Sunbury American. (Sunbury, Pa.) 1848-1879, June 01, 1872, Image 1

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    - 1 ' I I ..
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KM'L WILVEBT, Proprietor,
Kwi A Dlsslnger's BullJIng, Market Square,
At 91. BO In Advance.'
II uot paid within S Months ff.
(Pn6r()m ybr Un than Hz Jlonth
Oowhbctrt) with this establishment In nn uttn.
slveNEW JOB OFFICE, containing a variety of
(limn mm laurj Vypo equal io any estatillsliinent
u mo iirnmor 01 mo mate, ror Which tbe patron
age of the public it regretfully lolicltcd.
the Clemont Buildings, second floor. En
trance on Mnrket street, Runbury, P.
Suubury, March 16, 187J.-ly.
SB. DOVER, Attorney at Law. Nos.
8 and 8, Second Floor Bright' IlulMing,
Sunbury, Pa. TrofesBlonal business attended
to.ln tueco'irts of Northumberland and adjoining
counties. Clnltns oromptly collected. Consulta
tion cnu bo had In the German luugua.s.
March g5tli, 1871. ly.
J. MARKI.E CO, Market Street,
Dealers In Drugs, Medicines, Paluts, Oils,
Glass, Varnishes, Liquors, Tobacco, Cigars,
x wki nouns, isnines, IV c.
t ' P. WOIiVERTOV. Attorney At I...
K7 Market Square, SUNBURY.PA. Profession-
i easiness in mis ana adjoining counties prompt
-y attended to.
CA. REIMF.XMWnER, Attorney at
Law, SUNBURY, PA. All business en
trusted to his care attended to promptly and with
diligence. apl27-67
C. 1. BRUKBB. L. U. SK.
BROKER cfc KASE, Attorneys and Coun
sellors at Law, SUNBURY. PA. Office on
Cbestuut street, west of the N. C. and P. & E.
Railroad Pepot, In the building lately occupied
by F. Lazarus, Esq. Collections and nil profess
ional busiuess promptly attended to la Northum
berland and adjoining counties. npllO-Bil
H. MANSER, Attorney at Law, SUN-
- .a. t.uuui-biuu uueuueu io 1U
the counties of Northumberland, Union, Snyder,
Montour. Columbia and Lycoming. npU0-C9
AN. 11 RICE, Attorney nt Law, Sunbury,
Pa. Office In Masoulc Hall Building.
Collections of claims, writings, and nil kinds of
lugul butiuess attended to carefully and with
dispatch. (April 8, 1871. lv.
. CIROLra. L. T.
Ofllee In Mntipt's Bullilinir, Intely occupied by
id, Rockefeller and L. T. Kohrbach, Esq.
Collections and nil professional
prjmptly attended to lu the Courts of Northum
berland and adjoining couuties.
Dee. 2. 1871.
ctcls :tut Ijcstanntnfs.
Proprietor, Nos. 813 and 814 Mnrket Street,
above eighth, PHILADELPHIA. Terms, t3
per day. Ho respectfully solicits your patrou
ge: Jnno'-j.
A PIERRE HOISE, Broad and CbeH
J nut sts., Pbilndelplilii, J. B. BUTTER.
WOitTn, Proprietor. Terms per day, $3.50.
April 15, 1871 ly
BYERLY A BOWER, l'roprletor.
The table Is supplied with the best the mnrket
affords. Good stabling nnd attentive ostlers.
May 20, 1871.
JOSIAH BYERLY, P-jprletor, Lover Mahe
uoy township, Northumberland county. Pa.,
uu the roud leiiil"n nrtw -
town, Smith Inn, Trevorton Pottsilie, &e.
The choicest Liquors aiid Scgars i.t the bar.
Tbe tables are provided with the best of the sea
son. Stabling large and well suited far droTer,
with good ostiers.
Every attention paid to niftUe gne6ts eouifoi ta
ble. Nov. 11, 1871.-1V.
WALD,- Proprietor, Georgetown North'd
County, Pa., at the Station of the N. C. R. W.
Choice wines and clgare at the bar.
The table Is supplied with the best the market
affords. Good stubllng and attentive ostlers.
LOUIS HUM M EL, Proprietor,
Commerce St., SHAMOKIN, PENN'A.
Having Just refitted the above Saloon for the
accomodation of the public, Is now prepared te
serve jls friends with the best lefreshmcnte, and
fresh Lager Beer, Ale, Porter, aud nil other mult
X04. 780, 722, 724 & 787 Vint St.,
Centrally located, connecting with all the City
Passenger Railway Cars, from all the
Depots In the City.
Excellent Accommodation Tor Tra
vellers. Craud Voeal and Instrumental Coucerts every
evening In the Summer aud
Winter Garden.
t-Orchtstrion Concert Evry Afternoon.Jtt
Office of J. Valer's Fountalu Park Brewery.
June 4. 1870.-1 y.
sincss fttrfcs.
Shippers and Wholesale uud Retail Dealers in
(lower wanr.J
Sole Ageuts, westward, at the celebrated
Henry Clay CouL JanlU-6
w. . hoau. i. packer baas.
Orrics witu Haas, Faohlt & Co.,
Orders left at Seasholts A Bro's., office Market
treet, will receive prompt attention. Country
sstom respectfully solicited.
b. 4, 1871. tf.
VALENTINE DIETZ, Wholesale aud
Retail dealer In every variety of
All kinds or Grain taken lu exchange for Coal.
Orders solicited and filled promptly. Orders left
at 8. F. Nevin's Confectionery Store, on Third
Street, will recleve prompt attention, aud money
r siptsd for, the same as at tbe offiue.
THE undersigned having counected the Coal
business with his extensive FLOUR fe GRAIN
trade, is prepared to supply families with the
Itrg, Stove and Nut, constantly on hand. Grain
taken la exchange for Coal.
Bunbnry, Jan. 15. 1870. tf.
J tmjon'j Building, Market Square,
1 prepared to do all kinds of work pertalulns
to Dentistry. He keep constantly on band
a lame assortment of Teeth, and other Dental
aterlul, from which be will be able to select,
and meet the wauls of his customers. '
All work warranted to give satisfaction, or else
the money refunded.
The very be.t Mouth Wash and Tooth-Powders
kDt on hand.
His references are the numerous patrons for
whom he lut worked for the last twelve year,
fnuhnry, April ?1, 171.
n7T N RTTftY J A If TT'DTiH i--AT!
jsiaoiisnea in lNin. i
Up De Graff's
eye 3srr EAR
rprUS Institution Is now open for the reception
the FulIen" " trcntment of Disease of
&c, Ac, Ac,
and operations In GENERAL SURGERY. Our
luu.uuun oi i.uiKtiiEMS Is Tery large, com
prising nil the latest Impkovemknts, eoablluir us
in all forms. Physicians are invited to neconv
puny Patients to our Institution for operations,
By request of ninny Citizens, we will attend Ic
Infirmary, Clement's Bulldlug,
Physician and Surgeon.
Sunbniy, Feb. 8, 1872.-tf.
The old permanent shop of the town.
We decline the boast, but nt tbe same limo
consider that the mighty truth mnyjbe seasona
bly spoken without manifesting an uncomforta
ble amount or vanity and nmbitlon.
Just twenty yenrb'ngo 1 bciran my buslueFS
eurccr In tins place liulf mv llfi-tlmV thu. r,.r
spent, have I stood upon the floor of our shop
day after day, and night after night, and applied
the sharp blue glenminir steel, and within that
elapse of time embraced by tbe mighty folds of
that eventful period have I shnved nearly every
body in the country (lu common parlance) aiid
to oblige the public interest we herein publicly
announce to our pntrous old and new thnt we
are ready to shave them all again three hundred
thousand times or more.
Conic when yon pleate, jut in tin Is the max
im we are always ready to work, forenoon or
afternoon, to shave you, liulr cm vou, shampoo
you, whisker dye you, or perfume, cutnb nnd ur
runse the hair with artistic skill, in the "water
fall" or water raise style to suit the customer.
We work to please, not please to work.-
Stop, don't go past our shop to get shaved on
the bal of ability because we do It as well as
It fan be done or ever could be.
A chance Is all that we demand
To give the proof we hold in hand.
A few door ubove Depot, near Market street.
Second Street, opposite the Court House, SUN-
Respectfully Invites the attention of Retailers
and others, that he has on baud, and will con
stantly keep all kinds of
Consisting of Pure Brandies: Cogniac, Cherry,
Oimrer, Roehelleand Otard.
Whiskies: Pure Rye Coppcr-'Mstilled, Monou
gnhcla, Apple and Nectar.
Wines: Champagne WUe, Sherry, Port and
Crab Cider, Champagne Cider, N. F.. Rum,
Browu Stout and Scotch Ale.
And all others Liquors which can be found lu
the citv markets, which will be sold at Whole
sale aiid Retail. Every article guurantced as
represented. Also, a lurgclot of DEMIJOHNS
and BOTTLES, always on hand.
3f Orders promptlj ottcuded to, and public
putronage respectfully solicited
Suubury, July 8, 18CJ. ly.
Fire, Life and Aecideut
N.' American, Philadelphia,
Enterprise, '
Manhattan, New York,
N. American "
Lorillard, "
Youkers&N. York "
Hanover, "
Imperial, London,
Lycoming, Muucy,
Franklin' Philadelphia,
Home, New York,
Hurtford, Hartford,
Phoenix, "
Farmers Ins. Co.. York,
N. British M Mercantile
Nommerce, New York,
Corwich, Norwich,
New Euglund Mutual Life,
Flour, Feel, Fruit anl VeptaWe Store,
Spruce Street, between Front aud Second,
having Just opened a Store at the above place,
where all kinds ot or l tie oesi oranas oi
Flour and Feed
will be sold at greutly reduced prices. Tbe cele
brated Buck's Mills Flour will be kept constantly
en baud. Also, all kinds of
Feed, Grain, Corn, Outs aud Rye, chopped or
Potatoes), Apple, Cabbage A Fruit
generally, at a cheaper rale than can be bought
elsewhere. All goods delivered Free of Charge.
Cull and examine iny stock aud ascertalu the
prices before purchasing elsewhere.
Sunbury, Dee. 2, 18?l.-tf.
Don't Read This ! !
Good morning, Mrs. A., where are yon bound
for so early f
Mrs. A. nuy Mrs. t.oo t yon Know air.
Bverly has bought out the Grocery and Coufeo
tlouery Store of Haas it Weaver, aud is selling
nice 1 rend Groceries, lanuea r run, ana m iuci,
everything lu the Grocery line, cheaper than the
cheapest, and I have tot tired paying high prices,
so I have made up my mind after this to patron
ize Mr. Bycrly. be good morning, Mrs. u.
must icq.
Mrs. C. to herself. Wall I am bound to find
out for myself, aud will go to Byeiiy's new cheap
cash Grocery, tne nest time 1 want any
Groceries, Confettlouerle or Prime
I will Just eay to all eome and give ma a trial,
and sutury yourselves that there it one eheap
cash Grocery In Sunbury.
Remember the place, No. 11, South Third St.,
in iicuicut tiuuss umiaiDg , suuoury, ra.
Sunbury, Jan. 90,
Physician of this rnlM.rnt.t t.h..i t.
discovered tho most certain, speedy, pleasant md
etTectunl remedy lu the world for nil
Weakness of the Back or Limbs, Stricture!,
AfToctlons or Kidneys and Bladder, luvolnn.
tary Discharges, Impotency, General Dcbili
qT,i ,."ery'ncBB, Dyspepsy, Languor, Low
Spirits, Confusion of Ideas, Pnlpltntlon of
of Sight or Giddiness, ' Disease of the Head.
jivuri. iimuntv. rrptiihiimra n mn-..
Stomach or Bowels these- ti-rrlhln .
arising from the Solitary Habits of Youth those
secret and solitary practices more fatal to their
lignum mail me BOllle OI Nvrftna tnh
Ulysses, blighting their most brilliant hopes
sible "iuuenug marriage, ec., linpos
esueclully, who have become th vlMl.n. r nti
tnry Vice, that dreadful and destructive habit
wuiuu nnnuuuy sweeps to nn untimely grave
thousands of youne men of "the most exnlted
talents and brilliant intellect, who might other
wise' have entranced listening Senate with tbe
thunders of eloquence or waked to ecstacy tbe
living lyre, may call with full confidence.
Married Persons or Young Men contemplating
marriage, nwnro of Physical Weakness, (Loss
Of Procrcntlve Power Iiiiuotenew Vm-vmi. ir.
cltabllity, Palpltution, Organic Weakness, Ner
vous Debility, or any other Disqualification,
speedily relieved.
He who places himself under the care of Dr. J.
may religiously confide In his honor as a gentle
man, nnd rontldcutly rely unon his skill us a Phv
Impotency, Loss of Power, immediately Cured
nnd full Vigor Restored.
This Distressing All'ectlou which renders Life
miserable uud marriage impossible Is the penalty
paid by the victims of improper indulgences.
Young persons nre too apt to commit excesses
from not belnguware of the dreadful conseqenrcs
that muy ensue. Now, who thut understands
the subject will pretend to denv Unit
or procreation Is lost sooner by those fulling into
Improper habits than by the prudent I Besides
being deprived the pleasures of hculthy offcprin"
the most serious nnd destructive symptoms to bofii
body nnd mind arise. The system becomes do
ninired. the Physical and Mental f,.h.,...,
Weakened, Loss of Procreatlve Power, Nervous
Irritability, Dyspepsia, Palpitation of the Heart,
Indigestion, Constitutional Debility, a Wnoii,,.'
of the Frame, Cough, Consumption, Decay and
a em ii.
Persons ruined in health by uulenrnaA iii.
ders who keep them trilling mouth after mouth,
taking poisonous and injurious compounds
should upply immediately.
Member of the Royal College of Surgeons. Lon
has effected some of the most ublonlhhln .i...
thut were ever known j muuy troubled with rinir-
ii w uuuu mm cars wneu nstecp, great
nervousness, beiuir ulurmed nt sudden RDM 11 ti ii
bnnhfulnesB. witU frequcut blushlug. uttcntlcU
vomctlmcft w Uh dcruuemcnt of luiud, were cured
Dr. J. addresses all those who hnv !i,inr,i
theuieelves by improper indulgence and solitary
habits, which rniu both body and mind, uuUuing
them for cither business, study, society or mar
riage. ril'A:iS piuuurcu UJ kftifj iwiai. vl va..., .
neaKuessot tne ijuck ana l.unns, rains in me
Buck nnd Hcud, Dimness of Sight, Loss of Mus
cular Power, Pulpllullonor the Heart, Dyspepsy,
Nervous irritability, Uerungcmeut ol Uiuesliva
functions, General Debility, Symptoms or lou
buinption, &c.
Mbntaixt The Tearful effects on the mind
are much to bo dreaded Loss of Memory, Cou-
rusion or Ideas, Depression or Spirits, Kvil
Forebodings, Aversion to Society, Self-Distrust,
Love of Solitude, Timidity, &c., are some of the
evils produced.
Thousands of persons of all nses can now
Judge whut is the cause of their declining health,
losing their vigor, becoming, wcuk, paic, nervous
und emaciated, having a singular appearance
about the eyes, cough uud symptoms or consump
Who have Injured themselves by a certain prac
tice ludulged In when alone, a habit frequently
learned Horn evil companions, or at scuooi, me
etl'ects of which are nightly l'elt, even when
asleep, aud ir uot cured, renders murrlugc Impos
sible, and destroys both mind and body, should
apply immediately.
hat a pity thut a young man, tne nope ot ins
country, the darliuir or his parents, should be
suatflK'i from all prospects and enjoyments of
lite, by the consequence or deviating rroin the
path of nature aud indulging in a certain secret
habit. Such person mcst, before contemplating
reflect that a sound mind and body are the most
necessary requisites to promote couuubiul happi
ness. Indeed wttuout these, tne journey mrougu
life becomes a weary pilgrimage i the prospect
hourly durkcus to the view ; the mind becomes
shudowed with despair und filled with the melan
choly rctleeiioa, thut the bupplncss of another
becomes blighted with ourown.
When the misguided and imprudent votary of
pleasure finds thut he bus Imbibed the seeds or
this painful disease, it too often hnppens thut ail
ill-timed sense of shniue, or dread of discovery,
deters him from applying to those who, from
education and respectability, can alone befriend
him, deluyiug till the constitutional symptoms of
this horrid distune make their appearance, such
us ulce.ruted sore throat, diseased nose, nocturul
pains in the head and llinbs, dimness or sight,
deafness, nodes on the shin bones and nrinn,
blotches on the hcud, face and extremities, pro
gressing with frightful rapidity, till nt lust the
pulute oi tue uioutn or tne nones oi me nosciuu
lu, aud the victim of this awful disease becomes
a horrid object or commiseration, till dealli puts
a period to his dreadful suffering, by sending
him to " lhat Undiscovered Country from whence
no traveller returns."
It is a melancholy Tact that thousands DIE
victims to this terrible diseuse, through falling
into the bauds or Ignomut or unskillful PRE
TENDERS, who, by tho use or thut deadly Pol
sou, Mercury, Ac., destroy the constitution, and
incapablo or curing, keep the unhappy sutlerer
monlU alter inoiitu taking ineir noxious or in
jurious compounds, aud lustead of being restored
to a renewal or Lite v Igor and tiuppiness, lu des
pair leave blni with rulued Health to sigh over
his gulling disappointment.
To such, therefore, Dr. Jounstos pledges hlin
seir to preserve the most Iuvloluble Secrecy, and
from bis extensive practice and observations In
the great Hospitals of Europe, aud the first lu
this country, viz: Englaud, France, Philadelphia
and elsewhere, Is enabled to offer the most cer
tain, speedy aud eiieetuui remedy in lue worm
lor all diseases oi unpruuence.
Bii.viMOitr., M. D.
Left baud side golug from Baltimore street, a few
doors from the comer. Fall not to observe uanie
aud number.
t-tf No letters received unless postpaid aud
containing a stamp to be used on the reply. Per.
sous wrillug should state age, and send a portion
of advlrtisemeut describing symptoms.
There are to mauy Pullry, designing ana
Worthless Impusters advertising themselves as
Physicians, trilling with and ruining the tculth
of ull who unfortunately Tall into their power,
that Dr. Johnston deems It necessary to say es
pecially to those unaequaiuted with his reputu
tlou lhat his Credentials or Diplomas always
hang lu his office.
The many thousand cured at this Establish
ment, year after year, and tbe numerous im.
portent Surgical Operations performed by Dr.
Johnston, witnessed by tbe representatives of the
press and many other papers, notices of which
Lave appeared again and again before the public,
beside hi standing as a gentleman of charaoler
and responsibility, 1 a (ulttcleut guarantee to the
afflicted. Shlo disease speedily cured.
February 18, Hit. ly
.uu, uiuaunioi iroin one oi me most eminent j siuoi uer carnage, in wincn sue was tra
Collegcs lu the United States, and the greater veling. The carriage was overturned
part or whose ire has been spent in the hospitals badly dama 'ed. nnd the ladv considin-iblv
or London. Pris. PhiludelDhla and ..nwi,.r i. a 'u. u i"e iau consiili-iaoiy
y&&rPmiM& -U-A- JLTJL. JLjfl JLD JL J LjJ. JL 1 9
... . m '
itUci JJocfrji.
BY BAI.lflf t. BATTKT.
Cast by the bright Hugs of seraph, tho snow
From tho uppermost height to the earth below i
Gently enwrapping a star bfgemmcd spread
O'er homes of the llting nnd grnvos of the dead.
nudinnuy wtilto, as the genii or story i
Pure as the saints In llifir rollings of glory,
Whoso soft tears of sympathy frose In their fall,
For tho sin and curse fiat are over us all
fleecy aud light from the ollve-hucd skies,
Ai the trailing insignia of paradise
Tie one fulr, pcrisliintr thing that Is given
Tothe world aglow with splendors or heaven.
P" old spirit I that told or tho height whence vou
"Adown ns the snow-flakes, from hnuven to hell."
God made you ns fair as the beautiful suow j
He loves you, poor sinner, though yon may not
How deep in Hit Infinite heart eauk vour crv
J or shelter nnd rest of the crowd pas'sing by.
ho spurned nnd left yon die In llio street,
" ith n bed and shroud or the snow nmt n... -u..t
The world has cursed vou. vet linH h. m
A luti thall bt bartered fur ijuld orfvr bread.
Ho knows all your erring and horrible woe
1 he want nnd crime that have maddened you so.
All tbe dourer to him for Mriiv. m,H i... ...i..
And purer to day ror repentnme and pain, '
Made white by his blood ns tho beuutimi snow,
lhat fr-lls on a sinner with nnuli.r. ,n ...
m-II w"ctl?r l,,e Prdon hard won by the erica
W uich lrom Mngdulcn-llp went up to the skies.
O benulirul snow from the filth of the enrth,
Swift rising nguin in lis eherubib mirth,
In crystaline dew drops nil glistening bright.
As clear, shining stars in it heaven of night,
ir contrite to the tbrore or God's mercy we to
Ho t. Ill lift up our souls like the beautiful snows
$ales xtit C5.
How a Case in C ourt nns Lost.
"Oiitiufr the trinlof an important cause nt
Ellicottvillo.a circuinstance occurred which
exhibited the superior qualities of Solomon
U. Haven ns a tactician at tho bar, tho
gravity and success with which ho used his
satirical powers, and the facility with which
he seized momentary advantages.
The action wns brought by a Miss Jane
Riall against one Puisiler, a wealthy farm
er, lor carelessly aud negligently driving a
lumuui wagon, urawn oy a span ot horses,
..iviuui, aB me result oi me piaiuliu s
carelessness, aud lie therefore refused to
make any auicn:ls fur tho damages which
she had sustained.
The late Judge Mullctt appeared for the
plaintili; and Mr. Haven for the defendant.
The plaintiff wits a maiden lady, thirty
six years of age, who, prompted by her de
sire to retain her youthful beauty, was in
the habit of tinting lior .i.o..i- '
She usi""- "' uttture was frequently
mutated, and in some instances quite out
done. ho appeared at the trial with
cheeks that vied the richest carnation. .So
decidedly youthful was their color, that an
imaginative person might easily have taken
her for Ilcbe invoking the protection of
the law. Seated by the side of Mullelt,
whose physique, na tin ally not the most
fascinating, reudercd quite ugly by one of
his eyes which had been bleared by acci
dent, the two formed a group which a
poetic paiuter might have sei.ed to exhibit
the force of contrast. It is true that a
connoisseur might have detected a surplus
of the rare and beautiful coloring on the
cheeks, for, on this occasion, she had not
spread it with her usual soft, delicate touch
aud rigorous accuracy, hut then, she was
tturrouiided by those who, even if they pos
sessed tho power of criticism in such mat
ters, were decidedly too gallant to exercise
it ; aim to inose at a little instance tiie lady
iiasscd for a beautiful and youthful girl,
dr. Haven saw before him a very unploas-
ant aud difficult task that of trying a cause
against a pretty woman. Like all lawyers
who have been similarly bituated, he was
well nwaro that this circuinslanco would
operate against his client ; but, believing
he had strong defense that the law was
with him ho hoped to triumph over sym
pathy. The trial proceeded. Mullctt presented
his case with lhat masterly ability for which
ho was so justly celebrated. iul he fouud
in Haven a cool, collected and wary oppo
nent, one who, without any glow of ima
gination, was powerful in his kuowledgo of
tne law and llie rules ot evidence one wno
made up in skill what he lacked in impres
sive eloquence.
At length the counsel for the plaintiff
rested his case, and Haven promptly moved
a nonsuit, tin tho ground that it appeared
lrom the evidence that the injuries received
by the plaintiff were the result of her own
carelessness in not continuing in that part
ot the uiguway which, nccordiug to tue ai
lection sliu was going, tho law assigned to
her. This tuotiou brought ou a closely
contested legal argument, for in those days
leugthy discussions vrcro permitted at the
lu resisting the tuotiou, Judge Mullctt,
after discussing the legal questions it in
volved, in order to briug the facts within
the law as he coustrucdit, alluded in elo
queut aud pathetic language to tho circum
stances of tho case to tho injuries und
sufferings of his client tho doubts of the
real position in the highway which the lady
occupied at the time of the accident the
heartless cruelty which governed the con
duct of the defendant, and finally to all
those iucideuts which in cases of this na
ture arouso sympathy, aud which, though,
addressed to the judge, always affect the
jury. His argument visibly touched his
client ; who, to niae tier emotions nua oer
tears, was compelled to bury bur lace lu
her handkerchief.
Haveu felt that his client's case was suf
fering under the burning language of his
eloquent opponent, which he saw was af
fecting the jury aud even the judge, while
it created a strong sympathy for the lady
among the members of the bar aud the
spectators. He began to feel that notwith
standing all his eflorls, his cause was to
be lost in thn feeling which her couusel was
creating in her favor. For him to attempt
any auswer to such a storm of eloquence
was nuilo out of the Question, and he pre
pared his iniud for the worst, while his
client looked the picture) of despair. But
it happened that just before Mullelt closed
his argumeut, Haven madu a discovery
wiitcn he turned to nis advantage, neutral
ising all his opponent's eloqueuce.
Alter the plaintiff couusel concluded,
Haven, in closing the argument of the mo
tion, said :
"If 1 am not.ruisiaken lu the authorities
I have cited, and in ths facts which the
evidence discloses, this motion should pie-
iujuicu. Aim ueienuant insisted tlint the
JUNE 1. 1877
j f
. :i , i. ... ... . -
vnu, lor Hitnotigii tue law is provident of
remedies for injuries to person, character
1? '"I" J'd it requires, as I have
tie. i ht?, un'crpus nnd familiar authori
.S".,IOOP "lie, who seeks indemnity
another. ;?,rcJU8S.or negligent acts of
negligence. V",',m c;Mn10" "
other side 1," W eftrnt;d ffiend-on the
motion, onethn ntV". T081ti?n ,
arguments to ui'f mo8,t.fcoqct
an argument oV1,?, f, X cv?r I'stoiiud
power. Though iu.r,')nf '"2 Earning
upon which to found r. 'V.1;? is i'"'0
your honor's sympathy,l-!,nr W.ra
your honor, the bar, ti.eT8t ftd'"! i V
myself, hav j been deeply alie" ' ,c.11,
more than this, his appeal has",?
r..i J- i ... ,d a pow-
vi.ui u niiuuj-u uuai upon ins 4nV . j,
has even changed her so that she !, ,'
mirror." Lr
At these words the lady suddculy rcmiv.
ed tho handklrchief from her face, where i
had remained since the pathetic argument
oi ncr counsel ; nnd, suro enough, there
wns a change ! The flush of youth and glow
of Hebe, the bewitching tints, had all fled.
The tears which she had copiously shed, in
coursing down her checks, removed the
paint in places, long and ghastly streaks of
red aud white, mingled with spots of such
variegated hues that one might have sup
posed an amatous painter- had tried his
brushes ou her face, not forgetting her noso
in me operation, in a moment the ellect
of Mulett's eloquence wns dispelled, and,
amid "tho half-suppressed laughter of the
bar, jurors and spectators, Haveu, vith the
most impertutbablo gravity, took his seat.
One of the jurors.howevcr, in attempting to
suppress ins laughter, had seUed his nose
between his thumb and linger, and, while
thus holding that organ,h accidentally re
laxed his grasp upon it, ind a noso some
thing like the toot of nn old-fashioued din
ner horn rang throivi1' Hie court-room.
Tho effect of this my u amnginud, but it
cannot be described ; sufliee it to say, how
ever, this strange noise operated so power
fully upon the risiblesof all present, includ
ing Mr. Mullelt himself, that nn uproar
followed, which for a short time, baflled the
attempt of the ollleers to suppress.
The motion for a uousuit was denied on
the ground that there was some evidence
concerning the position of (ho lady's car
riage nt the time of the accident which rais
ed a question for the jurors, but tho defen
dant's couusel shrewdly decided uot to in
troduce nny evidence himself, but submit
the ensa to them upon the evidence of the
plaintili, thus giving hisoponent no time to
recover from the ellect of the ludicrous cir
cumstance which had so emphatically de
stroyed his hold upon the sympathy of the
jury; for Haven was convinced that this
was all he hud to fear in the case, justly be
lieving that Mullett could not regain the
advantage he had lost if he was now com
pelled to go to the jury.
Both counsel addressed the jurors. Ha
ven, with his close, terse, pointed logic,-wns
now cnauieil to gain.anjJJiftVA strength
was "one. The jury retired under tho
charge of the judge, and after a protracted
absence returned with a verdict tor the de
fendant. "Haven," said Mullctt, when tho trial
was over, "You managed my client's paint
ed face admirably. It was your strong
point in the case. Her confounded vanity
ruined her cause and I hope every woman
who daubs her face with paint will come to
some such grief."
Tito I. ute F.rnption of Venvln.
The Naples correspondent of the London
Daily Telegraph writing under, date of
April 29. gives the following graphic ac
count of the eruption of Vesuvius :
Oh tho third night the spectacle had
further diminished in brilliancy, but those
who were not absorbed in spectacular eu
joymcnt could discern indications of in
creased volcanic energy. The immense
tongues of flame, though they had lost
some of their dazzling brightness, shot
higher up than before. Tho lava aud
scorue were also carried to a greater j
height. !
The former was ejected in larger volume,
which ultimately showed its in
the accelerated flow of the lava streams.
The subterean thunder, which early in the
week had inado itself heard but dimly, like
the sound of heavy artillery at mauy miles,
distance, now grew moro audible, and np
pearcd to be approaching nearer tho city.
All through this ill-fated night the premoni
tions of a catastrophe followed hard upou
each other. Yet of what did happen no
one could have the slightest warning. It
was an incident unprecedented in the
treacherous, capricious history of Vesu
vius. The sympathetic sky was full of omens.
Its crvstal clearness had departed, and in
place of it fleecy clouds were driving across
tho heavens. From a thousaud-tiutcd ef
fulgence they declined into dullness, then
into a heavy threatening darkness. Moon
nnd stars paled their light ere they were
veiled by the haze which overspread the
sky. But tho surface of the bay continued
smooth and glnssy, uurutlled by even a
summer breeze. As the shadows of smoke
and flame cast upon it from tho mountain
became more sombre it partook of Hair re
flected gloom ; otherwise it was apparent
ly unconscious of the 'litunlic btrugglo
which was rending the bowels of tho earth
beuea'.h and around it.
As day was dawning a fearful hji ror oc-
cuncd ou the side ol tlie mountain next
the city. Of late years access to v esuvius
has been greatly facilitated by the short
railway which skirts tho bny and connects
Naples with Castelamare, a towu on the
opposite corner. This faces tho inouutain
throughout its whole distance, and in its
vicinity will be found most of the villages
whoso names always obirudu themselves
(luriug the progress of an eruption. One
of these, Kesinu, is a favorite point for
the ascent from. It is not far from
X'rof. ralniicrie's observatory, and it eu-
iovs the more exciting distiuction of lying
in the liue of a great current of lava,
Thousand of visitors have ascended the
hill nightly from Hesina, driving up as fur
as to the observatory, and then walking to
tho bed of last year's lava. On Friday
morning many such excursion parties
wero assembled directly uuder the cone.
They had begun to disperse with tho lirst
indications of sunrise, hut hundreds still
lingered on the spjt. Without a siuglo
movement to warn them, the earth opened
uuder foot, and the dead lava which they
had beeu treading upon as a curiosity turn
ed again to molten tire. Those who were
not engulphed in the chasm as it burst
forth attempted to flee for their lives.
Happily the Heel and sure cf foot were
1 Nerlen. Voi. ....
nw. .
mnny. TlJ reached safety ht
whoever fefby the way. ' Ut to
Tbeenrt they fell ou wns nt. i
furnnee hot, n"d fresh warn of l y ttt
took theucre they n0Uid riL T oveV
few we iDirnciiluul. ? .v,,"8.9 A
efforts m the nan of ti . W i"bl0
men nf Ihn comnatar. DmaiFV""-,lcrvcd
hasto torards the obicrwtorv. ihlli? fu
crers ilaccd tlicm ju tlir f- B-i
whiffl weu waiting thrc, and nccotnmo
Jalion was nmvlded fir them at Kcsina.
1 have been told by a fiend, who was at
the very edge of tho clastn when it burst
open, thnt tho effect on tho imagination
was as though tho nhala mountain had
begun to move from its base. Ashe ,0'
he folt ns it Wo mountain ,ollowinS
him, aud nof until lie h id recovered his
senses nt IteSna culd ho couvineo him
self that whathe had seen wns only n par
tial eruption f tho crust which overlies
tho hidden tiresof Vesuvius- Art account
which hns been Tarnished a Neapolitan
lournal ntllrms tiat ther-' wero two simul-
toneoua oneninsrs nnd that flames bursting
ot. from both enrulopcd in a circle of lire
all vho wcro wlhin rench. A carriage !
which happened o be inside tlie circle was
Ijurni up in an ustant, as u it nau Keen
spirited away. Hiortly before thecruption
a lady wns seen ii it, but of her NAhing
whatever has boi heard since. Tho'jttrns
inllictcd were of rt icculitrly painful c".inr
acter, even when they looked slight. I'lio
patients on rcactiing t'10 hospitals wcte
immcdintelv "i vuiopeu in
uvuiopeu in wool, isot
wilhstunrlitK tho caro with which thev
have bcenlic,s,l;'' "'"l lne "kill with which
they nrflllr,i t,ipy cannot move without
end n ii agony which compels them to
Tho mayor of Hesiua ncled with energy
nnd forethought from the moment that he
heard of the accident. Having seen to the
medical arrangements that were necessary,
he telegraphed to the prefect for troops to
a pi
exhibited betwein Thursday night
Friday morning was tho niejit astounding.
I had left them half atl hour be lore, the
catastrophe occurred, when they were draw
ing to a close their third night's ecstacy
over the grandeur of the Moloch whom to
the List they will admire more than dread.
The flames of the lava, which were being
vomited from the single crater, had sunk
till they appeared like nn aureole on tho
summit of the cone. Jivcry street com
manding a view of tho mountain was
thronged with spectators. 1 did uot pass
one which was uot as silent ns tho night
itself. If nothing else In the world can,
Vesuvius solemnizes tho signori aud laz
zuroni alike of Naples. It hushes them iu
to reverence, and fills them with indefinite.
unutterable terrors. When, nfter it few
liour' t.i.CNR.. ..t hin'T
lin-l .1.--'- - .,
.iiii. Illj UliilllgUU.
llie lazztrout were dis-
it was uuiy uuoui me new crairr ai me
l - . . i
observatory and t'.:e number of the Curtii
dm i,n,l fMll.-n into thn r.,.ir nn , nihnri.
iv iitn,l that, it f.r,l.l..t h ,. n.o ,
:,r r . .T"r
uu. niioiiicr ueeiiueu inni, it mis hi luasi
twice that, and a third had good
mill n iiiiiiiu tiiu buiui i iuat; nil i,vuv.
Mv own ioniiirii'fl nmniwT lhn vi(npsiH
...l.:..l. ....!..!. i...l
aid llie noiico in naititaining order, .v , , '--
pies could spare Mm enough, for it was ' A IKi 30 including a balance. 1 he pay
not in a mood to require military watching. mL"ts!,c'!?d ho " r t24,027 01.
Of all the contrasts I have eve? witnessed . 1 '? M- S ; Grand Xr' a -in
n..t,i,,i ,i,.t i,i..i, ii,.. v..n,,..i;,... ir3 ls report, says : "I beg leave to offer
tested by what has been ascertained by the j 7T""T
authorities, mo to telegraph to you nn es- To rnusEiiyK BijKAD a Lonu Time. -timatc
of sixty or seventy, and that is the ! tut llus blcatl lnt0 tl,lck, sll?cs' "d l?llk? 1,1
fi-ure most coiumonlv believed at Present,
I am happy to be able to say with conli-
denco that nono of our foreign visitors nro
among the missing. My first business on
learning the supposed extent of the mor
tality was to visit each of the fourteen Eng.
lisli and American hotels in Naples. Out
of uearly (500 strangers at present occupy
ing them, not one failed on Friday morn
ing. Many had been up to the observato
ry during the previous ni;;ht, and even
upon the very site of the uew crator, but
an early return home delivered them from
tit unsuspected danger. Throughout Fri
day consternation reigned in Naples. The
lirst touch of peril had prepared all minds
to expect llie worst. esuvius gave in
various ways sulllcient occasion for increas-
ed alarm.
Ihe booming and rumbling of
the underground artillery sounded as close
as if it were beneath our feet.
The flow of lava had increased, and two
enormous streams wero rolliug towards the I usually higher. It will soon begin to coma
sea as if they would sweep away half a I into tbe market, and will give a new impe
dozen villages in their course. Windows I tus to buMuess.
rallied, and the strongest houses trembled
to their foundations. 1 he smoke rising
from llie crater was now mingled with vol
umes of sulphurous vapor, uud blackened
by the ashes it carried iu its furious ascent.
There was far more danger in the scoritw
than in the lava ; for they wero confined to
no channel. Scattering themselves wher
ever tho prevailing winds carried them
which was, happily, not in the direction of
Naples they became firebrands for the de
struction of nouses, vineyards, fori sts, and
every form of combustible property. On
Friday night Naples was a degree lower iu
its decent towards abject terror. The
bourse had been closed ull day. No one
attempted to think of anylhingbut the aw
ful uoises uudcr foot, aud the contlagration
which was spreading among the villages
Iving nt the mercy of tho volcano. Poor
San Sebastiuo was nearly reduced to ashes,
and its twelve hundred inhabitants had to
seek refuge nearer the coast whither the
lava and ashes were fast following them.
After nightfall, wheu the voleani"
the artificial tiieu" i..wieu together in
a Plutonian landscape, it was thought in
Naples that nil tho towns bordering on llio
bay, Porticl, Itecina, lorrem i uroco anu
Torre del Aununciata. were in tlamts tie
cetlier. The apprehension was fortunate
ly overdrawn. What deceived us was the
glare of no less than nine craters, all smo
king simultaneously.
Oni of the comnositors in this office onco
went to Mr. Greeley to Hk his iutlueuce
for an appointment at ashtugton. Said
Mr. Greeley : "Can you saw wood?" "Vt-s j
sir." "Then slay aw ay from Washington."
r:rn.l fnnnTh mlvioo iioiliuiis. but our!
r,.onA h, theconinosins room now tenders
j to jr- (in,ek.y the advico to "stay away
from Washington," uo matter whether he
can saw wood or uot. yctiark Adcertirtr. ! ej lls nead and looked perplexed fur a few
Vni V ' moments, when a bright thoujjhl vuiiiid to
Fifteen hundred paiutcis of New i oitt 8lrike j -m .
announced to their employes last Saturday , , - My aiain at, what would ye af
t.ight that they had resolved to work here- I . iK, lakiu. huudrcd and sixty pounds
after only eight hours a day. but that they , 'f f jMl tor ?
intended to demaud the saiua pay as here- i-seventy-flve ceuts," replied tho captain,
lofore; namely. d.50 day. j 4.j30 jaber. thin, ye may put me down,
The Chippewa rive, a Brunete Falls, III..
. . 1 f .ll.l 1 f. IK .v font
Is lammed full of logs from 15 to 35 feet
deep. The jam at tho point extends for
Ave miles, aud contains aboiti oue hundred
afloat shove. -
On, week $ '! &jWT?.l
f ; . r-w no 3. HI s no a .
) a.M) 3.00
wo weeKS 1.60 J.00 8 fin' a rJi "' ' V
Three 8 00- fio- W 8-0oII-' '
Four ' ST?. 4-00. U.oo 18.&.I W1 E
r.v .. -01'
4.50' fl Ml. ft m , .... v.vv
Ti nio'i
Nine "
One Tear
: 1M 8-60! MO
a im i.. "
S'.u '.' rr' l-'.00 '35.00 4f.t;0 75.0(1
! O. of O. F. . "Wr
i- llC (Itintlflt ara.In.. .
of i'cnusylVariin I o of O P Lo
on Tllnsrfn. .1 "n. ??.-F con.mcuced
. V. . W,D it wnr. at the
Orand Master, presii,', and th
ir places. Ti.. .
renorfa of do (irniwl t... .. u""uai
is reported by UK n. "nul meeting. tj10
Number of Inlt'atlons "duf.t'jo present time
Number admitted by card....
loiloryg :
Nftinhcr reluctated
Number decerned
Nnmber "ithdruwn by card
Nnuilier suspended
Number expelled
Present number or member
Net increase of members
Number reji-itcd.....
Number of Past ( rands.....
Number of Lodges in operation
Increased riimber or. Lodges since
Uft report
Number or Degree Lodges of the
Daughters of Itebcknh
Increased number of Degree Lodges
of tho Daughters of Rebekah
1U I ir Ittjxn-t.
Number of brothers relieved
Number of widowed families re
lieved I l'ni I ror the rcller or brothers
i Paid Tor the relief of widowed fumi
! lies
10,4 IS
$217,402 71
10.517 2a
39 07
02,271 5
t 300,130 90
23,630 S3
?O0,317 S7
29,698 87
Paid for tbe education of orphans...
Paid for burying the dead ,
Total amount paid for relief.
Iocreaced amount of relief ovtr tho
preceding year
Amount of receipts of Lodges during
tho year
Increase or receipts over the prece.I-
iug year
Tho Grand Treasurer, M.
Muekle, reported that tho receipts of tho
iny cougi.uuuuMius io me oioineiuouu
. .i. t . ....... i . ,
inrougiiout mo tiu ismeiioii jot llie nar
! mony that prevails, and fur llie continued
I prosperity that has marked the progress of
! llie Order during the past year, as well as
! the previous ones, in its comparatively
i brief but wonderful history. Our Order
I has become the leading institution in Penn
sylvania, and for a loug time it has been
far in advance of Us sister jurisdictions.
This is due, in a largo measure, to tho
j number of earnest co-workers in this great
i moral vineyard, and to their utucltish,
I self-sacrilieing efforts for the establishment
j and diffusion of the benign principles iucul
I cutcd in our ritual."
I Previous to the close of the morning scs-
sion, $1000 was appropriated to the sutler
' crs by tlio fire in Somerset,
j a -wj'vaTarri-jmge. fieports ot
ww.ulu,L.cs wire suuimilcil IO ln oi.toil
I vl itt a-'UCIlllIUS : lirnuu
lid 2ili.jki:l-- 1, Uli
. . " . c m m. u.i.u . i r
? c ; 'r n VVi r ,l in ,,Z.
Master Jaciib M. tillllpbell,of Johnstow n,
I '.Tana . ardcn-laauc A. fcliepjiaru, ot
IMi Indehdiia : tJrand rV-eretary .lames U.
Fhiladehihia : (Jrand Secretary.
l.rilllrl I .rtil.rrt t iiimiiit I hi. von r n infill nl oil lit
; ,r I,! 1 Nicholson, of Philadelphia, and Grand
'? i Vi,,;1! i Treasurer-M. Kithards Mucklc, of Phila
n 1,000. ; jt.,.)hirt
, , i
i nl "ven, s; ns io renuer it perieciiy ary.
lms '"".'i'0" " .-ep S "r any
length of time required. Il must, how
ever, be carefully kept from pressure ; oth
erwise, owiiig to its brittleness, it will soou
full to pieces." When required for use, dip
the bread for nn instant into warm water,
and then hold it before the lire till dry ;
then butter it, and it will taste like toast.
This is a usuful way of preserving bread
for voyages, ami also nny bread that may
be too stale to bo eaten iu the usual way.
1 1 is stated that there aro in the United
Slates 0G1 soldiers who lost both eyes, 11$
who lost both legs, 11 who lost both feet, 5
who lost both hands, 3j who lost both
arms, tnd 10 who lost an arm and a leg. '
! -1 c -Now Albany UnUjer says : It is re-
I ported that the wool clip will bo it larger
! one this year, and that the pneo will ua
I -
Piogy got into a largo yard where ho
did not belong, nnd trying to get out again
ho stuck fast under a high board fence, and
there began to kick and squeal in tho good
old way. His master, tt big, fat Irishman,
hearing the. htimbub. ran out of his house
near by nud caught his pig Ly tho ears, tu
deavoring to pull him through tho hole be
fore Ii i s tresspass was detected. But this
treatmont had uo ellect but to make the
tiig yell the more. An old ram iu the yard
hearing thu noise, and vening piggy's hind
legs aiid tail flourishing away in it menac
ing manner, accepted what ho thought
was a challenge, and lowered hisihead
chari-'cd w ith all his luiidit. He strtidk his
' mark squarely nnd fairly, and tho pijishot
; through the hole liko a pork cunuajrball,
j uud striking hi master full in thfr'lircast,
ku-"-! J b"n ''it, on his baety'xho only
person who wilui..t UiU'cWiug scene
j was just cuteriug Ihc yaper, and nut being
aware how many actors were engaged In it,
was Vtry much surprised to Lea what Ua
i supposed to be the pig swearing iu on
the ether side of llie fence.
Once upon a time a genuine son of the
Emerald Isle accosted the captain of .
steamer running beiwcen Portland and
Boston as follow :
.,.,1 moinin'. caolain. Could ve bo
; .fiber tellin' me w bat s the fare to
j0 yn
"Three doll -irV answered tho captain,
'jut mipposo I wi t outsido V
ir hit cnm!. sn' . the captain, "vou cart
! r.,,. two dollars.'
i -ihi was undoubtedly beyond the rxtcut
of Pat's worldly possession ; so ho scratch-
capla n, fvr t in iu. uoy v.-uv ws.
! th'lt !
j th;it 1
j l no i
i I ut o
cantata turned to the clerk, saying.
ou the freight list ouo hundred and
.mhnunkPna ,t,,
, him in lU l.i.'