Sunbury American. (Sunbury, Pa.) 1848-1879, September 28, 1872, Image 1

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13 rinftlsrtED EVEttY SATUttDAT BV
EM'L "WILVEBT, Proprietor,
Moore A Dlsslnger's Building, Mnrkot 8nuxn,
At fl.50 In Advance.
' It not paid within A Months t2.
SabntripUont taki fot Uti than tlx Month:
CoNWRc'rnn with this establishment Is nn extch
iivcNEW JOB OFFICE, containing vnrlcty of
plain and fancy tvpo equal to any establishment
h the Interior of the Btute, for which thepntron
age of the public Is respectfully solicited.
SII. DOVER, Attorney nnd Counsollo
(it Rooms Nos. 38 8ccond Floo r
Brlirht's Bullillnir. 8UNBURY. PA. Profession
business' attended to, In the courts of Northum
bcrland and ndlolnin cour.tles. Also, In the
CirenH nnd DiMct Courts for the Western Dis
trict of Pennsylvania. Claims promptly collect
ed. Partlculnr attention pnld to tattt In Jlank
mptcg. Consultation can bo had In the Ger
man languase. mnrS5,'71.
nn. Has. m. m ahti H
Nn n bury, lr un'a.
Offlco on Front Street, next door to Unas &
FaRely. ns3,'T3-iy
L1I. KANE, Attorney nl l.nw, SUN
BURY, PA., olllce In Manser's Building
neur tho Court House. Front Room up stairs
nbove the Drue Btorc. Collections made in Nor
thumberland and adjoining counties.
Suiibury, Pa., June 8, 1873.
II. It. KANE, Attorney at Law, BUN-
OiliL's, secoud floor. Entrance on Market street.
Professional bueincs iu this and adjoining coun
ties promptly attended to.
Bmibnry, March 10, 1872.-1y.
uT.M ARKI.E ', Market Street,
Dealers In Drills, Medicines, Paints, Oils,
Rluss, Varnishes, Liquors, Tobacco, Cigars,
Toeket Books, Dall ies, &c.
I. WOl.VKKTON, Attorney at Law.
k5. Market Square, SUNBURY.PA. Proression
ul business in tliis aud adjoining counties prompt
.' attended to.
CI A. it K.I M I'.S Y Attorney nt
Law, SUNBURY, PA. All business cn
t rusted to his care attended to promptly and with
diligence. upl37-r7
nD. itlANNEK, Attorney nt Law, SUN-
BUHY, PA. Collections attended to in
Hie counties of Northumberland, Union, Snyder,
Montour, Columbia and Lycoming. njillO-fi'J
AN. DltlCE, Attorney at Law, Snnbtirv,
t I'a. Office la Masonic Hall Building.
Collections of claims, writings, and nil kinds of
5-egul business attended to carefully and with
dispatch. H April M, 1S71. ly.
gOI,tl()X ,M AI.It'K,
Olllce nt his residence on Arch street, one. square
liinlh of the C'onrt lkinse, near tho Jail, SUN
BURY, PA. Culled ions nnd nil professional
liusiness lu oniirtly attended to in tills and adjoin
ing counties, Consultations cull be bad in the
(icrimiu lungnngy. July27-lS72.
.;. W. ZlKC.I.Klt.
I.. T. ltOllllllACII.
TMfice In Ibiupl llnildlii!;, lately occupied by
Judge Uoekcfeller nnd L. T. Rohrlmeb, Esq.
Collections and nil professional business
promptly intended to in the Courts of Northum
berland and adjoining counties.
Dec. 2. 171.
?i)otcIs ;mb fiesta n rants.
. ..... . v..- - . ........
W. F. KITCKEX, l'uncinr.Toii,
M r. Caiimki., Noiitii'h Cointy, Pa.
(Vnlrnlly located in the town, and ample ac
commodations famished to the traveling public.
A eonveydiiee runs to and from every passenger
train tree of ehartte.
July 27, 1S72.
. ? Proprietor, Co
Corner of Market Second
r1! reels, opposite the Court House, Sanbiiry,
J.. Proprietor, Nos. SI j and K14 Market Street,
nbove eighth, PHILADELPHIA. Terms, ti
ler day. He respectfully solicits your patron
ni;e. Juiiii'72.
H WALU, Proprietor, Georgetown North'd
County, Pa., nt the Station of the N. C. R. V.
Choice wines aud cigars nt the bar.
The table is supplied with the best the market
tilVords. Good stabling nnd attentive ostlers. I
LOUIS HUM M EL, Proprietor,
Commerce St.. SHAMOK1N, PENN'A.
Having just refitted the above Saloon for tho!
accomodation of the public, is now prepared to
serve '.lis friends with the best refreshments, and
fresh Lager Beer, Ale, Porter, and all other malt
JOSEPH BACHER, Proprietor,
Third Street, near tlio Depot,
This hotel is conducted on the European plan.
Meals nt all hours day and night. A Ladies'
Saloon att.iclicd. The best of Liquors kept ut
the bar. Charges moderate. inaylX,'7J.
JOSIAII BYERLY, Proprietor, Lower Malm- j
noy township, Northumberland county, Pa.,
in the road leading from Georgetown to Union-
own, Smith Inn. Trerorton Pottsville, .Vc.
The choicest Liquors nud Scgars at the bar.
The tables are provided with the best of the sea- 1
on. Stabling large and well suited for drovers, I
villi good ostlers. I
Every attention paid to make guests coin To 1 la- j
lie. I
Nov. 11, ISTl.-ly. I
Eating House, j
Waltz &Bright, I
Third Street, opposite the Moore it Dissinger
Iiavo opened an Eating House, and furnish
.Wriilsf ut all IlourM.
All kinds of Gumc ill season, Fish, Turtle, Oys
ters, ie., nre served up ill the best style.
Families supplied with Turtle Soup, Ac,, at
.he shortest notice.
The best of Mult Liquors ut tho Bar.
Juuc iJ, 1S7J. if.
usinc59 arbs.
.V. 8. KHOAM8. t, PACK Ell HAAS
hetaii. nr.Ai.KU8 or
Orrirs with Haas, Fagei.t & Co.,
Orders left at Scusholti it Bro's., office Market
treet, will receive prompt atteutiou. Country
istom resiieetfully solicited.
Feb. 4, 1S71. tf.
J-.1I.EXTIXE DIETZ, Wholesale and
V Rctuil duller iu every variety of
. All kinds of Grain taken lu exchange for Coal,
.'tiers solicited and flUert promptly. Orders left
S. F. Neviu's Coufectioncry Store, on Third
reel, will rel ieve prompt iiltcutlon, uud money
ceiptcd for, the same us at the ollice.
."1HK undersigned having connected the Coal
L business with bis extrusive FLOUR Ji GKAIN
ide. is prepared to supply families with the
rg, Stove and Nut, constantly on baud. Grain
eu iu exchange for Coal.
J'inbury, Jan. 13, 1(170. tf.
13it.tllatied In l4o. I
opposite the Court House,
fTMIE undersigned bns returned from the Vcr
JL mont Mnrblo Quarries with 56 Tons of
Alurblo for
Monument, t.mTe-Ntonr,
Ac. &c.
Ho hits bought nt such figures that
will allow htm to sell better stone for
less money, than heretofore. 1 he best
Sutherland Falls Marble,
which Is better than Italian. Rullnnd Is now
sold as low as the Manchester.
Those who need anything In tho Marble line,
for Monuments, Ornvo-Stones, or other purposes.
will Hnd It to their Interest to call nnd examine
this largo stork, as belter bnrgains can be secur
ed than buying from parties 'huckstering' round
tho country.
AU lettering will bo done In tho neatest and
most tiurovcd style.
Suiibury, JuhC 80, 1873.
Flour, Feel, Fruit anl TegetaWe Store,
Bprncc Street, between Front nnd Second,
having Just opened a Store nt tho ubove place,
where all kinds of of the best brands of
Flour mill Food
will be sold ut greatly reduced prlvcs. The Cele
brated Buck's Mills Flour will be kept constantly
on hand. Also, nil kinds of
Feed, Grain, Com, Oats nnd Rye chopped or
I'otntocH, Apple, 'Hbbng & Fruit
generally, nt n cheaper rate tbaH can be bought
elsewhere. All goods delivered Free of Charge.
Call and examine my stock nnd usccrtaiii the
prices before purchasing elsewhere.
John wilyer.
8unbiuy, Dec. 2, 1871.-tf.
p Up De Graft 's
THIS institution Is nowoen for the reception
of Patients for the treatment of Disease of
&c., &c., ile.,
and operations in GENERAL SURGERY. Our
collection of INSTRUMENTS Is very large, com
prising all tho latest 1mi-(ovi:mi:nis, enabling us
to meet
hi nil forms. Physicians arc Invited to accom
pany Patients to our Institution for operations.
By request of mnnv Citizens, we will attend to
Infirmary, Clement's) ltiiililing,
Physician and Surgeon.
Suiibiuy, Feb. "., lSVj.-if.
Tho old permanent shop of the town.
We decline the boast, but at the same lime
consider that the mighty truth mayjbe seasona
bly spoken without manifesting an uncomforta
ble amount of vanity and ambition.
Just twenty years ago I began my business
career iu this place half my lifetime thus far
spent, have I stood upon the iloor of our shop
day after day, nnd night after night, and applied
the sharp blue gleaming steel, uud within that
elapse of time embraced by the mighty folds of
that eventful period have I shaved nearly every
body in the country (in common parlance) and
to oblige tho public interest wo herein publicly
announce to our patrons old nnd new that we
are ready to shave them all again three hundred
thousand times or more.
Come when you please, jimt iu tinn is the max
im we nre always ready to work, forenoon or
afternoon, to shave you, hair cm von, shampoo
you, whisker dye yon, or perfume, comb and ur
rauge the hair with artistic skill, in the "water
fall" or water raise style to suit the customer.
We work to please, not please to work.
Stop, don't go past our shop to get shaved on
the basis of ability because we do it us well us
It can be done or ever could be.
A chance Is nil that we demand
To give the proof we hold in hand.
A few door above Depot, near Market street.
Oct. 1. 1870.
I. ltl! OK NT ORE!
Second Street, opposite the Court House, SUN
Respectfully invites the attention of Retailers
and others, that he has on hand, and will con
stantly keep nil kinds of
Consisting of Pure Brandies: Coguiae, Cherry,
Ginger, Roehellcund Oturd.
Whiskies: Pure Rye Copper-listilled, Moi'on
gahela, Apple uud Nectar.
Wines: Champagne Wine, Sherry, Port and
Crab Cider, Champagne Cider, N. E. Rum,
Blown Stout and Scotch Ale.
And all others Liquors which can be found la
the city markets, which will be sold at Whole
sale aud Retail. Every article guaranteed as
represented. Also, a large lot of DEMIJOHNS
aud BOTTLES, always on hand.
Orders promptly nttcuded to, aud public
patronage respectfully solicited
Suiibury, July 8, 1800 ly.
Fire, Lire nud Accident
N. American, Philadelphia, Assets, f'J,783,RO
r.nierpnse, "
N. American
New York,
Lorlllard, "
Youkers&N. York '
Hanover, "
Imperial, London,
Lycoming, Muuoy,
Fraukliu' Philadelphia,
Home, New York,
Hartford, Hartford,
Phujuix, "
Travelers, "
Farmers Int. Co.. York,
N. British & Mercantile
Notumerce, New York,
Corwich, Norwich,
New England Mutual Life,
Physician of this celebrated Institution, lias
discovered the most certain, speedy, pleasant and
effectual remedy in the world for all
Weakness of tho Back or Limbs, Strictures,
Affections of Kidneys nnd Bladder, Involun
tary Discharges, Impotency, General Debili
ty, JJcrVnUsncss, Dysjiepsy, Languor, I,ow
Spirits, Confusion of Men's, Palpitation of
the Heart, Timidity, Tremblings, Dimness
of Sight or Giddiness, Disease nf the Head,
Thront, Nose or Skin Affections of Liver, Lungs,
8tomnch or Bowels-these terrible Disorders
arising from the Solitary Habits of Youth those
secret and solitary practices more fatal to their
Victims than the song of Syrens to the Mariners
of Ulysses, blighting their most brilliant hopes
of anticipations, rendering marriage, &c., Impos
especially, wlio have become the victims of Soli
tary Vice, that dreadful nnd destructive habit
which annually sweeps to an untimely grave
thousands of young men of the most exalted
talents and brilliant intellect, who might other
wise have entranced listening Senates with the
thunders of eloquence or waked to ecstacy the
living lyre, may call with full confidence.
Married Persons or Young Men contemplating
mnrrlnge, nwnrc rr Physleol Weakness, (Loss
of Procrcntivo Power Impotency, Nervous Ex
citability, Palpitation, Organic Weakness, Ner
vous Debility, or any other Disqualification,
speedily relieved.
Ho who places himself under the tare of Dr. J.
may religiously confide In his honor as a gentle
man) nnd confidently rely it'Wil his skill Asa Phy
Impotency, Loss of Power, immediately Cured
and full Vigor Restored.
This Distressing A licet ion which renders Life
miserable and marriage iinpossiblc-istliciicnaltv
paid by the victims of improper Indulgences.
j oung persons are too apt to commit excesses
from not bcinguware of the dreadful conscnences
that may ensile. Now, who that understands
the subject will pretend to deny that the power
of procreation is lost sooner by those falling Into
Improper habits than by the. prudent I Besides
being deprived tho pleasures of healthy offspring,
the most serious and destructive symptoms to hot h
body and mind arise. The system becomes do
ranged, the Physical and Mental Functions
Weakened. Loss of Frocrcnttve Power. Nervous
Irritability, Dyspepsia, Palpitation of the Heart,
Indigestion, Constitutional Dcliility, a Wasting
of the Frame, Cough, Consumption, Decay nnd
Persons ruined in health by unlearned preten
ders who keep them trilling month after month,
taking poisonous and injurious compounds,
should apply Immediately.
UK. alUllMBTO:,
Member of the Royal College of Surgeons, Lon
don, Graduated from ono of the most eminent
Colleges In the United States, nnd the greater
part of whose ife has been siicut in the hospitals
of Ixindon, Pris, Philadelphia nnd elsewhere,
has effected some of the most astonishing cures
that were ever known j many troubled with ring
ing m the Head and cars when nslccp, great
nervousness, being alarmed nt sudden sounds,
bnshfulness, with frequent blushing, attended
sometimes with derangement of mlud, were cured
Dr. J. addresses all those who have in I u ml
themselves by improper indulgence uud solitary
habits, which ruin both body uud mind, unfitting
them for either business, study, society or mar
rhige. TincsK arc some of the sad and melaueholv
etlects produced by early habits of youth, viz: I
VNcnkncss ot the nucK and l.lnilie, fains In tho
Back and Head, Dimness of Sight, Loss of .Mus
cular Power, Palpitation of the Heart, Dyspcpsy,
.crvoiis immunity, iicrangement ol Digestive
Functions, General Debility, Symptoms of Con
sumption, V:c.
Mkntai.i.v The fearful effects on the mind
are much to be dreaded Loss of Memory, Con- j
fusion ot ideas, Depression of Spirits, hvil
Forcbodings, Aversion to Society, Self-Distrust,
Love of Solitude, Timidity, iVe., are some of the
evils produced.
Tuoi samis of ihtsoiis of nil ages can now
judge what is the cause of their declining health,
losing their vigor, becoming, weak, pale, nervous
uud emaciated, having a singular appearance
about the eyes, cough uud symptoms of consump
Who have injured themselves by a certain prac
tice Indulged iu when alone, u habit frequently
learned from evil companions, or at school, the
effects of which ure nightly felt, even when
asleep, and If not cured, renders marriage impos
sible, and destroys both mind and body, should
apply Immediately.
What a pity that a young man, the hope of his
country, the darling of his parents, should be
snatched from all prospects and enjoyments of
life, by the consequence of deviating from the
path of nature uud Indulging In a certain secret
habit. Such jiorsoiis mi st, before contemplating
reflect that a sound mind uud body arc the most
necessary requisites to promote connubial happi
ness. Indeed without these, the journey through
life becomes a weary pilgrimage! tho prospect
hourly darkens to the view; the mind becomes
shadowed with despair uud tilled with the melan
choly retlcclloii, that the happiness of another
becomes blighted with our own.
When the misguided uud imprudent votary of
pleasure finds that he has Imbibed the seeds of
this painful disease, it too often happens that uu
ill-timed sense of shame, or dread of discovery,
deters him from applying to those who, from
education and rcsieetubility, cau ulouc befriend
bini, delaying till the const it utioiial symptoms ol
this horrid disease make their up)earaiicc, such
us ulcerated sore throat, diseased uose, nocliiral
pains iu the head and limbs, dimness of sight,
deafness, nodes on the shin bones uud urius,
blotches on the head, face and extremities, pro
gressing with frightful rapidity, till ut lust the
palate of the mouth or the bones of tho nose full
in, uud the victim of tills awful disease becomes
a horrid object of commiseration, till death puts
a period to his dreadful suffering, by sending
him to " tluit Uudiseovered Country from whence
uo traveller returns."
It is a melancholy fact that thousands DIE
victims to this terriblo disease, through falling
Into the hands of Ignorant or unskillful PRE
TENDERS, who. by the use of that deadly Pol-
sou, Mercury, t:c., destroy the constitution, and
incapable of curing, keep the unhappy sufferer j
Moiiiii aiier iiionui uiMiig ineir noxious or in
jurious compounds, and Instead of liciug restored
to a renewal of Life Vigor nud Happiness, iu des
pair leave him with ruined Health to slh over
his galllug disappointment.
To such, therefore, Dr. Johnston pledges him
self to preserve the most Inviolable Secrecy, uud
from his extensive practice and observulious In
the great Hospitals of Europe, aud the first li:
this couutry, viz Eugland, France, Philadelphia
and elsewhere, is enabled to offer the most eer
tuiu, speedy aud effectual remedy iu the world
for all discuses of imprudence.
Baltimore, M. D.
Left bond side going from Baltimore street, a few
doors from the comer. Full uot to observe name
and number.
It7No letters received unless postpaid and
coutalnlug a stamp to be used ou the reply. Per
sons writing should state age, aud seud a ortiou
of ndvlrtlsemcut describing symptoms.
There are so mauy Paltry, D,uigulug aud
Worthless Impnstcrs advertising t'jemselves as
Physicians, trilllug with aud ruiuil g the Lealth
of ull who unfortunately full into their power,
that Dr. Jobustnn deems It necessary to say es
pecially to those unacquainted with his reputa
tion thut his Credentials or Diploma always
hang iu his ollice.
The many thousuuds cured ut this Establish
ment, year alter year, and the uuuierous im
K)rtuut Surgical Ojierutious performed by Dr.
Jobustou, witnessed by the representatives of the
Eress and many other iapers, uollces of which
ave apiHsared uguln aud agaiu before the public,
besides Lis standing as a gentleman of charueter
and responsibility, is a sufficient guarantee to the
afflicted. Shiu diseases speedily cured.
February 18, 1673. ly
pities ltttcl)C9.
Crutch A Armless did ;t lively business
as wholcsalo grocers. I was clerk in their
store My name is DoraT Timothy Do
ray, My wife's name is Letty, for short,
and my thrco-ycnr old baby a mighty fino
boy is nick-iiamf-d Toddler.
Misfortunes, which is not necessary to
specify, luivo forced nio lo work nt a salary
of seventy-five dollars per month to support
this family, whom 1 hold dearer than any
thing else on earth.
At tho limo of my loss, or rather tho
latter part of April, I, with tho other
clerks, labored early nnd late, day and
night, tho season of trade being unusually
active, to which was added our prepara
tions ibr removing on tho first of May to
the new store of tho firm. Business kept
mc jumping all the time. I swallowed my
breakfast iu a few nioulhfuls, in order to
bo in lime at tho store. I lived so far
away, over two miles, that I couldn't go
to dinner.
Oftentimes I went without my supper,
reaching homo at eleven o'clock at uight.
Consequently I only saw Toddler to sx.ak
to him on Sundays, and my wife perhaps
an nour or two a uay.
JCo woudor sho was lonesome and given
to imaginings of tho worst kind as to my
condition of body, fancying mo dead or
mutilated, the victim of some dire calami
ty, whenever I failed to come home at tho
usual time. All in till, it was a dog's life;
but what cau a fellow do when he's its poor
as nn ecclesiastic mouse.
One night lelty asked abruptly as I en
tered :
"Seen Dr. Craven to-day, Tim ?'
"2svo," was my answer, ''it's not the first
of tho mouth."
"Dtlt hos bcou here. Our rent is to be
raised ten dollars a month from tho first of
May," and she drew back ns if the belter
to study my face under the effect of tho an
nouncement. Then, as I was silent, she
burst out with :
"We'll stay, of course. We'll live and
work fur him, instead of ourselves and the
"I can't get away from the store to huut
a house."
"Leave it to mo. I'll get one nearer the,
store, cheaper rent, nnd a newer building.
It cau be done. I'll do it if you'll let me."
"All right. I prophesy tears for your
"Not more than if we stay. You don't
realize what we have to endure, with no
one but Toddy to amuse me."
"JJo more social with your neighbors," I
"My neighbors !" scornfully. "That's
just like a man. Do you know who are
our neighbors ? Of course not. A pros
perous, wholcsalo washer-woman on one
side, and a dilapidated old quack doctor
and his mummilied wife on the other ; in
front, a parade ground for geese. Visitors
none save that insurance solicitor, who
seems to como ouly when you 6)eud an
evening at home, aud so spoil my happi
ness with his figures. believe lie "watches
for you. Aud his wife what a dowdy. 1
shall die if 1 have to stay."
"Do ns you like, but tho time is short. I
wish I could go."
"Jlush 1 nut a word. I'll be glad to do
it, you good old man. I'll begiu in the
The next evening I was lucky enough to
reach home by nine o'clock, and get a kiss
and a hug from Toddler, napping in his
mother's arms, lie had been enjoying life
with Widow Martin's little girl next door,
and so his dissipation kept him awake
longer than usual.
"I have seen one cottage that I think
will please you," began my wife. "It's!
about a mile from your store, and we've
becu living two miles away, you know."
"Horse cars or 'bus to ft ?"
"That's the trouble. There aro neither
of these at present. You must walk."
"Can't do it."
"It will do you good. Walking is a
healthy exercise."
"Ci'u't help it I've corns."
"Cut them !" speaking with sharp deci
sion. "What nre corns compared with
health nnd happiness-"
"And the shado trees, and yard and
neighborhood r" were my next Interroga
tories. "Shado trees ono currant bush ! Yard
large enough for it cord of wood, saw-buck
and a man to saw ; nnd the neighborhood
quiet and moral, being near a small ceme
tery. I knew you would not like the place.
I'll search agaiu to-morrow."
"That's right. Don't despair. Oct the
boy a yard that shall bo largo enough to
tau his hide by the sun, of course."
"Timothy ! JIow can you talk so about
your darling t Suppose- wo should lose
"We'll not suppose it. Try again Ixtty.
Perhaps you'll run into nn atom of Kdeu
that will come within the limits of our
Spinncrless treasury. Wo must leave here,
as the lilU'tor ll:ia r.tntfwl it Xr ! toM
t.O-(l.'ll Tfni-i'u tli. tii,i.iiiw. ....w... T ..,.. '
.v j a !. ... i.iii a
see what places want a tenaut."
Iu half au hour she had a list of places
to see the next day. Wo must Mud some
thing or live in the street, which would bo
unpleasant, though economical.
It was settled tho next night. I knew
by her smiles. A lovely cottage situated
so, with two poplars iu front, a largo back
yard large enough to hold our week's wash
ing on the line ; half a miln walk, with
'busses, cars, and all the modern improve
ments." "Ilobsou's choice, my dear," was my
"The best we cau get for our moucy, I
thiuk," she replied.
That settled it. The next day would be
the first of May, according to calendars aud
landlords. My wife kindly volunteered to
superintend the moving, us I should be
busy all day aud night ut the store trans
ferring goods.
"Get the most honest nud weakest look
ing expressman you can find, aud then
llee 1 To move successfully, my dear, is au
act more difficult than to win a battle."
"In theory, Tim, for you" said Letty.
"For you, to-morrow, it will bo prac
tice." A look of grim resolve camo over her
face, and I felt that wo were already half
moved. I signed the lease, aud thou wo
went iuto dill'erent rooms together, that I
might say, or look good-bye.
"Wo havo been happy here," whispered j
lijy will;.
"We shall not leave the dormant echo of
au unkind word," which was tho truth.
"I am thankful ve have had ever this
poor shelter," 1 said, as I closed the door
to the last room visited, never again to bo
opeued to me.
I had gono some distanco that evening,
when it Hashed upon my miud, iucident to
busiucfes at the store uud mauy bouses lo
rent, about which wo had been talking, the
location of our new home had passed en
tirely out of my mind.
"Put it down on paper," I said to my
wifo after reluming. "I cant trust my
memory for a day or two."
I put the slip iuto my pocket and turned
"Dou't go, Tim," spoko Letty, with a
sudden ana unusual sadness in her voice.
Her eyes were tearful. "It's bad luck to
como back agnin."
"Phsaw I An old woman's superstition.
I'll see you to-morrow, nil cosily settled,
trood-by 1 Good-by, Tod I"
"Hood-by, papa I" cried Tod, with a cry
I heard until I turned tho corner, thanking
God for giving mo such a good patient lov
ing wifo, nnd a boy that was ns smart and
strong as could bo found in the city. 'Tisn't
that has such blessings, nor the half of
them ; morc's the pity for tho good of Ihc
That was a hard work wo did that night
and day for Crutch As Armless. Not a
minuto's let up uutil thrco o'clock in the
morning, when we had a hot supper and nn
hour's rest. Then at it we went again for
tho day.
I labored iu my thoughts with mv wifo
nud her share of trouble, and with wonder
ing as to how sho was getting along, nnd
performing my duties ns mechanically as a
stcm engine.
It was a very long day to mc, nnd not
one of the men was more glad than I when,
early iu tho evening Mr. Crutch como to
the ollice door nnd said they thanked tm
very much for Ihc way we had worked and
what wo had done and that wc might quit
until the next day.
Ho guessed matters would run smoothly
now. I was anxious to seo my family nnd
hurried away. After lapid walking for n
couple of blocks, it suddenly occured to mo
1 was on my way to my old residence, nnd
that the street aud number was utterly
passed from my memory, and that my wile
had given mc a memorandum.
Stopping under a gas light. I felt in my
pocket where the paper should have been.
It was not there. All the other pockets
searched, turned inside out : but the pre
cious paper was not lo be found. It didn't
matter how I lost it, it was gone. Then I
tried my best to recall the location, but
half a dozen numbers and streets came iuto
my mind all at once. I had uo trail of the
home of my wife and child.
At nine o'clock at night who could tell
me where I lived. I was so worn out with
work that this predicament brought the
tears to tuy eyes for a minute. Apprclicn
lions culminated nnd I shivered.
What would Letto think of this absence
Where, O, where was she? When it came
into my confused bruin sho had said some
thing about Stewart avenue tho number I
could not recall I started on a run for
that street nud, reaching it, wandered to
nnd fro, scanning tho windows to sec her
face, the houses to note if nny one of them
answered to the description sho had given.
Vaiu labor.
Sick at heart I retraced my steps aud
-.vent to the police headquarters.
"What is wanted V" said the polico offi
cial. "Au odd occurrence I have lost my
"Yes I Dlcss your soul that's not odd.
Men come here with that news every day.
Do yon know the road what traiu she
look 1"' he queried.
"Pshaw ! 1 don't mean tliat," with nn
angry feeling at his stupidity. "My wifo
moved ou the 1st, and I have lost the ad
dress she gave me. It's funny, but deuced
unpleasant," I added apologetically as two
or three men began to laugh.
"Well, that is" odd," the official, a cap
taiu agreed ; "but 1 cannot sec how wc
can help you."
"Xorl.jusl at present. You can nd
vise me, perhaps."
"You don't know the street, you say.
Do you know the expressman V"
"Never saw hitu nor heard of liiru." I
"Wifo got any friends here brothers,
sisters, mints or uncles ?"
"No intimate friends or relatives. We're
comparatively strangers here."
"Well, I don't know what to do. Per
haps we might find out something in the
course of three or four days, meditatively
rubbing his chin,
"No sooner V"
Can't say. Many thousand families
!.. M uit nil; uiai i.i -.inj. x uiu.ij'n
some of our men may pick up tho family or
news of it ; they wouldn't know about it
unless appealed to." j
"lhank you," I 6aiu, turning away in
misery of heart.
"ISy the way," continued the captain,
following mo to the door, "does your wile
read tho papers V"
"Wouldn't sho be likely to buy them un
der the circumstances V"
"Wait a bit!"
lie stepped to tho desk and wrote for
two or three minutes.
"Suppose you put this iu one of tho daily
papers 1"
"Information Wantko. Of the residency of
Mrs. Timothy Doray. l-all nt once at the store
of Crutch and Ar.nlcss, ioO Water street.
"She'd know what was wanted. Nobo
dy else would mind it you know,"
"Excellent, thank you again, sir. It j
anybody comes hero for me you'll kuow
where to send them." j
After going to the principal daily paper,
ami losing tne excitement ol Having some
thing to do to employ my thoughts, there
camo upon mc, as I walked the almost si
lent street, a loneliness and desolatiou that
was appalling.
What a miserable, unhappy night thai
was 1 Nearly the whole lime was passed
in a chair by the window, at the hotel
whero I had stopped. I couldn't sleep. If
my eyes closed iu drowsiness, I was imme
diately beset by terriblo dreams about my
wife and child. Awake, my thoughts were
Conjectures and apprehensions about their
safety. I pictured llictn siek, alone iu a
strange neighborhood, with no one to ap
peal to for assistance. I imagined robbers
working at the doors, or rutlians making
night hideous with their blasphemy. No
evil seemed impossible of success against
those defenseless two, uow that 1 was away.
As I drowsed now aud then, 1 would be
aroused by what seemed the plaintive, be
seeching cull of my wifo as if sho were in
thu room. Au alarm of tiro was sounded,
and I pictured to myself Cho burning of my
house. Such a night I hope I may never
again endure, so filled was every miuute
aud hour with the most horrid fancies.
When the gray light of early mot uing
spread through liie streets, and copio be
gan to move about, 1 tottered out of that
dismal hotel, uud went shivering aud wea
ry into thu half night, half day, so that I
might walk away from tho thoughts that
had tormented my soul iu the darkness.
Where was the utui thbtouu ou which the
Nw 84rl, Vol. 4. Xo. SO.
! Old Ncrien, Vol. 82, No. 4 1.
coals wcro rod for my coming ? Wliero
the loving wife and child for whom I yearn
ed with an a(l'cctio,u never before tried ?
Why hadn't they como for me ?
Sometimes I fniiphed aloud at my posi
tion, which Would be so ludicrous when we
Were 'again United. As the sun rose so
rose my spirits, and I stepped off briskly,
waudering here nud there iu regions to inu
heretofore unknown.
Tho panorama of high life and low life
at live o'clock in iho morning is unique
but attractive.
Finally I settled down in a restaurant
for my breakHist, aud unfolding my morn
ing paper. There was my advertisement.
What an odd thing to be sure. How we
would laugh over it somo dny--perhaps to
day or to-morrow, wifo and I.
"Eh V What's this I cried out to my
self as my eyes rested on this paragraph in
a prominent place.
"Missing. Mr. Timothy Dorey lias been
missing from his homo sineu the night of April
30. No reason is known for ills mysterious dis
appearance. Any Information will'bc thankful
ly received by his nttlietcd wife. '
In all my life I never knew of anything
quite so extraordinary a husband and wifo
lost iu a city, and each advertising for the
other. I could hear my heart beat with
joy as I realized that at last there was a
clue to my home.
Not a mouthful of breakfast had been
eaten. I was feasting on the joy of my
discoveries. I contemplated for a few min
utes in an epicurean way, the (hftuner of a
discovery, then started for the ollice of that
excellent morning paper, that valuable
journal whose circulation was limited ouly
by uudiseovered and unexplored lands.
That editor was an ungel, seen through
my eyes just then, nud his printers were all
of them cherubs of a mammoth develop
ment. Glory 1 I'd have my wile and baby
within an hour. sure.
1 was walking briskly, my eyes fixed on
the pavement, my thoughts hours ahead
anticipating, when suddenly somo one
caught my arm, roughly, exotaiming :
"Hero, you I Can't you stop V A lady
has been running after you for half a block.
Vou're worse than a horse car to stop," and
then without wailing he passed ahead.
As I looked at him with augry astonish
ment a little hand grasiwd my arm, lhero
was tho rustle of a dress and quickly drawn
"Tim, what is the matter ?" said the fig
ure as sho followed the qttestiou, right ou
the street, with a kiss.
Of course it was my wife,
"What is the matter V" she asked again.
"Why havn't you come home V Where
have you been '( O, s-haine to desert poor
Toddler !" clutching my arm and laughing
I felt like catching her up in my arms,
so great was my delight, but a duo regard
for the publio restrained that exess of
As it was I looked at her with hungry
eyes, and with my heart bumping in my
throat and my tongue dangled with a con
fusion of words I wanted to utter all at
once. I presented a stature of glad sur
prise, motionless as if iu stone.
"Why don't you speak, Tim, to your
poor wife V Tell her what has kept you
away so long I Jxit us uot stand here wilh
tho people staring so."
"I'm happy now, wife, to begiu wilh.
Put that down ns a credit mark as long as
from here to the North Polo. I didn't go
home because I didn't know where to go."
"Didn't you know whereto go?" she
"No ! I lost the location out of my head,
nnd your memorandum out of my pocket.
I have had lo wait until you found me
as you have, thank you ! 'Why didu't you
go to the store V"
"So I did, the old one. No one was Ihore
uot an animate thing lo say where the new
store was, you never informed me."
"So I didn't, I forgot it. Why didn't
you go to the police V"
"I forgot it never entered my head.
You see 1 nm not used to u missing hus
band. O, I'vo been so miserable, and
Tim, there is a gentleman beckoning lo
It was Mr. Armless in his carriage.
"Seen the paper this morning, Doray V"
he nskeii as 1 camo up.
" Yes, sir I Tins is my wife, Mr. Armless.
e nave just loiiiul eneli other ly aeei-!
dent." j
"I'm very glad to know this, and your- j
self, madam" he en id bowing. "I was just :
on my way to the newspaper office to give
my testimony. I'm eju.l it, turned out so '
nicely." lie bowed, touched up his horses, '
then stopped them. j
"liy Ihc way, Doray," he began, as we j
came up, "take a couple of days' leave 1 j
you are entitled to it. It'll bo all right at j
the store," nnd with that he was away
without waiting to hear our thanks. j
Alter that wo walked homeward likelov-1
ers. The distance seemed short. I looked :
at the streets as we came before our house,
and made a mental calculation. j
Ix'tty. Letty," I cried in self-reproach,
"this house is only live blocks from our new I
store !" j
"It has been a thousand miles away for j
two days," she replied soi'ily. i
I looked into tho yard of tho mansion. !
Hless his dear little heart, there was Tod- i
iller sliding down tho cellar door, under :
the superintendence of a miss of six sum
mers. "Hello, Tod," I elided.
"O, papa 1" he veiled, running towards
mc, "lse glad you come, cos mama won't
cry any more." Aud we all went into the i
house and shut lint front upon the world. I
A H.u HEl.ou s.tys if you hand a lady a i
newspaper with a scrap cut out of it, not
a line of it will be read, but every bit ofj
interest the p.i)HT possesses is ceutered in i
finding out what the missing st rap con
tained, j
The l.ilo ltev. Samuel JJrowno. who shot j
and killed a German boy in his orchard, j
ucar Cumminsvillo, Ohio, a few weeks
since, for stealing fruit, and who died at
Valley Junction, Ind., last week, has made
muniliceut bequest to found a college
which shall bear his uatuc.
Six hundred Mormon recruits, single
men and biiiL'lu women, arrived in New
York from Kurojie ou Monday, iu the
steamer Miiottnata.
The number of new students this term
at Yale College is Uoo, of whom the acade
mical department lias 180, the scientific DO,
tho divinity (ill and tho law 2j.
A terriblo murder was committed near
Coluiulius, Ohio, yesterday morning, a man
being shot dead aud his wi'b cut lo pieces
wilh a coru-cutlcr by a druukcu farm
The Dkmh katk' Statesman is tho ti
tle of a straight out Democratic paper pub
lished iu Philadelphia. It deals vigorously
wilh tho men who have been selling aud
buying tho IXmiocralic parly.
The Itepublicau majority iu Maiue is
over 17,000.
10 Linos, or nlmnt 100 Words, make a Sqnnrt
1 S 9
1.00 'IMY
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:15.00 15.00' 75.00
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Nine "
Ouo Year
Cabbage ash pouteiu The following,
amusing anecdote is now going the rounds
of the English clubs and messes. It is said
to have happened quite recently.- An of
ficer was ordered on duty Irom one station
t another. In his traveling claim appear
ed tho item, "Porter,' fid." This was'
sliuck out by this War ofi!c . Tho officer
wrote back stating that the porter named
had conveyed his baggage from one station
to tho other, and that he would otherwise
have had to make use of a cab, which would
have cost Is. (id. lu answer to this he re
ceived an official reply stating that under,
these circumstances his claim would be aN,
lowed, but that he should use the term'
"porterage" instead of "porter." He, uu-,
able, wo presume, to resist tho temptation
which seized him, answered to tho cfiect
Hint, although he could uot discover a pre-;
cedent for the word "porterage," he would
nevertheless do ns he was told, and wished,
to know whether ho sliou'd uso the term
porterage when he meant "cab." The re-,
sponso was a severe reprimand from tUo.
War Otllce. The oWcer, however, had his
joke at their expense, not the first one,',
cither, that the petty economy of tho pre
sent (ioveniinent has called forth.
Kxai.AXu's Koast Uekk. Whilo the
high price of meat in England is creating'
wide-spread discontent, and the provincial
butcheries are clamoring for free trado in.
foreign cattle, it appears probable that im-,
porlations into England from the continent,
most be slopped altogether in consequence
of an extraord inary outbreak of the cattle
plague, in continental countries. It is said,
that of late every cargo of cattle from llus
sia has included diseased animals. Largo
numbers of infected cattle havo been disco,
vorcd among those lately landed from tier-,
many, and carcasses of diseased animals
are frequently washed ashore on tho coast,,
having been thrown overboard from ships
destined for English ports. It is consider
ed essential to the safety of English herds
that rigid restrictions should be placed on
importations of live stock under the condi
tion of nll'airs, and this will tend to still'
further increase the price- of animal food,
A llEAi TiFi r. Skxtiment. Life bears'
us on like the stream of a mighty river.
Our boat at first glides down tho narrow
channel through the playful murmurs of
the little brook and winding of tho grassy
borders. The trees shed their blossoms,
over our young heads ; the flowers on the
brink seem to oiler themselves to our young'
hands ; we tire happy iu hope, and "grasp,
eagerly at the beauties around us but tho.
stream Lurries on, and still our hands aro
empty. Our couisc in youth and manhood
is along a deeper and wider Hood, and has
objects more striking and magnificent,
We arc animated at tho animated picture
of enjoyment and industry passing around .
us, tire excited at some shorl-livcd disap-;
poiiitmcut. The stream bears us on, and
our joys and griefs are not left behind us. .
We. may bo shipwrecked wo cannot be
delayed ; whether rough or smooth, the
river hastens to its home, till the roar of
the ocean is in our ears, and thu tossing of
tho waves beneath our feet, and the laud,
leescns from our eyes, and Iho tlooils are
lifted up around us, and We take our leave .
of earth and its inhabitants, Until of out.
farther voyage there is no witness ewe tint'
infinite and the Etertnl.
How to Thy Vot u Pr.iEXiw. Let a
man fail iu business, what an cfiect it has
upon bis former creditors ! Men who have
taken him by the arm, laughed and chatted
wilh him by the hour, shrug up their shotil-.
tiers and pass with a cold "how do you do V"
Every tri.'le of a bill is hunted Up and
presented, thai would not have seen the
light for months to come, but for tile mis
fortunes of the debtor. If it is paid, well
and good ; if not, the scowl of tho sherill'
meets him at the corner, A man who
never failed knows but little of human na
ture. In prosperity he sails along gently, waft-,
cd by favorite smiles and kind words front
everybody. He prides himself ou his name
nnd spotless character, and makes his
boasls that he litis not nn enemy in the .
world. Alas! tho great change! He
looks at the world in a diilercnt light when
reverses come upon hitu. He reads sus
picion on every brow. Ho hardly knows
how to move ; or to do this thing or the
other ; there are spies about him, a writ is
ready for his back.
To know what kind of stuff Ibis world is
made of, a person must bo unfortunate,
and stop paying once in his lifetime. If ho
has kind friends, then they arc made man
ifest. A failure is a moral feive ; it brings
out the wheat and shows the dull'.
Josh Hillings thus speaks of a new agri
cultural implement, to which tho atten
tion of farmers is inv:,ed : "John lingers'
revolving, expanding, unceremonious, self
adjusting, sell'-groasiiig ami self-righteous
boss rake is now forever ottered to a gener
ous publik. These rakes aro as easy kept
iu repair ns a hitching post, and will rake
up a paper of pins sowed broadcast over a
tetmcro field of wheat sluble. Thezo rakes
kan he used iu the winter for a hen roost,
or lie sawed up into stove-wood for tho
kitchen lire. No farmer of good moral
kuractcr shuld bo without this rake.
Tin: tierm in Hand, which played at the
Jubilee, are having a roV in J'crlin upon
the division of the money made in this
country. Heir Saro, the leader, claims so .
large a portion ns his share that the matter
and the money is now iii hands of the au
thorities, with some prospect that the lat-.
ter may appropriate thu wholo amount for
tho benefit of the public service.
THE Emperor William of liermany has
recently bought a two-page letter of (ieorgu
Washington's for two hundred d illars.
Wi: Lear a great deal about labor reform, '
but there seems to bo a urealer need of re
forming some of those fellows who don't
A max courting n yoting woman was'
interrogated as to his occupation. " I am
a paper-hanger on n largo scale," ho re
plied. Ho married thu girl and turned out"
to Imj a bill-sticker.
It is charged that Charles U. 1'uckalow,
while a member of thu Senate, received a
watch as a brilKi for voting for a certain
bill. How is this, Charles? please explain.
Hen Wood made a bet of f 10,000 on'
Creeley's election, and put up f 1,000, lo
bo forfeited if tho balance was not forth-,
coming. Since the North Carolina, Vcr-,
mont and Maine election, he has given up '
Ih j election of lireeley and ordi red tho'
thousand dollars to be handed over lo Iho
gentleman wilh whom he bet.
Horace (irecley started last week ou au
electioneering tour through Ihu West.
Tho willianibpoi l rioters have becu par
doned by tiov. Ccary.
Tun debl imposed by the Southern re
bellion has Imcn reduced three hundred'
millions iu thicc years uud ' four' months.''