Sunbury American. (Sunbury, Pa.) 1848-1879, August 10, 1872, Image 3

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Railroad Time Tablets.
P. A E. R. R Ooimo NoRtnWAHn.
Kris Mull. leaves at 0:0.1 a m
Nlsgira Express, " " IS'" P m
Mall, " " 4:20 pm
Erie Express, " " 0:50 p m
N. C. R. W Ooisa SotmwAHn.
Eric Mnll, loaves at 12-45 a m
Eiie Express, " " 7:40 am
Mail, " " 11:05 am
Niagara Express, " " 6:30 p m
Tlio Krlo Express train remalus hero about
80 miuutcs for breakfast.
BrsnrKt & Lewis-tow R. R.
Mall train 'eaves at 7.110 a. m., nnd arrives at
7.50 p. m. Fast Hue leave at 8.40 p. in., and
arrives at 1.S0 p. m.
Suamoki Vallkt R. R.
Mall leave nt 12.85 p. m.. for Shamoklu and
arrives at 8.5S p. m. .eaves for Mt. Carniel at
4.40 p. m., and arrives at H.25 a. m.
D. H. A W. R. R.
Trains leave for New York, via llaclcton ut
B.20 a. ru., and arrives at 8.35 p. m.
Accident Insurance Tickets cm bo had of J.
Shipnmn, Ticket Agent ntthc Depot.
Skwing Msxiiinks. Miss Caroline Dallas h the
ngcut for t!i'! snie of tlio best Sewing Machines
In existence, viz: "The Improved Singer,"
"(rover A Baker," "Howe," nnd "Domestic,'
which nrfl constantly on hand nnd sold al rea
sonable prices. Shelsnlso ngent for tho cele
brated Frnntz and Pojio Knitting Mnchlne. Call
and seo them. 01ks on Market street, east of
the railroad.
For Sale. A second hand one-horse spring
aagou is offered for sale cheap. Apply to
Jso. Wilvek's
Flour uud Feed Store, Spruce St., Suubury, Fa.
Bonocon Oudehs, wanted by Mnsser A Englo.
IT) on want good Cider SI ills, nnd
good IMiostplsutO, go to ti. W. Ninith,
Kunblir.v, J27-4.
Fresh Lrmcnstct L".ger Beer
Waltz A Blight's saloon.
is on tap nt
Special Mcrtini. A special meeting of the
Snnbui-y Steam Fire Company, No. 1, will b
held In their hall, on this (Friday) evening. Ac
tion will bs taken to purchase a fancy hose car
i luge for parade purposes. Ail tbe members are
rcq lesW J to attend.
J. M. CAnw'Ai.i.ADtK, Prcs't.
I'xctiision Tickets are now sold by Jacob
Sliipmau, ticket agent at this pHce, for the
lound trip via Niagara Fulls, Montreal, Quebec,
Like Champlain, Lake George, Saratoga, Bos-l-.m,
Whit Mountains, New York nnd Philadel
phia ; also to Wutklns, Gcnevn, Ciiftsu fpilugs
and Dululh, Minnesota.
Excursion tickets will also be Issued for the
lump muutlng'at Mountain Grove, over the P., IT.
A W. R. U. to Wolftou st-.itbn, good from Aug.
Ui'u to the 23J.
Tun new military organization, composed of
young men from this place and the Augustas,
will meet with success. Ou Monday last a tuf
lleient number were enrolled to cll'ect an organi
zation, and ns i.jou ns proper papers from the
depaifn vt can bs procured, the company will
be orgi H. nl ft Tiiose who desire to cou
ncil t'iou -Ives with the company should make
application before the election of officers takes
Tut! Reformed Sunday School held their picnic
ou Thursday last. In Haas' Grove. A very
pleasaut time wus had unions tin: many Jai'cuiles
aud teachers et.uv.ected with thut school.
Home. We nre glad to see our young friend 4
Messrs. Edward Oyster and Luther Hunis-m 1
io iih. nolo Washington elf.", on a visit to their I
- 1
l'rlen.U lu this place. Tbe hot weather lu that 1
city has not had much etV-U upon th.:ui, as ihey j
loo!; bale and hearty.
Pn: Nics. The Sunday school at Gas' school j
house, la rpp;-.- Augusta township, held a grand
pic ulc in Gass' grove, on Saturday lust, which I
was largely atte'ide-l. The tcbonl is under tlio
siipeiinte-.ld'ance of the Hon. Ge-j. '. We'.ker, of
tnis plaee, who deserves great credit for his reg
ular attendance, and for keeping tlie school lu a
flourishing condition.
The members of the Sunday school connected
with the Baptist Church, In this place, held a pic
Die oa Friday last, in liaas grove, along the
hamokin creel.. There w::s u lanrc turn fit,
nu I all were d .-lli'hted with the ivy's pleasure in
the woods.
We are ludebted to Mr. James Washington, of
.'.is place, for a vey iiau Uoiue Giant and Wil
son bo('.ict, sent to our ofllce ou Saluiday last.
wn ueatly and tastefully gotten up, allowing
that Mr. Washington hn-: some of how the
resu't will be in Grant and Wilson's election this
fall thorgh raricgateU ill color, uultud r.d victo
A Stnioi s AcctliKNT. Mr. Ellas Seller, of
Tucksou township, started from home early on
Monday morning lust, to lake the train nt Hern
don to attend court in this place. On hU way to
the station, he was crossing a culvert on the Phi
ladelphia A Reading ruilroad branch, about a
quarter of a mile from the station, when he ac
cidentally fell through, and received serious In
juries from which poor hopes are entertained of
bis recovery.
Since the nbove was put In typo we leuru that
Mr. Seller died on Wednesday morning lust, from
the effect of his Injuries.
Tiie apple crop this season is probably the lar
gest of any that lias becu harvested for many
years past. Every where in this vicinity there is
full crop, and we are happy to note that many
of our farmers have, for some years, been select
ing and pluming the finest varieties, who now
,snp their reward. Our markets now show quito
1 u improvement in tho varieties, which are of the
:h oVcest character. The red Astracheu appears
o Uke the lead, Ld bring an advanced price
ver t'jtbers. A pair of twin Astracheu apples
vere letft at our ofllce, on Saturday last, by John
. Snydev, which, for beauty, surpassed every,
hiug in theapple line we have yet seen. Many
ither varieties were In market which looked
leiutll'ul, and (old readily at prices ranging
rom L'5 to 50 cents per. peek.
REonoAjcizno. The Packei Guards fccld a
neeting lu the Council Room on Saturday even
ng last, and reorgauited the company by elect -jg
Hebcr Painter, Captaiu. Captain Painter
'as a gallant soldier during tde late war, and
.as all the qualifications to make a good otflcer.
any new members were eurolled, and we have
it doubt thut tliis company will coou rank with
he bust la the State and be nn honor to our town
s well si tbe National Guard of the Stale. A
tnetiug will be kell In the Couucll room on this
Saturday) cvtuU, when it is hoped that all
Id vutcraus anu others will enroll themselves to
lake tho company a fctaud success.
Tun largest stork of marble ever is this part
f the State, Is now being sold by W. M. Da ugh.
rty, at wholesale and retail. Having bought at
w figures, he Is able to sell a better grade of
one, for less money, than has been done Itdre
iforn. Parties ure lnvitd Vo call nt bis srp,
jpi'Slta tun Court lioiwe.
Tba.t Clock. Th editor of the Dtmocrut,
with degree of assurance peculiar to would-be
critics, undertakes to Instruct ns In our editorial
duties. Whenever we feel that we have need of
advice In such matters, we shall endeavor to con
suit some ouu who I qualified to give it, end In
that case we shall certainly not call on the editor
of the Democrat. .What wo stnted In regard to
the clock nnd bell was strictly correct. We did
not sny that we gar the $500, hut that wo paid
for tho bell thut amount, which Was to be held
In trust subject to our order for the pnrchnse of
a clock, riitvlng frequently stated that Gen. Cam
eron had ponced $50O, subject to our order, for
the purpose nbove mentioned, wc did not deem it
necessary to repeat It tn a bunted paragraph.
If the editor of the Democrat Is so unfortunate
as not to understand us, he should eoueole him
self with the fact that ho Is probably the only
individual In this place lu that condition.
Ys notice that our County Commissioners
have allowed the Court House hall to bn used as
nil eating house, nnd the cellar for cooking pur
poses. Whether they Intend It as nn accom
modation to the people who paid for Iho Court
IIousc, or whether to gratify some worn out poli
ticians, we arc tot Informed. If designed ns an
accommodation, find part of the vacant space Is
to be constantly obstructed with tables, chairs,
Ac, and the people, who paid the taxes to erect
tbe building for their own comfort, arc willing,
wc would suggest that the Commissioners pro
ceed further In their new project nnd lease out
the balunco of the Vacant spots in the building to
some disabled veterans of the '"Ring" for hulel
purposes. It Is probablythe only Court House
tn the State that Is converted to such use, nnd
our Commissioners might ns well have the honor
of Introducing such un eutcrprise.
The Hurrisburg papers give nn nccount of a
dastardly outrage committed on a man nnincd
Robert Boll, of Reading, on Tuesday night lust.
Mr. Bel) was found In a corn Held In tho sttpcrbs
of Hurrisburg, horribly beaten and mutilated,
and In an unconscious condition. A mun named
Win. Kcrmin has been arrested on suspicion of
committing the deed. Kernnn, it is alleged Is
the same Individual who was In company with
the young mau While ut the time when Mr.
Etuerieh wus robbed nt this place, belter than a
year ago, and for which White is now serving a
term In tbe Eastern Penitentiary.
Fike! FtitE ! -Insurance on any kiud of pro
perty should uevcr be neglected. All property
wants to be insured in good and reliable com
panies, bo when losses occur that tlio money is
at once paid over. Among the most popular nnd
punctual Insurance Companies is the People's
Fire Insurance Company of Philadelphia. Thous
and insure in this compnny ou nccount of safe
ty, reliability and prompt paying of losses. Life
Insurances are taken at the lowest rates consNt
ai.t wlili security. For further particulars ap
ply to Isaiah 8. dossier, agent, Sunbury, Pa.
A fi IX assortment of the very best furniture
has just been opcucd nt B. I.. Uaudeubush's
store, lu Masonic buildings. Anything needed
in the furniture line can be procured there. The
patent corpse preservers have become nn Indis
pensable artlcie, and cofilns of every quality arc
constantly on hand. Call and see the large stock
of furniture that now gracts the ware rooms
and ufceitulii tlio low prices.
Corson. Pftorp.i:iixoif. Council met at their
hall on Tuesday evening Inst, Sol. Malick, Esq.,
Chief Burgess, in the chair. Members present
Messrs. J. M. Cadwalluder, Cuke, Garinger,
Miller, Dcwart, Irwin, Rohrbueb nnd Clark.
Minutes of lust meeting read and approved.
On motion of W. L. Dewarl. Resolved, That an
order be drawn for $1,000 lu favor of Garinger A
To the Chief Bu'gesa. Burge?se nnd Council
of the Borough of Sunbury : We, the uudeislgn
e 1, r.ppol'.ite'l a i-oio tie to confer Willi the
v'ommi'sioiiers of Nor!ii:mler!a:i 1 county 01
Hi iiijct of purchasing a town elr-k. re.-; oet
lully report thai we l..,ve attended to that, duly,
and t'.iut tl.c ci'iiuai.-jliuiei's li ive replied to u; by
11 reso'utir.u of tluir bi.dy, In willing, under seal,
win -li Is herewith, siilnnitir'!. Wu 'therefore re
commend tVe following resolution :
ItctoitcJ, Thut tile proportion of the Co.nmis
sioner be accepted, nnd that the roiiiuiittee ln
dirccted to go on and put up the town clock on
the Court Ii.uiee steeple with as little delay as
possible W. I.. ImwAur,
W. II. M 11.1.1:1:,
St snxuv, au;,'. 0, 'Ti. Committee.
CuMMis:-:.-.: ri-.s "ri-iiE, Aug. 5th, 'Ti.
We, the undersigned Commissioners of the
County of No: tii.imljjiiand, have passed the lol
loftir.g t .su.iaioii :
Jitsolrcil, That we nrree to pay, by giving
credit to the liorough of L' .ulmry nu their Couit
House subscription, for Five Hundred Dollars interest thereon from the time that we did
receive the I'ciieiit of it, or the Bell lu the Court
House was bought and paid for.
Amos Vasiine,
I do certify that the above is a truu ami correct
"opy of ilic original resoiuliou passed by the
Board of Commissioners.
Wiiuess my aaud, Aug. Gth, 1S7J.
Adopted. 1). M. SniWAFTZ, Clerk.
Jle it emtcted by Hie C'licf linniest. Bunietut.
itmi Common I'ouneit, of the Jloruuih vf Sunbury:
1 11. 11 all verniers 01 uiercnnnuise or inner al tides
of trade, who expose their goods (or Sale in the
public streets, cither by night or day, without a
permanent place of business, shall be required to
obtain a license from the Chief Burgess, not less
than and as inucu more as lie may think
W. L. D?wart called Tor the yeas nnd nays.
Yeas Clark, Cadwallader, Garinger. Hohr-
hach, Irwin Dewait and Cake. Nays none.
On molion ot . Dewarl. JtMOlied, That
the appeal for Borough, Koud ami Poor Taxes be
held in tbe Council Kuom, 011 luesday, the Suth
inst. 5 three Councllmeu to compose a Board of
Appeal. Aoopieil.
Ou motion ot J. A. Cuke, Ketolred. That tho
Chief Burgess is hereby authorized to enter Into
a contract with W. T. Rickey for rlpruppiiig the
river uanK us reported at last meeting by the
committee on river bank, except wheie the same
is already riprapped.
1 tie yeas and nays rolled Tor by Irvrln.
Yeas Garinger and Cake. Nays Clark, Cad
wallader, Rohrbaeb, Irwin and Uewurt. Motion
Chief Burgess Malick preseuted Collectors
On motion of J. A. Cake. Itetolved. That tbe
Chief burgess be authorized to contract for the
riprapping or the river bank from Mr. Denny's
house to Packer street.
Yeas and nays called for by J. A. Cuke.
Yeas Garinger, Robrbuch and Cake. Nays
Clark, Cadwalluder, Irwiu and Dewart. Motion
B. F. Diehl,
J. F. Kirby,
G. W. Smith,
Sol. Broseious,
Fire Company,
Ge.age Hertz,
C. Garinger,
Samuel Pain,
('has. Garinger,
Isaac Leeser,
David Hartz,
fcumuel Matitz,
00 Freeman Huupt, til 00
ii5 00, E. O. Eislev,
1 25 C. F. Martin,
3 00 l.cvt Seesholtz,
80 Oil Cbas. Garinger,
3 62 Jas. Wheeland,
7 50 8. Weaver, foi J.
5 25 MeNulty,
14 00 John Groner,
70 50 Garinger A Rick-
25 3D
27 00
55 00
55 00
8 00
21 00 cy, 1,000 00
7 00
Ou motion, Council adjourned until tbe 8th
P. W. GitAY, Town Clerk.
Wc are reliably informed there are 40 republi
cans In bitnhury who intend voting for Greeley
and Burkalew. irioiiruien litcord.
Ibtrty-elght less, John. There are but two
who lulend voilng the mongrel ticket. One lu
tends to be an applicant for tbe post-ofrlce at 8e-veu-Polnts,
and tbe other didut get a post-offleo
unaer Oram's administration. Fact, JoUu I
We uotlec lu our exchange that tbe dog catch
ers are ou the war path after the purps in dilTer.
ent localities, aud all dogs found running al
large numuzzled, are readily dispatched. Pity
some catchers do nut come tbls way. A big
baulatlbt o nsde bete of these ours.
That Dovblb Hsadsd "HALr." One evening
last week a report was circulated abont town,
that away up In CaketoWn, bidden among tbe
high weeds of a largo fluid, some female bovine,
as If Jealous of her treasure, had deposited a calf
With two heads. Speculation ran rife among
certain (tastes as to the correctness of tho stnte
mcnt,and as to tho probability of such a frenk of
of nature having ever been produced. Mr. W.
asserted that he hod seen a four headed calf with
two tall, when he was a little boy six year ofn,
at which all marvelled, but ont of respect, none
disputed. Mr. D., of legal lore, asserted
that he tiad seen a curiosity of the kind In a
sldo show nttnchsd to a circus, In which Was also
exhibited thai wild women of the forest, and. a
number cf big inal-et, of which, chilli as hi w7
ft never for a moment had tho least foar; yes,
when on his last annual piscatorial expedition
awny upthel.oyalsock,h had seen much to amuse
and Instruct, besides the two-hended calf he had
seen In his early youth he had. Barrister S. had
seen a two legged calf on his father's farm, but
he had never sceu n double headed calf. Mr. K.
of the profession, had heard of such a thing, nnd
thought he had heard that a twoheaned ralf bad
been produced on his father's farm In Rush town
ship. With nil this proof nt hand of the possibi
lity of so strange nn existence, somu truth in the
story might exist, nnd " it might bo worth the
while to walk that far to see," said barrister S., as
he pushed Ins hat buck until the brim stood nt
an nnglo of forty-five degrees, his countenance
glowing with delight at the expected sight of a
calf with two heads.
It was not long before tho party who were In
possession of the secret were on their way toCako
town, to take a squint nt tbe reported natural
curiosity ; nnd quite a crowd going tip on the
same errand, took a nearer cut In order to
get a littc ahead, they too having been so fortu
nate n to get possession of the secret. It wasn't
long before all parlies arrived upon the spot,
coming In from all directions, upwards of tweuty
In uumbsr.aud arrangeil themselves along a fence
enclosing a ten ncre field containing tho finest
crop of weeds we have ever "clapped eyes on,"
the said weeds being fully six feet high. In n
Held like this It was somewhat difficult to deter
mine tho exact locality of tho calf, so after n lit
tle consultation it was suggested by bnrrister K.
that honest old George II. bo sent for ns he wa
able to point out tho precise spot where tho calf
had been deposited. Homst old George forth
with appeared, and after adjusting his specta
cles, and getting up 11 lull or two, wisely nud sl-le-itly
cast his eyes ucro's the tops of the weeds
for a moment, then stepping down again, he g ive
the direction, and upon his throwing
down the bars tbe party entered the field witliun
eagerness that niadu the Spanish needles fly in
every direction. 'Hold on,' said one of them ; 'not
so fust you'i! frighten t lie c-a-l-f,' poking a long
stick In the grass a little ahead, as If cautiously
feeling for mnket nt tho same time '-be cautious
or you'll ilitturb it away"' ; but tli'i heedless
crowd rushed on. After tMln-j for about nn hour
in that field levelling the tall weeds s-i low that
each curiosity seeker could be easily seen at n
distance of a quarter of a mile, where an hour
before they were cntiie'y hidden from view
no nJf i'.-w ":'. Four of !V- party returning
Inquired of honest old George whereabouts the
c.i'.f lay, and expressed a slight doubt about its
laying at all. George after a moment's profound
thought nverri-d that the calf was there at noon,
but that u little after 1 o'clock, several show
men bad been seen prowling about the Held,
aildin-r, also, that If they would give him 10
rents each, nnd the treats lu the morning, he
would say nothing about the matter down town.
"Eh," said Mr, W., exhibiting a queer twinkle
of the eye, at the same time setting his hut a
little to one side. 'What docs he say,' inquired the
looking. youug barrister from tother side of
t!'.j liver. '-Dust the c n-l-f," was heard lu
stentorian voice, from ttv: legal gentleman of
tine person-. I nppe:iv.;;;. 1 ".Vo'il see about this,"
ej iculnud lawyer K., with the Grcely h it.
It Is needless to say that the matter w.u set
tled as honest old George suggested. The ba
lance of the curiosity seekers went home away
around by the river road ; your repoi ler has seeu
none of them einc?. Honet old George was
winner in this case. The last wc saw of him lie
was seated In tlio shade of his dwelling counting
up his iiicomc, Willi a smile on bis countenance,
hi? hat setting a little iislunt, muttering com
placently to himself "well, there's many plea
sant ways of raising tlu wind, ha, h. I"
List of Letters remaining in the Sunbury Post
Otlice, August 7, 1S72:
Jacob I.. Baker, Miss Annie Brown. J. W.
Black, Thomas Brigal, Pierce liooh, M!s Bell
Mctiltn'ev, Win. Grimsliuw, Miss Ellen Gloss,
Peter lutriek. Miss Emma lleekeit. Miss Mery
S. Hile, George Hile., Mrs. Anna 1). Hile, Mrs.
John MrKeivv. Isaac S. Kern, llenrv Kcubler,
Henry P. Kinball, I). II. Lenkir, K. B. I.ebo,
William Peck, J. M. Thomas, A. (4. Thortoo.
J. J. SMITH, P. M.
cot'iiT mot i:i:iix.s.
(Reported by A. N. Briee.
SlMH liT, August 5, 172.
Court mrt nt 10 o'clock a. 111. Hon. Win. M.
Rockefeller, Wclker nnd Nicely, present. After
the usual business had becu attended to lu the
opening, the grand Jury was sworn, and tho
court delivered tho following excellent charge,
li will commend Itself 10 the people for its jmiiit
edness, uud its direct and forcible hits ut grow
ing evi.s. It is better than tnut of the modem
serinous of our clergy of this day and generation.
Judge lloekefcller is showing good sense uud re
markable pluck. He refers plainly, as did Judge
Jordan, lu other days, tn existing crime.
The oath of a gruii.l luror ought to be well un
derstood and profoundly studied by every citizen
who is liable to lie called upon to i-xercire this
Important public otlice. You have just been
sworn diligently to inquire, and truu present
ment make, as well of all such mutteis as shall
be given you in charge, us of those things which
you may know ot your own knowledge ; the
Commonwealth's counsel, your fellows', nud
your own, to keep secret 1 to present uo man for
Hatred, envy, or malice ; una to leave no man
unpresentid, for love, fear, favor, reward, or any
Iioh thereof j but to present nil things truly, us
they come to your knowledge, according to your
firstly, you are "dutaentiuto inquire." You
should exhaust all tho means ut your command
to ferret out crime, uud bring the guilty to Jus
tice; examine the witnesses whoso names are
written by tho district attorney 011 each bill of
Indictment, until you are sutisfied Unit the. de
fendant 1.4 probably guilty of the otfence with
which he Is charged. Your "presentments 1110
to be true." This however, does not eujoiu upon
you the duly of ascertaining tlio guilt or inno
cence of the accused. It must be true In this:
that you have reasonable evidence of his guilt,
aud when the Commonwealth's evidence satisfies
you of probahle guilt, it is your duty to return a
true bill, aud tho question of guilt or Innocence
will tbeu bo tried by another jury, under the di
rection and Instructions of Hie Court. You must
not screen any person accused of crime, whoso
conduct reasonably appears to demand a public
examination, nor by a rash charge draw 011 any
innocent man au unmerited imputation of guilt,
or unnecessary apprehension of punishment.
The "mutters" which, whether given in charge,
or of your own kuuwlnlge, are to be presented by
the grand Jury, nre all offeuces wiihlii the couu-
To graud Juries are committed the preservation
of the peace of tbe county, tho cure of bringing
to light, (or examination, trial, aud punishment,
all violeuce, outrage, Indecency and terror, every
thing that may occasion danger, disturbance, or
dismay to the citizens. Grand Juries are watch
men, stationed by the laws to survey the conduct
of tht'ir fellow citizens, and Inquire where and by
whom public authority lias been violated.
The duty of the grand Jurors "to keep secret
the Commonwealth's counsel, their fellows,' and
their own," plainly means Ibis 1 that each juror
will keep serret the accusations made to the
graud Jury of Iho otflcer of the Commonwealth,
by any of his fellows, or by himself, and all tbeir
proceedings thereon, lest the person accused
should receive notice of their accusation, nnd flee
from justice 1 and lest a juror, or other Informer,
should be uodvr resir.itot in waking an ue u-
tlon, If every Juror wore not bound to) conceal the
lnrormer. ...
The balance of your oath I easily understood,
for with unusual, lengthened, and repealed enre,
doc It Inculoatea conscientious discharge ortbls
sacred trust. Tour entire freedom from hatred,
envy, love, fenr, favor, or rewnrd, nnd the ut
most exertion of your unbiased Judgment and un
derstanding In nil the matters which may come
before you, or be within your knowledge. Is
strictly enjoined. Neither a hasty or cureless,
nor timid or partial discharge of this duty will
correspond with tho strong obligations luld on
the conscience by tbls oath.
Whilst you should not In nny case Ctd a true
bill ngnlnst. a fellow-citizen where there is no ev
idence of bis probable guilt, and where there Is
no foundation for the charge, nnd you arc satis
fied that the prosecution is only to gratify pri
vate malice, yet In nil cases your Inquiry should
bo n diligent one and In nrr caso should a pub
lic prosecutor bo turned out ot court, or mnde to
pay tho costs of prosecution wbero be hn acted
In good faith, and with puto motives, having the
public? good In view, although his evidence may
not, In nrL cases, be sutlicb'tit to F.Hlsty yon of
even tho provable guilt of the accused. Public
prosecutions slwnlrt bo encouraged, when com
menced In good fitWJj, and honesty of purpose.
Crime is on the Increase, nnd the safety of the
community requires thntjonef t public, prosecu
tors should be uphold. OnffSf"1 reason wliv
more criminals are not punlsheuVand the public
inws vindicated, Is because there rtfenot sulll
clenl persons In the community who aTQwHIlnif
to Incur the risks nnd responsibilities of p?6V"ecn
tor. Other are deterred from fear. The eMftd
nre afraid of the had, nnd tlio vicious nnd law
breaking class often hold In terror and nwcthoso
whose hearts nnd consciences tell them plainly
of their duty. For Instance, sec each day, per
haps, the evidence of broken Inws in the sale of
liquors. The Sunday law is violated, intoxicat
ing drink nre sold to minors and habitual drunk
ards 1 men arc seen reeling In tho streets nt all
hour, and yet no one comes forward to accuse
the person who put the poison to tho lip of the
unfortunate victim. Houses of ill-fame nre kept
in the most conspicuous place hi our towns m1(
cities, and the youth nnd virtuous of both sexes
nre dally enticed to these dens of iniquity, and
yet it teems that no one Is willing, or lias the cou
rage to come forward nnd make information, nl
tliough their on nnd daughters, who nre the
rising generation, are habitually, and nlmost un
avoidably, brought In dnily contact with those
who keep or arc tlio Inmntes of those places. In
this borough, although wo have two constables
and several policemen, whose duty it Is to return
to this court nil places of this character, ns well
as other public nuisances, yet I havo never
known of a return to bo made. You may travel
through Pennsylvania from tins Delaware lino to
lake Erie, nnd you will scarcely find a man, or a
boy fourteen years of age, who docs not know of
this place by common fame at least. It is said
by those who ought to move in these matters,
that they have no evidence that they never visit
these place, and therefore they cannot, produce
the proof. For your information, we would say
that the law is well established that In a prosecu
tion for the offence of keeping a bawdy bouse,
particular facts need not be proved j common rep
utation ns to the character of the defendants, and
the house which they keep, nnd of the persons
visiting them. ndmlssib'.e. Wharton's Ameri
can t'riminal .iw, p. 2t!03 ; State t'. McDowell j
Dudley. S. C, p. S40 : I'nited States vi. Gray, 2
Crunch C. C. R., p. 075. Gentlemen. If you
know of such places, either from yonrown know
ledge, or have the evidence by your knowledge of
tlio common reputation as to the char icier of the
keepers and the honsc,and persons visitlngthetn,
it Is your duty, under your solemn oaths this day
taken, to present thein to the Court, so that if,
upon investigation by the Court and jury, the
accusation Is found to be true, they may be bro
ken up by the mo't condign punishment which
tbe Inws of the land authorize in such cases.
All nations distinguish between their own citi
zens and foreigners residing among them. Citi
zens nre cither hy birth or naturalization. Citi
zens by birth owe permanent allegiance, nnd pos
ses corresponding rights, from their nativity.
Resident foreigners do not owe permanent alle
giance, nor possess any right of citizenship until
they take an onlb of allegiance, nnd be natural
ized or declared citizens.
Of all the rights or citizens, nona Is more im
portant than that of e'cctioii, and in no country
is Unit acquired so easily as in the I'nited States.
But no foreigner can, or from its early settlement
could, in Pennsylvania, acquire the rights of a
citizeu (especially that of discharging the duty
of an elector,) till after he has taken an oath of
allegiance, and been naturalized. He must owe
permanent al'.cglunco to some government, nud
h" owes none to this till he has taken an oath of
allegiance to it. He is an alien, and no citizen
lill then. And before that, to crerche any right
of citizenship is usurpation of unlawful power.
It U cnteri-ig 0:1 otlice without taking the oath of
nfUpr. Such has been the uniform law of I'cuti
sylviplt from its early times.
" By the net. of Congress, tbe alien, Intending to
become a citizen, muM, three years at least be
fore his adniision, declare ou oath or utllrmation
before somo court of record, either of the I'nited
States or some of tbe State or territories, that it
is lii Intention to become a citizen of the I'nited
States, nnd to renounce forever nil foreign alle
giance s nnd afterwards, ,vhen appWing for ad-mis-iou,
lie must declare on oath or iitlirination,
before some one of the courts aloiCMiid, that be
has re-ided within the I'nited States JUv years at
leaM, and within the State or territory where
such court is held, one year nt least, that he will
support the I'onstittltivn of the United States,
land d-'th renounce nil foreign uliegiance.. The
court must be ml! f'd that he li.-. resided within
the limits and under Ilia jurisdiction of the
Unite 1 ! t-.itcs fit year, nud that d'irinir that
time he h:is been of tood moral character, ut
tncbed to the principles of the Con -dilution, un I
well disposed to the good order and happiness of
the I'nited States.
It is licuwally supposed that If r. foreigner pro
duces n witness" who will swear as to tbe time of
his residence, his character ami bis attachment
to the. princip'es of tlieConstitntloit of the United
fit.ites, it Is imperative on the Court to admit
such person to citizenship but such is not the
case. Tim act of Congress (Turdon's Digest,
pa'.'e l'l'-l) declares Hint the. Court admittim;
such alien, rh.i'.l be mifisfo! that be has resided
within the United States five years at least, v. ;
aud it shall further appear to tbeir iiiui-io.,
that iliirintr that lime be. bus behaved himself us
u man of isootl moral character, Ac.
The Importance ol reiiiiritn: of every foreigner
strict und sutlslactory proof iu regard to his qunl
llleattons to become a citizen, was made manifest
in u recently contested election case in this coun
ty. Two persona were voted for to till a town
ship office. The evideuce disclosed tbe fact that
several of the persons who vel:d at tbe lust
spring election hud, and presented to the election
board, certificates of naturalization, with all
the oaths attached, together with tho oath of a
voucher or person who was produced to tho
Court to prove that tbe applicant bad resided
within the United States five years, Ac., and
these cenilh-ates were also produced on said ti ial
before tbe Court, whereas the evidence showed,
and that too by tho testimony of some of these
very persons who voted, nud had their full natu
ralization papers, were uot In tbls country quito
two years, nor half the length of time required
by law. Now, cither theso persons and their
witnesses perjured themselves ut the time they
obtained tbeii naturalization papers from tbe
Court, or when they were examined as wituesst-s
ou this trial. I refer to this matter because I
have, uo doubt but that tbe district attorney will,
if the parties are to be found, send up bills of in
dictment before you for your ucliou. Such eon
duct should not bo tolcratej by n free people.
Wc welcome all nations to our shores, und in no
country nre so important privileges so easily of
fered aud olitalneu ny an men 01 gooa nurueter,
and lor that reusou lids privilege should not be
abused, und 1 urn sure that the Courts of this
country will soon begin to bo moro careful.
Judges must ask themselves whether, In the Ian
g 11 ui:e of the act of Congress, Ihey are "satisfied"
of lite truth of tbe mult era contained In tbe ap
plication. Jiidi'e Addison said lu u churgo to a
grand Jury In 171)8, "that aliens, before they nre
admitted to these privileges, should be known to
deserve them uud to be permanently utlaehed to
this country its essential iuteret require."
At the last term of tills Court many tipplicti.
tions were made for licenses to keep hotels nnd
restaurants. Objections were filed to many of
these applications, and evidence was heard on
both sides, borne were granted und others refus
ed, and Ihe result was, us might have been ex
pected, thut much dissatisfaction was mauifest
ed on both sides. It Is 110 doubt true that In
point of fact mlt-tnkes weio made, and In some
Instances, perhaps, licences were grunted to un
worthy person, and withheld from others whose
license ought tn have been granted. This Is one
of the most diflletill and unpleasant duties the
Court has to perforin. We cannot expect to
please all, and In our zeal to accomplish good,
we must be ccreful not to infringe ii)n the lights
given to any of our citixeus hy Hie laws of tbe
land. We have no feeling against any one, but
would simply say that If we have made mistakes
lu the grunting of licenses to persons who have
or are violating the laws in relation to the sale
of intoxicating drinks, there Is a remedy, for if
persons are willing to become publie prosecutors,
and will bring the parties Into court, and prove
to the satisfaction of a jury their guilt, the Court
mill rto !! nurt -in eudeavorlmr to nut dowu this
I unlawful and pernicious ItHflic. The persons
1 who hold ilCsinet'S granted by the present beorh,
well know our sentiment In regard to this mat
ter, and cannot expect to he lenlanlly dealt with
when a proper case Is prosenred. I ugcousiiiu
tional right of trial by Jury, however, must be
respected, and the cettor ami srer ceursn is to
refer theso cases, where there is any doubt, to
Hint tribunal, nnd If yon, gentlemen, know, or
have evidence of the alo or gill ny nny person 01
Intoxicating liquors on Sunday, to miuors, habit
un! drunkards, or tn person when Intoxicated,
It I your duty to present them to the Court.
The Jury wcro thou Instructed n to their pow
er over cost, the number required to find a true
bill, Ac.
It will bo vnnr dutv, for m:1i lias been the cus
tom for many years, to exercise a kind of censo
rial authority, and it is proper for you toexpress,
In a public manner, your united sentiment in re
gard to nli matters of public Inconveniences, Im
provements, measures, or things of a gencrul na
ture affecting the wallfare of tho coui.ty. It is
usual, nnd proper to exprnss praise or blamo ac
cording to their nature or tendency, nnd suggest
or recommend tbe prosecution of public benefits,
nnd redress of public grievances. You will visit
the public buildinirs, nnd make such suggestions
ns you thin!; proper. At the Inst term the grnnd
Jury recommended the proper ventilation of tho
court house, nnd that n room be famished nnd
set apart for tho accommodation of lawyers and
their client 1 front a dl.itance, and who have no
rdllces In tbls borough, nnd nre compelled to do
business in tbe presence of tho Court, not only to
our grunt annoyance, hut the demy ana injustice
often done to suitors bv reason of the Jury not
being able to hoar tlio testimony Is often very
great. Tbls, I think, I the only court home in
the State left open during all hours of tho night.
3ei olllve should be prolilod witti a Key, nn.t a
rewiiNl. "bourn be oncran for nil persons ciimmng
on thu feNttrS'' Injuring tho shrubbery, Ac. The
condition oT!,JJ', Kro,,l"' around the couit liouso
Is a disgrace iur4B nuisance. Dead trees, ever
greens nnd weedsK standing, and the grass
is cut lu the private0"' of ,"'"0 ll'dlv"ll,al
Tho people of the coni.isjuvo bn at n heavy
cxpenso for public building "n tu,!lr Publ1
servants should endeavor to kefyi t,'em Kood
order nud repair. I have no donbTSj tnnt """y
will cheerfully comply with nny nnd afs.y,lr ru"
commendations. Coming ns you do from nNc'"'
nersof tho couiitv. the suggestions of snch aV!?"
speetablo body of citizens should have influence?
The Court Crier, Daniel Berkley. Esq., deserve
credit for the cleanly manner In which he prepar
ed tho Court room for tho term. The matting
were all cleaned up, new spittoons provided, nnd
everything nicely arranged except the ventilation
of the room, and for this tho Commissioner ore
responsible. The Grand Jury at March term re
commended tho erection of a ventilator in the
ceiling, but the matter bus not been heeded, nnd
every one in attendance nt Court must suffer
thereby. It would be a matter of very little cost,
and we thought tlio Commissioners would have
considered tho matter kindly.
In tlio eae of Coin. vs. Joseph B. Becker, of
Cameron township, for selling liquor to drunk
ards, held over from inarch term, the defendant
was found gnilty nnd sentenced to pay n line of
$30 and 30 days in Comity Jail.
Same vs. same. Selling liquor to miuors.
Fined C-20 and live days In County Jail.
Same vs. same. Selling liquor on Sunday.
Fined f 50 uiul 10 days in County Jail.
Same vs. same. Selling liquor 011 Sunday. 1
Held over from March session. Pleads guilty.
Fined S.VJ nnil 10 days In county Jail.
Same vs. same. Selling liquor to drunkards.
Pleads guilty. Fined i'M and ot) days iu County
Com. vs. Geo. Bets. Misdemeanor from March
sessions. Selling liquor and gambling on Sun
day. Pleads guilty. Sentenced to pay a fine of
$10.1 an I undergo nu imprisonment of three
months in County Jail. At tlrst we felt that the
sentence was pretty heavy, but tho Court strted
that the Act of Assembly made the penalty a fine
of 6500 and one year's imprisonment. When wo
take into account tho fact. that punishments nre
intended to cll'ect tocMy as well ns Individuals,
ho can see that 'as matters arc going nil over the
'.and severe punishment's nre all that will impede
the growing progress of crime. If cases arc to
be tried, nud men left slip ou slight lines, the
cause of Justice becomes a hollow mockery nnd
our conns a nuisance. And the higher a man
stands in the community the more effect his pun
ishment will have upon the community. One of
the morals of thee Hetz nnd Baker cases is, that
neighbors ought to live iu peace with each other
and with all men.
Trr.siiAV, August 6, 1S?2.
Com. vs. John M. Shade. Assault nnd Bat
tery. Found guiity. Sentenced to pay a line of
45 and costs of prosecution.
During tlio same time five cases from Nirth
iiiiibeiiaud were brought tip nn 1 considered, und
dis. ised of. In these cases Clara Vandyke, Win.
Vandyke, Charles .lone, aud Koseltn Jones, were
c imp!iaiiants nnd defendant alternately. The
charges were threats, nsc.inlt and buttery, Ac.
in the end they turned out about six on o:io side
and half a dozen 0:1 the other. Each party had
to pay their own costs. There Is moral in these
eases, and we will "point the moral and adorn
the tale thusly : Hereafter b'l these neighbors
live in pence with eieb other and with nil nun,
and may uj angry dish-water full 011 the wrong
Com. vs. John Devan. Ulot. True bill.
Tried. Verdict guilty. This 1 ioi occurred about
one mile above Shamokin on the l.Mh day of July
last. Others were engaged iu it, hut they escap
ed. . II. Oram, F.-q., was employed for the
Commonwealth iigain-l the rioters, and tight
well lie aided the DUtiict Attorney. Tha Court
sentenced the pi Issuer to three years in the pcul-
Judge lloekefcller said : '"Your have been iu-t-
ly convicted by a jury of your country of tbe
crime of an nggravutu.1 riot. In our charge to
the Grand Jury in January l-i6t, wc said we
Intended to protect the laboring man in t he coil
regions, and a case is now piesented which calls
iiMn us tn prove our slueetitv in this m-itter.
We iutend to Impose upon you the highest penal
ty fixed by law, uud whilst it may seem hard, I
know of nothing more unmerciful that the Court
could do than refuse to pnni-li s ich criminals as
you. To put away from society, and where you
can do no harm to your peaceable aud 'liet
neighbors Is an act of tuerey to idem, and the
good people of the coal rcg'on will llml that In
the end Ibis Court will stand by them, not only
on the liquor question, but all others that are
necessary for their protection to life, person nnd
Coin. vs. William Horn. Rape. The defend
ant sonic time ago was locked up in our jail nu
the nbove chniu'e, and about the 11th of July he
broku j.til nud made his escape. He was re-captured
just before Court out ut Doutyville and
brought back. If he had remained iu Jiil to
await uiul on the former charge lie wouid have
been ull right, for the grand jury ignoied the bill
for rape, but sent in u true bill inr breaking jail,
l-'or this hint offence he was sentenced to one
year iu the peniteutiary. Jiu has been there be
fore for larceny.
Com. vs. Daniel Wolf. Assault and Battery.
True bill. Pleads guilty. Sentenced to pay a
fine of HO aud costs of prosecution.
Com. Vi. Audrew McKiniicv. Open Lewdness.
Bill ignored. Uctij. Strickler, prosecutor, to pay
Com. vs. Hugh Donuelly uud Tlios. Raffetty.
Riot. True bill.
Com. vs. Charles Lynn. Larceny. True bill.
Tried, nud Jury returned a verdict of not guilty.
Wednesdat, Aug. 7, 1S72.
Com. v. James Carter. Larceny. Tbe de
fendant Is a poor little coloted boy of eleven
years, from Milton, without father or mother.
It was claimed ugaiust him that be had stole a
watch. The jury fottud bun guilty. The Court
will likely send biin to tbe lloin-e of Refuge.
Com. vs. Patrick Heater, Michael Gallagher,
and others. Riot. True bill. This is a ca.-e of
considerable importance, nnd for the Common
wealth were employed the District Attorney,
Gen. Clcineut, J. W. Comley, Win. Luw&ou uud
W. II. Orttiii, Esrjs., aud for the Defendants
Messrs. Boyer, Bimpsou, Lavcll, Davis and Rei
niensiiyder. The alleged riot occurred in Shamo
kin, 011 Sunday, tbe 2tith of May lal. A mem
ber of ihe Molly MoGuires, or of tbe Ancient
Order of Hibernia, as they are now called, died
at Locust Gap. Let It be reni'mibei'ed that the
Catholic Cnurch, by their riles und laws, forbid
the burial of uuy one outside the pale of their
church In their graveyard, uor will they allow
any one belonging to a secret organization to be
buried lu tbeir burying grounds. Father Koch,
tbe pastor of St. Edward's Catholic Church, of
Shaiuoklu,on tne aforesaid Sunday uioruiug told
bis congregation that he was told that a member
of tbe Molly MoGutres was about tn be forcibly
burled iu their graveyard, and thut it wus con
trary to their rites, aud he further warned bis
people from goltig to the ground for fear of a
riot. Hut, after service be said lie would go
himself und warn them not to go In. He did go,
and after he arrived at the graveyard gate, the
Molly McGulres, with the body came up. They
did not heed h!m, but broke opeu the gate, foroi
bly entered, and forcibly buried tbe dead body It)
the graveyard. They carried out their object,
and to all Intents and wus curried
out in a rlotoo manner. Put. llusler, one Kelly
and Michael Gallagher tore open the gale, sud
they marched In, notwithstanding tbe protest of
lather Koch, who hud, and now has, by the
riles of bis eliurch, the sole control of their bury
ing ground. TUe presence of luis pastor of St.
Edward's on that Suuduy niorulug, prevented
one of the greatest dots, perhaps, which ever oc
curred In the, coal rrglnn. He rouua.lled peace
nnd quiet, nnd remonstrated kindly, but while he
kept the crowd at bay, they still entered tbe
.ground. Tbeir entry, and tits forcible wny It
wus done, was as much a riot, porbnps, s If It
bad been douo In seas of blood. In this esse
several priests were present, nnd tho Bishop of
Jlarrlsburg, and large number of very respecta
ble ppnplo (catholic and protttants) from
Shamokin, were In attendance. Gallagher above
named was tried some time airo for murder.
Coin. vs. Patrick Hester, Michael Gallagher,
and others. Forcible Entry. Ou trial.
Fav's Oi'eka Holsk. This temple of amuse- ;
mcnl Is having a new and grand set of scenery .
Tttis Is the way Hood "fold his love." Take
her up tenderly, lift b'sr with care. Nong kuow
how dearly she paid for her hnlr I j
If is A mam of tho unsuccessful man. that he I
Invariubly locks his staliln door whtu the horse
has been' stolon. Tills sort of wisdom never
thinks nbnut bodily health until It Is gone. But
Just as much us liny disease ha become s?nted,
the power of tho system to resist and throw it
nil Is weakened ; hence time is nu important.
For dyspepsia, nil diseases of the liver, stomach, !
skin nnd kidneys, nnd all that begin iu vitiated '
blood, do not wait until the trouble I confirmed, i
but attack It by n timely use of Dr. Walker's j
California Vinegar Bitters. J'iT 1... .
HitHlnchs Notices.
II Is a noted fact that Boots and Shoes proeur- '
cd nt W. II. Miller' Excelsior store will give
twice tho satisfaction of other work. The rea- j
son of this is that ho bus his slock made, up lo 1
order nnd will uot tolerate any poor wik in his ',
establishment. Everything In the boot and shoe
line can b-! bad nt his store. I
Tiititri appears to be no end to tho orders j
which nre constantly coming iu for new suits of j
clothes J. F. Schafl'er, opposite the Centrut j
Hotel. Tho very best of material ure kept on '
hand to suit all customer", and fits nre guurnu- :
teel. 8ehnlfer's reputation for making hand-
-Moine suits is not surpassed
Call nnd see then .
VT!.i9n Sruiso ash Si'mmkr Hats.-
A large 1
Buppyif stylish Spring nnd Summer Huts to !
suit all fant an' ,l,F'l's nrt9 J"' b"c" received 1
at s. Faust's M,,rkPt 8i,mrc- A r,i"y '
In straw hats t and tV' 'B"i,cooiesl m. UChi-
t, !... 1.. .... t. ,. 'iaica rasbiinere iiai.
-. 111.. Ill IIP! II. V1IU .CM,.
large stock to select Irom, sij
vlish goods and rea-
sonablo prices. Call and exaun
chasing elsewhere.
no before pur-
D01.1.T Vaiidins at Wcimer's.
Irish Popmsh ut Weimar's.
Plaid Poplins nt Weimer's.
Plain IVn.iNs nt Weimer's.
Ciiintzks nt Weimer's.
Si-kino Shawls at Weimer's".
As endless variety of Goods for Ladies
and Childrcns wear.
Call and see for yourselves.
No trouble to show Goods.
Special Suttees.
PUBLISHED' us r. warnlm; nnd for tho benefit
ol yonnif men and ollura who sillier from
Nervous Debility, Loss of Manhood, etc., snp
Written by one who cured him -elf, after under
froim; considerable cjuaekery, and sent free on re
ceiving a post-paid directed envelope.
June (?, '72. linios. Brooklyn. N. V.
. -3
S 1.
3 1
q 3
; ; J o
"i -.I
.-, 2 " - a
- Si- X -
i o
& x 5
- z, P .. o
S !l
s Tj
c -
V. ?.
3 i.
3 9 P
i- S o i
On .Uiirrinso. Essays for Young Men. on
Great Social Evils and Abuses which interfere
will. Marriage, and ruin the bnppiuese of thou-
sand. witli sure means of relict for the Erring
and Unfortunate, deceased and debilitated. Sent
In sealed U tter envelopes, free of charge. '
Address, Howard Association, No." 3, South'
Ninth St., Philadelphia, Pn. I
TO T 1 1 iTs 1' I ' K K K I U .
The Key. William H. Norton, while residing ;
in lirazil as a missionary, discovered in thut '
land of medicines n remedy fur Coxsrvmos, !
St'R.IFI I.A. SoliK TflKOAT. CoflillS. t'lU.llt. !
Ashima, ami Nr.uvoi :-s Wkaknf.s. Tills rm-
en, iiii-euie.i iuseii I'ltii un oilier nieiitcmea
had failed.
Wi-biiii to benefit the suffering. I will send
the recipe for preparing and using this remedy to
nil who d"sii it r REE OF CHARGE.
Please send an envelope, with your name nud
address ou it. Address.
Oct. 1 4 1 S71 . ly. Nt w Yohk City,
At Ml. Curniel, on tbe '.'lull ult., Mr. CHAS.
BOLIG, aged 5'J years, a months and -8 days.
At ( attauissa, on the r.tli Inn., STEPHEN"
BALDV, Esq., aged isboiil 8.1 years.
Judge Haldy was a native of Sniibiiiy, and lo
cated in Cattawlssa more than 50 years ago.
si xiiritv .M iitKhT!
I'lour ami . nil 11 JlHrkot.
Extra Family $12.00 Red Wheat, p. bu., $3.00
nucKwneiit, p. ct., n.uti live,
t orn Meal, " a.fto Corn. '
Wheat Bran, p. bu. 1.50 Buckwheat '
Shorts, 3.00 Oats, Sli lbs.,
Corn Oi Oats Chop, 3.00 Flaxseed,
Timothy Seed, p. b. 3.00
l'mduro Mnrliet.
80 .
70 i
1.00 '
O o-
E-.-js, per doz.,
Butter, per lb.,
Lard, "
Sides, "
50 Hams,
15 Tallow,
HO Country Soap,
12 Dried Applea,
10i " Peaches,
jficlu lbbcrlismcnts.
Ksilulc ol Kolumeti JMuiItt'Ibs-rK'",
Latk op Zi hiik Towxsmi',
"XTOTIl Eis hereby given, that letter of Ad
i mlnistrution have been grunted to the un
dersigned, on the cstnto of Solomon Dunkelber
get, lute of Zerbo township, Northumberland
county. Pa., deceased. AH persons knowing
themselves Indebted to sai l estate ure requested
to make immediate payment, and tboso having
claims to present Ibein for settlement.
SAK.Ml ML' MHt.fc, Administratrix. I
THOMAS HUMBLE, AdmiiiLtrator. j
Tho undersigned udiuinisiialur will meet all 1
parties Interested at Ihe late residence of Sol.
Dunkelbertier, in Zcrbe twp., on Saturday the
2-tth day of August. All parties having claims
are requested to present them on sni I day.
Ashland, Schuylkill Co., June 20, l72.-0t.
K-iriug ami Sumtucr Opeuiug
.iin.i.ixr.nY .ooiK.
Natl anil Jionwts, Trimnteil and
all uuw styles.
Crtspe Vellst of all (s'radr.
and verytbluc usually Jtepl in a Millinery Store.
Call at
M. I- GOSSLER'8 Store,
45 South Fourth Street, below the 6. V. K. U.,
(sr-VfJURY, PA.
April SO, JS.
So Person enn tnlie lln-s Hitters crord
inf 10 ihrecliom, sud r-eain loi- unwell, provkltcl their
bones aie net desttoyrd bv nvnetai pnisnn or olhei i.-.eans,
nrt llie vital omm wasleit bevmid the point ut' repair.
I'i1epnla or Inillistlo. HeaHsche, rata
in the Shoulders, Coughs, Thinness of the Clicsl. Dull
ness, Sour Enicuiions of ihe Slonucli, ll.iilTaiu in the
Month, Itilious Attacks, Palpilation of the Heart, In
flammation of the Lunf s l'aie in Ihe n-poiis cf li e Kid
neys, and hund"- c.eet painful symptoms, are lie olt
irmp, of Dvti.eiitia. In these complaints 1' li;. no
equal, and one bottle will prove a Letter guarantee n us
merits than a leeaehv advertisement.
For Female Coinplnliit. in younc or o,d. tnir
Tlcii or sinale, at the dawn ot womanhood, '.r tin turu
of life, the .e Tonic Hitlers dliplay odcridi-d an .alluciica
that a inaiked improvement is soon perceptible.
For Inflammatory BU'J Chronic Hlici,
mntlsm and C0.1t, Dil-mis. Remittent and Intermit
tent Fevers, Diseases of the Blond, Liver, Kidneys and
Bladder, there Kilters have no equal. Snth I)ii-air
are caused by Vitiated B'-vwt, is Renerally prodi.crd
by derangement of the T)ire'ive Oreans.
They tare M Ociitls lMirpHtira ns rrr II nn
a Tonle. possessing also the peinliar nieril of acnnE at
a powerful aitent in rilievmr. Congestion or Inflammation
of the Liver and Vi-.-ta' Organs, and in Bilious Disoasea.
For Skin IJIirsaea, Eruptions, Teller, Salt
Rheum, Blotches, So -t Pimples, pnt'ule,, Itoiin, Car
buncles, RinR-wonua. Sia'.d-Head, Sore Eyes, Myaipelas,
Itch, Scurfs, Discoic'.tions of the Skin, Humors and Ins
tates of the Skm, of whatever name or nature, are lit
erally due up and carii:d rut of tha ty-tcnt in aahcit
lime bv the use of the-? Hitters.
five properties of Drt. ''s Vint ,
IttTTftRS are Aperient, Diaphoretic and Carminative,
Nutritious, LaxWve, Diuretic, Sedative, Counter-li e
tant, Sudorific, Alterative, and Anti-Bihous.
Qrateful Thoiisnttils proclaim Vinkgs Civ
Ttss the most wouilerful Invigorant that ever auslaineJ
Ihe sinking system.
J. WALKER, Prop r. It. II. McDOJf AI.D A. CO.,
Drugguls and Gen. Agt, San Franciaco, Cal.,f
and comer of Washington and Charlton Sta., New orlt
June 'M, 172. Urn.
. W.
IN"ow Goods!
i j) - fiooda, Notionn, Furnishing
: ,; , (jnn'CI'lOR, Oil Llotiir.,
'.'SS Ulivl
U I.
, at one Ion- price,'
of every variety, .
al -ss i.irrw t It
Corner of Fourth and Mnrfcet Si
"ret Is,
SVNhCRV, r..
All kinds of Grain taken in rxluti;;c sauit.
cash. Call e.t-d ee us.
SnnV.try, April 17, 172.
aTmVmeixell, "
Amerlcnii aud EiifotjrKrf
rorfoctcsl Kpcrtnrlrs mid yc"
s and Jewelry ncat'y repaired .ind
nt S-itmtv, SUNlit'l'.Y, Ta.
, Kih. 3. S7S
Druggist and Apothecary,
(Sii.-ccssor to Dr. W. W. Moody,)
At the old e.-tab'.ish :d stand on
JFarIi'l nViturr, KL'MSI'KV, S.
hips ronstuiil'y on ha., 1 a fu'l stwk of well
Druggists Fancy Goods,
vtnisii, iYi:yri vrs.
In fact k-niythiu; nna!W liept in a net I con;
Particular .utotitltn paid locomprwmiing Phy
sicians preseiiptiiiiis and family receipts by the
Prtiprhitiir bin. self.
buuhury, I'.., dune U7i.
.Mmiii4! :--Ilow r.osti, ilotv Ilc-Mor-
l-.'-t : -VI-hc.1, a new ediiiri of Dr.
EriAV on the rndicul cure (w'tliotit meielne)
of SPERM ATORKIUK , or Seminal Wci.kncss,
Involuntary Seminal I.os-es, IMPuT!"CY,
Mental and Physical Incapacity, Imped ments
to Marriaire, etc. ; nl.o, Coi.suio"tion, Epilepsy,
and Fits, induced by self-indulgence or e- Xiijl
c.v! ruvuuanrr.
I-if Priif, In n sealed envelope, only 6 cents.
'1 be celebrated author, in this adnilrahle es
say, clearly demonstrates, from n thirty years'
successful piiflice, tluit the a'anning conse
quences of self-ahuso may bo radically cured
without the dyrgerotis use of Internal medicine
or the al plication of the knife : nointlnir nut 11
I5 , mo le of cure nt oucn simple, certain, and etrec
j ; tual, by means of which every sulleu-r. no mat
s ter what bis rnnrilitnn may be. may care himself
... I elieapiy, privately unrl rainfall
! j i ! This Lc-lure slioald be i
in the hands
every yoiilli und evoiy man in Ireland.
Sent, under seal, in n plain envelope, to any
address, postpaid, on receipt of six ceuls, or two
postage stamps.
Also, Dr. Ciiivcrwell'i; "M.iiriage Guide,"
price 50 cents. Addiess the Pubibers,
( HAS. J. I", it (XI.,
4,.'iii. 127 Buwcrv, Ntw York.
P. O. Box,
April 27,
srnixo stvlks
nt tbe
Every kind of Millinery Goods, embracing
Hats ItomirtM, Si-hool llnt!, Cruo
Hut llllll llOUIM'tM,
Ribbons and Flowers, Trimmings of every de
scription, 1,11, 1 every kind of goods usually kept
in a millinery establishment, can lie huinth. r
store at I'm lowest ptlces. Tlio very best iu lh
Pbil.ldelpbia market bus been selected, In which
the ladle uie Invited to examine and be cm in
fed. MISS L. SIllsfSLKR,
Market Sqtturc. Sunbmy, Fa.
April "0, 1175.
rv n ns " rv T
.a-tiv; 11 A t a a x . s 1 ,
Is ready for Cnavussers. )l Is u companion vol
ume to "Issim snt Akkoat," of which li(0,(KKi'
copies have been si. Id. poq'j waste t'me on
books uo one wants, btit take one people will
stop yon In Ihe streets to srlbscryjjj.for. 'Tbi re
Is a lime to laugh," and all wno read this hosTk .
smi clearly that time ha come. A-pply at oucu
fr territory or circulars. Addresa,
TI 1 Snnaom S'rei l, rhlladtd h!.A-