bccUitntons. allroas. I GRAND OPENING OF PALL AND WINTER GOODS AT S. HERZFELDER'S Popular Clothing Store. Just pjM ued, an enormous Stock of READY-MADE The largest ever olfrred in this town. Clothing to suit nil tnstcs. Clothing for all oc casions, from tbo plaiucst Working Clothes to the finest and most fashionable DRESS SUITS. Boys' and Youths' Clothing. This department is well stocked with a large variety of goods of all colors, qualities and styles. All clothing is made to tuy owu order, by the best mechanics, and combine durability and strength with neatness and style. Hats ai Caps Au euorraous assortment in this line, including the very latest in New York and Phila delphia styles. Cents' Furnishing ooil, The most magnificent stock to bo found outside of the largo cities. The very latest in everything. Neckware, Collars, SuBpenders, Hosiery, llandkuii'hitfe, ami especially a full line of the best makes in Shirts and Gents' Underware. TRUNKS, VALISES and numerous other articles. Dninrr bv far the Inrcrest business in niv liue in the count v. and bovine lnrcre ouanli ties for cash, I am able to offer superior inducements aud sell at LOW tit PUIC ES than any ol my competitors. Everybody is respectfully invited to call tins place. S, Corner Market and Third Streets, Sunbury, Pa. Sunbury, Sept. 14, 1872. 1872. AUTUXyilff. Boot, Stationery, & Wall PanBr Depot TOYS, ALBUMS, AND Clement Block, Now Heady, Full Supplies of School Books, Oflice Stationery, School Stationery, WALL PAPER at Keduced Prices OFFICE OF THE ADAMS AND H w I l 'M Q to- GO FSI NEW g Central Variety Store! -a of all to 3 PRESS GOODS, DRESS TRIMMINGS, SHAWLS, ALPAC- h O CAS, CORDED ALPACCAS, I DOLLY WAMMMNSA DelaucH, Tickings, Notions in great Variety H O c FRESH GROCERIES OF ALL KINDS. to Wood awl Willow Ware. Vto . OAEPETS. i i S3 in great variety, lower Wall Paper and m Go to FINNEY'S 1 for tlif Greatest Variety of Oooda! Prices the Lowest ! Goods pr1 2 : t:i. n arriving A ' o 1 VICTOR I VICTOR I VICTORIOUS I 5 1 Agent for the Victor Sewing Machine, g MARKET STREET, one doorcast of GearbarCit Couftsclloacr Ntore, ISuubnry, May 4, 173. ly. Clothim 5 and examiue the largest stock ever seen in McrzfeMcr 1872. FANCY ARTICLES. Sunbury, Pa. &c, &c, &c. to Make Room for NEW STOCK, CENTRAL EXPRESS CO'S. TO 3 o to Ol kinds, Q to O to o a-1 tt Floor, Table, and Stair Oil Cloths, jjj rr rn n Jfe Si to O to than the lowest in price. Window Shades. ' uuuy, to a P or Men ai Boys UMBEELUS VfiS hue .' os PEIUTS OOO Or ftnf aoCoated, Concentrated, Itot and Herbal Jo tee, Arni-miioua Granules). THE "LITTLE GIANT" CATHARTIC, or MuHuin lu Parro Phyale. v. Th novelty of modern Vortical. Chemical and Phr- raaciutical Science. Mo nee of any Inuger Uklrtf tbo larpe, repulsive and nauseous pills, composed of thoup, crude, and bulky ingredients, whoo we can by a careful application of eliemlcal science, extract all the cathartic and other medicinal iiropcrlle from tbe most valnaWe mota and herbs, and cmicontrate them Intoa minute Granule, acatrrely lnror limn n in ii start! eocd, that ran t readily swallowed by tlmac of tho moat sensitive atoniHchs and fnstiilioue tastee. Eaclilittlo Portrait I e tTlivtnpreeciite, in a moat concentrated fonn.na much caihsruc power an ii embodied In anv of the largo plils fnuud for sale In the tlrutf shop. Vrnm tbir wonderful ratbartle power. In proportion to tbelr rize. paorla wlxi bava not tried thr-M are ajt to ruppoM that iheT ara barah or drastic in etfect, nnt ench fa not at all the cae, tho ilifTorent active medicinal principle of which they ara composed boins e harmoniwd and modlflril, ono by the other, a to pnxluro n mont anarflilue; and lliorotlvli, vet. KOiitljr and bludljr otoru tins; cathartic. $500 RFtvnrd l hereby offereil by the proprie tor of tbeso I'eUi'te, to any cbenilet who. upon au alraie, will Snd In them any Cnlomul or other forma of merenry or any other mineral poison. Holns entirely Trarctable, ro partlcn.ar cava la rrqnlrrd whilo tiautif them. Tbry operate wllnout UiBiuroance 10 itie coFoinuiinn. turt, ur ur cupa'.ion. l or JmitKilcn, tlrudurlic. Con atlputloti, Impure i:looJ. Vu : n lu liio Miouldra,'a'lajlilUPaavf lii llliki, ki.- iiiraa.Huur Kructaiioua ol Hie ktmu acli, bad taato iu niouib, Kiliutia altacka, Pala In rr'CUn ol Kliin- jf, Intomnl Foyer, Itloulrd lerllng uloi:i Nto.narb. Kuata ol JUIood to Ilonil, llirh Colored I'rluo, I naoclubllliy itti-.l Oloomy Forcbodlitea, taio lr. I'lcrcc'a Ilvaaaut lurRtive l'llota. Ia explana tion of the remedial powar of my Punrat'.ro 1 cll.-"s over eo great a rarlety i f dlncasca, I wirh to aay tbtit tneir nciiou uiini mu iiiui vrunua my la milaerajil, not a Blund or tiaauo i-acaplu tboir amiullve tnircas. Ace d'jes not impair them; their auintr-rontinj; ai.d hein onclosed In g!a bottips preacrva thoir Tli tuea unim paired fjrany lonirih of time. In any cllninto, ao that IDeyare Blar' ircsn nnn renauiv. wuiuu is uu mv caa with tho DlUa found In the druc atorra, put up in cheap wood or paste-board boxca. Kerollert that for -II - L. W n KM a I n M l.ABK.I.r.I r - nil uii.i n iii;iu un At. v f im r ... . v Purxntlve la Indicated, thws Utile Pciht will give tho must parfuct eatiaTactlnn to all who uee tlicin. Tlicr tro aold by oil ciitorprial ngr Drutfglsia at iia ceuta u bottle J Da not allow any druc?lt to induce von to LiUe anTtbinn elea thnt I o nia iy la J.ttt a good a.- my 1'elleta becanae he malei a a larger ro;:t ui I .a; hi u ha recommend". If your e'mi-l r.i;:iiil npty them, ancluae 85 tvu'i and receive thi'iu y r. uiii mall from n. r. virncr., jr. rrtr, bit:.u.o. ::. v. May 4, 1S72- VAX ' A It K l V. TL or spRiisra goods AT Clement & Dissinger's, In ttic new Clement BulUlinir, Market Square, Sunbury, lu. We take pleasnre In nnnounciiic tliut we hare juft opened a new nMorunent of SPRING DRY GOODS, of nil at vie nt the lowest prices. DOLLY -YAUDEN, still Taking lu new nua ueuutlliu defiijna. DUESS GOODS, MOURNING GOODS, CLOTHS, CASSIMEKES, VESTINGS, Ac., &c. ReadfMade ClotbiuK, n full aiaorttneut, which will be told lower Chan clacwhere. 'tirpct, Oil Cloths and 1'loor Mnt ting. GR0UEH1ES of nil klmlK, which nre pnnrnntrcd nl! freh. QUEEN SSW AH E, WILLOW WARE, &c, Ac, &c. TRIMMINGS, GLOVES, snd in fact everything that can be mentioned iu a tirHt-dus store. (.'till and examine our stock. IIai:ir our Biorc lighted with Gu, goods can be selected lit tbe eveuitiK as well ua In tbe day time. No vhnrgea for eliowlUL' goods. CLEMENT Si UISSINGER. April 20, 1S72. Sl'XXYSIOE IIUATKK. ScNNYsinn at Mauvlasd State Vaih, Bal timore. First premium for Fire-place lleatote awarded the Sunnyslde. Advantages of tho Snnnyride: 1. It is eo constructed timt one-third mote of the radlutlna surface extends Into the room, giv ing that much mote additional hcut without ex tra fuel. 2. It Is the ouly Hot-Air Fire-place Heater in the market, l.iko the regular hui.t cellar heater, it loses no heat, but coutiues it all to its legili purposea. S. The fuel magazine is double the usual size, extending from the llre-box to the tup of tbe ctovc, with capacity for tweuty-four hours' sup ply of coal. 4. The patent double cover for coal magazine consumes the gas, preTeuts escape of gas into the room, and makes it impossible for Bny puf fings or explosions to occur. This is an advant age poffc-ted by no other Ure-pluce stove lu the market. 5. There are three ulr ccambcrs, wherein a brisk circulation is kept up, drawing the cold air In the room through heated fluua into a largo bot-alr reservoir, nt the back of the slove. No tide pipes are used, as tlio air is heated lu a reservoir having double radiating Hues and double back, supplying large quantities of hot nirwlthout waste of heat or fuel. 7. The SCNXvsinE utilizes the waste heat so thoroughly that we frequently heat an adjoining room on the tlit, besides uDuluig ice rooms in second and third stories. 8. A damuer on top of the stove, connected with the hot air flues, controls thu quantity of hot air required for the use of either the upper or lower ro.Hits. All other 11 re-place stoves are ery inconvenient ill tills respect. v. The (irate b self-sealing, nna no tiutt can escape while slinking It. el iit.vr, ru tntji' s iu, Philadelphia. II. B. MASSKn, Agent. Nov. 11. 1871. TO THE LttaDIEN! GRAND OPENING OF Millinery and Fancy Uoodat. Bpring styles of HATS and BONNETS, trimmed aud uutrimtuea au tne uiiesi styles in STRAW, CHIP, LEG-HORN, CACTUS, Ilea poll tau, Waterproof, te. School Uat and eun uuts. Trimmings Ribbons, Flowers, Laces, ic. Olovost, Collier de tiracc, Crape, Crap Veils, Tissues, Neckties. Ramsey, War ner a. Co.' rutterns, and ail tne spring styles of Millinery Goods. Call aud see my ctiojce assortment. MISS L. WEISEU. Market Street, one door weal of tie&itmrl'i oou- recttonery store, April 30, 1873. Don't Read This ! ! Good morning, Mr. A., where are you bound for so early f Mrs. A. Why Mr, c, on t you kuow Mr. Byerly has bought out the Grocery and Coufoe- tlouery Store of Hau A Weaver, aud I selling nice fresh Grooerlua, Cunued Fruit, aud in fuot, everything In the Grocery Hue, cheupor than the ctieapeai, aud J tiuvo got I iron paying uign prices, so I have made up my mind alter this to putrou lee Mr. Byerly, Bo good morning, Mr. C. I must sro. Mr. C. to herself. Woll I am bouud to And out for myaelf, and will go to Byerly' new cheap cash Grocery, me tvokt time l waul any tiroeerlea, Ceufut tloufrteaor 1'rime V. O sit era. I will just say to ull coma aud give tne a trial, and satisfy yourselves that there 1 one cheap cash Grocery lu Sunbury. Remember the place. No. 11, South Third St., tn Clement Haute Uulldiug. buubury, Pa. B. BYERLY. Sunbury, Jan. 30, 1ST?. I'ABD. No. 602 Chestnut Street, Philadelphia, PHILADELPHIA. MESSRS. CALUWELL CO.. DESIRE TO CALL ESPECIAL ATTENTION TO THEIR DE PARTMENT OK SOLID SILVER WATCHES. POSSESSING SUPERIOR FACILITIES THEY WILL BE ENABLED TO PLACE BEFORE CUSTOMERS, IN ADVANCE OF THE GENE RAL MARKET, ALL THE NOVELTIES AND IMPROVEMENTS IN SILVER GOODS AS RA PIDLY AS PRODUCED, VERY PARTICULAR ATTENTION BEING GIVEN TO THE SPE CI ATIE8 OF BRIDAL AND OTHER PRESEN TATION IFTS. THE STANDARD OF SILVER LONG SINCE ADOPTED BY THEMIS THAT OF ENGLISH STERLING, 25-1000Tna FINE, THE QUALITY OK EVERY ARTICLE BOLD BEING STRICT LY GUARANTEED. ATTENTION IS RESPECTFULLY DIRECT ED TO THE UNVARYING BUSINESS POLICY OF THIS HOUSE IN REGARD TO THE FIRM LY ESTABLISHED SYSTEM OF FIXED PRICES, WHICH WILL BE RIGIDLY AD nERED TO IN ALL CASE8, SECURING TO PURCHASERS. FAIRNESS AND EQUALITY IN EVERY TRANSACTION. POLITE ATTENTION MAY BE EXPECTED BY ALL WHO FAVOR THEM WITH A VISIT. ORDERS AND INQUIRIES BY MAIL, PROMPTLY ATTENDED TO. J. E. CALDWELL A CO. Feb. 10, 1878. HORSE AND CATTLE IMSUKAXCi: COM ANY. INSURE YOUR IIORSES I INSURE YOUlt CATTLE I INSURE with a responsible and perfectly reli able Company. Insuru where your losses Thin in a Jlutoatl Protective Co. Hence, yon are tare of being paid promptly for all losses, if inaured lu this Cotupnnv. OUR RATES OF INSURANCE ARE LESS THAN THOSE OF ANY OTHER COMPANY. We pay tosses accruing throngh theft, death by Arc, accident, or natural eanses, (excepting cpedemle diseases). We pay prompt. No red tape proceedings to get your money, In ease of loss. OVEE SoOOO paid ou horses aud entile since organization. DR. D. WALDRON, President. C. A. UF.IMENSNYDER, 8ec'y, Suuhury, Pa. Iirectora t Ex-Guv. James Pollock, Solomon Btroli, Win. Rrlndlc, Solomon Shipc. Johu A. SlilfKler, Dr. D.T. Krcbs, Dr. David Waldron. Julyl3"73. II AUUWAKK run ALL AT TUB HARDWARE STORE OF J. H. CONNELLY & CO. Ilarkct Street, Sunbnry, Vm. It Is useless to enumerate every kind of article In bis Store, but among the lauding Item may be set dowu the following t Iron, Ctecl, Lend, Scales, Steelyards, - Grindstones, Nails of all kinds and sices, Vices, Saws, Planes, Sieves, Chains, Axes, Brass and Iron Kettles, Shovels, Hoes, Forks, Spades, Rakes, Hatchets, Carpenter and Blacksmith Boring Machines, Cellar Grate, Drawing Knives, Stoue Sledges, Plasterers' Trowels, Masons' Hammers aud Trowels, nnnd Dinner Bella, aud large caat Irou Bells for School Houses and Farmers' Dinner Uells, Carpenters' Bench Screwa, Potato Forks for digging potatoes, Looking Glasses, Twine, Ropes, Knives and -Forks, 8poons, Tacks, Mule and Horse Shoes aud Nails, Hammers, Augurs, Chisels, Lanterns, Oil Cloths, Brooms, Locks of ail descriptions. Coffee Mills, Bits and Braces, Carriage Dolts of all kinds, Paint and Wall Brushes, Buckets, Willi, Ystrnlithca, Japans, Lve, Soda Aah. Washing Soda. rAl.T. OF ALL. KIMfN iu Oil or Drv, Parti-Color or ail kinds, CEDAR-WAKE and other Wooden-Ware of all kiuds aud very cheap, Hay-Fork I'ntltys, Picks, Mill Picks, Levels, Level Glasses, Files, Hinges, Coal Oil, iltim, Combs, Screws, Saddlery and Shoe Findings, Buggy Trimmings, Excelsior Glass Cutters. Pocket Knives, Scissors, Shears, Nhot, Caps aud Powder, and a great variety of other articles. Any thing wanted and not ou hand, will be ordered at ouce. Sunbury, Aug. 19, 1871. CENTER OF ATTRACT. OX. Everybody Is Invited to come aud buy of the haudsotue assortment of TOTS AND CONFECTIONERIES at SAMUEL P. NEVIN'S STORE, In frame bulldinir, adjolnlnsr Moore A Dissinger's building, THIRD bl'REET, SUNBURY, PA. Jur-t opened n fresh supply of Coiifcctionerl.-s of every description. TOYS OF AEI KIM'N coustantlv on hand. The best RAISINS, FIGS, CURRANTS at DRIED FRUIT. PURE RIO COFFEE, TEA & SPICES, fresh Bread, Bun it Cukes, every morning. FANCY CAKES, BISCUITS, CRACKERS, Ac. OYSTERS ! OYSTERS I OYSTERS! Having fitted up a room expressly for serving up Oycters In every style. Ladles and Gentlemen will bo accommodated with the beat bivalves in market, at ull hoars during the duy and evening. Families will be supplied ul their residence with the best Shell or Canned Oysters, a I desirable, at the very lowest price.. Call and seamy excellent assortment of goods and ascertain the prices. & r-MiVIN. Dec. 10. 1871. THADD'S S. SHANNON, THIRD AND MARKET SQUARE, Ha In stock and constantly leceiviue Novelties lu his line, consisting In part of a full liue of AMERICAN WATCHES, Eliiln, Illinois, How! A Co., Waltbam, Mas sachusetts, and Boy' AMERICAN WATCHES ! Also, a full set or Ladles, nua lieu! I Gold aud Silver Swiss Watches. JEWELEY. Roman Gold set, pink coral and Gold sett. Ear-Rings, Necklace and Poudaut, Onyi and Jet Jewelry. SIX. VEIWir Solid Silver-ware of Sterling puritl , made to or der. Bridal and Presentation Pieces, Knives, Forks and Spoons In ease, also, a full liue of Silver Plated Goods, Tea Sets, Ice Water Set, Erblt Stand, Cake Baskets, Culft-e Urns, Fork, and 8poous treble plated, the best la the market SPECTACLES. If yon value your Eyesight, use the Perfect Lenses, ground from minute C tittle Pebble mel ted together, aud derive there name "Diamond" on accouut of there hardoos aud brlllluncy. They will last many year without change, aud warranted Superior to all other in use. TABLE CUTLERY. Ivory, Pear) and Metal handle In oasai ap plied to order, CLOCKS. A full 'assortment of Eight day and Thirty hour Clocks, also Calender Clocks ot all dlaciip tlons. Eugravlng done at the shortest notice. Waiciiee, Clock and Jewelry, Repaired and. Satisfaction warranted. All good will be told at th very Lowest Cash Price. Every body le cordially Invited toCall and Examine for themselves. Don't (orgel tbe place. Ty 8. SHANNON. Sanbnry, Dee. l-if.- Re R R RADWAY'S READY RELIEF CURE Till WORST PAINS n from Ono to Twont Mlnuto. NOT ONE HOUR after ronilinr thin atlvwt HuMatnt tited sunmi wiTiirAia. r.ADvfATS ready rtKUKr ia a ceni tor ft was the Im and Is Tlio Only 1'd.lxa Ttoniodr ' that Inrtfinttr stop the itin etcrttetattnt; paHi. allare Ta IWtnnuMloiM. ami run A'avMtoiia. whtuWaf the Luajr, htomacb. Itowtla, r Uir alalia Of oraaua, by aae applka- Uo"' rn FROf owk Ta TirsuTT vntrrta. , Ka matter Itow Tlolaul or vxaruelallac Uia aln Ui HBBtT MATH;. IV-d rlililan, Inarm, C'rltipM, Narvoua, Kaunlgla, or prostrated wttb dlaeasa may suffer, . i RADWAY'S READY RELIEF WILL AFFORD INSTANT EASE. IXFLA11XATION (IK TIIK KIliNKT". INFLAMMATION OF THE BLADDIR INFLAMMATION or TIIR noWKI.a. C0NUE8T1IIN OF THU LtTSOi. BOHE THROAT, WKFMTI.T nREATIIINO. 1'AI.VITATION OF TUB alEART. 1IVSTERICB, CROUr, DH'HTIIKRIA. , CATAKRII, INFLUENZA. HEADACHE, TOOTnAMIE, . ' NKl'ilALOlA, HHEUMATI8M. coi.o rntt.t.9, aquk chii.u. TUa apiilicalun of Uie Ttearfy Relief tn the part of t-aru where Uie pain or dluicullv ciutu will afford aaaa aud wntfort. Tvtntv drops la Imlf a tnmUrr of water will In a few momenta rim (.'KAMI'S, MIASMS. KOUll STOMACH. lIKAKTMrilV. HK'K 1IKAIIACIIK. DIARRHKA, )YKFN'T1UV, rol.ll', Wl.SU IN THE DOWkLd, awl all I.NTKI1.NAI. r A I N s. . . Trarei'r, ilio.ild alwa-s earry a bottle ef RaAwavf Rrady Iti-llef with them. A few drops In water will (ri-veii id-Kiir- or puiiiN f mm ehaoae of water. It Is baltar Uau FreucU Urantlf or Hitters na a atlmulatit, FEVER AND AOt'E. FEVER AND AH K cured for Dftyeauu. There Is ant a remedial scent ta lliia world that will eitra Fover and Acne, and all other alalarioiia, lllllou, Scarl-L Typhoid, Yellow, and other Fever (aided or KAKWAT'8 PlLL8 o unlctc aa RADWAV ItKADX UKL1EF. riftf Seals ht Wtlc. Sold ty bnicsMa. HERLTH!BEhUTYII 8TRONO AND TFRR TtlCIT ItLOOD-INCRRAPK OF FI.F.NH AND WEIOIIT-CLFAK BKIN AND BAU TlTtL COMPLEXION bECUHGU TO ALL. DR. RTDWAY'S SARSAPARILLIAN RESOLVENT HAS MAOR TIIK VOSt ASTONISHINI. CUIUS; 80 OIIK.K. 80 HAPI" ARK THF. CIIANIiF.S f nB R01V rNDEnilOKS, VNDEIt THE INFLUENCE OF TUli Tlll'LV WONOBRKUL MEUIC1NK, 'III AT , Evory Day an Incroase In Flesh and Weight Is Seen and Felt. THE GREAT BLOOD PURIFIER. F.eerr drop of the 8ARS VI'AKll.t.l AN RUOLVF.itT ronimunleatea tlirtMicIl the lllood. Beeat 1'rtiie. and t'ther fluid, and Julc-a of the svtteo, the vliror wf life. fr It repalra tha waatea nt Ilia bod wiUi 'new and aoimd material. Scrofula. HvolilliK. Conaiinjbll'.x tilnndular dleaae. Ulcer, Mdiltlt, Tumor, Nnle ;t tl.e ti'anda and other oart of th syiiem. Bora )'. Klrumima lUchre,, from tt)4 E-ua, and the word formi "t Piiln dlseaaes, Kinp, ttoua Fever Hrea, Scald lleail, Uins Wnrm. Salt Rhrilin, Fn'.lpelaa, Aene. lllaok gpota. Wonn.lnth, Fleah. Turner., Catwer, 11 the Woml. aud all weakenlna and latnful d, rliarfea, NleUt Swaata,Loaa of Sperm, and all wuteat.f !l:e lite principle, are wltliln the curative rainra ef thla wonder cf Modern Cbetnlelry, end ft few ilav,' . will rirove to any peraon a.Uix It for either vf theie forms cf dlM.-wh! Ua bornt power to cure them. If the patient, dally becoming reduce,! r the waatea and decofiipeattlui, that is cori1tnu.il prcgnrealnr;, auccved. in m-restlng the,, wa.ti.-a. and repair th, aame wr:h new mater ial mad, from lielthy Mood aud this the BARbATAKlL L1AN wdl au4 doe, eecur s Not only doe, the Saa.ArRlt.t.f a Ttrs-iLrmnf eicel alt Known remedial agents In Ihe cure of Chronic. fcmfulou, I 'onetltutufual, aud bkla dUcuaes ; but It la lae wnly poalllve cure for Kldnry & nia!dcr Complaints, Trlnary, anil Wonih dleeaaea, Orarel, Plaltetea. Pro pry Hopn.ire of Water. InenntliieHCe of Urine, ttrlaht'l Illaeae. Alhuntinurta, and In a'l caars where iIkt, anr brlekduet de jri4lta. ertlta water la thick, elnurtv, lulled with eubfttanecs like the white of an rctf, or tlireada lite white ailk. or there 1, a morbid, dark, blllou, appearance, and white bonedu,t deponlta, aud when there 1, a pricking, burning ...naallon v hen paMilne water, and pain la the Small of tho Dae and atom? the I.oma. 1'rlcc, 1.00. WORMS. The only known and aura Remedy f it 1lornt -, idpa, clc. Tumor of 13 YcnrV Cro w lit Cured by Ilndnnr't Resolvent. n...a. r, st.ea., Jnly It. 1. Pa. H.nw.yi f hav, s.d OrftrUa Tomor la tlie evarle. and a-w.l,. All lee Doctor, aii liter au h.lpror IU" 1 trlvd vy tltl.r th.t ea rrmiu.nee ; btit ntltlna helped m. I WW v.ur Ke."!...!, and th.uf III I weuM 117 il J tint httd a4 f.tia In It. Vrea. I kt anoVred fwr tw.lv. yMra I tovk la aettlM at th, RM0l.nt, .ad ene ana T kadway1, Pill., and twe belli, at your Km4 Relief : and tbete l 0't a ,lrn at tn,iw,r to b Ma r fill, and f f.rl b.ll.r, amarter, and happiar lba I bar tM lw.lv, yara. Tb weral lamar wa. In th tft ul. af the baw.lt, -er tb. .rata. I wrll ibU U tee far tea benefit af ether. Tee aa vuMlan tt If ,.a ow. ' iiaxnaii r.VNarr. DR. RADWAY'S PERFECT PURGATIVE PILLS, perfectly Ut1tM, ftleffftnttjr costtrl with iiwt (rtim. fwn rcfulat. purlfr. clrftiur, n1 trcnctbvn. Kv1wy' Ptil, t r the cure of all dinonlcr of the btomnch, I.lrrr. Ilnwcli. Ki-liievn, lllittldrr, 'rrvniu Dltv-tin, Heiidnch, Cnt1rv leon, Of,vinrtH, Imllff.Mt.on, Dvrpii, Bilious. DiJ fiu Tvrtr Iiifl.unwiUi.tti vt th Ilowct. Til-, Kud ftll Dt nuremtnU uf U Inttrn-vl TiKtrx Wirrantnl to rTeet ikottiLtvc rir. piirclT Vctal)lft coatalulug Bo tocrcurf , intnivla, or do.ririit- dniff. W 0;cre I he '.Howinai jrymflomi rMuHtnjt from Dltv (Vilvrior tl, Dlffeot.vo Or(u; rrtntttt.an, Inwarrl 111 M. FnllTini fif tlio Blaxal la lk Mntd ArUiiy M th NtAmavd,, Niiin, I.Mrtbwrw, IHigutl f Vo4, Kull" tiMi (.rWajIfht Im tb H'.mid-k, Hor KrtM-uMo,inklnr f FlwlUi i-X ihfl Fit '4 1L t anavb, Kvvlmirtlnf of ihsj II Ma), ljrritl t)4 LhfBcili Bvil, inc. I U Kvlnff at loo H-H, Cawkluc rr taffctvtir.r rUstmUou. wkan In I ( rMtir, IHuimu f Vltten. nU . Wm abtlorv iht S'fkt. .'' " la tbf HaJ. rArtM:v f rtrsbMn.ntn. V ) ul ll hk.a an4 K-?, F-ia tfa f-M, Clan. L iU, aiaeJ .UJ. Mtulsx f lltat, BorsUff la Us A few rf T MVAY'H TILLS will frea thf arfti-m fr-mi all th piu.n .tim (liftt.rt.rr, 1'rlrt, as ccitls ptr loi, COLIl DY ItKfff.lfrTS. KF.AD -FAI.SI3 AXI TB-"F." Knr one Irttar -tamn to ODWAY tt CO., N. tiT Mni.tei. I.aikc, 5cw-V'rk. Iiifn.rniat.on wnrtii Mi La W IU 11 audi JOUa March 30, 1873. ly. . a ...... Ma Person can take then Btttar accord ia to directiontf"yd remain loin unwell, provided their bonce are not deWoyed bv mineral poiioii or other mean,, and the vital organs waated beyond th point of repair. Dyapcpsta er Iradtcetloee. Headache. Pain ia the Shoulders, Coughs, Tig hineaa of the Cheat, Dttn ana. Sour Eructation, of the Stomach, Bad Taet in the Mouth, Bihoua Attacks, Palpitation of the Heart, In flammation of the Luiice, Pain in the regions of the Kid acya, and a hundred other painful syniptoma, ara the off springs of Dyapepaia. In the, complainta it ha, no equal, and on bottle will prove a tetter guarantee of its menu than a lengthy advertiaement. for Female t'oiiiplalnte, in young or old, mar ried or aingle, at the dawn of womanhood, or the lum ef lite, these Tonic Bitters display so decided an influence that a marked improvement is eonn perceptible. For Inw.aminate.rjr and Chronic Rhen matlam and Gout, Bilioua, Remittent and Intermit tent r evere, Diaea.es of the Blond, Liver, Kidneva and Bladder, these Bitter, have ao equal. Such Diaeaaea arc caused by Vitiated Blood, which ia generally produced by derangement of the Digestive Oritana. Thee tar Ocntla Fnrejatlv ae well a Tonic, possessing also the peculiar merit of acting aa powerful agent iu relieving Congeation or Inflammation Of the Liver aud Viemral Organs, and in Bilioua Diaeaaea. For Hktn Dtaeaera, Eruplione. Teller, Salt Rheum, Blotches. Saute, Pimples, Puaiules, Boils, Car buncles, Ring-worms, Staid-Head, Sore Eyea, Erysipelas, Itch, Scurfs, Uiscolur-lions of th .Skin, Humors and Dis eases of the Skin, of whatever aame or nature, ara lit erally dug up and canted out of the system ia a abort time by the use of these Itinera. The properties of Da. Wat-asa's ViKacaa BlTTeas arc Aperientj Diaphoretic and Carminative, Nutritious, Laxative, Diuretic Sedative, Counlee-lrri-Unt, Sudorific, Alterative, and Ann-Bilious. Urate fail Thonsands proclaim Visiasi Btv Taas th aaoat woueWrftil tnvtgaraai that sver eusiaiued the sinking system, J WALKER, Prop r. H.M. McDOW ALD eV CO Peuggtata and On Agfa.. Saa i ranctica, CaJ., and corner af Washington aud Charlton Su., New York SOLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS AND DEALERS. June -a, lb7a. Hin. . . i , WW. Ul'HMaT. J. IliTMAKKU. . rj, SMLCg. MURRAY & CO,, Wllulwtale Dealer In MACHINERY AND BURNING OILS, Oflice and School Stationery, PAPERS, PAIn lAa, .., The Celebrated orry Ko roseno lluruing 011 always pn hand. Having also opened a CO-eAJL yard; we are prepared to apply at hart notice, aud at the lowest rata. EQQ, BTQVE, ' ' CHESTNUT ' PEA COAle to all who may be pleased to rlv us a rail. Order left at our office Mo. 8 South Third St., will be promptly filled. MCURA.V CO. Ko. 88 South Tblrd Street, Supbury, Pa. Aog. M.1STJ. MACIIINK Rlldl AND IROM ' ' " PODNDRYs - GEO. l0HRBACn i SONS, ' . Maiabar jr. Vein', INFORM the public thnt they are preporofl to do all kinds of CASTINGS, and having added a wew machine onop in connection with their Kooadry. an bate anrrplled themselves with New Lathee, Planing and Boring Machines, with the latest Improvements. With tbe hid of skillful mechanics, they are enabled to execute all order of 1 ' ' 1 ' 1 ' ' ' ' - ' NEW WORK OR REPAIRING. . , . that am ba glvm them, In a satisfactory man ner. , , . rates to salt any stove. IRON COLUMNS, for ehurebea or other build- lues, or all sires. BRASS CASTINGS, Ac. Ornamental Iron Fencing; FOR ORAVB XAKU LOTS , VERANDAHS, FOR YARDS AT RESIDENCES, AC, VC. The PLOWS, already celebrated for their in periorlty, have been still further Improved, and will alwavi nc aepi on nana. Also, THREPII1N0 MACIIINES. Buubury, May 20, 1871. I.17BIDER ANb PI.AXIXG MILLS. Third Street, adjoining Phlla. & Erie R. R., two Squares isonn oi toe central iiotci, 6UNBCRT, PA. IRA T. CLEMENT, 13 prepared to furnish every description of lum ber required by the demands of the public Having, all tbe latest improved machinery for manufacturing Lunber, he is ucaw ready to till or ders af all kiuds of FLOORING, SIDING, DOORS, SHUTTERS, BASH, BLINDS MOULDINGS, VaV RANDAS, BRACKETS, f and all kinds of Ornamental ScrowlWork. Turn lug of every description promptly executed. Also, A LARGK ASSORTMENT OF BILL LUMBER. HEMLOCK and PINE. Also, Shingles, Pickets, Lathe, tc. Orders promptly filled, and shlped bv Railroad or otherwise. 1R.V T. CLEMENT. dccl9-68:ly STOVE et TIN EKTAItLISIIMEKT. MARKET BTKEET, SUNBURY, PA. ALFRED KItAUSE, Proiirictor. st'ecrsson to BtfiTtt orktiikr. J HAVING purclmsad the above well known cs tnnlishnient, Mr. Rrausc would respectful ly Inform the putillc tbtit he now baa on hunrt a large Hhsoitinent or UUUKlA vi STUV ES, Specr's Cook Anti-Dust, Regulutor or Revolving Top, (.'omblnntton, Susquehanna and others, which are so arranged as to ne nel lor t.oi or ood, and ure warranted to pcrrorm sattslactorl ly or Hostile. HEATEKS of nil kinds put up to hc.it one or more rooms. HEATING STOVK8 of dillerenl kinds nt very low prices. Tlu ware of Every Uteaicrlption kept constantly on baud. Roofing ttnd SHiuting with the best material, done nt short notice. REPAIRING attended to with dispatch. Coal OiLr.d Lamps constantly na hand. Japan ware of a x.nd-. Store opposite Coulcy's tmrdeviire store. Give me a call. A. KRAI BE. np!24.-ly C A K KI (i i: MAX I'FAIITORY, SUXBUUV, PEXN'A. J. S. SEASHOLTZ, T'troUI.D respectfully announce t the clti T 2cns of Sunbury mid surrouudinc country, that lie is prrpaml to iiianufHctiire nil styles of CarrlHfco, ItusKirai, Ac, at his ncv shop on uuat Muikt-t street. He will fttrnlnli every description of Waoiis, both Plain and ITancv. In short, will make erervtlilnp in bis line from a tliat-eluas eurrin;e to a wheelbarrow, wutianted to be mnde of the best and most durable materi als, ami by the most experienced workmen. All work sent out from his c-tnhlisliincnt will be found reliable in every particular. The pal lounge of the public l solicited. .I. S. MvAMlUUl.. Sunbury, Nov. 4, 'Tl.-Iy. New Store! New (Jowls'. T. J. BYROD, llavlns t.ikei the store room lately occupied by II. IVters, corner of Third and Church streets, SUNUURV, PA., h is jut-t opt i fd i new store, with an entire new j stmk : f tiootls, eiiniprioin' of ! Dry (iuods mid ,rorrriCN. i The Ilry (iood, J.-p.n f.nent is lotnplete, having a i " fcrnerul assortnicnt of ! ClotliK, ChoHinicifs, Calicos, DoL.iins, ' and everything in thu Dry Goods line. Tho I C.KOCF.KI t'.H ! are all fre-h, und eotislcts of Tea, CofTee, S'JRar, Mollitsses, Splees, Meal, rii-h, eve. VillowWatre mid 01ujf,- arc, a general tisortnieut. In Taet everything Kept iu n tlrst-clai-a store, run be had at tho . inot reiitinalile prices for cash. ' Uiivlnt; located III Siitiuury for tho purpose nl : tiecoinin; one of its citizens, I hope that by (ulr i riealint; and strict attention to business In ineril j a share of the public patntni:t . My motto is i '-Small I'rotiu and Quick Sales." I All nre cordially invited to cull and examine I tuy kriHiils, as no etiarces ill he made for allow ing luelil. i F. J. IlYROD. I Sunbury, April SO, 18T2. I.nekuuunuu und ItlooniHburi; Ittall r . SUMMER ARRANfi-N'l-.NT OF PASSENGER T. a INS. M.,..r:v, Julv 17, 1871. SOUTHWARD. Leave. A.m.;p.m.;a.m. p.m.;PM. Scranlou, llellevue, Tayinrvillc, . Laekawatiii.t, I'ittflon, West l'ittston, Wyoming, Maltliy, Kington, i J 6 45 6 50: 6 57; 7 05. 7 14; 7 10, !10 40 S 21 10 47 S S3 ll 00 I- 3 40' 7 at. W.-Burre t en i Plymouth June, 8 00' & 00 8 05! 5 05 I'iymoulh, Nuntlcoke, Hunloek's, Slilekslilnuv, Hick 'a Ferry, Kcuch Haven, Berwick, 7 50 8 00 8 07' 8 83' 8 ao 8 4U 8 50' B 57 8 071 H. 9 ltfj 201 9 SI I 61 9 6Ui 8 20 8 SO 8 45 8 08 8 87 8 84 Hriar t'ifxk, Lime Rlde, Kspy, lllooiniburj,', Rupert, C'utawlssa, Drtuvlllc, Chulatky, 8 57 Lamcron, 10 OS Nmiu'd. (aulv.. 10 0' 4 M NORTHWAKD. Leave. lA.M.if.M Northumhvriuud, Cumerou, Chulatky, IhlUVillu, Cutawissa, Rupert, BloLimahurg, Espy, Lime Rlde, Briar Crock, Berwick, Beach, Haven, Hick' Kerry, Shlckshlnny, II unlock', N'aullcoke, Plymouth, Plymouth Juno., Klnirston, c t. W.-Barr Ic'r Maltby, Wyoniln;, Weri PltUlun, PUtsmn, Lackawanna,, Taylorvllle, Bellerue, 1Q 5 10 6 87 B 81 10 ao & 40 001 8 05 mi U 14i 17 8 24 84 0 41 u aa IV 4u 8 48 8 5.Y A.M. 18(00 1 OU T SO T 45 8 00 PM. 6 10 6 15 S 2 P.M. 18 as 1 84 8 1 r.M. 8 2Q 8 ao! 7 61 8 40 8 45 8 43 6 85 8 48 5 40 l 4S 8 0G 8 IS 8 18 8 63' 8 64' 47 12 63 I 9 04 8 68 88 8 9 14 8 07 8 00 8 88i 85i 8 43' 9 88 8 16 9 10 8 98 8 17 8 80; 8 86 (.ranton, CarrlTe 1 14 8 481 40' PAVID T. 1VKP, Bnp't. 1 45 10 CS C SO1, 4 00 I I C 55! 4 05 10 17 7 031 4 19 '10 2t 7 11 4 24 9 11 10 85 7 1J. 4 SO 7 541 S5 7 Sr 4 44 j 7 86' 4 47 7 61 4 55 Itetftdlna; ReallrotMl. BUMMER ARRANGXM1NT. aTnurtdtiy, AvguM lit, 1872. Trains leave Harrlsbnrtr for New York, aa IU. lows i At 6.00, 8.10, tt. m. and t.00 p. m., arm' tiectlnn with train on the Pennsylvnnki Rall- roaa, ana arnvinif at New xork at 1.10, I.BO and 9.40 p ro. respectively. Returning I Leave New Tor at 9.00 a. m., 12.05 noon and 8.00 p. m., Philadelphia at 7.80, 8.80 ft. nt. and 8.80 p. m. Leave rjarrisbure for Reading, Pottsvllle, T Irtaqua, Minersfllle,' Ashland, Bhatnokln, Allentown and Philadelphia at 5.00. 8.10 a. m., .00 and 4.05 p. m.f stopplnu at lesbanon and principal way stations the 4.05 p. tn.. train connectlnff for Philadelphia, Pottsvllle and Co lumbia oaly. For PotlBville, Bchnylkill Haven and Atibnrn, via Bchnylkill and Susquehanna Railroad, leave Unrrisburg at 3.40 p. m. East Pennsylvania Railroad trains leave Read' Ing Tor Allentown, Easton and New Tork at 7.00, 10.40 a. m., and 4.05 p. m. Returning, leave New Tork at 9.00 a. in., 13.05 noon and 0.09 p. m. and Allentown at 7.36 a. in. 13.25 noou, 8.15, 4 85 and 9.85 p. .;' Way Passenger Train leaves Philadelphia at 7.80 a. m., connectins: with train ou East Penn sylvania Railroad, returning from Reading at 6.20 p. m., stopping at nil stations. Leave Pottsvllle at 5.30, 9.00 a. m. and 3.30 p. tn. Herndoo at 10.00 a. ro., Bhnmoklu at 5.40 and 11.15 a. m. Ashland at 7.05 a. ni., and 13.43 noon; Muhotioj.Clty at 7.51 a. m. and 1.30 p. rn. Tamaqua at 8.85 a. m. and 3.10 p. m. for Philadelphia, New Tork,ltearlng, Hnrrlsbnrc&c. Leave Pottsvllle via Schuylkill and Susque hanna Railroad at 8.15 a. tn. for Hurrlsburg, and 11.45 a.m., for Pine Grove aDd Tremont. Pottsvllle Accommodation Train leaves Potts, vllle at 6.80 a. m., passes Reading at 7.05 a. m. arriving at Philadelphia at 9.35 a. m., returning leaver Philadelphia at 6.15 p. m., passim; Read lug at 7.40 p.m. arriving at Pottsvllle at 9.30 p.m. Pottstown Accommodation Train leave Potts towu at 6.45 A. m., retarnlng leave Phlludelpbla (Ninth and Green,) at 4.30 p. m. Columbia Kitilnmd Trains leave Rcadlne at 7.30 a. m., and 6.15 p. m. for Ephrula, Lltiz, Lancaster. Columbia, to. t returning leave Lan caster nt 8.30 a. m. and 8.35 p. m., and Colum bia at 8.15 a. in. and 3.15 p. m. Perkioinen Rail Road Trains leave Perkiomcn Junction at 7.35, 8 55 a.m.. 3.55 aud 5.40 p. m. Returnlne, leave Green Lnuent 6.15, a.m., 13. Ii5 and 4.20 p. m. connecting with trains on Read ing Rail Roud. Pickering Valley Railroad trains leave Plice nlxvillent 9.10 a.m., 3.10 and 6.50 p.m.; re turning, leave Myers at C.35 a. in., 12.45 noon, and 4.20 p. in., connecting with trains on Read ing Railroad. rolebrookdnlc Railroad Trains leave Pottstown at 9.40 a. nt., 1.2 J aud 0.25 nud 7.1 ftp. tn., return ing leave Mt. Pleasant at COO, 4. Kl and 11.25 a. in., and 3.25 p. m., connecting with trains on Reading Railroad. Chester Valley Railroad Trains leave Bridge port at 8.30 a. lit., 2.40 and 5.33 p. m. rcturnii,?, leave I)ownttirtown at G.f5a. m., 12. ul) ami 5.40 p. in. connecting with trains on Rending Ilailroa'l. On Sundays t Leave New York at ti.00 p. in., Philadelphia nt 8.00 a. in. and 8.15 p. ni.. (the 8.00 a. nt. train running only to Reading;) leave Pottsvllle nt 8-UOo. m., leave Harrii-hurir, 5.00a. ni., and 2.00 p. in.; leave Allt ntowu at 4.35, 9 115 p. in. ; leave Reading at 7.15a. ta. and 10.55 p.m. for HarrWbttrg, nt 7.00 a. rn. for New York, nt 7.20 a. tn. for Allentown nnd ut 9.40 a. tn. and 4.15 p. in. for Philudel'a. Commutation, Mileage, Season, School and Excursion Tickets, to and from all points at re duced rates. llaggnge checked through : 100 Pounds Bag gage allowed each Passenger. J. K. WOOTTEN, Asst. Stipt. A Eng. Mach'tr. .orlltera Ontral Uatllway. SUMMER ARRANUEMF.NT. "N nnd after June 10, 1ST1, trains will run J a s follows : NORTHWARD. Nlcrnra Kxpress leaves Sunbury at 12.33 p. ra., ft.r Matiiira Kails Mall arrives at Suuhury at 4.10 p. m., arrive nt Wliliuinsport C.45 and Klinirn 10.BO p. tn. Fat Line arrives nt Sunbury at H.50 p. in., arrive ut Willium-jm t H. lj p. tx. Kile Mail 1cmvc Suubuty nt 0.00 a tn , Wll liauihpoit tit tj.OA a ni, and arrives ut Khnira it l.liO a in. SOUTHWARD. Mail leave' Suuhury at 1 1 .05 u. m., arrive nt HarriMiiirjj 1.45 p. tn." Krie Kxpress leavr-a Knnbiiry at 7.40 a. in., ar rive at llarrh-burg D.'J.S a. in., lialtinnue l.l.'i p. m. Erie Mall leave Sunbury nt 12.45 a. ni., nrrivo ut Harrihliuri; !.30 a. in., Ilaltininre 010 a. in. Niagara Kxpres leaves Suiiluiry ut li.Uti j m, llnrrUbur ut 8.15 p in, arrives at ltaitiiuore 11.5J p in. 6IIAMOK1N DIVISION. rASTWaltn. Leave Sunbtirv at 4.40 p. in., arrive nt Sliatuo kin 5.50 p. m., Ml. Cariuel 6.40 p. in. Leave Snnlinry ( Aecniumndallou,) at 12. S5 a m., artive at Sliatuokiu 2.u5 p. in. WESlWaUU. Leave Mt. Carmel ut 7.00 a. in., Shatnokln 7.40 a. in., arrive at Suuhury tt.55 a. ut. Leave Sliamokin ( Accommodation.) ut t!.45r- in., arrive at Sunbury 4.00 p. m. l.xpress leaves dallv. Ail other tralus leave dully, except Sundays. A. R. fisKit. Ed. 6. Yofso', Geu'l. Sup'l., Geu'l Passeu'r Ag't., HarrUhnrj;, Pa. Uallmoro, Mu'. IMilludrlpklu stud Uriv Kuilrond. SUMMER TIME TABLE. On aud after Monday, June 3d. 1872, the Trains on the Philadelphia A Erie Rail Road will ruu as fallows t WESTWARD. Mull Train leave Philadelphia, " " " Buubury, " " nrr at Erie, Erie Expreaa leave Philadelphia, " " " Suubnry, " an at trie, Elmira MaU leave Philadelphia, " " " Snnbnry, " " arr at Lock lUveo, 11. SO p ii, 0.10 a is 7.30 p ra 12.30 p ni 6.55 p m, 7 40 a D, 7.50 a ro, 4v25 p tr. X.45 p na 7.20 a m. N in Kara Expres leave I'biladelpliia 5IMtUUJk " " art a I Renovo, EASTWARD. Mali Train leave Kife, " " " 8ttbury, " " arret PtOelpltut. Erie Expres Icav lite, " Suuhury, " " ar tat Pbiladelpliia, VJ S5 p in. 4,15 a ux 11.25 a it, 12.40 a n 8 40 a n. 7.50 p nt 7.40 a in 1.20 p m T.SSam 10..Mla m, 5.50 p nt 8.25 p ut 6.25 p in. Elmira Mall leave Lfc llavank, " ' " Snobuiy, " " arr at Philadelphia, Niagara Expires leaves Renovo, " " 8nn.bury, " " art-at PhUadelphla. 13.01 a in Mall East connects east and west at Erie with. L. S. A M. 8. R. W. and at Cortv and Irvlneton with Oil Creek and Allegheny R. R. W. Cutlawissa paseu;er train will be) inn east from Wllllamsioit on Erie Kxpve, auU west, ta Wliliuinsport on Elmira Mull. (I'M. A. BALDWIN, Genl Sup't nuuvillf , liailctou t Wlllteitbttrre It. H. Pruna. It. K. . I.rai. BUMMER ARRANGEMENT. On and after thl date Passenger train on tba D., H. k W. R. R. will run a lollows : WE8TWARD. EA8TWARD. LtATI. A. M. LEA Vat. A. W. New York, 6:00 Sunbury, 6:20 Philadelphia, 8:00 Dtinvllle, 7:03 Easton, 9:25 Catlawissa, 7:28 Bt lhleheD, 10:05 Huxleton, 9:08 r- . l. at. Haileton, 1 :00 Belhlehem, 12:10 Callawlesa, 3:40 Easton, )2:95 Danville, 8:20 Philadelphia, 2:15 liuuliury, arrive 8:67 New York, arr. 8:50 'I'ralo West aifivlny at Sunhiiry 8:67 p. nt., ntuko close oouneotinu with train on Philadel phia A Erie R. K. for Milton, Wllllamsport, Lock Huvn and all point West, Elmira aud all poluts North, also with Northarq Ceutt! Rail, way, for Harrlsburs aud Baltimore. JfNew and elegant eoacbe run Ihrpngh be tween Suuhury and Kaston. FRANK THOMPSON, Supt. D. H. 6t W. R. R Bi'ft Office, Wiixiambfobt, Fa May I, 1873. COAL! rO.41.! COAL! GRANT BROS., Shipper and Wholesale and Retail Dealer in, WHITE AND RED ASH COAL, BDNBURT.PA. (UWM Wlagr.) t-t taf Bole Agent, westward, at the eelebr HryCly Q. 1 lfj t