Sunburn American, H. B. NASSER, t. W1LVERT. tutors. StTNHUKY, JATCII 10, 1S72. Ifeadqnarterft Kepnhllenn Ktnte Central Coram ft lee of IVihiwj I vn ntn. riirt.APKM'illA, Feb. Mil, 1S72. In pursrcitiev of the resolution of the Kcpub',1 ean Stste Cent ml Committee, adopted nt llnrrls bnrif, Jan. IS, lSil!, n Uei-im.icas Statu Con viction, composed of Delegates from each Scnn torlrtl and Heprecntiillve District, In tlic number to which such Hist i let I entitled In the Legisla ture, will meet In tlia II:t 11 of tlio Honwo of Representatives, nt nunisbiirtr, nt 13 o'clmk, noon, on Wednfshat, the 10 day of Amu., A. 1. 1S7-.4, to nomlunta cunilldntcs' for Governor, JiidKS of the Supreme Court, Auditor General (should tlio Lcgisliiturc provide for the eliolee of one by the People), mid nn Electoral Ticket: and nlso to elect Scnatotinl nnd Representative llelecnte to represent this State In the Republi can National Convention, to be held ut Fhlliidcl phln, Jane 5, 1S7.J. RUSSELL Er.UETT, Chairman. V, . El.LtOTT, Ti. F. JIoistox, Ezim I.rKCXH, T. M. Secretaries. The Next Campaign. Tub Rui'uh- LICAN CAN'DTK FOR GOVERNOR-. It is more apparent every day that (he ie-no-niination and re-election of President Grant is a foregone conclusion. It cannot ho dis guised, however, that the success of the Re publican nominees for President and Vice President next fall, will not bo accomplish, cd without n severe nnd hard fought, strug g'e. Numerous side factions of tho De mocracy arc ...:u...u....s i..r uic , , ductivc of tlio perfumed enemy, whilst ,il0 members of the "ring" was called, to nud however incongruous tho elements, I lymrd,-!! parts of Lower M.ilunoy, Jack- ' devise ways and means to avoid thu llnea their ultimate nmalpiniation is altogether j sm, nnd .loi'dun townships from which sec- ! tencd exposure. Various plans were sug- probaOie. in view oi tins i.icl it nccomes 1 he Republicans to prepare for the struggle, us inactivity will he neither m.istcrly nor wise. Iu the coining campaign, Pennsylva nia will ho placed in thos.ime position that Now York was iu 1SH. The result then depended upon th:j electoral vote of that great State. This was generally ad mitted, and hence the activity of politicians was centred on that State.- A Governor was nlso to bo elected, and in order to rcn der tho Presidential election a successful is sue, the Democracy placed Silas Wright in tho Held, who w;s considered the strongest namo in that State, nnd from that hour New York was set down by common con sent as sure for P !k & Dallas. Pennsyl vania now stnuds in a similar position in relation to the approaching Presid-'Utial election. We have a Governor to elect, nnd it is an old saying that "as goes Pennsyl vania so goes the Union." It therefore be hooves the Republican party to place in no mination a strong and unexcptiotial can didate for that olllec. There are many ox -1 celleut names presented, but iu looking ov er the list wo can come to no other conclu- sion than that the State Convention cannot ! do a wiser or more popular act than lo con- j fer tho Gubernatorial nomination on the Hon. John 15. Packer, of Northumberland county. Mr. Packer does not seek the posi tion iu question, but as it is becoming a prin ciple, and n good one too, to let the ollieo seek the mau, as he is no nspirant for the position his nominal! on on that princi ple would be more acceptable to the public genorally, and more satisfactory to all dis satisllcd parties. We have not seen a. name mentioned in connection with this of fice which stands as favorably with the peo ple throughout the State as does Mr. Pack er'she having ha. I much experience in pub lic life, tud beiu acknowledged one of ihc ablest lawyers in the old Commonwealth. In public as well as in private, life he has prvon himself tho friend of the labor- ; ing classes ; nnd by his persistent course in ; . . . . lutvocaung iue inicivsis oi ti.e meciianics i nnd laboring nun, as well as those of his : own State ho has placed himself so far ; , . .i , e 1 above suspicion that the nnst tastidnms . n 1. . l. ..1. ' . I ! ... It "lieiormcr can :;i;u no lauu ui uim. Je- . ing n gentleman of fio highest character and an able debater competent to cope w.tll too mo it gified ch imp! ni of the De mocratic party lie may be said to be the man for the times. During the late rebel lion Mr. Packer was one. of the most r.oa Ions supporters of the government, nnd manifested tho sincerity of his professions of fealty by giving most liberally from Lis ; private fund as well as his time to sustain the integrity of the nation. When his na- i live Statu was invaded, he was one of th first to shoulder his musket an 1 enter the j tented field as a private soldier, ready tosa- criflce his lifj and all if need bo for his I country. j Mr. Packer is a sou. id an 1 reliable Re- publican, thoroughly imbued with the pro- , grcssivc principled of tin; titn h. And a I- j thoiiiih hailing from a Democratic county, i n nominated, be wauld carry it by a miijo-i rity that h is never been reached before by any candidate of either party. Hj is in a word, a gentleman who would dijnify the Executive chair of th's Commonwiiil h to a degree that would till the hearts of all ho nest men with a glow of pride. It appears that York county also has its Ring who managed the affairs of that coun ty. The people became tired, however, ol paying tho heavy taxes to line the pockets of the Ring, applied to the Legislature and had an Act passed to investigate the af- faiis of tho county. No sooner was this ! And Jacob, surnamed EichholU, went done than the vouchers were stolui, so tint ; into the mountain as a hewer of wood and the evidence of the the ft cannot be dUcov- hunter of fx scalps, lo investigate tho cred. Tho only way for the people to do, j financial affairs of our borough, nnd to remedy these greut evils, is to make a j brought f a th a mouse. U'o t unto Jacob! clean sweep of the rings wherever they exist, we do not care, to what party th.-y A run-on G a l. Gov. Geary, 011 may beloti" I 'I'u'-'sday last, sent to tho State Senate a c -o- I message tiniiouucing that lie had appointed TlIK Erie Railroad, which lias been un- , (j. iMgl,,,,,,, Ksq., editor of tho Pitts dor the control of a Ring for some years ' burgh ( 'murriul. Auditor (ieiieral. vice past, was rescued from a set of swindlers on Monday last. Jay Gould, who was the President, was removed from its control, and it is hoped that the road will soon re deem its reputation for good, honest man agement. General J. A. "Uix was elected iu place of Gould. There is to bo two new saw mills, per haps three, erected in town during tho coming summer. So says tho Dtmocrat. The bill prohibiting the salo and giving way iutoxicatiug liquors ou election days, was signed by Gov. Geary on Wedncsuay Jrtdt and it wi a law. TIIK UKI'AT I OX CHARE 1 1 $1,I00. Foxy Trnnnnetlons), nnd HieTai rayern Nkunked. Tlio year 1971 must liavo been one of tho most prolific in tho production of foxes and skunks ever noted in tlio history of Northumberland county. This may bo Re counted for by the fact that no moro Iron bridges are being built, nnd tho price of scalps have been raised in order to give em ployment to somd of tho runners of tho Ring. The premiums now range from SI to fur fox scalps, according to size and ngo.and the premium on skunks is SI a piece. It is supposed that this special net was passed in 1871, in anticipation of abandon ing the building of iron bridges. The King being disposed to keep up certain influen ces, put tiietr menus on i no war pain ngaitist old Reynard nud his nliies in ini quity, the odorous skunk, and tho cost of the campaign of 1S71, is reported nt about FIFTEEN HUNDRED DOLLARS ALL FOR SCALPS. As our neighbor ing counties arc deficient in their scalping accounts, Montour having paid but S1G.".30 and Dauphin but S138.50, it is strongly suspected that the Ring caused tluir Hank ers to sweep through these counties, and surprise ami drive tlio enemy into -ortn umherland county. The result is that the I extended operations of the campaign have : tl " to Hie present time, be nppomt swelled the cost of the war to the enormous j Cl T,w b. w(s ,, pr080UlC(1 lo amount of Il'een Unwind Do.ltrs all for tho Legislature and, notwithstanding the scalps. It is nuthorilalively reported that j opposition of certain parties, it was, owing Lewis township, where one" or the County j in a creat degree to tho vigorous support of ,, . . ., ,, , i. ii ! the Htiittbiintn, passed by the Senate. 'Ibis Commissioners been highly pro- j n,iirluJ t))c "rh';;itcs," ,, a coae1avo of Hon hails tli-j present President of tho lioard ofCommis:-ioners.excetd:d in numbers any- th'ng that lins been luard of for half n cn- lurv. In fact the captured enemy were driv en in droves from that section of the county, into the Commissioners' cflico whore they were slaughtered and SCALPED,a.s our nr tist sels forth in the annexed illustration. hi .ti-, rJl,f : Ji si'--. ri Many scalps were produced the past year of a manufactured character, which were promptly, we understand, lejected by the Coinmis. - isioners. Hut whether many bogus scalps were not. inadvertently paid I cars or i for, is a .. ,, - . ... i matter worthy of investigation, The fact that the Commissioners n jected i forty dollars worth ollered by one man, and I about twenty dollats wortli offered by ano ther, all of which had been made, not "out ; of the whole cloth" but out or the whole skin, itself atloids strong evidence that the , whole business exhibits more fi!ncs and j cunning than wisdom and good policy. The wisdom that enacted this special law, should not go unrewarded, and we would advise lite admirers of our late Democratic member of the Legislature, to present and ! crown him with a garland made cxclusive : ly of genuine fox ears, interwoven with, and surmounted by the biguest fox tail the couu- , try can scare up. We know our IVmocra- ; , , . . . ; uc u icuus me mooesi. in giving or icccn iul; rewards, but this is the least they could of- fer the author of this wise and foxy Ic-is!a- it , tion 1 1,1s r.ii.i ii.iiii l.ii.,,I ill., ill r.n llm en . ue, n ia s.uu, en mi- j uo of their skins alone, and as fox-s, with ' live dollars premium added, arc worth ue.'.r- ly twice as much, it may be questioned ! , .. ... J. . J, ,. , ! M it.nior til., 1 in,, , 1 1 n ,r ,,f fnv.'C uvitil.l l,,,t pay better than that of minks. Who knows but that some of the Ring Democra cy have already turned their attention to the breeding of foxes, nnd the lucrative era- ploymei.l ol manufacturing scalps out of the icWi thin at to per scalp. In that event we may soon expect to sec tho organ of the i' c . ,1 .11 r1 1 ing favoring a tar: 1 lor the protection of i n a i that branch of ind.ibtry II.W TNKI! Con Vli.TKD. The case, of Ein.iiniel S'..nll'ucr, for tho poisoning of his i wife which commenced on Monday or lst i week, at Hamburg, continuing 'iliron.h i , , . , tbo week, and given to the jut y oa Monday , of this week, terminated on Tuesday by the j rciulering a verdict of GUILTY .)F I - ,,,.,., i.,,,,,,,,., I .ui i i'i.h i., & ni. I,,, i j. i,i,uiii,ji. i Tht ev u'en e was wholly circumstantial, j out npp ais to have been so closely woven i j a ouud (lie accused as to leave no doubt of bis eiiilt in the minds of Ihe jurors. The Senatorial Conferees to appoint n delegate to the Republican State Convcn- tioii for the district composed of the coun ; ties of Northumberland, LTnioii, Snyder i and Perry, are request! d to meet at Sun-1 , bury 011 Friday, March 'J2, at the Central j Hotel. lr. Stanton, deed. This appointment is considered the best Gov. Geary has yet made. Tun editor of tho 1 teniae rat seems to be quite familiar with tho habits aud opinions of Kentucky jackasses, heuco ho so fre quently refers to them. It is hard for one to divest himself entirely of habits formed by early associations. Ova neighbor of tho Gazette still persists in his propensity of judging others by him self. We certaiuly would consider it a I poor compliuicnt if we wtro to le judged hy his mtasure. ASToioint uoitnrnv. LITTLE YORK vs. NEW YORK. Tweed Nowhere. THE AUDIT COMMITTEE OUT FLANKED. Vouchers for the Past Six Years Stolen. THIEVES IN THE ASCENDANT. It is a well-known fact that York county is cursed with a heavy debt amounting, ac cording to tho last stntcment of tlio County Commissioners, to tho immenso sum of $310,000. How, when, or for what pur poso this heavy debt wns contracted, is a mystery. Time nnd again investigations have been made, but the ovcr-burdrned tax-payer received no satisfaction. That one-half tho amount, 150,0(10, went into tho pockets of private individuals, is tho settled conviction of two-thirds of the citi zens of York, and tho facts related below, prove that this conviction is right. Tho "ring'' of Little York rivalled tiic "ring" of New York in stealing tho people's mo ney, the difference being only iu the amount stolen. At a recent session of the. court, tho Grand Jury recommended that a bill be presented to the legislature, providing that nn audit committee of three, consisting f I 1 hos. L. Cochrane, C 1. allace and Col. Levi Mmsli, to re-nudit anil examine into the monetary affairs of tho comity, from esteo, but the plan adopted was to flail i iW,-,-' ofis" '' '"'.'tt''f'te th'it vonhl nid i the Audit Coiniuitht, or iwtdjiuh fii.y liicm- ber nj tut "nn;." The plan was well laid, (copied from New J York,) and fully canied out bet ween Snt ! tirdav evening and Tuesday morning. The ' t door of the Cbininissioners' ollieo is locked I Willi an ordinary door lock, and live or six : ; pirties carry a key for the same. , i I'arly on Tuesday afternoon "Yours Tru- l ! ly" learned, how, when or where, is for us i to know, that a desk in the Commissioners' ' ollieo had been biokeii open and the 'stubs' of an important, blank book had been torn : ! out and destroyed. Eager to furnish tho ; j public with till tlc'l was transpiring, we ' ; made recipient iotpi'ii ies of parties supposed ( to belong to the Court IIoic-o clique, hut ; : they wt re as silent as the columns in fen I i of our eoin t nf, Justice. Finally, by pcrsis I lent ell'oils, we karnid that the 'stubs'', ! torn out, wi'rc of no nn ount ; the book they ; ! belonged to was an old note hook ; the pen- j ! pic of York county would not lose any-1 ! thing; the Couiinissione" had a full record ; I of the lost document ; so bad the, Trcasu- i 1'i.r, ie. Willi this wi- had to be satisfied ; i but why wire these "flubs"' torn out and j i destroyed, if they were of no account V i Here conns the sequel: On Wednesday; the Clerk of the Commissioners was called ; on for a certain voucher. Going to the clo- ; set where the vouchers were kept, he disco- j ' vered that all of these important papers. ' from the year ISOo down to date, in re to- j V, c"urs(s.U WiU ''"Po'We "'V j lie roiioerv c, u ii, : nn: niauer oecaine i ., i i ' , to,,., ,;, ,k ,...k UlUlllM lU'OUL, 41I1M 111 tk Dliviv lllliv. till; I'm- !)ci v of the Court House was the town talk, i Early on Thursday morning we "inter- ; viewed" Clerk Zicgler. llo showed us thu I desk and eNiilaiued how it was broken open; j ! sliowed ns n note book said to be similar to ! ,. ,. f,-,)n, which tho "stubs" were torn, j but did not show us the mutilated book. i He also sliowed to the closet where the vouchers iiitH ukh kepi, aim mere we saw i a series of empty piguon holes. These pi-I eon lioli.s, six m nimiher, are aooul ten : inches square, and Mr. Z. assures us they Wi re nV j'i'H t,f rnurhtr.. I Now, why were these papers stolen ? Tho ! intrinsic value of t hem was nothing ; but on their face they told a story of robbery j and theft that would not bear the ordeal of: an examination by ,m.l,l.''c', . e lo not cliai gi ill honest audit com- ! 1 this robbery on the do- nno(.nUiL. parly, but we do charge it upon! j certain leaders of that party ; wc char-e it j ' upon men, who, like Tweed, Connolly, -t. j j nl. of New York, run the machine in Little And ilM.iigh they may stand on i . . . - ..... -i yw.r dignity and, m the language ot Mioss' Twccdask in scornful accents. "Well, what are you going todoabottt it i" ' they ' y rcbt assured that the hn-er of public scorn wid point them out, nnd, in duo sea- 1 . .. son, thev will be in the same predicament as their fellow thieves in .New York. Since tho above was written, wo have been informed that Israel lleck. a lime-bur-ticr at the kilns of Herman Ilokc, found on Monday a lot of half-consumed paper in one of the, supposed to have been Ihe I remains of the stolen vouchers. On Thursday afternoon a number of ci- . r ....... i. e..i . i... i ..-. ll l... : ll.Clls Hrscil oicil 111 iue- v win i jiimsu L'v ui- .. .. ; Wi..: 11 1 vi hi inn nl I iiiiim sswin el St r u'klinimi-r Mini Clerk Zeigh r. Philip A Small, Esq.. was i-'illeil In tl.c cleiir. nnd tico. W. IIcO'Iicm ,,,..,. ,i Si.cret.ii-.-. Wt. y..iilcr inado the following statement : On Thursday afternoon, March f'y. 1 "l V'llt thk ni which the blank note book is contained, w at torct- b!y ,,.H.,.,1 ul, tlle note book considerably mutilated.-On the following, having occa- siou to reler to a bill ot the year JSil, lor the uuroose of imparting informatioti, I .. . ......... .... I'.,.,.,.', Il,-,l ll,., 1.I1I-: ..I' ll,,. t'.xira 1 si 1 1 i T.O H.,l? ",70 a,;,i 7l wero missin;; from the Coiiimissioiieih' ollice." A resolution was passed justifying the Commissioners in olllaing a reward of i10iX) for the detection of the robbers. (All dust in the eyes of the public.) Speeches were made by a number of persons, among oth ers John Gibson, Esq., counsel lor the Com missioners, who said that "the abstraction ol the. papers would not all'eet creditors of county, or tho investigation of its in- delileilnt ss. " If Mr. Gibson is correct, the question i arises, why was tho theft committed ' 1 ho meeting adjourned to assemble at the ringing of the Court Houso bell, when it was expected that Mr. Reck would ap pear and loll his little piece. Early in the evening tho bell issued forth its tmmtiioiis ; the public assembled and Mr. Reck said his say in German. Tho substance of it was that Thursday of last week, not last Mou day, ho found a lot of charred piqicrs, iu sizes biinil.u to tho stolen vouchers, in tho lime-kiln bo was attending, but could not tell what they Were. Tho lMilii say; it appears tho pnpers were iu the Cor uhbioners' ollieo last Sat urday. There was nothing adduced to provo. this statement. Mr. Zeigler. aud 0110 or two other Court House ollieials, tliowht they saw theso voucheis on Satur day, but they were not sure. 1 bus tlio case stands. York county has been rob bed of not less than 150,000, and the evi dence of tho theft has been destroyed, lax payers of York county, how much longer will you stand this system of robbery aud theft V York- Ueublkun, March 9. O'Connor, tho assumed assassin of the ijueen, has been examined aud prououueed sane. His object in assailing tho tueeu, ho says, was ouly to frightcu her iuto sign ing an order for tho liberation of all the rcniarjs koin prison, Ac CongrrNNionnl Apportionment Hill. An act to re-organize the Congressional Districts of Pennsylvania, in accordance with tho act of Congres, approved .Febru ary 2, 1S72. lie it enacted, fcc., That for the purpose of electing representatives of the psoplo of Pennsylvania to serve in the House of Re presentatives in the Congress of tho United States, this Stato shall bo divided into twenty-six districts, as follows : First Third. Fourth Fifth, Sixth, Elev enth Twelfth, Sixteenth and Seventeenth wards of tho city of l'hilndelpbia. Second First, Second, Seventh nnd Twcnty-Bixth wards in the city of Philadel phia. Third. Eighth, Ninth, Tonth, Thir teenth, Fourteenth nnd Twentieth wards of tho city of Philadelphia? Fourth. Twenty-fourth, Twenty-seventh, Fifteenth, Twenly-uinth, Twenty eighth nnd Tweuty-llrst wnrds of tho city of Philadelphia. Fifth. Twenty-second, Twenty-third, Twenty-fifth, Nineteenth nnd Eighteenth wards of tho city of Philadelphia. Sixth. Rucks and Montgomery coun t ics. Seventh. Rerks and Lehigh counties. Eighth. Northampton, Carbon, Wayne, Pike and Monroe counties. Ninth. Chester nud Delaware counties. Tenth. Luzerne county. Eleventh. Rrndford, 'Wyoming, Sulli van, Columbia and Susquehanna counties. Twelfth. M'Kcnu, Potter Tioga, Cam eron, nnd Lycoming counties. Thirteenth. Dauphin, Northumberland, iMonlour, Midler nnd Lmoii counties Fourteenth" Lebano lanou and Schuylkill, counties. Fifteenth. Lancaster county. Sixteenth. York, Cutuberlad nnd Ad ams counties. Seventeenth. Redford, fulton, Franklin, Perry and Juniata counties. Eighteenth. Clearfield, Clinton, Centre, Milliu and Elk counties. -Nineteenth. Indiana, Armstrong, Jcf- i fcrson and Clarion counties. j Twentieth. Ulair, Cambria, Somerset and Huntingdon counties. Twcnly-lirst. Westmoreland, Fayette nnd Greene counties. Twenty-second First. Second, Third, Fourth, Fifth, Sixth, Seventh. Eighth, Ninth, Tenth, Eleventh, Twelfth, Thir teenth and Fourteenth wards of the city of Pittsburg and all that portion of the county ! lying south of Mouoiigahcla river. ; ' Twenty-third Fifteenth, Sixteenth, Seventeenth Eighteenth, Nineteenth, Twentieth, Twciity-lirst, Twenty-second, : and Twenty-thirds wards of tho city of I'ittsburg.nnd all that portion of the county lying between the Mouoiigahcla and Alle gheny rivet, willi the First, Second, Third, Fourth, Fifth. Sixth, Seventh. Eighth, ami Ninth wards of Allegheny city.aiidall that portion of the county lying north of river. Twenty-fourth. Reaver, Washington and Duller counties. Twuuty.iinh. Mercer, Crawford and Lawrence counties. Twenty-sixth. Venango, Forest, War ren and Erie counties. Tins Collision at Wi-itokt. On Friday last, at the ollice of Alderman No ble, a further hearing of witnesses was bad in the case of Patrick McCormiek, engineer on tho mail train which collided last An- ' gust with tho 1st Freight, near Westporl. The Commonwealth was represented by James Dcise, Esq., nnd Win. Parsons Esq. Tin; defendant was represented by Chan. McCormiek, Esq. J. M. Johnson, messenger of the Union Express Co. on the train, swore that "after the collision, while their bodies were in the , wreck, be took orders from the pockets of McCormiek and ; would recognize ; the orders if seen." They were shown, ; he said he got one of them trom Pat. Mc- ! Corniick's pocket ; this order was the only ' paper lie noticed in bis pocket ; handed it ' to Fireman of freight ; took McCormick's ; watch and pocket-book at same time; took 1 everything out of his pockets ; it was in I his tide vest pock-l ; took no other papers ' out of his pockets. McCormiek was con scious ctioU'-ih to know him, and called him by name. When the train left Retiovo it was o't or lo minutes late. Ilymaii did ; not appear to be iu a hurry when they left 1 Wcslport. Ho gave orders to go ahead. He asked deponent if he was ready to go j ahead, and when ho said ho was, tho mo- ' lion to go ahead was given. J. F. Davis, Telegraph Traiii Runner, : swore that he issued the orders to Hyman, nud that the latter signed for them ; show- id the record ol the order which he gave to Hyman aim the hitter's signature ; order was delivered nt 7.04, A. M,, Which was behind time : McCormiek was not in ollice when orders were delivered ; uuln't know j whether he heard them read. Frank Clement, was tlagman on Express freight morning of accident. Saw Hyman i ai ltenovo -, neaiii some one iisk mm wnero he was going for Empire freight ; said he was going to Weatport for 1st and Clinton for lid ; saw Hyman call McCormiek and read the order to him ; order was not to nass Wcstnort: Hvman read somthiii'' oil' a niece ol tatcr not to nasi Weslnorl unti 1st section m ight pass 11 cstport nnu -d passed Clinton ; then he handed a paper to McCormiek. On cross-examination, said ho couldn't say anything about Pat's hear ing the order read ; Ilynun handed Pat the order ; didn't know whether it was the order or what it was ; saw him hand him a piece of paper ; didn't notice .what Pat did with the p-ipcr. On the redirect, saw Hyman baud a piece of paper in bis hand, and heard the words 1 spoke. (Order was shown witness). These aio tho words ho said; never saw tlio order before, but re member the words spoken. THE UKKKMK called II. Freeburg, nn Engineer. Had known McCormiek about two years; he cannot read, and can only write his name; he is not hard of hearing. John Robbins saw the Conductor tivc the Engineer the signal with his hand to & George Felton, a freight Conductor, saw Hyman come out of diiiiu-rooui at Reuo vo ; had something in his hand, and heard Crawford ask him where he was going to stop for Empire Freight, nud ho said nt West port fur 1st and Clinton for 2d; did not hear him call out tho order to McCor miek ; if had been paying titlcutiou, could not have helped hearing it if it had been given. Charles A. Sherwood lives at Westpirt ; is a lumber dealer ; went to wreck ; found piece of clothes McCormiek had laid ou ; it was a vest ; some papers slicking in pocket ; took them out ; one nns u train order dated three or four days before ; also a meal ticket, some papers, a live cent piece aud a Catholic emblem ; saw train leave depot, aud saw Conductor motion to Engineer to go ou ; saw Johnson at wreck; did uot see him at West port ; took paicrs out of vest pocket two or three hours after wreck had occured ; don't think McCor mick's namo appeared 011 any of them ; read the order touud ; gave it to a young mau at Ecnovo that I did not know ; think it had been Usucd August 24; vest was checkered, torn open behind up to collar. Johnson recalled did uot recollect color oi vest out of which order was laked ; vest was ou hU person then, but it was soon taken oil by being torn up the back, and supposed it was left lying there ; asked a woman to look out for McCormiek ; took out the order while sho was present ; she read it in my bauds ; she used to be an operator at Driftwood. J. F. Davis, in rebuttal, swors that he had seen McCormiek write his own namo ; never saw him write any morer" Here the evidence closed. At the close of the hearing, Alderman said thnt ho was satisfied from the evidences that the public were entitled to know more of this enso. and ho would therefore hold the accused to answer at court. LocJk Haven Hi publican March (ith. NEW HA MPS II IKK. THE GRANITE STATE REDEEMED A Hurd-ronglit ltnlll nnd n Itrll Hunt Triumph. EIGHTEEN HUNDRED IN MANCHESTER AND A GAIN OK SEVEN REPRESEN TATIVES, Manchester. March 12. The total vote for Governor iu this city is 4,0,'VI. Straw receives 2,210 ; Weston, 1.7U0 ; nnd Temperance and Labor Reformers, 3U. Straw's majority, 447. Returns from the State, ns far ns received, indicate tho elec tion of Straw by about l,r00 ma jority. The Republicans aro holding a congra tulatory meeting nt the City Hall. The Republicans have niado again of seven Re presentatives in this city, ami hnve proba bly secured a good working majority iu the Legislature. rORTSMOl'TH jmir.ANT OVER the RE SULT. Portsmouth, March 12. The Repub licans arc jubilant over tho result of the election, parading the streets till a late hour with a band of music. Marcy (Dem.) is defiiated by Warren Rrown in this Sena torial district by two hundred majority. the rest vet. Concord, March 1.11.30 A. M. One hundred nndsevent v-fonr towns give Straw 32,:Wtl ; Weston, 2'.i,Sl . Rlackmer (Tem perance), 338; Cnopcr(Lahor Reform), 2S1. The Legislature stands ; Republicans, 107; Democrats. 101 ; Labor Reform, 3; Tem perance, 2. At tho election for delegates to the Re publican State convention, held iu Lancas ter county on the !Hh inst., according to the otlicial returns made, the total vote in structing on the Gubernatorial question was ,"i.7o0. of which Col. Frank .Ionian had - - 3,470 Geu. John F. Hartranft " - - l.ijliO The remaining vote being divided be tween other candidates. Mayor Hall's Trial, in New York, is still progicssing. The sudden and unex pected appearance of Guryev, the Ring plasterer, iu Court, who, it "is said, has come to make a clean breast of it, startled the Ring. He swears that one of his bills for over rl'MKJO, v.-us wholly licUtious, and that the Ring shared the proceeds. Con Holly, as soon as be heard of the npppcar aiice of ( iarvey, disappeared, and his where nbottls are unknown. Most assuredly they have n pretty kettle of lish in New-York. A Scran'.on dispatch says that the public schools at Hyde l'ark, Ridlevtie, and IV-, teisburj. in this state, have been dosed on account of the prevalence of what is called black or spotted fever. The New York Assembly has been re- quested to appoint a committee to investi- . gate the facts relative to the suits brought against tlio Union Pacilie Railroad Com pany by the laic .lames Fisk, Jr. Johnson's Anodyne Liniment is, without doubt, the safest, surest, and best remedy that has ever been invented for internal nnd external use. It is applicable to a great variety of complaints, and is equally beneficial for man or beast. 1 "H'e have seen it stated in various papers ; throughout the country, that Agents for the sale ol" Sheridan's Cavelry Condition Powders were authorized to refund the money to nny person who should use them nnd not be satisfied with tho result. We; doubted this at lirst, but tho proprietors ' authorize! us to say that it is true. j The total amount of sixty-two bonds ro- 1 deemed by Secratary Rotiiwcll tinder the three calls to date is follows : First call, S,.'il,',iS7..')o0 ; second call, S V'V'oVioO: third . call, 2,074,000. Two young indies in Now York, who ! have been noted for their beauty and style, have recently become quite paralyzed from the use, the physicians affirm, of paint and ; cosmetics of various kinds. i American Oysters aro selling in London ; for thirty-six cents a dozen. English oys- i tcrs cost seventy-two cents a dozen. An- ! other cargo is now loading for England in ' Chesapeake bay. j An old lady who lost he purse a short lime since at New-Haven, declared, on its ; being restored to her, that she would not I attempt to interfere with the reward which ; was stored up 111 heaven lor tho tinder by j ring him money. A Tiiituiiii.E Earthquake. On Janu-1 nry lUlh an earthquake destroyed tho city of Scheinacha, in Russia. According tl j the otlicial report 11S persons were killed and fourly-four wounded, but all the in- Habitants, were lett without shelter. Sche- uiaclia is, or rather was. a city of 2o,000 inhabitants, and lies on the road between Tilis and Raku, at tho foot of the Cauca sian mountains, about seventy-live miles distant from the latter city. Scheiniieh.i is 2,310 feet above the Caspian, and 2,300 feet above the Rlack seas, anil was form erly the seat of government of the province, which however.on account of tho frequent earthquakes iu that region, was trans ferred, about ten years ago. to Raku, on the Caspian sea. The inhabitants of Scho macha arc nearly nil Armenians. Three Years Work. During the last three years tho administration of President Grant has accomplished the following ro- J suits : First. Reduced the public debt .?2lJ'.t,. 0 10,002 03. Second. Reduced the burden oftaxaliou SSO.000,000 per annum. In the same three years there have been collected ?f 1,200.000,000, and expended S1.0O0,tK)0,lHK) making au aggregate, of two thousand two hundred millions. Out this vast sum l,2o0,0uu has been lost, less than one litlecnlb ol one per cent. The beauties of tho "civil service reform," with which some iunoccut individuals have been enamored, says tho Lebanon ( oiciii Were strikingly illustrated oil Monday when Mr. Trumbull bad a bill passed appropriat ing oO,000 to pay for giving tho "reform" a start. That is a kind of reform in which any nuinlx r can bo got to participate. And yet Trumbull and other solemn vet erans think tho people nro regarding this humbug as reform. We are, and have been for years, in favor of making tho old Jellersoiitan standard of honesty and capa city tho esseutials in applicants for otlice, but the standard which Trumbull and oth ers wish to set up is ami Republican and uot be tolerated among a free people. Serious apprehension aro felt at Wash ington that a collision will take place be tween Canadian and American tishermcn during tho coining spring, and our govern ment will dispatch a uaval force to the fish ing grounds, with instructions to tho olli ce rs to avoid all attempts to be drawu into difficulty. Iu tho Island of Java the deficiency in tho coffee crop will this year be 23,000 tons; the llrazil crop will fall short some 70,000 tons, aud the Ceylon will fall short nearly 10,000 tons. It Is thus estimated that the coffee crop of the world will fall short of last year full 100,000 tons. CO ll llESPOK pence! Our IMilladclplila torrcspoudent. Philadelphia, March 11, 1872. Friend Wiltekt : After the bitter cold of the past fow weeks, with their high Winds, and attendant discomforts, the stea dy gentle rain of yesterday, although a dampner upon tho vast numbers of "Fair wenther Christians," was a pleasant change ; csnueinlly ns its need was so keen ly folt, less however in the city than in the country, unless it be to lay the dust which of late the high winds havo been sending into our eyes and lungs much to our dis comfort and disgust. The rain we feel cer tain announced the approach lo spring, which we hnve had little of, although the first month of that plCasant season is near ly half gone. The frost coming ouof the ground, and the fall of rain combined ren der pedestrinnism rather unpleasant. Ne ver has our city been iu such a fearfully dirty condition, nnd justly docs it create tho fear of epidemic, as it is well known that dread enemy of mankind, tho Asiatic Cholera, is always preceded by that more loathsome one of small-pox although less fatal which our city, as is well-known, nud our sister cities nnd towns havo been hav ing tho past winter. Knowing all this, is it any wonder our people are alarmed, and that thev call upon tho authorities that be, ; as far as in their power, lo protect them by ! prompt and efficient sauitary measures V . Time was when our city was kuown for its ' cleanliness, now none aro much tilthier 1 Some time ngo our Stato Jx-gtstaiure j (thank God they adjourn soon after which ! tho city and Stale can breathe freer and bo I safe,) passed an net creating the City Lev j erage Utilization Company with extraordi '; nary powers, and which were to keep all streets nnd alleys Well cleaned aud broom ed, and tilth removed for a certain consid 1 oration, doing away entirely with the old wiv , and were to use tho deposit so obtain ed as manure and top-Boil. All looking Very nice on paper, but it seems to havo cost them al their available funds to get ' their cliarter,and 8i January and February pass, and no cll'ort made to comply with tho requirements of their contract, until the last named month had nearly expired, when tlie force of public opinion and the wide-spread dissatisfaction compelled them to make an attempt upon some few spots iu a few of the streets in the cetitro of the business part of the city. As a consc-' quence, as 1 said before, we've bad fi'thti ' :- mud and been compelled to breath tilth ' and sec our way through flying clouds of, it. They were not so slow in another part j of the contract, for hardly had the month of March been udiered in," be lore they were ! on hand with a nice little item of a bill, amounting to about ?13,b0i, for cleaning ! 11 bout live miles of streets and not touching 1 the many hundreds in the rest of the city. : It is estimated that according to the pres- ' cut rate of cleaning, they will reach Frank ford or the suburbs about tho time of Ihe Cent-iihial Celebration, and the crossings 1 at the centre of tho city will have to bo budded for the occasion. They met a riiiuiua from Controller Hancock, who re fused to sign Miuir vmmlu r, nnd so pro- , vented the fraud, saying he thought a cm- , ; tra'-t required fulfillment in all its parts, and was not w illing to pay for work not . done. ; Tho past week has been one of especial ! interest to us us a City, as a State, and ns ' a Nation. The lirst decided st-ps have be n taken hero within the past four days towards the great Centennial Celebration ! of ihe Decimation of our National hide-: pendenco. by tho meeting of the Commis- j sinners appointed by the dillerrut Slates, ' ' charged with the preparations for that j gnat event. It is mete and rL'ht that j '. Philadelphia should 1 e chcM ii as ihe place ; to hold our great exposition. As General ; Parsons, of Texas said ut the Park, to a 1 speech, "Huston boasted of the cradle of liberty Philadelphia holds tho maiv.'er. ' ; This is tho Rcihlchcm of Freedom. Here j j where the spiiit of liberty was born it h j proper that we should erect her temple." , j Another speaking for Pennsylvania, said, i "In Philadelphia l'eiiu's treaty with the . Indians was made ; it was bun; that tlio First Congress met ; that tl.c Declaration , ; of Indc pendency was drafted; that tlio. great Sanitary Fair was held and that nu merous other great enterprises were itiaug- crated.-' The jealousy created in our sis ter cities by the'ehoiee having fallen to our j lot is rapidly subsiding, nnd everything ! promises fair to the success of the greatest j celebration of tho greatest nation in tho : world 1 I mil not boasting. No tru- ; American can help feeling proud when he ; reviews in his mind the cleat change tho past century has made see us then weak ! nud struggling, throwing oil the bonds ofi our foreign bondage ! Now sco us a mighty nation to whom all others are wil- , ling to pay court I The proudest boast of j my life, when 1 think thereon, is "I am nn American 1"' and Iain constrained to ex-; claim "(rod bless my own my native land !" i The site chosen nt Fairaiount Park, j which, by the by, is tho finest natural , park iu tho country, is all that could bo desired. I doubt very much whether, within such accessible reach, the cities who havo been so jealous of our good fortune could have found room to entertain the na- 1 lion upon that eventful day. When tho Commissioners met but two States had j failed to appoint Commissioners one of I them, the great State of Illinois, has done so since. leaving only Missouri, whien lat ter, we hope, may soon follow the good ex ample set her by Illinois. ily space warns mo to close, or 1 would like to speak of the line appcaranco of tho 1 Commission as a body of ineu, as I saw then 011 their way to select tho site at the j park, and also many other things connected I therewith. I liy way of conclusion, or lastly, ns tho clergy say, I must speak of thu destructive lire we had upon the evening of tho 4ih inst. One of the finest granite structures of tho city, the building of Dr. Jayne's, Chestnut abovo 2nd, was destroyed. To look at it 0110 would almost involuntarily exclaim, "how could that bum I" Mill it did. aitlimi-li provided with every facility, u iil.ii, ito.'it- l,,r vliii-nishln.r lire. 'Flip ' I ruins were visited by tens of thousands. It I .-.i4 ,1 vcev i'i.h) n i-, lit nnd tlio vif v remind ed 0110 of tlinst; of Niagara in winter, and of tho curious formations of ico in nnd about the White. Mountains, ns tho water riiniiin i otl'of and oul of the building froze in such bciuttil'i-l and strange forinatiotis. Here we had another evidence ot the great biiiiertority ot tho paid over the voluntary lire department. Although less than a mile fro'111 it, we knew uolhiui; of it until niormtii;, when wo saw it in tho papers. Under thu old system tho city, to its ut most borders, would have been roused by the clan'iiii; bells and useless and equally senseless bli'outini; of rival organizations, Hulking night hideous. Once more, adieu, Oil' asionai.. ftcto bbfrtlscmcnts. T. II. It. K ASK, VTTORNEY, CONSELLOR, 4c. Office ta tbo ('lenient Builuiiifs, second floor. Eu truuee ou Market street, Kunhury, Pa. Suubury, Mun blfl, leTO.-ly. Stallion for Sale. Will l6 sold at private sale by tbe nn- demipied, the Youni; Btulllon, well kuown as the JlenKenirer llorste.' Tuit celebrated horse le 7 years oid, a dark Buy, and 1 of pure Virginia stock- Apply to I. IL KEbbLER, Georgetown, Norlh'd Co., Pa. March , IS7 tbbrrtiscmcttts t'stftte ofUcorg Ieeaed. NOTICE Is hrcby gtrcn, thnt lettsrs UtU tnentsrj tmrs ben gmuUd to the tindar iKuea, on the citato of deores Unu, Into of the borough of Sunbnry, Northumberland county, Pa., decrnacd. All persons knowing themselves Indebted to taid entate are reqnetted to make Im mediate payment, and those hnrlng claims to present them duly authenticated for cltlcineut P. M. SII1NDEL, Exorutor. Bnnbnry, March 6, 1872.-fll. NtorkliohlcrM Meeting. NOTICE Is hereby given, that an election for officers of the Fort Augusta Itu'lding and Loan Association of Sunbury, will be held St their room on Thursday evening, March 28, 1872, t serve for the ensuing year. The Htockholders arc requested to attend. L. T. HOlllillACH, Attcxt, l'reskleut. Jacob SmrMAW, Secretary. March 2, 187'.i.-4t; A. It. FRANC1SCUS & CO., SIS Market Mtreet, Philadelphia. Wc have opened for the SPRING TRADE, tbo largest and beflt assorted stock of PHILADELPHIA CARPET3, Table, Btalr and Floor Oil Cloths, Window Shades and Paper, Carpet Chain, Cotton, Yarn, Battinc, Wadding, Twines, Fancy Baskets, Brooms, Baskets, Buckets, Brushes, Clothes Wrlngcis, Wooden and Willow Wars Id the United States. Our large increase In business enables us to sell nt low prices and furnish the best quality of Goods. BOLE AGENTS FOR THE Celebrated American 1VaUr, Frice 5.50. Orer 13,000 Soli In Six Monlhi- Ti rms : Carpets, 00 days. All other goods, SO days, Net. February 17, lS'a.-oin. a ini t mtk vi oics .notice. F.Mtute of Henry Hopper, Deceased, Notice Is hereby given that letters of Adminis tration have been grunted to the liudcralgned, on t lis cftate of Henry Hopper, late of the Bo roiurh of biintniry, Northumberland county, Pa. deceased. All persons indebted to said estate art requeued to make immediate paj inent, and thoss haTiuir claims to present them duly authenticated for settlement. V. H. MOOTIE, Administrator. Punbiirv Feb. tM, ISTU.-oi. No. 002 Chestnut Street, Philadelphia, PHILADELPHIA. Mrsr-Iir-. CALDWELL it CO.. DEfllP.E TO CALL ESPEC IAL ATTENTION TOTIIEIlt DS PAUTM EN T OF SOLID SILVER WATCHES. P( sM'.sMN(i fcCPKISlOR FACILITIES THEY WILL UK ENABLED TO PLACE BEFORE Ct MOMEKS. IN ADVANCE OF THE GENK KW. MARKET. ALL THE NOVELTIES AND IMPROVEMENTS IN SILVER GOODS AS RA PIDLY AS I'liOl il'l ED. VERY PARTICULAR ATTENTION BEING GIVEN TO THE BPR f IATIES OF I'.RiDAL AND OTHER PRESEN TATION GIFTS. 1 HE STANDARD OF SILVER LONG SINCE ADOPTED BY I DEM IS THAT OF ENGLISH STERLING, (e.'.Vl"(i"n:f FINE, THE QUALITY OF EVERY ARTICLE bOLD BEING STRICT LY GUARANTEED. ATTENTION IS RESPECTFULLY DIRECT ED 'I'o TIIK UNVARYING BUSINESS POLICY OF THIS HOUSE IN REG ARD TO THE FIRM LY ESTABLISHED SYSTEM OF FIXED PRICES, WHICH WILL BE RIGIDLY AD HERED TO IN ALL CASES. SECURING TO lTR' i! SERS, FAIRNESS AND EQUALITY IN EVERY TRANSACTION. POLITE ATTENTION MAY BE EXPECTED BY ALL WHO FAVOR THEM WITH A VISIT. ORDERS AND INQUIRIES BY MAIL, PROMPTLY ATTENDED TO. J. I". AI.DWEI.I, V CO. Feb. 10. 1S7J. A. M. MEIXELL, USALKR IK Anicrlrnii nud F.nropean WATCH KM. FIXE JEWELRY nnd SILVERWARE! rVrfecteU Kpertoele and V.yo GOLD HEADED CAXKtS. Watches aud Jewelry ueatiy repjIroH and war raiittd. Market Sguaro, BUN BURT, Pa. j Feb. 3. IsV-tr. iE-STE ETt ' INFIRMARY, S U X H U li V, P ESN1 A. rrMUS Institution is now open for the rcrepttoa JL of Patients fur the treatiutut of DiitiH of tbo EYE, EAR, THROAT, LUNGS, CATARRH, Ac, Ac, Ac, 1 1 and operations In GENERAL BURGERT. Onr i collection of INSTRUMENTS is very large, com prising all the lutet Impuovemektu, euanltug a to meet SURGERY In all forms. Physicians are Invited to accom pany Patients to our lustiluilnu for operations. Bv reiiueM of nmiiv ( ilizens, we alll attend to calls la OKNtKAL PR AC net. Infiriuar, Cleraeut'a Building. CORNER THIRD AND MARKET BTS., SUNBURY, TA. C. t. I P DF. G1I.4FF, Phvticlan aud Surgeon. Bunbnry, Feb. 8, 187'.. -if. AGENTS WANTED. MARK TWAlVfTxKW .HOOK 1 e ROUGHING IT," IS READY FOR CANVASSERS. It Is a companion volume to .I0 F.XTN AIIKO.ID," - of which Rate already beed ordered, au Is (till one of tbe best selltui; book out. Don't waste time ou books no one wants, but take one people will stop you lu the streets to subeerilss lor. "Thftre U a lime to laugh," and all who read this book will see eleaily that time has come, apply at once lor Territory, Clrcu. late, and Terms, Adress PUFHELD AbIIMEAD, Publisher 711 faii, nil .--iim, PliPudolfliia ftcto C A K II .