Sunbury American. (Sunbury, Pa.) 1848-1879, November 25, 1871, Image 1

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EM'L WILVBBT Proprietor, .
Moore A Dlsilnfrer' Building, Mark! "Quart
. At ftl.HO In AdVaaee. , '
t not paid within S Mntt fa.
Suitcriptimt taktn for hit than U IwtAi,
in i m '
CoKincciTD with this establishment I an ezten-
IveNKW JOB OFFICE, conjoining Variety of
piain una inncy type, equal 10 any establishment
in me inisnor 01 me ovale, ror wdiob the pelron
age of the public It respectfully solicited..
Law, ofllsa. door No. 5, 2nd
Block, oenr Miller Shoe Store, 80
Atlort 1 bT
floor, Hsu pi's
oanoury, r.
March 35th, 1871. ly.
' O B. ItOVEB, Attornoy nt Lnw. No,
" 11 T
'. O. 9 and 8, Second Floor Bright' Bullrtlnj,
Bunburyj Pa. Professional business attended
to, In theconrts of JJorthumborlnnd and adjoining
counties. Claims rwmpiiy coueoiea. uonsuiln
tlon can be had In the Gaffman language x
March 2Mb, 1871 ly. -
JKO. A. WIXSO.V, -s. .
No. 144 Fovrtb Avikui, 4 -.
Notary Public, . . Pittsburg, Pa.
Jan. 15, 1870. 1. ,
JO. nARKLE A CO, Market Street,
Dealers In Drugs, Medicines, Paints, Oils,
Glass, Varnishes, Liquor, Tobacco, Cigars,
Pocket Books, Dairies, Ac.
SI. WOLVERTON, Attorney nt Law.
Market Square, BUNBURT.PA. Profession
al business in this and adjoining counties prompt-
.y attended to. .
Dlt. A. It. SAVIDGE, respectfully an
nounces liimsclf as Physician and Surgeon
to the citlncns of Bunbnry and vicinity, having lo
cated himself permanently on Market street, near
ly opposite the rnirmount Motel, wnere lie ran
be consulted at nil hour when not professionally
engagnl. apiJ-iy
Sl W. ZIEUI.EK. Attorney ut Law, north
XJC side of Public Sqnnrc, one door east of
the old Bunk building, BUJiBUKV, fA. Llollec
tions end all professioual business promptly at
tended to In the courts of Northumberland and
adjoining counties. ept 15-00
I A. KEI3IENNNYDEH, Attorney at
't Law. BUNBUUV, PA. All busmocs en
trusted to has care attended to promptly and with
diligence. ' . . ., apl27-C7
J NO. HAV CLEMENT, Attorney ut Law,
SUNBURY, PA. Collections and all pro
f I'ssiurnl business promptly attended to. mch31-0fl
c. j. mtUNF.n. , L. n. kabb.
BRITNER A KASE, Attorney and Coun
sellors nt Law, SUNBURY, PA. Olllce on
Chestnut street, west of the N. C. and P. & E.
Railroad Depot, in the building lately occupied
ty F. Lazarus, Esq. Collections and nil profess
ional business promptly attended to lu Nortliuin
lierland aud adjoining counties. apllO-0'J
HB. MASKER, Attorney nt Law, 8UN-
BURY, PA. Collections attended to in
the countleR of Northumberland, Union, Snyder,
Montour, Columbia and Lycoming. npllO-CU
Attorneys nt Lmv, SUNBURY, PA. Of
fice in Ilaupt's new building, second floor. En
tranea on Market Square. ' Jan4-08
AN. lilt ICE, Attorney at Law, Sunbury,
Pa. Olllce in4Masonlc Hall Building.
tJolli'ctions of claims, writlugs, and ull kinds of
legal business attended to carefully aud with
dispatch. . U April 8, 1871. ly.
Ofllcj ond Residence, M'alnut Street, between
Third and Fourth streets,
All forms of Diseases of the Eyes M ill be treat
ed or operated upon, such as Strabismus, (Cross
Eycs,) Cataract, ( Blindness.) and all other dl-
eaw relating to Surgery, as Talipes, (Club or
t;eei reel,; iiuir-i.ip, jcxclslou or Tumors, Ac.
Also the ouro of Epilepsy (or Falling Fits.)
Sunbury, May lo, 1871.
usincss Ctarbs.
VALENTINE DIETZ, Wholesale and
Retail dealer In every variety ofl
All kinds of Grain tukea In exchange for Coal.
Orders solicited and filled promptly. febl8-?l.
OFricE with Haas, Faoei.t & Co.,
Orders left nt Scaslioltr. & Bro's., office Market
treet, will reeitivo prompt attention. Country
u- torn respectfully solicited.
Fell. 4, 1871. tf.
WE are selling Rims, Pn-kes. Hubs. Springs,
Canvass, Bolts, Clipo, Ar'es. e., very
.a i-'-'C St oek n t CO.N L h Y & CO.
Sunhury, Mnrrli 30, 18C9.
V. bhippur and Wholesale and Retail Dealers in
l-$T Polo Agents, westward, nt the celebrated
Menry Clay Coal. JanltMiU
exTiTne livery.
Sunbury la.
'lIIE bcBt of riding and driving horse always
1- 011 hand to serve customers,
orders left ut the Central Hotel, for vehicles,
v i 1 1 receive prompt utteutiou.
Nov. 5. 170.
IKjHT employment and good Jwages to those
J who want to work.
Should vail on or address.
Yoder A JWolverton,
Buuburv. Pa.
in SmijMon'H Jluildiug, Market Sjuart,
Bi'Niii'iiv, Pa.,
1 prepared to do nil kinds of work pertaining
to IhulUtry. He keeps coulunlly ou hand
u luit'ti uiortiueut of Teeth, aud other Deutul
matei ial, from which he will be able to Select,
und luii t the wauls of his customers.
All Murk wanuiiled to glvesulUfuctiou.or tU
tin' money refuuriud.
The rry lnt Mouth Wan nndTooth-Powders
k'M-t 011 hand.
Ills n lerenee are til nuiurrous patron for
whom he has worked for Hi lnt twelve year.
Huiiliiiry, April -I, W.
rplIK uudt r.igued liuviiiif coiiliti ld til Coal
1 l.u.luo.. H.l'l K Al.KAI.N
rde, is prepared to "apply Uiullles with lit
EU HIM' or U iU
(11111 OII CAfall.
V'iig, blovt aud Nut, loii.lanlly ou uitud. Uralu
t tkeu iurAihaugs fori'oal.
Kunbiiry, J.iu. 15, lio if.
II i )u .1 o ui I a fir.l i-U. Hak ry u Fiout
ti..l unt lli lUiiriud d. p. at Suiiliuwbvr.
u I, mu I I. ptepAivl III lurul.b lbs nutt-Ms of
l .illiuiii'.. 1 .u. u l BuuLiil U all kludsiif
. .. . m 1 1 , iui
mu iWKr'itt. IUU.
Uttr. ti hUrllou lb H It A HI II,
u. a full liu u( HW-i l AatB, Im Uuu.,
I. ..1U mtti I !
Ukj'I u4 t Jiiino4 U tai-yiK '
4 ! B-tiis, pAMUt, Vviiii.(, rli, A ,
'siuuli4 4 Uoi it4u.
U;u -(4'i l bk'i s4 kkAtlb uikt4
it Ian I.J.IM'.. H auubltit lu mi .Ial tl i4
'1. I. .,-.. 14 ali.lw) U l4 mAwmmi 4)
I. Ill .Ol.
III I. IS H l(.-4'lll 'I'
,IU . .'.-. 1 f ' 1 l"l- '
' :tVhllfbel In 18M.
fittls' aub ?f8taimtnt8.
T A PIERRE IIOITSE. Broad anil Chwt
JL4 ft rti., Philadelphia, J. B- BUTTER-
WORTH. Proprietor. Term per day, $3.50,
; April 15, 1871. ly.
Proprietor, Bhamokln Street, Trevorton
Northumberland county, Pa. The table I sup
plied with the best the' market affords. Mood
tabling and attentive ostler. Jan. 21, '71
BTERLT & BOWER, Proprietor.
Tb table I supplied with the best the mnrket
auords. ueod stabling and attentivo ostler.
Mjr 20,1871. ...
JOSIAH BYERLY, Proprietor, Lower Maha
noy township, Northumberland countv. Pa.,
oa the rond leading from Georgetown to Union-
town, Smith Inn, Trevorton Poltsvillc, tc.
The choicest Lienor and Sciriir at the bar.
The tables are provided with the best of the sen
son. Stabling large and well aultod for drovers,
with good ostlers.
' Every atteutson paid to make micst com fort a-
Nov. 11, 187l.-ly.
WALD, Proprietor, Georgetown North'd
Comit y, Pa., t the Station of the N. jC. R. W,
viioicc wines ana cigars at me nur.
The table I supplied with the best the stftrket
nflbrds. Good stabling and attcutive ostlers.
KLECKNER, Paoprietor, Nos. 813 and 814
Market Street, above eighth, PHILADELPHIA.
Terms, ti per day. Ho respectfully solicits your
patronage. 1 ..
t T Proprietor, Corner of Mnrket Second
Streets, opposite the Court Ilouse, 8 11 11 bury,
Pn. May28,'70.
. THOMAS A. HALL, Proprietor,
Sunbury St., west 8IIAMOKIN, PENN'A.
Meals served nt all hours, at short notice. The
best of Liquors at the Bar. The Table is sup-
pueu wnn me oesi ana latest in tue markets. At
tentive servuuts. Terms moderate Patranage
11 LOUIS HUMMEL, Proprietor,
Commerce St., 81IAMOKIN, PENN'A.
Having Just refitted the above Saloon for the
accomodation of tne public, is now prepared to
serve '.lis friends with the best lefreshments, and
fresh Lager Beer, Ale, Porter, and all other malt
T3EEKE HOUSE, Third Street, at the
XV depot, SUNBURY, PA., Wm. Rekse, pro-
Iirietor. Warm meals served up at all hours.
plh, Fowls and Game. Fresh Oysters con
stantly on hand and served In every style. The
best of wines and liquors at the Bar.
tfFamillcs will be supplied with oyster
done np in auy stylo, by leaving orders nt the
Bar. . . . Nov.5,'70-ly.
A'os. 720, 722, 724' 727 Fit St.,
Centrally located, connecting with aft the City
1 usscuger Railway Oars, rrom all the
Depots In the City.
Excellent Accommodation) Tor Tra
vellers. G rand Vocal and Instrumental Concerts every
evening iu the Summer and
Winter Garden.
CST" Orchestrion Concert Evrry Afternoon. .9
Office of J. Valor's Fountain Park Brewery.
.Tune 4, 1870.-ly.
L I U O It store:
Second Street, opposite the Court Ilouse, SUN'
Respectfully Invites the ntleulloii of Retnllcrs
and others, that lie lias oil uauu, una will eon
tanllv keep ull kinds of
Consisting of Pure Braudies: Coguiuc, Cherry,
Ginger, Rochcllcund Otnrd.
Whiskies: Pure Rye Coppcr-'istllled, Monon
gahclu, Apple und Nectar.
Wines: Champagne, Sherry, Port sAd
Crab Cider, Champagne Cider, N. E. Rum,
Brown Stout mid Scotch Ale.
And nil others Liquors which can bo found In
the city markets, which will bo sold at Whole
sale and Retail. Every article guaranteed as
represented. Also, a largo lot of DEMIJOHNS
and BOTTLES, always ou hand.
!-if Orders promptly attended to, and public
putronnge respectfully solicited
Sunbury, July 3, 1809. ly.
Fire, Ltlo and Accident
N. American, Philadelphia,
Mauluittaii, New York,
N. Aiucrleau "
YonkersiN. York "
Hanover, "
Iui)ertal, London,
Lycoming, Muney,
Fruukliu' PhlludelpUia,
Home, New York,
Hartford, Hurtford,
Travelers, '
Fanner Ins. Co., York,
N. BrilUb dt Mercantile
N'oinmrree, Now Yoik,
Corwli li, Norwich,
New Eugluud Mutual Life,
Assets, f2,7S3,?S0
8,000,0(1 J
8, S01 ,000
tallAXI) II A It II lit NIIOI.
Th old pruiaueut khop of tlm toww
W dixllu lb boa.l, but al the Mill tun
tuUer lual lbs lul(lily truth ui)!1" sauiia.
bly spokaU wltbuul uianlli .IliiK alt Uttoouifoittt-
bla suiouul of taiilljr aud auibiiluu.
Juat ltuly Jfara - 1 U;aa my bu.luea
rarevr In tins pluia half uiy lileiim thus lar
paiil, kava I alu4 upoa lbs im.r of uur Uu
day after Uay,u4 iiiiiiil altar Hbibl, aud appli
lk slwip blua nlwiuiluil alaKl, aud Milkiu Ibal
alapaa f 1 1 ma aiiibria4 by tlta tuliibly lold. of
Ikol s.aullul Jilod hl 1 akatwl Uiarly iliir
btal iu Ilia ioiiiiIi; (In ruuiiuoa vmiUuk) aud
to ubliifa lUa puUiia lutaraat a b.ivlu l
aauouoia lu oaf paliuus old aud ua ibal
ai it4t lu tUaio llwia all aalu lUiaa kai4i4
IbouMud lliuaa u( luuia.
I imiw slits )u pluaa, la) um I lau
liu aaaia aia)s laaJjl M Wuik, lol '. 4f
iuiuuuu, u .l4 yuu, bair vua iwv, sumiuimi
Iimi, ajltt.kar 4 full, ut iwilmua, a..u.U au4 af
laua lbs bail silk ailMMi akUi, lu I Us "aiur
l-.ll ' o li.liif lalx H)U$ lv ,u4 Ika saatuutW.
U Hk lu laaa, ut 14m Ul vl k.
H"f, 4i I u tw4 uui tbuu l slt4 wi
Its ba.u i aUntl) -Uaaa.a 4a u) m aali a
h vait Ua 4' ui m uui4 Im..
A skaUMi la all ikal as 4au4
1 i Ik uuu4 ImU la Laa4.
4 turn 4 kw U.UU. Kaik4 li4.
O.l. I, .,
PhyslHan of thl celebrated Instllntlon. hns
discovered the most certain, speedy, pleasant and
effectual remedy In the world for all
Weakness or the Back or Limbs, Strjctnres,
Aflbctlou of Kidney and Bladder, Involun
tary Discharge; Impotency, . General Debili
ty, Nervousness, Dyspcpsy, Languor, 1 LoW
Spirits, Confusion of Ideas,' PaTitatloa - of
the Heart, Timidity, Tremblings, Dlmnes
01 oignt or Ulddinest, DMeaae of the Head,
Throat, Nose or Skin, A Sections of Liver, Lungs,
otuiuuco or .noweis tnese tcinoio- Disorders
arising from the Solitary Habit of Yrtnth those
secret and plltafy practice mor fatal to their
Tieuins man tne song 01 cyrcus to IU Mariner
Of Ulvsses. bliirhtlnir their Bimtli hrllMliAt hrrwa
of anticipation, rendorluff marrUire. ifeo.. Iinnr.
SJ1U1C 'I f
especially, who have tiecome the victim of Soli
tary Vice, that dreadful and destructive habit
which annually swoep to an untimely grave
thousand of vounir men of the moat exulted
talent and brilliant Intellect, who might other
wise nave entranced listening benatea with the
thunders of eloquence or waked to ecstacy the
i. iug ijiu, uiuy can wiin run connaeuco-
Married Persons or Young Men oontRmiilntlno-
mnrrlagc, aware of Bhysical Weakness. I U
of ProcroutWe Power Impotency), Nervous Ex.(
cititblllty, Palpitation, Organic Weakness,. Ner
vous Debility, or auy other Dismtalinantinn.
speedily rollevcd.
He who ploaee himself under the care oft)r. 3,
may religiously confide In his honor ns a gontle
mnn, and coutklently rely unon his skill as a PKv-
ician. . ; ., .
tmpotencv, Loss of Power. Immediately Cured
and full Vigor Restored. '
1 his Distressing Affection which render LIfo '
miserable and marrinee Impossible Istbcneniiltv
Dnid'bvthe victims nf iiniimiip. iiirini.r.,..nn.
, , , .....i..KuilV.VB.
Young person are too apt to commit excesses
iront not being aware or the dreadful coimmhiihiu
that may ensue.' Now, who that tinderstuuds
the subject will pretend to denv that the rimrar
of procreation Is lost sooner by those fulling Into
iMjiiujicr unuiiiB ima uj vue pruaetll f Mcsidcs
being deprived the pleasures of health nfTHnrimr
the most serious and destructive symptoms to bot h
uouy ana mina arise. 1 ue system becomes rie
ranged, the Physical and Mental Fnniiii,.
Weakened, Los of Procreattve Power, Nervous
Irritability, Dyspeiisla, Palpitation of the Heart,
Indigestion, Constitutional Debility, a Wasting
of the Frame, Cough, Consumption, Decay und
Persons rulucd In health by unlearned uretcn.
nrs who keep them trllllnir mouth niter lnnmli.
taking poisonous aud injurious compouuda.
hould apply Immediately.
Member of the Royal College of Surgeons, Lon
ion, Graduated from one of tha mot rmim.1,1
Colleges in the United Statas, and the greater
inn ui w liosc no una uui-u biccii tn tile hospitals
f Loudon, Prls, Plilladelphla au4 elBcwhcrc
as cll'ectcd some of the most antouisMtur cures
thnt were ever known many troubled witurlug.
lng in the head and ear when asleep, grunt
nervonsnoss, being ulariued at suddeu aoauds,
bashfuluess, with frequent blushing, attended
sometimes with derangement of nilud, were cured
Dr. J. addressee all those who have injured
themselves by Improper indulgence and solitary
habits, which ruin both body und mind, uiilittiug
them for either business, study, society or mar
riage , ' '
Thesis are some of tho sad and melancholy
e fleets produced by early liublls f youth, viz:
Weakness of the Back aud Llinbs. l'aliu 111 tho
Back and Head, Dlmr of Bight, Loss of Mus
cular Power, Palpitation of thu Hei.rt, Dyspcpsy,
Nervous Irritability, Derangement of Dinwlivo
Functions, General Debility, Symptoms of Con
sumption, Ac.
Mentally The fearful effects on the miual
' are much to be dreaded Loss of Memory, Con
fusion of Ideas, Depression of Spiritx, Evil
Forebodlnirs, Aversion to Society. BulfrDistmst.
Love of Solitude, Timidity, &c., urc soma' of the
evils produced.
TuouSANiis of person of all ages can now
Judge what is the cause of their declining health,
losing their vigor, becoming, weak, pale, nervous
nnd emaciated, having a singular appiMirnuee
about the eyes, cough and symptoms of consump
Who have injured themselves by a certain prac
tice Indulged in when alone, u habit frequently
learned from evil companions, or nt school, tho
effects of which are nightly felt, even when
asleep, und if not cured, renders marriage impos
sible, and destroys both mind und body, should
apply immediately.
What a pity that a young man, the hope of his
country, tho darling of Ills parents, should be
snatched from all prospect and enjoyment of
life, by the consequence of deviating from the
fath of nature and iudulging iu a certain secret
nihil. Such person mi st, before contemplating
reflect that a sound mind and body aro tho most
necessary requisites to promote connubial happi
ness. Indeed without these, the journey through
life becomes a weary pilgrimiige s the prospect
hourly darkens to the view ; tliu mind becomes
shndoivcd with despair and tilled with the melan
choly reflection, that the happlueas of uuolher
become blighted with our own.
When the misguided and imprudent votary of
pleasure tlnds that be ha imbibed the reeds of
Ibis painful disease, it too often happens that an
ill-limed sense of shame, or dread of discovery,
detent I1I111 from applying to those who, from
education aud respectability, can alone befrieuil
linn, delaying till the constitutional symptoms ol
Ibis horrid disease iiiaku their upiK-aranee, audi
as ulcerated sore : rout, diseased nose, noctiiral
imlns in the head and IIiiiIm, dimness of sight,
deafness, 11 rules on the shlu hones und onus,
blotches on the head, face aud extremities, pro
gressing with frightful rapidity, till ut last Ihu
labile of the mouth or thu buues of the nose full
la, aud the victim of Ibis awful disease becomes
a horrid object of commiseration, till death pnts
a period to his dreadful sintering, by aendiiig
I1I111 to " thai L'ndiacuveroJ Country from ln ncu
uu traveller returns."
It is a lueluueholy fuel that thousand DIE
victims to this terrible disease, through falling
Into the hands of Ignorant or unskillful 1 lit
TENDERS, who, Uy tho use of that deadly Poi
son, Mercury, iVc, destroy lb constitution, und
lueupublu of curing, keep the uuhappv sullerer
luoiiiu after uioiitU laklr- their uoxious or in
jur ions compounds, and Instead of being restored
to a r1 rwul of Lllo Igor aud lluppiuuas, In des
pair leave hliu with ruiued Health to slb over
Lis guiuiig disappointment.
'l u such, ihciclortt, lr. Johnsto pledges I1I111.
self o pruacive the luoal luvlolabls secrecy, ami
fioiu lila rsleiialve practice aud observations lu
Ihu great Hospitals of Europe, aud Ilia first It:
this country, via 1 England, frauee, I'hilmMptiU
aud elsewhere, Is enabled lo oiler Ihu uioal ecr-
lulu, spoody aud artociual remedy iu Ibe world
for ull disease of luiprudeue.
liAi iimtua. M. D.
Left baud goluK fiom Baltimore street, a lew
doors trout I Us coruaf. Fall uu lo obaurt uaiua
ami lilllliber.
f" No Icturs raeald Unless IxMpaLI and
tonuliiiug a alauip lu ba uaad ihi Ihu leply, Pel.
sous ttriiiug should stal aga, aud auud 4 poniyu
Ki uuviriisaiuaui aoserioing ayuiptouis,
lUcra ara su luauv fallry. UosikuIu auJ,i... ..,.i ,,..,i....i,ul il... -,1,, . ...... u 1.....
, , ,1 . .- I
rhl.uU. ..illlu .Ilk .U.I lun.l., II.. l!ll.l"
nunuibw tuii'MMsvfla 41M1111U1 wkiiisi , . a aa 1
Ol all isliii uuluiluuaUilJf fall Uilu lb. if uuutt,
lUal lr. ."..lOisl 114 loalus Jl Itauwsaiy lu say c
parlalljr MUaiisiuls4 SUU I. (iui. ,
I luu Ibal bis I IMlwulUi W ttlliuluas ala
hang la hi kUImi,
Tha luauy Ikwusaatt ur4 al I bis tslli'Lk-
lusul, knar alUf taaf, ak4 lb umusiuus iiu
nlabl kaiUal liluMt kMtisi4 by lir,
iksUMt. Ualt If IWa lakaa.ul.llvs ul U
v. au4 maul UUW 1111, it4u'iif Ui. u
i i caivaj asaia au a.aiabsli. Iks hIhu, i
UaU. U Ma4u uVsiM' "I
4 ibiluy, la talk.MM.1 auai.i M j
lkasSata.1. kla 4lttsa - j.'y a(t4.
1 1.
vJohn Everett ad known Elinor ever
smc h could remember ; they.hnd gono
10 bciiooi togeiner; no nau spelloU above
ncr ana retused ie tiiKe ins place ; ho had
envied tho more daring-'boys who walkod
ifonie with her through the green lanes,
beneath embowering elms, as if it wera the
most commonplace thing to do in the
world, whilo fee. with his' heart in hla
mouth, tried to find courage far tho effort,
and found himself left behind for his pains.
Lntcr. when thev first bo can tn ttn nut. Intn
the world together, what tortures he en
dured when she danced with some hand
some strancors iff she rode with bia
companions ? if Carl Hughes took hor off
in nis wnerry down tbe silver length of the
river, and lost his way among the creeks of
tne sticnt marshes, only returning home
when the evening was far spent, and the
stars trembled in the heavens, and unwit
tingly brushing past poor .lohu, waiting on
tho wharf in the shadow of some warehouse
to see them landed and snfn. T.ifn tin ir n n
early to them like a pleasant difficulty to him
Ho was always wondering what 'she was
uoing ; now sno pnsscd llto long days while
he wassobusvlu the countinir-ronm i.,u
were her everv-dnv tlmnnhia lmnin,..,
and did ho hold any share thcrciu. SnnI
day, too, soon became the first of holidays,
for then ho wns sum tn a Iw, TtIa r..
ther's Bquare, old-fashioned pew almost
laced tlio congregation, nnd not a breath
or a blush, the flutter of an eyelid or tho
ghost of a dimnlc. Wflft Inst. iiffn litm Tn
tlio meantime it is probable that Elinor
tvna iii-it Klin.l l . .. .
.. uuuirai nro easily inter
preted ; actions sometimes speak louder
than words. Thero is little doubt, when
Carl Ilughcs or nny of the others stepped
out of a concert or Iocture room nnd oiTer-
uu mi arm to ncr door, but sho understond
that John had been waiting and wavering
and longing for tha favorable niomcnt in
which to anticipate this attention, wiiioh
raoinent would have arrived, sooner or
later, but that Carl, intent ou his purpose,
and unhenituting in its performance, had
pushed his desperate way through the
crowd to her side, and had gained the day
before John had thought of losing it.
Dut by insensible degrees oue outgrows
this sort of faint-heartedness, and pushes
out before Call Hughes and the indulgent
crowd, and wins the prize for the notice,
but delays to take the next decided stop iu
tho right path. And so it was with John.
One day lie heard that Elinor had niven
a way her heart to Mr. Xnormandy,'now
on his travels. However much pnin this
ur,ov,nopinent gave John, his faint-heart-
luuiBs vuu:n, perhaps, was only an ex-
ggerrtwu appreciate,, f the obj,,-ct of ,lis
duHire became a snmciir.
since, ti ne nan airvaoy tost ncr, ,wr ahould
lie lear r Jt is at this stage that one cv..
to doubt nnd begins to BtiU'cr. So now that
he had nothing to lose, he went in nnd out
of her presence, with a fatal fascination, as
hold as a lion. Jjo asked her hand in a
dance without a qualm ; ho took her out
to supper or down to dinner, as the enso
might be ; he strolled with her on the moon
lighted terrace : ho phi veil melodies of his
own composition upon tho (lute ; he even
ventured to luko her iu his own wherry
down the dazzling reach of the river ; aud
though lie tailed to tuuu'lo lumsell anions
the ribbons ofthe marshes, yet tho wheery
sprung a leak, aud which he pulled homo
against tho tido as it seemed to him he
had ulwavs lajcn doing Elinor bailed the
boat with her slipper, which lie begged
when they were safe ashore, and tlio slip
per no further use to tho owner.
'1 should liko to keep it myself,' she
said, 'as n momeiito of the day iu which
wo made shipwreck together ; but you may
have it.'
One day ho happened to say something
about tho time when Mr. Deuoriuandy
should return from abroad aud cany hor
beyond his reach.
'Mr. Honormaiidy 1' sho said, knittini
her eyebrows ; 'what should possess hiiu
to carry ne anywhere V
'The right of possession.'
'I don't understand you. Mr. Denor
mandy has 110 right of any sort in inc.'
'Excuse me j but 1 thought 1 had
heard '
'That I was going to marry him V Don't
believe what you hear again. Tlio truth is,
ho never asked me, though my friends de
claro that ho wished it, nnd I myself had
some reason to expect it ; but faiut heart,
you know '
'Xt ver won fair lad'. And you V
'I was relieved wheu he K ft for Europe.
It is so hard to say 'Xo' that ono is in
danger of sayuig 'Yes' from compassion.
I.ovo is so sweet that it is ditlicult to refuse
it, aud then ono has a haunting fear of soinu
tune uceUnii; it.'
1 'And 11 woeful waste makes a woful want.
What a pity that Mr. IVnorniandy had
not known your compassionate tempera
ment, aud becu enabled lo luko uJvautagc
of ill'
'Ho you think so V' she asked.
'Xo ; 1 shouldn't wish a goddess to mar
ry 1110 lioni compassion a thousand times
uu !'
But this did not mend matters. Xow
that there was enri, thiinj to gain or lose
now that the affair was iiNHiiming a critical
aspect, since the responsibility ot'llie crisis
and the event were Ida the native timidity
of his character atepiu'd iu to hinder liiin.
Not that he abandoned his position nt
once ; it had become too uiucli a matter of
habit for him to meet her at home and
abroad on term of intimacy, and the habit
was too precious to be easily broken. (July
inch by inch, and iihnusl without hia own
consent, lie rctivatud from the ground
which lie had honestly won. Ho invited
her for 110 more lonely pleustiriii down
tlio river ; if they went together, it wtu
with a crowd of 1'ilcnda. On nnu audi ex
cursion they bctuiiiu 1lct.1t hed from the
oilier by some accident, ami were Ull, hku
shells, fnp'oltcil in.011 ilia siiinU ', for walk.
' ln;i a roii mi the Ih-ikI of tho U neii, w hero a
I bluff hid tlic-tn from klht, with thu wind
blowing tho other way, they uciiber heard
I uor uw Ihuir i'oiiiniiiioii I'liiUuk for
' home, toil busy with their OWII ttlluira lo
I v.'iiiiiik ilia ahai'iietf of John anil l-'linnv
.111 Willi ..... ........ ..,f .II.,,
. 1 - i i. . .l .
v luriiKil bai k 10 Ulieru tliu boat liaJ
U'cii moored. Mild louud Ihu tclil aUUik
Ud Ihu U-ui II I'Ulely and ilea. I ted, Hiejil
for koinu tan looii J iliddi. ii K4tl!eriii4
dtilV. l, and Ibak ul sand buds il,uiii
ho U4V , Tlu mIU riioou mu Jusl mult,
iu Into litis r UtiU'Nipliviv n tally
tmilialit, v. Inn all lliiu.'a Horn uu unnal
I asiM-ct, and b id ii' d a'uis silt Him
i ' -In- tl.ioivh lliu mm, Hud lit (adiaaouy
Il Kill 1 1 HI ut'llttr I14II0I Ihu (lllli lo- IfulU
J . . . ... 1 . "
si l ib kid lloil out aalnal IIm .w4Vt;Ua
a) luoiuubl. feud a tfuo i j bsliln Kail
4iofi-lu doiu (U W u4
pleasure boat, hubblingovor with song and
laughter, pushed its way toward homo,
John shouted to them and waved his bat,
OUC tha wind nlntv hia vlnn flmitn i,ia
.'.an(1 the gay mSa,cr' fled 011 wil'gs 8clf. h firm.ln which ho was junior part
ortnirtn. 4 r . - , I ner wnnlrprl hl
'What AaR wo do? asked Elinor. 'How
wTZZ.,?11!' u . ,.
Ibo gods help those who help thojrn-
solves,' said he. 'Wo will ask these gipsv
children if there isn't a boat to bo foun
-- -p "ui iu auuia,, uurrow stroct 01 tlio
1 hero isn't so much as a shod for shelter on f city, where tho sunshine waonly a morn
this lonely beach.' But neither tho child- lng visitor of the most ceremonious kind :
rcn nor their seniors, a 11a rtr of half-irvnav in mnm. .h .i.oi.t.i .. , . '
folks, who had encamped onvtl sands
carry off tho beach plums, and As a sort
economical method of spending tho sum
mcr at tho sea-shore, with plenty of firo-
woou at iirsi cost, and birds tamena rhii W.
ens had anvthina but a leakv skiff tn nf.
fer, but who, with tbe ready hospitality of
mo uweuers in tenia, invited tnem to share
the al,Pltr nflbnir n. V. T u..V ... 7,
oars of the skiff were broken, and Elinor's
slipper was not at hand, it seemed of little
use. Ihusat their wit's end they paced
tne sanuB. unon Winch the wnvoa
ed more and more, making green hollows
in tho moonllirht When theV brnkn. nnd
fringing the long line of coast with spray-
liko tangles of tiearls. John licnncil omiJi.
n , , , , 1 w..w..
on of beach-grass, and they sat in tho pale
hglitofamoon that was slowly dipping
behind tho dunes, and watched theorr-nt
untamed monster shake Its mane nt thoir
r..t i:..i .1 -
....j ..y.v, ...i, ifMjucu ui ita enuiess tea
caws, and wondered if tho silver bridgo
Which tlm nionnhK.ama Ibpour nnnu. ii,
. . , . ..... ... .1. uw
water would bear them home, nnd mni.
, , -
cd lovo hues from tho pools : or sang to
' .
"Oh, liBtcn to the howling son,
That benl s on the remorseless shorn I
Oh, listen, for thnt sound shiill bo
When our wild hearts shall bent no more I
sr Vull6tcn well nni listen lonir.
. - Vor, slttinirfoltlL'rte"''-;'''"0' - -
Von couH no. r h sweeter soiur,
,. - loan that boarre muriner of the sea !"
The moon fell lower while ho sang, and
left the world to starlight ; the wind blew
freshly off tho sea ; Elinor shivered iu the
blast. 'Shall we accept the gypsies' invita
tion,1 ho asked, 'or shall wo walk to town?'
'How far is it, Jon ?' Sho called him
'John.' It seemed a new nauio as spoken
by hor. She gave it new meaning.
'It is eight m-.u..,, Elinor, over marshy
places and rough waj
'Ia us try it.' Hut woro u,cy mj
gone half 11 mile ou tho beach he oircnrrth
gave out. I am so tired 1' she saiu. "ijf
one could only Hy 1' At that moment lit,
felt an almost irresistablu impulse to seize
the little hand resting on his arm, and to
cover It with kisses ; to fold her in his arms
then and there, and whisper, 'If you are
tired, darling, rest hero, for love is rest aud
blessedness supreme ; and I love you."
lint tho old haunting distrust recuried ;
what ifeho should answer, 'Not here ; your
love Is not lirge enough for me, nor blessed-
npS cnougn.i And While ho hoaitntod
and doubted nnu u..y iiiovcd. a boat shot
along the bhore, and bunco. i jn tVm
sand. They bad sent reltet from town,
They sailed up tho wido river, and watch
ed the light house scud its liame lar out ou
tho waters, nnd met thu wraith-like form
of ships nt tho wharves, silent as ghosts,
tho town light like jack-o'-lanterus, and
tho lulo seitinrr round 111c piers ; ana wncn
they reached home, aud he left Elinor nt
her father's door, the clocks were striking
midnight, and a startled robin iu the elm
tree overhead was ttillins a sleepy note.
IJu't Ibrtuuo was not to bo severe with
John for one neglect of opportunity, pnd
meant to ofler him greater inducements and
more tempting dunces. Elinor's father
awoke one morning nnd found himscll
bankrupt. Somewhat later John went to
purchase a pair of new gloves, in which to
worthily pay Ins respects to Ins lovo, when
who should step forth bohind tlio counter
to wait 11 poll his demand but Elinor her-
soll ! ' .
'l'ou, Elinor!' he exclaimed. 'Think'
ingof angels, you.hcar tlio rustic of their
win us.'
'Tho wheel of fortune has made a revolu
tion, you see, und hero 1 11111. But uot
crushed by il.
'That is well. For man is man, tho poet
sums, and master 01 nts lute.'
1 don't think it means women, thumb,'
said sho. 'What can I do for you.? I am
at your service. Gloves V Jouvin's V
'Ves. Are you goiug to Mr. Swell's to
morrow night V
'Am I going? The Swells have forgot
ten my existence. I havo gono under, so
to speak, ns lar us they are concerned.'
'ludoed, I was looking forward to meet
ing you there.'
'And you meet me hero instead.'
Hut if you are not to be there, 1 shall
not care lo ro.'
'Thank you ; but I should bu sorry to
deprive you ot a happiness.'
'Should ynu'i" leaning across the counter,
'You asked just now what you could do for
me. Miall 1 tell you r
'Yes, you may loll me.'
His eyes held her, intense wilh mean
ing; his lips trembled with the burden of
lu heart ; ull Ins desire was leaping up.
nnd shaping itself into tender words. What
was il that stayed them, caused them to
taller into commonplaces r What power
lockoil tho eager lips upon tho hall' uttered
secret t Why did the intense eyes lose
llieir sued iusi.-nillcance, tho Imad relax
il gentle grasp 'f
Yu may stretch this pair of gloves for
me, l hen, if you please,' he said, recover
ing lilinaclt'.
'Isn't il a little droll,' aaid she, hiding
whatever chagrin alio experienced behind
her smile - 'isn't it a little droll Unit slictch
iug the stocking should bo audi a kin, while
stretching tho iflovj) kliould bo perfectly
harmlcs 1" (
'Confound my folly).', he thought, walk
ing uwuy. 'Why uddu't 1 say it V Miu
looked a Iniost as il'khc'XH ctcd aoinclhiug.
1 gam her ihu ll.dit to. Hut did khe euro
10 listen V To bo sure tho place Wiu uu
fortuimlo; but Hiopln havo Hindu and
heard pioiH:il lu ball-room, In crowd,
before llns - at httvel comers, and al book
alalia. 'I' hero waa (11 plain H tides ; ho
pi. .posed lo Mary uu board thu cars, and,
not uudt iklitutliiiii him, ho iriud, 'WliiilV1
Kn ho bud to m ftitiu it all over a-iaiu, and
tha li.ilu klopk',l at a klitlinli la-l'oru In)
lllli. hed. Ilu UlUsl h.ivti Ijm.II U plUt ky lei
low I '1'hi y say lliul tho Woiiu u do hull'
I Iui courliUit, bul bU-a iiiu if I'vo bad any
tmlp lu Ha aiUir I Ami at Uti ' it I
uk a ii4il jounuy ; I btka uiui ati p lor
4id, and klip two. iuodiucul 1
mil k! bow ibuy oi on I )i must In luo
onwi uiidiii4 b Until a cuniiur ail iU),
With Ibu liUilii'ld ITI.Lsi UU her kliould.'la,
lid I ha UoIimi liouliU liia'jfili, at U. 1 I,, ait,
11 I had Kill asked Ur Uioltf ihu bri.lklll
i,f tin bublikil litil lioajltuuM anu
(ika Uikiuj of tuf 1 liiuinaUints,
ad II 1 sJnM U 1 (li lurw liial iImi shun I
a.uis. ul to luariy luo It out Vti ' ' Ui'll
Ism f:um ptu.ii.ui F Vl, U ( taia !
lu .lyttt k'W ai4 I U aUJ H M U Uut
Jfw flerlej, Vol. 8, No. 85.
I Old Scries, Vol. 82, No. .1
I likely to tell We without being asked, and
why should I -V her unless I am certain
And thus, ....! he let tho occasion slip
I V.. ,i,:iM 1.. ,i.s.ti..i , . . . . . r
tablish Vbraneh WT iL .VT?MA
. Elinor goodby-rhaps to say something
more earnest. He could not tell ; ho could
not count udoh himself nor hi. ,,Li. Tf
not count upon himself nor his moods. Ho
IVi...,rl V.r.m 1.. a .1 . I- . . 1 ..
to the heart.- Sho sat before a flickering flame
of and emhrnirlnrRii in linnn ir !;.. I
- that by this means sho was ekinirouther
insufllcient Wanes. But Otherwian aim wna
tho samo bcini whom he known In
luxury. Tha blush had not deserted her
fair check, the dimplo still hid thero thn
eyes wore as radiant witli light and spirit.
"T'" "? 7"' ."8"' '
liquid and full of soft, lingering tones and
bewitching accent, as in the brightest
days of her prosperity. They talked about
sounds ha would hear : and she sighed and
aniH '
'Oh, I wonder if I shall ever go to Europcl
teiii, thnt n.n.i ..,i,:i. .... ..r .. .
...v.. HUM iiuiiu niiiuil lliuuii Ul US lOllif
to realize. They were sitting togetlwr won
a tttc-atcte, a rclie of past mSguilicence.
Ifn hnl h,.nn inr,i:., nl i,t. :....
nn.l l.nn l, v it 1 u .1...!.
r 111111118
loucneu, and lingered almost lovinalv. The
words were on his lips, 'Will you bo to
I T.-. ...:.i. i-.,. .,,. J o
inglv. The
,uniiu nun mu minor r'
vm i. r.i. 1. ...n . -.-
1 1....JUU, uu iiiiteieu ; win you A ou
will-forget me, I suppose, as soon as 1 an.
1 rrnnn I inr rr .iJTi.f r i.
&w...v. XUlf Jt Dlllb, 1.1 n J ji iiiniu 1
'If you wish me to fori"jou, I will ---
IftURhed. .. ,
lAnil irl UO nor "nil n. I
Ah. f own not promise) : you aro to bo
nbnent a whole year."
If slio could not promise to remember him
a year, was it likely that sho would prom-
iuu 10 itivu nnu .1 mu iiuie r
So he went to Europe, nnd tried to for
get himself in tho details of business ; to
satisfy himself with the public galleries and
gardens, with art nnd nature iji holiday
attire. lie visited tho Mer do Glace, and
dwelt in the shadow of tho Tettct horn.anil
heard the mountain echoes vibrating upon
tho inspired air. Jlutto whom could he
conlldo all his line thoughts '( Who could
respond to his moods with such perfect
sympathy as Elinor ? Half tho churn: of
travel was lost without her. At tho Lake
ol Come ho fell in with an elderly ceutle-
ni, solitary liko himself.
'Ah,' osij he, 'this traveling alono is al-
mn.1 liL-n oinv . "
.....ov nni outline, nomc
'And why, sir, did you not bring your !
wife ' ventured John.
'IktilllSfi I was a fool oner..
I have no
John left tl.o Lake of Coins nt onco.
i....i.i .1 r .i 1
iiiivuieu llilib Illltl nav it, jjtiiiui'ii, lliiti c-111-1
barked fur home. Jle went to tho shabby
by-street whero he had left Klinor : but the
bird had flown. Mr. Guilford, with that
happy faculty some men havo for always
coming to the surface iu good condition,
had speculated himself into another fortune
during John's absence, nnd was only to bo
found in Queen's Street, in tho mansion of
his forefathers. A servant ushered John
iu a cheerful morning-room, looking out
into a garden full of sunshine nnd flowers,
and wont to Hud M'ss Elinor, while ho
looked nt Elinor's iioi trait in nravoii. rend
' 1 wclltv-nve Venrs nun I wna In l.ivn IOI II1K tOllllSMOlll-r ill l', niom wll eontmn
I was. at the samn timo wi nnwi n i tlio following careliillv cninnih"! tstiniato
u"i"..f'.'Il her so. Youn" man? if voti of tho total numbf" oiaoiuieis who served
inc. i 'r knoVir lose no time Tin I by enlistment, re-enlistment, and in tho
Andifshe-' "n i l V niled States has btrng: : Sevol
Vo iiiiittor what she answers. 1 oils.. ,iru, . ....
vo nothing with which to reproach your- l " ,'A1;,:", " " ' ;X l. 1
, - J nek H I'n, 0-1, ui 1 ;ociiiiuoia war, onio;
tile name of Granvillo iK'tiormaudv in tho sions nmount to 57,W3 ; th'isj of tho Jiexi
corner. and wondered if ho did it before " w"r l U.W. aud of the war of tho
going away, and why lie, John, hail never
seen it before. Just then voices that had
all along been faiully audi bio drew nearer,
so that he could hear the words as well ns
tlio tones, lie turned Jiis head and looked
out into tho garden, where, in the neighbor
hood of a hundred-leaved roso-lreo, Elinor
bad paused, loaning on tho arm of a tall
young man.
'I thought at tho time," the tall young
man was saying, and they stand so near the
window that John could not fail to hear
was obliged to listen "I thought at that
time that you had a fancy on young Everett
John, wasn't it 5 Hy-the-way, I met him
abroad, aud decided that you must have re
fused him, ho was so distraught."
Elinor stirred, and a shower of rose petals
stirred wilh her. 'I may na well be frank
with yon.' she said ; 'it makes nodltleroiiro
now. I ditl. I was in love with him,
Granvillo ; I believed that ho loved mo. I
should havo married him if ho had asked
me. 15ut that was a year ago, and when
ono deserts you, what can you do better
than forget him V
'Xothmg, darling; I could not advise
anything that would pl.'aso me more. Poor
i' n .... 1 1 1 it- 11
ellow And I am his heir ! dl, per-1
lull ill 1 wlii il 1 1. 1 11 'r li -i i-.i kuiii li.iKii miviil1
I 1 3 . ... "'. " W.
...1.,... 1 1 it .. . i V
,,, . I, , t.i ,1 1
lng in a gondola b.meath tho marble ruins ;
111:11 x ii-iL tiu, wilt) I'veiiiim 1 wastuiu- .
of Venice, when two youths, idly pleasur
ing liko myself passed so near that 1 dis
tinctly heard 0110 say, 'Faint heart never
wou fair lady, iVnia.' 1 took it for 11 11
omen, and determined not to lose you
through a laitit heart, dearest, I left Venice
that night.'
You wcr.t right. Ah, Mirmnt. a
grntlciii.ui waiting lo co me ? We will be
iu Jirukeiilly.'
John h id listened, liko ono in a I ranee,
In spito of himself ; then ho moved slowly
into tho liall, noi-sessed liimsi ll'nl' his hat.
ami went away, repcaliu,'. 'A faint heart
iievct won fair l.uly ; and shu would hava
nnu ricd iiiu If 1 bail asked hi r ! And
Granville Iknoiunndy la my heir !'
'.M.irsMU t, M ugaivl r called Minor,
'you said there wa 11 gt iitleiunn here to see
luo. hat have, you done. Willi bun !"
1 klioweil hiiu In he If, '11011 my honor.
Miss," 11 led tho astiiiiislu d maid: 'I It ft
tn tn aloolting al your picur a it Im could
cat it. lie can't lieyg .t into tlio dining
room ter thu silver, cm ho y t lo waau'l a
yhost nor nothing, wt Im y
I-think - not,' sal I liiin or, iilcMtij 1111
a haiidkurdiii f, and reading lite 11 iiuo n
John Kvercti. J 111. t In i!iu comer : 'I -think
-not, Never in.iid. Ma :-io . if lu
Waul lo st inu Iio'II c unu uaui.'
Mat hu never txiuio a j iiu. And t i d iv
Flllinr mala, Hllloll'J Ollu r t liul nia. a 111 k
kllppi-r ll Ijt'ld, llibluldi It I Ullli I call.,
W II a II t'Vt I i one klio'.ts Mil a Wt.l Iui, Jill,
bill ahu ll tl W know l O04 liii Ilieol J ul liu
day t h In u aha an 1 J ,hu l.wi ll luadu
biowrmli ioBitl,t r.
Ax ill I li4i.U.r u IU a pit uy l-uh it-ry
aUiUt U IU bwl III llitf tt.aai mill'V'. l.a fml I Und UiihiiU t' ol
bad l Ull ui Iimi d" Ull. 1 lot ll tit bolUJ
for Iiiu. ll, b4 a!UialJ gam ll.a d
Utm buiM.
1 Hum, or about 100 Words, make a Square
Do! 8.!
no .
ax at
viio t trv A ryr .IU M
Two wefki l.ftO J.OOt 8
00 6.00 8.00!lff.0O
00: 8.00 11.00 18.00
2.00, l.fvo; i.tvf R.mi: o.naia no m on
Four "
Tro nij'a
Three '
Nino "
One Tear
2.50- 4.00- 5.B0I 8.00 10.00 15.0022.50
3.75i 6.00 8.60 7.00 18.00 17.00 25.00
i.00i 6.76; 7.50 8.0018.0018.0Ul27.50
;8.25j 7.50; 8.80i 9.00 15.00 20.00 30.00
ia.ritl, 8.0()j .50jl0.00 20.00 20.00'40.0C
;6.oo; Q.oo ii.oodH.ooas.oo-as.oolso.oo
lO.OojlO.OU l8.OU'15.OUU.O0'45.0O'75.0O
;8.cKi: 1 a.oo; 1 6.ou;2o.ooi io.oo;oo.ooi 1 100
Tho rower of Lightning.
The concentration of power in a stroko
pf lightning, acting through an Inconceiva
bly small interval of time, may perhaps bo
realized after examining its work of dis
tinction, yet its iuductivo action on tho
earth's surface is not less wonderful. Prof.
A. M. Mayor mado an exneriment. annus
limo since, which demonstrated tlio extent
of this action. lie connected thu wire oft-
galvanometer witli tho water-pipes of Bal
timore, Md., and joined the other end of
tho coil to a cae-niim of a houao in tlm
south-western part of tha city. Thus a
vast metallic system of electric Tiervea
stretched thrco miles toward tho north
west, to tho reservoir, and about ns many
miles to tho cast and south-east, over tho
city. A thunder-storm was racinsr at thn
tiino iu the north, nt so arcnt a liRlnr
that only tho Illumination of the clouds
told when flashes occurred. Yet whcifever
that flash took 1'lace. the needln of tlm
galvanometer was instantly deflected
through ten or twenty decrees. So nenrlv
simultaneous were tho two occurrences
thnt no diflcrenco in tho Instant of thoir
manifestation could bedetcctud. Shutting
himself up iu a dark room containing tlio
galvanometer, he signaled, when the ncedlo
moved, ?o an observer of the storm, nlu.
i n 80 "vc 11 BISnal whenever a flush occur-
.v., , nun tuu c.t;niiiiu in aiunis was al
ways found to bo simultaneous. It nr.
ascertained on tho following (Jnios dTstnnr.
'."A'Rurfaco was effected at each flash of
tho lightning.
To be ItEMEMitKRED Thrcg things to
lovo courage, gentleness and affection.
Three things to admire intellectual pow
er", dignity and gracefulness. '.'
Three things to hate cruelty, arrogance
and ingratitude. - -
Three tilings to delightin beauty, frank
ness aud freedom.
Three things to wish for health, friends
1 rum 11 cocci 1111 spirit.
! Three thinsrs to liko cnrdinlilv. minrl
humor and mirlhfulness.
Three things to avoid idleness, loqua
city nnd flippant jesting.
Three things to cultivate good books,
good friends and good humor.
Thrco thinL's to contend for honor,
country and friends.
Three things to govern temper, tonguo
and conduct.
Ihreo things to think about life, death
nnJ eleruity.
Ameiiic an' Akmies. Tho next report
03:1 ; Creek du'
Florida wnr.JO,-
1 boo ilistni-hrtncPK! MK'VS, 12,4:1 ; Clioro-
- ' - . u
disturlmnces m 18.JS aniR,lftlti...lro
j hellion, 11-;S; M.ixn-o war, and tho
Kreat Hebdlion, 2,0.8523.
Pensions. The Commissioner of Pen
sions slates that the nggregal.o annual
amount of pensions of widows and depend
ent relatives on the rolls on Juno ill), 1871,
was less thau on Juno III), 1S70, in conse
quences of the diminution of the. number
caused by minors reaching tho ago of six
teen, when their pensions cease. Tho
I soldiers of the war ot lbl2 received pon
rebellion to 103,791. It is believed that
during tlio next ten years tho pensioners of
the first two classes will be gradually aud
materially diminished by death.
The State is full of impostor collecting
relief for thesullerers by Western tires. Xo
subscription of money or contributions of
any article should bo undo to persons
other than those personally known.
This is the season for marrying and giv
ing away in marriage in the rural districts.
We always notice that after corn husking,
this busiuoss is brisk. Why V
tVooj's Household Mugaiiuu.
Watkkv Potatoes. If your potatoes
n re watery, put a piece of lime about as
largo ns a lien's van iu the pot und boil with
them, nnd they will conic out us mealy ns
you desire.
Ginokkiikeah.- Six eggs ; two cups of
sugar nud two ol molasses. Ileal them well
oul;iu uiui iwii tn ui'ii.iicn. ih.iv iiieui wei
,..,.. Alla ,mc CU1 of bulur )mu toa
" 1 '
"l"-"'" ..fpi.ger.o.,, leapoontul of so,U
um two ol cream tartar, ana ihickeu with
. .1
w-u cups oi uour.
(iiMiEltmiKAU Xo. 2. Mis together
' three cups nf dour, one of butter and ono of
sugar ; add oue cup of molasses and one of
' sour ci'eaui, with a little of thu llour. Heat
' separately lour egs ; mid tho yolks with
j witli more of the llour, ono teuspoonful of
' ginger, one each of cinnamon and doves,
and one teiispoouful of sotla. Add lastly
the whiles of iho eggs, well btatcii, und the
: remainder id the llour.
; l!rT Xew Kxi.i.Axn Juiixnv-Cauh
I Take one tpiart ( buttermilk, one teacup
l ul' llour, two-thirds of a leacuptiil of inilas-
kes, a Utile s ill, ono leiispooiiful of sisla,
! two of cream-tartar, mm egg ( well Is alcn.)
I Then stir in Indian meal, but take caiv iml
to put in too much ; leave il 11 thin th it it
! ill iiliuost run. Il.iltj iu u tin, and iu a
rather hot oven.
' Uu 1: Wah 'i.ks -Kxi r:i.i.t: 1.-lno
ipiill'l oiatv. t l lillik,l ncii.lot.-t.'llik nt b 'lild
rice, anil tliAfipi.iriira of a cup of a heat
j flour. Warm the in V ; stir in ilu above.
11 uiiLilariii 'ca ; ud l it-t!iii'd ol a leu cup
; of lioiiie-iuadii )tasl, and a la lie salt. Mako
kt'Vt iiil lioui U I'oro Uikiu.', and keep in a
warm piute. Ulnii nady In cook, udd
two or ll.ivo I'sa adl UaKli. lUko III
Vta.lli-' iituia.
II I K K i 1k I M. - ll Is not every that
"LlloM U ana'1 thai allows I10W lu t'.loll
ihtuii ; lliuii lore, 111 111U. r Dial nur rcadna
in iv k !' Jiial tU il U do u I'll Uaua luu
ll.u I .14 i untied, a u!',olll lit luliualli
i, ill. nl in. lit i.J ,i prti.iiiiii4 Uhim!
mu tpnil n I" una ot. Miuht t M llsti illoiu.
I II 4 (Wlbnii liil'IM Wli'll lW (kill Mill IIUll I'M
I kp"ma) to Mir. ' tin i l tll iljl tjnlul
It U U an 'l - 11 eiiilliii4 lu kliai, o4i.a
u hal, a aniad, 1 iiiIm Ii liu.l jtr- iti(
I li.,, W )tt tan It4ia ilkkl Im 4 Un aiib
iml a i.if s i ll i..l IU til. il it ftsuk UaiW
A I I a lal "l d fl ui'iUaw lu lb
Uaii, ! Uikii iht iu 1 . ' I liwui.