JL nnlutru ; American. SUNUUUVI'MAY 4, 1872.. Railroad! Time TaMt. K. C. K. W. Swt. , P.AS. R. R. West. tMffitloCtrrelS.SOatu Rrle " ' 9:80 ' lmtruMIl " 11:05 "" Niagara fix." 4:40 p6i Erie Mull, I've. 1:00 om Accotn. " 0:15 " Nhigiira Fit " 12-40 p m UlmlraMall" 4:85 " Erie Ex. "'0:50" I . , aaAMOKm t tyre to jr. o. n. w. . lrath : ? ' ' : arhivh Banbury at i , 11:50 a m At Bunbory i . t:B5 o m , u - t 4:40 p m 4:00 pin ; D. H. 4 W. R. B. . Leave Sunbury 0:20 k. hi. An Ire nt 8.85 p. m . . ,y- (-BUNBURT A LEW1STOWN R. R. ; ' f i l.EAVB r- f." AHBIVB ! ' Banbury at 0:30 n. m. I At Sunbury 8:85 a. hi. 4. "11:40 a. nr, - " " ' 10:45 a. m. Aooldent Insurance Tickets can be. had of J. Sulpman, Ticket Agent at the Depot. f ocul Affairs. Siwino Machium.-MIss Caroline nnllUBls the ugst for the tale of the best Sewing Machines In existence, vis i '-''The Improved Singer," "Qrover A Baker," "Howe," end Domestic,' which are constantly on hand and sold " rea oouble prlces,( She Is also agent for the cele brated Frautx and Pop Kulttlug Machine. Call and see them. - 04ice on Market street, east of tbe railroad. ' ' ' For Rest. Ono of the rooms over Dr. Moody's drup store, .n ?.Tnrket Square, will be for rent as the repairs aud fitting tip are finished. Triple sells nothing bnt the best quality of groceries and cheaper than the cheapest. Baby CAUttiAuits. Afcew lot Just received and for sale nt' B. I... Raudciibush's-ftlfnlfur) store, Masonic buIBIiies.' I ' ' - DkbicaTIOn. The new. Baptist meeting house la Lower Augusta, will be dedicated to tha wor- ship of Clod, with appropriate services, on Sun day, June 21. Rev. Professor I.ewry, of Univer ilty of Lcwisburg, will preach tho dedicatory sermon. Other eminent ministers will be pre teut aud address the meeting. Services com- inence at 10 o'clock, a. m., and 7 o'clock, p. m. All tululstors of tlio Gospel and the public gene rally are cordially invited to uttend and take part In the services. This O. t. A. M. of Northumberland, are to have, a grand parade at IJlltou, au-tlic Fourth of July. To FAitMr.us D O-UKP.s. Flno assortment of the Hnrrl.-bnrg Btone-wnre Just received it Clement & Pisslnger's store, and for sale at lower prices than can be bad elsewhere. Mil. Geo. Gacx, of Upper Augusta township, j is announced as a candidate for Sheriff. Horse thieves are operating In n number of tb'3 surrounding conntles. Our farmer;; should bi on the lookout for these individuals. We were blessed wilh a most refreshing shower of rain, on Wednesday evening last. B'rsT. Wc notice an Increase of freight trnlus passing our office of lata, nnd that railroad men are constantly busy. It shows that there U a'i Increased activity ou railroads Just now. Poster 3. Tli-re is a law , rchibitln the tear. Sng down of posters aud huud-biils, which is pro bably not known to some, persons. There is too much of this thing done lu this vicinity, aud it would bo well for those who have defaced or de stroyed bills, to deny themselves this pleasure lu the future or they may come to grief. Union Hotel. Wc ru'or our roadeis to the w:d, In tiimilicr column, of the Colon Hotel, of Philadelphia." Merchants and others will find this house one of the most convenient tobusinets in the city. It it well kept, aud prices are mo derate. A BiaKtT car r.il'.iva.l is ivlug uprated t y our nsihbors of Dnnv'iU, ti, run uoicsr. the brldna to RiversH.- A chaitsr has bca o':':iined by u cuifl'.jr ol ft:mcn of t!t place who propose oi janlrliig a comi-auy ,tn pu-Oi forward the en terprise. The Granl Conclave of the United State, of the Order of Sovereign Puiriolic Kulhts, as sembled hi Philadelphia, last week. Hen. Jno. Kay Clement, of this place, was elected Grand Coininauder General lor the United Slates, and Jno. Cox, Esq., of Maryland, Grand Vice Com inandar General. The election of Gon. Clement was unsolicited on U'm r.irt, nnd Jc a euiuplliiiei.t well b;ttowcd and rtfl.'ets great crejit upou tnc Oukr, to place him lu that position. He will make an efficient efflcer, as Well ns add much Uthu Interest of t'ao Order,- Ai'.unbTED. On. Saturday uiorulug labl, ns Market Eire.'!, was full of market people, a young man wilh a bciso and bugiry ea:ne dash log through the street' at full ppecd, aud came ueiii rlitviui; over eeverul cilizens. Ho was promptly arretted aud taken before Esquire Pur sl. When urreaUd, it was discovered that he ssai u ieaf mate, and what w woru, was in a I beaitly state of iutoxwallon. Vun in the j Squlie'a oihce, ho nu Inierrogated In writing wheu he gave his unme us Galen Mutchlcr, nnJ residence Shamokln. He atud thut be hud tired the horse and bugy at Norlh'imberland, aud bad got liquor at several hotels lu this place. While ho was In the office he became unconscious through the effwts of liquor, w hen the Squire brdofed hiia to be placed iu the Lock-up uutil be bccaiiio Sober. Later In the day tho horse and buggy was re-clalmed by the livery man ut Nor thumberland. On Monday mortlng bo was re leased by paying coals. - It is certainly deplorable to hear that hind lords will persist iu giving liquor to such Cases i they should eerlaiuly be held responsible for all damages. . W.s are glad to perceive that the borough Conneil of Suubury has determined to Improve the vacant 'ground known ns'Market Square. Frotu time Immemorial that dejected looking spot has been an eye sore to everybody and a blemish td the fair face of nature. It U the Urst and only notable object la that ancient burg to greet the eye of a strangers and gives a tumble down dilapidated character to the place which none of the natural beauties or acquired excel lencies cau dlrpel. The truth U, Market Square lias always been to Snubury tho sanie sort of a certificate of character that a rliiilc?s hat and. a red uose Is to any of lu style loafers. At the bhlre town of thlB noble old county we would like, to entertain sentiments of reverence and respect for Its appearance, and we shall hail with liveliest satisfaction the good time coming, wheu we cau polut wilh pardonable pride to its well kept park, and say, 'behold the beauty ft,r ashes,' e. Let Milton borough now look to her laurels or Lincoln rurk yet, in embryo will be, far bablnd. .Vtfoniun. " ... Baw Mux Buksed The Middnurg says i Ou the 27th uil., about three o'clock lu tbe morulug the terrifying cry of fire (truck the ears of i ur slumbering borough, und ou uwukiug we found the saw mill of Thomas Bower, K?q., I u. full blase, it was luiposnlble to arrest tbe oe rireetlon of the mill, aud all atteutiou was turned to the protection of the neighboring dwelliugs," bat for the ealoi at the tUue, a great conflagra tion mielvt bare followed.- ' There was to iaasK. A Hook akd' Lalmr CbxTrAsT Wasted. During the flic on Wednesday evening of last week, it waa clearly demonttijited that good Ilook and Ladder Company Is highly necessary for tlis protection of property In this town. The table tf Mr. Cleraunt mlflrt avr acta saved by the hfe of hooks and ladders. Nearly every Are that has occurred, the want of It has been felt t hof Vlll 6ur 8rc 'department be complete without It.., Blncetue flta a Book and Laddur company hat bceri agitated, ai rre learn that the Good Intent Fire Company la willing to procure the necessary apparatus and machinery at their own expense provided tbe Borough Council will put up a building on their lot to place It to, a they feel themselves tin able to put up a house. At such a company would b a great autllllary to the Steam Fire Eiiglue Company, we suggest that an arrangement be affected by the Council and the Good Intent Fire Company to put tip a build ing at once. It Is evident too, that the Steam Engine Company is compelled to have n larger building, aud as they have not the ground to en large, we believe that an arrangement could bo made to exchange for tbe lot of the Good Iutcnt Company, and the present engine house could be used for a Hook and Ladder Company. Our firemen ought to be provided with horses to draw the heavy steam engine to the place of conflagra tion, which will require tbe company to havo a stable, for which the lot of the Good Intent Com pany is sufficiently large to erect 11 on, aud also a tower fur a fire ball. We hope to see our present progressive Council give the matter their attention aud make arrnognmcnte for a IIook and Ladder Company. The sooner this is uffected the bettor for the citlxsus. . i Wa notice tint tha Chluf Burgess list given notice for ail citizens to remove all impure mat ter aud 111th from about their premises. This Is a good move, and we hope our borough .father will persist In having It done. The dreaded cholera of the East, In Its onward march- Is lia ble to, and will, no doubt, leap the Atluutlc aud scourge the towns and cities of America, aud the more pure aud. cleanly wo keep our cities and towns, (be 1-ss will bo'its devastations. Besides there nro many other diseases contracted from the filth accumulated In the streets, alleys, gut ters, Ac- Life Is as valuable In Sunbury ns else where, and It behoove onr citizens to do all lu their power to ward off a calamity of tenfold greater magnitude than any pestilential visita tion we have yet had. Let every one begin the woik at once lu cleansing their prcmUe by re moving all filth ,in cl rubbish, nud do not wait till fei meutatlun aud putrefaction of vegetable and animal matter have takeu place nnd the air tilled with the very 6ccde of death. Now la the time. . . . t . . j Bounties asd Psssions. Upon May 3. 1S01, Prceldent Lincoln Issued a 'proclamation, calling for 44,000 voluuteera i this number was ixeee,!. cd, 80,000 being eulistecl. . In a test case, tho 8u- ! preme Court decided that the President, having uucondltlouallly promised the bjtiuty. of flOO, those euiisced under his tall were culitled, re gardless of their term of service; the Govern ment having previously refused to pay the boun ty unless the soldier served two years or was dis charged for wounds. The accounting ollleera were In a dilemma, ns only the first 44,000 men enlisted were legally entitled to the bounty. Tho whole matter was referred to Congress, which has enacted that all those soldiers who enlisted under flic President's proclamation between May 8 and July ti, 1301, for thru years,-an I we're mustered in bewe August fi, lbOl, shall receive the bounty, provided they were houorabiy dis charged, r.ud havo hot already been paid the money. ' This Is not au trtra bounty blil, but simply pays the i.'if bounty to those enlisted us above stated, null, wholweie.iijjt 'eutitIuJrt,b,'i"'l tiid not receive ihe'tnunty under former lav:.-,. Two years' men and those discharged for promotion are not entitled ; ueiihcr arc those who have re ceived original and additional boumlns ou a sub sequent enlistment. . Oilier soldiers who enlisted before or aflcr the dates given (rcgtiU.rf after J illy 1, 1SU1 , inul have served two yenr.-, or tw-nty-thivc mouth !n a two-yea? rc?!,eut, or been discharged fer wounds or Injuries received In action, to he en titled to bounty. V, c may add that nil soldiers can recover a pension, varying In amount nc cordiug to tlio degree of disability, If disabled but partially by disease, wounds or other hijurless incurred lu line, of duty. Many bslicve that only those Buffering from wounds euu collect pensions. This is a mistake. All soldiers arc entitled, if they prove their disability, of whatsoever nature, was contracted iu the. line of duty and United i Slates 6ervke. Claims should be made at once. as officers die aud become scattered, and the pen ious cannot sometimes be obtained for lack (if evidence. The act of Congress above refeircd to has been signed by the President, and nil entitled may u-.uko application for their additional $100 through A; N. Briee, Ksq., agent of the National Co-operative Petition, Bounty und Claim Ageucy. Bruuuh office, S-jnbury, Pa. Eveuytuino is becoming "Dolly Vardenish." We have been asked lately the meaning of the "Dolly Vardeu" dress. It Is an over dress ucar ly similar to a polonaise ; it is used ns a house dress and Is trecomlug very fashionable. Dolly Vardeo Is a character iu Dickens' novel of B.-i-imhv Iiude. She was a locksmith's daughter, a lively coquette, and the garmeut now named after her ft a revival of the style oru iu Eng land ut the period the story U laid. Whether the fortunate youug lady after whom the fash ionable dress of this summer Is named wat given to wearing materials of a startling loud color uud putteru Is not stated. Sometime ago, how ever, nu Inspired modiste rechristeued what was known as "cretonnes," and called them "Dolly Varon. Tlic imuio flr couAiipH t.n chintzes, but it spread to other materials, aud now whole costumes, whose like was never seen on sea or shore, are named after the charming aud coquet tish little daughter of a Loudou locksmith. Siiamokis Items. We gleau . the following items from the'Shamukin Jftrald of this week I The Northumberland. C'puuty National Bauk Las declared a semi-annual dividend of 5 per cent. . Joseph Shoch, a Pollsluoan, employed at the Enterprise Colliery, had his face and head se verely cut, uud back (njured by tt full of coal, on Tuesday. .. ' ;. Ground has beeu broken for a new Catholic church, -ou Sbnmoklu street. It will occupy nearly tbe cutire front of three lots and over half their depth, baviug a fruntnge of 70 feet, and a depth of 115 feet. The tower will be 180 feet In height, 'It will be built of bammer-drcescd stoue, with slate roof". , The auditorium is calculated to seat 1,000 persous, aud the basement t50. The c ist is estimated at (80,0X1. Chas. T- llallowcll, ear ageut for tbe P. & fc. and Pui. R. Roads was promoted to an ad vanced uppoiulmeut, with headquarters at WiU llanisport. ' . A baft passed ilowe , the West Branch, ktst week belonging to Uigler ib Sou, 310 feet long, said to be the longest that over )ssed down to market. The Pilot was 'Hugh McCube', of Port Pejiu, aud was UCuded at its puiee of destloatiou III good couditlou, showing' that "Hughey" knows bow to run a raft. Muney Luminary. , SovEBcmr has been fool enough to waste good ink and pnper In pruitlug a book eutiUed "Lsc turetW iMarjried Men," 'Just as though they would, bur that which they jet for oothlcjr every i nig bt rj"rjr Bad AooinilhAiA tWretptfnvlent al Crescent, this county, writes lit that ou Monday last a dU ttesslng aeel Jt occurred on thu Northern Cent ral Railroad, yt ; JJi'Dburnville, nbint W miles above Wllllnmsporf. As a freight train was about leaving that rtatlon several sulntl boys got apon one. or tha rat hitondlnf to ride a short distance and than Jump off. Id Jumping 40" a llttlo ton of Henry Cnpp, 6f HopbnrnTlIle, aged ubott eleven Jeaia, slipped , and fell under the wheels, and bad both of bl logs out off Just above the topa of his boots, and from whort they Were cut off, tip to tho body, they wera terribly cut and me ogled, the flesh being torn off In pieces, and leaving the bonei and Joints exposed. It was a terrible eight to behold. Tbe poor lit tle fellow was perfectly jenatbte to the Jatt mo ment of his Ufa. The accident occurred about 4 o'clock, p. m., and he lived until RX p. m., when death volieved him of bit pufferlngt. 3Jwy Luminary. i . , , : ' Accident at f nit Mill. Last week two ac cidents happened at the Watsontown Lumber Co.'s saw mill. Ou Tnetday Mr. E. G Wykoir, a filer, was unfortunate, enough to have a piece of machinery' fall on Ll foot. The Injury was quite tevere, and sometime will elapse before he will beaolt to reaumo work. ' i On Saturday afternoon, Mr. John Vanfosscn, engineer, bad a finger caught In tome manner or other, and received a very ugly and painful wound. On TueJdnV forenoon of tbfa Woek an accident happened at Cook A Pardee's mill. ' A heavy pressure f stcnin bnrstcd a pipe near the boil ers, nnd for a short time tbe escape of steam and water was terrific. Mr. Jacob Crov-ly, engineer, was very severely scalded and ntherwlae Injured. Dr. II. D. Hunter promptly enmo to his relief, lie Is recovering. Wnfaonfown Record. Bi:die; Dkatb. Ml. Elisabeth Oullagor, aged about forty years, was found dead in her chair, at her residonco at Luko Fhller Colliery, at noon ou Thursday last. She Was seen by some of tlio neighbors about 10 o'clock In the morning, and teemed to be In usual health. It appears she had been laboring for aome days under,great. distress of mind, cauacd by liur hus band deser.lng .her, aud from tho fact that un empty whiskey liotlle "a found ou the table at whicli she sat, it la pretty evident that oho at tempted to drown her sorrow in It, and took an over-dose. ''She had no childrcu. An Inquest was held by Enij. Withlngton, nhd a verdict .rendered In accordance with the facts. ShamiJi'M Ueraid of lant xutek. . The BcuouAnr Can!. Tho ens; of C. II. A. Bancroft, ulici Calvin V. Rider, Jus. H. Smith, o.'iun Vinton Rider, (ihesu two arc brothers,) Chiis. J. Myers, nf( Joseph Myers, Clara Cover, Carrie" Smith, a'.iat Hello llellcyan, Ada May, u'.Uix Ida Guttunburg, charged wilh the robbery of. B"ad9' &c" from llle ,;ife of thu L,ou'lll i i' ne insurance t ompany, on mo nigiit ot i ne of April, was takou np tor trial on Tuesday uf- teritoon. ' Ou Weduesday afumoou the Commonwealth closed Its evidence, When the three girls were discharged by the Court. The evidence for the defence was given on' Thursday morning, and the caso was submitted to the Jury about three o'clock in tho afternoon. ' The Jury was Out about two hours when they returned Into Court nnd reudered a verdict of guilty against the brothels Rider and Myers, iu maimer aud form indicted. Tho setence of the Court has riot yet been pronounced. Muney Luminary. Wheat. The wheat iu this section, to the as touUhmeut of every person, presents a very fa vorable appcurunoe. It was supposed by many farmers that the severity of tho past winter had I destroyed It to such extent, that no more than 1 half a crop could be reasonably anticipated. ; .Since, however,- tho late rains have fallen, the I upuciriince is favorably for a full average crop, i and ma::y now believe that all else being equal, j w e may have as good crop of wheat as we ever ! had iu the county. We hope the belief may j ' prove a r.'all!.". M'i.ifiu"i Zi'ivcnf. ! Tut following icli' r ni-eouipnrving the tub- flcriptlon mony lo the Awri'ti an for the onMiiug : ye.ir, will no doubt be read with inueli Interest I by ttie numerous frleu.ls of the writer: j PllAIHIE Cottaob, Ii.i.., April -It, 18TJ. ' F. H't'ivrf .Friend please find enclosed my : subscription for Amkiiican, for the ensuing year. e have a very cold, backward spring j larm. crs are at least three weeks behind last year. In the "Dmitry we hear very little polities. This town (.lordiin), is more than two-thirds Re publican, hence the Democrats are very quiet. We make no distinction In our town elections; consequently all moves off quietly ; but In the city of Sterling the political waters are becoming considerable agitated, the Cincinnati Convention begini to loom up with considerable proportions. As to myself, 1 am anxious to sec tirant re-elected, but I do tli. nk he has been Very unfortunate iu t lie selection of his friends. The war that has been made on Charles Sumner by Fish, C'onklin, Carpenter, itc., has not only been extremely un fortunate in separating Grant and Suinnor, for they are both honestly aiming after the same thing; but in my Judgment, it is entirely cnex disable. ( has. Sumner stands head and should-, er above the Fish, ('ouklln rlnar, nnd his general eourse wiil eventually be sustained that bo has committed no errors, 1 do not say ; lie, tuo, ii but human but to do a knowing wrong, never ; nor do I think Grant would knowingly do wrong, hence it Is those middle men who has done, and doing the mischief. Tbe simple and wicked cry, our country, rifi'U or uronf !' can never receive n response from me. 1 tlimly believe In the riirht, lu the nation, as well as Individuals, but sin is a reproach to any people and a nation Is just us liable to error ns au individual. 1 com- batted this doclriue or Justifying our Oovern- meiit (luring the Mexican war, my mind his undergone no change since. vt :lu Iteun-'H of siueere retard, I remain thy file nil, ' Kuril John. List of Letters remaining iu the Sunbury Post Office, May 1, 1HT3: John Baucher, Ksq., Elmer E. Boyer, Miss Ami!,, llurn.ll, L.avina liowutan. Win. Kveret. Win. F.vard, R. V. Kurman, Harvey Gardner, Miss Rebecca Harlct, Miss Lizzie Korstetter, Peier Lenkcr, lieo. S. Leuhart, Linn A Donald son (2), Jas. Mlntr.i l, Rev. A. II. Pert., Win. Pool, Albert Seashcltz. (Jen. A. C. Simpson. Joseph Helling, Felix Sandbord, William Sluglil, A. 11. reignied, Mr. I'lriek, Messrs. Wuguer : Miuch, John D. Warner. J. J. SMITH, P. M. Tuf. Cai sc of Tr.urEKANCB finds some of Its most insidious and dangerous foes in the mauv so-cailed "touks" .uud -,iijj:ctuer," made of cheap whisky and refuse liquors, finished up to sun ciepravea appetites, untier the name of medi cines. Ur. Walker's California Vinegar Bitters are none of these. They are uot a beverage, but a genuiuu medicine, purely vegetable, prepared from California herbs by - regular rhvsieiaii. For nil diseases of the stomach, liver, kidneys. bladder, skin und blood, tbey are infallible aud uurksUed remedy, i .1 ' 2. i ' ... '' ' tailor's fable.'1 ' ' ' ' ,: ' " Tue Lady's Euir.hu ob Mav. This number ojiens with an uncommonly beautiful engraving of "The Lady Elleyn ' who Is kueellug at au opeuVlndow, and evidently awaiting the coming of her owu true Knight. The Fashion designs are as nsual, novel and stylish, and the pattern department is amply illustrated with models for useful and ornamental wear, suitable for ladies of moderate means, as well as the wealthy. In the literary department, which is as rich as usual. we note -Pink Corals," by Daisy Ventnor i "The OI4 Maids nt HopeUm," by. Sarah Brion ) "6bi iu, vt Mrs. si. i.-. ryiej and Mrs. Ileury Wood't absorbingly Interesting story of "Within thsMaie; or,1.ady Audlnnlau't Tiuil," which none of our lady readers, who like a aood story. should fail to peruse. The music this month It tne song 01 -tinei wavne." Trice. 12 t vear, Four eoples, 16. Ele-ht uoolat faint rn i.iuii.i f lit. "the Lady's friend' and "The Saturduy evening roei, r i. ruoiisnea by lie con Pe terteu, Pfrlladelphia. Single conies for sale bi all KewaLValeu, and by toe PublisUart, j.rlce l wa.- -- - 1 Boninvwrt'K ion 'MaV. "Travellntf by Tele graph I Northward to Niagara," la Via title of the leading article In Scrilnier't for May. It be gins a dmeiiptton of the rntitufi om Wnnhliigton to NI.'Ranl iirer tli etlll nnHtiltuod Bsltlmore nnd lVrton,ac 'Railroad anfl'the wellnown Northfinr Central. A most mterVistlng region wa traretsed bf Mr. Jamea Richardson, the ao thor of the tutfxr, ti the nrtlslt of Bcribnar't (Inelodlng the line of .tbe Pennsylvania Central from Philadelphia to Harrlsburg), and a part of the results of the trip are before ut In one of tbe most brilliantly Illustrated and entoitaloini ma gazine artk:let of tho day. Borne or the cuts are wondert'ul both In drawing aud engraving and their effort it heightened by good paper and good printing. ":-. Hart-ek's Maoazini for May It full of the most attractive reading matter, profusely Illus trated. ' Of its sixteen articles, there are but five that are not Illustrated. The Nnmber opens w.'tu the tccond Installment of Porte Crayon't "Mountains," illustrated with a down of the author's most characteristic and effective draw ings, representing soma phases of rural life In the mountains of Virginia that belong to the past, bnt are soon destined to disappear with tho approach of a new ra. To read Porte Crayon's hkeiches of country life, Is like rusticating by proxy, lie gives ns a kind of mental vacation, and his work contrasts pleasantly wilh that done by most of his contemporary llteratuurs and artists who, unconsciously perhaps, but very materially, are affected by tbe absorbing Influen ces of a too busy life. - The editorial Departments are np to their best standnrd. Tbe easy chair gives some remarka ble representations of the power of the Press, and especially of the news correspondent i Is pe culiarly happy in bin description of the ball given In honor of tho Japauc.se Embassy, and gives a Judicious critical estimate of Gcorgo Kliot's new story "Mlddlemareh." Amoug the attractive features promised by the publishers fbr Snbacfiuent numbers Is n series of papers by' Emilie Castelar, the Spanish states man, on 'The Republican Movement In Europe,' to be commenced in the June Number. Business Ketlecs. SraiNO and Si mmsh styles of Huts are now opcu nt S. Faust's store, on Market street. Nocktles, Collars, Cuffs, and Gentlemen's Fur nishing Goods, ucwstylcfi, are sold at low prices. Thimdi.k's grocery Is the place to buy cheap. Everything In the grocery line Is kept- there. Ham, shoulders, dried beef, and Ash of the first quality are sold nt Trimble's. J. F. bciiAFFKit continues to make up the best of clothing. His Spring and Summer goods are first-class. His suits made to order, please every, body. Doi.l-Y Vahdins at Welmer's. Ikisii Poim.ins at Welmer's. Fi.Ain Poi'i.ins nt Welmer's. Plain Poplin s at Welmer's. , Chintzes al Welmer's. Si-kino Shawls at Welmer's. An endless variety of Goods for Ladles', Gent's and Childrens wear. Call and see for yoarselves. No trouble to show Goods. Tun best of new Groceries are kept ut J. O. Trimble's. A nf.w lot of goods has Just bf.en opened ut Trimble's. Bur your best Coffee and Tea at Trimble's. Tun finest nud Mackerel are fouud at Trimble's Grocery. , ... . All kinds of Canned and Dried Fruit will be found nt Ti inible's. Evkhttiunu iu the Grocery Hue can be pur chased at Trimble's cheap. A i. aiioc assortment of boots and shoes are just being opened at tha Excelsior boot and shoe store of Win. II. Miller, on Murkct Square. He ha a 'general variety to Select from, and all of the latest Spring style. Calt and see them. N'o Etii.'ALS Sri.iiNiiiD Goods asdFasuiona iii.k Srirs ma nit rr. The most complete assort ment of cloths, cussimcrcs, Ac., have been open ed at T. G. Nott's tailor store, on Third street. They have beeu selected from the Ii3t establish ments in New York aud Philadelphia, und sur passes all Mr. Nott's past efforts to select some thing th.it every me may be sniind. Krcryini'ig of the latest style of geutltmen's goods for wear ing apparel now graces the shelves of this magnifi cent establishment. The prices too arc snth that every ore run proenie u r.cnt serviceable ankle. These goods will h? made up t.i ouler, cqi-.ii to ai.v liinnufacf.ned in the chief, while tl:ev will I ri be Mitch nu rc tTvl.:e.liV. Call ard tee tbe fin. tthtortM.Mit b-ftire. p-.r"h:is!n'' eWwVii. A Sri'Luiou urlicie of Wheotrtnl Hi:cl'.icat Flour, and Corn Meal, b sold at J. G. Trimble's Grocery nt a low price. Spocial Xotioefu On .tlurriage. Essays fur Yor.ng Men, on i Great Social Evils and Abuses, which Inu-rfcre will. Marriage, and ri.iu the liiii4nee of thou- j sands, with sure means of rcliof for tbe Erring I and L'nfoiluiiale, deceased am) debilitated. .Sen I iu sealed letter envelopes, free of charge. Address, Howard Association, No. South Ninth St., Pliiladelphia, Pa. j A IlautlsiOiiio Mu,la-he. MOUfcTACHE. Prof. St.Crolx's EreuebCoin poiind, the Vrctit Hair Grower, will produce n liixurlent Mou WHISKERS. MOUSTACHE. WI1ISKEU8. MOI STAI HE. WHISKERS. stache or Whiskers on the smoothest face. Pieasant to use, Sent lo any address on receipt of Fifty Cents. II. T. BOND, Chemist. E. Cor. Tenth nud Chestnut Sis., Phila. Feb. 17, lb7a.-ly. a a r s C3 S. 9 . a I e 3 if u 9 2 co o O o H ,C 3 U C -3 -' E - . - o c- a o i 5 .2 1 S 0 m W SI a .a s n a x .so 3 m 'r- ? i v. TO THK St FI F.KI.VCl. The Rev. William II. Norton, while residing in Brur.il as a missionary, discovered in that land of medicines a remedy for Cossimi'TIon, Scuori'LA, Soua Thkoat, Covoiih, Colus, Asthma, akd Nekvoi'S Vkaknem.h. This-remedy has cured myself after all other wedlciuts had failed. . , Wishing to benefit the suffering. I will send the recipe for preparing nnd usinij this remedy lo all who desire 11 Fit EE OF CII AUG E. Please send an envelope, wlih your name and address ou It. .Vidros, Rev. WILLIAM II. TiORTON, (i7li BlUiAUWAT, Oct. 1 1 lt7! ly. New Voiik Citt, Nuubury Vraiu fc rtdiee Mttrket. COHlWt'TF.ll WBBMLlf BT H1L A UBKINSKH. GitAih Choice White Wheat Best Amber, Winter Corn , Kve ;. , 1 tints, (SUI llrs.).; 4........,i . I IlShl Amber, Winter', par sack..V :. : ... " " " barrel.. Corn Meal, per cwt., Pennsylvania Roll Egos Pel dor.eu Mkats Dried beef, pel lb .- . Smoked Mutton ..,.a Lahd pel lb Fun Salt M'hile Fish, per Ib , Trout " Cod Veoctablei Tumlps, per bushel ,M Potatoes " ' ,.;.,.'; ' ; ' Onions , Beans, " court O J. Hrtnimv. " ....II 60 ....rl 50 SO .... i 00 ..'....60 .....8 00 8 IU 3 50 ., M '.!a5("i;i0 ..lil(o,l'J ao 15 HI 8 ...... 75 1 00 lul v ,-.ia ...,.l2fS ..'...POCl Daiao FnfiTa Dried Applet, per ft. " rti, ": .AOST1 AiIPJPEA-L To Poliilitatod rcrsons, l'o Dyspuittic, -, .4 r ! - ln su fii ri ii froni LI vor CMifiilaiot,' To Uiobo littvins ftO ApPotite, ,To Mi ota with lliukea Dtwn Costlia lt; i. -; i .To Ncrycfui People, ' i To Children Wanting Awilj-, oany tvillt Debilitated Digestive Orgatia, ' Or SMfJerisij; with otiy o t'te foUmning b vqitomt, which indicuU Viaordertd Liver Siomaoh,- v - tuch at Con- i," " ' C stlpatlon, Iuward - 1 ' ' '. Piles, rollness of - ' ' ' Blood to tbe Head, Acid- ' , -' hy of the Stomach, Nansna, i V; ' .. Ueu rtburn, Disgust for Food, - : Vuliness or Weighthi the Stom- ,i ncli, Soor Emctations,Sliiklng or ' Fluttering at the Pit of the 8tom . "T ach," Bwiiuniing of the IJead, Hur-, rled and Difficult Breutlilmr. l lntter- lug at thn Heart, Choking or Suffocat-' . ing Sensations, when In a Lying Posture, Dimness of Vision, Dots or Webs before the Sight, Fever and Dull Pain In the Heart, Deflcleu cy of Perspiration, Yellowness of the Sklu and Eyes, Pain in the Side, Back. Cbet, Limbs, ike, Sudden flushes of Heat, Burning in the Flesh Constant Im aglnlugs of Evil, nnd Great De- ' presslou of Spirits. Hooflaiurs Oef man 'Bitters. A Bitters without Alcohol or Spirits of any kind. Is different from nil others.' It Is composed of the pure Juices, or Vital Pkincipi.b of Roots, llKiins and Barks, (or ns medicinally termed Ex tracts,) tho worthless or Inert portions of the in gredients not beims used. Therefore lu cine hot tie of this Bitters there is contained nsmurh me dical virtue ns will be found in several gallons of ordinary mixtures. The Koots, fce., used In this Hitters are kiowii tn Germany, their vital juK'.ei pies extracted ir. that country by a sclenliflu Che mist, and forwarded lo the manufactory In this city, where they nro compounded and bottled. Containing no splr.tuous Ingredients, tills Bitters I? free from the objections urged against all oth ers i no desire for stimulants can be induced from their use ; they cannot mnko drunkards, and ennnot, under any circumstances, have any but n benoflciul effect. IIOOFLAMTN (illRMAX TO.MC, Was compounded for those not inclined lo ex treme blilers, nud is intended for use In cases when some alcoholic stimulant Is required In co i nectlon with the tonic properties of the Bltlors. Each bottle of tho Tonic contains one bottle' of the. Bitters, combined with puree SANTA Ciit'Z RUM, and flavored In such a manner Unit the ex treme bitterness of the bitters is overcome, form ing a preparation highly agreeable und pleasant lo the palate, and containing the inediciqnl vir tues of the Bitters. The price of the Tonic Is 1. fiO per Bottle, which many persons think too high. They must take Into consideration that the stimulant used is guaranteed to be of u pure quality. A poor article could be furnished ut a cheaper price, but Is It not better to pay n little more nnd have a good nrtlcle.? A medicinal pre paration should contain none but the best ingre dients j and they who expect lo obtain a cheup compound, aud be beuefitted by it will most cer tainly be cheated. ' Iloofland's) Germnu Hitlers, or HOOFLAND'S GERMAN TONIC, with HOOF LAND'S Pivtoithylliu Pill, will cure you. They are the Greatest BLOOD PURIFIERS known to tho Medical worldi'ftnd will eradicate diseases iirisin; fiom impure blood, Debility of the Disgestlve Organs, or Diseased Liver, lu" a shorter time, thuu uoy other knowu remedies. THE WIIOI7E SUPKEME COURT OF PENNSYLVANIA SPEAK JYOH THESE REMEDIES. Wuo woi:ld ask fob mohb DiosiriEn and Sthonoeii Testimony I Hon. GnoitoK W. Wo'Uiwaiid, formerly Chief Justice of tlis Supreme Couit of Pennsylvania, nt present Member of Congress from Pennsyl vania writes i PiiiLADixruiA, March 10th, ISO". I tlud "Hoolland's German Bitters" is a good tonic, UM-ful in diseotcs of the digestive organs, aud uf great benefit In cases of debility, and want of uervous uetion in the svstem. Yours, inuv, udo. w. u-iieiiw a ,.i. llou. James Thompson, Chief Justice of the S-.i- pieinu Court of 1'cuiisylvauia. . , , lmi.,sj,.r.:.i":iu, April 2?, 13C,7. I consider ' If Holland's German Uitters" n val uable mc'iinne i t ''use of r.ttaoks ot Indlge.-tion "r pysp'-pM, 1 can certify uit? iro:n my exiie- nee or It. Vo'irs, JAMES 't iiOJi f'boi.'. i If .it. Orirt.Tr St'Ai.EW'eoo, Justice tf the Sa l preme Court of PennsyH-.iula. I I'uiLAiiKi.i'iiiA. Junii l, iir,s. I I have fmind by experience that "lliwdland's I German Bitters" is a very goo J tonic, relieving dvspeptlc Svtnptoins alinosl dii-eetly. I ' GEORGE SMAK&WOOD. Hon. B"m. F. Iloitrt. Mavor of the Cilv of Bui i falo, N. Y. ; Mayor's Ollice, Buffalo, June U2, 1S0B. I 1 have used ''II -villain' German Bitters and I Touic"' iu uiy I'uiuiiy during. Hie iiyl ywr, und j cau lecoaiuieiiil Ihem as an excellent Ionic, iin l purling tone and vigor to thn system. Their nse I 1ms besn productive of decidedly hiir:li'1l cf- ecis. mm. r, uiji.LUS. lion. Jnmtt if. H'voW, Ex-Mayor t.f Williams- fort, Pa. lake t'reat ldeiisure lu reeoniincinlii s "Hoof- i land's Guinnin Tuni, ' to anyone who may be n.n:......i u :.i. ibuc-,..-... i i,..a IU. II. , so uailiy 11 was iiiiiismijic lo heeji an.v luim un my stouiacli, nnd 1 became so weak n not to be able to Walk half a mile. Two bottles etlectud u pel feet cure. JAMES M. WOOD. .1 II- I. . 1.. . I, I. . . I I 1 REMEMHER THAT HOOFLAND'S GERMAN HITTERS, ,;' . .- . - ; : IIOOFL.VXIVS G HUMAN TONIC, Will Curo every Case of MARASMUS, or AVusting away of tho Roily. I REMEMBER i(tf HOOFLAND'S GERMAN REMEDIES' Are' the medicines you require to purll'y the B'ood, txeite tbe torpid Liver to healthy action, nud lo ena'.iie.you lo puss safely through liny I Ism dships or exposuio. DR. HOOFLAND'S PO D 0 P 11 Y L L I N , or substitute for Mercury Pills. Two Pills a Dose. The most Powerful, yet Innocent Cuthar tic knowu. It la not necessary to take a handful of these Pills to produce the desired ert'ect i two of them act quickly und powerfully, cIcuiisiiiK the Liver, Stomach and Bowels uf all Impurities. The principal Ingredient Is PodophyWn, or the Alco holic Extract of Mandrake, which Is lT many times more powerful, acting and searching thau the Maiidrakitself. Its peculiur action is upon the Liver, cleaning It speedily from all obstruc tions, with all tho lwf r of 'Mercury, yet free from the injurious results attached to tho use of thut mineral. For all diseases, iu wtnoii tho use of a cathar tic is iudicatud, then pills will give entire satis faction lu every case. They never fail. In cases of Liver Couiplulnt, Dic psiu und ex treme cosllveucss, Dr. Hootlu lid's Herman Bit ters or Touic should be used iu connection wilh the Pills. The tonic ellbcl of the Kilters or To uic builds up the system. The bitters or Tonic purillcs the. Blood, streiiL'thcus the Nervus, legu lutes the Liver, aud gives strength, enemy and vieor. . 1 - -r- Keep your Bowels netlvqwlih the Tills, and lone up t he system with Bitters or Tonic, und no disease can reXaln the bold, or vu assail yon. Recollect that It is DR. HOOFLAND'S GER MAN Remedies that nie to univertully used nnd highly recommended 1 and do not allow the Druggist to induce you to take anything else that he may say Is Just as good, because he makes a larger profit ou It. These Remedte will be seut by Express to any locnlltv, upon applica tion lo the PRINCIPAL' OVFK E, at Hm GER MAN MEDICINE STORE, MI ARCH ST., PHILADELPHIA. " . . - CHAS. M. EVANS, Propriolor. Formerly C, M. Jackson dfc Co. These Reme dies ara for Bale by Druggist, Hterikseitri, acd MtdislHt Peelers rvr? htr. ' So fibtztizmt nis. Spring ad Hammer OpesilBg or MILXl.KCKT GOOfiHv IlstCa fttid Bdnncta, j Trimmed ud A.li.:. Uotrimmod, ,v. UIBBON8, FLOWEItS. WREATHS, LACES, fee., all uaw stylos. Crape Vellst or nil Grade. CRAPE II ATS Ais D 150N N F.T8, and everything usually kept In a Millinery Store. Call at M. L. GOSSLF.R'8 Store, 45 South Fonrth Street, below tbe S. V. K. &., - . ' ' i"8tTKB0BT,PA . April), 1ST. : -tn. t TO THE L.tIIEMt GBAjTiD OPEN'INO OF Millluory Inna I'MTiejr Ooodd. Spring styles of HATS nnd BONNETS, trimmed nud liutiimmcd. All tbe latest styles In STRAW, CHIP, LEor-IIOHN, CACTUS, Neapoll'.uu, Wsterproof, Ae. fleheol Hats and . flan Hi-tj. Trimmings Sibbons, Fiowcrs, Ltcoi, Ac. tiloves, Collier le (jritcc, ( j ape, Crops Veils, Tissues, Neeklloa. Enmser, Wur. tier Co.'a Pntlenis, and alt the Kjulug ' styles of. XIUlnnryGnoilf. Call and see my choice assortment. ' MIeS 1.. WEtREK. Market Strct, one door wist of Oci hart's on fectioiiery dure. April JJ0, 197a. i 1 3III.LI.Knv. Sl'mKO,HTYI.ES nt thn t CENTRAL MILLINERY STORE OF Every kind of Milllue ry Goods, embracing Iliita, llouueta, Nrhool lints. Crape jssiisi nisti uoiiiieiH, Ribbons nnd Flowers, Triminiuga of every de sciipiiou, and even- kind of cooris nsoaity keut in a millinery establishment, cn'n be had ut her store at the lowe-.t pi Ices. The very best In the Philadelphia market has been selected, to which the ladies ni'e invited to exumiue and hi couvlu ced." '- . MIPS L. SHISSLEE, Maikct Square, Sunbury, I'a. April 20, 1S72. AgeulK lVnated Tor tho New Work, out . iiiLimi: 1 on, . : How to Make nnd Keep' tlictn Ilcaltlijf lir Acol'Stvs K. Gakonkii, M. P., J.0U.-1 Profeor lii 'ew Yoik Medical On'.lece. It treats of Amusements, Elucatiou, Physical Development, Diseases, Accidents, Marriager, Ac, Imparting a vast anvunt of Talnable infor m itlon coniuehe to thkllenlth. Happiness, t.nd Welfare of the Young. Wiltten iu a pleasiujr style, it is exceedingly interesting, as wl as instructive.-. - .' , . , . : Kvary Family shoulrl'liftve lt, ard no Parent can afford to be without It. 8nd f'r Circulars giving full particulars, . . ; DuFFIELI) ASIlMEAT), Publisher, 711 Snnsom Street, Philadelphia. TO HOOK AGENTS. .MARK TWAI.VS XEW UOOU, "ROUiillING IT," Is ready for Canvassers. "No book is l-okcd f-r more impatiently than this, uud agents will do well to get lenitory for it hS early us possible. Applv for Circulars uud terms to . DL'FFIEI.I) ASn.MF.AD, Publisher, 711 Saosom Mit.it. Philadelphia. iSsxs-q FANCY; SILK GOODS, ,i V I""''-., 361 BROADWAY, HEW YORK, Import?!- rnu 1f.jT)fer of Cori EiEC sni GraiiiRiDMs, 1H ULl COLORS' AND WDTHS. TK1IJ05 AKD SCTET GILES, -TTOCUOISS and VSLCTIP.P, English Crppos, Cronadir.es, Tissues, Laccr , Clings, M'llITK COTTON T.tlllJDWiS NECK TIES, DRESS. EUTTJT, IZ. j Mat-h SO, 1ST'. -''.'.n. a ia2ti'i'i'.iiTi.i: iiui.xi ! l.KiHT 'F..il,Al;T6 iiAS, Al t'NR-FUJII'i ii 1 " IIP. COffT ! .I'niicoi bexloJid. No i-l.inin-y ! or wick used. . Meu desiring a Prolltable ll.isiue s, cm secure the exclusive ilht fur ill? s.i'.e ( Dyoit's I'ai-i.t Caihotl lias L!t;Ut Burners and Oil.Vwr Countiss and States. Write fur iuloi illation or call "a i M. 11. DVOTT, I No. 1H Soulli Second rtrei-l, Phiia., P.i. N. B. ( iiiirclis fuiiiisfifd wilh Chandelier ami Lumps of every description, 25 per cent, cheaper tlmu ut any other cstabiUkuitnl lu ihe country. March 23, lSK.-3m. . I'.Mtnlr or JtiTiu Michurl, DtcriiHtMl. "VOTlCEls bert hv iriren.Th it Utters of Ad- !. iniiiUiiatlon have been granted lo the mi ilerslgiied, ou the rslntu of Jou M irii.vKi.. luta f Lower Malianoy lonnshiii Norlliuinherlntrl coumy. Pa., deceased. All persons knowing j themselves indebted to said esl.il e ur rcUestea ' to ihul.e Immediate imynieiit, biiJ those havluif I ciauuB to ireseul tnein tor iwttleiiicr.i. Ii. M. IH'liU, AdinimstiHtot. Lowef- Mahuiioy twp., March lsT--.-. I'.htulo ot'C'kurle tosl-r, Dee'U. TOTICEIs hereby j;lvcu th.it letters of nil- luiulstiiiiioii liaviug bern giautd to the 1111- deiVigucd on Iho estate of Charles (,c.s!rr, late of II. e borouu'li of Sunbury, N-rlheuiUrlsiel county. Pa., de used. All porsous lu Ii lited to said estate uru reins-ted to inaUr ininiediate pay mint, and those bavins; claim to present them duly uutbdUlicateJ for sfiiteiimnt.' MAKU A RET (iOSSI.EU, , , Adniinibt.-utlx. UAIAII E. GOSSLFU, Adminisirat-i Sunbury, Apri6HIT2. fit. Atliuiultt ralor'h Nolli-e. r "VTOTK'E is hereby alven, that lclleis of Ad O-N inla'utrntiou having beeu grautrd to the uuieVatgiiei, un tha estate of IhhihviAI Kk hacu, late of Lower Mahauoy towiithip, Nor tliuiubiirlaud county, Pa., deceased. All persons indubled Iq.ssii clan are rvquusted to luuke immediate payment, and those having claims lo preseut theui for sellleiueut. WILLIAM EEAPACII, . - Adniiuistrator. Lower Malianoy twp., March So, ISiii.-tit. Ilstutc or Itaeiifl Ilttoier, I.ule of Juckaou lovtuahiii, dt-reusied. TOTICE It hereby given, that letters of Ad .l miuistratiou have be.u ((raiiited to the un dersigned, on tbe estate of Ka U' t. HouVKjt, lull of Jucksoii tawusfiip, Korthninberlsiid county, Pa., deceased. All persons ludeblud to said tt lute are ren.uei-.ed to make iinmediaie payment, and those haviujf claims to prdseul them tor eU tlsrnent. ' ' Z. T. trnttVER, A.. k- v,.t r. J't'li twp., fsrrt SO, 16'.2 ,(. ' mo. ta tse rwh m m an II Es st nasBr mm Id a 3m rnmm' mm HOUSEKEEPERS! OBT THE BEST ! , The No'vetlty Has the Patent flange Cog Wheels cn both ends of the Rolls. T3IC NOVELTY Rolls separate freely at either end. THE JOVELTV Has the Patent Cuj-Ted Clamr . TJir iovEMv v - . tf' ... . Is the easiest woiklnr Wrlnr. ti; :i: xoveltv - ls the fitrnncsit Wrlnrs. . THE MM'ELTY -'Is the most durable Wrlujrsr. These 'with other advantage malt it mots desli-shle than enyothefi - " No Practical Housekeeper can afford to hit a Wringer un'.ll she has examined the Novrliy. Try it and sutlsfy yourself that It is the BEST. Sold everywhere. Bailey "Washing & WRixaijto Ma chine Company, s?0,4w 102 Chambers Strtet, New York. MUNEY MAD; TtAPlDLY with Stencil and Key Cheek Outfits. Cata. Iftirue, Samples aud full particulars FREE. n'.'y,-tw S. M. SrExCRK, liratlleboio, Vt, GREAT CHANCE FOR AGENTS. Do yon want ifri aeency, local or traveling,' with uu opportunity to make fiO to $9IO a day selling our new strand White Wire Clothes Lines 1 They las', forever t sample rrce. Send for circular. Addiess at once Hudson Kiver Wire Works, cor. Water St. and Maideu Line, N. Y., or S40 W. Kundolph St., Chicago, in. ; ' a20,4w fJot the Only Ntandnrd Hook of the kind published. A $10 saved venrly by all who pos.i it. HOREHOMrsa- vassi'ig for Voi:mah'9 Dictionaht iF Evrt DaT VWms, contaiillujr 20,0tiu Eeceipls In every llepartmeiit In Human Euort, than in any other possible way. From f 15 to $40 a week Insured. It Is for overy Housekeeper, Farmer, Trade aud ProfeMlon. Vor the Sick and Well. A lellable book of peimnneul value to every wide-awake progressive person. It ssils iuelf. Extra terms.' AdJrcsa, F. M. Ub'-v, 139, Eighth SUJ Y. 4w Three Years in a Man Trap! . A companion to 'Teii Night's in a BJlr-Rootn,' by T. 3. Arthur, (the most p.lpuisto Ameiksii. authors,) Is tio" ready. Ii is a expose of liquor makum and selling, a thrilling roclvahof a three years y-nra' lifo In atily drain stop, hows np 1 tlie viiu cucp'ions practiced lu bar-rooms, nud is j tli most powerful work of the kind ever written. V, III bj eagerly read hy thousands, and Is cer tain to have, un l!inrien. sale. Apply for an ngLcy sue ikf go'ij as welt us make money to tw. J. M Stqupaht A Co., PablrsTtenf, Phils .' STADAI-.D AMERICAN Billiard Tables! Krcrvthlng Jejitalnlue; to Billiards at lowest prices. Ii;.;.t-.atcd Catalogues sent by mull. II. W. COLLKNriiP., Nsw York. Cuecesbur to The'.an A Collcnder. a20.4w - 73S Broadway. Wells' Carbolic Tablets For Cocoas, Corps & Hoarseness. These Tablets pixsent the Ae'.d lu Combination wiiTi other eiHi-ie lit reiuedics, in a poprlar form, for tha Cure of till THKOAT and LUNO Dl sas. il'.ai jcr.cis und Uii'tiution fcf the Throat r humedialely rciiceed and it.'.tem-iuts arecoa-stnll- hMij; scut to the pj-op.ieto;- of relief lu j can-sot inrjit dilMcuulH ui yen it -tanning, i CAl'TrO:'. Don't or is(c!vti by v.-onlilers ' lir.Untluiis. (Jet nnlv Wells' Cifbo'lie 'f ablets. ii'!C.; r.ta. Setfd IV,,-1. 1.-, . l iOlw- per hex. JOHN y. KELLOUH, tiia.r. 18 I'iatt strm-t, N. Y. So'o Aeent far United States. :;;a-Ne;'.ar. . a nrs CuiiiSc TL'A. TriE Hkst Tea Imported. Warranted to suit all tastes: Put up In n-lr trale mark Half' I'uuu l snd Pound Packages ouiy, l"l m fid Pound lloxos. For Sale m Wholesale only bv iThe lirPhX Atlaulio Tacllle P. O. Hos fi5tid, N. Y. C it v. aii0,4w 4,flOO .ina Wauled I for our new Book. By . 11. tt tilt, the noted I'mneer and Hu ' 11 101 ir-t . A luest i:ec-iirate 1111.1 i-isettiaiiii Ur-. sciipl'i 11 of the v,l'.d:i;s uud wealth ot'lhe bomid- S-s Vii. ;tj untold riches. Pig Injuns, Buffa ! I, V.'oive.'., Ac. Linwdcd wilh valuable iufor i m.itlon, !( 11 k'-ii..' with the kemieal wit und r.-icl-t.l iiuinoi, ilvii'lr..' Mark Twain's best, and 1 t.pVurt'd'y ..li.sir.a I. Wiil be linnieneely popu , iiir 1.11 I sell beyond precedent. For s in pie pages, . iilLsi .ration', terms, .te., mhlrets, j Hi: Itli.MID liUOS., Publishers, ' " j a2i..4 f - Via haiikoni-stiej-t. Phils i ron' uTh's'ciio'8L8.' 1 Tlie Sunday .'vcliool World. A leading j peiiod'.eni lor jiaelu-rs, with -f ulUexplsnalKais 1.1 th:- Lei-mus. lo )',' iiiunlhly. Only .W C'lil!, a var. The IiHd"l World. An lllnstnitei! paper f..r chialrcii. lou i-o;-US niontli'y, one year, ; Mu'.IHI. or iwice a iiiomh. ili. : Tli- Nt-I'.Olur'si l'ltperi Ciivin? the trill f ' the ii-sKin, iinil topics lor the nu.ly uf ii, Ve. i ItitcriiM'tiiittv I.osisioii litlt'r ot'u more I simple i h uaclci, with iiest!'Ui and explaua ! iluiis. Either of tli. al'nie 11 the rule of 75 els. pvi 100 ci-plc ciontbly ; or 0 lor inO cnplei j-r jeai. j ' Specimen wpies of any of the abc-vc, faruUhed , on a plie.it'uai lo ! Tub Ami iucan St si'tv S'-i'ooi. Union. n'.'i),4 ll'J'.' Cheslliiil street, t'hiiadeiplila. AGEftTS! QUICK! I or you will i.ilss choice . o!' ieiiilor ,, (there is a ru.-li !ur it; mi I'm i.l- if i'i uuu uienien I work. tl II il;i.NTI-. ; I or, Ml Jel.t.V I'lllKMi's Mxr.cT. I II Is by Ohio the most taking and salable bonk In' ! the tiehl. 1. it is ou a viUUy impollaut subject. J. It Is lv America's most popular wriier 011 health, ii. It !. for the price, the largest and' lniniiiiin"l hoik ever mid by nibscviptiou. Agents, tb-j rt 'P' JSf vager lor such a bonk, aud will urge j.iu lo t ring it to them. Write for l.-iins iVw.,"l're.:. lino. Maclfan, Publisher.' ?yj Snsiii sirect, I'hlla. 01, Mil Were a GMIfl AEaifl! sihs the weary and exl.aus led on, us ihe lunguor sa I Insniluiie of sprnij; eomes iik.u him. Come and ieceie vior uurt strength ttoui the wonder ful South Anierieau Tonic J TJRUBEBA.' Long and success fuhy used iu it native eouotry, as a puwrrfut Tome uud Potent l'linfJer of the Uiood, It is found eveu lo exoeed the snli ipsttons loiindod on its ureal icpuiauxii. Aci-ordinif U I ins medical and scientific pel lodicals of l.ondou. and Paiis, If posseses ins Mo j-uuuriui jouic iropert: koowu to Materia ilfaica. DR. WELLS' EXTRACT OF J'JRUBEBA Is a perfect remedy for all diseases of the Ulood, Organic Weakness, Lilanduious Ti.mrt, Dropsy, Scrofula, Inleriiul AUies, auil will leuiote ail ubu unions ut tlis Liver, gpleuu, luUkHutas, Uterine and L'riuurj Oig ius. - U t stinglbimiDyr und uourMitns:, Like a. trieious fo.nl lkeu inialbo SU-iuiwh, ll iaL lutes and diffun s iiseif ibivujh the ciriulatloa, uivinr lifc-or and heulth. I . . It regaiutis the buwtls, iu'.cls thetients V' direct!) on iLc sei'iatAtir argaus, aud, hskiLSk puia. erful i'ouir nud reionuc wU4H''Wr,'a.ca "'V sud vigorous anion lo the wlole tysisin. I .