GRAND OPENING OF FALL AID WINTER GOODS AT . HERZFELDER'S Popular Clothing Store. Just opened, nil enormous Stock of READY-MADE The largest ever offered in tfiis town, Clothing- to suit nil tastes. Clothing for nil oc onsions, from the plainest "Working Clotht'S to the finest and most fushionablo DHESS SUITS. Boys' and Youths' Clothing. This department is wnll stocked with a lnrge variety of goods of all colors, qualities and styles. All clothing is made to my own order, by the best mechanics, and combine durability and strength wilh neatness and style. 1 s ani Cans 1 Men anc An enormous assortment iu this line, includiug the very latest in New York and Phila delphia styles. &ent9 Furnishing -oiId The most maenificcut stock to be found outside of the larga cities. The very latest in everything. Xeckware, Collars, Suspenders, Hosiery, Handkerchiefs, and especially a full line of the best makes in Shirts and Gents' Undenvarc. TIB, VALISES, D and numerous other articles. Doing by far the largest business in my line in the county, and huving large quanti ties for cash, Iain able to oiler superior inducements and sell at LOW Eli PHICES than any of my competitors. Everybody is respectfully Invited to call nud cxatuiuc the largest stock over seen in this place. . fcrzfeldcr9 Corner Market and Third Streets, Sunbury, Pa. Sunbury, Sept. 14, 1S7I2. brrai&6& opening FAJila & WIHraS-R GOODS, JV. 1 New Central ariety Store, No. 100, Market Street, South Side, Euit of the Railroad, Dress Goods of all Kinds, Bilks, Silk Poplins, Alpaca, Luster Alpucas, Del.ainet,, Opra Flnnuc!, Tlcklugs, Ladles Cloaking. 3STOTIOKTS. LADIES' and GENTS' FURNISHING GOODS, nosljiy, (loves. Hoods, Caps, Gsrmntitwn Woo!, Ladles' Iramitalion Hair Goods la new nud beautiful Styles. SHAWLS. Ottaraon Crown, Ottaaiou Double all Wool, Plud Sliawle, Breakfast Shawls, Scurfs, its. J E WELKY, LadWs PLattd and Jul Opera Chulus, Ladle' Plated and Jet Sett, Finger Rings, Ear Rings, Slaves, Sleeve buttons, Groceries. Fresh Groceries, Wood and Willow Ware, Floor, Table and Slalr Oil Cloths. CARPETS, BOOTS AND SHOES, Go to Flnnc' for the Greatest Vuriety of Goods. Goods arriving Daily. N. H. It U the uulvorsnl verdict of the trade that my goods arc sold the lowest In this market, D. A. FINNEY, November 9, 1ST2, BUTCIIE11Y! KUTCHEllY! Mer. ItKl'I KW A HOW IK, Third Btrei-t. opposite- Central Hotel, SUNBURY, PA., KEEP constantly on hand the very choicest of fresh lll'-EI', Ml'TTOX AXI VEAL, which is sold at the lowest prices. Meut can bs liadal all hours during the day. Sunbury, t a., June s, lbi2. tiYooisi m:avuousii I J nut Opeutl. ! T. J. BYROD, j Informs the citUeus or Sunbury and vicinity, j that he bus received bis lul -o assortuieut ol i Dry Goods und aelliug litem cheap fur cash a I Lis store loom, curlier Third and Church streets, SUN1JUUY, PA., Ills stock comprises lry ;ooIk nnd Groceries, ThD ytiocdl dcparlmuut l complete, having a (.tiiurai iissorimcui oi Cloths, Ca.-sinieres, Calicos, DeLains, and everything In tb Dry Goods line. The taltOl'ICIlIKN ars all fresh, and consists of Tea, Coffee, Sugar, Mol'.atses, 8iiccs, Meat, Fish, Ac. ltOOTK AM Wlllow-Wuro Hiitl ,IaMATnre, a general assortment. I a fact everything kept Iu a first-class stoic, can be had at the im.t leasonable prices for cash. Having lueated iu Sunbury. fir the purpose ol beeouiiug one of its citizens, 1 hope Hint by (air dealiug aud strict attention to business to met it a share of Ibu public palroungi . My motto is 'jiuiull Profits nud Quick Sales." All Me cordially Invited to call uud examine my gotd, as i.o chaises will bs luado fur sauw liw tbtiu. F. J. BYROI). fnabury, Ost. 1J,' 17T Boys ELLIS, No. 100, Marect Street, Sunbury, Pa. W. D. MELICK, Druggist and Apothecary, (Successor to Dr. W. W. Moody,) At the old established stand on Mnrkft Square, KIMtl ItV, IA. Keeps coustauily ou hand a full stock of well selected DRUGS & CHEMICALS, Druggists Fancy Goods, COMBS, BRUSIIES,- PF.RFUMERY PATENT MEDICIN ES, OILS, PAINTS GLASS, PUTTY, YAKMMil, UYaCSTl'Ft'N, in fact evervtUiinj usually kept lu a well con Uncled JDTITJG- STOP.E. Particular attention paid to compounding Phy sicians prescriptions aud family receipts by the Froprlator himself. Sunbury, P.-t., June 8, 1873. rull aud YVluler Sljlea or 'aiiiiiaer-y C?aadge HATS, CAPS, and BONNETS, P.IBBONS, LACES, FLOWERS, FEATHERS, Crapes, Silks, Satins, Turquoise, Craps aud Laco Veils. Trimmings of every Description from New York and Philadelphia, just opened and for ule at inusually low pikes. Call and tixamiue aud be cuuwuced. MltSL. 8HISSLER, Market Square, South sid, Sunbury, Pa. Snnbury, 0t. '4, Wi. I0 AdKNTN want absolutely ths best felt Inn books t Send for circulars of Vhnt's Una bridged tlliis. Family Bible. Cvcr 1100 pages 10 by 18 In. SCOpcs Bible Aids. Ac. A rn bas que 6.S5 Gilt Edge, 1 clnap, 8H.25 Full Gilt, 2 clnspc, It. 00. "Ilcldeni Th White Chief," for Winter Evenings, 8Wh 1000 ready "The Amerl. can Farmer's Horse Hook i" The Standard. 4tlth 1000 ready, P.plsnotlc Trantnirnts, Ac. ('. F. Vent, N. y. fc Cincinnati, Vent A Goodrich, Chicago. drl4-4w A Off NTS WANTED. Add" rcss, for the most liberal terms ever ollcrcd. THE DI8CCVEKER IMSCOVKItKIs, DR. LIVINGSTONE AFRICA Tils Adven ture The Stanly Livingstone Expedition to Afri ca. Large octavo volume, Just issncd, contains Incidents of the Wonderful Career of the Orcnt rrnvcler, the Country, Animals, Nutlves, Hunt ln(r, Ac. Full account of this in out Interesting part of the globe. Outfit sent fortl. Address Union Publishing Co., Chicago, Hih.j Philadel phia, Fa.; or Springfield, Mass. drl4-4w Af ISIS Double Elevated Oven. Warming Closet. Broil ing Door, Fender Guard, Dumping nnd Klinklgn Gruto, Dlie?t Draft. FULLER. WAItKEN A CO., 230 Water Street, New York. drl i-4w B $?5 to $250 per montf, everywhere male and fa- ,. male, to Introduce the Genuine Improved Common Sense Family Sewing Muehine.Th'.s machine will stitch, hem, fell, tuck, qnllt, jjcord, bind, braid and embroider In n moat superior manner. 1'rice only $15. Fully li censed and warranted furtive yearn. We will i pay $1,000 for any machine that will few a strnnirer.mnrc himillfnl. nrmnrp cLiaf In pm VCilinn ours. It makes the "Elastic Lock Stitch." Kvery second stlch can be cut, nnd Mill the cloth cannot be pii'.h-d apart without -.......(. i i, vr.. ...... r ... -k ... a..r.n -pi'r month and expenses, or a commission C.W from which twice that amount can be made. Audreys 8ECOM11 or CO., Ronton Mne., Pittsburgh, Pa., Chicago, 111., nrSt.Louls.Mo.4nr FA It MM I FULL IIO.tIKS! On the line of the Union Pacific Kallroad, 12,- 000,000 acres of tho best Farming and Mineral innns in America. 8,000,000 Acres In Nebraska, lu the Platte Val ley now for sale. .Mild Cllnintr, Fertile Koil, for Grain growing and Stock Raising unsurpassed bvanv in the United States. Cheaper In Price, more favorable terms given, anil more convenient to market than can be found elsewhere. Free Ilomcsteails for Act mil Settlers. The best location for Colonics Soldiers enti tled to n Homestead of 100 Acres. Send for the new Descriptive Pamphlet, with new maps, published in hnglisb, German, bwe- disu and DauUti, mailed free everywhere. Address, O. r . DAVIS, 4w. Land Com'r U. P. K. It. Co., Omaha, Neb. agency for T. S. Authur's great work. THREE YEARS IN A MAN-TRAP. a companion to the famous "Ten Nights ir. ti Bar-Room." Nenrly 30,000 cojiics havj been sold ; and its popularity ts still ou the increase. One single agvut has sold upwards of 1,001) cop es, secure territory nt once. i. .m. mow- DART ft CO., Puhlishwrs, Philadelphia. dr74w Money easily made wilh Stencil nud key Cheek outfit. t-t?Clrculnrs Free. Stalford MTg Co. 00 Fulton St. N. Y. dr7 4w ACJEM 4. It KellN tui-k among all c!as- sis. Old people, ths middle aged, those who are just entering life, and-youth of both sexes buy nud rend with the greatest protit, MY JOLLY r KIND S SECUEl, UIO Lk. la last nud best Book. It is meeting with the greatest success ; and there's monev in it. Seud for our circulars, etc.. which are. sent free. GEO. MACLEAN, Philadelphia. dr7 4w AGENTS WASTED FOR THE LIGHT IN THE EAST The most most comprehensive, and valuable re ligious work ever pubUblicd also, for our new illustrated Family Bible, containing 500 tine scripture Illustrations, und Dr. Smith's complete Dictionary or the uitile. enu lor rrospceius nud Circulars, und we ill show you w agents say of this, the best and cheapest family Uible, and how fast thev are selling It. Address NA TIONAL PUBLISHING CO., Phlladelphhi, Pa WOX'T be deceived, bnt for coughs, colds sore throat, hoarseness and bronchial diUlcultk s, use only Wells' Cnrbolic Tablet, Worthless imitations are ou the mnrkot, but the ouly scientific preparation of Carbolic Acid for Lung diseases is when chemically combined with other well known remedies, us Iu these Ta blets, and nil parths arc catilioui'd against using any other. In all cases of irritation oftl.o mucous mem brane these Tablets should be frceley used, their cleansing and healing properties are astonishing. Be warned, never neglect a coin, it is easily ured in its Incipient state, when it becomes hronic the cure Is exceedingly dilllcuH, use Wells' Carbolic Tablets as a specific. JOHN Q. KELLOGG, 18 Piatt St.. New 1 oik, N9,4w. Sole Agent for United Slates. Price 2"i cents a box. Send for Circular. A GREAT OFFER ! Hohack Watkks, 4S1 Broadway, N.Y., will dispose of 100 Pianos Mclodeous, nnd Orguus, of six lirst class making Including Water's ut very low. prices for cash, or part cash, aud balance in small tnouthly instal ments. New 7 octavo firft class Planoa, modern improvements, for -275 cash. Now ready a Con certo Parlor Organ, the most beautiful Btyle and perfect tone ever made. Illustrated Catalogues mailed. Sticct music aim music .uerciiniuiise iw lAEVlON D 8c RUBY FURNACES. Powerful and Ecouoniical Ileutcrs. .James A, Lawsou, Patentee. FILLER, WARREN & CO., s7,12w 2U0 Water 8t.,.Ncw York. elf feeder A SE urner tewart Improved, Unrivaled Unkualed, liurns any size ioni. FL'LLER, WARREN A CO., s7,12w 'i'M Water St., New York BLATCIILEY'S ski uv i uv v Wuv mum ' ww bait Tasteless, Durable, Efficient and cu Cheap. The best Funip for the loa-l nioner. Attention Is es pccially Invited to BUilt-Ulej-'s l'utenl Improved Hruckct and New Drop Check Vulve, which can be withdrawn without re moving the Pump or disturbing the Joints. Also, the Copper Cbu tuber, which never cracks or scale., uud will outlast any other, ror sale by Deulers everywhere. 6cnd (or Ctnlni;ue and Price List. CHAD. ti. BL.ATCHLK V, Manu facturer, 506 Commerce fet., Philud'u. Pu. 1. PC)fperdav! Airrnts Wanted I All 10 pvU clusses or working people, of either sex, young or old, make wore money at work for us lu their spare moments, or all the time than at anything elsu. Particulars free. Address, G. ST IN SON & CO., 81-ly. Portland, Maine. rptlE best selling book In the market 1 The J. Struggles of PETKOLEUM V. NAS11Y. It Is Illustrated bv THOMAS NABT, the great est of Americau Artists, and routuius an intro duction by Hon. Charles suioner, Ageuts want' ed for this and other popular book. Address I N. Kichardson ii Co., Boston, Mass., and ftt. Louis, Mo. M6,4w, 6000 agents wanted at once for our new book, Tbe Life of the ureal explorer, L1VI.N4.SIO.M-:. and bis resurrection from a liviug Death, by NTAXLCY. Tor full description and It inn, address Imme diately. HUBBARD BROS., Publishers, MV8,8t. Phlla. or Boston TMs Cut IHsstrsiss tbs mssnsrsf U.lnj ffi ftolC PIBBOB'S P'H FoontatiT Nasal Injector, E,-,J This Instrument ts especially designed for tbs per fsotapplleatioaof ,j j OR. SACK'S CATARRH RSMIDY. ' It ts the only form of lnstrnment yet Invented with which anld nxlicine can be earned high up and ptrfKtly applUd to all parts of the affected nasal pse eagee, and tbe chamber or cavities eommnnicatlnc therewita, to which sore and ulcer frequently exist, and from which the catarrhal discharge generally pro ceed. The wsnt of success in treating Catarrh here tofore has arisen largely from the impossibility of applying remedies to these cavities and chambers by any of the ordinary methods. This obstacle In the way of effecting cures is entirely overcome by the Invention of the Douche. In using this Instrument, the Fluid le earned by Its own weight) n snuttno, toro- , m pumpn, wwing riiurvj,j up un ouviru 10 a mil nlljr flowiiiK sueam to the highest ponton of Die sal passages, passe Into and thoroughly cleanses the lubes and chambers connected therewith, anif ows out ol the ODSosHe nostril. Its nse Is oleuant anil so simple that a child can understand It. Fall and explicit directions accompany each Instrument. When used with this instrument. Dr. Sato's Catarrh Remedy cares recent attacks of ,"'old In the Head "by a few application. Symptoms of Catarrh. Frequent head ache, discharge fltllln; Into throat, sometimes pro fuse, watery, thick mnens, pnrnlent, offensive, c. In other a dryness, dry. watery, weak or Hi flamed eves, stopping no or obstruction of nasal passage, ringing In ear, clearness, hawking and couching to clear throat, ulcerations, scabs from nicer, voice altered, nasal twang, offensive breath, Impaired or total deprivation of sense of smell and taste, dizzi ness, mental depression, loss of appetite. Indiges tion, enlarged tonsils, tickling eougn, Ac. Only a few of these symptoms are likely to be present In any ease at one time. Dr. Sago' Catarrh Remedy, when used with Dr. Pierce'aNaaal Done he, and accom panied with the constitutional treatment which is recommended In the pamphlet that wraps each bot tle or the Remedy, Is a perfect specific for this loath some disease, and the proprietor offers, In good faith, 8500 reward for a case ho can not enre. Ilia Remedy Is mild and pleasant to nse, containing no strong or canstio drugs or poisons. The Catarrh Remeily is sold at SO cents, Donche at 00 cents, by all Drnrtrlata, or either will be mailed by pro prietor on receipt of 60 cents. iu v. pierce, w. n.. Sole Proprietor. BUFFALO, i,-. 31 May 4, 1S72- A GPEAT MEDICAL DISCOVERY Dr. WALEEH'3 C'LTFOfiNXA YINEG-AR BITTERS Hundreds of Thousands Tear tpsttmony to their Wonder ful Curslive Lflecls. S5 I? - J HI O it ill e v s TfTET Al'.E NOT A VIL - . a. 2 5 i FANCY DRINK. Ko Periou enn take thn BItr acconi- in( to direction, and remain lni uneil. proided uieif boucs Arc not destroyed by mineral poiton or ther mtant and the vita) organ 'watted bevmd the point 1 repar. Uyhnrptia or IndtKcitluu. Headache, rain in the Shoulder,, l iphtnes of the Chest, Uin nes. Sour Eructation tithe Stomach, Uad 1 te in th Mouth, Hihoui Attacks, Palpitation of the Heart, In flam mat ion of the Lunc. Fain in the rtftions ol the Kid nev. and a hundred other painful ymptom are the ou sptinK of Dftpepsia. In these complaint it ha no equal, and one bottle will prove a tetter guarantee of i:a t,rii than lsntliv advertisement. For Female loinpiAitiu, iu young or old. mar ried or hioftle, at the dawn of womanhood, or the turn of life, thee Tonic Bitters ditplay o decided an influence that a marked improvement i toon perceptible. For InOauiuitiory mnn in route itneu niatiani and Gout, lJiitou. Kemiitrnt and Intermit ent Fever. Unease ot the lilood, Uver, is. nine f ana Klxd.fer. these Hitters have no equal. Such Di.eate are earned by Vitiated Wood, which it generally pioduci by derangement of the Diuetttve Orpan. Toule. ioetinfE alto the peculiar merit of acting as powerful agent in reaevmc Cotietion or Inflammation of the Liver and Viva'. Organ, and tn Biliout Diteate. For Hklu UiHeaaea, tiunhons, i titer, Rheum, Hiotche. bpoic, Iimple. Pustules, Boils, Car buncles, King worms, acaia-rteaa, aare crv.tpciw-s. Itch, Scurtk, Uiscolor.siioiiaof the Skin. Humors and iJi eases of the Skin, of whatever name or nature, are lit erally due; up aud earned out of the system in a shurt tune by the ue of tneie mtteis. Tbe pro per Ilea oi vk. waikei s vi TliTTm art Aperient, Piaphoretic and Carmiuative, Kuniiioui. Laxative. Diuretic. Sedative. Counter-irri tant, Sudorific, Alterative, and Anti-Bilious. Urateful Thousand proclaim Vinigak Bit Tias the roost oudsiui luvifioranl tlui ver sustained tht sinking system. WALKER, Prop r. n.H. McDOMALD CO., rirus-s-iaita and Cm. Art.. San Vrancisco. Cai.. and comer ot Washington and Charltou Sis., New York SOLD BV ALL DRUGGISTS AND DKALERS. J. W. WASIIIKGTON'S GIMMI 1IAKIIEK NIIOl. u Miss Pnillus' building, Market strert, east of the Rullroad, north side, BUNBVKY, ra The old permanent shop of the towu. We decline the boast, but at tho same lime consider that the mighty truth may, bo eeasona ly spoken without manifesting au uncomioria. ble amount of vanity and ambition. Just twenty years ago 1 began my business career In this place half my lifetime thus far spent, have 1 stood upon the noor oi our snop day after day, and night after night, and applied the sharp blue gleaming steel, and within that elapse of time embraced by the mighty folds of that eventful period have l siiavea nearly every body Id the country (in common parlance) and to oblige the public Interest we herein publicly announce te our patrons oia ana uew mat we are ready to shave thein all again three hundred thousand times or more. Come when vou please, iut in hnu Is the max im we are always ready to", work, forenoon or afternoon, to shave you, hair cut vou, shampoo you, whisker dye you, or perfume, comb and ar range the nair wit a artistic skiii, iu im -mier full" or water raise style to suit the customer. We work to please, not please to work. Eton, don t go past our snop to get anaven ou the basis of ability because ws do It as well as it can be done or ever could be. A chance is all that we deinauit To give the proof we hold in hand. Oct. 1. 172. 'Ituhoodi-IIow Losl, How Uetttor cd I lrsV'atiSJu,' published, a new edition of Dr. WjrS! CULVERWELL'8 CELEBRATED ESSAY on the rudleal cure (without medicine) of SPERMATORRHOEA, or Seminal W.eukness, Involuntary Seminal Losses, IMPOTENCY, Mental aud Physical Incapacity, Impediments to Marriage, etc. t also, Consumption, Epilepsy, and Fit, induced by self-indulgence or sexual extravagance. 1-0" Price, lu a sealed envelope, only cents. The celebrated author, in this admirable es say, clearly demonstrates, from a thirty years' successful practice, that the alarmiug conse quences of self-abuse may be radically cured without the dyrgerous use of Internal mediclue or the application of the knife 1 pointing out a mode of cure at once simple, certain, and etft o. tual, by tneaus of which every suttcrer, no mat ter what hi condition may be, may cure himself cheanlv. urlvatelv and rail lea 11 8. t )' this Leature should be in the hands of f3 IS WHAT ARE THEY? O D C n 9 E 5" ft 1 --.sjb Ms km w e "3 c r" V , -iyA (!' 'it DO HI every youth and evory man ln the land. . Sent, under seul, in a plain envelope, to any address, postpaid, on receipt of six cents, or two postage staii)is. Also, Dr. Culverwell's 'Murrlage Guide," price 60 cents. Address the Publishers, CHAS. J. C. KLINE Jt CO., P. O. Box, 4,686. 197 Bowery, New York. April 37, lira. ?fttsctIIantons. MOW AY S READf RELIEF I'lHM TUB WORT PAINS In from One to Twerty Minute. NOT OHr hcu arts, T nT iatb ntaiK-VrMi cm Tin RAtnv It w: tlio ST-lW4 , Th Only rm-Miy that laanli, strii the mot ra.irtt-.. Ta fmniri.inv firm Onrl!oiA ,Vr af 7.iir. g.nh, Uw,l,. vttaw si vu 'ts l! PttOM OXK TO TWRNTT 'ivrfp rTo mtt hur v'Nut or rxoniclaiUiiE tfc'Cl,. invr. MATH!, Hl-riiH-, InSrm, CrllTlcd, .nSVVW JZVJilZ r prosUBM with ditrN nJy suliw, -u. ileuraUlo, RADWAY'S READY R t irsr wti.l AFronn instant kav INFLAMMATION OK TIIK K lltNICTM. INFLAMMATION OK THE l.nnril I.VFLAHMATIO!) Of 1MB IIOWKLS. "UK BOIteT TllltOAT, MFFlrVl.T HUEATniNO l'ALPITATION OF TUB WltT BTSTERIC8, CROl'l', 111"HT!1 EKIA. "r' HEADACHE, TOOTHAfHiL NEritAT.OlA, KHEUMAIsu cot.n rntt.t.a, AorF. rmixs. The appltcAtli.ti of th Rrndv Relief t Hi t or r'irt wlicra pals cr dlOiwulty viims wtU affiml ena.rf vumfurt. Twany Sropa In rmtf a tumtilrr of water wit In w mwtiHit', rora CrtAXirS, 1-PASMS. SOUlt STOMAtT llRAKTIIl'ltX, KICK IIEAOACHE, MAHUIlt? iivsEXTKiiv. roi.ic, viao is Tuk uowixa, si all INTEIt.NAt. PAINS. Trar,ir, fftiitntd alwava rafry a boltlr f nartwav' Hfadv llelit with tlimi. A frw tlropa In watfr wil prvvfic al anr nr paint from clmiiire of water. It la SalUr laaa rraucu isratiny cr ctuira aa a atlraulaiiU FRVRR AN Is A ti I' Ii. rsTvTn AM) Audi curd fur Srty miiIk. Thi la not remedial arciit In this wnrld th.-u wlj (lira Kcver Bii (etia, and all nthr slalarlous. Ittllonii. HcHrlrt. Tvpbnlil. rilow, and plln-r Fevpta (lilf .1 l.y IIADWAY'S PILLS) so uillrk as RAHWAVS HKADI HtLlEF. FUlr scuts IKtbulllc Bold tv l)rU((lM. HEALTH ! BEAUTY! ! sttjono and rricis rttctt ni.oon-iNtittASE or FJ.KSH ANI vrF.IUIIT-4'I.KAK SKIN ANU KAC T1FVL COMFLEX1U.N fEJLUtl TO ALL. DR. RTDWAY'S SARSAPARILUAN RESOLVENT HAS MADK THB VoST ASTOMSHINfl rrURRS: UI(K. HO f(AP!l AU TUK UANiE f fiOUr t'NDEUt.OKA. irNUKU THB l.NKLHENiH tK Til 114 THAT iUULK V.UMJliniLL ML1C1', Every Day an lneroas9 In Flosh end Weight Is Seen and Felt. THE GREAT BLOOD PURIFIER. Kvfry Amp i.f tht RARSAI'A III 1.L1 A.V HKSOIiVKX'f ronnnunlc.itf t.'iruncti I lie Itlnuit, BwvHt, lTrw. ittitl fctlitrl fluldmnd Julret of ttm vtm tht vi(ur wr I f.-, t-r it rt'tiii tli wwtn r hoi with liw tnt kuum( mat-rUI. IScrofula, SyphHi, Coiu'imptloti, iliinlnlf.r iiUrn llc In tho Tlir.Mt, Mouth. Tu'iiort, N'Mc 1 1 I' OinmU other parttf -im, Sor Kve, l lclirr from t)t Earl. AnJ the MirU fount of K .11 d '., tlUf tlnns, Fovr H rn, BciUl Itltit Worni l IILmiiti, Erynlpelasi, Acne, ttliick Kpnia, Wurnistn lli rft-sh, TutiiAr-, i'micrr In llif Worntt.llml ll wf.ikm.iiic nn4 fulnful (IN ft.trfff, Niflit Sffcil, Ia- of f.crin, ntuf nM wnisjf i)i IKe j)H mHdIo, are wltUin tlu ciratlvsj nf tlili wundvr of MiFru Chcinltrv, and rv (cw rtiv c will prove to niiv prrnn tinluff it for cither cf tiie futuituf UiKdw ta KtM:t powfr tu cure tlifm. If Ui patient, dully beoorr.lnrT rail'.icft, r tlic wnrtra anil d-conifsftsiHIort that ll con1iiiU;tllV ''wgri'Mli, nunvvrdt la RrTftiH5 tliesi wanta. mit rep'!'' t'ltf ftno w :h tie n atrr- i niiule from heiHliv blvuU uis4 tliU Uio AKd.M'AiaU 1,1 AN will and tlo ie;iir. hot finlydoi- the AaArAmtt.MAY rxevi all tuwu ri'iHtHlial acftiit In Hi tui i f Oiioihc, Scrofulotn, I tnsiH)it.viial,iu.ta bkm tlUrutca ; but II U tLe wiily ioiinj curs for Kidney & Bladder Complaints, tTrlwu-T. nti'l WiftiH 1Nijim, OrtiTrl, I)iStt, PmpuT PiofspMctj of Water. luenntlnchr ut L'rla. lirlitlit's l)ifctifs AluntiDuna, and In all f ist wlii- there tut brick-ltint tlf jilta, vr tit WNter la thick, cl-uW. HiIei- I with niibttancia like tht white ut an i rr, wr tlireal list white ailk. or IhcrM Is a morbid, tiark, blllout appraraiir, and white bwiiC'luF-l iltotslta, and when thr U a jirickliiir, burnl'itj f,aiialUri wheo batalnc water, and pnln la tho hiu&ll of tl w lUtk aud alone fi I,'-Tn 1'rloo, $ixa, WORMSTh ooljr knowu and inrt RsmeJyfor Wotntu 'in. Tape etc. Tumor or 13 Years' Growth' Cured by Radway: Resolvent. Bkvimy, tM., July it. me. TK. Raiwt: T fcvt tiil Or.rUa Tutmsr fn the ovvlr. antl atI. All lbs DoetArt iU ihst raa nt htl for it." 1 trid tvery (M'i t wu r.ortmnin(lt1 ; Ln, Rotblnf hrlwrd me. I iv Tor Rsflasii, ttrid tboockt 1 wouN ir it; Lsl kstd a f.iith la it, Ikmh 1 hA sarTsTsMl 1f TMtv. 1 took lit kottl. of the and t vi sf lU-lwa1. Till, and two bttUt f ywr Rsn'tv Hrltf; and titer It b-t l if) f tuni'-r K im er tVlt. and I fvl troiirr, imirtir, and aappur th.n I liave for twelve v.rfl T:ie w.sil tuwr la th. Ufl sij of th Wwl, ar lie rrvln. rrvln. il.Mil. II U 1 wriM Uiit W Vou lor U bsjMbtvf atittrs. V..u rn put.: jvacaoote. HAXKAII I. KNAl'l1. DR. RADWAY'S PERFECT PURGATIVE FILLS. rerfctlr taltrlras. alltaullv toatwl with swpet rim. purr. r.'1-ulat!?. (mrlfv, e:ranr. an 1 alrenftli.-n. llirlays nils. f..r tL cur of'all illonlr pf th Ktuuinfh. Mvcr. Howvla. Kuliieva, Illa-IJrr, Nrrrii4 DlM.ii'a. Ilitai'h. f'anillra. tlon. Crwliveiii. iHdlrcition. ln.cpia, IMIouhicm. Illl lou, Trvrr, li'ittminall'Mt ul Hie llowrla, I'llfH. and alt ) rpn(0n..tU of lliv liitcrii! Wuimilltt lo rfltct a txi.itlvc nurr. Purrly Vi-grtaLlc, contaU.ii.( ng mercury, ruin ral, or dellerU.u rlnifcB. IV oi.M.i-v thr fifliowini; ayroritoms rrauJIlnic fnm Dla. crilera of Uta lloatlvu Orno : rft.tf4!!.r., Itiwarj PIIm. TallnMi ff ! Slw4 la tht Hrad Ariilir r t. Suwh. Kiumi, ll.arlbum. IMmI T Pwid. Full mm. or Wnthl U IK. S".iaatit Soar rrarlsiU.nt. Mnkinr r r lallr-. irtr al (L Pit ft Iht mrL, SwImS'lMff U the .4, HarrlrS n4 IlfC-uil Uralhinr, Fla lorlur al Iba llaarl, CSoklnc fnffucatlB( SmMlioui whaa In a I vln rrt.lnr. InranaM nf Vl.ton. 1VU o. Wat Ufwra the ht. a.fl l.ull Paia la tha llaa.1. Ikrui-taa. f Frr.ulrati.1. Vrlkwnai. ft -liln an4 Kr.. P.ia la lr UntU, aaj tuda.'a 1 laiia ( Heal, Uiraln la lb H..I.. A frw ttoica r.f riAIVtVAY-S PIU S will frcr Hit frvstrm fWn iJI II. e ril.rt r'-ini;,,..'! iti-orilvia. 1'rlo, f( i-fuli prr I'KX Kill. II II V KV.I'lilili-TS. r.K.M" 'KAI.SK AM' Tr.I"K." Stn.l m U-ller -tairp HAt'WAV A .. So. St Mal!.il, It.rk. liiforiliallua M.irlh tl).;!4:.L.Ia A..1 1'C KUt Jruu. March 30, 1ST2.-Iy. t'i:XTi:it Of ATTKAt'TIOS. Evervbodv is hit Red lo come and buy of tho handsome assortment of TOYS AND CONFECTIONERIES nt SAMUEL P. NEVIN'S STORE, In frame building, adjoining Moore i nissinger' bu d ne. THIRD bTKfcLT. MSblKl, r.. Just opened a fresh supply of Confcctioiicri; of every description. TOY OF AL.Ia HIMIN constantly on hand. The best RAISINS, FIGS, CURRANTS ifc DRIED Fit I' IT. PURE RIO COFFEE, TEA & SPICES, fresli Bread, Buns A Cukes, every morning. FANCY CAKES, BISCUITS, CRACKERS, Ac. OYSTERS ! OYSTERS ! OYSTERS ! Having fitted up a room expressly for serving lip Oysters lu every style, Ladies aud Gcntlemeu will be uccDiiiniodated wilh the best bivalves in market, nt all hours during the day and evcuiug. Families will be supplied ut their residence wilh the best Shell or Canned Oysters, as is desirable, at the very lowest prices. Call and seeiny excellent assortment of goods and asccrtalu the price. 6. F.NEYIN. Dec. 16, 1871. LKU'OB NTOHKI CHRISTIAN NEFF, Second Street, opposite tho Court House, SUN BURY, PA., Respectfully invites the attention of Retailers and others, that he has ou hand, and will con stantly keep all kinds of FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC LIQUORS, Consisting of Pure Brandies: Coguiue, Cherry, Ginger, Rochelle and Otard. Whiakiesi Pure Rye Copper-Dlstlllcd, Monnn gaheia, Apple and Nectar. PURE HOLLAND GIN I Wines: Champaguo Wine, Sherry, Port and Claret. Crab Cider, Champagne Cider, N. E. Rum, Brown Stout and Scotch Ale. STOMACH AND BAR BITTERS, And all others Liquors which can be found ln the citv markets, which will bs sold at Whole sale and Retail. Every article guaranteed as j represented. Also, a large lot of DEMIJOHNS and BOTTLES, alwavs ou hand. 1-0- Orders promptly attended m, ana yuuuc patronage respectfully solicited t nr.rr. Suubury, July S, 1809. ly. KXCELSIOR FIR EJtrOKIl .M. I. ISAACS, Successor to JOHN FAREIRA, 718 Arch street. Middle of the block, between 7th and 8th streets, South side, Philadelphia. Importer and Mauulactorer or FANCY FCKS For Ladies' and Children's Wear, wholesale and retail. Having Imported very large and splendid as sortment of all tha different kind of Fur from first hauds in Europe, would respectfully luvlls the renders of this paper to call aud examine lbs assortment of Faucy Furs. I am determined to sell al tbe lowest Cash price. All Furs war ranted. No misrepresentations to effect sale. Furs altered and repaired. -y Remember the Store, 718 Arch street, Phil adelphia, oct 6, 8in. XfTANTKH Responsible men as Local 1 T Agents to sell truit aud ornamental tree lu neighborhoods where they reside. To the right Bisrlles very liberal terms and an opportu nity lo establish a safe aud urohu'jle business. Address Tbs Dlngea & Conrad Co., Wboletul Nurscryoieo, Wual Grove, ChelrCo, Pa. Nov. SO, l8T3.-sin. $attttf;tctitrcrs. jriA IIINR SHOP AJil) IKON I'Ot'XDUV. GEO. KOHUUAC1I & SONS, Nanbnry, I'rnn'n, INFORM lh public thnt. they are prcpnrort lf do nil kll.ds rr CASTINGS, and having added ft new Machine Shop In connection with their Foundry, nn.l have supplied themselves with New Lathes. Planing nnd Uorlug Machines, with the latest improvements. With tho aid of skillful mechanics, they n.o cuablcd to execute all orders of NEW WOKS OK KKPAIKINQ, that may bs (Wen them, In a satisfactory man ner. tiriaics) to stilt sny Store?. IRON COLUMNS, for churches or other build ings, or all sizes, BRASS CASTINGS, &c Ornamental Iron Fencing FOR GRAVE TARD LOTS VERANDAHS, FOn YARDS AT RESIDENCE, AC, AC. Tbe PLOWS, already celebrated for thoir su periority, have been still further Improved, and will alwnvs be kept on band. Also, THRESHING MACIHNES. Sunbury, May r, 1871. LtMRCK AM) rLAMXCI JIIILI.N. Itlilrd Street, adjolnlnR PhilR. & Erie R. R., two PUftlVB t"'liU " IU VvUsldl aUIl 6CNBURT, PA. IRA T. CLEMENT, IS Veparrd to furnish arcry description of lum l're'4Ulri by the demands of the public.- naTitif nil the latrat linprnvtd machinery loi inaniifnvurliiKLunbci , be is now ready to till or ders af ui Klnus of FLOORINl, BIDINO, POORS B1IUTTER9, 6AS1I, BLINDS MOULDINGS, VE RAs'DAS, BRACKETS, nnd nil klndfotOrnnmcntsl Bcrowl Work. Turn- luir, of every lettriptioii promptly executed. AIbo, L UIIOR ASSOIITMEST OF MIL LUMBER. UEMLOCK indPIXE. Also, Shingles, Pickets, Lathe, Ac. Orders pronptly tilled, and shlpiied br Railroad or othcrvrlse IRA T. CLEMENT. dcc-Ca:V O. VT. KEEJUR. K. A. OASS. New Gtoodsf Dry Gods, Notions, Furnishing Good,, Groceries, Oil Cloths, Gluss and Nails of cvry variety, nt one low price, KSEFEIl & GASS' STORE, Corner if Fourth and Market Btrcits, SUXIIUUT, PA. All kiiirlB o' Ciraiu takeu lu exchnngc same ns ensh. Callitud e-e us. KEEKER (iABS. Sunbury, Cfct. 20, tST'J. s7xJ:iriiix"r.?iTAii.iii Ji est. MARKET STREET, 8UNBUUY, PA. ALFKED Kit A USE, rroprittor. TsCCJiSSOB TO SMITU UHNTUEII. J HAVING purchased the above well knowu cs tnblisliiscnt, Mr. Krausc would respectful ly inform the public that he now bus on hand u lartc assortment of COOK1XG STOVES, Ppeer's Cook Anti-Dust, Regulator or Revolving Top, Combination, Susquplmuna aud others, which are so arranged ns to be used for Coal or Wood, and are warranted to perform satisfactori ly or no sale. HEATERS of all kinds put up to lient one or mure rooms. 1IEATINU BTOVES of dilt'crcnt kinds at very low prices. Tluwnrvor I'urv Dcxcriptioii kept constantly ou hand. Rootlns; aud Spoutiug w ith the best material, done at short uotice. REPAIRING attended lo with dispatch. Coal Oil scd Lamps constantly ou hand. Japan waie of a x.ndj. Store opposite Conley's hardware store. Give me a call. A. KRAL'SE. npl'-'-Hv J1CAM OIT.XIXG of the largest and most fashionable stock of Cloths and Cassimeres of every grade, nud Gentlemen's Furnishing Goods, at TIIOS. U. MUTT'S MERCHANT TAILOR STORE, 111 Miller's Block, Third street, two doors below Market, SVNiUT.Y, PENN'A. The most lahiouuble clothtug made tu order from every variety of goods. Suits of"all sites made up at tbe shortest no tice, from the best selected stock lu New York and CliUndelpbiu. Cull and be ronvtuccd. TIIOS. G. NOTT. April 20. 187J. W. H. Blanks, HOUSE, SIQ3ST, AND ORNAMENTAL PAINTER, SUNBURY, PENN'A. Decorating and Puper Hangirg done in tbe latest improved style. Orders solicited, which will receive prompt at tention. Residence In Pnrdytnwn, Emcrlck's building. Suuburv. May 11, lS72.-tf. XEW TOBACCO AXO NEliAK, AX D VRUSJI STOIiE. Sonth side of Market street between 3d and 4th . SUNBURY, PA. Just opened, an entire new stock of all kinds of TOBACCO AND SE0ARB. Bcgnrs of every grade. Tobacco of tvery varle'y. Pipes, both plain and fancy. BRUSHES ! BRUSHES ! I BRUSHES ! ! I A large assortment of Brushes direct fiom the maiiuracturer at greatly reduced prices. Ilia line of brushes are a specialty aud many new kinds never before introduced iuto this market. Also, Paper Collars uud Cuffs iu great variety. A mrge assortment of nil the popular Songs of the day. Call aud examine inv goods nnd L'' t a llt of prices. ' HENRY PETERY. November 2, 1872. ly I.nt'kawuuun uud IMoouiMbiirg Itull ron. I. WINTER ARRANGF'i:NT OF PASSENGER T. AlNS. Tluie-Tab'e take effect Novemlier 25, 1873. TRAINS MOVING SOUTH. P.M. Scranton, 2 10 Plitston, 1 37 W Fituton 8 43 Wyoming ii 48 A.M. 6 45 7 18 7 23 7 20 7 55 830 V 00 0 30 A.M. P.M. P.M. 10 15 10 45 3 30 P.M. 6 45 7 16 7 21 7 30 8 25 30 10 49 11 10 4 05 10 54 11 21 1100 1130 4 10 4 17 4 45 Plymouth 3 15 7 55 11 40 ShlcksblunyS 51 Berwick 4 23 Bloonisburg4 57 10 10 11 10 12 30 1 20 arriv-Hurris- Danville 5 80 10 01 Northum'd 605 10 35 6.45 a. m. train, No S, from Scranton, lug ut Northumberland al 10 35 a m I burg al 1 45 p m Baltimore al 6 30 p m. 3 10pm truiu from Scranton, passenger leav Ing New York at 8 10 a in, eounect with this truiu arriving at Northumberland al 6 05 p. tu. TRAINS MOVING NORTH. P.M. P.M. A-M. P-M. P.M. A.M. i 30 5 35 4 40 6 50 7 00 8 20 8 35 Northum'd 0 40 Danville 10 20 Bloninsb'rg 10 63 Berwick 11 24 Sbicksbinnyll 55 Plymouth 1'3 27 4 50 5 30 6 06 6 40 7 13 7 45 8 00 8 13 8 10 8 24 8 65 125 1 40 1 64 8 00 8 06 K 40 s oo 5 30 5 37 5 45 650 6 25 Kingston Wyoming W Piltsloa Pillsion 13 40 45 u oo 0 07 9 13 V43 13 53 13 M 1 03 Scranton 1 35 8.40 a.m. train. No. 9, from Northumberland. Passeutrers leaving Willlanisport al 7-55 a. ra. eonueciiiig at Northumberland, arrivlug at Sc. anion al 1.35 p.m., New York al .00 p. tn. 4 b) p. m. tralu from Northumberland, eon ner'iug al Serauton with trains arrivlug al Biog haruMoo al 1-26 a.m. P DAVID T. IWUND. Sup't. HEADING It llLROAD. WINTER A RBA NOEMENTS, MOHDAT, DStCKMBETS 3ud, 1879. Trains lears Hnrrlsbur; for New Tarti as fal lows t at 8.80 and 8.10, a. m., and 9.00, p. m., connecting with trains on Pennsylvania Bull road, and arriving at .ow York al VH.96, S.W and 9.45 p. m., respectively. Returninlnf; I Lcavs New Tork at 9.00 a. id. 13.50 and 6.80 p. m., rhiladelpblk at 7.80, B.46 a. m., and 8.30 p. m. Leave Mftrilsburfr for Readlntr, Pottsvllle, Tamaqua, Mlnersvllle, Ashland, Bbatnokiu, Al lentown and Philadelohla at 6.80 and 8.10 a. m., 9.00 and 4.05 p. m., ttorplng at Lebanon aad principal way stations ( tbe 4.05 p. m., train con necting foy Philadelphia. Pottsvllle and Colo in ula only. For I'ottsvine. ocnnyiKiu Jiavcn ana Aubbra, via BchoylklU aad Susquehanna KaU road leave IlariisbnrK at 8.40 p. in. r.nt reunsylvanla Kallroad trains leave Jteaa liiaT for Allentown, Easton aud New fork at 7.30 and 10.S5 a. rn., and 4.00 p. m. Retnrninir, leave New York at 9. 00 a. m., 19.60 and 6.80 p. in., and Allentewnat 7.20 a.m., 13.W6, 8.10, 4.3ft and 8. 65 p. m. Why Passenger Train lenves Philadelphia at 7.30 a. m., connecting at Reading with train ou Enst Pennn. Kallroad, returning leaves potts vllle at 4.35 p. m., stnppiug nt all stntlons. Leave Pottsvllle at 6.00, 8.05 and 9.10 a. ni., aud 2.30 p. m., Hcrndon at 10.00 a. ni., Sbaino kin at 8.0(1 and 11.02 a. rn., Ashland at 7.19 a. ni., and 13.90 p. m., Mahnnoy City at 7.53 and 12.54 p. m., Ta.naqna at 8.35 a. m., and 9.10 p. m., for Philadelph'a, New York, Kcadlug, llar risburg, &c. Leave Pottsvlllf) via Schnylklll and Basqne banna Railroad at 8.05 a. in., for Ilnrrlsburg, and 11.45 a. m., for Plucgrove and Treniont. Pottsvllle Accommodation Train leaves lN.tts Tllle nt G.00 a. m., passes Reading at 7.40 a. in., arriving at Philadelphia vt 10.15 a. m. Return ing leaves Philadelphia at 4.45 p. m., passes Reading nt 7.15 p. iu., arriving at Potlsville at 9.00 p. m. Pottstown Accommodation Train leaves Potts- town at 0. 45 a. m., returning, lenves Phlladel phin (Ninth and Oreen,) at 4.30 p. in. Columbia Railroad Trains leavs Reading nt 7.30 a. nv, and 6.15 p.m., fur Ephrneta, Llt'.s, Lancaster, Columbia, Ac. t returning leave I caster at 8.30 a. m., and 3.30 p. in., aud Colum bia nt 8.15 a. in., and 3.30 p. ni. Perkiomen Railroad trains leave Perkinmcn Junction nt 7.3." nnd 9.00 a. in., 3.55 and 5.10 p. m.; returning, leave Orer Lane nt 6.15 a. m., 13.35 and 4.30 p. in., com.ectlng with trains on Reading Railroad. Pickering Vallev Railroad trains leave Plioc- nlxville at 9.10 a. m.. 3.10und 5.50 p. in. ; return ing, leave Byers ut a. tu., 13.43 and 4.20 p. in., connc' t'ing with trains ou Reading Kaiiroml. Colebrookdale Railroad trains leave Pnltrtown at 9.40 a. in. nnd 1.30. 0.35 aud 7.15 p. in., re turning leave Mount Pleasant nt C.0O, S.WU and 11.35 a. ni. nnd 3.00 p. in., couuecliug with trains on Reading Railroad. ChcHi-r Valley Railroad trains leuTcllrllge poit at 8.30 a. m". 2.40 end 5.33 p. in., returniutr. leave Dowuiniriown nt 0.55 a. iu., 12.30 uod 5.40 p. in., connecting w ith trains ou Heading Rull road, On Sundnvt : leave New York nt 5. 30 p. m., Philadelphia nt 8.00 a. in. and 3.15 p. in., (thu 8.00 a. m. trBin running ouly to Reading.) leavu Pottsville at 8.00 a. ., leave lliirrlfbuig et 5.30 u. in. and 3.00 p. ni. ; leave Allentown hi 8.55 p. in. i leave Reading at 7.15a. in. e.nd 10.15 p. in. for llarrlstiurg, nt 7.30 a. in. for New York, aud nt 9.40n. in. and 4.15p. in. for Philadelphia. Commutation, Mileage, Hcasoti, School nud Excursion Tickets, to aud from all poiuts, lit re duced rates. llagirage checked through s 100 pound? allowed each Passenger. J. K. WOOTTEN, Astht. Supt. if- Eng. JurAYj. Rkadiwh, Pa., December 2, 1HT3. Northern Ccutrnl Builsvny. "-INTER ARRANGEMENT. o N ana alter Oct. 27, 1S72, trains wlU run NORTHWARD. as ' "nv i Nlngam Express leave Sunbury at 12.40 p. in., for Niagara Falls Mall arrives at Snnbury nt 4.10 p.m., unite ut Wiiiinnisport 0.20 nnd Elmlra 10.30 p. m. Fust Line arrives ut Sunbury at C.60 p. iu., arrive nt Wllllamsporl 8.S5 p. la. Erie Mail leaves Sunbury nt 6.30 a rn 1 Wil linmsport at 8.40 a m, and arrives at taini at 12.40 p ni. SOUTHWARD. Mall leaves Sunbury at 11.05 u. in., arilve nt Harrishurg 1.45 p. m., Baltimore 0.B0 p. in. Erie Express leaves Sunbury at IMO a. iu., ar rive ut llarrisburg 11.30 a. tu., Bultintoro S.00 p. m. Kric Mall lcavo Sunbury ut 12. TO a. m., arrive at llarrisburi; 2.45 u. m., B.iUimore 8.45 a. iu. Niagara Express leaves Cuubury at f.00 p in. Hurri!burgnl 10.40 p in, arrives ut Baltimore 2. 15 u m. SIIAMOKIN DIVISION. KAsnvAitn. Leave Sunbury nt 4.40 p. in., urrivo ut fctiHino kin 5.50 p. in., Mt. Carnicl 0.S0 p. iu. Leave Sunbury (Accomuioduiiou,) at 12. W p. m., uriive nt Sliamokiii l.!5 p. ui. WESTWAKH. Leave Mt. Cannel nt 7.40 a. m., Shumoklu 8.20 a. m.. arrive ut Siinbnry 9.25 a. in. Leave Sluimokiu (Accommodation,) at 8.40 p. in., arrive at Sunbury 3.55 p. m. Express leaves dally. Ail other traius leavo daily, except Sundays. A. K. Fiske. Ei. b. YotNO, fcen'l. Sup't., Geu'l Pasteu'r A.'t., llnrrisburg, Pa. Baiimoiv, .MJ IMiilndelphiu uud i'ric Kallroad. SI?MMER TIME TARLE. On and after Sunday, Oct. 27th. 1872, the Trains on tho Philadelphia Erie Rail Road wll ruu as follows : WESTWARD. Mail Train leave Philadelphia, " " " Sunbury, " arr at Erie, Erie Express leaves Philadelphia, " " " Sunbury, ' " an nt Erie, Elmirn Mall leaves Philadelphia, " " " Sunbury, " " arr at Lock Huvcn, 11.40 p m 6.30 a n 7.55 p it 13.40 p ni 7.01 p ui 7.45 a tu 8.00 a m 4.30 p m 7.45 ii in Niagara Express leaves Philadelphia, 7.30 a ui " " buuhiiry, " " arr nt Reuovo, EASTWARD. Mali Train lenves Erie, " " " Sunbury, " " arr at PhlladelphU, 12.4(1 p ui 4.u5 a m 11.35 a ui 12.45 a m 0.55 a in 9.05 p m 0.35 a iu 3.30 p in 7.45 a iu 11.00 a ui 6.00 p m 3.25 p m Erie Express leaves Erie, ' " Suuburv, " ' arr at Pbilndelphia, Elmlra Mail leaves Lock Haven, " ' Suubury, " " arr ut Philadelphia, Niagara Express leaves Reuovo, Suubury, ' arr at Philadelphia, 7UpUl x. w a in Mall Enst connects east and west ut l.rle with L. S. A M. H. R. W. and at Irviueton with Oil Creek and Allegheny R. R. W. Niagara Exoress und Erie Express East, and Erie Mail. Niagara Express and Elmira Mail West, conuect at Williamspoit wilh trains going north ou the Elmiia ud Cauauduigua division, of the N. CR. It. Catawissn passenger trains will be ruu east and west from WilllamsHrton Elmirn Mail. tVM. A. BALDWIN, Gen'l Bup'L Danville, Hazls'loii A ilkestbarre It. U. Pcuua. It. It. Co. L.vmee. SUMMER ARRANGEMENT. On and after this data Passenger trains on. th D., H. & W. K. R. will ruu a follows : WESTWARD. EASTWARD. LEAVE. New York, Philadelphia, Easton, Bethlehem, nnxleton, C'attawlssa, Danville. A.M.: LEAVE. A.M. 6:00 Suuburv, 6 :'.'( 8:00 Dauviile, 7 I 3 :25 Caltawissa, 7:28 10:05 Uaxlctou, V:08 P. M.: P- M. 1:00 Bethlehem, 12:10 8:40 F.aslon, 12:35 8:20 Philadelphia, 8:15 3:57 New York, arr. 8:50 Sunbury, arrlva West arrlviui! al Sunbury 3:57 r. ni.. make close connections wilh trains on Philadel phia Erie K. H. lor MlUon, Willlanisport, Lock Uavn and all points Wist, Elmira aud all points North, also wilh Northern t coital Rail way. for HarrUburg and Baliiiuore. SfNew and elegant coaches ruu through bs twecn Sunbury aud Easion. FRANK THOMPSON. Supt. D. 11. tfc W. Ii. R. Brpt's Orr u s, Wiixumspomt, Pa. May 1, 1S73. S