Sunbury American. (Sunbury, Pa.) 1848-1879, April 19, 1873, Image 3

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    J&mburg mcricait.
suxnunY, A'rniL 19, istx
KMilroail Time Table.
K. C. n. W.. South.
Erin Mull, 1'J.r.Oam
Erie Express, V .10 "
Mull, 11-05 "
Wing. Express 8.00 p m
p. & e. n. n. wc?t.
Nine. Eressl2.4) 1 m
Klinirn Mull 4. 80 "
I Erlo Express, 7.01 "
Leave Suiibnry for LowUtown nt 7.45 a. to.,
and 11-10 p. M.
Arrive at Bunbury from Lewistown at 1.80
nud 7.45 p.m.
MMUUKIN t'lVISIO, 1. C. . W.
Sutihnry nt 6.45 a ni At Suiibnry 9.S5 a m
" l'J.33pm' " 8.55 pm
' 4.40 p m I " 0.00 p m, HAZLETON & Wn.KKSEARItE 11. H.
Regular passenger tsnln leaves Suiibnry for
Danville, Cnttuwissii, Ilnr.lcton and Intermediate
Rtntinni,'Mt 0.45 a. in. Uetnrniiiu; leave IIuzlo
ton at 1.1X1 p. m. Arrive nt 4.00 p. m.
Lcnvc Northumberland at U.40 a. m. nud 4.S0
Arrive at Northumberland nt 10.S5 a. in.
0.05 p. m.
Accidental Insurance Tickets cu bo bad
J. Miipinan, Ticket Agent, ut tlie Depot.
business Refills.
MtWIMI MAI'lttSES and Cuttaob Ohoas.
Miss Caroline Pullus t the nsront for the sale of
th.: best Sowing Miiehiuen in existence, viz : 'The
Improved (inner it linker,' nnd 'Domestic,'
whi -h arc con-tautly kept on hand, and sold nt
i i-!innali,M price. f?he is also Hgcnt for the sale
lite celebrated 'Silver Tongue Organs,' nnd Iho
'HiiY tnte Organs,' and lor the sale of the
Vr.intz t Pope Knitting Machine. Call and fee j
llicm. Oi&cw ou Market street, cast of the rail- !
The Imimiovkd Urovfr & Uakch Bkwini Ma- J
tnisi:. Th-we celt brrtied machines are otrcre.l j
:tt tin mo-l reasonable rate. For particulars :
ipr.'yt-i D. (1. KUTZ, Agent, !
r..t.-.'7i;.-ly. Upper Augusta town-hip. . .
Hori-B Avn L.n rem Ptt.t A new Hour , mi l i
I.'it, bc-ilel n : pruca .-tret t. Su:ib::ry, Is oli'crc.l '
fur e. ile on easy terms. Apply to !
.Iohn Yli.v::t!. ;
t pi ic! t Invent money profitably is at
sior li vit .rc Shim ?tn:c of Win. H. Mil"
1 i'i- line of poo ! are of the best, nat many
a il n'or I-ill i.l he navel l.y buying the ln'f-t
made sbc llo"ls in market. Miller a
I r:C-t :;--o!tmetit Mlil.h lie Is selling at the lowest
pi i vs, aa.l a le v dollars invested in his stock
;:) iv s.iv.! liun.lsv Is in hills for medicine.
I'iv.-: '.nr.i mi I.-r p.iu Saix. A due bu'ld-1,-1,
it locirel in (l.-.k-'s A 1 1 Hi. in, rear the P.
.i II. S lops, U ottered for sale on u-a-e
-.! !'-yni -Vrply to
1'. . 'Jmj W. J. lii.Ain. rjiinirnry, Pa.
T.t-'t 0'M-1 i .; R ipply of the be ;t of Hats liianv.
fjottn .'(! is eansin ; i lie lur re mr.iilier of orders
fin n all p uis of the country at S. Faust's Hut
.-'tore, mi Mail.i-t 1 1 reet . I. very r tyle ean be pro
eaii 1 there. Ills slock In "immense, ami pim-Via-fj
s In made at loivr rates than In the city.
At, pjr.-.oas wanting goo 1 and cheap piitnici
tho.i. I'e.ili at 11. f'. Sinii-li's (J.-in 'I i ilery, hi-re
ht-y em g"t nitu goid .'!nt',i:'i'S for -V) cents,
it viip -. ly' old st m 1, Sanburv. I'.i. m!il-tf
.ii.tU'y .
! our la;:-t lssiM tire water In tlie yttsque
hanni rid r has been gradually receding, and for
everu! days it has been lu excellent rafting or
der. Tie- loliv raftsmen are once more seen I
dotting ilowu the stream ou the opposite side of
t liver.
i:vf.:-.i. jouii
ly in '"p'
roosters'' huc ladulgi il late
;uh Mhtr on our streets, but
Were i.
Hue i-'l
b e.-.l
i fere I w ith hy the police, and the usual
s -1 tip vi tln'-n. P.etter get outside til'!
line boys, if von want to show your
-or.fTtoN Day.
Arraiigc'.uentr, are, ;-.!ri.ily
; ma le iu this p!
to decora to t he gmves
-if our fillet: heroe-s, r:i the S'ttli of May. '1 lie
ui-ci r.itlori cereiuoires will be comlucti.d under
;he au -piees t.f th Executive Comvo'.tce of the
.M ouuiit-nt Ar-so-ii.tion, and will no dotiot ben
nraii-1 all'ilr
Wc have been engaged for two weeks past in
.tiding o'it bills to those who owe us. We hope
tb it nil will remit piouiptly. We need ir.or.cynr
,vc wo.ll I not as!: for it.
Tilt si!'"i". '. assortment of irillinery goods
ri ' ipu' let Mis L. Wi Iter's V.ilinery Store,
has greatly excited the ladies, as no such stock
ii is .. en seen iu this place before. There Is a r i-h to her tslab'.Uhmciit to secure
had Isoaie goods.
N::tta Til's popular 1 1 .y was performed on
We ha--sday last to u very meagre audience In the
up.-i.i House. The amateur p rformers did well
consi lering tiie short time they ha 1 for rehersnl.
The ent. rt.iliinient was tiveti 'for the benefit of
the t.-ai.i lire company, who ure deserving of
p itiiei-ore. It is tlie duly of nil to keep up the
dr.- ile; arm. cut. Unli ss ihoy lire encourage I In ;
t'l- ir cei.-rprsi', It cel. not be expected that they I
i en 1 ei p i p an organization. J
Trr. weather for the past week has been any
thing b;t springlike, and we have been reminde 1
bv :!i nu-n -loos changes, of nil the seasons of i
the o.u. On Wu.lne,lay ulght we had, iustea I !
of a mi' rtn.j pleasant spring atmosphere, a reg- j
ul ii ul I fi-hlonei stio.v-slium which continuo 1
ilurie't' s irght. According to some Weather
prophets, it will perhaps prove a tuvaeOt, but p -ile-tritua
i'.o not conM'ler il very conducive to
iieu : a.
I! Hcn ftnr.Ri.FY As 4 Mohal Hero. The
T. v. I li.n. T. r-leck will deliver bis celebrated
ic.-f.irc ou Jluiiici Off ley, lu the Court House, ou
tv-.tur.tay evening li'ith Inst., for the hene-tlt of
t he S-.l llt-ri.' Monuinr-iit Association. Mr. Stick
he.s a reputation fiM- eloquence, and is spoken of
n one of the tnoit forcible nud attractive lectu
rers of the times.
M:-3 Lou SttiFbLKii 3s now opcitlng her large
: to'.-U nf spring tuilinery poods nt her etore, on
ef irhet meet, which have bceu eleeted in New
York and Philadelphia. Her assortment exceeds
any former selections iu rrg.irj to beauty or
A NgMneu of b vits bal'.t nt Lewisbarg for the
New York Canals, were taken d0 u the river on
Tuesday ruornine lust.
Wc regret to buim that Clias. F. Little, Esu,.,
of Northiinib'-rliind, and well known throughout
the county, had a paralytic stroke on lust Satur
day niedit. His recovery is doubtful.
Mr. f.u Mu.lkk, an employee In the lower
yard, ha I bis left leg severely crushed ou Patur
diy night. Tlu wound U very painful, and ft will
re piire some time before ho will We able to rc-
line w oi k.
( hi ik m pPuteATioK. The new Veiled Breti.
ren Cii.inli, rear Dibler's crossing, on the Bhn Railroad, will be dedicated to the service
r.f Alia.gbty (Sod, -on Suu-luy, Muy 4, 1S73, by
Rev. W. t1. M. Keys, A. M., of Lcbanou, who
wi)l preach the ded'caMon sermon nt 10 o'clock
a. in. Kev. Mr. K 'J'cs tanks among the most
tl iiiiiriil preacher lu the country, Other niln
iiteria! bretliren will be pieseut. Provisions will
be madi for the eutertaiuraeut of all ho oiay be
.-si I i i.-t 'i il uiv'.lstioii is rtet"lsd to alb
An Oi.1 Doccmejit. Mr. Tcter Gray, Hi efll
ctcnt Clerk lu the Commissioners' DtHco, In over
hauling tho pnpnrs, while placing them In order
(a mntter neglected ever since the building of
the new Court House,) found the following bill
of costs nifnlrist the county, for rnnulug nnd
marking the lines dividing the enmitie s bf Ilcrks,
Northumberland, and Lnr.erne, which .we .pub
lish below nrbatimt
Sunbtiry 1st June 1796 i
The County of Northumberland Dr. '
To riilllp Myer John Eekman & John Reese Ilia
Commissioner for Running A Marking the
Lines Dlvlellug the Lountys of Berks Northum
berland Northampton fe Lntern
To lixpene of Chntn Carriers'! L d
Markers Ac from Mahantongo 59 ,10
A pine Creek to the Northauip- J
on County Hue J
From Northampton CountyLlne )
to the Lelii nnd up the same to ( 65 18 V
Lexer J For Expcne of Chain
Carriers Markers pack borses&c )
Expene of provltlons and other
Necessaries To Luzern County
Tu Philip Mviir on Duty 40 Pays
a 3 Dull pr IJiiv tlie one hull' He
Ing 4 Dolls pr Day To Do going
to mid Returning from the
49 10 10
0 00 0
To Jon Eekman on Duty as abovo CO 00
To Do going to uud Returning
from tlie Lines 8 00
To John HecSe on Duty on the
Lilies in nbovo 60 00
ToDo going to and Returning from
the Linus " 6 00
To Tmvellng Expenct to Mr Rees
the one half 1 13
7 4 VK
Fill Ml' MVKU
SmtKirr K!?itriii-:i. proviptly pull the re
ward of f.VJ I'i r ttu return of Callo.iay atn!
Vet?el, alter tinir ili-Hvery into his hands, en
Fii lay morning of la: t wt ek. It in not jwK
the lieritr should b-. ir tlrs expense when it is
well known thai he Is not rcspon-ibio us long
as oar county prison niie-mits to nothing move
than a mere Ive. Ai y i.ble ho,',ieJ man iiii : y v. It can make I. is escape i".u'e: s he ti-.1
iioaed. This fact is patent to a'l concerned. Th"
Uran l Jury has fi times ti;-.'
bull. ling of a nctv ni.d long a i pi oiioiiee.
el tin: present cue as in: lit Tor ns--. All who vi
it the h.iil.ling pvonoiinee it saiitlih ss as a pri
son, iia l we eaiiio-t see ihe j'lsliee iif coni'pi'lliiig
the. i-ht-riif to pay i lie e;:p-nse inentiom-'l i'en
pri-oncr.i can e-capc by clnving boita into the j
diiapl.latet vails, thus forming st ps, or hy j
adopting the more convenient mode, knocking a i
hole through with a club. A new lail t-houhl he
built ns Fperdily ns possible, and, in the mean
time, tlie county should pay tlie costs accruing
from t he arrest nnd return of escaping piisoiicrs I
from the rreunt rickety concern. -
A Pott Masti.u C an'i::. Ou .Saturday rveu'mg
j Inst, on the nimlvesnry of l.ia birth, our ellieient
I Po-tmaster, J. J. Smith, was completely taken
j by surp. ise at the boldness of his good natuivd
i clerk, Mr. Peter P. Smith, w ho r.ppcar-
d before hlin with a beautiful and appropriately
1 ornamented cane, oi w titcti lie inane a presenta
tion, as a token of his i t card ns a man and his
superior in position ns postmaster. Mr. Smith
I received tho l.iuiil.'nmci present with much feel
' ing, and ni-pieelates it highly on uccount of its
being the emblem of friendi-hlp and respect of
! one with whom ho Is daily iu biiMtiefs r iutwii.
in. 1 one ill whose Integrity of character the
! whole community have Ihe line t implicit Coufi
( iKuee ;tvd (ire whose cocgeuiality is beyotid
i que.-tien.
I A NKCiictUltT Koad. V. e are glad to learn
tliat Urn Con 1 1 has confirmed Iho report of
.' the viewers appointed to lay out a roa-l across
! the bill lo intersect with the Lime Stone Valley
I Itei.l, iu Lower Augusta township. The rou-.l is
! it. tended C nv..ij th". danger of the Narrows
road, on which accident frequently happen ou
j necount of Its -proximity to the railroad. The
j new road may be tin: menus of saviug inniiy
! lives in t ii. future. The road will run from the
! land of John Z. Haas, fast of the borough, ac
ross the ShamoUiu creek to Mrs. T.ced's property,
and lucucc over Ihe hill passing I lie lu in of Win.
11. Sliive to a township load In Lliue Stone Val
ley. Hut one bridge will be required, and theex
peri .for n palrs, ufter il Is opened, will be
much lij-i than that along the narrows.
Oi ii m ighh. r of tho lnJij uoliccs dif pajagint;- j
ly, an tutrrprite carrteA on for a few days, in j
Miller' block by a Mr. T.J. Hem?, and V. A. ,
riuiiKliu. who were Hrrested for swindliuj the
pi)hlic. 'ibcir business was selling photographs j
for iu cts. to which prize wile ultached. We I
h.ive seen veial flattering l.olices of llu-ne ir.en'i i
ilier..Uty in Einpoi ium, uud olbir placei, iu giv- !
nival liiriUfy to ilistres-c 1 willows an. I orphans, i
an 1 as bel.ig pel fectly reliable (:eut!eiiif n. They
epened up h.-re t.y iidveril-ini that lliey fave
away money, nnd u I'. imams, who l.y the
w.iy Is nhv-.ys lookln:
n .1 get, as In- thought
nioiitnl for "snaps," dit! i
il tuil share, caused llieir !
arrest, and it is alleiged comproiiiiscd the mat- I
ter by ie-jhing u fiiug little film. In fact tlie
whole alf.iir was 'Tiger Ts. Tiger," iird when
th.y nu t oue or the other hart to yield. Tlie j
fact Is that both parlies should have been pun- I
ished, as they are no tlnuht tarred with the same j
stick. Jf any ofour citizens vjllllnvest In snch
euti 'rj'iisvi ud are "lleeccd" out of llieir cash i
ufter having be. n fietiuent'y warned, it . i". -.rvc I
them right. The meu who carried on this Tiger J
business, claim To be gentlericn of higi respec
tability. Yet our neighbor alleges that they
ollercd ii oucy to hiioh the matter up. This looks
a little si spiclous, and If they wbli to sustain
their rcpulaliouB us gentlemen e would ndvise
theiu to engage iu u ditt-rcnl kind of business, us
their 'pile" is not large enough to buy up news
papers to conceal Illegitimate transactions.
For.r.rweiii on tub Hail. Had Condi ct of
UI8 Mi:s. A freiglit train having ou board Eore
paugli's uenageiie nud circus pasted thruugh
thij place on the railroad ou Sunday afternoon
last, en route for Williamsporl. While the trai
was stopping nt the depot, some of the atlacliees
broke Into the eating house nud caudy store of
Mrs. Hun pt, on Third street, and stole all they
could luV their hands on. The loss falls beavj
upou Mrs. Hatipt us she is a ptmr, b.ird-v.oiklng
woman. Such conduct on the part of uieu con
necled with such a mammoth establishment as
Mr. Forepuugh's will not benefit their em
ployer any , lliey will be a terror wheriverthey
pitch their (cuts.
The arrivals at the City 'Intel ou Monday the
14th Inst., amounted to SS. This Indicates the
growing popularity tf the establishment. The
large ball room attached lo the hotel has been
cut up into six fine large rooms for the ac
commodation cf further patronage.
Ed. T. DRritirr.u.EB. J roprletaf of the Clfy
t'nlel, ha' Vg" Selected ci Jurymr'ri to the Vuit
ti 6iu".e' -' "it eT. ts";' e-vrdp; at
lt'.,v- J'
Court t roccedliign.
. (Ileporled by A- N. Brlce. Esq.
A list of special cases were set down for trial
for Mondi.y, Jipril 7. Judge Ell well, of Hlooms
burjr, came down on Monday evening. On Tues
day morning the. Cases were all continued by
counsel except one, which was tried, nnd which'
took up Tuesday nud part of Wednesday morning.-
It Is bile of the cases ugutnst tho cnnnjly In'
which Clark II. Zimmerman Is Plalntit!', an8 the
county Is Defendant. The riniutilT lu thlsjcnsa
represents a number of other persons who aiu(
In the same lelation. Under un act of Assem
bly of 12th April, 1907, providing for iho ap
pointment of a Marshal of Police in Schuylkill
and Northumberland comities, for the reason
that at that tlmo a good deal of disorderly con
duct prevailed In the coal regions, and the civil
authorities there were Inadequate to keep order
nud quia, one Joseph Heislcrof Pchujlkll county
was appointed said Miuehal of Police, and under
hlin the Plaintiff named and a number of others
were appointed Polleeincu. The Governor issued
commissions under the HUtbmity vested in hint
by the same act of Assembly, and fixed the rale
ufsniiiryut iTo per month. The act provided
that the sal I salary should be paid out of Iho
county Treasury. Wheu It catnc to the pajlng,
the county Commissioners refused, and suit was
brought aecni'd'iiily. It was agreed Hint the
whole qui s! ion uuder the net should be tested 111
n case or two, and taken to the Supreme Court
for review. In the case tried yesterday anj con
clnflci this morning by Judge Ehvell It was ar
gued by the counsel for tho county, Messrs.
Zeigler, Mallek un l Packer, that the Act is Un
constitutional, principally for tlie reason that
the appointment of 'lliei-c policemen was made as
pitch Cor Coal nud Mt; Carinel townships when
they should have been ma le for the entire coun
ty. Th" counsel for the Pl.ii'.itiir, Mrf-u, Wol
vertnn till I Kasc, nf course tooli tl.e opposite
view of the case. In which tin y were sustained
by the of the Judge nnd the verdict of the
tiirv. '1 lie l irv brought in a verdict of fl'JIl for
the l'laiulill' which Win for one mouth's salary
and interest. In his charge to the jury Judge
tlwell pointedly said that the LeiUla'.uu: had
ll.e light to extend protei-ti in to any art of the
county, as it l ad to any part of the t'nf.nnnn
wiallb, and that the county 't reasurer foul 1 be
held for ayim-nt. 1 lie ea.-e,hoH e i r, will he taken
to the Buprctnn Court in-st winter. This mutter
involve; to tlie eountv about i7.o,H.
t'ei Si it.
d iv teuii,
Sot. Mala
r-i- ii'-..-T,
i it
:; ( .
inei: 1 1 ; -1 on T:t 's
it Cl.:.;f r. ir.n-..
.h.o. Ch.ik, D. C.
;. M -Mibi i s p: c-e
V,'. L. Di wart,
V.' in. II. Mil er,
, J. A. Cal.e, Vi.l.
t auivallaiiir, tj. B.
Iiietz. Jure! C.
Cartwalladt r. .
Miniit-s i.l' th
Oa i::i-; n
7.7.1....' ..yj, !'!:::
tiouils, as pr-.-:.e-
inei til.g re t 1 am' :tt-l
of W o. I.. !)e" -r;, it wis
.1 ll rp.o i -I -ets nf :'i" biirou.'ll
.ttd by W. L. DewarJ, In lug s.:t
the lioiouuh beivls be printed hi
eviitli,!-'. 1, t'lk bete, leu er.
i-luctorv, that
I aeci'rii.iiico t h.
I On lun'.loi:
Ion, it was
That tile f hi, f ;,i,i .-.-ss t.,e l':-tl"leted
ivi'.li the Kerthern Cent nil P.uilwav
! A'.s-.'i,
I to Collf,
Company, n, 1 request them to till upnu l put
In gcot comiitK n ul! that pail nf Third Mrect,
from Dr. Fyster's siiiitbwaid tow.ud the l.utlie
run Church, and also to open and make a good
crossing from Church all. y Into Church street,
so as to connect witli Fecr.n 1 nn.-t.
On million of W. L. I.'ewait, it was
iVni'dfii. That a oiiimittce of ti:r.:a be appoint
idtoiiiqiiirew has of Hie nms for
tlie Suiibnry I'eny far the l ist tew years, uud if
they are impi opeily rit-iue l iiom the b.irotiL'h
treasury, that they lie nuthuiized to take cueli
steps us may be necessary to reclaim the satn'.
On motion, il was
.Vo.'iv., That a Gas Inspector be appointc I.
On motion, it was
fmJ-re.', That W. 1.. Dewarl, J. A. Cuke, and
G. Ii. Cndwallakr be appointed an Auditing
C'ouimif.eo for the ensuing year.
On motion of Jan-d Irvln, it was
7,Vf i':yi.'. That the following ellieers be elected
nt the next regular rr.i -.ting .f tho Cuuneil :
Tieasan r, '."..x ('idle-cl-v, l'olieemaii, M.ukct
Clcik. and V.'i. ket Teiid-r.
tin motlou rf(i. H. Cn Iwallidfr, il v.-.s
7.'.f"! 'C-.', Thet a comtiiitt .e of four he ajipolnt-f-.l,
with the Chief Burgess us Chairman, to con
fer with the Overseers r.f the Toor lor I'pper Au-gu.-la
lowr.ships ;u rif.ien.eto the eoHsoll'lu-
lion t.flhe of the
towii-'n'.p above name !
The t..uiiiil;tee n.-e
Wm. Mlll. r. and ft. !!,
r tl.
boioiigh and
, J.ihu Cl..i k,
til l. Mi.iick, ;
fui motion. It was
J.'cs'ni-f', Tliat the fullowiii
ami ruders grautol for the a
Ilei.cM. Ilroc'ious
John IVlmid
II. Gottshall
John C'l'
Wm. TlcyiioliU
Geo. Lyons
UeuJ. Xftth.iui yer
J. II. r.ic!.o!tz
J. A. Cake
Tun Mopcr Witt. Aft-'
death of (ieu. Canity was reci
entile interested in tlie Mo.loi
g bills be approved
me :
f.i 6J
i 117
3 oil
1 75
10 lit)
' C'J 07
. 9 00
r the r. v s of the
. i i il, everybody be
War, an I ti e his-
tin ' nftlie in u engaged to the stnle wire eager
ly sought niter, and for several d ty tho nuni'is
of Cet i. Jack, J..1.U Sehu':' h!n, Rhi'-U Jim,
Irick Nasty Jiin, and Ilav.'ker Ji.n, becaine fa
miliar to all. lluias the exeileini ut is sub.-iding
we hear of another nnme which i eeiting both
i voung and old men in this elelulty. We have re
ference to the. nobby t liloi'. Tims. (i. Noll, who
is ib.iiig Ihe su "liulending of liie tailorlni;
i-tahlisliment t.f Me.--:s. t lenn-ul Ji Kissinger,
above the Star store, on Market Ftn-t-l. His .op.
ul.uity for cutting bauilsoiiie suits, bus i .enas
etl their business to such an extent that lliey are
unable to procure enough bauds to make up
Ihe clothing to till their orders ns speedily as Is
tl-sirel. Those wli.i desire mils mull up in
style inti-t make early uppliealion to get them in
lime, ar they v.iil be served in rot.ul.iu as ot
dereri. o- . -
EvElt since the editor of the Waisnntoivn Ite
coU was deceived In iegar.1 ton ei-rubi agree
ment executed three years ago to secure an oiliee,
he is suspicious of bis friends, and keeps a close
watch to pi event any advantage hi lug taken of
hlin. I. ist week one of his siihsT.heis presented
li t ill with live Easter eugn ; Ids suspicions led hitn
to weigh tho etfg lo find whether hi) bad got full
weight, lie uck now ledgos tliat they weighed
Jut one pi m. d two ounces, strong. We hope
that brother tScely, of the Jersey Shore JArM,
ill not mention this matter to John's Williams-
f port friends who supply hlin '.th tobacco.
That Baht. The baby left on the steps at
Mrs. Garvi.k's residence last week, has been
adopted and taken possession of by Mr. William
Mower uud la ly who propose to lui.e It. The
little waif has, we are happy to learn, a kind
hearted father and mother lu Mr. ami Mrs.
Mower, where It will receive the teuderest taie.
Mk. Geo. L. Simpson for several years Chief
Cierk in the X. C. freight office in tills place, has
been promoted to a more Iterative position ou
the Baltimore & Ohio Railroad. We are gratiiled
to learn of bis promotion as he Is In every re
spect worthy. He leaves a host of friends In this
place who regret his departure, and who wish him
abundant success in all his undertakings.
David M. Iki.and, Ks p, of Turbut township,
this coguiy, tiled suddenly, on Saturday last. lis
ss spstt aHont M Tear slrM Wack bisi were cipt tired In
the river below tlie daw, last week.
Geo. W. tMtrit has been In the city the past
tek buying ft largo lot of groceries to open a (list
!nss Grocery Store, lie will keep the very biH
kind bf goods.
UkV. . 1. joiiK, recently connected with tin
"MUtoiilah," has moved to Carlisle where he
has resumed the preaching of the Gospel. By
his sepcratlon from the SU(cnin Hint paper has
lost an Important auxiliary In Its editorial de
partment, nud the press n vigorous Journalist.
A. T. Cont.i; who recently kept a public hoj.e
lu Jori!au township, has taken possession of tho
William Pcnn Hotel on tbu corner of Fourth and
Chcanut street., In thin borough, where he Invites
his frieuds and tlio public to give him a call.
OS A Vi.-jit.--1I. D. Wharton, Esq., our cor
respondent from Washington City, an Wed home
on Monday evening last, and U uow sojourning
with his frieudb In this place. Mr. Wharton, wo
are glad to learn, Is becoming qdlto popular lu
Washington as au accurate and ellieient clui k
in the House of P.epreicntnllves.
Uandsomk ANU Dt KAUI.S Gooks. Mr. 1). A.
Finney bus just cpeucd a fcj leudid assortment of
Dry Goods mid Groceries ul his store oil Market
Street. Tho assortment is complete. Those
wishing good goods at low prices, pliould give
him a call.
Unn Mkn's Ciiav.t. Mr. P. F. Ilowcr U now
delivering n uumbci of Ited Men's Charts to sub
scribers In this place, lliey nvs beautifully de
signed, and no ineniVr of the Order of Improved
Red .Men bhoulJ be withotil one.
A tos.hi mail who hire 1 a hoisoaud buggy
from Mr. A. J. titroh of this pla:c, u wci k or ho
ago, toped lle samples of candies, and get on a
'drunk-' in the coal region, leaving Mr. btri.h to
hunt up his property while he lift for other
partu, returned to Banbury on ftntiirdny last, and
was nt once arrested uud committed to pri.-ou
for liltil.
C'OMMCNIivs Srr.vtCK was hold ill the Iti formed
Chinch lu this placo on Suiuiay lust. Thirteen
persons were united with tin Church on Fii lay
evening preiioiis hy confirmutiou.
30.1 Wti.n AmjiaIs, Hintvs ami PiBi' ! 510
llou.-trs ! inriVr.s! A Mammoiii e iiau.s! :;
Mammoth Tknt t A Tifu-i-e of Vh.i AiiAtui!
Coining to SiiiiPiiiy ou Tuesday. Apt il 1. M . -n' -gouuu
V Queen's Mtiipeuiioas '.'uadriiple Al.iaue".
I e.u, -isting of lim G.e tt E.nope.tti Menagerie,
Tiaiis-Atianlic Circus llijip, drome al.d lleiloiiin
I Areli TriiiM'i: is In itiliih.t heie. a ll'l noon nii.I
icviuiiig. Judging froi.i wlint we have yeeu in
I ( in- cNcliunget , relative to this exhibition, we
i doubt not, it is superior to very many of lie
.1. Unveiling shows, now before the pultiie. Tin- lol
. lowin r extracts. Iiom the. Tub lo 7.'ii'.'.', wiii rive
! our re a line an idea ed'th: .it'.tueuveness of Ciis
c.-t.ib.Uli:ii. lit :
For several weeks p.i-t, huge iiiil board, cov
ered with elegant I'ietoil il bp.. s, nud piograinmes,
pii'iip'.ilels, iVc.. circulate. 1 tliroii-h tlie city,
have Informed the public "Montgouna v
I tje'-n's Grer t Ltliopt.iii Menugeri",
Ce Cii ens, Uouiau Hip, o.l. on.e, im I Tio.ip-' oi
j Kejl Ite.loula Arahs," were e.uniug." ...i
i having M'cn tlie inside of a show lent tor mure
' :h on a dozen years, we coueuled to "
1 liny of it," llllj uee.iiilileiiy :.t lie' p liing',
j we put in an at th's sh .w.
I We ili'st c.iitere I the .M.-t-:t .i i ie paM. ii-ui a large
; cool eoiiil'oi tably ii-. ia!ii.e.l lent , eoiit.,ini:i!" aboui
ItoQ wild aiiiiiiiiis, ihi-'l and leptues. Prion;:, ni
I among this lint: eolieeii-ui t.: aninia's. - a
It. use w illi tin. hoi us of all ox, or cow. u Un- -1 m
reindeer. :.u animal t-lyh d h ' i i i-e-'i ,q p. ..:
j i.l '.( Mii jet ie - i o e, the e e lutet :.::i.''
( a feinaie I, eeg .,, i.., a p .:r of s e.b : . -u.-. n.. 1
l liens, ail-i ti i 'lee fUla" out l!ig. and n i il.. e
j tion of i.jvs. bi.i nous, im I nioi-li v.. tli.-.t w . il !
dt light Hie soul nf Darwin, or "any el tn-r vi u"
i tlnulheie ivus tin eytirhen, -i i i . 1 ealii t.leir.i.
Very rare aiiini ils, and i.'t w .-i to! i. t h it no i t h
! er uienngerie in the 1'iiili I Mate, . ontaiin I t'n -e
iwijuderlul i-p'r:i-l.-ii..ot' 1 ani:
a'!, wesltout.l lltlnk. tin- auini ii
(tented about ;t K i I it.--...t -p.
rare, Iresii bnihij: r-m .t.iiii
j l biff Mi Al.'nilhih and ie
i These wllil sons of t'ahi.r.i. f-m
.1 :
n ils ot' hue.! 4 r
.- of tin- j.lligi
' Ar e' 'i i. .a;
teen in iiunitt
1 1 1 0 n procet ded to give all enti
I p.-enmir longl.'e fun n le.j-l.itelj
i lot im (I lofty pyramid.-, r I itnlin
i sleuuLh-rs, t In-v leap.-l "v.-.r l.n
1 in a manner that chi.b-1 i'n- !.
of ti c special, is. iie id for.-?.:
i u --erioe
; upon e-o-
l-.-s of I..
i in il:
-t .to I f-
v hi
-t (!
st, thev leaped, ro.l. -1. t a iihe I jmiii
e l and colled t!ii-.n..'.ve into in leei .' it...
shaper. A more daiiug, ,l.m-er .leiyin ci ii :i
tlon m i i l was wiltne-M e. t hat tile one give i l.y
t hese sCti-'iumel muis of I - lam, and we t-.)n-!.er
il worth a iloi. n ad:i:!-lon f-.-, lo see th. .,. i
Cllihlren e.f the lh sei t. in theii woderiul, wild
and weird nein. l l.e I'.nev's -ion during the ft i
noon was well-worth seeing, Ihe fuiliiaiitly ilia- I
mlnatC'l enge-, dens, Vans nnj eh. ill-. t-, the'
Aril" mounted trir p.'re .ii.Vo'.uii hoii-et.. i
and the music ol I .of. Norrin Bull, r.-ee'.ve.i
i the warmest praise from nil who witneoied it-,
I In conclusion, we cheerfully recniut.ion d Col.
eueou ami Ins mer.ioriiirs cmhuuihu to the pa
tronage of tvi-iylio-ly, rveryw b':i e, assuming
thein tliey u i.l reeei'e l"ii times woiih t.f
their lnoi.t-y, mid neithei see nor blur I'liytltlng,
that can offend the mo-t tli-li liotis.
Vi'iunji Qi ini.'.1 dues VP! Tho time is
at hand when every gmd citizen of Suunury
should direci l:i iiltelilio l to the premises lie oc
cupies, and its surrountii.igs. Ventilate, eieuii'-c
nrd whitewash of these you cannot do loti
Inuch, especially the Inller, lor I cannot brli've i
that a well-it gulate.l !a: ,Uy i j.J leave llieir un- j
painted fences, out l.uil i ng au.l stables without '
a (rood coaling ol lime at least once a year. It :
increases Its value, its tunutv, and, above all, it
u-iiitralizes nil poisonous matter from whi
j jnm-l(! iii-,-asc, id purit-es the atmosphere a
entiio "iirronr. lings
Two yars ago s'.ckm.rR prev.'.i'i-1 to an alarm
ing extent th'tt ipiiiiiueeo il 1 hnnlly be suppli I
lilsnllicient tpiautlties to f ed and di ng the lei . r
stricken ieini.s. Tlieaiiit.iiy Coui:i:it:ee I le n,
as now, felt il n duty t requtst the cil'.z lit to
clean ut an I it beeain: a neet'"siiv to
tliat n-tpiesi. Tim stic;ts, alleys, y.uds iiti.l
nouses re -eivt-a suen ai ovei :..iu.i:ig as perhaps,
ir. mary pi ices, theji' ntver b lore, and no
one Has better pleased limn the oct tl pants tin m-selve-s.
The rr'iilt wal th:t tiie ilruggi.-ts re
ported a fa'" oelv cf alunt . ne-i, :.t it i i.e amount
of ipiil.iii" they soli, iln y ,i-ret. '-e. I:
we lia 1 some fevers, hut th y were niil.l and of a
nnltire eiisi'y to I.e t-ont -ul .-.1, un l very f e v if
uny Ueatlib ie.-iiitt-d Iron Ihcui. Now itt us re
pent litis, and let tiici- be ti gi-n-ral I pri-ing
of tlie citizens, and Sake lu.l. i,; lh s mutter in I
i i-iiiA.-iii,, inei piise iiu.-t in t,i's niniier iu
arm'st, a. was btfoic Ith sii.-h ben.-
lesuus. 1 conu-k'utly cxp--t the
at every resident ol our borough iu this
.i- vi-n itiuet ,J u-. , u .-.i., . . ., I i 1. . , .
tiuu of
matter, and we must Jwivs remember that I
sers-by judge the insile ly the oi tlde of our ;
premises, und there s no tlouht that in mm- I
out of ten tli in it' J tut it m is cor reet. A diny
I'liveincnt l tlie lint of a diny y.t: I, a di'ty i
yard of il dirty kit. 'lei and the whole hoii-c. '
Your shade trees n he itreets .hen ;1 he tiin.i
ine i nillleicntly lo art room for I he e is light to I
pass through,' year uhtectioiia ere made J
that il was Ion bit"; ; i i : - ye ir, if you leluse I
again, tili have tieii tioum. tt ithniil regard I
to season. Those ho i er'ii-e I to 1 -1 heir p.ii e- i
inents lusl year, in ieeM httiee with the maics !
served ou I hi ill, wil lute tlieni lail Ibis spring
by t he lioro igb, at Ci.-ir cost, and tw.utv per
e. i.t. ml h !.
It is not true, asslrgel hv umi', thit the
jiuleic st reels and a eys are ihe ie eptaele- of
your Ii lb and i ul'bili yon ate bound to k. . p
it within vour own Hi b, wh -re il wis crent I;
it cannot mid Mi I ut hi loll rale,!, nn I I it lvi-e
any citizen to prosed persons for throwing
their tilth nn i ruhh tl in the streets, ituJ lliu-.
cre-ule a public niiisnce r ut of a private one.
Very lesjeifullv.
bOL. M AI.H K,
Aps'l 17, ism. Cbl.-f ll-,irges.
Iu !,ower M aim m I own -hip, on l be 1 lib iu-t.,
Mrs. CATUAlilM HKtiliKLBIS, wile of Ja
cob Drcibelbis, HgeiJ yiuis and '-111 days.
In Lower MahniK lownsbip, on the full lust.,
Mrs. K.MHKlC, aged abov.: JI5 year.
In this place ou tli-U'n in-t.,8All il ALICE,
elaugliter of Abiahn and Surah Lytic, aged t
In this place, on tie lSili Inst., ffiBASTIAN
HALT'T, aired C5yr and liOdays.
In Upper Augus township ou the bd li st.,
Mr. FAMVF-L RIIM, p:4 7 years S months
and U days.
.,i I
at F! m m PI w n mi m m I pi P f m
?2"i.OO0 in sriilNfr and SUMMKU nOOD now o;)(:i for
CtJlli:hiiMjr Oi
Tim lines! slock
" l::t aibl Limo (ioods, (Jari'ct.-t in
A l"n
mum. i
Merchant Tailflring, THOMAS G. EOT!,
v liav
ddi'ti Mo.icltiint Tailoriiio- ti our l.usinws with THOMAS C .'0TT us Cn.
comp'iito eutisltiction in this as we ll us iu every other eh jiartni"Tit.
W,-, l-r.,.,..
i.Tfr.JV-' f 4- f- (o anv add
VV) ?ttf U
l Cts. I.,
dofti, all f'lher kinds, GO
Suiibnry, I'a., -iil "n 1S7:J.
-on i's
2 ':2 j
n "n Z'S r Kii e--. e-
r- . - Ts .. i
. r .r- i - . i i i
Just o -
Popular Clotliins
tho Iarost stock of
iHiis:e. Aim
ever olVurcJ
1000 Coats, 1000 Vests, 1500 l'.ints, 200 lioy's ami Cliiliircn's Seiiits, 10o0 !!.:. and Car,
fur un n tine! biH, " '
i o A t n it ... ) -';i.o-, Vsv ..Hniain a;.u rianOi .
lisjyy sains 01 Hi llBscnoBii;is.ic
I -k ' M:e l' ! . :-n n 1I-. ; . .v r. h. inty ,.f ,le.
j 5U00 I.iticti ati'l l'uer t'ol! irs, 10)') I'.iir
I curis, 1-VJ D"2gu ti-vt.s, o0 lUll'otvtit styles Mtatmk-rs, i.-ei: r ; . . . ., ;: '. , ,", i'-'.i', .','.".,',",.,'; i'.'iu. '.,!.,.
M OVERALLS II B?iiifsliii:
! Gauze ami Meriuo Mtttitncr Umkrvotv, Trunks, yatgla-, Viilises. ; XK ty Uli'VTC
i v -3
j -STTTia 8 t".T Vf 4"h 1 ItTl f H 'CkXHrt J--
! fr 4.4 !r3 V . W sTS 8 H J ftfcV 'i.feTS Jf
p7 V J JW tWiAi B Wiij 'OKt
Kveryboely is rospcclfuily iiivllml tn call
till tit
'o (''OOtln iiiisivpre'ii'ntL'iI, no tr nib!o
Tha wliijio
nnd satUliirlioii onaraiittjet! iu every way.
Comer Market and
Sunliury, l'u., April 1J, 1S7.'!.
Am-, daily urNj;;G ciioim X I'W
xi:w i'.isLi:siiAWLs. dawk akfi:cts fixusuWi s
1'J.AIX FlilKNIU.Y MIAULS. M: W D!t:ss f.ot ins OI'FX "
I'ollLAIiD'S LAIitiK Sl'DT. l'KKNl 11 FOl'LAKU t li 1NTZFS
N. ll.-LYOXS BLACK .SI LK5H.Arrnr.trJ Jtxjtye
Vsreh IU. lS7-w
: i
1 - 1
of Ladies' Dress CJoods in litis Se
srro;it varictv nnd id-ice, from -'i cl.
. .7 A'-ikt-w ifJ J . ,-
Stem lMi;
! I and cuinjilclo iis-orliu-jnt nf G li( K'KIiri'.S.
.'f I
r "p
: r.-i
hand einistantly, he t
hnjiorto 1
of ; '
jaist jiaiti on receipt
els. n.r dozen. Mll'o JK'Moie.rtl's lrtllorns f'jr sm!c
m is
-. e , i t' y-t - , i
. ii i . a ; it ir i . -
u si
I AT '""' O,'o' V-X;":
u. mJ a
)cr:o( nt
. L r-, "
Oi r ;
in thii town
ami exatuitie iUU tuost teiiiiiiiicunt nssott-
to lmw O'ooils or to ;;ivo iuforraaliou.
will be ut
Low Prices,
Third Streets; Hnnbury, Pa.
scr-it r:,. r-i (
9 f s t
jinl ulu at.
at w-ry
. n n r
Oil (,'iutit.s, Vv in'.
Pjs I
sWl..' ia ufcvis.i.'l
GSiampian Guttsr.
ls'it MAt'iiiN;: N ;'.i'n..t:s. nnd wi!i fo:-:: ;u'
SiiuriT all kin 1-, tttnl C.-rnvr t IJait'.r.
islmerc!', Calico, .tail e: .'.-
! lit.,:.
1 i'i- , en J W io 1 and
:..t. v
t!H- i..-!!l..-.
::e. t l.i-t ..; e" . 1, whleli ci'i-litl, .Mola . s, Spi.-c, Meat,
: Ce'i.l-rat. Allei ' hand ina-i .
'I I. a, t. jt
I'is.h. Ac.
WtirritMed to g
i.'TS N!) fc!!'.'."..
lie -n'ltt-.'-tiim. In fact a f:l'.
a- m : 1
can be
nt ' : tie:; ti.n.g i: ; ' :a n e.itsii
id 1.1 v
fjrensh. Call au.1 see the rl-.e J'.'!v.l-.:i of u..'-"
ocds, and he convince.! Hit.
S". J . ki YI10l M,
near ih..- r i t i.:ii lu ,- u-.i -t -,?
and ' !.'". ! ' t p! ice i.l buy a.i k:u-U e,!' Ho:
oo 1-. So : ; i...!il -ti, .-l.i.-.v ..'ni
- 1
f S
'!0 t..)tV f.
l.HVr e toil
ether. Th.
.i.i' le 'g' .1 I. v i
,'1 tli-li to U iar
r.o-.;! wt..
, ) ,ev, Ifii I y V3 'Tl
' 0 V.! U ie-i: TJi.
:v,rr.-, v t1,m, .
!! I'aut'Sj, 'iirt l!iiis-itinn.
A start. ing cxpn.-e of Me.!:. -a' !l iii...'.Ls i.fihi
pt-t !i "il pr.'-eul. It. clitllntes iriee k," lu:p...
ors, Tiav. nii.g l'.it-i t MelUiue :i
.: ii.. N'i.e.1 i'e'n.tle I h kits.Korl ime '!' Il'-rs miu
an ! g:i.- iiiteie-iu.g ace. in . t- of N. t:
I e l t'i.vsl,
l.n an I
f th
H' e:i :s
J.v.ii t
cluii e
(lieu in
.i riling s. . I a
il ..- i.ieh tlc-.Ii i
i ri: ii y n u l til -;
el in
, le.i
1 Ci
.i'-l . I ol
. - il ' Ul ,
a:. a f. t rt.'.-.f. -, he :.,i'.
.1. II. lie 111.
ll'infoi J, e.'oi,i.. i i ut, or I h.e
f'n-i illre.l liuces of Men
I.l till Co.'iitil' s of th; "," l-i
e.i.g -. i :iin riliin-'v c i
i,t..l .''.ttiiiit. iiu.i cl l!.i-r ; ,. .. -al, se..a.
t!, moral un-.i li l'.gl.ei .i.iiri.eit'Tisiles.
7 A'.: . '. i V,t.fl. M. A., K . .
ciU f '. -tervi lugs, loSiltl Super I . a 4
ela l'a:;-H.
'.. i" W.uincs. or two Vol.iip. c ,i. one;
A,-'tits in-: m. over 1 10 i w:ck in stii.
rig this
cleiiea c
.uly it-pi ..:.-.;( m feetire.-.
for ti-iii.i ao.i.iss the l uh-
J. U. He. 1(11 e UVIL,
naiiior.i, e or i. iii.:a.j, iu.
March .!, lii J -dt
r..m i fun's u rieL
Notice is brii-l.y gteeti. that Ittlen Ts:n men
tal) ou Hie c.. ile ot t'l.i.ip (i.iu!, late of I'prKj"
li.cU' i lo..'ns!.ip, NoHbliii.l). i lauili.uiiity, Pa.,
dee-cased l a e bt-eu t r.iuteil to lie uuilersigiied.
All Lllovving ll,0Uleell(4 illdetited til I b
sale estate lire reiiicnc.i to make ImmcilliitH
payment, and Iht -.e !:u, in claims will prentnt to
, CLOI'.'iU CALL. Eiecutor.
nrj. k. w WiS. Ji . ..I
Aprd , iH.'. -II .
iiv.- rit;tih.
: y-: t i. u ti .ie.tii. ai;