-v, 4 SUNnURY, FEBRUARY 8, 1872. i-HaiiPOd TlmeTBblM. N. C. R. W. E8T. P. E. B- R. Wkrt. Buffalo Ex I've 12:90 a m, Erlo Mall, Pv 1:00 a m Erlo " " 0:20 ' Aecom. ." 0:15 " Klm1rnMi11 " 11:05 " Nlngara Ex " 13:40 p m Niagara Ex." 4:40 r m ElmirnMall " 4:85"' .. "" ' (Erlo Ex. " 0:50 ' t. lUMOKIff BIVWIOX H. 0. n. W. LKAVB - ARKIVn Sunbury at : 11:50 a ra At Bunbury 9:55 n m " 4:40 p m ." . 4:00 p m . ' ' -O.JI. A W. II. K. Leave Bnnbury 0:20 n. in. Arrlvc nt 3.35 p. m BUNBURY A LFAVISTOWN R. Kr LE.IVB I ' AWHIVB Sunbury nt 0:30 n. m. At Puiibury 8:35 a. m. ' "11:I0ii. m. " " 10:45 a. m. Accident Infmrnnce Tickets can bo bud of J. Phlpmnn, Ticket Agent nltlio Depot. focal ffairs. Simvino Machines.--Miss Cnrollno Dnllusis tlio iiictit for the snlo of tho best Sewing Machines In existence, vis i "Tho Improved Bhigcr," "Grovcr A Baker," "Howe," ond "Doincetic,' which nro constantly on hand nnd soli at rea sonable price. She Is nlso ngent for the cele brated Frautx and Pope Knitting Machine. Cull and sec them. OlH:c on Market street, cast of the railroad. Tub books of N. Ferreo Llghlncr havo been left with A. X. Brice, Justice of the Pcace.for col lection. Parties Indebted, will please call nnd make settlement, and savo costs. J20-St Fine Bradford County Buckwheat Flour, Prime Sugar Cured Hams, Dried Beef, just received and for sale nt J. G. Trimble's Grocery, In Bright' building. Sr. Vai.i;ntiSc day comus on tho 14th lnet. AVk refer our readers to the advertisement, In mother column, for the sale of valuable timber land In Snyder county. Tin: first annual Hop nt the City Hotel, lately erected by K. T. Prumhcller, took place on Thursday evening last. A number of Invited guests were pic-cni, from our neighboring towns. , A general good feeling and enjoyment prevailed I during tint entire evening. Tho Insurance of the i PfNCTWAI. I'AVMKNr. l.vcoming Company on tho stablo of Martin Walls, in Cakctovrn, which was consumed by lire o:i the 10th of December last, was paid this week by Messrs. Dorr & Sblpmau, agents, nt this place. Tut! 'mill propeity of Messrs. C. F. Haas A Brother, adverti-cj in this paper a few weeks ago, has been sold to Joseph .crllng, for the sum nr eii.utvj. . A TM'NT1'N was m ido to the Rev. G. J. Bur ton, pastor of the hpi.-copal church, nt (his place, on Tuesduv evening of l.,st week, by the mem- ; her, of Ulcongr nation. ' . , ! A I the lac. tinu' of lie Directors of the Sunbury ' Mutual Saving Fund and Building Association, i held on Monday evening last, I'.in'l Wilvcrt was ! u-elcctcd Prcilder.t of the Association for the ensuing year. Wklcomi: VisiTnit. l-at week Brother Bruce of the Wyoming Jutifnul, lit I'iitston, and Brother r.s.i.i: v of the Danville Amei-iiiu, paid n visit to our sanct im, on their way to attend the Edi torial Convention at llari'liiirg. They are both tool jovial fellow- puhii-!i able, reliable l!e puh'iean j:ini:ils, wi'liling :i largo Influence, uud show evidences of prosprty. Oi'i: County Treasurer, Mr. A. Cudwulluder, will be at his oiliee to attend to bu-iness on Mon days, Wednesdays and Fiidays of each week, mi l dining the lio'.diug of Courts, will remain j l!ic:e all the time. j Wk stated In our la-t i-sue that the Pennsylva- j iila Centra' II. II. Coin 'any had leased the D. H j ..x. W. II. I!. t in v then we have inquired of one J of the oilieers of the latter load, who says that ! it is incorrect, but that negotiations arc pending I which no doubt ultimately will place the road un.l -r the control of the Pennsylvania Kai'.road j Company. I Os lut Fri lay evening an excursion train over 1 the D. II. .t.W. K. U., brought some twenty i couple of the prominent cit'xeus of Danville, ac companied by Prof. Ptoc" String Baud, to tlio' Centra! Uotul, at tu.s, aec, n here a siiniptiiou B'-ippor wa i in waiting. .Olir partahiug ol the good things provided by mine host nml hostess, tho party joined in "tripping tho liiiiit fantastic too" until thu '-M'- e snia hoars of tho uiorn," when they return. -J lioni 'iv.ir Is. Tur. proprietor of the Clement House, at this place, are establishing a splendid reputation for liicuise'.vej, by their good neeoiniiiodatious and courtesy to their guests. Messrs. Tuft ik Do luncy are experienced landlords, who appear to kno.v tho wants of the people Tho Clement House is kcjil open day and night for the nc comodat'.on of traveler who arrive and depart by the different trains. This house Is kept up lu good stylo. Everything looks, neat and clean, and everybody 6 treated lu tho most polite nnd courteous manner. Oi tt neighbors of SclinsgroVo appear to delight In the cancelling business. Week before lust the eiitor of the Timet caruc uear having his ciauiuin cancelled, and lust week Col. Simpson, we notice was cancelled in a Director of the-Snyder County Bank, nt that place. This all originates from building the S.iuhury mnl Lert istown rullroiul through that town. AtiKESTEI). W. P. Heaver mid John Bailey, of Snyder County, were brought before U. 8. Com missioner L. T. Rohrbnch, on '1 ucsday lat by Detective Gossier for selling li.juor without go vcrouiettt license, and wore bound over in the sum of J500 each for their nppearauce .at the U. 8. Court. We learn that aix excursion party, numbering sonio seventy persoua from this pluce, intend visiting our neighbor of Ltwlsiowi, u Tbur- , . day, the 8th iust. .The party will stun at thi . i - place. In the luorning In on cxcit'.slou truln over tho Sunbury & Lewistown Bailroud, aud return tho next day. Tlio fare hn U-on reduced to half rate lo till who deiro to Join the excursionists. The party will be tho largem ever left till place at ouu time and it composed of umrly ul tho principal business men of tho town, aud will be accompanied by the Sunbury Orchestra, A general good tlmo may bo expected. i List of Letters reinululug II the Sunbury Post Oflloc, January Si, llTJi , Jolia Brelaud, John L. Burrow, John A. Bonghor, Em., Miss Sarah Bonn, M. 1. Bostlur., i Messrs. Lov, lliekford ti: Co., Mrs. Lizzie Clark, Mr. C. VV. Met arty, ('.. W. MfsCurty, Mis Einina McClay, John Clark, James Flnuegitn, C. P. Furncr, John Oiiling. r, J. (E'llotecn, Isaac Hummer, Mrs. Susan Holt, Win. C. Hickman, Kobcrt llereord, Z. B. Kdl.ir, Jatne E. Knew, (i2). N. S. Loiigiicekcr, M. D. Leheher, Sumuul Lcwen, lit-orge Moore, ('J), Isaac Miller, Mis M. Mlnler, itciiinln On, James Pleasants, Mr. M;ir:iith'Ra, J. A. Ke. d, Charle Kw-ke-fuller, Mi Maiy Simpson, (id),' A. Bj-nnholti, Mr. Anna Snyder, Daniel II. Sehlcirnl, Jacob L. . bhull. Win. L.' Scliiinor, MUs Annit Snyder, : J.uuibert hnydor, 1. P. tiiy.lirr, Sanniel Bnyder, Chariot Suyktr, ilit liuniuih tsehun-leer, Ira T. Snyder, (. buries 1. White, Will W. Wallace, Jo. "A'allnee, (ico. W. V'olgor, hleplu-u WlUoq, (3), Jcd-i; tVi-rt 1 ir-'.,,'J v-l t-'JU'H. P. M. i 'Obkbrtkh,'' the correspondent of the Milton ton, give the following good bit on the present system of Provisional Certificate to tenchcrs of our Common school t , This Rystrtn of Provisional Certificates, a now existing, is perhaps bad enough ; but who Is to blame! I the county Superintendent, or the teacher t It Is neither. The Superintendent mnst grant Certificates to those who) apply, and of the number who come for examination there are not enough to fill tho rooms In tho district. If the applicant I a youuir man who I strug gling np to something blither, who carl blnmc hlt for filling Op the hitcrirg, ns a teacher, be tween the period of his dreurea nfterhlgh purpo ses mid their realisation 1 Or who can blame a moderately Intolllgcut young woman, aspiring after moro knowledge or perhaps for a compan ion, for seeking and accepting a position ns' tcuchcr, nlthough thore miirht be other far more competent I I would tlurt "Jie question. Would not very many of these young men and women both make teaching a life profession If they were better ftnidl )Hi uot many teacher make the matter of teaching n sort of jack In the pinch, until the same talents and the sauio energies will meet with better compensation in other Holds f Who then Is to blame 1 Is it not ccitnli Jy the people first and then tho School Directors f In the llrst place too much IndUI'dcnco Is displayed In the matter of education by parents and voters. Too many parents allow their children to do pretty much as they please, and ns voters they with 'others allow some of the greatest blockheads In the community to bo elected as School Direc tors. And thus a set of Incompetent men, some of whom do not know bow many primary rules there are In arithmetic or how many parts of speech In Grammar, arc put into office to regu bitc the machinery of the Common School Sys tem. I h.ivo known Directors who could not read nor write, and sonio who never visited the , schools, and others who could not attend to tho detail or the ejenool District and Its wnurs lor a press of their own personal business. This is criiiiinul. It Is a winking at lor.s of lime, loss of I money, and works discredit to the ommon School System. A thing so noble as education ought to havo enlisted In Its inatiniA'nicnt the bet bruins of tho community end if necessary to the end it ought to be pnid. Unless tho peo ple arouse from their apathy, and take more In terest in the progress of (because of education j unless the voters seo to it that tlio very hc-t men are elected ns Director i ami unless tlieso Di rectors are instant In season and out season In I looking niter the waul! of the schools, this state ) of tilings will continue, and poor touchers will , still bu employed nt small s aiaiies, tvhilo the people and the Directors will bo to blame. Ahveutisinu Fiiii.u: Sai.i:s. In some of the, neighboring counties. In looking over the leading newspapers of thoe localities, wo find them till ing nn entire page with sales of personal proper ty, or farm stock, to bo eotd tho coming spring. In Northumberland county this kind of enter- pi'Lc Is not practiced to to large an extent. The i i advertisement in n largely circulated nowspapcr i like (he Ami::'ucan goes homo Into every Intelll-! gent family, where (hi husband, wife and chil- ilrcn may want Jour horso, cow. pigs, or perhaps j some other article that never would bo thought of otherwise by tho husband. Yo'il will then get j ! an extra bidder to your ulcs, who may pay more ' additional for a single article than the cost of advertising, and few such latere .tt-d customers j may get up a spirit of bidding t!i it may increase , your sale hundreds of dollars. These public I sales nre u thing of rare occurrence, with the farmer, perhaps once in a life time j it is, tliere 1 fore not so well understood ns some other part """"" 'M"-ncncc. In ":l h"' o must risk some; to realize largclj you must plow and put seed hi the ground before you can harvest. Tlio business man luut risk bis capltal.before he reaps h!s profits. When you maku Jiuhlio sales you must udvertise so that the entire community will sec and become ! In ..-,t , -il In iv..ryttlmt y.m .IIV.r f..r pale. 'i'hl!, j is the way to be successful and get good, prollta I bio bidders. juw ,.all in,,!;,. t., t,.n ! ciiu, it can make Tin; method of detecting thu ndulteration ofitlirec. I ntercit on money deter.ui.ie thu profits ground eoll'eo is stated to bo ns follows i if, on ' ol' capital or fixed wealth. opening the package, the contents arc caked, or I , M.'"!' I ''""i' . u-" Thvri ' "? ' 8 ' . , , , ., ' need lor a Hpeci.il basis. It tho government ! show a disposition to cake, chicory L present, j r1B,i '.sue currency bearing the simple statc- If, on adding u few drops of cold Water to a , ment of the ilenoniiuntioii, line Dollar, or what- I grain or two of tho sust ected artielc, becomes 1 eVt r 11 ""1''"t ",,d ",i:kl! ll,is lllu l"',fl o- ,, . , ,. .. . , , , , ,. , nej ol the country. It would cuuplv a perfect almost Immediately of n brown color, chicory is : Hrcuhiting me.liuni. We advocate the iv vnicnt j smvly contained In it. Further, nu lou?h:ng ' with a point of a needle tho particles which have ' been welted with water and spread out on a slip ! , , .,. : ol gaisi, it i-onie arc found winch me nun -assist- i lug, soft and yielding, Hie rample is adulterf.ted. ' Lastlv, Hi- presence of chicory is Immediately ! ... , ....,. ,-. ' ,.. ...... , ; the ce. Is, as soon tin Icr the microscope, in the case of codec tlio ce.lU being coherent nnd ntigit- lar, and in lh.it ( chicory rounded mid composed of smaller cells : the dill'eronoes arc so marked taut once seen they cut n ver bu forgotten. It is remarkable what a change. Is made in the price of groetrics since, J. 0. Trimble opened his line assort ment In Bright building, ilia stock is fresh from tho city market.', and told at the very lou-e-t cash prices. Every iirtielc l-.i the Orocerv line will be found at las store. lalitur's ThIiIp. Tub II'-mk or Washington. For nearly a quarter of a century past, Heiison J. Los.-imr. the artist-author if "Fi. Jd l'ook of tho licvo:i:ti'..ii.'' "IH-tory of the United fr.it. ," "'History of the Oval War.V ''Thu lUlson," eti.. lias been one of 1 he llln.l ililit i'i.t tt mt s ller-i'-st n 1 l iti.H..1'S ill I III,, rlxli II. .1,1 ..I' i,,,.ii , 1,1.1,,,,- II.,, I.,.. .L,.l - .s... w. ....... ....... j. - n time bo lias travelled mole than tliirty thoiisnud miles, extending to almost every poiitlm of the Ullblll. Ill nr. lei- lo lilellMl-e si., .elii a i.i tl it' vul-i. ' ous scenes and object a of hlsturio int-rc.-t ; lor it J ii his good fortune to bu cpialiy happy in the j use of pen and pencil. 1 Attractive unu iKipulfir thoti".h nil his workb . have be n, Mr. Lo.-siug's. hite.-t volume, is ju-tly 1 coiisiitcrcil the crowning sucee.-s of Ins life. It I title is as follows , ,n rill H.-Mt: OF ASII1N.ITON or, Mount ei-ne-: and its Associations, lliston ss, e i.i ,s ,iiM, .. mi Pictorial." It Un huIi- eal, Biographical an I scrij tiou book, being bold throii'-h agents entire- Iv. A copy now lies upon our tabic, fro:.i that i-nterpi'i.-'ng firm, Virtue A Y'crston, lu .V PJ.l Dcy St., New York. j IS moK' liiMiittii'iil book 1ms glii'M?i'.e'l our eyes for Jilany lilonths, t li t il this shapely .iiarto, i printed on su pel lino uud clegaiitly-liuled paper, I uud gotten up iu the highest style of the typogra- I phlc art. A stocl plate portruit, from tlio ce'e- : innled painting of Uilbert Stuart, and an i-ugrav- I iug of Mount Vernon, also un steel, einbc.lisli the front of the book, while tho text of thu wotk is ' illustrated with uo less tliau ono hundred and' forty-eight of Losslng'g charming pictures, a.-j nimile of interesting "tlSS., etc. Tlio binding ii . both elegant aud siibst.intiHl. I "Tho Homo of Washington"' Is undoubtedly i the most complete, satisfactory uud deliirlitful record ever prepared of the domestic and privatu lilo or "Uie t .it tier ot bit Country." r.vcry American is. of course, familiar with the (ien- i era), the StatcsniBB ami the President, but thi i work reveals to us the Man, In all thu dignity ud 11','ill"' "f ''U personal charact.-r. It aUo furnishes a great aaioutit ot fresh and lutercatlng lnftUor. ot uttaltiiible from any other source. iiiiuii-i, iii.i, ill 1,1 11IIIIIIO 11.1111 Hill j and is the only work extant ilcscrlb I condition, past and i-rescut, ol Mc rllilng runv inu omit Vernon. Many of tint Illustrations describe urtlcle rtf which the origlnat4 urc now lost to the world for ever swept ruthlessly nway by tho niurms of ci vil war. Tho publisher snnouuco a largo nnd rnploiy Ineieaslng circulation or thi ileligliuui voiunie. We nro not urprisef. nt this. Its national cha racter, the rcpulutinn of its urtisl author, and its low m ice, together with the unexcelled beauty of It execiuu, und iu' perfect wealth or Illustra tion, nreun utif.n)tPI t m.iko it one of the most popular, and rupun, soiling book of the ago. . Wo commend this "uouua.,,1,1 treasure" 10 the Attention of our renders, whethci k0u a genu or book buyer. VITttio 6i Yorston, the p.i,luu. crs, are a firm who publish only tlrst clues wurtte, and e.Ulp their se,lU lu "'P yvry b-'61 bt)'le- Bkaisaiiu' Musical Would, for Februnry, ia on our table. We notice oine new lciiluros in this ltsue. These are a Drumutlc col u inn, a very complete record of Music at home aud abroad, nnd an unusual amonut of picy origiual matter. Tlio editorial uiauiigeinfht of tlio World hn recently ebangtd, uud the uew editor keotu do ternilued to "sweep clean." The Music Oil mouth la, "loiomber the Poor," au appropriate song for thi riwoa of the year, and 'Hudiua bumiuor," revorie for the Piano t both good dud pleusiug. (1.00 year. B. Uruinard' kHiu', PubL.'jor, Cleveland, Ohio. Rei.iuion lb lb bust armor that mail h ive j hnt It is the worst cloak. Wl publish the following lecture at the re quest of tome' of our subscriber. The lecture embodle the principle of the Labor Un' jn par ty, and while some view taken by the lecturer are correct, there ara many which qwyl modifica tion before that party will bo able to mnko nny Impression upon tho minds" of tho people. Wo hn heretofore referred to ranch oftwhnt Is ob jectionable In their principle, which every one can readily ce are unreasonable, and not calcu lated to advance tho Interests of any party i Our free l.ct't ui-OH. -L,iibor II ' . 1'orui.",. . N'ouTiitMnntLAKD, Jununry 15, 187a. To the Editor of the A'mtHcan I . . The second lectnre nf our free course, at tho Old School It.itso Hall, was delivered on Tues day evening, January Uth, by N. F. Hi:hiick, M. 1). Editor of tho, l'miiiiylvniiian. Subject, '"The Labor Party and Its Principles. ' The following Is an Imperfect statement of some of tho leading Ideas: ; , "Anclonl governments, snld the lecturer, woro Instituted in the interests of privileged classes. Tho fundamental Idea of our governmont is the "greatest good to tho greatest numliur." The growth of tlio government should keep pare w ith tho grow th and development of the na tion, and perfectly adapt Itself to the wants of the people. If any class of persons feel their right. to be In any way abridged, it Iff heir right a well as their duty" M call for such nu uinend incut to the Constitution as shall secure to them equal right and frlvlhj-.ee With the re-l of their countrymen. We nro met by the eft repented Pry of "unconstitutional." Si out of these who nro toudcet in this cry, cannot repeat six lines of the Constitution ( many have pi ver even read it. Every citizen has a riirfit to un equal share In the administration of public nffiiir, ihercfhrc the ex ercise of tills power cannot be, from tho very im furo.oi inings, qonirary 10 me spun oi tnecoii stitutioii The labor party nsk for a better disti ibutloii of the products of industry. This we seek to ac complish, not by barricades mid riots not by uny violent mous'uros hut by appealing, In a le gill i Ay, to the tribunal of the people. All nuv ' : t that thero Is not a Just distribution of the fruits of labor. The wealth of the coun try Is a tilted fact. The centralization of wealth therefore, in n I'nvt hands, Uius tend to impover ish the great body of the people. Tie" . real wealth of a nation consists Inthoval- 1 lie of its production. Money has no intrinsic ! value. It is only useful for what it will buy. Its I real purpose is to luniisll u convenient medium of exchange. But because of its commercial I value the possession of a large amount of It gives mi Individual nn immense iiwcf over his fellow men. Who shall say that brain nod muscle nre " not the slaves of moneyed aristocracy. The working lueu arc the. glory of the nation, j To them belongs, in n great measure, the credit lor all material improvement. Labor, mil labor saving machines, h ive built the railroadt and canals, towns mm cities, bridged the rivers, Ac. If fanners, mechanic, miners, ,V:c., should re fuse to work, money would be of no value. If : no wheat was produced, all tho money in Wall street could not buy n bushel, yet w hat share of nil the profits does labor receive. ' The wants of the human race nro numberless, , nml there must be coutiuual production to sup ; ply them. A country does uot consume every thing it pro luces, nor produce everything it con . suuies. What may be advantageously produced i in one place, tuny" not hi In another, and vice j versa. There is therefoie, a continual inter change fif productions. Capital the great com mission house through which this exchange i is clf 'Cted. j The lecturer then gave a few figures, showing 'the cot of this Commission house to bo about ; I.!WH.(KKUHK annually, beyond the actual labor I of exchange. This is clear profit to capital. Sup ; po-o capital save. i;7" iO.O'j: ,(i.Ki of this to draw I interest. Since thu nitio of tlio hicreiiso of inte- re-t is net unllnnjlir.il ln.t gcomcti i.-.i, j nf ten per cei t iil ,i....ine in erven years. There o, nu., therefore, be at the end of that time, 4i0,tHKi,0(Ki, nt the end of seven years mom i!, , H.iO.OiHl.iluo, nntt 50 on. Labor must pay this in tere t. This drain on labor tends to prevent a . jllvl. dial rib. Hi. .... to in. Ike ICMllcll man neii- cr, mi l tlio oor man poorer. The labor party , propose to reduce tho rate of interest to three percent, and to do this through lsislation. If of the .V.M bonds in this curreiicv. to be made in- tcrchan'r'-able, nt the option ol the holder, with Kovcrn.uc ,t three per cent bonds. These bond would ib-t -rnnne the rate of Interest, as the 3-20 l)u () ,i1( n,,w Every tire, nb iek bear on the f.-cc of l( a false statement. It is u promise to pay to the hearer, one dollar, but if presented would It bo pail t It would be imiiied'hitelv protovicd. There ! U iu tho country about h),.k'.i'0U in (.old half of which is in Willi street. Iloiv can wo have liOO,f)uit,UlO of paper money on this. Ships, arc built on the Clvde, with money at 'Jb: to il per cetil. Our u'.ilp builders imist coui petowith them whore money hriinr six to ten per cent. '1 he result is our ships iii ili.-.H'j-c.il-i Tl t'loul tU2 PCCtlll. . ' If wc li.ul inoiicy at live per cent, we .thould need no taiill'e.eet for revenue. Till percent Interest con' 1 not cxl-t with flee trade. YYc are told that with tree trad. -I we could lint compete will, European pauper labor. But lie sieuiih our improved machinery ciL'bt day's labor are worth LJ dollar in this, country, or !i doliurs in F.iU'lnud. Ill ai1 liliga lo this ailvaiita'.'c we have a wide ocean between its. The labor paityndvo cates a coinpreliensive national policy, which stiall give to workiinr lueu a more ciiiiul clLinee, and cveiitt.ally bad In shorter hours of labor, nnd belt, i' tippi itiiiiiiie lor education. Wclire HM-titl-.l on all sliloii by ho press, both Uopnh'icun niid DeiiioiuAtic.' A e are iuUud why wo enter politics. We miswi r, beciusc Vi-inci-ple ate higherthail parties. H.s cither or these parties shown it.--clf woitliy tho suppoit of the people i The I'epuliliean party points til'iuiph iint! y to the iibolit ion nf slavery, and to the till ilf. They were forced into the former by the war. Tho latter is clearly in the interest of capital. Tho l'epiiblican party have dono many good things, but it Is far from perfect. The i. resent sy.-tem oi political economy is i:uuiln; up vast . i,..n""i iiiuii..,..,.iiD fct. ...i.i, v ii nav tut , iiii-.iti: (r , r,nn.Klu. -Mml V..ll,....l ...... 'I ..C ,.1. .P.... ..I. ,l.n.. ..I , ,,,,., ., ,..,51,.,,;,,,. Congress gave t hem enough ,)lM ,,u,i ...,,.. 1,t ,,,,,., i,....;,i.. '.i . ... ..... j i'i.-j.... ... .....,, , ,111111 1UI1I1 i and leave a large ntnnuiit of v u'.m.tj'.c laud HliU , iu their poe.-ea.-iou. A : Tim Pennsylvania Central, New Yolk Central ' nnd Eiie railroad.-, exercise more influence lo 1 day tliiiu thu government. The Syracuse Salt 1 Company is making millions of dollar mutually, from a lew acre ol land. This, wc are told, rc j fulls liouihc lav.uf itupply and ili-maiid-r Was j It supply nnd demand that made coal tlii pier ton ! In New Yolk hint u inter t 1 it siiiply and d lu. ni l that puis sueh a high taritf .oit suit as to i force the working man to pay-it hundred per j cent for it beyond (lie actual cost of production I : There are ccHaiii laws of mpply and demand, I mid it is our object to make the" ineiiialities ro 1 Milling fiom tlieiu as light us possible I Tho lecture yccin.1,4 uifUc uy.r ouu hour. J. Owxtucs of sleigh have not had tlu ojiporlu nlty to inako use of them this winter. UuiiiuCbtl NollCt-K, FnK Ur.ST. A bousu ami lot hi Market Street. Poitossinu a'lVeu Iniiutdiately. For further par llculiirsiuquiif ot this oltluo. As it was thought that W. II. Miller, of the Kucelslor Boof und Hhoe store je4qld Dover tell the large amount of Boots uud Shoe brought to tiU tore las fall, wo are happy to state that they arc ulinost .t,i out) am that Mr. Miller 1 replenishing tho to.v with the latest, style preparatory for tho sprlug t...,,. j0 oue cal, go aiAMd fit hi tii', W h k4 CTe.j -,vlc nuJ qunlity. : . . . i , ' MANT of tho lino oullo ..in do up by J. F. Schui fcr, opponite tbe Ccutral Hutul, are supposed to have couio from the '4y. 'Tiie fact i Mr. Sclmtler niako np" all 111 clothiug lu the latest ttyle out of tho; very bct onaterliJ. Kvcry one patroiib.lng UiU clublislimeot ls:ntUticd that gurmenU made by be ha Her will compare to any lu the State. Bv strict attention, to bueUiew, 'Cho. (L Noll ooutrol tlu) largest tailoring business lu Sun bury. All hi uU aitract attcuUim, and, are commented. upo'u,V''lUe' hct fjttlng clothing worn,, ITe, jiisep cxceljeijt good aud know how to make them up to plcmq the most fastidiou. Tim pliju4id atiortmtfit C fll kliW or Hat can aud t,'p at,Tt;iiuiit' WV,.W,H,1 10 strict 1 attention, which are nsi t Kaionable p(ces. A Pact Worth rcinetilbeTiiiir, that Welm. r sells good lower than tho lowest.'" His stock of Dress Good In Silks, Merinos, Empress clo.b, Sattlns, Plaids, Ac., Ac, are complete. Vclv.ts and Velveteen S'5 par cent lower than former prices. Waterproofs of the latest styles nnd best mak Ladles' Cfilldrcns nnd Gents" Furs. His'nssnrt inont of Shnwls, embracing all the lending styles In the markets, which ho olfers nt extremely low price. Call anil be convinced that Wclnicr' populnr Cusb Storo Is the place to secure bar gains. His stock of goods ItjJioI to bo surpassed by nny In quantity, quality, nr prlco. No trou ble to show goods. Having just returned from the New 1'oili mar kets, lie Is prepared toolfer extra Inducements to cnh btlver. ' 1 How to get money Is the great dciretif all. A really good nnd serviceable Sewing Machine that will niako money for you, or help you to siCvo It. Will bo ent to your own home on Trial of ill' days, no matter where you may be, nnd you can pay for It In small monthly Installments, by wilting to the American Machine Co., cor. John p.nrl Niissuu Street, New York i or yon Can have a County Right free, as agent, nnd make money fast. Wc advise smart men to secure the busi ness, ns nothing pay better Ih ui the agency for a good Sowing Machine. Write nt one) IH'cItt! NtiUces. On Itlnrrlnfre. Essay Tor l nun;; Men. on . Groat Social Evils and Abuses, which Interfere j with Marriage, mid ruin thu hapl inc -e of "tlioii- , sands, with sure means of relief for the Erring , and Unfortunate, deceased and d.billtated. f eat ' in scaled letter envelopes, fro- of charge. j Address, Onward Association, No. '!, t-'outh Ninth St., Philadelphia, Pa. : The CoiifoMioiiN of nil liivitii'l. ' j PUBLISHED a3 a warning ami for the hem-lit of yovnrj mei find oirs, who stiller from ' Nervous Debility, ivc, supplying the means of self-cure. I Written bv one who cured Iiimu-lf and sent C...... .... ..n..'.l. I.li. .1.1 Uii-.w....,l , mo i Address. " NATHANIEL M A Y FA 1 15. May '.'.), D;T1.-0iu. , Brook' V. TO Till! SI TIT.KIeSfi. The Rov. Wiliiam II. Norton, while in Brazil ns a ini--ionary, di-'-ovei.-. land of piedieines n reiui ly for O-N. sicuoi'fi.A, Sour: Tiiiioat, Coijoiis, residing in that ; mi-tiiin, I '(it Its. I Asthma, and Niuivnt s Wkakni ss. This rem- ; cdy has cured mvself after all other i.iedieincs had railed. Wi-hiug to btnelit tlio fullering. I will te:il the recipe for pr. 'paring nn.1 u-ing this remcil'eto all who desire It FPvKE OF CllAKl.E. Please send un envelope, with your name and nddrcss on it. Ad Ire--, Lev. WII.LI.:.H. NORTON, , GTU PillOAU'.VAV, Oct. UlSTl.ly. Ni:w Y'ouk Citv, i - CO . Z ... 3. 5 c m a o o EH - -s manes. On the 'JTth lilt., by B. M. Hithh, F.sip, Hr.NKV L. (it. it. ii. of .Johnstown, Pa., and Ra it. Binn, of Lower Mali inoy t own-hip, county. la thi place, on the "Tth of .l.inuarv, 1ST'.', CHABI.ES (iOSSLEK, a-jed (Jf. years, v! "months j mid 1'.' days. The deceased re-Mod In this vicinity from his childhood, nnd was highly esteemed by al! who knew him. Ho was a kind neighbor and un ex- ! cmplary citizen. A remarkable circumstance i-, that three of his brother- and one sister, all h ive t died on thu fame date, on the '.'Ttli of the Calan- I der month. j fclnrr.cl ;U't-'cri.D. S ii ii bury m i i V Iroiu-i .tinrLi-:. couiti:tTi:n wurKl.T nv i'ii.i:ii,r.i:if:i;!: (iUAIN Choice White Wheat 1! - St Amber, Winter I. ll 1 .'J , S I ill I Corn live Oats, (ii'ej lb. ) Best Amber, Winter, per sack " " " barrel.... Corn Meal, p. r cwt Pennsylvania lioil FlKiS Pet dozen Meats Dried Beef, s-t lb Siiioked Million I. Aim per lb Fish Salt Whilo Fish, per lb " Trout " Col " VruKTAHI.ES Turnips, per bushel Potato, s " " Onions " " ..111 I "J 3 ,V) ...:; r,'.i,:,i) ' i -. Im'uiis, ' (iitart Hominy. ' Ditinn Fitt iTS lb ic.i Apples, per lb.., " Peaches, , " .., v.ii 1UI.G r.nni t o it M.t i. i'. 'ITT'ILLbo sold at private sale, tho valii.ible T Farm situate in I 'ppm- Augusta towii-hip, Norlhuiuberhind coiiniy, Pa., on the pitblie lo.nl leading fiom Dauvi.lc toSuubmy, uud three uud a half mills Irom uibuiy, nnd ti bait' mile from the D. 11. .V: W. it. K.. u liniiiiiiL' laud of Daniel Kcefcr, Jeremiah Culp, l.-.tao Kli.'ie, James Canipliell nn I ti. 0. Kline, cunt.iining To . Acres more or less, whuicon lire erect, el a two! ijt Story Frame Dwelling llonsc, Hank Barn, li'iHi ull nearly new, aad other outbuilding'-,; a never falling Spring near the bouse. About ! twelve acres of which Is timber land, stUlieient j chestnut for leneiiiif .the balance I cleared, aud . In a uood statu of ciillivntii.il. Thcic Is one ol' the iillesl ! . BTONE QUAUUIFS j upon this tract In this part of the country, with I nu abundance ot flag stone of tho same .iialny used iu laying uioM of tlw pavements iu thu bor- I ough of Sunbury, and ul-o building stone. '1 hiri quarry has realized as high as two thousand dol iurs pel iimiiiiii. The nbovo tract of land will bo sold cheap, and oil reasonable teriim. For further paub ulars npply to ti. W. STKOIl, ou the Island between Sunbury uud Nmihuniljcr laud, or to A. J. Stroh, Sunbury, Pu. Jan. !i7, 1S.'2. ll. Don't Read ThisI I flood morning, Mrs. A., where are you bound for so early I u M is. A Why Mrs. C., i.on't you know Mr, tiouery'WJt bouu'lit out tho Gioei ry nnd Confeo nice fresh (irocctw oi Weaver, aud Is selling cvervthinir iu the liroeery iL.F' ait, uud ill fact, cheapest, uud 1 have got tired puylnA-'Jl than tho so I huvemado up my iiiitkliillei this to j :Vi'.'vs, I20 Mr. byerly. So goo.l,tuoruhig, Mr. C. I uiiibt go. Mr. C, to herself. Well I am bound to And out for myself, and will go to Hycrly'auew cheap rash Grocery, the ucit time I want uuy Ciroverleu, t'onlVAtlourrlt-isor I'riiuo I will just say to all come aud giro me trial,. and salUtry yourselves mat tbero t one cneap cash Urocery In Suubury. - t-' lt.-meniber the place, No.-11, South Third St., iu Clement House Building, Suiibniy. I n. B. BYELLY. Sunbury, Jau. 20, 1S7). I co ...l.:u-iSi 1-j ... I '."..' ir, ...'-'K.i Ci df)clu KbbfttbcmcnH. ft- i' it ii i . s. to iKTNt l.r:. T "11 V. lin.l-rslgni-d, Adinltilslrntors of the Es tate of David Got I shall, late of Sunbury, bo rough, -deceased, will oii'-r nt It.!. lie r-nl.-. on t lie premises, on SATUUDAV, FEIIIlUAllV 21 1 If, 1-tV'J. nt ten o'clock, A. M., of said day, nil that certain houso nnd lot of ground, situato on north Fourth street, in tho borough of Sunbii.y, coun ty Of Northumberland, ntid State of Pcnifsylva n'i.i, bounded on the north bynn alley and on the cast by a stream known by the name pf Gut, nnd on the south by lot of Valentino Diet z. and on tho wit by Fourth timet, containing forty feet in front on Fourth i-trcct, nnd about one hundred and fifty feet deep, whereon Is erected a two sto ry frame, houso and kitchen, n pooil stable and other Improvements. Also a Lot of Ground sit uate ill Lower Augusta township, about two mil A cast Of Snub try, adjoining land of Henry Kulp, nnd Henry Fassoi.l, containing about one nure and a half, whereon Is erected n nuc story mid n half Log Dw-IIIng House, Slulile anil wheelwright shop, an I other outbuildings, noinc very choke fruit trees, u. Also, nt tiie same tlmo nnd place, the following personal proper ty, to win Five Bedsteads mid Bedding, two Clocks, Clotheshorsc, three Tables, two Cup boards, two Sinks, three Stoves, (one cooking stove, nii-l two parlor stoves) a lot of Carpets, one sett ciiln bottomed ('Inch's, two inc',ng 'Chairs, one Bureau, a lot of carpenter tools, one Cow, tie heller, a lot of Pork, Chct, u lot of Tinware, lv'uecnsH are, a lo., ol' Pickle, ,Ve., one Grindstone, nud other aiileh-s too numerous to mention. - - - Terms of sale will be made known on thci dav of alc by HENHY G' ITS' I A 1. 1., .Vlni'r. " JamfsL. I'vitKS, Auction, cr. GTnsr.-HTjjEt"r S-.ORSC MID GAT I.MH;Ar-U CO.Tlft AXY. ixsur.M youii noi'.sKS i INSliKK VOUK CATTLK INSUIIK with n rtsjionRi 'Ie and p -rfictly reli . nblo Conipanv. inscitr where your losses I ill be .al.l promptly Thi'i in a fltMuul I'roforlio '. Hence, Von are sure of b.-lng pal-l promptly for all" losses, if insured in I lib. C'lnp.mv. OLI5 KATI S OK INSURANCH AHB LKi-S THAN TIIOISE OF ANY OVHEi: COM PA NY. We pay losrc accruing through theft, death 'jy (ire, accident, or natural causes, (. xeopt'.ii.'t cne.'leniic diseases). We p.iv I lonipt. No r- .t tajo pioeee lings to get y, tir tn.en-v ia cac of tos- OVEIi S5000 1 aid on liorses nnd entile sim-c oig-.iniz.iliui!. Dlt. D. WALDKON. Pie. i.i. 1. 1 . C. A. P.K1.M ENSNYPEIl, 'cee'y, Sunbury. Pa. imi;f "'.;:. I Ex Cinv. Janie- l-ollock, Hon. ,T. C. Brunei-, j Solomon Ml roll, Win. Bundle, Solomon S!:i..e, ! John A. Slilssler, Dr. D. T. Kieb-, Dr. H..v, t ' Waldron. .I.iii lb 1 v. A VrJuabie House and Lot for Gale. I rnF. uudcrsl'ne 1 oll'.-r at private saV, I jL largo HiHt ii DWEl.l.lNO HoFM". l.is el . Lot, Willi all the liecrs.iry nut biilldiiiL's, .'iiuale on I lie Southeast corner of Walnut an I 'i liii.l streets, f.llllhllry, P.l. Tlio lifoi-': Ii m irlr uc-f , and well ilul-lied uud poutalns nine ro.,;..n. a ' I .,, 1 ,-itnr. sVc. It is Well eal' iilale.i i,r a n si- j ! denee, nml would be mi admirable burines.- stand . ' lorn ht.ro or ln.J-l. '1 ni property wilt l.e .-:..: ! at a reasonable priee. i lor terms, Vc, appiv to ' ' MICHAEL HAHNE. j Smiburv. ,T.Ln. Cr, ls;-.'.-..t'. i:T.1Tl: ' ll! ".v. I1M K i I.atti tf thi iA.ruir; vf XiH-tUuiii'jrriift'.l, ., ,-','. I "V-OTICK is hereby eiveu tint letters test a iimtl X tary have Ik-ii granted to the iiii ler-i-: ie I - ' on the .-t nc of 11,-tiry W ein l:, late of the ii.-i -Mr. ' oiieli of Northtiniherlanil, Noriliuiulieriaii l Co. Mi--- ' Ph.. lcce:;c-l. A l person knowing theni- -l'.es this : ind'-bte I to said cst-.te arc rc.piested to mako ini 1 mediate payment nirl those limine; claim to '!- .-a :,, tlieiu duly auihoutieatcd for s' I : lenn nt. i SAUAII A WENCK. NICHOLAS WENCK, i Executors. .MiitSTlinbvrl.'Ui I, Jan. 27, I: . ;. Ci. AUKNTS WAXTK!). i it k t v . i x : x i: v , i: iu : ; z 'rougiiixg rr, is UKADY FOU CAN YASSJ.: It Is a companion volume to "!V;"KXTM W.lHi ?.y," cf wliiclt 11. ne aire, i y I- I or '., r -1, an ii sti'l r:i. . f till- b-sl seli'ilig b !: o it. I'lMl'l waste tilhe on l,n.-l;s t;i. (,:e want bat take otic people w ill sl ip you in tin- ! - is snliM-iibe I n. '-'I In re is il ti.no to 1 I'lgll."' an ! all who tea, t tl.ls In. i.i; will s, .- eb .:il,' that tit.ic biisioMie. Apply i.t once lor Teiiiiorv. t : . -:i liil s, llial I ei'li.s. Alii',-. DCFFIill.l) .'.SIT MEAD, l'abll.l er 711 Kib-orn Mreet. i'liibi'l-lpli: t oki'M.ix.v 'C?-ifi" r:.t.t:i ' ' Valu ib'e n-.il e-t:.te sill -,: k" I leee at tho ! VV C. ur'. U i.i--, !:: tho l..riigii of Sunbury, i ON fJATl'L'C AY.liie '.' Hi DAY OF Fl I KU.'.K'i', . "cM, phri'.t.int to au or.l. r.:f the Orph ris" footl 0 I ol .M.itliuinlH-ilaad t .e.inty, at which lime it:: I p.acj will bo c.po-:ed to public sale, -.'.1 th -t eer l.i.ll T K A C T 0 F L A .' D , .situate in tin.- township of S'uamoUhi, bcun I.- l on tl.e i..-iti l,y lands of '1 in. mas .Sa-.itli ; on the f ist by la.i 1 1 ol ILiaiph.ey It rlslil and David Hro-imis ; on the mut'i by Sal. !- ul ' :.-Cl:ai:i-U-rlain ni'd Thoi.v Saiiili; ami nu iln- w.-sf bv laudi of Samuel Oaniple'.:K o tat-. co:it".l il ig " ONE IIl'NDI'.KD AND N 1 N" I" T Y I W - Ai'ifl. s an I r liteeii I'ot-olii i, Sitiet Me i.r.r-. '.. ., i. on are .. erect c ! Two iwell:i g Hon .es, a i:.i:.!, 'itiLarn, Wagon Shcl, I e'b r o-.l- lniilii:!ig, a superior mil oi water'''- I lie u- tl.e buildln-g and t wo iieicr-faili ig Springs ' of UiicJl wui.-r rpon tin- prci-ji-e. A. so, n l.iie.e "3 Oiehaii! of choice IVuit. Abo. u oi,e-tliii,l -i- of the tract is ot the bet i hes.iiit and o.il; i TIMCEP. LAND, I and about twcnty-tlvis iieres of rhe tine-t ipiali'y j of iina.lo'iv laud. Laic tiie i-jt it.- u; Aiekaiid-'r Sob -r, deceased. ! Sale to eon. mene.' at l'-'elm k p.ni.o.i -ii 1 d iy. I Ol'.l-thil'd ef plllehi.::- ill. -lie (ij'ter payment ol' debts,) to remain iu pre mires, and i percent, ens. ion jropetty being struck dawn, : in e,"i li , tioiis of tho sale will bo more, particular .' made ' known on Bald day, by i A. J. fcOBi"lt, Triisiee. J.im.iiiy 13, lsTJ.i k:1UKTS-".VI' UOI Tt: EllSTU.Uli. Danville, IIctrli-loH A iirt-- WrS'TFR Alii! NCLMKNT. r.HAVE EASlWAItll. Suiiliiirv, ti "il a m " Danville, I'-i : - Cattim'.i, 7 lit! " ! J liaih-tou, U 01 " - l.KlV V, H' -TV.'. S". York, ti 0(1 a Fastnii, V Ci I'hil'ii, b W Bi-tblc'iu lu 0.") lIll7.Ictotl, 10,1 j Bethlo'tn 10 p iu j I'hil'n, i lf " , P iston, VI tl5 " : ' N. Vol Is,, tl.oO " j ill ultiHi'u, U 4il " Danville, 3 Sd " Suiibniy, i7 The aftei noon train eoune. t., at Suiiubuiy with the PhllinlclpliLi A: Krle, 4 35 p. in., train'gulii west, arriving nt Willlanisport ti 110 and Lock Haven" 5.1 p. m., nnd with tho Noithiin leu tral 4 fid p. m., moving south ut riving at llanis biirg 7 00 p. in., and Baltimore 10 4i p. in., and aim with the Sunbtiiy A' LcwUtuwn K. IX. Coinlorlublo and fuindsomo coachc on thin new route. J. IIEKVF.Y rt.sK, "" . iul. eliiit. ii vjut. -ffikSALEoSTABLES, Adjoining Harr!sbu.cr,tock YarJs, ; Horses ' BoDIit, ' Soil cr Exfaaed. December 18, 1S71 8m. Tei l'liiltl:tte.il IVraoim, To l'ysiciti. B, To SinH ieis from I.iVqr L'oiniil iiut, Tn.tlioso liiiving no Ap'lili-, To tiioso with Jlrok'-ti Down Conslitu totiM, To Xcrvoua Pcnnlii To Children Wasting Awny oany with I'cljiltlntfil Dipcalivo tii'-rnnn, 1 Or tifi ri'"! fif 'i ,(i; "f 11" ' ..""t'in ' )iioi(.., tcu'ci imJi'attc Jliaoi Atrctl Lmr . n.h : f'oti- 'tipation, InWar 1 Piles, Fullness or Blood to the II. -nil, Arid ity of tlicMouiaeh, Nausea. Henillmin. Hl-gii-i lor Food, Fnlllicssor Weight In the Stom nrh, fcour En'.elations.Sinlii.ig or Flulteiliig lit tha Pit of the fc'tom ' nclt. Bwliiinilng of the Head, ll'ir ricd nnd DiU'.eii'.t. I'rcathlug, Flutter- lag at the Heart, Choking or rHilloe.i lug Biniations, when in a Lying l'o- tiiie. Dimness of Vision, Dots or Webs b lore the Sight, Feverand Dull Pain In th.i 11. :.d, Dcll.-lftii-cy of l'cispirati.in, Yellow :n"-s of the t-k'u and Eye. Pain in the .iilc. Hack. Ch --t, Limbs, ,vr.,- S add u llu.-hcs ol" Heal, Burning in the Flesh Constant Im aginings of Evil, and (tteut De pression of Spirit. HooHaiuTs dennan lllltcry. A Bitters without Alcohol or Spirits of any l.ind. I d'.tler.'nt from all otlai -. I; is eonipo d of the pure .fillers, or Vitm. i'ni'.i'ii : :. .-:' II ens. Hi;::i's nn-l Bauku, (or us i:i !ieip:iily itiih d Ex tracts.) th" wortlilcss or Inert j orlions ot the in gredient.; not being u id. 'l'l-..-ref..ie i.i one ltol- t'tle ol'thl Bitters tie'C is cntain-. 1 a touch l.'.c- (Ileal iitne i. will h - f-,;iil-l in seven! -.l'.ll.ti of onliiuiiy niivtnie. The Uo-ils, Ac. used i;i lli.s I ll'.Uers lire grown in i nnan.v, 'll- ir 1 ilnel- 1 tile e:;t',':o.'l.'.l lr. that cinm! r bv a .icie i'i '.- t'li -- mist, n I lorwaidetl to li e i.i-nui fuc' Ji y i i this ! eitv. uImo thiv arc . ..niiij.in led m.,! IMI'.1. i f 'ontailiing no spir. t u-ous ii.e.l cd'. :;ts. this .''tie: j 1. free V.m the (bJcctio'.iH nr d ag-insl all i-f' Cis; no de.-il'c in' htiililllaal-i C-.l . I i-e. ii. 1 ""'. i from th. :r it -e ; I h. ean.eit iit.il. ; ii. ..ii!.i:.!s and ciiu. !, viel- iauy ci.cUiu.-l.uTevS, Uu ' tn) ' but a b lr li 'i.i 1 e 1. ot . W.i ("ereo i ): p.t t!" t.i.t 'in 1 to it Ireliu- bi't'-ri t'.d i i".t- l:o!.r slinm I Ciir- p:'o !- I n-r i.i e.i-t"- a r , n. -et ion ia ;i i 1 1 .!' t' r. i Each belt:.- of !. I ;h- F-ltt- r. -.I'.!-"' Kt'.M. Ill: i l;.lol .. i tr.-R:-' bill. -I -ic . o ' It..' ii l'rt'i irath :i . to tl. ' I ". lat". an I ipur.-i- .-AN'TA t ill Ii a l ie. .' I' that t'e. . -I in si. 1' the I M.-h'.i Cn-it : '.lei's : ri . 1'ri'Oiiie, b :rr:'.--'l.'.' end I !' I nil..: C ' !.' l'i -1 in- ii :.t I t'-. f o. lie. i!,-,.;. oil nr Ib.ltU-, whi Thc e oT i'jc 1' i- i I. person t'lii k !. hie.h. 'J'h-'.v lau.t l.u.'i .nto ...i.i'i lb,.t tbe sImiI'i' Ti r i;r,"l i ; n'laiiiv. A pii-r urti ; cbecp.'-r T i l'-e. loll D uior" an.! h:.v. a g.i.- Sl.ir:ui!- : ! !-.- '.: pill" le co-il l be I r '.:-:. I .it a it -n t b. 1 1 . r to p: y a Kitlc I r rit-'le I A in-' iiein:''. pre- par tfo.i sboiil.l eo'it.i'ii linn1 dr it'.s : nii'1 the- who Xir'cl e.eiip.i'iui'. in. 1 b h' .i. :.i;.'u lajnlv be eheai. 1. t l'e- b -t I'lgi''.- nn I:. . c- r- IIoiiSIuiuUh ;t'ri":i JTKifrs. H f ':!. A VI VS .'.EUMAN TON if, wll!i 1' I. AND'-i a'diloi. ti lii.i ky,il, wilt cure vivt. 'I Lev i.i..- tiie t .-.-.: i 111 f-.i WOi'l'l l:i.p-ti cr Pi- 1 I'l lilf IK nnd wii1 era e blood, :.bl. "ii-T I Ll-r. 1-.! the :l r: I ' .- ,r- I the I iilaii'.e f Ti! n v'noi.i: srri'.KMKcorirr or pennsylvania m'kak l'ou th ;:i:mkiu:s. - '.Yitu wo: ;.n a--.;: i oit M'.r.tt I1:: v:nr.;i a-Ur-.i'j.::::; Tr.-i t"-'.:. 1 Hon .Ie GCHIKiH W. WoUlWAI'P l ice of 1 1'" S. :l pi-eiue ( ou l L f.'i'i.ierly Cl.ie f !'. nn -vlv.u.i.i f:-o:ii IV'.nsv nt prcac.it M '.nhei cf Co'.iCi . a.iia writ-e.i : '!i:i.Ai::i.i'K'A, Mai"h I fin 1 "IIo.'.lI.i:',.!".. (b'-rnia'i l!!te tonic, it, fill in ."ii - vi of tl.e ,f. a n 1 of :-. i cat b :; ill in c.i of Hunt o! Helv e;.) act a in t" . .' ti".i1y, (i:o. W. We Yo.ir, At. 1 1. leti. Ja:t'.' T.. I u i,io Coin 1 1 ..r-v.-.-. Chief Jn. f l i'rll'l .. i'.'.il.ia. i'iiir. iii.i.:-i! i i, Ap, H.llaii I's ii.iaa I' n m- i ..f l.ll.u l.s , t eaii C'.'i i'.l'e tl.'.- f. l-i".'. " a v..l i con: i.ier " liable I'le !l''i:i .-: ! -si.i. t'.'lli'.' Ol it. Yours, ion. I itolu.g f-i. ai.sw o,io, Jii-tieo of t'.e 'oil it "!' i". nils;. Ivan!. i ." I'uiI.vo'.I rni I, J :::e i . ri'. i'oiltid b ei' ' -' lliut "It"! il 11 rem. I have y-.-'i t ' fait .-1 s i a v- : v g. .-1 ia-i! -, t i lllplonis al .no-1 all ' I '. . (.E'.'io.t; S!!AK; MI'. !' I'-:;- Hon. fa'. '.ri. . , N. Y. ,',w., Mayor of the City Mil",- r"s Oiii.-e. ;:.i I'r. i, Jtn.o Ci. I "I lO'i!'. i Oil's tie, I tl., .1 liiiL I' fa'e.'eV ll 11 ill I t il' :l-1 i :e! ' '11 .1: ;. :i . ' ' ' '.t i l-s.'l I h IV,' in'ie" i c.'n-l an ail lit: ll ,5 b le n:nt l.-.'.r to 1,1. tlv ; of he - '.em. AM. II. 1 ,,i j .','. iiV.-i. 'a. gieat ple:i-i:r :tn:'.'i 'I Mile' u'i: h I'- p -p 1 I take in le "I Mi" lo u'.y ' l: 1 rn!". 11 1 Htlll-le 1 a I... tl,- I' -M. I ll.l i.i I-.' e.iaio so w lie. Th .' ) ' so b.l llv it Was :, I i my stomach, and .1 b . able to walk hall' a li 1'erlVot cure. to b. 1 ii n:-:.!i::.i:".:::i VIIAT ItOori.ANlr.-i (il'I'.M AN 1H i'T ..; IIOOFLAND's filiHMAN. 'i'tNI:, Will Cur-e f wry Case ul" MARA 5 M V 3 or Watrtiii-; it'ivny ol ilnj Jijjy. KEVKMI'Kti ('Ml. 1IOOFI.AN1PS OKK.MAN !KM KII ll Ar- lb-tin liebii'i you r : ui -llloo.!. . it.- t lu- t .rpi I l.iv-r tn h, 1 lill. ht-v .. an 1 to enable ynu t.i p i- .:,i'.-iy tlin llai dsliip i or i xpur-i'e. I Mt. Eoon.AN'D'.S POD O V 11 Y L I. I X , or siib-titnte f. i)n--e. The tno. t ie kuort u. r r.leiv.iiy Pill. Two I'll:, I'uworf...', j-. t Ian, e i.t ( atli ll n.l ;i.-.'.s;.ry to, i.ih,-a h:,i:.i!.!l i l' th- '.'.lis to pl.i pi. e ll ile-ili- I I !! et ; l-A,i i,;' ill, act -pliekiV ul'dl oMii'Il'.I.V, c :c.i ils in il, . I. y, Slo.nach mil I '"els - ,,:) in.;,,.; ' prineip.il ii:,::.','; "' ' '- Pi '.'l-bj : ic. i r He Ai, holis t.itlru.il-t Muii.lrii'.;.', h i I v :. a Una., more j i.verli.l, noting ai-d si.ire!,:: ; th the V ,ll.li..l..'.l-"11. Its p, e, .ll..!- aeta.a i . l:p toe l.h'er, ele-i.i:'.-' It sp, e.lilv li'.uu ::!! ilt. tiocs, Willi i:( thu power of. Meicury. y.-i Iron, the iu'Ve'in r-.-.iulu atta-'hed to tl.. u tin. I lii'.nen.l. For all ill'.'i-es. ifi v.bieli I'm u e of a e.ilii-.r-lic ia .u Ib-.iltl, tbof; pills uillgivii entire faction In . i-iy ' so- 'I'bey -..m i' I'.ll, 1 . in cu o J.ivor . oiiipiniiit. ...yT ' psia m. 1 . x I tieine c i:'.i n.'-s. Dr. II .,-,', md'sdei in.in p't- ters or 'Tout- should no used in coinu . lion wit h I tiie Pillf. the. tonic oll'eet of tin- liittois or 'l'o ! Hie Mill I ,,p tl.i k: dill. Th-: Litters cr I'.ii. ie I pui ill.;, tlv IHoo.l, si rciTi.iei.s tLs- Ncrtw, r u I I'-Ac the Liver, a at ,iKt slieupth, tlicry and bviirm. " j Keep y'o-'f Bowels active with the ?!!'.-, nn-l t tone ufi tlio fvsteia with liittern or Tonic, ant no ill-can- ''im rt-iaiu tin- ml. , nr v-u a s.-iil votl. tietiJUet thai it I.; J)U. Ill lOFI. A NHS tlFi'- MAN Iwiuciiif lh.it me m, univoiB.illy u-e l and highly recommended; and do not c.'.b.'.v the I'r-'fcui-i to iii.liic-u y.ni i i- . outline else Unit lie in.ty h.i 1., Ju l as g.iod, liee.iate he Hill, en ll linger lie fl I ell ll. 1 liese li.liieuii. f il bo eul by llxii'e.is tn au) loi.i.ay, upon .ii)ei.-- I lion to the Pl'INl ll'AI. (IFFHT, ul ihe. "Fit MAN MKMCIM: t'.T)i;C, 3J Al!''' !,, Villi M'FI.PIHA. . . t.ll.YN. M. KVAN-N ri.'Pl'.ili.I'. ; Foiou.rW l'. M- eksini .v. l ". 'J inie Ui'ine- liv are I'm Sjilo t. Dri.ciUs, t'.o ckcepi-i, nnd Medicine l'e- lci cvcryuhcie. vi., S. 'jX-iii'i-iiii.iil'ilf. fr - if f S H i 1 t ii fOltr. MOM'.Vcait b" mailo caiiVHPsing AT for tho "Vouug People' Uolpcr," a dojlnr ! magazine ffir yjung folks, than with nny other 1 rntcrpiise ill I'bn country. A uiiiL'n'.Lcmt Piling i Cliromo plvert to tveiy sii'im i iber. IloJ nnd . .t..j,. 1. . nd ..-.It ns'iii.'.. iir.d vvelii-n. tclt:l for ruticuiam to F. g. i:k II .1 co., Pobiii hefs, Donk Delny ! J - . Portland, Me. rit si.! a J.-yi:.v. ii.i5; itirmv. The Fir-t Edition of Two Ha-uina I nousan.l co) l. sja-t publi .b' J. Jl I cb-rantly pulntcd on tine tinted paper, In Two Colors, nbd illuslrutcd with over Time Hundred Engr-M iiifW" of lower and Vegitables. and ' TWO COLOUED PLATES. Thmim-t b.-uullful and Instructive Cr.lnlotffcii and I'lorr.l iJni le in tin; world pages, civing thorough ilir-.-ctions lor thu culture ot Flowers mi. I Vegetable! ornamenting grounds, iiial.in wall,, o;e. Forwardcl to any who apply b mil, for Ten Ci ills, ou'v one -pt irler tin. en t. Ad-lrcss" .lAMF.'i ViriC. .1 in. 11!, T--T2. I! '' ! isb r, N. Y. Ki.'ir.r.'TzrafAMicUifAV ro'i: ivs. TWI'-NT Y i-l'.VI'.N'l il YEAli. I fpiilS sp'c.i 11.1 w.-vikiy, gre.tt:y fu'.irg.-.l ui: I 1. iiiipiwV'.-l, it one Oi Lie in.i: t u-i'lul an. I in I leri . tiiv jo:;,'ii!' ex. r pub'.:- ln-d. I'veiy limn- beris t.ea"ltir:illy piialed oil II. le paper, r.lid ele , ::'.i,i!y i!lti.-ti:.ti-.l v.it'i utiginnl cngruvln.:. re- pres-'iuiiig t-e-.v I a ."'.it iom- i Nrve'ties in Mu-l:a:i' I ie', M.niiibu tuie-, Ch'.ii.i.-try, J'hotognphy. Ar j cbacetai ', iingiuieiiiig, e'a ii-e i.ud All. Fal- nier- . Mec!... uies, lav. i. tors. Engineers, Ti.-m-1 i-ls Manufa-tai-r, 1 p. ..nh-of all K l'i --ions ' or tra-l. 5 wU flu I tl.e SCI EN 1 1 i 10 A ME!". '.CAN i of tfi-ent vah.e mid interest. It practical sug.:'.siioii-. will sivn liinidi eil., of dollars to evei v lloi:-eho!.!. Wi.i li-hop. and V.ie ' t.n v in tie: : Source of land , b. si !- allor g a l.ot.f intiai . 'I he I .r.iov- A Ml i ieaa a:r! l. i s- to a l th tl .'- I- n .. . . ; i i.li;i" Ato--:-;-: la- elioii-. t i.i - of all lito i' i- Vulllal. l:..-ti".t. 11. J .ir - a: 1-tc I 14 - ! Fui-.ti.-an U':li neii'V I'.e aj.i !.-. I, lid I'.iv'r ;; - an i M.m'Iimi I j Kailli -r se:ei,:::i - an i , i tit W I'll 1. the eol'llil l of t'i.' v i .-in ale con- i ial! ' ' I' 1 "' I i t'.-nie.liou. An Oi'iCI A I. : t -i ts l- se.-l h t'ltbli- he I '-' i . ii' nib . pin- to . t trli On , in:., llli'l.-.i an I !' t v 1 l'e. :i a i., : t in i cor.ii.-s set, I .l,MS. ; a y I' ; If Year ( I'll; o l.-li f..;,. si'ii:::iid bu- one I'n inian Y. ir, -a cacli, i prison Win With lollies hi at. In Clili.li 1 1 1 rs ! i:.g F 'II.. ti -Li to the c.n-i-ti'..'..r lei-e.ni with th" r ( a eopv r. 'M.-no -.l.'.'.-ati- r. l.r the cel. 1 M.- 'Ol'.Tl, i'l'i-I.F. f 111.' .- ml int. II r j.rocti n, ti e . nd-i -.;ii.'d i vil li t A : ney in t.- v.e.M ill lit:-. I May to o'.tai,, an fi.iv.vr id i", ;.- Uiii 1 i.l.t..in .'. I'.'iu.l .' i-. to iw He to .l iiiiii .''. '"o.. lit Fail, ibi'.v N. w V oi ii, m1: i have had uV'V 1.'. y. .ns' ."pelienre in tbe btislii.-s-i. No i-liitf - i. tti.ide far opinion an.l n.hi.'c. A i -n-and-1'..l: fk.-tcli. i-r I'll! wrilb n d-scriplioii of the invent'i.'ii should be sent. For iiisii ii. tion e,!;ceriiii'L' Av.iej.e'in mid F.u nijv.in i'..t'-iits. I.'av. e.l.., i.e. i,Mi,s, 1 ; il. t f .-: - n- e il j. e'e I (.,. . .', Hint oil .sell.!:.' Patents, 1; .le ami I '" r i.fgs ol 'l.e I".,!,..,! ('.illee. The New York Pat -nt l.av.s.'T'-T.biii. i'lon,-. bl-ii. ..i.Mi-, li.l.'iii";. i its. t-ie.. sen.t I'. r Instruetiii-f ol:. wbl Ii : , L'U:':..- tit ill. lie i icnbl. . - on ; iii.l. A N -s Ci ii'ii'-iiie .i pnca-ii'i. I res 3 el. iii.'iie.'in, Y.uli. Patl: 5 Ks i-;s - 5 H ri u I- f1 I. r. v t i i: i: I Yi l'S'ii MtN. :i a ''onli: 1 Fill ele;..' K;-.t i.Y.l .t C.i'i tn-M mi ! S- :i;l n.l ' I'lio :i trier .v.iiii:rc, V(.'es .il l nu ot spt-imati.rihn-.i. or -, Invi.ltititurv tin .si.ii s. '- - iv , u.il l'o:-..'..y, uej ItLi-cJi-iicuu la ;.l.n ii.it: .' '-' n- r.l ' ci-.il'.y : N. i t 'u.isuiiipiioii. L;!.-. ; e. a an I Hi-; Me'..' aad i'livie. ; !!t.--.:. U. n- ;.. 1 sn'tlng li'oiu Scif-Abii'-c, X,-. !'v i:(!i!-:::T J. iv 'i'i. i-::n";.i.i :i. n., Amhur lr the -Ci. eii c f i B ; k.v . c. i '. r.e ivoilil-iviaivn a ilhor, iu this admiruM- .'- ; j.e 'ti.i'i', ch nil pn.ve. ii.ia lo- own cxpeiio U- I thii' tin' a'.W'i.i li.ii.-c l'i,::., .M'-l 6 -tl-AOU.-il y ! v !e l u.il.y i,i;i,,.,l v : I ..... I n;,.. .bine tn, i .i;...i.: .!:.:., r-:n s::ia . r ::. :. s l-ies, 'lit 11 b:s..i'.i.re: '.s, rln-;", or i-.T'li i -, p. vil. t'tuni i.i mo-lc sif citi" ui once c.-.-. ji ;i,.,l Li ,.' ul.ieh eiei-v sutleivr. no malt.-; ,, . iL"1"- t ii uiny bo, may cure hi us- ,, , . .' ' . " ' ') an.l ra.. . , f " i Hul'S M'ij M ) liblM'. A liiL.N T' ' 1 " 1 TiTiUf Ms. ,nv addrcsj..Vi, n pi,,!,, se.,1- ', l-M """' ncvipt of fix c.:.i or two 'J envelope, on .,.., ,.,- I l"sl g ii-'get '""'.""viu.i '.'.i coins. Addles il,e. J'ul,. en vs. j. c. Ki.iNi: a ii.., '.7 H. wetv, New Yolk, 1". U. li.., 4,u0. -", IS7.V lisiiO .1-' WATCHKS, .IKWULUV, IIS Xorlli Kot'outl M. ," ryuprj , Mlil VJ'I'LITllA. :l :..- iiltl.leul ol Vt ali In s, Jeiuli, U v..i' I'lflleil W iru rfil-'.lUly on lialld.i ' ' Kl'i'tles. "I lltilllicM iill.l Je ell V iiron W,- UUt UilC t lo l.'.piill, lv.