GRAND OPENING OF PALL AID WINTER GOODS AT S. ECERZinELDEIl' Popular Clothing Store. Jut opmc, an enormous. Stock of READY-MADE The largest ever offered in this town. Clothing to suit Ml tastes. Clothing for all oc casions, from the plainest Working Clothes to the finest nud most fashionable DRESS SUITS. Boys' and Youths' Clothing. This department Is well stocked with a forge variety of goods of nil colors, qualities and style. All clothiug is made to my own order, by the best mechaulcs, and combine durability and strength with neatness nud style. Hats nil Cans for Men ai Boys. An enormous assortment in this line, including the very latest in Xew York and Phila delphia styles. Thn most magnificent stock to be found outside of the large cities. The very latest in everything. Xeckwnre, Collars, Suspenders, Hosiery, Handkerchiefs, and especially a full line of the best makes iu Shirts cind Gents' Underware. UK, 1L aud Dumcrous other Articles. Doing by fur tho largest business in my line In the county, and buying kree quanti ties for cash, lam able to oiler superior inducements and sell at l.OWEIi PIUCES thau any of my competitors. Everybody i respcetfully invited to call and exaiuiuo the largest stock ever seen in tliig jUoe. Corner Market and Third Streets, Sunbury, Pa. Suubury, Sept. 11, 1S72. it AlaZa WIMTER AT FINNEY'S New Central Variety Store, No. 100, Market Street, South Side, East of the RuiirouJ, Dress Goods of all ivinds, bilk, 611k TopUu, Alpaeits, Luster Alpacas, PeLalnes, Plad, Opra FUnuels, Tlckinfjs Cloaking. NOTIONS. LADIES' aud GENTS' FURNISHING GOODS, HosUry, Gloves, Hood. Caps, Gonuautwu Wool, Ladies' luimit&tiou Hair Good lu new aud beautiful Styles. SHAWLS. Otlamon Crown, Ottomou Double all Wool, Piad Shawls, Breakfast Shawls. Soatfs, c. JEWELRY. Ladls Platad tn4 Jt OjvrH Chains, Ladles' JPlated and J:t Setts, Finger llingf, Ear King, Suyc, b'.ueve Uatlous, Groceries. frU Grocerloe, Wood and WlUow Ware, Floor, Table anJ Stulr CU Cloth. CARPETS, BOOTS AND SHOES, Go to Flnney'i fortha Greatest Variety of GooJb. Goods arrlvtijg'Diilly. M. D. It is the unlvenal vurdict of the trade that my good are sold the lotrrst lu this maiki t. D.U. FINNEY, November 9, 1TJ, Ho. 106, Mareet Street, Sunbury, rV J. W WASHINGTON'S ai4xn R.tKnEit shop. Iu Miss Dailius' hullil'.ng, Market Micet, east of tho Railroad, north side. BUNHVKY. ra. Tho old permanent shop of the town- i We decline the boast, but ut the same time consider that the mighty truth mayjbe seasona bly spoken without manil'estin an uiicomforlu- . bit' amount of vanity and ambition. ' Just twenty yeurs ago I began my business career In thiB place half my lifetime thus far 1 spent, have I stood upon the floor of our shop day after day, and night after night, and applied the sharp blue gleaming eieel, and within that elapse of time embraced by the mlnbty folds of that eveutful period havo I shaved tiearly every body lu the country (In common purlauee) nud to oblige the public Interest we herein publicly : announce tu our patrons old and now tl.ul we ' arc ready to shave them all aai three huudred thousand times or more. Come wbeu you please, jitt in timt Is the max. lm we are always ready to work, forenoon or afternoon, to shave you, liuir cut vou, shampoo you, whisker dye you, or perfume, eomb and ur range the holr with artUtic skill, in the "water full" or wulcr raise style to suit the customer. We woik to please, not please to work. Stop, don't go past oar shop to get shaved ou the basis of ability because we Uo it as well a it can be doue or ever could be. A chance Is all that we demand To give the proof we bold lu baud. OctU lls7J. ilUTCHElU'! BUTCHERY! csars. KKFI KW V BOW EK, Third Street, opposite Central Il-tal, BUN BURY, PA., K' 'EEP eontUut'y 00 hand the vary choicest of fresh Itl-EF, MITTOX AHD VEIL, which 1 oM at the lowest price. Heat ea be had at all boars during the day. l'1rf,P., Jim S, IS?!. Clothin UMBBBLLAS, Merzfelder, Alpacas, PeLalnes, Finds, Opra FUnuvls, Tickings, Ladies LKIIIOR RTOREI CHHISTIAN NEFF, 8econd Street, opposite the Court House, SUN bl'KY. PA.. Respect fully invite the attention of Retailer and others, that-uc has on baud, and will con stantlv keep nil kinds of FOREIGN AND DOMF.ST1C LIQUORS, Consisting of Pure Hrnudies: Coguiac, Cherry, Ginger, Rocbellcand Oiard. Whiskies: Pure Rye Cop;er-litilled, Mn""u. gahela, Apple und Neetur. PURE HOLLAND GIN I Wines: Cuampague Wiae, Sherry, Port and Claret. Crab Cider, Champague Cider, N. K. Rum, Brown Stout and Scoteh'Ale. STOMACH AND BAR DITTER8, And all other Liquor which can bj found in the city market, which will be sold t Whole- i tale and Retail. Every article guaranteed a represented. Also, a Urge lot of DEMIJOHNS ond HOTTLE3, always ou hand. t f O nt is promptly attended 'o, and public piUiomue rcport fully solltileJ . r, KF.FF. J Sunbury, July I, 1899. ly. I Fall and Winter Slylea I or UAT8, CAPS, and BONNETS, RIBBONS, LACES, FLOWERS, FEATHERS, Crap, Bilks, flatlus, TuriuoUf, Crape acd Lace Veils. Trimmings of every Description from New York aud Philadelphia, just opened and fur ale at nuusuully low pi lees. Call aud eiaUilne aud be eouviuced. MISS L. 8IUSSLER, Market Siiusre, Sgutb side, Suubury, P loabwry, Os. V, DA t CIl Y & CO'ft COLUMN. AGENTS wanted for Prof. FOWLER'S Great WORK, no Manbood. Womanhood, and their Mutant Inter-relation jLove, Ju Law. Power, He. Bend for specimen pages and ilreulara, with terms. Address, NATIONAL PUBLISH ING CO., Philadelphia. J25,4w 12 Sample sent by mall lor BOrta. that retail enlck for (10. R. L. WttrjoTT, 181 Cfintham tqnnrt, N. Y. f8,4w AUENTMl A Rare Chance 1 1 We will pay all agent $40 per week In cash, who will engage withosntonoo. Everything furnish ed and expense paid. Address, r8,4tv. A Coitiritit Co., Charlotte, Mich. WANTEi. If ymt"wlah'to TnyiTe"ewin(f Machine, for family use, or art hi agent, addres Washington Sewlug Machine Co., Boston, Mas sachusetts. T8,4w WAMTKi to amploy for the. 7p7Tng"niid ! lumincr, school teacher and their Intelligent men, to solicit for my new valuable, beautifully Illustrated and easy-selling publication. Before making other engagements, address, stating ex perience, If any 11. C. .loHNSOW, fjMw. Arch-st., Philadelphia. tA Mrst-class business for a reliable ruati, with he ntsurance of making from 12,000 to f 3,000 yenr can be secured, In connection with an agency for the exclusive sale of work by Re.v. Henry Ward Beerher, William Cnlten Bryant, Harriet Belcher Stowc, Ac. Write for particu lars to J. R. Fonr Co., New York Ronton t Chicago i or San Francico. f8,4w "EKPECIAI. ATTKXTiOWorrnannfiic- turera who have become disgusted with the odor of l'a fu 111 up Oils and their 111 effect upon mnchl nerv, I Invited to E. l'l. Kellogg's Sperm Engine OH lt.30 pal E. II. Kellogg' Sperm BplndleOll t l.l.l'Pgal E. II. Kellogg's Tallow Engine Oil (( 81. 10 V sal K. II. KcllofK's Tallow Spindle Oil 11.05 Tj gal Manufactured only by f8,4w. E. 11. &r.M.oi. So. IT Cedttr-st., N. T. ' ft WJiMivl . QlV J ? The Guide 1r published Quarterly. 25ct. pays for the jeur, which 1 not half the cost. Those w ho afterwards end money to the amount of oue Dollar or more for Heeds may also order 25 cU. worth extra the price paid fur tho Guide. The First Number Is beantltul, (jlvltiir plans for mak ing Rural Homes, Dining Table Decorations, Window Gardens, Ac., and a mass of Information invnluarle to the lover ofFlower. 150 paces on tine tinted paper, some 100 Engraving and a luperli Colored Plate und Chroiuo Cover. The First Edition of 200,00U just piti ten in iiigiiso nnd German. JAMES VICE. iR,4w. Rochester, New York. HtlgiTtlilUHIITsfll Ik uiieiUaicd by any ki:cui ic iu ily. It will era dicate, extirpate and thoroughly destroy nil poi sonous substances lu the Blood and will effectu ally dicpul all predWpositlou to bilious derange mtut. Is there want of action In yonr Liver nnd Bplvea 1 I'nless relieved the b'.ood becomes Im pure by deletions secretions, producing scrofu lous or skin disepses, Blotches, Felons, Pcftules. Cnnker, Pimples, tc, . Have you a dyspeptic Stomach 1 Unless dic tion is promptly nided the system Is debilitated with poverty of the Blood, Dropsical tendency, general weuknesy and luerlla. Have you weakness of the Intestines I Toil are in danger of Chronic Diarrhoea or Inflamma tion of the bowcle. lluvc yon weakness of the Uterine or Urinary Organs Von nro eximed to surTeiing iu its mnl aruvatcd form. Are you dejected, drowsy, dull, sluueish or de pressed lu tpirils, Willi head aco. backache, cont edtoncuu aud bad lasting mouth I For a certain remedy for all of lhec diseases. weiikncese and trouble ; fur eleunslni; nud pu rifying tho Tinted blood ami impartiinr vigor to nil' tin : vital forces ; for bmldinir tip and restor Iiil' rbe weakened eoiiMitniion CSK J U K U li i: U A which Is pronounced by the leading medical au thorities of London ami Paris "the 1110-t power- t'ul tenic and alterative known to the medioul world." This Is no new and untried discovery but has been loui need by the leading phjsieiuns of other countries with wonderful remedial re- i suits. I Don't weaken and impair the digestive oreans by cathartics and physics, they give only tempo rary tellef Indigestion, datiilency and dyspep sia with plies aud kindred dieentes are Hire to follow tlifir use. Keep the blood pure and henltbv is tssnra.1. JOHN C). KKI.I.OGG, 19 Piatt St.. N. Y. Sol Agent for the l'nite.1 States. Price, fsl per Bottle. Send for Circular. drl4 4w UU First Premiua U II im.liisi.167t rouble Elevated Oveu. Wurmhilt Closet, Hroil In;; Door, r wider Guard, Iliimping und Slinkign Grate, Direct Draft. FUM.KK, A It It F.N A CO.. 200 Water Street, New York. fbS.4'V O elCfeeder' ufn&r Utewart Imihovf-d, Unrivaled a Un equaled. tiurns anv size Loai. FULLER. WARREN & CO., s7,12w 8Ub Water St., New York. 1 4if per day I Agents Wanted I All 4J 10 QkAi classes of wot king people, of cither sex, younif or old, mnke more money at woik for us In their spare moments, or nil the tiuiu' than (it anythinir ele. Purtieulnr free. Address, G. 6TIN8ON A CO., BU-ly. Portland, Maine. "Agents wanted for the uew and starlllrg book, The T""I7," rTT lu History, bv thennthor XJ Hi V -Llj of "God In Hii-tory" 11 luttruted by Dore and Nasi, Endorsed bv immi nent divines. E. B. TREAT, Pub., 805 B'way, ja.-.,4w .2!:Jr- AbtM N, the fastest selliiix book In the mar 1st is T. S. Arthur's THREE YEARS IN A MAN-TRAP. Selling ncxily ten Imusiind a mouth. Lncuiurs tree. .1. ciuduaiii a. CO., Publishers, Philadelphia. J'J5,4w. BLATCIILEY'S es I IMOVLD 1 UCUI3LH WO'D iTJUP Tasteless, Durable, Eflleient and S 1-1... k..-. u....- r . u - i4 lii ltp. ll'S Ul.1 i UUIf iui ,11. lea-l innner. Attention is e- pt-eiully invited to Blulchlcy'a I'nteiit Improved Brurket and New Drop Check Vulve, wliicli can be witbdiuwn without re linit iii; the Pump or the Joints. Also, tin Copper Cbuu.ber, which uevcr crucks or si-.cs, will ni't iirt any other. For sale by lltalers every whi.. Send lor Gitl"jue and I'rice List. ClUiS. O. bLAT'-'HLKV, Mntt r.irturer.&X Commerce St., Plillad'a. fa. The Immense shIv, 10,000 in one month our I.IVIXjiSTOXK 28 years Id AFKIC'A la Imvlni; prove It above all others tbe book the masses waut. It goes like wildflre. Uver 600 puires, ulv 1 2 AO. More Aeents Wanted. NOTICE. Be not deceived by misrepresenta tion made to palm off bleb priced Inferior works but send for circulars aud see proof of statements and great success of stutvments and great suc cess ufnur stents. I'ockct eonipnulou, worth 10, mulled fiee. IIUBBAKD HUUIj., fublisber 7i'i Saijsoin St., Phlla. J'.'o,4w AGENTa WANTED. The most liberal 7erms ever otfi red. Exnlnrutlnna Id Africa. Tbediocov. erer IliaeOTerrd. Tbe adventure of a most ariventurous'life, A litre ortuvo volume, spice didly Illustrated. Coutuiu lucldeut of tho woo derful career of tbe ereut traveler, the country animals, natives, huutlnc, He. Tbe best digested cyclopedU of African Knowledire aud Living stone s Lxploratiub ever published, rull ac couut bow Bunley found Ltvinifstou- The only book endorsed by tbo rrcts. Send tt fur outnt, or will. W. Fliuldt Tbllakelpbla, ra., or 1SI1 i m J I UprlogK.'.d, Vss. J9a,4w V r sr. WV W CIZC or PH.lTS 000 Or flof arOoatd, Conett(ratee tlot and Herbal Jnlee, Antl-ntllone nranalea. TUB LITTLE OiAMT" CATnAltTlOt or neltau la Farva Phyale. Th novelty of modem Medical. Chemical and Pbar. mcaltcsl Brlenrn. ho n.e of any lougvr tkir tlx larKC. mpnlclvi) and nameou plllr. romKMed of ehesp. mine, snd bulVr Initredient. when we-ran br a rsirml application or rheinlwl Wnce, extract au the ratliartic and nilmr Biedlclnal nnirlie frum the uiot vsliislil root and brbi, and cmieculrate I hem Into mlniit Ormiq'e, cre-ly larier lliau a niiatarit aced. that can lis resilily (wallowed by 1 tlirne of tuo moet reiipitlvs atnainehs ami laetiilloas tasf. F-iehlltlle IurcatiTe "cllcn prweme. In a mot fniRentnied foi-m, as murh ealhari ic power t i emhodieil lu any of the tarja pill fiimd fur tale In the Aran shops. From tlmir wunrierful ealbarti jiowur. In umKtrtimi to their slao, peupla who have not tried them en ant to etippo thai Iney ar hanh nr draUc in eil'wt, hut ench la not at all the tae , the !isrent ae.tlve medicinal principle of which theyare rotnpoeed being n hanuoitird and modlftnd, one by Vi others, as to nrsdnee a anna earrhln( and thitrnnehi jet gently ami kludly o)i ro tlnaj caltaurllc. .SOO Hetrard l hereby oSrei1 by the pmprls tor of these Pellet. In anv -hwulet who. tirmn an-aly-is. w ill Cnd hi tltena aiiy Calomel or other Mm ut msreory or any other miuiiwl point. Ileltia; nitlrcly vtarliibl, no cars 1 required while anius; l.'ienl. I'bey oponile without disiurbsnce to th inniiiiiio. ou-t. tr oc rapatluo. For Janiirtler, llouil-trin . Coil atlputton, Impnrei BlouJ, I-n 11 :l Shouldrrat TIthtiieaot li. ticKt, L'lx slntssiSiiur l'ructaitoiia f lue mum. nrlit Bad tnste In uiouih, ItliiitiM nti.iek", Palu In nsrlon of Kldmi-s luterliul lover, Hlo:ited feeling Hhoiil sioLK h, ItiiKbof Blood o lleuj, If lertt Colored t rine, I isociubllliy nud r.loomy I orrbodltlBS, take Or. I'lerre'a Pleasant Paricullvo ITlicls. In exiUsns Hon of Dm remedial power of my Purgative I rllets orer o ifest a variety of dlseaee. 1 with to My that their action npon iho animal conna iiiy la nnlverstl, not a aland or tissue csrapliti? their smitatlva luiiirces. Ar dici not Impair them: their lilpur-eoi.tlnj; and being ncleed iu Klass bottles preesrve their virtues nnlm psire I for any lngth of time. In any climate, so that ihryare altruys rrrsh and reliable, which 1 natih case with the pills found lu the drui stotes. putup ia cheap wood or imsts-bosrd boxes. Itecollect that for s'l dlseaees where a Laxative. Alterative or Pursratlva is Indicated, l"e little Pellets wilt f ivs the moel perfact satiaiaclia to all who use theoa. Titer are sold by all enterprising Druggists at 2& cents n bottle. J Uo not allow any drnitflst to Indnra yon to take snylhiDK vise that K may sy Is jnet s ood as mr Psllets bersne ae make a larger profit un that whUii he recontmeiwU. If yviur drunTlrt ranimt supply thsm, euelose SB cvn's ard rerelve lli.iu by return maU frum ji. r. riKcj:, u. it., r,i.,'r, BVJTALO. N. Y. May 4, 1872- TUE NEW DISCOVERY la Cheaaical and JHedical ScitM Dr. OAHVTVS TAB REMEDIES Cure Incipient Conaumption. Dr. ;ABVI'S TAR REMEDIES Cure Outarrh. Dr. CAKVIX'S TAR REMEDIES Cure Atbma. Dr.JAItVI'S TaR REMEDIES Cure nourt Dlsonac. , Dr. O.VltVIX S TAR REMEDIES (Sm Skin Diseases. Dr.UARVlV TAR REMEDIES Regulate the I.ivcr. Dr. JAKVI'S TAR REMEDIES Rrguloto the Seomncli and Bowels Dr. GAHVIVS TAR REMEDIES Cure all Female Wcaknesae. Dr. CiARVIX'S TAR REMEDIES Purify the Blood. Dr. CxARYI.VS TAR REMEDIES Cure Dlneae of (lie Throat. Dr. CiARVI.VS TAR REMEDIES Cure Bronchitis. Dr. 4.ARVI V8 TAR REMEDIES Cure "Rose Coldor'IIayFever", Dr. riARVI VS TAR REMEDIES Cure Lung Diseases. Dr. CiARVIVS TAR REMEDIES Cure Constipation. Dr. GAUVI TAR REMEDIES Ouro Salt Rheum. ' Dr. OARVI V8 TAR REMEDIES Cure Uidney Diseases. Dr. UARVIX'S TAR REMEDIES r-revent Cholera & Yellow Fever Dr. CIARVIVS TAR REMEDIES Trevent Malarious Fevers. Dr. OAUVIVS TAR REMEDIES Kemove Pain In the Breast. Dr. CiARVIVS TAR REMEDIES Kemove Pain in the Side er Back.' Dr. OARVI VS TAR REMEDIES Are s Snperior Tonic. Dr. OAKVI.VS TAR REMEDIES Restore the Appetite. Dr. CARVIVS TAR REMEDIES Cause the Food to Digest. Dr. GARVIVS TAR REMEDIES Restore the Weak and Debilitated Dr. ARVIVS TAR REMEDIES Give Tone to Yonr System. L. r. HYDE fc CO., BOLB PAOPBISTOBSj 10 S Seventh Ave., Xew York, December 21, lb72. ly IMauhood tIlow Lout, llaw.Itentor ad J j. Just published, a new edition of Pr. Cl'LVEKWELVS CELEBRATED KtinAY on the radical cure (without medicine) of SPEKMATOKR1KEA, or Seminal Weakness, Involuntary Seminal, IMPOIr-M'Y, Mental and Physical Incapacity, Iruedlment to Marriage, etc. j also, Consumption, Epilepsy, und Fits, Induced by eir-indoi.ence or sexual extravaraiice. 1-tT" Price, In a sealed envelope, only 9 eents. The celebrated author. In this admirable es say, cleurly demonstrates, from a thirty years' successful practice, that the alarming conse quence nr sell-abuse may be radically eurea without the ilyi''erous use of luternal medicine or tbe application of the knife i pointing out a mode ol cure at once simple, certain, una eaec luul, by meaus of which every ulleier, no mat ter what bis condition may be, may cure himself vberiply , privately and radiralls. i Tut i.eeture should be in me nana i every youth aud evory man In the land. Bent, under seal. In a plain envelope, to any address, postpaid, on recelj-t of sii eents, er two postage stamp. Also, Dr. Culverwell's "Marriage Guide," price 60 cent. Address the Publishers, CtlAB. J. C. KLIN K ACO., P. O. Box, 4.IW6. in Bowery, Hew Tork. April FT, lB-TS. EMTRAY NIIEEP. Came to the premises of the undersigned, la Upper Angustu township. Northumberland Co.. on or about the Soth of November leu, Ave sheep. nil white. Tbe owner or owner are requested to come forward, prove property iay charge, and luke them away, or else they will be disposed of accoraiug to law. RACHEL CAMPULl Jam. 4th, 1871.- 8 ran. w i f 2 3 sttbfcaL 1 R R R ' BADVAY'S READY "RELIEF . ttiniM TUB WO8T PAINS. . . . In from On to Twehty MirtutsM NOT ONC HOUR ' I aUsevsslin. MtvOTtWwient na any 4 jLAbn .mVJWiMf. etui TO ! Il was Ui. In sua Is Tho Only 1sIj Remedy IVit liisunilf Map. ih. meet eswiKlstlnt pals., sllavs fa lUmmMlon. Sn4 ettrs. Cwewstona, whsOwr sf Um LvaflS, IMiimach,, w atbtt itlswl er erfSia, sr ea (iuof Ks twitter liu. vlolmt rr esenielullis the .ta th RlirTy- m r nun uiis iv 1 w r.. 1 1 .iFviaa, eisiuis uic pun ui. k: MATK', ifert-rMMen, inarm, vrit'tiMd, nwsna, jtmraKia, r iMtrsWd with dKiewM may suffer, RADWAY'S READY RELIEF WIIJ. AFf'OrtD 1NBTAWT Xi IKTLAMUATIOSI OP THK KtlwKYR. JJtrLAMXIATIOlV OK tHl KAK. a. UK SLACSBt a. INFLAMMATION Of THE BOWELS. CTONOKBTIOH OF m OFTBt LOTOS. en.. Sllflrtir TML'fU'l'I r ItDV.-eutMJl l ALI'ITATTOH OF TUS HXAKT. liYttTxnicft, cnour. wthewa ,.BADAcnE TooTnAr miBm,AtIBIt ('l.u l lliLl sun. rniLi. lit. r tb. It Mutv Relief in the sait se .UU win wtitr, ib. psl. r duaMultj ssIm. will asTM4 m. mt iofnforl, Tnnll Tsontr &ro In hslf a InmtiVr of wtAff win In a I trSMTMi.t. cur. CKAUPS. rPAbMS.fMllrit BIOMACI1, JtaARTTlt'HX, piCa HVSEtltnY ' COLIC. ll lTtllHV. I'AINS Ntinv. roue, vu&u ix tux DoWki. tut Tmv,ini thnnla tfnn etrrr a boat s Ka4wair Reaay Brllss? U Ihsm. A fcw rl. I wil wul Brpii rirkiuM wr pslns from ehsnir. of w.ur. M a astSsff Li yrtuclt Uriuly or Bitun M a sUmauutl PRTKB AND AOI1K. rr.VT.n AN U AUU K nn r.r fty nnU. Tksf to M S rsoila sjr.ia la this world thsi will cuts Frr ..A Acil.. sea sll other u.lsrvm. ntnon. PcArlet, Trpbflld, Yellow, and othsr PevmlsMsit t.. IIAUWAY'I PILLS r anleV ss HAPWAJTM rtEAUi liiOOir. ttof Ml HEALTH I BEAUTY 1 1 f TTtoto anp rrnR nicrt nuot-tioitiAit 0 Vt.C.HII AND WKpillTC-LKAtl SKlIt AMD BAAV' Tul'l COJSPLtilO.1 kEOUHKU TO ALL. DR. RADWAY'S SARSAPARILLIAN RESOLVENT OAS M ADR TUK MOST AMMSUINO CURM: SO wrcjrK. HO KAP11 ARK U,LY .I'lU AKK TI1K CIIA'UW THE vr Tiu.i 1 UtLI Til AT Cvory Day an Ineroaso In Flesh nnd Weight Is Seen and Felt. THE GREAT BLOOD PURIFIER. Kv-ry drip U t)i HARSAl'AUil.Lt AN RESOLVENT fAtnmtttitottrl trtrt..e)i the blf-rtl, ft cat, V rn, and clUrt HitlfUsxnd tuics i-f iLisi tvistm Ui i)(ur t lift, for It rvlif Hit wimi of the toil with tnw nri'l mhii4 HtfofuJft, MrpUili, rwiuiimviinn, UUndulnr dUtito. L'kTt In ths Tri rot l. Mouth, I ti'iiar, Ttadfl li tl. t swx! ar4 lbr fsrtN f iba viittTj, $.ir Kvei, Heliarr' from th Ear, ntul t lit wurH form f ia disteu!. Kfiij t!ns. Yrvrr r.rt, ReftM )UA, Hfng VT.-Tra. Klt KLtum. Ery.lpUA, Amt, ULtcIt fip-.u, Worret In tho Klh, Titur CHricvrs in Womb, and all we.ikuln hid prUufui til. elarf, II I. ?lit fwt, Vhia of S?rrm, an 4 .tl twui cf im brUirip.s. r wlllil.i tl.e dintUri tuft of tbU wottde .f MuJcru rheuijatrv. siii ft few Hvi u will rv tu any peina h-Iu 11 fr tltki-r cf Ui fotwsof dists rts yttirt pwr i en re ijitm. If lb rvatlant, dally pfrortirnr rednrM dt tii wut r d fVertttittOmi'R Ibat ll continually rrtfrrlMiUif, tnfcfr V ftrrvfstuix IhesA WMtfs. sil repulm th ststiow'Jt nw naftv UJ wvtr frum h'JtUy t-Io4 ud UM U P AlUlArAlUI Lt AN aui tlei sfttif", Mwt on IN d"" il BArAnn.t.TA.f Tir-t.vxmr trrM s)l ttiown retrf'liiil Sir-itt It rurc t f ( Lrttnic, ftercfn u, 1 unrt itutiwaA). ami bkiW dlKac ; Irat tt li lh oaly fctiUrt Eildiiry & R ladder Complaint!, TVrtfirv, s-iit "tV'-niS Ilt.jif, Crarrl, p.slW, pro"j Mot.ii.vrn 9t Wntcp tnrv-.iitliicftfs ot I'rin, ltrlsht'i l)i .Aitmruiriuris, suit in 'l tt tvhTS llirre. tr triek'iutt rto fMlv wr llti wfttcr I" thick,, Inltf-d wHh tvitfttanef L)i Ut whlt f mi er, tjr thnrftdi Nk whHt vk, or ihrrs U morbM, tlsrk. llin.! snDe-wnne', and whit Btvi'tttt wponlta, "nd wticn them Is a vr'.cklitK, Dumc naiia iii papains; water, niut r-lo la ihs biuail A lbs Back an4 alonp tin- Ix'"iv 1'rlt;, $i.uo. WORMS. The ol y kiwwa and nr f.r Tumor of 12 Years Growth Cured by Radnnj 'i Ilctolrent. mT. MsM., Jily !, MM. Pa. HeWAt T Tin) tid 0H Tmvwr Hi the evarlea and All ll Doitnrt Mid twre WM o hflpff It." 1 triad vary ihmr til at rtenwiruemWd ; tat iintsiLrn Helped ait). I l vaar fUviK-l, and tHamrnft I wM try It ( ttt bad i falllk ia M, Ivaitsa I 4 (iar4 U-r tavltt aeirt. I trsjfc ! hnltlot af fUaalwofit. aaj m - f lUeJwijt FtUl, tuirl Iwa VettWa mt ytjsT tlaalv HtlUf ; and ta.ra U a.-t a t'f t tan tor to M laa ar hrC am4 I far) avllar, .r"rtrr, anr aar-r tha I bsvt Ivr (wait-a yvff Th wvii tumr as In hm ln !! U ih kevtta. tn mtf. I writ thK to fv tAM UuatUaf atbtn. V- a ran rnt lUli It If 3 --akr,4M. H A-N.NAII r-VNATl. dr. radway's Perfect purgative pills, P"Tfr!y tMt(M( fWiranUy roatvrl w!th twcM fim, firm rKnlat, uiitS'. rirnna. aa I rtrtrurthrft. hl way's MHa, f r the cur of aN diordra vt the Stofctt, Ljvr, IViwsjIa. Kidiitva, Mlvldrr, N-vrou-l DLrr.Ma, tlfMiUrh, Cft.itH-a-Iwii, fn-stivnt' M, Insttfcatkon. Ji t.fiBia., Hillountaa, BU VtxiB Fe-Tef, luRaiuiuiaUsn nt lh howel, TiUf.akd ail X rauctftnriiU uf Ih.y Internal Vlatira, WarraHtod to rTct a nootire rir lurrly VtvCdaUr, cotttaluUia CO aiJroeAry, mi'M-r r aMrinua druXB, twr Oi.r-rvt- ibr fUlowkiix ymploint ruHUj turn Xitv ftnJirauf Ui IifjciiUv Orfau: I'metlfMMaa, luward Mn, Fntlneea t lt TUtd fa tV Ktad Ai4iv ar tb 4 .. h, Nana, lieankvurn, DUeriiel ml Ti. Bait rm. i-r W.isjrtt La ih. V m.ra, fcur rrartlUat,iuVls,sT mt KI.He it t tb J'it -4 Cfa 1. sriiieej. ftwlajuniuff h (ha Haad, llarHisd arvd IxJIenlt f.aiihift FIb kirlop t mm Henri, Ch-alasr of ftJfaatiof wli.n in I tins; rwl.ra. THmaa .-f Vltlntj, IVM mt Weas mmtutm tH. biil, avrr an.l Vmm iu lb lUad. Peiaa.-y I Pmj.lraitoa, Yrllatirti i llm f-k a inJ ! -, Ptia ta lb ft . L-aaal, UmW. iu.4 luJei.n lalM of Heat, DanUag b ri.b. A f-w dwa of HAP WAY'S riLM wi! tr thtratm fri-ri 'all i t..if-' ut. A .iM.r(ltr". l'nce, K vruU per b. ittV!i MY 1'Uf('i!5TS. IIEA1 -KAI.SK KSl TItVF." Peril on W-tir mm to KAl'WAY A. CO., N. p? Maiden i-a.e, Niw-Uk. ..f.,-.., H..., , -'. ti. .njiitja will lt BCUt ywtV 'Marcb 50, 1ST2.-Iy. A SFEAT MFDICAL DISCOVERY Dr. WAISOI'3 CrLITOKXIA YINEGAE BITTERS Tlundreds cf Thetisanfls Tear t-stlmorty to th-tr WonCcr ful Curaliv. Kittcls. WHAT ARE THEY ? i aJ C e i: U THET ARK SOT A VILE FANCY DRlr'K Bo Pers.a eaa take taee) Blttera seeeiw sf l. dtr.ciioe. and rcmsin Ions; u.w.11. proviilee kuaet arc aot ocm.r bv mioei.i pn or mint, w th. vilsl orjiii. w.ld Ivn4 lb. peinl f fP'-, Uy.p.psla r India. stloa. Headh, I'sla ia ih. Cwth Tiihtnts. of th. Cht P'" mu, Ko.r Eractsiioss tt lb. Sionutch, Usd Tims ia the Meuta, BUious Altscks, Filpiuii.a m iu. ntjn, . Mrs, sad a hundred olbsr paiutul symalonis. sr. lh tt sprmcs tt DrMls. In th somplsinis it ass a eaasi, s.d out botil. will prov. s Lslici (usrsiiie. o lis IB. V thu ImmIi, ftjtv.rtl.ftfU... Vor Female Cosnplaiata, u voutK e okl. msr tw siogle, st th dawn of wtnsnhtjod, or III. lism ff lit. tk.M Tonic Bitters display so decided an influence Ihal s winked improvement I. toon perceptible. ror sad Cbroale Rh.a taatlasa and Goal, Bilious. Remiiicni snd Ini.rmil Meit r.vws, Duwasss U lb Blood. jv.r, sad an caused by Vitisied Blood, which is ireuerairy producod kr deisnremsnt tt Ih Di(esiivt Orjrans. Tkty ara a Qeatla fnnj.ilis at wall ae a Tomtc, posMsauif srso Ik. peculiar tt acttnf as Ihss. Bill.r nav. no equjii. an vm-i sowertul scsal m .entvini imi""" lb. Liver and V-tti Oraans. and in Bilious Diauea For Bkla !., Eruptions, lener, MS Ikus Biokshcs. SooiJ. Pimples, Puuls. Bwls, Car- baoclos. Itieir-worriis, Scald-He-d, .Sort Eves, armi ..k e.u. n.A!nr..tiou. of th. Skin, liujnora ana 1M sasa. of th Skin, uf whatever nam of naturs, ar. lit. stally daa up and csriKd out of the sysitm ia a short liow by tlw us. of th. Bitters. Tk arop.rtles of Us. Wataaa's Vimsoab Bitts.s are Apsrisnl, Diaphorelic and Canwunauv., Mutriiious, Laaanve Diureiic. Sedative, Coualsr-Im-lant, Sudorinc, Alterative and Anti-Bilious. fUral.fal Tksaasads proclaim ViNaaaa Bit Teas the ssost wont.ul laviforaat ibat iw tu.iaud tu srakiag systcas. I. WALKER. Props. R.H.MeDOSIAIJCOM PruutsU and Otm Aft., Saa rranasco, IUI., ul corslr .4 Wauniton snd Ckailioa St., Naw Verb SOLD bv ALL DRUGGISTS AND DEALERS. NEW Flour, Feel, Fruit ai VenetaWe Store, Spree Street, between Front and Second, 8UNBURT, PA. JOHN W1XVER having Jest opened a Store at the above place, where all kinds of of the best brands of Float and I'eed will be told at greatly reduced prices. .The csle breted Buck's Mill Flour will be kept constantly on hand. Alto, all kind! of Feed, Grain, Corn, Oats and Rye, chopped or whole, Potatoes, Apple., Cabbage) eft generally, at a cheeper rate thai san be bonght elsewhere. All good delivered Free of Charge. Call and eiamine my stock and asoertalo tbe fries before, purenasing eisewnerst, JOHN W1LVKB. tnwbery, f, IwTI.-tf. r. V " c is x i i!i ti ll Ijs 6 ! THET ARK SOT A VILE 5 e 5 atrttfacinrtrs. BKO. EVANS. E. O. MAIZE. : Geo. Evans & Co., bl4 Market Street,' Philadelphia, TAILORS And MILITARY CLOTHIERS, Military, Band a Fire Organizations promptly uniformed. Samples of Cloth, with Photographs, sent free on application. Oars being the leading noise ro Military work, we feel that we ean offer Inducements which can not be attained anywhere else. Aug. 84, 1878. SlliBlKT 9IARBI.E YARD, Fonrlh Ntreet below market, SUNBURY, PEN N ' A. TIIK nnderslitned has returned from' the Ver mont Marble Quarries with 58 Tons of Marble for Neaaiuents, G rare-Stones, Ac., fee. ft ha bonght at such flimr.s that will allew blin to sell better atone, for less money, tbuu heretofore. Tbe beat Sutherland Falls Marble, which I better than Italian. Rutland Is now told as low as the Manchester. Those who need anything In the Marble line, for Monuments, Grnve-Stonet, or other purposes, will Bnd il to their Interest to call and examine this large stock, as better baritain can be secur ed than buying from parties 'huckstering' round tbe country. All lettering will he done In the neatest and most Improved style. TV. M. DAUOflERTT. 8uDbury, Jan. 11, 1873. J. F. LERCH'S CARRIAGEAHD WAGON MAKLG( ESTABLISHMENT, CHESTNUT ST., SUNBURY, PA. Vmiclm or all Kinds map; to Okdrk. The lntest styles and the best workmanship. 8n in pies may be seen at tbe shop, tilve him call. Sunbury, Dec. 7, 1S73. ly. Tailoring! Tailoring! I CHARLES MAIHL, Respectfully Informs the citir.en of Suubury and vicinity, that he hits opened a TAILOR SHOP, em Fourth Street, below Market, In the Mullen building, and that he is prepared to make up all kinds of GENTS' AND BOY'S St'lTM, In the latest styles. Having had much exper ience In the business be desires the public to give him a trial. Clethinir will be made up In the latest P.iis and American Fashions in the most satisfactory manner. Atig.W.'TStf. n,AliL1LM-AL,J!" MACHINE N1IOI' A.I IKO.N ronnnv. GKO. UOIIK1JACH & SONS, Nunbnry, Pean'n, INFORM the public thixt they rtr prupanut to do nil kinds uf CASTINGS, anil Imvimr milled a new Machine Shop In connection with their Foundry, and have supplied themselves with New Lathes, I'lanlng and liorinc Machines, with the latest Improvement. With the aid of skillful mechanic, thev nre enabled to execute all orders of NEW WORK OR REPA1U1N0, that uihv be given them, lu a satisfactory man ner. Gruff to wait any Move. IRON COLUMNS, for churches or other bulld iiiL's, of all sizes. BRASS CAST1NUS, &8. Ornamental Iron Fencing FOR GRAVE YARD LOTS s VERANDAHS, FOR YARDS AT RESIDENCES, AC, AC. The PLOWS, already celebrated for their su periority, have been still farther Improved, and will always be kept on h.ttid. Also. THUF.SHING MACHINES. Sunbury, May 20, 1871. . UJIBtK AND I'l.ANINW MILLS. Third Street, adjoining rhila. A Erie R. R., two S quires North of the Central Hotel, SUNBURY, PA. IRA T. CLEM EST, IS prepared to furnish every description of lum ber required by the demands of the public Having all the latest Improved machinery for luuiiiifnviurliig Limber, he I now ready to till or tlui s !' all kiuds of FLOORING, SIDING, DOORS SHUTTERS, BASH, BLINDS MOL LDIM.S, VE RANDAS, HKACKKIS, j ami ull kinds of Ornamental Scrowl Work. Turn- ' lut; of uvcry dcseriptiim promptly executed. Also, , A l.Attun hii:TVi:.vT if JU1.L LUMBER. HEMLOCK and PINE. Also, Shingles, Pickets, Lathe, Ac. Orders promptly tilled, ndhlpied by lUllrmtd or otherwise. IRA T. CLEMENT. (L-cl-ti8:lJ S T4IVE V TtS ESTABMSIIMENT, MARKET STREET, SUNBURY, PA. ALFKED KKAUSE, Prtiprulr. Ut rctssort to smith a iiBxniut.J HAVING purchased the above well known es tablishment, Mr. Kruitse would respectful ly inlorm tbe public that be uow bus on baud a large ussorimeut of COOKING STOVES, Spcer'i Cook Antl-Dnst, Renlatnr ar Revolvlug lop, Cointiliiatioii, eitaqtienanna ana, which nre so arranged as to lie used fur Coul or Wood, and are warranted to perforin satist.u lorl ly or no sale. HEATERS of all kinds put ap to ileal one or more rooms. HEATING BT VE8 of different kind ttt very low prices. Tinware or Every Weaerlpllon kept constantly ou hand. Roofing and Spouting with tbe best material, done at short notice. REPAIRING attended to with dispatch. Coal Oil Ld Lamps constamly ou baud. Japan ware of a A. lid.. Store opposite Csmlcy't hardware store. Give me a call. A. KRAUSE. ap!34-ly W. H. Blanks, HOUSE, SIQ3ST, AND ORNAMENTAL PAINTER, BUN BURT, PENN'A. Decorating d Paper Hanglrg done In the lata.t improved ttyl. Order tollclted, which will receive prompt at tention. Residence In Pnrdytnwn, Einerlck't building. Sunbury, May 11, 1879.-tf. , WAN'TEll Responsible men at Local Agentt to tell Fruit and ornameutal tree tn nelghborboodt where they reside. To the right parties very liberal terms and an opportu nity to establish s! and protita'jle business. Address The Ptogae Conrad Co., Wholesale Nurserymen, West Grove, Chester Co., Pa. Nwv, 8ve. fjailroa!! . READING RAILROAD. WINTER ARRANGEMENTS, -i atontiaT, nacaaran Snd, i87X - Trains leave tTnrrtsburg for New Terrk at rot low r at 6.80 and 8.10, a. m.. end 8.00, p. m.. connectlof with trains an Pennsylvania Hell roorl, and arriving at Jew Tork at 12.88, 8.80 and 9.S p. m., respectively. ' . Returnlnlng i Leave New Tork at .0o , 13.60 aad 6.80 p. m., Philadelphia at 7.80, 8.46 a. m., and 8.80 p. m. Leave IlHrrlsburg for Readlnaj, Pot tsv tile, Tuinnqon, Mlnersvllle, Ashland, Shanokln, Al lentawn and Phlladclohla at 6.80 and 8.10 a. m., 9.00 and 4 05 p. m., ttopplng at Lebaoon ani principal way ttnttont tbe 4.06 p. m., train cartv nectlng foy Philadelphia. Pottsvllle end Colum bia only. For Pottsvllle. Schoylklll Haven end Anbarn, via Schuylkill aud Bnteoehanna RaU road leave Harris burg at 8.40 p. m. East Pennsylvania Railroad trolntkiav Reaii. Insr for Allentown, aton and New Tork at 7.90 and 10.85 a. m., and 4.00 p. ra. Returning, leave New Tork at 9.00 a. to., 13.80 and 6.80 p. m., and Allentewa at 7.90 a. m., 18.83. 9.10. 4.86 and 8. 56 p. m. Why Pastenger Train Veavet Philadelphia at 7.30 a. m., eonneetlng at Reading with train on East Penna. Railroad, returning leave. Potts vllle t4.85 p. m., stopping at all station. Leave PotuvUle at 6.00, 8.06 and 9.10 a. m., and 8.30 p. m., Herndon at 10.00 a. Shsmo kln at 6.00 and 11.08 a. m., Ashland at 7.18 a. m., and 19.90 p. m., Mahanoy City at 7.68 and 12.54 p. m., Ts.naqoa at 8.M a. m., and 2.10 p. m., for Philadelphia, New Tork, Heading, Har rlsburg, Ae. Leave Pottsvllle via Schnylklll and SnsqDe hunna Railroad at 8.05 a. no., for Hurrlsburg, and 11.45 n. m.. for Pinegrove and Tremont. Pottsvllle Acrommodntioii Train leaves Pottt vllle nt 6.00 n. m., passes Reading at 7.40 a. m., arriving at I'liiludeiphla ut 10.15 a. m. Retnrn Int leave Philadelphia at 4.45 p. m.. passes Reading nt 7.15 p. in., arriving at Pottsvllle at 9.00 p. m. 1'ottstown Accommodation Train leaves Pottt towii at 6. 45 ii. m., returnlnT, leaves Pblladel- ' phla (Ninth and Green.) at 4.80 p. m. Columbia Railroad Trains leave Reading nt 7.30 a. m-,nd 6.15 p. m., for Ephreta, Litis, Lancaster. Columbia, Ac. t reluming leave Lan caster at 8.20 a. m., and 3.30 p. m., and Colum bia at 8.15 a. m., nnd 3.20 p. tn. Perkiomen Railroad train leave Perklomen Junction nt 7.35 and 9.00 a. in., 8.55 and 6.40 p. m. t returning, leave Gr:er Lane at 0.15 a. m., 12.85 and 4.20 p. m., connecting with train on Reading Rullrnad. Pickering Valley Railroad trains leave Phes- nixville at 9.10 a. m., 3.10aod 5.50 p. m. t return ing, leave rivers at 6.35 . m., 13.45 and 4.90 p. m., couneetlng with train on Rending Railroad. Oilebrookdalc Railroad trains leave Poltstowo at 9.40 a. m. and 1.V0. 6.25 and 7.15 p. m., re turning leave Mount Pleasant at 6.00, 8.00 aud 11.5 n. m. and 3.00 p. m., Counertlng with trains en Reading Ruiiroad. Chester Valley Railroad trains '.eve Bridge port at S.S0 a. m. 8.40 and 5.8S p. m., retnmitir, leave liownlugtown at a. m., 12. J aad 5.40 p. m., counecting with liaiss ca Reading Rail road, On Sundays : leave New Tork at 5. 30 p, tn., Philadelphia at 8.00 a. m. and 8.15 p. m.. (the 8.00 a. m. train running only to Reading,) leave Poltsville at 8.00 a. ni., leave Harrteburg el 5.30 a. m. aud 2.00 p. m. ; leave Allentown at 8.55 p. in. t leave Rending nt 7.15 a. m. and 10.15 p. m. for Ilnrrlsburg, at 7.30 a. m. for New York, and at 9.40 a. ra. und 4.15 p. m. for Philadelphia. Commutation, Mileage, Season, School and Excursion Tickets, to and from all poluts, at re duced rates. Bnjfsf'ige checked through 10a pound allowed each Passenger. J. E. WOOTTEN, Juht. our, at Eng. JflseVry. Reabii, Pa., December 2, 187.. Northern Central Kallvray. "INTER ARRANGEMENT. WN eun after Oct. 87, 1878, insliis will no a "-iw i NORTII WARD. Niagara Express leave Suubury at 1340 p. in., for Niagara Fnil Mall ut Sunbarv at 4.10 p. in., arrive at Wiiliamspnrt 6.20 and'Elmlra 10.30 p. ra. Fast Line arrives at Suubury ut B.iO p. n., arrive at Williumsport 8.35 p. is. Erie Mail leaves Snubiiiy at 6. SO a m Wll Uainspoit at 8.40 a m, and arrives at EAnira at 13.40 p in. SOUTHWARD. Mail leaves Siiubury at 11.05 it. tn., arrive at Harrisbiirg 1.45 p. m., Baltimore 6.30 p. m. Erie Express leaves Sunbury at 9.40 a. m., ar rive ut llarrisburg 11.30 a. m., Baltimore. 3.00 p. m. Erio Mali leave Suubnry at 12.50 n. m., arrive at llarrisburg 2.45 a. in., Balliraoru H.4o a. in. Niagara Express leaves Sauburv at 8.00 p m, IlAnisburg at 10.40 p m,airivts at fcullUnore 2.15 a m. SHAMOKIN DIVISION. tAtrw AKP. Leave Sunbury at 4.40 p. ui., arrive at Baauto kin 5.60 p. in., Mt. Cnrmel 6.30 p. n. Leave Knubury (Accoinmodatlun,) at 12.86 p. m., arrive ut Sbamokin l.iii p. tu. wrsrwAKD. Leave Mt. C.irmel at 7.40 a. m., Bhsmckln 8.20 a. m., arrive at Suubury 9.'.'5 a. an. Leave bhamokin (Aremimodatlon,) at 8.46 p. m., arrive at Sunbury 3.55 p. ru. Express leaves dally. Ail other trains leave dally, except Snndays. A. R. Fisks. Ed. S. Tot no, Gen'l. Sup't., Geu'l Passon'r Ag't., llarrisburg, Pa. Uullmure, M d rbilndelphla and Erie Railroad. SUMMER TIME TABLE. On and after Sunday. Oct. 2Tth. 1873. tbe i Trains on the Philadelphia A Erie Rail Road wlil ruu us ioiiows i WESTWARD. Mail Train leave Philadelphia, " " Sunbury, ' " arr ut Erie, Eiie Express leave Philadelphia, " Suubury, " " an ut Erie, Elniiia Mall leaves Philadelphia, " " " Sunbury, " " art at Lock Haven, 11.40 p m 6.30 a rr 7.55 p a 13.40 pm 7.01 p in 7.45 a m 8.00 a m 4.30 p m 7.45 p m 7. as a nt Niagara Exprvat leaves Philadelphia, nuiimiry, " " arr at Renovo," EASTWARD. Mali Train leave Erie, " " Sunbury, 13.40 p in 4.00 a m ll.S5a ib 13.45 a m 6.55 a m 9.05 p ra 9. 35 a m 8.30 p m 7.45 a m 11.00a m 6.00. p m S.-5 p ni 7.55 p ui " " arr at Philadelphia, Erie Express leave Erie, " " " Sunbury, " " arr at Philadelphia, Eliuira Mail leaves Lock Haven, " " " Sunbury, " arr at Philarielnhla. Niagara Express leave Renovo, " " Sunbury, " arret Pbiladoliihia. 2 SO a m Mail Fast connects east aud west at Erie with L. 8. dt M. S. R. W. and at Irviucton with Oil Creek and Allegheny R. R. W. NiaL'ara Exoress aud Erie Express East, aud Erie Mull, Niugura Express and Elmira Mail West, connect at Wllliamsport with train going north on the Elmira and Canuuiluigua division or tbe N . c. it. tt. Cut-twits passenger train will be ran east fcnd west from Wllliaiusporton Elmira Mall. n'M. A. BALDWIN, Gen'l Sup't Danville. Ilaalelon Uilkrabarra K. R. I'euua. R. R. Co. Leaaee. SUMMER ARRANGEMENT. On and after thl dutu Patstnger trains on the D., H. A W. K. K. will run at lollowt i WE8TWARD. EASTWARD. LtAVI. A.M. I LEAVE. New Tork, 6:00;Sunbury, Philadelphia, 8:00 Danville, F.aston, 9:25 Cattawissa, Bethlehem, 10:06 Uatitton, T. U. Hntlctoa, J:00 Bethlehem, Cattawissa, 9:40 F.aston, A. St. 6:20 7:09 7:2 90 r. sf. 18:10 12:38 3:15 Dauvllle, B:au t'biiancipnia, Sunbury, arriee 8:57 New York, arr. Truln West arriving at Suubury 8:57 p. ni., make close connections with trains ou Philadel phia A Erie R. R. for Milton, Wtlllanisport, Lock HnVn and all points West, Elmira aud all poluts North, also with Northern Ceutral Kail way, for llarrisburg and Baltimore. tstVNew and elegant eoacbet ruu through he, tween Sunbury aud Easton. ' FRANK THOMPSON, 8 apt. D. II. A W. R. B, Serr's Ovrira, rTd i ustewner, Pa. I VtVl.iew, i 8:50