Unntarj American. SUNBUltY, JUNE 1, 1872. ttttUronrl Time Table. N. C. K. W. V.kir. P. E. It. R.Wiar. fhiifrtloEsl'vclfStSJom'Erlo Mull, I've 1:0iinm Frie " " 9:2J iAfCOin. " C:15 " ElmlraMall " 11:05 " iNinsurn E " 12:40 pin Niagara Ex." 4:40 p in ElmiriiMuil ' 4:35" ;Erle E. " 0:50 " HHAMOKI niVISIOX N. C. It. W. LEAVn . AMIIIVB Banbury nt 11:80 n m At Smibury 9:5." n m " 4:40 p m " 4:00 pin d. n. a w. n. n. LeaTe Snnbury f.:20a. m. Arrive nt 3.35 p. ra 8UNBURY A LEW1STOWN R. R. leavr I AnntvB Bunburv at 7:U0 a. m. J At Sunbury 1:40 a. m. ' "" 4:00p.m. " " 7:10 p. ra. Aceldent Insurance Tickets can bo lind of J. 8hlpuiaa, Ticket Agent at the Depot. $ocaI Affairs. Skwino Machines. -Miss Caroline Holius i the 115 cut for the sale of the beet Solving Machines in existence, vix i "Tlie Improved Singer," "Grover A Baker," "Howe," und Domestic," which are constantly on hand nnd solO r. rea sonable prices. SbeUalfo ngent for tbo cele brated Frantx nnd Pope Knitting Mnclilne. Call ond sea tbem. 0!U:c ou Market street, cost of tbo railroad. Tns street nnd alley in this place present an Inviting appouraueo since they have been tho roughly cleansed. Dbbds..V la'e lot of Blank Deeds, Mortga ges, Bond, Hid u!l klmli of Justices' Blanks for dole at this ofllcc. The house nnd barn of Mr. John (Juycr, In Folnt township, was destroyed by fire a few weeks ago. The fire having originated from a child playing with matches. Ths Fourtb of JptT. Ther appears to be r desire, on the part of many of our cltlteus, to ba?o no old-fashioned celebration on tbo 4th of July, In tills place, yet no stops havo been taken towards accomplishing this end. We would suggest, In order to gel a starting point, so that preliminary nrrniigcments can bo made, that the Chief Burgess request, by n public call made through the papers, all societies, associations, organizations, the different branches of trades and professions, be represented by two delegates each lu a meeting to be held at an early day, to decide upon a centennial celebration of the Bo rough of Snnbury, and to perfect arrangements. The original plot of the Borough of Snnbury was laid out In June and July, 1772, Just ono hun dred years ago. We believe that liberal contrib utions cr.u be procured towards a grand centen nial eelchratioii on the 4th of July. If this matter Is taken hold of nt once, we can get up a demonstration that will bo a credit to our town and worthy of "the day wo celebrate." Wo hope our boroujjh fathers will favor the movement and aid In furthering the arrange ments. Publish It broadcast throughout the adjoining comities by flowing posters that there Is going to he a graud demonstration and centcn uial eelchratioii in Sunbury, on th.- th of July, und nddi est.es will be delivered by eminent speak ers from abroad, and, our word for it, the town will be packed with Grangers, who will neces sarily, leave some, of their spare change behind. Wo are ill favor of celebrating, nnd wo feel confident that no more fitting time to have a larger celebration lu this place thau was ever held before, Is presented anywhere. We there fore appeal to all to assemble and commem orate tbo centennial anniversary by celebrating It, in a proper manner, ou the Nation's Rirth-day. Tiir nnnAKKu of Messrs. Doughtier it Milpp, located a short distance beyond the southern boundary line of this borough, was destroyed by on Monday night. The tire broke out In the boiler bouse and Is supposed to have originated from nn explosion of gie generated by the fiie under the boilers. When discovered, about 11 OCR Comet Band continues to flourish and Im- o'clock, the flames were issuing through the. roof prove both ns to membership and stylo of play- ; of the boiler house. The alarm of lire was lug. The members h.ive become quite cllleient I sounded and brought a largo numbers of our in the execution of a number of pieces of music, citiiMiis ta the scene, but the flumes spread so nnd it is a great treat of hearing the full baud ! rapidly that nothing could be done to stay them, discourse mnie. 1 Two P. A R. cars and three drift wagons Were destroyed, together Willi ubout 100 tons of coal, (principally Pea) which waslu the breaker. The Miss Lou &i!i'-v.Eit has Just returned from , The city with a full, nud second supply of summer sty!.'. which she has selected with j great care, and is now prepared to please her j numerous customers with all the novelties of ! the season in hats, bonnets, &c, the greatest j of which U ihe "Florida birds-net;." ' Tnn dedication of the Augusta Baptist Church j will take place to-morrow (Sunday,) ut 10 i o'clock, a, rn., and C p. in. Prof. R. Lowry and iniuislers will cfilei.ite. ' Miss M. L. Gosr.i.ru has returned from the rity with another assortment of Millinery Goods. Bonnets, rials, Ac, of tho very latest style. It Is a curiosity to take a look nt the many fashion able styles in her store. Call and sec them on Fourth Street, below 8. V. R. R. On Monday l ist, a young man, employed on the P. A E. Railroad, by the mime of Heidlemnn, while engaged in couplitig cars lu the yard of the P. & E. K. R.,lutho upper part of this borsugh, was caught between the bumpers and to horribly mangled that ho died in a short time. His re tnaius were taken to Bloomshurg for Interment. He was about tweutv years of age. A New EkuIm. IIoi se. A committee of the Council give notice that proposals will be receiv ed until Tuesday next for the building of a brick Fire F.iuinc House, on the vacant lot in the rear of ilie Court House. The house is intended for iho ttc-tm lire engine, and will be put up in mod em style. The oilier building is to be occupied tiy a Hook an l Ladder Company. fii'siirr.T Acaiirmv. The annual exercises of this flouiTshliig lii'titution will be held on (he evenings of Juue S.lh uud SSlh. An address will be delivered on the evening of the 27tli by Uev. Win. P. Breed, of Philadelphia, subject, "A Day at Shush.in," and grand ccnscit and exhibition on the evening of the 2Sth. As these exercises b.ivc been of the most iiiteieflin heretofore, a crowded hue may he expected. Wc arc happy to learn that the erection of car shops at Nortliumb iland is now a fixed fact. The twenty live th.Msnu.1 dol'nrs required by the ( baiter has been nearly all subscribed, and a few energetic nv.'U of lhat place have expressed a de fin: to take the balance of stock. There are a number of nieu in that place who have the nccus ary nerve to back up any Improvement, and they always stand ready to aid in Improving their town. We hope soon to tec tho work commen ced, and still more manufactories creeled. loss Is estimated ot 520,000; on which there is an iusurunce of f 13,000 in the following compa nies: AuJics, f 1,000 j -litim, tl.riOO; Hartford, ii.ooo. We learn it Is the intention of Messrs. IJough ner & Shipp to commence rebuilding at once. Sh'imvkin Herald vf laet tceek. Da. W. D. Mki.icu, late of Ceutralla, Colum bia county, has purchased the large Drug Store of Dr. W. W. Mnndv, In Masscr's building, Mar knt Square, ami has taken possession. Dr. Me lick conies highly recommended as a gentleman and reliable druggi-t. Me Intends to make many Improvements in his store to make it one of the most attractive establishments in this section of country. His assoittnent of drugs and fancy articles is very extensive. Tin: VntFTni.K Maiikf.t. Early vegetables of ail kinds abound in our market, and many at a rather high price. Cabbage per head, 20 cents j lettuce per head, 5 cents j onions per hunch, 5 cents j radishes, 5 cents a bunch ; Potatoes, 75 cents per peck; peas, do.; beans, do.; ttraw bcrries SO cents per quart. Susquehanna shad now bring from .Vj to 75 cents per pair. J.nke trout and wliilu lish 15 cents per pound, uud Salmon 10 cents per lb. Teachers AnNoclatiii. NoitTHUftrBKRLAif t, May lTth, 1S73. The Teachers' Association of Northumberland county met pursuant to adjournment. Prof. Ellas Schneider wns called to the chair, pro (em. Members present during the session were Messrs. Elius Schneider, W. G. Weaver, C. M. l.csher, D. W. Barnbart, W. II. Dublin. 8. P. Fink, S. Stephens, D. O. John, Misses Jauc Gosslcr. Ame lia Oosslcr, Dorcas Hussey, M. A. Russell. Fan uie Prlobtlcy, Jennie Louguiore and Mrs. Grny. Minutes of last muclliig read and approved. The lady teachers favored the association with music, at Intervals, during Iho entire session their tlrst solectlon being in order at this time. A discussion on the best method of Introducing music Into Public Schools was participated In by II. F. Hnghes, W. G. Weaver, Rev. J. C. Clark, of Northumberland, and F.lias Schneider. Pluneties, next in order, was discussed by Messrs. l.csher, Ilnglics, (Mark, Weaver and Schneider. On motion, adjourned. The evening session called to order by Kilns Schneider the exercises consisted of select read ings by Ellas Schneider, Miss M. A. Russell und D. W. Mnruhnrt. The selections were line nnd well read, one of which on the death of Horace Mann, Is herewith presented lor publication, as a tribute of respect, alike, lo bolli the amhor nud the subject of the poem. A commendable Essay "Tho Teacher's Duty" was read by II. F. Htighci. A discussion on the relative merits of Public and Private Schools was enthusiastically debated by Messrs. D. W. Duhline, W. G. Wea ver, H. F. Hughes, S. P. Fink, 8. Slcvcns nnd F.lius Schneider. The debaters pretty generally agreed that Seminaries nnd Colleges were Indis pensable also private schools of lesser grade when supported by pupils from dh-trlcts lu which the public school term was short and the grada tion poor ; but, In districts numbering many pu pils, having from eight to ten mouths schooling, the private schools were believed to be of but lit tle value, and in time must give way lo tho pub lic schools. On motion, adjourned. The morning session called lo order by Pi of. tSehue.ider, In chair. Tim tlrst subject was Arilh inetlc by the Professor, who dwelt chiefly on the mystery or numbers, more particularly on the number tico showing, by his own discussion, several remarkable j'atlm stating the why of which could not be given by any one present, but : remained veiled of the labyrinths of mystery. Prof. Schneider effectually demonstrated llie folly ! of attempting to teach beginners in Arithmetic j tho reason of many things ; he considered me : cliniiical operations' ns sufficient, nt tlrst, omit- ting further cxplunntiou (ill the pupil's nvnd I becomes more matured. j 1). ('. John being chairman of the committee , to draft Constitution nud Hy-Luws, reported ; re ' port received. ConstUutiou and Ity-l.nws cou : sidcred seriatim, seveial amendments made und adopted as the whole. The Executive Commit tee, consi.-ting of 1!. F. Hughes, Klias Schneider an. I Mrs. Gray, reported the lollowing programme for the jtLXt session : Fiiist Skssios, Thursday evening. 1st. l.ee I tnre by F.lias Schneider ; 2nd. Select Reading, by C. M. l.csher ; 3d. Discussion Compulsory, lalu ; cation. i Si:com Skssion, Friday morning. 1st. Etv i mology, S. P. Fink ; 2d. Phonetics, D. C. John, ! 31. English Grammar. Saul Shipniaii. Tumi) S::smon, Friday afternoon. 1st. Class i Drill in Geography, Miss J. M. l.onginorc ; 2d. Kssav, by Miss Doreus Husst v; 3.1. Arithmetic, i 1). W. Haruliait. Tnie Lady's Fhiknd ron Junr The June number leads-off with a charming picture of the heroine of tho day, Dolly Varden. Hero sho Is, In all her glory of youth nnd beauty. On the opposite page a plcturcsquo scene of Switzerland greets us. The music Is "Some ono to weep when I am gone." There Is n piofnslon of styl ish toilettes aud fashionable hats nnd mips i and a pretty little sketch of Siinnyslde, tho homo of Wnshlneton Irving. Mrs. Heury Wood's novel, "Within the Malta," grows more absoihlngly In teresting with every number. There are also ex cellent stories by Daisy Ventnor nnd Anne L. Forcelle, and Miss Douglas begins one of her at tractive serials. "An Every-day Heroine," The Fashion nnd Housekeeping Departments appear to be thoroughly attended to. Price, $2.00 a venr. Four copies, Eight copies (and one grntls) f 13. "The Lady's Friend" and "The Saturday Evening Post," 4. Published by Dea con A Peterson, Philadelphia. Single copies tor sale by all news dealers, and by the publlsheis ; price, 20 cents. UusIiicHS Notices. Titos. G. N'ott, the nobby tailor, is making up somo of tho best fitting suits ever witnessed In Snnbury. His stock of goods appears to be ad mired by everybody, and a better selection can be made than in many establishments In the clly. Stvi.isii Simiivo axp twmiFn Hats. A large supply of stylish Spring and Summer Hats to sun all fancies and tastes has Just been received ut 8. Faust's store. Market Square. A specialty in straw halt ; and the lightest, coolest and neat est hat in use Is the ventilated casslmcre hat. A large stock to select from, stylish goods nnd rea sonable price. Call and cxainiiu before pur chasing elsewhere. CorsTitY MkiiCiIAMA, If you want to save time and money, go lo the. Kxce.lsior Hoot and Shoe Store of Wm. H. Miller, on Market street, Snnbury, to buy your stock lit wholesale, l'ou can select a betler article than at city establish ments, and at prices as low r.s nt wholesale es tablishments in P!ii':dclphla. Doi.i.t VAtiniN.s nt Wcliucr's. Imsn Poplins at Welmer's. Pi.ai Poplins at Weinicr's. Plain Poplins ut Weinicr's. Chintzes nt Wclmer's. Spiiino Shawls nt Wclmer's. As endless variety of Goods for Ladles', Gent's and Child reus wear. Call und sec for yourselves. No trouble to show Goods. Special Notices. Oil .1I;rrlac:c. Essays for Young Men, on Great Social Evils and Abuses, which Interfere will. Mnrrpiire, nud ruin tho liappinesc of thou sandswith sure means of relief for th.i Erring and crorttinute, deceased and debilitated. Sent in sealed letter envelopes, free of charge. Ad.lress. Howard Association, No. 2, South Ninth St., Philadelphia, Pa. TO Tiirrsi i'FKHixo. The Uev. William H. Norton, while residing in Brazil as a missionary, discovered in that land of medicines a remedy for Consumption, Scnorti.A, Soitu Tituovr, Colons, Colds, Asthma, ani Neiivops p.aknp.ss. lliis r.-m- other mcd'.cines Wishlnii to benefit the suffering. I will send I tiie recipe for preparing and ii-ing this rcmed v to ' all who desire it HJEE OF CHARGE. Please send an envelope, with your name and address ou it. Address, Rev. WILLIAM 11. NORTON, C7l lillOADWAV, Oct. 141s71. 1y. New Yoiik City, .1 Sliiudsoinc MoiiMtucIie. MOUSTACHE. WHISKERS. MOUSTACHE, i WHISKERS. MOOTACIIE. i WHISKERS. I Prof. St. Croix's French Com pound, tlie firrnt Hair Uruwer, will produce a luxiiricnt Mou stache or Whiskers on the smoothest face. Pleasant lo use. Sent to any addreis on receipt of Kil'tv Cents. II. T. BOND, ( heini-t. N. E. Cor. Tenth and Chestnut Sis., Pliila. Fu!. 17, 1S72.-1V. Thicks of BitEiDJit rrs Advanceo. A great advance In prico has been maJe la grain and breadstuff, doublless owing l. the erroneous diuion that the coining crops will be a failure. 'Tis true that lu some sections of the Stale ap pearances would justify such rn advance, but from our exchanges west and south, wc learn that tho pros, cets for an average crop are very encouruglug and enough of the staff of life will b" produced to meet all demands. We think tho action of dealers in putting up prices Is spas modic, and a downfall may be looked for shortly. I B have been presented by James C. Sylvia, of ! this place, with a volume entitled, "The Life, I speeches, Labors and Essays of Win. H. Sylvis," lute President of tlie Iron Moulders' Intel national j Union, and nlso of the National L abor Union, i The book was c .nnpllu.1 and written by J. (.'. ; Sylvis, a bri.thcr of the djccascl. It is h.iud j somely printed and bound, and contain four I hundred and tllty-sU pages, and a Hue Mecl en graving ot the deceased. J lie biography is m a great measure, a histoiy of the labor niovi iiu nt. though In some instances not ns fully wiiUeu out as might be, it is interesting, and shows that the deceased was a z -alous worker in the Labor Union, and had gained a prominent position in that org:inl..it:ou. Although we differ In many respects as regards his arguments, we confess Hint his speeches are nevertheless interesting and j advance many original Ideas. The pike of the ! book is SI 50. i . -. Tub rrori.r.'s In.-h hanci:. The People's Fire Insurance Company of Philadelphia, is consider- , cd one of the saffhl iu the St-.lc; no premium , notes, no ass' ssinents, nnd is th" company to get your pi oj eity insure I in. Life in-uranees are taken al Hie lowest rat consistent with sceuii- ! ty. Thousands iu'ire in this company on ac- ! count of safety, iciiabilily, and prompt paying of : losses. For particulars apply to Isaiah S. Goss lcr, agent, at Suuburv, Pa. - ; j The trial of John D. F.Uweiler, of Miller-burg, Dauphin county, o.isae cIT at Pitt -burg wee k be- ' I fore last. Wc copy the following relating to the ! case from the Pittsburg Iiisjtulrh: I ' "Tlie trial of John D. Euwciicr. charg'.-J wilh j having counterfeit money in liii poNii.n with I intent to piis tlie same and nl owiili ) a ing i counterfeit money, was concluded la the United : '; States circuit court yesterday, Jinlje V'Keiinau ! presidiug. Counsel for the defendant, the Mcsmd. ' I Piirvlance, made an able ml In-ss to the jury and ' dwelt t'rongiv upon the fact that I here wa no evidence Unit F.t.weilcr had at any time 'Miovcd' tofitTii Sfssion, 1 rid. iv evening. 1st. Select j edv h.is cured myself after all Reading, U. F. Iluuhes ; 2d. Lecture, I. C. John; : had failed. 3d. Essay, W . G. Weaver; 4th. Diseussiou, Lady County toidcrintenilcut. " j Fifth Slsmon, Saturday morning. 1st. An- swiring tjuestions j 2.1. Miscellaneous Business, i On motion, W. G. Weaver, C. M. Lesher and j W. 11. Duliling were appointed n committee to draft resolutions expressive of tlie Association's feelings concerning the death of G. G. Miller, j The committee olfered the pillowing preamble and resolutions which were received : i i Wiif.iie.vs. In His all-wise Providence, it lias pleased the Supreme Ruler of the Universe to re I move from our "Association" our esteemed friend ! and safe counsellor, G. (i. Miller, and, whereas, : the cause of "Public School" education has : thereby lost one oT its most prominent exponents, and our count v one of her mot successful teach ers and most respected and esteemed citizens i i ncretnro , Jitsoleal, That while wc feel that pur loss Is his i ; eternal gain, we will endeavor to emulate his I virtues, and cherish his memory, that our iullu- I dice loo maybe felt, and our demise deploied, j ; when wo also are c.ilh d lo lav nil' this "muital i coil." I V.VwIwil, That while we do not iccognize in any one but the Divine Teacher a iterj'erl model. : our memory reverts with fondest pleasure lo the I invariable ain'.alilene-s of di-po-p.ion which ever characterized the life of our deceased brother, ; alike in the school room and tlie most exciting 'debates in all conventions of teailieis in the ' county, from which he was never known to ab ' sent himself. Jtinulix.;, That we deeply sympathize with the berei.ved p iienls and relatives of our .'.ere ised brother teacher, Itctulvtd, That a copy of these resolutions be sent lo the family of the deceased, and presented ' to the county papers for in r-crtiou. I On motion, adjourned to meet in Shaiiioki'.i. ' on Thursday afternoon. August 20. ISp.'. C. M. Lf.siikii, Secretary. To Debliilnted rcrsons, To Dyspeptic, To SiiiTototb from Liver Compluinf , To tlinsc having no Appetite, To those wilh Urukcu Down Constitu tor! n, To N'crvous Pcoplo, To Children Wnsting Away, oany Willi Debilitated Difjestlvo Organs, (Jr Buffering with any rf the, following I niptoms, which indicate fiimrdcrtil Liver titwnach, such ns Con stipation, Inward Piles, Fullness or Wood lo tbo Head, Acid ity of the Stomach, Nausea, Heartburn, Disgust for Food, Fullness or Weight in the Sloiu nch, Sour F.ruetatlons,Sinkitig or Fluttering nt the Pit of the Stom- ach, Swimming of the Hend, Hur ried and Difficult Breathing, Flutter ing nt the Heart, Choking or Suffocat ing Sensations, when in a Lying Posture, Dimness of Vision, Dots or Webs before the Sight, Fever und Dull Pain In the Head, Deficien cy of Perspiration, Yellowness of the Skin and Eyes, Pain in the Side, Back. Chest, Limbs. Ae., Sudden Hushes of Heat, Burning in Ihe Flesh Constant Im- J agiuings of Evil, and Great De- presslon of Spirits. ! Hooiland's Herman Hitters. ! A Hitters without Alcohol or Spirits of any kind. ' Is different from all others. It is composed of ! the pure Juices, or Vital Piiincipix of Roots, j Ilxitns nnd B.vr.KS, (or as medicinally termed Ex ; tracts.) tho worthless or Inert portions of the In- 1 gredienls not. being used. Therefore in one hot- He of this Bitters there is contained nsniuch inc- j ! dical virtue ns will be found in scverul gallons of i i ordinary mixture. The Roots, Ac. used In this ! Hitters are grown in Germany, their vital prlnci- ! ; pies extracted in that country by a sclenlilic Che- j mist, and forwarded to the manufactory in this ; city, where they am compounded nnd bottled, j Containing no spir.tuous ingredients, this Bitters ; ; U free from the objections urged against fill oth- '. ers : no desire for stimulants can be Induced , from their use they cannot mnke drunkards, j and cannot, under any circumstances, have any ' t but a beneficial effect. i iioofi.amvk c;t:a.ii.i toxic. , Wfis compounded for those not Inclined lo ex treme bitters, nnd Is Intended for use in cases , j when some alcoholic stimulant I required in eo i- ; I rcetion with the tonic properties of the Bitters. 1 I Each bottle of the Tonic contains one bottle of; ; the Bitters, combined with puree SANTA CRUZ j RUM, and flavored In such a manner that the ex- . treme bitterness of the bitters is overcome, foim- ing a preparation highly agreeable and pleasant j to the palate, and containing Hi" medicinal vir- i ; tues of Ihe Bitters. The price of the Tonic is (I, ! 5U per Bottle, which many persons think too! high. They must take into consideration that Cue stimulant used is guaranteed to be of a pure j ' quality. A poor article could be furnished nt ft i cheaper price, but Is it not better to pay .1 lift to ' more and have a irootl ai't:elc A medicinal pre- ; pnration should contain none but tlie best ingre dients ; and they who expect to obtain u cheap , compound, nnd lie benefitted by it w ill mo-d cer tainlv be cheated. I a- O GO TO NEW S3 W Central Variety Store! 5 -0 V3 of all kinds, miE6$ GOODS, DUKSS TKIMML(2S. SHAWLS, ALl'AC CAS, COUDKI) ALPACCAS, Duliiiics, Ticking, Xotions in grout Va fifty. FRESH GROCERIES OF ALL KINDS. Wood anl Willow Ware. Flof, Table, and Stair Oil Cl-'ths. CARPETS. in great variety, lowor than tlie lowest in price. Wall Paper and Window Shades. I H I 1 14 w o I 1 v.- J) G o to FINNEY'S for tbo Greatest Variety of Good ! Trice tlc Lowest ! arriving 1 aily. GockIs It y h VICTOR I VICTOR I VICTORIOUS I Agent for the Victor Sewing Machine. iV MAltUF.T STKKUT, one ttoor rati r ciirhnrl' t'oiiftfctloncrj Store, Sunb-.ti-v, Muy i, 172. ly. C6 AT . Ilootluuii'H iirriiiaii Bill or, or HOOFI-AND'S ft K UMAX TONIC, with llOOK I.AXD'S PodOiilijlliil Pill, will cure you. They arc the (iicatest Dl.OOD I'l KI FII'.US known to the M.;,lieal worhl, nml will erii'lio.ite iliseases nrislni; fioin iui)iure lilooil. Debility of Iho Disacstive Ornatif, or Diseaseil Liver, in a Miurtcr lime tliau iiuv other known remedies. y i I i; & 7 i Z . ji 3 " r S 5 - F-. o O O H -1 5 - i TIIK WIIOLK Sl'PIlKMKCOUUT OF! rKxxsYi.vAxiA sihak ion Til USE KEMKDIES. Who wnfi.n a-k run Mom: Piiisoirn axii pTitosriKii Tksti.mosy 1 Hon. (ii'.oiifip. W. Wo'inw aiii, f.irmeily Chief Justice of the Suiueine Court ot I'i'iiii'yivaiilu, ut in:enl Member of Congress from lViiiinyl- vauia writeii : l'lin.Anri.riliA, Mareh lC:h, 1W7. I nml "H'MiUimd" licrmaii Hitlers'' i u pooil lonie. u-efui in iliM'uses of the iliir--t i ve oru'iin". aiij of i;real benelit ill eai i of iltbllhv. mi l want ol" nervous aetioti i:i lite vtem. Yoiun. tin', (iKO. W. WOUUiVAnO. Hon. ,'.ivi: TtiiiMPsos, Chief Justice of the Su- I'reuic Court of l'eun-.ylraniu. i'nit.AiiF.t.iMiiA, Ajiril 1-Vp7. I coinhler "Ilooflanil's (ii riuaii liitti r" a val uable ineilii'lue In rase of altaeUs ol Iiiiil;4i'.-t!rii or l)yieiii. 1 ean certify this from my exce llence of it. Vour, JAMES THOMPSON. S. HERZFELDER'S Popular Clothing Store, Corner Market and Third Si reel h SUNBURY, PENN'A. Now on haiij unj receiving ,iu enormous aiortinent of STr.IXG fiOUDf. it V v -Z . OX Till! DKATII OK IIOllACi; MANX. (A I'riuee among Kiliieetorh I) II Y JAM PH AIKKN. I'rifii.l of know loil;.'i' ! frieiiil of frei.loui ! l'rieurl of all the human r.u'e ! lu the ifioriou-i eoniiii!! uet, Who thy bright career fhall trace ? When the ineli-or tlah if glory I'.uleth fioin the ivarrior's brow, Then tiianUiuil ill re.nl the story Of thi'ir heroes such ua thuii. Mental poirer, mill C'htis'.lan UiuJness, Toiling for the public s;ooil : I'ueh thy praise, thou wurihy member Ol the human hiulhcilmoii ! rerailventure, thy opinions May not square all through with mine i But. would O ! my Hie were railiant With the .'lorioii!. iKi;ns of lliiue ! Whcu the flood of precious knowledge fcW'ii'p o'er kiililnlli lihi! a fen, Then, in l.earninjj'it lcf:y temples liratcfnl rn.-n will lliink of thee 1 HrlnK no titles they are empty ! Joy in tit I those who can : This i lie title of unr brother : "HONKST, TlJll.lNll llllll.K K M lNN !' w . tit u a innn'jnacs. lion, (iroiini: nuiimvuhi, Jurtiio of the Su preme Court of Pennsylvania. ' 1'iiii.vnKi viiia. June 1, isr.s. I have found by experience that lInolhiui' (lerinan Hitters" is u very good tonic, relieving ilvspcptie s.mptoms alniost ilinctiv. cr.OltOK SIIAIISWOIM). 500 Business and Working Coats, 400 Dress Pants and Vests 500 Business and Working Hails, s A (fraud nsorlir.cnt In tl.U line. Inl iiil'iiir all the v-rv latest Ppr'uir F'e.. A lai'jp variety of l&O Hov IMS ail CAPS to MEN 1 BOYS. DOVy HATS AX1) CATS. I'iii; Largest Ass ; tr.ient in till i'r.e t'i be foti d nutii.lt Al the residence of the bride's parents, on tlie i SUl ult., by Rev. William II. Uiee, Mn. E. K. I Li nwm, teleeraph operator nt (ienriretnwn, this county, nnd Miss C. II. tlLnsrsnn, of York, l'a. On the 21st ult.,nt the rii-i.iem e of the bride's i parents, by Uev. James J. Keliuik, Mr. ti, T l-Kin., of Ilerndnn, this comity, and Miss E. V tvEi.TON, or i.yiH'iiDurjr, a I'l.n. Il'iu. '. llojtrt, Mavor of Uie Cltv of Uuf- falo, X. Y. Mayor's Olliee, Iliilf.iln, Junr 0J, lSilfp. I have ued "Uonllaiid's tiermau Hitters and ' Tonie'' in inv f.unilv liming tlie past vear, and ! j can reeouinifiid them as an execlltut tonic, lin- pmilni; tone und vi.'or to the system. Their use J has been productive of deeidcdlv beneficial ef I feels. WM.'F, UOliEHS. I'ulieo from .ie np. White Dii ss Shirt fioin ?l.t'0 up. ( ITY und F.Cl.ir?E FINE DHESS SIIIKTS. everv Air.-i'i-y f .r the Colebiated QL'AKEH of v. hivU U L":uraiHeed h i Cifuct t'.t. Ou the 10th ult., at the bride's residence, bv i Mit. John T. Zimmkiiman, of; Kev. II. Moss j Lock Haven, nnu Miss Claim I.M'Iirnsi.auku, of Tiiibut to.ruship, this l ottntv. j On the'Jlst nil., ut .Mcl'.wensvillc, by Kev. II. Mosser, Mm. John L. Uiti.r.n, and Sliss Anmi: ! Maiiv I.Kisincu, both of Tiiibut township, this , county. ' I On Tue-J.iy rvtnln. 7th ult., by Iter. .1. U. i 1 Heltzel, Mil. llnrnr.N C i.miuiici.i. and Mus. Uacu i u. Haas, both of Shuni kln, i'a. i At Milton, on Ihe Hih ult., by Uev. Or. Wat 1 son. Mil. Thomas Lewis and Miss lUiiuiTT A. ' Wilson, b.ith of I.ewMmri;. 1 Hon. Jiuntt M. U'ooi.', F-M.iyor of Wi'.iiains poit, l'a. 1 take irreat pleasure in reenninieudini; "Hi-o-- land's Ceiinan Touii" to nnv oue who may be nlllictr.l with I'yspi'psia. I ban tlie lysp,- so badly it was Impossible to kerp any food in v stomach, and 1 becalm' so weak es no! to able lo w alk half u mile. Two bottles nlVctod a perfect cure. JAMES M.WOoD, I Trunks lUTTEUS, DtroRATios Pay. Thursday last, decoration day, was generally observed by the ellizeiuof lhi place. At 12 o'clock noon, all busincs. place! were closed and work suspended for the bulauce j BpUriol notes,' also ciKleavnrinir to explain l.is T UeoloL'lcal opinions, tiriall. Mr. Mann wa a I'ul- of the day. About 2 o'clock the citizcui nsseni bled on Market Square, preparatory to decora ting the Ciavei of the fallen heroes of tho late rebellion. The Snnbury Coruet Band made their first appearance lu public on this occasion, hnr lup; only had their Instruments for ubout to weeks, nnd wo lienrtlly cointnitulate the mem bers upon their efficiency In which they executed the diiferent pieces of inusie. Tho different socie ties and organizations having assembled Capt. C. J. Bruurr nimouuecd the piojrttiiiino of the solemn ceremonies. A prayer was then offered to the Throno of Grace by the Rev. Mr. Clark, after which an address wm delivered by the lion. F. Bound, or Milton. Both the prayer and ad dress were well adapted to the occasion, uud were highly appreciated by the uudieuce. The pro fession was theu formed by Col. G. B. Cudwulla--der, cblpf marshal, aided by dipt. John J. Smith, and Lieut. E. M. Bucher, mounted, as follows: Suubury Silver Cornet Band. Buubury Glee Club. Town Council aud Clergy. Fifty girls dressed iu while. Boys In Blue. Honorably discharged 8old.rs and Bailors. rutrlollc Sous of America. Knights of Fythlas. 1'iiiud American Mechanics. Junior American Mechanics. Conclaves. Buubury Plem Fire Company, No. 1. Citizens ccnerallT. Each organiratlou was well represented. The procession then march'-d through several of Iho Hreeti to the cemetery, where a prayer was olfer ci up by the Her. Mr. Gerhard. Vocal music was performed by Prof. Brown aud assistants. The ceremony of decorating the graves was then npproprlatly performed by tho veteran surviv iug solJlvrs of this Fines, while the band p.jci dirt;. h roj t'mta to tbo occasion. The pro-ct.-Jaa tln r' f"cJ auJ "1Rr('1'e'1 "P fourth connection Willi Kecse, Altle, Mcinhurt. accord. ing to the lino of defence Indicated by the testi mony of their witnesses on Friday. Mr. Swoope followed In au iiicuiiieiil to the jury on behalf of the government, iu the course of which he re viewed the evidence of the w itnesses nt considera ble length and maintained that no other verdict than one of conviction could be its legitimate re sult. The Jury returned a finding of guilty on the first count (the possession of counterfeit money) with Intent to pass it, not guilty on the second, which charged the act mil 'shoving.' They also recommended the defendant lo llie mercy of the court. Sentence has been deferred." A correspondent sends us tho following In regard to the accident In the nail factory, at Nor thumberland, week before Inst I David Shaw, the cntrlneer who was injured by tho breaking of it scaffold In the nail factory at Xorlhumberland, a few days ago, is doing well under the skilful treatment of Ir. R. B. MeCay. Mr. Shaw fell betweeu twenty nnd thirty feet, brcukiug his right nrm and leg und spraining the left foot and nuklo badly , therefore his narrow escape from death was indeed wonderful, nud we will hope fur a wise aud good purpose. K. List of Letters remaining In the Buubury l'ost Ofllcc, May 29, 1872: Oren E. Bartlet (3), C. O. Boehmnn, J. V. Bergstresser, Styles Jenkins, Priestley McLaugh lin. D. M. Leidig, H. J. Stenrus, John Straw, John Wagner, Jeremiah Weaver. J. J. SMITH, P. M. SoMr. of oar citizens have been making raids! r:i the trout streams. The prospects for a good ) season for trout wc hear are good. J I'.iIitor'M Tnblr. 8titinNEii'n kob Ji nk. Sciibuer's Monthly for June has us many ns tlfty-tliree Illustrations, those accompanying Mr. llichuidsoii'B 'Traveling by Telegraph' (second article) being of extra ordinary richuci uud beauty. There arc pic tures of Uurrisburg, glimpses of the Susquehan na, Havana and Walkius (ileus, Seiieea Lake, etc., etc. Another interesting illustrated article is on 'ths City of Warwick," Enirlan I. Hroses sor Hilgard, of the U. H. Coast Suney, explains with maps, tables, etc., bis cm ion.- and Import ant theory of the center of gravity of popula tions : Mr. Whileiuw Utld, managing editor of tho Tiibintt, it lily discusses 'Schools of Journal ism ;' Mr. Wilkinson continues his criticism of Mr. Lowell's prose; Mr. Warner gives us anoth er chnriuing chapter of 'liack-Log Studies Mr. W. J. Stilliuan presents an intcicsllug sketch of an 'English Art Kclormcr ; -"is. Oliplianl 'At his (intes is, ns usual, strong and masterly ; Saxe Holm's 'Draiy Miller's Dov.ry,' has a sin gular rush and breezincss, this installment con tains nil exquisite little hyniii by Draxy herself. Then there is a powerful blory iu the Lancashire '. dialect, by Fannio E. Hodgson. The separate ! .. 1.. t.. M..L-....... L' 1 1 L' I i - n uie uj Hallux .iirr.ncu . I ill v., ' ' , A.ii'.i,- btth Akers Allen, nnd Mnry L. Kilter. Dr. Hol land, in 'Topics of the Time,' writes ol 'Theaters and Theater-going,' and 'Tho Loneliuess of Farming Life in America. The Old Cabinet talks ubout 'Cousin Bertha, 'Our Standing among our Friends,' 'Talking about Iho Absent, Human Svmpailiy,' 'The Afterglow,' 'Imitation nnd 'The Big Picture. The Scieiitilic Hepait ment Is well filled 'Home and Society, among other tlmelv naiiers. has all excellent little arti cle fwilh illustrations) ou croquet. Culture and rn In Oils place, on th.- 2rtd of May, JACOB I., sou of Samuel aud Mary Tycrly, aged 3 years, 1 mouth und 15 days. It is well with the child 1 In Milti.n, on Ihe SSI ult., MUS. LIZZIE ' STK Ol'li, In tho USih yeir af her age. At llt'indon, ou tho lOlli of April, MARY E. i XOllAH I'I'.I rT.lt, agcdS wars, a mouths and 1 S.i davs. ! At Tre.vorton, on the i3th of April, THOMAS i BERRY, aged 10 . us, I months and 20 davs. j At Trevoitmi, on the '.Hi of April, JOHN T. ' EIITON, aged 3 years, S Months and 7 days. ! In Montandnu, on the Uth inst., ELIZABETH McGlXLEY, aged fill year. ; At Coal Run, l'a.. ou thn 7th ult., MISS I BARBARA K. GEXSEL, f Cataiviss.i, aged W : years, II montlis and 1 dav. In Sbamokiu.onllielltliult., BESSIE Pl'GIl, ' wife of Thomas T. Vaiiyi, aged y.'i years, 3 monliis nml u days. i In I)cl:iare township, t the l"th ult.. W. ' T. MeWlLI.IAMS, nged 4tiye:us, mo..ii,s ami 1 t'Milton, on the 8th ulf., ELIZABETH Hli CEItT, w ile of Jacob HilL'Tt, aired : years. In lliirhtown, on the -stli ult., GEORiiE . BKIXZIGIIOFF, uged M years, 0 uioiitl' u '.'S days. , cf,i, Ou the 10th ult., of spotted fever, RO- daughter of Samuel Shadmau, i.'cd !' ye- iu:mi:mbi:ii THAT HOOt'I.AXD'S (iEHMAX (tii'l HOOFLAXms (iKUMAX TOXIC, Will Cure every C'aso of MAR ASMUS, or AY listing away of the Boily. Jt(i 1IOOFI.AXDS (iKUMAX UEMEWFS Are tho medicines yon require to purify the Blood, excite the torpid Liver to healthy action, and to ena'.ile you lo piss safely through any li irdships or exposure. 1)11. llOOlT.AXD'S ' 0 D U I' 11 Y L L I X , or substitute for Mercury Tills. Two I'ills a Dose. The most rowerful, ytt Innocent Cathar tic known. SHIRT 150.-OMS &c (Cents' Spring and Snimner Undertynre. 500 OvcvmIIs and Ovoi'sliirts inr.de to tr.lsi. Only tb-j b,u m iti!i.l !ic! ,;n.l r - teirir.!. Umbrellas, Walking Canes, ni.il numerous other artic'.os. All the above gooiU will be offered it E Xril A 0 11 "O I S'AliT hQW PIUOES, Ilnyint; I'tt'.y of tin- Iiu-c.-t and most reliable. Houses, and for CASH ou'y. r.tnl (lointr liv tar tin; lai-gi'sl liiisiiic-ss in inv liii'.i in tliis part of the country, 1 am cu.nMtd tu cell iu:tti:li .uticli.-h Zaow2? Prices than uny of my compctitur hutv ft':6e whore. (.'al! nt the Itr-o and Itt-aut'.fui ?torJ I'lOiiui, Corner Market and Third Streets, SUNBURY, rY. HER yL Fit LP E R , Vr.QriMQr, Suuhiiry, M.irch i'.'J, 1STJ. ly. MXBIKYJIIIIKETS. Klour ami Ciralu Market. Extra Family U3-00 Ka Wheat, p. Ui.,3.0i Icr. Creiu Festival, Tha hiillcs of Bcven I Points, Lower Aueusta township, will hold uu i lee cream festival iu Wolf's llnll, nt that place, j prolfrl.s, i... riii.,,,es on Church's 'Parthinoii,' llila IVr , a.il A.n.Avvr.M U.i ( u r.l v ..vii. .. .. . .V. r . V..il.... 1 liouias M orali s liranu canon ui mo niiun- this (Friilay), and to-morrow (Saturday), uveu- liijrs. 1 lie proceeds lire to be applied towards procuring iustrumcuts for a Cornet Hand. The Dau Room Rkmkdt for weakness of the stomach is a dose of Rum Bitters. They are sur charged wilh Oil, u deadly eleineut, which is rendered more netiva by the pungent astriu Cents with which It Is combined. Jf yqur stomueh is weak, or your liver or your bowels disordered, tone, slrengtbed and regulate them with Vinegar Bitters, a pure Vegetable Btomacllic, Corrective and Aperient, free from alcohol, aud capable of j sinnn ' music, now books, etc.. ami the etchings are very irraccful and sucircstive. . The contri buted uud editorial papers altogether cover a re markably wide range. Wood's Hoi skhold Maoazinb for June Is very creditable lo Its managers. It Is lively, vl Tuclous, Tigorous. We are pleased to see lhat so much ulteulipii Is given to practical life, und such excellent advice given directly and by In ference. "That tmilu" is worth a great deal. Men should read and protlt by 11. 1 lie price oi year. .vtar c. o. itnokw, -lii'iit. n. ct.. o.tH) uje, rorn Meal, " 8-W '"? , , Wheat Bran, p. bu. l.W Biiekw hcat hhorls, a.00 )als, W lb.., Coru Oats Chop, 3.1X1 Haxsecd, Tiinoihv Seed. l. b. 3.00 I'roilncc Market. rtatoe, f i!11"'9' K 'S, per doz., 15 Tallow, Butler lr lb. 80 Country Soap, Lrd. " 13 DriJ Apples. ItZ' . 10 Peaches, Phouldiirs, It Is not ntcesfary to take a handful of these I'ills to produce tho desired etfeet i two of tlu ni act quickly and powerfully, cleansing tho I.iver, -'toinach and lloWels of all .b'j.V'i'i'J'.Vv inTnv "," M-Viiiliako Itself. Its peculiar action is upon !Kt! speedily from all obstrue- nu u,e power of Mercury, yet free Vrom'thc iniurUis results altaeh-d to the use of i,,.i ...itci . inese pin.-. '"s'" " riN'i: A. M. T.1EIXELL, imt,....u um. i-.uronn wvrt M.H. .Ti-wr.i.rvVx.idMi.VKi'WAHi:: LACK 1 llt-w stiles. rape VH rall 'ra,J'"- i CUATi: HATS AND n n1 ev. ryt nliui us. a! y h-pt in a Millinery Star tic Is I Call at nil. Infusing new'vilallty Into you exhiiustod and dls- tnl nat;ailoo Is only 1 a J r.,d..rM sTste.n. Ji ll. Wood Co., Ncwburgh, S. Hi) 70 1.00 .'Hi 2.aj 1 H H 13 10 10 . , . n I lll-V 1 '"KZ. ofver .U - ls..nn niLlVilltrD. 's - . -.,. Th. ntc uuiius y"-""".- , Vi.rvcs. rcgu- Kccllcet thai it is 'l- .1 - -- '' ;. (III 1 1 , ilo not allow inc . or Tonie should be used in eonnee i.u, w w. ; The ionic fueci im .liv - - - - . i ,. .hp Rv,tcm. The biuoi-i or Tonic . t i v w..nifsi thnl are so nded i and IVrlVetetl Siertu!e nl l ;iaiHe!.. GOU 1IEADKI CAXKS. Watches and Jewelry neatly repaired u.l rantsi. Market Mn.re, BVSBVnT, T. M. 1.. C.OSM.F.U'S ftnr. ,;ith S-tre. t, b.low the V. R. K , pTSUCKY, 1A. 4 Eolith F.. April SO, Is"-'- ... ai;i:xts hm T.itorature. Art ami Sons ilgliiy rccooioi. i.u.. , - nnvihimr e'se Markets ri.Kgist to induce ,Mf. to life PltlNClPAloFFH-K. at t be (.Ml- U MAHl ltV t'OAE. MARKET. IlETAlL-AT WUAQr. ' BETA1U-KEI ,VBR'; n c..... art Xil Van and Btove H-WJ Cbestout .'.."'., a-bOX'tieatnul Pta l.WlPca a.fio o I lion iu ""--,,---,.,,,,.. g. MAN JIHWIM Diuitr., ARCH ST., ...... ft 1.1.-1 Olll 1 run..""-;' ,.,,AV tvonriftor. I " ( II AS. M. EVANS, Formerly C. M. Jackson iK i.o. These Itenie- ,11. Tre for Bta by Vt,ik Horekerv... 1 Mel'.cins Ueslert averywher. ma and SI 1 Race BTitr.r.T. VIIILADEtriUA. Aeoontmodations Crfl-cUss. Price, t i 00 rr FR.K l.F.miRt-JGF, Fr-r''- b...k i-v-r oiltie.l. Itconi- Mcs,heh.....rof '12. mil i' .......... -.. Is the bit el.in the in loini.it on wellness nu.l pn site charm ot music, th'HS. w -r. i ,...!... for cravcr ino:u.-ni.s i tur- nletures to tiliixiu- m ' J Jftll if s lliU weeV, long for Ihe social circle. 4i..ni write.. "So,.! wr Wi 1 sell 510 this month easily." out new M-sMtn of cuvas-iua doc awjU wU; l'iuli.i:!u f,v.lr i!or.s t ) th-. hnln. 1 valu:.W r-ns.-.t to rr.r.y I I INTr.USATION.'.L 1 - ! ' and P5 I.'.beiiv ftm, - f.ti- -v