atnbitriT American. SUNBURY, APRIL 6, 1872. Kntlroitil Time Tnblrn. N. C. R. W. East. P. A E. R. R. West. Ji(Ta1o Ex I've 13:30a m;Erl Mail, I've 1:00 a m Erie " " 9:20 ' Accom. " 6:15 " ElmiraMatl 11:05 " I Niagara Ex " 12:40 n m Niagara Ex." 4: 10 p nvElmirnMail " 4:35" Erie Ex. " 6:50 " BIfAMOKI!V blVISlOlt N. 0. H. W. AltRtVB Sunbury at 11:50 a mlAt Banbury g:55 a m nwprn; 4:00 p ni I. II. W. R. R. Leave Sunbury 6:20a. m. Arrive at 8.35 p. m BUNBURY & LEW1STOWN R. R. LEAVE ARIWVR Bunburv at 6:30 a. m. I At Sunbury 8:35 a. m. " ""11:40a.m. I " " 10:45 n. m. Accident Insurance Tickets can be had of J. Shipraan, Ticket Agent attho Depot. atrs. Sewiko Machines.-M'isb Caroline Dnllus Is the agent fur the sale of the best Sewing Machines In existence, vlx t "The Improved Singer," "Grover fc Baker," "Howe," and "Domestic,' which are constantly on hand and sold n rea sonable prices. She Is also agent for the cele brated Frantz and Pop a Knitting Machine. Call and see them. OMce on Market street, east of the ratlrond. For Rest. The large room one door north of the Junction Hotel, now occupied by Messrs. Kerns A Co., as a Tobacco Store. The room Is well calculated for any kind of business. Pos session given on the first day of April. Apply to James Vandyke. Fon Rent. The three rooms over Dr. Moody's drug store, ou Market Square, will be for rent ou the 1st of April next, or as soon as the repairs nud flttiug up arc finished. Trimble sol's nothing lint the best qnallty of groceries and cheaper than the cheapest. Tun public schouls of this pl:iec, closed on last week. Tim Buubury Dime Savings Dank has been chartered by the Legislature, and will be organ ized without delay. Jno. K. Clement, Esq., District Attorney for this county, has moved Ills olllec into tho rooms formerly occupied by Hon. J. B. Packer, oppo- ' site the Bank. ! j Fire. A fire broke out iu tiie gns house, at ! this place, on Thursday afternoon about 5 ; o'clock. The roof was partly burned off, and considerable damage done to tho building. Mr. J. W. Johns for some years one of the ' principle clerks in the X. C. R. R. olllce at this I place, we regret to learn, has resigned sit uation and accepted a position on the Evnnsville. : Henderson an 1 Nashville Railroad in Kentucky, j We wish hiiu success in his new location. . A New Saw Mill. The new steam saw mill In Cuke's addition, now being bnlit by W. Ilea- j gan, Hsq., Is already under roof, and workmen are engaged in putting up the machinery. The mill will probably be ready for cutting lumber ' bv next month. The ice on the river at this pine, disappeared i tact week without the least damage. Having ; wasted away gradually, it moved oil' in small j raxes, nnJ in a lew hours the river was Iree ol lee. T bo water in the rlvei has risen some, but not sullleient yet to drive timber down from the upper counties. Tnr. Sunbury Boom Company bavo been very b.isy for the last two weeks in making their , boom secure for the reception of timber. It is, j perhaps, the best and safest boom in the Susquc- : hauna river. ! Jem. Sntdeh, Esq., has moved his law offico ' Into th'j second story of Haupt's building, on the i corner of Market Square. We notice that Geo. W. Smith, Esq., Is en- ; paged In recieving brick for his new building on Market street, adjoining li. Zettlcinoycr's resi- , - A large public sa'c of personal property will : take place on the lSth lust., at the late residence of John Michael, deceased, iu Lower Malianoy township. Horses, cows, hogs, and farming ; utensils w ill be offered. j Tub funeral of John Deen, who was killed on ! tho D. H. A W. 11. U., on 1 liursi'.ay of hut week, ! took place on Sunday last from his residence on Cbostuut street, and was very largely atteuded. Our neighbor of the Dcmteral says he Is try- J log to keep his subscription list down, but Is un able to do so. Perhaps, neig'ibor, the many foxes and skuuks are added to your list to keep up appearances. A number of personal friends of Gen. J. Kay Clement, at Shamokln, presented him with a handsome cane and a Bible, nta social gathering st tho Reese ifote! on Friday evening of last week. There cert:,.--' 1 , no one more deserving of such a complimen Injured on the Railroad. Ou Monday af ternoon lust, Samuel Schweitzer, of this place, a brakeman on the shifter i.t the yard of the P. A E. K. R., was thrown under the cars and had both legs terribly mangled. Dr. Haupt was call ed on who dressed tho wounds. There are three candidates in the field for County Superhitendcncy, Mr. 8. Shipman, the present incumbent, Rev. J. J. Relmensnyder, au ex-Superintendent, and Rev. D. C. John, of Mil ton. The latter gentleman has had much expe rience In educational departments, and would make a most efficient officer. The election lakes place in May. Another IIotel. Mr. Joseph Bacher, a Teu ton who emigrated to this country many years ago, and who la well known as the manufacturer of the Cold Spring Lager Beer, has lately erected a flue hotel building, on Third street, above Mar ket. He obtained his license at the last court, and consequently is ready to entertain his friends with the best of accommodations. Joseph is well cut out for a landlord and understands business, and will no doubt try to please all who will pat rouize him. Another Pai-eh is Sunbury. On Monday last, another paper made its appearance, making five papers now published In this place. The "title of this new sheet is "The Eye," edited by Dr. C. E. Up Dc Gruff, and is devoted to "the exposition of Charlatanism in Mediulue, aud the enlighteument of the family circle upou medi cal subjects." The paper though r' a small size, is neatly printed and makes a sprightly appearaueo. It Is issued fom tho Guard office, and will be published monthly, aud is Bent to any address free of charge, by addressing the editor. Changs or Proprietors. We notice that Mr. DeLancy, of the firm of Tufts & DcLaucy, has retired as one of the proprietors of the Clement House, for the purpose of eufcring Into other bu siness. Mf. Mi J. Tufts will continue as Its sole proprietor, d4 Cleuieut House ha galued a wide rPHIHUMi cr.a of the best hotels In this part of the State, nd we can assure Its patrons, thfl under lit wharge of Mr. Tufts, one of its f fmej ?Trt:'i.V tl TT t! t cniiiinne t,o Improve. Mad Moll Mad dogs have been making ft raid In the neighborhood of Montoursvllle, biting sheep, hogs, cattle, horses, Ac., and among other animals bitten was a mule, owned In Mon tonrsvilie. On Monday last the animal went mad and bit another mule In the snmo stable, after which he nearly demolished the stable, at tracting a large crowd by his antics. Finally the animal broke down all barriers and escaped, making a desperate rush at the assembled audi ence. Then there was wild disorder and frantic efforts to secure safe lines of retreat. Some climbed trees, some crawled luto wells, and one man started out the Muncy road and for onght we know to the contrary, Is still fighting It out on Hint line. The mule was flnnllj captured and shot. Miltonian. Tni Rlvlerc House, at Lewlsburg, narrowly es caped destruction by fire, on Friday last. The Chronielt soys i "Quite early, some one went Into the cellar for coal, taking a lighted candle along. The condle was forgotten, until smoko began to ascend through the house. An Investi gation was Immediately instituted, when It was discovered that the candle had burned down and kindled somo combustible matter which commu nicated fire to n partition. Tho latter was burn ing and the cellar was tilled with smoke. Not much damaged. Tho flame, wc nearly forgot to mention, was extinguished." Mart Reed, a daughter of Mrs. Fitzgerald, (by her first husband) died suddenly on Sunday night hist, In this borough. She had been to church on Sunday Morning and was apparently well In the evening, but was taken sick In the night and died before mowing. R.imor assigns as the cause of her death eertbro tpmal tiiemngitit, or spotted fever but wo have no oflle.lal verifica tion of the rumor. Mtllonian. Thimble's grocery is the place to buy cheap. Everything In the grocery line is kept there. Mil. Samuel Conrad, a farmer l:i Lower Au gusta township, took a notion one day last week that his better-half needed n thrashing. He bolstered up courage nnd showed his bravery by knocking her down. In falling she camo in con tact with a post in a spinning wheel and knocked one of her eyes out. Dr. Uaker was called on, who dressed the wound. As Samuel is a robust looking fellow, nnd his wife is a very delicate woman, we would suggest that ho cease his un manly acts towards her nnd engage himself to the Ring, and show his bravery by making war upon the skuuks that are being driven into the county. It certainly would lie more to his credit. A Railroad Biiihok Bukneh. Tho Northern Central Railroad bridge, which spans the Bus qialianna at Dauphin, caught fire about nine o'clock on Wednesday evening, on 'he'Dnuphin side, it is supposed from a passing engine, and one-half extending to the iron span, was consum ed. The rest of the structure was saved. The loss is about f 200,000 j no insurance. j tiiin:us for Flour, Fee l, Potatoes, Dried Trull, ! Crackers, Ac., left nt the butcher shop of Renew j A Bower, Third Street, Sunbury, will receive attention, and goods delivered at residences ; unc- tu.i'.ly. .Ions Wn.vEit. Mil. L. Kramer, who resides near Selinsgrovc j Station, ou Thursday of last week, shot fourteen inuskrats on the island opposite the station. An Aoi:d Pastor. Rev. Jacob Albert, nt pre sent preaching in Lower Augusta township. Is one of the oldest ministers in the State. He is n member of the Lutheran denomination, and has officiated in his capacity for upwards of forty two years. - Foil Sale ou to Let. A new house and a lot of ground, on Fourth Street, Sunbury. The house has nil the modern lni Tovetr.ents. Apply to n6;St. " ISAAC SEILEK. Col. J. P. Suindel Goiun, formerly of this place, delivered a Lecture upon the "Red River Expedition,' in Allentown, Pa., on Thursday evening of last week, which is thus noticed by the Allentown Daily Vcir: Lecture. As was announced last evening t He Lecture upon the Red River Expedition was de livered at Military Hall. Tho lecturer, Col. Go bin, was introduced to a very line and apprecia tive audience by Geo. K. Wilson, Esq. The subject matter of his lecture was well chosen : It was an accurate historical account of Gen. Banks' Red River Expedition, and Col.Gohin, in a very clear manner, defined the causes of its failure. The lecture was lull of anecdotes, intended to illus trate, the cheerfulness and contentment of the rank, and tile of t lie Army during the Expedi tion, nnd his descriptions of engagements they were in, were thrilling enough to call vision scenes of carnage and bloodshed. His descrip tive powers are of the highest order, and we shall Joyfully greet Col. Gubin when he revisits us to deliver another lecture. After flic lecture he was serenaded by tho City Cornel Band, to which he replied iu a very neat little speech particularly complimentary to the old 47th. Aim-ointments. The Central Pennsylvania Conference of tho M. E. Church, which held its sessions last week iu Lock Haven, made the fol lowing appointments iu the Danville District : Samuel Barnes, as Presiding Elder. Danville, St. Paul's S. Creightou, A. S. Powman " Trinity G. W. C. VnnFossen. Northumberland H. F. Stevens. Witsliiiitonville T. F. MeCluro, one to he sup plied. Bloomsburg N. S. Buckingham. Espy nnd Light st. M. P. Crosthwaite. Orangeville F. E. Crever, G. A. Singer. Benton A. C. Crosthwaite, oue to be supplied. Berwick W. W. Evnns. Berwick Circuit A. Brittaln, one to be supplied. Bloomingdnle II. Wilson, J. Y. Shannon. Muhlenburg W. M'Kendrce Reilcy. Shicksliinny J. A. Gere. Whitehaven J. Beuson Akers. Hickory Run C. L. Benscoter. Weatherly J. P. Moore. Huzleton E. II. Yocum. Jeunsville and Audenrind E. T Swart z. Conygham N. W. Colburn, T II. Tuhbs. l attawissa B. P. Kiug. Elysburg J. F. Brown, one to bo supplied. bhamokiu J. C. Clurk. Ceiitralia H. B. Former. Mount Carmel P. F. Eyer. Ashland A. W. Guycr. Trevorton T. O. Clees. Snydertown II. 8. Mendenhall, Sunbury G. D. Pennepacker. Selinsgrovc J. Ptine. Dei.kuates. The delegate! elected to attend the Geueral Conference ol the M. E. Church lire E. B. Hamlin, D. D. ; Thompson Mitchell, 1). I). ; Francis Hodgson, D. D. ; Gere, D. D. ; Rev. S. Barnes, Rev. I. S. Me.Murry. Lay Dele gates, Hon. John Pat ion aud W. Aschum. Dried and canned fruit of all kinds can be bought cheap at Trimble's grocery. A rsw weeks since tho "Illustrated Christian Weekly" of New York, gave a sketch and plans of a collage which could be well built forl,000. Bo much interest has been excited in all parts of country by its publication, and so many letters of inquiry have been received, asking for further in formation, that the publishers in their issue of March '60, giv a bill of items showing the cost of everything in detail which enters into the con struction of the above meutloned cottage. . In the same number we find some very inter esting reminiscences at a wedding, relating to lh( commencement of a mission to Japan forty-five years ago. The illustrations In this number are well executed those upon the Catacombs at Rome being especially beautiful. A portrnit Is given of Rev. W. M. Taylor, the new pastor of tho Broadwuy Tabernacle, New York, recently from England. An editorial on "Pastoral Visiting," takes strong grounds against Rev. Heury Ward Beech er's theory that the uecessity for these visit! does not now exist. As act has been passed for the erection of a foot bridge over Muhautougo Creek, by the Su pervisors of Lower Mahanoy towutbip, this county and the Supervisors of Miulu township, Dauphin county. Also an act establishing a ferry across (he riv er at Georgetown, thii county. Editorial Noticbs are so common that It Is almost Impossible for an editor to express his honest opinion of the merits of any article with out being suspected of Interested motives. Tbls fact, however, shall not deter ui from saying what we think of a new addition to the Materia Mcdlca to which our attention has been recently directed. We refer to Dr. J. Wai.rrk' Cali fornia Vineoar Bitters, a romedy which Is making Its way into more families Just now than all the other advertised medicines put together. There seems to bo no question nbout tho potency of its ton In nnd alterative properties, while It possesses the great negative recommendation of containing neither alcohol nor mineral poison. That It is a specific, for Indigestion, Billiousnrss, Constipation, nnd many complaints of nervous origin, wc have reason to know and we ore as sured on good nnthority that as a general Invlgo rat, regulating and purifying medicine, it has no equal. It Is stated Mint its Ingredients, (obtain ed from the wilds of California,) arc new to tho medical world nnd Its extraordinary pll'ccts cer tainly warrant the conclusion Hint It is a com pound of agents hitherto unknown. If populari ty Is any criterion, there can bo no doubt of the efficiency of tho Vineoar Bitters, for tho sale of the article Is immense and continually In creasing. n0-4w. County Snporlnleiidntif s. Sunburv, April 4th, 1872. Friend H'ihvri i As von nnd many of your rend ers nro well aware of tho fact, that the time is rapldl vnpiironchiiigfor the election, by the School Directors of the county, of a Siiperintetidant of the enmity Schools, for a turco year term, ana for the last month I have been anxiously watch ing tho various papers published In'tho county, expecting to find the friends of education taking an net ivo part In the canvass that Is now heing made bv tho aspirants after the position. But ns none have appeared to advocate the claims of either candidate, I wish, If you will give the space In your columns, to have a plain talk Willi tho School Directors who are by law enti tled to participate in the election. Do not neg lect your duties on the day of election, try aud ho present, oy all means, lit your political rein tions nud sympathies remain dormant, consider well tho qualification or each candidate nnd re member that upon the result of your actions hang the welfare of the free schools for the next three years. To the readers of your paper who aro not eon neeted whh the free fehools, I will state that there arc three candidates, Mr. Saul Shipman the pr irnt Incumbent. Prof. John, of the Mil ton ll.gli School, imi I J. J. Reim.'iisnyder, of bin i bin y. Of.V.r. Sliipuvm's success as a Superinteudant, nil connected whh the free schools of the county are well aware, notwithstanding that his nrtil trary rulings at county Institute have estranged some teachers, yet his re-election would give general satisfaction. Prof. John is the bst fitted for the position of nil the candidates. A graduate of Laylnyctte Col lege, for a long time a teacher in one of the Stale Normal schools, and bavieg been for some time connected with the Methodist Episcopal Church us a Minister of the Gospel, his expe rience in leaching, and with the duties of a pub lic life, connected with his logic and readiness In extemporaneous spc iking all seem to point him out as the one to be chosen, before all others, for this respon-lhle position. As lor J. J. Relmensnyder, I will Bay in behalf of the Teachers of the county, that they do not want the schools of the count v degeneiated bv giving them into the hands of a broken-doivii-politician, one who has been a candidate for j nearly every uflice within the gilt of the people, , and will Hoop to the supei hit ndancy of the ' pedagogues and children of the comity, when the people do not require his services in dealing out Justice from the bench. j Hoping that this w ill call forth the opinions of I older Teachers nnd friends of education, better I calculated to dieiiss the question than your cor- ' respondent. 1 remain, yours, ve., ' Eni'CATio." ! Itnsiiiess Notice1. No EyUAi.s Sri.ESiiin Goon", and Fashiona ble Suits made ui The most complete assort ment of cloths, cassiineres, &c, have been open ed at T. G. Xott's tailor store, ou Third street. They have been selected from the best establish- ; incuts in New York ami Philadelphia, nnd sur passes all Mr. Nutt's past dibits to select some- I thing Unit every one may bo suite!. Everything of the latest style of gentlemen's goods for wear i lug apparel now gin-cs the shelves of this magnitl- 1 cent establishment. The prices too aro such that ' every oue can procure a neat serviceable article. ! These goods will be made up to order, equal to any manufacture 1 in the cities, while they will i be much more Serviceable. Call and oce the line ; assortment before purchasing e'scwhere. Sritisa suits are engaging the attention of J. ; F. Sella fier, merchant tailor, opposite the Central . Hotel. He is kept busy manufacturing them for fashionable young men. He has a fplendid i stock of goods, and knows how to manufacture ; n good suit of clothes. Hams, shoulders, dried beef, and fish of the first ' quality arc sold nt Trimble's. A l. Alton assortment of boots nnd shoes arc just being opened nt the Excelsior boot and shoe ; store of Wm. H. Miller, on Maiket Square. He ' has n geueral variety to select from, and all of the latest Spring style. Call and see them. An Immense lot of Hal nnd Cups may be found at . rausi s llai store, on Market i-ciuare. All ' tne beauuiul new riprlni; styles are now open. F-veiybody can be suited ns he has a geueral va riety. Monn FrrtNlTriiK. Another new lost of Fur niture has just been received at 15. L. Rauden bush's store, iu Masonic buildings. The sales nt this establishment are constantly Increasing, as now furniture Is received every week. He keeps the best assortment out side of the cities, and sells nt reasonable prices. A Slrudil Ahsorf mriit or Spring Goods at Cleuieut Dis.-ii.ger's. ( losing; out Win! or Stork at almost cost, nt (.'lenient it Dissinger's. Ml Mist ami Itluuket ut remarkably low prices, nt Clement it Dissinger's. A good HWNtrtimnt . of Quveuswnre just received nt Clement it Disfiinger's. lOOU lo.'ii foc.sil Spool Cotton Iu the market, just received at C lenient ,t Dissingcr's, and for sale at the following prices : U cents per spool or TO cents per dozen. Tilt liirgesit, cheapest and best assortment of Cassiineres Iu towu, just received at Clement it Disslngei's. AMr.iiK AN PuourtT Sum. Aur.A!! W. M. Dauglierty is now using marble that Is superior to the Italian for monuments anil grave stones. While Italian marble cracks In less than ten years, the American has ttood the te-t for over thirty years und found to stand our climate far better than any foreign marble. Call at his shop, opposite tho Court House, and see his as sortment. The prices have been greatly reduced. A Bui'EKion article of Wheat and Buckwheat Flour, and Corn Meal, is sold at J. (i. Trimble's Grocery at a low price. A Fact worth remembering, that Weimer sells goods lower than the lowest. His stock of Press (ioods In Silks, Merinos, F.mpress cloth, Saltlns, Plaids, itc, Ac, nro complete. Velvets and Velveteens S5 per cent lower than former prices. Waterproofs of the latest styles and best make. Ladies' Childrens' and Geuts' Furs. His assort ment of Shawls, embracing all the leading styles In the markets, which he offers at extremely low prices. Call and be couvlnced that Weimcr's popular Cash Store Is the place to secure bar gains. Ills stock of goods is not to bo surpassed by any In quantity, quality, or price. No trou ble to show goods. Having Just returned from the New York mar kets, he Is prepared to offer extr Inducements to cash buyers. Special Notices. Ou WirrlKe. Essays for Young Men, on Great Social Kvils aud Abuses, which interfere wilt Marriage, und rulu lbs bappiucsa of Ihou suuds, w itu sure means of relief for l he Erring aud Unfortunate, deceased aud debilitated. Scut In sealed letter envelopes, freo of charge. Address, Howard Association, No. i, Booth Ninth St., Philadelphia, Pa. A Ilaodaom IWonstlach. MOUSTACHE. I Prof. Bt. Croix's French Com- WHISKER8. ponnd, the ral Hair Grower, MOUSTACHE, will produce a lnxnrlcnt Mou wniSKF.RS. stache or Whiskers on the MOUSTACHE, smoothest face. Pleasant to WHISKERS. use. Sent to any address on receipt of Fifty Cents. H. T. BOND, Chemist. N. E. Cor. Tenth and Chestnut Bts., Phlla. Fob. 17, 187U.-ly. "3 "S I 5 J 2 .2 o a a 8. Pa i r. e - 8 -a J o oS is Q . I at O -a i tn m in a o o H .2 3 O & 3 Xt o V 6 "s "1 a 71 ; ess? .a M te c", a -3 .. v. h I "8 3 s S O - to i T TIIK MlFFERIXIi. The Rev. Wllliai.i II. Norton, while residing in Brazil ns a missionary, discovered In that bind of medicines n remedy for Consumption, Scrofula, Sorb Throat, Couohs, Colds, Asthma, and Xervoi Weakness. This rein edv has cured myself after nil othor medicines hail failed. Wishlnis to benefit tho suffering. I will send the reelpo for preparing and using this remedy to all who desire it FREE OF CHARGE. Please send an envelope, with your name nnd address on It. Address, Rev. WILLIAM 11. NORTON, C70 Buoadwat, Oct. 141871. ly. New York City, In Shamokln, February mth, 1872, OLIVE MAY. aged 0 mouths and 5 days. On March 1st, BELLA M ART, aged 4 vears and S3 days, children of Withington and Joanna Lake. Side by side they're sweetly sleeping, Little loved ones early blest, Free from care mid pain nnd Borrow, Oh, rejoice they ure at rest. In Danville, suldenlv, March 20th, CORDE LIA S., wife of J. S. Felslnger, and daughter of Daniel Smith, of Snydertown, aged lilt years, 3 months nnd -9 days. "None Knew her but to love her." Oh, cm I think my wife is gone, My wife so kind and dears Ah, can it lie, so loved n one My saddened heart no more will cheer. All Is dark within our dwelling, Lonely Is our house to-day, For she, whose smile still cheers in, Has forever passed away. Kiiuburj Grain V I'rudurc "arkot. CORRECTED WEEKLY 11T IIILR &GBR1NOBK. Grain Choice While Wheat Best Amber, Winter Corn Rve Dats, (VJ lbs.) Ih'st Amber, Winter, per sack... " " barrel.. Corn Meal, per cwt., Penn'vlvaiiia Roll ...fl CO 1 50 i 80 ! .... i 00 ! so ...M 00 I rt 30 ! a r.o 35 j HO , Eoos ' Meats Pel dozen Dried Beef, pel III , S.Mif-SO : ltVj l'J , '() Smoked Mutton Lard per lb Fish Salt White Fish, per lb ' Trout ' Cod " Ve.irtaiii.E4 Turnips, per bushel Potatoes " " Onions " " Beans, " quart Hominy, " " Dried Fruits Dried Apples, per lb " Peaches, ' .... i: .... 16 s so 75 1 00 ..l.-(!J.iS 12 ..ij(u.:'.fi fOYto Agitl4 Wuntoil Cor the ,w Work, Ol It tIIII.I)Ki:. ; OH, How to Mako nnd Keep tliem Healthy. Hv AfiifSTfs K. (ituusrit, M. D., Late Frofejior in New York Medical College. It Ileal nf Amusements. F.ducalioii. Physical Development, Disease-, Accidents, Marriages, o:e., imparting a vast amount of valuable infor mation conducive to the Health, Happiness, nnd Welfare of the doling. Written in a pleasing style, it Is exceedingly interesting, us well us In structive. F.very Family should have it, and no Parent nlt'oril lo lit. wilhnnt tl . Ki-iul for Pirpnl:irs giving full particulars. DL FFIF.LI) ASIIMEAD, Publisher, 711 Sansom Street, Philadelphia. TO POOK AGENTS, n iKK TVt .MVS MOW I-.4JOK, "HOUGHING IT," Is ready for Canvassers. No book Is looked for more. impatiently than this, mid agents will do well to get territory for it as early us possible. Apply for Circulars and terms to DC FF I F.I.I) ASIIMEAD, Publisher, 111 Sansom Street, Philadelphia. FANCY SILE GOO T.5 KID CI,0YKS- .CELOl2f 3BI BROADWAY, HEV-J Iiu(iortfi' mill Jftbhfn, of Cora E in n Gros Grain K'doohs, IN ALL COLORS fciJD WI3TKS, TSDOIING AI'D SCNNST SILI3, TUSaUOISS iii 7SLCTJS3, English Crapoo, Grcnadincc, Tissues, Laces, Edgings, M1IITI5 COTTO. THM tllVCiS. HECK TIES. DRESS BUTTONS, &C. March SO, 1873.-2m. A FUOKITAHLK HI 'I SI S t.HS. LIGHT EQUAL TO GAS, AT ONE-EIGHTH THE COttT I t aunoi be exploded. No chiniuey or wick used. Meu desiring a Profitable Business, cau secure the exclusive right for the sale of Dyott's Patent Cur bou Gus Light limners and Oil, for Counties aud blatcs. Write for information or call on M. B. DYOTT. No. IU Boutu Second blreel, Phila., Pa. O yfT V . i.ift.'m ..... N. B. Churches furnished with Chaudelier and Lamps of every description, 85 per cent, cheaper than at any other a;aulUhrutut In tk eouutry. March 3, 1873. -8m. To Debilitated l'orsong, To Hyapeptici, To Suflbrcrs from Liver Complaint, To thoao hnvins no Ajipelitc, To tlioso with Broken Down Conntitu tona, To Nervous People, To Cliililrcn Wasting Away, oany with Debilitated Dij?ctivc Organ-, Or 8iffcrintj with any nf the following H mjitovia, which, indicate JJiaorucrM Lwr Stomach, such ns Con stipation, Inward Piles, Fullness or Blood to the Head, AdJ lly of the Stomneh, Nauseo, Heartburn, Disgust for Food, Fullness or Weight 111 the Stom ach, Sour Eructations, Sinking or Fluttering nt tho Pit of the Stom ach, Swimming of the Head, Hur ried nnd Difficult Breathing, Flutter ing at the Heart, Choking or Suffocat ing Sensations, when In n Lying Posture, Dimness of Vision, Dots or Webs before the 81ght, Fever nnd Dull Pain In the Head, Deficien cy of Perspiration, Yellowness of ttio Skin and Eyes, Pain In the Side, Back, Chest, Limbs, &c, Sudden Hushes of Heat, Burning iu the Flesh Constant Im aginings of Evil, nnd Great De pression ol fcpirlis. llooflaiid's German Hitters. A Bitters without Alcohol or Spirits of any kind. Is dillerent from nil others. It is composed of the pure Juices, or itai. Principle or Ivoots, llr.Riis and Barks, (or as medicinally termed Ex tracts,) tho worthless nr inert portions of the in CTcdieiils not being u-ed. Therefore In one bot tle of this Bitters there is contained as much me dical virtue ns will be found in several gallons of ordinary mixture-'. The Roots, kc.r usci In this Bitters "are grown'ln Germany, their vital princi ples extracted In that country by n scientific Che mist, nnd forwarded lo the manufactory In thin city, where they are compounded nnd bottled. Coiitnlning no spir.tuous ingredients, tills Bitters U free from the objections urged against nil oth ers : no desire for stimulants can be. induced from their uses they cannot mako drunkards, and cannot, under any circumstances, have any but a beneficial effect. iioofi,.ims urmriTi toxic, Was compounded for those not Inclined lo ex treme bitters, nnd Is intended for use iu cases w hen some alcoholic stimulant is required iu co i nection with the tonic properties of the Bitters. Eaeli bottle of the. Tonic contains one bottle of the Bitters, combined with puree SANTA CRUZ RUM, and flavored in such n manner that the ex treme bitterness of the hitlers Is overcome, form ing a preparation highly agreeable and pleasant lo the palate, nnd containing the medicinal vir tues of Hie Bitters. The price of the Tonic is tl. f0 per Bottle, which many persons think too high. They muft take luto consideration that the stimulant used is guaranteed to be of n pure quality. A poor article could lie furnished at a cheaper price, but is it not better to pay a little more and have a good orticlo ? A medicinal prc- aratiou should contain none but tho best ingre dients; and they who expect to obtain a cheap compound, and "be benefitted by it will most eer laiuiy be cheated. 1 1 m fill nil's (icrmnn Killers, or HOOFLAND'S GF.RMAN TONIC, with HuOF LAXD'S l'ot!nilij Kill I'ill, will cure you. They are the Greatest BLOOD PURiFIERS known to the Medical world, and will eradicate diseases arising finui Impure blood. Debility of the Disgestive Organs, or Diseased I. her, in u shorter time than any other known remedies. TUT. WHOLE SUPREME COURT OF PENNSYLVANIA SPEAK FOR THESE REMEDIES. Who wori.n akk imr Monn DMsiriro An fjTRONOrR Tl".-TIMONY ! Hon. (iEiiRiiZ W. Wo iiiWAim, formerly Chief i list ice of the Supreme Ion it ol lVnimvlvanla, ut present Member of CongiffS from l'eimsyl . vuuia w rites : Piiil.AiiixruiA, March lClb, 180". I Ond "lTnrillnnd's German Hitters" 1? a good tonic, useful iu diseases of the digestive organs, und of great b aictit In rases of debility, and want of nervous action in the system. Yours, truly, lil'.O. W. WuODW'AivD. Hon. Jamhs Thompson, Chief Justice of the Su preme Coutt of l'i imsylvania. riiii.Ai.TTi.rui i, April 1S07. I consider "Iloolland's German Uliters"' a val uable medicine In case of attacks ol Indigestion or Dyspepsia. I cm certify this from my expu rience of it. Yours, JAMES THOMPSON. Hon. liEoidiE SiiAKSivooi), Jiibtlee of tho Su preme Court of Pennsylvania. Piiii.iiiri.rniA, June 1, lRi'S. I hive found bv that 'llootlaud's ll'Tiii ui llilteis" is a very good tonic, relieving dvr.pepiic smptoins almost ilireci'v. l.KuKiiL SUAKSWOOD. Hon. It'm. T. lii.gcrt. Mavorof the C'.tv of F.uf falo, N. Y. Mayor's Odi.v, r.nflalo, Jun" C!, 1SC0. I have used "Hooiland's German Hitlers und Tonic'' iu my family (luring the pa-t year, and can recommend Ihein as nn exeellei.t touie, iin paiting lone and vigor to the system. Their use lias been productive of deei b- ilv beneficial rf fecls. WM.'F, P.OGE1JS. Hon. Jamti If. Vi'ood, F.x-Myor of Wllll.nns port, Pa. 1 take great pleasure In recommending "Iloof land's (ieiniun Tonic" to anyone who may be ullllcted with Dyspepsia. 1 had the Dyspepsia so badly it wu impossible to keep uny food on my siomaen, and i became so weak ns not lo be able to walk half a mile. Two bottles etl'ectod a perfect cure. J.ME8 M. WOOD. REM EMBER THAT HOOFLAXD'S GERMAN' BITTERS, und HOOFLAXD'S GERMAN' TONIC, ill Cure every fuse of MARASMUS, or Wustiuj; away of tho Boily. REMEMBER that HOOFLAND'S GERMAN REMEDIES Are you require topuiily Ibo lllood, excite the toipi.f Liver lo he.iHiiy uitlou, and to cna.ile you to pass safely through any hardsliis or exposure. DR.- IlOOFLAND'i I f It l It 11 r I i i v X J IJ 1 II X JJ 14 I or substitute for Mercury Pills. Two Pills a Dose. 1 lie most Powerful, yii Innocent tuthar tie known. It i not necessary to take a ii.uu'fi.l of these Pills lo produce llie desired f fleet ; two of lUcIU uet quickly and powerfully, cleansing thu Liver, ttounich and liowels of all impurities. The principal ingredient is Podopliyllin, or the Alco holic Extract of Mandrake, which is by many. times more powerful, acting and searching lliau llie Mandrake Itsell. Its peculiar action is upon llio Liver, cleaning it speedily from all obstruc tions, wilb all the power of Mercury, yet free from llie injurious results attached to llie use of that mineral. For all diseases, In which the nse of a cathar tic is indicated, these pills will give entire satis faction iu every ease. Tiny ncicr fail. In cases of Liver Complaint, Dispepsia and ex treme eosiivencss. Dr. llootlaud's German Hit ters or Tonic should be used iu connection with the Pills. The tonic effect of the Hitters or To nic builds up the system. The hitlers or Touie purities the blood, strengthens the Nerves, regu lates the Liver, and gives strength, euergy and vigor. Keep your Bowels active wilh the Pills, and tone up the system with Bitters or Touie, und no disease can rulaii! the bold, or even assail you. Uncollect Ibul it is Dll. IIOOFLAND S GER MAN Kciuedics that are so universally u-ed and highly recommended and do not allow the Dri'ggisl lo induce you to take anythiugelse that ho may say Is just as good, because he makes u linger profit on It. These Remedies will be sent by Express tn any locality, upon applica tion to the HK1VC1PAI. OFFICE, ut the GEIi- ' MAN M EDICI NE STOKE, Uiil AKC1I ST., PHILADELPHIA. C'HAS. M. EVANS, Proprietor. Formerly C. M. Jackson & Co. Thete Reme dies are for Sal by Druggist, 11 ore keeper, aud Medltin Dealers vriher. Uran! Spring cmtig AT Popnlar Clothing Store, Corner Market and Third Streets, SUNBURY, Now on hand and receiving nn enormous . - 500 Business and Working Coats, 400 Dress Pants and Vests, 500 Business and Working Suits, 1& Hoys mits, m li CAPS fir II ai BOYS. A grand assoilmcnt in this Hue, Including nil the very latest fprlng Styles. '50Y!S HATS AND CAPS. The Largest Assortment in this line n? STU tS m,. Calico from Toe up. Whit? Dress Shirts from fl.00 up. Agencv for the Celebrated QUAKER CITY and F-CLIPSU. FINE DRKSS SHIRTS, cverv one ol which is guaranteed n perfect IU. .SI I HIT llOSOMS, &c.. Gents' Spring and Summer Underware. 500 Overalls and Oversliirts mnde to order. Only tho bet materia! use 1 and well sewed. Trunks, Valises, Satchels, Umbrellas, Walking Canes, and numerous other nrtie'es. All the above go;nls will ba offered nt Riiyini; only of the lanrost nnd most rclinhlii II'u-r., nnd for CASH only, und doing hv far the largest tnisiiicss in tny line in this part of the country, I am enabled to sell liETTER ARTICLES at than any of in- competitors here or else where. Cnll nt tho Large and Hcautiful Store Room, Corner Market and Third Streets, SIT ISTBTJR Y, 3?V. HER Z EEL 33 t5e Sunbury, March 2.'!, 1S72. ly. Don't Read This ! ! Cord morning, Mrs. A., where are yuu bound for so carlv f Mrs. A. Why Mrs. ('., i on t yon know Vr. Ryerly has bought out the (Jiocery and Confec tionery Store of H iasvt Weaver, and Is selling nice fresh Groceries, Canned Fruit, and intact, everything in the Grocery line, cheape r than the i chrnpesl.'nml I have got lired paying high prices, so I have made up tny mind alter this to patron ize Mr. liyerlj. So rjnod morning, Mis. C. 1 must go. j Mrs. C, to herself. Wei! I am hound to fad oat for myself, and w ill go to Ilverly's new cheap I cash Grocery, the neM time I want any Groceries, 'ojiIe t iom-rU'sor I'rinic ! Oysters. I w ill just say to all come and give me a triul, I and satisfy yourselves that there is one cheap , cash Grocery in Snub iry. I P.cuieinber the place. No. 11, T-out'.i Third St., I iu Clement House. liuil.l'rg, Suiiluirv, Pa. I ' S. HVF.P.LY. Sunbury, .Tan. 20, isrs. is'; IU Y EK & LAXDELL, Fourth nnd Arch St., l'liiliKlclphin, DEALEllS IN FINE JDiRTStT GOODS! EKfnhlifthftl iu 1S40. Fine SILKS. Fine SHAWLS. W1UTK GOODS. 15 LACK (JOODS. D1IF.SS C.OODS. LIXKN' HOODS. WOOLFX OOODS. (,ooil FLANNELS. Fiw lloSIKUV. Host (1 LOVES only. 15,000 (500D l'.LACK SILKS. j Iiol'f,u!o and :of:i;i. March M, lsTi.-(t. aVii. "fkanciscusTco 1 5111 Mnrket Ktif, i'liiliKiclpltlu. We have opened for ihe SPP.1SG TRADE, Hi: largest und be-t a-sorted stock of PHILADELPHIA CAUrETS, Table, Stair nnd Floor Oil Cloths, Window ! Shades and Paper, Carpet Chain, Cottou, Vurn. Batting, Wadding, Twine, I-'anev liaskets. Brooms, j Baskets, buckets, Krilahes, I Clothes WihiL-crs, Wooden and Willow War In llie United Stales. i Our large Increase In business enab'rs us to ' sell at Ion pliers and famish the best tjuu'.ily of Goods. SOLE AGENTS FOR THE ! t'elcbrutcd American H usher, Iri'( rJ3.5t). Over IP.,000 Sold iu Six Month. Terms i Carpets, 00 duvs. All other goods, 20 dais, Met. February 17. lST-.-oin. A Valuable Mouse and Lot for Sale. TIIIE undcv-lu'iied odcrs at private sale, his X law. hKR K DWELLING HOUSE nnd Lot, Willi nil the neensury oiitliiiihlings, situate on the Southeast corner of Walnut slid Tuird streets, Sunbury. Pa. The house is nearly uew aud well finished and contains ulne rooms, a good cellar, Ac. It Is Well ealuilaled lor a resi dence, and would beau admUublc business stand for a store or hotel. This ; ropcily w ill be sold nt a reasouubl price. For terms, ie., applr to MICHAEL 1UIIKF-. 8jijibury, Jan. 37, iwrj-'.f. Notice. Notice Is hereby ci"'i, that I have purchased the fallowing rllcl belonging to Geo. J. Rei ser, at Sberill's mlo, ou the llith of February, tTi, and that 1 have lor.ued the same to the said (ieo. J. Geiser durlug my will and ph astir, vis t oue cook stov, oue parlor stove, nud one truuk. CHAS. P. PEAHOLTZ. Snnburv, March 28, 187U.-3i PENN'A. assortment of STRING GOODS. IW1 A largo variety of 23 to be found outille the Inise c'tlei 1f?l J1 CES BR, 2 i i" r i-v s i ri -4 n . Vi J A i U ly A. 4 fMr Up Be Crn.Ts EYE ISTID EAR IXFIliMAUY, S U X 15 U U V, V E X X A. TIIIU1 Institution is now open for the reception .1, of Patient for thj treatment of Discus of the KYE, EAR, THROAT, LUXGr CATARRH, Ac, Ac nnd operalioiis in GENllilAI. Sl'RGFr.V. Our collection of 1XSTKUMENT.S is very large, com prising ml llie latest I.Mi'iiovi!M!:M enabling us to meet SURGERY iu nil forms. Physicians are linltcd to aeccm puny Patients to our Institution for emtlons. I!v request of nianv Ciilzi-ns, we will attend U calls iu GENERAL' PRACTICE. Inflriiirirj , ( lemriit's I!r.f ldfug, CORNER THIRD AND MARKET lTS.. .SI NIJL'EV, PA. c. k. i r ii: (.rrt I'livsician and Rurjjeon. Funbuiy Feb. 3, lsV.'.-if. AD.U I X 1STK AT XiS OTKT. t'MtaSo ol'tii'nrj ll;x-r, Docrukftl . Notice is hereby given that letteis of Admilils Ir.ilion have li'in granted lo the uudciVii'iied, on the eslat" of Henry Hopper, hit of tlw Bo roiiuli of Suubary, Noi thaiiihcrland county, Pa. deceased. All persons hnU'htcd lo said estate aie reiueste I lo make inimediate payment, und thoye huviiiL' claims to present them d.llyauibeulieiited toi-fetliieiaeut. P. II. MOOKE, Administrator. P inbury, Feb. '1, l;?.-0t. a i: i . ! Ko. 002 Chcsiuut Street, Philadelphia,' I PHILADELPHIA. I MESSRS. C.i .DWELL A CO., DESIRE TO I CALL KM'I'CIAL ATT F.N 'I ION TO TIIKIR HH ! PART M ENT UK MiLlD SUA tR WATCHES. I POSSESSING SI' PERIOR FACILI I 11 S "1 HET I W ILL HE ENABLED TO PLACE BEFORE CI MOMICS, IN ADVANCE of THE I, EN F- U A I. M All i E l'. ALL HiE NOVELTIES AND IMPROVEMENTS IN Ml.VEK is AS RA PIDLY AS I'KODll ED. VERY PART III LAU ATTENTION HEING GIVEN TO THE SV1J ClATirSOK BRIDAL AND OTIILH I'UCSEN TATION GIK'I S. I HE STANDAr.D OF SILVER LONG SINTR ADOPTED MV IDEM IS THATOl? ENGLISH STEKLlViii, IU.VKKIOtiis FINE, THE ot ALl'l Y OF i: FRY ARTICLE Is OLD BEING STRICT. LY Gl' IRAN I ELD. ATTENTION IS RESI'ECTFCLI.Y DIRECT ED Tl THE I NVAHYING Bl SfNFSS POLICY OFTHIS lfol SE IN REGARD TO THE FIRU LY I sTAIH ISIIED t-YSIEM OK FIXIO PRICES, WHICH WILL BE KIGIDVY" AD HERED TO IN ALL CASES, SECl KING TO PCKCHAsERS. FAIRNESS AND K0LAL1TY IN EVERY TRANSACTION. POLITE ATTENTION M AY BE EXPECTED BY ALL WHO FAVOR Til EM W ITH A VISIT. ORDERS AND INylT'flFS BY MAIL,' PROMPTLY ATTENDED TO. J. E. r.UHH lI.1, v ro, Feb. 10, 17V.