.'StrxnUTlX, FEBUtXART JS, 173. . . Bftllrwd Tint Table. j AMUVAL TJ DBPitTrilHOTTRAWATWmHrilT. N. C. II. W.. Sonth. Eil Mull, !1.50ani Erla Express, 9.40 Mall. .11 06 " Nine- Express 8.00 p ra P. K. R. R. Wost. Mall, . O.Hftam Nine. FvpresslK.40 p m Elmlra Mall 4 80 " Erto Ennress, 7.1 " Leave Banbury for Lowlstown at 7.45 a. m., and 8 10 p. M. Arrive Jilt Brthbnr from l.twi9town at 1.60 and T.45 p. m. ..,.'.,'. LtAva . ' Sanbnry at 6.4S a ra " , . .i 18.80 p m AnntTB -.' ! At Bunbury 8.85 a m ' 8o5pm COO pro .u p in caimxiJi, itAtur.ron & yntrnmAKnt p. k. Resntar passenjrer tsaln leaves SnnMry for Dnnvlllo, Cnttawlssa, Ilar.leton and Intermediate rtntloos, at 6.43 a. tn. Returning loarp ilazlo ton et 1.00 p. pi. Arrlvo at 4.0Q p. ra. . . fJkCKAWASNAAXtllSt.OOMaBUROJl.lU Iat Northumberland at 40 a. m. and 4.60 p. m. . , . Arrive at Northumberland at 10.35 a. to. and 0.05 p. m. j . ' . Aocidental Insnranos. Ticket can be had of J. blilpmnn, Ticket AirMit, at the Depot. Mlsj Caroline Diillus is tbe agent for the. sale of tbe best Bowing Machines in existence, tie 1 ne Improved Qrover & baker,' and .'Domestic,' which are constantly kept on hand, and Hold at reasonable prices. She It also agent for tbe inle of tho celebrated 'Silver Tnniruc Orjjnns,' anil tho 'Ray State Organs,' and for tha sale of the Krantt & Pope Ktilttinfr Machine. Call and ice them. Office on Market street, cart of tho rail road. . TIocsb and Lot foh Sals. A new House and Lot, located on Spruce street, Sunbury, la offered for sale on .ensy terms. Apply to John Wilvbb. We notice that tne voters of the enst ward are nrtina our friend Jeremiah Snyder, Esq., to run for Justice ol the. Peace at the Spring election. Jerry la clever nod Sociable, and will no doubt make a good officer. It. Rbv. D. H. Clahk, of Northumberland, will preach at Garlnejer's Hall, next Sunday after noon, Feb. lfith, nt 3 o'clock. Subject, "Tho M. anlng of True Religion." Evbiitdat wo notico aoma oleenntly fitting suits made up at tho store of J. F. Schaffcr, nicr chaut tailor, opposite the Central Hotel. His style of cutting Is (;cnerully admired by all, as well as Is hi line assortment of goods. Tub Excai.ston Boot t Siioe Stork con tinue to keep up it reputation for tbe best arti cles of Boots fe Shoes in Market. The great va riety kept in that establishment has proved ad vantageous to the citizens generally, as no one can go there with thoir patronage without being suited. Guin shoes, which are now most needed, will be found In greater variety than ever before. Ladies are particularly invited to call and see the latest Hty lea. Constantly opened and offered for sale at the most reasonable prices. . We are glad to notice that the popular mer chant tailor on Third street, Thomas (i. Nott, Is making preparation to still further increase lis business. Arrangements are boing made to en ter Into the wholesalo manufacturing business to compete with the clothing houses of the el tied. This arrangement will give employment to a lan-e number of bands, and be a great benefit to the cit'.z ns of this vicinity. Mr. Nott is woll known In this community as a master workman, and with thi arrangements now being effected we have no douhl of Its success. . Another !ot of new Furniture has Just been received 6t B. L. Roadcnbtish's store. This fur niture consists of the latest styles. Those desir ing good stylish parlor and bedroom suits will Ut.d they can be suited at the Masonic buildings. RjxJuions or the Vroiu.it. This valuable re ligious work contains n statement of the origin, development and forms of worship, doctriues n.uJ government of the religious denominations in Cm world, with biographical sketches of emi nent divines, has becu enlarged and revised, and should find a place in every household. It is n complete history of all denominations that have ami do uow exist in the world. The book can not ho obtained at book stores, us it Is only sold by agents. We are happy to see thut Calvin Woodcock has received tbe agency for its sale in Banbury, Northumberland, Upper and Lower Augusta, and is now ca-ivassing for subscribers. The work is very cluap, and every one should avail themselves of a Copy; ft is Illustrated with fine steel engravings, and contains nearly four hundred pajjvs. fej-3t Valbxtisks ! Valentines! of every variety uudtyle,at Hazcllitic'g. Fine and Bi'pehpinb Every style of Valen tines cau be had at Iluzsltlue's book and period ical store. All the periodicals of tha day can he had at Iluzelline's perio .leal store. A Rake Chance tor IIauoains. Selling off at cot, for cash. From this date until the 20th of February, Clemeut A Ulssinger, at the Star Store, will dispose of the tollowiug goods at cost: One lot of Shawls, Blankets, Wooleu Caps, fcKirts, Gloves, Hoe, Ladies and Gents' Uudcr wear. Furs, Heavy Woolen Dress Goods, Flun neli., and one hundred rea'iy-niade Vests, price 1 to 62. No is the time to secure bargain. fel-St W. R. F . Weiiner has just received his second purchase of fall and winter goods, cheaper than ever. His stock of Ltdit-a' dress goods, wuler lioofs, furs, carpels, oil cloths, flue groceries, and in fact everything to suit the taste and funcy, and at prices astoaUhingly low. He tells for ready ch, and will not be undersold by any one. Give hira a call, and be couvinced that Welmcr's popular cash store is the place to secure bargains. HKAcrir-CL. The new styles of nals and Caps that adorn the windows of 8. Faust'a hat store, on Market street, arc beautiful. Ills fall uud winter stock is superior to any ever seen in this plate. All the latest style, and of the be dua lity, ure to be fooad at his establishment, u.i4 at prices to suit the times. Til 1. alt's Fit:hsi roil Feurcarv. The l-i-btaary number Oi ibis charming magazine opens with an enirravintr representing a young mother looking tearfully over an old lesson o.Kik which belonged to I er dead child a sweet and mucaiug picture. Thtu there is a landscape, a liri.l.'e over a Swiss R ivir.e, and a number of fa-hioucnts. The music is tl.o Mountain Echo Galop. The literary contents are G.lonel Caui breheug's Valeuilne, bv Dai. v Veutuor; Uim and h;r Prince, by Miss 5f uzn?', Seeing aud Be lieving, by Manin C. Payne; Dorothea, the opening of Fanny Hodgson's new coveiet; A Re in inc.- of Wet P..lul. by E1U Ro'.in in Cliarchj toniil GbtKrne's lt. ftisal, by Marlon Howard: 1 lie Master of Greylands, by Mis. Wood, &C Send for a sample iiumb. r coutaln'i'g all the lu rtu emi-nls. p, jt.e j (y, a j.., m j.j w wlth th f Premium Climmci. Four topics 8e Eight" copies (and one yrutlsl Hi 00. -The Lady's' Friend ou) Hi '-The Saturday Kveutvj Post (H (Hi; for ti 60. A Premium" f'hrov, "r'l,r;1 ""', Engraving U also given to 1(0 scnli-roi every club. Published hv DeaeonA 1'oievson, ilu Walnnt stieet, Philadeip"!". Festttal -r-Tha lart'es conneetod with the M. E. Chflrrli irt this place will liold festival tn the basement of the Chnrch commenpljn on M ondnf rvln(t iirrt. ntil Vpllnnef vr rtrn Ins; rl'nr'njr the weeV. They Intend to make this fcftlyal.tlie lies of the srison. .Ovslesa wllbe served In cverj style, logelhcr wlin nil the dell carles of the season. The Church Is In need of old, pnd we hopo (hey 111' Receive a liberal pa tronogo from onr clllzcrit. Onn;nor. A free train was rnn by the P. ft E. It. ft. Do, from this place tp Wllj.imsport! 60 the Cth Inst., to acpommodnle persona who de sired to attend the funeral of Wiu. Denny, tho ctiL'tnrar killed on the V. & E. R. R., a bore Lock Haven, on the 4th Inst. KronT persons were Immersod on Bnnday Inst, by the Re. Mr..3Vheat pf IhQ Baptist; conjeregs tlon, In the Bhamnklri creek, 'at this placo. 1 Killed. Mr. Joshua t. Miller, an employee at the saw Mill of Chamberlain & Frlck, at Northumberland, wna killed instantly on Wed nesday of last week, by a hook Cscd In holatlnir logs, breaking and rebounding upon bis heed, and crushing It. " Mr. Isaac Campbell, one of our well-to-do farmer of ftppcr' Angnsra 'township, brorigrit to market last Week a yearling Mlf; which weighed when dressed flvefcutdred ami u fly-two pounds. Tbe bide weighed ninety pounds; . Mr. Campbell has but few superiors ns a stock raiser, and keeps none bui lhe.best about bis premises. , " ' - .Ci2L...:ii '1.-. ? .. A Larog CoLT.Mr. Elijah Byerly, of Lower Mahnnoy tow nship, is tho owner of a colt a year und nlno months old that welzhs 10S0 portuds. Mr. Byerly Is one of the oldest and most success ful MQOi raisers at this end of the county, (lift keeps none but full blooded animals about bis premises. 1 Firr. A house owucd by Mr. Joslali Shaffer, in Lower Mahanoy township, occupied by Jos. Latchford, caught Arc from a burning chimney, on Sunday last, and was entirely consumed, to gether with all Us contents. The total loss will nuiount to nbout one thousand rlollars. ' No in surance. Constable Kimomi, cf Shnmokiu, brought a William Smith from' that plnce and had him Incarcerated In the County Jail, on Wednesday last, for aenult and battery with intent to kill. It appears that pay day occurred at Shamokin oh Saturday last, when William, together with several others, partook of the "r.rnther," and the result was a free light on Shamokin street. Said William was ttnfoi lunula enough to be cap tured, while his comrades fled. A sew stock of Ready-made Clothing has just been opened at the mammoth clothing store of S. Herzfeld -r, Ip Moore & Disslnger's buildiuir, corner of Third and Market streets. Advertise ment next week. Boots Stolen. The shoemaker shop of Mr. Michael Wilvcrt, on Penn street, waa entered through a window oil Wednesday nlht hist, and a pair of boots belonging to Dauiel llnnlng.-r stolen. On the list of patents granted the week endln? January 21st, Is one for a "mustache spoon." The inventor no doubt takes it for granted that most of these mustached Individuals are tpooneyn and will adopt the invention when they can af ford It. If not, they should be fed through a quill. RomiKD. On Thursday last, a German basket vender came to town with a load of baskets, brushes, &c, got Into the company of some llght-flngcred gentry and was filled up with beer und sent adrift, minis about three hundred dol lars. On the same evening n warrant was is sued and placed in the bAuds of ('apt. Koach, who arrested Win. Gchring ond Jos. R iv, and brought them before Esq. Brlce, who committed them In default of ball. The senior editor of the, Amemcan is Indebted to our neighbor of the Daily for the recovery of a lost bran new shirt, advertised In that paper. This event provc9 three things. First Thut an editor can own and occasionally ludulge iu the luxury of a new shirt. Second The great bene fit of advertising in newspapers. Third That the editor of the Dailj is an honest man, which is clearly shown by the fad. th.it he did not ap propriate the aforesaid shirt to his own use. ' The net lately passed by the Legislature allow. Ing Jurymen two dollars per day while attending court, meets with favor everywhtrc. Heretofore the amount paid would scarcely pay bo.ud bills, and Jurymen often dreaded to attend court, knowing that they would be wasting precious lime in the pursuit of their business, beside be ing out of pocket. Tue Sunbury Silver Cornet Band will give their second hop, on Tuesday evening1, 18lh Inst., In Lyon's Hail, Market street. Tickets of admis sion will be one dollar, Includiug refreshments. The members of the organization ure grateful for the patronage exteuded to them on the occasion of their Aim ball. As their expenses arc heavy, we hope to see our citizens give them another liberal benefit, and at the same tithe enjoy a so ciable evening and patronize a worthy enterprise. An Active Leoislatoh. Chas. S. Wolf, Esq., member from the Union and Snyder eounty dis trict, Is one of the most active members in the Legislature in looking after the Interests of bis constituents. Mr. Wolf is a young man of abili ty, and has ulready gained hosts of friends at Harrisburg, who look upon him as a safe aud wise legislator. Several attempts have lately been made in different psrts of the town to enter dwellings ut night for the purpose, to doubt, of plunder. Our citizens should be on the watch, aud when ever suspicious characters are found loitering aoout their premises cause their prompt arrest. A Goon Constable. We are rtllubly luform ed that Constable Kissinger of Shamokin, made somewhere about one hundred and eighty arrests during last year, in the coal region. This shows that he is endeavoring to perforin bis duty faith fully as an officer.- With such un officer the mo rals of that somewhat demoralized community should improve. Dr. Dewitt, member of the Legislature from this county, has been energetically employed iu workiug through qule number of local bills. Last week he had a select Committee appointed for the purioe of taking Into consideration that portion of the Governor's message relating to sanitary analrr, and was made Chairman of the Committee. Accident. 8eyeral sclooI boys were wrest ling at the Spruce Street School House, on Tues day last, when a boy named Spaht bad his leg fractured In falling. Dr. D. IT. Bhiudel was called aud Is attending the rase. Wi were pleased to see en Wednesday after nooa Ut, Capt. CaWwell'a military Company and drum corps, of Shamokin, march through our sUeeta ret for Harrisburg to atteud the t'l?f Gcur- Tbe cemj,auy cumbered ht h" oldlrlJ beailuit was grcat- aAnlrci b' Wl' Mw ibrm- Tul' u Proba V i..--?drniej of an J vomp'an; In'the county.' jj-f ieii are orderly and gen'tlsiuenly In their coiiunct, .nd do biuOTto thefrtown wherever theMlQ. 'Cor friends of ShamMii 'may well Lc T rf . murf eomririV m the r,ard. -.Tiie Ci aaoois, ut- Hum . CoutmuMtn.lU. qualifications of ciindfdiilet Cor borough officers has been much discussed during the past wrek. But thus far Ibara haa not been much opposi tion urged arnlnst the prwsetit'.Chlof Burgess 'and CnvroJianen., The' majority appear -to' be atlsfWwA laearljr all the Council, from the racttjiaj'tfijl'nvt shown a vast amount of "en, terrtseln mojsh'ig' tmwoveniente 1 our town. And as tar at we can see the money of the tax payers has beral beea properly upplted, and the cltlxcns can ace that It has'beon appropriated for their benrflt. ' Trie ImprovemeaU made aurlng I I h past year are Very striking, and shows that woranH mve a prngn'ssrve iwunco u ws inicua to make thh the town what nil desire it to be. ft behooves ns to enconrage enterprise If wa wish farnaoAa eid H kinds of manufisctorlea to be bnllt up in our midst,, and In - order to draw capitalists hero to Invest It Is necessary that we hojd out Inducements In the wet 6f keeping our towu In sncb a condition that it will bo admired, and keeping onr st reets m good order, and mak ing nich.pnblrc hnpniveinerila M will Induce strangers to come among us aid Invest their mtulis. This wc believe bftsbo 'iJ One of tko ol Jetls pf thc.prose.i4 Council, .and wo scoconc ceselt pf changing I;,l'.b tho cxciTtton of prd bably in one or two Instances, where an l;n-pros-Mlarrl rsiiSit bet msde-br putting others In their steadr who will look mufe to the lalaresls of tho public, thnu self. 'A btobcsfriow. The poor texos In Snnbnry have been-so. Increasing Irora year to year that they are Trot only h bnrdeti but an annoyanco to our citizens. The larir.st tax assessed Is the poor .V f' thTori thuiirr doll.ir psvo beeu if''ijll'41 Man parting our f'lor diilirf the last year, irower Angnrtu t.nspsid twanty eitlit hundred dollars, end Vm.'ef'.Afigfi'-ta has her share 1n proportion to fie.r lnh:'ifift:iiits. Now wwfaifrtst iha Binibnrr, Lower and l.'ppnr An uilasn ioWiihl'S FWive a spceinl act or li . ! Iiiturl ttiswd. aHlhorizlrig thcirt lth"bliIM,4 Poor h)U,e,icitaied cubvcniciuly for ,the tluco pre cinei. and -loeniii their, peor conjointly, where Ihi'.t will be treated tetter than by the sepainte hnroughb end townships. Svnbury Vuily, of TutsUay. i - ,,. . We heartily endorse' the iabove, and hepe to see a move. made nt 6iice towards arrylngout the suggestion, A few years' taxes would pay for such a project, after which the tax-payers wonld bo entirely exempt from further taxation. PcrtLic Sale? 1.. C. Resslor and Catharine Ilessler will sell at their residence In Milllin township, Dauphin county, on the 7th of March, a lot of personal property. Mrs. Maria Leisenring wiil sell nt her nsi tlcnce, at Hear Gup, this county, on the 1 .St h of Mat ch, farming stock and houichuid and kitch en furniture. Geo. TV. Smith will olf-r a splendid lot for sale loenred In Sunbury, at the Court House, on tho '-'Itli inn. P. II. Moore, assignee, will sell a large lot of store gonds at thu Masonic Building, Sunbury, on the 2'Jd Inrt. Felix Fe'.terolf, or Mifflin township. Dauphin county, will sell at. his residence, on the l.Mhof March, farm slock, farming utcn4.s aud house hold and kitchen furniture. Tub Pittston (iazctte pays the following compli ment to oar sister town. of. Northumberland : Tn Venrwafo- BerwIcK atid NottniifhTjeTliirld wcrPbonslderetl finished." A recent infusion of enicrpiise has buiil up rolliuir nil!ls and other factories at these points, and there Is now a fair prosptel that they will become places of import ance somewhat lu accord with their natural ad vantages. '1'he Improvement In the business and appcarauccof Berwick is most especially marked. ,t'OU THE AMERICAN. COMMI'MIOATKII KY TRS SlIAMllKIN ANT 1-LlCKNSB . t A4HOOU1IO.. Amount received for Hocuses In 18T3, $3,270.00 Cost of keeping prisoners, criminal courts,&c: Paid Penitentiary tl, 790.26 Taking prisoners to Penitentiary 4'J."i.02 Prcecuiini Attorney 41B.00 Commonwealth's ten for Justices... &77.l?i Commonwealth's witness fees 2,'JJ,77 Shcrilf lor keeping prisoners... l,0JJ.u0 Petit Jnnirs for Criminal Court l.OSrt.uO Grand Jurors CJ.OO l'rollionolnry's costs O'JO.OO Poor tax. 81,000.00 I'.C,8U.&3 I Sevenly-five per cent, of nil this cost is pro id uced by Intemperance. Ninety per cent, of all the crime iu our Co, iris is committed by persons i m ho ure under the influence of liquor. Eighty per cent, ot nil the paupers ure directly or in 1)-. ritly the outgrowth of iudulgeii-o In the use of liquoi , Reduce this down still lower, so as to be within safer limits, in our estimate, und say thut eevchty-livc percent, of all ciimn and pauperism proceeds from this one source, the liquor trallie. Ilowdoe the case stand i Sixty-six thous.md dollars for the lax-puycis of Northumberladd county to pay to indulge this licensed body of rutu-selli rs in their yearly work of spreading wretchedness and misery throughout this coauty. Letter front riilleulrlphtit. Tn iLAULi.ru ia, February 8t!i, 1973. Friend Wilvtrti The ariival of the Jnurica to day reminds me thalIoweon a letter, and tun: V: e this you have concluded I am snowed or fiozen up, like the rest of the world h is Wen the past month. Such a winter is a gloiious thin" Tor our "oldt Inhabitant." it reminds him of the times of old, when he was n boyi -Riarl, u;j fashioned winter, sir! Plenty of enow, and the mercury lo-t i it has gone so far below fero. The last wick we've had u change, and the heavy ruins and thaws have iinoie tremendous ice gorues In many of our rivers. Your Susquebauna, below and above you, seems to have been greatly Jammed, and caused considerable damage. The gradual thaw, pro ceding Hie rain, was a perfect God-send. For with sueli Imim use quantities of snow upon the ground, the heavy Fall rains having tilled the ground and all the springs, had there been a sud den break lip, it Is very hard o estimate w hat would have been, the result. A Great damage uud loss of life undoubtedly. Our neighboring town of Coushehoeken, Just below Norrlstown, and Just ontside tho citv lim its, teem to be particularly unfol lunate. "Only last Fall a luruaee, iu course of erection, caved in, causing the dcu Ui of eight or ten men, und a few days ago a boiler in a rolling mill blew up, casting death on all sides. Altogether thirteen nieu nave died, mid more are still are hovering iu line rtaiuty. The building is a complete wreck. The Coroner's jury report '-the boiler too weak to suffer tho pressure put upon it," und So the matter rests. It U fearful how little regard is paid to tbe safety of the workmen in such places, aud little hoes of its being remedied unless tome careless proprietor is made to sorter for bis gree dy want of caution. lu our city, for some time, the great tln ine of comment has beon-Uie aetiuii of the Reading railroad In opening retail coal yards. It seems a hopeless task to eoiuSat such a powerful organi zation, but it Is nevertheless being bravely duue. Whether it cau be sucoessfully earidad out j yet to he seen. I sincerely hope -for the" rood of the public It maybe, for if not it wi.l -be fraught with great danger to all. A monopoly of t lie. business cannot but be mjuiious to the Consumer by Increasing the price. Mr. Gowen, in his Hrst letter, rather overstepped the murk when tie said it was lor the gtiod of tho people. The 'Dear People" kuow Hud have fell his UuoU ness before. When coal was to he had ouly iu his region, and he, from ;ui- fuw, raised his freights from ti 15 to $7 Do per ton ! It is gen erally looked upon as ii move of necessity, for as is well Jiuowu, the road has been earning" but 7'$ per cent, for several years past, anil paving" 10 percent dividends, and the ditterenee iiiu-t be ii'adc, up by foreing from the ira te the four buu dred retail coal dealers tif the city, and sidling their trade. He sprung Ids trap too soon, aud has uot cureluilv covered his tracks, as Is lu stanued by Ins endeavor to get other roads to raise their tolls on eoal (which ot course comes off the dear people) almost bctole ilie ink was dry upou hk idler proteasing sucii concern for the container. It comes with ill grace for a per son on a JO.000 salary In s-ak in oiu Constitu tional Convention of lio0 buiuu ruouch to pay mora out rusted with such weighty mat ten us recording Our deeds. You or 1 would noi- like to entrust such matters to oue whom Ihat amount wouid cointcuale J Of more cous-qiience ei i the pointed qnesunn of the Stan What h. be Co ing ihure wueu bis time is paid for by the C'cru pany. ' t: .. . ;.. . . -i Just now the city is excKist-d overauoihercor iioiatlou's advance npon rights that of Villon Line of Street Ruilivi.di, against the Mar ket. As is veil kuowu the former Ua.e for years Nssn aoxlooa to lay tracks upon Market street. It bU aJad?-ocoiitUd by kha Market, U Out Ttno It Jnstly Is looked np.ni by the people o an tncrtaciini -tit. That line (Market) bi ing 4n fedel ufi'mpCPf the lst rou litpis I, and one o, the most , uoi'viumotlaViijr tn tha 'iy..- r i!t, Market-st reel iiiia"l'lwi-Vin'isylvAJiU ts.llr.i-i .1 traekaHpon It, ned lf-'iilher pt:"i'l raiiwi.v 1-uM upon tt If Will (rrOirllrfei V w lt.,'i, i. sinese. ', ow drays, A-- ' .in h nir'y lo ut, nsd !t another Irnilt Is put dofcTt' will im I M,;V'fil. The buslties inn of the stsf, with' "ii n . tcptio'i, Jiotecd sgslfi- t It in rein :si fun tufty of which ws.s p ari-d. before 'r.vry f e .at ir and Member, snd yet it pass-uf bv n 'r'e Ih -n a two llilnl voU over their protest I . ft'by wsa 1. 1 Now we basn our hopes on our Gnvsrnor ', -l,, ine rt, aud it be d.x s u will inskn inn iv fri. ;l Is, II being a muttiroi ti ne reform. A th'.uh his veto bo unsuccessful It will never tie laid 'n oir I Join I a will no doubt decide the net, uneonsiltntlonnl. as being too gross nn Intci ference with our minilcd ial right, out councils having also prost"d agalnBt its passage. To-night, a largo meeting will h held at Jlviticultural Hull to act In tho matter. Till another time Tours, OCCASIONAL. I.lMt oT Jurorsi Tor mm AIJtariied Court, March , lt;t. Frederick Bmke.tibiiie, Northuuiberlntid, Patrick Ready, tnal l ., 1 homna I.uneh'.ln, Ci.nl twp., Pchjamin Bnrto, Lewis twp., Frauklin Carver, McKwensvi'lc, . Henry Cleaiont, Sunbury, Iiartliolotnow Ooannra, hit. Carnol twp., Isaac Alliert, Jackson twp., . Wllllim Delbler, Shnmokiu bo ongh; ' ' Daniel II. Bccklcy, Milton, - 1 John Eariston, Point, William Dent, Shamokin boiouga. Nut ban Brown, Jackson, '. , . . Ellas llelioek, Vlper Mahnnoy, John Corcornn, Sunbnrr,. Daniel Hmith, 5uyurtown borough, Jacob 11. Kauffnian, Upper Malmuoy, . i.eorce w . Bolpe. Lower Aiifrusla, .-. John Deppin, .IfiCkson, ' ; ' John Hllner, tflxtoioklii twp., u . IUiny Oulkk, .U, Carmel twp., - Daniel Kan liner, Turhnt, - Peter Brown, Vpper Mahanoy, Jesso Miller, Point, '''' " John II. Beck, Lower Mahnnoy, , Isaiah Johnston, Point, j John C. Forsyth, Northumberland, ' !' Joseph Ldtty, P!i;imokIti borough, John Ncsbit, Noi thuiub-rland, lr. Joseph Evstor, Sunbury, John Good, Delaware, Is.1nc Messenger, Watsoiilnwn, Jacob I. Z utiuan, Jackson, William F. Jvutzuer, hainokiu Borough, John Folk, shamokin borough, Edward Fuber, Ifclawnre. X.lit orjnrorsi lor .tlHreli Court 4 om nioiiciii JtSiiiKlnj, the loth, l7:t- OR AND JIllOlH. T Manning, Mt Car Tp Jno A Taylor, North'.! Michael Shade, Lewis M Hastian, Up Augusta fi W (iarltiger, Sunbury' Albeit Fisher. Sham T S Kcitz, Jr., L Augusta T & Mi innon, U August M Ilumburry, Mt CurT Isaac Burtnau, Miiiuii Bii'. Stepp, L Mahnnoy Ed T III uinlieller, Snub S Oberdoiil', U Augusta A UTreon, Wasliiiu.ton 8 Mutchlcr,.Shauio Tp J S.Tliarp. Coal twp B B Wcltii, BivefrWe.- - ,Rjn Ei Imr, NoiihM I O Blllni.u'u Jai k.ot"i L R Lent r, J. Muliauyv Win IWbVKr. SlWbttry 'Jncob MiTcM; Milton Jere LineliHcli, Lewis 'Win AngsUdl, Miilon TllAVF.Rsr; iUUOBH. Jacob Sharp, 41 1 Car T Titer Yost, litish J Wideuhniruf. Slinm li Riux'k Cole, Mt Car Tp O L-VeimT, 'nnli'd' ;Wm ..Tnrpuch, Milton Jno Christian bdnbury J G'uin.io, L Augusta Cyrua. Hrdwt, Mirton . i Wm rieilcr, Jackson m r oris, jsorin ii . :jos u-s, sr. L. Augusta Amos A Yordv. Zerrie- iJohn Sbiien. Turhnt- Geofir:'-ti mihuH jTifrobRodeultuch, Point H BiiiW'JTOCurTwf. ItTiifnswortb.-Miamo "" S G L'rawl, Shamokin TTC P Helfeustiiie, Shnuid JohirKohler, Mi'ton 6 h Piney, sllltou II C Eisher, Washington! Win C Kellv, Coal ( hriM'n Snyder, L Mah S Hartranlt", Chillisqiia Fredrick ) leaser. Coal jPeteV M Reilr, L Aiuus J Bnrkhcimer, Chillis John B.illiet, Delaware I'svIJ Clemcnt.SunburytJauies hinitb'.t 1ili:is.j'..:i David Ungst, -Delaware. Fred Dipuer, Shanio U M Emerick, jr., Jordan blepben rjaliet, liirbut Jacob Harris, L Malisu Wm Watson, Delaware J B Snyder, L Augusta Jas Rilnnd. U Augu.-ta N Adunis, AVnshington ..Ino Hoglaiid, Delaware W B Underofller. L M.t Dan'l Xii'ler, Chillisqim Jnrcd Machhsr. kerbs' II Ptinklclierger, Sham I bo Mortbn, 51 1 'Car K'J Christopher, Ml Car T rrTtT jt nous. , Andrew Ditty, L Muha . J UtttiTliuoh, fsnnhnry Stiinhel Yost, Slmirtoktn David II bnVdcr, Jordan John Masscr, Lewis Geo Uoriiber.'er, Cainer W Clletldcrshot, Cbjllis Augustus Kogle, llelaw Jos llenningrr, Sh inio David Epnt-r, Point Ambrose Tajlor,Slnmo J.ieoh Derr, Chlllisqua Jacob Bower, Jackson 'John Scott. Mt Car Twp Tobias Wiest, Jordau jJ M Bartholomew, Sim Lemuel Car, Milton :Sol Weaver, Cameron Jere Stlltnan, Lewis !Oeo T Adntn, Shaniok Jacob Kreauicr, Coal Jao Deppin, 1. Augusta t ornelins Weiileol, Jor i-J.re S Roup, Cameron Jacob rishur, Zcrbe , Peter Bitlinan. Delawar Patrick "C'lfTrn, Zcrhe 'Jos Fredrick, Chilllsliii.i S.ini'l irikJtSorth'd : JJ S Wagonor, Lt Maha D K Malick, U AgU3t' VI Graham, Mt Car !or II I FtUbunr, f urbia . jTbos Fouids, jr., Zcrbe, P Zimmerman, i. 'Anjju' Harrison Henry, Shumn List qp Ji itons for AnloruvKn Coimit, Co:? -mrwrtNO MiraosT.Ai'ua 7th, 1K7J. petit rlinrvsv ' Rlc'.iafd Doyl, Mt C T)i S P Dnnklcburger, L A Saui'l Cooucr, Delaware Satu'l Kclley.L Augusta J Delcump, !t ( ar Uor'Geo Burns, tt'iiisontou a M KsehiTian,: L Muhany fl B Loiigsdorf, Jad.snn W H Millar. -Bunbnry ' David Sheep, Tusbiti .Ino Spalls, o, J.. Miiha E EvcrtMeKnille Fred Goodman, Turbnt Wm Depiln', Zcrhe Jacob Ditzler, Turbut U Yeager, Shamokin Tp A Stepp, Low 'Mahnnoy: Time Gaskins, ChiHisqa Jno Shuyler, Lewis Geo W Evans, Milton Ad Campbell, Jackson Jno McFailanil, Lewis Win Tillouty.Shaniokin'j DieffenhHeh, North'd Wm D Haupt, Sunlr.iiy.Saiu'l 11 Weise; 'I'm but Jno iJtivice, Ul Car i Juy T Alluighl, Lewis Geo Bneticr, Sunbury" 'Persy Hoffman, M C B Koht R-.issel, Delaware Mho Snvder, Turbut BeiiJ.lteutierjKaiiHsfini Uaeob Keim, Sunbury A S:ijUis(',.Mj Car JJor,. Straus-r, Dclawaru , TrUX I.ikt. List of Cus foi iiutotiiiied torui, coinmcnc Ini: March 3, IVTJt: ' Ihe county of No; tbMSibcrmnd vs. Geo. M'El lece.is ,.. J . : t ; The county ff NoitUumbtrlaud vs. Philip Win tcrstMp,' L.vwinii b-lter adm. of Eilns Seller, vs. John M. Whitmer. Freiliick blrader vs. Dan. Heekley, H. S. Catherine Daud vs. the Enterprise Co..l Coui panv and Robert Ammernuin.. WHitsiai ,wls vs: JaiiK' Mnlone. Peter D'.inkle vs. II, K. Slicllenbeiger. MarHu Strallffund an. vs. fri.iU Folk, con tractRraa4'Mlchael Shlpe, owi.er. Gea Woiker vs. N. C. Railway C:o. I'e Voiug v-i.iwp. of Ml. Carmel. Wm. M. Cairn vs. Win. ,: bam R.i-bcll. Sam. C.-Bryson vs. Hchool Directors of Dcla- ware 1 p. Johu W.IlJbthir vs. V.'. I. Monrehexil. Pet, Grurhert n. D. I!. W. li. R, 11. Co. Jacob Byinp ys. John I.-iliy. Cornarr Tlsrt vs. thn Twp. of Vt. Cam. el. Miller, Forney A Co. vs. David liwi-er. Miiley T. Day, indorser. vs. Alcues B. Day. Jno. Bartholomew vs. Jas II. M'Cormlek. BeuJ. Williamson vs.; ,, Geo. Bower vs. f.eo. S ills vs. ,, James D. Gehri? vs. L.L. Beldelmnu. Weand Zink A Co. vs. J. J. Bnuch. Eva hcblii cbty vs. Authonv Hummel. J. M. Sauders vs. J. It. Fredericks A D. F. Krebs. Rush, Miller fc Co. vs. J. M. Bartbo'oinew. Elisha Elliott vs. Henry B. Weaver. Jacob E. Slruckle.r vs. John Wcist. Jonathan Garrett vs. Henry B. Musser. Geo. Miller ys. John Sauders & William B. Deal. Fredrick Scully vs. Nathan Chamberlin. Johr M. Fry, f Jr the nse or D. . Smith, v. J. C. Morgan and Geotge Tieon. State Sank vs. Abraham Kissinger. Jobs W. Smith vs. Henry Shu.tz. On Thursday evenlnir, February 6, 18711, at the residence of 8. H. Kothermel, Esq., by Ihe Rev. B. f . Chubb, of Millersburfi, Pa., Mr. H. F. IKP peh, of Trevorton, to Miss her. Ilaun of 8 anbury . In Lower Augusta township, nn tke 1 Inst., by the Rev. A. K. Zimmerman, Mr. l.rvi Hovsa of Northuinlicrland to Ml.-i Hahbiit L- tkoii, of the former place. On Monday Ut. JITtTMAN7, ojt4 s.0 $ent 3 mouths, Ad ? tJtt;a. In thU place, on th JOih ut.t DAVID ZE1 TLFMOIFK, njod H ytrt I morthftnd 5d.j e Nl'.MIUItV II.1IIKTM. I'lour and C.rnfti PTnrTtot.', Fxlri VainDy tl'J iVMled Vlit.,p ru.,f IK) I'I"H Ic'lt. 1 ct., hBliRvn, " 9. r,";i'.,rn. ' nn Tn 1.00 " IV' 3?r fun Meil, " V.'li .jl Ih e.n, p. bit Show, lT.-i;Biiekwhertl a.d.'i.o.iu. si ,h. f un A nt Chun. 8 Oil Flaxseed. Tiin.ilhy Iced, p. b, SUM) l'rolno !frUif Petntoes, Fi;g--, pet dor., Il'itler, per 1., l.urd, s Sides, 71 Hams, HI Tallow, ( lounti v Soup, lDried Apples, Mi " Voichss, IShrmldera. w RIT OF PARTITION. E late or Daniel Wtlmer, d-Ceased. 1 RctiirnaVo to March Term )1873. NoiiTHLiriiRRi.Aim CouhtT, is. The Common weal lb or Pennsylvania lo the f hc rlff of Northumberland County, Or-eting i WHEREAS, nt an Orphans' Court held In Sun bury, In and for the rouuty of Northumberland, the eighteenth day of January, hi theyenr of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and seventy, three before the Honorable Win. M. Rockefel ler. Esq., President, and his Associate Justices of ttie Court. In the mutter oi ii inlet woimer. de ceased. The petition of William Weiiner, Noith uniberlniid. borough, Northumberland countv. In tho state of Pennsylvania, ws presented, setting forth tlmt lit la one of the children and lineal de scendants of Daniel Weiiner, late of the borough cf Northumberland, deceased, that the said Dan iel Welnier died on the day of , A. D. one thousand eight hundred nnd forty-eight. Intes tate, leaving a widow named Margaret Weiiner h Is also deceased, and nine children, viz: your petitioner Wm. Welmcr and Chtltlni L. 'Weiiner, G"Q. L. Welmcr .Mjiry Inlcttn u r'ed wl'h Henry TVivclle, Catharine tntermari is I with Johu A. Llnvd, Murg ircl intermarried with J,no. S. Malio-h. EHznlieth Intermarried with John A. Weiiner, tisrah Weiiner and Gcncila Weiiner. Th it the snid riec'denf Daniel Welnier. died selz-d In fee of, and In a certain lot nr piece of ground situated iu the horongh of Noi tfaimberbind, Nor thumberland co"iit y. l'ennsylvaiiin.eoct:iinii)g se venty Ave feet (71) in front on Wntrstreet, and one hundred nnd ill"' ty-Hvo fet In depth ton-i al ley.it beiiiL.' lot number seven, and fifteen feet of lot number six in the general plan of the borough of Notth'inlierlnn 1. ''-hereon i ereeted n double i two st.jrv leg dwelling house, with kitchen at tached, a one and a h.i'f story frame store house, sftb'e. and other mif-bull Jii.gs. Tills is to notify you nnd e.ich of yon herein ebcivc named, and vo l are hereby notified that by virtue of the above writ to me -lliected, ati inquest will be held on the premises of the above named Daniel Woitimr. deerncd; in the bonvigh r.f Nor thumberland. North'd Co., Pennsylvania, n here, in ile-cribed, on Wednesday, March 12. 1 ST.';, at 10 o'clock, a. in., for the purpose of making par tition of as to value, nnd appraise the real estate hereinabove described of the said decedent, at which time and place you laity each aud all ap pear if vou think proper. . " . " . '. fl. H. ROTTtFltMEL, Stxr'.?. SheriiTs Otlire, ' - '. Sunbury, February 1. IS73. 4t. rpilE Military Board cf Northimherlanl Co.. I a. organized Jautlftir 13th. at armory or the -) Slmmokln Onard. Cnpt. JOHN MoBIJESK was ele-ted PrusiUent. a id Cal l; A. WLDVELI, ccretnrrss "" - - The Board is now ready for the transact ion of such military business as mav be brought before it. A." CALDWELL, feb 3t S.c?rr!urv. ivtJArira:"". ! " CXTr.ACT ti.-' :iu, it- n h f r r ; .1 llr.( , , - St I I f. i i . . ' : I ' : ! .?-. JrV" ii ! I' I. ' I ..... f I r.i y. r . !:; '.' r. .-el... . ill!) 'ii.-i . .'. . ' ' a:1 ?. ; ; .... t - of :. v-.. : ,r i.-.i:, t -uu '.-.. i.. ; li t. k. r. HM.ii. .f u y m.v i-'.'j ii;:.l'.-..!j.-r..n.', .U-.-w : 1 .'d p-i : " in t c in -life; lift'.- inn;.' :..... v.-; 1. r , . ti:'!7 : rh Lir1, In uai; r cisttr.n v :i t.. '. t::.ct t J UJ i- uut otja.c- '. i.y mty ou- r A Ui Cti!trnsl or l.'-i . ii, !i r a" r : t .1iiCorrti!;.ri'-.si.i . f ( nrr n. iy ;. L-. -Ml t T iii-'ni r t ( t . i I ; . enh-ka or , M;. I-.; ... v. l .1 f t ; l' f.ii i: . !:? l in rt. v. I? : f r. tu l i . Id ipr I . : , V.i f r" v :'. ,i ... li-jii" i-! )...' '. i.r.r j ;;: t .- t. it. n ;s, k. v I' i. i i til. ,- "i , ... -. '. : .. i - : '. IMS, 1 i ll t i . : 1 I i 'l ..r!:rfS- ri. : i i. l..:is.-.oi... .ii(i .11. sO f : I . I ) 'l I I r..s:: I -fl. 9. SI. !-., 1 tin t' ne.tuxr.i'.i tJUTi; vcr i!."C'V:r', !t i." 1 ; "r I. : : ... or .'!..'; i'.-" i ' -r $ " ( ii :... i li. it. i s 'lI'if-. ? "in .l s r-. :- i . : y I.: u.- 'islse s. v. "" 1 K. . .:'!' ' " . ii'l 1 i'.'CS Ft.. V. T. to Ml. .nil Ad i .-i.e. .J ;...' .t.f.il.-...U..'.. sU..ul.l L'a s.lilre-,se,l. o i.v.ri-.;rt.tf. ItO C'.Jk f'- ir A.i?! if -' .V. II:.: r i i - :.-i vs ..a ':.l f '.. e, I ;... itM.-i-.K. it r t - . r ite i ii . I i . i 1" r' .. ii!i':.:.,(i:u Us I. :!) u -,-..! v. ' ..tut 1 i:i ; t r f-.. n ' .:, it. !-. t. s.-.ut :ii if, . r I t r-v ' , : ,'. . prat i ii c tif A i )ih luH !i J ,. - i: -. h wttl fr'-Ci-r . Cm u t"..lll- 1 - i . !. Ilial'if. T..'SC ML i t'iV : s' !"t:r rc.fri' i. ,r i y i ; '.0:1.1, 1 . to ; r vay i.'-,b'c. twL.: .. . '.v i'i(i i'rurt to ct-rt. J. ii. iiiw I . p., rhrs'iuiii.i mitt Stirfccun. Febraary 8, 173. ly. Kavrutor'is XIca, (On tint Estate of Abraham Snyder, dee.) NOTICE is hereby plven, that Letters Testa meutai y huvc been t'lanted to ihe under- iirtied, Exemlor of the Estate of Abraham Sny der, deceased, late of Upper Augusta township, Northumberland county. Persons kuoivlnir ihcui selves In.lelfted to said estate, aud those hav.uc (daiins ntninf t the same, will prescut them to tne Executor for seitkiiieiit. A. N. HRICE, Executor. Bunbury, Jannary Jr), 187J. t. W. D. MCLICK, Druggist and Apothecary, (Successor lo Dr. . W. Moody,) Al the old established slaud in) Market Nquare, NIMil KV, PA. Keeps luiislalitly ou hand a full clock of well selected DRUGS & CHEMICALS, Druggists Fancy Goods, BRUSHES, COMB3, FFRFUMEP.T, PATENT MEDICINES, OILS, TAINTS GLASS, PUTTY, lAKMSIl, OVISIlFIIs. lu fact fvt:yiblni usuallv kept In a well ccn ducted ZOITTO STOI11I l artii uiar atlcuiluli yaid lo compounding Phy sicians prescriptions und fuuiily uccii ls I) the l Prupriulur himself. Pnrbarv, Pa., Jnna , !, EXT. . Sk Mrfwverrws Itidf'.or'H.-iet'is:. 'MIIF. !--ersli'e.t. . .j Ml or s r,.vnl 1 bv t r" 1 ' sn.i 7 ir. I:e fll.-tiib.itloii "f I1!" funis I ihe b .vis i f Wii'.i.in' II. V.',ifipi. in-l t,f. t. I'lh' t . -ii, Assignee oi I) mil.' L 'tln r und ViSl IIhiii Mi iei pntles tra lliiu under lint lli-n nam. of Lesher A Sillier, to and nm.Mig the crM't n-c' aid firm legally entitled theieto. hereby g!) e im tlee, that he will meet all parties ttu' :e'ie I f t h distribution of thn said funds st hfr. opnit., site the First Natlonnt Bank, nunhni r'.-ivr, p:ilnr lay thn 1-llh dny of February next. or tif- pur posn of atlsndiug lo the duties of hi appoint ment. . WM. C. PACKER, Auditor. 8tit:bnry, Jan, if, 187,1. tJulo on ilrlm of I'hillit Jlecrei-.', lcronMCl. STATE OF PENNSYLVANIA, -a Mortlitimberfhnd County, ( At an Or)ihsns' Court held nt Bnnlinry, in and for said county, on tbe lith day of January, A. D. one thousand eight hundred and seventy three, before the Honorable William M. Rocke feller, President, and Joseph Nicely, ani Ocorge C. Walker, Ids Associate Justices ot said Coarti Upon the petition of Emanuel ncckert, one of the children and heirs of Philip Itcckert, late of lower Mahanoy lowrHhip. hi said county, oec d, the Coinf granted a rule on you, Emanuel Tfeel;. ert. Ann Marv Peekort, (widow of said Philip lleckert) PhlHp Herl'sr', Sii' S'.iiah intermarrl.-d with Philip Tschopp, Mi'll'sel . JKc!;'"-t. Mr.ry in terninrrleii with IsaHC If. Rasler. Rnehe'. rieel; eit. Cathrt'ino Intermarried with Wlillsm l.e n- mon, Andmw Dnckcit, Lllley, Minerva. Uriah Ellsworth, nnd Henry, children of Henry ITcck rrt.who hnvo Tor ihc'r Gnardinn Eninnue'l Hecl; ert. Ann Mary, Frederick und Daniel, children of fmiihil ncckert, dee'd, who resile In Mershall .Minify, and Slate of Iowa, all heirs and legal re presentatives of Philip Heekert, bi'c of nald county, deceased, commainline you, and each of you to show cause by first day of next t"nn, to wit. seeo-id Von day of MfirVi, A. D. 1i:7J, why the halito'e'of sr.ld dree lcut's oil ite.to vr.t : );'ir p'lttVB'H' ts oiin ami thr.' sli'i'ii I not tm so)d ncrordlnr Vtbn At of Assembly in such cases made nV provld"d. In witness whr-')'.I have V.-ie-into 'st nt it..-, hsnd nnd Oiilcinl Fenl, this tWer.ty-Mth day of January, A. D. one iho'iand eijht hundred and seventv-tliiee. J.CCB LF.i?F.XFIVn, C'.oiic, 0. C. Regl-t-r'- Officf, Suubury, Feb. 1, 1873 St. ADJOURNED COVllT. I'roclamnl ion. Yirnnur.AS the. Ilonorairn Wm. M. Roeke y V f' ller. Pre-!. lent Judge, an 1 his Associates, for this District, have issued ilieir nianri ite for an H'Vurned Court for Northuniberlatid county, tn . hel l on Monday the TA day of .March, A. 1)., 17", being l.i.' l"i. Monday of said ine ith. in Sunbury, and to Inst one week. I I 'icret'oic give notice to ii!l Jurymen drawn for this Court, and nil others interested, to be nnd appear at the place aforerai 1 at 10 o'clock, a. m. of said tin v. SAMUEL TI. ROTHEHMKi., Blieriff. Sheriffs OKlee, Sunbury Feb. 1, 1R7P.. AIi!ii:!it rmor'ii .otlce. "VJOTICE is her minl-irii'.Mi Heruignc I on t Lf.wer M.th " co'iv.ty, l'a.. t!ie:t,-.-!v.M iri. i. 1 by L-H-n. ''n't Letters of Ad- In. vim' I.e. n gr.intei! touieun t itn of Mi'. lii."l Wert, .ate oi to' vi;.- iiiri. .'-i.nt liiiinberlnnd i-e.l. All p.-r-ons knowing n'.i.l to r,:d est at" arc r. i'iit".l to make pav nent, and llio-c having claitr.s to present them dulv atdhenticated lor eeltletut i.t. JlHN .WERT. PETF.R Willi', Administrators. Lower Mahnr.oy twp., Jan, 11, 1 7:i. 'it. This Nrtco its IsOMrrvoil for tlio A UVKBTIStt.MEST 01' PAINE &. McCORMIC, ii a it D w a u t: S T O ll JJui-kel f4., Suubnry, !. It, 1312. FALL AXI) W1XTEK GCwD:?, ut the Store of lit-cd ISrollier A Konhltz. (sueressort to S. O. Pee 1 A- hr.i ) COMrRISING OF D.l i (.MOio of every description and varieiv s.o-h as Pkksj Coons, Msitivus, CAsHsiiCKrs,'SAiiN-a, Ai.ta i as. I'opLiNs. Aic, Plain Fir.riiKr Coons, bin w i.s and Coats, Hosikkv, and a Flli. Asoktmext cf Notions, which are belug sold at lbs lowest Cash Prices. Also, Groceries and Provisions, pure and fresh, OCEENNWARK, GLASS WARS, AND WOOD Ab Willow Wark, Nicest IJiaii Ja of Flour cori3tautly ou band. A very luio ASSORTMENT OF WALLPAPEll, both tjlai-d and common, alwavs on baud. HOOTS A N D SIIOES lioin the celebrated hand mads Boot and Ehoo Manufactory of Waisoutown, fur HIS, WOMEN ANDCHILDHEir. UKA D Y-MADE CLOTJIIXG, of ail eizesaud of the luU-sl stylss. f j. o u n . A constant supply of western lile wheal flour a spcciu'iiy. Tin public are Invited lo e..l! and examine our floods nee of chaiife. our motto is "Quick Sales and Suiail Proilis," and to please all. The hjuhest prices will ie paid for all kinds of coi.iury I'loiluce. )iy sirlet sitentb n lo business and ker; lee, ut all limes the most co.up'et si u k. und seiliuc; at ll.t lu est pi Ices, t i.o to merit u f. II start of 1'ali-otiao. REEDLROTHERASEASHOLTi-. Hunbnry, Not. y, iara.-ly. MMjiaii li l T - v 'grs rnyv.:i ivw..v.-: nnnni A' trill m-us. g (TAfl 1'- GLT Tli.i: l:l':.l . IVetMsti rn I r-aJir't'vt !! :i-t; .lur; . A ti-f .1 - 1 l,t00 ll'-.-i'ii ?'-, ; n.'i ni.'lur , MK Eugr;.nig4 ; ilto'ltjv .::,. r'-.i-CU' XXlielievr f W.ab to nt t ,iit Hi d r.n lair.S, f I co'is.ili ii. , (S-:ini)!er.Cw'e.J. Iiverybf bolui knows its Li ne.. ' It w.n. l i sc.i. the ;.:s'xris'.,) t ec n wi. oT iny dnilj c.nr imons. IV Ji.bit it Mot ey, I'.e Pl-t..: i,m, :. So fir i.s I I.U..W, b. st Uejning IMftlornti r. (Horace A':tiin. IV.. s best gul.lo or.tujuils of our l.unguiii'.r . ' ' i-.m Q. rVhiiu ITaccIj all others iu defining sclent'ile Inrms ll ll'r.ideiit il:t.-hm-k. "I etr.a . Irnbic coniien.l!uiil ofhuinnn l;nowie4ge XI 1"V. S. tlarl-. Ppw'i A;;. College i A iieecs'lyi for every inteliigor.t t.tmllv, t i dent, teacher nnd profcsh hsi-insii. Vlint Li brary 1 on picte without tftc test Erli,h Id--lltir.at j . ALf'O WrcMiiu'a V.iuoAi. Pkt.iciai. IVv.-s ,i v IjlO INfeJ t.'.t.ivo. bjy lliir.ivin'.'s. Piieef... Tb ici.rk is r-V.v m ." i ( f a Dlctionarr, li.' the I .1, .'m thy i'iiiliou.-ncri an JL.'uciU,ntl Publish..! biO. Al . MF.R8IAH. Sf '.Itjti-jl.!, 'a. '. fold by all biokselh rs. G EE AT INDUSTRIES CF 1 HE UNITED TKS t iJcoi'A(;i::'--.if .t5 j.N'AfiWiG.i Wiiten by M) Ktwitwnt Auihoi sr-lniu irc-; - JOHN II. o.o (I.! AMI HO! A' K ol'ITMY. Tl.ls wmk is a i-..n.p:;t.' blsloiy nl -..ll ni.v-ehc., of i:Kly-t;-v, j'tuo.-.-w of u :i : t . i-. n J., in alt age". It is a complete cri!,c'-..p-u,,ii ut mt am!" manufactures, nn I Is the teot i-'i'"r:itil:ig nn.l valuable woil; of iTforuintion on si,hj-.-;s of g-n-' era! Interests et er cli :'.d t" itni publi,-. Wu w.i t Av'euts in cciy tow u of th-- Ui i'.e.i Sra.ea. enil'-t.o itetit c.iti fill t i do w. 'l w'th this book. On; ui" lit sold M3 eo;-i"s ia ei( l:t days. : i olbee sol I :;.1s In two w.i. ks. O'.ir aget.t in Unitl'r r l sold L'.'V in one Wi'vli, S; t !X'.'.il rent flee on re ceipt oi stamp. AOENT3 WANTED i'OH THE FUNNY SIDE OF PHYSIC.' 8X1 i-Arii:s, 550 Pvr.r:AV;::.,s. An intcre-ting- aad nmusing tj-' utir on tho Medical Humbug! oi th ' p ;"t and pre'. n'. I; exposes Quacks, Impcstors, Trnve'Miig Doctors, Patent M I'lic'ine Vender.-:. Noted Vi iua'e ( .'he it-. Fortune Tellers and Mediums, Kiel glv-.s interest ing accounts of Noted Pbysu Inns aui, .VuiTMtivoM of their lives. Jt icve.i'.s staiiliL,r s( crets and Instructs al! how to avoid tl.e I!lr. i.-h":ch f.esh ii belr to. We give txeliislve territoiT'ti.-i rilicra! co:npii-s!.'Ui. i'jr elr;i:'.i;s and ti.rir.j siidr'.-i-. the pu!iib!.crs. J. D. nur.rt t n : Ot.: lUe';' ', Conn., oi t'h:ca;-.i. 111. f . W. DAStLElt. New G ood I 1 Dry Good?, Notions Fn mirth in tOOllB, (. i. of e Tu.-y variety, at one low price. i ut Keeler L iiasslcr's Store, ( Corner of Fourth rtofi'MatVc'. E'.:jt:'., fcUXSURT, l i. ! All kiu.K of Grain taken In exchange, Bfttuo 9! i canh. Call aud ace ns. ! KEF.FF.R A DA9SLER. Sanhnry, Feb. I, 187U. 307. JliGHTER St GASKILL, f307. a m mm wm bm, i Crystal S'joet, Bnsa I'lue, C-.lore.l, '.tncu.slsj .,d Giusi:l...sl Ills JS. 1307 Market Sr.-;tt, Pr.i:.;do;phH. Jarv.ary li, IS'J. - ly XIH TORKaO At fjl Ciilt. AND JJ RUSH STORE. South sldu of Market stl '.et bC.Wcvtt II tnd 4th I SUNBUF.Y, PA. Jas; Oil, (.2 t:i..;o tit r( all kindj of : T031ACCO ASO Sr.GA!S. I B-'sari tf every (trade. I 'i'rbucca or e very vai U'y. 1 Pipes, bo:b plain auj f.i'jci. BPUsHFU ! BRUSHES ! 1 HRl',3;iF..H 1 1 : ' A larfo ii-sonmvnt of Srusl.rs direct fiotn ll'; I niiinu'iictuier a", (tre.itiy le-iu.vd p.. cs. EU ' line of brushes ..te s. specialty an i instiy new j kinds i.c.-er Vf. ie introduced into th'.t maikct. ! Alsii. I'aj. -r Co'.iais and Ci.r!'- in great var'cty. ; A .arte asjorl ii: ::;t c-f all the pojiaiar S. i.e i ! of the day. i Call nt.J ctaiaiiie iav jo.'s r.iul jii a li-to' ' prlee. ' 11ENKV PETEP.Y. Notir.ber 2, jST2. 3 y C03 Chestnut Street, PJIILADELPJIIA Have now ready their liijgi lllcent itojl. o j 1IOL1IJAY CiOOI.s,. ! JEWELRY, WATCHES, eiLYHRWAItE, FAN CY U'JUUS, EUROPEAN NOVELTIES, TTSACTVIE COOOS AT MODERATE Fli TD PRKT-i. 902 Chestnut St. 902 Xt.IV GOODS I Xi;.V G'JQsJJi! : Jimt Cfteiitl. T. J. EYROD. luforu.s ihe citl.'.'i.s .d Suu'iury und vicinity, that l.e h.-.s r.i'ilvuJ his larjje assortun Lt ol " ' Dry vj .cds ami aclliuy them rheap f..r caso 41 his store Iojiu. coruer Tultd and Chiiieh slrects, SUNBUHV, 1'A., Ills stock comprises Ir ;vJai tiita Gr.cot lo. The D'vCoodi dupiiriufent it lomplcte, hnvint t, ?ne:ul iissortuieul of Clollta, Ct.-'u.-K'ro3, Calicos, DcLairw, und eTeiy:ni; in tlm Dry Hoods line. Thu ' t.um iiitrr.s are al'. f r.h, and consist' of Ten, Cu.Tce, 6u,"ar, iw'ol'.asscs, H; l-.es. Meat, H.-b. Ac. HOOTS AMI M!Ol;. t,!lonWaro uikI GIshk. m ar, a genera! assortment. luf. t tvervtblr i.ei t in a tlrst-class store, on be hsj"at tho most reassoial lc. p.-i ts for cath. Ilavlm; located in M'n. urv tor ihe purroe o' becouiiiiK one of lis il.i.wn-", I ho;,c- ihat bv I,. -Jcilini; and stile'. .:;. nti..u to t j.iness to u...-ri. a sh.uo ot the pub,.r piilronajs. My ur .'3 U "Stiu i. i rotits and Quick ban". ' All tire coru'.ally united to cutl .i.ni cwiusk my (food, as no tuvpe wi.l u - Kj i Jr .how liiK ll.cn , Sui ltry, Osl. U, IS'.-J. On Mrrlnse.-trt..va for Y.!6n".' Crist toci.il Kin, trnd Abuses, vh!oh ii.l-rfur wtl. .MaiiniL'e, aud ruin ihe b.;..;.l,.v, - , . :!,,.. skii.Is, v. i t Lt sure no .t.is i f re;j. i' t, i r. .. ,. and Cuf.irtviiiate, d'-et-ie sn ' .'. s '. v lu a. -aisd letter tn.Ll.ij.'i;. ,(.,. o. tn,iti". ' Addn.s, Hxvrnr! Aasorii,'!. n .. r Mn'b St.. PI, .cV.1i,.i, (;,. lavwr boos: