I BARGAINS! SELLING Greatly Reduced Prices, the whole of the remaining stock of READY-IADE v o n MEM and in order to make room for the stock of now being made CALL AT ONCE AND AT S. HERZPELDER'S Popular Clothing Store, Corner Market and Third Streets, tuntmry, MaitK M, lS72.-ly. GO NEW Cent W of nil kind, V DRESS GOODS, DRESS TKT-UMJN'GS, SHAWLS, ALPAC- V CAS, COUDKD ALl'ACCAS, I H IVlitucH, Tickings!, Notions in grcur Variety. FRESH GROCERIES OF ALL KINDS. Wood aiiil Willow Ware. Floor, TalnY, tuul Stair Oil Clotlis. CARPETS. in yi'fat vfitctv. lower Wsill Paper and Window Shades. Go to FLIISrEY'S for the Greatest Variety of Goods ! I'licee. tho Lowest ! Good arriving Daily. i VICTOR I V CTOR ! VICTORIOUS I . c Agent for the Victor Sewing Machine. M ARISI.T NTKKET, ouc dor ibsI of (icarliari'a C oiiioolioner More, Hiiubury, May 4, 11? ?. ly. HUTCH Ell Y ! BUTCI.EHY ! M'sr. ltF-t'FF.W A- 1101i:i:, T bird Street, opposite Central I!tel, SUNBURY, PA., KEEP const.iutly 011 hnnd the v; chuieest of fresh KKi:r, JIITTtW AM) VIAL. which is sold at I tit iowe-t prices, leat can be hul Ht nil hour t', 111 i nir I lie uy. Sunbury, Pa., June 8, 18'i3. ' Presidential Campaign. C APS, CAPESit TORCH 1!S Scud for Ii.f.ivritATED Cm I.K ANll PllllB 1, 1ST. CUNNINGHAM. & HILL, MAM lAfHitKUH, No. 204, Cm urn Sim ft, PHILADELPHIA. June o, lali. -linos. W. H. Blanks, TOUSE, SIGN, ANll tENTAIi PAINTER, MiURY, PENN'A. per Haugirg done la the eh will receive prompt ut i . BARGAINS!! OUT AT ROYS. ' enormous to order for me. SECURE BARGAINS TO n Ci v. 9 v. j. than the lowest in price. -3 7T N E W SUMMElt Ci OO DS ! .HISS IiA'I'i: III. At H, M ARKET riJl'ARE, bt'NIil'RY, PENN'A. Dlac k Ditiiss Silks from jfl CO to 2 00. Japanese Si;l;s, Bilk Pougcis, P'aid poplins, Mixed Popiius, Harnui from 2U cents to (1 tM). IIOI.I.Y VAHI)t:S, Ch'mlqcs, Detains, Ac. French Muslins, Mar seilles Quilts. Kid ji loves, with single and double, buttons. I. a c e N It a w 1 m . A general ussortinciit of White Goods. LAWNS, GINGHAMS and l'UJUES, ULKSS TRIMMINGS, LACES, Ac., sold M greatly reduced prices. Suiibury, May 18, 1S72. New Grocery Store. o. 33 South Fourth Street, between alnrket and Chestuut Streets, SUXIiUUV, PEXN'A. liuving upene 1 a new storu at the above place, where he w ill keep constantly on bund, a fresh supply of all kiod i of Groceries, Vegetables and Confectioneries, at the lowest market prices. Goods delivered to any pint of the town. Please call and examine try stork. 1 JO Hi: b MULLEN. p'ii irT. ir.i 2, 1'.7S. Staccllancous. PELLETS Or fiagar-Coated, Concentrated, Root ana Herbal Juice, Antl-Blllone Grannie. THE "I.IT1LE GIANT" CATHARTIC, or rTCnltum in JParvo Phyalc. 1 ..' Tho novelty of modern Mcilirai. Chemical and Phar-' maccutlcal Scicme. No use of any longer takinp ilia large, rcnulsivo and nauseous pill?. composed of cheap, crude, and bulky ingredients, when wo can by s careful application or chemical science, extract all the catlmnie and oilier medicinal properties from the most valuable roota aud InIn, and concentrate tlieni intoa minute Granule, crool Inrcer than a milliard seed, that can lo readily swallowed by thoeo of the most pnn"itivo atonmchs And iailidinus tatu. Kichliitle I'nrcntlve Prllftn-prcaent, in a mo-it cniicentratml funn. n much cathar: ic power m i embodied In anv of tho iarga pilla round for rale in tho dm); r-hoiii". From their wonderful cathartlo power, in proportion to their fiao. paonla who hava not tried them me apt to pupposo that lliey are barlt or draitlc In effect, hut hiicIi is not at all the, cao, the ititferent aotivo medicinal prlnciplea of which they ara rompnaed belns no harmonized and modified. 0110 by thfl others, as 10 prmluce 11 moHt KenrrlilllB ana iliornuli, yet gently and kindly opera, tiiix cutlturtic. $.".00 ncrnrd Is lmreby offered by tlio propria, tor of thesn 1'i lletn, to any chemist who, upon an alysis, will iind l .i thrm any Calomel or other forma of mercury or any other niiiiurul poison. Heluz entirely voatclnblc, no partlcti.nr calo is required while using them. They operate without disturhnnco to Iho coniitltntiou, diet, or oc uuualion. 1' or J an nil I.e. Ieuiln S10, :ll-I.llp.-vlioii, Impiiro Hslood. I'nlii (11 tlia SliouldrrXfTiHliIiiOkHUt tlin t'lii'Kl, liz siiiemi, Muiir i:ruvt:ition of tUo Mum. arlt, Huil tasto in mouth, liilloim ottark, Pain In riPlou oil Kidney, ilternnl Fover, Rloaled for li 11 tr aliom KKi.narh, Ftn)i o Hiood to lloml, aitcli Colored Urine, I uaoeiabilily mid Gloomy rorobodlnit", tal:e Ur. lioree' Flcasaiit It'll rculiio relicts. Jn explana tion of the rcmciliul power of my l'urcnlivo pplleta over so great ft variety of diseases, I wit-h to say that their nelioit upon t.'io nniniul eeono. my la iiiilvemul, not n aland or tisKiio OKrapiiiK their bo 11. Hive improHji. A;o docs not impair them; their nisrar-coKting and beiiitf enclosed in Ldaa bottles preserve their virtues unim paired for any length of time. In aDy climate, to that they are always fresh and reliablo, which la not the case with tho pills tumid in the drue; stores, put up In cheap wood or paste-board boxoe. Jtecolleet that for all diseases whero a Laxative, Alterative or Pursrntive ia indicated, these little Pellets will give the moat perfect satislocUon to all who use them. Titer arc old by all enterprlailiis rugglBlaata cenlaobotilc. Do not allow any drngglst to lndnco yon to take anything else that bo may say ia just as good as my Pellets because be makes a larger protlt on that lib 11 be recommends. If your diussrist cannot supply them, enclose 36 cents and rcccivo them by return mail from Jt. V. FIERCE, M. !., Vrop'r, BITFALO, N. Y. May 4, 18?J- .i:W AlllilVAIi OF SPRING GOODS AT Clement & Dissinger's, In the uew Clement Building, Market Siuaro, Snnbitrj, Vn. We talie pleasnre in iiMionneiiiif Hint we have jutt opened a new assortment of SPRING DRY GOODS, of all stvles at t lie lowest prices. DOLLY VAHDKX, still raging in new and beautiful design. DKES3 (iOODS, M OLKNIXt. (K)OJ)S, CLOTHS, C'ASSIMEKK.S, VESTIN08, Ac, Ao. IJealj-.lale ClotliiiiK, 11 full assortment, which will be sold lower than elsewhere. Carpels., Oil Mollis mill . l'loor Mat. GKOCEIUES of ull kinds, whi-'i are nu;Tantccd '! frcli. q V E F.N rs VA 1JE, "WILLO W WAKE, Ac, Ac, Ac. TRIMMINGS, GLOVES, and in luct everjlltin tliat enti be mentioned In 11 litt-cla .- .i ure. Call and ex .mine our stock. Having our slore lighted with iiiwnls ran lie Ptlected in tlu: evening as well as in the iliy time. No charges fi'f suoninir oo'.l?. CLEMENT A DISSINC.EU. April 211, ls?:J. MWVMDi: SIKA'l'IlK. St NNVMtiK AT MAltYI.AM) Stati: Faih, Bai. TtMoitr. First premium for 1'iro-piaee lleateis u warded tlie Sunnyetde. Advantage. of the Smmysido : 1. It. Is hi ronst dieted that one-third more of the radiating suiTni'c extends into the mom, giv ing that much more iuUUlumai heal wi'.lioul ex tra fuel. 2. It is tin1 only Hi.t-Air I'lte-plaee Heater In the market. Like thu regular lniilt cellar lieati r, it loses no lienl, but cotitiuts it ull to its k'gill junposes. 3. Tlie fuel niagar.iue is double Hie usual sire, extending from the fire-box to the top of Hie stove, with capacity for twenty-four hours' sup ply of coal. 4. The patent double cover for coal magazine consmiic-i tlie gas, prevents escape of gas into tin' loom, and makes it impossible for liny puf- i lings or explosion to occur. 11ns is an advant age. posin'Mi'd ny 110 other lire-place Move 111 tlie, tnnrkct. "1. There arc three uir (cambers, wherein a livi-K circulation is kept up, draw lug tlie cold uir in the room through heated Hues into a large lmt-air reservoir, lit the back ol Hie stove. 6 No side pipes urn used, as tlie air is healed in a reservoir having double radiating tines and double back, kupplying; large uanlitiis of hot airw iihoitt waste of heat or fuel. 7. The Si NNYsitiK utilizes Hie waste lie.at so thoroughly that we l'ieiiienlly heat 1111 adjoining room on the tlrpt, besides heuting tho rooms in second and third stories. s. A damper on top of the stove, connected with the hot uir Hues, controls the quantity of hut air required for the use of cither tho upper or lower rooms. All other tire-place eIovcb lire very inconvenient iu this respect. U. The Grate Is self-sealing, and 110 dust can escape while shaking it. S t L JlA J , I'KTfillrjllM it L'tJ., Philadelphia. II. B. MA&SEit, Agent. Nov. 11. 1871. TO Till: I.AIHI.SZ GRAND OPENING OF .Hlllinrry and I'aney UooIm. Spring styles of 11 ATS and BONNETS, trimmed 11 lid untrimmed. All Hie latest styles iu STRAW, CHIP, LEG-IIOHN, CACTUS, Neapolitan, Waterproof. Ae. School Hats and Sim Hats. Trimming Ribbons, Flowers, Laces, Ac. ;lot-e, Collier tie tiraec, Crape, Crape Veils, Tissues, Neckties. Ramaey, War ner A i.'o.'s Puiierns, and all Hie Spring styles of Millinery Goods. Call und see my choice assortment. MISS L. WEISEK. Market Street, one door west of Gem-hart's cou feellouei J store. April 20, 1&72. CilttXD OPF.MXti of the largest and most fashiouublo stock of Cloths and Cassimeres of every grade, and Gentlemen's Furnishing Goods, ut TUO. XDTT'N MERCHANT TAILOR STORE, iu Millt-r'a Block, Third street, two doors below Market, SUNBURY, PENN'A. The most fashionable clothing made to order from every vurlcty of goods. Suits of all sixes made up at the shortest no tice, from the best selected stock la New York and Philadelphia. C all aud be convinced. THOS. G. KOTT. April S3, lira. PEILETS.YV 000 A. V tltll. No. 002 Chestnut Street, Philadelphia, PHILADELPHIA. MERSR8. CALDWELL CO., DESIRE TO CAM. ESPECIAL ATTENTION TO THEIR DE PARTMENT OF SOLID SILVER WATCHES. VOS8ESSINO SUPERIOR FACILITIES THEY WILL BE ENABLED TO PLACE BEFORE CUSTOMERS, IN ADVANCE OF THE GENE RAL MARKET, ALL THE NOVELTIES AND IMPROVEMENTS IN SILVER GOODS AS RA PIDLY AS PRODUCED, VERY PARTICULAR ATTENTION HEINH GIVEN TO THE SPE CIATIES OF BRIDAL AND OTHER PRESEN TATION GIFTS. 1 HE STANDARD OF SILVER LONG SINCE ADOPTED MY I DEM IS THAT OF ENGLISH STERLING, il2.V10(IOTTis FINE, THK QUALITY OF EVERY ARTICLE SOLD BEING STRICT LY GUARANTEED. ATTENTION IS RESPECTFULLY DIRECT ED TO THE UNVARYING BUSINESS POLICY OF THIS HOUSE IN REGARD TO THE FIRM LY ESTABLISHED SYSTEM OF FIXED PRICES, WHICH WILL BE RIGIDLY AD HERED TO IN ALL CASES. SECURING TO PURCHASERS, FAIRNESS AND EQUALITY IN EVERY TRANSACTION. POLITE ATTENTION MAY BE EXPECTED BY ALL WHO FAVOR THEM WITH A VISIT. ORDERS AND INQUIRIES BY MAIL, PROMPTLY ATTENDED TO. J. 1:. t'.ii.invEi.ii a co. Feb. 10, 1873. sTrnsTBTTiRrsr HORSE AND CATTLE IXSl'R.t.ICi: CO .HI AW. INSURE YOITU lioRSES ! INSUIiE YOUlt CATTLE t INSURE with a responsible and perfectly reli able Company. Insure where your losses Thin In u .Hul 11 al Protective Co. Hence, you nre sure of being paid promptly for ull losses, if insured In this Company. OUR RATES OF INSURANCE ARE LESS THAN THOSE OF ANY OTHER COMPANY. We pay losses accruing through theft, death by (ire, accident, or natural causes, (excepting epedemie diseases). We pay prompt. No red tapo proceedings to get your money, iu case of loss. OVER B5000 paid on horses and cattle since organization. DR. D. WALDRON, President. ! C. A. REIMENSNYDER, Scc'y, Sunbtny, Pa. IMrcctorH t j Ex-Gov. James Pollock, Solomon Stroh, Wm. i llrmdle, 5olonion fchipe. .lohn A. ehisslor. Dr. D. T. Krebs, Dr. David Waldron. jnlyl3'72. JJAUDWARF, FOU ALL AT THE II Alii) WAKE STORE OF J. ... CONNELLY & CO. .llurlict HI reel, Siuibtirj, fa. It Is useless to enumerate every kind of article in his Store, but among the leading items may be set down the followiug; Iron, Steel, Lead, ! Scales, Steelyards, Grindstones, Naiis of all kinds and sizes, ; Vices, Saws, Planes, Sieves, Chains, Axes, , Brass and Iron Keltlcs, Shovels, llocs, Forks, Spades, Hakes, Hatchets, Carpenter and Blacksmith Boring Machines, Cellar Grates, Drawing Knives, Stone Sledges, Plasterers' Trowels, Masons' Hammers and Trowels, Hand Dinner Bells, and large east iron Bells for School Houses and runners' Dinner Bells, Carpenters' Bench Screws, Potato Forks for digging potatoes, ' Looking Glasses, Twine, Ropes. j Knives unci Forks, fepoons. Tacks, ; Mule und Horse Shoes and Nails, j Hummers, Augurs, Chisels, I Lanterns, Oil Cloths, Brooms, ; Locks of all descriptions, Coirec Mills, Bits and Braces, Carriage Bolts ol all kinds. Paint and Wall Brushes, Buckets, ; Oils, YiirnKhcN, JapaitH, l.ve. Soda Ash, Washing Soda, l'AI.Vr Ol' A 1. 1, Units in Oil or Dry, Parti-Colors of all kinds, CEDAR-WARE and other Wooden-Ware of ull kinds and very cheap, Hay-Fork Pulleys, Picks, Mill Picks, Levels, Level Glasses, Flies, Hinges, Coal Oil, Hems, Combs, Screws, j Saddlery and Shoe Findings, Buggy Trimmings, Excelsior Glass Cullers. Pocket Knives, Scissors, Shears, j Shot, Cup iiml Powder, and 11 great variety of other articles. Any thing ! wauled and not 011 baud, will be ordered at once, j Suiibury, Aug. Ill, 1S71. i;ti:k of atthactiox.' I Everybody is invited to come and buy of tho handsome assortment of 1 TOYS AND CONFECTIONERIES j at ! SAMUEL F. KEVIN'S STORE, iu frame building, adjoining Moore A Dissinger's btiililmg, tlllllU blltr.M, M.tBLKY, 1A. Just opened 11 fresh supply of Confectioneries of every description. TOYS OF AM. IilXON constantly on hand. The best RAISINS, FIGS, CURRANTS A DRIED FRUIT. PURE RIO COFFEE, TEA & SPICES, fresh Bread, Buns A Cukes, every tnoriiiug. FANCY CAKES, BISCUITS, CRACKERS, Ac. OYSTERS I OYSTERS I OYSTERS! Having fitted up a room expressly for serving up Oysters iu every style, Ladies and Gentlemen will be accommodated with the best bivalves in market, ut all hours during Hie day and evening. Families will be supplied ut their residence w ilh the best Shell or Canned Oysters, as is desirable, at the very lowest prices. Cull am seo my excellent assortment of goods and ascertain the price. S. F. NEVIS. Dec. 10, 1871. THADD'S S. SHANNON, THIRD AND MARKET 6QUARE, Has In stock and constantly receiving Novelties iu his Hue, consisting in part of a full line of AUKItlt'AX WATCMEM, Elgin, Illinois, Howard A Co., Wultham, Mas sachusetts, and Boy's AMERICAN WATCHES j Also, a full set of Ladies, and Gent's Gold and Silver Swiss Watches. JEAVELEY. Roman Gold sets, pink coral and Gold set, Ear-Riugs, Necklaces aud Pendants, Onyx aud Jet Jewelry. Solid Silver-ware of Sterling purit, made to or der. Bridal and Presentation Pieces, Kuives, Forks und Spoons iu cases, also, a full Hue of Silver Plutcd Goods, Tea Sets, Ice Water Seta, Erhit Stands, Cake Baskets, Co tree Urus, Fork, and Spoous treble Dinted, the best iu the markets SPECTACLES. If you value your Eyesight, use the Perfect Lenses, ground from minute Cristle Pebbles mel ted together, and derive there name "Diamond" on account of there hardness aud brilliuncy. They will last many years without change, and win ruuled Suerlor to all others in use. TABLE CUTLERY. Ivory, Pearl and Metal bundles In cases sup plied to order. CLOCKS. A full assortment of Eight day and Thirty hour Clocks, also Calender Clocks ol all discrip tions. Engraving done at the shortest notice. Walchest Clocks and Jewelry, Repaired and Satisfaction warranted. All goods w ill be sold at the very Lowest Cash Prices. Every body is cordially Invited toCulland Examine for themselves. Don't (orget tho place. T. 8. SHANNON. tunbury, Dec. It tf. RADWAY 3 READY "RELIEF H UES THE WOltrsT PAI.NS In from Ono to Twenty Mlnutea. HOT ONE HOUR r.ftor rciMiinjr M ntviitlwiiient need any on M'KKKR WITH TAIN. raAimwrs heady krlikp ia a curb Ton KVr.UY I'AIN. It wm (lie first iind U Tlio Only Inln Remedy v. that Imtruttly ftopn the nrnrt rxcniclntlnK ptn, ftllayt jft fl uiinintloti. niid iiirr 'unrpntloiift, whMnrr of tlie I.ttg Smiiiacli, Ituwrla or other tumuli or organs by oiw applica tion, TV T'HOM ONB TO TWKNTT MlrTE. Xflmnitcf hw vltilpiit or r-xcriirlatinir the pnin the KlfKlT l A V I Hori-rlritlcn, lit)mi, ('ripiitvtJ, iNervuua, IN tunic io, vr pru-ttriitrd with rtiMmo mtijr Butter, RADWAY'S READY RELIEF WIt.l. AFFORD INSTANT EAbK. 1NTI.AMMATION (IF THE K1UNKVS. l.M'I.AMMATION tIK TUB BLADDER. INFLAMMATION OF TIIK IIOWKL. TOMIKSTION OF TTIK LUNQB. PORE THROAT, DIFFICULT MRKATH1SO. PALPITATION OF THK talART. HYSTERICS, ertOL'P, UU'IITIIKRIA. CATAUK1I, INFLUENZA. l!n.I)ACtlK, TOOTHA'"!tK NK1 HAI.fJIA, RMEUMATISaf. cot.n enti.T.n, Aorn -i m.i.s. Tlie npi.HiMilun iif the KeaHy Relief to the part of l'irt wlivrc Ihu pain vr dlthtultr cails will offonl cam aad lullifiirt. Twenty rtrsns In linlta tnmlilrr of watir will In a few rmimint riiri- CRAMPS. M'AHMH. SOUK BTOMACH, IIICMITHt'ltV, rill'K lIKADAdl!!!, niARRIlBA, KVSKXTllltV. COLIC, WIND IN THE IIOWELS, anj nil INTF.RNAL PAINli. Trnvi'li-i. slionlil Hlivavs ftirTT lulltl. ef Rnilwav'f llendy llelier Willi Ihrni, A few (Irors III wiiti'r Mil I'l.-vt'ii' siiiKtism, nr ptil'i from clmnnc of wnter. It 1. bclttr thu Froucli Uiatnly or DittcrsaiHtttiniulant, FEVKIt AND ACl'E. FEVFft ANll Anl'K cnrnl l,.r fifty cent.. There Is not a rt'iuetll.-tl metut In this wnrl't Hint will euro Fever and Arne. nnrl all othrr Mitlsilmm, tllllnu., Sciirlet, Tvpholil, Yellow, mid olher Fevers cilrled l.y ItAllWAY'H PILLS) pi iiulilt in It A IHVAY'S KKAMf ItELIEF. Fifty cents .tWUIc. Bolu by llruggW.. HEALTH I-BEAUTY! ! mrono anii rfiirc men iiloop-in-creaoe of I I.KSll ANll W F.KtllT-CLEAK SKIN AND EEAU TIFl'L COMPLEXION SECURED TO ALL. DR. RADWAY'S SARSAPARILLIAN RESOLVENT IIA MADE TIIK MOST ASTOMSIN(j rtTRKft; f1 h k mi iiAni- ahu tuic i-uanijkh TUB JltHY V NDFUHOK, rVDKIl THK INKMTENi'li JK THIS Tltl J.Y WO.ND15IU I L MED1CJNK, Evory Dny an Increase In Flesh one Weight Is Seon and Felt. .THE GREAT BLOOD PURIFIER. Fvery 1mp r-f th All. I'AKil.f.lAX HK.MIVK.NT fuinmunlt itt-a thnmrli tii? HI I, K -.: t. I riii. nutl t-Uiof fl'iitlaand (si of tU- vuui lie? iti'.r r.f l.tv. for il rop:ilr tho wastrt of tlu IvhU nlili nrv mul s-jitrl mt ri:tl. 8cr"fula, Sv-)tlli foii.-!tri.jitiii, tthuitlutar iH-nMn. UltL-'i In llie Tiiru.it, Motith, 'ruiimM. NltM I t t'.) (innri in il I'thw rarti'f tli-.' hylcin, S'ir Kve, Strumous I.lclarjrt from trie K ir, fin. I t-ic wuMt fnrnn nf jskIii clb itwu. Kvu; 11. Mt!, Kov.t .H-.rci, Hi-:iltl llratl. Urn V.-rm. Salt lilicuin, Kryt-ipela:, Acne. I Hack Sjmu. U'oriiin In tint Kleit'i, Tuiunrs, ('nic rA In t lie Wonit), n"tl nil M'c:(kei,ln( mul painful ilis rliatfit'A, N tit lit Swi;ati. Iu9a of Smt!ii, ihh! all wn-.!cn nf Um lift in Itu-lple. ttro ultiiiii Iho ctiralivo rruicc of this WoikUt nf Moilorii rlivnilMtrv, aii't :i f' v i1:va' hhp will pmvtj to liny person ulng It f-r either if thesu fonm of tllsi:am. lt jiotfnt powrcr to tuns tlirm. If the pit lent, rtilly Kri-mlttj TMnec! lv tlie waft on and ilrt'onipopltli.n that H ctn;ltuinll profrrtntnr, ttuceoeilit hi iirrttii)); these waMcn, mi l repair; tlie. Mime wth new mater 1 il in uK- fr.xti lit-.-Hliy Mn..tt autl thU the bAUSAI'AUIL LI AN will ati'l ilueii ertir'. Nut unlv dues the S.MiiArAntt.t.tAV Uran.vsjfT oxcrl all V. in mil remetll.il nt:ni In thu cue of 4 'litotiic, Kcrofnlmm, i ii-t itnlional, ami Mtui tiiscitacs ; hut It Is the only yoeitive caro fur Billiiiy TtliuUlor Coniplnlnt Urinary, nnil Wunih tllicae-i, (Jrae14 IiKiieti, pmpsy Muppni! nr , aler, lucuiitiiieiicn or I rme, itnttlil liise:L- AHuiiuiiiiiria, find In it1 1 raw? w In re. i liete. inu Lrtrk1iitf i.ult'i, tr the w:ttcr Is thick, el'in h, inlxrd with mthtanrei liku the white t if nn cc, tir lhreal-i li e white or tlierfl U a iii'irhhl, tlnrk, hlli.-im nppi araneo, white bottr-rimit il-pusil-i, niul ftli"ti tlire in a liikin, l.'irnltiif :tiatinit .he'i pas -li nit Hater, mxl i:in In the buiall of the Hack ami hl...,j th T,..h.. 1'rice, ai.to. WORMS. Tim o-.il l:uown und nure Remedy fur MorinHJ'i)it Jtfh etc. Tumor of l!3 Yearn' Growth Cured by Kariwny's Resolvent. Ilrvrm v. Mih, Joly 1, IM. Trt. rTrv :-1 hnv tiirl Ovnrlnn Tn.tnr In tlit otarl n.t i nu'.lt. All i llrH-l.irt nnlrl ' thrr vrm n.i lirli for II." I trirl ovi-ry lhlitf( th.it w rw rt!nnflt'fl ; hul H 'tliiiiK lit lpcrl ni1. I ur i:e,Mrr, fi in) Ihc-l.t u.ntM try il ; tot lirtJ no Wth In H, tiii-niftt I InJ onlTfr-jfl 1W twrlv r.Ar. 1 to .k tit vtil if the ;-.i!tTnt. niul one kc ft lUl'ay, f'liW, ami lro t llle of vour It.i-U It- Ue-r; an.l tltrr- Ij n it ft hni f tuiir lo I it-en or 'Ml, ri'iil I fr I l-rtlrr, tnirter. nj haprttirr thun I have fur Iwel'i yrt, T'.r vtjr-t Iu r w ht Ih Irft til- of iha tK.wrl. over ti- mln. 1 ut'it tlili W fur Uiai UncLt of tlirre. Vol nn pt!l.l!h it If ).mv!.ouM. II.VNNAll P. KNAl'l. DR. RADWAY'S PERFECT PURGATIVE PILLS, p 'tf.-rtty trunvfen, elegantly matM with tvrrft pum, rtrre ilate. iiiirifv. rVun-.'. an I st renct hi n. f"r Hie cure of nil ili-.rtler if Hi-- Moiicirh. Liver. Unwt'l, l HI It) -4 1 HI! K..l;iev ltiali!rr, Nerv.nn Dl-ensen, llwiilache, Ctittitlna t I ''(Mivvne---, liullfe-tlnn. Ivpep"la, liillonniu-. Ril-htii-j Fever, Iii'lamiiiatl-ej ot Iho liowcK 11 ic, ami all Ie raiiiremonti ol' th Inlerual Vinvtni. Wnrr.iiitetl to effort tf itivc rsre. purely Vvtrctalle, conUili.iug no mercury, r .l'K 'i''. nr rielrtcrioiM tlrup. iff (H'-htv the f..th.v -itii nymptfstRA rcsu.tlpj; from Dl U'tiorn uf titu lHyeMii e Uigaiitt: Cii'lhi-tHon, l. wajf-1 Tilr. I'liUnr! r-f tn1 Tltyi! In th lliul mld-IV nf that St..niint, SnilR, !-:irtHitm. tl.tfltlt f Ff.t. I'ull" f WiiUl In llit K- Hitm li, S.-111 r tu. tntionp. s.i.Kttte r UnlW -Ii'in wltcti ii ft tini; f.litr-, IHinlte n If Ion, Ptl nr WV'.i Wforc ihiifl.t, .Vtrr n,:l I'n.n In tli Mil. Iffi. itO. r.f IVf't'irl.i.n, l . IJi.n fir - t t'.f tlm rnrt Kv, Vn ill th M-l... ctt, Liju'u, tui.l ml t. it 1 utL, v( lltutt, liurblitr la tai A f. "' r r RAlV.VAYe T1! ft? tlienvMfm fr- i -til l io :.l... . i. :.- ,tTlei . I' up, 3; colita per lox. i"ii.i i;y i i:i;(.is t. l.KVIt TAI..-K WH'IIMT" p-r.l f.'te liter aifin I- fi A IMVA V V ".. X'. f? t;..V.cii luu, J.ew-V...k. i.rnt:.:1i:t iv. itli 1 .. .1111. Mill Ik.' yU i ajriTinnic, i mi irini' hi mu iif in, not. i us or fmii'-i.uuK Mnreli 30, 1872. The i.GREi)ir.xTH that COMPOS K KOSAD.M K-l are publiiliee on every w hajfe, tl.rre fiiro it is not n Ki n I i ,i .la'.iuii, eonscriiiciitly niYSinvxs pkesckibi: it It ia a certain cure lor Semfiila, Syi'liili-i in all its l'urnn, lihciiui.i tism, Skin Diseases, l.iver C'om pluint und nil lii.-c.ik.s nf ll.u Uluod. .im iivlmj w. will do inoru n-iioj tliuu ten lioll!( jof tlio Syrups of rurxaparillii. THE UNDERSIGNED PHYSICIANS I have, useil Rom Julia in tlieir pruel iro for tlio past tlirec years anil f.irly endorno it na a relialilo Alterative, and lilood Purifier. DR. T. C. rl'Oll.et Ea'.f.m.io. DR. T.J. IIOYKIN', lllit. It. W.CAKll ' !l)lt. V. O. I).M.I.LV, " jlllt. J. S. Sl'AltkS, in Niel.i.ljsville, nn.KJ L. MerAHTIIA, Coltir.iWa, S. C. IDIl. A. 11. KOBLV.S, F.Jg ecomb, N. C. jUSED AND liNDORSED BY J. B. FUE.VC1I k SONS, K.ll River, Man. F. W. SMITH, J.iekwn, Mich. iA. V. WHF.KLEM. Lima, Hhio. III. II All., I.imi.Uhui. it rtAVF.N Si I (., l.i.rilonsvllle, Va. SA.M L. G. AiilADl'KN, .Murfrees Loro, Ten ll. Our spare will not alln of any ex teiuletl reiiiAika in ri-lniimi to the virtllcgof Husailalis. Tottie Meilieal j l'rtilesaion we guarantee a I'ltiiJ F.x trarttuperior to any they have ever nted in the treatment of diaejaed i Hlooil ; and to thvMllirteil wo say try IKota'lalis, aud you will be re.iorea to ncaun noeailalit is sold bv all Drti?L-ists. prico 1.30 per buttle. Add res 12. CLZliSST3 & C3. CvrTiMoai:, Md July 23, 1871. ly. WM. Ml'KIUY. 1. SLAYMAKEK. WM. U. BLACK. MURRAY & CO., Wholesale Dealers In MACHINERY AND BURNING OILS, Office and School Stutlonery, l'rinlluK, Wrapping uud Mauilla PAPERS. I'AI'KH 1IAUM, Ac, Ac. The Colubrated orry Kerosene lturning Oil always on hand. Having also opened a COAL YARD, we are prepared to supply at short uolics.and at the lowest rates, EGG, STOVE, CHESTNUT and TEA COAL to all who may be pleased lo give ut a call. Orders lea at our office No. 85 South Third St., will be promptly filled. MUHKAV 4 CO. No. 85 South Third Siren, Suuhury, Pa. A eg. 20, 1871. -iy- RosadalI u A If w EES Bfi9 inunfuctttrcrs. iriACIIINK SHOP AND IUOIN FOISDHY. GEO. KOIIRnACII & SONS, Ma lib art-, Fenn'N, INFORM tlio public thnt they nre preparoa lo do nil kinds of CASTINGS, ntid hRVlnir added new Mnclilno Blion In cnnnpotlnn ivltt. ttiotr Foundry, and have supplied themselves with New Lntlica, Plnnlne and ltorW Mnehlnn. with iii lutcst Improvements. With the old of skllirul mcclinnics, they are enabled to execute all orders of NEW WORK OR REPAIRING. that may be glV4n them, In a satisfactory man ner. C.rntr-n to unit ftnr Ntavr. IRON COLUMNS, for churches or other build- infra, 01 ail sixes. I1RASS CASTINGS, Ac. Ornamental Iron Fencine FOR GRAVE YARD LOTS j VERANDAHS, FOll YARDS AT RESIDENCES, AC, AC. The PLOWS, alrcndy celebrated for their su periority, have been still further Improved, and will always be kept on hand. Also, THRKPIIING MACIIINE8. Snnbury, May 20, 1871. MJintU AND 1'liAMXU MILLN. Third Street, adjoining Phila. Eric, R. R., two Bquares North or the Central Hotel, BUNBURY, PA. IRA T. "CLEMENT, IS prepared to furnish every description of lum ber required by the demands of the public. Having all the latest Improved machinery for inanufaetnrinj Lunbcr, he is now ready to till or ders nf all kinds of FLOORING, 8IDINT., DOORS PUCTTFRS. SASH, BI.1NDB MOULDINGS, VE RANDAS, BRACKETS, and all kinds of Ornamental Scrowl Work. Turn Ins of cery description promptly executed. Also, A LAItOE ASS0r.TMF.NT Or BILL LUMBER. HEMLOCK and PINE. Alao, Shingles, Pickets, I.ntbc, &c. Orders promptly nileil, iiiullilipen nv Itanrnad or otherwise. IRA T. CLEMENT. dcel'J-CSily K'l'OVK A TIX KNT A It 1. 1 S 1 1 .11 EXT. MARKET STREET, SUNBURY, PA. ALFRED KI5AUSE, Proprietor. sl'CCIWSnit TO SMITU OKNTUEIt.J HAVING purchased the above well known es tablishment, Mr. Krnuso would rcsectfiil ly inform the public Unit he now bus on hand a large assortment of COOKING STOVES, Specr's Cook Anti-Dust, Regulator or Revolvlnir Top, Combination, Susquehanna, and others, which nre so arranged as to be used for Coal or Wood, and lire warranted to perform satisfactori ly or no sale. II EATERS of all kind put up to lieat one or more rooms. HEATING STOVES of different kinds at very low prices. Tinware of Hierj- Donor Ipl Ion kept constantly on hand. Rooting and Spotitiiie; : Willi the bet material, done at short notice. REPAIRING attended to with dispatch. Coal j Oil cud Lamps constantly on hand. Japan ware j of a Hil t. Store opposite Conlev's hardware ' storo. Give me a call. A. KRAU8E. i iipli!4-ly C'AltItlA(;r. .MAXl'I'Al'TOISY, SUKIUJUV, PEXX'A. J. S. SEASHOLTZ, T7"Ol"Ln respect fully nnnounce to the citi T T .ens of Siiuhtiry nud surrouiiiliii"; country, that he is prepared to manufacture nil styles of Currf iiko. ItnggicM, Ac, nt his new shop on east Market street. He will furnish every description of Waous, both ; Plain and 1 anov. In short, will make everything in his line from a first-ciass ctirria";c to a wheelbarrow, wariautcd ! to be made nf the best and most durable materi als, and by tho most experienced workmen. All work sent out from his establishment will lie found reliable in every particular. The patrouAge of the iulllc i solleite.l. .T. S. SEASHOLTZ. Snnbury, Nov. 4, '71. -ly. New Store! New (Joods! T. J. BYROD. Having takui tlie store room lately occupied by 11. Piters, corner of Third and Church strei ts, j SUXHUKY, PA., i lias just optinl a new stoic, with an entire new stotk Ll" goods, comprising of j Dry llooils nml rooorloM. ! Tlie Pry Goodi department is complete, having u f;-.nerai nssortnient of ' Cloths, ('fi.simerv's, Calicos, DeLains, and everything in the Pry Goods line. The j are nil fresh, und consists of Ten, Cotlee, Sugar, 1 Mollusscs, Spiec6, Meat, Fish, Ae. lVillon-M nre mill Glii-Vtiro, n ger.eral assortment. In fact everything kept j iu a lirst-class store, can be hud nt the most rcaonnb!e prices for casli. Having located in Snnbury for the purpose of i becoming one of its citizens, 1 hope that by fair ' dealing nnd strict utlcnlion to business to merit ! a share of the public patronage. My motto is ! "Small Profits and tjuick Sales." All nre cordially invited to call and examine my goods, as no charges will be inudo for show- ' lug them. ! F. J. BYROD. ! Sunbury, April 20, 1872. j I.uokuwunuu uuil ItltioiMNburK llull r f. SUMMER ARRANT. I." WENT OF PASSENGER 'J'. ..INS. Moi.dav, July 17,"1S71. SOUTHWARD. Leave. A.M. P.M. A.M. P.M. P M. -t- Scrnnton, Bellevuc, Taylorville, Lackawuuua, Piltston, West Piltston, Wyoming, Maltby, 1 45 10 05. 6 50 6 55 7 02 7 11 10 17 10.20 11 10 35 10 40 21 10 47 ! 10 52 7 40 3 33 'l 00; Kingston, iv. St. 7 51 4 55 8 00 5 00 8 05 5 05 8 20; " 8 30 8 45, .-Burre Ic'rsi Plymouth June, Plymouth, Naiiticoko, 1 1 Hillock's, Shic kshiunv, j Hick's Ferry, Bcacli Haven, Berwick, ' Briar Creek, Lime Ridge, t Espy, ' llloomnburg, Rupert, ' 7 50 8 00i 8 07, 8 22 8 86: 8 43 8 50 8 57, 9 07, V 14. 9 19 9 26 0 81 i 9 51: 9 59 3 40 3 08 3 27' 3 34 8 57 Cutawlssa, Diinvllle, Chulusky, l amerou, 10 03 Nprth'd, (arrive.) 10 20: 4 53 NORTHWARD. Leave. A.M. Northumberland, 10 25 Cameron, ; Chulusky, Danville, 10 60, Catawlssa, Rupert, I Bloomaburg, 11 14' Espy, I Lime Ridge, I Briar Creek, I I Berwick, 11 86; Beach Haven, '11 43 Hick's Ferry, ! Shickshlnny, 13 00 Hunlock's, I Naulicoke, 'P.M.I Plymouth, IS 26; I'lymoutb June., j Kingston, & i st. W.-burre Jc'rti1 , Maltby, 1 Wyoming, 13 43 Wert Plllsloa. I I PUtston, IS 53 I.nckawuuua, I Taylorville, Bcllevue, I Seranton, (arrive), 1 14 P.M.I oc; 8 13 8 18 8 28; 8 36 8 43 8 48 JAV1D T. BOUVP, ftup't. ' 5 10 5 27 5 31 , 5 40, 6 00 I 0 05 e i3i I A 17 6 24' ; 6 84: I 6 41, , 0 48 A.M. j A 55' 1 I 7 09. T 80' 7 24 7 45 PM. I 7 81, 8 00 ! ; 7 41, 8 15 P.M. 5 10 8 20 5 15 ' 7 61 ; 8 SO 8 33' & 25 ! ' 8 40' 3 43 0 S5 ! 8 45 3 48 5 40 i 8 53 3 54 5 4 7 0 04 3 59 5 62 9 14, 8 07 6 00 9 25 8 16, 10 I 9 38! 8 23 0 17 9 40 8 30 6 25 i JalIr0;tTs. loading Railroad. SUMMER ARRANGEMENT. Tlmrsday, August 1st, 1872. Trains leave Tliirrlsburg for New Tork, at fol. lows i At 5.00, 8.10, a. m. and 8.00 p. tn., con nectlnn with trains on the Pennsylvania Rail road, and arriving at New York at 18.10, 8.50 and 0.40 p m. respectively. Returning i Leave New York at 9.00 a. m., 12.05 noon aud 9.00 p. m., Philadelphia at 7.80. 8.30 a. m. and 8.80 p. m. . Leave Harrlsbtirg for Reading, Pottsvllle, Ta maqua, Mlnersvllle, Ashland, Shatnokln, 1 Allentown and Philadelphia at 5.00. 8.10 a. m., 2.00 and 4.05 p. m., stopping at Lebanon and principal way stations the 4.05 p. m., train connecting for Philadelphia, Pottsvllle and Co lumbia ouly. For Pottsvllle, Schuylkill Haven and Auburn, via Schuylkill and Susquehanna Railroad, leave Harrlsburg at 8.40 p. m. East Pennsylvania Railroad trains leave Read ing for Allentown, Easton and New York at 7.00, 10.40 a. m., and 4.05 p. tn. Returning, leave New York at 11.00 a. ni., 12.05 noon and 8.00 P- o. and Allentown at 7.25 a. tn. 12.25 noon. 2.15, 4 35 and U.35 p. m. a Way Passenger Train lcuves Philadelphia at 7.30 n. m.. connect inr; with train on East Penn sylvania Railroad, returning from Reading at 6.20 p. m., stopping nt nil stations. Leave Pottsvllle at 5.30, 9.00 a. m. and 2.30 p. m. Heiudon at 10.00 n. in., Shatnokin nt 5.40 and 11.15 a. in. Ashland nt 7.05 a. m.. nnd 12.43 noon; Muhutioy City nt 7.51 a. in. and 1.20 p. -n. lnmaqua nt B.ja a. in. nnd 2.10 p. m. for Philadelphia, New York.Reading, Harrlsburg.cic. Leave Pottsvllle via Schuylkill nnd Susque hanna Railroad nt 8.15 a. m. for Harrlsburg, and 11.45 a.m., for Pine Grove and Tremont. PoltHVlllc Accommodation Train leaves Potts vllle at 5.80 a. m., passes Rending nt 7.05 a. in. arriving at Philadelphia nt 9.85 a. m., retnrninir leaver. Philadelphia at 6.15 p. m., passing Read ing ut 7.4U p.m. arriving at Pottsvllle at 9.20 p.m. Pottstown Accommodation Train leaves Potts town nt 6.45 a. in., reluming lcuves Philadelphia (Ninth and Green,) at 4.30 p. m. Columbia Knilruud Trains leave Rcndlnir at 7.20 a. m., nnd 0.15 p. m. for Ephrnta, Litlr.. Lancaster. Columbia. Ac. j returning leave Lan caster nt 8.20 a. m. and 3.25 p. in., und Colum bia at 8.15 n. m. nnd 3.15 p. m. Perkiomen Rail Road Trains leave Perklomeit Junctional 7.35, S-65o.ni.. 2.55 and 5.40 p. m. Returniiiir,leiie Green l-i..,,, t (j j5 n m, i!t;ir, m oonnei,tlK wil"''-'liisoii'Rciid- ing Rail Road. Pickering Valley Railroad trains leave Phns nixvillcnt U.lOn. in., 8.10 und 5.50 p.m.! re turuinc, leave Myers nt 6.35 a. in., l i.45 noon, nnd 4.-,'0 p. in., connecting with trains on K"iid- ' iug Railroad. Colebrookdnle Railroad Trains leave Pottstown nt 9.4ta. m., 1.20 and 0.25 nnd 7.1 5p. in., return ing leave Mt. Pleasant nt 0.00, 8. 10 nnd 11.25 n. m., and 3.25 p. m., conneiting Avlth trains on Reading Railroad. Chester Valley Railroad Trains leave Bridge port at 8.30 a. m., 2.40 nnd 5.33 p. m. returning, leave I)o nmittown nt 0.55 a. m., 12.30 and 5.40 p. m. connecting with trains on Reading Railroad. On Sundays : Leave New York ut 6.00 p. m., Philadelphia nt N.OO n. ni. and 3.15 p. in.. (Iho 8.00 n. in. train running onlv to lle.uliu;) have Pottsvillcal 8.0la.m., leave" Ilarrisljiirg. 5.00a. in., nnd 2.00 p. m.j leave Allentown nt 4.n5, 9.35 p. m. ; leave Reading at 7.15a. in. nn.l 10.55 p.m. lor lliirri-'iuig, nt 7.00 a. m. for New York, at 7.20 u. in. for Allentown mid at U.4J n. in. and 4.15 p. m. fur Pliiliulera. Coinintiintion, Mileage, Peason, School end Excursion Tickets, to and from all points nl re duced rates. Baggage cheeked age cheeked through: 100 Pounds Bag gage allowed each Passenger. J. E. WOOTTEN. Ast. Pupt. it Eng. MiK'h'ry. Xorlhvrii I'eulrul Ittiilvtti.v. SU M M ER ARRANG EM ENT. ON' and after Jnne 10, 1871, trains will run ns follows i NORTHWARD. Niagara Express leaves Sunbury at 12.30 p. in., for Niagara Falls Mail arrives at Sunbury nt 4.10 p. m., arrive at Wiiliamspoit 0.45 and Elmira 10.30 p. in. Fast Line arrives nt Sunbury ut 0.50 p. in., arrive nt Willlaiusport 8.15 p. ih. Erie Mail leaves Sunbury ut fl.00 a m j Wil liainsporl ut 8.05 a in, and arrives at Elmira -U 1.30 a ni. SOUTHWARD. I Mail leaves Sunbury at 11. o.' a. oi., ariive ill llarrisbitrg 1.45 p. in.' Erie Express leaves Sunbury at 7.40 a. in., ar rive at Iliirrinburg 0.25 a. in., Baltimore 1.15 p. in. Erie Mnil leave Sunbury til 12.45 a. ni., arrive at llanii-hurg 2.30 a. m., Baltimore t'.40 a. in. Niagara Express leaves Sunbury ut 6.30 p m. Harri.burg at s.l.'ii in, at rives nt Baltimore 11.50 p tn. SHAMOKIN DIVISION. j j r.VSTWARll. ' Leave Sunbury at 4.40 p. in., arrive at Slr.iuio ; kin 5.50 p. in., Mt. t'arniel 6.40 p. in. I Leave Sunbury ( Aecominodaliou,) at 12.35 a. j in., unive at SlinuioMii 2.35 p. in. j wKsrvVAim. i Leave Mt. funnel at 7.00 a. in., Shataokin ! 7.40 a. in., arrive nt Sunbury 9.55 a. in. Leave Sbaniokin ( Accommodation,) ut 2.45 p. I tn., arrive at Sunbury 4.00 p. m. i Express leaves dailv. All other trains leave dally, except Sumlavs. I A. R. FlskK. Ei. S. Yoi'Nct', j Gen'l. Sup't., Geu'l Passen'r Ag't., lliirrisburg, Pa. Baliiiniie. M,I. I'liilHdelpliiii and I'.rle Kuilroud. SL'MMEH TIME TABLE. On and after Monday, June. 3d. 1872, the Trains on the Philadelphia & Erie Rail Road will 1 1111 us follows : WESTWARD. Mail Train leaves Philadelphia, 1 1.30 p 111 " " " S 11 u bury, 0.10 a u- ' " arr nt Erie, 7.30 p n Erie Express leaves Philadelphia, 12.30 p m 4i " " Sunbury, 6.55 p m " " an at Erie, 7.40 a in Eltuiru Mail leaves Philadelphia, 7.50 a m " " " Sunbury, 4.25 p m " " air at Lock Haven, 7.45 p 111 Niagara Express leaves Philadelphia, 7.20 a 111 " " ' Sunbury, 12. 35 p m " ' arr at Renovo, 4.15 a in EASTWARD. Mali Train leaves Eric, 11.25 a m " " " Sunbury, 12.40 a in ' " arr at Philadelphia, 6.40 a m Erie Express lcuves Eric, 7.50 p iu " " " Sunbury, 7.4C a m " " arr at Philadelphia, 1.20 pm Elmira Mail leaves Lock Haven, 7.35 a in " " " Suitliury, 10.50 a m " " arr at Philadelphia, 5.50 p m Niagara Express leaves Renovo, 3.25 p ni " " " Sunbury, 6.25 p m " " airnt Philadelphia, 12.01am Mall Fust couueets fact and west ul Erie with L. S. it M. S. R. W. and at Corrv ami lrviueton with Oil Creek nud Allegheny It. R. W. Catlawissa pussctiger trains will be run east from Wllli:inis)Mii t 011 Eric Express, und wctt, to Wllllainsport ou Elmira Mail. IV M. A. BALDWIN, licn'l Sup'L Dant ille, lluzlelon A' V III.oburro (. It. IV 11 II U. It. It. I'O. I.OKHt'O, SUMMER ARRANGEMENT. On und after this date Passenger trains on the I)., It. ot W. R. R. will run us lollows : WESTWARD. EASTWARD. LEAVE. A.M.! LEAVE. A.M. New York, 6:00 Sunbiirv, (1:20 Philadelphia, 8:00 Duuvllle, 7:03 haston, W:25 Catluwis.u, 7:28 Bethlehem, Hazletou, Catlawissa, Danville, 10:05 llailctnii, 9:08 P. M. P. M. 1:00 Bethlehem, 12:10 2:40 Easton, 12:S5 8:20 Philadelphia, 2:15 3:57 New York, uir. 8:50 Sunbury, arrive 1 ru in West arriving at Sunbury 8:57 p.m., makes close connections with trains ou Philadel phia v. Eric R. R. lor Milton, Williuuisport, Lock Huv'u and all points West, Elmira und all points North, ulso w ith Northern Ceulial Rail way, for Harrlsburg and Baltimore. t r?New and elegant coaches ruu through be tweeu Sunbury and Easton. FRANK THOMPSON. Supt. D. H. fc W. R. R. 81 pt' OrFirr, Willumshomt, Pa. ) May 1, 1872. S COAI.I COAI.I 'OAM GRANT BROS., Shippers and Wholcsuloaud Retail Dealers In WHITE AND RED ABH COAL, SUNBURY, PA, (loweu wiuar.) ffBole Agrnla, nnlw ud, at the eelibrated Ucr titty Coil, 11 IVM'.tl 1 i I