Sunbury American. (Sunbury, Pa.) 1848-1879, January 20, 1872, Image 3

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    r yrxr r r rwt a
tlallrond Time Tables).
c. n. w.-EAiT. r. & r.. r. r. wht.
Buffalo Kx l'vo l:DOamjErla Mall, I've 1:00 m
Erie " " 9:30 Accom. " 6:13 "
KlmlraMall " 11:0.1 " Niaeara Ex " 12:40 n in
Niagara Ex." 4:40 p m KlmlraMall " iM "
lErlo Ex. " 0:50 "
Snnbury ot 11:. 10 a m At Snubtiry 9:S1 m
4:40 p m " 4:00 pm
p. II. A W. R. R.
Leave Smibury 0:20a. m. Arrive at 8.85 p. m
Sunburyjit 0:!!0a. m. At Bunbnry 8:35 a. m.
' "11:40 a.m. " 10:45 a.m.
Accident Inmtrnnco Tickets can bo had of J.
Rhlrmnn, Ticket. Agent wt the Depot.
il'ccul I fairs.
SiJ-visn Machines. Mls Ciirolinc Dnllusls tho
nzcht for tlia sale of the best Pewing Machines
In existence, viz i "Tho Improved Sluger,"
"flrover A Baker" "Howe," nnd "Domestic,'"
which arc constantly on hnnil and Bold at rea
sonable ruicos. Shclsnlso agent Tor the cele
brated Frantz and Pope Knitting Machine. Call
and pco them. OdV.o on Market street, cast of
the railroad.
Fon Rent. A house nnd lot In Market Street.
Posjesslmi given Immedi ntely. For further par
, ticulars Inquire at thlsofllce.
Less 6now has fiiUcu this year than any we
can remember. The winter crops have already
suffered for want of snow and may be still more
severely Injures by freezing weather.
Wis refer o'.ir readers to the sale of a valuable
farm In Sliauiokln township, in iiiiotliercolnmn,
Into the property of Alex. Sohcr, deceased. This
farm is one of the finest In that section of tho
CorsTT ViiTsiciAN. Dr. Alfred Clark h;is been
appointed by tha Commissioners Physician for
tin County Prison for the ensuintr year.
Ffr.n in Jo".rAN Township. We lenrn that
the barn of Abraham Shaded, of Jordan township,
was buried down on Monday night a wec
About Tel) bushels of wheat.togelher with a num
ber of horsei and cattle were consumed In the
flame. The I'.rc is supposed tiT have been the
work of an Incendiary.
I'n.; lino!;-of N. Ferreo LightiHT have been
. ft whli A- N. P.iice, Justice of the Pence, for col
lection. Fa i ties Indebted, will please call uud
make : eilhuncnl, nod save costs. J-.'0-St
Cvurnr, P.YiiKl.v, lately purchased the Grocery
store of r.'c ! Hans .t Weaver, cn Thil l St.,
be-low Murk-1. Ills stock is large, nnd will bear
inspeclin-.i. Those who desire a pool utlicle
sho d;! not to ulve him a call.
'r. refer oar readers to the time schelu'.e of
fe.a !). 11. .': '.V. H. R., In this paper. It v.P.l be.
s" that I'.i '! in a direct bUv.ecn New Yoik
city :i ':.l Oil i place. Tho'C g. lug to Ncv Yoik
veil if. a. 1 this mute the shoilest as well us the
no. t pu-e.raint to travel over.
.--: s toakho'.ders of the Sclinstrrovcand North
.oh .llioud, at an election tt the Stli luit.,
' - fan -V.lowing board of officers :
iv : A. C. Sinip-roii.
: a ,'(;.o,;i HirJ, M. II. Priestly, Philip
: -.,1..;., l. l AlK-inun, W. A. Meeker, J. ('..
!, (icorge IIi'bi;b.
:; !. kcr w appointed Secretary, ni'd
; h !'. ;!, Trcasarcr.
.. :
IT .f
f r.'i V'. t'.ni helil nt the Northumberland Co.
'.o i 1 1!; uk on thellth lust., tl'j following
; 1 i f i'.ree'.ors was chosen to serve the
. v.". I'.)'.:;!.-::, Isaac May, Andrew llobeitson,
. . . ! lleury IKdscr, Win. llmiti-lius,
; a. s P:;i;':::. a::iier, W. T. Giant, Jylm A.
. ti r;
t)rr:c::us. At a meeting of the
the I). II. W. if. T.., held on
: following oflleers were elected :
, 1 K .se.
P. Wolverton, Dr. II. W. Mc-
'. Porter, J. Hcrvey Kasc, linj.
.. .f. C. Monroe, and M. V. Kase.
.:ion of the new buar lof ililec-
i i.: l., the following oflieeis were
rv for the ensuing year :
t J. Hcrvey Kasc.
. i vVo'vertou.
. V, Kasc.
A. i:
I-; Orricris. At a regular Ha
t 1 v. : ol V. C, Xo. l'J, t. O. S. of A., ill
tli'.- pi ic ', i.n Tii'-day evening last, the follow
ing ofltcvM were in-tailed by D. P., W. E. Tay
lor, for the ensuing term :
;'.;. W. Young.
V. I. T. Ii. Miller.
M. of T. (. C C. J. Illnir.
P.. fc.. Ii. H. 3Co h.
Tidt-.i ei J. '.V. Wilvert.
I. ;. . W. u..s-ler.
O. V..V. p.v..r.l Heed.
1'," Mi to-,
11 ar l of I
V.'l.l. C. 1.:
roiis. The stockholders of
I'.aiik elected the following
, at their late annual election :
, Wm. F. ."agle, M. Chaiuber-
1',::, V.'. P. Hull, Thomas Swcnk, J. Ronsli, W.
!T. Moo! ,u.i..:y. I. il. Davis and David i'shbacl;.
The fct-v-Vao! l-r i-f tho First National Bank
c' jcte.t t!ie f.j'.'nv.-ig J'.oard of Tii-rclora at Oieir
1; t ;:;un la! el 'Ltlou: 6. Woods Brown, President,
T. ll.wn, Isaac Urown, John Dutesman, Dr.
CO. l).:v!-, H-.iry Fiicl;, M. A. Ntecly, Sani'l
C.l.l-.vcll, 1). K. II.i:-.', W. A. Sehreyer. .
A i tlie K. v. W. II .use, the German Reformed
t r.'r. ister of this p'.'.c e, was coming towards home,
iVo a pr ..c'lia a funeral sermon, one eveuine;
la.-t v.i !;, was st.'ipied rather uneoruionlous'y
ly leiviio; his here seized by the bridle, by
f .ii inle;ov.ii p r on. Tho Rev. gentleman
urgln-j his horse forward, the beast sprang out
o'.' tl.8 gi irp of the scoundrel who had attempted
to hold his horse. It Is supposed that the lndi
vi l.:al was i::l: taken in the person, as no sane
p.- so i eon' 1 be Tjolili enough to stopa mlulster
wi'.h the I t e::f,oi of com witting robery. Sdim-iiro-e
T. l'-
T:iu Neiv Orleans Miitrels gave two exhlbi
at the Op.-r:i House, In this place,r.n Friday
a.i 1 P .iar.l :y vveuiagi last. Their enterlalu
iur!jti ,vero tin t chits, and entirely free from
anything to offend tho most fastidious.
Their attractive! performances on Friday even
leg extracted a crowded hoaso on Baturduy evea
Ing, when they gave so general satUfavtton ihtkt
nil rc-i'ted that their stay was of so short dura
thin. T::e Examination nnd Exhibition of the Aca
d ony scholars of Prof. Brown, will take place on
TV.irs.luy next, In the Opera House. These ex
blhltioas are of u highly Interesting character
and i.hoald be tncourugeil by the presence of the
c'tizeus g -nrraPy, a 1 t I he parents of chil
dren at' ihe seUuot. Tbi Academy, un
der tha sauMrlnto.idanoe of Mr. Brown, has be
eotna an established Institution, well and ftvora
ly known abroad, and we notice Is nttesjed iy
pumb'r i.f scholars from other liir.
Tbb MrrtPBttTmAl.. We publish In this lssu,
the proceedings In the case of the Commonwealth
vs. Terry TTaas, for the murder of Martin Obcr
dorf, of Cppor AngusU township, on tha 4th of
October last.
The Jury was empanelled on Baturdny the
flth Inst., and tho trial commenced on tho follow
ing Monday, which continued nntll Friday nftor
noon, when tho case was submitted to the jury.
That body In half hour after, returned a verdict
of guilty of murder In the first degree. Tho trial
throughout was ably condnetod. Tho counsel
on both sides did their dnty faithfully. The
speech of Oen. Clement, District Attorney, to tho
Jury, was both nblo and clorptcnt, nnd has estab
lished tho reputatloi of tho General In the esti
mation of all who heard It, as ono of tho ablest
criminal lawyers at the bar. The speech of Geo.
W. Zclglor, Esq., attorney for tha defence, was
also an eloquent appeal. Judge Rockefeller's
charge was fair, explicit and Impartial. During
the trial wo noticed many strangers In the court
room who seemed deeply Interested In tho pro
cecdings. As the trial progressed, tho court
room was filled dally. On Saturday morning,
when Judge. Rockefeller was about passing sen
tence on the prisoner, (ieo. V. Zclglor, F.q., at
torney for the defence, made n motion for a new
trial, on the ground that one of tho jurors empa
nelled on the case had feparated from tho rest
for the purpose of transacting business in town,
and had conversed upon the subject with other
persons, and produced affidavits to that ctrcct.
He also stated that proof could be furnished that
the tip-stave had allowed parties not on the jury
to convcrso with some of the jurymen while on
their way from the hotel to the court house. The.
Court granted a rule to show cause why a new
trial should not be grunted, when tho prisoner
was remanded back to piWou until March term.
Mark Twain in A number of our
citizens went to Mi'.tou on Wednesday evening to
hear Mark Train's lecture entitled "Houghing It''
In California. The lecturer is well known as a
successful humorous writer and author. But hu
morists as writers, are not often equally success
ful as lecturers, nnd Mr. Clemens Is no excep
tion. There is a general vein of humor, howev
er, natural to him in conversation, which is more
apparent In his lecture, or rather his varus, or
marvellous and extravagant exaggerations of
facts and fancies, delivered In a distinct but rath
er slow nnd monotonous voice. Those who went
for information as well as amusement, were most
prob-ibly disappointed. Mr. Clemen Is an un
pretending nml ;;cnial man, appearance
affords no true indication of hU genius nnd ta
lents oi it writer.
The fact is, not more than one out of ten pub
lie lecturers, m e worth one-fourth the compen-a-tion
they receive. Lecturers were originally ile
sVned to he Instructive, nnd to impart useful In
foimatlon. Amusement was then only a secon
dary consideration, but now it is too frequently
the only merit required.
The commodious and elegant new Opera house
of our Milton ivigWiors, U highly creditable to
the good taste nnd liberality of the enterprising
gentlemen who projected that improvement.
A F.i :.u;i;r.i.n Woman. Mrs. Jennie Corn
wall and two bright nr.! intc'llgeut daughters,
Dasie and Katie, six and eight years of age, of
Oregon Territory, ate tit present tho guc-ts of
Mo!. Mn'ick, Esq. Mr:. C. left her home in the
far oil" northwest in the earl , part of hut Novem
ber, accompanied by four children, two of which
were left i'l Illinois, and arrived nt this place
tdiont one o'cNak on New Year's morning Just
in time to hear the firing otr of tlie old year. To
reach thi place tlioy were utilise.! totravel a dis
tance rf seven hundred miles by water to ;,u
Francisco, and from there by rail. They were
detained four days on the. railroad In a snow
dii.'t. Mrs. ConiHeil Is a daughter of tico. Mu
lick, whofonie of our citizens will remember as
having lived near the residence of J. Mautz, on
Iiivcr street, in this place, some years ago. Mr.
.Malic!; and family emigrated to Illinois, syij
from Caere to Oregon. Thry were sonic of the
first settlers in that Territory, and it is enter
taining to hear Mrs. Connvell teil about the hard
ships they endured nnd the dangers they faced
among tlie Indians and thj wihls of that country.
They were seviral times obliged to feck safety
from the scalping-knife at Fott Yau Couvcr, nnd
on one occasion they were robbed of all their
stock, ite., which is a loss hard to hold up lindel
in that country. It was n curiosity to hear it
thunder an 1 see Ughtniug after they readied (lie
Slates, r.snothingof the kind ever occurs in Ore
gon, at least in that part which Mrs. ('. hails
In.iu. All the protection she had In traveling
this great distance a Journey that few wotiun
would undertake, among all classes of people,
was a revolver and bowie-knife, which no doubt
would prove dangerous in the hands of one w ho
has the courage an 1 daring to venture ou such a
perilous U'ldcrtakiag travel such an immense
distance without a male escort. Gnurtl of la. t
Don't be without a policy of Insurance. (Jive
tliis very important matter proper consideration.
Then go to 1.. M. Y.) ler's ollice, and get a policy
at once.
Dcath of an Ol.u CiTiCN. M r. Henry Wenek,
one of the oldest au I most respected citizens of
Noilhuniber'.aud, died in that p!:i"c, on Thurs
day last, at the advanced ngeof 73 years. He,
was horn in iei niany In lT.'I, nnd at the age of
1 -t years emigrated to this country. Remaining
iu Philadelphia until his 2 d year.he came to Nor
taumberland, and has remained there over since.
He die 1 in tho bouse which he bui't filly-three
years ago. Mr. Wenek was a member of the
(icraian Reformed chinch, and tin c' 1 t in it for
fouriy-live yiais. Ho was much loved, a keen
observer, a useful citizen, and an iipilht man.
A Ni'Mi'.nti of Improvements have been made
lu Washington towmhip during the past year.
Among them we find un additiou to H. C. Fish
er's Hotel, which gives that attractive house a
better appearance than ivr, Mr. Fisher who
"knows how to keep a hole!,", no doubt found
that large increase of cu-toul demanded this
Improvement. New ho isis have been put up ill
that township by Mr. Uelnick, Mr. Kehrcs, An
drew llroselous and others. These new build
ings have all been built on a modern style, and
are comfortably uud canveiiicjil auunged. Se
veral flue barns have also been built, and a num
ber been repaired. New houses have been erect
ed In the neighboring townships, among them
we noticed several built of luiek, which are
neatly finished. Much goo.) taste Is displayed lu
the buihilngs.andtlie maimer they h iVj arranged
the surroundings ol their hones.
Besides private residences, a number of new
school houses havo been erected, built of biick
mi l neatly finished. This shows that there Is
also a spirit picvniling iu thoc di-triets to edu
cate tho rising generation. A work which Is
highly commendable nnd deserving of pralso to
tho projectors.
Ar tho annual election held last month by the
stockholders of tho Aecomtnodatlou A J.oau As
boclallou of Bunbury, the following officers were
elected for the ensuing term;
President Suinucl Faust, Bur.
Secretary Jacob Bhlpmau.
Treasurer H. Clement.
Managers N. F. Mans, Ira T. Chmert, P. II.
Moore, O. L. Bliupson, S. B. Boycr auu John
A dividend of ono dollar per share was dcclar-,
ed by the Association.
Coon IIous for rent, apply toL. M, Yodsr.
Anvirrsfrom rottsvillo state that the basis
for lOlS, proposed by rresident (iowun, has been
nmlcabty adopted by both parties as follows i The
miners have agreed to reduce the contract prices
Nf per cent, below last year's aatcs on the S2.75
basis, which has been added to the labor by In
creasing the wages to tho ?3.75 basis prices n
minimum, except for two months, when prices
may recede as low at t2.S5 and a day's wages to
S2.50. A reduction ofS per cent, on the con
tract prlcos will aid tho operators to somo extent
In paving more wages to labors. Ifazl'ton Sen'
NonTnUMnRHi.AND OountT CoalTbatib. The
trade remains very dull In our region. Many
of the collieries are still Idle..
A number of our miners havo gone to tho bi
tuminous regions for work.
The operators aud Miners met on Friday last
to establish an agreement for 1872, but failed to
accomplish anything,
Wo publish this week our annual coal state
ment. With a stop of several months duration,
our county has shipped 1,213,0'.IO tons, or about
1-7 of tha production of our county since the
commencement of the trade In lsifi.
The shipments for 1878 will largely exceed
those of 1871. Sfmmokin Ihratd.
I.r.wisM. YoTiEtt Insures property on the most
reasonable terms, In sound companies. Oflicc
near the Court House.
A ConunspONnnNT of the Jlemoerat writing
from Malianoy under date of January Pth, says :
Yesterday, as Mr. Henry Strauh of Jackson twp.
was drifting homeward with a load of coai, he
was met near th6 house of Mr. Simon Buhner, by
the team of Galen H. Holfinan, constable of
Washington township, loaded with Pine, run
ning at full speed, upsetting Mr. SlraubV vagnn,
getting him under it, and hurting him severely.
So says report. Mr. H. left his horses standing
lu the road without tying them. This Is another
warning ngnlnst leaving horses untied.
List of letters remaining in Snubury I. O.,
January 17, 1S72:
John D. liarlrick, Mr. Charles Hetty, Miss
Marv LYrger, (2), W. 11. Ulosser. Esq., o. P.
Con lcs, (2), Mr. William Counter, Mrs. Sarah J.
Forth, Mr. h. X. Force. Mr. George Grant, Mr.
(ieorge Hepnes, Miss Enimalilie liepner. !;-,
Jennie Jackson Miss Long & Wolf, Annie 1'.
Lincoln, Miss Ida May, Mr. Gjorge Mantz, !.
M. Price, Joseph Riley, Mr. J. Silvers, Me) h n
Temp'.in, Samuel A. Trimmer, Mr. Wlllmcr Wil
son, A. J. Walters, M'hs Mag Windlicld.
A SiNoiXAn accident occurred on Friday la: t
at the Upper Cemetery, w hereby Mover and i'.-.s-tian
furniture dealers, Uroadwny, lost a va.l i-.l '
horse, tlie particulars of wliich are given h 'oa .
Mr. Moyor bad Ink an a rmigh box to the I -:n. -tcry
mi l having left it. was n turning mu': I '
horse an 1 v.-aon lien his horse Ivon to I :
eni-d at the Inch Cemetery gate, and ' ir. Mo; :
took him by the head to lead him thrn'.gb. 'I"a
fears of the horse were not quieted by tlii.- tea t
nii'iit, however, and he struck Mr. M. dov n v. 1 1 . i
liU fore feet, nnd started ut of the fci I- .y : I,
a fearful pace. In turning a sharp corner une-.;
his fore legs, was disjointed at the pastern joint,
and, after running on tho wn:i'n..l f.-ia for .
hort di.t.inec tlie horse Hopped. As the he,..'
was, almost entirely detached from the ha.-, the
pastern bone protruding thiou rh the. sKia, Cue
horse was immediately idiot to put it out of its
mi. cry. The animal was valued at about ? J.19.
.Y.'i'f::i!i;i. Noi:tiii:kn CnxTitAl. nAti.itivvi). The foliov.--big
Io the eoal toimiviu of llio Northern Central
Railroad south, fur the following years, which
has been furnished us by Mr. F. I.. Du liat i y :
1.m :n.
17a,.::.: I
l ni.n:;t
a. I I'l
The Coal was received from tho
points In 170 and 1S71 :
..lis. MS
I.ykens Valley
Danville ,c KaZ.ct.m 11. Ii
laicka'na it lllooui.-biirg 11. 1;. 2J.i,
Increase lu 171 r-a,7v
On Thursday list, Mr. Geo. H. ful.-r v..i
struck with palsy while In tho di-cuarac of!,
dut'u s as flagman at the f-liamaki i .-1: e, t !'.. !
crossing. Tho was quit.: sever-1, p .ral;
zing tho rigid arm, side and h :, but v.-e nr
to lie able to announce that he is likely to i s .1
tliouseofhia limbs. Mr. Coder had n ilrol
less Bevere bom-thing over a year ago. Shim,
klit Jfon'ul.
a I
In making your purchase-) do not go away
from town, and we think you will do better by pa
tronizing tho. c who advertise in this paper.
NoiiTiit'Mi.viti.AMiIias free lectures every few
weeks. Why cannot Sunbnry all'ord them I
The greatest enemy to weak men Is the wine
glass i to vain women, the lookiu , -glass.
Bv the great number of show biils pi t aho .t
town ouc would almost think that everybody awl
"th; rest of mankind" were In the show bu inc. .
A Chestnut street ladies' inau says he Is neve
satisfied that his lai y friends undcritan 1 a ki.-s,
unless ho has It from theirowu mouths.
YuiMi married men who wish to attend bills
without taking their better half with Gum,
should leave notice with their families at ! nt
hour they Intend returning. To have a wile t i
lock the doors and leave her llogo lord oat in the
cold Ihe balance of a night, mm be dis
agreeable. At least fo:no of our joting iaen
think to.
It Is pronounced, by those whoprofesstoknow
that a new and dangerous 20 greenback coun
terfeit note has been put iu circulation, so well
executed that many bankers have been deceived
by it. As It is a :s2J, we me ale, ns print, i.-.
seldom see uuythiug of that bir;e.
Newsi-aitus bad belter Mop Untieing th
'Grceiau Ih-nd," for many of the lu a a-; h.; .. ,.t
their backs up" about It. Thoy d -u'l like o b
run down behind their backs, and no iie.viap.ipi
has a l ight to do to.
I'dihr Table.
Di::.iui;i:st's Yorx'i A ii::fti-.v for rir:iary
will no doubt be welcomed by our Jiivei.i'e . ;i,',
the holidays j it has always num. thin r new, u
icriaiuiugana Useiut At unite 'Going to : .;, '
nnd the first chapter of a new Moiv I r M i
Mannerldg, entitled "Just My Luck j" the
sorhing story of Minnie and Kiny" is coact i ! :.
It Is one of the very be ever put iu p.-ial f.,r
Jiivouilrs, and cveu adults cm be in truded by
its purusul. We sco unothcr serial is pronii e I
lioin the pcu of the sumu author, to coiunieiice
n.-xt inonth. "Alf und Eddie" is a charming
story for the season ( this makes less than b ill
trie conteiils, which Is so varied and entertulnintr,
we advise you to get it Ifyoulmvu not nlri-ady
Biibsciibed. Publitdied by W. Jenulinfs Dciuoi
cst, 8US Uioadwuy, N. Y.
Dkmokfst-'s Montult Madahine for February
coutnlub Its usual abuudiiit and vuricd amount of
good thiuirs for a family inugazliie. We mentlou
iu particular new munlc, the Highluud Luucers 1
Poetry, Winter Winds) Marrying for Money j
A Woman's l'uctn t Motbur uud Child, etc.) uu
Excvlieut Stoiy, The rrolVwsjor'ii Wlfei Jennie
June's second article on The Physical'o of
Women, --Whut Education does for Girls" aud
other article full record of the Fashions aud
new designs for ladies and children, profusely il
luiitrated, Ladies' Club, llotibchold,Mus!o. Drama
Literary and Art, etc., etc. ti) yearly. Publish
ed bjr W. Jeuulugs Dvworett, Niti Uroadwuy,
UuciiiesH Nolirc.i.
' Bt strict attention to b'asines, Thor. O. N.v.t
controls tho largest tailoring busines3 in Sua
bjiry. All his (fulls attract attention, and ntn
commented upon as the best fitting clothing;
worn. He keeps excellent goods and knows how
t make thctn up to phase tho most fastidious.
Tin: splendid assort ment of all kinds of Hals
and fa; s :.t S.'s More cotithnv to c'.tract
attention, which ore sold nt reasonable prices.
Tiitt.p. are more Boots and Shoes Bold nt the
Excelsior store of W. lh Milhr, Market Square,
than any establishment In tho county. Tho rea
son Is, that Miller keeps the largest stock to
select from, and always has the best quality.
AviTitiiu lot of new furniture has just been
received nt P. E. Roudenhush's Store, In the Ma
sonic Buildings. Some, of tlie very best that can
be found la the cities-, made up In the mo t mol
era style. Furniture of nil kinds equal to n city
store, are kept In this' establishment, nnd told tit
the mn.4 reno!u:We prices.
Tltr. hoUdayi being over. It is, i,ever!he!csf, Clement .fc I.'i '-ln:: r are f till selling
their goo's nt lower prices than elsewhere.
Every o ie will hi e.Kivhic -.1 of lids fact by call
ing nt th-.-lrn-.w :::-. roam lu's build
ing, on Marl: 1
' A 'r r woi ill r.-uiciiibjil;itr, that Welmer ficli i
g.Hids lower than (lie lov. IE stock of Pres
Gi-cd- In i U. Mciit." Yiuprc-a r! :'i, illlns,, i.e., ir.c, r.rc (vt.p., t -. Y( v, ts r.n l
Velveteen ' per cent lower Clan foriiu-r piices.
Wntert roo:- of fee !.'.. ' t s'y! ; en 1 he t make,
l.adi. -' :-T 1 .-.!:' t-.:i-l fc t ' lu . ills assort
ment of I;':.: svl-s c ill';""-! t all t!n lee-iing e'yies
In the ui.T.1; !, whh-li P. iT rs :-l cxtivn.-ly Ion
prices. Cell e.n l be -..cvi'n-d Hint Y.idai. i'.i
popular Ca-li t't-re i.-t'.e ' to bar
gains, liis stock ofiVc-cls is in.', to be sUl' -e l
l-y any in ipia-.-.tity, ipiality, or pi'ec. N'o trou
ble to i how c.oo ! .
Having jn l returned from the Now York mar
kets In - Is props; re 1 to nff.-r extra Indue: mvnta to
cash buyci
I.'its rot: f'i.':. n,; 1, t r."! f.-t front c:i
Ch-s.-t iiitt ft r- '!.. tt-nntoiry. a''jo):ii-. t'le resi Isuoc
of L. T. Eolirleu-'i. Jlso., mil two vacant !..!
freiuti-'. r V. else-!. i:i M-i-.-cr":-- n l l'ti i i. En
quire of II. T. Me- e r.
I! -i-.v f
r-'ally a-.-.
111 -: !e i.e. '.f nil. A
... , . ...a.. , ::;l:.p !t
r van. i r h.-'o yo-.i t -V'. i:.
.i,- o-s. -l laa i on 'i'i-l-i! i f i 1
re v.i.l :o !V he, vou ( oi
! ,i. : : ' alia: , ,y
a- -Ii -.; n ie.e ( o., i -a-. ,lc-n a
a V e - Iv ; ol- y.i.i c..n have
, a ; a.a '.!, in I n:el;e l u-a
i;t i.i-n I e. ee.ra ti;
o. it; . i li.ri t a s a1;' ncy for
.'.. .-. V ill at race.
at to v.
l-e;- ivlj
I H-.
ia th a
e a. v a ..
cor d niv
ath r o. .11 i.iei
1: i ! ! a a I.
Y.'i ! i i i i v to
th r -1; f u- pr. i
Die sa.:l' ri--. J ivi'i - i 1
v a." I c ia" 11:1 rcia !'. to
a... v. a . a .. ir: it . KKK Or t II Ai; ,1..
Pie send an cuvoh-p -, wl'li our naiaa a..
an h - - o'.l it. -al l-e -'s.
ih v. wii.lia;; ii. moiitoi:,
t" ! Pit, AO.SAV,
O -t. 1 II '-"I . ly. N ::.-.- Vnvs ( itv,
VI:e i'Oi;A'.'iJo::.-.i :mh Bif'::I-sj.
Jt- II I-I-- i li.: as a waridn.j and fos las h :-.i:
JL of tj i.f'.'t iin.l (a', re. who tuini- n a!
Nsrvaii I) aillt;.-, .(., si; plying I he of
V.'ritt-n hy ono who cure.! lilni' If and ,
fran ,. r,.t-,.;v'rag :: po.t-p ,1 1 . ircet ;.l cnvolnp .
A '.lie--. NA'l HAM.Ti. MAYr'AI;!.
May:.i, 1-71. -i, in. Ihooltl-.n. N. V.
ie -IS
- y.
i i
I On ila: 2:, 1 of .', -0: -.
! 'ui V oase-r,, I-i !; h ,
j tv, !.-v. a. '. '":,,-,
: I ' ', Mr. Jr. --
a. l.i i n r..
v. '-.v. i:. iv-t-
. i .' N'tiitaaii.i) -rlan 1
va-.o: ': c.ia.ay.
On the :.'! t . f I' ,....,.,.
irllar. Mr. : vrru. Hi
co:mty,:i!i.! I.'.l . Ma:;t i':.
.: l;. .
Al ft. leu's. Mi... I lei. -.. t. i-.-J. .1 "(-.;:
THOM l':ill.V, .-on of Wm. 11. a . 1 i:'iT;,.-;s.
sou, fona--i'y 01 hi-, plac e, la.'s-.I t vl-.i:,, '.a
to mi lis, an I la day-.
At li irri-ti-irg, o-i Thar.-.', iv i.,.-t. "Ii,. V '."y
P.1..M .1, Wife ( f fen. P.iae ! a"e 1 a 1 y. -r. "
Her ratnain.-i were Lrnurht la Gas far ln
teiiavit, ou Katui.l..y 1. st, aaeoai; ...:le 1 l-y bar
hll ii ill I, and a limit, of 'li ad-. Tli. J,j -, ,1 el
w.i, well !!. n l,y.-;, .na eel irla re . l.e ivil-.i
fie groat, r p. it ,.( 1" r life. ..4i.. 1 y- ars ;-;o
Mr. an I Mr-. !': ' a ' :t t'.U place for,
anl to -k 1 .. -. .'.-:i of f.j t-i.ti.o i a.i !iol
IP a.- ', v n , ... , p aaal.-, oa a r taeir cud
lai-... . . -.n I!.-,,., t"' ; .:
1 ; 1 ' . ':'.. li, - :. . i f .vore.My kai.v.n,
' ! '' 1 "'' i' ac 'j by p rsons
II' 1 l! : -a:' ai. t .,' h.rla.ll ma! generous dis-
'"' :" " ' ! ' - .1 'f' .lll'-a of heart. l:o
a'.v. i ... ' .a a. 1 ., : .,- , . 1, !.,.- .1,, ,,,
liiee.u.y J . .; . o: 1. r li.a.uj iier truu huiae, 1: j.l
ei.'ac il-- r (... 1', ).,.,. r.i 1 .ins, ila-alllie
b'-oa..'.: 1 r. .-:.i ; .a
.1 -'
path..: : .I.'
1 : Ii 1 .v.
a -1 na.
i I ui IhN, 1:1
sa .1-
ay Crid.i tv k'-ft
let .
C.lJll.ra WI'1-..-i.v j,v li!t.5,UltS:!-!t.
GliAIN Cho'cv V.'liile V.'lir a'. ( j
liest Amber, Winter ' 1 1
V Corn '.'. J,,
v JV" .'..."'l 1 j
Outs, (:;t ii.s.) ;. :J, Amber, Winter, per suck. .!."!...'j
barrel S :i
(V i a Meal, per cwt. o , ,
Pwiumylvunla Itoll ,
Loos Pci I0..11 '''.)
M lats .Dried He-r, per lb '......'..'.'.'.'i' f 0
Smoked Mutton ....lii( :.'
Laud jier lb ,'.' "" " . ( j
i'lsu Salt White. Fish, per lb ' i's.
" Trout ' 'il,
cod .....7..;.:;. .,
VEoeniiLts Turnips, j or bushel ' o
Oniou " n 00
llenns, " quart lofffl
Hominy, " ' rJ
Dnir-D Fai'iT-Dried Apple, pcrtb .'...isfi'cai)
" Feachet, '. ao(j.,14
'ii.... R
The Firt Ed'tion or Two H.ind-.'l Tlion-mid
copies it t pnldbhed. It h oieginlly printed on
fine. tint. :d paper, l:i Two Colon, and ill ii'trntcd
with over Three Hundred Kngrnviii;;fl of Flowcfs
and Yegetnb'.ei. au-t
Tlie mo-t be.utlful nnd In-tractive Catalogue
n-id Floral Guide In tlui world 112 pa.ees. uieiiig
tlioro":'h (lirectious for tlei ctiltuic ot 1 lowers)
mi l Vv!'ibi, ornamenii-ig giound -, m ik'ng
Wa'ks., iV:e.
Vonvarde 1 to any who apply by mail, for Ten
Ccnt', only onc-quiutcr Hie eo-1.
Addre-s, JA'llli M' K,
Jan. II!, 1S72. Rvrlvstvr, N. Y.
CH'-riTEES OF AT1T3:.-i:TCr;.
Everyboly H invilel to conic n cl buy of tho
handsome, iissort uicnt of
in frame ba'l ilng, ndocniug Moore,''; li -;tn tvVi
Imlldintr, Tl!li;i t- I'll MIC 1", tf IIH'-' i V, I'A.
Just opened a fresh supply ol' Confectioneries of
(-very ii. -crii'tli n.
x6v:i or A-.r. rz:;z::i
constaiitlv on hand. The he t 11 M:-.1N, I'Ki,'-,
f.rUUANTS ifc DiiiKi) nii'l l'.
t VC1XK 1JIO COPFKK, Ti:A cc SPIC'!::--,
j fre-!i Bread, Buns .fc Cakes, I'.vry ln'-nihr.'.
j FANCY CAKK-i, P!criTo, CIIAf :M:il;;, Ac.
orsTKiisi (irsxicr.s I ovstkijsi
Ilavint; cited -:n a room i ir-n-
Iv f..r ervli: ;
npoy.-tci-s in i-v. ,y ,::: I.ti a-! G :.-.! .i
I v. ni us ;; ceoni ii io a c l v. an I ,:e I ,i I . . a v -. s- l i I
l.i.-ii-li-.t. at nil hoars ilurlng the il. v an I i venia".
I Kaniii: will b p'l 1 m th. ir r '1 ea-e with
j t'-e he t l-liall or Can a ! Ov.-t. r-. a- i- .'..--ii.-.M ,
at the v.-iy U.-.v. t p.l -. '
Call aud scciav ce IV af a-- a.rl.a at of c.i,l -.
an I useeitalu lia prices. '
I fi ;'. Vi:v;'-.
', Pee. IC l'lTl.
j . ... ' . .
Ol til" coalliam of",!,. Noif.inm'i
iv Meiional I' ink. H I. i i :
j ties :':.a of Penn-ylva.ioa, c.t I'ae c'c. e el bit-
1 i-i:ic b mi the. ltit'i il,.y of D..c, V..I:
I l.-,ir s
Iv an- an ! Pi
t..,. ...
it i.
11. .... 1!
t-i ' can t ircu'ei ion l.iaiaU 0J tVota Ii --'
-' ''a 1
i . : - i
"C r. ad i! ei vo
. lUlc)
-.1 i! u.ks (a i
- .... r,
a.i I ' I
l:i.2al 12
1,2 --. I CI
.'.bail ,Y
7 77 a
no yj
1U J-
a i : ii.-r f .-..l in
;.r i i
i.-.i. . ..ia .: ; o,i:
a de e..' vi l . ail a;
. ,, .
.1 :'' :
J "' ,
I j'ili
I i ' .. a i o
I t'l
la. I i
I. V.
l..a I C
t i II;-'
C a
ar i
:'- .'-
V. W
fPeau '.'.'a
.-.-or.) t-i a-inl
..!' ).. ..
li. ' i . 1
!':-., a..u. i'.,
!. c.y ' v:i
v.. I o
a i-e.
i : i .
- de
r. -
irl of ; he con lit lo-i of "1 !-. I'ii
11 i--1. of t- a. i a.' in t ii ,r. a- a i-,'
in l!ie . :.itt of I'.-ansi Is--.n-a, at li: '
ai.u ss ,-.:i tl:c Hk.'i .lay of ),-( ..;. r. .
j i.iAiii.rn ::.:.
j Capital .ie p ,: m -.
I ii n dus fan I
Dl-e.,:;.,:, la,-,:,.., later -, a'.'.'l
i.a'i I I'd
a .-. ; ,1
1 1 ;
I'i'o. a -.. I ...
'!.'" 1
f. I
j 'ie : r ; '. ..( ; e i.r'
' Dis.d .1 I a: '. i....
Pi i I '. 1 l a-' .' I: - .
I l oad at t i: .-
! li.;. l: off. ii.'lal
! D : t-i lo t:.. . i! !-,
I V- I 1,1 I t.a - ja ,,, . ;.
! lavas. ;.;,,!;,,.,-..., ;
1 f. I-. I- ! t . . a
1 f. :. II a.,1- t.,
1 ' " re 1 ii ,!...
! c:h -r . : :. , 1: ,:.
; Lai; iV .. l.-.:,-:i.
i 1' a.'.lu-r )':!,!," ..' ,..
j (;a:s':'.ri:':pins.a-aa
( fas!i IteuiK, inclii i
I l'rote t Account ...
a el
.! I si
I 1.1
1 1. ,1
p.'.'.'M :
1 -.. i ',::
.',o"a.' 1 ;
1 i 1 :
1,1.1 a.. ;..'
1.'.'! .::! !
lea.,.- 1.1 .
!.: 1 :! I
: la.. .' 1 ' ,
;.:. I l.e ,aa
.'l V:':".
ix s.. i'aid!."!.", ua 1
j fi'l s of ;::.ti,,:i.: 1. ,-a,
1 F..a iloual Cunvn-ey, i..cla.
I', tf. I. gal TcU-lcl- auti's.,,
VTI 1,0'
1 1
t'i.riY nr . .-oa: :i : . r.
T. :" ess,-1 .1. I' , -.', r. ( ; i- .. -". .... ;.- ...
: s s : a - ai 1 . a ' ei . :. -,- p.. ; ,;; .. .. 1 - . r
I f: -t th 1 t- a :.t 1 Ire. , v. the' 1 ... t el
i 1 iv kllowle lae ,1., 1 l.ell :'.
T 1' r a: -" ,. 1 t .- 1
vvilai,,; 1
1. i.'.i.'::;, ::.::.;. y r,.h:;,..
i -'!-!:'. ii-
Coll' a '- ATT- -:
1 o : .
llaeefo,-,. i
"n-i-' s - . i
-i.S j
i '
IT'r-t-1 Vr:i C? 1-1 rT-.1r-r.'
iiUuui) i-j.i,-it, IjU'.I til L-j.iuJ,
Di eeuiher Id, 1 :n . :u.
'iT-SJ rrsii ?.".; l:u:sl oi" ft::i-
bury, 'o:inii."
'"il'O I'iCC is lcivby t ivca., fiat tlie re An-
.iN ll'lal election of Dire"! urs of "'plin Pi,,
1 Tf '.' !i. I'.t' i'f I .' v ,.'.' J A Vf .'.Il V, A. i'a,
j !;.:. ot the laii.'a.ia-.; 1 !.o,..e. in t!-.' la r.-ah ,.;
!' -.i.iii,ia,, 1 . 1 , , .m'.-i, 1 iu liwai ,.. i-i o e 1 .
a. 01. .lil-l II o'clock, p. in., of . a ! il.'.". la ac
1..1 I '.nee v.itli tic p: jvi-h.-as 01 t! .1 .. : of t ou
I esi i ;S.
p. J. p.M'.;::n, .
C-jnl ary, P., Dee. 1, fiil.
1 J liiJ.V. . J t .. W s
nicies, Tallov, Bones, licga
Suuburj-, XorlhM Couul), Ph.
Buubury, Doc. 9a, lbTl.-Uui.
'J'o lr? Pcrsioiit,
To Pvsih plirs,
To Siin'orcrl IVom I.ivcf,
To thfso liiiv'mj; no Apiioti'o,
To those wilU JJrokcti Down OtiKlitn
toiis, To Xorvoti IVoplo,
To C'liililron Yt'asling A wny,
onn.V with Doliilit tt j1 lJi;f.-Bilvo OrrrTis,
Or tufcri-ng v ith uinj if tho f'l'hm-lr'j
b tnjtohts, which inili'iilc l'irti red Jjivt
such f.s Con
etlpatlon, lnv.anl
Piles, Fuilnc-n or
Hiood to the Head. Aci
!ty of I he ;-omaci, Naawi,
lie. u Linirii, l.:i gu t f ir l-'oo.l,
Fiil!ncf or V.'.-ig!it l:i t lie tv.oni
l; i ll, i. our Fl-'.l' le ' Ion .I'lliMn ;' or
ril.ttcril-tr ut tliD I'd of the !! -clinch,
iiwltomirig of the lleai.l'ar
ric l uud Pillic-alt r.rc.ithiug, l-'luii r
lug ut the lieait, Clioking or lo;C,e it
I ig .Su: al ion -, whe-i in a l.ying !:ie,
Dimness of Yi-ioii, IV:.-- r V.'il-i l.ef-r-'t'-Sight,
K'-vrrnnd D.n'I I' i' i 1:1 the il.-i-l. P .'sl-ii-ev
of Pcivphnl ion, c f tnc t-khl
nnd Eye, I'aln in tie- r-l 1-. ( i-, . t,
l.lmlw, .., fiidd -i il'i-h -s .' !' .-',
Puruing la the 1 ie. ;i t on t r ' f -n-nglniligs
of llvil. i u 1 Gi-e.,t i e-
plV-.sioll of .- Il ltS.
A Pilt -is w itlior.t Atooh-d or f . lilts ,,
! 1 . iKif.-r -nt from nil -r . It U c
: lii- p :;-.' Juh i-s. or Viv.t. l'!:.:.-r:iu.:-. : ll-'ei-;,
i II: i:: s n;:d !!..::., for u-. ine-lli hu-'h t-r-.o I 11 -tr.:i-'s,)
t!n! v.-nr.liic-r oi' in".! pintuee. i,f i',,e in
II ;:l . not being :: .'!. Tio-r f -re .i .-... ,..t-
j . .... -
: t ." of t!i. - Ii. Iters lie re Is e ;a un. l c.s LiUi 'i in
' ' a i i as im,i i-,- i oj -i.n ; .u ...
1 n: 'iaary i a--.tu!c-. The KooM. esc. c - I a.i i !e-
! ''! :,r" " '' ' -v ; '--";. hcli- prin.-i-
I I cMra-i -.1 iu that ron-try ! y a Kic:it t b - ,
' and laruauh I to 1 ,- tun n :: I' i.-t i.i V bi th ,
Cty. w!.rc Hay an .-oti-pi.r.nd-.f anil lea!!;.;
1 r-e:i:-i!il ---ia splr. la,. a-ia::i-- il;. : 1-. l.ltt -s. (
j; -,.... I;-,;., tue oiijeetacM '.r: 1 :r.'ei-i t all o'i'- ,
i r-' : I. i; . ire for :: ini-ints can b lii-lnc- I ,
from tn er us : t!:-v f.-.mi"t make ilrun .ari! -, :
I a u 1 csiU's,o . na
have an
j b it a h ii-li-1.-.! i Sao
i V.'as compaau !e 1 lot hi.f n. ! ia--one I t a
treiue hlii.i-.a-a i- ,!:; '. ;.. :. - iu c
! when som 1 a'a r:liiilic . :i:au' a..: i r. t:lit lie;
In- i I at v, It li the I an la p:-a -j:
I i.
; ,.',',. j.,. ,.,, ,'' ,. , , .,'.'',' ', -' ,- , ', '
lll'M. ami ii iv.a'e-! in . li a :a i;.: - r tin.: :!
trenic bltr.-na" i of th M't : i- -r.-.-i : .
I iii'-r a pr.-pa ration liia'av a'ssre- -:b
i ... .,... i il. r -! .
an i p a a' ! 1
to the pulnlo. n:ul coutaii::'- r la s 11. am 1 x li - .
Iocs of the ISiiteri. 'i l.e p! i -e of t la- 'i iui-e l CI. :
rol per Dotfu. whi-'i i :ny p. ?.. tl.'.-ik too :
high. Tli -y iaa-t tn':- It.'o e : -I I uetaei that '
the M im 'taint li-ed ii !.-u:i;'a-l. 1 to h rfn pure I
(paility. A poor ai'la-le c- al 1 ! la: al-la- I at n ,
I cheaper price, but i - it ! ? I Iter Io li-v a little 1
more and a ..... 1 art ice i in-aelnil pre-
P nation fliaul 1 co.;te,i:i una: but the he t i:.',e-
1 ('.lent 3 ; an 1 tin y ho ep-. el- to claala a is -in
: coaipoan I, ni: 1 i-e licnvua-i ,v it s-11: i.i..-t cer-
t al iilj he i la-.lti !
no:'!.:;:f'.s C: :j:'vr i. n1
IIOO! I.AN;.".-: GlIiOiAN Idlali'. .IHi 'lvi-.
i.andv. i'c:!-;!:j;': t :';;-.
v' l cure c.c:. 'I'l.ey al - th ' (Is. a! t
r.l'.ilD Tl'liT: :V.S kaov.ii to la- M.-lh-ai
v.-(,;li. a i .I t,i. ,r---iiiMi. .. ut'.-lng fn.i.i
!:i p-tr- b!.-.I. la Ml:' y of tli I :. -ti. I'.-.-.m-.
i-rl'i-a-el i.lver. in a short or th..n a:.v
otiier !.u e-.u iaaia-li-s.
viiii u ua; jsi-i-KKMn (.(u-j;t or
.-, i ii..,.'i i. . .v-,i. .1 i,.i-. ii;.;
'i'l: i:-i-: itK'.rriniN
vso'.'t.a A-t: run v.-;:r. V
a' a-N'.ai: i a.
:: W. Wo -i-',.
vi c..
- i ( . :a
a a ' i a is oiii
at proa-! L .'
' vani.i writ-
. I f.a.l '!!'
to'.iio, U'ef l
I t -:,a-vii:
ft am i'. n,
'. i o :
. G 'I
s of li
. la ca
' I ' l 1 i I '
G '. '.'.'.
i I
.1. la
va-O ui taai.a
; ibm. Jam::.- Tiac ; ;
pr. .no Court of 1', a'a
I rnu.a : ;
t I c-n.-i a r ''llo. : ... f. ;
ual.'e !;,. a.;, ;,,,, p, , , . , :.'
! or 1-;. , -ia. 1 cs a u-r;' ';,
; 'ie' ' ''I it.
Voiii.-, .T.i
.. I a:
Jiott. Gr..:..:r.
' premo Ci-iul .
, J : tl
i-f ta
' !. 1'
a, l a.
T have f.
a t ' a!
' , v. 1
a '.- !';.'.
- :' f the I
!..'.., .lata
.. 11
.1 I
f.a.i... .1'
ill:, -i-i a
a; la's
...11 1 ;
. Ileal. ,
I at.
,1 1 .
fc v If 1 1
' l.l. 1 had the f' 1 , , 1.
I- i " 1 a ; ::.-. t-i 1 ., p any f... 1 ,a
a y -' a , ',. - 111,- a, a- -o ,. ,1c ;,s ,., ;., ;
i '- ' . " .I '-a: ai Wutali. '
r.i:.i 1::;::
iiDori.AXi)'.; t;::;:;-iA:s i'.iTTi-:!:-mi
Y.'i'.l Cure cvi.t-y C'.ts.a of
LaJ ; S. I ... .: . i ti v ,
or Wit- ling f.Viiy i t tl.o ! ily.
1: i:rv! iij-iUi-iii
noorLAiAj ;;;km.v.; i::::!!:!'f
i Al'e tlie 1 : 11-inoi vol 's.a.- ,1 - al.s ;
' n.n.i i. t-xviie tuc tm-pi'i ln.-r' to ia a tV ,- a' .
; on 1 to en ihlc v...;t ti ; 1 s 1.. . t .. .a :.
1 h trd.'hij i or 1 j.uro.
DU. l!()Oi'J..Nn'.j
P O D 0 P 11 Y L L 1 N ,
1 or su'i'tifute lor M acury Pi .a. Two Pi. is a '
I !.. 'ila! Iiio.t Puncilili, vl i.ii:oe,-ai
tie known.
It is not n.ce: ' ny I 1 take a f llic-e
I Ii.s t l-ro.ilu a l.le 1!," ,1'. -.1 el. -at; l .v.l ol III -111
act ipiiekly and po-cr.'u!ly, cic:iu-:u:r the i.lcr. 1
: t na u h and i..., !s of i ll impuilti .... 11. ;
pr'.ne'.pal livrc ll.'t.t is Pad--phj llin, i r li.e A,. o- ;
h.d'e f.Mrail if M.iiidrake, which flu i:,.mv
t oar iiioie po eri'ui, netii.g un I se.a slaaa tha 11
i'ic liainliake in.eli. Its h culiur aci ion is up, ;i I
the Liver, cleau'u.g il sp a diiy li ,,;n ii ,,!..-ti in-!
fans, v.ah all tha lou.r of Nuieuiv, v t lue
l.i'ia Ihe iaiiitloiis ic-ltj attache 1 to'll.-s u e of 1
fa t i..:n,-r;',l. j
for alt li'a.aa s, la wl.l-di the u-c. ofa ealliar- .
llo i ii;i a nt. d, lbs. a pills will uive entile satis-)
fae'lon ia e -a y i-.a e. '1 l.i y m-ver lt!. '
In ca.-i ; of l.i-. r Co:np!.ii,.l, J" p. , !.-, ri!l ay. .
train-. ( liven -Dr. lb- -Ilea 'a Gel. an 11, t.
a- '1-
1 ' ii-.' .1 in conuc.Siou wo.
j ih i'l!' '1 1,- to s,- i-lia-i of the Hitlers or To-
i.:o I-ii. li up I !' .- .-teiu. Tic bi.t.u, 1 r 'f aic
ll:- iia..;.l. sloa aiheia, ll.a .'.'crw s. 1-, -11.
i ics lue Liver, and ties ttiviiglh, ciiisixy u.!
ivee- vioir Powe'.s m l ' vo m it !i the i'i'i 3 ,,,,,1
iveei your Powe'.s act ' ve n it h (i.n ipp5 ,, ,,,
t ua i'-p tic tie I 111 wlt!i Hitters or '1 i.nlc, :.i.. 1 in.
di -. m retain the la.:.!, or even,, ii .. i.
I'.acollcct Glal il li Id!, ill HIP LA Mi s'l-i po.
'IAX licmeiiies Ihai are to iinivcisi.liv ii'.-il and
hie'nly iieoiuaieiidcd 1 and ilii not 'all,. w tho
I'l'.. 1st (o iiiiiiiee you lo uku .-invihin,' ia. e
hat he may say Is Ju-t as iroo l. I1.1au.e l.e I
makes 11 l:ive-, r i.rollt on it. These Hi luedict 111 I
be sent tiy Express to any !.H-il itv, upon applio -
lloniDitie 1'ICI.M lfAI. UHi K, rtt'ie (ii,f-
MAS MKDICI.NE hil-lli:, 5s ARt.'il BT
C11AS. JL KVAXS, rropriotor.
Formerly C. M. Jacks.. 11 Cc Co. 'Uise lieuia
dies are for 6aia by DmirnhU, Moiekocpvrs, aud
straleins Dtalurt uiciywncis. 5.--., .'.j.-v:.-.
Greet Inde.r-p-ienl" offer.-! 11 l.l ' - I
the nost popular vol 1. el'! he 1st, !: KsJ.te
Cliai actci.. uiel Places of the Jlo.y 1-iml,'' by
CilAKI.T'.S ?. ri.TiO'lT,
!th nitlele. Horn the pet s or T. D. Ucolfw, I..
I.. 1. ; li ght Tics. M. flaik, I)'. I). l.ev.
.' ph ( nniiali!'.", D. 1'. ; P.ov. Car.r'r;s A. f:tort-
l-ir-l t 1 v. fi. I', rttnltb, I). D. : l ev. Wililnm
n.o. 1). D. t Pev. Iknry Wind Pcer-hi-r, ftc.
Address for circular i and nr. 1 pi ttieular.
.!. H. i'.l'.VMU'.il.
f ee. V, 1S71.--SI-.1. r.-tlsvlflc. I'n.
Tiii':;) amd map.::;:-;- .m'ahi:,
Ka in ;1!' I: aid C"U. t n lit ' y i'-c;-':vin'' Novcltl-.s
In ii'.. Ilia', co-i.-i. ting in p:.ii of a fill line of
A e i.:'A '.a . t j s i.',
Illla, llllaai-. It-W-'-d .'.-Co.. Walthaii', Vsf.-i-acli-i-
-tf. rial P.-v'.- A i :'. 1 1 1 ' ' .' '-. WATt. !!-..';
-o, n fi.l -r I. ': . :.!. !'s 'i.,11
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11. lii V4 .Cl.
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,.f . ha: ! -. v.l 1. h are :aa.l . nil fr,.,h.
tyiii-.;-;:; v.YAitn, avillowwahi:,
il-.c., ccc, iV c.
TUi M MINGS. GI.OY!'..-',
a." 1 iu teal e eivlliiaa talt e lit he In-, itlo.i, u ia
is oar : ii.-l-i. Having our Si a
l:oo Is can I " s -a a ,1 in C. ae us, tltac. a.o chars,
d v-'.i'i i
',11-1 Ni l P.P..
r i
r '
1 .
' " OT1CL i, 1.. -by ",v.-n that r.f.j lieaf.on wi
! -!- I- tue. :.-at ll-.e n -M (l'-T'.) of lii
I l.."'i.l:itili'- of the M.ltc of I. uiisvlvau':! for lliu
' iiicn.pniv.ilon of aiiai-k, iiiid-r t'-e i..,n a, s'yle
i und life of 1 he Minbiii v I One i-. .vines b.nk.'
l.i I. - h 11 at 1 at Suiihnrv. No: t h unihei l.iai i cduii-
: l.i I. at 1 at Sunbnry. i 1
; ty t'a.,vrh mcli power, mil pris ih-.igc and
i for 1 ui h ol facts as iiri u-m ily e-i Mli .4 p, in-i
! tliii.m of iii.e ch.'liac.-l' Willi :,',::; ll 1! i.f -.'.OUO,
, and with t!:e i .over of I; er -a-a..- I''ei..i.., l.y
I "" ''the .1- chti.dden. to J-.1',t-.V.
' f;iubury, July 10, I I . t;. M.vmxH,
I li XorfU Mooid St., for ofliiii rj ,
An a-'ortnientof Watches, Jev.thr, liver sad
Plated tv'are constantly ou h mil.
Hepulrftij; of Watches au t Jswrlrr promptly
uftel . (April l,'lSTl-l.