Sunburn American H. B. MASSER, I. WILVERT. I iltton. llcnlqnarter Itcpt.bllen.ii W.nte Central Committee of I'cnnwjlvu- lllll. rini.4niii.rHiA, Feb. 5th, 1S72. In pursu.inoo of tlic reolnt ion of tlio Rtpii"H tan Ststs CViilrul Commlttro, mlnptr-l ttl Harris burp, Jun. 18, 1873, a RttprnMOAX Statu Cox-vim-ion, comosil of Delcirntrs from each Sciin lortal nnd Representative District, In tlic number to which iic-li District It entitled In tlic I-rglsln-tnre, will meet In the Hull of tlio House of Representatives, at Iltirrlsbmir, nt 12 o'clock, noon, o.i WitDNF.MUT, the 10 day of Apiiii,, A. D. 1872, to noinlnnto csintli lutes for Governor, Judjrc of the Supreme Court, Auditor (timcrul (should the lo;ll:iiui'i! provide for the cliolee of ono by thii 1'copU'). nn I an Klertornl Ticket: nd nine to elect Sfimtorinl nnd H"piceniutive Dalpirntn to represent this Stnte In the Ripulill an National Convention, to be held nt Philadel phia, Jane 5, 1ST2. KL'f5tl.L LKUL1 1, LIKlll'tnail. V.'m. Elliott, ) P. F. JIOI ST05, I fl . . IihaLchbm, f8tCl,tl,r'M- P. M. I.TTI.K. J L..L .. " ' . . J Tlio Mate C'onreulloii. Ox 'WcdiiesJay nest tlio delegates elio wn to represent tlio Republican party in State Convention will perform tlic duty of selecting a candidate for the responsible of- fico of Governor. As usual, a number of, candidates will be presented from various tedious of the State, the namrs of Packer, Jirdan, ITurtranfl, Coleman, Ketchum nnd "White being now the most conspicuous. "We have long since expressed our senti ments, nnd have thus far seen no reason to clinngo them. We remain fervently at tached to the great political organization that saved tho National Union from de struction amid the flames of civil war, nnd restored peace ami order in the South. We s'and by that parly .that has been true to protection, and done so much for our na tional industries. We can see uo good likely to accrue from restoring to power those who sought to nbuso so grossly tho trust once reposed in them by the nation, hence wo expect to sustain tho Republican causo in tlio cnsuinsr canvass, both State nnd National, because it commends itsilf, to our judgment as we think it should to every friend of freedom and enlightened progress. For this reason we feel anxious that tho Slate Convention should place in nomination a good man for Governor. One who has a well disciplined mind of high moral worth independent in action and thought, and who, if elected, would be ho nest and upright. Our fust choice for this high oOicc is the Hon. Jno. B. Packer, a gentleman wo know 1ms the requisite quali fications, and who wo believe stands pre eminent as the man far the emergency. He has been an active and influential mail in our Legislative halls as well ns in the Na tional Councils, and whose character has always been without reproach. There is nothing ho can be called upon to explain away, nothing to deny, to qualify or dis-; uuw mm to ue a business "v. u..c-sicupacuy, oi soumijuug- ment nnd sterling mtej ri!y, qualifications ' wuicti commend him as pre-eminently the man for tho office. Wo trust that the State Convention will give due weight to consid erations like thesj, as the name of such a niau on tho Republican ticket, would show the peoplo of the State that real merit nud unimpeachable worlh ate appreciated and recognized by the Republican party. Oun neighbor of tho Ikmocval corrects oar mistake in regard to the price of fox scalps, and says that only 82 50 are allow ed for each fox. As there were over S1500 expended last year for scalps, we had a de-; sire to be somewhat easy on the Ring, and placed the number as low as possible, but since our neighbor insists upon doubling the ! number of foxes killed, which according to his statement would be in the neighborhood of six huudred, there is no doubt that the ; Ux-pavcrs will think the organ oftho Ring is exaggerating in regard to the number" , and that there are other matters conceal ed behind this heavy bale, of fox scalps. None believe that the aggregate number of foxes for the last twi years reached' that amount. Our neighbor docs not exhibit nn extraordinary amount of bhrewdncss in . thus exposing the Ring by staling that the amount was atlribulabl.' to the en irmotis number of foxes captured, instead of the , high prices paid for scalps. .Takcy it will ' not do ; tho King will certainly exjel you if you thus continue to blunder in their de- ftfUCP. Tin-Republicans or Connecticut on Mon day last, made a tlean sweep in that Stnte, ilcetiiig thiir Governor nnd State ticket by nn increased majniity over last year, and makiug gains in the Legislature. Thus is added every day evidence of the ccr- talnty of Republican success in the Presi dential campaign. Sore bends nnd demo crats may ns well yield to the force of cir cumstances, and "hang tin ir harps upon tie willows." The election wns for tho State officers aud the Legislature. Gover nor Jewell was opposed by Mr. Hubbard on the Democratic ticket, Gillette on the Temperance, and Harrison, labor Refor former. Each of theso tickets was also prepared to influciico the Legislature that had 5 Republican majority in the last Sen ate, and 21 in the House. The strongest argument that c an be used in favor of continuing the pTesent ad ministration in pswer is the rapid reduc tion oftho public debt. It is a dollar and ceut argument and cannot be misunder- stoou by ( the people. The monthly state-, ment of the Secretary of tl.o Treasury for j me iiiouin 01 oiarcii, shows a reduction of the dcbtof815,4(l,j03.G4, aud a total re duction sinco Grant was inaugurated in The County Auditor's Report exhibits 1WJ to March 1st, 1872, a period of three ' nQ expenditure of o7,8.7 42. Tho amount years, of nearly three uundkku millions, j for Fox, Polecat aud Mink scalps is 81,533 No arguments against Grant's re-nomioa- ; c. (The amount paid for Fox aud Pole Ition and re-election is ttroug euough to ov- cat scalps duriug the year previous, was rcomo this knock-down dollar and centar-' r'0 52.) The Commissioners' pay is 11,025 guraent. I 75. For miscellaneous items, 8355 21. In- ! terest on loans 82,183 37. Prisonexpenses, The motion for a new trial in the case ot 82,253 05. Friulln;;, Postago, Books and Emanuel Shafl'uer, tho wife poisoner, who Stationery, 8311 22. The excess of expen was recently convicted ef murder in the dltures above receipts is 811,270 30. The first degree, in the Dauphin County Courts, outstanding taxes, are as follows : State 83, was overruled, aud he was sentenced by , 472 52. County 844,1122 67. Militia, 82, Judge Pearsoa to bo hanged. -2V2 0.V Tiik Kmsctiojt of County SuferiN' tKStKNT. On tlio first Tuesday of May next, conventions of school directors will assemble at the county seals of tlio scTcral counties of this Commonwealth for the purpose of electing County Superintendents of Common Schools, for the term, of threo years, commencing on the first Monday of June. At tlio same time there will be held, if the respective boards of directors so de cide, in all cities uud boroughs possessing 7,000 inhabitants, special elections, of City and Ilorough Superintendents of Schools for the same length of term as that for which County Superintendents are to be elected. Thero are now serviutt in the Stalo 81 County City and Borough Superintendents, to be increased probably at the forthcoming election to 85 or more. The, importance of the interest iutrusted to theso olllcers can scarcely be over-estimated. Pennsylvania will have 1,000,000 children to educate in her public schools during the nest three years, nnd her annual expenditures for school purposes will most likely average full $10,000,000. Whether thesu children shall be well tauyht nnd trained or other wise ; whether this vast sum of money shall be judiciously or injudiciously expended will depend very much upon the men about to be chosen to fill the oflieo of Supcrintcn- J dll,t for u wil1 bo admitted by nil who ro fleet upon the subject that as tho Superin tendents so the teachers, ns the teachers so tho schools, nnd ns the schools so in good measure tho social nnd political condition of the people. In view of these facts, wo would impress upon the school directors I and citizens, the importance of securing the j very best man that can be found willing to , accept tho office of Superintendent of I Schools in our county. Xo other oflieo . probably has a relation so vital to tho in- terests of the people. Members of the con ' vention, should lay ns'tde all extraneous ' considerations and allow their choice to be determined by merit nnd merit alone. Pennsylvania has within the last few years I placed herself proudly alongside of the fore- most educated Stales. She is taxing her- self for ctUicationftl purposes ns heavily as : any other 5inie oi uie I n;on. Nie is pour ' ing out her money for the education of her ! childien most generously, and it is the high i duty of nil who have to do with the official : management of schools to see that every dollar thus contributed brings back the greatest possible return of that for which it is giveu. Our people are willing to pay for the best schouls, and we must have them. Let none but men fully qualified be, placed in the office of Superintendent, and the rest is guaranteed. Tun editor oftho Wat.-ontoirn liehord, in order to disguise the fact that ho is con nected with the Court House Ring, asks us to give the names of the parties composing the Ring. If the editor will refer to his agreement connected with the Deputy She- rjn8 office, several years ago, and consider ! how and from whom he got the three hun- druii dollars to run as a candidate for the Register's office, he will very readily etc who composes the Ring. Wo rather mistrust that John is desirous of getting in to the scalping business, and is adopting j this mode of gaining tho favor of the Ring i again. As to the improvement .nade after last election, take a squint at our courts now, John, and you will liud all your ' friends in the coal region have become peaceable citizens; particularly thoso who , were paid to do alittlejobat Mt. C'armelto secure thevole of that district, when your op ponent secured them by paying a little high er price. Wo believe, John, thaty your , friends will yet bo redeemed, and become honest men. What is your opinion John ? The act submitting to the voters of each county the question whether licenses for Hie sa'.e oi liquor shall be granted or not, i will be found on our first page. The act is said to be not exactly what the friends of temperance desired. We think that noth ing will be so etl'ectivu in rooting out ex cessive drinking of bad nnd other liquors, and the destruction of so 11111113' valuable lives as the introduction of our native wiu-s, which before many years will, we trust, take the place of the more unwhole some aud poisonous liquors of the present Jay. The Auditor's Report will appear in our next issue free of charge to the county. We have been debarred from faying it be fore our readers this week through the agent of tho Ring, the Ikmonut, That paper does tho county publishing for compensation, and its editor receiving the copy from the hands of tho county ollicers firs', favors a few of his fuvo- ' liks with a copy hi order that all Urns fa vored may prcccd ils in its publication, 1 exhibiting, in this way considerable of Democratic spleen. Although we have al- 1 ways granted, with phisure, similiar favors to our neighbor, lie forgets that feeling of reciprocity due from onu neighbor to another. Perhaps our neighbor is so completely taken up in the defence of the foxy transactions of the Ring that he for- 1 gets to show that courtesy towards his ' neighbor which a kind feeling would prompt, aud an exchange of favors would ' require. We are informed that the editor of the i Democratic Guard has also been served in ! the same manner. Wo presume this was ' done through a feeling not entirely disintcr ; csted. I Our neighbor of the (imttte has been more fortunate, having been favored with tlio loan of tll0 , "comp08illj; H(..)f,rt from the Ring Orga, tho Auditors' port from tho Ring Organ for the use of his colmuns. The Removal of the Capitol Squelched. Mr. White toso to a privi leged question on Thursday of last week, and after explaining his position and nink ing an unwarranted attack upon tho llar risburg papers, nsked for the suspension of the rules in order to consider the bill for tho removal oftho capitol. On this ques tion the yeas and nays wcro called, and were ns follow, viz: Yeas Messrs. Albright, Rilanlinc, Cooper, Daniels, Darrah, Dougherty, Flee ger, Fox, Gillillan, Gray, Grifliths, Han cock, Hewitt, Josephs, King, 1 anion, Lawslie, Levering, M'Gowan, M'Junkin, Marks, Mitchell, (Tioga), Porter, Potts, Pursell, Rogers (Erie), Rogers (M'Kean), Sample, Smith (Fulton), Smith (Philadel phia), Rtrock, Taylor, Vogdes, White, Wil cox, llliams and Elliott. Sneaker 37. i AYS Messrs. IVardsleo, IJlack, Romberger, JJownian. Bright, Brockway, Bruuges, Buok.Burkholder. Conrad. Dartt, Delacy, Ely, Fetter, Glenson, Greenawalt, (iuss, Harvey, Henry, Hereler, Herrold, Hunsecker, Keecli, Koons, Labar, lnnc, I.ntta, Eawson, Ithcrmaii, Lusk. M'Con- nell, M'Mullin, Mageo, Meek, Mickey, Millar, Mitchell (Mitliin), Moore, Morford, Morris, Newbaker, Novs, Prizer, Quiglev, Ross. Sanner, Schminkey, Shortt, bhuler, i ffmiiui ii avette , Maiiies.siarr, Lliicr. n n- son nnd Woolever o". So the question was determined in the ne gative. This motion required a two-thirds vote, and ns it did not even command a majority, the project of removal is settled. Judging from the article published be low, copied from the Anthracite Monitor of March 30, there is troublo brewing in the coal regions, between the miners nnd the corporations, which have consolidated the business of mining and transporting an thracite coal. From present appearances oftho case there is sonic apprehension thai serious troublo is concealed in the near fu ture for the peoplo of the mining region. The Monitor says : "We have on several occasions hinted our belief that the recent vast consolida tions of capital employed in the mining and transportation of nulhracito coal meant mischief to the miner and laborer, using this fear as a text from which to argue j the necessity of maintaining the strength j of the organization at the highest possible: standard. And now there comes from re liable authority, from persons intimately connected with the coal business, who are so situated as to bo able at all limes to ac curately inform themselves as to the in tentions of the sevcnil largo railroad and mining corporations, strong confirmation of our fears. It appears that it is tlic pur- j pose of these large corporations to fix the rate nt which coals is to be sold. In order ! to cllect this, the amount of tonnage is to , be restricted, depots will be established midway between tlio mines and the sea board, where coal is to be, stocked, and j when the plan is found to be practicable, j and the supply on hand is sufficient to last, j say about six months, some of the lenders ; in the conspiracy say, 'there is to lie movement, general with all concerned, to ! have this question of wages permanently i fixed." This will be the plan of operations j for next spring, or else our friends in New l oik anu I'luiauelpliia, as well ns our- 8t'lve8 have been greatly mistaken in the j the indications. At this juncture, in view of the facts ns above stated, we think it behooves tho members of the Miners' nnd Laborers' Be nevolent Association to bo "up and doing," for the' have no time to spare if they hope I to, in the interim, put the association in a condition to successfully resist a more de termined and better planned oi.slaught than has ever yet been made upon them, not excepting tho raising of the lolls to de- feat the objects of the suspension of '71 Tho corporations that coutiol this re gion, its product and its people, have fully convinced themselves that, so long as the M. & L. B. A. coutinues to be the poweiful organization it is and has been, just so long will they be only sharers in. aud not monopolizers of, the profit that is made upon the mining of anthracite coal ; hence they have determined to do "all that in their power lavs" towards disorganizing and disintegrating our association, in the hope (.hut simultaneous with its death will arise nn unrestricted power of aggiegated capital, backed by special legislation, against which tlic miners aud laborers may as individuals battle forever but without avail. If, however, we aro sufficiently sensible, we can tilill avail ourselves of the opportunity of soon again becoming so powerful in numbers and disciplined in or ganization as to forever preclude the possi bility of any frerious entrenchment upon our right to products of our toil. Let every man in the coal region devote an hour's thought tn the matter, and our word for it, the hour will be much short ofexbaus lion before be consents to become us of old, a union man, first, lust and till the time." Dekh CAi iiHT. On Wednesday morn ing of this week a deer was caught in the river (ipposite this place, it having strayed from tho mountains and got down into the valley. Becoming frightened at the crowd attracted by the novelty, tho bewildered animal leaped into tho river, An intrepid nimrod followed the animal iuto the stream, and seizing it by Ihe horns succeeded in lauding it amid tho shouts of an admiring multitude. Only a wholesale fear of tho law, which forbids the shooting of deer at this season, prevented several hunters from having a shot at his dcership but as there is nothing in tho law against taking the animal by the horns, we suppose every body is safe as well as the deer. MU'.mtiau. The trestle.-woik of tho Lackawana coal breaker, at Carbondale, Pa., about 100 feet in hcighth, was blown down on Monday afternoon while a number of men aud boys were at work upon it. The broken timbers immediately caught tiro, and tho breaker was with difliculty saved from destruction. Two men and a boy wero fatally injured, and it is feared that several boys were con sumed in the (lames. A miner named Rosser was also killed at Carbondalo on Monday, by a fall of coal. Mexico. The latest news from Mexico puts the iusurgents ns gaining grouud ra pidly, several important victories being given them. Major Mumma and James Young have been appointed delegates to the Republican State convention from Dauphin couuty. , When people see a man advertise they know he is a business mau, aud bis adver tising proclaims that he is not above busi ness, but anxious to do it. A Sau Francisco tobacconist, believing in newspapers, gives a copy of the morning or evening edition to every customer spend ing ten cents for segars or tobacco. They propose to build a hospital at Oma ha by aid of a lottery. The Louisiana Legislature legalizes pret ty waiter-girls saloons. A. T. Stewart worries aloug on between fifty millions. St. Iouis was visited by a tornado on Saturday evening, 30th ult., which level ed the major portion of a large brick mar ket house, severely injuring a halt' dozen persons who were in tho building rt the time of Its demolition. Cnlifbrnln Earthquake. MANY PERSONS KILLED AND WOUNDED. Sn Francisco, March 30. Despatches from tho volcanic district in Inyo county, give additional details of tho earthquake disaster on Tuesday Inst. The shocks still continue, though with decreased violcnca. It is remarknble that only a slight shock wns felt on Tucsdav in Central and North ern California. Ccrro Gordo was badly da maged, having several buildings thrown down and one man killed. Lone Pine ap pears to have been directly over the centre of tho disturbance. Among the killed at tho latter placo wns Mr. Gray, aged 43 years, and a native of Texas. The remain der were nil Spanish-Americans. Tho first shock is described as rcscmbli lg a park of artillery fired directly beneath tiio town. Col. Whipple, who wns in the se cond story of an adobe house, states that he had iusl time to imup from bis bed and go to tho doorwny,whcn the house npien red to crumble to pieces. He was buried among the ruins, but succeeded in extricat ing himself from the debris, receiving seve vcral severo but not dangerous wounds. The seeno beggars description. Nearly tho whole populace was buried under tho ruins. Cries for help, nnd screams of pain from tho wounded beneath the ruins filled the air, whilo those who escaped wero calling for aid to rescue fathers nnd children. Tho first shock was followed in quick succession by three others. Over three hundred distinct shocks were felt between half past two a. m. nnd sunrise ; in fact, the earth was in a constant tremble for ov er three hours. A chasm was opened to the extent of 35 miles down tho Valley, and varying from three inches to forty loot in width. At Swanzua, Colorado, Tregellns, of the Smelling Works was killed. Great desolation prevails throughout the vicinity of Lone Pine. A despatch to-day from V'i salia says that several shocks wero felt in that city last night and are still coming from the southeast. Persons anticipate finding immense chasms in the mountains east of us as soon ' as tlic snow disappears enough to permit ' investigation. There arc rumors of a vol-1 rant) in active operation having been seen j from the summit of Greenhood Mountain, j sixty milts south of Visalia. The Indians in that vicinity have all left, fearing the re- J currence of a general convulsion oi' nature, which, according to their traditions, occur-j ed in that region one hundred years ngo, j nnd created what is known ns Owen's liiv- t cr Valley, but which was before a chain of ! mountains. Tho section atl'ected by the ! earthquake was sparsely inhabited, mainly j by people engaged in working silver-bear- I ing lead mines. j Further advices from Inyo county place ' (ho number killed by tho earthquake at j thirty, besides one hundred wounded. In the desert country, stretching from Owens ; lake to the Mexican line, are innumerable ' craters of not long extinct volcanoes be- j sides several mud volcanoes, and it is sup- j posed that some of these old volcanoes may j be in eruption again. ' A gentlemen from Independence asserts ' that smoke and ashes from a volcano wero j distinctly seen southward from that place, ; nnd word had been brought thete that lava ! was seen flowing down the mountain, but j this report is not authenticated. The shocks : continued decreasing in force up to Thtirs-, day morning, when over one thousand hail i been counted. ' At Tibbitt's Hanche, fifteen miles above i Independence, forty acres of ground sunk seven feet below the surface of the surround. ing country. Big Owens lake has risen four feet since the first shocks. Owens river ran over its banks, depositing shoals of iish on shore, nnd afterwards receded. For a distance of three or four miles, through Lone Pine, the earth rracked. tine side remains stationa ry, while the other side sank seven or eight j leet, leaving a wall ot earth, extending over three miles in length, where formerly was ! a level plain. Innumerable cracks were made throughout the valley. Kern and Owens rivers turned and ran: ; up st renin for several minutes, leaving j their beds dry, nnd finally returned with i I largely increased volume. There has been nn parallel to this earthquako sinco 1S12, i ! when the missions of San Juan Capistrovo ; j mil La Parisina, in Southern California, I were destroyed. j Tlio 'nuf client I'.lcctioii. ! IIautkoud, April 1. Eight towns in ; j New Haven com. ty give Jewell, Rep., 208!); , I Hubbard, Dem., 23n5; Gllette, Temper-1 ' mice, 72. The vote last year was: Jewell, ! j 2722; English, 2447. f Fifty towns out ef a total of 100 shows a J ! loss to Jewell of 123. This is after adding ' j to the Democratic voto 512 votes in those ; l town for Gillette, Temperance, and Harri- ; ' son, Labor Reform. It does not include t I the vote of Hartford, w hich is CO plurality j 1 for Jewell, nor of New Haven, which gives i Hubbard 5S1 plurality, a net Republican I gain in thoso towns of nearly 1000 votes. j Waterbury, Vernon and two or threo ; other towns will give some Democratic I gains. ! It looks as if Jewell was elected by the! pi op!e. There is a net Republican gain of six Re-1 preventatives in fifty-three towns. j In Hartford city the Republicans elect j Henry C. Robinson Mayor, by over 350 : majority, and all their city tickets, and also I carry five wards out of seven. ( Haktfokd, April L Chadles J. Cole, i Rep., is elected Senator from the First dis-! trict by U plurality. EW HAVEN, April 1. A few returns fumi towns in this county show loss and gain (or each party evenly distributed. Iu Mertden the Democrats make a uet gain of 70. The vole is generally lighter thaiv Inst year. The entire Republican Slate tickes is elected beyond a doubt. Returns from 124 towns give Jewell 30, 470; Hubbard 84,320; Gillette 1142 ; Har rison 284 ; Jewel's majority over all 051. Jewell's gain as agaiiut the Held, compar ed Willi last year, 510. Nou walk, April 1. Tho vote of Fair field county falls off from last year. One Republican and two Democratic Senatois aru elected. Tho Republicans gain six Representatives ns far as heard from. Nouwie ti, April 1 New Loudon coun ty, with one town lacking, gives Jewell 5451, Hubbard 4059, Gillette 218. Wind bam county, except two towus gives Jew ell 3005, Hubbard 1814, Gillette 90. Tho towns to hear from will add about 60 to Jewell's majority. Hahtvoud, Conn., April 2. The latest revised tables at the Con rant office, with returns from every towu, give Jewell a plu rality of 1,940. His majority over all 30. The Senate stands 15 Itcpublicans and U Democrats, and the House 131 Republicans aud 110 1 (emocrats. Republican majority on joint ballat, 30. The Republicans elect he rill's in six counties, aud the Democrats iu two. The public are hereby assured, through the columns of the American, that Par son's Purgative Pills contain uo injurious principle, but that they may be administer ed to children and the most woak and shat tered constitutions in small doees, with great certainty of success. Dr. A. Johuson, one of the most success ful practioners of his time, invented what is now called Johnson's Anodyue Lini ment. The great success of this article iu the cure of Bronchitis and all diseases of throat and lungs, will make the name of Johnson not less favorably, if less widely known, than that of Louis Napoleon. TAN MAM V Ot'TIOXE! The New York Whiskey Ring Eobbericn. THE NATIONAL TREASURY ROB BED OF 8100,000,000. The New York Standard of Monday, contains an exposure of tho wholesale rob beries of tho National Treasury, committed by tho whisky and Tobacco rings. The ex posure fill four columns and-a-half, fluo print, with a promise of "more hereafter." The robberies were perpetrated by collu sion between the rings and "corrupt em ployees oftho government." The Secreta ry oftho Treasury has Instructed tho Unit ed States District Attorney to proceed against the parlies implicated, and "up to tho present time upwards of seven hundred cases are filed and "are being investigated by the grand jury." The exposure is too long for publication at present, but the editorial comments of the Standard will give an idea of tho stupendous robberies committed, winic tnoy snow, nt tlic same time, the de termination of the Administration to bring the guilty to trial and punishment. "To day" (says the Standard) our readers are presented with tho main facts bearing on the iufamoi's frauds practiced on the gene ral Government by the whisky nnd tobac co rings, which were sosigually demoraliz ed upou I bo ml veil t of President Grant's Administration. The astounding develop ments of which the portion we print to-day is but the opening chapter, will, no doubt, send a thrill of surprise aud alarm through the nation, and give our tax-burdened pen pie an insight into the enormities of the sys tem by which they have been robbed iu tho past. It is not necessary to say that pub lic sentiment will demand a thorough and complete Investigation of the magnitude of the corrupt practices of men who have been the trusted servants oftho people, nnd who have forfeited that generous trust by collu sion w ith a dangerous alliance of criminals banded together to drain tho life blond of the nation. I ho lammany Irauds pale in to insignificance compared with tho enor mous amount which the National Govern ment lias been wronged out of. And al though this is a specious of fraud which dill'ers materially from that perpetrated by the Tammany thieves, it is no less repre hensible. It is computed by tho figures al ready prepared that the national Treasury has been cheated out of tho stupendous sum of ONE HUNDKED AND SIXTY MILLIONS OF DOLLAIiS. "Ever since Grant has occupied the Pre sidential chair he has manifested an enrn est disposition to cnaugurato a system of depailmental economy consistent with the public service, with a view of decieasing the national debt. In this he has been guided by wisdom and good judgment. Aside from the anathamas w hich have hern hurled at his Administration he has steadi ly pursued this policy, trusting that time would vindicate his sole purpose to sub serve the interests of the nation and rely ing 011 the verdict of the people upon all that be has undertaken. The President is determined to ferret out nnd punish the wrongs committed by all who are or have been in power. "President Grant, in the adoption of this course, is inspired with an honest desire to eradicate the corruption and fraud which cxistoel in tho Federal Government when his Administration came into puwer ; and when he retires from tho Chief Magistracy, he will do so with a pure and unsullied re cord, and with laurels ns nobly won as when he led our armies to victory over armed rebellion. Most emphatically be says that all species of theft must eomo to light, that tho guilty may not be confound ed with the innocent ; aud with this object iu view, and with his hearty concurrence, measures have been instituted, nnd nre in progress to detect nnd punish the crimes under the Administrations of bis predeces sors. ''Through President Grant's instrumen tality ONE IH'NDUED AND SEVEN ISDH T- eents have been found against parties who stand high in this community, many of whom are supporters of the Administra tion. Though this will sunder the lies of friendship, aud sever fraternal bonds, Pre sident Grant will receive the universal thanks nnd gratitude of the entire nation for the noble espousal of the cause of hon esty nud right, nnd for the manly and straightforward manner iu which he meets the question of "how to suppress fraud and corruption." Tho startling disclosures we print to-day will be followed with the names of the patties indicted, and for which warrants of arrest have been issu eel." . . Governor Parker continues dumb. He would rather run for President on the straight Democratic ticket with every pros pect of defeat, than play second fiddle to Judge Davis with n reasonable hope of success. For this reason he is as silent as a clam. The slraugest aspect of the Labor Reform candidates for President and Vice Presi dent is that the laboring men of the coun try are repudiating them. We have refer red to this fact heretofore, but its univer sality deserves repetition. 1 .... $eto bbcrtiscmcnts. 1:n(u1 oi't harlCM ohIcr, DccM. "VTOTR EIs hereby given tlmt letters el" ail iiiiniftintioii liavini: hceii (rranled to tlio un cli'l'Mu'iii'd on t lie extnlc of diaries (iufslcr, lute of tlio Dorough of Kunliury, Noilhiiiiil.erliinil county, i'u., deceased. Al. person Imli'liled to siiid ehtato are reiiucMcd to make inunecliutc pay ment, ami tliosu liuving rlainiK to present llieiii dulv uutbeuiiciited for settlement. MAKiiAKET GOSSI.EU, A it 111 i uie trallx . ISA I AH 8. GOSS1.FH, Adniininratrr. Bunhn iv, April ft, 187-J. fit. WAVI I'I): Atenls for our new ltl-pago paper tlio Contributor. Thirteen depail nicnts, religious aud secular. Ker. A. U. Karle writes for it. 1 1.00 a year 1 a $-.00 premium to each subscriber. For Agents' terms, address, ad-iw. JAMES 11. KAK1.E, Uiston, Mass. 1)w)4'lioiaiHury, or Nuul Charming-.' X How either sex may fuscimite nnd i;uin the love and atlrctions of auy person they choose, In stautly. This simple mental acquirement all can possess, free, by mull, for -.1 cents, together with a nmrrliitfe guide, Efyptiun Oracle, Dreams, Hints to Ladies, :c. A queer, excitinK book, 100,000 sold. Address, T. WILLIAMS A CO., at) 4w. Publishers, i'hila. r CiiAKf.T:rY-T,E V-' TV B. BIsjMlIi. r.y: :.. I r,.T. , ,'!,,.,,. .:!. T'V Bert' p. t.ul r TrT ir.- ni: .'lei i w.nfc tcr I I I Ml Hil Tho llest Paper! Try It!! The Helen t Hie Aiuerieun is the cheap est uud best Illustrated weekly paper published. Ever)1 numlier contains from 10 to 15 orliual eu jcravlngt of new machiuery, novel inveulious, Bridges, Eugineerlni; works, Architecture, im proved Farm Implements, and every new dis covery Iu Chemistry. A year's nuiubers'outaiu NJ3 pages and several bundled engravings. Tuousauds of volume are preserved for binding aud reference. The practical receipts are well worlh teu limes the subscriptiou price. Terms, t'i a year by mail, bpecimeut teut free. May be had at all Newt Dealers. l'wteula ubtalued on the best terms. Models of new iuveutious aud sketches examined, aud udviee free; All patents are published In the hciunlitlc American the week they Issue. Bend for l'amphlet, 110 pages, coutaiulug laws aud full directions for oblaiulug Patents. Address fur Paper, or concerning pateuts, MUSN & CO., J7 park Kow, S. V. Branch of fice, cor. F. and Ttb its., Washington, 1). C. (s 4t ACENT8 WNTEP FOR Great Stock BORDERS AND WINDOW PAPERS, Of both Foreign and Clement Block. 8unbur.v, Fa., April 6, 1872. it. For l'rotlionotarj-. TO TMR VOTUI1B Or SOHTllt MBElli.ASIl COfNTV. HAVING recently lost an arm by an accident on the Kailrond by which I am deprived from following my trade as marble cutter, nnd having been eolic tcj ny numerous friends I have consented to become a candidate for the cilice of Prothonotnry, and solicit the suffrages of my fellow t'iti?.ens. If elected I shall endeavor to perform the duties of the ofllce Impartially nud to the test of my ability. JOHN A. TAYLOR. Nnittiuuiticrlnnd, April 0, 1S7J. I'.Ktiito or John Micliuol, DceeitMeri. 1 "JOTICE is hereby c'tcu, that letters of Ad- : JLN ministration have been granted to the nn- j dersiirned, on the estate of Jonv Miciiaf.i,, late of Lower Mahanny township, Northumberland ' county. Pa., deceased. All persons knowing themselves indebted to raid estate are rerpiefUd : to malic humi liate payment, and Uiosc haTing I claims to piesont them for settlement. It. M. Hl'liH, Adinlntstrntoi. j Lower Mnhanoy twp., March CO, lsT.-t'it. relate oOIirtimlu Sit(z, i'ci-iii'i. ! "OTICB is hereby (liven, that letters or ad- -1. minl-tration having been granted to the undersigned on the ctat of Miranda Sp;U)i, Intc i of lower Mahanoy township, Northumberland j county, l'.i., deceased. All persons knowing ' themselves indebted to said estate, nre requested to make immediate payment, nnd those having claims to present them for settlement. I JOHN M. LENKKIt. Adminlstrnto.-. ; Lower Mahanny tup.. Maieb 1H7'J.-Itt. ! r. r. re BADWAY'S HEADY RELIEF (THUS THE WOIIST PAINU In from Ono to Twenty Minutes. NOT OHE HOUR .1cr rc:.i!!i:" thS rlv." t' ""inotit in-tl any ona SFKI KK WITH VMS. HA I'J WAY'S HLADV KKI.IKK .H A CCRE TjR KVTiltY CAIN, Tt wtia tit" flit Mini h TI10 Only Inln Hpmody that ! it.-r tho m't "xniKlrttirK pa n, allavfi In flmniitllnr. rvinl turn i i yfU-itn, wiit-ltuT tf the I,unS, hi'unftcu, liowe., t-r ulrur .hui1 ur orgim, y oue bijpilc IV FROM ONE T'" TWENTY MINUTES. NomMlrr ln.w v'.nipt.l ir rxcnirUlititf the p:vtti tliv KHET7 MATlt', HfiVrlfMet!, Ictlnii, t'ricpltd, Sirtou. tNtturikif ic cr jjruuM?ti Willi tiiM-as! ijjiiv milu-r, RADWAY'S READY RELIEF Kil l. AFFORII INSTANT EAMi. INFLAMMATION nl TIC: KII'NfcYs. INFLAMMATION ol IHE PLADDEIt. INFLAMMATION oi' Till: IIOWKbS. ' ONlil-S I I11N OK Tir?! LUNGS. POI'.S THROAT, " fl Fieri, T lOtEATIUNO. FA1.I TI'vriON OK TllK HEART. l.ysTEF.tcs. c::ovi ioi'ii 1 iikkia. (. ATAKKH, INFLUENZA. ::eapa( nn, tooth ac hf.. Mi'-tiALGIA, ni1F.UMATlSM. c"i.T r-niLt.s, Anno nn.i... Tli ti.l 0 .Htm yt On.' I(rni!v Keller in the j,art r f"t:l whfis Uiu Jain f r (liuicullj ei.als u..l alTurd suss snU t 'i.ifort. Tweiay d-opt H 1 vr n I'l'.-bVr ff fitT v'M In s f-w r niinil. c It A MI'S. M'ASMS. Sul'K MmiJi'll, i:KM'.Tr.ii:v, sk-k iii-aiiaciif, imakkmka. ml:NTKItV. fol ic -WIND IN THE UOWtLS, sml IM KUNAI. PAINS. T,.ivil.-, .i,fil,l i,i.vnv nnv h l,otle f RntlwA'.'fl lt.-ady Itrlirf vv.lh tlicni. A f,-w ('.rnin hi nler l!l ,i, .1 ,.r oin. fr'.ni rtian( ,,f '.. It U UWr Frc.c.i U.4i.,ly ur Dalei ui s s'.iniuiaiil. l'KVEIl ANO (it i;. rrevtr. ano A'it i: tw j rrna) mi.u. thto is n"t s reuidliftl ii.'it i-i Hi s i,rlil i'i it wl I rim Fver stul Ach i: I all ,thr aIVumoim, liihmn. Srnrlft Tvplioi.l, 1n..i,I i.t'i" Ffv, r. cil.lnl Iv IIAICWAY'H flLI.Nl M n;.-i u IIAOWAV s KI'.ADY UliLiLF. Fifty cuU ; rL jlils. h '..l bv liriiftKi'.. HEALTH ."BEAUTY!! B7!.OVH 'Nil lMTIF. Tilftt ioili. -1VRKASK OF ri.LMI ANI tVKIi.MT-'l.l; l; (,KIS ANU iiKAU 'iTFl'L COMTLtXlON M t.KEU TO ALL. DR. RAO WAY'S SARSAPARILLIAN RESOLVENT UAH MAIiS Till? V.)T ASf'VMsHivj T.KS- SI ud'-K. mo i:ai ii au.: Tui-: t n.Minv. tiin V !iY TNDKKiiu.'.-i, INTiT.'i TT! K J N KI, V 1N( U -k rr.u i k i i.v o.m.':i:h u .mi:lk ink, Ts! AY Evory Dry on Iikwisi In Flosh O'ul Wo!!u Is ;od rind Felt. THE CttcAT EtOOD PURIFIER. Zrvrf rV.. if HrRAtK;UA:i' I. KM l, V i. N C r I'irjiuiil tri I'iruiix't tn.i ! !n tt. J "rt ., t .! . I uMtMht i !!..- . f t sts; t..,. t .r ,.( I ,v, !-r i- r- j,,- tS WUtrl i.f II. li l.nlv wil't u: I 1 li.:T. rial. Scrof.ilii, Rypiiit a, C'-iim i'iipii'-'i, tiivtjc.'-.r r!,.nMss, I'les-i In Tiir..:.;, M,.it;;i. Tu r. N-u-. lit Is hi.-t rhr T-AM.T L it s iu-u-m. s,;r K in. u I !-. inr i f-pt:. tfiB !"rt. u .1 tl.f f . ' Slt, r. Kni !:;. s, F.viT s -rvv I u ), tt . ,n . t K'.e'i'i:. Kn-ipcl. A k. Una S;. it. V.'o-ntl-i K:aJi. T i:iht-, ( -ii-reri in tu- H : .' m1 hi:if il - fiii'l'A .Nurnt Sw.-fi. !,. if .s- f-!,,, n.. I p.i VMsitt rt.e liTc i'i-.ici;;e. fcrt- witl.i'i t ;-: r t rv,(,t of liilt t,i1ir i-f lel t litmMry. n I a ! ttvh' v. IM jrvt) trt nnv ( ..i xi- ug It "f t k .'..itr t ( t.i.ia foiini ( t'.favaw! It J. i-ul J t vr t cur I. f tn. If tS r -it it ht. tt .ii I'i-,-,.-,!- i r; t.-r I tv tin wfiMrs ar.J dt-cfti -"itl'''l lh 4 M nicrvS-.. ff. 'tccfr-ln iu nrrrxili-K Wirnn .Mitr n-. rf .tir., t ..- ,v.lC h..Ii nrw n.atftr !M in:fl from he.iU'iy ..lo.-.l r...U Ui lite A ll.S.W'A Lt AN w,i (i - 4 !.'i:r.-. N't tiiilvtli vs t)f Ar.d." iy !tii.vr?rr cr-l all Itvtwit r-in'! v'1a ., ..- ()i t -.r Vi Jri fn ioii, i otiiiltutiuufti, fti.u ba.u tiijvn; tut it itiueonly (oitiv lihiiicy V Complaints, TV.mrv, - W-thS (i-nrol, IHj.! rtra, Dropsy f-r.pli:! I'i V.'ni' i. !.nti:..-ii. ; I r:np, iriti.t'.i DlwiL'! .Miuimituina, ftitil In r;t:ip-t (its ll,sf! b" irick1uM ile itli. or tii ftt r l t'ii. -t. i .ni-. , i iiu.l u hli mtistoncci like liie whitp ff mi r,:.-, ur ti;t. '1 lu.j u-'iiin n.ik. or lliro h iiiorbl.t, i!rk. bLIi': ai -ir.-l v l.lte tte-d'it llfp'wl" ft"'! whfti lKf N t n k'.ng, t-i:r' ing nntoti v ti.Mi (.niiit wtt-r. m.,1 cam in lu bu.ail of U.e liacli (l..nt: t ' s- ...., I'ruv, ti.& WOU MSs-Tl.i on!v V iown urc Rcmetly for Y, vt .t -i .n, J ipe, iV. Tumor of 12 Vcr Growth Cured by IluUuny'fl Kenolvriit. B. :m v. W . J.,ly , ISiJ. r.wiii Ail I tin l"CWr " tt-. . I Jii-lii f r it." I lris.l t t iM' i bt wu rw-nniiCMt-fl , r .it n ttn-f lilt4 in. I tw v i.r r;- nLl, fij lHj.if! I m n.H try It ; tt h.i n VhiiH In it, l.-ri- I h.1 aur)vr.. I r tsi.i t v, I I . ,,k a T h Hit oi tlu t. uj n !.--( of h l v I' ". 4 lo Llti ot ywt !lt-, Rs!--f ; lbtc It :i. I a vn -l U r to I o'fll, i.-.. I ( n,.r..r. mi.i I v f-..r I lai. fr l;c )nri. Tm n fi'T m in ifcu left 1 .! ihm Wi, cr tl iT'-in. I tru- (),: U vuh for tisri Uatit ol tltttn. V tmn t-.tli.hili j uc! c. II ANN All I'ASAIT. DR. RADWAY'S ?1r'ECT FURGATIVE PILLS, trf.dly UM-:i', sN'psnrv coMeil w ith swpft IT'W. purro, l.'C'llil. "ii,. c .niiai'. :ni' hi rmcl li n. l;.i,!ft 1'ills. f,,r llio cm,- ,,f i'l i.',.,, ,;i '.f it,e Slum uh Hvr, llowrlt, Knli.v lll,!.Ur, Nitv-,11. UIhsiim'S, llilitvlie, rnhatlrs lion, l'i4lvti, -,. lti-,l.i'H. livH,psu, liil.,u.n. rt:l. ,)i. F. ver, I:,1ainui' .'' i .'I tl, KuwtK I'lks, si 4 alt tie rtiit'eiTisiitH .,f il .. In:'ial V:t,-rs. 'rnvnieil lo vfToct s prtMtivs firr. tirW t'HfrlauU', coDtalnti'S- lio Disrcur)', l.i 1' i. mi,, or Jfl.l.'i 1,'ti. itrii". o(, (,-,. ill.- ft'.win: fnirtfinis nult:m from Dis. (Vitvmif tlio lii.-Hllvti Organs: Cr.iiri, I ,..-1 r i. Fi !l,mi ( Ik. Blonl la lk lla Aei4H r.f III, .V.-m. h. N. i..., Hm.iHutti, Illull ut Fortd. full" i.r. ... Wt.f il 1.1 I).. S' ia, h, v.ur :iNuli"n. S'h'.ib or Flalur ih. Fu f a. ,.,..-),, Ss.taiin,rR ll.a HmJ, lli,mS i,4 Ii,in.u!l St.t:,;iif, H-i !-m.r id, lrl,rl. :kuhii nr Snwtint wlirn n a I l'.inr, Imnii.u Hi vi.toa, Ih.u o W.Hi Hit S ..,, i',,th, ,i Hull ra.n in th Ht. WScMM:y iw I'.r.i-lrHlia, Vrll n rf l.a s km t'iS ). 1'b la UiH HU. (.hen, L:mU, anj ii..M, FmUi.t sf thai, buraiaf Is laa f IHI. A trw ft rt nAIWAY'S PILI will frs Ihf vilem il, a a',, m-m "1 oiilrr. I'ncv, ?c ccula par bos. iiitll HY I'lil'Nl.lTS. KKAD "fJIMIAMilKfr." Pnil tins Isltsr Mini o KAMH'AI 4 t o.. No. s, Mal'U-ii Una, N. l-ta. f. , ..,. ,(, ., . 1, v '! t u i.t ytl. March SO, 1875.-1V. AdiniuiMtrator'M Notice. XTOTK'E it bercliy Riven, that letters of Art L mlnistratioa bufiDK bee" gruute'l to tin uu'lersiKiieil, on the estula of Cuhistum Kea bach, Iuto of Lower Miihunoy townsliip, Nor tbuuiberland oounly, I'a., ilocuseil. All persona Indebted lo said estate nre requested to make immediate payment, and those bavinf claims to preseut tliciu for seltli-nicnt. WILLIAM KEABACH, Administrator. Lower Mabanoy twp., March SO, 1S7J.-IU. Kktstto of UsorK OttitM. lHctMMrl. "lOTICE Is hereby given, that lettors testa J mentsry bav been granted to tbe uiuler siued, ou Uir eslaU: of tieortre Uuss, lute of the borouib of Kunbury, Nnrtbumberlaud county. Pa., defeased. All pel sous knowlmr tbeniselTM indebted to said estate are requested to make Im mediate payment, aud those buviug claims to present them duly authenticated for settlement. P. M. bHINDKL, Encutor. Bunbury, March f. 1b7J.-6:. of Wall Paper, Domestic Manufacture. C. 8. HAZELTINE, Successor to N. F. Llghtner. , VlnpRnr m(rrs srenotavile F.incy Drink, mad W Poor Rum, Whiskey, 1'ioot Spirits and Refuse lJqnors. doctored, .irrrl, and sucetetT'd to plciie the la-ite, callea " Tonic,' "Appetizers" " Restnrrrs." fee, that lead the tippler on to drunkenness and ruin, but are a true Medicine, made frnm the native ront and herbs of Cali fornia, free frnin .ill Alcoholic Stinnit.ii.ts. 'J hev are th Great Ulood I'lirtfu-r and a Life-Giving Principle, a Per fect Renovator and or of the System, carrying olT all poisonous m.iticr. and rt-storintt the blood to a healthy condt tic n, enr. citing it, refreshing and invigorating both mind and body. Tlmy a;! cay ot admintstratton. prompt in their act.-j i, cott iin in their resulu, sate and reliable in ail fur mi of iliinv, No Person enn inUo friOBo Hitler accord ing to di reel ion-., ii'l ri rti.nit Ion; tinwil, provided their bones are not i!L,stny!.-d b inl:i'il poison brother meana. and the viul orKani w.i u- hr -ond the point of repair. Uyapcla or lin!lu-cf inn. Head.ichc, Paits in the Sliou:i!.r-., Coiij;!h, 'I .ii:n';.s nf tlie IJliest, Di2i nes. Sour Eruttatinps of t!i St-t.n.ith, P,id Taste in the Mouth, UiNoui A tucks, palliation t,f the Heart, In of tli- Lunvs Pai'i I'i I lii rt-.;ions uf the Kid neys, and a hundred other pa svnrt'ms, are the off spring of iJy .p? v,.t. In tlfic roniii'alnts it has no equal, and one I- e wi! pmvc a h:iiur uataiUce of it merits than .1 length. advrrti-.e'r- jt. For KcniRle 1 4implulnl s. i:. vi-iunp; or old, mar ried or single, at the dan of woman. mod, ur thi- turn of life, these Tonic li.tte,- d. vlnv r o cli. tiii-:. I nn influence that .1 marlird improve ivnt i i c; .Wi. For IiiUniiiiiiatory mnl ( lironif Rhrn inntlsiii a-id ti'.iut, Jy;-iv.'.i or ImlctKin, Htliout, Remittent and 1 mm -iniitent 1 fvcis lJiicaMJs of the Ulood. Liver, Kidneyi and Kl.idih-v. lii-jc liitten liave been moat successful- Such 1 i..c.-!5;s a-i caused by Vit;ated liiood, which is z.'".y ji.mui; i! Uy dcrai. cement of the Di gestive ) pin-s. Thoy in? a Ojsllc I'Vva.i vp n well as a Tonlr posse-nn,; .t!s the -rc nr merit ( f acting ai a powerln! aj;nt in r- ievtn--;eiirtn or 1 ntlammation ot ihe Livor and Vivcoia' t and In liilious Diseases. For Kkln I!i-i,c, Lnij t.ons, Tetter, Salt Rheum, r.;o:dici, lv":-., I' mpa, i'ustule., Loiis, Car buncles, Rinj-nonu. S-i'iI'. 5.-re Kve, Krysipelas, J tch. Scum, I ).sc-' Mat .!); t it.. Sk.ti, Humors and Diseases of the Sit-n. i t vli.itev.-r mine or nature, are literally ditj; up .ii.d 1 1: :c 1 r.-:t of tli"; svstfin in a short time bv the u cf t'le'.s li.ven. One bottle in such will funvnic: the mo-t inncdu'our, of their curative effects. Cleanup fits Vitiated ISinnd whenever yotl find its impui:t:i-. h.uit.n ; ttit-JUKli the tkin iu P., Lriij)tions. or S rt s; ci':ans" i: you hud it ob structed and shif;:h in (lie ve;ns ; cleanup it wlien it ie foul; your ftelniRs will te yoi when. Keep the blood pure, aud the healih o" the ysteu, will fu '-iw. Cirnteful (linsniidlH proclaim ' in roar Bit ters the most wi-ir.deiiul liiv:ran'. that ever sustained the siukiriR svstein. Plu, Tnr, nnd oilier Worm, Ittrkmg in the system of so many t!n.-;is.,uls aie ciU-tlnaliv destroyed and removed. S.ivs a d,s!iii;;ti sliril phybiuiogist : 1'here it scarcely an individual un the fae of the earth whose body is exempt from thd pre . nice of warms. It ts not upon the heaiihve.emct::, oi i'.ic body that worms exist but upon the disease I h.imo: a-M t-limv deposits that breed these living monsters cf d;efw. No system of Medicine, no vci'mifujv, ro an-.he ui.nitics, will free the system from w-'trtr.s li -. .' tliert HiVteit. Mechanical DLttenucri. l i so:vi enpnej in Paints and Mnien', frcii as P'n ' -t-., '1 vc-settcr, Gold beaters, a id M nen. as iIkv .- A.i-.c? i i n'e. w:il be s-ibject to s ot tiia P.iw.i. I i m.vd against this take a dtve ol Wax. kun's Visb,,.k 1'it rek once or twice a week, as a iV' llJMou. Ilemittt'iil. and Intermittent Peveri which aie wo pri-v.-;: n the vaileys ol our great nveis tliruhout ':v.ic Stales, especially uioc of the M .ibiss.pri, Olsio, fl-..i:ui, Iilinoi Ten nessee, Cumberiand. Aikimv., Red, Colorado, Brazos, Rio Grande. Pearl. A'ahanu,, Savannah, Roanoke, James, and many others, their va -t tributaries, thtounhout our ctitire cuuntiy duiiiiR the Summer and Autumn, and rc:na:kaoy so during pcasoni of unusual heat and dryness a invariably acenmpanifd by exien sive deiani;cnieiii i oi tir- s:o!u.k)i am! hver, and other abdominal vceia. lirro .ir,; alwavs more or less ob structions of the liver, ,i vi- ines ,nnd in liable state of the stomach, and p.rt.'.u tu.. rr of tlic bowels, being; clogged up wiili viliatod!iula:i"ns. In their treat" ment, a purgidive, e.:ri;r a p.iviif'l inductee upon these v.vlou- oi-;.in. li e-.entiatly tei csa: . There is no cathartic lo: (Iu pi:-,- ? iin tu L.-r. J WaLlCEk's Vikkgak Hitirkv, a ilu'v w.. sneedt'y remove the dark-colored v vni matter wi.h the bowels are loaded, ai the same time siimn.atine; lle secretions of the liver, and gcneially rciurtng tin! healthy iunciions of tlie digestive organs. Kcrofulu, or Klnn'i Ks-ll, White Swellings, Uh'ers, Lrysijje as bcl.t.-J, Goilc-r, Scroluloue lnrt.tmniationt. Indolent InAniumnions Mercurial Af fections, Old Sores, Lruptio;t of the Skin, Sore Eyes, etc., etc. In ihee, as in a l otlir constitutional Diseases, Wai.Kkh's Vinpuak Hitti:k have shown their great curative power in the tnoi oustnute and iutracubie cases. Ur. AValker's California Inefrnr Dlttera act on all these cass in a niamer. Ity purifying the B'ood thev imii.iv tli? c ui e, and by revolving away the ejects ot the in(i.i;uiu3.:o:i (iho tubercular deposits) the aiiectcd p.uts iclcivu lita.ih, and a permanent cure is effected. The propcrtlm of P. WAt.icF.R's Vinbuar BiTrSRi are Aiwiient, I Ji.iphoretic ami Carminative, Nututious, Laxative. Diureuc, Sedaive, Counter-irritant, Sudorific, A ter,tive, t:id Ami -It; nous. Thr Ari lnt and n: Id L:iat;ve properties of Dtt. Walkbk's ViNht.A I IiTTs'K i x: e the best safe- Euard iu all c.rei of etii;tt.on . and m.i!inani levers, their alsamic, hcaiiu, ad o..;. ;ii,?i;.es pr.iiott the humors of tl:e Uuce. 1 ncti S.'-iu ve ro;eri e allay fam in the neivoiu ssten, ?ouuih, and b.iwe either rom in:l;;on, wind, m- if. crmp, etc- Their Clounter-hruaut t-i!eiuti ilnnn-hout im svstetn. Tbeir Diuretic proit':L' ait mi tiie Kidneys, conectutg and reaiatit. the fow f unue. Their Anti-lti ioua proper tiCi stimulate ths li'.t-r, in the sectelion of bile, antf its dUchaics ihr u'i the biuiiy ducts, and ate superior to all u-metn.ii .t.uis, fr the tu:e ol" Lil.otse Fever, Ft-ver and A -lh-, cu Fortify Ilie body airnlut ilUea by puri fying all iis ihiuls with V ist.u ak 1it tiirs. Nu epidemic cau take hoid ol a tystt-m thus f Heanntd. The hver, the stomach, the bowels, the l.,d:ieys, a:id the nerves are rendered diteae-proof bv this great mviorant. The Kfllcacy of Dk. U'm.cek's Vinigab Pit Tens, in Chronic ivjcpsia. Levers, Nervous Disotdera, Const ipatiou, deticiuncy ot v.t.d puwer, and ail maladiee arlecting the stonutu. bver, bouils, pulmonary orcans, or muscular system, has tn-cn exj;eiiriiced bv hunarede of thousands, and hundieds ot ilt-uaud more are ask ing fr the same iciiel. aJIrerlloaie 1 akc vi the Litters on going to bed tt night hum a half to oik and one hall' wine-glassful. Eat good nourishm;; food, sin h as beefteak, mutton chop, venison, roal beet, and vegetable, and take 'but door exercise. J hey arc couijocd ot purely rcgeuUe ingredients, and conia.u no spmts. AVALKfcR, Pii'r. li. II. MrDOX AlDl CO., Druggists and Gen A(s.a San Krancisco, CaJ., and come i ot Washington and Charlton Sts., New York. SOLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS AND DtAI fc.RS March 30, l87.-3in. Fstate of Karliel Hoover, Lale or Jarkkou towutskip, Uefcaed. "OTICE U hereby lrcn, thitt letter of Ad ministration U.ivc b(.-n granted to tho un dernigniil. ou tho fnt:ite cf Hachfl Hooter, lute of Juckion towuBhip. Northuiuberlmid county, Ph., dectiascl. All jieraoas indebted to paid es tate uro requested to uutWe IminedUle pATmrnt, nud tlicbtf havluif cluinin to present them tor et tlement. Z. T. HOOVER, Administrator. Jackion twp., March 30, 18?J.-6t. NOTICE. V MEETING of the BoarJ of Examiners, ap pelntftd by the Judge of the Court of Common Pleu of fiehnylkill county, to eiamlue candidate fur the oflU-e ot Miue ln8nccloru of the 3rd or bhiwuokiu District, will te held In Pottevilli, ou Mouday the 8lh day of April neit, up to mUWU time all application for the office be received. By ordor of the Board. W. K. SIMONS, C. CScct. March SO, 1H72. 2t.