iibimiiii miiiii yn TdEvSUNBURY AMERICAN, PTTRUSHSD EVERT BAftTRDAT BY EM'I WILVERT, Proprietor, Mom A Dlssmgor' Building, Market Bqnars, At SI. BO In Advance. It not paid within 6 Month . Sbwrijtioni taktn for Uu than its Jfonthi, Ccr"noTHD with thl establishment 1 an eaten stvcEE'.V JOB OFFICE, ooiituininga variety of plain and ftinry type equal to any establishment n tlic hrterlor of the State, for which the patron- ko cu i iic iuune is rcspecuuuy solicited. )rofcssi0nI. " a n. nnicE. XX. ATTORNET AT LAW, AND ACTINO JUSTICE OP TOB PEACE. Next Door to Judga Jordan' Residence, Cbeit' nni street, onnonry, ra. Collections and ult legal tnattert promptly at' lenaea to. JEREMIAH SNYDER, ATTORNEY AT LAW, AND ACTINU JUSTICE OF THE PEACE Cou veynnclng.the collections of rlnlm,wrHinga, nml nil kinds ol Legal business will be attended to carefully and with despatch. Can be consult cd in the English and German language. Office formerly occupied by Solomon Malick, Esq., op pnslteCily Hotel, Siinbury, Pa. March 29, 1873. ly. GA. KOTDORF, AUornvvnt-Lnw, OEORGETOWN, Northumberland Co., Tentia. Cm be consulted in the English and German liingiisgus. Collodions attended to in North uriihvrlaiid aud adjoining counties. mhl5 rp II. R. H lfiC, Attorney at Law, BUN A BL'RY, PA. Olllce in"Market rquare, (adjoining the olflee of W. I. Uiecnonirh, Esq.,) Professional bustncs iu this pud adjoining coun ties promptly attended to. Sunburv, March 10, lSW.-ly. W. C. PACKER, Attorney at Law, Riiulbury, Pa. November , 1872. tf. ' DR. CHAN. M. KAKTI.V, PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, fiitubur', Penu'ti. onic. on Front Street, ui-xt door to Haas S. Fairnly. OiUea Hour. Until 8 a m. From 12 to 1pm. From 5 to li p ra.,un I after 9 o'clock p m. At all other hours when nut prufe.'sionslly cu Rati, can lie found at Drug Store, on Third St., uet to Clement House. nug3,'72.-ly Q B. HOVER, Attorney and Counsellor O at Law. Room Nu. 'i S Second Floor. Hriirht's Building, SUNBURT, PA. Professloun business HtteiHf 1 to, iu the rourli of Northuui harl.tn J and adjoining counties. AVi, In the 'Vcwii an I OMHct Court for the Western Dis trict of Pennsylvania. Ciaima promptly collect ed. Particular uttoutUu paid to mm. In Sank r(ry. Consultation cjtu ba bid Iu the Ger 'tiiau liingimge. mitr5,'71. LH. It A ME, Attorney at !., KUN Ul'RY, PA., office In MaMer'a BulMin; ne.ir the Co li t Iloiifttf. Frunt Room np itHir !iV-e the Bniir Htore. Coiiect'.onn made Iu Nor . Ir.iiubf r'.iiii I an I iidjoiHinir countlef. SJuliury, Pa., Jane 8, lS7i. JG. MAUKI.E A O, Marht Btroet. fcUNBURT, PA. Dealer In Drujfl, Medicioee, Paints, Oila, ilae, Varnishe, Liquors, Tobaceo, Clpars, PoekH liiHik, Iairie, Ac. y B. ffOI.VEI!"i'O.V, Attorney at Law. iO. Market Square, SL'NBL'KV.PA. Profession al 'in. Iiil-!-!. in thin and adjoining counties prompt y attended to. HB. MASTER, Attorney at Law, SUX- BL'Uy, PA. Collections attended to In . counties of Northumberland, Union, Snyder, lo.ilour, Columbia and Lycoming. : : 1 ij-tiy CjOLOJlOX 511LKK, ATTORNEY AT LAW, O.'Ui'j tit li! residence on Arch street, one square wtb of t,!ie Court Ho'.ln, tear the Jail, bUN Hl'Rr. r"A. Coiliftioiis nal ail profesional !i;.ie?-r ri op.ipt'y jjiteu.U'd to In tlii and adjoiu . ,t in I'.tirt. Co,jt.u,lt'.-.i; can be Had In the S;r:.i,ia Uiijjuattrt. JulyS7-18"2. j. w. J iEoi.ru. L. T. nom:nw. ?.ir.J.KK A ROniCHACU, ATTORNEY'S AT LAW, Odlre i:i H r.ipt's Bai'dlnir, lately occupied by Ju-!-i liocUefeller an I L. T. Rohrbaeh, Eq. Col!eetiin and all proiesaloual huinen pr mpi' y nth"v!" l to iu the CourU of Nortlium- b-i'ml and u d'Olnin;; cojulics. !ce. 'J. 1-iTl. ikstnnrants. U.irri: mtatem hotel, w. f. Kl I'CHEN, Proprietor. Opposite the He "H t-HAMOKIN, PA. Eery attention niveu to travelieri". and Hie best ucco.-uiliodutloue given. April 5, 1S73. tf HIT. J AM KM HOTEL, Nw. S08, MS and 810 Hnte Btrect, PHILADEL PHIA. HHNKY LEHMAN, Proprietor. (late of Wooster, Ohio Successor to Win. Chr'mtman. TcrinH i S.35 Ver I?y. Market St. Cars connect with West Phi'.a. Pas sencer IbTl8. to all pans of the City. Fih. 2t, 'Ti.t mos. -17-AilII3ICiT0.1l HOUSE, C. NEKF t Priipriator, Corner of Markot A Koeoud Streets, opposite tba Court House, Buubnry, Pi. May8.S,'?0. AI.I.r.t;iIEY HOl'SE, A. BECK, Proprie'or, Nos.Kl'J and 14 Market btreet, above eighth, PHILADELPHIA. Terms, (3 prr day. Hi respectfully solicits your pnlrnk ..ee. Jnn'i'7'i. VflTIOXAI. HOTEL. AUGUSTl'6 WALD, Proprietor, Georgetown North'd County, Pa., at the !tiitiou ofthe N. C. R. V. Choice wines and cisrara at the bar. The table is supplied with the best the market ail'orils. Good bl.ililin and attentive ostlers. nl'.U.MEL'N Kr.SlMntAVT, LOU IS II U M M EL, Proprietor, Commerce Kt., f IIAMOKIN, PENS'A. H.ivinir just refitted the above Saloon for the accomodation of the public, is novy prep.ire i to rvc jis Mends with the best icfretlimsDts, and fresh l.atfer Beer, Ale, Poiier, aud all otbtr uialt -jUorh. liVERLV'At HOTEL. JOSIA1I llYIdtLY, Pioprietor, Lower Maha noy lowuliip, Noitbuinb.Mlnnd county, Ph., on ( lie road lending from Georgetown to Union .town, Smith Inn. Trevorlou Fotlaville, &c. The choicc-t Liquors and Scars ut the bar. The tables are provide! with the beat of the sea son. Stabling lare aud well suited for drovers, with icood o.tiers. Every uttenl.ou paid to make euesta comforta ble. Nov. 11, 1S71.-1V. business jarlts. v. s. niioAUS. i. fACSEB DAAI T H. R1IOAOW tV CO,, MS ItETAM. HEALEKS OF ANTHRACITE COAL, SUNBURY, PENN'A. Ofpice with Haas, Kagrlt Jh Co., Orders left at Seaslioltx Bro's., otlice Market licet, will receive prompt ubteution. Country ustoiu respectfully solicited. Fib. 4, 1S71. If. AXTIIUACXTE COAL! V.l.i:TIK OIETZ, Wholesale and Retail dealer in every variety of ANTHRACITE COAL, UPPER WHARF, SUNBURY, PENN'A. Alt kinds of Grain taken in exchange fox Coal, due ri solicited and lille.' promptly. .Orders left nt S. F. Neviu's Con feet lone ry Store, on Third Client, v.ill re.-iuve prompt attention, and money f"Vifjf farce as t the olllee. TT Ikl I U -L I J I3tatollalierl In lun. PRICE 91 50 IX AD'AA'C'E. J fcto Abbfrfscmfnts. rOAE! C'OAM t'U,JL! GRANT BROS.. rr.i. " "uiiuiuina neinu LTiilcra Iu WHITE AND RED A8H CfAL, 8UNBURT, PA tSTBolo Apcute, Wesiwad, at the celcbi-uted Henry Cln Coal. - JUU J -U" IETIS1RY. GEORGE M. HENN, to 8imp$on'$ Bwldimj, Market Square, SuNO;ir. Pa.. T prepared to do nllktjds of work pcrtalnlne - v......j. i.ennpg constantly on hand alnrtre assortment of Tivth, and other Dental mntcrinl. from wblrh'm m-iii i. . , .v. v.,,, uu nuie io select, and race sue wants of hlscustoir.ers. All wor warranted t gl eeatlsructioD.or else the money refunded. The very beat Month Va. .u . . - , uu luoin-rowners kept on hand. lids refmenecs are tht ncmerous patrons for yhoni he has worked ftntla last twelve years. NEW COA1 Ttnn THE underslpned havln, onnccted the Coal lillRllieMn V tli lii. nTl.m.H..i.-i . ... . . : v T JAIj It iVJ I. It 1 V trade, is prepared to siiip.y t,,niies with the riK'iiti'nn rtwii Eirir. Stovs and Nut. rnm . ... ,na iiri., taken In exchange for Co t J. M CAPWALLADER. (Minbuty, J:ui. 15. 1670 tf. "Liin n xt n act euchu, ttfc-e I ''S iK-ed tviry f.e ff i',i-rr In wy.-a i: 1 l.n i-tTt'ii. Wruu. u i..f ic'ck f-l 11 t 'iiw,..n- pj!'sj.Ui:i- if IJe S. ?rj., I l. .li. M. t,l l.e tailt;. n:i reaadcr, tsn. uom t f Crli., T .rae tf thn) runu'.s Oird, etonn se S'.4.!nr. Vsv(.. Mklta.t l. ; t, Mfl Tllj.'i-. vt HiJtr ti(ijr. f..r Kn ftn m. 1 rvjj.n.o Coii-tuuem f I t-'b S.ll'T.-"1 llll ti 0 ftl.i'PiV KYnl-r : I tt Hor,-. i,.Tt of Meuiorj J iir!.-.i . . y f !'-';--li(,1's: !cfv'4,, VS'sk-Vwii'-M, ''.'a ii i- Ii.u-1;. f!uhinj.it ll.rKusy Krupi,,0 m. I! 't I'sluit Co,.iiiiii'-e, lJissm',p if tv..-hT' , I'swd by peioes In III detUrs i,r tl.-'ir:'.. life; sfier rnnUnement i laOL put:.., .j.u-.. tixfr in ctiiliirwi. etc. la ir siij ttfi i Hons pwiller to Isdl.-s, I:.-. trar-t Hu'iiu is uurqia-Vd It any otltf v i. ,. - As In Coi-ros.i or htiei.ion, IrrnU'Stii,". r- .:. rulDtfr9upnrs1un ef 'ustensry r vaci'iiTlh1'., Vlorratwl ur Nchirn;. srtio ut tho C'lrrris, J f i.. ccrrhwa cr WUtes, Fuailt. a'id f i.- .l f w platnts Ir.riileM to tha ani. It I' rrri:rnp.l exici.siyelT by the wrist eminent Phvlcitr s sal MidmivK fur enfeebled ir.d dclicni c.t..!-.r.-tiuns of loth sexes and al' at;os. itEAKNKY'8 EXTilACT Pit III , R Mm of '! ft'.n .'(, ,n ell thtlr suiia. ut liitie rxpeuse, liul t r i:o diAne In ulc, i o in cDvenietjcc, and no f xt'OBure. It c isiS a fro tnrnt rlsire, a'-.d du sirep'h to mtr.strt. tbereV'y rennMing ofiHtrueiioiis. l'rcvt-htie stii furliip Htnrtiin-s f the I'rellira, All m'r 1'sln find n..1sninistien,so Freqllsnt la tbit'ldkd of dis ease, andrxpcJIiug all pojscnous miller. KEtKM'V'J EATliVCT Ul'OHIr, f 1.00 prr hotile ir si hittli-a fr t r. uuvrri.s In any addre. s' Cuie from otjS4-rviiuii. hulil tjr 6ru?KlstsecrTb're. Prepared by " KKVKNEY I o . 1W DuaneSt.. K. T. to wnnm all lclia.s for lufuiuiaUou should baj addressed. AVOID QUACKS AND IMPOSTCRS. Ko Chaigs for Advioe and CocioltsticE. p J. t Inrolt. Graduate of . JTrrton ,Uf.-nl fbi. I'hii&dslphia, uulber i f several vainabla wnrSs. rau te cLulled cu u ) rlisrases ut ths fcrxesl or I'niia.'y OrKaus, (vibich ho has moda an ivfiiK-inl study), either Li n.ale ir fcn:nli.'. do uwili.r fru:n v,hst tauto oi'utiuiliu, or of how Job,-; standing. A pmctlco i f 1:0 years enable t.L i tii tivst diseases Willi success. Cures gusr uMfl. C'jsikis rraseiiable. Tliose at a (lis-uoiia- cii f'Turd letter describing symptoms, HjC si vjo-m-h s:ainp to prepay postage. ber.,1 m li. '':id4 to Hm.iA. Price 10 cents. J. . illoX 1 !., Physician aud burgeon, IMDuaoe Bt-.sw York. February P, 1173. ly. FACl'LTV sk CVRKICIXL'SI SUNBURY JUCADEtVsY. Classics and Walhcniatlcs, Pkof. N. FCBTER BROWNE. French l.aneunes and LRrriture, Mk. II. M. BROWNE. German Langn.rcn, Trot. DAVID REIMER. Teacher of Entllsh Branches, M. C. D. OBERDORF. Advanced English Course, PRor. N. FOSTER BROWNE, Assisted by -Mm. H. M. BROWNE. , Primary Dcpnrtmcnt, Mks. H. M. BROWNE, assisted by Me. C. D. OBERDORF. Instrumental Music, Prior. DAVID REIMF.R. Vocal Music Tltof. K. FOSTEri BROWXr. For Cats'oene or any other Infni mstlon, ad drees N. FOSTER BROWNE, Principal an 1 Piofrietor. Or to Mits. 11. M. Bkowne, Lady Principal. Siinbury, vp,rcli 15, 1673.-2 tuns. J. ilercIts CARRIAGE AND WAGON MAKINGgg ESTABLISHMENT, CHESTNUT ST, BUNBUHY, FA. Vehicles or all Kinds maps to Orueh. The latest styles and the best wrkmanhlp. Samples may ba seen at the shop. Give blm call. feuubnry. Dee. 1, 1873. ly. a. VT. KEEPER. C. W. BAS6LER. New Goods ! Dry Goods, Notions, Furnishing Goods, Groceries, Oil Cloths, Glass and Nails. of evory variety, at one low rrlee, at Kecfcr & Ilasslcr's Store, Corner f Fourth and Maiket Stress, BUN BURT, PA. All kinds of Grain tukeu la exchange same as easb. Call aud see us. REEFER.; BA86LER. Punbury.feb. 1, J878. M 14 mxvii;. $22 m& Mm SUMURY, UALTI3IORE LOCK HOSPITAL JR. JOIINSTOX, v Phytlclfin of this Mlobfiitarl Instllutlon: has e my,6?" th ,M?" sfey, Pleasant and effectual remedy In the world for all DISEASES OF IMPRUDENCE. AfrLC,"e",V,h,0 Back ,,r L!mh- Strictures, Affections of Kidney .! ui..,i.i i try pischarKe, Irnpotcncy, General Debilll kni,-. J.U","el!"' ''Wy" Lanuor, Low Spirits, Coufas on of Ide. pi.a,...i.. 1 1. ,f . ' 1'"" Ul ; oi !rr,,any jrfmm"f "imness r wiaoincss, insense of the Head Stonmeh n, C"' .... It. J"" i IHUilba 11UMO Iir HKIII. A II. il lAtia nF I T ctoniacn or Bowels these lorrinin iii..t : arising from the Solitary Hnhltsof Yoiithii,.. secret and solitary practice more fatal to their victims than the song of Syrens to the Mariners or Llysses, bliehtlmr their most hrim,.n i . of anticlpatlous, rendering marriage, &c, Impos sible. IOUNQ MEN especially, who have become the victims of Soli tary ice, that dreadful and destructive habit which annually swrens to n nniim.i. ......... thousands of vounir men of thn mn.i ...,i,. , talents aud brilliant Intellect, who micht other wise have entranced listening Senates with the thunders of eloquence or wuked to ecstacy the " "f"Wf ""J - .WUUttVl4, .. " MARRIAGE. Mnrrled Persona or Young Men contemplating marriage, aware of Physical Weakness, (Loss of Procreative Power Iiiipotency), Nervous Ex citabliity, Palpitation, Organic Weakness, Ner vous Debility, or any other Disqualification. pcedlly relieved. lie who places himself under tbo care of Dr. J. may religiously contido in his honor as a gentle man, and contlilcutly rely unon bis skill as a Phv slcinu. ORGANIC WEAKNESS, Impotenev, Lors of Power, Immediately Cured and full Vigor Restored. This Distressing Affection which renders Life miserable and marriage impossible Ib the penalt y paid by the victims of improper Indulgeuces. loung persons arc too apt to commit excesses from not being aware of the dreadful conseqences that may ensue. Now, who that understands the subject will pretend to deny that the power of procreation is lost sinner by those falling into improper habits than by the prudent X Besides being deprived the pleasures of healthy offiping, the most serious and destructive symptoms to both body and mind arise. The system becomes de ranged, the Physical and Mental Functions Weakened, Loss of Procreutive Power, Nervous Irritability, Dyspepsia, Palpitation of ilia Heart, Indigestion, Constitutional Debility, a Wmtiim of the Frame, Cougb, Consumption, Decay an 1 I 9 Death. i Z A CURE WARRANTED IN TWO DA VS. j Persons ruined In health by unlearned preteu- j ders who keep them trilliug uioulb after mouth, i J taking poisonous and injurious compounds, should upply Immediately. DR. JOHNSTON, Membor of the Knyal Collrgn of Surgeon?, Lon don, Graduated from one of the most eaiiuent Colleges In the United States, and the greater pait of whose ife has been spent In the hospitals of London, I'ris, Philadelphia aud eii-ewhcic, has effected some of the most astonishing cures that were ever known t many troubled with ring- jj lug In the head and cars when asleep, great ' 8 nervousness, being alarmed at sudden soauds, ,y bashfnlueBB, with frequent blushing, attended fj sometimes with deraugem'jEt of luiud, wore cure 1 a immediately. I 3 TAKE PARTICULAR NOTICE. I Dr. J. addresses all thoi-e who have Inlurrd j S themselves by improper Indulgence and solitary q habits, which rnin both body and mind, untitling them for either business, study, society or mar- : riage. ! U Tiiksb aro some of the sad and melancholy g cfleels produced by early habits of youth, vu: ; s Weakness of the Hack aud l.llubB, Puius in the. fi Buck and II sad, Dimnuss of feight, Loss of Mas- i (f. cular rower. Palpitation ol the Heart, uyspep-y, Norvons Irritability, Derangement of Die.e-.tivc Functions, tieueral Debility, Kyuiptoms of Co;i suinption, ic. v Mbktaij.t The fearful effects on the mind aro much to be dreaded Loss of Memory, Con- loiy, v. on- : ju fusion nf Ideas, Depression of Spirits, I.vil- , 51 Forebodings, Aversion to Society, bs.f-Diatrust, i 5 Love of Solitude, liuiulily, iS:c, art come of the evils produced. Thousands of persons of all agea can now judge what is the cause of their declining health, losiug their vigor, becoming, weak, pale, nervous and emaciated, having a singular appearance about the eyes, cough aud symptoms of consump tion. YOUNG MEN Who bavo injured themselves by a certain prac tice Indulged iu when alone, a habit frequontly j learned from evil companions, or ut schsol, t tic j j cllects of which are nightly felt, even wheu 1 j asleep, and if not cured, renders marriage iinpjs- . sihlo, und destroys botu miiil aud body, ahouid I upply Immediately. ! ! What a pity that A young man, the hope of his I country, the darling of his parents, should be 1 ! snatched from all prospects and enjnymeuls of j j life, by the couscqueiico of dsviatlng from the j j path of nature aud indulging iu a certain secret . habit. Such persons mtht, before contemplating ' ! MARRIAGE, I reflect that a sonnd mind and lis ly are the moat , ; necessary requisites to promote eonntibiul happi- j ' nets. Indeed without these, the Journey through j ' life becomes a weary pilgrimage ; the prospect j ' hourly darkens to the view : the mind becomes shadowed with despair and liilea with the liielun cboly reflection, that the happing of unotbrr becomes blighted with ourowu. A CERTAIN DISEASE. Whrn the misguided and imprudent votary of pleasure finds that be has imbibed the seeds of this painful disease, it too often happens that uu Ill-timed sense of shame, or dread of discovery, deters him from applying to those who, from education and respectability, cau alone befriend hun, delaying till Unconstitutional symptoms 01 ; this horrid disease make their appcarauce, sueli as ulcerated sore throat, diseased uoc, uucturul ! pains in the head and limbs, dimness of sight, j deafness, nodes on the shin bones and arms, I blotches on the bead, face and extremities, pro gressing with frightful rapidity, till at last the palate of the mouth or the bones of the nose fall 1 in, and the victim of this awful disease becomes a horrid object of commiseration, till death puts a period to bis dreadful suffering, by sending hlin to " that Undiscovered Couuliy from whence no traveller returns." It Is a melancholy fact that thousands DIE victims to this terrible disease, through fulling into the hands of Ignorant or unskillful PRE TENDERS, w ho, by the use of that deadly Poi son, Mercury, Ac, destroy the constitution, and lucapable of curing, keep the unhappy sufferer mouth after tuouth taking their noxious or in jurious compounds, and instead of being restored to a renewal of Life Vigor aud Huppiue, tu des pair leave him w UU ruiuej. Health to sih over his galling disappointment. T such, therefore, Dr. Johnston pledges him self to preserve the uiont Inviolable necn ev, and from bis extensive piactleu and observations in the great Hospitals of Europe, and thu tlrl ii: this country, viz: England, Fruuce, Philadelphia aud elsewhere, is euabled to oiler the most cer tain, speedy aud ellccluul remedy iu the world for all diseases of imprudence. DR. JOHNSTON. OFI1CB, NO. 7, S. FREDERICK STREET. Baltimore, M. D. Left hand side golug from Baltimore street, a few doors from the comer. Fail not to observe uame aud uuinber. tsf No letters received uuless postpaid aud containing a stamp to be used on the reply. Per sons writing should state uge, aud seud a portiou of advirtisemeut describing symptoms. There are so many Paliry, Deiguing and Worthless Itnpnsters advertising themselves us Physicians, trilling with aud ruiuing thu Leaitli of all who unfortuDutely fall luto their power, that Dr. Johnston deems it ueeessary to say es pecially to those unacquainted with his riouta tlou that his Credentials or Diplomas always bang In bis office. J ENDORSEMENT OF TUE PRESS. The many ihouaauda cured at this Establish ment, year after year, and the numerous im portant Surgical Operations performed by Dr. Jolinslou, witnessed by the representatives or the press aud many other papers, notices of which have appeared again and agalu before the public, beside hut standing as a geutlemau of character and responsibility,! a suillelenl guarauleetothe afflicted, thin disauset speedily eured. ,Marf 1, ISTL-Jy . jJ JllJIIIMIMJBIIMUlipil . J'iVL-- - r. Tarry u Hi'rTsp'. PA.. SATURDAY MORNING. Kl.VU ItAIIIIEU KIIOP IS THE SHOP OT THE TOWN and loni, A has been ask history and she will tell you Men have f i own old In our pntroniiire Babies on their mothers' hreust To hounc'iiK boys at play ( And ynutlis by miiidrus fair caressed To sliilwurt men with rates oppressed, And old men sliver ft1 ay. And anionic the honored and lasting Impres s (ins of time, and the crash or revolution, u iliciiinetunces, we stand a Itvinr mouniiientul iie.iienio oi i nc uiL'euuitv and ii.t,.,.. .... I pertaininir to the identll.v of pmirrcssion. nlvln, . i.il si .... :.L .s i i i "itnest style of .rt and perfeelioii, and asniilnc to achieve th. i,i..i rewiird of meiit attainable in our bumble capaci ty, uml the sentiment of respect and approbation which the presence of siipei inr appliances aud es tablishment are always wont to inspire. Always to please We shave whh cae Cut und comb with taste thn hair Shampoo the head with soothing cars. And color the whlrkrr Mnelr i,ri..'..L 1o suit Hie people about the town. ' 1 hen allow mc politely request yon to slop. And not go p.ist uor from nrouuj our shoo. To g-l shaved on the basis of abilitynor as some have done for our use or t!,e bailot forpi hi r.ecii't and invidious L'ui.e of eamily to complex ion for the cm ol a in m's coat, iir the color of his skin, nuirlit not to atlect bis uselulness nor his quaiilleations. A fair chnce is all that we de:nuud, to irive the proof to nil li e Nrd. JAMEJ W. WASHINGTON. Proprietor. Siiiihnrv, Apiil 5, 1S73 : No. 91, lUrka rt. BLATCIILEY'S T isli less. Durable. F.'icient aud Cheep. The best Puup lor the least inoner. Atleiil'r.n U e pecialty i ivited to H deliley's Pnleiii Improved B nidi el. and New Drop t'lr'fd; Viuv, which can be wil lull a w ii wi;li,i: ie- moving the P.imp in di'liib'.utf Ti the Joints. A mi, lb i...jer CiiJii.ber. whic h never cruclfc or fc.ai .u.d wi'l o itiabt liny other. For sakbv Dealers evci v bei e. end br ('ataiogae aid Pi ice List. " CI1AS. ('. ill. AT' 111. KY, M.utj f.trtuiar, S.iO Coiiiini-ns St., I'bilad a. Pa. Sl4.lv wrtfis.'.w- -v;-r-'j f.i siii RHn z.rz. I '.ili Kpnre l-s Krscrvvd for the Ai)Vi:nricKMi;NT op PAINE d McCORMICK'S II A ii 1) W A li E S T O 11 i: .Kwrkel fct., Kuuburj, I'u. THt PARKER GUN. tr.no STAt)" rcH cihculah PARKER BRtfS w:sr MLr.iDtH.CT. March 'Jt, 173 Iv. CALL SFF-CIAL ATTENTION' To their Immense Stock of foreign and A uierlruu Watches, DIAMONDS JEWELRY, SlI.VEH AND Sll.VKK-Pl.ATKD WaHS, ClicVs. Hrnuze and Fnnev (ovids. Forming an ELEliANT ASSORTMENT Iu every DE PARTMENT. I. OH Pitll'E.. Philadelphia, March W, lS73.-lyr. To the t'itlzeu or Kuubury. THE undersigned his made arrangements to nttend Ihe Tuesday end fc.ilinci.iy Market, with Fresh Halter. K'gs, Lard, Potatoes and Apples, which will b.i sold as low as can be hud elsew here. Call ul the Market stainl uuar Fourth and Mar si reels, small side. After uiurkel hours any of the above articles cau be bud by culling ut his store oil Spruce street between Second u Third where the best brands of Ihe celehrutprl L'x'hiel I Flour I kspt constantly on har.d, dried Fruit, 1 Cidsr, Viusjar, Ac. JOItS WILVER. I fnobary, Ferery J5, 1?18. mm AMERICAN APlilL 1!). 1S7.'!. &ii$ftIIanc0U5. Curioua Eiltauhki A book of i jiilnplis has just been publish ed, coutainiuK wunuiuuutal iuicriplioua many ol which ar of a bmuoroua tUarac tcr. Tlicy are of Eugliali aud Aiuericau origiu, aud it is dillicult lo tell wUicU ia lb mini piqilHlll. Tim lollowinjj ia over Die rava of Mr. 1 ..))tjr a 1'ublican, Hi. Johns, Stamford. LdiicolriHlnre : ' "Hot by uame, but mild by nature, jle brewed good ule for every creature i He brewed good nle. aud sold It too, And unto each niau guvs hut duo." Iu Doncasttr churchyard, ia this couplet : 'Here lies 2 brothers by inialrluti serounded, Jnc (lied ol bis wounds me other was drown ded. Tim following Hues uro over the remnina ol Hubert IroJIop, architect of the Ex- cii.iii-aaua lowu llallnt'tw CaUle, Eng. luud : ' Hero lies Robert Trollop, Who made yon stones roll uu. 11 lb uitj u i . ...... r On the tombstone of a smuggler, killed by thu Excise olliccrs, ia the follotviuj : "Here I lies, Killed by XII." From :t tombstone near London, the fol lowing liueR arc taken : "Here lies the body of Nnncy II. Gwyn, Who wus so very pure within ' She burst her outer shell of sin And batched beraeif a cherubin." Ah an illuHtratiou of the exigencies uf rliynie, an English writer cites tin- 'onow in0' epitaph l'roiu a totuLto-' l Manches ter : "Here lies, 'as ! uinre's (he, pity, All thai leiiiaius of Nicholas Newcity. N. B Ills name us -Scwto'vu." Xcar .San Vwo, California, a t"mbato!io inscription thus reads: "This yere ia ;ikriil to the luciuory of William l'li-nry !kaiuki;u, wlio came to his death by bciu thot by Colt revolver outi of the ol' l kind, brass, tuuuutid and ol ' autch is tin: kiioilum ol heavin." An inscription on a tonibslone iu Hast i Tenneeeee concluiies thus : V ".!ie lived a lilb of virtue aud died of tho f j clio'.ti it murbus, caused by eating j;reen w fruit, in the hope of a blosed iniinorlalitv. 2j ul ihe early aoe ol -1 years, 7 tinmlbs und 5 i 10 days. Header, go Ihou and do like g vi?o." l lie iuiimv iiij;, Miiiuu ia duioioc i" jollcc drinkers, is from a tombstone, iu Connecticut : "Here lies cut down like unripe fruit, The w ifo of Deacon Amos Shut-; j Sh: died of drinking too much toll'ee, Anny Douiiuy eighteeu forty." A tombstoue iu Texas has lho following inscription : "lie remained to the last a decided friend and supporter of Democratic priuci- p!c8 and measures. Blessed are lho dead who die iu the Lord." A Sad Case. Our cily ha not known for many vears a sadder case, of desertion, di'blilulioii and biillering than that of Mrs. U.iyiniiiid, who dieil ut a home furnished b. r li,. lho l liiieilv of 11 lltllllhtT of ladies. in the upper part ol (hit cily, last evening. In lhe u inter she iiccompuuied her husband from Hroomc county, Y. to the forests of Clinton county, where he descried her, iruvino uolbiug for her support. .She made her way to this city, where four weeks ago she gave birth to a child. Jlcr condition became known iu oooil season to several ladies, aud sbo was proporly cared for. A home with all necessary comforts was furnished, mid Willi the help of a youne; female coustu who stood faith-ft-lly by her, she so far recovered from her cotiliiiement that last week she undertook a large washiue;. lJuerpetal peritonitis fol lowed, and she sank rapidly, weighed down with it load ol discouragement and sadness such us few women have to bear. Another cause contributed without doubt to the tiual result. Jioiu thu moment of her coming to ibis city tho tongue of calumny was busy, aud thu ladies who helped her weru unfeelingly sneeted at by others who cast doubts uputi her integrity, and the sto ry of her marriage These) suspicious full with crushing weight upon thu poor wo man, inn! furuished the last bitter drop to thu cup of her sorrow. She died hopeless, broken-hearted, buttjol friendless, for those w ho stood uroutid her bedside during all her sulleiings saw iu her the germ of a true Christian character, that under better cir circuiustauces might have dime honor aud nob e service to society. May hw a,d fate serve us a warmug to those who have judged her so harshly, perhaps iu thought lessness, or at least teach llmui to look into their beat ts and see that uo sio is there, be fore they again cast the cruel stone of slan der ut au unfortunate sister. J.otk JLnen Jiepublican, April lHh. Amcsino Scene. There was an amus ing sciuo ou board the Loui.-.iaii:t mail boat the other day. There was the usual cm glommeration of passengers iu the cabin just before the boat landed ; and amid thu general hubbub of conversation, a man re marked iuciiieulally, "Now, iu Jersey where I live " Instantly an old man, who sat moodily and silcutly p mdering by the stove for some lime, sprang to his feet aud exclaim ed : "Stranger, are you from Now Jersey 5"' "Yes." "Aud willin' to acknowledge it V" "Yts sir ; proud ou't." "Hurrah; give us your hand!" cried the old mail, lairly daiiciu with exulta tion. "I'm from New Jersey, too, but never fell like declaring it afore, Shake ! I'm an old man. I've traveled long and far, I've la-en in every cily in the west steamboated m the Ohio ami Mississippi been to Calilbrny, over the plains, and around the Horn : took a voyage ouco to Liverpool ; but in all my travels, bang me, it this aiu't the lirst time I ever heer'd a man acknowledge that he kutu from New Jersey." A CELEiiit atep singer, Madam Lo Ro choia, was giving a younger companion in art some instructions in the tragic charac ter of Media, which she wns about to sus tain. "Inspire yourself with the situation," said she : "fancy yourself iu the poor wo man's place. If you were deserted by a lo ver whom you adored, what would you do!" 'The reply waa a unexpected as it was ingeuious ; "I should look out for an other." In the last letter Mr. Albert Sumner, one of lhe Atlautie'a List passengers, seul home from Europe be iucloavd Lis photo graph, with the words. "Conung events cast their shadows before." How little he thought then he was mod to pass through .the valley of daatb ! S. SO. 1 he Old Lady's Advice "Girls ' aid a worthy old lady to her (rrantldauuii. I":, n 1"CVe, Vfu"" ",),, t,le question don't blush and stare at your foot. Juat throw your a.m. around his neck, look bin, lull iu tho face, and commence talking about the furniture. Youujr fellows are mighty nervous sometimes. I lost severnl pod chauces before I cauSht your Tond father, by pulling on airs, but I learnt how to do it after a while." The money value of a drunken husband to a wife lias been determined iu Mercer county at 8130. Udera special law iu that county liquor dealers are liable for the from its sale. Jane VsahZ 7" "V " v.'iipi-llllullin'H rCKUlLIIti Lil lllnip have been deprived of her husband bv tba Ha of lion. ii. I. ....... I c . . J .. i ... . : iu - i"i".iii!u uoiii certain par ties, and f-ued them for damages. The suit was referred to arbitrators, and thcv awarded her .he sum named. They Traded. At l'oint Creek. Jack son counly, Ky., a trader had bought sheep of a resident. Resident had one 'more to eol ivhon (fin Kird,iti.t Trador-l'll g vo" vo . ' r B " ' 'A Resident-'-It-g worth five dollar.., . I "It amt worth two dollars " It. It's worth live dollars " ' T. It aint." 1 !-..! . T. "Lud" l"u clrciim ii:c( it worth .tl unto . Jollara." TI.-J traitd lorthwith. I think An Indiana woman is mad because her husband took her ven bef t sheet to bang himself, when there wis au old clothes line in the cellar which ws good enough for the purpose. Mie save he always was extrav agant, and too lazy togo into the cellar for luiyllnii. "Why don't you ge. down and lead tho horse V That is the vay to keep warm," said a gentleman to i boy one cold duy. "Xo," teplied the Auericau youth, "it ia a b b borrowed horse, aud I'll ride him if I freez 1" A Iloujfhton, MieH., boy wagered ten cents that he could s.Ute and jump over au uir-whole iu thu ice. Ills parents, owing to thu unhappy slate, ef morals iu that place, were obliged to impon a minister to con duct the funeral. A MAN asked a serraiil, "Is your master at home if" "Xo ; lie s out" "Your mistress V" "No, sir; slut's out, too." "Well, I'll j'ust step in and take a warm at lho lire till they come in." "Faith, sir, and that's out. loo." The telearam hearing tho singlfi word "Saved," which Mr. H. B. Richmond sent from Halifax to his brother iu Detroit, has leen framed by his partners and huujj up in the counting-room ofthe firm. A youth in Iowa wants each ono of the Chase heirs to send him 21 for information, and thinks that, if they do so, he shall be able to buy up nil their claims at par value. iv imt are you doine J" said a father to bis son, who was tiukering al an old watch. "Improving my time, sir,1' was the reply. Ax Irish l'livsiciau was called to exam- inu the corpse, of another Irishman wbo(liad I bet n assassinated by some of his couutry men. "11ns person," said be, utter in specting the body, "was so ill that if he had not beeu murdered he would have died hall an hour before." Can a man bo called "sound on tho goosu" just because he uses a quill pen. v OiiAi TiNO ok Fkcit Tkef.s. As the time has arrived when gralting is iu order we repeat our former advice that every far mer should do bis own grafting. It is a very easy operation wheu once understood, aud this is readily done by seeing it done. A sharp pen-knife and a good tine saw aro indispensable. Splitting the stalk so that lhe bark shall not bu bruised, and shaping the scion wedge-fashion both ways, pre serving also the baik uninjured, and plac ing the rim of tht wood ot both stock and scion exactly together, so that the sap can intermingle there is no (lunger of failure if properly waxed. We make a shoulder to the gratt aud think it adds to the cer tainly of success, though probably it wea kens it. We, prefer also two eyes or buds to i) graft, and would rather have only ono Hum more than two.' Ono year's wood should always be used wheu it can be ob tained, as U is mure certain to take and grows more vig rously, and tho graft should be cut froiu bearing branches. Wu wish to remind those preparing grafting wax, that we have found four parts of rosin, one part of beeswax, and o-ic part beef tallow, to bo iba best proportions. Melt Ihem together iu a skillet, (which is best.) or a lineup, and uix well. It should ti iiiaiu in the vi ssel and utej us needed. Tweuty or thirty scions cau Ik; waxed with one healing up. WLcu much gralmg is to bu done, a hi lie lire or healing the wax should be made on the spot, between two bricks or stones. Wu have seen various preparations for making grafting wax and we believe we have Hied them nil, but pretcr our own. Applying it warm or hot does no in jury to tiiu graft. The object lo attain in the proportion is that lho wax will not crack iu cool, dry weather, or run in warm weather. If, however, upon trial, dill'er cul proportions bu required, t he loregoing cau bu ulleied, though utter uiing them iu several ways we have come back to these. G'ti'munfou.'n 2'clejruph. Melon Cvitckk. Tho best oil is that w hich admits of ready drainage. Watery as the fruit is, it does not require much rain to produce it. Iu fact, the vines flou rish and bear even ou a bank of aaud. Se lect the highest piece of ground available gray and sandy and put it iu good order, using pleuty of well-rotted manure to each hill. Digging holes of sullieieul size and depositing the manure in them during thu winter is doubtless the method to be pre ferred ; but if this has uol already beeu doue we must resort to soiuu other plan. Make au excavation aud manure liberally, with a view of relaiuing moisture in the time of drought. Much depends on diving tho plants a vigorous start. Force their early growth with a free application of bouu vhoaphalo lo tuu Keen the ground cleu of grass aud well stirred vutil the vuius begiu to cover it ; but as soon ns the roots ruu to the full length of tho vines, and grow as fast, the work should not be more than iwo or three Inches dep. l New Nprlen, Vol. 5. 7to. OIU HceU u, Vol. S3, 51 o. ADVERTISING SCHEDULE "nbont 100 lYonl, inalpa8iaiirt ;1 6q! Sqi 5 flu,; 4 & :'lcop'ieoi:i cl .00, .uu, 8.f-. .Oo;4.0.ijj5-iBi IB ' 8.0-J 11.00 '18.00 One week Two weeks Three " Four " Fiv " Six T ,vo ino's Three " Six Nine " One Yenr 8.00, 8.50! 4.50) 5.0it B.nn'm.iai-o'oo 3.60: 4.80j 5.50) U.OO'lO.OUlslooUioO iio k r h.ou! n: 0.75! 7.nuj !t.UU. 18.0V lH.wj:7;50 .ou,i B.rxJi V.(H:lS.(KllH).OUb0.0 o.oi o.uiij tf..TJio.ius:u.oo2r.uo4u.oc :5.ou! o.o(.j) iMni.w 2s.oo :ir.oo:.',o.oo .0b-l0.0t)i13.0b:l5.0oa5.OH4fi.l.0 7fi.C0 S-0"'l!i.tKi;i5.tlp:iiu.tiQi 10.0Q co.t-o ti.to Corn I'lantino ah, i,, i , . . vim .hud kii i,u. p anting approaches and as tba mode of planting Is about tho sumo generally, via the old check principle, only vnrying with the e.zo ol tho tfillerunt kinds of com plant ed, perhaps my plan, which is a depirturo Irom the old custom, may meet with favor irotn some of your numerous readers, and I wi.I probably give it you. In the lirst place my ground is fitted tho same ns for the old pjau until it Is ready for the seed i tl,e,n ,!ke "y frraln drill, stop all the is sues but two and tic them up so they will not touch tho ground. Thu Iwo teeth unstop, ped and untied is the distance npnrt re quired for the rows. The amount of seed I , . . vn..w, m;,-. 1 " Wu. is rT,ft. V e thumb- iwcb. mm irvinir lho r he ,i.. - little in the road until it drops as you de sire. Wheu nil ia properly adjusted wo cotnmcnen drilling in our com, in rows of course. It rcquiresa little skill iu driving but the driver will soon learu to drive even and straight. jy thr- time the ground coma Iks .mrkr-d ono way after the old plan tho corn is planted. Then comes the rol ler, as soon as tlio scml is in, which cover the most that is left in ati, i.,. ,)ie a ., thffr gbnrr.'T'V"', "uJ orl'1" '"IVO U.s.'etl leave the st iL rl , ' ' ' "." " out 80 PI-. tv ij''itwcl vc indie. ' lliick. ()(;...,.; ' ; "..." eavin it Of courso it will be uu ono way whi.-l, II wrrc manner iu VenV, . "? W0 Tor tho nn.f. ... r,."l ""K It a trenr i,:" ' ' over the -'. old custom. R , V, 1 '-eei soil that' as ma I'a. out anv 'lei I...I 1 . coming season, as soon to show ilsell, we will put a snarp two horse drag on it, and drag it lengthwise of the rows ; but in other respects the same ns though there was no corn tbero. That, however, is an experiment, still I have lit tin doubt of the result. Cor. Ocr. Tt.'o graph. IlECIPKS, AC. Improvement of Rancid Ii:ttfr. According to Luivl and Water, rancid but ter can hi; greatly improved in quality by washing it thoroughly in lime water, and then clearing out the "Hint! water by a good washing in could spring water. The limo water is easily made, bv allowing a lump of lima tho siz.i of the list to slake in a bucket of water, stirring it well, and after ward allowing; the limo to seltln. It is said that a large business is now done in Eng land by sundry persons, who purchase ran cid butler at low rates and sell it again at much higher prices, a'.'ie-r manipulating it iu the manner mentioned. Fish and Sacce. Fresh haddock arj to be clem ed, and tbu heads, tails, and fins to be cut oil'. All of theso latter are to bo thoroughly boiled, to make stock. This, when ihnie, is to bestraiued, and the liquid part, with the addition of a litllle tlotir mixed with cold water, butter, salt, and some chopped parsley, to bu poured over the lish, w hich bus previously cut in pieces, and the whole boiled till sullleieiitly cooked. The result is said to be much more savory than if the lish wore simply boiled iu water. Dr. Hail thinks not one family in fifty knows bow to cook a potato properly. Ho tells us that immediately beneath the very thin outer skins on the potato s the best j part ofthe vegetable, the part that makes I llesh aud gives strength, and all the re ! maiiider of thu potato is to destitulo of nourishment, containing only starch. He tiieretore regards it as very wasieiyi to nako I potatoes. They should cither be boiled or ! steamed with their skins on, and then tho outer skin is easily removed without anv of the nutritious portions adhering to it. Po tatoes should always como oa tho table dry and mealy. Lexon Cream. Squeeze a large lemon, and grate lhe peel, add two teacups and a half of water, and beat it over the lire. While it is heating, rub two tablespoonfuU of coru-siarcti smooth, aud beat tho yolks of three eggs. Stir the lemon-water gradu ally into ihe eorn-siareh, add the eggs, and set it on the lire to thicken gradually, liko boiled custard, sweetening to taste. After it is doiu, beat Ihe whites of the eggs stiff aud stir them iu ; then pour into. small tumblers or lemonade glasses, and set Ihen) in the ice-box to get very cold. Apple-Cake. Two cups of ftcirrcZ ap ples boiled in twoeups of ntolasses. Dram oil' the molasses (fur the cake.) from lho apples, add two eggs, two teaspoons of soda, four cups of (lour, oue cup of butter, one cup of sour milk. Spice to suit. Then add the apple, (which was drained ns above). The apples should be soaked tho uighl belore slewiug for the cake. A STitoNO alluin water is sure death to bugs of any ilescriptou. Take two pounds of pulverized tilluui, aud dissolve in three quarts of boiling water, allowing it to remain over tho lire until thoroughly dissolved. Apply while hoi with a brush, or, what is better, use a syringe to force the liquid in the cracks of lhe walls and bedstead. Scatter all tho powdered alum freely in all those places and you will soon be rid ol theso insect uuisauces which til ono with disgust. To Remove Warts. Make a strong steep from ted oak bark iu hot water; w hen cold apply as convenient aud olteii er the better. In a few days I bo wart will disappear. I bavo also found the juice of the common milk wcc.l. put repeatedly on the wiirts for a clay or two, to completely removo them. Lemon Rice Fcdping. Ono cup of rice boiled 6oft in water. Real together the eik3 of three eggs aud one-half cup of w hite tugar ; mix with the rice and add one quai l of milk and the grated rind ol' u lemon, und bake. When nearly done, beat the whiles of three eggs with one cup of white sugar and the iu.ee of ti lemon. Put this over the pudding, av4 srt back l brown. It is very uieo. F.ekk Tea. A writer ia tho Camnii Laiu'tl gives a new process for making b 'ef lea, as follows : "Take a umip steak of beef, lay it upon a board, and with a case knife scrape it. In this way a red pulp will be obtained, which contains pretty much everything in the steak, cxcfpt lho fibrous tissue. Mix Ibis red pulp thorough ly with three times its bulk of cold water, stirring until tho pulp is completely dif lued. Put the whole upon u moderate lire aud allow it to come slowly to u boil, stirring all thu limo to prevent the 'caking' of the pulp. Iu Using this, do not allow it to bu strained, but stir the settlings thor oughly into the lliiid. Oue to three fluid ouuees of this may bo given at n time." A Woman on the wituess stand, lately, iu a divorce suit, remarked, "Thu statu of widowhood is ineouveuieut, for one roust have ull the modesty of a young girl with out being able to fe,:gu her iguoraute. Au old bachelor compares life to u shirt button, tweauas it so ofton Inn. a by a thread.