Sunbury American. (Sunbury, Pa.) 1848-1879, February 24, 1872, Image 3

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    . , t-Oir.'i
- SUNBURY, FEBRUARY 1, 1872. .
' Railroad Time Tables. " '
N . C. It. W. Ka. P. B. It. R.-Wn
ftirTalo E 1'va 13:80 m
Erie 9:20
Erta MalLl'v 1:00 am
Aceom. " 6:1! '
Niagara Et 13:40 pm
ElmlraMall" t85 "
rteEx..J? :5ii
ElmlraMall " lliOS
Vlagara 4:40 pm
ISAMOklM DITISraM H. 0. K. W.t r ?
11AVB . aRRITfl
Banbury al 11:50 a rajAI Bunbnrjr
t:fu p m '. "
4 KM p m
D.H. AW. R. R. ..
Uti Bnnburjr -4:39 a. mi Arrive at 8.85 p. in
mavb I - '" "
Banbury at 6:30 a.' m. I At Banbury 8:85 a. m.
"11:40a. m. " . " 10:45 a. IB.
Accident Insurance Ticket can be had of J.
Bhlpman, Ticket Ageut al the Depot.
focal SffairsV
Siwino Maciiimbs.-MIs Caroline Dallas U the
agent for the eale of tbe best Sewing Machines
In existence, vlat.'Th Improved 'Blnfrer,"
"Grover dt Baker," "Howe," and 'Dprn'stlc,'
which are constantly on hand and soli rea
sonable prices. She le also agent for. tha eele
brated Franti and Fopt Knitting Machine.. Call
and see them. Oflke on Market street, east of
the railroad.
8tNDAT Evening Lcti:rb at NoRTnuMBR
lakd. David n. Clark, wilt deliver a lecture at
the Unitarian Church, Northumberland, on Sun
day evening neat, "February 85th. Subject, "The
Rearing of Children." . ",.....
A JtrMOR got abroad that Jndge Woode had
died at Lcwlstown, which we noticed last week.
We are happy to Mete that It la Incorrect. The :
Judge Is not only llvlngbnt Is galnlug In health. I
. . 1
IIomb oh A Visit. Qui" Washington correa,
pondent, II. D. Wharton, Esq., spent., few days i
with his family aasd friends, at this place, during
Inst week. Mr. W. looks well and expects to
give his usual aH to the Republican cause during '.
next campaign.
TnE small pox in Philadelphia rs still prevail
ing to an alarming extent, though there were
only about 136 deaths last week, or about 40 less
than tbe week previous.
Wt lcaru that the Ladies connected with the
M. E. Church at this place bene been quite snc-
cessful with their Festival during last week.
We have not learned, however, what th proceeds
Smoke Houses Robbed. We learn that seve
ral smoke houses in this place, have lately been
visited and emptied of their contents. In several
Instances poor widows were left deHsltnte
of thfir inftnt. It la a tillv thRA tliinVM puntint
be caught and lynch law applied In their eases. '
It would be well enough if every family would
keep a look out for the rascals, and give them a
dose of cold lead when they enter upon the
premises. ,
For Europe. We notice that Jacob Sblpman,
Esq., of this place, bus received the appointment
at ageut for the Cunard Line of Steamships, be
tween New Tork ond LIverpoot. Those wlshiug I
to visit the foreign lands can secure passage In
first-class steamers on application to Mr. Ship-
mun, at the following rates r - Fisrt Cabin, ISO,
(100 and ?130 gold, according to accommoda
tion. Steerage, $30 currency. Children under
13 yearc, hull price. Infants under I ycarj free.
Wild Tea. A rouplo of sharpore uear Pitts
burg, having procured the certificate of Health
officer Williams, that "wild tea" was an effectual
cure for cancer, and published the same in all
the papers, received bushels of letters wanting
to know what wild tea was.. t turus out that
wild tea Is winter green, which these fellows sold
in large quantities at ll'J per q iart is an un
known herb procured in remote swamps.
Prof. Mabtis's carnival., of science In the
Opera House, during tbe past week, la drawing
crowded houses. The eutertulument Is full of
mirth and mystery. Those who desire a rich
treat in the way of a floe exhibition and enjoy a
good luugli. should not fall of the present oppor
tunity. Prof. Martin will exhibit this (Friday,)
evening, and to-morrow (Saturday,) afternoon
and eveuing.
On the evening of the late Borough election
some individual fired a pistol, the ball of which
entered tha window of the second story of Mrs.
DouneU's residence on Market Square. The
fragments of glass were scattered over tbe bud,
and the bull, which waa found on tbe floor was
considerably flattened- on the aide. There ia a
law and penalty in regard to can ylng concealed
weapons, which ought to be 'strictly euforced if
people value their lives.
A Ncisasce. Persons wbo end around circu
lars thould have wit enough to Instruct the boys
not to rirgthe door tx'lle. A It Is, tha annoyed
Inmates feel more disposed to punish the Intru
ders than read their circulars thus thrust upou
them. If thrown in quietly, or laid on ;Ue door
sill, is all that is required. '
Tue following persons were elected township
officers for Lower Augusta, on Friday list i the Peace, Jerent!u Hlleman Con
stable, C. A. Coni.., Rnpervwo-s. I. B. Fox and
. . r . n
nunc .tians j wcraeers oi mf ritr, Wat Dun
elbeiger aud John Snyder j Bcbo. Directors,
a . .. i xr . r i w oli . . .
omuuci arsivr, vinni Dniiinab ana VFr. n. SI.
Raker j Judge of Election, D. D. Com d In
spectors, G. W, Ueffner and tl Conrad j As
sessor, Henry Bloom Auditor, Hiram Bloom.
Tub following is a list of the officers elected in
this borough, on Filday laati
Chiuf Burgess Solomon Mallck.
Second Burgess W. I. Greenough.
Town Clerk Peter W. Gray.
High Constable BenJ. Brosioua.
East Ward. Assistant Burgeesea, George W.
Bmith and John Clark Counctlmen, Jacob F.
Robrbach, Geo. Caawallader, Jared C Irwin
and Win. II. Miller i Justice of the Peace, Cbas.
A. Bright ) Constable, Sebastian Boughoer i
Street Commissioners, Samuel Alspach and John
Smith j Overseers of tba Poor, Baltzar Keefer
and George Harrison t Judge of Election., Jacob
Cable i Inspector of Elections, Wo. H. Bright j
Assessor, l,evl Beasholtl.
West Ward-Assistant Bua. J. V ,ua. I
wallader and Cb.rlea Oaring,,, Connell, J. A. ,
Cake, Chas. J. Fox, D. C. Dts.lng.r and W. L.
Dew.rf, Overseer of the Poor, Frederick Merrllt
Street Comiulsslou.r.. John Bbil.r .nd i. '
A.eeser ttcuool Director, W. S. Rboade i Asses
sor, George Bright Justlea of (be Peace, Tboa.
M. Purse', , "61 lZ
of Elections, Alexander Mauls, Inaptor of
Elections. Daniel Dru.v.min ..
Cuahoe Conduetof Z. D. Hughe baa beta j
placed in ehrg of tba mU train oa th L. fc
B. R. S. This a'aanga will be Irigbly appreciated
by tb traveling public, Mr, Hughe ha long
enjoyed tb. reputation, of being one f tba ntett
prompt, attentive u obliging railroad men la ,
this Mellon of (h fiutt, arhll. la social life ha 1
regard.4 a. . g.,iM, trM frUL May b. eo.-
' .
On Borouoh Ehotioh. Tbe Borough alee-
i rmuf laasi aii Mila iili ii sun
yet there waa much feeling evinced In
reirsrd I
regard to some ideal matt.' Wfcleb caused two
tickets to be brought Into the Held, At a meeting
of Republicans previous to the . election, a ttcltet
waa formed composed of men of both polkldal
parties. The contest for Chief Burmese, however,
create dleaHsfctIo r tha regular
nominee was objected to by a nnmber'of Kepubll
cana on the ground that he waa presented by
pacllai" wbba alajkJattKlaVtak In, our
Borough aGhlrt. .When It became Knows to the
"Court House Ring'' that some little dltsatltfac
tlon existed,1 they had mettthg' tailed of the
Democrats. ' At thl meeting' honest Dcmocrati
were favorable to the ticket formed by the Re
publicans with the exception of Chief Burgess.
Bolomon Mallck, Esq., conservative Democrat,
was selected as the candidate for Burgess against
Mr. Moore. ;A majority being favorable to tbe
ticket Dominated by tbe Republicans, they con
cluded to make no farther nomination. This
proved unsatisfactory to the Ring1 .members pf
the Democracy, wbo wailed. until enough had
left the room to give them a majority, when our
neighbor of the Dmocrat lead oft and had the
resolution' reconsidered, which, of course, was
accomplished with his party, somo ten or twelve
persona formed full ticket, which waa general
ly disapproved of by tha honest Democrats. The
result was, that on the morning of the election,
there were some half doxen tickets In the Held,
.each one. urging the election of those wham they
thought Would best serve their lutereets, regard
less of politics, In the local affairs of the Bo
rough, and the consequence waa considerable
ble scratching of tickets, but no Issues taken on
political grounda. . ,
Our neighbor of the Dunnral appeared some
what enraged because several honest Democrats
who are opposed to the."Rlng;'' were accepted
I by the Republicans for officers, and showed his
spleen on me morning oi mo ejection in an nan
coiumn article In tbe si ape of an anneal to have
tnem defeated. But as the pnrtles wero elected
by ft large majority our neighbor must feel ratber
cheap to and that Ills lufluence did not extend
beyond his own threshhold. Both Mr. Moore I
and Mallck, candidate for Chief Burgess, were
exceHeut mau, and personally very acceptable to
both parties, but bavlcg been run entirely upon
the merits of local issues, Mr. Mallck having the
most popular side, waa elected by some thirty
A l.AnoB Conflagration at elinsohove.
jOn Wednesday evculng last, about half past !
nliis o cloek, a Bit) broke ont about tha centre of
Bcllnsgrove, Snyder county, which consumed
- Mnle ahVtccit tiouse together with- oleht : of ten
stables. Several Irirgt 'business places anl the
Baptist Church H prey to the-Hfey elements.
The fire was distinctly seen from this place, and
the heavens were beautifully lighted by tbe re
flection of the burning flames. "Tho 0r4 broke
out in a stable, and a high Westerly wind prevail
ing, caused tbe flames to spread over an entire
gquafc yiJi grunt rapidity, ahd Bat having auffl
cleul fire apparatus to check them, tbe buildings
had to be left to the devouring icmenis to run
its course. We are willtout full partlcqlurs, but
learn that tho losses are vely great, which, In
some cases, fall heavily upon hard workiug me
chanics and laboring men of that place. The
fire la supposed to have been the work of incen
diaries. The loss 1 1 estimated at 150,000, most
of which is covered by insurance. ,
During the prevailing of the above Are three
in9plt.lou, characters came to this place and wore
trying to Induce our fire department to go to the
aid of Our neighbors of fielinsgrove, but as they
gave nnsatiafuctory accounla, and told contra
dictory stories, suspicions were aroused that It !
might he an attempt to get our steam fire engine
out of the place Tor no good purpose, and the de
partment declines going. Afterwards one of the
parties Was arrested on suspicion and locked up
In our county Jail, wbllo another took the first
train nod left tftf- The one arrested was re
leased next morning on the promise -of good be
havior aud to leave town.
Tub Scxburt Boom. A uuinber of lumber
men from Wllliamsport, connected with the
8unhury Boom Company, In company with a
number of stockholders from this place inspected
the location and conntrucliou, on Tuesday of last
week. We are informed that they expressed
great satlbfactlou with Us admirable location aud
its substantial construction, and were astonished
at the large amount of work done In such a short
time. We copy the followlug In reference to the
construction of tbe Boom from tbe Oauttc of last
week :
'The jnaln Jiooin commences about one and a
half miles above tbe confluence of the Wet aud
North Branches, nnd cousints of two abutments
and eight pairs of forty feet in length, tweuty
feet in width aud tilteeu to sixteeu feet high, all
well tilled with ktoue. . These run from the Nor
thumberland county side to an island. There
ar-jgpfers above, intended for sheers in running
the logs into the main Boom. The platforms, as
they are called, for the main Buota are very sub
stantial, consisting of heavy white-pine Umbers,
from sixteen to twenty-four Indies thick, and six
feet In width, bolted together with heavy iron
bolts. These In turn are secured to the piers by
one and a fourth iucb cable chain. The whole
being considered one of the most secure Booms
in the West Branch.
Great credit is due Messrs. Fryling, Bowen &
Engel for their Interest and energy iu this enter
prise, securing to our place what may be a very
great benefit, if our people only take advantage
of it. The VYIlllamsport lumbermen may now
go to sleep with a feeling of security as regards
tbeir floating property, (loirs,) ia case of a rud
rise In the river, us the Boom will catch and hold
from one to two hundred millions feet of lugs,
depeudiug upon the stage of water on which they
come. The President, Johu While, Esq , of
Wil lamaport, had the geueral direction aud su
pervision of the enterprise, and the eubslunl'ial
ness of It, together with its early eomutetloa, is
due to bis wlcdom and sagacity. E.4. Lowe, of
. ,w,n . P' uoVr,l aniJ, w
i . . ' J . ... .. p....
a purchasw rwimnittee. The fifth-era nf th
company are John White, Esq., Pre.ideut ) John
Haas, Esq., Treasurer and H. Y. Fryling, Sec
retary Managers, C. B. Howard ' Charles E.
Gibson, Garrett Tlnuman, S. P. Wolverton, Ira
T. Clement and J. U. Euirel. -
The Secretary of the company Informs ns that
the piers are a I completed. The platforms will
all be finished by the latt of this week, ready to
be put in place as soon as tba lea moves off tbe
river. We need only add, let our people take
advantage of tbe great benefits that may result
to our town in tbe erection of more saw-mills and
tha enlargement of the lumber trade, as tha
Boom will afford facilities fur gettiug slock and
holding it far above auy lowa aloug tbe river j
aad let our people who own mlll-eeaU be wise
enough to sell their property at fair prices to
parties wbo will erect mills, and aot drive them
away from our town, thereby depriving them
aelvea and tbe town of the great bene tits that
may be derived therefrom."
Til use of lemons la recommended as a pre
ventive of billions disorders. Acids are useful
oi ften ece" "7 counteract th. effect, of
. . . ther Cl4 reeb,
bDeBolft, citrl th of '"""n. lch
huW U mr" fre1uent,y " lglt
, OIltB prevented Dy sncn precaution..
IsrroBTART Chanob. -Through tbe persevering
' V '
I UeDm' '", raerel "ir4et M"
, u.u wversiaa, io tna following points i
VU Route 8683-Rlveislde to Rushtowu. Kline's
Grove and Snydertowo.
Via Rout 8663 Riverside to Union Corner.,
Elysbfrg, Bear Gap and Mt. Carmel.
Heretofore all pun matter to tha dltTereut
point, had to pas through th DanvUl. ofBoa,
JiUr,uU. . . . ; .. . ,
J. O. Trimblb A receiving all klnde ef Groe-
J rfes ep0.t,dWy. M h, ,iBg' tb(ua u
.fix.: eni
PbOobbdiko o Nobtbobtbrrlard Cotm-
f 1 mnm it f p'-1 flMJ"g
of tba Northumberland County Agricultural So
ciety, In pursuance, of 4 celkiby th President,
held at the Vanktrk House, Northumberland, on
Saturday, J ebrnarj: trd, W73jWas called to order
by th President. . . '- -
On motion JbiofitfaV TbaV tl President ap
point a committee of three W audit th hooouala
of tbe Treasurer. "
John McFarlandi bto, Ganl and O. W. Arm
strong were appointed said committee. -. V ?
" Several alterations and amendments to the
Charter were proposed, and, (greed to. t ..... , ,
tftiolvid, flmt the Executive Committee ad
journ to meet at Dr. Jot. Eyster's Hotel, In Bun
bury, OB Saturday, Feb. lTtta, at 10 o'clock,.
M., to hear report of Audltora, e. ' '.
Jko. H. Vircbrt, Ass't. Sec.
At an adjourned meeting of the Executive
Committee, held at the Hotel of Dr. Jos. Eyster,
on Saturday, Feb. 17th, 1873, the meeting ; was
called to order by th President.
John' McFarlnnd, chairman of the Auditing
Cmmtee, submitted the following report I '
DR. , . , , . ...
Amount received by Treasurer from
f CB f
By amount paid bjf Treasurer
' '. (' I.' ,i ' : r.
Cash, balance on hand...
The fioclftv has also oh Yiand. Lum
$3,101 00
1119 11
ber, Buildings, Ac, valued at 188313
. On motion, Itttoltud, That the Auditors' Re
port be accepted and committee discharged.
On motion, Jletotvtd, That all uncalled for
premiums, shall be called for on or before the
first Tuesday of March Court, of be forfeited to
the nse of the Society. -'
On motion, Itfolvtd, That the proceeding, of
the Executive Committee b. published In all th.
paper. In tha county a. new.
On motion, adjom tied. 1
Jsd. 11. Vmexirr, Ass't Sec.
The NoTthumberlftird Connly Agricultural So
ciety will hold their annual "meeting on the first
Taesday 'of Mart-h Court, at 10 o'clock, A; M.,
In the Arbitration Room, In Sunbury.
At 1 o'clock, P. If., same day, an election of
officers fur the ensuing year will be held.
Northumberland, Feb. 19, 1873. "
"l.i. . . r j ,.- v . JOSEPH BIRD, Pres't.
Naw.nooxa. Our enterprising townsmen,
Ira T. Clement, Esq., has erected three new
dwelling houfes on Third street above Race, In
this place. . They are conveniently arranged and
welt built. They will nil be ready to be occupied
by tbe first of April. , I
- Tna Devil ox tbe Railroad. The devil has
been at work In the capacity of engineer and
fireman according to some of the newtpaper re
ports. Tbe Columbia Cotiranf Is responsible for
the following :
Tb 'Meblill am out on a big rampage" rlong
the lino of the fuunsylvanla railroad. He is
seen at Various places along the road. "labs
loci week, roi the rhiiadelpliia express left
Tyrone atntioo. Ma sataulc niujesty not on the
engine with Sot. UofiiMtler. He looked around
for a moment, then taking the poker from the
fireman, opened the tire door and stirred the fire,
at tbe same time sticking his feet in. He then
sat down. atretcblBR out his immense legs and
bringing his tall around laid It between his cloven
hoot..' Sometimes wings could be seen about hit
shoulders. He- was very particular about th
fire jf sometimes he would put hia head I u the
fire-box and look around, theu throw in his tall,
stirrlug tbe fire at a rapid rate. By this trruc be
had got warmed up, and so bad tbe engineer and
fireman, who were uearly scared to death. the
ongine was making about thirty-five miles an
hour when the devil picked up the oil can, went
out aud oiled the locomotive ia all its puns. He
then rrturued, aud requested Mr. HofiuHstcr to
slack up and let him oil at bridge No. 5; but Mr.
II. told lit in he might get off tho same way be
got on. Tbe eugiu wus then ruuulug at a fear
ful rate of speed, aud Mr. Devil stepped to one
tide and disappeared.
We learn sine- that a phantom train waa seen
in tb. vlcinltv of the Gap. Some nights ago,
DuVld "Wayne, engineer of 477, had stopped lor
tome purpor when a train was heard approach
ing at a rapid rale. Knowing that there was no
train due nt thut hour, schedules were examined
carefully s but the stranger could nut be made
out. At length It came thundering around the
enrve with an immense head-light aud other
equipments. The conductor, II. liell, engineer,
tlreniau and. brakeman all saw and heard the
train coining. The lineman, John K. Newell,
Immediately went buck" wile a llirht aud placed
signal caps upon the ruils. Tbe phantom train
came, making the usual noltc, and lighting up
tbe whole track with Its huge lurid glare, when
in a t inkling th. whole thing disappeared.
Some say it waa old Auios Clcinsou's train the
notorious leader of the dap gxug, who died seve
ral years ago aud that he was aboard swinging
a red light furiously.
John Filbert, engineer of the Lancaster train,
infonni us that when approauhing Pcquea bridge,
some nights ago, be saw tbe devil ou the cow
catcher of his engine. He was runnlug al the
rata of thirty - " hour. lie quickly shut
off the tteaut 4d slackened, up, but could not
see anything tuore of tbe strange object. Tbexe
stories are creating a great deal of comment
among railroad ineu. We give them as told by
us, aud leave the readers to draw their own cou
elusions. i ,- i i- .
Tub Fiu.t to Respond. fsinoe our last week'.
Issue, say. the Pott.vilie Jfirwrs' Journal. In
which we gave a number of members of Captalu
Katiffman'a company the credit of being first to
offer their services In case of war with England
we bsve received the following communication,
signed "Manayunk," from Locust Gop. The
correspondent says t , '
"I noticed lu last week's paper that you claim
"Schuylkill Cou nt v ahead," because some mem
bers of C'apt. Kau Oman's company, of Miuern
ville, reported In biin as being ready for duly in
case of a war with t'.ngland. Now, we, the otti-
certvud "member (llu men) of the Washington
Kitlra of this place claim ii chumpiouthip of
oeiug ahead of bcbuylkill Ctfuuiy, oeoaute we
had sent a despatch to the GVvrnur lwu d)'1
ahead of tbe Miuersvlile men, ofc'ing our servi
ces, in case of an emergency. Now, until this la
beat, we will claim the cbamplotitl'jP, nd as
nonuumoeriana belujf "ahead of Bchny.J"'-
Annexation. Petitions for the annexiug of
kusii township aud Riversld Borough to Moo
tour Couuty ar now circulating amonir th nca.
pie of those eections, aad are being pretty gene
rally signed. Tbua far as tha returns come In,
more than one hundred signatures have been
obtained with every indication of the number be
ing largely Increased. But few persons, we un
derstand, have objected to ilgnlug the petitions.
We trust that a full return from all parts of the
township will be received by the close ofthls week,
and the alguaturet of at least two-thirds of the
c'ltlxeus, tecured. DunvilU Amtriean.
Tue annual election for officers of the Suobnry
& Lewistown Raroad Co,, Wat held at tho Key
ttoae Hotel, I thlt place1, on Tosday. Mr. ftmlth,
th proteut incumbent, Wo; re-elected President,
and Geu. Wnj. PaiuUr, D. R. Walker, Jat. M.
Seller and Col. AUx. M'Clure, of Pbila., and
CoU Win, F. Wagenscller and A. K. Gift, of
Snyder, and Andrew Reed. Esq., or Mifflin, were
elected Director. By resolution of the board, all
meetlngt or said board will hereafter be held in
Philadelphia Siluugrov Tvtat, 6. l&ta.
List of letter remaining In Bnnburr Post Of
fle February St, 1T3,
James Bake'r; Nasi Biiskbart, A Bower. B.
W. Brm.'Esq., -Mrs. Jan Cane, G. H. Cxiok,
Danlrt Conrad, Mr. Helen Uammiuge, WillUm
H. Eckaiau, William Fi.her, Wllilaia H. Flabar,
Cbarlea Gaasler, Jr., Mr. lloppw, Broom Maau!
faciurer), Mrs. Eilaabeth Uarriaon, p. Q. King,
Georg. ,K WillUn. Los."h. E?Mlller, A. ).
Miller, Mis. Mary .Marten, Eilaabeth Moore,
Mra. Rebecca Maria, L. Northrop, J. B. Mo
Qusitlon, SmUb Jary,. Peter Hnyder, J. S.
der, Joseph Snyder, Rev. A. 8. Tbroue, f'
E.' Updegrove, Miss Adallo Wi"
Zlegler. t .
. fit:-"'
Com na Bleated,
SonnuRt, Feb. 187d.
Frintd WilmH i-My atMitlAfl baa been called
to a very unjust and Incorrect statement, made
by bme o who dealgnedly mtsrwprwnted tbe
facta In the , forth la th Aawrttt of last
week. It la In reference to tne cate of tin- Com
monwealth vs; Tha Danville, Haaltnondt Wilkes
barr Railroad Company.' This Company was
Indicted in our Court ubnnt a year ago fbr nul- j
dance, In occupying a pnblie road tn Rush town
ship, around the Barrow, oppnlaite Danville,
without giving th people a new road In plnce of
It, which would prove a good and accept hi U
them a the old one. For this they were Indicted,
nd the Court of Northumberland County sus
tained the Indictment, ennsiderlng It quite sensi
ble that the Railroad Company should erect for
the people a new road at once In place of the one
they took poeteselon of. The writer In the Oa
rWU would lead the public tn believe by his state
ment that the Court declared a railroad a nui
sance. The Court did no such thing. It held
the view that the Railroad should hare bul.t a
new road at one for public travel, convenient
and acceptable, and beennse,they did not, for
this they were indicted. Mr. Conily held tbe
lame view, and directed the Indictment. No one
would pretend to say Hint railroads Iu themselves
are nuisauce, but they may do things which are
aa grossly Wrong as Individuals. B.
' Editor' Table. :- r
"Old Fort DpqfKsr," HT.B.--A Thrilling
and Exciting Historical Tnle.beautifitny Illustra
ted, and culled "Old Fort Duqucsne," will be
commenced tu March Number of the "Prort.B'B
MaRTlur" of Pittsburg, the only II lut rated pn
per of any size and pretensions ontsldo of New
Tork. All have heard of this old French fort ni
Pittsburgh, and the bloody con II lets about It t the
defeat of Braddock nnd Gmnt ; its cuptura by
General Forbes , The dreadful Indian frontier
warfare , the celebrated clilers both White nnd
Red, engaged, and ether Incidents nf absorbing
Interests to Westeren Pennsylvania, Ohio and
Virginia.. The very Urge circulation and popu
larity of this pure, bright, and attractive Month
ly should convince all of its merit, but if any
doubt, they can have a three mouths trial of it,
for only !i5 cts. - Yearly price, (1.50 iu mlmru-e.
Examine the wonderfiilly-liliernl premium list.
Lu t agent wanted oa tig tommlmion Iu every lo
cality. Address, '.'People's Mosthi.t," Pats
burg, Pa. '
Trial Lint Tor the Week f oiunicuc
Ins; Monday, March l)(h, 1872.
Mario! Trciri), by herinext frieud, Ferdinand
Piper v E S Trego.
Heniy I John ve The County of
W H Periug v. Wciser and Frlik.
Daniel Sley ts tame.
Jacob Shall vs same.
Solomon Hummel vs same. '
The Henry Clay Conl Company v Grant Bro.
Fiederlck Strader vs Joseph Johnson.
Frederick Struder vt Duniel Beckley, Sheriff.
Nathan Loudenslagcr vt Joseph Deppcn.
Edward Bo in ford vt Graber Kcinpul.
J D DlctTcndulfcr vt George Relgler, owner or rc-
. putid owner, aud P II Koer, contractor.
Daniel Meognt et al vs II D Moycr.
Herman Snyder vs Johc II Cnuriid.
Catharine Reed ct al vs The Cutawissa R RCo.
Reuben Kline nud wife vs Isaac May et al.
Johu Fisher vs A A Helm & an.
Same vs Isaac May et al.
Post. Smith 4 Co. vs Hammer & Co.
George Troxel et al vs Duniel Buckly, Sheriff.
John Vought, Endorsee va Isaac J Sober.
Robert Graham va 8 P Wolverton, Administrator
of II Bellas, deceased.
8 I 8lftymakr uoc v Jeremiah Savldge.
Peter Dunkle vs H E tjbullcuHcrgt-r.
F Zimmerman ct al vs V Klusc.
F Zimmerman et al vs Daulel W Sanipsel.
Wiu I Greenough vt The Fulton Coal Company,
Tbe Excelsior Coal Mining Company, The En
terprise Coal Company, John 13 lo ul 4 John
H Gable.
Win Milchcl vt Wui 8 Snydtr.
Sain vs Mury C Snyder. 'j
Auron Reber vs John Krock.
for Week l'immendag Monday,
March 25, 1872. 1
Samuel II Bush, C J Miller and James M Trexler
vs John M Bartholomew.
Nagle & Owens vs Z P Boyer.
Ellas Persun vs Armstrong & Artman.
Ellas IVrsuu vs J P Armstrong.
John Willis, Endorsee vs William Reagan.
Adjim Daulel va Emanuel Klinger aud E Bach.
David Ilaimau va Albert B Putinuo
George Welker vs The N C Railway Co.
Eilzauutb Gcurhart vs Tho D 11 A W E 11 Com
pany. Joseph Alber vs John Umlor.
Christian Frankhauser vs Addison Ilarier.
Clinger & Co vs John W Buyder, contractor, and
Locust Mt Coal Co, owners.
William M Carins vs Wm and Samuel Russet.
William Rots vs Edward Kline.
Thomas Forbes vs John B Douty.
Laviua Waltimui vs JohaaMcCleery.
Samuel C Drynon vs The School Dlscrtort of
Delaware township.
A J Stroll vs Thomas McGow.
Mayer & Morgan vs Joseph Vnnkhk.
Jervuiian Malick vs D D t D llastiau. .
Charles Hoover vs Albert Bower.
Cbarlea Bright Vi Samuel Kyle.
Peter Guarluirt et al vs D H & W R R Co.
Thomas R Hall vs Johu P Summers.
Levi Bnlllett's use va B K llnag.
Jol.n Tresslrr vs John Rain pel -Benjamin
Thomas and wife vs David Hetser and
Henry Harvey. "
Benjamin Wetiel ve Nathan Hnai.
Jereuitah Wlliver vt Robert Datesman. -
Solomon Ressler vt The Directors of the Toor of
the Borough of Ehainokiu and Coal twp.
For Week Coiuiucuciug Monday,
April, 1, 172.
David McNMght vt Richard Richardson wltbuo-
tice to Henry Fry et al Tere Tenants.
Henry Baylor et al vs Andrew M Kastwlck et al
Henry Savior vs same.
William F Reynolds et nl vs Jacob Wolf.
Reuben Kline and wife vs John B Douty.
John Fisher vs same.
Alice E Brown, Administratrix, vs J W Cuke.
Mugdnleua Grunt ct al vt Tbe Big Mouutaia Im
provement Company et al.
Same vs same. i
L J Wright et al vs Amelia Kiehl.
11 P Stlchter vs Thomas Wllsou el al.
Executor of Joseph Warner, deceased, vs J B
Maaser, & an
John fahnrsiock vs Tbadeus Shannon.
Same vs Stoeiuan and filianiiou.
John A Lloyd vs John Uenjaiulu.
J K Saubnurn vs The Sunbuiy Lumber Co.
Andrew J Htroh vs Thomas U Cooper.
Daniel Heib vs Isaac Ri buck.
Kiasman it Gundaker va Griencr A Blttner.
Marr E llarr va George Burns. ' ' .
Joseph Vankirk v The Pcun'a R R Company.
Boyd A Clay burger t Th Buruaid Coal uud
- Iron Compauy. -a. .'
Jokupb Cou i ad, use va The Lycoming County
Mutual Insurance Company.
Onm of Penn'a va Simon bides, Couductor aud
Engineer on P A E R R.
J K Dunkle va reter 3 Duukle.
James Sanders vt Henry Frlck. v
Johu Tressler, Adiniulslrator of James Dnnlel,
deceased, vs Joseph Kiii ' '
V ill la in Rebuck V "
F H ""r vt Geo
at the Exeels
ket tquure. L
meu't Shoes,
and Shoes of eve
Tuo. G. Nott a.,
convinced of tbe fact ta.
merchant tailoring It carried t,.
American Office, oa Third strtet. i
made up which iu regard to neatness,
and cheapness, cannot be equalled in S.
A Fact wort b remembering, that Wlm.
gtHxIs lower than the lowest. Hi stock of Dru
Goods Iu Silks, Merinos, Kmprea cltHh, Sattius,
Plaids, Ac, Ac, are complete. : Velvets and
Velveteens 25 per ceut lower than former prices.
Waterproofs of the luteal stylos and best make.
Ladles' Children! aud Gents' Furs. His assort
ment of Shawls, embraelug all the leading stylus
In th markets, which ha offers at rxtsamely low
price. Call aud be convinced that Welmer'a
popular Cash Store Is the plnce to teeure bar
gaiut. His t lock of goods U ni" ' tarpassed
by any tn quantity, qualHfctontV ia .ro0.
bl. to .how good - 'a D V.
a- .X
How to get money la th. great desire of all. A
really good and serviceable Sewing Machine that
will make anoary far yaa, t betp yoa to av it.
Will be sent to your own home on Trial of 80
days, no mutter where fti may be, and yon can
pat for It In small monthly Installments, by
writing tn the American Machine Co., cor. John
r.nd Nassim htrai-t, New York , or yon can have
a Cotn'y Right fn-e, nt ngent, and make money
fast,- We advM ainart men to secure the busi
ness, as nothing pnya better than the agency for
a good Sewing Machine; Write nt oncn.
. Special IMIccs.
A Handsome Moustache).
Pmr. Bt. Croix's French Com'-'
pound, the (treat Hnlr Glower,
will produce a luxuricnt Mou
stache or Whisker on the
smoothest, face. Pleasant to
nse. Sent to any address on
receipt orFlfiv Cents.
H. T. BOND, Chemist.
Tenth and Chestnut Sis., Phils,
N. E. Cnr.
Feb. 17, 1873.
On Marrlafce. Essays for Young Men, on
Great Social Evils and Abuses, which Interfere
will. Marriage, and ruin tbe happiness nf thou
sands, wlih sure means of relief for the Erring
and Unfortunate, deceased and debilitated. Sent
In sealed loiter nvelope, free of charge.
Address, Howard Association, No. 2, South
Ninth St., Philadelphia, Pa.
S.-2 g
-5 Ji -9
5" - 5
I n -
c 5
a -
fc. -
6- i" 2
a s s - s
3 it a - K
t S3 .f?-
- a
- "2
M tt v
c a t d "
- .5
: s i v
B St
S w rfj o
The Rev. William II. Norton, while residing
In Braril ns a missionary, discovered In that
land of medicines n remedy for CoNsrMPTioN,
Kchofula, Sokii Tiiiiot, CorfiiiK, (.',
Athva, axd Nbuvot'b Weakness. Tills rem
edy ha cured myself after all other medicines
liHd failed.
Wishing to benefit the s'.ifTerlng. I will send
the recipe for preparing and uslnir this remedy to
all who desire It t REK OF CH AK( K.
Please tend an envelope, with your name and
address on it. Address,
67U Kiioadwat,
Oet. 141871. ly. New Yona Citt,
On the llk'n ihsl ., nt till reshlcnce of Aiuui tus
Wald, Georgetown, this county, by I'.ev. Mr.
Early, Mr. Cbaws Et Kttxhmvn and Mist
nanniiA c. lit i Mioi.'KEH, ol Lower Mahaniiy.
i alls.
In this i.latfl. on the ISth Inst.. ROBERT
SLOAN, cL1l.1 son of Wm. C. and Mary Yoaug,
ngej 8 years, 3 ninuths nnd li' d.iyt.
Nuubury ;rulu V Produce .Market.
coaaacTED wr.UKi.r ny un.E t KUiNonn.
Gbaih Choice White Wheat
Heat Amber, Wiutcr ,.
Oats, (3a lbs.)
Uest Amber, Wiutcr, per sack
" " " " banel...
Corn Mral, pet cwt.,
Pennsylvania Roll
Eao Pel dozen 60
...1 M
...1 00
...a on
....8 an I
1 0
Meats Dried lier-f, jei lb
Smoked Muttou
I.akd per Ih.
Fisn Suit White Fish, jht lb
" Trout
Cod "
VnoiiTiiiLKS Turnips, per bushel....
Potatoes " "
Onions " "
Ream, " quart
Hominy, '
DniRD Fki'Its Dried Apples, per lb.
" Peaches. " .
ifteto bbcrtisciiuntci.
400 Acres of Timber Lane!
X a mile from the Sunbury l.ewislown I!. R.
1U0 acres of which is tluu While Oak, balance
Rock Oak. This is one nf the best pieces of lim
ber on th line of this Railroad. Irlc per
AT, 921. For particulars inquire at this
Feb. , 18T3.-4t.
A Valuable House and Lot
for Sale.
rrWIE undersigned offer at private sale, hlf
Lot, with all the necessary (unbuilding, situate
on the Southenst corner of Walnut and Third
streets, Sunbnry. Pa. The house Is nearly lie"
aud well finished and oontnins nine rooms, a
good cellar, !tc. It is well calculated for a resi
dence, and would be an admirable busiucss stand
for a store or hotel. This property will be told
at a reasonable price.
For terms, &c, applv to
Sunbury, Jan. 27, lSTC.-tf.
ivsiraxct: fo.niAxv.
INSURE with a responsible and perfect'" reli
able Company. Insure where y"
will he paid promptly.
-"-- " "rol
To Debilitated I'eraona, lTi t
To Dyapeptica,
To .Stilliirera from Ucr Com plaint,
To thoso Imvitig no Appetite, "
To.tlioso with Jlruktn Down Cotmtlln
ton,' ' " ' ' '
To Norvous Tropin,
To Chiltlrpn Wnatinft Away,
oany with lh-billtntetl Di'i'Stive Orana,
Of tufffrinq'VCUh any of tht fotloving
i mptomt, ipliich indicate JMorikred Livtr
tHomach, i
' ' eurli at Core
stipittlnn, Inward
Piles, Fnllness or
Blond to the Head, Acll
Ity of the Stomach, Nansa,
. tlitmrn, I)lsgnt fur Food,
Fill!nt" Weight in the Stom
ach, So'ir I!.ructiillnr.f, Sinking or
Fluttering at th Pit of tho fctom
ach, Swimming of thd Head, Hur
ried nnd Difficult Breathing, Flutter
ing at the Heart, Choking or PtiiT''cnt
Ing Sensations, when In a Lying Posture-,
Dimness of Vision, Dots or Webs before the
Sight, Fever and Dull Pain In the Head, Deficien
cy of Perspiration, Yellowness of the. Skin
and Eyes, Pain in the Sid, Back, Chest,
Limbs, itc.,1 Sndd"n Unities of Heat,
Burning In the Fleh Coistanl Im
aginings of Evil, nnd Great De
pression of Spirits.
Ilooflantl's German Hitlers.
A Hitters without Alcohol cr Spirits of any kind.
Is different from all others. It Is composed of
the pure Juices, or Vital PittNCti't.E or Moots,
Hr.iint and Baiixs, (or as medicinally termed F.x
tracts,) the worthless or inert portions of the In
gredients not being used. Therefore In one bot
tle of this Bitters there Is contained nsinnch me
dical virtue as will be round in several gallons of
ordinary mixtures. The Hoots, ftc, used in this
lilt lei s are grown In Germany, their vital princi
ples extracted In thut country hya scientific Che
mist, and forwarded to the manufactory In this
city, where thoy are compounded nnd bottled.
Containing no splr.tnolia lugrediculr, this Kittcia
Is free from the objections tirircd pgahist nil oth
ers: no desire for rti'.iu'.ants can lie induced
from their use ; they cannot make drunkards,
and cannot, uuder any tircuiusiuncca, have any
but a beneficial effect.
Was compounded foi those not inclined to ex
treme bitters, nn 1 Is Intended for use in cases
when smne alcoholic stimulant is required In eo
ncetlon with the tonic properties of tha Hit h i s.
Eneh bottle of the Tonic contains one hot lie of
the Hitters, combined with puree SANTA CRCZ
HUM, and flavored in such a nmnni'r that tin cx
I treme bitterness of the hitlers Is overcome, fcni
I lug a preparation highly agreeable and pleasant
' to the p.ilate, nnd containing the medicinal vlr-
I tliM nf Oia niOrri - Thr. t.i-lfi. nr Mir. Trunin U fit
SO per Hnttle, which ninny persona think too
high. They must take into consideration that
the stimulant used Is guaranteed, tn be of a pure
quality. A poor article could he furnished at a
cheaper pTlce, hut is it not better to pay n llitle
moro nnd have n good article I A medicinal pre
paration should contain none but the bust ingre
dients ; nnd they who expert to obtain a cheap
compound, and be benefitted by It will most cer
tainly be cheated.
Hooflaud't (icrmmi F-ittorw, or
LAND'S rudoplijllin 1MII,
wtll on. vom. Thev are tho Greatest
Bl.OOD rURIFIERS known to the Medina
world, nnd will eradicate diseases arising from
Impure blood, Debility of the Disgestive Organs,
or Diseased Elver, In a shorter time than uny
oiner kuuwu
Wifo W0VU ask ror. srono liii;Nir;r.! and I
SrfloSora TcTi.MONT ! I
Hon. OsonoE W. Wo iiiwjnn, formerly Chle," f
Justice of the Supreme Court of Pennsylvania, j
at present .Member of Congress from Peuusyl- J
vania writes i i
PiiiLici.pniA, March iClli, ISOi.
I !lud "Honflaud's Cci man Bitters" is a good j
tonic, useful in diseases of th? digestive or;;atis, j
nnd of groat benefit in cases of debility, and j
want of iktvous acll. in lii.the svstem. Yours, i
truly, 1EO. .V. WilODWAt.1). j
IIou. James Tuours orr, Chi cf Justice of the Su-!
premo Court of Pennsylvania.
Puh.aiiki.fiua, April 2S, 1SG7.
I consider ''Hooflnnd's German Hitlers'' a val-
uuble medicine in rase nf attacks nt ludigi-stlon
or Dyspepsia. I can certify tL'.s from niy exp- ;
nence of it.
Hon. (ir.oRou Siiakswooo, Justice of the
preine Court of Pennsylvania.
Puu.AtiEi.rniA, June 1, I8u8.
I hnve f.intid by experience that "Hooflnnd's
German Bitters' Is a vty good tonic, relieving
dyspeptic sjinptouis almost dirertlv.
Hon. li'm. I'. Iiomrt, Mayor of tliu City of Buf- i
fuio, s. y.
Mayor's OKlee, Rurfalo, Jane 02, 1HC0.
I have used "IliKfland's German Bitters nnd
Tonic"' in my family during t'.iu past year, and j
can recommend tin in as an excellent toulc, i in - j
parting tone and vigor to the system. Their use i
lint been productive of dccidedlv beneficial cf- ;
feels. WM. F, ROGERS.
Hon. Janui if. Wood, Ex-Mayor of Williams-
port, rn.
I take
:o great pleasure lu recommending "Hoof-
innu s oeiiiiau I outc " to any one who may tic
afflicted with Dyspepsia. I had the Dyspepsia
so b ully it wus Impossible to keep any food on
my stomach, and 1 became n weak ns not lo be
able to walk ball' a mile. Two bottles clfceto l a
perfect cure. JAMES M. WOOD.
Will Cure every disc of
or Wasting away of the Body.
Are 'the mtJ.ic'.iict you require to p- '
Blood, exiile the torpid LIveV lo her'
aud to euuble you M -ri--hardships
ur cx or-ur
o iVi i i aIvTTo vht it k i.r", T
riIlE nnderslgned. Administrators of the F.t
X. fate rjf Dav.d Gotfshall, loteof Pnnbnry. bo
rough, deeeastH, will nfler nt Public 8l. on the
premise, oo fiATUKDAT, FEHKUAUT tfl(
1872, at ten o'clcxik, A. M., of ald day, all lhal
curtain bouse a.-d lot of ground, sltnate on north
Fourth street, In ;he boronrh of Bnnhti y, con
ly of NorthnniMfltdd, and Stat nf Pennsylva
nia, hounded on the north try an alley and nn the
east by a rtrwm l'own by the name of Out, and
on Hie south by lot of Valentine IHots. and on th
wut by Foui th atroe4, containing forty feet In
front on Fourth street, and about one hundred
and fifty feet duep, whereon la ercctesf a two sto
ry frame honso iftid kitchen, a good stable and
other Improvements. Also a Lot of Ground sit
nnte In I-owor Augusta township, about two
mlleacnsl of Siiiibury, adjoining land of Henry
Kulp, nnd Henry Fassold, enjoining abont one
acre uud a half, whereon Is ei acted a one story
aud a half Log Dwelling House, Stable and
wheelwright shop, and other outbuildings, some
very choice fi nit lre,&c. Also, nt the some
time and place, tha following personnl proper
ly, to wilt Five Bedsteads nnd Bedding, two
Clo"ks, Clc'heshorse, three Tables, two Cop
boards, lo Sinks, three Stoves, (one rooking
stove, and two ;arlor stoves) a lot of Carpets,
one sett cuiu bottomed Chairs, two rocking
Chairs, ono Hurcnn, a lot of carpenter foots, ens
Cow, one heller, n lot of Pork, Chest, a lot of
Tinware, Queenswnrc, n loi of Pickles, tic, on
Grindstone, and other articles too numerous to
Terms of sale will be made known on the day
of (r!o by IIENKY siOTSUALL, Alm'r.
Jambs L. Pahks, Auctioneer.
j tij
MOIII' HOXEY run b( made canvassing
for th "Young People's Helper," a dollar
magazine for young folks, than with, any otlr
enterprise In the country. A mngnillceut FrnnjC
Chrojno given to every subscriber. Boys and
girls do as wo. I as men Rtid women. Suud for
particular to K. fi. PiCIl A CO.,
t Dont TViity! 1 Portland, Ma
Jan. 13, lH.i.-tt.
late of the Dnrounh nf Xortltumlerlnnd, dce'il.
"VJ'OTICF. Is hereby given that letters testamcn
.Al tarv have bceu granted to the undersigned
I on the ctnto of Henry Wcnck, latent' ihe lior.
ough or .Noi'thumbei'land, oithuiuberlaiid Co.
Pa!, deceased. All persons knowing thetnselvet
Indebted to said estate nrc requested to mnkolm
medswlc payment and those having claims topro
sent tlietn duly authenticated for settlement.
Norlhun.beiland, Jan. 27, 1S73. Ct.
Dauviltr, Ilazlctoii & VllkCNbnrro
v It all ICoad.
Kuubury, (1 0 n in
Danville, 7 02 "
Cattaw'n, 7 Ss "
ilarltton, Wi "
N. Tork, 6 00am
I'.iston, P 25 '
l'hil'n, K HO "
lMhlu'iu 10 (.5 "
nctli'.e'm 12 10 p in j
Phil'n, 'i IS " ;
Ilazleton, 1 00 p m
Cattnw'a, !i 40 "
Danville, 3 20 "
Biinburv, 3 57 "
N. York, 3 'oi
The afternoon train connects nt Sunuhuiy with
the Philadelphia & Eric, 4 B5 p. in., train goinsr
west, arriving at Williumsjiort 6 30 nnd Lock
Il ivcn 7 55 p. in., and with the Northern Cen
tral 4 50 p. in-, moving south arriving at Ilurrla
burg7 t0 p. in., nnd lialtiniore 10 4'i p. in., aud
also with the Sunbury Lrwistown R. R.
C.jinroitaVic uud iiutiUsotac coaches on thla
nsw route.
I hrl
w 03 f
C5 tvi
PI t)ri
-5 Ul
'J -4
- h
r I IS raa-
O i. c3