1 1 the city and bought the largest and be t stuck of spritiir uinl sum mer clothing that has been brought to Sun b:uy this Epiiii;:. lleanttftil styles and lower prices than elsewhere. ot.-ma. I'ivs-is, OitHANS, occ. David Ueitncr, music teacher, haviiiLioe.itc.l permanently in Sutibury for the puipose of teaching music, announces that he has the agency for Oaehic A Co's Uulli in.iiv. Pianos, which are b"ing rapidly introduced inn i:i tha bust judges. They arc now iu nso in the Slate Normal School, lllnonisburg, Pa., also at the Sunbnry Academy, by .1. 11. Jenkins, Esq., u!' Nonhuai'ieri.ind, and Judge F.llwell of llioomsburg. He will also t ike orders for Steln '.vay it Co's, Chickeriii A Co's, and other well known nanus. Mr. Keiiner also receives orders for l'rineo fi Co's cclebiatid Organ e Melodcons, of Itull'.ilo New York. ftl:: -t iii i-ic on hand, and eiders for new plo c.js promptly attended to. Mr. i'eiaa-r is agent for the German publishing house of Y.. Stclgc r of New York, aiu! will re coivtf subscription for all German Bo-jks, Period icals, s-.iapors, Ac. The celebrate. 1 Maehlo 1'ianiH can bo seen at :it nil tiuie-t at the resilience of Mr. Keiiner, ou '.lie corner of Third and Aich streets, opposite the depot. Tin: members, of the Sunbnry Swam Firo En gine, No. 1, nre requested to meet on this (Fri day evening) at their engine bouse, for tlio pur pose of in .iMag arrangements to procure hats in time to parlicrrmtc in the decoration ceremonies. Ilfniivd.A reward of five dollars will be paid for in.iirmat'on that will lead to convictiou of the pi raon that broke down an ornamental tree In front of my residence on Wiihiut street, on Thursday niiit latt. EM'L WILVEUT. Ni:w 1'c stat. C'.Miii. A specimen copy of the new postal raid Issued t y the (lovcrumuut cau lie Been at this olllce. Uniti ation or an ODu Fi i.t.ows iUtx. Tbc new Odd -Fellows Kail ut Gratz, Ilauphin coun ty, will be dedicated June 2d. A large number of Lodges have been invited to be present, and with several baudd of music that nre expected, the (,'athering will no doubt be large. The dedi catory ceremonies will bo Impressive, and ad dresses will be delivered by eminent speakers ('.- jl.l a! i va-l. Siiowmbh appear to understand tlio wenk inlndednesn of eel tain classes existing In this age of bonsted progress, nnd Uicy exercise their Ingenuity to rcncli tho pockets of theso classes. We refer to this fact for the purpnso of showing how far they accomplish their deceptive designs. On n Into occasion, dnxxllng show bills came under our observation, hung out for Van Am bus's great show. Any one lookinjtnt the bills could see that there was more on theni than tnlodit be cxpcelcd to be seen wllhin the canvnss. It was also known Hint only part of the oilgiunl show n? was exhibited on the bills, would bo here, nnd tlrat tho whole of the nsiinl nmotmt of hum buggery wonld be displayed ; yet with all Ibis knowledge It appears there were some who could not bold up under the pressure, ns their weak points had been reached, and they resorted to ex treme, means to (,'uiu admission to the show. Fortunately for a certain class, a pawnbroker's ofllco 1V119 lately opened In this place, by 'Wm. Oehring, who canio to their relief, nnd to whom they arc Indebted for the old whfch cunbled them to "sco the clcphnnt.' Mr. Oehring having pre pared himself for ft "spec'" of! this occasion, was not disappointed, nnd he done a brisk business on Wednesday while tho show was being exhi bited, In advancing money to parties who were disappointed in getting their pay from the llall road company, Cold watches, silver watches, revolvers, cutlery, clothing imd even gentlemen' Bhirts were brought to Mm for a small fldvnnre, to "raise tho wind" to sec the show, and Mr. Cchrlng Is now the possessor of these articles until they arc redeemed. In several Instances, ton, the last cent was expended on tho tlrplmnt, though not of nn ordinary size, nnd it Is quite probable that children went to bed hungry in consequence of the curiosity and improvidence of their parents. As money is scarce and provi sions nrj high, It would bo well for those con cerned to consider whether they get the worth of their money in attending shows, and particular ly under tho false representation of dazzling posters. Wf. are happy to see that a lively interest Is being taken in the coming dct-or.-itiou ceremonies. This is right. Let the heroic dead be honored while they silently sleep in the tomb. From tho preparations now being made by those who in tend participating in the ceremony ol honoring those who died in the defence of their country, we nre confident that the strewing of flowers, and t he usual ceremonies, will be more impres sive than ever before. The young men who sa erilieod their lives that their country" freedom migni live, ami wnose no:c sinriis loumi uie na , , , . ,... ..r veu of eternal rest amld-t the conilict of human strife, are entitled to that lull i.cgm; of rev erence and gratitude which a freeaild an enlight ened people only can extend. As tinio rolls on the grandeur of character that prompted them to make the sacrifice for the benefit of posterity, becomes more deeply impressed upon the minds of those who arc benefitted, nnd tho grati tude of a grateful people, displays itself in the simplest, but its purest and most beautiful form, that of strewing the graves of the nations loved ones with flowers. This day has been very pro perly set aside as a holiday. Let us see that it Is properly observed by meeting together and honor ing departed worth in the established beautiful way. r Tiif. Sunburn Dully made its appearance oil Monday lat in a considerably enlarged form. We are happy to note this spirit of cntcrprls? ex isting in our neighbor, ns it gives indications of a permanent institution. The Dally is edited with considerable ability, and is entitled to the support of the business men in this place. A dnliy paper published here indicates the prospe rity of our town. Our neighbor is entitled to much credit for bis perseverance in prosecuting an enterprise resultlnir in local benefit, nnd be should reccivo from our citizens all the assist ance necessary for its support, and the remune ration of its originator. Tin; changes about the Court House are be coming more apparent every day, and we confess that wo have not seen the ofllcc3 and the grounds Eiu rounding the building in us clean and well re gulated a condition as it is nt present. While tho otliees arc kept in the best condition, the papers and di cumcuts properly arranged, the Janitor, j Mr. Jacob Cubic, has cleared away all rubbish . about the building w hich gives It a more refresh- j lug iippearar.ee than ever seen before. Mr. C.l-: ble takes great pride, it appears, in keeping mat- ters in good trim, for which lie is certainly enti- tied to the thanks of every ono interested in the ' disposition of our county bui'ding". Wr. have been requested to state by the princi pal party concerned in tho shootine; of a Valua ble Maltese cat, and the destruction of its kit tens, mentioned in the Sunbnry Dally of Tuesday last, which notice of the occurrence may leave j the public mind under a false impression, that the cat was found in a helplcEs and unhelpful situation, placed there, no doubt, by tboulitlcis or mischievous children ; that no blame can be attached to the person to whom thecal belonged as ample provision Was mado for its comfort and sustenance during his nbscuee, and that the kill ing was a necessity. There was 110 other way of disposing of the caso, ami it is hoped by the prin cipal actor la the mutter, that this statement on his part will effectually abato tho eat tttllmnritl, and that no more will be heard about the late ciif-as-tro-phe. rut.sKSTATloN ok A Cank. The popular land lord or the City Hotel, T.. T. Druniliclier, who makes hosts of frieuds wherever ho foes, was again in luck last week while attending the United t-tates Court at l'ittsbutg, as a juror. A iiuuil cr of acquaintances made while in that city before his departure for home, presented him with a handsome, l'alinetln cane as a token of their litgli appreciation ns a trenlleman. This de monstration on the paft of bis new acquain tances, speaks well, and shows that he is umire- ! Ciatcd abroad as well as at home. Mr. 11i-nmli..l- ler was much pleased with hi trip to the smoky c'lv. Tuiisb iu attendance nt the V. &. Court ut l'ittsbur last week, from this vicinity, stopped at the St. Clair Hotel, in that city, and are pro fuse in their praise of the hospitality extended theui by the proprietors. Tub First Nntionul Hank of Bunbuiy declared j a semi-annual dividend of 5 per cent on the stock on the llrst inst., frcu from all taxation. This ! bank staini second to none in the country, and through. It otllcers has gained a reputation as being one of the safest, nnd most strictly con- ! ducted Institutions in the United States. I Don't forget tho Concert at the Court House ! to-uight (Friday.) 1'atronUa home entertain- incuts, which you will find superior to any other. Go and listen to better music than has yet been 1 heard iu Banbury. The bent musical instruments will be used on this occasion, and celebrated per formers will bo present to play ou them. A New Daily I'ai-eu. A ucw dully pnper will soon be Issued from the Dtmoeratic OuarJ olliee in this place. The paper will advocate Republl can principles. It will be edited by Messrs. F. A. Howe.r, and E. C. Goblu, into local editor ot the Isuubuiy Daily, and no doiibt will be a spicy sheet. I. O'. op O. t.Al the late" election for Grand Otllcers of tb Order of I. O. Of O. F., Euil. Wll vert reecle$ majority for District Deputy Grand1 hi this couftty,- There ivrcsevon- j teeH Lil4. hi ih (Hic.- Ok Satnrdny evening last a .sorious affray ocA enrrod In this place, the facts of which nre about ns follows i Kemer Fisher had gone from hopia on pretence of bring absent several weeks, but, nnoxpectcdly to his wife, he relumed late on Sat urday evening, when ho took her and S. P. Wen rith by surprise. Ho shot at Wcnrlch, tho ball grazing his fiicc, nftcr which they clinched. Wcnrlch used a knife and made several extended Tilts across Fisher's back, cutting his clothes and also catting him In the side nnd under the chin, and Anally made his escape wlthont hat or boots, lie went to n trrlghbor's and borrowed a hat mid hoots, mid then Went to a Justice nnd asked to bo bound over, his brother becoming his security. On Tuesday, however, ho wok taken to Middlclmrg and lodged ill Jail. Sclintgroe STi'mcs. Ot u neighbor of tho UaseUn, who Is beginning to assume a venerable look himself, and somo what envious of the youthful nppoarnuce of the senior editor of the Anunrirnu, Is not willing to allow n slnglo year to be deducted fiom tho cor rect ngo of tho latter, without protest on his part. I Tho senior of tho Amcrlran has no desire to con ceal the truth in tills matter, and Is willing to admit, for tho benefit of the futuro historian, that he Is several years older than tho editor Of th fr'airttc, whatever appearances may Indicate to the contrary. Bad Foi.k v: To ask Hie public to support nn entertainment In this place, and have nil the printing done elsewhere, or to ask tho newspa pers to publish local notices gratuitously. Also, parlies w ho do not support their homo offlocs to nsk for puffs, or notices of matter in which they nre interested, free of charge, and for ambitious Individuals for olllce, to ask an editor to use his i Influence for the advancement of their political ' Interests, when they do not even as much as b j scribe to bis paper. Wis notice of laic that a large number of young I girls, varying from 10 to 15 yenm of age, visit tho I post office on the arrival of the ntnils, nnd erowd themselves ahead of hnsinc-s men blockading ; the delivery window, nnd making all wait until ' each lias imiuireil for a letter, which they proWa J b!y expect to receive In the course of a month, or J perhaps not nt. all. Although annoying to bitsl ; ness men to be placed in the rear ranks of a par i eel of giggling girls In the delivery of the malls, j they should take into consideration that the girls I mean business In the way of showing otf to the I best advantage, even if tln-'ir mothers protest J against it. Tut: .b.'i'if'iimii says that a lock up in that place is sadly needed. Judging from the rowdyism dis played in Milton on Saturday night last, we can agree with our rotcmporary, and Would suggest, in addition the Appointment ofeflieient police, AccmnsT. A son of Mr. Campbell, the miner who was killed at Big Mountain Colliery lust week, was hurt at the aino mines on Monday last. Ho was seated between two di lft wagons eating his dinner, when some miners flushed tho wagons together, bruising him quite severely. At a regular meeting of the stockholders of the Northumberland Cnr rhop Manufacturing Com pany, held in Johnson's Hall, on May Otli, the following persons well! elected directim) for the ensuing year : Wm. F.lliott, T. O. Van Allen, W. C. Kapp, J. 11. Jenkins, Joseph Bird, I. M. Kontis, John Mc. Fnrlaud, Joseph Vnnkirk nnd F. L Weaver. At thcnmiual meeting of the Northumberland Bridge Couipany.hcld at the liurr House on May fth, 187'1, the following gentlemen wero elected officers of said company I'm the ensuing year: John Taggart, President. Win. T. Forsyth, Cleik and Treasurer. MAN.Uir.ns. W. Forsyth, A. K.Kupp, Wm. I Greeuough, Win. L. Dewait, Joseph Priestley ami M. B. Piie-lley. Tin: Northumberland Countv Nalioual Bank declared a semi-annual dividend of 5 per cent on the 1st Inst. J.im.'.s linvu Esy., of this place, has opened a coal olllce in the city of Hairlsburg, where he is engaged the greater portion of his lime. Tin: S.iiibtiry Silver Cornet Band have been se renading our citizens during the. moonlight nights. They have greatly improved of laic, and their luusie is well executed. - Jos::ri: Bot'NH, K.- me of tha oldest Justi- c,.s of the Peace of tne bur iic.1i of Hilton, died on .Monday v.'-ek fiiiu l'lietuiioiila, after an Ill ness of two ,iev!'. K'i ii 1 io Hound was appoint ed Justi e or the IVaiv by t'ovcrnor Jos. Heisler, and afterwards was continued in office by Un popular vote of the citizens until his death. He was the father of Hon. Frank llouud, and Was highly esteemed by the whole community. Tin: senior editor of the Miltvitlayl has had the "Shakes" the real, genuine fever and ngti. He gives a lengthy account of his "pheliuk3," w bile undergoing the shaking process. We can sym pathize with him an we have been there our selves. The divorce bill of J. F. Kirby passed by the late Legislature, was signed by the Governor ou Monday of hist wek. 'Inn lion. John B. Flicker will deliver the ad dress on tho eOth lust., on the occasion of the de coration of thu soldiers' graves. Tho organiza tions participating, will meet nt 1 o'clock, p. m., and the procession will move at o'clock. Dkcati h Sr'.Nsr.xuACii, working in the black smith shop of tho I'. &. E. Railrb.it Company's shop, on drawing out a piece of iron under the steam hammer, ou Friday last, had his left eye severely cut. His wounds were dressed by Dr. C. M. Martin. The annual session of tho Urand Lodgo of Odd Fellows, will be held at Wilkesbarre during next week. Tho persons who will represent tlio Lodges of this vicinity, uo 8. 11. Buyer, of No. C:2d j A. S. lliiee of No. 303, and Euil. Wllvert, of &lsl. Fihe At lWSTii.i.K. A tire broke out In Dan ville on Wednerday morning nt 2 o'clock, in the store room of Mrs. llaueoik, widow of Iho late Wm. Hancock, which was totally destroyed. The residence of Mr. Kamscy, and the building of the Danville National Dank weri seriously da maged. The fire Is supposed to have been the work of an lneeiidtary. Tho loss Is cstiif uted at ejo.ooo. . Not Bad. Under this head the bunbury Daily1 and WMUuntporl nji$Ur indulge iu badinage which if "uot bud" In Itself is iu excedlngly "bad taste." Got.nrs Weuiuno. F. W. J'ollock, President of tho Northumberland County National Bank at Bhiiinokiii, and his estimable lady, celebrated the fiftieth anniversary of their murrlage on the evening of thu Ctb lust., nt their residence iu Willlumspoil. TliR foundation of the new prist oflirs buiidiug Is now beiut; rapidly pushed to completion; The brick work will be commenced soon, aud the building hurried on as rapidly as possible. The new olllce is badly needed, aud we trust Will be pushed forward without delay. The old office is eutirely too small for the large amount of muif matter passing through it, aud which Is largely ou tho iucreaso. 3, Desha, Fatten, proprietor 6r" the Sunbnry Gas Works, purchased additional grouud for sibling an oil retlucry to tho works. Wb notice by the Sunbnry Dally that n render i of tho Walsnntown lierord has been reading so much About 'pMc cat scalps In that paper that he Imagines ho Is bewitched, and Is continually shooting nt what lie Imagines te.be pole eats. Tho jJn has omitted to state whether the edi tor of tho Hmul bad been In partnership with him in tho sealp business previous to the repeal of tho act giving premium. Peiliaps the (top. ping ol the payment of rewards on scalps has brought, him to grief, nnd ho is now conscience stricken for hilling John's pets. Wr. notice thaUour townsman, K. Schneider A. M., principal tif tho hlifh School, lias written nn nble nrlleln iti the PcnnsylviTii rkhrtol Jour nal, on Circular Functions which Is largely com mented 'upfVu Ti tha Vrrfi throtighpni lhc State. The article treats upon a new nietUotl tf higher Mathematics, Is quite liilwojHlojr, and will prove instructive to all who love th higher branches of mathematics, 'f j ; . V . .. A Pic Nir. The members oftne r.eti :a n greo. Lodge I. O. of O. I'., r. I this place, resolved at their last mee'.ing to hold a pic nlc, on the 4th of July next, nnd extend an invitation to the members of the Order in thin vicinity to join thorn in celebrat ing 0"r National holiday in a becoming manner. LiT of Letters remaining in the Post Office, in SsntibMiy, May 14, liiit. Miss Annie ltrirksue, w.i:. i.rigui.i 11 nry urn- tier, Oco. W. tJadwallHiler. auroine Lonin.'iny, Mrs. Cbns. Kvaus, Samuel J'.vans, .i nines a. tr- omlg, John (birrne, John tiomlcr, James Iltini- tnclbeo. David Haas, 1, K. .lolmson, vt in. Kauil man, I). J. Lewis. John Mills, L. U. Morgnurotli, Miss Mania Neidig, Vm. Newnan, Mrs. Adda Snydsr, Mr. P. J. Steine, Win. o. Kucharcc, Mrs. Alible Snyder, mish .varum smyucr, Air. Aiou.a Zwrihliu. Tersons cnllim; for advertised letters will please 6ny tla y arc advertised. a, smi 1 1 1, l . .Yl. Corscii. I'Rocr.FiiiNGS. SutJmry, May 11. 1873. Council convened at 8 o clock, Chief Burgess Mallck in the CUir. Present Messrs. J. Cadwalhider, Miller, Irwin, (J. Cadwuiladi r, Cuke, Dcwar't, Uohrbafli. DMz ami Clatk. Ah f ct Messrs. Dissinger, Suiitli, Senscnliacli and tircenough. Minutes of last iiKCtin; read and approved. As It was mulct stood t the last meeting that the subject of tho bonds would come up for dis cussion, n series of resolutions were, introduced, and therefore one of tho council moved that the resolutions lie read, ami if adopted be passed in sections. Agreed to. The resolutions thus adopted directed that bonds should fund tho debts or the borough j that any person or persons having claims against the borough should receive the amount, principal and intense in a bond or bonds, delivered lotion or them bv the Chief Burgess, mid that the coun cil plcdued tie' lniblie faith, credit and honor to tho payment of the bonds iifiicJ in liquidation of the debts of the borough. Hills read and or iers granted. 11. 15. Musscr, forelock, $t:!ii.50 j M. Koss Hemperlcy ec Co., 13 .00 ; II. ti. Thatcher, en press on bonds, .4-. i V. L. Dewart, proving bonds, C-1VI; F.ni"l Wllvert, $JJ ; Steam Fire company, V. ; J. A. Cake, SO; A. N. Bticc, 0 ; John Head, y.r.U ; J. Lyon, ?l."i , f -J.fW ; Lnthcr (iaringer, 4.47 ; C Slough, S3.C2 ; C. tiaringcr, 0, ii i A Hopper, $2.25 ; C. Keefer, .87 ; U. W. Kichl, $f. Sl-.'i B. F. Diehl, ?35-, (i. Harrison, 'J,75; Wm. Lyon, f 0.75, 4.50; Jacob Casctt, f7.00; Win. Harp, Ja.50; David Hart?., $2.02 ; G. W. Smith, 4; E. P. Starklolf, ?4 ; Samuel Neidig, fi ; Charles F. Martin, Co.lW. ;'.) ; F.. S. Gibson, &.". . On motion, It was jlrmlrfj. That an order lie drawn in favor ef the. Chief Burgess for the pur pose of paying for a pair of horses for the Fire Company, and the borough for f 55'J. Adopted. On inulinn ft committee of fjvo was appointed to slope the wall uear Shamokin dam, and re pair damages caused nj mo wash. Adjoin ue.l. P. W. OKAY, Clerk. l.A7 Aiit s S ir.Hi.Y lust tline of his toes on Mon day of hist week, on the SnnVury and Lewistow u Hailrond, and narrow ly escaped lo.-i.-.g milhlegs, by getting under the cars at Beavcrtown, Snyder county, Pa. Ditmoiifst's Monthly M iiazinf. for June is a perfect item among t lie constellation of Month lies. Our lady friends arc always most anxious to own n cop., f Demorest's they say it con tains the spirit, variety nnd excellencies of all the rest. Long live Detuorest, they say s and si) says everybody, especially w hen they get a prize in the way of'a choice of a pair of elegant Chro mes worth 10 as a premium. Titr: Turcst and Sweetest Cod-Liver Oil Is Haz ard A Caswell's, made ou the sea shore, from fresh, (selected livers, by Caswell, Hazard it Co., New York. It is absolutely pure and sweet. Patients who have once taken it prefer it to ail others. I'liy-'elain have necided it superior to auy of the other oils In mni'.ict, iu:i,T;i,4 . J. ! ?T"""i T1" 'r'3"'rj? irnunes. On the Call ull., by the Itev. K. 11. llerry. at his residence, Mr. A1.rur.11 Vami1.ini to Miss 81 san Him-, nil of Northutiihcrhind, l'a. At the M. E. parsonage. 011 the 2'Jtii of Apri', by Kcv. i. I), l'cncpaeker, Mr. Wm. Slu 1; to Miss K. J. Mu.t.ett, both of Sunbnry, l'a. At NiKlhuniberhind, May 1 lth, 1ST:!, by Kcv. A. I. Moore, Mr. J. J. 1'ai.mi:u to Mlfs mm.i.ii: t Maktin, both ot N'l.ithuinlnalaiid. In S'.nibu' y on the 1-1 1 li last., by the llev. C. II Vandiiie, Mr. Mau'iM. Walls to Miss M.miia L. daughter ol George S. Mason, all of tins place. ,xt. In Punlmrv.m the Sih inst., ClIAI'LKS W A I. LACK, youiif est eliilj of Mr. Landis t'troh, a 9 months, .m-l 0 days. .T. .1. -.1 llvli-l.-.i MXHI..Y JIARStETM. l-'lour nn3 t;i-alu .llailict. Extra Family tlJ.iio lie Wheat, p. ha., $1.80 liuckwlieat, p. it., u.OO live, Corn Men!, " a.fti) Corn. Wheat lirun, p. bu, l.'al liuekw heat Shorts, -.00 ttats, 112 lbs. Corn iVCats Chop, Flaxseed, Timothy Seed, p. b. li.O J. I'l'Odtlt-O .HiSl'lit'l. r. Potatoes, Vt?s, per do.., Ilutter, per lb., Lard, Sides, 75 Hums, IS Tallow, I ) Country Snap, l"i Dried Apple. 10 " IVaclico, -Shoulders. ihhi AbbcrtiomcnlG. ; v'. r..: IlNHulntioii .-f l'ui'tuvrnliiii.- NOTICE is hereby clven that tho cn-partner-ship heretofore existii!;; between F.. C. Han lai, 8. 11. Kothern-.'l and C. 11. Maurer, under the firm name of Maun r & t o., was on the !iaI day of March last, dU-'olvcd by mutual consent. The b uks of the said linn in tho hands of S. II. Iioiucrnicl and C. D. Mnurci- for settlement. E. C. HANN.V, S. II. KOTHERMEL, C. D. MACKElt. May 9, 1873.-31. Auilitor'M Notice, Estate of DANIEL WE1MEK, d.c'd. NOTICE is hereby giveu that an alias iippli. cation to llitf Court the undciolncd has been nppoiut-.'d auditor by the court t restate the account of Ccoifre L. Weiiner, udiuiuioirator of Daniel Weiiner, late of the borough of Nor thumberland, deceased, be hereby j-iw not lea that he will attend to the duties ot his appoint rjeut at his ol'ee iu Cilulmrv, Fa., ou SATl K DAY, the 17lli day of MAY, ak ;0 u'cloek, a. m., wheu ull peraous luu tn-lid may uttend if they see proper. L. II. KASE, Auditor. Sunbnry, Ap;!l CO, ls;u. Ut. 0 timiN V - ... mi mi if ffl II t: E H f: !. 4P 03 MM 111 $2...000 in Sl'IvJXG and SUMMER GOODS now open for inspection MJBL & y Tlie finest stock of iee Ciooils, (!itrpt-ts in A full Hosiery, Gioygs, friiiip Wltite smil Li Merchant Tailoring, THOMAS' G. I0TT, We have added Merchant Tailoring to our busmen with THOMAS (. XOTT as Cutter. complete satisfaction in tlii r,s well as in every Other department. M-44. w,(tMi "Wc keep on hand constantly, best Imported Sttvixa Machink Xiii:Di.i:s,and will lV.rwaw, il B EX. vllX fr, inidnuj i.rwt .m n Int nf i':i-,h nr-ici! iSiinrcr all kinds, and (.trover A: HaUeri uO'cts. jcr doA;n, all other kinds, 00 Sunbnry, I'a., Aynil 5, 1S7S. Chios. -.-''-- Pure Slscsnir.s Comp!c::icn. I Jt '..1 r-ir.--l" Vi-r-tibl?, and ls o-icri'.i -ri Nn-n-i sn-1 f. Itat rmeo. Itdin-eausy with t'e) t'tuslii-d Am" -ir-. a..'-u ciuseil by lii-iit, attioi-i. sii't l'-ii'iu-iii -i:t. Ji' s'.i 1 su 1 1. uii'Ve-s nil I.lotelK-fiai.d 1 1 .:.. ita-iieJim .lurk 1 ci: 1 ur.Ris'htly I'ii-.'.s. lirivciftwuy 'fmn. l-'roellles. a-j-l ' cii;- i.iiru. aud ty its ti'-utln bat jpuwiuful luUaiuio I n.-uitk's th imie.l n.v k xita ".--.-.pv.-7 )LO0 A2TD BEAUTY. -t .ml fai-.-y Stores. Depot, 1. u ilas been before tho Amoricon public tVEn THI1VI Y years. It has never yet failed to ejive pcrfoct satisfaction, and has justly boeu styled ths panaoea for all ex ternal Wounds, Cuts, Burns, Swclllntu, Spralus, Bruises, &c, Ac, for Man and Beit. Ko family should Ixi a biuub (lay, MMtl(j 9III.Mi:itV GOODS, A full line of HONNETS AND HATS, trimmed and tiutrlmmed. Flowers, R':bb.n, Collars, Cull's, Handkerchiefs, NccKtics, and (a general variety of MILLINF.UY OOOD9 selected with peat care from tho lending lm poniug houses iu New York and I'Uiladelphia, at MISS M. L. GOSSLfin, Fourth Street, below the 8. V. 11. R. Every tTort will bo mado topku thoae w io favor her with their pulrouajje. Apiil -,'('., iniH. ttiiAisi t itt iTr; 1 j an fi .- V 1 We will 1 ay ul'. ients f 10 per week iu cash, win) will entaire with us at once. Every ihiiiir fm niviliej und e.vpeini-s paid. Address, a"j,'7u.4.v, A. C'Jl'I. Tl-.il c Co., t; li.-,rloili. Me j J!-,V1 1-v ,1 ' , I'; 1 -it - I j Mr!T,lSV3. lyc.iw ;! ysC? Mil Wy? " i rv- .,;, ..'v -,..7-'-if . i r , ' ?-?, y - ,-.r. --X Ji p lii , .t : -- fei-& 34 rTwtr s,.i .-. -. -T-i : . V-i -v JtJl- 7 t' 5 IP ivi roi:?istinf.' of Linlies' Dross GooiL' litis section, in talk J rS.TJl -Li IlRtPfllH great variety and iviee, from 25 eta, upwards and complete assortment of GROCKKIES. cts. per dozen. Mile IVMoiwfs Patterns for sale. Mri.l.INF.IlT i.i)i,' l iiil 1ST.'. ST epened nn ixteusivu ;'.ssoitiii.-ut of !Jl" i STliA W, Mil I.INKUT Ar'll' FANCY C.onlJS, ' comprising the lat.-t ami mo-t attraclive style:, i selected w itli care from tin leading iinpnning li.i-ises in New VoiU and riiila.iclpli.a, a j adapted for the present season. ! IIII'.HONS AND FJ.OWEK3 iu great urii-iy, a general assorinieut of in' ; ties, uni itiietits f.n saci'ie-. '1 IJIMMINilSOF ALL KINDS. jC'eiVes, t ollirs, t'uils, and every fasli'nni.: I avli.-l,- ol ladies' wear. Call ami see the le v si vies nt Oo.-s -it miss l. fiiisH.i-:;;. i Maikel S'liiarei Saii'.-.n , . ' 11 1 1 1st::. KKI-.'VKK. '. W. i:.s:-l,i:;,. ISTow Goods! sriiiNt; axi m;:.i.ii-;k. (loods, Isotions, Fnrnisliiti" !ooils, (!nn-. ri-s. Oil t'loths, (Jlass and Xails i-fcveiy variety, at one low price, at Dry Keefer lii.ssler's Store, i Corner of Fourth and Market streets; I NIil UY, I'A. All kinds of drain taken in ; h. I all and see ns. i:i:k::: .-l-iV.'.vy. M.iv l-i. 1-.; :. vrlthout this Unlmenl. The money re funded unless the Liniment is as repre sented. Be snre nnd Ret the genuine MEXICAN MUSTANG LINIMENT. Sold by all DruRKiBts nnd Country Stores, at 25c., 60c. and J1.00 per Cottlo. Notice sty le, sine of bottle. Ac. a ki:m Aissi 11:1.1: iF.vrio. j O ie of the most iinpnrtaiit imprnvements ever perfected iu inu-ieal inst ruiiients has lately been Intro lneed by lit'o. VVo.tns A- t'o., in tlie'r ' 'Improved Parlor bipii". It onsi-ts of n pi inn ' of exip.ii-ilo iruality of tones whh-h ill never re-1 1,11'ne tuiiine. I The unstruinciit was lately introduced nt a j musical soiree in Ihtiiimnrc and ruceived the cnr-1 dial applause nnd endorsement of the many emi nent professionals present. Sco advertisement in another column. March -.J, l"7iS. Uv. Uf.l. iillOO'N & 7'!., Ht(JANei. AND THEII COMllINATION' SOLD STol'S. Thn Piano A b autil'iiily lone I piano, whieii uill iieier re-i'iiie. tuning, 'flu- 'o Hiiiutui.t A b iritiiiii- mjiii ; llol fan or lieuliilo. 'I lie .1-1 1 liue d-'iie.ile mil ir lirciilin. sl.ji. S-.-e rulvi i-ti-elnel't in aunliier Ciiilliilll. ' M u-!i -.". 1;;:. iIm . anil f-alo at the ST Ml STORK, ut very low prices. BMets, mt J , Oil Clotlis, "Window Elinds. Champion Cutter. and will guarantee r" o o o o O o o P Pi o ct- Ul t C o C-s tl zn cj CJ HI r- 1 i .-- "- iS HHt N U.K. TIDE WATF.lt CANAL i-'tuipvi ull. I ill 1 Ai-eui-l.t A UOAT,. fully order, carries 'lm. Now in tho 4 1 ruin trade, address II. II. MKAKS ,V SONS, i.ii S. Wli.uvcs, I'hil.-idclph'.a . 1 .V Is: 1. - 1