unburn American. SUNJURY OCTOBER 5, 18727" Ilnllrond Time Tabl. P. A E. It. R Homo NoBTnwAnn. Erio Mull, leaves nt l:05 a m Niagara Express, " TSm Wall. 4:80 pm trie Express, " " 6:50 pm N. C. B. W Ooinq Bouthwai. Erie Mall, loaves at l:45 a m Erie Express, " " .?:12m v ' " 11:05 am NlaK'ara Express, " - , u p m Tho Erie Express train remnlus here about 20 inluutct for breakfast. BosBi nr St Lkwibtows R. R. Mall train leaves at 7.30 a. m., and arrives at 7.50 p. m. Fast Line leaves at 8.40 p. in., ana arrives at 1.50 p. in. Bhamokim ValkT R. R. Moll leaves at 13.35 p. m.. for Bhamokln and arrives nt 8.55 p. m. Leave for Mt. tarmel at 4.40 p. m., and arrives at 9.25 a. m. D. II. & W. R. R. Trains leave for New York, via Hazlcton nt 0.20 a. in., and arrives at 3.35 p. m. Accident Insurance Tickets can be hade J. Shlpman, Ticket Ajrent nt the Depot. tffairs. Ji Skwino MACHisi!S.--Misg Caroline Dallas is the Kgent for the sale of the best 8ewlnif, Machines In existence, via: "The Improved SiiiRcr," "Grover oVBaker," "HotTe," nnd "nomestlc,' which are constantly on hind and sold nl rea sonable prices. She Is i lso ngent for the cele brated FranU nnd Pope Knitting Machine. Cnll and see Ihera. OTi;o on Market street, cast of the railroad. LTL' ' But your Groceries or P. Clark, and save 15 per cent. sl4,3t. But your Black Alpacas and Mohnre Lnstcrs from P. Clark, nnd save 25 per cent. sl4,3t. Instruction in Mrsic Miss Anna M. Schneider informs the citizens of Sunbury that she will clvc Instructions on the Piano nnd Or irnii to luiidls at their residences. Terms reason able. Ct, I Comino Randolph, the Rosicrnclan ; go hear him. For Sale a young l'o, part Alderncy. In quire at this ollleo. We notice that a numb.-r of our merchants arc already having their store windows decorutcd with fall good. Many of them are entirely or a new character, and look very handsome. A Mkktino of the Executive Committee of the Northumberland County Agricultural Socie ty will be held at this J luce on Wcdticsdny next. The members are requested to attend. Twenty per cent saved by buying yonr boots nnd Bbocs ut Gibson & Furmun's, 07 Market St. New Dnro Store. In another column will be found the advertisement of Dr. C. M. Martin & Co., who have lately taken possession of the room adjoining the Clement House. Tho rooms have been thoroughly refitted and handsomely fixed up. A large stock of Drugs has been opened, to gether with a general variety of Fancy Goods. Dr. Martin Is a Hm class physician, nnd medi cine compounded at this establishment call be re lied on as correct and pure. CAl.tTiii-MriANS. On Monday night last a newly married couple on Chestnut street, wcro favored with a serenade by a Calif humplan band. The instruments consisted of bells, gongs, horns, nnd every Imaginable article that would make a hideous noise. Their music was anything but ngrceublc. We suppose our young friends douot wish to endure another uch atrial tor a long time to come. B. L. R.U DKNiirMi Is constantly receiving uew nnd haudsome furniture at Ills store, in Masoulc buildings. A large assortment hnsjusi been open ed. The very best articles in maikit enn he fouud at his establishment. The Democratic Conferees or the 14th Congres sional District, met at this place on Thursday the 20th ult., and after the fifth ballot withdrew their candidates and nominated Aimer Rutherford of Duuphin comity, the Labor Reform Candidate for Congiess. The only place to get the old original Elmira boots, J. Richardson's make, is at Gibson & Furman'6,97 Market street. b-iski t of , pears, raised by Mr. Jared C. li win, or this place, the fiujst specimen of that fruit wc ever saw. The ! ilusket contained fifteen pears, which weighed ;' twelve pounds. One very large oue weighed ; twenty ounces. I The best place to get a good Freuch Calf stitch- the losses sustained by Individuals who lick ed boot is ut Furnian & Gibson's, 7 Market iect t0 illsure reliable companies, is immense, street. Every pair warranted to be hand-made. anj rauny families who are lu comfortable clr- cumstanees could often lie saved from total rulu A RF.ffBLirjts Mkktino at Miltos. A grand ' ,,. tucy would ntloua insurance lu time ngalnst -Republican torch-light procession took place nt thnt monrter destroyer lire. Wo arc happy, Milton ou Tuesday evening last. After Hie ra- rade, a meeting was held in tho market house which was ubly uddressed by Mahlon Chance, Esq., or Ohio, ana Mr. Vungcscr or Lcwisburg. The meeting was utteuded by at least five hun dred voters. On Thursday evening a large and enthusiastic Republican meeting was held ut Wutsootown. Large delegations rrotn this place, Northumber land, Lewisburg, Miltou, Turbutville, aud Me' Ewcunsville were prescut. Au Imposing torch- light procession took place previous to tho meet ing. The republleuus or the upper end are wide wake, aud w may look for large gains on the lher side or the river. Beri'ULiCAN lujctings kiiv o been held In the coal regions ou every evening during tho past week with good effect. Tim millers, who are di rectly interested in this campaign, do not Intend to allow free traders to gi Into power to put their wuges dowu to rates corresponding withtbe pauper labor or Europe. TUe working classes lu that region are ,too intelligeut to be deceived. Many have bad practical cipcj-icuce, und will not bo gulled by political tricksters, which would re sult u great Injury to themselves ana families, A Large Poster announcing (.bat the origlual Signor Blitz would give three or hit entertain nienls In this place ou Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday evenings, were put up last week. These posters anuouueed too thut a numbgr of gifts would be given away to the audience. This cre ated a liltlc suspicion on the part ef many as Signnre Blitz is well und favorably known to our citizens, aud none could be convluced that the orlgiual Biuur would condescend to deal In gift enterprises. Ou Tuesday tho Signor made his appeurance, but uot the orWinul Signor Bills known to our people. He turned out to be a too. die or a Frenchiuau bo It Is presumed Is covet lug the laurels or the renowucd Biguor Blitz. A meeting or the Grunt, Wilson & Ilartranft Club, was advertised in t'lelrclub room on lues duv evculug last when a torch light processlou took place. Ou entering tho room It was fouud too small, when they udjourued to the Court House, when Hou. W L Helfenstluc delivered an able srocch upon the pieseut issues, The meet Tn AoRicuLTtmAt Fair at this place closed on Friday last. On Friday forenoon an agricul tural address was delivered by the Hon. John B. Packer, which was listened to with great luterest. There was a large number of farmers and oth ers present who pronounced the address able nnd well calculated to give encouragement tn our agricultural friends to further Improve their pur suits, lie referred to the changes having taken place In this county within the last quarter of a century, and the Vast Improvements made by the farmers In the county. After concluding his re marks Mr. Packer Introduced his friend General Joseph M. Wilson, of Philadelphia, who made a brief but clear and comprehensive speech, setting forth the claims of agriculture tn glowing colors, showing that we could be preeminently useful by giving all manner of aid and encouragement to the farmer or our grand old Commonwealth. He entertained tie hearers and enforced his views with several well-timed Uustratlous, and was lis tened to with profound nttcntlon, nnd closed amid tuo calls of "go on" from his audience. Mr. Wilson evidently undcretuuds the gift or pub lic speaking, as he pithily remarked that brief speeches were the best, as audiences had rights which speakers were bound to respect. Dedication of an Odd-Fei.lows Hall. The new Hall or 8tono Valley Lodge, No. 504, I. O. or O. F., loented at Georgetown, was dedicated on Saturday last. The ceremonies or dedication wcro performed with open doors In the presence ofauumbcr or the fraternity from Bcrrysburg, TJnluntown nnd other lodges. The dedicatory ceremonies were performed by the following mem bers or Iho Order acting as Grand Lodge officers i G. Master 1). D. O. M., J. M. nutr. G. Marshal P. G.. Dr. W. Raker or No. 003. G. Secretary P. G., J. W. Dre'.belbls or 504. G. Treasurer Bro. A'. Badmnn or 504. G. Herald P. G., Ellas Shaffer or 553. G. Chaplain P. G., Daniel Bordncr or 193. Herald of the North P. G. J. K. Kent of 193' Herald of the 8outh P. G., Jacob Grim or COS- Herald or East P. G., J. V. Adams, 19.'. Herald or the West P. O., B. M. Bubb 504. The ceremonies were very solemn, and nftcr its conclusion P. G., A. N. Brice of .No. 203, deliv ered nn address which was highly appreciated by the members as well ns a large numncr or ladies and gentlemen, nnd made a good Impression upon nil who heard it. D. I). G. M., Hutr made a Tew concluding remarks, complimenting the members upon their neut hall which they had Just dedicated. The hall Is not large, but Is, perhaps, one of the neatest dnlshcd In the county. It is well ar ranged with every convenience to make members i comfortable. Munsons & Byrnes' fine ladles and misses nnd children's shoes for sale by Gibson & Furnian 97 Market street. Sekioi'S Accident. On Saturday last, John Brosclour, sou of Ellas Brosclous of this place, met with a serious accident on the railroad near Dewart Station, on the Philadelphia and Eric railroad. He was employed ns brakeman, nnd j In nttemptiug to get on the train caught his foot i i . l ...A r..n. i.u w ralllnir across tho rail, the wheels or tho tank passed over it j crushing tho flesh nnd bones in such a manner , that ampututiou was found necessary. The limb j was successfully amputated on Sunday last by I Doctors McCoy, of Northumberland, nnd Doctor F. L. Iloupt of this ptnec. We nre glad to learn that the young man Is doing as well as could be expected uudcrthe circumslauces. At'TEN or the Watsonlown Jteconl says "a great crowd greeted" Greeley nt tills place on Thursday evanlng of last week. Surely Johu must have been under tho Influence of "black crow." It is true that Greeley was here but , , , , ., ... , where was tho "crowd" Johu t The editor also at. mat Oieeiij "'" ou lDu nL'1 ricHueui. rfn von know that John 1 Has he an "ugrcc- do you know that John I lias no an ufcrce mcnt" with George Francis Train, similar to ono ! carried three years ngo by a would-bo Deputy ai,,.wri or !,., ,in vn u,m- .T..l,n 1 The firm of Frllliig, Bowcn & Engle, we notieo have a large number or logs Ij ing in the river op- posit e their mill. They are deterniiind to sup ' ply the large demand for lumber made upon their ! mill. Since going into operation, their business j has largely increased, ur.d with tho large sup ; ply of lumber they cannot help but meet with j success. They urc u pushing firm, and those In j want or lumber will hud them gentlemen or In tegrity to deal with. Ik you want to see a nice line or ladles, misses nnd children's shoes, go to Gibson & Furnian, 07 Market street. They sell cheap for cash. Ladles' nud Children's Fancy Fins, at Excel- 6ir pur Emporium, 711 Arch street, Phlladul- .,uln. fhe stock or Fancv Furs for Ladies' and Children Is very large, und no one can fall to be suited. Read advertisement. ( OW0Tcr to notice that many are Using the pro caution of late by getting Insured In tho Peoples! Fire Insurance Company, Philadelphia, which is considered safe aud reliable. They also insure lire at the lowest rates. Mr. Gossler, their agent ut this place, is dolu a handsome business lu making out policies In this part or the State. Tub Octoheb Election. Russell Errctt, Chairman or the Republican State Committee, and S. J. Randull, Chairmau or the Democratic State Committee, have issued instructions as to the tnanucr of making up and voting the respec tive tickets, at the October election. There will bo six tickets to be printed and voted as fol lows I. One. headed "State," containing the names of candidates for Governor und Auditor General. II. One. beaded "Judiciary," containing the names of candidates for Judge or the Supreme Court, and all other Judicial otUces to be tilled In each county at this election. III. One, headed "touniy," containing tne names of all candidates for county otnees, toge ther with those for Senator, members of Assem bly, and members of Congress ut Large aud dis trict member of Congress. IV. una. headed "Delegates at Large," con taining the names of candidates for Delegates at Large lolhe Constitutional Convention. V. Oue beaded "District Delegates," contain ing the names of caudidates for delegates from each Senatorial district to the Constllutioual Convention. VI. Oue, headed "Amendment to the Constitu tion," containing votes for or agulust the propos ed amendment to the Constitution, relative to absetloHOf State Treasurer. Card f Thank). St KBt ur, Oct. 2, 1873. At a regular meet lug of Masu Council, No. 131, Jr. O. U. A. M..U was Betolitd, That we do as a body, tender our in- cere and narty tnaaits to mo maia oi J and vlciulir. for their kind am lu preparing ior. participating in sue puouo jwruusuu of September, !?), also, ttenAiHil. Tliut we lender our itianns lo our sis ter Councils thut were visiting here on the above day, and took part In the paraus, hopiug that they enjoyed tpetnseives. BAMCEL BTROH, W. H. DRrCKEMILi-ER, W. L. SAVAGE. Committee Owning, l(iut wlnut wall-socket Vie Cases, u4 a flu assortment of Wall Brackets CORRESPONDENCE. Waahlngton Correspondence. Washington, D. C, September 80, 1873. FrUnd Witvtrt- The deepest Interest Is manifested here In the coming contest In Pennsylvania, and In Iho ho tels, In front of them, on the corners, and In all public places yon will And groups of men earn estly discussing Pennsylvania polities In Tact. "Pennsylvania." "Hartranft"and "Buckalew," appear to be all that Is spoken or at present. Tho Republicans are very confident, nnd the majority counted on by them for Hart ran ft is 15,000, and for the balauce of the ticket at least 80,000. Tho rebels, Democrats, and liberals, or, lu other words the "mongrel crow-eaters," would like very much to make It appear that they too reel confident ns blowors they are a success, but they go very light on their pockets to back up what they pro feu to believe. When Curtln's letter first came out It gave considerable encouragement to the rebel friends of Buckalew In this city, and no doubt they did feel very sure or his election nt that time but now, that they have had time to see that It has produced very little If any good for their side, they do not seem tn be quite ns sure, and are singing the old song of money, fraud and corruption, which Is n very sure sign that they expect to be beaten. The Republicans will have to bo wldo nwuke If they expect to have any show at nil with tho Democrats In ballot box stuQing, which lliey have almost reduced to a science. Governor Curtln will find before ho gets through with this business that ho has under taken too great n task fur n sick man. He, no doubt, found it a very easy matter to surrender himself to the enemy, hut to carry the Republi can party, or any portion or it, with him into the Democratic camp is n different thing entirely. Such men as Sllfer and Cnffeefi3y have to be told by their master bow to vote, but the great Republican party or Pennsylvania needs no ad vice In this matter; Its members have their course marked out, nnd they will "fight It out on this lino" until the 8th of October, and again until the. Mb of November ) nnd, instead of being the Republican pally, he will And that he Is only one ofthe 370,0041 wen of which it is composed; and he will find Mint It Is much easier to lead men In the right than in the wrongdirection, especial ly when they do not feel Inclined to go wrong, ns is the case with the Republicans or Pennsylvania Just now. It will he remembered by the Republi cans of our Slate that this is not the first time that Andrew G. Curlin camo to the rescue of the aristocrat who "felt humiliated" when he heard that Abraham Lincoln, the "Rail-Splitlcr," had lif.pn i.lpfti'il PrnsliliMit nf llin TTlff4 Iftf R. Buckalew. In the winter or 1803, wTftff""i ni President needed the firm nnd undivided support of Congress in his efforts to suppress the Demo cratic rebellion. Governor Curlin allowed the State to be disgraced by permitting the Legisla ture to go through the farcoor nn election for United Stales Senator under tliu uiuitzle or tho pistols of Bill McMulIln and his Now York and Philadelphia cut-throats. It is well known that Suekalew would not have been elected had each member ofthe Legislature been allowed to vote us ho saw fit. ns there were several members elected as Democrats who believed that a man in favor of the prosecution ofthe wnr should be sent to the Senate at thai time; and, as the Democrats had but one majority on Joint bal lot, a change of that one vote would have elected Simon Cameron, who was the Rfpub'icun candi date; but this was objectionable Curt in, so he allowed Hill Me ctionable lo Governor , Hill Mc.Unllin and his roughs to elect a Senator instead of the Legisln tine, and the result was that Buckalew was chosen to miirtpreKHt the people of Pennsylvania in the Senate ot'thu United States; mid "it is a well-established fact that no man in Congress was more bitter in his onposillon to the war- measures of the Government than was Charles K. Buckalew. While nc was thus engaged his opponent for the Governor ship, General liar trunft, was nob y nnd bravely fighting for the honor and safety of the country und his State, and there Is no doubt but that the people of the Slate will beai this in mind on the Stli of October, nnd that he who honored the Slate in time of war will be honored by the State in time of peace. It Is well known to the renders of the Ameri. , tan that the Peniisvlvania Republican Assocla- lion of Washlnit'on "i r.i,iuijiuuiiio I nomination of dencnil Ilartranft. nnd that the: Association indorsed Hon. John B. Packer, and i instructed its delegates to the Convention at Harrlsburgto use nil honorable means to secure , hi, notation. After Genera. Hrtrft w. nominated, However, uiu meniuers of the Asso- elation Knnll .lna.l I lliulii .In! D ...... 1. 1 1 ' twiipimitu ii. men untj nn ivyuii:iu tn support him, nnd out of the eight or nine nun aruu V?" " "l WV' e'i A 1 , l'Ya, "om "er0 on or before Ilia 8th of October, it Is generally collce,lci, tn.lt tui;ro ,vU1 uot bo J UucUiriw mn,, mining ilieiu. Among the many ardent Republicans from our gtate temporarily residing here none hnvo made thcmw.we more useful to tho party lu the pre- scut campaign than Col. A. A. Shissler, who has bccu three tunes elected President of our late j Association, the last time by acclamation. He ' rfHE undersigned oilers nt private sale, his 1 is now away on leave or absence, nud he is, no , Farm, couiulniug about MO Arm, situa , doubt, doing the cause good service lu Penusyl- ; ll(, m iowtT Augusta township, Northumberland i vanl'i. ! eountv, n the Plum Creek road about miles I Polities und politicians here are somewhat j c;tt of punhurv, bounded by lands or Daniel P. ! mixed, but the voter arc not without their "Lib- ! (Ln-.,,! llenrv Suvidgc. Joseph Gass, and others. eral" candidates, but there will lie very Tew lib- ( eral enough to vote for I hem. There is no doubt but that (ten. Chipman, the regular Republican, wV.l be elected as Delegate to Congress fiom this District. Hoping that Northumberland county will hold the ground she captured from the enemy lust full, I remain, yours truly, IluslnoKS Notices. I A nntvii rush for the most decant goods Jut opened at W. R. F. Welincr's cash store, was made during the past week. All the latest styles or Fall Goods can be seen and purchased nt the lowest prices at Welincr's store The selection Is grand, nud, for brilliancy mil good quality, is uot excelled. Cull and bo convinced. Giiant Badges, Greeley Badges, Chinese Lan tern's and all the lixings for the campaign at Hazeltlne's. Jlst received, a full line of Blank Books, Of fice and School Stationery, Ac, Ac, fcc., at I!a zlellnc's. Moiib Boots asp Shoes. W. H. Miller is now opening his Fall Stock or Boots and Shoe at the Excelsior. Ilis asMirtmcut is not surpassed any where, aud being constantly In receipt or uew styles, nn oue can go amiss lu getting, not only the best, but the latest styles. To be couvlnced that Gibson it Furnian has the largest stock or Boots and Shoes in Sunbury, please cull at their store on 07 Market street. The large Book & Periodical 8tore or C. 8. Huzeltiuo has all the appeurance or a first class city establishment. It Is lllled with the most Inter esting books, periodicals, stationery, toys, Ac, &c, with a Hue department for boots and shoes. A full assortment Is constuutiy kept on bund, nnd purchasers nro supplied at rates as low as In the city. A fresh supply has Just been opened. Opes iso, Bird Cages, plain und ornamental, In brouze, brnss and white metal ; uew nnd hand some, at Hazcltine's. THE CONFESSIONS OF AN INVALID. PUBLISHED as a warning nnd for tlio benefit of ymuui men and othtri who suffer from Nervous Debility, Loss of Manhood, etc., sup- P ylnSTHE MEANS OF SELF-CURE. Written bv one who cured himself, after under going considerable quackery, aud sent free on re ceiving a post-puia aireciea euveuii-. Address. NATHANIEL MAYFAIR, June 8, 'Ti. Omos. Brooklyn. N. Y. In Bunbury, September 39, by Rev vf irley, Mr. Chahles Maihi, f Miss M Hem- perley AOOII Kks. all ol Bimnury Path! torts. hi FX Ml' It Y 9IAKKETN. Flour and Urisla Market. Extra Family 113.00 Red Wheat, p. bu., 3.ou buckwheat, p. ct., o.uu nye. Corn Meal, " 8.50 Corn, 1.00 60 2.85 Wheat Bran, p. bu. l.SO Ducuwneai -Shorts, !) .00 Oats, 83 lt- Corn & Oats Chop, 8.00 Fluswi Timothy Seed, p. b. 3.0UI lrwdae Blstrket. Potatoes, Fugs, per doi., Buiwr, per lb., Lard, " hides, ' , 60 Hams, 18 Tallow, 85 Country Soap, 18 Dried Apples, )U " Peaches, eiiouiuyis. In jficio Jkbbcrtistmcnts F.ntsUe of Joliu llrtrirk.rire. Audit. NOTICE It hereby given to nil persons Inter ested, that the undetsigned, auditor In the matter or the exceptions to the account or David Hetrlck, and John Iletrlck, dec., wl,l attond to the duties or his appointment, at his office In the borough or Bunbury, on Wednesday the 8d day or October, A. D., 1373, at 10 o'clock, a. in., or that day. W. I. GREENOUGH, Auditor. Bunbury, Sept. 14, 1873. 6t PUBLIC HALE OF VALVARLF. TOWN PHOrERTY. WILL be exposed to public sale, on the pre, mlscs In the borough or Bunbury, Pa., on MONDAY, tho 7th day or OCTOBER, 1873, a certain halflot or ground siunte In the borough or Bunbury, Norlh'd eounty, Pa., being 30 tect lu front on Walnut street, S3') foot in depth, where on Is erected n Log House, Into the estate of Mrs. Mary C. Wlthlngson, deceased. Balo tn commence at 1 o'clock, p. m., on said day, when the conditions will be made known by ; GEO. W. SMITH, I Adminiitvalor. Sunbury, Sept 14,183 TASiSERV AND FARM FOR SALE. yyf'ILL be offered at Private Sale the cxten- LECKKILL TANNERY, situate In Upper Mahanoy township, Norihum berland county. Pa., on the pnbilc road lead ing to tho Pottsvllle road. This Tan nery Is one nf tho oldest nnd best stands In Northumberland and adjoining counties. It was lane nud favorably known ns the old ENTERLINE TAXNEltY. The buildings are all new, having been rebuilt a year ngo, with all the latest modem Improve ments. This old stand has a large run of cus tom, and liss nil the conveniences or a bark country surrounding it to get up stock at less cx- I pcuso innn any esininnnieni in mo county, in I connection wlih the Tannery a large and we'.l j cultivated FARM will be offered for sale, con taining about sixty acres more or less, about 40 of which Is cleared, whereon is erected I A LOO DWELLIFG HOUSE, wcathei boarded, n bank bnrn, with wagon shed ; nttached, a spring bouse, smoke house, nnd i other outbuildings. A never fulling spring of water near the house. An nrchnrd that will not be surpassed for choice fruit anywhere In the county. The balance of the land Is well timber ed with Chestnut and Oak. This property Is one of the most valuable, and Is beautifully located In a thickly settled dlstilct near the lino of Noithumberland nnd Schuylkill coutitics, convenient to roads leading to Shamo kl and Pottsville. For further particulars, address or npply to SOLOMON B. ENTERLINE, Lcekkill, P. ().. Northumberland county, l'a. September 21, 1M72. Administrator's Sule of Iteul Entitle Will he! sold on Lhe Premtsea. In StininoVin I township, North'd county, l'n.,on SATURDAY, i OCTOBER. !th, 1872, nt 2 o'clock, p. in., the j louowuig certain und ivided hair part or a TiACT OF LAND, j situated In Sliamokin township, Northumberland ' county, Pa., adjoining lands of Humphrey , Wright, lllraift Dill. David Broslous. Benlanilii , Hummel and Aaron Sober, containing rouiiTY-Foun acres, more or less, part of which is tn a cood state of cultivation and the balance excellent limber land. Late the estate of Jacob Moore, deceased. The conditions or sale it 10 per cent, paid when the property Is struck down to the highest "'"Ider, one fiundnd dollars on tho first day of I January, 1873, and the balance ou the 1st day of I April, 1873. I WM. B. SIIIVE, Adm'r. 8-ptcmbtt 13, &Ti. AdmlulHlrator'ft otirc. VTOTICE l bnrni... i.. . i .. . , Nffi derslgned upon ti, T of .Tikim n.Gi,... .1... . . - " -"' n,,..,l Lit. nf l'rw.- . . PHcr Augusia township, Noith'd comity. All knowing themselves indebted to I said elate, and thus,. wllo , , . ;llnM : the same, will present A. N. UIUCE, j ' , Administrator, i Sunbury, 8ct t. 21, 1S73. t. A Farm for Sale. T. improvements consist oHi good well-arranged rraino House, a uirgo nniiK mini, Bank Barn, with Wagon House nnd Lorn l rib attached. Srriuir House over a never-falling Spring, and all other i.ecessary out door buildings, Ap ple Orchard of choice fruit in good bearing order. About U a -re of good Oak Timber, a riiunin stream of water through the farm. Part of the purchase money fan remnln In the farm. For forther particulirs, call on or nddress. A. R. SAVlDf.K, Sept. 7th, lS"2.-lm. Sunbury, Pa. The New North-West AND ITS GREAT RAILROAD. 7-30 GOLD LOAN j OF THE I NORTBERS PACIFIC RAILROAD. SAFE AND 7ROFITAELE INVEST MENT, S2CURED BY FIFTY MILIXON AGUES OF LAND! UEGlSTEItED $100, $500,1,000, $5,000 4 10,000. I COUPONS, $10C, $500 and $1,000. Holders hu exempt from United ' States Tax. i. Tho First irtirupe Land Grant Gold Bonds ofthe Norlhtn PuciHc Railroad Company nre now selling aiPAR and accrued interest. They have thirty ytrs to run, and bear interest at lhe rate of 7-HOier cent., In gold, und are unhesi tatingly recomiended to nil classes as an invest ment that coiblues a profitable rate or interest Willi absoluletecurity. J.W COOKE & CO., FINANCIAL AGENTS, PHI LAD' A. Bonds br Salo at tho FIRST NATION Al BANK OF SUNBURY, and FIRST NATIONAL 1ANK of Northumberland. September T, 1873.-4 . bLATCHLKYS m I urtOVED tOCUlBEE WOOD PDIP. j S i asteless, Durable, ErUeient und rf'i fi.- .. ii .v r .1... p. viicp. i ue ues rump iur ,uo least mouer. Attention Is es pecially iuvlled to Ulatchley's Patent Improved Bracket aud New Drop Cheek Vulve, which ran be witlxtrawu without re moving the Pump or disturbinit ie joiuu. Also, the Copper Cian.ber, which never cracks or scale., aud will outasl any otbar. For sale by Oeuiei. vrywhM. bend lor (VtHlou;ue and rilH LUIli L'HAB. I. I"- 1II1L..V Mann. facturer, 500 Cormiercjt Bt., PUllad'u. Pa.'SV4,ly 5 io S20 elusseslt A mats vuti i au wntklpe ueoulu. A k-i.. sex. young or aiu, nia.e tore niouey ut wu for uslu tbelr spare inurae.ni, or all the lime, than at auythinr P'rtlcnlaw free. Address, TlN80NACO., 814-ly. Portlind, Maine. I Ui ifJurlismcnls. Administrator Koilee. NOTICE Is hereby given, that letters of ad ministration having been grunted tn the tin derslgncd on the estate of Mrs. Mary C. Wlth Ingtnti, late or the borough of Bunbury, North'd cot .tyj Pa., dec. All those knowing themselves lndwMWl to said estate nre requested to make Im mediate payment, nnd persons having claims will present them for settlement. GEO. W. SMITH, ,-l(.,m(ii((ri(or. Stinbury, Sept. 14, 1873. OtT Tailoring! Tailoring!! CHARLES MAI1TL, Respectfully Informs the citizens of Sunbury and vieinltv, that he has opened a TAILOR SHOP, on Fourth Street, below Market, In tho Mullen building, and that ho Is prepared to make up nil kinds of UEXTN' A.l HOY'S NUTM. In the lutest styles. Having had much exper ience In the business ho desires the public to glvo him a trial. Clothing will be made up In the latest Pails nnd American Fashions In tho most satisfactory manner. Ang.l7,'73.-tr. CHARLES MAIIIL. Proposed Amendment TO THE Constitution of Pennsylvania Joint ItCNOllltlOII Proposing an Amendment to the Constitution ol Pennsylvania. He it rcnoli-nl by the Senate and fount of Ifjre tentatti'C of the (.'onunonwealth of J'ennnylvania in d'cMi nl Antcmbly wet, 1 hat the following amend ment or the Constitution or this Commonwealth bo proposed to the people for their adoption or rejection, pursuant to the provisions of the tenth article thereof, to wit : AMENDMENT: Strike out the sixth section ofthe sixth article of lhe Constitution, and insert In lieu thereof the following i "A State Treasurer shall be chosen by tho qualified electors of the State, at such limes and for such term of service as shall bo prescribed by law." WILLIAM ELLIOTT. Speaker of tho House of Representatives. JAMES S. RUTAN, Speaker of Seuate. Ai'i'itovKD The twenty-second day of March, Anno Domini one thousand eight hundred nnd seventy-two. JNO. W. GEARY. Prepared nm'. certified for publication pursuant to the Tenth Aiticlc of the Constitution. FRANCIS JORDAN, Sccretnry or the Commonwealth. Office Secretary ofthe Commonwealth, i Ilarilsbnrg, Juno 311th, 1S73. ) June 'M, 1873 3m. 10.000 Agents Wanted av,vwv a fur our great Political Campaign Chart. The most attractive nnd salable thing out. It Is indispensable to men of all parties, famishing just the facts nnd figures needed, for every day refcreucej by every lutelligetit voter. Agents are selling from 15 lo 30 a Dili . The most llbcrnl terms. Send for descriptive circulars. Address, DCFFIELD A&nMEAD, Publisher, n34. 711 Siinsom St., Philadelphia. Bakery for Sale. I The well known Bakery of W. H. Haas, on ! Fourth street, Sunbury, Including a good dwell- J ing house and good stabling attached, is offered for sale, ou reasonable terms. The Bakery Is , new and or good capacity, capable or baking 30 I barrels of flour per week. Applv to Win. H. or , ALBERT JUAS, July 20, lS73.-tr. Sunbury, Va. Presidential Campaign. , . , I 1'" ! CUNNINGHAM & HILL, j MAM FA( TTIIEIIN, iNo. "i04, ClII IK'll STKFF.T. rHlLADtLl'lllA. June s, IsrJ. 4iuos. NEW SUMMEU tiOODS ! MISS HATE 11 1. At K, MARKET SQUARE, SUNBURY, PENN'A. Black Dress Silks from SI 50 to 82 00. Japanese Silks, Silk Pon.L'cis, Plaid Poplins, Mixed Poplins, Ilamnl from 0 cents to f I 00. ItOI.I.Y V.VKUKXS, Cblntqes, Detains, to. French Muslins, Mar seilles Quilts, Kid Cloves, Willi sinyle ' and double buttons. ! I.UCC NIlHWlSi i A ceneral assortment or White (foods. ! LAWNS, GINGHAMS nnd PUJUES, 1 I DERSS TRIMMINGS, LACES, Ac, sold i.t I (jreallv reduced prices. I Suu'bury, May IS, 1873. a. W. KEEKER. It. A. OASS. New Goods! Dry Goods, Notions, Furnishing Goods, Groceries, Oil Cloths, Glass ttnd Xails or every variety, at one low price, at KEEFElt & GASS' STORE, Corner or Fourth and Market Streets, SUNBURY, PA. All kinds or (irain taken lu exchange same as cash. Call aud sec us. KEEFER .t GASS. 8unbury, Aprll27, FKTA1X 51 ATF.KI.ILN. LACE CURTAINS, WINDOW SHADES. COUN1CE DECORATION S, LAMUUEO.UINS LACE DUAPEHIES. PIANO GOVE US, FUUN ITU U E GOV E KINGS, TASSELS AND LOOPS, N OTTI NG11AM G U UT A I NS, CRETONNES, SUMMER CURTAINS, BROGATELLE. Spkcial Interior Pkcoratioxo, To Order ut Moderate Prices. "W ALRAVE 1ST, Masonic Hall, 719 Chttstuut Street, PhiTa. Juuu '11, Wl.im. BUTCHERY ! BUTCHERY ! 5IeHr. KEF FEW A HOWF.lt, Third Btreet, oposite Central Hotel, BUNBURY, FA., KEEP constuutiy on hand the very choicest of fresh HEEF. 5IFTTOS AXI VEAL, which is sold at the lowest prices. Meal can bo bad at all hours during; the day. Runbury, l'a., June 8, 1878. 5iilli.i:kv. SPUING STYLES the CENTRAL MILLINkuy STORE OF MSH L. MIIIKKLEH. Every kind of Millinery Goods, eiubrucv,, lluta, lloiiuelsj, N-hool Hal a, (ru llastit snd Uouurla, Ribbons nnd Flowers, Trlinmlr '''y ' tcrlption, aud ) Kind of goods usually kept In a millinery CKtublinhmeut, cut bit had ut her .lore at the lowet pi Ices. Tho very bc.t iu Iho Philadelphia inaikel has been selected, to which thu ladies ttic luvited lo exniiitne and bv anviii ced. MISS L. Bill rWLF.U, Market t'.iure, ri.ubury, l'a, Apiil '10, IS7 iblicrthmcnts. GEO. EVANS. K. G. MAIZE. Geo. Evans & Co., 911 Market Street, i'hilndelpiiia, TAILORS and M I LIT AH Y GLOTHIKHS, Military IJiiiul & Fire Organizations promptly uniformed. Samples of Cloth, with Photographs, sent free on application. Ours being the leading house on Military work, wo Tee! that wo can offer Inducements which cun uot bo attalued anywhere else. Aug. 24, 1872. DAILY l'ltM K LIST. H. & A. C. VAN BEIL, "THE WINE MERCHANTS," 1310 Chestnut Street, Philadelphia. Prices Champngtic, (lu Currency.) Ernest Irroy, Corte Blanche, 19 SO " Special Extra Dry, 2a 25 Piper Heldslck, 23 25 O. H. Mumm's Dry Vencnny i Depot 111 23 75 Extra Dry, $ Pbilnd'a 2:1 fir, L. Rocderer, Dry Schreider, 23 25 " Dry Sillery, 23 00 " Imperial, 25 75 " Curio Uluuchc, 2il 75 Pomtneroy See, 27 75 Dry Monopolc, 24 55 Napoleon's Cabinet, 24 25 Veuve Clicquot, 2tf 00 Prices advance or decline with tlold. CASH MUST ACCOM PA XV ALL ORDERS. Very Fine Old Rve Whiskev, SU 00 per doz. Our "Yellow Seal" Sherrv,' 1 1 00 per doz. Blue Seal Brandy, "1840," S3 00 per doz. Sept. 21, 1W71. 4m. IHEXTISTUY. GEORGE M. UENN, li Simpson's JJuilding, Market Square, Susni-iiY, Pa., 1 prepared to do all kinds of work pertaining to Dentistry. He keeps constantly on hand a large assortment of Teeth, and other Dental material, fiom which he will be able to select. and meet inc wants of his customers. 1 All worst warranted to give satisfaction, or else j the money refunded. ! The very best Month Wash and Tooth-Powders j kept on hand. i His references are the numerous patrons for! whom he has worked for the last twelve years. Biinntiry, April ai, lT-i. W. H. Blanks, j HOUSE, SIG3ST, I AND ORNAMENTAL PAINTER, SLNBL'RY, PENN'A. i Decorating and Paper Hangli g done in the I latct Improved style. Orders solicited, which w'.Il receive prompt at tention. I Residence in Purdvtown, Euieriek'o building. Suiihury, May ll,lST2.-tf. w r suirri tnu nril!rffs1 a'1Hi , until wnr v. 1 At the old established stand on m:xi kv, pa. Keeps constantly on hand a foil stock ol well selected DRUGS & CHEMICALS, ! Druggists Fancy Goods, COMBS, BRUSHES, ' rF.Rri'M ekv, PATENT M EDIC1N ES, Ol LS, PA I NTS GLASS, PUTTY, VAUMSII, DYENTLFFM, In fact everything usually kept lu a well con ducted ZDIFtTTG STOEE. Particular attention paid to compounding Phy sicians prescriptions und family receipts by the Propriator himself. Sunbury, Pa., June 8, 1S72. A. II. FICISCUS & C0.,i No. 15 Market SUeet, PHIL A D E L P II I A . We have opened for tho Fall Trade, the largest aud bc!-t nssortrd stock of PHILADELPHIA CARPETS, Table, Ftalr and Floor til Cloths, Window Shades and l'a per, Carpet Chain, Cotton, Yarn, Battimr, Waddhu:, Twines, Wicks, Clocks, Looking Glases, Fancy Baskets, Uronms, Baskets, Buckets, Brushes, Clothes Wiiners. Wo ulen nud Willow Ware, IN THE I'MTED STATKI). Our large Increase in business enables us to sell ut low prices, and furnish the best quality of Goods. t SOLE '.DENTS FOK T1IK CELE1JUATED AMEUICAN WASH ER. PltK'E, ?O.o0. The most Perfect nud Siicceksful Warier ever Made. Ajfeuts Wanti',1 for the American Washer In all parts of the Stale. Sept. 7, 3m. Mitring and Niiuiumt Opfulug OK 5IILI.IKltV UOODK. Hats and Uonncts, Trinmutl anJ rntiiniined, RIRRONS, FLOWERS. WREATHS, LAGES, &c, all Uew styles. ( rape VcilH or nil CirutlcN. GRAPE HATS AND liONNETS, and everything usuullv kept lu u Millinery Store. Call ut M. 1.. GOSSLER'6 Store, 45 South Fourth Street, below the S. V. R. 1!., SUNBURY, PA. April 50, 187i. A. M. ME1XELL, liE.VI.KU IN American nud Furooa WATCH EN. FINE JEWELRY aud S1LVEIUVAUE. rert'i-rU-U Nprrtaclen nnl l')v (lllkkcs. v.vil.D HEADED CANES. WuUhe. unj Jewelry ueatly repairel ami war runted. Mai kit S u:iu . cl'Nlil RV, l a. if. Fvb. Ii, If, STATK. Governor, .John F. Iliirrrmift! Auditor General, Harrison Allen. JUDICIAUV. Judge of the Supreme Court, Ulysses Mercur. DKLKGATKS AT LARGE! Willinm M. Meredith Joseph Gillingham Fell! Harry -White, William Lilly, Lin Bartholomew, Hush N. McAllister, William H. Armstrong,' William David, James L. Reynolds, Samuel E. Dimniick, George V. Lawrence, David X. White, William H. Ainey, John If. Walker.. DISTRICT DELEGATES. Joseph Baily, Levi Rookc. Amendment to the Constitution. For the Amendment. COCXTV. Member of Congress, 14th District, John B. Packer. Members of Congress at Large, Lemuel Todd, Gleiini W. Scoiield, Charles Albright. Assembly, Oscar Fou.st, Dermis Bright. Sheriff, Samuel II. Rothennel. I'rothonotary, Clerk of Court ul Quarter Sessions and Oyer ami Terminer, Lloyd T. Rohrbach. Commissioner, Joseph G. Durham. Coroner, Frederick I lesser. A uditor, Jacob E. Muench. SSTATK. (iovoi'iior, John F. Ilartranft. Auditor Uenoral, Harrison Allen. JT DICIAliV. JuJjieot' tho iMiiireine Court, Ulvesos Meivur. DELEGATES AT LARGE. William M. Merodith, Josi'iih ( Jillingliam Foil, Harry AVhito, William Lilly, Lin liartholomow, Hnjrh X. McAllister, "William IT. Armstrong, William )avii, James L. Ueyiiolds, Samuel K. Dimmiek, CJeorire V. Lawrence, David X. White, William II. Ainey, John H. Walker. DISTRICT DELEGATES. Joseph Baily, Levi Rooke. Amenhment to the Constitution. For the Amendment. COUXTV. Member of Congress, 1 4 1 It District, John 15. Packer. Members of Conouess at LAinii:. Lemuel Todd, (tlenni W. Scoiield, Charles Albright. Assembly, (War Fousf. Dennis Hr'ght. Shcrirl", Samuel H. Ruthermel. i I'rothonotary, Clerk of Court ol Quarter Sessions and Oyer and Terminer, ' Lloyd T. Rohrhaeh. Comnnstdoiu'r, Johiph (J. Duihaiu. Coroner, Frederick Hoser. Auditor, Jacob E. Mncnrh Ing was vciy iiithusioslic. nctv:iii.t.Htnfil dxslffns, nt Haneltlne's,