JJ. GRAND OPENING OF PALL AND WINTER GOODS AT S. HERZFELDER'S Popular Clothing Store. Just oponcd, an enormous Stock of READY-MADE Clothing, The largest ever offered in this town. Clothing to suit nil tastes. Clothing for all oc casions, from the plainest Working Clothe to the finest and most fashionable DRESS SUITS. Boys' and Youths' Clothing. This department is well stocked with a large variety of goods of all colors, qualities and styles. All clothing is mado to my own order, by the best mechanics, and combine durability and strength with neatness and style. Ms ami Cass for Mi ai Boys. An enormous assortment in this line, including the very latest iu Xew York and Phila delphia styles. Furnishing The most magnificent stock to be found outside of the large cities. The very latest in everything. Neckware, Collars, Suspenders, Hosiery, Handkerchiefs, and especially a full line of the best makes iu Shirts and Gents' Underwarc. TRUNKS. VALISES. 11 and numerous other articles. JJoing by fur the largest business in my line in the county, and buying large quanti ties for ensh, lam able to offer superior inducements and sell at LOWER PRICES than any ofay competitors. Ersrybody is respectfully invited to call and examine tho largest stock ever seen in '.this c'lce. S. rfUwor Moi-Vof onrl TVii VfVJ-UV i".Mia.v auxxvi. wuuuuij, J- c. -Sunbary,.Sept. 11, 1872. riand Opening of FMImIs WINTER AT FINNEY'S NewCentral Variety Store, No. 106, Market Street, South Dress Goods Silks. Silk Poplins, Alpacas, Luster Alpacas, DeLalnes, Plads. Opra Flannels, Tickings, Ladles Cloaking. NOTIONS. LADIES' and GENTS' FURNISHING GOODS, Ladies Immttatton llalr Goods In new ana Deaumui style. SHAWLS. Ottamon Crown, Ottamon Double all Wool, Plad Shawls, Breakfast Shawls, Scarfs, Ac. JEWELRY. Laditt Plated and Jet Opera Chains, Ladles' Staves, blueve Buttons, Groceries. Fiesh Groceries, Wood and Willow Ware, Floor, Table and Stair Oil Cloths. CARPETS, BOOTS AND SHOES, Go to Finney's for the Greatest Variety of Goods. Goods arriving Dally. N. B. It Is the universal verdict of the trade November 9, 1873, BUTCHERY I BUTCIIEHY! Messrs). KEFFEW at BOWER, Third Street, opposite Central Hotel, SUN BURY, PA., KEEP constantly on hand the very choicest of fresh BEEF, Ml'TTO.1 AND VEAL, which is sold at the lowest prices. Meat eaa be badat all hours during the day. Sunbury, fa., June , 18T. NEW GOODS I NEW COOD!! Just Opend. F. J. BYROD, Informs the citizens of Bnubury and vicinity, that be has received his large assortment of Dry Goods aad selling them cheap for cash at bis store room, corner Third and Church streets, SUNBURY, PA., ! nis stock comprise Dry Goods and Groceries. The Dry Goodt department Is complete, having a general iissomix-nt of Cloths, CaaBimeres, Calicos, DeLains, and everything in the Dry Goods Hue. The GROCERIES ar all fresh, and couslsts of Tea, Coffee, Eugar, Mollasset , Spice's, Meat, Fish, Ac. BOOTS AND SHOES. Willow-Ware and Glass-Warc, a general assortment. In fact everything kept la a uret-cuisa store, can be had at the moat reasonable prices for cash. Bavins located lu Sunbury for the purpose of becorclng one of Us citizens, 1 hope that by fair aeaUcg ana strict attention io ousmess to mew a share of tbs public patronage. My motto is 'Small Profits and Quick Sales." AH ars cordially Invited to call and examine my goods, as no charges will bs wad for show ing them. F. J. BTROD. sunbury, Ost. 19, 1973. (rOOll ill Merzfehler9 - r - rl Qf-ffinto CnKninr Tin Side, East or the Railroad, ' of all Kinds, noslory, Gloves, Hoods, Caps, Germatftwa Wool, Plated and Jet Setts, Finger Rings, Ear Rings, that my goods are sold the lowest In this market. D. A. FINNEY, No. 106, Mareet Street, Sunbury, Pa. W. D. ME LICK, Is ... mjwff n4 nn1 InAllAilnWV (Successor to Dr. W. W. Moody,) At the old established stand on Market Square, SlNBl'RV, PA. Keeps constantly on hand a full stock of well selected DRUGS & CHEMICALS, Druggists Fsncy Goods, COMBS, BRUSHES, PERFUMERY, PATENT MEDICINES, OILS, FAINTS GLASS, PUTTY, VARNISH, DYESTl'FFS, In fuc, everything usually kept In a well con ducted 3DPITJC3- STORE. Particular atteutlon paid to compounding Phy sicians prescriptions aud family receipts by the Proprietor himself. Sunbnry, Pa., June 8, 1873. FU and Winter Style, or HATS, CAPS, and BONNETB, RIBBONS, LACE8, FLOWERS, FEATHERS, Crapes, Bilks, Batlns, Turquoise, Crape and Lace Veils. Trimmings of every Description from New York and Philadelphia, just opened and for sale at unusually low price. Call and examine and bs convinced. J ICO Ue Dill aTJU eV f Marknl Sauars. South side, Buobnry, Pa. MISSL. BHIB8LER Sunbury, Oel. 147. OA t en Y CO'H COLUMN. DO AGENT want absolutely th best fell ing book t Bend for circulars of Vswt's Una bridged Illn. Family Bible. Cvir 1100 pages 10 by IS In. SCO page Bible Aid, Ac. Amber que 18.26 Gilt Edge, 1 clasp, 6S.25 Full Ollt, 3 claepc, 11.00. "lieldeni The White Chief," for Winter Evenings, 86th 1000 ready "The Ameri can Farmer's Ilorso Book i" The Standard. 46lh 1000 ready, Epifontic Treatments, e. C. F. Vent, N. T. & Cincinnati, Vent Goodrich, Chicago. dr!4-4w AGENTS WANTED. Addrt-K, for the moet liberal tcrme fTer oflered. TUE DISCOVERER DISCOVERED, DR. LIVINGSTONE AFRICA Hli Ain tnre The Stanly Livingstone Expedition to Afri ca. Large octavo volume, Just iasned, eontaine Incident! of the Wonderful Career of the Great Traveler, the Country, Animals, Native, Hunt ing, Ac. Fnll account of thle moet Interesting part of the globe. Outfit sent for tl. Addreee Union Publishing Co., Chicago, Ills.) Philadel phia, Pa. or Springfield, Mass. drl4-4w Warren lange liu FlntPTemlim U Uliii.Iiiii.mi Double Elevated Oven, Warming Closet, Broil ing Door, Fender Guard, Dumping and bhakign Grate, Direct Draft. FULLER, WARREN As CO., 236 Water Street, New York. drl4-4w $75 io $250 pre tnonili. everywhere q viu u yivvv jutt, niuiuii. male andie r male, to Introduce the Genuine Improved C" Common Sense Family Sewing Machlue.This machine will stitch, hem, fell, tuck, quilt, accord, bind, braid and embroider In a most superior manner. Price only 115. Fully 11- censed and warranted for Ave year. We will pay f 1,000 for any machine that will sew a stronger, more beautiful, or more elastic seam GrOthan ours. It makes the "Elastic Lock Btitch." Every second stlch can be cnt, and r-. still the cloth cannot be pulled npart without ! tearing It. We pay agents from 975 to 1450 . per month and expenses, or a commission C3 from which twice that amount can be made. Address BECOMB A CO., Boston Mass., Plttsbnrgh, Pa., Chicago, I'l,, orSt.Lonls,Mo.4w CHEAP FARMS l i'KKE HOME) ! On the line of the Union Pacific Railroad, 13,- 000,000 acres of the best Farming and Mineral lands In America. 3,000,000 Acres In Nebraska, lu the riatte Val ley now for sale. Mild Climate, Fertile Soil, for Grain growing and Stock Raising unsurpassed by any in the Uniter1 States. Cheaper In Price, more favorable term giron, and more convenient to market than can be found elsewhere. Free Homesteads for Actual Settlers. The best location for Colonics Soldiers enti tled to a Homestead of 160 Acres. Send for the new Descriptive Pamphlet, with new maps, published in English, German, Swe dish and Danish, mulled free everywhere. - Address, u. r. tAi, 4w. Land Com'r U. P. R. R. Co., Omaha, Neb. AGEXTS can not do better than secure an agency for T. 8. Authur's great work, THREE YE A US IN A. MAJN-T11A1'. a compauion to the famous "Ten Nights Ic a Bar-Room." Nearly 30,000 copies bnva been sold t and its popularity Is still on the Increase. One slnirle acreut has sold upwards of 1.000 cop ies. Secure territory at once. J. M. 8TOD- DART A CO.. Publlsheers, Philadelphia. dr7 4w T ney easily made with Stenell and key- L Check outfit t3fCirculars Free. Statford M'fg Co , 06 Fulton St. N. T. dr7 4w AUEKTN, It Sell Quick among all clas- sls. Old people, tha middle aged, those who are Just entering life, and youth of both eeics buy and road with the greatest prom, MY JOLLY FP.IND'S SECRET, DIO LEWIS' last and best Book. It is meeting with tlio greatest success t and there s money In It. Send Tor our circulars, etc.. wmcu are sent free. GEO. MACLEAN, Philadelphia. clr7 ' AGENTS WASTED FOR THE LIGHT IN THE EAST The most most comprehensive and Talnnble re- liglous work ever published ; also, for our new illustrated Eamily Bible, containing 500 tine scripture illustrations, and Dr. Smith's eomplete Dictionary of the Bible. Bend for Prospectus and Circulars.'und we will show you whut agents say of this, the best and cheapest family llihle, and how fast thev are selling it. Address NA TIONAL PUBLISHING CO., Philadelphia, Pa.4 DON'T be deceived, bnt for coughs, colds, sore throat, hoarseness and bronchial difficulties, use only Wells' Carbolic Tablets, Worthless Imitations are on the tnarkot, but the ouly scientific preparation of Carbolic Acid tor l.unjj diseases is when ciiemicaiiy comnmea with other well known remedies, as In these Ta blets, and all parties are cualioucd against using any other. Iu all cases of irritation of tho mucons mem I brane these Tablets should be freoley used, their cleansing and healing properties are astonishing. Be warned, never neglect a com, it is easily cured in Its incipient state, when It becomes chrouic the cure is exceedingly difficult, use Wells' Carbolic Tablets as a specific. JOHN U. &E.LLOUU, Is flatt bt.. ew lorn, N9,4w. Sole Agent for United States. Price 25 cents a box. oenn for circular. A GREAT OFFER ! Honicit Watekb, 481 Broadway, N.V., will dispose of 100 Pianos Melodeons. and Organs, of six first class making lucluding Water's at very low prices for cash, or part cash, ana Balance in email mommy instal ments. New 7 octavo first class Pianos, modern Improvements, for -375 cash. Now ready a Con certo Parlor Organ, the most beautiful style and rer feet tone ever made. Illustrated Catalognes mailed, oueet music ana music aiercnanaise w IAMOND & RUBY FURNACES. Powerful and Economical Heaters. James! A. Lawson, Patentee. FULL. Kit, WAP.RES & CO., 7,13w 336 Water St.,;Ncw York. s elffeoderTQ A S E tewartDurner Improved, Unrivaled unequaled. Bums any size kamxi. FULLER. WARREN A CO., .7 12w 230 Water St., New York. BL ATCHLEY'S S 1 HPEJVED CUCUMBER WOOD PUW 2 St Tasteless. Durable. Efficient and tM vltca.P. A uv in.. . uu.,. . - least moner. Attention is Ipeclally Invited to Blatchley's fatent improvea itracaas ana New Drop Check Valve, which can be withdrawn without re moving the Pump or disturbing the jolnU. Also, the Copper Chamber, which never cracks or aniline, and will outlast any other. For sale by Dealers everywnere. eena tor toisHwsuo sua Price List. CHAB. u. blahiilii, manu facturer, 600 Commerce St., Phllad'a. Pa. 8U,ly A- i 6Cin tier dav 1 Atrents Wanted I All fflj 10 OiCV) classes of working people, of either sex, young or old, make more money at work IOf UI IU lucit ' Miuureuw, v. -. - tbsn at anything else, rarticuiara rree. Address. u. eli.eu.-x cx uu., BU-ly. Portland, Malua. nPHE best selling book In the market Is lbs A. Struggles of PETROLEUM Y. NASBY. Tt ta lllnatrateil hv THOMAS NABT. the arrest. est of American Artists, and contains an Intro duction by linn. Charles Sumner, Agents want ed for this and other popular books. Address I, N.Richardson A Co.. Boston. Mass., ana ot. Louis, Mo. Nlfl,w, 6000 agents wanted at ones for our new book, The Life of the irreat explorer, LIVlNCiMlONE, and bis resurrection from a living Death, by MX AN LEY. Tnf nil slavsisplrtllii terms si ilrl raa ImirieV. I vwv a a-..aa sshv w dlately. HUBBARD BROS., PublUhars, N3,St. Phils, or Boston A I i bbftiistncttls. PtLLER Or 8n gar-Coated, Coneentratod, Itost and IlertMl Jnlee, Antl-nillona firanWt, TUE LITTLE GIANT" OATBABT1C, or Kaltam Iu Parva Physic. y The novelty of modem Vsdleal, Chemical and Phar ssaemtlcal Sctnee. No ow of any longer taking Ui lanr. repolsive r.ni niueoo, pills, composcn of ebeap, crude, and bulky tntjredlsms, when eaa by aeareil a-iplleation or chimleal science, extract all the cathartic and other medicinal properties (mm the met valuable roots and herbs, and eoiicrntrnt. them lntoantnuttOrannla,seareelr Inrsjeir I linn m nuataral seed, that can be readily swallowed by those of the most sensitive stomachs snrt fartMlmis tasus. Ksckllttle Pursjatlve) f ellvtnprvFcnts, In a most concentrated form, as much cathartic power as Is embodied In any of the large Ptlls fnnnd for f ale In the drag hop. Vrom their wonrtrf.:l ratliartie power. In proportloa to their slae. per' who bare not tried them are apt to anppote that the icy are harsh the ease, the or drastle la effect, but ench Is not at all the ease, tlie different active medicinal principles of which they are composed being so harmonised and modiAed, one by the others, as to pnxlure a anon earehlnsr and thorsssh, yet gently aad kindly opcro- sj e)eisaisursic $iOO Howard Is hereby offered by the proprie tor of these Pellets, to any chemist wnn, upon an alrsts, will lud la them any Calomel or other forms of mercury or any other mineral poison. Bains; ntlrclr rea-etable, ro partlenjir care te required while nalng them. They operate wlthont disturbance to the constitution, diut, or oc cupation. For Jaaudlee, Hesrlsrhe. Con tlpatlon, leapare Hlood, I'aln In lbs Shoaldera,Tlfhtneieaof thoC'hoai, Dlz slaoaafSoar Kractatlon of the neon ate h, Bad taats) la snoath, Ulllout attack a, Palss la region el Kldiifyn, Internal Fever, Slloasod fee I In a toiit ttta aekiRish mi Blood to llenl,lllKh Colored Urine, sjnaorlabllliy and Olooaa Forekodlngsu take lr. Plrrrc'a Pleasant Paraatlwo Pellets. In explana tion of the remedial power of my Portative I elleis over so great a variety of diseases, 1 wlh to say that their action naon tho anlsnal erono. my la vnlvertjal, not a aland or tlaene escaping their sanative Inprram Ape noes not impair toem : ueir surar-eoaung ana neing enclosed In class bottles preserve their virtues nalin. ncinsea in man dou n Dntserra uieir Tiuues naiin. paired for anv lenrth of tli aired for any lenrth of time, in any climate, so that iter are always fresh and reliable, which Is not the ease with the pills foand In the drag stores, pat op in cheap wood or paste-board boxes. Iteeollect thnt for all diseaeee where a f.axallvr, . Iterative) or Purpnllve Is indicated, these Utile relicts will give the most perfect satisfaction to all who use thum. They are sold by all enterprising Drag-gists at 25 eents a bottle. So not allow any dmcTint to Induce yon to lake anything else tlist he may ray Is Jut swhmI as uiy Pellets becanso he makes a lurcr proDt on tlist which he recommends. If ynnr dniei-t anuot Mipply them, enclose SB Ccuts aud receive them hy n-t.irn mall from JJ. F. riEJtVE, M, It., rrnp'r, Buffalo, :v. y. Mny 4, 1872- A. M. MEIXELL, PSIXKR IN American and Enropean WATCHES. FINE JEWELRY and SILVERWARE. Perfected Spectacles and Eye Glasses. GOLD HEADED CANES. Watches and Jewelry neatly repaired and war ranted. Market Square, 8UNBUBT, Pa 3. 18T2.-tf. Feb. CX'KTAIX MATERIALS. LACE CURTAILS. WINDOW SHADES. CORNICE DECORATIONS, L A M CKKQU INS LACE DRAPERIES, PIANO COVERS. FURNITURE fJOVEUlNUS, TASSEI-S AJN1J JAJUl'S, NOTTINGHAM CURTAINS, CRETONNES, SUMMER CURTAINS, BROCATELLE. Special Interior Diccomationo, To Order at Moderate Prices. W ALR AVE 1ST, Masonic Hall, 719 Chestnut Street, Pbil'a. June tJ, 187. 4m. J. W. WASHINGTON'S GRAND BARBER SHOP. In Miss Dallius' Building, Market street, east of the Railroad, north side, oUISBL K i , ra. Tbs old permanent shop of the town. We decline the boast, but at the same lime consider that the mighty truth maj-fbe seasona bly spoken without manifesting an uncomiorta ble amount of vanity and ambition. Just twenty years ago I began my business career In this place half my lifetime thus far spent, have I stood upon the floor of oar shop day after day, and night after night, and applied the share blue srteaminir sieei. ana wuntn iui elapse of time embraced by the mighty folds of that eventful penoa nave i snavea nearly every body In the country (in common parlance; ana to oblige the public Interest we herein T,""'j'y announce ts our patrons old ,new 'ba''! are ready to shave th all again three hundred thA.M.j li in pa or more Come when you please, jnst in tinu Is the max im we are always ready towork, forenoon or afternoon, to shave yon,- hair cut vou, shampoo vou. whisker ays you, or periume, como ana ar. range the hair with artistic skill, In the "water fall" or water raise styie to sun me ousvuiucr We work to nleaso. not please to work. Blod. don't co past our shop to get shaved on the basis of ability because ws do It as well as It can be done or ever eouiu De. A chance Is all that we demand To give the proof we hold lu band. Oct. 1, 1873. ... . MEW fo M 8M procs Street, between Front and Second, BUNBVRT, PA. JOHN WILVER saving Just opened a Store at the above place where all klnas OI ot sue oast urauas oi Flonr stud Feed will bs sold at greatly reduced pries. The cele brated Buck's Mills Flour will be kept constantly on hand. Also, all kinds or Feed, Grain, Corn, Oats and Sys, chopped or whole, rotate , Apples), Cbbge 4t FrU generally, at a cheaper rats thaa eaa be bought elsewhere. All goods delivered Free of Charge. Call and examine my stocs; ana ascertain ins price before purchasing eisewnere. Banbury, Dee. S, I871.-tf. EXCELSIOR FUR EMPORIUM. I. ISAACS, Successor to JOHN FAREIRA, T18 Arch street Middle of tbs block, between Tin and 8th streets, South side, rntlaaeipnia. ImDorter and Wnnrelsirer f FANCY FURS For Ladles' and ChUdi-eu'l Wear, wholesale and re.aU. TTaiH IwtrnrtAil a varv larira and snlendld as- anrtmant of all the different kinds of Furs from first bauds tn Zarop, would respectfully invits the readers of this paper to call and sxamlns the assortment of Fancy Furs. I am determined to sail at tha lowest Cash price. Ail Fur war ranted. No misrepresentations to effeet sales. Fnra altered and renal red. UTRemembsr the Store, Til Arch street, Phll- 1 adelphla. . minsW Piacellttncotw. Ra R Rs RAD WAY'S READY "RELIEF CCKK THR WOiteJT PAINS In from On to Twenty Minute. NOT ONE HOUR after rtailinjr Uta artverl Imnant neeS sirr e iirrtre with pain. nADwart READY REL CUHC TOB Tl wm th Int and tt tivai K V A n Tho Only Pain Hcmedy that ttMHwOf fltfrpc th mrxi oniHt1nff paiM, allat ta flrtmnnsilunn, an4 cnrM ConftioDa, whvtlWr of th Lunitn. Pumiaciv Ikiwata, or olhir (IuhU or oriaoa, br out upllofe ikm, iTt VKOM OTfH TO TWltpTTY WmTTTM KAmattar huw vlolanl nr ttorvclattni tht pain ih RBKP anar tip1 IC. IM MAT tiirm. (irimtUri. Marvoua. Mauralas.. RADWAY'8 READY RCLICF WILL AFFORD INBTA IXFLAVMATIO. OF THR KIDl ASK. Irr.AMM ATIOJf OP :fX DLADDKK I5FLAafktATloa OF THB BOWX . cynorreTi BOnaT THROAT, VI Tl f.f t.T!1 ' "H HEART. UTSTKMCS. CltOUl'. l)lHlTH;tU A. U I iflTH IKKrUf, tlASAU,lArLUKnU. HEADACHE, TOOTHACTtS. NKURATIIA, BUCCMATUM. cold chills, Aore chills. The apllntlon ut the Ke4v Belief to the sert or pru wbtre the pala er duueuity eslsu will sJvrd ease sa4 comfort. Twenty rimes tn ttslf a ttistbler or vater win la a frw mommM cure CRAMPS, brASMS, SOUH STOMACH. IIKARTBURy, HICK BEAIlACHS, PLARRHK A, PYbtNTKRT. coi.ic, wise is tak rtowtxa, aui 01 INTERN AT, FAINS. Traveler! ahnnld alwars rarry s bottle ef Rasway RcaST Relief with Oiem. A few drops la waur wis trrnt ricknM or paltis from ebonee of waler. It Is better tiiaa Freacb Drmndy or DUlaia aa a sllatulaat. FSTER AND AGUD. FKTFR AMD AOUB eareS fwSny eents. Tiers Is Sot a remedial sjrent la this world thnt will euro Fever and Aeua. aad all ether Malarious, Tilllooa. KoarlH. Typhoid, Yellow, and other revere lMrJ bv KADWAT'S FiLLA) as le as RADWAT'S liEADS KtLlKK. Flftr eeala r kettle. Sola by Ih-ufglsti. HEALTH I BEAUTY IK TR0O A!D FrR MCH BLOOD-IKCRKASE OF l-I.EMM Attn WEIUHT-CLEAll SKIM AND KAU T1FUL COMPLEXION SECCEKD TO ALL. DR. RADWAY'S SARSAPARILLIAN RESOLVENT WAS MADS THS MOST ASTOrf IBHITfO rHRES; SO 8UI i. rVO jftAril) ARK TUB CIIAKOICA fUK OUY UNDERCrOftS. yWDUR THE lri.C-CNrt OK TBltt TRULY WOJDlwRFUl, MSUlClKfi, THAT Every Day an In create In Pleah and Weight la Seen and Felt. THE GREAT BLOOD PURIFIER. Ktmv JlrnD of tha HARSAFARIIXI AX RESOLVENT fommnnlcatet through Uia Blood, 8at, 1Mb, anil cthtf fl(itiaaid Jutcf of Uit viicm tba vigor ut lifr, for It rrpulra tha tattsi ef tha boajv with mw and awunt aiatirial. Bcmfoia. Hvnhllli. CtoaumDiln. illandular dUean. L'lcr to tba Thrnat, Mouth, T a mare, Xwdat In tba Ulandi and Mher Bait of tha it em, ftora Ryaa, Ptniaiuut l'khri frotn Ui Eara, and tha wurrt forma of (thin dt !. Knip tlona, Fvar tUraa, fWld liaaxl, Itln( Worn., Halt Jthrum, ErrupclM. Aena, Hlaek ftputa, Wartin In tha rtaah. Tumara, ( aneera In the Womb, and all waaktiilna and painful dls-r-nr(rf l, Itlflit Sweat a. Lota of ltnrm, aad all waata of lh Ufa piinelpla. ara within tha C'iraUva ranr f tlila wondtr ar Moaern i naminry, and a itr narr una win ai any praoa nring It f(r altker ef Iht aa furmi of .dfi mva t IU buteut Dowir to cura thfm. , If tha natltnt, dtlly tMrAtnlnr redntad V tba waatM and nai-finioiiiion At la MMitlnanllv Droatnisnn. mitwil In arraatloa thMa WUtM. and rtkalra tha sama w !h kstw mstfr. I U mada from healthy blood-and this tha SARJSAt'AIUL Lt AM will and doea eacur?,. Not only doe the H.sUArAaiLT.Ti! Ttraor.rairT atcrt all known remetllal axvati In the cure of Chronic, tkrofnloua, I anctltaUunal, aad Skin dlaeaMf ; but It Is tba uuly poaltlva care fur Kidney 5c III ad dor Complaints, nnary, try, an W"mh dliwaw, Orarel, Dlatrtea, Pronwy ace of Waur. Inedutlueaoe of Urine, Urljcht'i DUcaup nlnurla, and la ail where intra art hrickdtiat da rtrttiai A I ha ml (ovta, or the water te thick, rJmidr, mlicd with eubttancea ike Ue wblU vt an fu, ar threade Ilia white eilk, or there Ui morbid, dark, bUloae appearance, aad white benediut depoaita, and whfira there U a prlcklmt, bam in f eeateUoa whea paaalna water, and pain la the ftuull of the Dock aad ali-tiff tii Iinr rr1oa.ti.oa. WORM 3s Tba only known and tart Remedy for H er-maWiM, Tap, tie Tumor of 14 Yetarw Growth Cured by Radwajr'i ncoIvcnt vavtiaLr, Mam., jiy is, laay. T. R-vwati t Iikv k4 Orvltm Ttunasr la th "vris ant. towel.. All Iks) DHrt mi4 M titer trat im help for It," I trUd teery tklntf thnt wm rBnsMdl ; mmi mrtkw hf4 a. I M wMir Roret, aM t-vaff;ll I wuU ley ll hat hmi aofkltk ta H, Ver.eu I kA surfer for iwvfv tri. 1 Uoh ia avail Im at th ItMolvent, m1 boi lUei ' Mlti, ansl Iwa WwlM ytwr HmAy RslUf ) aad rtr U not a sign of Inmne ta be Me r fall, pnej I fl belter, smarter, mm4 bsirtriisr ikm 1 kewe for twslre yeartf The wtrN Usirer wm In the left side et the WwoU, ear the mln. I write tahli la J for the mLi l atbere. Tna raa pobllsk It If )ceM. HAKMAll r.KHAfP. DR. RADWAY'S PERFECT PURGATIVE PILLS, pertertlf tartfleel, eleeaatlr eoeted with swret fin, puree, rrfiilale, tiurlrr. cleaiue, and elrenetbee. elway'e Pllla. f.rthe eureof'all rilKmlereof the htenivh, Lleer. Bowels. Kidn.ru, IllaiUIrr, Nerroul UUneee, Ilu1chf, Cenitlpa titii, rM(lveniHM, iH.llreetien. Uv.pep.la, Bitioume.. Bil ious Fever, lnlUmiuHliKi nl the Bowela. PUee, sad all re raurrnienu uf tlie Internal Vlfteera. Warranted ta elteet a emuive enre. Purely Vvsetaulf, ceataluutg ne mercury, mpilhi. nr drift ermu. drucl. I tr Olaterrr the fallowing eymploms rriuHla( from Dis orders of the Dig eitlve Organs : rimitlea'loa, liiwvd Mln, Fallow, ft thi Sle4 ta the Mm Acidity T tK. StnmMll. Kweh tlMrtbmi. DU,n.l t T4, rt mi at Wcht la Ik. hf.eM-h, a.r RrarutUM, Hle.lBf er VIMMr lie el ta. Kit th. S, ewa. awleunu., M t. ItMd. H.rrto, end IHffltf.lt DrMthlne. I'l. evUf at In. ItMrt, faoklne er SaSMaliac S.nMiiwt .kw T. a I .i.ff M,r, IHmeM. t TlatMi. M or W.k. Wm th. Siftit, end Imll F.ia la th. llMd. rwacUau-r f rtr.lnill.e. V.IUenM, M th. Skin ..4 K)m. I'.la la the Sid., lent, LietU, aid .uU.a t Iuam ef H.M, Ihtralmr la the leh. A few doer, ef T. AIWA VS TILLS will fere the eretwn fnitn all the nlH.vr-nftii.rd illrdcN. l'rlce, cvota per pus. 6!.r HY liRI'lililSTR. HEAP - r Al.CK IMl Till E." Peml one irlter Mawp in i 'tAIHVAY k CO.. No. St Valitrn Utie. Kew.Vurk. 1 iiferniatlon wttrtli lliuuindii v. Ill Lie scot you. March 30, 1 873.-1 y. CENTER OK ATTRACTION. Everybody is luvitcd to coine and bny of tho handsome assortiiu-nt of TOYS AND CONFECTIONERIES at SAMUEL P. NEVIN'S STORE, In frame building, adjolninc Moore Dlssingrr's building, THIRD BTKEKT, BL.tHlKlf, r.. Just opeiird a fresh supply of Confcctioncrlss of every description. TOYS OF ALL KIXIIS ' constantly on hand. The best RAI8IN8, FIGS, CURRANTS A DRIED FRUIT. PURE RIO COFFEE, TEA A SPICES, fresh Bread, Buns A Cakes, every morning. FANCY CAKES, BISCUITS, CRACKERS, Ac. OYSTERS ! OYSTERS ! OYSTERS 1 ITavins- fitted no a room expressly for serving np Oysters In every style, Ladies and Gentlemen will be accommodated with the best bivalves in market, at all hoars during the day ar.4 evening. Families will be supplied a " mre w,vo the best Shell or Can Jers, as is oesirauie, at the verv t at prices. (Jail ana see my exceuem assortment oi inwi and ascertain the prices. o, r i.-i. Dee. 16,1871. LIQUOR STORE! PITRI8TIAN NEFF. Second Street, opposite the Court House, BUN BURT, PA., Respectfully Invites the attention of Retailers and others, that be bas on hand, and will con stantly keep all kinds of Consisting of Pure Brandies: Cognlac, Cherry, Ginger, Rochells and Otard. Whlskiesi Pure Rye Copper-PUlUled, Monnn- gahela, Apple and Nuctar. rtna iiui.i.ai ui.i i TTlnesi Champagne Wins, Sherry, Fort and Claret. Crab Cider, Champagne Cldsr, N. I. Rum, Brown Btont and Scotch Ale. STOMACH AND BAK B1TTEKB, And all others Honors which can bs found la th city markets, which will bs sold at Whole- sals and Retail, a, very anicis guarantee! as represented. Also, a Urge lot of DEMIJOHNS anrl BOTTLES, always on hand. tsf" Orders promptly attendee in, ana yuouc patronage respectfully solicited Bnubury, July 9. 1869 ly. Manhood i How Lout, How Restor ed ! wrTiewGaJnat nuhllshed. a new edition of Dr. VjraaSi" CULVERWELL'S CELEBRATED ESSAY on the radical cure (without medicine) of SPERMATORRHOEA, or Seminal Weakness, Involuntary Seminal Losses, IMrOHMX, Mental aud Physical Incapacity, Impediments to Marriage, etc. also, Consumption, Epilepsy, and Fits, luduccd by self-ludulgeuce or sexual extravagance. ,-7 Price, In a sealed envelops, only 6 cents. The celebrated author. In this admirable e say, clearly demonstrates, from a thirty years' successful practice, that ths alarming conse oneneu of self-abuM may b radically cured without th dyrgerous us of internal medlcins er th application or ins snue i pointing am a mode of cur at one simple, certain, and elTec in. i h maana of which every sntlerer. no mat' ter what his condition may be, may cura himself ehaanlw. nrivatelv and radicalls. tT This Leature should be la ths hands of everv youth and evory man In ths land. Bent, uuder seal, tn a plain envelops, to any address, postpaid, on receipt of six cents, or two postage sump. . . Also, Dr. OulverweU's farrUgs Guide, pries 60 eents. Address tha Publisher, V CHAB. J. C. KLINE A CO., P. O. Box, 4,586. 197 Bowery, New Tork. AprU 3T, 1873. laintfadttttrs. NACIIIIVE OP AND IROSl romiDRT. GEO. KOHRBACH & SONS, Nanbnrv, Penn'ss, INFORM the pnhlle that they ars prspanm to do all kinds of CASTINGS, and having added now aaacmns onop in oonnectlon witn their Fonndrr, and have supplied themselves with New loathes, Plaolnr and Borin Mines, riarjltit; and Borlne ; Machines, with the latest ImprovemsTita. With the aid of skillful mechanics, thov are enabled to execute all orders of NEW WORK OR RKPAIRINO. that may be given them, In a satisfactory man nsr. Orates to salt suit Btj. IRON COLUMNS, for churches or other bnlld- inpfs, or all sIsm. BRASS CA8TINU8, 4. Ornamental Iron Fencine IUS UKAVS IAKU 1.UTOI VERANDAHS, FOR YARDS AT RESIDENCES, AC, AC. The FLOWS, already celebrated for their an periority, have been still farther improved, and win always oe arpi on nana. Also, THKtrHlNO MACHINES. Snnbnry, May 80, 1871. LUMBER AND PLANING MILLS. Third Street, adjoining Plilla. A Erie R. R., two equares Kortn or the central Hotel, SUNBCRT, PA. IRA T. "CLEMENT, 1 S prepared to furnish every description of lam JL ber required by the demands of the public Having all the latest Improved machinery for manniactanns; Lunber, bets now ready to Dll or ders ut all kinds of FLOORING, BIDING, DOORS SHUTTERS, BABll, BL.1MUO MUUi-UlNQB, VE RANDAS, BRACKETS, and all kinds of Ornamental ScrowlWork. Turn- Ins: of every description promptly executed. Also, A LA.S.OS ASSOBTamtT OF BILL LUMBER. HEMLOCK and PINE. Also, Shingles, Pickets, Lathe, dec. Orders promptly filled, and ehlmad by Railroad or otnerwise. ina i. t.Lr.MtM decl-8:ly O. W. KEEFXR. R. A. OAS8. New Goods ! Dry Goods, Notions, Furnishing Goods, Groceries, Oil Cloths, Glass and Nails of every variety, at one low price, KEEFEIt & GASS' STORE, Corner of Fourth and Market Streets, BUNBURT, PA. All kinds of Grain taken In exchange same as cuah. Call and sec us. KEEFER A G ASS. Bunbury, Oct. SG, 1873. NTOVE aft TI.V EHTABLINII.VIEXT. MARKET STREET, BUNBURY, PA. ALFRED KRAUSE, Proprietor. successor vo smith a okntheh.J HAVING purchased the above well known es tablishment, Mr. Krause would respectful ly inform the public that he now has on hand a large assortment of COOKING STOVES, Speer's Cook Anti-Dust, Regulator or Revolving Top, Combination, Susquehanna and others, which are so arranged as to be used for Coal or Wood, and are warranted to perform satisfactori ly or no sale. HEATERS of all kinds put up to heat one or more rooms. HEATING STOVES of different kinds at very low prices. Tinware of Every Description kt'pt constantly ou hand. Rooting aud Spouting with the best material, done at short notice. REPAIRING attended to with dispatch. Coal Oil atd Lamp constantly on hand. Japan ware of a x.ndi. 8tore opposite Conlry'a hardware store. Give me a call. A. KRAUSE. apl'.'4-ly URAXD VPE.I of the largest and most fashionable stock of Cloths and Cassimcres of every grade, and Gentlemen's Furnishing Goods, at THUS. . XOTT'f MERCHANT TAILOR STORE, In Miller's Block, Third street, two doors below Market, SUNBURY, l'ENN'A. The most faslilimitlile clothing made to order from every variety of goods. Suits of all sizes made up at the shortest no tice, from the best selected, stock In New Tork and Philadelphia. Call and be convrtced. TI10S. G. XOTT. April 20, 1872. W. H. Blanks, HOUSE, SIGN, AND ORNAMENTAL PAINTER, SUNBURY, PENN'A. Decorating and ?aper Uanglrg dona In the latent Improved stybi. Orders solicited, vhich will receive prompt at tention. Residence l rurattown, Emerlck's building. Buuhnry, May ll,1872.-tf. XEWTOUACCS) AND MEUAR.AKD BRUtJI STORE. South side of Marketetreet between 3d and 4th BUNBURY, PA. Just opened, an cntln new stock of all kinds of TOBACCO ANV SEJAR8. Begars of evey grade. Tobacco oftvery varle'y. Pipes, bob plain and fancy. BRCSnESIBRUSnESI ! BRUSHES 1 ! I A large assortmnt of Brushes direct fiom the manufacturer a greatly reduced price. Hi line of brushes are a specialty and many new kind never befce introduced into this market. Also, Paper Cllar and Cuffs In great variety. A targe assortteut of all the popular Song of the day. jail and examite my goods and get a list of priee. HENRY PETERY. jiovemoer jb. ly Lstekawasuia stsd nioomobstrg Rsvll roa.l. WINTER ARRi.V.iF.MKNT OF PASSENGER Ti AlNS. Tims-Table taies effect November 25, 1873. TRAIBMOVINa SOUTH. t.U. A.M. A.M. 10 15 10 49 10 54 r.at. 10 45 11 16 r.at. 980 4 05 4 10 4 17 4 45 P.M. Bcranton, 910 145 6 46 Plttaton, x7 lis 7 16 7 91 7 SO 825 9 20 w riltston n 11 91 Wyoming 9 46 7 29 1100 1190 Plymouth 9 15 7 55 1140 Shlckshlnny9 51 8 90 Berwick 4 w uu Bloomsbnrg4 6' 9 30 10 10 11 10 120 iao arrlv- Danville S 9 10 01 Northum'd 6010 85 6.45 a. m. trO, No 9, from Scranton, lug at Nnrthoberland at 10 85 ami Harris burg at 1 45 p. I Baltimore at n wj p m. 9 10 p m tra from Scranton, passengers leav ing New Yorfct 8 10 a m, connect with this train arrlvlng.1 Northumberland at 6 06 p. m. TRA' 8 MOVING NORTH. at. P.M. A.M. r.M. r.M A.M. 930 935 440 5 50 7 00 20 8 85 Northum'd 0 Danville 720 Bloomsb'rg 69 Berwick . 94 Shickshlnni 65 Plymouth 97 Kingstoo 40 Wyoming .9 59 W Pitutonl9 58 Plttaton 1 09 Scranton ; 1 65 4 60 630 6 06 640 719 7 45 100 813 819 894 865 135 140 1 64 900 06 940 500 6 20 6 37 6 45 660 95 845 900 9 07 919 94 1.40 a.ojrslu. No. 9, from Northumberland. Paseoger)eavlog Wlillamsport at T.66 a. m. aonneclln at Northumberland, arriving at Bcranton 1-95 p.m., New York at (.00 p. m. 4. 5 J p.i train from Northumberland, con necting acrenton with- trains arriving at Bing hamptoB 1-95 a.m. I DAVID T. BOUND. Bnp'l. READIXU RAILROAD. WINTER ARRANGEMENTS, MOHDAT, B8CC1IBEB Sod, 1873. Trains leavs TTarrlsbnrv for New Tor a fol lows i at fi.so and 8.10, a. m., and 8.00, p. m., connecting with trains on Pennsylvania Rali- nmn, ana arriving at .it torn at U.S5, S.BO and 9.46 p. m., respectively. Retnrnlnlng I Leave New Tork at 8.00 a. m. 19.60 and 6.80 p. m., Philadelphia at 7.80, 8.45 a. m., and S.S0 p. m. . Leave Ilarrleborg fbt steading, Fottsvllle, Tamaqna, Mlnersvllle, Aabiasjd, SSMSSokln, Al- leuiuwuaun luuiuioKmia at D.eVasd S.1U a. m., B.00 and 4 06 p. m., itopptag at Lebanon and principal ways tattoos ( tba 4.04 a. ss., train con necting foy Philadelphia. Pottsvttla an) Colam bUenly. For Pottsvllls, ScbaylklU Haven and Annum, via Bcbnyltlll and Buqastianna Rail road leave Hanisborg at J. 40 p. s. East Pennsylvania Railroad trains leave Read ing for Allentown, Easton and New Tork at 7.30 and 10.85 a. ro., and 4.00 p. m. Retnrnlng, leave New York at 9.00 a. m., 13.50 and 5.30 p. m., and Allentewn at 7.20 a. m., 12.35, 8.10, 4.35 and ST 55 p. m. Why Passenger Train leaves Philadelphia at 7.30 a. m., connecting at Reading with train ou East Penna. Railroad, returning leaves Potts vlllo at 4.35 p. m., stopping at all stations. Leave Pottsvllle at 6.00, 1.05 and 9.10 a. m., and 2.30 p. m.. Herndon at 10.00 a. m., Bharao kln at S.00 and 11.02 a. m., Ashland at 7.18 a. m., and 12.20 p. m., Mabanoy City at 7.53 and 12.54 p. m., Taoiaqna at 8.85 a. m., and 9.10 p. m., for Philadelphia, New Tork, Reading, Har rlsburg, Ac. Leave Pottsvllls via Schuylkill and Susque hanna Railroad at 8.05 a. m., for llarrisburg, and 11.45 a. m., for Pinegrove and Tremont. Pottsvllle Accommodation Train leaves Potts vllls at 9.00 a. m., passes Readmg at 7.40 a. ra., arriving at Philadelphia t 10.15 a. m. Return ing leaves Philadelphia at 4.45 p. m., pnsscs Reading at 7.15 p. m., arriving at Pottsvllle at 9.00 p. ro. Pottstown Accommodation Train leaves Potts town at 6. 45. ra., returning, leaves Philadel phia (Ninth and Green,) at 4.S0 p. m. Columbia Railroad Trains leave Reading at 7.80 a. nv, and 6.15 p. ra., for Ephraeta, Lit'.x, Lancaster, Columbia, Ac. returning leave Lan caster at 8.20 a. m., and 3.30 p. m., and Colum bia at 8.15 a. ra., and 9.20 p. m. rerxiomen Kauroad trains lesve rerkinroen Jnuctlon at 7.35 and 9.00 a. m., 9.55 and 5.40 p. m. returning, leave Grwr. Lane at 6.15 a. m., 12.85 and 4.20 p. m., connecting with trains ou Reading Railroad. Pickering Valley Railroad trains lenre Fho- nlxville at 9.10a.m., S.lOand 5.50 p. m. ; return ing, leave Byers at 6.95 a. ra., 12.45 and 4.S0 p. m., connecting with trains on Reading Railroad. Colebrookdale Railroad trains leave Pottstown at 9.40 a. m. and 1.30. 6.25 and 7.15 p. m., re turning leave Mount Pleusant at 6.00, 8.00 and 11.25 a. m. and 3.00 p. m., connecting with trains on Rending Railroad. Chester Valley Railroad trains leave Bridge -port at 8.30 a. m. 2.40 end 6.33 p. m., returning, leave Dowuiugiown at 6.55 a. in., 12.30 and 5.40 p. m., connecting with trains on Reading Rail road, On8undnys: leave New Tork at 5. 30 p.m., Philadelphia at 8.00 a. m. and 8.15 p. m., (the 8.00 a. m. train running only to Reading,) leave Pottsvllle at 8.00 a. in., leave HurrUburg at 5.30 a. m. and 2.00 p. ra. leave Allentotn at 8.55 p. m. ; leave Reading at 7.15 a. m. and 10.15 p. in. for Harrisburg, at 7.30 a. m. for New York, und at 0.40a. m. and 4.15p. ra. for Philadelphia. Commutation, Mileage, Beason, School and Excursion Tickets, to and from all points, at re duced rates. Baggage checked through ; 100 pounds allowed each Passenger. J. E. WOOTTEN, Attltt. fiupt. d Eng. Jfarh'ry, Reading, Pa., December 2, 1872. Northern Central Rail vt ay. "'INTER ARRANGEMENT. rv tN and after Oct. 27, 1872, trains will run J as ' "wi i NORTHWARD. Niagara Express leaves Sunbury at 13.40 p. ra., for Niagara Falls Mall arrives at Snnbury at 4.10 p. m., arrive at Wlillamsport 6.20 and Elmtra 10. a0 p. m. Fast Line arrives at Sunbury at tt.&O p. ru., arrive at Williararport 8.85 p. ra. Erie Mail leaves Sunbury at 0.30 a r i WU 1 la import at 8.4U a in, and arrives at Efculra at 12.40 p tn. SOUTHWARD. Mail leaves Sunbury at 11.05 a. m., arrive at llarrisburg 1.45 p. ro., Baltimore 8.80 p. m. Erie Express leaves Snnbury at e.41 a. rr.., ar rive at llarrisburg 11.80 a. m., Baltimore C .00 p. in. Erie Mali leave Sunbury at 12.M a. m., arrive at Harrisburg 2.45 a. ra., Baltimore 8.4." n. m. Niagara Express leaves Sunbury it S.00 p m, Hurritburgat 10.40 p m, arrives at B..l'.linore 2.15 a in. SHAMOKIN DIVISIOX. EASTWaUD. Leave Sunbnry at 4.40 p. m., arrive at SUarao kio 5.50 p. in., Mt. Carmnl 6.;i0 p. m. Leave Bunbury (Accommodation,) ut 12.35 p. m., arrive at Shutimkln 1.35 p. m. wssTWAiiri. Leave Mt. Carmel at 7.40 a. ra., 8Unmokiu 8.20 a. in., arrive at Bunbury 0.25 a. ni. Leave bhiunokiu (Accommodation,) at 2.45 p. ni., arrive at Sunbury 8.55 p. ni. Express leaves dally. All other train leave dally, except SunJuys. A. K. JIISKX. LD. B. lOl'NO, Wen'l. Sup't., llarrisburg, Pa. Geu'l 1'asBcn'r Ag't., Buliinore, Ml Fhlladelphla and Erie Railroad. SUMMER TIME TABLE. On and after 8undav, Oct. 27th, 1872, the Trains on the Philadelphia Erie Rail Road will run as follows i WESTWARD. Mall Train leaves Philadelphia, " " " Sunbnry, " " arret Erie, Erie Express leaves Philadelphia, " " Snnbury, " " an at Erie, Elmlra MaU leaves Philadelphia, " " " Sunbury, ' arr at Lock Haven, Niagara Express leaves Philadelphia, " " " Bunbury, " " arratRenovo, EASTWARD. Mall Train leaves Eric, " " Sunbnry, " " arr at Philadelphia, Erie Express leaves Erie, " " " Bunbury, " " arr at rhiUtlclphia, Elmlra Mail leaves Lock Haven, " " " Bunbury, " arr at Philadelphia, Niagara Express leaves Renove, " " " Sunbury, " " arret Philadelphia. 11.40 pm 6.30 a tr 7.55 p m 19.40 p m 7.01 p m 7.45 a m 8.00 a m 4.80 p m 7.45 p m 7.80 a m 12.40 p m 4.35 a ru 11. S3 a m 12.45 a m 6.55 a in 9.05 p m 9.S5a m 8.80 p m 7.45 a m 11.00 a m 6.00 p m 8 25 p m 7.65 p m .0 a m Mail East connects east and west at Erie with L. 8. A M. B. R. W. and at Irvlneton with Oil Creek and Allegheny R. R. W. Niagara Exoret and Erie Express East, and Erie Mall, Niagara Express and Elmira Mail West, connect at Wlillamsport with trains goint north on lbs Elmlra and Cauandaigua division of tba N. C. R. K. Catawlss passenger trains will be run east and west from Williamsporton Elmira Mail. WM. A. BALDWIN, Gen'l Bup't, Daayllle, Haalelon eft Wllkeabarra R. R. Peaaa. R. R. Co. Lessee. BUMMER ARRANGEMENT. On and after this data Passenger trains on the D., H. A W. R. R. will run as follows i WE8TWARD. EASTWARD. LEAVE. A.M.I LIAVE. A. M New York, 6:00 Bunbury, 6:21 Philadelphia, 8:00 Danville, 7:0i' Easton, 9:25 Catlawissa, 7:2 Bethlehem, 10:05 Hasleton, 9:0r p. M.i r. M. Hasleton, 1:00 Bethlehem, 12: li Catlawissa, 9:40 Easton, 12:8; Danville, 9:90 Philadelphia, t:l Bunbury, arrlv 9:67. New York, arr. 8:5t Train West arriving at Bunbury 8:67 p. ni., makee eloee connections with trains on Philadel phia A Erie R. K. for Milton, Willlamsport, Lock Haven and all points West, Elmlra and al point North, also with Northern Central Rail way, for Harrisburg aad Baltimore. t7"New aad slegant coaches run through b tweea Sunbury aad Easton. ikaihb- TiiOMPUoy, Bapt. D. H. A V. K. R. Sort's OrrtriE, WiLLUMsroar, Ps. I Msy i, is ia. - )