" 8UNBURY,"JULY6,T872. Railroad Tim Tisblof. P. & E. R. R (lomo NoaTHWmn. Erie Mall, 1 wives at 0:05 a m Nlanra Express, " " 1:30 p in Mall, " " 4:iO p m Erie Express, 0:50 p m N. C. R. V Ootao SoCTHWARn. F.rle Mall, lonvci at 1U45 a m F.rle Express, " 7:40 a m Mull, " 11:05 am Niagara Kxprcsn, " " 0:30 p m Tlio Erie Express tralu remains here about SO minutes f v brcukfnst. BitNnunv & Lkwirtows R. R. Mull truin leaves at 7.S0 a. m., and arrives at 7.60 p. in. Fast Liuc leaves at 8.40 p. in., and arrives at 1.60 p. in. &UAMOK1K VALLET R. R. Mnil leaves nt 13.35 p.m., for Shamoklu and arrives at 3.55 p. m. Leaves for Mt. Carmcl at 4.40 p. m., and arrives at 9.25 a. m. D. n. & W. R. R. Trains have for Now York, via H&zletou at 6.20 a. m., and arrives at 3.35 p. ni. Accident Insurance Tickets enn be had of J. Shipiunn, Ticket Agent at the Depot. ftccd Affairs. o. S Sewinu Macuinks.-MIss Caroline Dallus Is tho ngent for the sale of tho bent Sewing Machines In cxisteuce, viz "Tho Improved Singer," "Graver & Baker," "Howe," and "Domestic," which are constantly on hand nud sold at rea sonable prices. She Is also agent for the cele brated FranU and Pope Knitting Machine. Call and seo them. Ofl-e on Market street, cast of the railroad. Wanted. A girl, or widow having no child ren, who understands house-keeping, will find a good home and liberal wngc3 paid, by npply lny at this oUlee. Good references required. It. 11. Ma9seu has Just received from New Tork, a uew supply of Ice Cream Freezers, suita ble for 1'uailltes and saloous. Foit Sale. A second hand one-horse spring wagon la oil-rod for sale cheap. Apply to Jxo. WlI.VF.It'a Flour and Feed Store, Spruce St., Suubury, Fa. Washuchn's Last Sissation will appear In Fry's nail, this Friday evening, July 5th, with everything uew and original ; and attached to this troupe, ! the fine-it !utth and IrUh came diaii iu tht land. A sunk Invud.'d tho ch'cken coop of Samuel C. Konn, iu Lower Augusta township, on Thursday night of last week, and killed thirty chickens. His minksbip must had a b'vy time for at least one night. Si'sstkiihi:. On Wclnc lay last, Win. Hunk, an employee at the 1. cc 1. shops nt the upper end of this town, wan suiisiruck whi'.u on duty r.t the. nho s. He was immediately carried home to his famiiy and medical aid summoned. Phowsed. Wm. Keller, n.t eld fisherman from Shumnkin Dam, was drowned iu the I'enu syiv.u.la (.'.ma!, opposite this p'ace, on W clues il.iy last. Mr. Keller was fishing nlong the tow path and went to swim ncrocs the cinal, nnd wbeu about half way over r.euk lo the bottom. A oksk.uai. rush was made on Jacob Shlpmi.ii, ou Thursday last, for AcJdeutal Insurance; tickets. There are bat few persons who will at- tempt lo travel without procuring an Insurance first, y..: Shlpm.iu lithe egeutfor the Bale of the tickets nt this place. Tiny can bo hud ut Ilia depot when pureiiaslrg tickets for the cars. 1 Doi'iu.K Posia';b. Tho new reguhitluus of the ! roftolBee Department, under the recent act of C.'iig.-es.-, i roviiethat here mail mutter reaches its destination with the u;;).iid, double the pre paid, rate shall be exacted ou delivery. ) moru- Tiir. berries iu our inaiket on Tuede.y I::?, were very abundant r.ud could be bought iu any 'pJantities:. Kaspberries found ready sale ut fioi.i 10 tj 12 eems per ipiart. All the fruit lul been picked day before uud looked fresh. The Chops. Tho late rains havu had a tjoo.1 effect upon the summer crops in this vicinity, lleports from everywhere are of the nio't cheering; character. Grain in this section w 111 yield bet ter than was anticipated ft month ne;o. The fiuit crop will be veiy lnrn and will yield more tlmu an av,.r:-.e crop. On Eat Jiday evening last, Miss C. Pallas t r.d Miss Flora Stroh made n narrow escape from niecilnir with a fatal accident. They were diiv a fractious horse attache 1 to a bnjTL'y iu north Fourth streit, when the horse took fright at a lime bo:.', and iu muk! i a sudden turn, spilled tho occupant ) out upon t lie tide Walk. Miss D.iliua received severe injuries from the fill, and Miss Stroh some severe bruises. V.'e are happy to notice that onr younj; friend Lewis Downrt, ecu tf Hon. Wm. L. Dcwurt, of this place, piaduated lust week at Princeton College. He: was one of the orators of the com mencement exercises, and demeaned liinisetf with rrcdlt. His parents were nttcndln the excr- 1 docs, to whom it must be very gratifying to .now that their sou graduated with the highest I ruors. I Whetstone fi apuv. s-oinetiine a'o omo (U.ii ryinen ut the limestone hill, four miles below .bis place, UUrovcrc-.l a ledge of rocks which, upon tcs-t'ni!-, proved to lie the very finest quaiiiy ( whetstone. The si one is of a very line grain, ind can be readily used for honing razor or the litest cutlery. There la a large amount of the ainc quality or stone lu that vicinity w hich will 13 doubt prove very valuable. Hi'movai.. Mr. James Washington, of the oasoil il coi p--, has reinrrej vjs tarhcr Fhop In !iss C. ruliu.-' buil.lli., on Market street, where i.i will be found m.'.eli b.'.tcr located for busi icsi. Ill new shop will be fitted up iu the most liodern ftjle, un l will uoi.be surpacjed for eoni ort nud cleinliness lu the place. Mr. Washin;; ou Is running live chair constantly, and keeps he best i.f woiknie.i in his employ, by which he j,s, pained a wide reputation for dolu work atisfactoiily for nil who givu him their patron j;c. Besides keeping a Orut-class baiber shop, ie manage.! to do considerable of truck railing very season. He manage! hi uiuineis affairs Jmlrably.and we are happy lotiote that through is iudustry and energy, is fast falling in the jod graet of all our citizens. A TakbJk- A traveling Jeweler has lately eeced some of our frh uds in Lower Augusta iwusV.p, by selling them bogus Jewelry. In rdcr lo affect his sales lie represented poverty, ankrnjtcy, uud even hunger, to work uioi tho elings of people. A lot of the bogus stuu was limed on a hardworking man near Seliusgrove atiou, which was represented world $10, but i that amount could not he raised, two dollars id eight cents lu gold and silver, which had ien laid up, was aeuoptrd with tcirs In Ihe eyes ' the Jflwc'.ev for th coveted articles. The erne dodge was practice at other places, biuce ten U has been ascertained that ail the Jewolry omewbnt novel freak of electricity oecared .reha.cd was probably worth .w-flve ecnu j irrfur.u'ir Lienus suould teri'.dinbvr that 'all shattered u badly, then flew toagalvauiied wire not gold that glitters," aud w6H ihose smooth j clothes line, iiasing both wayi alon the wire, nuel pMlars cmer t hoiwea with their "riMf- lue stable at oue end aud the house at " 1 V ,. ... Ida other end and then disappearing, no doubt ash, e;.v them a god firplh-atUMs t hot ; cbucklisisj iu wwret ovr its rleverncs.. Jf.Kn-.cb-r i ii lb pii-p:j!iw"- art f'! g i'n. . iat- Tbb CiffTnssiat, C'n.EunATioti We have room only for a brief reference to the proceed ings which characterized the celebration of our one hundredth anniversary on Thursday. At an early hour In the tnomtng onr dwellings and public places were all handsomely decorated with evergreen and portrnlts of tho old citizens and heroes of the revolution, Interspersed freely with bunting. The day opened with a warm sun, nud the usual arrival of fourteen daily trains, largely Increased by txenrslou additions, brought thousands of strangers to participate In the celebration, and sec the sights. The parade was formed nt 11 o'clock, and marched over the route laid down, forming a procession never equaled Iu appcarauee and good order In this cctlon of Pennsylvania. The principal elements In the procession were tho firemen and the mili tary, who presented a vory line display, and were very much admired for their lino marching and manly bearing. The procession was over a mile long, and the several bands of music along the Hue, a fine drum corps from Hurrlsburg, and the beautiful banners and bright flags, altogether formed a lively spectacle for the assembled mul titude to marvel at. We Judge there wero over 12,000 strangers In town, nnd it was feared there might bo frequent outbreaks of disorderly conduct, but the day wore away In an orderly maimer, nnd only live arrests for disorderly conduct were made, two of which were our own citizens, nnd three strangers who did not belong to the visiting organizations. The progrnmmo In the afternoon, wo are sorry to say, was Interfered with by the heavy fall of rain about three o'clock. The meeting was or ganized by the election of Hon. W. 1.. Dr.WART as chairman ; Vice Presidents, Sebastiou lioughner, Philip Renn, Col. Elisha Kline. Jacob Seasholtz, Jacob Eckmun, Isaac Kline, Mr. Kneess, Sam uel T. Brown, Peter Uuldy, John Moore, Hugh Tents, Dr. John Raker, John D. Conrad, Daniel Hileman, Mr. Strosser, Jacob llloom, Ilenjamln Knous (Trcverlon), John Stumer, John Tuggurt, Jesse Horton, Win. Forsyth, John lllicnuin, I Francis Buchcr, John Sliive, Henry Billington, I George Prince, Win. H. Muench, Murdccai Law. ! rcnec, Andrew C. Huston ; Secretaries, Sol. Ma- I j lick, A. N. Uiice, M. 15. Priestley, It. M. Bubb, j Frank John, C. O. L.iclmian, U M. Frlek. The j j orator of the day, lion. A. Jordan, delivered a j J very lino nddiess, which, with the proceedings, j will lie repotted iu lull next week. Alter the ! j dulivery or the oration, the orator and Hon. Si- j i uion Cuinerou measured and staked (T the site ; j of the soldiers' monument, when Gen. Cameron j i gave to the anxious crowd an Impromptu ad- j dress of much Interest nnd feeling. He was fol- , lowed by T. II. Purdy, Esq.) with his Interesting j unrrai.on ui ;oci.i Historical inciiienis, oat ouore I he was through a heavy rain arrested the progress ; of the proceeding?. It was expected by the j crowd tlint addresses would be delivered by Hon. John B. Packer it ml Hon. Frank licu'.'.d , 'an J we j ure sorry the rain deprived us of their well ar i ranged thoughts. However, at about 8 o'clock the rain ceased, I and the bullion, which had been inflating during I the day, was making ready to usccuu, and nt 0 o'clock, everything ready, Professor Light sailed j out In his basket into mid-air, moving ri.j i lly lu ! the direction of North East. lie lauded about three miLs Iroin Suubury, after an ascension of ! about half an hour. Iu alighting, he dorpped a i little woro rapidly than was expected, and the ! Professor Injured his ankle. Ho was brought j back to tjwn on the same eveuiug, with his ba- loon, by Charles Moore. . I'i.sed on ttieltb, with th,- t!l'c '''''-""'' the Wa.lai.tr.n limes, dpt. J,i0' MeElicc" n'cm :-ucutt iiaV tM county, I'hN company numbered S3 men rank cud flic, "ui is w"'"stJ F' ""cipally of Ii i.slnncn, who "" " ' ",v " "V u lueu, ::iu me; iei'b a gouu lllipit-wsioil UlOII OUT viltzeus. Capt. McE'iecc may well be proud of' his company us it will innk favorably with any in the count I PricoNAL. We. were pl"ised Ij receive the visit iu our sanctum, rn the 4:h, of Col. J. F. Mieheuer, Capt. J. M. Ni sbitt, Capt. J. E. Tooiuey and Capt. A. A. ifhis:;!er, from Wash ington city, who visited o::r town u the cen tennial. They gave us most vt,couj;iiiK n.r,vs of the re-eh.ction of Gcu. (Jiant. '.Ve weie much trratitlcd on the -tt It on niceliiis Missr?. II. D. Wharton nnd Jacob Youniriiian, mil corre pondciits from Wasliiiieton, nnd Mr. N. F. l.ii-litner, now residinir iu Philadelphia. They all paid a visit to their former home lo par ticipate its Centenuial celebration. Ai:ciii:T ami Dkvtii. On Wednesday even ing, as the passenger train was coming from llar-li-biire.', a young man named tieo. 1. Lower, who w.ts iieeotnpaiili:g the Good Will and Mt. Ver non Fire Companies to this place, for the put pose of pariieipatiui: in our centennial cekbratinn, was killed at Stony Creek bridge i.ear D.uipliiu. Not noticing the bridge ho put bis head out of the window when bis head struel; the bridge kill ing him almost inttuully. Ili3 remains were taken back to Ilarrisburg mi the next train south ward. He was about l.1:! years of ulcc. The death of Mr. Lower cast crlooui and sadness over the liieme.il from ILiri isburj.', nnd uuder the cir cumstances tiny were prevented from many pli asiiies and sociabilities w hich they otherwise would have had. A nunc quantity of lumber was rafted down the river during the kite freshet. Lumbermen appeared happy once more wheu they could lloat upon Hie water over the riffles in the Susipjchuii na liver. F.very pnssengertruin coming north was tilled with the hardy nnd sturdy pioneers of tho fore.-ts from the northern part of the State. We are informed that the iaiesl poillou of limber has been got 0"t of the fnialler sin.aii.s, but that a large quantity is still iu waiting to be. rafted duwn tho river to market. The mills along l he river are now well supplied with logs, nud we may expect our lumbermen to lie kept buy during the summer season. Cake rnESitNTATioN. Miss Harriet Jenkius, of Northumberland, on Wednesday evening last, i presented a Hue cake to the Hon. Simon Cameron j ut the rcsidcuee of Hon. J. B. Packer, baked in ; n tin p:.u brought from England by her mother iu i 1773. We are glad to see that Lewis llaupt has opened u tobacco store on Third street, below Market. Mr. Haupt is f- youn; o:an of excel lent habits nut is the support of a suldler's widow, and Is deserving of patronage. We return our thanks to the Rcpn Coruei Baud c-f Yi'iUiuuisport for their serenade on the .-Uli. Come again gentlemen. I A fKiiiors accident occurred at the Car Works on Saturday last, home workmen were engaged in getting a pair of car wheels from a wrecked cur, when Solomon Yonly discovered that one of the wheels iu loose on llio uiel, and endeavored to hold it to its place as it was being taken down from the car. But a sudden lurch threw tho wheel from tho axel which struck Mr. Yoidy and knocked l.im from tho car, the wheel follow ing and unking him on the right foot, badly j crushing It. The escape from death was a nar row one- as the wheel would have destroyed life ' had it struck the falling man fairly. Dr. J. P. I McCleery utP'uded the wounded man, nnd he is : doing as well as could be exacted with the ini- pre of a carwhecl ou his foot.Arilfui.iuu. Cnors. Hiding through Butfalo Valley on Sat urday last, wo were struck with the One appear nnco of tho crops of all kinds. Willie the wheat is not so thick on the ground and there will bo shott stinw, It is headed out finely and will yield about us well as it usually docs unless something in the future injures it. Oats we never caw look so well. Rye and other grain nro full as good us usual. Corn ouly is backward, and there Is yet time for that lo mature and do well. Ailiotu'wi. Published by request. Flow's tuis Foil Cats. If n cat doth meet a cat, upon a garden wall and If a cat doth greet a cat, oh need they both to squall f Every Toui my'liHS his Tubby waiting on tho wall, and yet lie welcomes her approach always villi a yawl. And If a kitten wish to court, upon the garden wall, why don't he sit nnd sweetly smile, and not stand up and bawl lift his precious back up high, nnd show his teeth nnd moan, as if 'tweie colic more than love, that made that fellow groan ? Tribute of Itcnpct-t. Geoiioetows, June 20, 1S73. At a stated meeting of Stone Valley Lodge, No. 5ti4, I. o. of O. F., tho following preamble and resolutions wero unanimously ndopted i Wheueas, it lias pleased God, In His infinite wisdom to remove by death, our friend nnd brother l'nst Grand. IAVir L. Ditty s therefore Jltuvlrcil, That w hile we humbly bow to the will of our Heavenly Father who dotth all things woli, we at the sumo time deeply feel our be reavement in the loss by denth, of a brother of this Lodge, who was one of Its most zealous members, Jtttoleut, That while we lament the loss of our brother, we are also reminded by his death that man is mortal nnd Unit we should so live that, when the hour of death comes, we can hail with Joy the summons of Him on High to cuter that Lodge where there is eternal re.-t. h'cwlral. That In the death of our brother, this Lodge has lost a zealous member, one whose life nud character is w orthy of imitation, the church a devoted Member, the Sunday school a warm ! friend, nnd the community an exemplary citi- Zen. 7iVifiW, That we deeply sympathize with the family of the decease I in their bereavement, and j that the Omnipotent Arm mar give them Divine I support In this their sorrow. Assuring them 'that our loss Is his gain," and that "he Is not dead but livcth." Jietolfcil, That ns n token of respect, we drupe our charter In mourning lor thirty days. ffrmilpol, That a copy nf the above resolutions be forwarded to the family of the deceased, and that they be published in the Sinuiky Amkiii- CAN. V. O., W. L. SiiAn t:ii, P. U.. H. M. id nil, Isaac W. Duinrxms, Committee. Jury List for August Term, 17 OltAND .U UOllS. J W Voting, Sh. bor Geo Welnt, Shim bor r-'hno'i lli'l le'., N.i!ll Milam Young, " Jo!iu S Haas, I'p Aug '.lohn Siivdcr, Deluwur siaml Campbell, I'p A J K Sehaell'er. Lo Au A J Young, Deluwaro L Lekinun, Hush M L Bennett, Lo Aug 1. lotshull, Caineioii J K ril l; liauiu, Lo Aug Philip Hull. liu-h Jno W Yordv, Sha bo : Isaac Muehier, Shauio I Peter Vaiiady, Ciiiilis I And Martin. Mt Ca ip i l;'.nl C.inip. Mt C.i bo I 1. 11 Metier, K!l..'.l l"i lah Sobjr, Sha 1'T ! Joan I lenyl, Lit Ma'a ; Owen Nag'le, Milton ! Michael Wayne, Sunb TKAVKiisr. j'. itoi: in Harris, Mia horo J Kli'ln Lewis i it F Ket fer fcanburv Ceo F.-nig, Noitli .1 j Win C huinheriiti. Nor ; (ialeii Smith, Cameron i (i V Aombcrg-r, U M ' ( bus llov, L"wii L Uaker Little Mali . Dennis MeCill, Mt Ca F J i.eieh, Sunhury j J .1 LeiineiiMiyder Su I John Marshal, North'd Win Waldion, Turbut ) W Loud'.-nslugt-r, " j J l.'.lser. Delaware I J N Suder, Low Aug ; .1 A Beard, Up Aug j W De pin, Lower Ma ' J Bradley, Mt. Ca. bo ! 1C Bolieh, Cameron ' II 11 irlrallll, Iv'i.iwur dec McKli.ce, Sha bo J LmvS'lorf, Lo Aug den Weiun i , Nou'.iM I liileiah, Lewis 1 Lme, le la ware lo o Tnixel Cbiili-fpi I (ieo 11 Co U-r, S!ia ho A Hopper, Suubury J Butler, Chilli)iiap.l M lt .l.oe. Ml Ca twp 1) Knurr, Milton J K Weist, l.o Mali A llothermel, " ,1 Artlier, Lett is (j W f.etz. Caineioii J iloiish, Milton ,J Dei ham. Debt ware W I lluil, Miit.m ,M Wane!, Mt 'a twp (.' ' line, , W Van horn, Point ,M Crane, Mt Cum bo H C ii aip, Suubury J F lianger, Milton John ll.iag, 'l uihiit W A Fisher, Wal-ont PntlT Jl'lldlis.' J Welsh, Jw'Juii S Iio'ighner, inluiry t Sub"it. Delaware 11 D ilollniuu, Washg C Kvan, U'.i-h .1 ilerc'st ('.'.-si-r. r-;iul,y ti Jl Waltxe, Watsonlu h liramer, Cameron S It Waller, I hillisqn f Henner, Northuiuber W I) Suiyder, Milbm Ii Watts, Point I P. ihar, Coal J S Marsh, f-inibury W L.ihlc, Zerbe A Yustinc, llu.sb J Ilaiicih I'.vniit, Hush F Shrunk, Suubury W Miurtel, Jordan 1 I. Cniilev. Mt C.i ho W Hor Iner, L Maha t" II Wuppie.-, Nolth'e .1 I'.iiH iiek, l.o Allans J Ci.ldern, T 1'oulds, Sr., Zerbo S P 11. cd, Kusli I Neidick. Point J Caldwell Milton .1 Telni.s, Shuuinkin (mn W siritie, Milton P Pulion, ltiwh J Crawford, Delaware it P Fullmer, : ui but II F Krone, Suubury ii S IS il rr. Northuiuber D Heel-.ley, Sunhury r.iliiorK' TaLIe. Tin: Lauv's Fiiinxn Foil Ji i.t. The leading j plate iii this number is a copy of Millul.s' famous picture of the Huguenot Livers, ncctunpuni ing' which is a poem of rcinatkuhic beamy. The i treat St. lJernard Cotiveut nud Luke, is also a I highly interesting picture. The Fashion illiistra- i tions are abundant and tasteful ; and the Match- j less Sehottiselie a new an ! lively piece of music. Kila ltodmati Church nnd Miss F. Hodgson have ' good stoiies, th,; latter especially line. Mrs. j Wood's novel is intensely interesting ; ami 'An j Kveryday llcroice," by Amanda M. I)niiglus, is j one of her best. There is u poem by Lleanor ' Donnelly, who always writes well, and a Song ' ill the wood, by Louise Chandler Moulton. Willi siieh naincsthe literary mailer could not fail of high excellence. Piiee, S'J.IK) a year. Four cop ies, ?i. Kiirht copies (and one gratis) il'!. "The Lady's Friend" and "The Saturday i'veu- ! ing Post," ii. Published by Deacon iii Peter Son, Philadelphia. i Via vii AMruic v for July ls the most interest- ' Ing peiiodleiil we know for Juveniles, The Edi- j tor gives us :,n excellent full length portiait of j liim.elf in the present number. Mice at Plav, and Just my Lueit are continued, in nr.! interest in;' than ever. Published by V. Jxsmsos luc mokkst, HI'.S Bioadwuy, New York, fl.00 per year, DLMuitiisi's Montiii.v Maoazint. for July con. tains an ample store of refieshing literature, in cluding a continuation of Urn; at hie Faum, by Ni:u. Fouursr ; choice poems and music, splen did illustrations, fashions, hov-".'0 r.(. tte., and a tour page engraving of the city of Vicuna, the scene of the World's Fxposition in ls7i. Price, yearly. Published by W. Jenmxos DtMOntsT, HvS Broadway, New Voik. Dr.EIiS.A large lot of Wank Deeds, Mortga ges, Bonds, and all kinds of Ju.-tU'cs' Wanks for I sal it lids olllee. I Timk and enlightened experience havo shown I that ccilain subptanees formerly u-cd and relied on in medical practice, nre uniit'd-sMrv and dan ! genius ; yet some of thesu substances nave found j their way Into medical compound.;. Dr. Walker's CaHliiriiia Vinegar hitters, however, contain j nothing injurious, being composed exclusively of , vegetable substances from California. For uli disorders of the liver, kidneys, bladder, skin, and Jdigcstivo organs, nud for imri'Mng the blood. they nru tho moot woudciful remedy known. j'J',1 liiisiiu'.ss Notices. Fob Sai.b. A one-horse pedlar w.tpou is offer ed for sale chenp. Apply a: 8. Faust's bat stoic, Market Square, Suubury, Pa. J15,Si. TitKi.B is no disputing tho fact that J. F. ScharTer competes wilh auy tailor iu tho count ly in making up fasliiouablo chilling. His goods are selected with the greatest rare, aud nous ever j coinpluln of not getting a Ort-class article, i when made up ut his establishment. Call ut tho corner buildlug, opposite tho Central Hotel, Tub many suit! worn on tho 4ib, which were made up by T. . Nott, mcrchaut tailor, on Third street, were so much admired by visitors, that a large number of orders were left for new suits, to be sent to different parts by exprcrff! Il is a singular fact that wherever garments are made t Mr. Nott's establishment, there are sure I lo h new orders sent ill. Aiieai) Aoais. Wni. H. Miller, the enterpris ing boot nnd shoo dealer at the Kxcehior store, on Market Square, purchased the first ticket sold at the new depot, nt this place, on Monday of last week. Mr. Miller Is always wide awake In business, nnd manages to get ahead everywhere, particularly lit hoots ahd shoes. Ho gets tho best article nt the lowest prices, nnd then gives his customers the benelit. Men like Mr. Miller make lively towns, nr.d their patrons arc nU'uys satisfied. SrTt.ifoi Pl'RtSO AND Sl'MMEK Hats. A 1nrgo supply of styll.-h Spring and Summer lints to suit all fancies nnd tastes has Just been received nt 8. Faust's store, Market Square. A specialty in straw hats ; and tho lightest, coolest and ueat cst hat lu use is the ventilated cnsslmera lint. A largo stock to sclcrt I rum, stylish goods nnd rea sonable prices. Call and examine boforo pur chasing elsewhere. Poi.l.v VAnntss nt Welmer's. Iuihii Poi'MNa nt Wclincr's. Pi.aiii PoruNS ut Weimer's. Plain Poim.ims at Weimer's. Chintzes at Weimer's. SrniNO Shawls nt Weimer's. As endless variety of Goods for Ladles', Gent's and Childrens wear" Cam. and see for yourselves. No trouble to show Goods. Special Notices. On Miirrlngc F.ssnys for Voung Men. on Great Social Evils nnd Aloises, which Interfere will. Mairpige, nnd ruin tho happluese of thou sands. with sure means of relief for the. F.rrlug nnd Unfortunate, deceased and debilitated. Sent in sealed letter envelopes, free of charge. Address, (Inward Association, No. i., South Ninth St., Philadelphia, Pa. "the confessions of an invalid. 1)U1ILISHED as a warning and for tho benefit of ynunri men ami v(hrr who suffer from Nervous Debility, Loss of Manhood, etc., sup plying THE MEANS OF SELF-CURE. Written by one who cured himself, nfler wn ler going considerable quackery, and sent fiec ou re ceiving a post-paid dir"-e) envelope. Address. NATHANIEL MAYFAIU, June S, 'i'L -Chios. Brooklyn. N. V. TO THE Sl'FE'EKIX;. The Rev. William II. Norton, while residing In Brazil ns a missionary, discovered in that land of medicines u rnie-ly for f 'iinsi mpiion, Sritori i,, Som: Timor, Col ons, Colds, Asthma, and Neiivoi s Weakness. Tills rem edy has cured myself after all other medicines, had fined. Wi-diin.1. to benefit the sull'eriug. I will send the r--eipe for pr paring and Using this reinedvto ill! who desire it MU'.E OF CM AUG E. Please send uu euvelope, with your name and ii I Iress on it. Address. i;v. WILLIAM II. NORTON, Oil! UnoAmvAV, Oct. lilSil. ly. New Youk Citv, s ca ! CO O O V. i. C 7. I'tnrlj.ti Reverts. SlXlilUY 5JAtlIii;TS. j I'lour (mil Grain MiirKct. I F.xtrn Family $li.'K lied Wheat, p. bu.,S2.0J lluck.vlie.it, p. rt., 5.00 live v) Corn Meal, " U'.-Vl Corn, Wheat lirau, p. bu. 1.,'kI iiuekwheat Shoits, '.'.IW ti.ils. lbs., Corn .V; O its Chop, 'J.o i Fl.ix:.e. d, Timothy Seed, p. b. U.Ocl lro;!iii'f yi ar Ket. 70 1.1 HI fi'l Putatocs, Kirg", per doi., 11. liter, per It)., I.inl, S: les, o.l Hams, lo Tallow, 110 Ciilllil: v S .up, l'J Dried Apple., In ' Peichc's, Shu..iili.Ts, si x i.i'it y ioai. .ti.vi:tii:r. iiKTAit. at wii iuv. iii.r.ui. nr.t.ivp.iir.ii. V.Sit nnd Stove ?:i.5d F.gg and Stove f t. 50 Chestiii'.t :.' .VI Chestnut l!.5'l Pea l.;"0 Pea 'J.o') At tieorgetown, this remit r, on Fiidav, the SSth of June, Mr. DAVID L. DITTY, aged M years, 7 mouths and i days. 'I he deceased was one of the most exemplary young men in the lowor end of this county, ll ivi.ig c.iriicd ou Hie mercantile business lu connection with his father for a number of years, he was w idely and favorably know u 11s an up right and thorough business man. In all his business relations every one that came iu cou tact with li i 111 learned lo love him, and none to hate him. In his dealings with bis customers, lie was most liberal, fair and honorable. His early death has cast a gloom over the whole tieighboi hood, as his loss cannot well be restored. In his demise his patents have lost uu obedient son, the church a w,n thy member, the Sunday school a zealous worker, the fraternal' of Odd Fellows one its worthiest members, and the com munity one of its best citl.ens. His funeral was attended by the largest concourse of relatives and friends that has ever assembled Iu that place. His .ciuains were interred by the honors of the Independent Order of Odd Fellows, of which Order lie was a brilliant member. In this place, on the lliilh ult., Mr. JOHN WF.IT7 .L, nged vl'.i years, ts uiniuhs and days. At i orthiiiiibcrlund, on the Sth lilt., Mrs. COIt.V II. liOYLIi, wile of li. F. lioycr, aged 'Si years. ihlv cctismcnls. m m uy .tiahiili: YAitn, opposite tin: Court House, SUXUVKY, l'LNX'A. rpilE undersignc.l has returned from tho Ver 1. inout Marble (juarries with 5U Tons of Marble for sFX ."""louiimcnji, irute-Htouci, i1 .1 He has bought ut nu b flcures that I iff is will allow liim to sell better stone, for ifc "V" 'e ulolle') than heretofore. The best yjfesSutlicrluiiil VaU Marl.lo, which is b.t.er than Italian. Ilutluud is now so'd as low as the Manchester. Those who need anything in the Marble line, for Moiiumeiils, liiave-Slouej, or other purposes, w ill llnd it to their iutrien lo cull and cxamino 111! huge stock, as better bargains can be secur ed than buying from parlies 'huckstering' round the country. All littering will be done In the ucatest and most Improved stylo. W. M. DAl'tJIlEKTY. Suubury, Juno 50, 1S7J. VTOTIC'K Is hcre-'iy glveu that on the nine .l teenlb day of Marcn last past, Ihe petition of the Northumberland County Agricultural hoclely was presented to thu Court of Common Pleas of Northumberland county, praying the Court to add certain amendments to its Con stitution, which said amendments were and re main tiled in tho I'rolhouotai y's o.lice of the said county, and unless sul'icie-nt reasons be shown to lue contrary on or befoie tho lirsl day of uext term, tho prayer of the petitioners will ba granted agreeably to thi Act of Assem bly In sued eases made and provided. WM. D. HALfT, i'lvih'v. Hnnbnry, May 21th, ISPJ. AN APPEAX To Debilitated Persons, To Pysppptics, To Suflutvrs from Liver Complaint, To ttiotn linvitis no Appetite, To those Willi Urukeu Down Coustitn lons, To Xcrvons lVoplo, To Children Wnslin Awny, c.my willi Dobilitnted lipcitivo Ori;nns, Or suffering with any if the following & niptom, which indicate iiimtrdcrtd JAnr such as Con stipation, Inward Piles, Fullness or Blood to the Head, Acid ity of the Stomach, Nausea, Heartburn, IHsgust for Food, Fullness or Weight in the Stom ach, Sour Kruetul ions, Sinking or Fluttering ct the Pit of the Stom ach, Swimming of tho Head, Hur ried nnd Iiitlleult Breathing, Flutter ing at the Heart, Choking or Sullocnt ing Sensations, when in a Lying Posture, Dimness of Vision, Tlots or Webs before the Sight, Fever anil Hull Pain In the Head, Deficien cy of Perspiration, Y ellowness of the Skin and l'.yes. Pain in the Side, Back, f hc-t, Limbs, ike. Sudden flushes of Ileal, Binning lu the Flesh Constant Im aginings of F.vii, and Great De pression of spirits. HoGilaiKVs German Bitters. ; ,. , I , rtt. t.i. II 1.. . ... Q..1..1 r I i . v in lei s n ii ii'iui. i u i Ml in ill ceil us in u in i. Is dllferctit from nil others. It is composed ol the pure Juices, or Vital 1'iiiM ifLK or Hoots, llicni.s nnd Hakks, (or ns inc llelnally termed Kx trui'ls,) tho worthies or ineit portions of th" in gredients not being u-el. Therefor.! In oiih bol lle of this Bitlers there is contained ns much inc dicul virtue as will be found in several gnlbuisof ordinary mixtures. The Knots. te., ucl In this Bitters iue grown In 'ieiinuny, the'.r it : I rinei ples extracted in that country by n Fei 'i.iihe Che mist, and forwarded to the uinutif.ieiory in this city, where they are compounded ni'd b. titled. Containing no : pir.tiions liigrcdieuts, this Bitters i free from the objections urged niMtUst ail oth ers: no de-iro for stiuiuluuts can lie indiiecl from their lis,; ; they cannot make rii unkariN, nnd cannot, under any circumstances, have any but a benelicial effect. IIOOI I. Vtj'.N (iKKMAH TOXIC, Was cniupoun !..' 1 for those not inclined to ex treme, billers, mi l is intended for n-e in cases when Some nleoholic stimulant is required in eo i neetion with the tonic properties of the Bitters. I'.acb bottle of the Tonic contains one hot Me of the Bitters, combined with pnrcu SANTA Clil'Z HUM, and llavored in sin h a liianni r that the ex treme bitterness of the bitters is overcome, form ing a preparation bighlv nirrccuhlo and pleasant ; lo the pilat". and containing the me pein ;1 vir tues of he Bitters. 'I he price of the Tonic is $1. ! ft I per Buttle, w bleh many persons think too high. Tliey inusl take into consideration that the stlni.il.int used is gunraut' ed to be i.fa pure i quality. A puir article could be firnisle d nt a i clieaj er I r'.ee, but is it m t better to pay a little I mere and have a gmvl aitiele I A niedi"in il prc ! par.ition should conl iln none bat the le ft ingre I dii-r.ts s nnd they ho expect to obtain a ch-ap i compound, and lie b.:ielUlcd by It will lao: t ccr ' taitily be cheated. IIco!5:iimI'm 'cfiin:i i;!llrs. ir j IIOOFLAND'S (iI.K M AN TONIC, with IIOOF I.AND'S l'oIO!iIliil Iiil, I will cure you. They nre the (iie.itest BLC.OD l'l'llirir.Ils- known to the Medical , world, an 1 will eradicate discuses miring fiom ' impuic blood. Debility of the I'Msgeitive lirgans, j or Diseased L'ver. In a shorter tilu llian uny ' other knowu remedies. Till: WIloLK SI'IMU'MK f'Ol'IIT Ol-" l'KNNSVLVANIA Sl'KAK FOI! tiii-:k ia:Mr:i)ii:s. Wu. wot lu a s k iMit moiii: Dn-.MFir.n AMI i l Siit'isoitu TrsTiMosv! I lion. (iKimnr W. Wo ihv.ahh, furmeiiy Chief T ist i .f the Supreme Couit of Peiiiisvlvania, tit present Member of Coiie;ieos from l'cuusji- ! vuui.i writes : j ruiLAMU.PiiiA, March 10th, lOT. j I dud 'Hoiifland's (lerinun Hitters'' is u good ; tonic, useful in ili-eases of the dige-tive oigaus, and of great bent lit in cases of debility, ut. I I want cf nervous action iu the M'-teni. Yours, ! truly, Clin. W. WooD'.VAi.D. I lion. Jami's TuiiMi'SiiN, Chief Ju-tiee of the Su preme Court of Pennsylvania, i Piiii.itir.i.piMA, April 2s, DC7. 1 1 consider ''IIomII ind'6 flernian Hitters" a vnl I liable inedieine in cae uf attacks ol Itiiliucsti.ui or Dyspepsia. 1 can certify this from my expe ; l iein e of it. Your-, JAMLS THOMPSON". Hon. Ciitoitiin Sii.M:sv.' Ho, Justice of the Su- ' prenie Court of Penu:- lvania. I'll II.AHi:i 1".IIA, June 1, W. I have found by experience that ''llootl and's tlernian bitters" isaveiygood tonic, relieving tlv.speptlc etmptoms alinust liinvtlv. i llKHKUK fcHAKSW(Kil). 1 Hon. II111. .Vuei'ii. Mayor of the Citv of lVal- falo, N. Y. Mayor's Office, HutV..!o, June i'J, ISofi. I have u.cel "llooflund's (b rtuuii Putters and Tonic" in my family during the pa-t year, and can recommend thein as an excellent tonic, im parting tone 1111. 1 vigor to the system. Their use has been productive of decidedly benelicial ef fects. WM. F, KOUF.KS. Hon. Ai .1. H'ooi.', Lx-Muyor of Williams- port, Pa. I I take great pleasure in recommending "Iloof land's tictinun Tonic' to any one who may be iitlliited with Dypcp1:i.- I hud the Dyspepsia so badly it was Impossible to keep any food on my stomach, un l 1 became to weak us not to bo able to walk half a mile. Two bottles ell'. ctod a perfect cure. JAMF.S M. WOOD. HEM km in: It THAT IIOOFLAXD'S OKIIMAX lUTTERS and IIOOFLAXIVS GLUMAX TOXIC, Will Cure every Case of MARASMUS, or Wiisiiti"; away of tho llody. 11 EM KM li lilt th'tt IIOOFLAXD S t; HUMAN' REMEDIES Are the medicines you require to purify tho lilond, excite the torpid Liver to healthy ui-tion, and to enaole you to pass safely through any hardships or exposure. DR. IIOOKLAN'D'S o j) a r u y l l i x , or sub'titute for Mercury Fills. Two Pills n j Dose. The most l'oweii'ul, yd Innocent Cathar tic knowu. It is not necessary to taken handful of these Fills to produce the desired effect j two of them 1 act quickly und powerfully, cleansing the LlTer, tflouiucli and Dowels of all impurities. The principal ingredient is Podophyllin, or the Alco- holic Kxtiait of Mandrake, which is by many j limes more powerful, acting and searching than ; the Mandrake Itself. Its peculiar action is upon the Liver, cleaning it speedily from all obstruc tions, wiih all tho power of Mercury, yet free from the iu.iurious results attached to tho use of Unit iinnci'it!. For all diseases, iu w hich the '.ise of a cathar tic is indicated, these pills w ill give entire satis faction in every case. They never fail. In cases of Liver Complaint, Dyspepsia nudex 1 1 line coctivciiess. Dr. liootlaud's licrman Hit - i ters or Tonic should be used in connection with : the Fills. The tonic effect of tho Hitters or 'lo-' ulc build up the system. Tim hitters or Touie , purities the Wood, si remit hens tho Nerves, ngu- j lutes tho Liver, and gives strength, euergy uud l vigor. Keep your Bowels active with the Pills, and ; tone up the system w ith Hitters or Tonic, nud uo disease can retain the hold, or even assail you. ; lice.iilect thut it is Dlt. IIOOFLAND'S (1EK-, MAN Kemeiiles thut ure so universally ucd nud highly recommended t nnd do not allow the I Dri'tcglst to induce you to lake anything else tl'.t ho nuiy say Is Just n good, be-caiioo be; inuKcs a larger profit ou it. These lleliiedici wiil bo sent by Express to auy locality, lipou uppiiea- 1 tiontotbe I'ltlNC il'AL OFFI K, at the (J Kit- ' MAN MF.DK INE STOKF, 31 AUCU ST., I'HILADI.LI'HIA. C1IAS. M. EVAN'S, Proprietor. Formerly C. M. Jackson ik Co. These Ilenie- ' dies aie for Sate by Diuggists, Storekeepers, and Medicine lieslcii e'eryv licit. ch) Ijjbbcribcwcnts. - fouAiLTrr Valuable House aU Lot! Will he sold at private sain, the Valuable Lot of Ground situate in Monroe townrhlp, Soy b i' county, near the Pennsylvania (.'anal.. About i,U nilles'from Se.liiisgrove, ir ur thy "Hlsir.g Pun Hotel, containing nearly t acres. wlievoii an erected a new t-'mitl lw Pllini; .JSsiosk'. n Frame Stable nnd oilier outbuildings, a W ' ol Water ut the House the chob'est ,.f Frail o: every description. I ls located Cora hourd ing bousi! or Tavern, and one of the finest lor a comfortable private resideuco along the river. For further particulars, apply at the residence of the undersigned, or address, PKTIT. (iHF.INF.R, Bhnmokln Dam P.'O., Snyder Conniv, t'a. June lo, Hi7i.-lm. New Orocci'y Store. No. South Fo-uth Ft r-f t. between Mark"! it. N.A. I and Chestnut :-H i suxnruv. vv XJIjXjXiT.T having ( i"ni'd n new -t'T" nt th ate? 1 laee, where he will keei const. inl'v on bar..!, a frfsh supply of .ill kin Is of fimrfirtPQ. VrpThhlfis anJ Ci,.n!'-rt'1;nrrtsr t me i.m.t mark. t p-i,. H-ihit,; iinv li.ut of the loivn. Plcasu cu!' in 1 cxaialue n, , ,.,. JOHN n. MCLLF.N. Runbnry, June S:!, 131'J. laliim' House. Wsltz v, p? f : H, Th .1 I Street, op; . th- V. io: ,t D b' SUNBUBV, i'KNN'N., , huT' open- :i Luting H ni.;, n 1 J.miIn sit nil Ilinir. .Ml kin Is of (lame in S"ason, Fih, Turtle, O;. tvrs. ,Ve., are .se.ve.l no iu (he b. sl slyi". F.iuii ii-s supplied w'tli Turtle Soup, at ; tie: Khiriesi noiiee. i 'I'll., best f Malt Ll picrs at tin: Bar. ! .luue liT'J. if. VV.Id. iv'iELSGfcC, DriiJiiiist and Apothecary, ; (tic.-e,sr to Dr. V. . W. ?,t.,ody. At the eld osUbiUhvd stand on ?I:irIi,- fiunri-, I X!:i :j', IA. 1 Keeps const mtlv on bind a fj.il stock of well selected 1 DRUGS & CHEMICALS, Diuggi-ts Fancy Good-' ' covi:?, BRUS'IF.S .rr.::ruMi'.iif. ! r ATK NT .M KI If IN E, OILS, PAINTS CI. A-, fUIVV, VAUX1MI, kl ,Tl l'I'H. In fact everything usual kept iu a well eon duct 1 D-R.XJO- STORE. i r.irtit''ii:ir Jittv'uliiiii i i i 1 to couir.oui'tlin l'!!:- sieians prescriptions and far ; is by tie- Proprietor himself. Sunbuiy, Pa., .luue S, 1-.7L TO HOOK AULNTS. .n akk Ttv.-uxvs xi'.v.' i;;;!ii, 'lougliiiig It, Si Is rea.lv for Canvassers, it i- 11 coin pat 'on mi ll me to "IsNOi IISTS AllttOAT," i f which liKI,tllld copies have been sold. Don't waste t'me on books no one mints, but lake one per; I" wiil stop you in the stvcits to subscribe f.r. "'I'll ar is a time to laugh," and a'.i who read this book see cleiily that liup.' has couie. Apply at once for ten Hoi nr rb'euli.v.'. A'l '"1 .'. I DUrriKI.D AIIM F AD. Pub'i. h. r, ! 711 Str.fotn r-lif 't. Phl'ai -'ph'-i, TO Till'. I,ABU'M CUANIJ OPKNINO OF SSillincry it ml Enncy ;ooin. Spring styles of IIA'iS and liONNI'.TS, triinme ! ;u. 1 uiui imiiieil. Ail the latest styles in S'fitA V, CIII1', LKO-HOILV, ('ACTl'S, Neapolitan, Waterproof, A. School Hats and j Sun Hits. ' Trimmings I'.iljbnns, F!o r, Luces, Ac. fs. 'ullir tlv ;riifO, (rape, Ciupc Veils, 'lis ues, Necktie.-. Iliuisey, War- nor iV. Co. s i'ntterv.s, an 1 all the Spring styles of Millinery (Jon -Is. Call and see inv eh iiee a. sottucnt. M1S L. WF.ISMi:. Market Street, one door west of (ieaih.ul's ci.-u-f-ctioncrv store. Apiil 20, ISTi. NLW SLMMi:it OOUDS ! MISS KATE .MAf.KF.T SQI AKi:, I HC.M Ii. r.Miviiy, i'i:nn"a. Dlack DitKss Silks lVotu ?l M to $2 00. lapuiiese Silks, Silk 1'eni-ei-, l'lai I Poplins, jji'.j plins, II irnni from MO cents to $1 in). 1HIB.I.Y VA!tII'.X. Chintucs, Dclalns, A-c. French Musiins, Mar Feiiies tjuiits. Kid (i'.oves, with single and double licit, uis. I. ace N h u vt 1 h , A general assoittneut of White Goods. LAWNS, (ilXdllAMSatnl PUjrHS, DKF.s.S TI'.IMMINiiS, LACKS, etc., told i.i greatly reduced prices. Suniiury, May IS, Is;-.'. :i!i.i.it.i;Y. M'RIXCi STVLHS nt the CENTRAL MILLINERY STORE OH MISS I.. SIIISSM.K. F.very kind of Millinery tioo!', embracing IIul.i, KomielH, Srliool Hals, Onpo Hals ami Hound, Uibl ons and Flowers, Trimming of every de scription, and every kind of goods usually kept iu a millinery establishment. 'run be. had ut her store at tho lowest pi ices. 'I he very best in the riiiludelphia market has been select-.--!, to which the Indies are invited to examine and be convin ced. MISS L. SHISs-LE !!. Muikct P'lU.trc, fsuuburv. I t. is;:. THADD'S S. SHANNON, i '1 11 IK l AND MATIKF.T SQCAIir., i lias in stock an 1 const iiitly ie.'ei ing Novelties ! iu his line, consisting in p.ut uf a full lino of j AMF.ICH'AX iVATCUIIS, FIgin. Illinois, Howard .V Co., Walthain, as s.ichusetis, and Hov's AMKKU'AN WA ICHi; i Also, a full set of Ladies, and Cent's tioli and ! Silver Swiss Wati lies. JF.WELEY. Roman Cold sets, junk coral and Cold sell, Far-Kings, Necklaces und Fcudau'.s, (u) X and I Jet Jewell,-. SXIJ-V"E3-W"riE3 Solid Silver-ware of fcierilng puriti , made to or der. Hridul and l'lci ntutiou Pieces, Knives, Forks and tfpoous in cases, ulo, a fell line id Silver l'hitcd Cootie, Tea t-ets, .-o Water Sets, Libit islands, Cake Huskets, Cod'ee I'm-, Folk, and Spoons treble plated, the best in the markets SPECTACLES. If you value your F.yesight, use the Perfect Lenses, ground from niiuuto Crisile Pebbles mel ted together, und derive there name. "Diamond" on account of there barduess nud brilli.iu. v. They w ill lust tunny years without change, ttud warruuU'd 6uieiior to uli nt tiers iu me. TAHLE CI "ILKiiV. Ivory, Fcarl aud Metal handles in c.itej sv.p. plied lo order. (I.tKHS. A full assol liiieiit of Light day and Thirty hour Cloc ks, also Calender I :ock ol nil iliscrip tious. I.nglinilig dcMie at IhosUoilesl liotice. WatcVies, Clocks an t Jcuclry, liepaiu-d uud Satisfaction warruiitud. All goods will I- sold at the Very Lowest Cash Prices. F.very body is cordially iuviu-d loCall and tJ.amir.0 for thenifdves. Don'i loi-jirt the i-'ac. T 5. HIANyov fserl-vT, Is If ' tf. isrr.lli'.iicoti'i. Heresy tmzzjs . I.i t'i? wnn le-f .1 rns.iieins t.iwhe'i the nfliet"d era n'i iv;i piiuie l f'r r -li 'f. P.j disei.vei'er he lievei hi l.ii e ca1 i d ' ".-.i.ii in-iro ef Na ture's mn t s i ":. i e'ira'iv.- pr.eirrl ies, which .d In- i.itl"l iu ii lu- ve Oil. liinu'ilniii for heallu til ' si t'.i'i ' i v.- .) 1 r r Pel ire eunihlned ill nue la ' bei.l 'l".i l c'p! ::ie'. of thi metis f el'e.l pi t'.l ' L".e:lt v.i'ietv of Ulu-t obstllial.i dls eaeiwaie'.i ii h n l"e i e.in.i m c .iMpr-r. In th car., of n eon 1 1. si.'vri-p C'iiiali, su 1 th'j faro' sia of ('imli 111 L1 ion, tl has att nish"t t:n' tu-l'.' i! f i -u : ; :-nil emile-iit ph; ik'iuas prunoan it t'u 'i'" O '-l i.e-'lieal discove ry of til : ft !'. NV 'ii : it ' :rf- ta : sLiieresi luuehs, it stre i ;i.ie i la. sv-O' i ail piirlt'i.n tho. Iiloorl.' II. i: i it r. . I i.c.ro.. :a blood puriiy ta ' i:- . or;i . It rj.vj ad II n 1:1 orK, licui tho iv id He coin In I a e aai a ei ts.tttch, Fi tu ple, nr llu ni ;l M ei:r:.i! lii-eu-e. Mine ral Paisaas. au i thjir e.l'.'e-. arc eladii aleit. nnd vi'ur-vw li'ililt nil a fnal . '-.siilutiiMi c;ab-lis'ii-l. F.ryslpeliis. S i'.l Itti.-ini:, fr'cvcr Sires, Scaly o' itousli Mi in. in short, Oil th? nu.iltr'e.H i!ien-ei i.nlsc 1 hi laid bl iod, n-o e-ju piered by this pj'.vuif ;! purifyiu-f ajid m TijaratiuT m 'dieiu". lfyoi feel d.ill, ilnnvsy, dchillt.-iteil, laive sallow color of BUin. 01' vell.nvi-'a In own sputs mi fuee or hi.lv, fieii'ieat lie".i I i -li or diiuess. bad taste in m-m'.ti, luieru'd lie.it or mills uiiernaied wilh hot flashes, low H-ii'-its. a. id L,'..iiaiv lOrehiHlines, ir r "j!ar nnpeiitij, and tongue coated, vou nre suffer in fro:a Trll Liver or " III lion. -lies"." lu ina-.iv case or Liver Coru lilalllt " ouly jiji t of these svniplnuis nre eiiPQ lijn'eJ. As a r-medv for nil sueli cases Dr. Piei-c S G'liden Medical Discovery has no cqnat, s it cir- us perfect cares, leaving the liver strength ened mi l Ik.HUiv. For Ilia cure of Habitual Constipation of tie! bowels It is a never fail ing remedy, and those who have used it fur tlii ouruose nrii loud in it pro?.-. The proprietor ou"ers $l,nO:i reward for a medi cine tht w lit voual it for lie: euro uf all tho dis eases for which it is reeoiaiaended. SV.J In- dru" 'ists a: 1 per bottle. Prepnrea n Tt. V. Pierce, M. D , Sole Proprietor, nt hi I'hemt al Laboratory, i'i ! c-nec:t (ureet. llutralo, . Y. ( Seed yuur address fur a pamphlet. 4. 3 XJ Il I ZsT O- G o o x s AT Clement & Dlsj.Tiiior'c, in the i:ew l '.i".:M t l!'ii Lug, Jar'kOi :-.iti:ii,r'. SuiiJuii'j, Iu. We take pleisioe la iciiiiiinioliii; that wo hare j;i-t ooetie I a le'iv assoit ra-.-ot uf SPBING DilY GOODS, of :ri svles at t ue loWeM. prices. DOLLY VAV.DK.V. ptill niLritig iu new ami le-autifiil designs. DSUSS (iOODS, MOl.'KNINti (iOOD?, CLOTHS. CAScIMKKF.S. VKSTINUS, etc., &c. I'.iKUlfHiXilr iolliiiig, a full .Tsort'.ii'.'i.t, which will bT sold lower than vtaowherc. '!trjols, Oilt loll, n.rl Flcor Mut iu;;. ' -:r.0CK!tiES ' of all kinds, which are guaranteed nil fresh- ; 2u::knswai;i:, wili.o'.vwahe, tl. cC.'C'., &(.. Tl;;..lMINIi.s. C.LOVF.S, ami in fact cveryt hlr.g that can be mention i'i a lir-t-cci-s stm-e. Cell niel e iiiii.iu our st,e-k. 1 1.ex T.ir oir s'eoro lillle, 1 With (Li. !t"0-.'.S I'.l'i be se'.el C",l i; Hi, 1 ' evening us well .is 1,1 the dav liu'.e. No charges tor short ing g Apr". Si, l" CI.LV.LNT A: lI?5INC.r.R. SI' . XSt OF. I! r.ATKII . SOM-Ilo: VT MaUVI.VMi !-TAir Fill!, D.ll,- TIM..UK. Fir-t 1 ivmiuui lor I". re-place Heater's awarded the Sunnvsi.le. Advantages of the Siintiys'.'c : 1. It i.- so coii-t ruetcl ti. it .eic-t'iird more of toe radiating surlaee exten.is into the room, giv ing that i.iueli more a I litbin.tl h a H-iihont"ex-tra f i-l. 2. It is the only I'.ot-A'r Fire-place Heater in, the market. Like the tegular bui.t cellar heater, it loses no iie.it, but rcuiii.es It i:'.l to its Jegili j urpn-cs. 1.. The ftiei t:i. i :a.:'.ne is doi'.'i e the usual size, extending fiom the llie hox lo the top of tho stove, with c.ip..c'.iy !' tw'tuly-four lio'irs' sup ply of coal. 4. The paler, t double cov-r :".- coal umgaz'no coiisuines the gas, pr, ;-.ts escr e of gas into the room, and lu.iki-s it iaipo.-- for any puf lings or cxplo-fons i-j occur. This is an advant age posscsse.l by no other ilrc-pl.icc ttoie iu tha in u ki t. li. Th .'re are three air peanibcrs, wherein a brisk cireiiintioii is kept up, drawing the isild uir iu the ruoni thiou.ii heated liu,-.., into a largn hot-air le servoii , i.t the bai l, oi I lie stove. ti No si le ip, s uie Used, us the air is healed In a reservoir h iving double radii. ting Hues nn-l double back, supp.v lug large ip.iuntilies of hoi airvviihout Wu: U ol I., at or flle-l. 7. The st'NNVsir.r uiilies the wast; heat s-i thoroughly thai we i'l-'-piently beat uu adjoiniug room ou ihe rlist, be.-i !, s heating tho rooms iu second and t bird stories. . A damper ou lop of the stove, c-.uncctel with the lea uir 11 lo-, controls the quantity hot air required for the. Use. of eilhij- the u; pr or lower rooms. Ad other luc-pluee. ttoves a'.-, very ineonvenleiU in this respect. P. Tin' Crate is sell-scaling, and n dast Can escape while shaking it. STL I! AT, F"Ti:r.50V ,., CO., ri.radeiph'.t. H. 15. M SF.n, Agent. Nov. l!,ls-i. cef! Been riuir. uu leisiiUe 1 ; :,vp.ired to furnish t'--.JL cit'... r.s of t'Uiil.ury n.n! vn P Uv v. Uli th i choicest Hci f and Folk in M.ukel, c.HkT ut W holes.i'.e or ll-'loil. Families will be supplii I ly iV.e oii.iiter or side, or smaller quantities ut ih-' i.i -t reasona ble rates. Constantly on ban 1 the e'e.oice-t cits cf Peer, l'oi k, M ult on :tn 1 e I. ai-o v iu-.;-, ., l'.clc::!! is. .tc. Apply at the Met II. . 'i--.'iih 'Mild street, iu Mooie ,v Dis-hi 'er'.- llo-.i-. Siiubnry. On inaiket ifav.i lie' I, -l of inca! is served t cu-tonii-is at the met :-ian I, comer .1 Mirkil and 'Hind elrecis, .ilc-u the eel, orate t i;.osi,ui' sausages cau bo had, Ion.." Urn wu " 'he be; I iu inurkcl. IIKM'.V K. FACFLV. N. n. IVrsons having fat hogs or I.i en s for sale cau procure the hlgest market p' i-t I v .-.p. pliealiou al the ::t)oo esi.ii.ili-hmeut. Miubuiy, Nov. 11, l-.il. a. W. KFKFI K. K. A. C.ASd. XewGoods! Dry ('ock!-', Xotions, FtintifLine (ilKlvls, (.ll'Ul'Cl'U'M, Clot ItH, CJ hiss unci XttiU of every Variety, at oue Iviw pi lee. a I KEEFEK k OASS' 8T0IU), Corner of laaiih and ';llket Enx,tf, ei'NbTRV, I'A. All Viuds of Grain taken in exchange same :& cs.ii. rll and sis riPlCSDiS'-wESWT'.S'. -- 'i