1873. mmm mm mem Enormous Stools,. Crrcatcst Variety. Xaowcst Prices. Just opened at S. HERZFELDER'S Popular Clothing Store. the lurgost stock of rvcr oflbrcd in this town. 1000 Coats, 1000 Vests, 1500 PanU, 200 Hoy's and CbiUlren's Suits, 1000 ITats nrnl Caps for men nnd boys, 0 Shirts '.KM) Linen nnd Paper Collars, 1000 Pair Linon and Paper Cuffs, 1000 Ties, Bows and Scarfs, 130 Dozen Sooks, 30 dill'orcnt styles Suspenders, 21 OVERALLS All Gauzo and Merino .Summer Underwear, Truuks, Satchels, Valises, Jewelry, Walking Canes, &c. Ewrylioily is respectfully invited to call and examine this most magnificent assort ment. No Goods misrepresented, no trouble to show Goods or to give information. The whole will be offered at Extraordinary Low Prices, and satisfaction guaranteed in every way. So Merzfelder, Corner Market and Third Streets, Sunbury, Pa. Suubury, Ta., April 12, 1S7X 1873 &s- EYRE AND LANDELL, yoURTII AM) .AKCIi STUKETS, nilLADELPHIA, ARK DAILY OPENING CHOICE NEW SPRING DRY GOODS. SILKS OF II VSON TINTS. NEW PAISLEY MIAWLS. VI. UV WIMKNDLY SHAWLS J-Ol LAK1J-S J.AKGE SI'tlT. ITfENC'in-'OULAULi CHIMZKS. PINE STOCK OP TA11LE LiXENS. NAPKINS & NEW HOUSEHOLD GOODS. N. B.-LYONS BLACK SILKS irarranffd Durable. March 15, 1S73 6w Ui tut (V o CO o C3 P g P B o o S h i vi 3 " f s h B 0 w ft 0 w 03 a d 03 d sd tri u o a o O o o c3 r Pi o rd -t-i u eQ a o B o 14 S mm ' 13 EI 3 ft 1873. vfl' Descriptions, a 1S73 O O D S . SPUING DHY GOODf. NEW COLORS STRIPE SILKS. DA1IK AKFECTS FINE SHAWLS. 'EW DRESS .GOODS OPEN. ( W. H. Blanks, j HOUSE, SIGHT, i AND i ORNAMENTAL PAINTER, ! SUNBURY, PENN'A. ' Decorating and Paper Huuglrg dono lu the Inlet improved style. Order solicited, which will receive prompt at tention. j Residence in Purdvtnwn, Etnrrick's building. J Stiiibiiry, May 11, lsrj.-tf. I.OCAI. OPTIOXT Xow ta tho time to form Your clubs. FINE OLD RYE WHISKY. Fully Four Yertrs Old. 2 1 pt r RnUon. Or, In large lxttlts. secure ly packed in ernes, $11.00 por dozen. VERY FINE PALE SAERRY, and RARE OLD PORT WINES, nt same prices. GOLD SEAL BRANDY, Very Choice. 8IS.00 the dozen. Send in your orders, it. a a. c.VAX ni:ix, I -o. 1310, CHESTNUT ST., Philadelphia. I April 19, JST3, 1 yr. i a it k vi a n k a it i. u i.vi:.rio. a kf.vi in u. inn; O ie of Mic tnott Impoitiitit improvemeuts ever perfected in mtifieal Instruuients ban lately been liilro.lucvd by Gbo. Woons Si Co., la tbelr j lmpvoved Parlor Organs. It consists of a piano 1 of ixquifltc quality of tones which will never re . quire tuning. I The iiiistrument was lately Introduced at a musii'dl Miine in Haltimorc and received theenr. dial npplansv nnd endorsement of Hie many emi nent professionals present. See advertisement iu another column. March ."., 1S73. flw. .Volloe to Tnx-pitsvrM. VPPEALS will beheld In the Commissioners' Oiliee, ou the fullowlug tlavs, for the follow. Ing town. hl s nnd l oroughs, vis i April lidth, Cniucrou, Mt.C'armel Borough, Little Muhanoy, Mount Caruiel and Owl townships. 29th, McEweiisville, Tnrbutville, Lewis, Point aud WaUontown. " SOtb, Upper Mahnnoy. Washington, Jack son, Jordan, Zctbe aud Lower Maha noy. May 1st, Upper AugnHa.Lower Auirustn.Shanio kiu, Rush, Riverside and Snvderlown. ' 8J, Delaware, Turbut, Milton, Chllluqua- que and Northumberland. " 3d, Sunbury and bhamnkio Bnrourhs. JACOB HUNS1CKER. Attest: AMOSVASTINE, P. W. Giuv. J. (J. DURHAM, Commit, loiu'rs. Sunbury, April 11th, '73. It. Sl'KIXG OPK.MXO of GOODS AND NOTIONS. LRY Cloths, Cttssimeres, Calico, and everything iu tbe Dry flood line, CARPETS AND OIL CLOTHS. Queenswure, Ulutswarc, and Wood and Willow ware. GROCERIES. A large assortment Just opened, which consists of 'feu, Coffee, Sugar, Molasses, Spices, Meal, Fish, Ac. The Celebrated Alleulowo hand made BOOTS AND SHOES. Warranted to give satisfaction. In fact a full asson meut ol ererytl.ing kept in a Brtl-cJaea store, ran be hud at greatly REDUCED PRICES, for cash. Call and see (he tins selection of new Koods, und be convinced that F. J. Bl'ROD'S, near the Lutharn Church, In Sunbury, Is the best and cheapest place lo buy all kinds or store good. N'a trouble to show cool. Ap it ., OMITS, Mertismtnts. easaw on pellets: OQO' o o o Or Sugar-Coated, Concentrated, Hott and Herbal Julee, Anti-Billon Crannies. THE "L1TTLH GIANT' CATHARTIC, or naltnm In.Parro Physic. The novelty of modern Medical. Chemical and Phar maceutical Science. No nso ol ny longer taking tha large, repulsive and nauseous piHs, composed of cheap, crude, and bulky Ingredients, when we can by, a careful application of chemical science, extract all tha cathartic and other medicinal properties from the moot valuable roota and herb", nnd conccnlrnte them Into a minute Orannlo, scarcely I (trier tlinn a. milliard oed , that can be readily swallowed by thosa of tin! most sensitive Homnr.hu and fastidious fatten. Karhllnle Pnrantlro Ielletrcprcciits, In a most concentrated form, as much cathartic power as la emhodlcil In buy of the largo pills found lor sale in the drug 'hop. From their wonderful ratbarlie power, in proportion to their size, people who have lint tried tliem are not to suppose that they are harsh or drastic In effort, out such is not at all the co, the dinercnt active medicinal principles of which they are composed being so harmonised aud randlOed, ono by the othera, as to priHlnre a en oat aearr hlnp; and ihoromh, vet gently" and kindly opvrn. tin. eatbartic. $5(K) Reward Is herehy onVrod by the proprto tor of these Pellets, lo any chemist woo, upon an alysis, will find in them any Calomel or othwr furina of mercury or any other mineral poison. lie I off entirely vegetable, no partlcn.or care la required while nsiug them. They operate without disturbance to Uie eonstltntlon. diet, or oc cupation. For Jnniidlcr, If ratine lie. Con allnatlon, lmpiiro Blood, Pain III tlie Miouldera, 'I lhtiieeiof the C Ileal, xlueitn. Sour Kructatloiiv of the stoiu. ach. Bad taste In mouilt, Uilloue attack. Palu tn rcilen of Kldncya, Internal Fever, nioutcd fct-lluer about Mo.nar li, Huah of Blood to Mead, Mich Colored t rine, t naoelubllliy and (ilnomy Foreboding", take Br. Flrrce'a Ploaennt Pnrarattve Prllcta. In explnnn 1 Ion of the remedial power of my Purcatlve I ellets over so great a variety of diseases, I within sny thut their action npott tho niilmnl eruno. lay la mil versml, not u eland or liaano .(In. their HHiiatiTO Ininrcsx. Airs loe! not impair thom; their sntrar-roMirigniid hcluif COCIOSCa in INS?. QOIIIPS preserve uiur tmihh uiiinf nr paired lor any icngtii 01 lime, in any ennuue, eo ti i her are ahvavs trceh and reliable, which la not tha with the Dilln fuund in thedrar stores, pot up in cheap wood or paste-board boics. Kocollcet that for all diseases where Laxative, Alterative or Pnrcative la Indicated, theso little rsliets will jrive the most perfect satisfaction toall wbouse them. Thrt are aold br all cittorprlsluai Drugfleta at its cents a bottle. J Do sot allow any drucrst to Induce yon la take anything else that I may say is Just as good as hit Pellets becauat ne makes a larger profit on that which he recommends. If your dmeglst cannot supply them, enclose 85 centa aitd ruceivo them by return snail from Jt, V. FIERCE, X. It., rrop-r, BUFFALO. N. Y. May 4, 18T2- Til 13 NEW DISCOVERY la Chemical and medical Science. Dr. OAHVIX'S TAIt REMEDIES Cue Incipient Conanmption. lr. OAItVIX'S TAIt RX.YIEDIES Cure Catarrh. Dr. GARVIX'S TAIt REMEDIES Cure AMhma. Dr. CiARVIVS TaR REMEDIES Cure Heart DiscuNC. Dr. OARVI VS TAIt HEflEWEfl Cure Skin Diseases. Dr. OARVI VS TAIt REMEDIES Itrgulate tlio I.ivcr. Dr. OARVI VS TAR REMEDIES KcjruUto thcStomarliand Bowels Dr. OARVIVA TAR REMEDIES Curo all Female Wenknesses. Dr. OARVIVS TAR REMEDIES rurifv tha Rlood. Dr. OARVIVS TAIt REMEDIES Curo Diseases of the Throat. Dr. OARVIVS TAIt REMEDIES Cure Bronchitis. Dr. OARVIVS TAIt REMEDIES Core "Rose Coldor'IIayFever". Dr. OARVIVS TAIt REMEDIES Cure Lang Diseases. Dr. OARVIVS TAR REMEDIES Cure Constipation. Dr. OARVIVS TAR REMEDIES Cure Salt Rheum.' Dr. OARVIVS TAR REMEDIES Curo Kidney Diseases. Dr. OARVIVS TAR REMEDIES Trcveut Cholera & Yellow Fe.ver Dr. OARVIVS TAIt REMEDIES rrcv. nl Malarious Fevers. Dr. OARVIVS TAIt REMEDIES r Remove Pain in the Breast. Dr. OARVIVS TAIt REMEDIES Remove Pain in the Side or Back. Dr. OARVIVS TAR REMEDIES Are a Superior Tonic. Dr. OARVIVS TAR REMEDIES Restore tho Appetite. Dr. OARVIVS TAIt REMEDIES Cause the Food to Digest. 7 Dr. OARVIVS TAIt REMEDIES Restore the Weak and Debilitated Dr. OARVIVS TAR REMEDIES Give Tone to Your System. Is. r. HYDE fc CO., SOLB PHOPHIHTOHa, 195 Seventh Ave., Ifew York, December iil, leii.. lj GET THE BEST. Yebater'H Fnnbrldgcd Dictionary. 10,000 H'orcb and .V.anioi not in uthtr Diction arit: 3000 Engravings s 1840 Pag"S Quarto. Price 13. Whenever I wish to obtain exact deflnitious, I consult It. Schuyler Colfax. J.very Scholar knows its value. It W, II. Prescot the Historian. 1 1 een one of my daily companions. X John L. Motley, the Historian, Ac Qo far as 1 know, best deliulug Dictionary. O Horace Munn. rilhe best guide of students of our Lnnguntro. X. John G. Whittier. Jjicels all olbsrs In defining sclent'fic terms. li (President Hitchcock. Kotnarkable compendium of human knowledge IW. S. Clark, Prea'l Ag. College A necessity for every intelligent family, stu deut, teacher and professional man. What Li brary U complete without the beat English Dic tionary. ALSO WrasTaVs Natiokal Pictomial Dictiohav. 1040 Pages OcUvo. GoO Eugraviuga. Price t5. Tha work Is really a gem of a Dictionary, Just tho thing for the million Anuriea idutatioiiat Monthly. Published b Q. C. MERRIAH, Springfield, Mass. Sold hv all Booksellers. m a, am i 1 X ! S h0Et, ost v NTOVK A TIM FSTARMSIIMEMT. MARKET STREET, SUNBURY, PA. ALFRED KrTuSE, Proprietor. ' SVCCKMOft TO SMITH OZWTHEH. J HAVING purctiaoed the nbovewell known e tiilillehmenl, Mr. Krnnne would re)H'Ctfnl ly Inlurm the public that ha now has on hand a lingo nsaortment of COOKING RTUVES, Ppeer's Cook Anti-Duet, Repolotor or Revolvlni; Top, Combination, Snsqnchauna and otbera, which are ao arranged to be used for Conl or Wood, nnd are warranted to perform satlefiictori ty or no enle. II EATERS of nil kinds put np to bent one or more moms. HKATINQ STl'YES of rtillcrcut kinda nt very low prices. Tinware of Every Ocmcrtptloii kept oon8Urit.lv on hand. Kooflnfr and Spouting with the beet iiiatorlal, done nt short notice. REPA1RINO nttended to with dispatch. Conl Oil and Lamps constantly on hand. Japan waro of a x.nd.i. (Store opposite Conlcy's linrdwnre store. Give me a call. A. KRAU8E. npl24-ly M'HIBF.R AMI II.AI.. .MILES. Thktt Street, adjoining Phlla. A Erie R. R., two frimire North of the Central Hotel, CNBl'RY, PA. IRA T. CLEMEXT, 13 prepared to furnlBh every description oflam-bt-r required by the demn'mls of the public. HavlnR all the lntest Improved machinery for mnnmaeiuring gunner, ne is now ready to till or ders l all kinds of FLOORING, SIDINO, DOORS SHUTTERS, SASH, BLINDS MOl'LDI.VCH, VE RANDAS, BRACKETS, and all kinds of Ornamental ScrowlWorW. Turn ing of every description promptly vxrentrd. Also, A tJtNOX ASSORTMENT OF BILL LUMBER. HEMLOCK and PINE. Also, Shingles, Pickets, l.ntbe, ore. Orders promptly filled, and shYped oy Rnllroad or otherwise. ika T. U.KHCM T. decl0-fi8:ly Mt lllK NIIOI' AXDIKoV FOIXWUY. GEO. BOIIRBACII & HONS, Snnbury, Pcnn's, . TNFOIIM the public tltnt they nro prepared vo g llo n kinds of CASTIN(J8, nnd liuvinu added I n new .Machine hltnp in eonncctinti with their Fouudry. and have supplied themselves with New I Lathes. Plnuins and ilorinc; Mncliltii-., with the j lulol itnptovciiients. With the aid of skillful I mechanics, they lire enabled to execute all orders ! of NEW WORK OR RF.l'AIRING, that may be given, them, In a eatinfiictory man ner. I (JratrN to Knit an; Ntove. i IRON COLUMNS, for churches or other build Ines, of nil sizes. BRASS CASTlNtiB, Ac. Ornamental Iron 'Fencing FOR GRAVE YARD LOTS j VERANDAHS, FOIt YARDS AT UEMDEXCKfl, AC, 1C, The PLOWS, already rclehratcd fur their su periority, have been still further Improved, and will always be kept on hn'td. Also. TUKEPHINU MACHINES. Sunbury, May 20, 1S71. j CHRISTIAN NEFF, I Second Street, opposite the Court House, SUN- i BURY, PA., Respectfully invites the attention of Retailers : and ot Iters, that he has on hand, and will con- stantly keep all kiutls of I FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC LIQUORS, Consisting of Pure Braudiest Coguhtc, Cherry, I Glntrer, Rocbcllcand Otard. j Whlrklcs: Pure Rye Coppcr-Olstir.ed, Monnn- gnhula, Apple a"-1 v.-.. I ft'IlC HOLLAND GIN ! j Wines: Champagne Wine, Sherrv, Port and , Claret. ! Crab Cider, Champagne Cider, N. F.. Rum, Brown 8tont ond Scotch Ale. STOMACH AND BAR BITTERS, And all others Liquors which can be found in the city markets, which w ill be sold ut Whole sale and Retail. Every article guaranteed as j represented. Also, a large lot of DEMIJOHNS I and BOTTLES, always ou hand. I tT" Orders promptlj attended to, nnd public patronage respectfully solicited ! ' 1 NF.FF. i Snnbury, July ISO!). ly. i SIMUKY .MAKIII.E YAllIl, ' Fonrth Sire et below Market, S SUNBURY, PENN'A. ; r"MIE undersigned lias returned from the Ver- T A. mont Marble Quarries with 50 Tons of Marble for Monuiuruls, OravcStones, &;., Ac. He has bought ut such figures that will allow him to sell better stone, fur less mouey, than heretofore. The best Sutherland Fall Marble, which Is better than Italian. Rutland is now sold as low as (he Manchester. Those who need anything in the Marble Due, for Mouiinienls, Grave-Stones, or other purposes, will find it to their Interest to call aud examine this laricc stock, as better bargains can be secur ed than buying from parties 'huckstering' round the country. All lettering will be doue iu the neatest aud ruoU Improved stvle. ' W. M. DAl'tlliERTT. Sunbury, Jan. 11, 1673. mm book: AGENTS run TUC FUNNY SIDE S PHYSIO. HOO Pugca, 250 Kugrav lugs. A startling expose of Medical Humbugs of the past nud present. It ventilates Quack, Impos tors, Travelling Doctors, Patent Medicine. Veu ders. Noted Female Cheats, Fortune Tellers aud Mediums, and gives Interesting account, of Not ed Physlclai.s, and Narrative, of their lives. It reveals startling secrets, und instructs all how to avoid the Ills which flesh is belr to. e give ex clusive territory Hud liberal commissions. For circulars and terms addicBi the publishers, J. B. BURR A HYDE, Hatt fur J, Connecticut, or Chicago, Illinois. AGENTS WANTED FOR TIIE Uncivilized Rucea of Men In all Couutrlci of the World, Being a comprehensive account of their manners and custom, and of their physical, social, mental, moral and religious characteristics. Jiy Ilcu.J. 0. WOOD, M. A., K I. S. SCO Engravings. ISOO Super Royal Octavo Pages. Iu two Volumes, or two Volumes iu cue. Agents are making over f 100 per week In tell ing this work. Au early uppleutlnu will secures choice of territory, for terms address the pub lishers, J. 1). HUIU: A HYDE, Hartford, Couu., or Chicago, 111, March 33. 1873 -Ct. Tailoring! Tailoring!! CHARLES MAIHL, RESPECTFULLY informs the citlteus that bo has Just received bis Spring and Summer Goods, at his TAILOR SHOP, no Fourth Street, below Market, In the Mullen building, and that he is prepared to make up all Unas 01 OEVTN A.M BOY'S SI ITS, in the-latest styles. Having bad roach exper ience In the business he desires the public to give blm a trial. Clothing will be made np In the latest Palis and American Fashions iu ths most satisfactory manner. al3,'73. CHARLES MAIHL, OF.O. WOOD'S A CD'S., OROANS. AND THEIR COMBINATION SOLD STOPS. Tbs Piano A beautifully toned piano, which will never require tuning. Tbe Vox Humana A baritone solo t not fan or tremolo. Tbe ito- line delicate soft or breathing stop. Bee adver ttscruenl in another column. March 29, lT36w, ; W. t. MELICK, Druggist and Apothecary, (Successor to Dr. W. W. Moody,) At the old established stand ou 1 Market Square, KVKIIURY, VA. Keeps eonttantly on hand a full stock of well selected DRUGS & OHEIOALS, Druggists Fancy Goods, COMBS, BRUSnES, TERFUMKRY, PATENTMEDICINES, OILS, PAINTS GLASS, PUTTY, VARMINII, OlENTUrrs, In fact everything nsnnlly kept Id a well con ducted DRUG STORE. Particular attention paid to compounding Phv slcinns prescriptions and family receipts by the Proprlator himself. Sunbury, Pa., June 8, 1873. LADIKK' FANCY COOD.H FALL STYLES AT Miss Kate Black, Market Square Sunbury, Pa., BLACK DRESS SILKS, Plaid and Plain Poplins, Worsted and F.mbrol erles, Worsterd Sacks and Shawls for Ladies nnd Children. All kinds of LADIES' WOOLEN GOODS. A general assortment of White Goods, Dress Trimmings, Laces, Ac. A general variety of Gloves, Handkerchiefs, Uose for ladles and gen tlemen. TOILET SOAPS AND PERFUMERY. Everybody is Invited lo call and see them and bay'rncap. A. M. MEIXELL, riit.nn in American nnd Enropoau WATflli:?. FINE JEWELRY nd SILVERWARE. Pf rfvcteil Npretu-lc nnd r.ye ;iuMNrN. GOLD HEADED CANES. Watches and Jewelry nently repaired and war ranted. Market Spinre, SUNBURY, Pa. Feb. ,t. l7Z.-tf. i'r Sale. V VALUABLE FARM HOUSE AND TWO FRESH MILCH COWS nro offered nt private sale, on reasonable terms. For particu In. s call on tiie subscriber, in Upper Augusta township, on the farm known :isitho James Cuinpbell Farm. fe'J--4t B. FltARNIIAKT WANTED. We will give Men and Women BUSINESS THAT WILL PAY from $4 lo fs. per day. can be pursued In your own neighborhood ; It Is n rare chuntc fur tlmsa cut of employment or having !el?tire time ; iiirls and bovs frcqtienllv do as well us tncu. Parti culars free. Address J. LATHAM A CO., o'.W Wa.-hltigtou St., Boston, Mass. T -Ct. I'.atate oi siiuiiki TimitiitT, uee u. .TOTICE Is hereby given that Letters of Ad ministration having been granted to the un dersigned, on the estate of Samuel Thatcher, late of Point tos'usiiip, NntthunihiTlutiil ri.unty. Pa., deceased. All persons indebted lo sai l estate are requested to make, immediate payment, and those having claims to present them for scttle- ! ment. WILLIAM REED, Adtn'r. Point township, March 22, 1S73. fit, M:W TOIIAK O AM NCOAIt, l) US II STOIIK. I South side of Maikct street between 3d and 4lh SUNBURY, PA. Just opened, an entire new stock of ii!l kinds of ! TOBACCO AND SP. AHS. i j Segars of every grade. lobacco ol every vane'y. Pipes, both plain and t'ar.ty. BRUSHES ! BRUSHES! ! BRUSHES ! ! ! A large assortment of Brushes direct fiom the manufacturer at greatly reduced prices. His line of brushes are a specialty and many new kinds never before introduced into this maiket. Also, Paper Collars and Culls in great variety. A nirirc assortment of all the popular Songs of the day. Call and examine my goods and get a llt of prices. HENRY PETERY. Novembers, 1872 lv 1307. RIGHTER & GASKILL, 1307. DF.ALEKS IK American anl Freacli WidSow Glass, Crystal Sheet, Rough rinte, Colored, Ensrueltd and Ornanientil Ol.iss, 1307 Market Street, Philadelphia. January 11, 1873. ly. vj-s s viib.i.wii wsaww TRADE MARK PUNCH CIGARS. NOW Retter than any ever made by tbem. See that tha boxes are branded PECl MAR R. H. PI XC II. Wholesale Depot 330 NORTH THIRD STREET, Branch 23 North 2d St., Branch 837 Chestnut St., (Opposite "CONTINENTAL.") PHILADELPHIA. -Amos. March 1, 1873.- BUTCHERY! UUTClIEliY! Meaara. KEFFEW t ROWER, Third Street, opposite Central Hotel, SUNBURY, PA., fEEP constantly on hand the very choicest XV of fresh REEF, MCTTOX AXIS VEAL, which Is sold at the lowest prices. Msat can be had at all hours duriug the day. Sunbury, Pa., June 8, 1873. REALTY AX THE FIRESIDE Unabated success of CRUMBS OF COMFORT. Eli-Kant I Gorgeous I Brilliant I Crumb of Comfort, the greatest suc cess of the age. Crumb of Comfort, the pride of tbe kitchen and parlor. Thousand of ladies attest ita worth, and unhesitatingly pronounce it lbs Queen of Lustres. The press universally praise It and proclaim it woman'a every day friend. Economical, Lasting, Unapproachable. Price 10 eenls. Ladies will find Crnmb of Comfort for sale by all tlrat-elat grocers, hard ware dealers, country store keeper,Ao.,lh,'ough out tbe United States aud Cunadas. il. A-Baut-lstt A Co., Manufacturers Bartletl'e Blacking, Pearl Blue, etc., Ac., US, 116, UT No. Front St., Philadelphia, 146 Chambers St., New York, 48 B"sad ,1., I).' on. ell,'71.4w cto bberlismctrls. - " CBNTliK et;"ATTItAciloSi7 Everybody le Invited lo come And buy of the handsome assortment of TOYS AND CONFECTIONERIES at SAMUEL F. NBVIN'S STORE, In frame building, adjoining Moors ol Dlsslnger's buildlug, THIRD STREET, SUNBURY, PA. Just opened a fresh supply of Confectioneries of every description. TOYS OF ALL KINDS constantly on hand. Tha bet RAISINS, FIGS, CURRANTS DRIED FRUIT. TURE RIO COFFEE, TEA & SFICES, fresh Bread, Buns & Cakes, every morning. FANCY CAKES, BISCUITS, CRACKERS, ic. OYSTERS I OYSTERS t OYSTERS ! Having fitted np a room expressly for serving up uysters in every styte, i.unioi ana ucmiemcu will be accommodated with the hart bivalves in market, at all hoars during tho day and evening. Families will be supplied at their residence, wit h the best Shell or Canned Oysters, us Is desirable, at the very lowest prices. Call and sec my excellent assortment of goods nnd ascertain the prices. S. F.NEV1N. Dec. 16, 1871. NEW DRUC STORE, No. 13, South Third Street, Clement House BjiiE Siliiry, Pa. BR. C. M. MARTIN & CO. "TTTE are now opening an entirely new stock r or DRUGS AND MEDICINES, and are prepared to supply any article in our lino tunt m be called for, we nave also n full stock of all the lending Patent Medicines. Finn Perfu mery and 1 oliet Articles a sociality, a run as sortment of Hair, Tooth, Nail, bhoe and other Brushes, Dressing nnd other Combs iu great variety. FIXi; TOII.KT KOAPN, a full Hue Conking Extracts, French Mustard, Choice 8iecs, Pepper whole or ground, Cnstile and Laundry Soaps, Lamp Chimners aud Lamp Goods generally. Bird Seed In large or small I quantities, ) CARPENTER'S CHALK, i fill stock Fluid and Solid Extract. Elixrrs and Pills of t". 8- P.. Sngur Coated, Strengthening, I Arnica, Porous, Poor Man's nnd other Plasters, AVer's, Wright's, Schenk's Mandrake, McLnue's l.fvcr and other Pills, our stock embraces every ! thing found In a well conducted Drinr Store. Country Physicians will Hud our stock full and I complete, and wc guarantee to tell as low as the ' same article can be bought In Philadelphia, choice Wines, Whiskey aud Brandy for Mrdlcin i ill purposes, i October 5, 1872. Muuliood i- How I.onI, How IU'nlor ed t I VTPSc.Jnst published, a new edition of Dr. I fcilf CULVERWELIS CEI.EllKATLl) F.SSAY on the radical rule (without mcdirlue) of SPERMATORRHEA, or Semlnul Weakness, Involuntary Seminal Losses, I M l'tIENCY , Mental and Physical Incapacity, Impcdimcnti to Marriage, etc. j also. Consumption, Epilepsy, and Fits, Induced by sclf-iiidtilgi'iicc or sexual i extrnvntrance. I Price, iu a sealed envelope, only o cents. The cch brntud author, in this admirable rs- 1 snv, clearlv demonstrates, from u thirty vrniV I successful practice, that the alarming consc ; i unices of sclf-nbiisc may be ra.lically cured without the dyt'cerous use of inti.rnal medicine or Hie a) plication of the knife ; pointing out ', mode of cure nt om n simple, certain, and ctlec- tual, by means of which every snllercr. no nut' j tcr what his condition may he, may cure himself cheaply, privately and radicalls. 1 i t-jr"rhi Lcaturc should be in the biitids of I ' every youth and evmy man in the Intnl. I CH'IH, uiiJi;i e.il, in u pl:iitl envelope, to ntiy ' address, postpaid, on rccei I of six cciiin, c r two postaire stamps. Also, Dr. Cttlvei wc!:'s Marriage Gui le,' j ' price rjO resits. Address the Publishers, t HAS. .1. C h I.I N K iV t().. : I'. O. Box, 4..HW1. 1UJ Uowciy, New Ynik Alril 27. 17C. WIMIAKT'S PIXE TREE TAR ( OltRIAE. yATVllE'S GREAT REMEDY FOIt THE THROAT AND LUNGS. I It Is gratifyingto us to Inform the public that Dr. L. Q. C. Wlflmrl'a Pine Tree Tar Cordial, for Throat and Lung Diseases, has gained nn en viable reputation from the Atlantic to tin' Paei- 1 An O...I ft',,,.. tt,,,.,,.. ....,.,., r,r tlx, llf.t . !,,', , ... , families of Europe, not through the press alone, but by persons throughout the States actually I benefitted and cured at bis office. While he pub lishes less, so suy our reporters, he is unable to ; supply the demand. It gains und holds Its repu- lotion I First. Not by stopping cough, but by 'oosen- 'BD'l assisting nature to throw off the nn- neaii ny mauer conecieu nnoui iiie inroiu una bronchial tudes. which causes Irritation. Second. It removes the cause of Irritation (which produces cough) of the uuicnous mem brane and bronchial tubes, assists the lungs to act and throw off the unhealthy secretions, nud I purifies the b!ol. j Third. It is free from squills, lobelia, ipcc.as I ond opium, of wlsieu most throat and lung re-j medics are composed, which ulluy cough only,) and disorganize the stomach. It has a soothing j effect on the stomach, sets on ths liver and kid neys, and lymphatic and nervous regions, thus reaching lo every part of the system, and In its i invigorating and purifying effects it has gained a reputation which It must hold above nil others lu the market. I XOTICE. TIIE PIN 12 TREE TAR CORDIAL, Oreat American Ryapepala Pilla WOHil SUGAR DROPS Being under my Immediate direction, tiny shall not loose their curative qualities by the. use of cheap and impure articles. II E IV R Y R . W I S II A R T , PUOPRllTOB. FREE OF CHARGE. Dr, L. Q. C. WUhart's Office Parlors are open on Mondays, Tuesday and Wednesdays from 9 A. M., to 6 P. M., for eousultntlou by Dr. Win. T. Mages. With him are associated two con sulting physicians of acknowledged ability. This opportunity Is not offered by any Institution lo the city. AU letter must be addreaaed i E. Q. C. WISH ART, M. ., NO. S3, N. SECOND ST., PHILADELPHIA. November Hi, 187) aios ijnlIroa a. RKADI.VU RAILItOAD. WINTjEIl ARRANGEMENTS, MOSDAT, DCCTJIMEa 2nd, Trains Uwve narrlsbarg for New Term s U, lowsi nt 5.00 and M0, a. in., nnd 8.00, p. m.. connecting with trnlne on Pennsylvania Rail road, ond arriving at .Jew York at 12.85, V.fa and 9.45 p. m., respectively. ,,luni,li'2'T 1 L"lT Ne York at 9.00 n. m. 13.50 and 9.80 p. m., Philadelphia at 7.U0, 8.45 a. m., and 8.80 p. in. Leave Han Isburg for Roadinir, Potuvitle, Tamaqua, Mlneravllle, Ashland. Sluimoktn, All lentownand Phlladclohla nt 6.80 end 8 10 a m 8.00 and 4 05 p. m., Mopplne; at Lebanon and principal way stations j tbe 4.05 p. m., train con necting foy Philadelphia. Potlsvllle and Coluin bin only. For Poltsvllle. Schuylkill naven nnd Auburn, via Schuylkill and Susquehanna Rail road leave Hurrisburg at 8.40 p. m. East Pennsylvania Railroad trains leave Rend lne for Allentown, Eaiton nnd New l'ork at 7.30 and 10.35 . in., and 4.00 p. m. Returning, leave New York at 9.00 a. in., 12.50 and 6.80 pi m.. and Allentcwu at 7.i a. in., ia.S5, 8.10, 4.85 sod S. 65 p. in. Why Passenger Train k-aves Philadelphia nt 7.A) a. m., connecting at Rending with train on East iVntia. Railroad, rvturuiug loaves Potts vlllc nt4.35 p. m., stopping at nil stations. Leave PottsvUle at 6.00, 8.06 and 9.10 a. m and S.30 p. m., Herndon at 10.00 a. i., Phnmo kinnte.OOnnd 11.08 u. m., Ashland at 7.18 a. m., and 13.30 p. in., Muhanoy City at 7.53 ntid 12.54 p. m., Tu.uaqiia at 8.B5 a. m., nnd 2.10 p. in., for Philadelph a, New York, Bonding, Har risburg, Ac. Leave Pottsvllle via Behtivlkll! and Btisquo hanna Railroad nt 8.05 a. m., for Harrlsburg, nnd 11.45 a. ro., for Pinegrove and Treiuont. Pottsville Accommodation Train leaves INKti ville at 0.00 a. la., passes Rending at 7.40 a. m., arriving at Philadelphia et 10.16 a. m. Retuin Ing leaves Philadelphia et 4.45 p. in., jm.s, Rending ut 7.15 p. in., arriving nt Pottsville at 0.00 p. m. Pottstown Accommodation Tra'lu leaves rotts town at 6. 45 a. m., rettiminif, leaves Philadel phia (Ninth and Green,) at 4.30 p. m. Columbia Railroad Trains leave Reading nt ..tfj a. m-,and 0.15 p.m., for Ephrastit, I.it'.z, LnucaBter, Columbia, Ac. i rclurning leave Lan caster ntS.'JO a. in., and 3.30 p. in., and Coluui bia nt 8.15 a. in., and .1.20 p. ui. Peiklomen Railroad trains lanvo Perklotneii Junction nt 7.35 and 9.(10 a. m.. y.55 and 6.4t) p. m. s returning, leave t;r?er l.ano nt 0.15 n. m.. 12.35 ami 4.ai p. m., coniiciting with trains tit Reading Railroad. Pickering Valley Railroad trains leave Phcr--uixvtlle at 0.10 a. in.. ."I.lo.iiid 5.50 p. m. ; rctu ti ing, leave By era nt f..K5 a. in,. 12.45 and 4.&I p m., cotinrr-ting with trains on krading Viailioul. Cnlelirookdale Railroad trains leave Pottstown at 9.40 a. in. and 1.80. 0.26 and 7.15 p. in., re turning leave Mount Pleasant nt O.tiO. b.Uti und 11.25 a. in. and 3.00 p. m., ronuecting with Indus on Reading Railroad. Chest.-r Valley Railroad trains leavu BriJ,'s rort nt 8.30 a. n. 2.40 und 5.SI3 p. in., returning, leave Downiuctown nt h. in., 12.311 und .. p. in., rouuectlng aithtnrins on Readitnr Rail- J road, , Ou Sundays : leave New York nt 5. 30 n. in.. Philadelphia ol S.fX) a. hi. ami 8.15 p. m., (the S.oOa. m. train running only to Heeding.) leave Pottsville nt 8.00 n. m., leave llnrrisbuig t ,.;.) a. m. nnd 2.00 p. m. : leave Allstito'vn at K .',5 p. in. ; leave Reading at 7.l.'n. m. and 10.15 p. ui. for Ilarrislrirg, at 7.110 a. m. for New Yoik, and ut 0.40 n. m. and 4.15 p. in. for Philadelphia. Commutation, Mileaue, Season, School and Excursion Tickets, to and from nil points, at re duce I rates. Baggage chef V.eJ thrc.tti.-ti ; 100 lH)tinilsa!:ut4 i noelt P.iseiigi:r. . i KrAtuv'i, Pa., .7. P. WOOTTEN. .i'rUt. Kuj4. it- K.vj. ifarb'ry. Dvectnler 2, lSTU. orthern Central Railway. " INTER A RK A Nt; EM I.NT. ON una nftcr flct. 27, 1T2, trnins will run as ' "if : NORTH WARD. i Nii r:ira Express leaves Sunbury nt 1? 4 ) p. j m., for Niagara Fall. si a u arrives in 1iniiuiv at. 4. in p. m. i at Williatuspoit C.20 and I'.linira 10.l p. an i-e ra-ti.ir.e arrives ::t Mun'.ury ;it ..Vj I'- i arrive ut v nlinmport S.1!.'. p. p.. Erie Mai! leaves S.inbtuy ut fi.riO a m : Wll I llamsport at 8.40 a m, iiml arrlu-. i;t Eknirti jl j 12.40 p m. I POVTHWARD. i Mail le.tves Sunbury at II. ''5 a. m., nr;ive i t ; Ilayrishurg 1.45 p. nt., H iltitnori P,.:io p. in. ! E:ie l'.x press UaVcs Suii'mrv at 0.41 i. in., nr. 'rive at Harrlsburg ll-3'la. in., M.iU'tiore 3isi ; p. m. j Eric Mail leave Sutibiirv at 15.. "Hi a. :n.. r.r: i l ir.irrisliari 2.4") a. in., Baltimore S. I.i a. :n. Niagara Expresa leaves nubt:rv at S.lsi p r.i, Han -isliurg nt 1D.4H p m, arrives m 'll.iltiinori. 2. ', ", i a in. ! SHAMOKIN DIVISION. I F.AhTW I till. Leave Siinhury nt 4.40 p. in., arilve ut Shumn kin 5.i0 p. m., Mt. Carniel 0.30 p. iu. Leave Sunbury (Accommodation,) at 12.33 p. in., arrive tit Sliamokin 1.35 p. iu. wr.siw.thii. ! Leae Mt. Oirm.-I at 7.40 a. m., Mian.ol.ln a m ,irriTr al s,,,,!,,,, , 0.2;, K. m. Leave Slinniokin ( Ascnnnodation,) m 2.45 p. m., arrive at Sunbury 8.55 p. m. Express leaves dailv. Ail other trains leave dully, eve j t Sumlavs. A. It. Fiski:. Fn. S. Yi.trst.; (icn'l. Mtp't., fletl'l Passeli'r Ag't.. Harrisburg, Pa. Bal more, Md Philadelphia nnd Trie Kailroiid. SUMMER TIME TARLI2. On and after Sunday, Oct. 7th. 1S7'J, the Train, on the Piiilti.lclpliiu A Erie Rait Road run as follows : WESTWARD. Mail Tram leave Philadelphia, Sunbniy, " " nrrntErie, Erie Express leaves Philadelphia, " " " Suubury, " " an at Erie, Elmiia Mall leaves Philadelphia, " " " Stiuhun, " " arr ut Lock ll'avcn, Niagara Express leaves Philadelphia, " " " buuhurv, " " arr at Rcuovo," EASTWARD. 11.41 p m b.:;n u rr 7. .VI p ir 12.4(1 p m 7.01 p in 7.45 a m H.ntl a iu 4.30 p m 7.15 p in 7.3s a in 12.40 p in 4.35 u lu Mali Train leaves Erie, " " " Snubtiry, " " arr at Philadelphia. Erie Express leases Erie, " " " Sunburr, " arr st Philadelphia, Eluiira Mall leaves Lock Haven, " " " Sunburr, " arr tit Philadelphia, Niagara Express leaves Renovo, " ' " Sunhiiry, " ' arr nt Philadelphia, 11.35 u in 12.45 a in 11.55 u m 9.t5 p m 0.35 h ui 8. 3H p m 7.45 a ui 1 1.00 a in H.OO p m 3.25 p m 7. OS p 111 2. SO a in Mall Fast connects east and west at Erie itli L. S. A M. 8. R. W. and at Irvinetou with Oil Creek and Allegheny R. R. W. Niagara Exorot aud Erie Express East, and Erie Mail, Niagara Express and Eluiira Mail West, connect nt Wllllainsport with trains iroiti" I north ou the Klmlra and Canntnliiigua division i of the N. C. R. K. I Catwlsa passenger trains will he run east and west from Vwiliumsponon Elmiia Mail. KM. A. BALDWIN, Gen'l Sup't. Danville, llacletou A Wilkeabarro R. R. Peuua. R, R. Co. Leasee. SUMMER ARRANGEMENT. On aud after this dale Passenger train on the I)., II. A W. R. R. w.ll run us follow, i WESTWARD. EASTWARD. LIAVE. A.M.' I.FAVf. A.M. Nsw York, 6:00 Snnburv, 6.20 Philadelphia, 8:(hi Danville, 7:im Fa. ton, 9:25 Cnltawis.a, 7:2H Bethlehem, 10:05 Jlat'.clon, 9:08 r. w. t: m. Hazletoa, 1:00 Beth'i hein, 12:10 Cultawissa, 8:40 Easton, 12:35 Danville, 3:20 Phllailelphla, 3:15 Sunbury, arrive 8:57 New Yoik, arr. 8:50 Train West arriving at Sunbury 3:57 p. in., make close connections with trains nn Plillaarl- C- s A Erie R. K. tor Milton, Wlliiamsport, k Huven and all points West, Elmiia und all points North, also with Northern Ceulial Rail way, for Harrlsburg and Ballimorc. ts7Ncw and elrgaut coaches run through b tweea Suubury sad Easton. FRANK THOMPSON. Siipt. D. II. A W. 11. R. St rr's Orvica, Wn LtAusroar, P. i Mat 1, 1S72.