BARGAINS! SELLING Greatly Reduced Prices, the whole of the remaining stock of READY-IAD FOB ami FsirEtisMasg milt iimiB in order to make room for stock of now heing made CALL AT ONCE AND AT S. HERZFELDBR'S Popular Clothing Store, Corner Market and Third Streets, SUOTBTXRY, PA. Sunbury, March 23, 1872. ly. GO NEW m Central Variety tre ! IT of all a .a t I P3 W . i. i i H O DRESS GOODS, DRESS TRIMMINGS, SHAWLS, ALPAC CAS, CORDED ALPACCAS, lXlaues, Tickings, Notions in grout Variety. FRESH GROCERIES OF ALL KINDS; Wood and Willow Ware. Eloor, Table, and Stair Oil Cloths. CAEPETS. '3 H ri in great variety, lower than the lowest in price. Wall Paper and Window Shades. Go to FINNEY'S 3 o ft tn iJ 3 for tho Greatest Variety of Goods arriving c o 1 VICTOR ! VICTOR "3 C Agent for the Victor IMKKET STREET, one door oust Sunbury, May 4, 1S72. ly. UUTCIIEltY ! BUTCHERY ! MeKsrH. KEEFE.V A, Third Street, opposite Central Hotel, SUNBURY, FA., KEEP constantly on liunil tho very choicest of fresh REEF, Ml'TTOS AXD YEA I., which is fold at the lowest prices. Meat can be had nt all hours during the day. Ihinbury, Fa., June 8, 1S72. Presidential Campaign, CAPS, CAPES & TORCHES Seud for li.i.rHTHATun Cia IT1.1R AMI l'HlCg I.IST. CUNNINGHAM .V HILL, WANlFArTTllKllS, iNo. 204, ('uracil Sthf.kt, PHILADELPHIA. Juuu s, lai2. linoa. W. H. Blanks, HOUSE, SIOIST, AND ORNAMENTAL PAINTER, SUNBURY, I'ENN'A. Decorating and Paper Hunglrg done In the lulesl improved style. Orders solicited, which will receive prompt at tention. Residence in Puidytnwn, Emerick's building." ..alary, May 11, WW.-tf. mm BARGAINS!! OUT AT gaps, &c, the enormous to order for me. SECURE BARGAINS TO xBSKS, eJWJ'S. c H O r D kinds, Hi O c 9 H i i Q W O H p cr tft ! Triees the Lowest ! Daily. Good 3 I VICTORIOUS ! o Sewing Machine. of" Gonrlinrt'. Confectionery More, NEW SUMMER GOODS I MISM HATE I! LACK, MARKET SQUARE, SUNBURY, FENN'A. Blac k Pit ess Silks from SI 50 to $2 00 Japanese Silks, Bilk Pongcis, Plaid Poplius, Mixed roplins, llarnnl Irom 20 cents to l 00. BOI.I.Y YAUIU.N., Chiutqcs, Detains, etc. French Muslins, Mar sullies Quilts, Kid Gloves, with single Hud double buttons. Lace Shawls. A general nssortincnt of White Goods. LAWNS, OINr(ilIAMSnnd TIQUES, DEHSS TKI M MIXG8, LACES, &c., toid ul greatlv reduced prices. f iinbnry. May IS, 1873. O. W. KKEr'Eu It. A. OAs! JSTow G oods ! Dry Goods, Notions, Furnishing Goods, GroeerioH, Oil Cloths, Glass and Nails of every variety, at one low price, at KEEFElt & GASS' STORE, lorucr or Fourth and Market bt recta, 6UXBURT, PA. All kinds of Qraiu taken In exchange same us ch.1i. (.all and see us. KF.EFER .V GASS. Eunbury, April 37, 1873. SIZE H Op mix o o o Or Sagar-Coatcd, Conccuirnted, float and Herbal Jnlcc, AntIRlllona Granule. THE "LITTLE CSIAVT" CATIIAUTIC, or Multum In Parvo Pbyalc. . Tho novelty of modem Mcdleal, Chemical and Phsr mncenl icnl Hi ience. No n.e of any longer Ukinp the larire, repulsive and iirmpuoiis pill, composed of cheap, crude, and bulky iiiiii edieiile, v. lien we can by a careful application or chemical science, extract all the cathartic and nthcr medicinal properties from the tnot valuable ronta and herbs, and Ctinccntrale them into a minute Granule, acarcoly lftrgor lliau a innxturd aecd , that can be readily MVAllou cd by thoito of tho moH sensitive stomnclis and liistidlous tastes. K:wli little i'urgittlvo l'oIl tnp-.,'PTt, in n mot coneentmted form, os nine cut lion ic power a4 ii aiiOioillc l in any of the lan'o pills found for sale i:t tUo d;a siio;n. Vrom tlit'ir vvondcrliil cathartic power', In tnop.ii-iion to their slRe, ppoplo w ho have not tiled i.'in ftl opt t snppoo that tticy nio hareh or dni'tic in Cu'et, hut ench Is not at nil the cure, tho riitfmmt nctive medicinal principles of which they nro composed helns so liai.-onizcd and modirted, ono by llio others, as t prnilttce a ;Vi onri-liliijr and ilioronyh, vet RCUtly au.1 liludljr j)i ra. tiiifl ruihur'lir. $510 rtcwaril ts beroby offend by ?he prcprto t.or of these IVIlrts, to nry chemist wh". iij-ou an n' r'is, will ilnd In them niiy Calomel or other I'TU u( mercury or any other mineral poison. If t iii a nitirolr vcstolnblo, no cue is required vtliilo uslui? them. They operate without Uisturbanco to tho conHtitutlon. tint, or oe enpation. For J ail nd lo, Heut icc, Coji Kttpntion, Intpiire sllooil, J!i t;i mo MioiiKlci-H, 'a iaimioi-H of tiie a. til. zliles. Sour Ijrucl'.iliotia ( tiie Kt,-i. ncli, ISoJ tasco In moutli, liiilun.i uttackt, B'clu in rrolon I ! U n " ) o, Iiitorn:il I'evor, Illoacrrl foellna Huiit St o. ti it cli, iS ri ;t ol H iooil to Hle.',il,lipli Colori'rt llrluo, t'uaorlubility rn.l touniy rrcbo!lstjt", tnl:e Ifr. I'icrce'ii 'loBtant JKiirirutlvo I'eHcls. In explana tion of tho reineiid power of my J'urtrative J -lieta over so pret a variety ol cliiases. 1 wUh to par tlttt tlicir iielloii upon llio o oni. my la, not n (tluiKl or liattio rHcnplnti tbeir si'iiiMlic ImprehB. At;a doe not i;upair them: their sui:r.r-c.itlpL' ni.d bcii:2 enclosed in elaM bottles nrc?erve their virtues unim paired for any leni;Ul of time, in any climate, so that tueyara nhrnys fresh and relinblo, which is not the case with tho pills found In the drnp storeo, putnp in cheap wood or paste-board boxes. 1'ecollccl that for all diseases whero a l.nxallvc, Altcrollvo or Purnutivo is indlentel, thoo little Fell Is will give tho icost perfect satisiaclion toail who use tlicm. They are cold by nil rntcrprlelng Drugglsia at Hi cents a bottle. - So not allow any drurjeist to Induce you to talc anything else that I e niuy ttiy Is jnt-t as g rii as niy l'cllets because lie make a 1 .:wr pmat oa tl.atwhi' h he recommends. If your ditn;i:i-t cannot i-.'piy them, encloso 35 cents and receive theia ly i.'Uiru mail irom JL T. riZBCV, if. 1., Vit.p'r, VXUVkUi, K. Y. ' E1V A It It I V A t. SPRI1TG GOO IDS AT Clement Ss Dissinger's, In tho new Clement Building, Market Nquure, Nintbnry, Ia. We take pleasure in announcing that we have Just opened a new assortment of SPUING DRY GOODS, of nil Rtvlen nt the lowest prices. DOLLY VAltPEN, still rasing ill new and beautiful designs. PRESS GOODS, MOURXIXO GOODS, CLOTHS, CASSIMERES, VESTIXG8, &c, Ac. lteady-Madc C'lotbiug, a full assortment, which will be sold lower than elsewhere. Carpets, Oil Cloths and Floor Mat tiug. GROCERIES of all kinds, which are puaructecd nil fresh. QUEEN SWARE, W I LLOW WARE, &c, &c, &c. and in fact everything tliut cuu be mentioned in a lirst-cluss store. Call and examine our stock. Ilaving our siore llglited with Gas, goods cau he selected in the evening as well as iu the day time. Xo charges for showing goods. CLF.MEXT & D1S3INGER. April 20, 1ST'). ftil'XSYSIHF. IIF.ATF.H. St'SNTSiivR at Maryland Ftatb Faiu, Bal timoiik. First premium (or lire-placu lleateu awarded the Sunuyside. Advantages of the Smmyslde : 1. It is so cons-trueted that one-third more of the radiutinti surface extend Into the room, giv ing that much more additional heat without ex Iru fuel. 2. It is the only not-Air Fire-place Heater In the market. Like the regular bui.t cellar heater, it loses no heat, but confines it all to its legit i purposcs. 8. The fuel magazine Is double the usual size, extending from the fire-box to the top of tho stove, with capacity for twenty-four hours' sup ply of coal. 4. The patent double cover for conl magazine consumes the gas, prevents escape of pas into the room, nml makes it impossible for any puf fings or explosions to occur. This is an advant age possessed by no other tire-place stove in tho market. , There nre three air ceambcrs, wherein a brisk circulation is kept up, drawing the cold air in the room through healed Hues into a largo hot-air reservoir, nt the back of the stove. 6 No side pipes ate Ufed, as the uir Is heuti'il In a reservoir having double radiating Hues and double back, supplying large quautities of hot airw ithoiit waste of heat or fuel. 7. Tim Si NSVSiDB utilizes the wuste heat so thoroughly that we frequently heut an adjoining room on the tirst, Dcsiiics healing tne rooms in second and third etories. 8. A damper on top of the stove, connected with tho hot uir tines, controls tho quantity of hot air required for tho use of either the upper or lower rooms. All other flre-placo stoves are very Inconvenient in this respect. D. The Grate is sell-sealing, ana no nun can escape while slinking It. Cl L ttAl, l llr-liso.i ck . -., Philadelphia. H. B. MA&SKk, Agent. Nov. 11, 1871. TO TIIE'LAniENi GRAXD OPENING OF Millinery mid Funey Cioodt.. Spring styles of HATS nml BONNETS, trimmed ana untrimmeu. ah tnu micsi siyiea in STRAW, CHIP, LEG-IIORX, CACTUS, capolitau, Waterproof, Ac. School Hat and Suu Huts. TiiinmlngH Ribbons, Flowers, l.aces, Ac. Gloves), Collier tie (irurc, Crape, Crape Veils, Tissues, Neckties. Ramsey, W ar- uur ix Co. s r.uterni, ami an tne spriug stvles of Millinery Goods. Cull and sec my choice assortment. Li. V MM.ll. MurUct Street, one door west of Geaihurt's con- leelioncry store. April 20, 1873. W. D. MELICK, Druggist nnd Apothecary. (Successor to Dr. . W. Moody,) At the old established atand on Market Nquure, Nl XlllKY, 1A. Keeps constantly ou hand a full stock of well elected DRUGS & CHEMICALS, Druggist Fancy Goods, COMBS, BRUSHES, PERFUMERY, PATEXT MEDICINES, OILS, PAINTS GLASS, PUTTY, VARX1NII, IIYESTIFFN, lu fact everything usually kept lu a well cou dueled JDnXJO- STORR Particular attention paid to compounding Phy sicians proscriptions aud family receipts by the Propriutor himself. eunbury, pa., Juue 8, 1873." ibbcrtistnttnts. C A It V No. 03 Chestnut StrMt, PhileAolphia, PHILADEIPHIA. MF.SSrs. CALW.VF.U, ti CO.. DESIRlt TO CAU. ESl-T.f lAl. ATT'O'TIO:; TO THEIR IIS. PAUTMENT OF SOLID SILVER WATCHES. POSSESSO SUPERIOR FACILITIES THEY WILL BE F.XABLEI) TO PLACE BEFOP.R CUSTOMERS, IN ADVANCE OF THE GENE RAL MARKET, ALL THE NOVF.l TIES AND IMPROVEMENTS IN PILFER GOOD3 AS RA PIDLY AS PRODUCED, VERY PARTICULAR ATTENTION BEING GIVEN TO THE SPE CIATIE3 OF URIDAL AND OTHER PRESEN TATION GIF1S. THE STANDARD OF BILVEH LONG SINCE ADOPTED BT THEMIS THAT OF ENGLISH STERLING, P25-1000TH9 FINE, 1TIK QUALITY OF EVERY ARTICLE SOL! BEING STRICT LY GUARANTEED. ATTENTION IS RESPECTFULLY DIRECT ED TO THE UNVARYING BUSINESS POLICY OF THIS HOUSE IN REGARD TO THE FIRM LY ESTABLISHED SYSTEM OF FIXED PRICES, WHICH WILL BE RIGIDLY AD HERED TO IN ALL CASES, SECURING TO PURCHASERS, FAIRNESS AND EQUALITY IN EVERY TRANSACTION. POLITE ATTENTION MAY BE EXPECTED BY ALL WHO FAVOR THEM WITH A VISIT. ORDF.RS AND INQUIRIES BY MAIL, PROMPTLY ATTENDED TO. J. E. CALDWELL at- CO. Feb. 10, 1872. HORSE AND CATTLE IXSFRAKCE i'OMl AX Y. INSURE YOUR IIORSES f INSURE YOUR CATTLE ! INSURE with A responsible and perfectly Tell able Company. Insure where your losses Thia it u Mutual Protective Co. Hence, you nre sure of being paid promptly for all losses, if insured in this Com pan v. OUR RATES OF INSURANCE ARE LESS THAN THOSE OF ANY OTHER COMPANY. We pay losses accruing through theft, death by fire, accident, or natural causes, (eioeptintr epedemic diseases). We pay prompt. No red tape proceedings to get your money, In case of loss. CrSTER SoOOO paid on horses aud cuttle since organization. DR. D. WALDROX, President. C. A. REIMEXSNYDER, Scc'y, Sunbury, Pa. directors t F.x-Gov. James Pollock, Solomon Stroh, Wm. Brindle, Solomon Shipe. Johu A. Shissler, Dr. D. T. Krebs, Dr. David Waldron. Julyl3'72. J JARDWARE FOR ALL AT THE IIA11DWAIIE STORE OF J. H. CONNELLY & CO. Market Ntreet, Snnburj, In. It Is useless to enumerate every kind of article in his Store, but among the leading Items may be set down the following: Iron, Steel, Lend, Scales, Steelyards, Grindstones, Kails of all kinds aud sices, Vices, Saws, Planes, Sieves, Chain!!, Axes, Bruss and Irou Kettles, Shovels, Hoes, Forks, Spades, Rakes, Hatchets, Curpentcr and Blacksmith Boring Machines, Cellar Grates, Drawing Knives, Stone Sledges, Plasterers' Trowels, Masons' Hammers and Trowels, Hand Dinner Bells, aud large cast iron Bells for School Houses and Fanners' Dinner Bells, Carpenters' BcmVrotat I wt- Twh.c, Ropes, nnK.uTvcs and Forks, Spoons, Tacks, Mule and Horse Shoes and Nails, Hummers, Augurs, Chisels, Lanterns, Oil Cloths, Brooms, Locks of all descriptions. Coffee Mills, Bits and Braces, Carriage Bolts of all kinds, Paint and Wall Brushes, Buckets, Oils, Yarntahefs, Japuns,, Soda Ash, Washing Soda. PAIXT OF ALL K1MX In Oil or Dry, Furti-Colors of all kinds, CEDAR-WARE I and other Wooden-Ware of all kinds and very cheap, Hay-Fork Pulleys, Picks, Mill Picks, Levels, Level Glasses, File, Hinges, Coal Oil, Hems, Combs, Screws, Saddlery and Shoe Findings, Buggy Trimmings, Excelsior Ulnss Cutters. Pocket Knives, Scissors, Shears, Shot, Cap and l'otvder, nnd n great variety of other articles. Any thing wanted and not on hand, will be ordered ut ouce. Sunbury, Aug. lit, 1871. of attkaT:tio.v! Everybody Is Invited to come nud buy of the handsome assortment of TOYS AXD CONFECTIONERIES nt SAMUEL F. NEVIN'S STORE, In frame building, adjoining Moore A Disslngcr'a building, THIRD bTREET, SUXliURY, PA. Just opened u fresh supply of Confeclioneri;s of every description. TOYS OF ALL HI MIS coustaully on hand. The best RAISIN'S, FIGS, CURRANTS & DRIED FRUIT. PURE RIO COFFEE, TEA & SPICES, fresh Bread, B11113 & Cukes, every morning. FANCY CAKES, BISCUITS, CRACKERS, Ac. OYSTERS ! OYSTERS I OYSTERS I Having Dtted up a room expressly for serving up Oysters in every style, Lndies aud Gentlemen will be accommodated with the best bivalves iu market, at all hours during the day and evening. I amines will be supplied at their residence w itu the best Shell or Canned Oysters, as is desirable, at the very lowest prices. Call and see my excellent assortment of goods and ascertain the prices. B. r. XEVIN. Dec. 16, 1871. THADD'S S. SHANNON, THIRD AND MARKET SQUARE, Has In stock nnd constantly leceiving Novelties In his line, cousisting in part of a full lino of AMERICA WATCHES, Elgin, Illinois, Howard ft Co., Walthnm, Mas sachusetts, und Hoy's AMERICAN WATCHES; Also, a full set of Ladies, and Gent's Gold aud Silver Swiss Watches. Roman Gold sets, pluk coral and Gold sets, Enr-Rings, Nccklucea aud Peiiduuts, Ouyx and Jet Jewelry. Solid Silver-ware of Sterling purit, made to or der, llrltliil and Preaentallou rieces, Knives, Forks and Spoons lu cases, also, a full line of Silver Plated Goods, Tea Sets, lee Water Sets, Erbit Statids, Cnko Da.kets, C'olfee Urus, Fork, and Spoons treble plated, the heel iu the markets SPECTACLES. If you vuluo your Eyesight, use tho Perfect Lenses, ground from minute Crislle Pebbles mel ted together, and derive there uuine "Diamond" on account of there hardness aud brllliuuey. They will lust mauy years without chuuge, aud wurruuted Suerlor lo all others iu use. TABLE CUTLERY. Ivory, Pearl aud Metal liaudloa In cases sup plied lo order, CLOCKS. A full assortment of Eight day and Thirty hour Clocks, alao Calender Clin ks ol all dUcrip lions. Engraving doue at the shortest uotice. Watches, Clocks and Jewelry, Repaired and Satlsfuctiou warranted. All goods will be sold art the very Lowest Cash Prices. Every body is cordially Iuvltcd toCullaud Examine for themselves. Dou't forget the place. T. 8. SHANNON. tuobory, Dee. 16 tf. ibbcrtiscmenis BADWAY'S READY "RELIEF ('IRIS TUB WOltSJT FAINS In from Ono to Twenty ittlnuto. WOT ONI HOUR nfrr (t with I'aim. AavtTAX ait rtKuf.P lis A CVU roa rain. It ,Mli! fr III Is TliC Only lslti Itemed jr lft ln''.uillr Stops U.. Sin irucl.1rri vain,, allays Tn fhrii2Mt-.ii. .a0 t-iut-s C'.i.fesklii wltrlh.'r .f ui. Lu.c ttniit.11',, .r st'Mf aiaiia. .r .rgBa, tj an. atpafi i"'' in rrton OTIB TO TW5VTT MtNCntS. 1'fi T?i'.tHr lib ,:rll rr ,x,ruclMtliif II.. pain Hie RHEU MATIC, rU'il-rlililen, Inirm, Crli.pWd, I'arfuus, H.araiat or prottrntvit vlik 4txm amy auffr, RADWAY'8 READY RELIEF WtU, AFFORD INSTANT KASU. IVFLAMMATIO IF TMF. KtlJNETS. INFLAMMATION OK TUB BLADDSa INFLAMMATION Of TIIK UOWSLS. fONUKSTIO.N OF TTTK LVHOf. ROnit THROAT, PtFlK'ULT r.KF.ATlllNO. I'ALflTATtON OK TUK llCART. 1IVSTERIC9, CnOUP, Wl'IITIIEHlA. CATAUKU, 1NFLCENJA. UEAtlACIlE, TOorUACttti;. cold cnn.T.s, aqfk nm.i.s. Tii. nvfhc:a!uii of the Kenilv Krilcr tn the part or prl where Ui. pain or diOluuily calA. wUI afl'ont mm aad tumforl. Twenty lrr. In bltf a tiimMer of wstsr wit! tn a frw m..m,nU rnre CHAMPS, l-PASMH. PoUll STOMACH, HEAKTntKV, HIIK IlKAliACHE. PlAKKHKA, DYSHNTK.UY. COI.lf, VLNI IN TUB BOWELS, anil all I.VTFHNAI. PAINS. . . Tnivrlcr .hmiltt alwavs carry a bottle e-f 1tn4wav Itcaity Relief llienr. A few tirnpa lu water will itri-vi'ii all ni.. or pain, from ctmnfre of wnler. ll la belter than FrwrcU Hratiily ur Jtitlcr, as a stimulant. FEVF.H AMI tfit E. FEVER AMI A'iUK ciolmI ttr flftv eenu. There t ant a rvineilixl aat.t la this worM tlml wlil cure Fever and Acne, ana ail otner Malarious, Itillnun, seiner, ivnnoin, Yrlln. and oih.r Fevers tallied liv ItAIIWAY'H PlLLS) an ii'iick u It AD WAY 'rt 1IKADY RELIEF. Fifty aeaU 1t buttle. Bld by DruggUt,. HEALTH ! BEAUTY! ! MTtONO AND PFRH TtlrH m.OOD-lNCREASR OP H.KSlt AND WKtHIIT-CLnAR SKIS AND EKA.U TlFL'Ii COMPLEXION BKC'UKED TO ALL. DR. RAD WAY'S SARSAPARILLIAN RESOLVENT UA M APE TnR MOST ARTOXlSlllNrt rt;RE9; PO Otjn ti. HO ItAlMl AUK THE PllANOKM THE llODY fTMEKoKS, I'NPEll THE INFLUENCE t'l"" TUld TKULY WUiNDKllf MEDICINE, THAT E.'ory Day on Incrcnso In Flosh nnu Wolght Is Seen and Felt. THE CKAT BLOOD PURIFIER. Fverv dmo n.' BAU8.1AUH.U AN RKSOLVKNT M-ntBtinlcHtpn tlirt.'i (lie Ulnoil. BvriMt . I rl ., ml ether fluldi nnd lute of th.- n,tHcm Um v1Cur ut Its, f-;r It rt-pM-i Hie wiutps of il.o "J M'1,',t nm vriiJ. t i..ti. T.Jei l l t:.0 (i WK.I ninl other r.artinf lit Fvi-m, H..ri fcvoa, lfum,V" 1,lf,i?f"'' from tlio Ern. Htul the worst form vt t. p'l(h "I1 tlorm, Ffver H rn. Boahl Ilftvl. Itn V ' i 'J Ervlpelus Acne. Mitel Sp-Mi, Worms In tuO - "'iJI Si t'liiutr In Hie Womb, nml nit wpftkchhif ul I : .-,! charffH, Niglit Swain. of Sjiprm, nnrl Bit . C ! life principle, ra within tho fimtivo rnugn of tlil of MHkni Cliciiiltttry, and n f v iTuts u will prfle td tiny Mnin ii-Idk It fr cither if tlu-M foiuit of otBeuse tiotrnt pwr t cnr tlirni. If tha patient, Oftliy bfi-omlnc rerluofft br tlit waatci and -fL-omjiOfiltinn tluit Is cmtlnuiillv irofreMln(r, tuefBetU In nrrfftins tUeso wsitci, nntl ro,'irH tfi mine w :h now mver I il n.itle frum liclthv hlt...d mhI this Uia fcAKSAl'AlilL LIAN will am! dns ffur Not only doci llio rtAaAPAnn.T.T?f afrl all 1-.ii'wm ri-mi iilrtl nfnt In M curt cf I'lmmte, ficrnfnlom, 1 mutitntioijal, anil bkm dliunci ; but It It tliB tiuly po&lLlvo cur for ImUInoy & Bias. tier Complaints, Frlnnrv, a"tl Wmub iUhm, CJrnvct, IMahftt1, Irnpsy riiitM:iKtr of Vstr, Inonl IncHi't ft lTrlnr, Urihfi lHraa Alt-;iniiiiiri, nnl In n'l f:cn m hi-ro tln-ro lire rirk tiuwl do 1 o-Jts. or tt.w watrr l Illicit, clntidv, tiilxcd villi itih3t:inrt.a lUau the whlto of n -cr, ur Ihrviidn like white r.k, or llicra ha niurlittl, ilark, ulllniia appcaranra, antl white btinf (hut rirpottitft. nnd wh?n thpre It ft l'lk-kln. t.nrtiim fr-i,!1ioii v tfu iittlitjt waitr, and -n lu ilia btwall tvf tliu Hock aud iJd'if t!io I ,Vn. J'rlct?, tl.yO, VVORMS.-Tli ouly toowu aiul tura Rcmtily for TTur i'm, lupt, ctr. Tumor of 13 Yonr CSrowtli Cured Ey ISalvay Kcsolvcnt. PtTr t. Mam., J-ly IV 1869. Tk. R.TtwAVi I ftxvt hft Ot-rian Tumor In ttit orirlii ana fAWt-U. All the Doftorf t!ii4 " liter; wit nt httpfur It." I trivi vtry Ihtit tu rtromiiMiflrtl ; 1ml " tiling hrlrit ir. I Mr T-ur lirr'Tvoiit, nnd lhniijhl I woM try It Lit had nt filth In It, 1M1t I Ltd .llflffeXt tor tWrW Vt-flM. I to-k U fcfllltl ef til KeMli'it. id on lxt of K.4ilway TilH, nid two brttlti f ynr ItfHv Rciif i and thvr h nt a ipti of luimr lo b twn or f!t, ril f fi Wtrr, amnrtar, kh-I tipricr than I htira for I jrttrt. Tne t luntr wi in m ih nit 01 ii ikjw.ii, rvtr 1110 rrom I writ tUU U yvu Ux tilt tuneht of etkifri. Vru tun rill-li it i HANNAH r-VNAfP. DR. RADWAY'S PcKFECT FOP.GATIVE PILLS, p?rfrctl)r tiFte.t, t-'flrantly contetl with iwct-t pirn, rrf fC'lve, piirlfv, ci canst , an I at relict lit n, II:irtway Y9 for the cir- of all ii-Mirdor of tho Munriefc. Liver, Uowc Is, Kuliic-, WiitMcr, iW-rv-mi l).-", llradarlie, Ci-nrtlra-tio-i, i 'itiveiifiH, Imllirfiition, lyp(ep-ia. UilioutnrM. P l tuiin Ffvt-, l!il)imnuUlu ot ti e IU.wcIp. Tile, nnd all I)e-ruiipt'TiiCu-a ut th? Inter-al Vltwera. M'nrratited to effect a positive cure. Purely VegeluUe cooU1lu:j( no nicrcur't ii'tM ul, tr ildjlrttTii'iis dnips. jtr- o..slrv4i.ifvB' o,iaii.T'"''" . - " "n.t;p.Moa, lwn-J rilM, Fullmt. rf lk TlJ 1. Ihe ltd .c:Jily of is, K: .L.h, Pl..ritum, llpuitof T.vA, Kull t. w- Wt'.f'ii ui I1!- K-om..!!, Sour h ruit.Munf , skl.iiiff or KlulWT li:f .t lla.i lfit I'.. !. ...i ll. fwlnin'lMr of U' II-..I. Iliirrl Mi4 1 'rSi -lit Erotliiu. M. I tti: at lb. Hr .rl, CboLinir or fcufWeline; t-tittitt. wn I. M I IV.tu , I'iniDe.1 ol Vltlon. It.t. or W.n. ..luro tli H cl.t, Ai.r.'.il l:ili r(u la the llMl. nrtlclto.-jr tf 'iT.j.lrtly.(, Yrlt.u.. it lit r-V a ril K)r. Vr.'.n III th. S' I.., L n.b, anj tiulj.d .!uK.. ll lltiit, I'urelne U lb. A r.iv f , t V.l P'Ti V t ril.T.a wUI t-.-a WiHT-etem f. n .:i t!,e - iii.rut:.. Tilce, 25 ctnu rtr box. fI.l tT I CT.iT. 1:fi 1 rI. .r A Mi 'I V.VF. " k)trManp ta hi !- Y A .. K i. n l ane, Xaar-Vutk. t.ii'.i :ni. II... wm t !i I :ti'tr.'.:it will Vi it. 1.1 ycu. March SO, 1S72 i-3ea t. :-a .svtw-a So Person can take three Bitters accord ing to directions, and remain long unwell, provided llieir bones are not destroyed bv mineral poion or other means, and lite vital organ, wasted bevond ilia point of reair. Dyeprpela or ImUgeatlon. Headache, Pain in the Shoulders, Coit;h, Tightness o( the Cheat. Dull ness, Sour Eructations of the Stomach, Had Taste in the Mouth, Bilious Aitaclis, Palpitation of the Heart, In flammation of the Lungs, Pain in the regions of ihe Kid neys, and a hundred other painful ayniptoms, are the off. aphnga of Dyspepsia. In llie&e complaints it haa no equal, and one bottle will prove a tetter guarantee of its merits than a lengthy advertisement. For Female ('ouilnlnls. in young or old. mar ried or aingle, at the dawn of womanlioid, or the turn of life, these Tonic Bitters display so decided an influence that a marked improvement is soon perceptible. For Inflaniuiatory ali.1 C'liroltle Rheu matism and Gout, Bilious, Kemitteitt and intermit, tent Fevers, Diseases of llio Blood, Liver, Kidneys and Bladder, these Bitters have no equal. Such Diseases are caused by Vitiated Blood, which is generally produced by derangement of the Digestive Organs. They nre a Gristle luratlve as well a a Tonic, possessing also the peculiar merit of acting as a powerful agent in relieving Congestion or Inltammalion 01 ihe Liver and Vis?.! Otgans, and in Bilious Diseases. For elktll IJIe&eee, Eruptions, Tetter, Salt Rheum, Blotches, Spot.-, Pimples, Pustules, Hoils, Car buncles, Ring-worin, b.ald-Head, Sore Kycs, Erysipelas, Itch, Scurfs, lliscolortionsof the Skin, Humors and Dis eases of the Skin, of whatever name or nature, are lit erally dug up and canitd out of the system in a short time by the use of that IJittere. The properties of Da. Walksi's Vinsgab BtTTaaa era Aperient, Diaphoretic and Carminative, Nutritious, Laxative, Diuretic, Sedative, Counter-irritant, Stidoiific, Alterative, and Anti-Bilious. (rataful Thou. and proclaim VtHiaaa Bit tsks the most wonderful luvigoraul that aver sustained tha sinking system. J WALKER, Prop r. R.II. McDOSALD a CO., Druggists and Gen. Agls., San Francisco, CaJ., and comer of Washington and Charlton Sla., New York SOLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS AND DEALERS. June 29, lb72. 3nl. WM. sll'HHAY. i. BLAYMAKEK. WM. M. HLACK, MURRAY & CO., Wholesale Dealers In MACHINERY AND BURNING OILS, Office and School Stationery, Printing, WruppluK nud Manilla PAPERS, PAI'Elt IIAGM, ale., Ac. The Colebrati-'d orry Kerosene DurningOU always on hand. Having also opened a COAL YARD, we are prepared to supply at short notice, and at the loweat rales, EGO, STOVE, CHESTNUT and TEA COAL to all who may be pleased to give us a call. Orders left at our olllce No. 85 South Third St., will be promptly tilled. MURRAY & CO. No. S5 Pouta Third Btrett, Sunbnry, Pa. A Of. So, 1871. ttmiufnctiircr. S1ACIIINE SHOP AM IROM roVNDRV. GEO. IIOIIRBACII & SON8, Nunbnr, Penn'a, INFORM the public that they are prepared to do all kind of CASTINGS, and having added a new Machine Shop In connection with their Foundry, and hare aiipplied thcmaelvea with New Lathea, Planing and Boring Mr.chlncs, with the latcat Improvements. With tin aid of fk ill Till mecbanlca, they art auabled to execute all orders of NEW WORK OR REPAIRING, that may be iflten them, In a latlsfactory man ner. OrAlca) to milt any Stove. IRON COLUMNS, for churches or other build ings, of nil sizes. BRASS CASTINGS, &c. Ornamental Iron Fencing FOR GRAVE YARD LOTS VERANDAHS, FOR YARDS AT RES1DF.NCE9, C, AC. The PLOWS, alrendy celebrated for their su periority, hnve been still further improved, and will always be kept on hnnd. Aiso, THRF.PHING MACHINES. Sunbury, May 20, 1S71. I.L'MIIER AXD PLAMXtJ MI I.I.N. Third Street, adjoining Phlla. A Erie R. R., two squares .North of the Central Hotel, SUNBURY, PA. IRA T. "CLEMENT, IS prepared to furnish every description of lum ber re'iuired by the demands of the public. llnviiiS all the latest Improved machinery for manufacturing Lunbcr, he is now ready to till or ders af all kinds of FLOORING, SiniNG, DOORS, SHUTTERS, SASH, BLINDS MOULDINGS, VE RANDAS, BRACKETS, nnd all kinds of Ornamental Scrowl Work. Turn ing of every description promptly executed. Also, A LAIIOK ASSORTMENT OF 131 LL LUMBER. HEMLOCK and PINE. Al, Shingles, Pickets, Lathe, Ac. Orders promptly filled, and shipped by Railroad or otherwise. IRA T. CLEMENT. dcrl-CM:ly S'rTVK &r ijT kstahi.i.hii.m ext. MARKET STREET, SUNBURY, PA. ALFRED KRAUfSE, Proprietor. slCt'ESJOR TO SMITH (IKNTHEIl.J TT AVING purchased the above well known cs JlJL tiililislimenl, Mr. Krause would respectful ly iiifi'nn th public that he now has on hand a 1 1 nre R.-k.rtmetit f k (MlOKI K STOVES, Spcer's Cook An!UJs' liciriilator or Revolving Top, Combination, Sus'iuchumin nnd others, which nre so nrrnnpcl i to lc used for Coul or Wood, nnd nre warranted to perform tatisfuctori ly or no sale. HEATERS oiH kinds put tip to licat one or more rooms. HEATING STO E3 of dillcreut kinds ot very low prices. Tinware of Ev-ry Ietefriplou kept constantly on hand. Rontlni; and Cpouting iih Hi. Iinst material, done nt short notice. REPAIRING attended to with dispatch. Coal Oil ni.d Lamps constantly on hand. Japan ware of a ..nd.i. Store opposite Conley'a hardware stora. Give me a call. A. KRAUSE. aplL'4-ly CA llli iTtlJE SI A X I FACTORY, SUX15UHV, PEXX'A. J. S. SEASHOLTZ, "TJ'OULI) respectfully announce t the cltl- V r.ens of Sunbury and surrounding country, that he is prepared to manufacture nil styles of Curt-luge, i:i.ririrN. ale., at hia ncv shop on east Market atrevt. He will furnish every description of, both 1?LAIN AND FaNCT. In short, will make everything in his line from a fli'st-clasa carriage to a wheelbarrow, waittuitcd tr K ...' "e '"ii nnd mott durable materi ala. and by the mopt experienceii worKineti. All work sent out from hi establishment will be found reliable in evxry particular. The putrouagd of the public l anllcitel. .1. S. SEASHOLTZ. Sunbury, Nov. 4, '"l.-ly. New Store! New Goods! P. J. BYROD, Having takei the store room lately occupied by H. Peters, ci m r of Third and Church streets, SUNBUKY, PA., has Just opurd a new stove, with nn ratirs new Hoik if goojr, comprising of Dry ood on.! (.rororioH. The Dry Good, ih'partiueiu is complete, having a fcrncral assortment of Cloth., CvsiniorcH, Calicos, DeLuins, and everything in thu Dry Goods liuc. The ;kk i:;tn s are all freeli, and consifls of Tea, CofTee, Sugar, Mollasscs, Spices, Meat, Eih, Ac. lllotv-ll nre aud tlas.Vuro, a general assortment. Iu fact everything kept iu a first-class store, can be had Ht the most reasonable prices for cash. Having located ill Sunbury fur the purpose ol becoming one of its citizens, 1 hope that by lair dealing nnd strict attention to business to merit a shale of the public patronage. My nmtto la ''Small Profits and Quick Sales." All are cordially invited to call and examine my goods, as no charges will be made lor show ing I tiein. F. J. BYROD. Sunbury, April 20, 1S72. I. ut'Uimitiiuu anil ttlooiiiisbur l!ail- ro SUMMER ARRANGI' V'r.ST OF PASSENGER f. AINS. Jio .ilav, .Till v 17,"1S71. bOUTHWARI). Leave. 1A.M. P.M. A.M. P.M. PM. Scranton, Hellevue, Tay.'orville, 0 45 50 57; 1 45 10 05 I ' 10 17 10 20 2 11 10 85 10 40 3 21 10 47 10 62: Lnckawaiiua, rittston, Wist Pittston, Wyoming, Millhy, Kingston, & ) st. W.-liarre yc'rs Plyinouth June, Plymouth, Naiilicokc, ilunltH'k'a, Shiekshlnny, Hick's Ferry, Heiieh Haven, Herwick, Briar Creek, Lime Ridge, Espy, llloomrburg, Rtiert, Cutuwissa, Danville, t'hulasky, 7 40. 3 33 '1 00, 7 M 4 55 1 8 00! 5 00 7 50 8 00' 8 07 8 22 ! 8 06 8 43! 8 50; 8 57: 9 b7 8 14; U 10 0 20! 0 3ll 9 51! 9 60: 3 40 8 05 5 05 8 201 8 80; 3 08, 3 27; 3 341 8 45 S 57 t itmeroii, 10 03; North'd, (arrive.) 10 20. 4 52; NORTHWARD. Leave. Northumberluud, Cameron, Chulusky, Danville, Cntawlssa, Rupert, Hloomsburg, Espy, Lime Ridge, Briur Creek, Herwick, Beach Haven, - Hick's Ferry, Shickshiutiy, Hunlock's, Nuulleoke, Plyinouth, Plymouth June., Kingston, & I st. W.-lturre J c'rs Mullby, Wyoming, Wert Pittston, PKlsiou, Lackawanna, Taylorvllle, Bullevue, Scranton, (arrlvs) 8 SO 8 4o! 8 45 8 52 1 9 04; 9 14 9 25 9 82 9 40. 13 43, 8 00 8 13 8 18 8 liS 8 3d 8 42 8 48 5 40 3 54 5 4T 8 59 ft 02 8 07 6 00 3 10 B 10 8 28 8 17 8 301 0 26 13 53 1 14' 8 48 PAVID X. ItOUtD. Bu-'u A.M. P.M. 10 5 5 10 & 27 5 81 10 SO 5 40 6 00 6 05 U 14 6 12 6 17 6 24 8 84! 11 SO 6 4li 11 43j 6 4S A.M. 6 55; 13 OO! 7 00, 7 80 I I 7 24 T 45 IPM. P.M.I 7 81! 8 00 12 20 7 4L 8 15 P.M. 5 10 I 8 20 i 5 15 13 84 7 51' 1 ! Rending Railroad. BUMMER ARRANGEMENT. JTittratldy, AvauH Ut, 1872. Trains lenva Hiirrlsljurg for New York, a lows i At 5.00, H.10, a. m. and 8.00 p. m., con necting with trains on the Pennsylvania Rail road, and arriving at New York at 12.10, 8.60 and tl.40 p m. respectively. Returning i Leave New York at 8.00 a. m., 19.05 noon and 8.00 p. m., Philadelphia at 7.80, o.otr n. in. mm jr. ni. Loute liarrlsburg for Reading, Fottsvllle, Tft- mariia, Mlnersvllle, Ashland, Bhamoklo, Allcntown and Philadelphia at 5.00. 8.10 a. m.. 9.00 and 4.05 p. m., stopping at I.ehanon and principal way stntions t the 4.05 p. ni., train connecting for Philadelphia, Pottsvllle and Co lumbia only, ror rottsrine, Bctinylltill Haven and Auburn, via Schuylkill nnd Susquehanna Railroad, leata liarrlsburg at 8.40 p. m. East Pennsylvania Railroad trains leave Read ing for Allcntown, Easton and New York at 7.00, 10.40 a. m., and 4.05 p. m. Returning, leave New York at 9.00 a. ni., 13.05 noon and COO p. m. and Allentown at 7.S5 a. m. 12.25 noon, 2.15, 4 85 and 9.85 p. m. Way Passenger Train leaves Philadelphia at 7.30 a. in., connecting with train on East Penn sylvania Railroad, returning; Irom Reading at 6.20 p. in., stopping at nil stations. Leave Pottsvllle ut 5.110, 9.00 a. in. ond 2.E0 p. m. Herndon nt 10.00 a. in., Shaniokin ut 5.40 and 11.15 n. tn. i Ashland at 7.05 a. in., and 12.43 noon; Mahiinny City at 7.51 a. in. nnd 1.20 p. vn. 'lamnqun nt H.8 n. m. nnd 2.10 p. in. for Philadelphia. New i oik, Rending, Hnrrisburg,&c. Leave PoUbvIIIo via Schuylkill and Susque hanna Railroad at 8.15 a. in. for Harrisburg. and 11.45, for Pine Grove and Tremont. Pottsvllle Accommodation Train leaves Potts vllle nt 5.o0 n. m., passes. Reading nt 7.05 n. m. arriving ut Philadelphia nt 9.85 a. m., returning leaves' Philadelphia ut 5.15 p. in., passing Read ing nt 7.40 p.m. urriving nt Pottsvllle at 9.20 p.m. Pottstown Accommodation Train leaves Putts town at 6.45 a. m., returning leaves Philadelphia (Ninth nnd Green,) at 4.yo p. m. Columbia Hailiuud Trains lentrc Reading at 7.20 a. m., nnd 0.15 p. in. for Ephruta, l.itiz, Lancaster. Columbia, Ac. j returning leave Lan caster nt 8.20 a. ni. and 3.25 p. in., and Colum bia nt 8.15 a. m. and 8.15 p. in. Perkionicn Rail Road Trains leave Perkiomcn Junrtlonav7.85, 8.55 a.m., 2.55 and 5.40 p. ni. Kctnrniug,lunve Green Lancnt 0.15, a.m., 12.115 and 4.20 p. m. connecting with trains on Read ing Rail Road. Pickering Valley Ruilroad trains leave I'hiB nixvilleat 0.10a. in., 3.10 and 5.50 p. in. j re turning, leave Bycrs at 6.35 it. in., 12.45 noon, aud 4.20 p. tn., connecting with trains ou Read ing Railroad. Colehrookdnlc Railroad Tr.tlns leave Tottstown at 9.40 a. m., 1 .80 and 6.25 and 7.15p. m., return ing leave Ml. Pleasant at 6.00, 8. 10 and 11. "J n. in , nnd 3.25 p. in., conr.eitiii"; with tiaiaa on Reading Railroad. Chester Valley Railroad Trains leave Bridge port at 8.30 n. tn., 2.40 and 5.33 p. in. returnli.g, leave Dowmngtown ut li.55n. m., 12.30 and 5.4J p. m. connecting with trains on Rending Railroad. On Sundays : Leave New York nt tt.OO p. in., Philadelphia at 8.00 a. in. and 3.15 p. :n.. (the 8.00 a. in. train running only to Reading;) leave Pottsvillent 8.00n. in., leave' Harrisburg. 5.00 n. m., and 2.00 p. in.; leave Allentown at 4.35, 9.35 p. in. ; leave Reading ut 7.1oa. m. and VI.55 p.m. tor Marriburg, nt 7.00 a. m. fi.r Now York, nt 7.20u. in. for Allentown and at 9.10 n. ta. and 4.15 p. m. for Plillutlel'a. Cbtnmntation, Milc:i;-e, Se:inn, Seliool and Excursion Tickets, to and from r.ll point at re duced rates. Baggage checked thnvgli: 100 Pounds B:ig g.lge allowed each Passenger. J. E. WOOTTEN, Asst. Supt. ft Eng. Macli'rv. Xurtltorn Central Kuilnity. BUM M Erl AKR ANG F.M EST. and after Juue 10, 1L-TI, trains will ran ns follows .- NOR-IIWAKD. Niagara Express Haves Sunbury at 15.30 p. in., for N i:i guru Falls Mail arrives ut Sunbury at 4.10 p. in., urrivo tit Wiiltamsport 6.45 and Elmira 10. JO p. ui. Fust Line arrives at Sunbury at W.5J p. in., arrive at Wil'iianisport 8.15 p. m. Erie Mail leaves Sunbury at 0.00 a ta ; Wil liamspoit at b.05 a in, and urrivo at Elurra at 1.30 a m. 60UTHVAi;:i. Mail leaves Sunbury at 11X5 a. ni., arrive at liarrlsburg 1.45 p. in." Eri Express leaves Suiibtiry at T.4,1 a. in., ar riv ut Harrisburg 9.25 a. 111., Baltimore 1.15 p. 111. Erie Mail leave Snnbi;i v ut 12.45 n. 111., arrive 1 at Harrisburg 2.30 u. ta., Uitliiniorc 01. 1 a. r.i. ' Niagara Express leaves I . 11 tjiiry at ri l.G p in, j Ilurrisbarg at S.15p ui,arrivcsiH li.tltituuic 11.50 1 p ui. S1IAMORIN DIVISION. EASTWARD. Leave Btinbury nt 4.40 p. in., arrive nt S'j.nno kin 5.50 p. in., Ml. Curniel 6.40 p. ni. Le.tte Sunbury ( Aeconimndutioii,) ut 12. S3 a. m., ariive at SUamukin 2. 35 p. m. wrsiwjiiu. Leave Mt. Carmel nt 7.00 a. m., Sliamokin 7.40 a. m., arrive at Sunbury 9.55 . in. Leave Sliiiuiokin (Accommodation,) at 2.45 p. in., arrive ut Suubury 4.0J p. ni. Express leaves daiiv. Ail M her trains leave daily, except Sundays. A. R. Fiskh. " En. S. VufMii Gfti'l. Sup't., Gi-n'l Passeu'r ALr't., Harrleburg, Pa. lialimnre. M.l. I'hilixlflpliiti und Erie Huilroud. SUMMER TIME TABLE. On and after Monday, June "d. 1S72, the Trains on the Philadelphia & Erie Rail Koad will run us follows t WESTWARD. Mail Tralu leaves Philadelphia, " " " Sunbury, " " arr at Erie, Eric Express leaves Philadelphia, " " Sunbury, " " an at Erie, " Elmira Mail leaves Philadelphia, " " " Sunbury, " " arr ut Lock Haven, 11.30 p in n.10 a tr 7.;:o i) it 12.30 p m 0.55 p tn 7.40 a 111 7.50 a ui 4.5 p 111 7.45 p m Niagara Express leaves Philadelphia, 7. 2d a r.i " " bunliury, ' " arr at Rt-novo, EASTWARD. Mali Traiu lcovcs Erie, " " " Stinburv, " " arr at Pliilade'lpliia, Eric Express leaves Erie, " " Sunburv, " " arr at Philmle'lphia, Elmlr.1 Mall leaves Lock Haven, " " " Sunbury, " " arr at Philadelphia, Niagara Express leaves Reiiovo, " " Sunbury, 12.;.5 p 111 4.15 a III 11.25 11 111 12.40 a m 0.40 a in 7.50 p m 7.40 a in 1.20 p ut 7.35 a 111 10.50 a tn 5.50 p m 2.25 p in tl.25 p 111 " " arr nt Philadelphia, 12.01 it m Mall East connects east and wcet ut Erie with L. 8. M. S. R. W. and at t'orrv and Irviuetou with Oil Creek and Allegheny R. 11. W. Cattawissa paeseuger trains will be run east from Williuiiispni t 011 Erie Express, aud west, to WiUiatusport ou Eluiira Mail. WM. A. BALDWIN. Gen'l Sup't. Danville, llailelon V M ilkt'Kbarre R. R. I'euua. 1C. R. Co. Efatsice. SUMMER ARRANGEMENT. On and after this date Passenger trains on the D., II. tit W. R. R. will ruu as follows : WESTWARD. EASTWARD. LF-AVI . New York, Philadelphia, Fusion, Ilethlehem, A.M.: LEAVE. 6;00 Sunbury, 8:00 Danville, 9:25 ( ', 10:05 iluxlcton, p. u. 1:00 Pctltlchem, 8:40 Ealon, A. m. 6:2l. 7:0-3 7:2S 9:08 r. t. 12:10 12:35 2:15 Hazleton, Cattawissa, Danville, S'O Philtidelphia, SunUury, arrive 3:57 New York, arr. Trulu West arriving at Sunbury 3:57 p. ni., makes close connections with trains on Philadel phia & Erie R. R. for Milton, Williamspoit, Lock Haven and uil points Wist, Elmira and all points North, also with Northeiu t'cutial Ralli wuv. for liarrlsburg and Raltiiiioro. triT'New and elegaul coaches run through be-, tweeu Suubury aud Enston. FRANK THOMPSON, Supt. D. II. & W. K. R. grPT'a Orrtr", WiLLUMsroiiT, Pa. i Mayl, 18M- COALI CO VE! OAI.I-GRANT UROS. Shlpiicrs and Wholesale und Retail Deulcrs iu WHITE AND RED ASH COAL, SUNBURY, PA, (LOWCH WHARF.) t-f" Sole Agents, westward, at the celebrated; Henry Clay t'oaL anl9-6 8:50 r-