Sunbury American. (Sunbury, Pa.) 1848-1879, January 13, 1872, Image 2

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    V V " V
mlntr. American
B. has; tit,
I LUitor.
' .STTNlTuKY, JAXtTAUY 13, 1R72.
v n i twi:Ta c n h ivfjpors : f. ci :.
Vwusi30N Jan. 40, 1872. Those
Vho knrw this city only when it was con
trolled and inhabited chiefly by persons who
sympathized nnd neted with the aoecesion
csts during tho Into Rebellion, can readily
recall the want of thrift and enterprise that
characterised all S nithern cities. Within
the last ten years iVashington has not only
doubled its population, but properly lins
risen in value in many instances, from one
hundred to four hundred per cent. The
introduction of northern people witliynnkt'e
energy, bus infused n spirit of enterprise
that exhibits itself iu the erection of elegant
nnd comfortable buildings, wide and ex
tended streets, now nil being paved, hand
some parks and gardens and other improve
ments. Had the metropolis of the nation
been in such hands 00 years ago it would
now bo ono of our largest cities.
In going to the Navy Yard, a few days
since, I observed that magnificent improve,
raent the tunnel, by which the Baltimore
r tid Potomac Railroad enters the city. A days work will complete it, nud iu a
few nfnulhs hence passengers to Washing
ton will be able togo through to that city
t'muks to the Northern Central and Penna.
Kailroad freed from the annoyances nnd
extortions of that secesh monopoly, the
Baltimore and Ohio railroad Co. It will
be, in fact, an extension of the Northern
Ceutral Road, and will be managed with
the same energy and ability that has built
up that maguiiicent work. In connection
with nil this, it should be a matter of no
small gratification that our member, Hon.
J. 13. Packer, now represents the Kailroad
interests of the nation, a3 the chairman of
t'liit committee iu Congress.
A few days ago I called nt the Agricul
tural Department to sec nn old friend,
Judge Watts, of Pennsylvania, who now
presides over that department nt the carn
tst solicitation of tho President. The
Judge who is so well fitted for this position
accepted the office with great reluctance,
nnd has made considerable sacrifice in
leaving a co'ttlortable home, nt his advanc
ed nge.
Washington has already a lnrje and
MunnF.n op Jamk9 Fi?ke Jn. James
Fiskejr, whoso highest gratification it has
been to lead a sensational life, who lias re
cently caused rniS'di excitement in tho
theatrical nnd financial circles, of New York
und who, within n short lime past, hns been
prominently before tho ublic through the
libel nnd alleged black-mailing case of Miss
Josio Mansfield, was shot on Saturday
afternoon by 0110 Edward S. Stokes, who
had figured prominently in tho suit. The
afiiiir occurred al half-past four o'clock,
just ns Tisk entered the vestibule of tho
Grand Central Hotel. The assailant was
immediately nrrested. nnd incarcerated in
the Tombs. Two balls entered tho person
of l'"isk, nnd the wounds, which were not
at first considered as fatal, proved to be so,
however, nt a few minutes before eleven
o'clock next morning. The wife and fathom-law
of the deceased, together with many
of his personal friends, were at his bedside
when lie expired. Tho remains were re
moved to his lale rcsideuce. No. 313 W.
Twenty-third street.
Tho Philadelphia Press speaking of this
tragedy says :
"FisVs death, in nil its tragic and wretch
ed features, is an impulsive lesson for the
hour. His life nud example have been
baneful, nnd the manner of his taking oil'
was perhaps needed to (mini the moral fu
tile thoughtless and easily dazzled. With
nil his seemingly brilliant success, with all
his wonderful "tact and power, with nil his
resistless energy nnd infinity of resource,
his life hns beeu a misspent, fruitless, dis
appointed one. llj achieved notoriety
nt the cost of character, and everything ho
plucked turned to ashes in his hands. It
j.vm: fisk, jr.
Eritvnnl 8. Ktokvn the Murderer.
New Youk, Jan. 0. Jim Fisk was shot
twice In tho breast by Edward 8. Ntokes,
nt tho Ginnd Central Hotel, this afternoon
at 4.20. The alliiir took place in the hotel
vestibule. Fisk was assisted to a chair,
nnd it is thought Hint he is mortally woun
ded. Stokes has been nrrested and taken
to tho Fifteenth precinct slaliou house.
Fisk had just nllighlod from his-carriage
nnd entered the hotel, when ho wns shot.
Tho followint; nre the circumstances at
tending the Fisk shooting case. At 4.1W
p. in., a carriage stopped at the entrance
of tho Grand Central lintel, containing
Fisk and n companion. Tho former nllgh
ted and entered the hotel for tho purpose
of proceeding to his rooms, nud as ho as
Tended the first step Stokes unperceived by
Fisk. unbuttoned hiseonl, drew a revolver,
and rapidly discharged three shots at Fisk.
The first shot lodged in Fisk'n shoulde'
the Second whistled by his head, and the
thild with more fatal directions, struck
him in the abdomen indicting a mnrlal
wound. Fisk nt once staugered and fell,
while Stokes casting n look of hatred at his
prostrate form said in a savage tone '"1 have
done for the s of a b tliia lime."
Fisk evidently recognized his assailant
before billing, but made no remark. Fisk
was quickly conveyed to his room, where
the surgeon of the hotel was soon in atten
dance upon him. Meanwhile telegraphic
messages were sent for further surgical aid
and for the friends of Fisk. The scene at
ir.e imiei alter me snootim was one 01 ex- ,1,,. on,-,-!,,!,.. 1 , ,1 n,i. i.r.,; !,;.
Inordinary excitement. The crowds com- 1 M.n; ,nvjM., ,10 c(),n),.iy wi,ii 8()lno 0f la
watered" slock, lie subsequently Pur-
severed ids connection with that firm at
thu expiration of two yenrs for 801,000.
Fisk having hinrd that the Stonineton line
of steamers were for sale, came to New
Y 01 kin lrto3, uud by soma hocos-pocus
secured the negotiation for their sale from
Daniel Crew, the proprietor. This opera
tion proved successful, nnd Fisk now enter
ed into speculations in Wall street, and la
less than two yenrs lost every dollar be
possessed. With tho assist anct of Drew
lie established, in -1HIS5, the firm of Fisk,
Uehleti & Co., brokers, aud wns, with Jny
Gould. clecU'd 0110 of the. directors of the
Erie Railway. During February, 180H,
the famous over-issue of the slock of the
Erie was completed, tho capital of thnt
mnd being incrensed from $10,000,000.
Fisk nnd Gould thought they could make
Immense fortunes by this o, oration, nud
induced the board to purchase, at 70 per
cent., fc.VOOO.Ui'O of tho Sl0,00U,U00 orstock
held by Com. Vanderbill. At the same
lime tiiey paid Vanderdilt 8100,000 for the
the contract for six mouths of his remain
ing So.liOO.OUO. They then held the HHO,
OlKI.OOO "short," and so worked that the
slock fell from 72J toll"). They then in
creased the company's slock fro'm SrU4,0()0
Otiti to $-7,0;) purchasing Vauderbilt's
stock at 4 1 per cent, with the pr teceds of
the sale, clearing over Sl.l-",W0 by this
transaction. He now, in July 18158, dis
solved the brokerage linn, mid together
with his co-conspirator set machinery in
motion to obtain control of the Erie road.
lty prosecuting Eldridge, thu president of
too road, tor iiaumiicutiy using t,uu,uuu 01
the company's money, he compelled him to
to resign, Jay Gould' became the successor
of Eldridge, and Fisk bought Pike's Opera.
House tor tfS-JU.OUO in the name of tho Erie
company, but becoming dissatisfied with
Mr. Mackey Wns declared elected, nnd,
after the result waa nnnounced, wan sere
naded by the preat Western Hand, accom
panying the Lincoln Club f Pittsburg, iu
the rotunda.
Mr. Mackey, In response, expressed Ids
thanks, and said that his election this year
wntnpprecintod. more fully from the fact
that it bad been reached without any soli
citation on his port; nnd it would be his
efi'oit in the future, ns it had been in tho
past, to protect the- rlnmirrs of the State,
and at the, end of his term to retire with
the only ambition thnt he coveted, viz;
that of haying done his duty faithfully.
The Senators having retired, the Speaker
nf the House presented the annual report
of the Slato Treasurer.
On motion of Mr. Howitt the Commit
tees on Statistics, Labor aud Co-operation
were consolidated.
What are termed moderate politicians
are the heaviest drag and the greatest curse
to whatever party they may belong. .Al
ways uneasy, always wavering; fearful of
this and terrified at that ; never satisfied
nnd ever complaining, Hint party is best
off which has the fewest of them in its
ranks and still better oil' when it shakes
llseil loose trom nil ot tliem. we una in
IV. 11. A.
MaitawoT, Jan. 8 The General Conn
oil of VV, U. A. will convene here to-morrow.
The stssiuu will he nil important, one,
os it will ultimately decide the Jiito of the
foal business iu the anthracite region,
The Wilkslmrre Iron and Coal Company
miners, tognher with their brethren of
other quarters iu the valley stubbornly re
fuse to accede to the demands of the opera
tors, and the prospects for a apcedy resump
tion of work ore accordingly very gloomy
Tl rrlnee of W&lc. . '
LOKDOX, Jan. 9 A despatch from Ban
dringham repot t thnt the Prince of Wales
went out, yesterday for the first liinu since
his illness.. Dr. Gall, who has been eon
stanlh iu attendance on his Hoynl High
ness since the first dangerous symptom
appeared, left Saudriughani to-day.
' Irishmen and the Tariff.
One of the strangest anomalies of Ameri
can politics is the blank stupidity Willi
which so many of the Irish volets support
tne party 01 uniisii nee trade. England
crushed Ireland by destroying the tariff
laws ; yet, curiously enough, Irishmen
support the Democratic parly, that favors
the same policy here. The' abolition, or
even reduction of tho tariir, means the re
duction of wages, the destruction of Ameri
can manufactures, the enrichiiu-nl of Eng.
Hubert h
Honk find, a Not? of J. B. Weier la f.ivnr
of ionpU Rtchsnlfntj. for On-hundred Itnltiir",
two Pbotojf iu)pIi of tlis nnituri(fiii1, nnd other
papers of no Tnluo to any one but tie- nw.
Bupi nted to huve been loot between Frhitig's
ore, Market Hreet, and upper ent( of Fu iitU
Mr. Ft. Tho Under will pleas leava It nt Frv
llnff't store, and oblltfo.
Jan. 13, tbTU.-Ut.
8 B B
AfOIIK WOJinVcnn tw mmle ennvnrBlnij
It A, fur tlio "young Pi'Oj-lo's Heiper," n dollar
itiaicazlno for ToaiiK fu'k, tliiin witli imy ithr
cutrjrlse Iu the country." A mnijiiillciMit PraiiK
Clironio given to every sub-ci Hht. Hoys hii.I
fcliit do u well nu ll met wnincii. ti'jnd fur
purticalais to F. (i. K1C1I V CO.,
Dnnt Delny ! I'ortluiid, Me.
Jun. la, 167:. It. 11 1....1-
tho editorial column of tho Lt6aion Courier t land, and thus, the lightening of her crasn denee nt nttei n fio-n aniniiir th-m. Her nfildii-
O U E A T I N D U C K M E N T S !
lrsci:irrivn op
n.v n S1STEH OF A HKill of his
viriinis, who hub made her escape
iiiii from the various theatrical matinees. 1
!,C U injr of the all'air. thronged the corridors !
J""'" i "iiiii inai, nn an- ,,, tll(. lt,te;, ia -erlv discussing t!ie event,
parent success purchased at the cost of , lnnkill.r ii.,,,,!,,. n(!,ut the narliculurs
of the oun age. Tlie officer wiiv arrested
Stokes took hitii to lli.i Eii'teeuth precinct
station house, where he is now lodged in a
cell. It is s iiil that the ord r of .ludge
Urady restraining Stokes and Miss Mans
lield from publishing the letters in Miss
conscience is worthless, that the respect of
cood men is better than riches, that con
spieuousness may only by vulgarity and
shut the doors of society instead of open
ing them. With all his power and retinue
of servants nnd sycophants, Fisk was a man
without intluence ; for inlluence is the
measure of con lidence had in the persou
exercising it. and rests on a moral founda
tion. Willi all his money nnd ships and
titles, reputable society" had barred its
tloftrs against him, anil he was literally
driven to the company of tho outcast a'.nl
On the market to-day Fisk's death will
be recorded in the figures of the stock list.
1 His reckless ciaringuiiu speculative lad led
I him to (!alib:e in nearly every operation,
: and his style of dabbling was 11 wild dash
1 that in other men would have been thought
insanity. And even here on the tablet of
; the money-changers the lesson of Ms life
I ntul death is plainly read. Wi re Mr.
I Thomson, or Mr. Seoit, or Mr. (joiven to
die, lVniisvlviUiia nnd lh.idiii'r would
handsome Talk, now known n the "So!-1 proVably go down the next day in syiupa
dier's Hoino, "'which in.vfewy
most of the hnm'.some parks of our great
citiis. The grounds thus far hnve been
mostly laid out by Col. A. T. Lee, former
ly of Northumberland, who is no'-v Lieut.
Governor of this hands me aud us"ful In
et;tui.!i.. Tiie Colonul und his nccmu-
plisied lady riceived myself nnd friend
with, j great cordiality, Mid
thr nigh the difn-rent depart im i.ts of the
buildings for thu s lldiers, which is frclva
S Y.'lll CQUal 1 J iis ;i inillL ieeo;uillo!i 01
ineir useuu serviee aim a llio.lie lo ineit
character. To-day Erie will likely s;o up.
For some time past, it is well known,
strom; parties have been trying 1 1 r, seue
the Erie road from the I : isi.'-Gould mauat'e
meat, and savent !; nt its l'uuue from rain.
This murder will probably precipitate the
movement iu nn mil joked-for inaiiin r. It
is lo the Erie rinn tlu Twelfth of.
Mausiield's possission.allecting Fisti, 1'eter
15. Sweeney, and others, has h id an exas-
pewiliug elii ct u;rn Stokes, and it is be
i lieved thai he was uroust-d to desperation,
I partly iu conset'.ieii(.-c of rumors which are
i generally belit ved 11s well founded, that the
I .rand jury have f imil an indictment
1 ligai' st' hiii.s .1' and Mis Mansfield, for
! ntleii.pts to I. lack mail Fifk. The wound
1 in Fisk's abdomen, i.; similar to that which
caused the death ot tno late. Yu'lindigham.
; At S p. 111., the iloci irs were probing for
the bullet, but hud not yet succeeded in
finding it.
I Mi s, on being taken to the station
hi.ue, was interrogated on tho subject of
the si.ooiing. I lit on advice of c uiosel re-fu-i
d to make any stalenu nt, ood and
; White are in attend. Hire on Fisk. There
is eoiiMilerahle liirvoiis prostration, till
lieithei hemorrhage no iiillainatioii Lap i s
yet set 111.
1 11::! I p. 11. Many (.f Fh-k's aefjuaim
anci s ii'el fiii inls nre at the hotel, :nulig!-l
; I In-ill 'I' weed ami J.iy ti itliil. Fi.k is i.ilm
1 and collected, and is aide to converse.
About il p. the. coroner beard iiis st.i'.e-
i incut as to the shilling, which is already
tele;: ra phi
chi'.sed the Fifth-avenuo Theatre nud Cen
tral Park Harden. His shameless use of
power led him into difficulty nt last, nnd
le has met death at the hand of an assassin
when he least expected it, thus ending a
life by no minus an exemplary one.
Legislative. The .State Senate unex
pectedly elected a Speaker without dillieul-
! ly on Wednesday ol last week. After con
sultation Willi his party friends. Senator
lluckalew voted for Mr. I'.nlan, (Rep.) and
: lie was (deeded. An ekclion lias been or
' dered on the .'Lull nisi., in the fourth Sena
. torial district, to hil the vacancy from that
district. The Senate uud House ndjouru
l ed over to Tuesday evening last, to allow
1 the committees to be appointed. On the
1 reassembling of both Houses, the following
' proceedings were ha.l on Weduesday :
i .SEN at l'..
some sound remarks on the subject or
"Moderate Republicans," which we take
the liberty of using, as conveying substan
tially our own sentiments. The. Courier
says: Men who dcaiie lo be ruoilcratc in
their nttachmenfs or their convictions nre
generally a half hearted class who totally
lull in ttui.liiliifik. i 1, rill, ..a i.r m,iii(-ir(.ii.t.iu
It is the thorough-going of a man, who lie- j
lieves fully in what he lakes hold ofj that
achieves desirable results and pushes the ,
world on iu its great univalents of progress.
1 Mnlcrute men. in thu sense, many llatter
themselves with that term, never yet bore
aloft 1 great cause, or adhered niartyr-like,
to a great principle until it wore the laurel
wreaths of victory. The moderate kind
1 move along in douul nnd weakness, ever
I ready lo complain and find fault and de
spair of ultimate success, while he ol con-
scieulious and fiery devotion is filled all '
1 through with his cause and recognizes in
his conllict no such word as fail." In our
late struggle for the life of the nation, what
. a weight on the men of full IovmI convic
tions were the moderate and doubtful kind
whoso sniveling complaints hung like an
incubus on the effort of those, who. fell that
the conllict involved continued Uuiun, or
death to the nation and to liberty 1 i
1 And to-day the only danger to the prin
ciples that triumphed in that dend y eon-
lliet Hows from men who like to style them
! selves "nii'ilt talis," who strangely seem
on Ireland. We believe our Irish friends'
would not knowingly relish this, ns they ;
would undoubtedly be the principal sutler- '
crs. We find that many of llietii preceive
matters in this light, and it is time they
did. John M. Moriarty is the author of it
Mis to lie- (.iivcnciii iit, rrie-tilnt; evidence ns:iilnt
Uliuliain Young und the Elders. The. 'Tiophi t-'
in coinl. mi I sentence of Hawkins, tt nt-liiigdiselo-iiiics,
p'ots, assiivtaiUioar a id victims.
ill puces, fully 11! lli-t lille.l.
Circulars, luinis and fail particulars, font
free oil tiei. addle-.
vrrv fve.-llcnl. n,.lin,,n i,, ('. .-.. u (.,,. liV. I'FIE'.') AS!!MF.D Puti'l.lier.
!,. 'l. rt- ...ii' . .1. ' .' . I .Ton! 13 Cl Til .... , 111.:. . 1.. .
01 uiciaioi, which is (loiaiiiiug me sigiin- j ...w. ,.j iN.r..t m,
tures ot numerous Irishmen. We hope our I
manufacturers und business nun will give I
a wide circulation to this petition, which if I
numerously signed cannot fail to have a I
very good ellecl upon Congress in iho re- I
vision of the tarifl. If Irishmen are once
set right on the side of protection, there
will he an end to tariff tinkering in tho
future, and our lei'islnLors will hi nhlr to :
devote more time to other much-needed re- ' Tn'" hnc,1 1 ' 11 ''c.iuiii'nl o-t ivo of oG" p ores,
forni8.-'A7udMtftt IVt, . tmt.ollUticd win, an ..,. v.,,, ,..,.1 lit.-Sy
2. executed map ol Lou Inn, in -s v 1 an J, e-.-eati I
t. .1 T' , T expivrsly fin-tliU work bv c-ni:,.- ia ii Is. Ii.
Jl DOES, in their charges to Grand Ju- contains a full, irrap'.iie u.i I n u'.i'i: m .i u -,t
ries. us a (.'Clieriil thing unhesitatingly de- or the SUlu-, Seeiets undSensadoiif of tie; j;ie..t
clare that thu cause of crime and pauper- l .Metni.ii;is ut tlw wmld.
ago is due to intemperance. If it were not Addics, DL l-'FIELD AMI V END,
fur the dram bottle, there would be ' . ,., .., , , !'''' !"t, ',r'
murder, less thieving, less pauperage. less , JjW'J- .11 Mtusom Street, l-.u.a ie.,-h,a.
Viigabonihie, less tgnorauee and less (lo-
At;i.T.S WAVI'I'.H lOit
I 'lira sen of Lu, .i.c.
By I. J. Kiiwau, the well k:nn Joiiniall-t.
tueslic misery. The drain bottle is the
modern lVudora's box, from which issues
nil the ills, ntlliclions and miseries of the
human family.
to lake a pride in being neither lihh nor
HAitntsnvito, Jaa. 10. The Senate met U, sh. hanging sus; ended like M
The Emperor of China is soon to be
mai ried, and has imported a pair of ele
phants to assist at the ceremony. His fu-
ininied's ! ture consort is undergoing a careful traiu-
Of the condition of "Th'1 f.'r-an-ty
Natiuntit B..11U. No. Cb'l, iu ShaMinkm, In
the late of Pennsylvania, tit 1 tic close of ba
BinctS nn I lie- lMli day ol lcc, IS1I1
Lonin nnd Obi ',(, f;tl.ni5 07
1 11. -o i t.: 1....
showed us 1 J'J'y s to laniuiany--tho begmning of , iu .....1.:,. . i,u .,01
j The weapon ii; "d was a four chambered
Colt revolver. )ne of the di lectiVi s at the
the end.
Home that many others, besides soldiers
might envy. He is also an ns all his
early friends well know, and exhibited lo
ns a volume of interesting sketches from
his journal while on tho p,;ns of Texas
md the South west. Nor has he neglected
the kindred art of poesy, having lately
published a small volume, beautifully got
up aud hihly .commended by tlie press
which he dedicated to that emiueut soldier,
Gen: W. T. Sherman.
Thu Capitol is now well represented l y
n nir.-uber of young nun front Sunbury aud
vicinity, no less than live being graduates
t rom the cfliee of the American, and it
is extremely gtalifying to say they are nil
gentlemen of excellent standing nnd char
acter in the positions they occupy.
This evening n large committee of influ
ential men of Philadelphia called at tho
rooms of Gen, Cameron, at the Arlington
House, to consult him in regard lo fixing
on Philadelphia, as tho yj-jee for holding
the oppt'oaehU'.g yalional Convention.
Tie General, of course, is in favor of Phila
delphia, und his miiiience will be 110 small
matter in the selection (if the Quaker city.
Bhioiiam Youxo was nrnstcd at his
residence in Salt Lake City, on Wednesday,
of last week by the United snu s Marshal,
on a charge i f murder. Application was
made for his release on bail before Judge
MeKeen. The Court-room was crowded
to suHbcation, and much excitement was
manifested among the Mormons, but no
mil him lo bail, bul would accept the
j tender of one of Erighanrs houses to be
I used as his jail. This offer was accepted,
and tlie Mormon Governor is now a prison-
er iu his own residence.
Stop Thief. We notice that the Demo- j V"" u,u 111 "!l "!? bU "r . ,,f
in i:ii iiuviiuii tie my a. i"iini ni , e luinn
station house v.-In. re Molasis iu custody,
pronounces the bore the wide&t he has ever
situ. Tlie bullet found in ihe stairway
was iu size more like a ride than a pistol
ball. About ten o'clock Dr. Curnnchaii
examined ihe patient and pronounced on
the whole favorable, and giving hopes of
ultimate recovery. Fisli himself saiil thai '
while he knew iiimseli to he in a critical ;
Judge MeKeen di dined to ad- 1 comlniou he thought he would get over it.
AecoiMing P one report 1' ik on ivceivin
tlie shot in the al'iiomeii fell on his back, ;
and on being assisted i Ills feet walked up
slabs to the reception room. Stokes it is
alleged rode down from lbs Yorkville police
court with his counsel, ex-Judge M'Kcon
uud Assistant District Attorney Fellowis.
They got mil at Fourteenth street, and
went into Deluioiiiio's. and while taking'
lunch they discuss.',! the case, uud agreed
tiial il bad broken do n, and was sure to ;
tie dismissed by Justice Jhxby. Stokes
thereupon obsf. ved in an excited tone : "Is !
there no way to beat this man V ;
Alter leaving DcIihoiuco's, Stokes went :
to the residence of Miss Mansfield, and iu
this connection, it, is a circumstance of per- '
baps some significance that Slokcs had not
been more than a tew iniuutis iu custody
at the station house, wheti 'she arrived :
there. j
A reporter obtained an interview with
Miss Mansiield alter the shooting, bat she
eng'.hened con- 1
versalloii, und ivinarkeil that she was sure I
thai .Ned Stokes must be insane. Al mid-1
night Fisk led into a traiuiuil sleep, and;
1 doctors Caruochiin, Wood, Nayrennd bite j
I took their departure until 8 o'clock lo-iimr-
A ltr.inlli-nii.Mi iv v. , t t.mii, .. a t ' row morning. It is rumored that Stoke i
at 1 1 o'ciik i,'.
Deputy S.vrilar.v IL inu ld presented tlie
anir.iil ities'igu of 1, ncrnor Geary, wbicli
was Vi.:l, a. id. on 'nolioil of M". White,
vi -ire.1' red to be printed.
Mr. tiiahatn, Uct'Ubiicau, offered the
fi.llo.viug :
li'sii eel, If the House concur that so
mu. ii ol the ( ie-vcrii ir's message as relates
t i the colleeli i.i of ;he w ir claims of the
Couiuioinvt allh by liem ge O. Evans bo re
ferred to a select coiinnuteo to consist of
three members of the Senate and five mem
bers of the llous:', villi instructions to in
quire into Ihe facts attending the settle
ment, of said claims, with power to send lor
persons and papers, and to make report to
both houses.
Mr. lluckalew hoped thnt particular ill'
The Senate Felly Okoaxizeu.
; The Stale Senate was fl. tally organized on
i Thursday by the retention of most of the
I present otllcers until such time as the Sen
j iitorial vacancy in the lib district maybe
j tilled. This was the result of a compromise
i had betweeu the committees of both parties,
! and seems to meet tlie general approval of
Senator Wilson gave a temperance lec
ture in lioston, the other evening, when
he gave a very good account of the tem
pi ranee character of the present Congress.
lie says ouo-quarter ol the N-nators nre
qmry wouul I
I mi nts which bin
nor Curtin's message. That Governor had
said tiiat ihe claims had been settled nnd
' adjusted, lie must have had something
on which to base mis assertion. One of
the most obscure circumstances connected
i wilh the whole nliair was that the Treasu
. ry Department at Washington appeared to
have made ililleieiit statements at dillerent
times lo our State authorities, this gave
rise to the? suspicion that our claims had
been manipulated. He (Mr. liuekalew)
, had such confidence in Governor Curtin
thai he did not believe that he would have
, made Ins assertions without satisfactory
ev iilence.
pi'i ... : : .1.-. .1--
i ncic. was a mikii-ioii inai me laie lie- i me progress
counts in Hie licusury Jepartm"iit ban
; been handled ina manner demanding a ri
i gid invi sligalioii. The people would be
: satisfied wilh nothing less.
Mr. Graham (Republican) believed that
' the resolution which he had olli red was
collin between heaven and earth, not know
ing exactly vvh 'ther they may drop into
the lap of Republicanism or Democracy. J
How long would Republican ascendancy"
be maintained v.Uli tho spirit of these !o- ,
(hmhH prevailing in the party Indeed,'
they are not iu the conllict for the main-
teiiiince of ihe party ascendency. Instead :
of being brave and determined soldiers iu J
tho cause, with armor ou and convictions I
so earnest as lo make ihem lu roeR, lliey i
nre'inoro like the despised camp-followers '
who nre willing to hang on Ihe rear of I
; cither army and to participate in the spoils I
of victory with the side that wins. In '
' nearly all commtiuilies this class is found, ,
' bul wherever found they aie like M"Clellan
; at the head of the loyal army, afraid to
1 move lest lie should Hurt Hie enemy.
lug in the etiquette ol court hie. r or three
years the looms of Nankin, Hongehuu and
Canton have been engaged on the silks and i
earins for her bridal trousseau, and just !
no " they nr- nnnoeiK,. 1 as completed, at a
cost of nearly hal: a million nl'o'ir money, i
While the bridegroom, .who hns tl.-oun for
his emblem, goes forth in a car drr.wn by1
elephants, his bride, who represents the :
moon, is to be borne to her palace in a .
palanquin composed entirely of strings of
V. b. Bonds to cecal e t'irca'.uti.i-i
L)U'.' liovi He I'cn.ieir and ll.erve
Agents (ns per seliclaif)
Due Loin other .'oiluuial iiaiik (as
per selfd'tle;
ltaiiking lion''
( M !! it. al E-I:.le v
Fufiiiliir- and iitures....v...M
I III relit I'.peti -ii
Ti.XeS t'.i i I
'.'lie-cks :i'.. l Cher Ci-h ilea.?, (as
pev nil.-. a .) ;.
Sti.s o: (.tit. r eii.Mitl Hank-
Pr.i I i J i .. t'a. -v ' inelaiii.ig i.
M eei.i
L' Tvuder u'.es
S.-MtS It
'."'.' li.l
i:;,; .i (':
i.g.'. i to
no JJ
l i,h..r.
r.'.i cj
made ahout. Ihe state-! Some of these "moderates" do not know
been contained in Gover- I nf)W where thev will be found iu the com- ;
ing Presidential contest. M'Cleland-like, i
they are wailing for sotnelhing to luru up j
to shape their course, instead of having for ;
their North star the Ugh', which lias direct- '
ed tiei Republican party in its amazing
strides of progress. They seem to be open
for negotiations wilh tlie defeated and baf
fled Democracy, not W.wj ub'e V tie muck
tVjI'crcnce iu the character of the parties
one ot which nltclled treason in i's schemes
to destroy our nationality and liberty for
the world, while Ihe other bore aloft, above
prejudice of aristocracies and hostility of
eustca, the banner of llie fieo tn the estab
lishment of freedom on his continent uud
of libertv lliroii;
Tkade. Tie; amount of coal shipped from
our county during December is L7.i(;st.0i;
tons, und for
Loss for tlio month G1S4 tons but gain
for the yenr Hsl,4 V tons as compared with
month nnd year of 170.
Some of the collieries are standing idle
and none nre making full lime.
Xi Xt week vo will publish our annual
con I statement, showing the amount of coal
shipped by each operator during the year,
aud its destination. Skamokin Jlcr"!J.
LIABILITIES. 1 Stt ck paid in
6aii'iiis Fund
the year 1S71 l,2IO,'.;d'J.02 i I'cmii.t. Eea.i..ges nn I Int-ivrt
i Ainiiunt Lire.t'iilioii on!sl..n Hag
l)n i. lends imp. n i
Individual !'eu-its
Lae tu It.a.ks (as per seheii-
Dae to M ;!e liuiiH and U.o.l.ers (.:a
per eeli.dale)
JtJ.lo.'JSti i"i
C07.ll II 01
:;.s.i i,sj
1.1 5 '.1
i'.i.S;:", Inl
la. s
siisji .v.i
Vdu so
4 SM t'O
Ni nil i
. :i.:. I.i i
, , -. . - ... , : .iiiss .iiiujMiciit utli t die si
pledged temperance men, and there is not i , .. ,
L , , , . , . ., ... ., (Iichtiiu to enter into any
a hard drinker in tho Seinl.'. lie s aa-.... , ,.
I (Uunktu men ; now a drunken inuu there
is the exception.
r.aliiiooi-,. lie M.-i-.i,,,,.,. i .. ,...i;,..,.i 1 has engageil John t.raliam lo
inches above the
toward the right.
act as his
lb nit two
navel ami passcil down
The doctors believe his
cratic Couuty Standing Committee have
nlready ini-ed the trry ol 'stop thief"'. In
their proceedings of last week wc notic,,. tin
following :
Any cmtdHJatn atteniptin.r tn bribe n 1 jdij sieian. aged 73. was found murdered in
.i ' .'legate, ot nny Delegate receiv ing a bribe, 1 his (.like, S'j Nortn Essex street, about
b.iall be exnclUd from the (Jiiiivcniioii " L. t .l,t i.vbud.- on s,tm-,liu .,-..,,;,,,. u..
Although sternly denied bv the Demo- ! was round .lead on the iloor by his daugh- """stines are m.iuieil. iiuealsoi yiieiiiug ,
crat.e panels of ihe eouiilv this is a fair 1 ,cr' v U" went to call him to supper, lie ! w u'' cxiuvssc.l against Stokes
.nn n r V V, V'- ? r,lr had thiflecn wounds on his head and face, I N (.lih, J:ii, ..-A l.:tv imiiululie, ,
nnd open confusion that bribery and cor- UIi i, i-,,n . .,.ci..i : ,.i ' fore H A. M. tn-da" Fisk expired at the i
urantl l eliltal Iloici. -VII iiigni ine
employe s of all grades thronged the colli- !
dors unjoining Fisk's room. Jay G.uitd I
was iu nlleiiii.tnce trout an early hour this j
morning. His lace, while there was yet a i
ho;ie that his friend might recover, wore
its usual calm expression. No Soulier had
: Fisk c.Ypircd, however, than Gould's foi u
I tude gave way and his grid found Vent iu
tears. The uevt'a of Fisk's death spread
('rapidly, and everywhere pnnlue-cd a pro
found sensation and regret. From an early
hour the hotel was crowded wild pcop.u
e igeriy seeking ml-inalioii as lo the eliau
i a of Ins rec may, lull u hull I he news of
his deailt spivu'l crowds hurried lo the ho
tel, uud the coin .ois became, almost im
passable. IMtOVlslONS OF THE WILL.
The following are the provisions of the
will: Mrs. Hooker, his sister, receives ?f 100,
OJd in Nariagaiiscll Steatuboal Company's
shares ; his lamer and mother receive )ii,
0 ID a year eaell ; to each of tlio two Messrs.
Morse he gives tfJ.UHd a year ; to the 'Jilt
Regiuieiil rl l.Udil. (This gift waa made u
week ago. but was legalized last mg'it.)
To Ins wile he bequeaths the balance of his
property of all kinds. To Jay Gould, for
whom Iu? cup named the warmest and most
disinterested ftieiidsliip. he leaves his per
sonal elleels, uud entrusts to hint "the la
bor of love" (so it is called iu the will) jf
carrying oui all his (Fisk's) projects in re
gard to the public improvements. Mis.
Fisk inherits all her husbaud'b shales iu tiie
Erie liailror.d.
James Fisk, Jr., was born in the year
IStiJ. n Bennington, V't. His lather was
a ptdJIer vho possessed considerable
local inlluence, nnd left a name well
rcinc mltcrcd. At the ago of seventeen
young Jim entered theoiiiploy ami (ravelled
throughout tho Fulled Slates and Cuundaa
with V'uu Amburgh, tho wild-beast tamer.
When ho became twenty-live he left the
show business and became t peddler, iu
which business he itrosiiercd, dressed well.
and made himself acquainted throughout
the Lust. , tie subsequently entered the
Arm of Jordan, KarsL & Co., of liostou but
Major General H. W. Hnlleck. United!
Stnns Am j ili.d in Louisville, from con- j
gestion of ihe brain, on Tuesday.
An order has been received in Chicago j
from Washington by District Attorny '
Glover, instructing him to proceed at .nice j
to condemn the property in that cit v.known :
ticni .litu ; ns fjll8t.n jollsu Ulock. wheivuiion it I
houl the : . . . i . . . , i
. r... r . . ; la r i si .1 n rl'.,.. i- vi rn netii inn iii.tu
world. 1 he moral obliquity ol him who I ' n " '
is so moderate as lo see no dillereuce be- Taiciff ox a Revenue ISasis. Peli-j
tween these two radically ditlerent organi- ' lions for the reduction of the tarilf to a !
Katious shows a blindness as deep and dark revenue basis, and csiecially for the rcmo- j
as naturalists th scribe iu the fish of Mam- ! vol of the duties on sail and coal, forward-
molh Cave, where a iav of light has never t il through the taxpayers, eiiibr.ieiugal out
sutlicieiilly comprehensive to get at all the : reached. j seven thousand signatures, wi re presented
facts. i preparing, them for the coming civic ; in the Senate on Wednesday. They are
Mr. Davis nsk. d whether it was the in- I battle, earnest, believing men must go to from twenty-three ditlereitt States, and in
tention id the Commissioner to commnni- j the front, ami wilh that liberty and pro- : elude one from Pennsylvania,
cate promptly with Governor Curtin. He 1 gress for whieh the Republican partv has j An interesting debate occurred in the
supposed thai ibis would tie tlin til sr. step, j dune so much, inscribed on their banners . United Suites St Hale, on Wednesday, on a
No answer was tulurued. Tlio resolu- 1 tl i-neiaved on their hearts, keen the old I i.m in nil. or .l ion.,. .. tii.l.' i.t t..
flag living and the old principles which ! gt. to Weal Point the strangers to nav
nave siruggieu wun vv rung since tne world
began tlie aseviidaiit iu the direction o our
national Government.
I. F. S. H.ia., Cas'.in' of "Tlie
la'j ! 'Jimmy Naiiocal li nk of
si.leainiy svvcar that tie' le e si ,t. ae :,l
to tlie bert of my kieivvte I :e an I 0 .! f.
1'. t-. ('.
torreet. ATIE.-T.
F. ViV
ft :t
gist d.
I - A.
. . e a
i ; . 1 1 .
' of l'en-i-vlvaid :
Mv. I a to ii II 1 S-.ileei .
y u'. I' ceitilicr. I stl .
O. M . 1 AV I.e.
'a.ittiuV.'ai, 0, l:.Tg.
ed I .
111.-, U.i
hen l.v :'n,'
rs id t he s.iali.rr.
nnd Uiii.dii.g A--.. i l it am, vt
iij iiii. oa Fii-I.iy eveiiiae;. .1:
seie lor I'.-.- Cli-lOet- e.-
are reipie-le.t to alleud.
tli ,t
i.i Oe I
AM.v :
J. WEtsFU I'd.
Jan. t. XbTl -'-I
EV.'L V,
i:rrt. i e'y.
ilvik ;
ruption existed heretofore in that party. ! apparently by a haiuuier. One pocket of
now win our neighbor of the Democrat
excuse himself now, nfter urgently request
ing to have the names of his fellow Demo
crats noted down, who were unwilling to
vote for the ticket last fall nominated by
bribery and fraud. Surely a parly that is
compelled to warn its candidates ngainst
these practices, nud Ultimate to delegates
that they were likely to be bribed, must be
in nn uncomfortable slate. W I. eu members
of a parly have become so corrupt that it
must be published to tlie world that they
must cease accepting bribes, tlrrt nartv
cannot censure honorable men when
they leave off their associations and join
those not addicted to such obnoxious habits.
Is it likely, that, if these practices have
beeu iu fo:- c hereiofore, thai it will c ase
through tlie adoption of the delegate system,
when we see tho same parties looking for
the ollices that Uiin uaititd to such
practices for the last eight or leu years past.
Is it likely if they would see a chance, that
they would refuse to lake the advantage of
their competitors. Has it not been the
teachings of the leaders that there was no
honesty in politics aud that a candidate is
privileged to secure his nomination by
frauds bribery, or any otlu r way ho may see
ft. Will it be. likely that out of the thir
teen caiiuidaas ihw for "the next sheriff,
that all will act iQorably tiiid ut tiytoinke
advantage In obtaining tho nomination.
We predict thit it will bo a niL'ch larger
undertaking to prevent bribery nnu Vr
rup:'rm than tlu stauding cotutuittee uw
. tao South C tnM!
day. a messngS was read from Governor
Scolt debniiiug himself against lio wen's
charges iu the Hotifo. B .weu replied wilh
bitterness to the imcssage, challenging
f'-'oll f i.Tt hj"eh;irjtB at courts.
his pantaloons was torn out, und nine dol
lars were found scattered or. the floor.
Twenty-four dollars remained in n wallet
in 1 1 is coat pocket. Dr. Cole was evidently
in the ncl of writing a receipt when struck
down. He was iu thu habit of collecting
his rents every Saturday. The locality of
the murder is thickly settled, and in the
centre of the city. Several were arrested
on Sunday on suspicion, but their names
are not published.
Tt!E Pottsville JUncr' Journal says :
The committees of the A. 11, of T'. und
W. 11. A. met on Saturday in l'otlsville.
und niter a full (lisciiiou of the question,
entered into ihe following agreement for
lS7g. This is the proposition proposed by
President Gowen and the coininillees that
met him iu Philadelphia seine tu'.idays ago,
und which b jth parties have ticcepiAl.
The miners iiave agreed to reduce; con
tract prict s rij per lent, below last year's
rates on the g 7" basis, which has been
added to labor by the day by increasing the
wages to a t J M oasis pneibiisa n.iioi.iu,
i xceplfortwo months, win u prices may
recetle ns low lis 2 o."i, uml day's wages to
t'2 50. The reduction of per cent, en lltu
contract prices will uid thu operators to
some extent iu pitying wages to hiborets,
Oun Ihon IJ l KltEsTs. Of the 093,033
tons of iron rails rolled iu this couutrti iu
13nS, oll),Lo3 tons, or nearly live-uiiiths,
were made in Pennsylvania, mid in the
year 1S00, of the D'Jj.llll tous produced of
rolled or bamlbered iron (other than rail
road,) UJl tons or nearly three
rttveiilhs, "ern manufactured iu litis Slate.
These tiguies show how important die pre
sent protection tariff is to tlie people, of
t-Y'liusvlvnuia and how tunny thousands
I of thei! are directly dependent upon it. ,
Eight thousand pe.'?ons died from small
pox, in Londou, the past "year. The year
ly average there from this diseti-'e for the
thirty-one previous years was six hundred.
This aluriuing disease stems to. be nreVil
leot in various parUof th world.
lion wns agreed to. j
The S nate proceeded to ballot for clerk; '
tlie lift!) and sixth ballots resulted in Ft
votes for Jacob Zeiglsr, Democrat, against :
111 voles for George W. Haininersly, Re
publican. Mr. Zeigler, tho acting clerk,
then staled that iu order to facilitate the
the public business, he promptly declined
to In- line loiiMi.eii cnmliibili. The Aev.-lll 11
ballot being l iken, a statement was made '
by Randall, Democrat. He said he believ-
ed tlie time had come when the. Senate .im violation of thu Federal law on liolvoa-
shoiild be ptrmam nlly orgnmzid. ,yt all( g;1V8 j'11Iu. c.iv t. violate one
He bad voted with his jmrty up to the 1;uv wil, impunity, nnd shield themselves
pr.s nt point, uud p-.w, without any con- ; behind ,M bulwarks of religious loleratiou,
eullation with Ins colleagues, but iu order , al,tiier class can do likewise with some
toaveitnny lurthcr delay, as Mr. eigler,... i,.w. mid so on. until ivlijioiis .be.-
Salt Eake City, Jan. 0.
At two p. m. to day Governor Woods
appeared before the Legislative Assembly
uud read his message.
On the subject of marriage lie deprecates
positively declines, he would vote for the
Republican candidate for clerk.
Tin- result was: George W. Hammcrsly,
11 votes; Jacob Zeiger, 12 voles.
Mr. I lammt rsly was declared elected.
Mr. Rand. ill moved that the remaining
ollicers nf the Si utile, all Democratic, hold
their position until otherwise ordered.
This give rise to annulled
among the Republican Senators,
remarks i
some of
them, including Messrs. Davis, of Phila
delphia, and AKIen, thought thai the
Democrats had acted with so much inag
liaiiiiuiiy thai il was policy lo adopt the
resolutions ollered by Mr. Randall.
Mr. White, Rcpiihlicnu, wished the olli
cers to Im more, uetinitelv named.
Mr. lirooks. Republican, doubted
whether the ollicers could have their terms
legally extended by a simple resolution of
one House I
Without coining to any decision, the
Senate adjourned.
Mi lhu khoMcr offered a resolution that,
iu addition to the regular standing commit
tee thete shall be appointed a committee of
sev. n nt. I . bur nud co-opcratiuu. He sup
ported this les'jiutiou as ucccsaary to the
Mr. Hancock, of Philadelphia, although
in favor of labor relortu, was opposed to
spell ling large uiuouuls iu clerkship were
Mr. White, of Allegheny, thought that
the subject was covered by tho committee
already ordered.
Mr. Williams, of Luzerne, considered
that the workiagmeu were entitled to be
Mr. Rojcis. of McKean. thought that
they could all be atteuded to by the com
mittees already authorized. The resolu-
liou was udopicd.
Tlio members of the Senate being intro
duced, the bodies proceeded toelecta State
Treasurer. The vote was Hubert W.
Mackey, 75 voles ; William E. Dougherty,
47 vou.
mas take the place of constitutions and
laws, and anarchy ensues. As a friend of
tho whole people, and earnestly desiring
the prosperity ol all, I urge you to take
such steps as will establish harmony be
tween Utah and the Federal Government,
tho Territories are wards of the Republic.
! and us such are subject to lltu widf Con
The Constitution guarantees freedom of
conscience iu teligion, bul it presumes that
all religious convictions shall h in harmo
ny with supreme laws, otherwise there
would be national suicide. There is no
stattiu in Utah on marriage as il should be;
marriage may be a saciwiiient. oui it is
Hone the It ts u civil con I tact. This is tlie
established doctrine of the Republic, and
shall be so regarded iu the lerilury.
Tlie Miners titrike llecoiuiug geu-
New Youk, Jan. 8. A special irnm
Scr'tiiton, Pa., say the strike of tlie min
ers al Wiiksbarre has become general,
every colliery but one being idle. Tlie
coal works ut Stinr Notch have also stop
ped. The president of the Wiiksbarre
Company insisted thnt the reduction often
per ceiil. is in accordance with the work
men's basis, uud tlie general opinion is
that the workmen will have to surrender.
Tito president of the workiugmeu's Union
has called a meeting for Tuesday lo adjust
the diticulties. It is rumored that the pint
si.lent of the Wilkesburre Company will
employ nou-Uuiuuists which will produce
Rev. George II. Hepvvorth yesterday
announced his renunciation of Cuilariau-
ism aud the adoption of orthodox doctrines.
their own expenses. There was much di
.versily of opinion on the subject.
' Postmasters are hereafter to receive
mutilated currency under 'he new regula
tions iu pay incut of stamps ami stamped
envelopes, on the same terms that it is ie
ceived by tlie ollicers of the Treasury De
partment. The biggest joke wo see in the papers
now-a-days is pcrpctialcd by Deiiiocraiic
editors in ciphering up Itaitoctatir yams'.
The party lias gained nothing for some
time, but well deserved thrashings.
It is stated that the Messrs. Rothschild,
conjointly with the 111 Ion banking house
of Jay Cooke, McCtillough & Co.. propose
to take six hundred million dollars of our
new national loan.
Despatches from Mexico, via New Or
leans, state that thu revolutionary forces
under Diaz have been utterly routed in a
pitched battle by tho govcrinneui iroqs.
The receipts of grain, al liullaloe last
year were 7S.d0tJ,0.iiJ bushels, against" 4'J,-
UUii.tlttd in 1S70. The cattle trade showed
marked improvement, uud manufacturing
industry made urutifyiou w ogress.
oh 1 11 Y OK Note. All exchange says j
there is scarcely a day pusses that we do i
mil hear, either from h rsons coming into
office or In some oilier Way, ot lite success
of Johnson's Anodyne Liniment in the.
cure of coughs ami colds, so prevalent
ubout town just now.
If we can benefit the readers of tho
AMEltlCAN any by recommending Parsons'
Purgative Pills to he the best ami bilious
medicine in the country, we are willing to
do so. We have had about us goud a
chance t'uow ns any one.
The Labor Reformers of this St-ue con
template the post polling uf tlteir Williams
port nominating convention until alter I he
meeting of the ualioual convention at Co
lumbus .Ohio.
.a i v i tc tvs x o i ' : i
leKtutc of Abrah un Mh ttl'. p, IJerM.
r J II! E under iglle I. :,
A. I'oilll of Nolleu ;.
to ili-tiilirte lite lie. I.i'
linn Is o" A i
I A'T t'l :-ll fit .
i iutcr--te ! ..i'
I liis oltlee i t (
I slno, e i V ,1 i;.' V
I 1 371. rt 1: o el ie
t-r. . i e.c pi
..!i.t. I ' I e l" pteta-,
t ! i'ii i:.ty. .a l.tiir,
e i f t!:e ini'hcv ia thi
A piitiiisir i. i ol 1
'I, i I lll.'i t III- p'll l-s
!.:- : 1 !:. u-'.l i.t
... il. l.'i'V .1 . . . a eli'V I ' i : I -
.- i ;., "i :n '.'!.'i:;i.i:,
1. et.. w le l'e ail I'.ll l.eo 1.1
I to allli'll I.
U. M. Ill Ult, Auditor.
Gi'iii'netoiv i, D,c. in, l ,t l.-;,t.
ll.e p.:,'
v isot sr., a. ttt-nc.
Pi..piii tiii' Ni.s. si:, a.i I su Market t-tree'.
above eBlit!i, I'M ll.A I'l.l.i'! 1 1 A. Iciius, (1
per day. He I'l'speetfu y yoar pui. ti
nge. Jn'i'i--
pr.Ai ' it i-
Hiclcs, Ta'low, I;oncs;xvag3
( HA' K IJ' tiS,
Sjun'mrj, ::r.L'it (utility. S;i.
t'A-ell OS
Sllllt'Ul ', Tee. go, Is
ALL I'l'Ll'ilAsE.
1 -..a..
T'k'A( TJ5X.
lo euiiie buy of the
A letter to the Journal of Commerce
savs that the Dutch Cap Canal is now
oen to navigation. It has litl-eu feet of
water at low tide.
Vice President Colfax will accept a re
nomiuutiou if it is odereii lo him, which is
not at all surprising.
r.Vel'Vl.i.dv i- i i il usMilillielil (it
In triune Pai die-', iidi'iiiiing Mi if. lii-si.u
li.iiidiig, 'I, II liD
fei I.ELT, l-l 'tlil KY,
r s
Jlclu iJbcrtbfmcnta.
-71 K'f I'l.OUAI. (il llK IVr IHJ'i.
Tito First Edltlnn of Two Ilundred Thoumnl
copied J 1st pubililied. Il la tt!eiiiilly printed nil
Une little t utier, lu Two t'olots, aud bliislruled
wit It over '111 ice Handled Eutuvlut 01'Fie.weit
uud Vegetables, uud
Tlie most beautiful aud Instructive ruta1oeue
aud Flotul Guide lu the world 11- puge, i;luig
llioroiigli directions fur tlio culture ut F lower
aud Ve-etublea, uroauieuting grouuda, uiuklu
walks, dee.
Forwarded to suy who apply by mull, for Ten
Couu, only oue-Quaitur the txt.
Addroaa, JAMES VICE,
Jaa. II, 1879. Roctieater, N, T. '
Jll.-l iipeneil a lle.-ll U) 1 A' (it (.'olit.etl.illi.lies uf
eveiy ile-i riplion.
cmisliinllv i. a 1 in I. Hi.! I.e-l I! A IMNS, I'KL-,
l I l'..t AN'lS i lillU.ll l lil'll'.
VUCK RIO COIT'KK, Ti:.V & M'li'F.,
fie-lt ll.ea I. ft ins .V. C iUes, ev. iy uioiiiia-.
Having litl-d upii room evpie-sly for serving
lip Oysters lu every tyie, Ltuiies and dent leateii
will tin acciiii! module d will, the I est Imalves in
luaik.-t. at all lemn diuii -the d y und eveni ii!.
Fa mi 1-s i.i lie supplied at ill. il ri sidenee ith
the Ik si feliell or Canned Oysters, u i UcMiabie,
at I lie very lowest prices.
Call uud Fee Hi)' . XeeileUt uttoilinei.l nf t'ooJ
aud UM'eitaiu tUe prices.
" - 6. F. SEVIX.
Dev. lo, 1871.
"VOTKE is lie why plven licit iippliinlinH will
.l lie made al the next m-siou (lSi-) of H'O
LciiUlaluie of Ihe Irtnte uf I'euus.vlViiUiii fur lite ol u liatik, under Itie i.uuie, ttylo
Mini lillo l "'I lie ttu.buiy Lime 6.iini: bank,"
to be located ill Isuiibuiy, Nuitliuiiibeilutid coaii
ly, Pa., Willi sueU power and iriviteilge, and
lor aucb uhjeeu ut ure uo..!ly icinnteit lo Itittl
tutiou of like elm racier iv)i u of S'.'S.cXKl,
aud wltb iu power uf nt (Uo uiDi, by ,
vt of the iiockholder, la O,vXt0.
eunnnry, Jnly 10, 5Sn. .